#anyway i'll try to get back my access it's just gonna take a while
poetka · 11 months
Genuinely not sure if it is the impending adult birthday or my period or starting a new job and I suppose permanently moving out of my country or a combination of these things but I'm just feeling so weird like kinda manic? right now and thinking about it just makes it worse because like I know there's something wrong with me but I'm not diagnosed or anything so I can't just blame it on a condition
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
"You could have warned me!" With Harvey? 💛
Finally trying my hand at writing the doc <3
"There are monsters in the volcano that spit fire??? You could have warned me! Had I know you were going to venture there I-!"
"Harvey, honey, it wasn't that bad-"
"Then what's this second degree burn I am treating, hm?" The doctor simply gave you a semi-scolding look as he bandaged your bicep. You got a nasty burn from a mischievous Lava Lurker who caught you by surprise while exploring the volcano dungeon on Ginger Island.
You thought you deflected all of the beast's fireballs, but alas one managed to slip by your defenses and nearly scorch your skin off.
At the time it didn't hurt, although of course when your boyfriend asked if you were okay after leaving the dungeon....it began hurting like a bitch, and he had you rushed back to town to get it fully examined.
It made you feel a little bad, knowing Harvey just wanted to spend a relaxing day at the resort--even though you had to remind him that his worry over people stepping on glass or not applying sunscreen defeated the whole purpose of his "vacation."
You helped ground him, but at the same time became the reason he was gonna get a few extra grey hairs pretty soon. He learned you went to the volcano and found not only Slimes...but more monsters like flying fireballs, living mushrooms, and other creepy creatures.
He doesn't know how you could face any of them. He surely couldn't and wouldn't.
This was the first time you've come to his clinic with burns this severe.
"First the mines, then the skull caverns..and now this?" Harvey shuddered, overlooking your other injuries with profound worry. "And here I was..worried that you'd be coming out with heatstroke. What's in that volcano anyways?"
"A forge to enchant my weapons." You answered, gesturing to your weapon propped against the wall. "The dwarf living there told me all about it. I had to get past all ten floors to access the gate, slay some magma creatures for the guild, use my watering can to make bridges across the lava...oh, and I found a dragon tooth made of iridium among...."
"Harvey, I know that look..." Sighing, you brushed a hand over the bandages he placed on you, before gazing back at him. "I promise I don't let monsters go after me on purpose."
"[Y/n]. I just...I want you to be safe out there." He wringed his hands together, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. "All these injuries will add up...and they will take a toll on your body. And if it happens when you're in a bad place where I can't help you, then I...I-I just....I don't know what I'll-"
You rested a hand on his knee, causing your poor boyfriend to jolt out of his ramblings in fright, seeing his wide-eyed stare and hints of tears gathering behind his glasses.
It made you feel all the more guilty for stressing him out this much. You honestly don't mean to.
"I know my limits better now thanks to you, and I always pack life elixirs before going into any monster-infested cave." You gave him a reassuring smile, taking his hands into yours. "I won't let anything bad happen to me, okay?"
"...okay, as long as you're keeping your word, I..I trust you." Harvey shakily returned the smile, his ahoulders relaxing. He was glad you were taking his advice.
Of course, he couldn't convince you to abandon spelunking and monster hunting altogether. He'd feel terrible for even suggesting that when it's been such a strong passion of yours since moving into the valley.
He only hopes that whatever you do in that scary dungeon, you carry it out with extreme caution.
Yoba only knows how devastated he'd be if you winded up in the emergency room again..in worse shape than last time.
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eggyboyoart · 1 year
I was gonna post a vid on tiktok bc I have more followers there but i'll post it here because-
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When I die, I wanna be reincarnated into Redacted Tumblr as a beautiful Lasko/Gavin spicy fic-
Anyway, I drew the D.A.M.N. boys + Imperium AU :D Please look at them, its late and I'm tired.
I also have a speedpaint of them on my yt (eggyboyoart) so if you wanted to look at that as well, I would be rlly happy :))
(TW: Spoilers for Imperium AU)
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I wanted Lasko to look super light and soft and cloud-like while also being kind of elegant?? He looks so poofy :D
I hc that he takes rlly RLLY great care of his hair, like- mans has a 23 step routine to keep it untangled and soft :))
The hair routine also helps him relax and de-stress after a long day
I also headcanon that he wears a lot of light, soft sweaters with a button up underneath for that academic soft boy look
In the Imperium AU, he got the scar across his eye from a wayward daemon who tried to attack him in the D.A.M.N. daemon haven.
He wears his hair tied back into a low pony tail to seem more 'professional', bc my mans is the ACADEMY PRESIDENT :D
Imp! Lasko wears a black suit with a white button up and either a red or light blue tie (gotta keep it professional when you're tormenting daemons and chasing after uninterested freelancers :|)
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IDK why but whenever I imagine Damien (original timeline), its always with rlly short hair
idk I feel like if he had long hair, it would make him too warm around his neck and that'd make him uncomfortable and grumpy (well, more grumpy than he usually is anyway)
gotta keep the neck open for air flow (and easy access-)
I think he wears a lot of sleeveless clothes (tank tops, sleeveless hoodies, etc and shorts bc of the heat
Damien is a chronic khaki shorts wearer, I'M SORRY-
Imp! Damien is royalty so obvs gotta keep it professional
I feel like he would have other priorities than cutting his hair so it mostly just gets slicked back out of his face
The scar on his neck is from a failed assassination attempt (our boy damien stays livin', unlike Angel-)
I feel like he still wears sleeveless shirts but also wears a fur cape (like, one of those white ones with the black spots with the red velvet) which seems counter intuitive.
I am relieved to say that Imp! Damien doesn't wear khaki shorts :D silver linings, guys-
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I wanna start this off my saying, Imp! Huxley might be one of my favourite characters
Hes just, such a piece of shit and I don't want to change him, I want him to stay exactly how he is, thats the POINT-
Freelancer bought him neon jewellery for his lip piercings and he screamed when he got them
also a sweater wearer like lasko but he likes his sweaters to be oversized, but because hes just big, his sweaters are like blankets for regular sized ppl
he has his hair kinda long-ish bc freelancer enjoys playing with it and he likes making his friends happy so he keeps it kinda long just for them-
Imp! Huxley is a piece of shit and we love him for that
He doesn't have friends so his hair is shorter
He probably wears tactical gear/uniform bc he is an enforcer, but its all like a dark green which looks rlly good on him
no neon piercings for Imp! Hux as much as I hate to say it
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He knows clothes like he knows freelancer's body- IN AND OUT. Hes got that shit LOCKED DOWN
Freelancer gave him the heart glasses as a gift
Gavin never saw the appeal of piercings until freelancer said they would look hot on him, REALLY enjoys all the different types of jewellery
Probably wears patterned button up shirts (with as many buttons undone as possible) with skin tight jean/leather pants
Imp! Gavin dresses like hes homeless, theres no time for fashion when you're trying to survive in an dystopian magic world where everyone hates you :P
I hc that when a Daemon gets low in energy/emotions, they can't keep their 'glamour/human form' up so they forcibly have to take on their more daemonic traits (horns, coloured eyes, markings, tails, claws, etc)
and bc of the shit hole that the Imperium AU world is... :|
I also hc that only sex and sadism daemons have coloured sclera
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bryce-bucher · 2 years
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Basidia Post #4
Vintage CGI:
Modus Interactive and I have been spending the last week or so learning how to use Alias Power Animator 9 which is essentially an old version of maya. It was used on sgi workstations back in the day on games like ff7 and mario64 for all the pre-rendered stuff. For a long time Modus and I have been pretty invested in learning how to replicate the look of old pre-rendered stuff, and, as it turns out, the best way was just to do it how they did it. For so long I tried to wrap my head around how old cgi stuff was modeled because the sorts of shapes that were often created seemed like they'd be unnecessarily hard to create with polygons. The thing that specifically stumped me for a while was how they handled wrinkles in clothing and organic shapes. As it turns out, the answer was hidden right under my nose the whole time. They weren't using polygons at all! Instead they were modeling with NURBS! It seems very obvious in hindsight, but I feel like I deleted the memory of NURBS once I exited highschool, and nobody ever seems to talk about or use them these days. If you don't know what they are, it's basically a style of modeling that involves making a bunch of bezier curves and using them to define surfaces. It's a totally different style of modeling from polygons with a lot of pros and cons, but it achieves that smooth look we're after extremely well.
Scout Rifle Render:
As shown in the pics above, I decided to make a model of the scout rifle in Basidia so that we could use it for an item icon. The process was definitely a learning experience, and one of the things I learned is that modeling like this is super fun. It's like creating each shape is a puzzle where you need to theorize what is the best approach to take, and following through is always a multi-step process of defining a surface and slicing it up. I find it super satisfying to pull off, and making slapping materials on it is always fun as well. Moving forward we are probably gonna use this program and/or older versions of maya to create any pre-rendered item icons or backgrounds that we'll be needing. Modus actually made new versions of the vials in it as well which I will put right here \/
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Wow there it is would u look at that. Power Animator just has an amazing way of outputting some unique, rich colors that are hard to get in modern software. I mean, just look at that cork. How do you make a cork have such interesting colors? Amazing. Fuck it, I'm gonna show off a little guy I made in power animator that has nothing to do with Basidia. I've been hyperfixating on this program since I downloaded it so I owe this to myself.
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Here he is! Power animator has this amazing glow effect you can put on any shader that adds this bloom as a post processing layer. I used it on the head in this one, and I think it achieves a particular dreamlike effect really well. The sorts of shapes I can get for cloth out of NURBS is also super fun and rewarding, as shown with the cape here. Character modeling is something I'm always really excited about, and I'll definitely be modeling some Basidia characters in this thing.
I am loving this program and I cannot stop thinking about it. Anyway, I have some commissions to take care of before switching back to midwest lost development, so I may or may not be posting about that game next week. I'm trying to buy an old sgi workstation with the commission money, and, if I can pull that off, then I will have access to all the old software they used back then (including the IRIX version of poweranimator). If you want to check out power animator yourself then here is a link to the program, and here is a helpful tutorial. Oke bye take care!
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sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
Hi! Kind of random, but I'm having trouble picturing something in one of your fics. I have read this fic multiple times (it's sooo good) and I cannot wrap my brain around it, either bc I'm a loser virgin or bc I'm an idiot 😭
It's in "Easy Money" where you say "He forces me to my side, turning me onto my stomach and hiking my ankles onto his shoulders." I feel like such a cringefail loser not being able to picture that LMAO
im also a little lost on the part where you say "[...] I throw my leg onto the back on the couch, giving him better access to fuck me."
If you're not able to explain it further that's totally fine lol. I'll just visualize it differently whenever I go back to read it. Either way, love your writing!
OKAY class, let's do some ~visualization ~ for 'Easy Money.'
Okay, so position number one:
So you're straddling Derek's lap, right? Now what he's gonna do is place his hands on your waist and he's gonna reposition (read: borderline body slam) you from straddling his lap to now laying flat on your side on the couch very quickly, basically like some wrestling shit. Motherfucker is manhandling. This is not gentle. Go from sitting, to side laying, like THAT. Now he's gonna turn you from laying on your side to laying flat on your stomach, (again, manhandling <3) so basically now you're in doggy style but you're laying down instead of on your knees. Now this is already fun and dandy, but what you're gonna imagine is Derek now grabbing your ankles and yanking them fuckers up, placing them on top of his phat ass shoulders while he fucks you from behind. So. Basically, your body is now contorted like a wheelbarrow. Kinda. Which may sound strange, but I promise you, you gotta try it some time. You'll go braindead.
Position number two! (Technically one since it happens in the story first, but-) :
So what that one is is you've got two people, Person A (Derek) sitting on the couch, dong out and actively penetrating Person B (you, pookie <3). Again, awesome, wow. But if you like some deep, gut fucking, uterus migraine inducing, you're questioning if you have to take a shit or if something has ruptured type jackhammering dick downing going on in your pooni, what you're now gonna do is while still straddling Derek, you're gonna take one of your legs and reposition it so that the foot of that leg is now resting of the backrest of the couch, spread eagle basically. So just a recap. You're bouncing on your knees, you move one leg (stay on one knee) to plant on the back of the couch, so you're basically keeping the shop open while he is just DOGGIN your shit, it's gonna HURT when you get off that climax high. But if he knows what he's doing, it's worth it! (Get ibuprofen on hand before you try this.)
Anyways, I hope this helped! And incase you're now sitting here, the positions clarified, thinking "Jesus Dani, who would willingly do this?"
Don't look surprised, I wrote the fucken donut fic. I have done so much worse sex wise. Just get a good partner and you're golden 🤌
Thanks for asking!! See y'all next time on America's favorite gameshow "Jesus Christ, Dani, what the fuck" the show where you degenerates keep cumming back! 💗
Visual reference for those who need it :)
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pedropascallme · 7 months
Damien- 4, 31, 35, 38 🔥🔥
He kept staring at you from across the room. You could read Damien like a book, and you knew what this look meant.
He was undressing you, maybe subconsciously; his eyes trailed over your figure and then up to meet your gaze. Even with the distance between you, you could see that his bright eyes were darker than usual.
You pulled out your phone, still nodding along to the story Amanda was telling you and Shayne, and sent Damien a concise message:
💬Quit eye-fucking me and just actually fuck me.
You watched him take his phone from his pocket when he heard the message come in, eyes immediately darting back up to you and smirking.
It was probably time to be getting home anyway. As much as you loved hanging out with everybody, you liked the one-on-one time you got with Damien just a bit more.
When you got to the car, Damien's hand rested on your thigh, and though he usually prided himself in being an incredibly safe driver, he couldn't help but find himself distracted. His hands inched further up your leg, surpassing the hem of your skirt and reaching between your legs. He groaned.
"No underwear?" He side-eyed you from the drivers seat.
"Remember when I went to the bathroom before we left?" You smiled, reaching into your bag and grabbing the cotton panties you had worn that day, "I wasn't using the bathroom." You dropped them in his lap.
"Trying to tell me something?" He laughed.
"Shut up and get us home." You rolled your eyes, grabbing at his arm, his hand still perched dangerously close to your entrance.
"Don't have to be home to make you cum," he stopped at a red light, turning to you and pushing your skirt further out of the way from your naked cunt.
"Damien!" Your eyes went wide, shocked at what he was implying. "You think?" You quickly went from surprised to aroused.
"Unless you wanna wait..." He turned his attention back to the road.
"Just want you inside me." You whined, both hands on his wrist, guiding his fingers to your clit.
"Don't have to be inside you to make you cum, either." He growled, fingertips brushing your slick-coated entrance before flicking upwards against your clit. You whimpered, dropping down in your seat slightly to give him better access to you. "How about you cum like this, and then when we're home I'll give you whatever you want."
"Please--yes, please," you keened at his words, hips grinding gently against the fingers he had on your clit.
"Gotta watch the road, baby," he teased when you tried to get his attention, desperate to have his eyes on you while you rolled your hips into him, clit brushing against the pad of his finger. "Keep fucking yourself on my fingers like that, don't fucking stop. Gonna give you such a nice reward when we get home."
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doubleedgemode · 3 months
that post u made about A.B.A regarding her classic GG quotes is so interesting I had no idea she said that! I haven’t played the earlier games, would u happen to have screenshots of where she says that or where I might be able to see some of her classic/unused quotes ? I just like having that stuff on hand lol. Thank you!
Thanks to you, anon, for making me revisit the screenshots, and sure thing! I'm gonna link the page, keep in mind it's super meaty and covers a lot of characters so ctrl F search will be your best friend to find specific character/quotes :)
I found them in this big quote compilation in guiltygear.ru, click the sentence to go there. (Kudos to @/solradguy's big gg neo.cities archival efforts making me find the page)... BUT before anything, important DISCLAIMERS❗:
1. Some of the quotes in general can get kind of explicit or with double entendres so uh keep that in mind.
2. Something I just learnt after going to find you the translations, it's to keep in mind their author: See, this is better explained in the aforementioned ne.ocities archival, but a lot of the site's translations were made by someone who, without going too much into detail, is... a controversial member of the community, who is known for putting a good bunch of misconceptions and mistakes into their translations. (Also they have, in my opinion, unsavory and even problematic takes about the franchise. Don't try to argue with them, just block, per proper net etiquette) I don't know japanese so I don't know if this quote index suffers from that so in the end, we'll have to take all this quote info with a huge grain of salt.
Keeping all this in mind, this is already probably a wordier answer than you expected BUT since we are at it, I'll ramble about some A.B.A quotes (in no order) that I found interesting about the topic under the cut, if you want to read that.
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First and third quotes in this picture are pretty self explanatory about this part of her character. The vs Faust intro... Man, that looks straight out of her strive song. Dunno if they pulled inspiration from that, but it seems even in the classic days they had a pretty clear idea of part of A.B.A's story being existing and thriving in her own unique way.. Which makes me kind of emotional for some reason ;_;
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These were NOT unused as far as I can tell, but obviously do correct me if wrong!
I find it fascinating how much of clear glimpses these are are into her law obsession (more on that specific one later) and believing herself to be a high class person and looking above "lower classes" shoulders.
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Some of these aren't exclusively about the aforementioned topics but they mention her cooking god knows what creatures (like in that one infamous xxac ending) and just.. being a scared, pathetic individual at heart. Sigh.
There are probably more examples of all this but this post needs to end sometime today.😭 So, returning to her law thing being an obsession in capital letters, look at her ingame overdrives:
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But before that, the elephant in the room: People's observations of her instakill looking pretty taxing to her to perform and even making a berserk Paracelsus look like even he thinks this goes too far are not far from the truth. "I might not recover this time... Dying!!!" What else can I say, that's just sad.. and very interesting lorewise about the toll of this kind of summonings. Yeah, people noticed that in strive, she can summon the same exact door as in her insta with no struggle (or at least not the same level for sure) indicates her power or skill have improved which is so so fascinating.. Anyways. Back to the law thing. We've always had a huge sign under our noses: Her saying Evidence in her overdrives. While sure it can be evidence in a more general meaning, like proving facts or something, it does call to LEGAL evidence, too
...Maybe that was super obvious for everybodh but I'm afraid to admit I didn't connect the dots til now haha 😅
I cannot access my xxacp copy right now to see if her saying shouko during her overdrives is correct, but were we to take this as truth and also trust a japanese language study site as solid because. Again I have zero knowledge of japanese... According to Nihongoclassroom..
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It can be used in a legal setting.
And with this we can neatly wrap this up... Tdlr I guess she's living up to her creator being a mansion owner (which isn't precisely cheap) and it gets so interesting and double edged (HAH) if you believe her classic games was as self aware while doing this and fooling herself as strive A.B.A is.
AND she has or had a HUGE interest in law (and if u allow me to reach mayyybe morality too?). While probably not as core to her as her key thing, she sure has told the audience almost as much as it.
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biitchcakes · 3 months
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Hello hello !! I know it's been over a month since my last post on here anyway, but I figure it's time to officially make a HIATUS post. Even though I've not been on the computer in the last few weeks ( lurking here and there on mobile ), I know I'll definitely be without access to it from 14 July ⸺ 14 September !! ( and perhaps even into October, will update if so ! )
I'll still be popping in on the app from time to time, I'm not completely getting off the site, but writing here will definitely have to take a backseat ⸺ even more so than it already has, unfortunately. My goal once I'm back from this hiatus is to get back to writing, I do miss you guys and writing Jess so much 😭 I've just not had the time for tumblr lately.
To keep the blog active, over the next couple of days, I'm gonna try to queue up some posts for the next few weeks. See what else I can manage too while I'm at it, but I'm taking a trip ! (🥳) So I know the next few days are gonna be pretty busy with preparations and what not.
Hope to see you on the other side 🫡🖖💖
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austinsgirl · 2 years
babysitting | austin butler one shot
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pairing: austin x fem!reader
rating: g, fluff
word count: 623
summary: you & austin are babysitting for your friend ashley tisdale. while you’re babysitting, you have a little surprise for austin.
warnings: talk of pregnancy
cross posted on wattpad
You & your husband, Austin, are over at your friend, Ashley Tisdale's house, to spend the weekend there watching over baby Jupiter as Ashley & her husband, Chris, go away on a little anniversary trip.
"Bye, baby girl! Momma loves you!" Ashley says to Jupiter as you hold her. "Thank you guys again. We really appreciate it."
"It's no problem! Anytime." you say to her.
"I gave you the rundown right? Of everything?"
"Yes, & you left instructions for things. We'll be good."
"Okay. I guess we'll see you Sunday night when we get back."
"Alright, you two have fun."
"Thank you!"
And with that, Ashley & Chris headed it for their romantic weekend getaway.
"What's that smell?" Austin asks.
"Um, seems like miss Jupiter went number two. Wanna change her?"
"Not especially."
"Have you ever changed a diaper?"
"Uhhh, I don't think so."
"Well, it's time for you to learn! I mean, you'll have to learn eventually anyways."
"Very true." he smiles at me, knowing of our future plans to have our own family someday. "You've done it before?"
"Yeah, plenty of times. I used to babysit a lot as a teen."
"Alright, so how is this done?"
"Okay, so. You start by laying her down somewhere. Usually on a changing table, sometimes I'll do it on the floor or on a couch. Some parents, like Ashley & Chris, have a little set up in the kitchen on a part of their counter for easy access. So, we'll lay her down here, and then take off her bottoms. If she was in a onesie, then we'd have to take the whole thing off."
"That sounds like a pain in the ass."
"Yeah, it can be." you giggle. "So, once her bottoms are off, we undo the little tabs on the sides of the diaper, then pull the front down."
"Okay, then what?" Austin asks, waving his hand, trying to get rid of the smell.
"Lift up the legs, wipe her down, put the wipe in the diaper, wrap that up, and toss it. Then you'll open up a clean one, lift her legs back up, put the clean one underneath, then bring the front of it up and secure tabs."
"And that's it?"
"Yep, that's it! Then of course, you put her bottoms back on."
You picked Jupiter up and gave her kisses on the cheek. Austin smiles at the sight.
"You know, you're gonna be a great mom someday." he says to you.
"You really think so?"
"Yeah. The way you are with babies, and just kids in general, you're already so nurturing & motherly."
"Thank you, baby. I can't wait to have our own someday."
"I can't wait either. Why don't we try and make one later?"
"As much as that sounds like fun, um, baby I have something to tell you."
"What if I told you I'm already pregnant?"
"W-Wait, are you?!"
You giggle at his excitement, "Yeah, I am."
"Oh my god, baby! This is great! I'm so excited. How far along are you?"
"Just a few weeks. Just been waiting for the right time to tell you."
"I cant believe we're going to start our own little family." he says, looking into your eyes, very lovingly.
"I can't believe it either."
Austin goes in for a kiss, so you get on your tippy toes to reach.
"I love you so much, y/n."
"I love you too, more than anything."
You both went into the living room & played with Jupiter until it was her nap time.
Of course, you had a to snap a picture of Austin playing with her & send it to Ashley, with a text that read, "Jup loves her Uncle Austin ❤️"
Ashley texted back with, "Awww 🥹 my heart ❤️"
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It's My Turn to Take Care of You
MINORS PLEASE DNI!!!! Pairing: Arthur Morgan x m!reader | NSFW
CW: Swearing, sexual intercourse
Contains: smut, handjob/blowjob (Arthur receiving) , anal sex (Arthur receiving), anal fingering (Arthur receiving), dirty talk, fucked to sleep
Word Count: ~ 3,204
Summary: After a long day, Arthur comes home exhausted and horny. Y/n wants to take the initiative and finally be the one to fuck him.
Alrighty, gang, it's sexy time! I have been working on this for a while because I wanna get it just right. I'm not an expert on writing sex, but I really wanted to try. Anyway, enjoy the story!
The day was going by as any other, which meant it was dragging on for what seemed like forever. You sigh to yourself as you bend down to lift up another bucket, once again filling it with water and sending it off to Pearson for the sixth time today. It was starting to become repetitive, and all you really wanted to do was relax in your tent; but doesn't everyone else.
You fill the bucket with water by the pump, your arms sore from continuously doing this. You puff and wipe your brow before picking up the bucket and carrying it back to the butcher's table, setting it down there.
Pearson turned around to you at the sound of the bucket being placed. He gave you a short smile before he spoke,
"Alright, you've helped enough. Go relax."
A wave of relief goes over you, and you flash him a quick smile before going on with your day. With Arthur gone, doing whatever task someone else asked him to do, there's only a little for you to do around camp besides just sit around. By this time of day, most everyone is doing their own tasks, so you decided to help one of them.
Running your gaze through the camp, you see John over by the wagon, struggling to get the wheel back on. Knowing how much of a pain it is to put a wheel back on by yourself, you head over, ready to offer your help.
"Let me help you there, Marston."
John struggles to keep the wheel up in the right place while he hammers it back in. He grunts and lets the wheel fall on the ground before he turns to you.
"Yeah, just...hold this wheel up and I'll hammer it."
A slight nod is all you give before bending down and lifting the wheel up. You make a small grunt as you push it up and against the wagon and line it up with the base. You move your body out of the way so John can access the desired hammering location, and he starts away.
It takes a few hits before he stops and wipes the sweat off his brow. You remove your body from the wagon, and it shifts a little at the loss of your support. Against your and John's best efforts, the wheel doesn't look right, looking loose and bound to fall off if ever used again.
"It's gonna fall off again, but as long as I ain't the one who broke it, it ain't my problem...Thanks for your help, Y/n."
"Really no problem. I'm all for a half-assed repair job."
John scoffs at you with a small smile stretching his lips, before he walks away, probably back to his wife, or to drink by the campfire.
By sunset, you were beginning to wonder just what was taking Arthur so long? What kind of job was he off doing that he had to be gone all day and night? It's not something that bothered you because you wanted him all to yourself, even though you most certainly do. It was bothering you because you wanted him to be back and safe. It's unusual for him to be gone from camp for so long, and the day has never gone by slower.
You sit by the campfire, whiskey in hand, listening to Javier play his guitar when the sound of fast hooves is heard clamping with the ground. Arthur is back. You put your bottle down and excused yourself from the fire, trying to make it look like you weren't rushing over to Arthur.
Arthur gets off Meadow, and when he turns around, you're right there. And god, does he look exhausted. Even in the dark, you can see the paleness covering his skin like a white sheet, he has bags under his eyes, dark and enormous, looking as though he hasn't slept for days, and if you didn't know better, you would have believed he hadn't. He doesn't even flash you a smile when he sees you, probably too tired to do so.
You knit your brows in concern and put your wrist to his forehead, checking to see if he had a fever. When he didn't, you pulled your arm away.
"How are you doing?"
You quietly ask him. His face doesn't change. You know the question was a pretty stupid one. You just had to hear him respond with words.
"I'm fine, jus' a lil tired s'all."
Your concerned face goes flat, not believing a single word he just said. Crossing your arms, you look at him unamused, hoping it will guilt him into telling the truth.
"C'mon Y/n, really, m'fine. Can we jus'...go in the tent?"
With a heavy sigh, you comply and make your way over to your tent, Arthur following in suit. You step into the tent and turn around, ready to talk to Arthur about how he truly is, but before you can get a word out, Arthur holds you close to himself and kisses you.
He's sloppy with it, unlike he usually is, most likely because he's exhausted. Quite wet noises arise from the kiss, his tongue licking around your mouth. He sloppily bites your lip, stretching it out before letting it go. You can feel the teeth marks forming on your lips. You both groan, and you put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him back to get some air.
The both of you are gasping, and you wipe some spit trickling down your chin. Arthur takes a deep breath and brings you close again, his mouth right next to your ear before speaking.
"I've been thinkin' 'bout you al' day, boy. Even when I was s'pposed to be workin' hard, helpin' folk...Al' I could think 'bout was puttin' you on that bed and takin' you."
Though his confession made your pants tighten, that's not really what you wanted for tonight. Arthur is exhausted and needs to be taken care of, which you will do without hesitation. You bring your lips to his ear, nibbling on it a little.
"Why don't I do that to you?"
Arthur lets out a short grunt at your offer, his pants were already tight, but now you can feel his cock touch your leg. You smirk to yourself as you slide your right hand off of his shoulder, down his chest, and stop at the bulge. You massage it a bit, teasing him. Arthur sucks in his breath, his eyes halved-lidded.
You remove your hand, Arthur's dismay, and pull your head back, smirking at him.
"Go sit on the bed."
Arthur takes no time to question and immediately plops himself onto the cot. You put yourself on your knees and take off his shoes. You then stand up and push Arthur's chest, making him fall on his back. Arthur takes a hitched deep breath as he shuffles around, trying to get comfortable.
You get on top of him and kiss him again. Arthur has never been on the bottom before in your relationship, and by the way he tensed when you rub your hand on his arm, you can tell that he's never ever been on the bottom.
Arthur reaches his hand up to the back of your head, gripping your hair as you let your tongue run around his own. You pull away from your little make-out sesh, making Arthur whimper, his torso lifting up so he can kiss you again. You crane your neck back more and push him down back on the cot by his chest. Arthur falls back with a, pathetic whine. You look him in the eyes, brushing some hair out of his face.
"Are you okay with this? With...me being on top?"
"Well. I didn't say no, did I?"
"You also didn't say yes. If you want me, then tell me. If you don't, that's okay too."
Arthur takes a minute to think, looking away from you, his cheeks nice and flushed. His eyes make their way right back into yours. He takes a deep breath, then he talks.
"Y/n...I wan' ya. I wan' ya to fuck me so hard that I won' be able to walk t'morrow. Please, I need ya."
Your brows raise at Arthur's begging. All you really wanted was a simple yes or no, but that...that was way better. You almost came in your pants right then and there. You smile at this, and rub a thumb on his stubbled jaw, you hand on his cheek.
"Ohh, Arthur...what a good boy you are. I didn't even have to ask you to beg...You deserve a reward."
Arthur shivered at the dominance in your voice, not used to having such power on top of him. You lower your face back down to his and start making out again. Arthur let out a small groan into your mouth from the roughness of it.
You rub your hands against Arthur's clothed chest before reaching down to the buttons, doing them one by one, playing with the hair that gets exposed after each one. Once the buttons were all unbuttoned, you put your hands back on his chest, rubbing it around letting his chest hair run though your fingers.
You bring your fingers up to his left peck and brush them over his nipple, one by one. Arthur moaned in your mouth, his back arching slightly at the sensitivity. While one of your hands is teasing his nipples, you bring your other one down his stomach, right to his pants, where you palm him.
Arthur jolts a little and moans at the touch, grinding in your hand the best he can. You move your mouth away from his and down to his neck, suckling and biting on his skin.
"Y'know for-ahh-being on the bottom...you sure know what your doing."
You smirk at him against his skin before removing your hands and lips from his body. Arthur whines and bucks his hips, hoping to hit some friction, but it's no use.
"I've learned from the best."
You crawl down to his knees, resting your own between his legs, and reach over to unbutton his pants. Arthur looks at you eagerly as you slowly unzip his jeans. You hook your fingers around the waist of his pants and underwear and slowly drag them down. Arthur moans as the fabric brushes against his aching cock.
As you pull them down, Arthur lifts his hips, so you have no struggle taking them off, throwing them on the ground when they finally slide off his feet. You take a moment to admire Arthur before anything else.
Bright red in the face, panting, unbuttoned shirt barely hanging of his shoulders, no pants, and a nice thick, red, cock standing proud in front of you face, precum just beading at the tip. You smile at the mess you made of him before you continue to please him.
You take your hand and bring it right up to Arthur's cock, teasing the motion of grasping it. You flick your eyes back to Arthur and see him looking right at your hand, breathing heavily, eyes wide with anticipation. Although you would love to tease him like this for hours, you told him you would give him a reward.
You grab the base of his cock, squeezing it a little. Arthur rested his head back down and the bed and moaned a bit louder than you had expected. You let out a small chuckle at his reaction before you slowly start to move your hand up and down his entire length.
Arthur's moans seem to never cease, and you continue to pleaser his most sensitive spot. You bring your thumb up to his tip, which is now pooling with precum, and rub it around. Arthur whines at this, but you continue, using it as lubricant to slick up his cock.
You continue rubbing him up and down until Arthur starts to buck his hips into your hand, setting his own pace. You know he's close to cuming so you take your hand away. Before Arthur can even make a noise of protest, you lower your head and lick his tip with your tongue. Arthur's moans become louder as you work your tongue around his cock, putting it entirely in your mouth.
You have sucked Arthur's cock a multitude of times, and you know exactly what gets him off the fastest, yet you've never seen him react like this. His back arches with pleasure making his tip tickle the back of your throat, you gag at this but keep your composure. Arthur's hands find their way into your hair, tugging at it something fierce.
"Uhg-Boy...I-I gonna-ooh yeah-cum soon..."
You don't cease even at Arthur's warnings and, if anything, you go even faster, bobbing your head up and down as fast as you can.
"Goddamn, boy...ahh-don't stop!"
You hear Arthur hiss and moan out, his cock twitches and his hips rise off the bed, hot liquid shoots through your mouth. Arthur rolls his hips into your face as you swallow all of his cum. You continue to lick his cock through his orgasm until he whimpers over the sensitivity.
You pull your head away and sit upright again, licking your lips as you look at Arthur, who still seems to be enjoying himself and looks even more tired than before. You must admit the wet spot on the front of your pants, enjoying pleasuring Arthur a little too much. You bend over and reach for his face, rubbing his cheek while smiling.
"Are you ready for me, darling?"
Arthur looks alive again and nods quickly. You giggle at his excitement and start unbuttoning and unzipping your pants. You shuffle them off your thighs and struggle a bit when taking them entirely off, letting out a sigh of relief as your hard cock springs free.
"Alright, now take your thighs and spread your legs for me, while I go grab something."
You remove yourself from the bed and walk over to the wooden chair in the corner of your tent. There, your bag rests, and inside it is a bottle of oil, a perfect lube to use. You turn around and see that Arthur has done precisely what you've said.
Arthur rests, knees bent in the air, with his hands clutching the back of his thighs and his legs spread apart, his cock standing tall once again between his legs.
You go back over to the bed, sitting in your previous position, and open the oil bottle, putting some on your index finger. You take your finger and rub the oil around the rim of his hole. You look up at him to make sure he's alright so far. He looks straight at you, lust in his eyes, as he lets his mouth hang open, a small, quiet moan coming from it.
You slowly push your finger in, rubbing it around the inside, feeling the wrinkles of his hole. Arthur grunts and you see him grip his thighs a little tighter, his skin bending in on itself at the pressure.
After letting him get used to just one finger, you push your middle finger in. At this, Arthur moans and pushes his hips into your fingers, wanting more. You move your fingers around in a circle, moving them in a scissoring motion, feeling every part of him, until Arthur is begging for more, his cock twitching now and again.
"Ahh yes! Please, boy...I-I need you inside 'f me."
Your own cock twitches at his begging, and you decide to just give him what he wants right away. You slowly pull your fingers out, leaving Arthur to whine, and you line your hips up with his own, resting your hands on his hip bones.
"This will only hurt for a moment."
You look right into his eyes as you slowly push yourself into him, moaning at the heat and tightness that wraps around your cock. You stop once you are a little more than your head in and just sit there, letting Arthur groan in pain and pleasure for a moment.
Arthur bucks his hips into yours, pushing you deeper into him. You both moan at the feeling. He starts to rock back and forth fucking himself, and you take that as a sign that he is ready. You start moving your hips, taking your cock in and out of him, always going a bit deeper with each thrust. Arthur reaches up and grabs his hair, tugging it with a moan, eyes closed and mouth hung open. You go at a slow pace, but still enough to give him pleaser until he's begging for more.
"Could you please-mmm. Go a little faster, darlin'?"
Your fingers press harder into his hips as you pick up the speed, your hips crashing into his. Your own speed takes your breath away, barely being able to let out a moan. On the other hand, Arthur is moaning like there's no tomorrow, brows furrowed in focus.
You remove one of your hands from Arthur's hip and bring it back to his cock, aggressively stroking it up and down. Arthur arches his back a little at this and bites his lip, trying to keep his louder moans at bay.
"Yeah-hng-you like that?"
You huff at your speed and squeeze Arthur's cock in your hand, some precum beading at the slit. Arthur is completely lost in himself, eyes closed with his mouth hung open, winded, soft, moans, the only thing pushing themselves out of his throat.
Your head feels as though it's floating. As that oh-so-familiar burning feeling pools inside of your pelvis, pushing you to thrust harder. You pump Arthur's dick aggressively, trying to get him close along with you.
You're breath hitches in your throat as your cock spills out cum from the slit into Arthur's ass. You slow down your hips, but don't stop to ride out your high.
"Goddamn, kid!"
Arthur breathily moans out as cum spills on your hand and down his shaft. His arms fall you his side along with his legs, and his body comes to a full stop, slow breathing is all you hear from him.
You pant as you slide yourself out from inside Arthur and chuckle at him.
"Damn...Are you asleep?"
No response. You shake your head and groan as you move your stiff legs around Arthur and plop yourself down next to him. The work of the day and the sex seem to catch up to you as your body starts to hurt.
You put an arm around Arthur's chest and bring yourself close, kissing him on the nose before resting your head on the pillow and closing your eyes.
"Good night Arthur."
You quietly mumble before letting yourself fall asleep.
Arthur grumbled as yet another person from camp teased him as he limped his way to Pearson's stew. This time it was Sean, of course, which only pissed off Arthur even more.
After getting his stew, he sits right next to you, jolting with a hiss before being able to sit down. You look at him with a shit-eating grin, and he responds with an unimpressed grin.
"Just wait till tonight, boy."
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
Hello! I like your HB takes and art. They are really good.
To me, I just get mad at Stolitz for Stolas because of how he sexually coerces Blitzø. I mean I don’t condone Blitzø using him to get the book at first, but the fact from the rest of that point onwards that he has to do once a month sex in order to keep using it even though Stolas could have just taken the book back. I just have difficult time viewing their relationship as anything involving love given with how season one started. With how he demeans Blitzø.
If they wanted him to find happiness away from his wife and to heal, then I don’t mind that. It’s just that they don’t write it that way sometimes and it shows. I can’t tell if they want him to be happy or if they want to make him exploring how abused people can become abusive or toxic too, which can happen, but from fandoms I’ve been in most fans don’t like that because it negatively portrays abuse victims. That many prefer them to have happy endings. Even if this is an adult oriented show, I doubt most are interested in watching toxic characters not help themselves. If that’s the case, can’t he at least acknowledge what he did to Blitzø and figure himself out first? Can he finally sit down and calmly explain to his daughter that he was never really happy with Stella? Because anything is better than these two family members having to go through the same arc several times. It’s exhausting.
I hope you didn’t mind me asking. Have a good day/evening.
Alrighty, first off, I don't mind at all! Thank you!! I try my best!
And yes, while Blitzo is an ass for the things he pulls, even I'll admit that you can't really help but feel for the guy sometimes. One of the main reasons why some folks mainly feel for Blitzo and not Stolas is mainly because... well, pretty much all that I pointed out in my rant post about Stolas. Stolas had been taking advantage of him quite a lot, more so than Blitzo, and its a bit more complicated in his situation. Stolas knows Blitzo can't do anything without the book and he also knows that Blitzo doesn't even like him, so he uses that to his advantage. Since he liked that one-night stand with Blitzo so much, he agreed that he'll let Blitzo have the book in exchange for sex. Blitzo knows that the grimoire is the only access to the living world (as far as he is concerned anyway I guess. If he knows that a grimoire can pull that off, how does he NOT know that Asmodean crystals exist? The story would've changed entirely if he did. No need for a book and no need for sex each month. Done deal... or no deal.) and since he feels his business can't go on without the book and Stolas could take it back and secure any time he pleases, he decided to just roll with it and agree to this deal. So now Stolas pretty much got what he wanted; he made Blitzo do something he doesn't wanna do, making his job much harder for him. Not only is it hard for Blitzo, its hard for Stolas too since he's not even allowed to lend Blitzo the book. But who cares?! He gets laid and he finds it pleasurable. Is it really that worth it man.
Also, while we're on the topic of love, there's something I'm confused about. On Stolas's part, this deal was much easier to make, because he knew Blitzo didn't like him and didn't want to get involved with him romantically, let alone sexually. I mean, he must have given the obvious signs of disgust Blitzo displayed. Yet, several episodes later, the show makes it seem like Stolas was under the assumption Blitzo had always returned his feelings??? Not to mention one of the lyrics in his songs said "Was what we had all a lie?", which definitely implies as much. How is Stolas gonna act like Blitzo loved him all along??? Why else would he make a deal like this?? The only way he would is if he knew Blitzo doesn't like him, cuz he's making him do something he doesn't wanna do with him. It doesn't make any sense. If Stolas was under the impression that Blitzo loved him all along, he wouldn't have made that deal? So, which is it, Viv???
Yeah, with a show like this, most fans don't care for the build-up or the story. As long as Stolitz becomes a thing, that's the only happy ending that matters. Stolas could actually have a chance to take responsibility for his actions and acknowledge the sh*t he pulls, but screw that! Ms. Vivziepop is gonna continue to have us take pity and baby him as always, letting him continue to be a less-than-potential horny bag of feathers. Cuz she just loves to favor some of her characters over anyone else. And while that's not a problem, you can't just ignore other characters and you can't have your favorite character be toxic while acting like the victim who did nothing wrong! Like, to this day, Viv STILL won't even have Stolas acknowledge he's a selfish idiot and that he took advantage of Blitzo while seeing him as a walking dildo.
About Octavia, I do get what you're saying. I don't know why Stolas didn't just say what he said. I get that it's not easy for a parent to tell their child they never loved the other or they just stopped loving each other, but bro, Octavia is 17. She should be grown enough to understand something
"Via, you're mother and I weren't.... She hasn't been... I haven't been... I-... I don't know. I don't have the words."
Just say you and Stella were arranged to get married and didn't really love each other like that!!! Come one, man!! I honestly don't believe she needs to be explained anything anyway. How could she NOT know her parents didn't love each other! They always fight in front of her! She should've gotten the idea! We didn't even see her feel all the bad about the divorce!! Are you kidding me!!???
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jokertrap-ran · 23 days
(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Osborn’s Facetime Call: Date Rehabilitation  [约会复健] Translation
*Light and Night Masterlist | Osborn’s Personal Masterlist *Click “keep reading” to access video on website (works fine on mobile) *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Osborn’s tag will be #For Night, For Freedom
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Freedom⊹ —————★❖
Osborn: How quick. Weren't you sleeping?
Osborn: A certain someone once said that she was gonna sleep for three days and three nights to fix her jet lag. What, fixed it already?
Osborn: Impressive. You're starting to blow me away each time.
Osborn: Lil’ Xiao the fifth, who always likes to sleep in the moment you take your eyes off her, is finally being self-disciplined?
Osborn: It's all thanks to the schedule you made? What schedule? Lemme see.
Osborn: I just wanna have a look at that schedule of yours. What are you getting all flustered about?
Osborn: I know what the gig is even if you don't tell me. You're drawing a chibi of me on the side every time you finish a task, aren't you?
Osborn: Pfft, it isn't even worth guessing. Turn back and take a look at what's behind you.
Osborn: Hey, why are you trying to hide it now even after I've already seen it?
Osborn: Fine, fine. You can hide it if you want to, but I'll still be able to see it later anyway.
Osborn: Yeah, I'm planning to head down to your place. Didn't someone say that they wanted to see Xiaoragon?
Osborn: Was that not included in your schedule?
Osborn: Tsk, tsk. Look at that guilty look on your face. Xiaoragon would be mighty disappointed if he saw that.
Osborn: You didn't write that you were going to visit Xiaoragon? Then what did you jot down?
Osborn: Okay, I promise not to laugh. Come closer, I can't see it clearly.
Osborn: “Date rehab with Osborn upon returning to Guangqi City”. Pfft- Rehabilitation? What rehabilitation? You're going on a date with me.
Osborn: Or, perhaps… Did someone not miss me at all while she was away?
Osborn: Ahh… and here I was going on dates with you daily in my dreams. I'm hurt.
Osborn: Heh, I'm just joking. What kinda dates did I go on with you in my dreams? And why would I tell you about them now? You'll know what they were all about in a couple of days.
Osborn: As for today… Well, you can get ready to welcome me and Xiaoragon, who has slimmed down for you.
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nazmazh · 27 days
Well, I'll say one thing - Pokemon Go making me activate my video game grind mentality at least meant I made myself go for a walk
(well, several laps around the basement. I probably should have done my driveway loop earlier in the day, but it's dark now)
Basically, there's a "Masterwork Research" Quest Line, full of long, pain-in-the-ass quests. Most will finish eventually. It'll take me a long time to hatch 20 eggs, catch 500 Pokemon, and make 50 excellent throws.
But, statistically, they'll happen eventually
The "Visit Pokestops on 7 Different Days" one will be probably take some time, because I'm out in the middle of nowhere, but eventually, I'll get it done.
Being a rural player is kind of a pain for this, honestly - Back when I was in Airdrie, the park behind my house was a stop, so I could ping it from my desk. Same thing back when I was in Edmonton; there was the convenience store stop across the street to the north, and the dorm building across the street to the east, not to mention that from my office on campus I could reach several, and getting more meant just taking a quick stroll to stretch my legs.
Anyway - The only one in this set of tasks that required actual planning was "Catch 75 Pokemon in One Day"
The big obstacle there is that you need to have at least 75 pokeballs. More, most likely, because you're probably not gonna catch with every throw. Again, being rural and not having access to many convenient stops, my stocks of supplies usually run fairly low.
But, as luck would have it, I ended up finally being able to progress a bunch of "Beat Team Rocket" quests that had piled up, because I've finally got some mons that can actually take down the leaders' overpowered teams [I haven't really gotten tons of overpowered mons from raids or anything. In fact, earlier this month was the first time I managed to snag a raid participation while heading through town, which is what progressed all those quests to a stage I could actually do with my usual routine]
This meant that I had like, 5 or 6 quests to beat Giovanni ready to go, and I managed to just drag myself across the finish line on that one with a C-Team in the morning before going to bed [Shout-out to my Passimian for taking down his Persian, the big MVP, my Crustle, for taking out his Crobat (which had a Dark-type attack, meaning my Psychic mons couldn't safely fight it), and my Durant for bringing it home against his Cresselia. Bug-Types for the win?]
So, beating Giovanni got me a ton of items and a bunch of Pokemon encounters Meaning, this morning before going to bed, I had like 30 captures, and a ton of Pokeballs (ultra balls, even), so I figured now was a good day to push for the quest
I would have done more on it earlier, but we had company pop in Anyway, I had a bunch of incense in my inventory and read on how it worked. Apparently, one bonus Pokemon spawn every 5 minutes if you're stationary, one every minute or 200 meters if you're moving. So, I figured I'd make myself do some walking around to guarantee enough spawns to finish up
As a bonus, this meant my current egg hatched (Shiny Hisuian Growlithe, of all things!) And this finished another quest Which led to a bunch of "Pokemon Encounter" rewards Culminating with a guaranteed Celebi catch reward And as a capper, my Celebi spawned as a shiny! {Maybe it's guaranteed to spawn as shiny? The quest was called "Distracted by Something Shiny", after all]
But yes, now, the rest of the quests are inevitable. The one I actually had to actively work towards is done!
And I got a 20 minute walk in, which is never a bad thing.
Yay, exploitative video game mechanics…?
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(I'm glad it was a guaranteed-to-catch thing, because the little fucker kept hopping around, and spawned far enough back on-screen that it was a major pain in the butt to actually hit with a Pokeball, so I probably would have burned all my stock trying to get it otherwise)
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
VoicePlay Visuals - Classical Chaos (part 2/2)
(The video itself obviously isn't a two-parter, but this post is! You can go to part 1 here!)
Fun fact: I'm actually typing both parts of this post less than 24 hours after the video's public release! Getting early access on Patreon means I've had ample time to process the video, and by the time it released on YouTube I simply could not wait to begin analysing it!
Okay so I ended part 1 at about 2 minutes and 17 seconds into the video (not quite halfway but close enough), and that is where we shall continue from!
Rachel has just pulled the spellbook back from Layne, and things are getting just a little bit more chaotic now!
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Lol rip @ Eli trying to intercept the book-grab but stumbling/toppling forwards instead 😂
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"Can I-" "Nope"
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"Can I-" "NOPE"
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(Also not a visual thing but I really must give credit and kudos for the inclusion of the Wilhelm Scream here - classic, iconic, we stan 👌)
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Uh, Rachel, Ms White Witch...
(Also highlight and contour ON POINT btw)
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Geoff is just Vibing, we love to see it
(Okay but seriously this version of Fur Elise kinda slaps ngl)
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Geoff: "Wait what are you doing?"
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Pfft, remember how I mentioned the connections to the Little Mermaid Medley video in my first part? Now Geoff is the one having his voice stolen instead of the one doing the voice-stealing! 😆
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Cesar @ Rachel: "Actually I'll take your voice too now!"
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Pfft, Cesar really said "I might not have a huge role in this, but I'm still gonna do the absolute MOST" (seriously he's so hilarious in this video and I love him 😂)
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Oh boy the book is gone again!
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In most cases I'd say that the use of a horn is "pushing it" when it comes to acapella, but this is VoicePlay, and Violayne is a thing, so yeah this is mild in comparison 😝😁
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Cesar is like "OMG HOW COULD YOU? HOW DARE YOU??" while Geoff is just like "dude, really?"
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The whole Can-Can bit is utterly hysterical and I love it so much every time I watch this video - Layne bouncing and clapping along, fireworks suddenly appearing, Cesar actually doing the can-can, it's just absolutely VoicePlay Brand Of Dumb and I'm so here for it 😄
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Eli's cast a love spell between Layne and Rachel!
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Geoff's reaction is 10/10, I love it 😂
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Uh oh, the spell broke!
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And oh she is MAD
(Also love how Geoff appears to be the least scared of The White Witch)
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Seriously the special effects/post-production stuff/CGI was freaking insane in this video! So good! That was all Layne too I guess?
Too hard to get a good picture of it (and I'm nearing the screenshot limit once again anyway) but I love how the fire starts shifting through the whole spectrum of colours during the In The Hall Of The Mountain King bit!
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"The LAST PAGE. Very Important! DO NOT LOOSE!! Bad Things Will Happen!!!"
(It's meant to say "do not lose" but it still kinda works, as it can also meant "do not set loose"/"do not make loose"!)
Also the other page appears to be from an old dictionary (what the spellbook was actually made from I guess?), specifically a page of words starting with O!
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Surprise! Rachel/the White Witch had the last page tucked away the whole time!
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Cesar, Eli, and Layne: *Panik* Geoff: "*sigh* Yep here we go again..."
(My god everyone was killing it with the facial expressions in this video! So many good ones!)
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And it's bye bye Grundels once again!
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What a queen, iconic, love her, we stan👑💜
(And make sure to stick around for the credits!)
Yeah, this video DEFINITELY needed/deserved to be split into two Tumblr posts, and honestly I wasn't sure if I was gonna hit image limit too soon and have to start cutting images from one or both parts, but thankfully I managed to cover just about everything I wanted to.
Hope you enjoyed these posts as well, and if you wanna know what posts I'll be doing next, click the link here if you haven't seen the post already! (I'm currently open to suggestions for "bonus" VoicePlay Visuals posts!) But until next time!
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sylviegunpla · 3 months
Gunpla: Completed Collection of Minis: Part 4: Gundam SEED
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Next is the SEED Figures. These guys will have a lot of cockpit shots because i already finished off most of their models (though a couple of them were back before i was doing water slides, and just using the decal-stickers and dry-rubs that came with most non-ver-ka MGs)
PG Astray Red Frame: Lowe Gule
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This was done before i had access to my magnifying binoculars. The panel lining was actually done with gundam panel line marker, over Mr. Super Clear Gloss. This kinda turned out well. However, his "brother" (the pilot figurine) wasn't so lucky: (under the cut)
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This one i started panel lining, then messed up and erased, and it wound up not coming off right. So i just didn't bother and went ahead and finished it with a flat coat, no nuln oil for detailing or anything. BTW, the way i captured that backshot gives me an idea for what i could do with suit-less pilots.... but i'll leave that for another day. Anyway, i actually already water slide decaled his suit, so i could take pictures of him in the cockpit!
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Oops, got a little carried away there.
moving on...
MG Strike Rouge + Ootori: Cagalli Yula Athha
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This was THE first figure i tried nuln oil on. However, it turned out kinda messy, because it was a tutorial my friend was showing me. HOWEVER HOWEVER, i managed to recover it without too much work! I think she looks decent overall.
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The pilot figurine was also finished with Nuln Oil, but after i knew what i was doing. I think she turned out a bit better.
Next, we're gonna go behind the scenes and see some of the movie magic i use to make it seem like these guys are in fully constructed models (I already tricked you with the post about the Hi-nu!)
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Some basic shots showing the cockpit hatch structure.
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And now you can't tell again that it's not complete!
The hatch is now closed. We move onto another pink gundam:
MG Infinite Justice: Athrun Zala
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I finished him with only a little bit of panel liner, down the middle of his chest, and nuln oil on the face. A little blobby/messy but still achieves a decent effect from afar.
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Here's the pilot figurine. No backshot because i pretty much left his back unfinished. You have to constantly change the thing holding the figure in order to paint certain sections and i was getting tired of trying to do the back.
His cockpit operates very simply, so i only have a few shots:
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Yup, there he is. He's actually mostly fully built because i had to detach him from the sick ass plane he normally hangs from. Yes, the mecha suit i mean hangs from a plane. It's so sick, i'll have pictures in another post dedicates to this kit.
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BONUS: So, for a while, i had this figurine that i THOUGHT was the pilot figurine for this kit. But then one day i opened up the cockpit hatch and saw the figurine. So who is this guy? what kit does he come from? I'm not even sure if it comes from a PG (1/60) or an MG (1/100), it seems closer in size to the PGs though. You can see i attempted to start painting it in Athrun Zala colors. I actually finished it but it looked so weird trying to force the sculpt to match the image. My friend thinks the sculpt looks like it could be a specific pilot outfit that Kira Yamato wears. It's equally likely it might be a Mu from a PG Sky Grasper. Can anyone positively identify the kit this figurine comes from? The few possibilities we think it might be are kits my friend used to have, but lost due to Moving Shenanigans. so we cannot confirm that those kits are missing pilots. ANyway, moving on, to the final figures:
2x RG Strike Freedom: Kira Yamato
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Why do i have two of these guys? Because i have two of the kits! The Strike Freedom was the first RG I assembled, in 2020. In 2021, i got P-Bandai's "Titanium Finish" release of the exact same kit. Thus, i had two Kira Yamatos to paint. These both were painted in my first run of minis in Fall 2023, and they are the last of such minis to be shown off here! I did not panel line them, hell you can tell that getting the stripes on their tiny pilot suits was hard enough. They're very messy and have bad color separation. Honestly, i might try redoing one of them now that i have magnifying goggles. It would be worth it. And as a reminder, since these came with an RG, they are 1/144 scale, so a bit tinier than most of the others i've shown off (which are 1/60 or 1/100).
I believe that does it for Part 4. I just barely had enough image slots for all these pictures, but sadly not enough for some "gags" i wanted to do. there would have been 3 more images in the set of 6 pictures of Lowe Gule boarding the Astray Red Frame, but i had to cut them for extra space. To read part 5, Click This Link!
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icedmetaltea · 6 months
just vent stuff
Welp went on and withdrew from my classes cause there was absolutely no way I was gonna be able to catch up after all this. Literally been in a foggy haze all week, though I prefer that over the anxiety, which hasn't been as bad recently since it's been cool, but it's supposed to go up again in a few days woooooo
I made a new application for ebt but haven't heard back about that yet ofc since it was on friday but man. I've just had this dread looming over me, wondering if soon I'm not gonna be able to feed myself. If the agoraphobia doesn't get better soon I won't be able to go to a food pantry either.
It feels like everything is done for. I'll never become a therapist. I'll never finish college. I guess that's for the best since the alternative is to be crippled by student debt I'll never pay off but still... it hurts. I've been trying to get a fucking associates degree for like 6 years
I guess I should've known to give up sooner, maybe I could've looked into a trade or something. Not like there are any I can do from home, at least as far as I know
Feels like I've taken a thousand steps back with my mental health. And life in general. What am I even here for??
So yeah I've just been eating and sleeping, and eating and sleeping, distracting myself in between but it just goes on and on and on
Not really much else I can do. We're all gonna die soon anyways. Earth is fucked. The climate is fucked. The government is fucked. Affordable housing? Non-existent. Jobs? Hardly any hiring, especially not for someone with 0 work experience. Wars? Everywhere
I'm also having the thought that if I am able to get on disability, I'll be looked down on. Because I don't "look" disabled, and you know how many people treat the disabled badly just for not contributing to capitalism. Your worth is based on how much money you make, how much labor you're able to give...
I wish assisted suicide was a thing. Why should people be forced to live and suffer? Does it make the government feel better to quietly kill people off, by rendering them homeless, taking away access to food and water and meds?? I know all I have to look forward to is a life of poverty and more and more suffering as things in the US get worse and worse. Just put a gun to my head and shoot.
Ha, a funny thought. I was watching a show with my parents a while back and there was a firing squad. Dad said the reason they had so many people shoot at the same time was that only one or two was loaded with a real bullet and nobody knew which it was, so nobody would feel like a murderer. Nothing's changed, huh?
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