#anyway i've talked this over with the gf last night
pharawee · 4 months
[I've accidentally deleted the original post so if you think this is familiar then it's because I already posted this yesterday. Here's a reblog of the original along with some replies but I wanted a version of this in the tag as well. 🙏]
I can't help it. I just feel so sorry for the Joe that used to be a model and fell into a coma for two years and is now just... gone.
I probably shouldn't. He's no longer there after all, and hopefully he's moved on/reincarnated by now.
But seeing as (for some reason I still don't completely understand) Ming makes me incredibly uncomfortable and I consequently just don't get Joe (aka the only Joe we ever really learn about) AT ALL, i have to focus on something.
And that something is how this Joe is really just an empty vessel for "our" Joe to pour his himself into. There's really nothing left of him except for some short glimpses of Winner Tanatat in a mirror. I know, this is deliberate. The story just doesn't have time to focus on anything beyond Ming and Joe, and that's absolutely fine.
Yet here I am, almost in mourning over a character we know nothing about. Was he kind? Was he well liked? Did he have friends? What about his job? What happened to him? Surely he was close to his mother because there's no hesitation in her love at all and Joe uses her picture as his laptop wallpaper. Beyond that, there's nothing. No trace of him remains. Not even muscle memory.
And sure, there's always a possibility that if someone spends that long in a coma they're not expected to wake up from, they might unfortunately be forgotten by most. But no one came for Joe after he made a miraculous recovery either. No one reached out. It's like Joe isn't only gone but so is every single facet of his life as well.
And I find that almost unfair - almost rude of "our" Joe not to make merit for someone he owes his second chance to. As if Joe only ever existed so that another person could completely replace him.
There's other Thai BL where the premise is kind of similar.
There's an extra chapter in the Chains of Heart novel where it turns out that the original Peter Lue's ghost is still around, wondering what happened and why someone took over his life. He moves on only when he's reassured that the new Peter Lue doesn't mean any harm and will continue to honour and care for the things most dear to him.
More often than not the deceased's life or even the ghost's presence is honoured and merit is made in their name if any kind of relationship or connection persists. That the same thing doesn't happen here makes me sad - especially if they ever find "our" Joe's body and lay it to rest when the same courtesy is never extended to the other Joe.
I also feel like it lowers the stakes of the whole transmigration thing. If everything remains the same except for a handful of fleeting visual reminders, and everyone who counts almost immediately recognises "our" Joe's essence anyway, then what's the point? Where does that leave Joe the model?
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
Okay so this is actually too made up but anyways...
Let's say that y/n was Izana's gf for a long time, and let's say that she was in Tenjiku, and sadly, she was also there when izana was killed, and after that, she disappeared from Tenjiku and losed contact with all of the members (including Kakucho, who was her best friend)
What would happen if years after Izana's death (in Bonten) Kakucho looked for her and took her to see Mikey, who is physically the same as Izana? What would be your reaction if Mikey asked her to join bonten?
(I've been thinking about writing a fanfic about his but I just need to see how she would react to that, because I genuinely have no idea)
Oh this is such an AMAZING angst idea and I'm all here for it. Thank you so much for requesting<333
Izana definitely wasn't best boyfriend girls would dream of but he wasn't the worst one you could have had either. Yes, he was difficult person with trust issues, fear of abandonment, jealousy issues and lack of communication skills but he loved you and you loved him.
He was everything you had ever had. Even if his morality was gray, he was the one who teached you right and wrong, the one who supported you in his own ways. He was your world.
But he wasn't thinking that way. Of course, he never trusted people easily and tried so hard to keep distance from you, scared that he'll get hurt but maybe, just maybe, he had hurt you deeply.
But having to fight the Toman the same night he realised that, he didn't really have time to talk to you.
Curse your life. If God exists, then he probably hates you with all of his heart. He wouldn't bring justice or happiness in your way because you're cursed and doomed to lose everything and everyone you love.
But...This was your last straw. You knew, you always knew that Izana cared for people deep inside his heart, but you weren't ready to see him dying like that.
No, no, no. This better be a dream. Yup, a dream. Just horrible nightmare and you'd wake up soon, Izana sleeping beside you, fine and well. But oh, what a sweet little daydream that would be.
"I...Izana?" Your voice was shaky and weaker than you'd expected it to be. His teary and glassy eyes landing on your trembling figure as you tried so hard to don't cry in front of him, you should have stayed strong for him.
The regret washed over his face as he tried to find strength to smile, to reassure you somehow. "I'm sorry..." He said, his voice even weaker than yours.
You kneeled down by his side, your hands trembling. "...For what?"
"For...Everything." He responded, reaching out his hand to hold yours. He thought you were still angry at him or hated him even, after all, he made you suffer. But if he only knew how much you loved him...Tears started pouring down your cheeks as you desperately hold his hand. "Don't leave me...Please.." You sobbed, your grip on his hand tightening. As if that'd keep grim reaper from ripping his soul out of his flesh.
He managed to give you weakest smile you've ever seen him have and his body went limp, his hand falling on the ground.
You lost the man you loved the most. Right in your arms. There was nothing you could do about it. You couldn't fight the God or grim reaper, you couldn't ask them to give him back. To bring your boyfriend and best friend back to life. Humans are vulnerable and defenseless against death. As they say, it's part of living. All we can do is move on and live our lives.
But there was no way you could move on from this. How could you? How could you forget him? How could you live a day without him?
You don't remember much from that day but you know you screamed so much until your throat started bleeding, as that was the only way to shout at God for being so cruel.
After that day, you distanced yourself from everyone, hardly eating anything and completely neglecting your health. You wanted to visit Kakucho after you heard that he's alive but you couldn't even force yourself to get up from the bed.
That's when the most depressing days started for you. But you lived. You lived instead of Izana because you knew he wanted you to live.
But for whatever reason, after 12 years, Kakucho asked you to meet up with him so you did. What you didn't expected to see was Manjiro Sano, Izana's little step-brother, looking exactly like your boyfriend.
You could swear you immediately saw the imagination of Izana staring at you when you looked at the dark eyed boy. Your eyes started watering up but you didn't let yourself cry. You were still in shock but after 12 years of thinking that you might have moved on, Manjiro's appearance brought all the memories back, all the memories that you tried your hardest to bury away.
It hurt. Your heart physically hurt. It felt so heavy that if it was an actual weight, even the heavylifters wouldn't be able to lift it.
But joining Bonten? You knew it wasn't dream of Izana, not Bonten anyway. His actual dream was to give home to orphans, to build an empire but not like this so you were quite unsure about the offer.
But you accepted it anyway, only because this way, you'd be able to see someone who at least looks like Izana. Only for him. Only to see Izana again.
Death is cruel. It doesn't give a shit about your feelings. It'll rip everything away from you but maybe, seeing Manjiro was same as seeing Izana for you, maybe you craved to see Izana in Mikey, no matter how delusional that sounded.
Mikey could have acted and appear like Izana, but he'd ever be your Izana. Izana was unreplaceable for you.
You just craved comfort from Mikey's identical look to Izana.
Hihihi! I'M SO EXCITED TO READ YOUR FANFIC BY THE WAY! I hope you're satisfied with this<333
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he likes to take care of her - r.b x female!reader
Blurb: i've written a lot of mean regulus so here is just some pure fluff about all the ways he takes care of his gf Word Count: 5.5k Warnings: she gets drunk and there's a whole section that is about food (not eating enough specifically) A/N: i'm in the mood to write and have no inspiration so i'm struggling. also this was not proof read lmao
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Regulus likes to take care of her when they’re out at some event. Whether it’s a party with all of their old friends from Hogwarts, or a dinner with the people they work with, Regulus is constantly reading her to see when she’s ready to go home. 
It starts when he first picks her up. She looks as beautiful as ever, but the skin underneath her eyes is slightly sullen and she’s already yawning in the car on the way over so Regulus knows it’s going to be an early night. 
Not that she wants it to be. 
“Are you tired, my love?” Regulus asks in the car, turning his head over to look at her quickly before bringing his eyes back onto the road. 
The radio is playing softly and she looks over at him trying to give him a convincing smile. 
“I’m fine,” she replies, giving him a quick smile. 
Regulus already knows she’s lying. He already knows the short temper that takes over her when she’s tired is starting to show. So he doesn’t push it even if he wants to ask what time she went to bed last night, knowing that it was probably later than what was good for her. 
He had told her countless times that she needs her sleep, ‘But the only free time I get is before I go to bed,’ she complained. 
‘Well, you’re cranky when you don’t get enough sleep.’
‘Well, I’m cranky now.’ 
Regulus rolled his eyes at her but in the end they agreed she’d try to go to sleep earlier, just for him. But some days she treated herself, like last night, he thought. 
When they get there she yawned again as Regulus opens the car door for her and he purposefully keeps his mouth shut. 
It’s one of those nights where they’re out for dinner with their work colleagues. She’s sitting next to Regulus on a long table with a plethora of food and drinks floating around the table while everyone tries to speak over the other to be heard. 
It’s all very overstimulating for her considering she can feel the fuzziness behind her eyes and her short temper starting to take over. 
Regulus can sense it too. He has an arm around her shoulders and he feels her tense when her coworker sitting in front of her still hasn’t heard her for the third time. 
She knows it’s not their fault. She knows it’s because everyone else is talking around them, but she’s feeling snappy and she notices her words becoming more curt as she repeats it a fourth time. 
And she’s still yawning, Regulus notices. He wonders if her jaw is tired from the amount of times she’s yawned in here, but he doesn’t say anything. 
He has already come to terms with the fact that it’s going to be an early night and that’s fine. He is happy to go back to her apartment and feel her body pressed against his side as he plays with the ends of your hair. He can smell her shampoo from here so he knows it has just been washed and he knows it will be soft to touch. 
Regulus has decided that as soon as she finishes dessert, it’s home time, even if he has to pretend that he is the tired one because he knows if he even insinuates that she’s the tired one, she’ll snap at him and be huffy for the rest of the night. Which he really doesn’t want. 
He’s surprised when she says no to dessert. He doesn’t think he’s ever heard her say no to dessert. But he knows that as soon as he is put down in front of him, she’s going to steal his spoon and have the first bite. And that’s fine, that’s part of the reason he got it anyway. 
And as soon as the plate is placed down in front of him, she does exactly what he thought she would. 
“Did I say you could have some?” He has a teasing smirk on his features, as he looks down at her, bringing the spoon out of her mouth and putting it back on his plate. His arm is still around her and he leant in to whisper in her ear, not wanting to shout it down at her. 
Regulus prides himself on knowing her better than she knows herself. It annoys her relentlessly, but she still thinks it’s sweet that he has noticed all of her quirks and habits. But Regulus is shocked to admit that he didn’t see her reaction coming. 
Her bottom lip juts out ever so slightly and the crease between her eyebrows thickens and Regulus finds himself sitting up and looking down at her with concern. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled out, and Regulus can see the way her chin wobbles ever so slightly as your eyelashes flutter. 
“It’s okay,” he promises, “it’s fine.” His hands have found her and she lets out a small sniffle that has his heart racing. “What’s mine is yours, yeah?”
“I’m sorry,” she repeats, finally looking at him, unconcerned with the people sitting around them who were thankfully so enthralled in their own conversations that they weren’t paying attention to her little scene. “I’m just really tired, I’m not really sad about it, I’m just tired sad about it.” She explains really quickly, making Regulus smile and partially relax at her admission. 
“So you are tired,” he says accusingly, squinting his eyes at her hoping she’ll giggle. She lets out a sad giggle and Regulus thinks that’s good enough. “I knew it.” 
Regulus wants to say that this is different. That he’s dealt with her cranky tired and her angry tired and her grumpy tired, but never her sad tired, but he thinks he’ll tease her about it when she’s not so tired and emotional. 
“How about we finish this and then we call it a night?” He offers, but she still shakes her head ‘no’ at him. 
“No, don’t feel like you have to leave for me, I’m happy to stay, really.” She says, trying to emphasise her point. 
Regulus fakes a yawn.
“It’s fine, I’m feeling a little tired as well, had a big week at work.” She gives him an unimpressed look knowing that he’s the world’s biggest fibber, but he only looks at her innocently. 
“Regulus,” she said, grabbing his spoon again and stealing another bite of his dessert, “it’s fine really.” 
“I’m serious,” he exclaimed, taking the spoon off her to finally have a bite of his dessert, “I’m really tired.” She rolls her eyes at him, but lets the conversation drop, as they both finish off his dessert. 
Once the plate is cleared, Regulus pretends to stifle a yawn. 
“I’m exhausted,” he muttered, loud enough for the people sitting around him to hear. “Think I’m going to call it a night,” he says, “if that’s alright with you?” He turned to her expectantly. 
She gave him a small nod, the ghost of a smile gracing her lips. 
They said their goodbyes and when they’re back in the warmth of Regulus’ car she yawns once more, letting her head fall against her shoulder. 
“Thank you,” she mumbled, looking up at Regulus through her eyelashes. 
“Anything for my girl,” he mumbled back, sneaking a glance at her before looking back onto the road. 
The radio is playing softly and she thinks she could fall asleep in the car, but before she can, the car had stopped and Regulus is already making his way over to open her door for her. 
“Shower and bed for you,” he said, a faux stern tone to his voice. 
“I’m too tired,” she pouts and Regulus sighes. 
“Do I have to do everything for you?” 
They’re walking into her apartment and as she turns the key in the door, she turns back and gives him an innocent look, giving him a pathetic nod that makes him sigh dramatically. 
“Lucky you’re cute,” he grumbled, as if he wouldn’t put his whole life on hold for the pretty girl in front of him. 
So she’s sitting on the bathroom vanity while Regulus gently rubs her makeup off, squishing her cheeks together purposefully so he can press a little kiss to her pouted lips. And he ties her hair up and undoes her zipper, running the water simultaneously to ensure it’s the correct temperature. And when she comes out he has a fresh towel and fresh pyjamas for her, and if she asked, he would have dried and dressed her as well. 
But instead he waits in her bed, ready for her to come up and wrap an arm around his bare chest as she pushes her body up against his side so she can find some warmth, because Regulus can’t help it, he likes looking after her.
Regulus likes to take care of her when he can see she’s working too hard. She’s been at her desk for the past three hours, her pen scribbling furiously on the paper in front of her. 
Regulus can basically see the thoughts spilling out of her head and he really doesn’t want to interrupt her. He knows what she’s like. Knows she’ll get cranky if he ruins her train of thought. 
But she hasn’t had a break in three hours and he knows if he doesn’t make her stop, she won’t stop until it’s time for bed, and Regulus knows that’s not healthy. 
When she puts her pen down to flex her fingers Regulus decides to break the silence. 
“How are you going?” He asks from her bed, putting down the book he got from her shelf to look at her. She doesn’t look up at him. 
“Fine,” she mumbles, letting out a small sigh as she goes through the work she still has to do. 
Regulus stands up. If he even suggests to her to have a break he knows she’ll have a mental breakdown. 
“I have so much work to do, Regulus, I don’t have time to have a break. I know you want to spend time with me and I want to spend time with you but just as soon as I finish this.” He’d heard it all before and he’d seen the tears and the pouts and the grumbles and the yells. 
He needed to go a different direction. 
Instead he stands behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders, his fingers sinking into the flesh near her shoulder blades. He notices that she leans back into his touch. 
“That looks very tricky,” he whispers, “but it looks like you’re powering through it, my smart girl.” 
“It is tricky.” He can hear the whine in her voice. “But I’m not powering through it, I'm actually really struggling,” she admits sheepishly. 
He keeps digging his fingers into the grooves of her back and he can already sense some of the tension leaving the room. 
“How about you explain it to me, don’t they say the best way to learn is to teach it to someone?” He moves his hands away from her soft skin and goes to lean against her desk. But he sees the way her body leans into his as he pulls away and he notices the small look of distress on her face at the loss of contact. 
“That felt really good,” she admits, looking up at him. 
Regulus acts innocent. 
“Maybe I can explain it to you after you finish massaging me?” Her voice went higher as she finished the sentence and her head slightly cocks to the side and Regulus doesn’t think he could ever say no to her. 
He doesn’t respond, just goes back to standing behind her as he brings his palms to knead at her back. 
She lets out a sigh of content and Regulus feels satisfactory that he has done his job of a doting boyfriend. 
“You’re the best,” she mumbles, closing her eyes as she leans back into his touch. 
“I know,” Regulus replied, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head, glad that she lets him take care of her. 
Regulus likes to take care of her when you go for a walk. Winter is starting to be left behind and she’s ready to welcome in summer, even if summer isn’t entirely ready to be welcomed in. 
But the sun is shining outside and they both have a day free and Regulus wasn’t going to say no when she tells him they should go for a walk. Regulus is happy to go for a walk. He loves holding onto her hand and swinging it comically to hear her giggle and he likes that she does it right back to him. 
She’s already in her work out clothes when Regulus comes down with some old sunscreen that she keeps in the bathroom. 
What she doesn’t expect him to do is to come over and start putting it on her face. 
“Regulus,” she whines, scrunching her eyes up as he applies the cool product on her face. 
“Don’t want your pretty face burning.”
“It’s not even that hot.” 
“Well you certainly think it is,” he said, referencing the short sleeved tee she was wearing, “are you bringing a jumper?”
“No,” she mumbles, “I’ll get hot from walking.” 
“You should still bring a jumper,” he argues, squishing her cheeks between his forefinger and his thumb as he finishes applying the sunscreen to her face. 
“And what am I going to do with it when I get too hot?” 
“Tie it around your waist,” he shrugs, causing a pretty scoff to fall from her lips. 
“And it will still make me hot.” 
Regulus gave her a look. He had an eyebrow raised and his lips were pressed into an unimpressed line. 
She gave him a look back. Her eyes innocent and her hands on her hips. She knew, realistically, that Regulus was right, but she wasn’t sure why she was fighting it. 
Regulus lets the argument end there. He’s going to bring his jumper over his thin jacket anyway because he knows that she is always cold and will want the thick jumper, so there’s no point in starting something over this. 
Instead he walks over to her. She’s sitting on a chair and he pats his thigh so she puts her leg up and he ties her shoelaces up for her. A double knot so it doesn’t come undone during their walk. 
“Ready?” He asks, any trace of their previous argument long forgotten. She nods, grabbing his hand and walking out the door. 
Halfway through their walk, the clouds float over the sun and with no sunshine to keep her warm she starts shivering. Their hands are still intertwined and Regulus is still swinging them back and forth, and he knows she’s shivering. 
He waits a minute or two just to see if she’ll be the one to break and ask for his jumper. But he knows she won’t. She’s too stubborn and she won’t ask especially after the big deal she made about it back at their house. 
So Regulus sighs and takes his hand away from hers to take his jumper off. 
“Bit hot, isn’t it?” So maybe he is going to do the right thing and give her the jumper he brought especially for her, but he’s not going to do so easily. 
“Yeah,” she mumbles, instinctively crossing her arms over her chest to try to bring some warmth to her. 
He stops walking and she stops a few feet in front of him. He hands out his jumper and she quickly snatches it off him to put on herself. 
She sighs when she feels the warmth envelop her as she breathes in Regulus’ scent. 
“You’re the best, you know?” 
“I know,” Regulus says as he grabs her hand again and starts swinging it back and forth making her giggle. He thinks that he’s happy to spend the rest of his life looking after her if it means she’ll look up at him with that cheeky grin she gives him as they keep walking. 
Regulus likes to take care of her when they go shopping. She needs a new dress for a party on the weekend and Regulus is happy to offer his opinion so he tags along. 
He sits patiently outside the dressing rooms and gives her his opinion every time she comes out in a new dress. 
Even if he says she looks beautiful in everything, Regulus always tells her which one he prefers and when she has finally picked one Regulus pays for it at the counter while she finishes getting dressed. 
“I would have got it,” she grumbles when Regulus hands her the bag. 
“I’m sure you can make it up to me somehow,” he whispers into her ear, sending her a confident smirk as he pulls away. 
She rolls her eyes at him, but still stands onto her tippy toes to press a kiss to the corner of his lips. 
“Thank you darling,” she says and Regulus doesn’t like to admit how his heart skipped a beat at the pet name. 
There’s a few more things she needs to get for around the house, so before they go home so she drags Regulus into the supermarket. He gets the basket and he carries it as she happily puts whatever she needs into the basket. 
When they get to the checkout Regulus puts down two bottles of water that she misses until she’s paid and he is passing it to her. 
“Oh that’s just what I needed, how did you know?” She happily takes the bottle from him as he grabs the grocery bags and brings them down to her car. 
He watches her drink almost half the bottle and smiles to himself. 
She sighs happily as she puts the water back into one of the bags. 
“I swear you know me better than I know myself,” she giggles and Regulus nudges her with his shoulder as they finally spot their car. 
“Just like looking after you, s’all.” 
Regulus likes to take care of her when they go out for the night. She’s wearing the new dress that she had bought with Regulus on the weekend and Regulus is walking over to zip it up for her. 
She sits on the bed and Regulus is already kneeling down to put her shoes on for her, pressing gentle kisses up along her calf making her giggle. 
He drives them there. He almost always drives when they go out. He’s not a big drinker and he knows she doesn’t like driving at night so he doesn’t mind. 
It also means he gets to look after her, especially on nights like this when she’s a little tipsy. 
“Regulus,” she sighs happily when she sees him sitting in a lounge. 
She sits next to him, her leg on top of his as she leans into him. 
“How much have you had to drink?” He asks, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he looks down at the pretty girl staring wide eyed back at him. 
She shrugs. 
Then she leans her head on his shoulder. 
Regulus squeezes her thigh. 
“Will you bring me to the bathroom?” 
“Of course,” he says, gently moving her leg off his so he can help her up. 
He has a hand on her waist as he walks through the crowd of people at a house that belongs to one of their friends from Hogwarts. But as they get into the thick of it, Regulus trusts her to lead the way and brings a hand to the back of her neck. 
The touch of his long fingers made her body erupt in goosebumps as they rested delicately on the nape of neck, firm enough not to lose her, but still gentle. 
When they got to the bathroom, Regulus stood outside and closed the door. 
“Are you having fun?” He can hear her muffled voice through the bathroom door and can’t help the smile that forms on his lips.
“I am,” he says, letting his back rest against the door. “Are you?” 
Regulus makes a note to grab a bottle of water on the way back. He knows if he offers her some water she’ll decline it. 
“But won’t that sober me up?” She’d ask. 
“Well I don’t want to be sober just yet.”
He’d had that conversation thousands of times so he knew he had to figure out something else. 
He heard the toilet flush and the water from the tap running. He moved away from the door and when she came out she beamed up at him. 
“Regulus,” she exclaimed. He smiled at her. 
“It’s me.”
She sighed as she grabbed onto his hand. 
“I love you,” she said happily, dragging him behind her as she brought him back out into the crowd. 
“I love you, too,” he replied, but he didn’t think he heard her. 
When they made their way back out, someone offered her a drink. Regulus wanted to tell her no. That he didn’t think she should drink anymore because he didn’t want her to throw up, nor did he want her to get alcohol poisoning. But instead, he grabbed an unopened bottle of water and continued to let her drag him back to their place in the lounge. 
Regulus lets her sip her drink. He doesn’t bring attention to the water bottle he’s opening. But he brings it to his lips and takes the tiniest sip as she rambles on about something that someone said. 
And Regulus is listening, but he’s more focused on the way she hands him her drink and takes the water from him subconsciously. She takes a big sip from it and Regulus smiles to himself. 
Eventually she hands him back the half emptied water and takes her own alcoholic drink back. But Regulus thinks it’s progress so he doesn’t mind. 
And she’s all smiles for the next three drinks as well until Regulus starts his car up and she turns to him, suddenly looking pale. 
“I don’t feel great.” 
“Do you want me to stop for some food?” Magically she gains some colour. 
“What are you offering?” She asks. 
“Whatever you want.” He hadn’t started driving yet, still looking over at her and watching a flash of excitement pass through her eyes. Her hands are still in front of her tummy, but she looks considerably better with the idea of food at the forefront of her mind. 
“Do you know what I want?”
“Pizza it is then.” There was a pizza shop in town that was open until late, it was an extra twenty minute drive but if that was what his girl wanted, then that was what his girl would get. 
Regulus went in and ordered it for her and when he brought it back out to her she squealed as she reached out for it. 
“You’re the best,” she sighed as she took in a deep breath. 
When they got home, Regulus thought he had never seen her eat something so quickly. 
“Thank you Regulus,” she hummed. Her mouth was full of pizza, but Regulus didn’t mind. He liked looking after her. 
When they get home Regulus helps her with her nighttime routine and makes sure to place a big glass of water next to her bedside table as well as a few aspirin. And when she wakes up, he’s already got a few slices of toast waiting for her and he’s already starting on the rest of her order. 
Regulus likes to take care of her when she comes over to his family’s  house. There’s an unspoken promise that one day this will be their house and Regulus thinks it is that fact that always makes his mind turn to mush. 
It’s why the second they sit down in the lounge room, Regulus is already pulling her onto his lap. There’s not enough room for everyone to sit down anyway and he likes that he can still smell her shampoo. 
It’s why his heart tugs when his mother starts to get dinner ready and she’s standing up to go help. But Regulus tugs on her hand making her turn around and when she does so, he moves his hands to pull her skirt down and realign it because it moved from the way she sat on his lap. 
He watches from a distance as he watches them get everything set onto the table. Regulus wants to go help, but he also wants to wait a minute to appreciate how well they get along. 
But then he watches her try to reach the glasses on the top shelf and Regulus finds himself standing up subconsciously to go help her. 
“Need some help?” He mumbles into her ear. He places a hand on her waist and reaches over her to get the glasses that she couldn’t reach. 
“My hero,” she giggles, leaning into Regulus to place a small peck on his lips. 
For a moment, they both forget that the rest of his family is there, their mind already living in the moment when it will just be the two of them in that house, with their own family. And Regulus likes to think he’ll still be taking care of her, even then. 
Regulus likes to take care of her after a long day at work. He’s back at her apartment after they’ve both just finished work and he’s already bringing her into his arms and pressing soft kisses to her hairline. 
“How was your day, pretty girl.” He asks as she pulls away to take her coat off. 
“It was so busy Reggie, you wouldn’t believe what happened,” she started and soon he’s trotting behind her as she continues her story about all her meetings and the work she had to catch up on. 
“Did you manage to eat anything in between all of this?” He asks, handing her a glass of water he had poured for her. 
She sits at the table and blinks up at him, her lips unmoving. 
Regulus frowned at her, already knowing the answer. 
“Sweetheart,” he starts, “you have to eat, you know that.” 
“I know,” she starts, sipping her water so she has something to do. “But we’re going out for dinner anyway tonight so it’s fine.” 
Regulus doesn’t think it’s fine. 
“But you need food in between that.” 
“I know,” she grumbles, “I know, I just didn’t have time.” 
Regulus sighs. 
“I had a chocolate bar if that counts?” She adds, sending him an innocent look. 
“So nutritious,” he says sarcastically.  “Well you should eat something before we go out.” They were going out for date night to her favourite restaurant. “Something that’s not chocolate.”
“It’s fine,” she says quickly, “I have to get ready anyway and by the time I finish it will be time to go.”
She’s already getting up to go to her bedroom and get ready to prove her point. 
Regulus’ lips remain in a tight line. 
Regulus watches her getting ready, slowly getting ready with her so they’ll finish at the same time. 
He’s in the bathroom, washing his face when she comes in with her mascara in hand. 
She stands next to him and starts putting it on. They’re both happily sharing the mirror space until she bumps her elbow on Regulus and gets her mascara on her forehead. 
“Ugh,” she groans, “you’re in my way.” 
There’s no malice in her tone and Regulus isn’t offended. But he knows the reason she’s so snappy and so he only passes her a qtip and apologises, pulling her into his side and kissing the side of her head. 
“Sorry, my girl.” 
He’s already ready so he goes downstairs into the kitchen and grabs a small muesli bar to put into his pocket, sitting at her dining table until she comes down. 
And soon she does, shoes in hand as she sits on the chair next to Regulus and passes him her shoes. As he puts them on he asks, “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”
“What am I?” she asks, “five?” Regulus knows she’s only scoffing and grumbling because she’s hungry and probably a little tired from her big day at work, but he just shrugs. 
“You never went when you came home.”
“I think I’d know if I need to go to the bathroom, Regulus.” 
Regulus only shrugs. Patting the flesh on her calf as he finishes putting her shoes on. 
She thanks him and grabs onto his hand as they walk out to his car. 
It was just under a thirty minute drive to the restaurant and when Regulus stops at the third red light, he notices her squirming in her seat. 
“You good?” He asks, shooting her a quick glance. 
“I’m fine,” she whines. 
Regulus knows if he explicitly offers to fix her problems she won’t accept the help, so instead he pulls out the muesli bar he shoved in his pocket earlier in the kitchen and takes a bite of it. 
“What’s that?” She asks and Regulus’ lips quirk upwards at her sudden interest.
“I don’t know, I just found it in your pantry.” He takes another small bite. 
“I don’t remember buying those, let me try it.” She grabs it out of his hand and takes a big bite. 
Regulus is glad. Sure, they will be eating soon but they still have to get there and order and wait for it to come out, and he doesn’t want to deal with her grumpiness until then. 
She pushes her hand into his face so he can take another bite, but he only takes a small nibble. 
He’s happy he’s solved that issue, but she’s still squirming in her seat and Regulus is trying to be a good boyfriend and not ask if she needs to go to the bathroom. 
He doesn’t. He lets her squirm and groan quietly when they hit another two red lights. There’s only five minutes to go, but there’s a gas station they’re passing and Regulus pulls over. 
“What are you doing?” She asks, furrowing her eyebrows over at him. 
“Sorry love,” he apologises, “I need petrol.” 
She nods her head slowly at him. 
“Okay, I’m just going to jump out as well.” 
They both know she’s going to the bathroom and Regulus smirks to himself. So maybe he just got petrol two days ago, but you can never have too much petrol he decides. 
When she comes out, she sighs when they both get back into the car. 
“Feel better?” He asks, wondering how she’ll react. 
“Much.” She settles with, still not wanting to let Regulus know what she had done. Regulus wants to say I told you so. Wants to prove that he knows her better than she knows herself. But they both know that already and he’s happy with that. 
Regulus likes to take care of her when they wake up in the morning. It’s a Sunday and they’ve slept in. Her legs are draped over his skin and her head is nuzzled into his chest and he doesn’t mean to wake her, but he yawns and he can see her eyes fluttering. 
They spend more time in bed, not wanting to get up. But when her tummy starts rumbling, Regulus asks what she wants and when she decides on pancakes, they’re getting out of bed and making their way to her kitchen. 
She’s flipping the pancakes when Regulus comes up and pats down her hair, putting it in place. She whines. 
“My hair’s a mess.” 
“It’s cute.”
“It needs to be washed.” Regulus doesn’t say anything and so she continues. “I was meant to wash it earlier this week but I never got a chance to.”
“I’ll wash it for you,” Regulus offers without thinking about it. 
“Really?” She asks, genuinely curious. 
“I’d do anything for you, my pretty girl.” 
She’s glad her back to Regulus so he can’t see the effect he has on her. 
That’s how they find themselves in her bath after breakfast has been cooked and eaten. 
She’s humming to herself as Regulus massages her head, lathering in her shampoo. He rinses it out, making sure not to get any soap in her pretty eyes staring up at him.
When he’s done and they’re just sitting in the bath, her back resting against his chest she sighs. 
“You know,” she says, her tone making Regulus smile. 
“I do need to shave as well.”
“Do you now?” He teases, knowing he’s going to be the one who ends up shaving her. 
“Yeah,” she sighs as if it’s a burden. 
“Better pass me the razor then pretty girl.” 
She giggles as she does so. The water sloshing around them because of her movements. She’s quick to give him a kiss and say, “Thank you Regulus, you’re the best boyfriend ever.” 
Regulus sighs dramatically as he says, “you’re lucky you’re pretty.” But really, he doesn’t mind. Regulus likes to take care of her. 
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The Heathers + Veronica go on a Road Trip
Gee don't you just love when you write out a whole long ass post only for your computer to freeze and you lose all of your writing
So this will probably be worse than my original draft, but either way this is still going to be the longest thing I've ever posted to this site
But anyway, y'all really seemed to like the Comic Con one I wrote which why, that was one of the least inspired and generic ones that I did and I had no real ideas for the actual Comic Con part, but what I did have ideas for was the trip part, so I decided to expand upon it with this
Veronica, Duke and Mac are all stressed tf out
It's not that they don't love their jobs, they do, but it gets monotonous after a while
After a while of her gfs coming home downtrodden and low-energy, Chandler starts to notice
She realizes that she needs to do something about it, and eventually settles on organizing a get-away for the four of them
They talk it over and try to decide where they would want to go
They immediately rule out any high-paced vacations, like Disney World, as well as anything that would take them out of the country, as it would be too much work to get all of their passports in order and all of that
Eventually Mac brings up that her Dad has a beach house in California that they could ask to use for a week
They agree that it sounds like a good, relaxing time, and they start making preparations
The first thing they need to get settled is their pets
It starts off easy enough, Veronica's parents are more than happy to take JFK for the week
After a little bit of discussion, Martha, Betty and JD agree to take in Munchkin the Rabbit and Cornelius the Snake
Neither Martha nor Betty were too happy about the snake, but JD thinks they're neat and says that he'll keep it in his room so they don't have to be near it
The problem comes with Heather the cat
Heather is a very needy, loud, and aggressive cat, just like the person she's named after, and neither Veronica's parents nor her friends are willing to deal with it
JD especially did not want Heather in his home, the last time they had to take care of the cat she tried to eat his hamster, Slushie
So, they are forced to find a 'pet hotel' where they can drop her off
The hotel is none too happy to deal with this cat who will most definitely cause issues, so Chandler has to slide them some extra cash to get them to cooperate
After they get that settled, they start looking into flights
However, once they mention planes, Chandler goes oh hell no and adamantly refused to fly
The others try and fail to convince her to change her mind, but it is futile and an impasse is reached
Eventually Mac suggests that they drive, which none of the others are too keen on, but she adds that they could make a road trip out of it and visit different places
This grabs their attention, and they start figuring out all the different kinds of places they would want to go on their way
Veronica suggests different historical monuments like Mt. Rushmore
Mac would like to see some national parks and just be out in nature, seeing all the different kinds of wildlife
Plus after going to Disney World she really really wants to go to Disneyland, even if they only go for a day
Duke wants to see some weird roadside attractions
She saw a youtube video once about some of them and she wants to go see them in person, she just thinks they are just hilarious
Chandler doesn't really care what they do as long as her gfs are happy, she knows she is being an inconvenience with not wanting to fly, but she was terrified when they flew to Disney World and she just can't go through that again
They leave it to Veronica to plan a route, and here's what she came up with
From Sherwood they'll drive to St. Louis, visit the Gateway Arch, spend the night, then drive to
Kansas to see Wheat Jesus, before going to Nebraska and seeing the 15 ft. fork and pasta and Lighthouse in the Middle of the US, before spending the night in Omaha
From there, they'll drive to Carhenge, before heading to Mt. Rushmore and visit it and the surrounding area and stay the night
They'll then drive to the Wall Drug Store Inc., before they'll go to Yellowstone and camp there, before seeing the Car with 2 Front Ends
From there they'll drive down to the Grand Canyon and spend the night in the hotel (Chandler refused to sleep in the Desert)
'What if theres rattlesnakes? or Scorpions? or Coyotes?'
'I'll just become friends with them'
'Mac, honey, I love you, but I don't think scorpions are capable of the concept of friendship'
'You just haven't tried hard enough'
From there they'll go to the Hoover Dam, before getting to California and heading to San Diego Zoo, where they will spend the day
They'll drive overnight to Disneyland, where they will spend the day
After they'll head to the Redwood Forest National Park, before going to San Fransisco to go over the Golden Gate Bridge and visiting Alcatraz
After all of that they will finally get to the Beach House, where they decided to spend an additional week due to how long it would take to get there
(This path might be nonsensical, but its not meant to be sensical, this is a Tumblr post, not an actual trip)
With the plans changing drastically, they had to change their preparations
Veronica's parents and friends were more than ok with watching their pets for longer
JD was especially happy to hang out with Cornelius more, like he said he just thinks snakes are cool
But the pet hotel was really upset they had to watch Heather for longer
They almost canceled the reservation, but Chandler used her Heather TM powers and told the receptionist that they were going to keep the reservation and if Heather was injured, died, went missing, or anything preventable happened, she would make it her personal mission to make sure their business closed and that every single employee involved would never work at any business better than McDonalds for the rest of their sad, miserable lives
With the business thoroughly terrified, the reservation was secure
Next came the matter of work
Chandler was obviously a housewife, and so she didn't have to get off, she just asked Martha, Betty and JD to come clean, get the mail and most importantly maintain the lawn, and of course she would compensate them for their time
Veronica was self-employed, so she also didn't need to talk to her boss
'Ms. Sawyer please, I really need this break, I've been working so hard'
'No way Veronica, you are just so amazing and great, we cannot afford to lose you for a whole month'
'But I really need to go, who will make sure my gfs don't do something stupid'
'Veronica why are you talking to yourself'
Mac worked for her Dad, so she just had to ask him, which of course he agreed to
The problem came with Duke's job
Duke worked for a legal clinic that works to get abused children away from abusive households, and she was damn good at it
That was the main issue, she was just too valuable to be gone for a whole month
She begged and pleaded but they refused to give her the time off
After talking it over with her gfs, she decided to go with the tried and true Heather way and made a threat
She realized that if she was too valuable to let go on vacation, she was also too valuable to let quit, so she told her bosses that she would do whatever work she could while on the trip, but she was going on the trip, or she would quit
Thankfully for her they decided to give her the time off, but they would be sending her the paperwork while they covered her clients
That posed a problem, because they were planning on taking Duke's Jeep, and she refuses to let anyone else drive
But she also realizes that she can't drive, enjoy the trip, do her work and rest, so she had to cut one of them out
She goes 'I don't need sleep imma bad bitch' and decides to just work while the rest sleep
Upon telling her gfs this they gave her a look and told her that under no circumstances would she be allowed to forgo sleep for work and that if she tried, they would tie her to the bed
Duke said 'That's kinky' and Chandler gave her a bap on the head
**Line Break**
After much arguing she acquiesced and agreed that she would only drive for half of it and would do the work while the others drove
With all the bs settled, they moved on to preperation
They needed to get a few things, so they headed to Target
Chandler fucking loves Target, she is such a basic white bitch
They head into the store, grabbing a cart, and before anyone can say anything Mac grabs Duke and puts her in the kiddie seat
Duke starts screaming to let her out while Veronica dies laughing
After she calms down she runs to the Pokemon card section and comes back 5 minutes later with 5 different boxes and a handful of tins and blister packs
'You have a problem Veronica'
'Shut up Heather I don't have a problem you have a problem'
'We all have many problems, but yours is a whole addiction'
While her other gfs argue, Mac runs to the squishmallow section and grabs some before running back and putting them in the cart
Veronica starts arguing how Mac and her squishmallows aren't an addiction but her pokemon cards are, and Duke chimes in that she wants out of the cart
While they argue Chandler decides to just grab another cart and leave her immature girlfriends to be childish
She heads for the medical section, grabbing first aid kits, band aids, every single kind of general cream, pill or medicine that she could conceive of needing
She then heads for the camping section, getting a tent, sleeping bags, flashlights, rope, a knife, emergency flares, compasses, a dozen different other survival gadgets and about 20 cans of bug spray
It's around this time her gfs meet up with her and upon seeing all of the crap, they try to convince her that it's not needed
However, Chandler is a worrier and argues that its just in case
She does agree to put some of the bug spray back
They then head to get snacks
They get;
Chandler - Sun Chips (The Green ones), Nature Valley Bars (Also the Green Ones), Smartfood Popcorn, Red Vines, Strawberry Pop Tarts and who can forget Corn Nuts
After they finished at Target Chandler made them drive to Costco to get a industrial size box of Corn Nuts
Duke - Fruit Gushers, Barbecue Lays, Synder's Mini Pretzels, Nutter Butters, White Chocolate Kit-Kats, Fudge Stripes, Cosmic Brownies
Mac - Goldfish (The Rainbow Ones), Regular Lays, Golden Oreos, Trail Mix, Honey Buns, Cookies & Cream Pocky, Peanut M&Ms
Veronica - Salt and Vinegar Lays, Sour Patch Kids, Airheads X-treme, Sour Cream & Onion Pringles, Hot Cheetos, Scooby-Doo Gummies
She'll only eat the Scooby-Doo ones, one time they were out so Chandler had to get some other ones and Veronica refused to even touch them
She also just likes the weirdest food, it scares her gfs sometimes, like who actually likes Salt and Vinegar Chips
Once they're done with snacks they finish up by heading to the Swimming Aisle, Mac's Dad's house also has a pool
They decide to all get those obnoxiously large pool floats
Chandler gets one of those that have a cover on the top, Duke gets the Alligator, Mac googled and found a Lapras one online so she ordered it and Veronica gets the tank one that shoots water
Upon seeing that Duke reaches to the largest water gun she can from where she is still stuck in the cart, which causes Mac to also grab one
Chandler thinks its super childish but also, rather reluctantly, grabs one as well
They spend a few more days packing enough clothes for a month long vacation (They had a long talk with Chandler that they wouldn't be able to bring enough clothes to wear something different each day and when they were done she looked like she was having a Vietnam flashback)
Veronica finalizes their route while Chandler books all of the hotels they would need and gets their Disneyland tickets
** Line Break**
Finally, at long last, the day of the trip arrived
For once Veronica didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to make her gfs drinks, they could barely sleep with how excited they were
And of course this is where they run into their first problem
They bought too much crap, so much that even Duke's jeep can't hold it all, so obviously they're gonna have to leave some stuff behind
First to go is the Industrial Sized Box of Corn Nuts
'Like seriously Heather you cannot possibly eat all of those Corn Nuts over the course of the trip'
'Watch me bitch'
They try to take the emergency stuff but Chandler puts her foot down, saying they're going to be driving through the wilderness, going to national parks, and staying at the beach house which is in a remote area, if they get stuck or something happens they probably won't have service to call for help
No one is willing to budge on anything else, so eventually they decide to just put some stuff in the backseat and whoever is there is just gonna have to deal with it
They leave and start heading to St. Louis
Duke drives, Chandler is riding shotgun, Veronica and Mac are in the back
After about an hour the novelty wears off, Chandler is being her usual backseat driver self, Mac is trying and failing to fall asleep and is getting agitated that Duke is driving so bumpy, and Veronica is playing Pokemon Violet on her Switch and getting her ass kicked by Iono over and over again so she's getting agitated
This makes Duke more and more angry until eventually she pulls into the parking lot of a Best Buy, storms into the store, and comes back with 4 pairs of noise-canceling headphones
She gives one to each of her gfs and tells them that they're gonna put these on and shut up before she turns around and that she is not dealing with this for the entire trip
That shuts them right up
No one talks until they stop at a McDonalds right outside St. Louis to get lunch, but even then their conversations are straightforward and short
They arrive at their hotel, put their stuff down (They had each packed a quick overnight bag with the things they would need like toothbrushes, change of clothes, meds, stuff like that), and Duke decides to apologize for how she acted earlier
Her gfs accepted her apology and admitted that they could have been more considerate of her
They came to the agreement that Chandler would keep her opinions about Duke's driving to herself, Mac and Veronica wouldn't outwardly express their frustration with things, and Duke would do the same with her frustrations about them
With that potentially trip-ending fight avoided, they head to the Gateway Arch
Chandler is bored bc ewwww learning and absolutely refuses to go up the elevator to the top, despite the pleading of her gfs
They go up and have a good time, looking over the city and into the Mississipi River below, while Chandler waits impatiently for them to get down so they can go to the hotel and relax
Eventually they come down and they head back, getting to bed early so they can leave early
Then they start heading to Kansas and Wheat Jesus
Chandler takes this part, Duke sits in the back with Veronica, Mac riding in the front
Nothing happens bc they're going through Kansas, the only thing there is a bunch of corn and weird ass religious signs
'Oh look guys this sign says we're going to hell for being gay'
'We know Heather, this is the 5th sign in the past half hour that's said that'
'Hell is gonna be fuckin lit, a bunch of lesbians with whips and chains and shit, its like a BDSM party that never ends'
'Shut up Veronica'
They eventually make a game out of it, which ever one of them can find the weirdest sign before they reach the hotel gets to be the one who can shower first
After sitting in the Jeep for hours upon end, they are kinda sweaty and are ready to shower, so it becomes a competition
Even Duke, who has her headphones in and is relentlessly typing away at her laptop, takes a break and participates
Obviously Chandler's ego will not let her lose, so she looks and looks until she sees one that says "You can't hold hands with God if you're 'mass debating'" (I'm not gonna use the actual word, but you get the idea of what it said)
They then reach Wheat Jesus, which is a billboard with a picture of Jesus in a field of wheat
Duke just thinks that its so stupid, even compared to the homophobic ones that they've passed
They take a quick picture and head back on the road
They head to Nebraska, which is more of the same
They eventually reach the Fork, which is another ridiculous thing that Duke finds stupidly funny
She manages to climb to the top while her gfs yell at her to get down, but she's able to get a good pic of her before a cop comes over and yells at them
After that they head to the lighthouse
Why is there a lighthouse in the middle of the Great Plains? Nobody knows
Chandler initially refuses to climb it bc 'it was so high up' but eventually she overcomes her fear
They get to the top, and are excited to see the view
They see grass, corn, wheat, and more weird ass billboards
They take a pic and agree that the Midwest fucking sucks
They head into Omaha, check into their hotel, and Chandler bolts to the shower, not forgetting that she won their little game earlier
They sleep and the next day they start towards South Dakota
Duke takes the wheel again, with Veronica finally getting to sit in the front
They head to Carhenge, which is just Stonehenge made out of cars
This time her gfs keep an eye on the gremlin so she won't climb things again
Chandler found all of these things kinda boring, but Duke is having fun exploring the attractions and buying a souvenir from each of them
Mac was also taking pictures of everything they've done, which she says she needs to make a scrapbook when they get back
Once they're done they start heading to Mt. Rushmore
Everyone is starting to get pretty bored
They've been driving for like 3 days now and they're running out of things to keep themselves entertained
And with boredom, there comes agitation, and they all too well remember what happened a few days ago when they all got pissed at each other
To lighten the mood they try to think of something fun they can do together
Duke suggests a movie but none of them can agree on which one, which only makes them angrier, same thing when she suggests putting on some music
Eventually Veronica googles 'things to do when you're bored' and comes across Prank Calls
They think its kinda childish but who are they kidding they aren't very mature people
After a bit of discussion they decide to call JD with the story being that Chandler is upset with her gfs and wants to elope with him
They know that he would never in a million years do that so that's why they agreed
They can barely contain their giggling while Chandler calls him
'Oh JD its horrible, my gfs are such immature children, I need a real man'
'And look at you, such a strong man, I know you would treat me right'
'Heather are you drunk'
'Why don't we just run away, you and me, we'll move to Montana or some shit and have a big beautiful family'
' I would rather stick my dick into a slushie, impregnate it, and raise our hybrid slush-human children before I would ever consider having a family with you'
The rest can't handle it anymore and start bursting out laughing
JD realizes that this was a prank call and threatens to keep Cornelius forever
Duke shouts noooooooo and he hangs up
That keeps their spirits up until they reach Mt. Rushmore
**Line Break**
Once they get to Mt. Rushmore they check in to their room before heading to the monument itself
There's plenty to do, but first they all go to the mountain, take a few pictures, and just look at it
Before doing anything else they head to the gift shop where they pick up a few various things like magnets, a postcard, a bobblehead set for Veronica (She just thinks its funny) before Mac lays eyes on it
It's a 4 pack with a wig of each of the presidents along with a hat for Lincoln and glasses and a mustache for Roosevelt
She shows her gfs and says they have to get this and take a picture with them wearing these
For once Chandler doesn't have a stick in her ass and agrees to do it, but only if she gets to be Washington
Veronica is Lincoln bc she's the tallest
Mac is Roosevelt bc she loves animals and that leaves Duke as Jefferson, which she isn't thrilled about, saying that he sucks
She eventually sucks it up and puts on the wig
They stand in front of the mountain and get someone to take a picture of the 4 of them, standing in front of the corresponding president
Mac is really really excited about that picture, she says it's gonna look amazing in the scrapbook
They bring the wigs back to the room before heading to the Museum
Its actually a fairly interesting museum, going over the history of the architect, why the four presidents that were chosen were chosen, and even a bit about the Native American tribes that lived there
They take a Presidential Trail Loop, which isn't very long but gives them a good view of everything
Mac even gets some pictures of the wildlife which she is overjoyed about
As it gets dark they walk the The Avenue of Flags which Veronica is freaking out over
She's also a history buff so this whole experience has been just so fascinating for her
She is really into vexillology and loves identifying all the different flags and even discovering some she's never seen before
Finally, they go around the time of year they do the Evening Lighting Ceremony, where they light up the faces of the Presidents after watching a short film about the men whose faces were immortalized in stone on this mountain
Eventually they call it a night and head to the room
When they wake up and head out Veronica is actually kinda sad to leave
She is the one driving with Mac in the front and the other two in the back
But she quickly cheers up when they reach the Wall Drug Store Inc.
Its basically a Midwest Buccees
They have plenty of picture opportunities, including with a fake Mt. Rushmore that Mac puts right next to the big one in the scrapbook, and a Jurassic Park rip-off with a T-Rex Chasing them
They do a bit of shopping, Chandler even finding some boots that are up to her impossibly high standards for clothes
Then they go to the restaurant
They have Buffalo Burgers there
Both Chandler and Mac refuse to try, but Duke and Veronica say why the hell not and order them
They actually end up liking it a lot, its kinda earthy but also sweet, which is not what they were expecting from meat
They get some homemade donuts too, which are also amazing
From there they head to Yellowstone, where instead of spending the night in a hotel, they planned on camping
Before they got there, they stopped at a Walmart (there was no nearby Target, much to Chandler's horror) to get some hotdogs and buns to cook that night
Camping required moving everything out of the back to get to the tent, medical supplies, emergency supplies, and sleeping bags, moving it all back in, and bringing all of that with them to the designated camping spot
By the time they finish all of that they are sweaty and exhausted, expect for Mac who kept in good physical shape even after graduating and finishing cheerleading
They quickly get to work setting up the tent, only to realize that none of them know how to do this
They have the instructions, but something gets lost between Duke reading it out and the other 3 following what she's saying
It takes a good 2 hours before they have a tent that doesn't fall down after 5 seconds
Once they finally get that done with, they try to start a fire
Keyword Try
They try using the fire starter that Chandler bought, it doesn't work, they try using glass to redirect sunlight, doesn't work, they even try rubbing sticks together
They are all getting super frustrated and worse, they're starving
Duke gets the idea to do all three things at once to try and start the fire
Chandler says that that's stupid, if one didn't work why would all at the same time work
But while she's yapping Mac grabs the sticks and Veronica grabs the glass
Somehow it actually works and they manage to start a fire and Chandler is just done with everything and decides to go sit in the tent and cool off
Eventually she goes out to cook the hot dogs and despite the fact she's cooking them in the middle of the woods they actually turn out decent
Once they've eaten they decide to walk around and see the nature
Yellowstone is beautiful, they just walk around, not saying a word, enjoying the serenity of nature
Mac takes the occasional picture of waterfalls or the hot springs, but besides that the only sound heard is the crunch of leaves or rocks beneath their feet
Eventually they reach the hot springs
Duke leans over to feel the heat better
And she almost falls in
She is only saved at the last second by Mac grabbing her
After that they decide to go back to camp
On the way Mac keeps a look out for wildlife
She sees buffalo, coyotes, deer, mountain goats and even a marmot
It takes all of Mac's willpower not to run up and start hugging the marmot, she can't help it they're just big fat prairie dogs
When they get back to camp they see a bear foraging around in their food
Chandler screams at the sight of it which causes the bear to notice them and start growling and swiping its claws towards them
Everyone is freaking out, they're trying to figure out how to get to their bags bc maybe they could use the bug spray to spray in its eyes until it runs away or maybe use the flare or knife
Everyone is freaking out, expect for Mac
She walks straight up to the bear, slaps it, and says 'GO AWAY' in the loudest voice she can manage
The bear just looks ashamed and slowly trods away
Her gfs are just stunned and don't say a word
They get set up for the night, getting their sleeping bags out and getting marshmallows to make smores
As they are eating they start to notice something
There are a lot of bugs
Thankfully this is something they are actually prepared for as Chandler goes into the tent and hands each of her gfs a can of bug spray
Once they spray a bit and the bugs either leave or die it's actually kinda nice
As they are eating their smores Duke suggests they tell scary stories
She says that she'll start
The story she tells is so dark and gruesome that by the time she's finished both Chandler and Veronica are shaking and Mac is hugging Chandler tight and on the verge of tears
She pretty much killed the mood with that so they put out the fire and went to bed
When they get up in the morning none of them have gotten more than a hour's sleep each
They are all exhausted and their backs hurt and want nothing more than to sleep in a real bed
But they know they have to keep moving on if they wanna stay on schedule
They quickly pack up and head out of Yellowstone
Duke drives with Veronica in the front and Chandler and Mac in the back
**Line Break**
Chandler tells Veronica that if she ever suggests going camping again she will leave her stranded in the woods
Then Veronica says that if she ever suggests it to put her in a mental institution
They eventually reach the Car with Two Front Ends
Its another silly roadside attraction which is exactly like it sounds, a car with two front ends
They take some pictures before heading back to start the drive to the Grand Canyon
They are all exhausted, they've got no real sleep and have only eaten fast food
So they decide to alter their plans a little, instead of doing the Grand Canyon today they'll relax in the room before doing it tomorrow
To do this they would have to skip the Hoover Dam, which no one is sad about but Duke
'Heather why do you even want to go there, its just a dam?'
'I know why she wants to go'
'Shut up Veronica'
'She wants to make dam jokes'
'.... Like from the Percy Jackson books?'
'I should've expected that'
They get to the resort at the Canyon and rush to take a shower and relax
Of course Chandler being the princess she is insists on going first
She takes so long that the other three get fed up, go in the shower and drag her out, before deciding to just say screw it and take one together so they don't have to wait any longer
When they get out they decide to just all get in bed and cuddle while watching TV
Before that they also decide to turn the AC down to the lowest setting it can go
They pass out pretty much immediately
When they get up they quickly load their things back into the car before heading to the Canyon itself
They visit the Visitor's Center, where they watch some introductory videos and look around the exhibits
They then go to the gift shop and pick up some souvenirs
Duke spots some cowboy hats and gets an idea
She runs up behind each of her gfs and places a hat in their color on each of their heads
Chandler thinks its stupid (big surprise there) but the others like it so they get the hats
She's thankful for the hats when they start going down the trail, because the sun is blazing down on them and it is really fucking hot
They're taking a trail down to the bottom where they are gonna go whitewater rafting in the Colorado River
The entire way down Chandler is petrified that she's gonna fall or they're gonna run into a rattlesnake or something
She's so happy when they reach the bottom that she could cry
After a quick tutorial the four of them get into their raft
You would think after years of being friends, then gfs, and being a part of a clique they would be able to work together on this simple task
You would be wrong
Chandler and Mac are sitting in the front and Duke and Veronica in the back
Chandler is barking orders to everyone while Duke is telling her that she's doing it wrong and so they all start yelling at each other
The instructor is paddling over to them trying to tell them what to do but none of them can hear her over their own shouting
Eventually their raft hits a rock and it flips over
Thankfully they are all strong swimmers and so are able to get to the shore quickly and without being injured
The water was actually pretty cold so none of them were too upset
They eventually made the way back up, stopping at several spots to get different views of everything
They then get back in the car, cranking up the AC before heading to San Diego
Mac drives here, Chandler in the front and the other two in the back
They're getting closer and closer to their destination, and with that they're getting more antsy
Even with the frequent stops they've been driving for days and they just want to be there already
Veronica spent like 2 hours trying to convince Chandler to try playing Pokemon with her and Mac, but she refuses bc she has a stick in her ass and hates fun
At least that's what Veronica claims is the problem
She tries appealing to her ego, saying that the whole point of the game is about becoming better than everyone else, but to no avail
The drive to San Diego feels like an eternity, but once they see the Pacific on the horizon they realize that it was all worth it
They reach the hotel and sleep, before waking up and heading to the zoo
Mac is like a very excited child, she's running around the place and just beaming
They paid for a VIP tour, so they had a personal guide taking them around the zoo
They even got to go up close and personal with some of the animals
They let them feed the giraffes, elephants, monkeys, capybaras, penguins and so much more
Most of the animals were really chill and even let Mac hug them, which just made her so happy
When the tour was over Mac said that they were coming back one day and doing this again and was crying happy tears
They stop at the gift shop and of course she picks up a bunch of plushes
They have no room in the Jeep but that hasn't stopped them from buying stuff before
From here they head to Disneyland
They stay at the Disneyland Hotel, which is so fucking cool
It's a hotel that has a bunch of Disney history, so they spend some time looking around that the exhibits
They even have this giant wall full of old Disney merch, which they take a minute to look around and find all of the cool stuff
They then head to Downtown Disney to do some shopping
They buy some of the usual stuff, pins, plushies, a few shirts and various knick knacks
Duke buys a few more lightsabers, justifying it by saying they were on sale
They have to pull Veronica out of the Lego store before she buys the UCS Millenium Falcon
They get to bed early, because in the morning they have to deal with Drill Srgt. McNamara
She wakes up before them and yells at them to hurry hurry hurry
She does not stop they are all ready and the second they are she grabs their hands and drags them to the park enterance
They have to get done with both Disneyland and California Adventure, and if they are gonna do everything they have to hurry
Since they are staying on-property, they are able to get in 30 min early, and Mac drags them to Tommorowland and is able to get everything done there
Everything goes fine until the Nemo Submarine ride, its dark and cramped and Chandler is not a fan of it
She screams like a little bitch whenever the angler fish jumpscares them
By the time the park opens fully they are in line for the Matterhorn
The Matterhorn is one of the most bumpy rides, and by the time they get off their backs are killing them
People start flooding in to the park and wait times are going up, so Mac drags them from one part of the part to another, doing whatever has the shortest line
They go from Small World to Smuggler's Run to Jungle Cruise to Rodger Rabbit to Haunted Mansion, you get the idea
By the time they stop for lunch everyone is exhausted, except for Mac, who seems annoyed they had to stop
They've gotten about 3/4ths of the park done, and they still have California Adventure to do
They try asking Mac is they can slow down but she just laughs and says that if they slow down they won't get everything done
Veronica tries telling her that they could always come back, its not like they couldn't afford it or that their work wouldn't let them but she doesn't wanna hear it
However she does agree that she'll take the next leg of driving so they can rest while they head to Redwood National Park
That sounds like a fair compromise to them so they keep heading out
They quickly wrap up Disneyland and head to California Adventure
There less rides there, so they can afford to go a little bit slower
** Line Break **
On the Little Mermaid Dark Ride, they had to cram themselves into a single clam which was super uncomfortable but it was worth it when they got to the 'Kiss the Girl' scene and they all kissed each other
They head to the Spider-man ride, which requires the rider to shoot webs by making the Spider-man web shooter gesture and moving it back and forth
Their hands were cramping so badly when they got off
Duke won and was gloating which obviously pissed off Chandler, which causes her to drag her to the Toy Story ride to get revenge
Chandler does end up winning that round, so she declares that they are even
Eventually they finish all the rides and decide to get dinner
They go to Flo's Cafe in Cars Land, where they see the best menu item ever
Its the Ka-Cheeseburger, like Lightning McQueen's catchphrase Ka-Chow
They all think that it is just the funniest thing ever, so they all get one, plus a Piston Cup cup
Once they finish their dinner (it was just alright) they head back to Disneyland to watch Fantasmic! and finish up shopping
They head to bed, pack up, and head on the road
Mac drives while the others sleep, exhausted by the previous day's events
She wakes them up once they reach the forest
The main reason they came was because they filmed Endor there in Return of the Jedi, so after walking around the trail for a few hours, admiring the giant trees, they find the exact spot they filmed some scenes in the movie and take pictures, using the lightsabers that Duke bought at Disneyland as props
After they finish up (and of course grabbing some souvenirs) they head back towards San Fransisco
They drive over the Golden Gate Bridge, which isn't anything special besides the fact that it is the Golden Gate Bridge
Compared to everything else they've seen and done over the trip a random Bridge is probably the least interesting
They then do the final thing of the road trip, which is going tour Alcatraz
They get on the ferry and start the tour
Its actually pretty interesting, even Chandler finds it entertaining
After the tour is over they have a little while to look around on their own
They go to some of the cells and start taking pictures
They pass by a random cell and Duke decides to play a prank
She nudges Chandler and says that she saw something weird in that cell over there
Chandler goes to take a look and Duke closes the door behind her
Upon realizing that she was trapped she starts screaming at Duke to let her out while Duke just laughs her ass off
'You've been a bad bad girl Heather, and now its time for your punishment'
'Only if you say the magic wordddd'
'Noooo, you know what it is'
'I'm not saying that'
'Say it or you're staying in there'
'....Duke is the most goregous, most sexy, smartest, prettiest Heather there is'
'and she is much better than me at Toy Story Mania'
After that incident they take the ferry back and start the final leg to the journey, to the beach house
They actually have to circle back towards Los Angeles as the beach house is farther south, but eventually they arrive at the house
Its rather isolated, the nearest house is a few miles away
It's on the seafront, with a spacious beach area in the front of it
It's a two-story modern-styled house, complete with a pool, game room, and movie room with a 98in TV
They quickly unloaded everything, before driving out to Target to grab food to make for the next two weeks, before
Their first day at the house they spend in bed
The past week of constant travel and doing things has exhausted them beyond belief, more than they ever thought possible
Chandler doesn't even feel like cooking, they just DoorDash Chinese food
Once they've rested and can feel their feet again, they start doing things
Their days go generally like this;
They sleep in until around 9ish
While her gfs shower, Veronica makes their coffee/tea, and after they are done Veronica takes her shower
They put on their bikinis and head down to the beach
Chandler generally doesn't go in the water, she spends most of her time catching up on some reading and sunbathing
Duke and Veronica picked up some Boogie Boards when they went to Target, and take some time trying to surf
Trying is the key word there, they aren't very good at it, but they have fun with it
Mac alternates between swimming and building sand castles
She spent a lot of the ride watching Youtube videos on people building them, and she was inspired
She also collects sea shells to put in her scrapbook
Around lunch time they'll go back inside while Chandler cooks
She's been trying some new recipes and while they aren't all hitters, she's having fun trying new things out
After that they'll take a nap before doing something in the afternoon
Sometimes they'll take a dip in the pool, which has a slide
Duke will wait at the top of the slide until someone on the float passes by, and then she'll quickly slide down and land on top of them
Other times they'll get out the water guns and start shooting each other
If they don't go to the pool they might head to the game room
They have a bunch of board games
They play some Trivial Pursuit, which Veronica wins handily, or Monopoly, which they end up having to abandon because Chandler and Duke are getting competitive again
They also have some video games
As soon as she sees Mario Party Veronica grabs it and hides it somewhere upstairs
They are not having a repeat of the Mario Party Incident
They play Jackbox Party, which causes Duke to laugh so hard that her sides start to cramp
If not games, then they go to the movie room and watch some movies
Mac's dad has both a large collection of DVDs and a bunch of streaming services, so they have essentially unlimited options
There's a pull-out couch that they use to lay down on, and they cuddle while watching things
At night they'll get some wine and go sit on the beach, just watching the sunset and enjoying each other's company , before calling it a night
They stay this way for two weeks, just relaxing without a care in the world, until the day comes that they need to pack up and go
It takes forever to get everything to fit, bc they bought just so much crap
They manage to get it all to fit, but whoever is in the backseat is gonna need to sit on someone else's lap
Its illegal but who cares
As they're finishing up Mac says that she's gonna go take a quick walk on the beach
She comes back 5 min later upset, saying that she dropped one of her earrings
Her gfs rush to come help her
Mac suggests that they dig through the sand to try and find it
While they are digging Duke finds something
Its not Mac's earring, its a small chest
Confused, she opens it, only to see 4 smaller boxes, one red, one yellow, one green and one blue
The three of them look at Mac, who is struggling not to smile, as she hands Chandler the red box, Veronica the blue box, and Duke the green box, before grabbing the yellow box herself
She tells them about how her life has been changed because of them, and how its improved in every conceivable way
She further says that without them, she doesn't know where or even who she would be, and that she wouldn't want to be anyone else than who she is right now, and that she has them to thank for it
She then says that she cannot see a life without them, and that she doesn't even want to imagine it and thats why she wants to make it permanent
** Line Break**
After she says this she gets down on her knee and tells them to open their boxes, revealing a ring in each one
Each ring is ornate, containing Heather flowers and roses with a diamond at the center, obviously in each of their respective colors
She then asks the question;
"Will you marry me?"
They're all crying, and they all pull each other into a group hug before saying that they will
So they leave the beach house, a ring on each of their fingers
They get home, and Mac gets started on the scrapbook of their trip
She works day and night in-between work and spending time with her fiancees
Eventually she gets to the last page, with a picture of the four of them on the beach, and another picture of their rings
She writes the word 'girlfriends' next to it, before grabbing a red sharpie, x-ing it out, and writing another word before circling it in green
The word is Wives
The final word count of this is somewhere around 25k words, so jesus christ I wrote a lot
If you read all of this you are awesome and I hope you enjoyed this
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polyamorousmood · 6 months
Hey, it's 🫀!!
I am having such a great time with my bf and my metamour (that's what you call someone your partner is dating but you two aren't, right?) and I just thought I'd give an update :)
My bf and I are hanging out all the time and he got so excited that I got along with his gf. She and I have a lot of shared interests, and we both rly care about our bf so we have this understanding of each other that I think is hard to come by.
We were making jokes about all living in one really big house with all of our cool stuff plastered all over the walls so it was like one giant fusion of all of our identities and interests. It's kind of an ongoing joke for us and since I'm an artist I draw a lot of comics about it.
Also, I've heard that jealousy is something that people in polycules can experience a lot regarding their partners and the divided attention, and while I don't feel that right now, in case I do what tips do you have to deal with it?
Anyway that's all I have to say rn so have a lovely day/night :)
Queued this up!
Hi 🫀!! its good to hear from you again! Glad things are still going well 🥰
You used metamour correctly, and how great it is to have one you really like. Be careful what you joke, it just may happen 😜
I talk about how to address jealousy in this ask and there's a lot more relevant advice here as well, so start with those. Seriously. Stop reading this and go read those. Look I'm even putting in a read more to further discourage you from reading this without reading those. You have to click something anyway so just click those first. ✌️
Okay so its SUPER nice you're not having any jealousy yet, 🫀, hell yeah! Also like, major vote of confidence that polyamory is for you. I do have some jealousy (though of course still worth and I think a lot less than mono people!). One of the big things for me I realized is that I need to have a relationship of my own -- usually a platonic one -- with my metamour outside of just third wheeling on my partner's hangouts with them. Last metamour, as soon as I went out to lunch🍽️ with them -- just the two of us -- everything immediately felt better and more natural 🌿
I think with everything going so well and you feeling so good about hanging out all together, you're probably not going to have a lot of problems with it. If you do have anything, I think its most likely to be one thing in particular just striking 🎳 a nerve with you? So you know, if there's anything that you catch yourself conceptualizing as ✨special✨ and just for you and your partner, make sure all relevant parties are clear on that.
Other than that I think the biggest thing is going to be keeping lines of communication clear. Make a point to comment on how things make you feel, even if it just feels nice or neutral. Being in the practice will prevent it feeling weird if you have to comment on something later for your sanity🧠. I think you have a really good set up though, 🫀! Its literally the dream scenario for a lot of poly people. Your partner better appreciate you and your meta both!! 😜As always, keep me posted!! Your messages make my day every time I get them
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Hi! I've been... kinda out of the fandom for YEARS. Do you have/know of a masterpost of what went on with Alex and Lisa for... the past two years, apparently?
Want to preface this with it was less Big Obvious things and much moreso IYKYK vibes of weird shit or most importantly, the lack of certain types of posts. An semi-hinged timeline of Summer 2020-October 2022:
They start doing Crash Test Live and from the first episode Alex isn’t wearing his wedding ring. It gets talked about amongst fans a bit for months but with farm work it seems practical enough.
Lisa is posting him, seems normal!
By end of Summer/Augustish it’s becoming more noticeable Alex is consistently no longer wearing his ring on CTL or in zoom M&Gs.
 Alex is in LA a lot.
Everything seems normal despite Alex's missing ring because he's home and Lisa is posting him.
He's home with Dorl and Steve for his birthday and it’s the last time we see him at the farm till April 2022. Lisa doesn't make a grid post but she posts. His birthday post for her is a little weird. Not huge red flag weird, but was absolutely something some of us noticed as being more over the top than usual.
Alex posts his social media hiatus. Something he's never done before but hey it's pandemic so everyone needs a break.
Lisa doesn't have any major Christmas or New Year's posts which is off brand but again, it's fucking pandemic so everyone is being weird, right?
Alex posts that he's hiking with Danny who lives in LA. I don't have the posts or exact dates, but around this time, Lisa has posted about her Dad having some health issues and eventually having a quadruple bypass. And Alex seemingly is not home. Lisa never being overt has some interesting posts.
 ATL plays Good Morning America and Lisa makes no acknowledgement. Valentine's Day comes and goes
Alex takes a ski/snowboard trip with Danny (we all forgot to archive stories) which is interesting because he and Lisa took trips to Park City so he’s doing things they would typically do together. Somewhere in this time Danny’s Caroline also sends her a bracelet or some sort of gift which seems interesting.
Alex still has not been back to the east coast, but takes another vacation with Rian, Steve, Rian's terrible new girlfriend and her Trump supporter friends at Rian's gf's family's Aspen mansion. They release Once in a Lifetime which is straight to the point! When it seems like Lisa won't post about it, she does! In the fucking weirdest of ways.
The next night, Alex posts and deletes a poem to and video with his horse. It’s confusing and we briefly think he’s back at the farm.
It’s their 5 year wedding anniversary but Lisa takes a conveniently timed social media hiatus and Alex doesn't post but he’s definitely back in LA and acting weird about his personal life in interviews.
Alex finally goes to the east coast and seems to be packing and/or rummaging at his parents, finding nostalgic shit.
Alex is confirmed at his parents.
Lisa hangs out with their mutual friends for 4th of July, clearly not wearing her ring and Alex gets weird. Later in the month, more questionable related shit.
The night of the first show ATL plays, Lisa posts about her bed.
Sad Summer starts and Alex is just happy to be on tour or?
 ATL has a day off in NYC and Lisa goes to NYC. We still don’t know why?!?
Lisa is featured in a Baltimore Homes spread. There is no mention of a s/o in anyway but there is a picture of a shelf featuring a wedding photo, and ATL/Simple Creatures things.
About a week later, Lisa posts a video dancing in front of the shelf and it’s different. Later she posts directly about redecorating the shelf, void of all Alex relics.
Alex does an interview saying he lives in LA and when asked where he stays when he goes back to MD he starts with “Good question!” and lands on staying with his parents.
 the allegations happen so Alex is even less present online than before, which is already limited. We’re still struggling.
It’s noticed Lisa has removed Alex posts from her “Fam” highlights on Instagram
Lisa posts “Good Riddance to 2021″ and notably ATL decor is missing.
Lisa takes a trip to Mexico City and never mentions who she's with. One of their friends posts a comment about "him" that gets deleted. We assume she was seeing someone serious enough take a vacation with and that's all we ever gather about that. Ever.
 Janelle makes the "boyfriend soft launch" post which features a picture of 2 glasses of wine she had previously posted in a story  only showing 1 glass, and a pic of her IN HIS T-SHIRT. There was never anything overt to prove they were together but there were LOTS of vibes and timings that never necessarily made sense to compile. I made this timeline on what I think is their precursor to the Lisex split but it’s all speculation.
April - Another wedding anniversary goes by wayside however!
THE WALL - Alex posts a some promo videos and for days it’s debated if they are recorded at the farmhouse. Reader, they are!
Lisa posts watching Batman which just feels telling.
Jack and Alex write “Sleepwalking” which seems to have big Missing Her vibes.
Speculation recap about some things. But includes Lisa posting a pic of Alex on her goat account.
one of Alex's aunts tags Lisa in a Facebook post about how lovely it was to see them (twice, to be specific) and Lisa responds that they are looking into a November trip to visit.
They are both at Post Malone in New Jersey
Their friends publicly post them together.
Hilariously, Lisa has not posted the new ATL song nor did she repost the tagged posts on her account. Alex virtually has no personal posts anymore but off brand for Lisa.
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
hi hi hellooo! Aleksi's remix of Let Me Down Slowly came up on my youtube recs and it instantly reminded me of your amazing fic and I knoooooooooow I said it a million times but thank you so much for writing it and sharing it, it's so fucking good!!!!!!! 💖💘💖💕💖💖💘
now imagine, pining-idiots-that-haven't-realized-they-are-in-love Allu and Olli are probably enjoying their well deserved breaks from all the stuff they did in 2023 (and most likely with their partners by their side), but I like to imagine that they still make some time for at least one video call once a week, or that they exchange dumb texts daily because they miss each other so much 🥺💕
maybe Olli grabs his guitar one night and comes up with some beautiful riff that he sends to Allu, but this time Aleksi decides that they have to finish it together side by side (clearly an excuse to see Olli again because oooops, he realized he has Feelings™ for his friend and bandmate) and well, Olli had to travel to Helsinki anyway (to make sure the new posters were shipped correctly, or to sign a legal document or some made up bullshit), soooo why not stay at his just-a-friend-i-swear's place for a few days?
they would have the Moment Of Realization late at night, around 2AM when Allu is finally done with the remix and Olli is already asleep on the couch (is he really asleep, though? or just enjoying the moment with his eyes closed?). Allu would not resist the temptation of brushing a curl off Olli's beautiful face, and maybe caressing one of his cheeks while he can, not forseeing that Olli would be very much awake, so now they're both holding their breaths and staring at each other with so much love 💖💕💘
maybe they finally dare to get closer and share a shy little kiss after all those years of pining, or maybe they feel like they can't do it, not while they still have a significant other, and leave the studio confused and unsure of what to do next 🥰
anyways, it's already late over here and I used my last braincell to daydream about this 😅 have a lovely lovely day 💖💕💘💖💕💘
OH MY GOD???!!?!?!??!?! 😭😭😭😭😭
this made my stomach do the thing because akdjshfksjfdkf I've honestly spent the entire Christmas break thinking about the two of them constantly checking their phones and not really understanding why they feel so disappointed when there's no new text from the other or why they feel a pang of jealousy when the other posts a holiday greeting in the group chat (=a selfie with their gf with a cheesy Christmassy/NYE edit and a text "Happy Holidays from us!")
amd aaaahhhh imagine soft Olli playing softly on his soft guitar AND THINKING OF ALLU THE WHOLE TIME DJDHFGFFJFF I meaaaaan may I remind y'all that yet again this is not just something the delulu made up but instead it's something that actually for real happened with the Let Me Down remix 😭 obviously we don't know if Olli had the riff ready and Allu just happened to need one and it came up in a conversation, or if Allu asked him to make him one, or if Olli just sent the riff to Allu who was so inspired (and in love (with the riff! or at least that's what he convinced himself then)) that he made an entire remix based off it 🥺 my point here is that it's TOO EASY to imagine them doing exactly what you just derscribed 🤧💕
and yeah, I have also been imagining their first kiss and how terrifying it would be for the both of them 😭 I mean, I want to assume that the "deep talks" they've had over a glass of wine or a bottle of Mountain Dew (again, something we know for certain they done, not just something the delulu has decided is canon!!) they have also discussed sex and/or sexuality and came out as bi to each other, so it's not the fact they're both dudes and about to kiss each other that's messing with their heads rather than the fact they're both in relationships skgjdjfksjfsjfjdjf fuck why am I so invested in this 😩
bonus points indeed if they only ALMOST kiss before they snap out of it and aaaaaaaaaa poor confused boys!! because this whole time they've been like "I don't actually like him that way, and even if I did nothing could ever happen because we're friends and co-workers and he's taken" but then they realise they were having an undeniable Moment(tm) and the other was actually about to kiss them back too so they're like ???????????????? oh god 😭
thanks for this, I feel so validated once again 🙈
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May I vent please? I feel horrible about something that just happened. Long post ahead /
Backstory: My flatmate and I have about two weeks left together before I leave and we've had a... complicated relationship. I've gotten attached to him in a certain uhh BPD-esque way that I've tried hard to control, especially since we had a short-lived fling a few months ago. (I am not proud of myself for back then - he was in a failing relationship, cheated by kissing me, and then we guiltily danced around each other until he broke up with his girlfriend. I don't want to repeat those mistakes. He and his ex eventually seemed to clear the air and started texting again but to the best of my knowledge he was still single.)
But he and I patched things up after that fling went sour and we became something close to friends again, and then... we started dancing around each other again in the last few weeks like before. This time we acknowledged that we need different things, and it's a bad idea to pursue it without enough time to potentially mend things before I leave... but we've still been physically affectionate, hung out a lot playing video games, shared a bed, and admittedly kept up the dance between us anyway. Both of us are just lonely, and sexually frustrated, but I told him I wasn't comfortable right now seeing to his needs, that I needed a bit more focus on mine, so we decided this wasn't something we could do for each other. We've still been sharing a bed, and getting carried away sometimes. That's been the limbo until yesterday.
YESTERDAY: oh my god yesterday. Since confirming that I was still sticking to my boundaries about not being able to give him much right now, I thought we were fine, he was nice about it, and I was even starting to feel more comfortable about starting to give him what he wanted! I thought we could end these last two weeks on a high note. Then yesterday he didn't even make eye contact, he told me he was going to see a comedy show, I caught him looking up a place in town to eat that I recommended him, even though he hates going out to eat for no good reason, and he avoided questions about it. And then I saw him furtively texting his ex gf about when to meet up. His ex whom he's kept out of our discussions this whole time and NEVER cited as a reason not to pursue things. I thought that despite the guilt I have around that still, at least she was no longer a point of issue.
I obviously went "well they can just go see a show and have dinner as friends and I shouldn't be jealous or angry over assumptions I'm making about this" but it just wasn't sitting right. He left telling me not to stay up for him. I stayed in the living room anyway until he came home. Kat, HE BROUGHT HIS EX HOME. REALLY FURTIVELY. He didn't even acknowledge it until I asked because I saw her literally move behind him into his room. He wanted me to not even know he was out with her, let alone bringing her back; he never properly declared an end to our situationship (or at least never honoured the end of it)... and this would make more sense if it was JUST about the discomfort of bringing one's EX into the home of the person one CHEATED with, right? But alongside the fact that we've been literally almost having sex every other night for weeks, and then this happens the moment I stick to my boundaries, how can I believe that he's been honest with HER about what's going on between us either?? I'm certain he's just using her to fulfill the needs I didn't want to, but I don't know if SHE knows that, and I feel so out of currency to talk to her. I even tried leaving her a note in her jacket letting her know what's going on, but I must have gotten confused because when I saw her leaving through my window, she wasn't wearing that jacket. So I don't know what to do now.
I know I'm not the best person in this story but I'm trying to be better than before, and this whole thing has just psyched me out. If he's getting back together with her shouldn't I have a right to know, given my position right now? And if he wanted to bring her home, couldn't he have waited TWO MORE WEEKS until I left?? I'm losing my mind and my own guilty conscience is making it really really hard to see clearly. I could really use some advice if anyone is willing - is this my place to challenge? Having agreed it's a bad idea to pursue it, does that mean I forfeit all right to acknowledge that we were still going? Should I try and reach out to her another way or leave it? Should I confront him?? I'm so upset about it all particularly with the probably-BPD attachment to him, and with how good I was starting to feel about him again. I'm still barely processing it.
This is a mess, but it's not on you that he's bringing his ex into it without being honest with either of you. Just get out of there and try to move on, cause he's not respectful towards either of you
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captainrayzizuniverse · 9 months
Yes! Thank youuuu @goldcrumble for this I truly need it now. I’m sitting in Kelowna waiting for the worst year of my life to be over in the most unremarkable way (binging on paw patrol with my nephew) and what better way to do it than this? Beware, long ass essay incoming. 
When did you become a Louie? (This is about to get loooong)
I love talking about this because it’s such an interesting journey for me compared to other artists I love. I used to watch British reality tv with my grandma every year and that of course includes x-factor and strictly come dancing (and the GBBO, sewing bee, BGT etc..it was unhealthy) which usually start around the same time. We started with x-factor when leona lewis won until the last season with Louis as judge. So yes of course I watched the one with 1D and I was rooting for them during the show (and Louis was my LEAST fav only because I’d watch the xtra factor and the video diaries and he was SO loud and obnoxious and basiclly everything I find annoying in a person. Sorry it was what it was. Anyway after that season I never paid them any attention but we continued watching x-factor year after year. I've mentioned this before but when Louis was announced as the judge in 2018 I remember telling my grandma that it’s probably to draw in the 1D fans because the show was so bad at that point. Obviously I said it with eyes rolled and thinking ‘they really think they’re gonna save this shit with a kid from a boyband?’. Little did I know this guy will ruin me. Anyway as a non fan and someone who really didn’t know anything about the guy I absolutely loved him as a judge..so like a couple of weeks in I read his entire wikipedia and was 100% drinking the ‘reconnected and in love with his long term gf and has a kid with a one night stand from LA’ koolaid. And I listened to his singles at the time, loved them, added them to one of my Anghami playlist and it was chill for a while.
I have never been in a music fandom before..I’ve been in the football fandom (esp livejournal) for ages and also several movies/tv shows and books. I think most of the music I listen to are either from bands who are dead or there just isn’t a fandom big enough to exist…or I haven’t found it. Dunno..just never got into one. SO on a flight from oslo in 2019 I was reading a fic from another fandom and in the author’s note there was something about being inspired by a Larry fic and I vaguely remembered who the Larry ship is about. So when I clicked it and saw that it was THE Louis T, I went into my second rabbit hole and saw all these news singles he has out and an album that was about to come out and a show in Toronto and wow so much excitement all at once. Booked the tickets for the show which were later cancelled due to covid and then never got to see the ltwt live (rip hearing defenceless live). After that I didn’t follow up with him, I didn’t even know lthq was a thing ffs. When people say that they need to promote things on his personal IG, it’s for people like ME! Anyhoo! I still never searched him up on Tumblr until one day by chance I saw a clip from a livestream on instagram of one of his earlier shows in Texas. I didn’t even know concert livestreams were a thing tbh. So I kept on monitoring to find the source until I got to finally watch an entire show (I think it was the 4th American one, a few before the chicken nugget incident) and then somehow that led me to Tumblr and slowly I started following very very few blogs. So when did I become a Louie really? Was it 2018 when I was like ok the dude is cool I like the couple of songs he has out? Or 2019 when I booked my first concert ticket? Or in 2022 when I found the fandom on Tumblr? Also I got into 1D when I read that wiki page and it said something about him having the most writing credits. It intrigued me and was like ‘fine! I’ll give them a go I guess!’
your favourite song? (one off walls and one off fitf)
We Made It. All this time (if you ask tomorrow it might jump between Saturdays or holding onto heartache or she is beauty)
your favourite music video?
Miss you! The hair, the song.
your favourite gig?
Toronto one because I was anticipating it for sooooo long and it fully lived up to it. Esp after spending the entire 2022 watching livestreams and being jealous af. The new york one was good too but my home show will always be my fav
your favourite louis hair?
X-factor hair. 
your favourite louis interview?
Oof man this is hard! They all kinda get mixed together so either a Zach lang one (probably the first one because it sticks in my memory more since I saw it right when it came out) or one of the buzzfeed ones like the snack wars or the one he did with the yellow background (man I’m lazy as shit, I can literally YouTube this).
suit louis or tanktop louis?
Suit Louis. Literally anything but tank top louis. I know I’m the only one in this boat but I just don’t dig tank tops. I think it’s also the fact that he almost always wears hideous shoes with them that kinda kill the look. If I had to be specific, I’d say tracksuit Louis. 
favourite louis tattoo?
I’d also go with the x&o’s 
favourite louis bodypart? (c'mon we all have one!)
I immediately thought his eye crinkles but realized that’s not a body part. Maybe hands or the veiny neck??I love a neck with passionate veins (what even am I saying??)
I think my small Louis loving mutuals have either already done this or have been tagged, so it ends with ME!
And with that I shall wish everyone a genocide free 2024! A free Palestine! And an end to this fucking massacre!
Back to watching Marshall and Skye on PP. 
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sapphicautistic · 1 year
My estranged-ish aunt who was once like a mother to me and who I have lain awake nights literally in this past week stressing out about the unsolveable family conflict that caused the rift, texted my partner in the middle of the night last night saying she'll be in the state briefly this weekend and can we drive 4 hours round trip to meet her halfway for berry picking?
And I know I should go if I have any desire at all to salvage this relationship but even apart from the INCREDIBLY LATE NOTICE making my autistic brain completely freak out, that's an INSANE outlay of energy and she has no idea what she's asking like she genuinely doesn't.
I have two appointments on Thursday next week I'd probably have to reschedule because I would be bedbound for a few weeks after that much exertion and she still has no idea how sick I am and probably thinks it's psychological anyways.
Also we had a family party planned for that day and so I'd have an out BUT she lives thousands of miles away and I'm pretty sure I'd look like an asshole regardless of having a reason, assuming she even believes the reason and doesn't think I made it up to avoid her
Also I'm maybe afraid to go because she's gonna wanna rehash Unsolveable Family Conflict and I do not have that in me and especially will not after sitting up, in a car, for 2 hours which is going to make me feel like death.
But despite all of this I think I SHOULD go and gf says it's my choice but she also thinks I should because this aunt is important to me but IS she anymore? She's turned into a bitter asshole who is so tangled up in her own issues and is projecting them onto others and I feel like I cannot communicate with her even though she used to be the person I could communicate with best. She is a deeply angry person who thinks she isn't and it's always ready to burst out and it makes her very hard to talk to, like even before Unsolveable Family Conflict but over the years it's gotten worse and worse.
I'm very upset and stressed out and I keep crying because I just do not want to be in this position. And I know she almost definitely didn't know herself until last night that she'd be here but I still resent being put in this position because it's so agonizing.
I wish she could just come down and join the family party because that would be a MILLION times less stressful but that would be asking HER (and whoever's with her, unclear) to spend SEVEN hours in the car round trip on what sounds like a very short trip and that's unlikely and she'd probably be resentful if she did
And I'm just on eggshells because like. She didn't even answer my mother's day text/gift, this whole thing feels very tenuous which is upsetting for its own reasons. I wish we could just talk like we used to and I could tell her my situation honestly and she could help me figure out a plan. But instead I have to guess how she'll react to stuff.
And also in addition to the last minute plan change stress there's the stress of not knowing what to expect at the halfway point because I've never been there, I am absolutely not going to go berry picking because I might actually die if they make me walk around after 2 hours sitting up in a car but presumably there's a park somewhere we could sit at? But as an autistic person the way I get less stressed about doing things is to imagine them in detail and I cannot do this for new places.
I SHOULD go but I think I don't want to and idk what to do. I wish she could just come down here, way less chance of a stressful conversation in the middle of people she has to be polite to and I wouldn't have to harm my body by all that travelling.
I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 year
today we did errands and i did hate it like i thought. i don't know why i hate it so much. like okay hate it's too strong a way to put it but it wigs me out totally.
i guess probably, i hate going outside lately, and partly being around my gf and her mom puts me on edge, they're both anxious people who dawdle or i feel like they dawdle and i just want to go back home because it's hot out because we live in the dumbest desert ever and even if they're both having a good time basically it's made up of 100 mini arguments that no one has any stake in until one of the decides that something was really actually transgressed and that makes me feel catty and irritable but also i'm stupid and lazy, or i don't know. i feel kind of like i have to do most of the important stuff, but what is that really, that's not true, i just watch the laundry in the laundromat, i sit and listen to orchid, i feel people stare at me and then i watch my girlfriend fold the laundry because she doesn't like/need my help, and then we go to the store and she wanders around, she used to be a lot worse, and she also randomly decides rather than having us go look for something in the direction we're going maybe she should ask her mom to do that, and then get disappointed with what her mom brings her, so we go look. i don't know. it's annoying, is all, and i feel bad about that because it's so dumb to be annoyed, it should be funny it feels like but it makes me a little miserable to be dragged around places that make me feel totally dirty to be inside of, like, have you looked at the floors of every super market/market/wherever you buy your vegetables like god it's so gross and i'm transfixed by that because i'm like, also that gross too basically, right.
or i think that way a little. otherwise today was fine except for i came home and went crazy. when i go crazy i just say the same thing over and over, and i don't know why, it's not mean stuff it's just all stupid, i feel a clot in my throat talking about it/typing it, because like, what is it, i'm always convinced i know exactly what i'm saying when i'm saying it, but i can hardly remember, and like, there's almost no intention, i just start doing things and i can't help it, i just do it. when i'm super stressed i guess i just become way stupid.
n e wayzzz, yesterday i think i fucked up a number, it wasn't 22 i stopped crying right, it was earlier, like, 21-20-ish probably. i don't know why correcting that feels so important. it makes me look way more pathetic, which is fine, i've made peace with that. everything that's ever happened to me means way too much for way too long. i don't think i hold grudges, at least.
last night i saw this print in the towel from last time i wore makeup, it happens every time so next time, which will be soon cuz i'll put makeup on when i go see melt banana cuz i want to serve cunt i guess, anyways it was my eyes closed drawn w/ mascara, when i washed my face and i couldn't get all the stuff off my face because i'm really lazy with the micellar pads or actually it's mostly because i like waking up and seeing some on my face still. i think it's actually when eyeliner looks best on me.
that's like, true.
tomorrow is gonna be weird because i have to meet with someone for semi-professional reasons after not having a job forever because i'm honestly terrible at being employed and it makes wanna die, but this is me probably getting paid to make music for someone's movie, and he likes a demo i did for him so that's #cool right. it's scary because i don't know what he'll say and how much he'll want from me, and i'm scared about not being perfect at it, and i'm scared it'll sap my ability to make what i normally make anyways but that fear is really stupid. if anything i think it'd make me want to go the other direction more, right.
i did work on music today but no vox, i just took some drums off grid on a song, which is fun, or not really but it's rewarding to go through and think about how another human would be dealing with a song/interpreting it in a live way almost, but the hits being so clearly from a drum machine of some kind, it makes it a little uncanny.
tomorrow i need to wake up early, so i can warm up and do some vocals somewhere, probably work on the song that i want to be another single a little bit, some parts need a little improvement i feel like. i didn't listen to the songs i did yesterday yet, too freaked out i guess.
today i ate, like, i forgot what i started with. i woke up in pain, my stomach was a gravity pit and it made getting up hard, i was just falling into myself and my body was distantly sore, i woke up, and i took too long in the shower so my gf's mom got here while i was drying my hair which probably is part of what put me in a stressed out place today already. anyways i think the first thing i ate after 2-3 hours of being awake was chicken tenders. i'm not saying where from because it makes me feel sort of ridiculous i guess, i dunno why. i should just say because it is ridiculous and it's really funny, for some reason shaq owns some kind of chicken chain, and we ate it today. it's fine, i like the french fries, they're crazy thin and i think i can still taste the salt at the back of my throat. we ate in the car because laundry had to happen. i didn't have water so i was dying a little bit. i have water now which is nice. uhhhhhhhhhhhh
trying to think, the next time i ate was at home, i ate a cinnamon roll that i think my girlfriend wanted but also doesn't care about too much and a blueberry muffin. i keep saying i'm going to eat the other one because it makes me look psycho, which is funny i think. what else.
in the shower, today, i thought about living with my aunt a lot, i hope my cousin who moved out around the same time i was moving out of there is well, i hope my cousin who moved in as i moved in there and is presumably still there, there being vague because maybe my aunt moved and took her kid with her, is doing better than he was, but i don't know. i sort of developed the fear that he maybe did something awful, i don't know why he would though.
makes me think about my other cousins, on my dad's side. they both turned out to have awful lives, they were normal for a while until they were adults, and switches came on in their heads maybe, around the same time each were arrested for domestic violence, both in jail. i remember vividly the time one picked up their cat and threw her in the pool and we three watched her run out, long hair all wet, she looked like a rat from a sewer. they were in highschool, i was way younger. another time, one showed me a glass bluebird, translucent, he talked about how it represented jesus, and then in that same stretch of time, i played ocarina of time on their n64.
i also ate some pretzel rods, i forgot, they were from the 99 cent store, i tried to get some in the smiths but my gf said: i got those exact ones in the 99 cent store. and then her mom showed up and she told that to her mom twice because her mom was not listening at all the first time.
friday we are seeing melt banana which i am excited about but i am not excited about hanging out downtown potentially cuz it's so fucking windy in the summer i don't want to have my bangs get fucked up in the wind that's so annoyinggg and also last time we were there i became inconsolable because i tried a dress on and it didn't fit and i was unhappy for at least 2 days. i think i sound really unfun in these posts. whatever.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
im FINALLY playing zelda again and exploring gerudo town a bit...
damn i didnt have to get my own ice or anything lol
tbh. i kind of liked it better when u could crossdress. pretty much EVERY npc has to go out of their way to make it weird that link is here? which i guess it is so it should be? but if we're talking about making him androgynous so anyone of any gender can enjoy playing him...this space reminds you constantly that you are a man. idk. is this less transphobic??? i'm not a trans woman so i can't like Speak On It but to me it feels like it's just a different flavor of bad. a better solution might be to let us cross dress if we wanted to but also still have access if we weren't. then there's no Evil Invasion of Women's Spaces By Predator stereotype but also u can be a girl as a treat if you like
but i have problems with this "girls-only" race of people having their entire culture and identity revolve around men anyway. whereas gorons are all boys and they don't think about gender at all. I Wonder Why That Is. nintendo wrote themselves into a problematic corner here and they're not going to get out of it by being cowards!!!
holy shit lol apparently gerudo sleep SUPER deeply and it contributes to them all being so tall and muscley <3 that explanation is such bullshit i fucking love it. and then they need less and less sleep as they get older...
man i wish that was me.
weird, it's still all purple and misty in the secret shop
oh my god SAND BOOT GUY IS STILL HERE???? he's hiding over the secret shop lmao
i think i've got redead ptsd. i saw a couple of voltrfruit cacti out in the distance and froze like a prey animal
anyway it's great the town is back on track and i wanna do ALLLL the sidequests here but...i need my low stakes exploration rn. i think i should unlock the last great fairy now that i don't need to worry about avoiding any part of the map
wait first i see zelda. time to shoot my gf :(
so i warped to the skyview tower and pikango is here?? what even is his purpose in this game...
huh. a light dragon's talon can HEAL when attached to a weapon?? wtf...
lol do i beat bokoblins with it and they get better
omg wait you can just pluck spine shards from her back...no arrows needed...this is nuts
eugh i see an ice gleeok from here. no thank you
its so fun that she goes clockwise around the map. time, time, time
you can see so much cool stuff from up here. i'm really glad totk added that you could ride them bc i feel like if i had more patience i could get such a lovely tour of hyrule from on zelda's back specifically, since she makes the whole circuit...like this game is genuinely beautiful and this is such a wonderful way to enjoy that beauty. and spend time with my gf.
i just wish i could like browse my menu or check my map or something WHILE MOVING...in other cases i would be livid if the game kept going while i was "paused" but i hate that fooling around makes the game's clock stop so if you're say waiting ten minutes for the dragojn to glow again you really do just have to wait
also. i never noticed glowing or lackthereof when the dragons were ready again. i may be unobservant lol
SO many shrines spotted from here btw. foolproof shrine finding method
ok, she DEFINITELY looks like she's glowing (her spines anyway) but nothing happens when i shoot her horns...is light dragon horn not a thing??
google says it's a thing.
oh no wait THERE it is. ok. now that i've seen it yeah thats a huge difference
luckily i'm quite close to that last great fairy now. thanks for the ride babygirl :(
briefly tempted by the fountain from one of link's memories below, near satori mountain...ultimately decided not to go bc theres not gonna be anything but a korok seed. just a little totk gripe
dark link armor to night sprint! i miss people getting jumpscared by it though :(
oh wait they ARE getting scared...weh thats so nice
ok, i have to take a break to do stuff :/ i wanna dot he stable quest!!!!! soon..............
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flowered-mp3 · 2 years
u guys.... i just cried in my bf's car yesterday (again!) lol pls skip this but i know some of y'all invested and i just need an outlet so......
so like... my bf raised an interesting question weeks ago, essentially asking me "how do u know if ur in love?". i was a little caught off guard at the time, but i answered that i wasn't sure, because i've never been in love. then, i asked him the same question and he thought that he might've loved one of his exes, but he wasn't entirely sure, either.
then, flash forward to last week, when he called me at night (like he normally does). usually he tends to get in his feelings at that time, and started to ask if i thought that our relationship was moving too fast. and to be fair, it was moving fast but i never felt uncomfortable with it? it never felt wrong. we 100% progressed faster than most couples but it never felt wrong. we just did whatever we felt comfortable with. he also told me that this is the fastest that he's ever fallen for someone, and the fastest that he's ever had a gf meet his family/go on staycation/be physical, etc. so, he was afraid that because he's so into me, he would miss any signs of potential points of conflict. and the reason why this was bugging him was because he doesn't want to lose me. there were times in his previous relationships where he ignored those issues because he was so enamoured initially, and obv those relationships ended. the idea of losing me terrifies him, and vice versa for me.
next, i asked what brought this on and he stayed silent for a while before saying that on the last day of our staycation, he wanted to say that he loved me. i was so shook over the phone that i started crying. idk why i just couldn't believe my ears.
but then, he backtracked again because he was also scared because he also wasn't sure if what he was feeling was love - similar to me. he also mentioned that a couple of days before our staycation he statted asking around "how do you know that you're in love" and the only person online was his ex (she wasn't a great gf to him and kinda toxic, they dated 3 to 4 years ago, but she recently reappeared in his life to apologize for what she did to him. honestly? good for her, and i hope that she's happy with her new bf) so that kinda made me :/ but it's ok because it worked out lol just wait. anyways, we essentially talked it out and i said that there's no pressure for him to figure it out. feelings are complicated.
so i also said that i didn't think that i was ready to say that i loved him yet. and he was so sweet about it, saying that he would wait however long that i needed :')
ok so flash forward to the present. i was thinking alot over the past week and i was just kinda realizing that wow. i really like him. but saying that i really like him isn't really cutting it anymore. and when i went to his house for a bday party for his uncle tonight, i kinda just realized that fuck. i fell in love with him, and i didn't even fully recognize it. just looking at him the whole night, seeing how much he cares for his family, how loud his laugh is when someone says something really funny, the way that he holds my hand or traces his fingers on my knee absentmindedly, the way that he remembers that i'm introverted so he always tries to look for signs of my social battery running out. i knew that i would do anything for him, but it didn't really hit me until that moment.
i just realized that i wanted this for our future. for us to have a house together, to invite family over. to host something like this, except that i would be the person scrambling to cook and he would be taking out the alcohol for people to choose from.
so when he was driving me home, all the emotions came rushing through me. we were at a light and he stopped at it, glancing at me (as he usually does). all it took was for me to look at his face for me to be close to tears.
he immediately asked me what was wrong, and i said nothing. it was really late and it's a long drive, so i didn't want to inconvenience him. but then, he turned into a gas station 2 mins after and looked at me like "what's wrong, baby?" and i just. started tearing up. he started to comfort me, thinking that something made me upset or mad but instead, i looked at him, took a few deep breaths to gather the courage, and kissed him. i pulled away just enough to look into his eyes, and i said "i love you, too" with tears in my eyes.
i still remember the way that his eyes widened before i wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, basically sobbing that i loved him. i was rambling at that point, being like “idk why i’m crying i’m not upset i’m so happy but idk i’m really emotional idk why i’m crying”. and then he asked me how i knew and i said that i didn’t really know, it just felt like something that i wanted to say. i just started spilling my heart out to him, saying that he makes me the happiest girl in the world, and that sometimes i care for him more than i care for myself, and how i want him to succeed in life and that i saw how he treats his family with such care and just???? i could tell that he was tearing up and i could just cry typing this out again.
then, he pulled out his phone and i was confused for a second, but then he started to pull up the convo he had with his ex - i really didn’t have anything to worry about. all he did was ask “how do u know if ur in love” and essentially just talked about me the entire time, saying that how much he liked me and how he didn’t know how to navigate all this because he’s never fallen so fast and hard for someone and that he thinks that i’m his last, that i’m the one. my heart :’)
then, all the details are a blur after that except for some. like i remember i was just rambling about my feelings and crying so i just pressed my forehead against his and tried to take a breath. but then, he said that he loved me too and his voice was cracking. once i heard those words come from him i immediately fell apart. he tucked his head into my neck and we hugged and cried. he pulled away just to look at me, and said that i was smart and beautiful and caring, and he loves that i love my family, that we laugh at the same stupid shit and that he imagines a future with us.
then, everything just made sense. all the times where he would hug me and pull away to look at me in the eyes, saying “i really like you.”, or when i said that i’ve always dreamed of having my own reading room with shelves of books that reached the ceiling (i told him this when we weren’t even dating), he remembered that and said “i really have to work harder on this program, this project will be a good asset on my resume when i’m applying for work after graduation. gotta afford a reading room, you know?” :’) or when he asked me how many years of dating would it take for me to think that it’s appropriate to get married, or when he said that he planned to date me for a very long time, or when he said that i make him want to be a better man.
then, in the midst of us crying, i said that i also think that he’s the one and he pulled me in for another kiss, hugged me, and we both just broke down and started to full on sob. i’m talking smiling and laughing and talking while crying, tears streaming down my face, saying that i think that he’s smart and kind and spontaneous and funny, and how i know that he can argue with his dad and sister but i know that he loves them, and that he loves his family very much. and how he’s always so in tune to my feelings that i don’t even notice. we were just sobbing in his car and hugging and kissing and saying that we loved eachother in the middle of a fucking gas station at 10:30 pm.
eventually when we calmed down, he started to drive again and i asked him how he knew. he couldn’t really pinpoint much either but he had some things. he said that he would remember the smallest details about me, like my mannerisms and such. the little random dances that i did when walking to his car when he picks me up, or when i wanted to show him something in the backyard and i reached for his hand. then, he said something so domestic and romantic that i just melted. on the last night of our staycation, he had sudden inspiration for his program and needed to do some quick research before bed. it was pretty late, 1 am it think, so i told him to come to bed soon. so, i decided to read a book until he was ready to sleep. 
so, he told me that he looked at me on the bed, book in hand, glasses on, reading light on, and found so much comfort in it. we didn’t exchange any words, but he realized that he wanted that. for us to share a bed in a place that we have together. he wants that comfy future, and he wants it with me and adlkfjd :’)
i also asked how long he was waiting to say it, and he didn’t give me a specific timeline he just said that he watched a podcast where they were like “when is it ok to say i love you” and one girl said 3-4 months lol so he wanted to wait 3-4 months but couldn’t lol. which is ok, because i couldn’t wait 3-4 months either. essentially, we couldn’t really pinpoint how we knew, we just kinda knew? 
so, he dropped me off home and said that he loved eachother before leaving. then, when he got home he texted me “have a good night, my love” and i want to SCREAM like THIS MAN IS NOT REAL alsdkfjdlk
anyways this is lovely. my feelings are all aldsfkjasdlkfjdafj but my bf loves me and i love him and there’s a mx comeback tomorrow. overall, it’s looking ok u guys :)
and to think that all this started with my friend forcing me to get a dating app :’)
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creamdemonsworld · 2 months
Hi Tumblr, here's what happened today.
Today is Thursday which is my Sunday because I take Wed-Thurs off. I tried my best to fix my sleep schedule last night and woke up at 10am! which is better than 1pm. I notice that when I wake up earlier I feel more refreshed and less foggy. So tonight we're shooting for 9am wake up time.
I did not eat breakfast because I needed groceries so I lazed around until I had therapy. I showered, got ready, and had a very productive therapy session. I love my therapist she's amazing. I've been going to therapy since early childhood and with my current therapist I feel like I'm actually getting things done with my trauma. I talked about how I suddenly feel safe in my new home because of an accident.
The accident: Every night I make sure to lock all my windows and doors to my house - including my bedroom door - before yesterday I never even dared to sleep with the window open. But yesterday I went to go open the huge window on the front of my house, unlocked it, realized it was locked. And then came to the conclusion that my window had been unlocked ever since I moved in here. A happy accident! Because nothing bad has happened since my window was unlocked. Which in my mind means that I am safe!
To celebrate my conquered fear, I slept with my window open and my bedroom door unlocked. I slept so good with my nice cool room. I has been so stuffy these past couple weeks. But yay!
There was more stuff that I talked about with my therapist but it's just housekeeping stuff like my relationships and my art. She really wants to heal my relationship with art. I do too.
After therapy I went to the grocery store for my weeks worth of groceries. $98 later I put it all away and my cold brew kicked in so I deep cleaned my kitchen.
My kitchen/living area has been a total mess from moving. I moved into a much smaller place so I've been slowly chipping away at this huge pile of stuff I no longer have space for in the kitchen. Today I made a HUGE dent. I was brave and threw a ton of boxes in the recycling, and even put three boxes by the door to eventually put on the sidewalk.
I then called my girlfriend and had a lengthy talk with her. We're poly and she has a fiancé. I came from being strictly mono to being wither her so this is all new to me. I told her that if she wants two life partners she needs to treat me like a life partner. And we decided to start things over with no expectations just to see where things go. It was a really satisfying conversation honestly. I do wish she could come see me more but if that doesn't end up happening I'm just gonna end it by the end of the year. I can't handle being with someone who has the resources to come visit but still doesn't.
After my conversation with gf I clipped my cat's nails. He is such a good boy. He just complains about being wrapped in a towel but never bites or scratches. He got lots of treats.
The rest of my day was relaxing, I vegged out in bed for a minute and then decided to try and paint something after 3 years of not creating. I need to start it over but I'm not mad at myself like I usually am. I really hope the therapy is helping heal my relationship with art. I crave creation so badly but my brain has so many triggers around it so it's a very hard thing for me to do.
Anyway, it's time for bed. My work week starts tomorrow and I have rent damage I need to make up. Goodnight Tumblr!
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lesboslibra · 7 months
Hmm interesting chat with the bestie today
Her new love interest/casual partner/potential gf apparently chewed her out for not doing more to help me around the house, particularly dishes (love interest was specifically annoyed she cooked n cleaned up after last night; bestie was doing an art job during that or I think she had finished it already idr) anyways
This is a weird, delicate topic bc while bestie DOES clean n help around house, she tends to procrastinate more than I would like. She deep cleaned the kitchen and cleaned the living room before friends stayed over, but she tends to not really do much cleaning while friends are staying, which looks n feels bad when the guests are helping clean more than she is while they're here. Idk I've tried talking with her about it before n she wasn't super receptive to my ideas or I put, but when love interest talks to her she's down with the same ideas I had. Also I feel like I don't clean enough even tho I'm working an exhausting job, but since the kitchen is in so much better shape I feel like I can actually keep up with dishes again (I try to wash what I use when I'm done with it) Anyways the POINT
I think bestie tends to hear criticism better from people that are not me? I try to be very delicate and conscientious of my words when I bring up shit that bothers me to her, but apparently when other people chew her out it makes her actually think about what she's doing, even tho it hurts her feelings a lot in the process? Idk maybe just. Some ideas or concepts are better heard from people who aren't me. Or it's harder for her to feel like she's doing enough of "her share" if people other than me are pointing out she doesn't seem to be doing enough. Idk I think being around people who are cleaning up more regularly helps, and if we can keep the momentum going things will be fine
It's also v frustrating when I tell her "hey I've talked about this before" and she says no instead.of I don't remember or I changed my.mind lol. Or she'll take me pointing out/empathizing with someone's point when she had an argument with love interest as "taking her side" like bestie NO I'm trying to HELP YOU SEE WHAT SHE WAS SAYING but I do need to remember my primary goal is hearing bestie out and being a confidant. Ahhhhhhh lol life is a weird balance
Also v weird to hear others validate that I do a lot? And it's understandable that I'm tired AF all the time n stressed out
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soonfinally · 1 year
Soooo I had a dream about your Instagram last night and just a bunch of stuff reminding me of you lately so I had this feeling that I would check it out and sure enough your profile was not on Private anymore and you posted pictures with her and she literally commented ily so I guess you are capable of love , I was just not worth it which I knew already but it sucks to have it confirmed and I'm over you , I really am but for some reason you are stuck in my mind and I just can't believe that it's you like this is you
You look beautiful as always and you look happy and the puppies look great and you finally got your tattoo and I'm happy for you , I really am
You went to Harry styles,with her , which was something we talked about and the song that we played together is the song you sang with her but that's okay
I'm writing this but you'll never see it ,you don't even remember that I ever existed and that's completely valid , i just wish I could forget about you too
Anyway I have a dissertation to write and my gf is waiting for me but seeing you tonight made my heart ache but I'm glad that I can see that you're are okay and happy and in the end that's all I've ever wanted for you
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