#anyway i woke up crying and i cant stop
mxwhore · 1 year
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cult-of-the-eye · 1 month
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hey-its-me-rolly-polly · 10 months
It's That Bad.
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gigisdoll · 3 months
Hii! I was just going through some of my fave fics from your acc and I just remembered the perv teacher wony one and it was so good !! Could I get another perv wony fick but with g!p wony ? Mwah I love your writing so much btw if you dont want to do this one its totally fine !!
cw; groping,somnophillia,wony is a lil delusional,noncon/dubcon,dacryphillia
pairings; perv!wony x fem!reader
notes; took abit but here ya go nonnie!! now onto the next req!! i've also completely given up on capitalization ಥ_ಥ n i am alive!!!
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wonyoung loves hugging you,her hands roaming around feeling your tits but you allow it since it helps her reduce stress? whatever that means you just know it works wonders to help her feel calmer cause shes doing it almost every day now, sometimes she'll squeeze in an extra grope or two...
she loves how easy it is to make you vulnerable in her arms cause you trust her so much (you shouldn't) to handle you in your most susceptible state!! :)) but she doesn't care that you give her your absolute trust and breaks it almost immediately after she finds out you're in deep sleep :((
peaks up from under your shirt n takes pictures from underneath for 'later'. she rlly does try to control herself but you look so pretty in your matching pjs that she physically can't do it and takes off your pants while apologizing quietly trying to not wake up up. she's genuinely upset that she cant regulate herself better but when she see's that you didn't wear any panties she convinces herself that you did it only for her so its for easy access...
and you're soaked! you would've wanted her to do this sooner or later anyway <3 tests your cunt if your xtra sensitive tonight (totally does not do pussy checks to see if you've masturbated without her permission or not) n the way your cunt twitched and leaked was sooo cute cause even in ur sleep you craved her touch and it made her wet with her own pre-cum. you've also started grinding on her fingers unknowingly fuelling her lust for you (,,>﹏<,,)
her bulge actually became massive as soon as your pants were pulled down n she didn't even notice she was subtly grinding on your thighs they were so soft and warm she couldn't help herself >< you've also started whining and whimpering cause even while your asleep your still incredibly needy and sensitive that you need her inside of you and fast!! so... she took off her pants and boxers to reveal her cock that had a tip was red and angry and needed a warm hug around it n well you're here for a reason!!
shes been dreaming of this for months now n it's finally happenin'!! the load shes been saving up for you is ready to be released inside you and a lot more's comin' too the day that she's been dreaming about for almost a year now is coming true as your warm,tight cunt enveloped her dick and made her actually moan out loud cause your soft and velvety walls were soo welcoming that she almost came on the spot as soon she bottomed out inside of you >< n as soon as she did she could not control herself and started thrusting almost immediately, not caring to check if it hurt you in anyway cause you've basically tortured her for months now by not allowing her inside you when she asked nicely everytime!
slowly you woke up n felt vv weird... you felt someone breath down your neck n wony's dick throb n thrust inside of you, but you didn't know it was her so you started crying but you were too weak to fight back her arms trying to stop you from crying n squirming :(( her eyes were glued to your tits n it made her almost cum in an instant when she saw your face covered with tears and sososo flustered... n so what if shes a pervert? you made her into one (¬_¬") so u should let her continue rearranging ur insides as a 'sorry' for making her into a perverted weirdo!! n she continues pounding into you, ignoring ur excessive cries cause you felt so tight n warm she couldn't physically stop her hips from meeting yours...
you drooled as wony's eyes rolled back into her head as spurt after spurt of cum came out of her twitching cock.. it sent you overboard!! white hot pleasure jolted inside of you as a vv warm feeling filled you up n split out of ur tight cunt n you passed out again from the pleasure wony was givin you... (she took pictures just in case yk..for next time!!)
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bkgml · 1 year
sick day
katsuki woke up to the sound of his alarm.
huffing, he rolls over to turn it off.
“alright. come on baby, we needa get up.” he says, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing tight.
“mmmmmph. noooo.” you whine, sleepily.
he laughs lightly, shoving his face in your hair.
“i know. i know. but we’re gonna be late.” he coos.
you squirm a little in frustration.
“please. i need 5 minutes.” you whine.
he sighs turning you to face him.
“fine. but only 5.” he relents, throwing the sheets off himself.
“nooooo. stay with me.” you pout.
“i’ll see you in 5 minutes.” he replies sternly.
he spends his five minutes getting dressed then returns to his bed.
“it’s been 5 minutes, sweet girl. time to wake up.” he says, pecking your lips.
he watches your brows furrow deeply and you feel like you could cry.
“i need to sleep katsu. i cant.” you say and your voice breaks.
his eyes widen at your croaky voice.
“hey. hey. what’s wrong, are you cryin?” he whispers, brushing your hair out of your face.
“oh.” he says as the realization clicks in.
you peel your eyes open, trying to snuggle into his hand.
“what?” you croak out.
his eyes soften and he kisses your forehead.
“you have a fever.” he says.
“explains why i feel so shitty.”
he drags his thumb over your cheek, caressing your face gently.
“stay in bed. i’ll tell aizawa you can’t be in class.” he says lowly.
you whine and he laughs as he feels your hands weave themselves around his neck.
“you won’t stay with me?” you say with watery eyes.
he leans in to press his forehead against yours.
“you know i can’t. i’ll go downstairs and get you some medicine, kay?” he says in an attempt to soothe you.
“be fast.” you whisper and he chuckles before pulling away.
“so clingy when you’re sick.”
when he returns from getting you medicine you’re fast asleep once again.
he drags his hands down your arms before landing on your waist and caressing your sides.
“wake up.” he says against your cheek.
you whimper, opening your eyes the smallest bit to see him sitting on the edge of the bed.
“hi.” you mumble.
“hi.” he coos, exaggerating his voice to sound sickly sweet.
you grab his hand from off your waist and hold it close.
“got you medicine, open up.” he says while grabbing the medicine with his free hand.
you open and he pulls you up slightly, placing the pill in your mouth.
next he grabs the water he brought you and places it to your lips, watching you sip at it.
“good girl. lay down now, okay? see you soon.” he mumbles kissing your forehead and standing from his spot on the bed.
“bye suki.” you smile before rolling over and hugging one of his his pillows close to your chest.
he finishes getting ready before leaving his room and walking alongside kirishima to class.
“hey man! where’s yn?” kirishima greets him, giving him a high five.
“sick in bed.” katsuki grumbles.
“wow. how are you ever gonna get through the day without her?” kaminari pipes in to tease katsuki.
“shut the fuck up, at least i pull.” katsuki grumbles.
kaminaris jaw drops in shock and offence.
“damn. way harsh.” kirishima says, trying not to let his laugh slip through.
the three of them continue to bicker as they walk into class.
“hey, aizawa!” kaminari cheers to his teacher.
aizawa grumbles in response, too tired to respond.
kaminari and kirishima go to take their seats while katsuki stops at aizawas desk.
“what.” he groans.
katsuki huffs, annoyed.
“yns not coming today.” he replies.
aizawa raised a brow in question.
“why?” he frowns, untrusting.
“she’s sick.” katsuki answers, and starts to walk over to his desk, not caring enough about his response.
aizawa huffs at his rudeness but starts to teach the class anyway.
a couple periods go by without you and katsuki’s trying to keep his cool. he knows you need your rest but he misses you.
the period before lunch is when you call.
he steps outside to take it, despite aizawas protests.
“hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, remembering telling you to only call for emergencies.
“kats- katsuki.” you say through your sobs.
“hey baby. what’s going on?” he says, trying to keep you calm.
“it hurts. it hurts so bad i cant-” you whisper through groans of pain.
“what hurts? what do you need?”
“my stomach. i threw up and i think there’s more. i need you. need you so bad.” you whine, more sobs following.
“i know it hurts, sweetness. can you wait until lunch?” he asks, tone still soothing.
you whine and whimper through sobs and gasps.
“i cant. i cant do it. i need you so bad, please katsu.” you beg, clutching your stomach.
“i’m on my way, baby. just try to breathe through it, okay? cryings only makin it worse.” he says and you agree before ending the call.
he walks back into class and aizawas frowning, arms crossed over his chest.
he grabs his bag and heads out the class without speaking, aizawa yelling behind him.
“i don’t get paid enough for this.” he grumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose.
katsuki speed walks to his dorm, opening his door to see that you’re not in bed.
“yn??” he calls out before hearing the sounds of you throwing up.
heading into his bathroom he finds you curled up in a ball on the cool floor, hand reaching to flush the toilet.
you have tears streaming down your face rapidly, gasping for air and shaking.
“oh baby.” he frowns.
you turn your head towards him shakily, tears starting to stream down your face once more.
he watches your hand reaching towards him through trembles.
sitting next to you on the floor of his bathroom he opens his arms, taking your outstretched hand.
you whimper, crawling towards him onto his lap.
feeling his hands come up under your shirt to draw shapes on your back you release a deep exhale.
“what happened? hm?” he mumbles in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple.
you nuzzle your face in his neck and shrug before bringing your head back up to look at him.
his eyes soften at your teary ones.
“i hate this.” you frown, pout on your lips.
he hums, lifting his hand to brush across your face and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
you kiss his open palm before laying your head on his chest.
“can we go have a nap?” you ask timidly.
he doesnt respond but stands with you still in his arms.
as the two of you lay down together he whispers praise and soothing affirmations to calm you.
his hands caressing your thighs and back, sometimes coming up to massage your shoulders lightly.
“mmmm love you.”you mumble sleepily.
“love you, sweet girl.”
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poppy-metal · 14 days
dad’s best friend!patrick letting you stay at his apartment when you get into a fight with art…. i’m thinking you snuck out and returned to find art sitting on the couch, waiting for you to come back. just screaming and yelling at each other, you’re throwing things at him. he calls you reckless and a child and idiotic. all things he’s called patrick before. banging on patrick’s door after you drove your car 20 miles over the speed limit from your house to his apartment building. he opens the door all angry because who the fuck is banging his door down at one in the morning. he’s less angry when he sees it’s you but he still says “why are you here????” in that gruff just woke up voice. when you stutter and look up with him with those big wet eyes and say “i just… i need you right now” he can’t find it in himself to be angry anymore, just pulling you into this apartment and wrapping you up in his arms when you cry into his shoulder. the same arms that held you like this when you scrapped your knee when you were eight, the same arms that held you on his shoulder at one of your dad‘s matches when you were six. just so familiar and comforting and warm. crying and saying that art just “doesn’t understand me.” he “doesn’t get me.” but patrick does. you may be his best friend’s daughter but he sees you and he gets you. he’ll hide you in his apartment for as long as you want, saying that you’re not there when art inevitably knocks on his door a day later.
- ⭐️
he really is just a sap for you :((( can't turn you away even when its the one thing he should do - should call art right away, because he'd be worried sick by now but. he sees himself in you, he remembers being called immature and reckless and all sorts of stuff by people who just didn't understand that he wanted to live life to the fullest - because what was the point of feeling all that shitty stuff, of slowing down just to appease other people and stop you from doing what you wanted - yeah, he was more responsible now, but still. at your age, it should be all about impulsivity and the rush of being alive.
and then there's the worse part of him that cant turn you away because you're just..... you came to him. you had to have a bunch of other friends you could go to that would be better, but it was him you turned to. it was him you looked up to. admired. it was inappropriate and wrong, the way you felt about him, but fuck. it felt good. it felt good to be needed.
he lets you stay. puts up less of a fuss about it than you thought he would, but that's probably because of the tears. he makes you a spot on the couch and when you pout and say its ungentlemenly for him not to give up his bed he just looks at you. says, "we both know you want to be in my bed for alot more reasons than comfort.", and well. he's not wrong. you definitely would have touched yourself if you had slept there. humped one of his pillows.
still, you manage to haggle one of his shirts from him - claiming your clothes were to uncomfortable to sleep in - and he'd tossed you one of his old tennis academy shirts. the fabric stretched out and worn. it dwarfs you when you slip it on, reaching your knees. its not as good being in his bed would have been, but you still drag the fabric over your nose in the middle of the night and inhale his scent while you touch through your wet slit - stroking and petting. you suck the fabric into your mouth too, imagining he just wore it and you could suck his sweat from it - pull it into your mouth. you imagine him in his bed just a couple doors down from you - sleeping on his stomach in just his boxers - fuck, maybe naked? - the strong expanse of his back, the thickness of his thighs. you imagine how he'd react to catching you masturbating in his shirt - if he'd get angry and call you a bad little girl. would he flip you over his knee, beat some sense into you? would cant stop from pulling the shirt completely over your head as you drench your fingers, pumping them in and out of your wet pussy as you think about being completely covered by patrick - pressed down and pinned with nothing to do but take in his musk and let him inside your tight body -
you cum sticky and wet all over your fingers. the bottom of his shirt damp with your juices. the apartment is quiet. you wonder how long you can take being around patrick zweig and not break - you feel like if he doesn't fuck you soon, it'll kill you.
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Charlie Bushnell x actor & model!reader
warnings: smau, fluff
Summary: Charlie’s in love with you, you’re in love with him and everybody knows it.
a/n u play silena also i can’t come up with random numbers so i’m just saying liked by _____,_____ and others so js like know that reader is famous
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liked by leahsavajeffries, iamcharliebushnell and others thisisyn acting with a hint of modelling view comments
leahsavajeffries pretty 🤩 ➔ thisisyn all youu 😍 walkerscobell can you give me some highlighters pleaseee 🙏🥹 ➔ thisisyn ofc! user56 GODDESS???? ynfanpage i get why shes silena hearts4yn irl child of aphrodite?? dior.n.goodjohn MARRY ME 💍?? ➔ thisisyn i have a boyfriend 🤭 ➔ dior.n.goodjohn ok
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liked by thisisyn, iamcharliebushnell and others dior.n.goodjohn no way that crusty man has all of this, i’m coming for you so you better watch out view comments
iamcharliebushnell not you trying to steal MY girl ➔ dior.n.goodjohn she was mine first ynismywife not dior and charlie fighting over yn 😭 ➔ thisisyn ikr there’s enough yn to go around ➔ ynismywife OMG YN??? HIIII walkerscobell tell her to put some clothes on ➔ iamcharliebushnell she looks pretty anyway this comment was deleted hearts4yn stop this is too funny
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liked by leahsavajeffries, walkerscobell and others thisisyn thx for the flowers char 🤭 view comments
aryansimhadri dior u need to step up your game ➔ thisisyn LMAOOO iamcharliebushnell your welcome love liked by creator ➔ dior.n.goodjohn tryhard 🙄 leahsavajeffries did u take that photo of the building before we poured water over walker 😭 ➔ walkerscobell THAT WAS YOU GUYS??? ➔ thisisyn oops ynfanpage they’re so cuteee honeymoon adorable ➔ thisisyn LOVE YOU LANA liked by honeymoon
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liked by dior.n.goodjohn, iamcharliebushnell and others thisisyn daisy is my first love sorry dior and char😔 i still love you guys 🫶🏻 view comments
taylorswift OMG SHES SO CUTEEEE ➔ thisisyn she’s named after the lyric from dont blame me 🥹 leahsavajeffries that’s so real of you 🙏 ➔ thisisyn ikr 😼 walkerscobell she scratched me ➔ thisisyn that’s her way of saying i love you i swear iamcharliebushnell can’t blame you darling ➔ thisisyn 😔 dior.n.goodjohn tbh she was my first love too 🤷‍♀️ ➔ thisisyn facts
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liked by rickriordan, percyjackson and others thisisyn filming’s finished see you at the premiere 🔱 view comments
walkerscobell why do i look like that 😭 ➔ iamcharliebushnell you look like that all the time liked by creator ➔ walkerscobell i’ll leak your mewing pics liked by creator hearts4yn CANT WAITTT oliviarodrigo been waiting for this the whole year leahsavajeffries can’t believe the premieres tonight ➔ thisisyn same 😭
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liked by thisisyn, iamcharliebushnell and others leahsavajeffries the show wouldn’t have been possible without this nauseating sweet couple we call our older brother and sister ❤️ tagged: thisisyn, iamcharliebushnell view comments
thisisyn love you leah bear ➔ leahsavajeffries love you too ynn iamcharliebushnell that was… oddly sweet ➔ leahsavajeffries don’t push it walkerscobell ngl wanted to throw up the whole time ➔ dior.n.goodjohn you were literally crying over the fact that they’re gonna get married at some point ??? liked by creator ➔ walkerscobell don’t expose me like that
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liked by thisisyn, leahsavajeffries and others dior.n.goodjohn yesterday was so fun we should do this again sometime comments are closed
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries and others thisisyn woke up to this handsome face comments are closed
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liked by percyjackson, walkerscobell and others thisisyn GO WATCH PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS ON DISNEY+ RIGHT NOW 🌊 🔱 comments are closed
a/n school is actually going to be the death of me anyway hope u like cos i might not post for a while. ITS BEEN TWO DAYS AND I HAVE TWO TESTS ALREADY 😭
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This was requested by @xweirdo101x! Thanks sjiqoqkqnjeiebdvdbjs anyways enjoy<33
Warning: kidnapping, rape ment, gangbang, bondage, hint of mind breaking, mentions of double pent, comforted angst, mentions of PTSD, 141 comforting reader.
You woke up with a soft groan when you felt your head hurting like hell you couldn't remember anything before you got here.. the only thing you remembered is that you were assigned in a solo mission to get some information from the current enemy.
You noticed you hands were tide up with a rope attached to the ceiling, and the room was dark but accompanied by a small light bulb at the top.
Hissing at the pain in your wrist you can tell you've been here for like hours from how your wrist stings badly from the ropes.
A small gasp left your lips when you so a shadowy figure going up to you, as you walked up to your frame a large grin was a bit visible from the small lighting at the top "seems your awake now.. we've benn waiting" he said.. his body frame towering over your small frame. You cant help but let put a whimper.
He made you look up to him by lifting you head up by the chin and gripped it nice and tightly, you felt eyes on you as 4 people went out of the shadows. Their big figure towers you aswell.
Surprisingly the man behind you pulled you pants down and the man from the side helping him and take your gear off, you gasp in distress and tried to shake them away but sadly you head strikes up a sting making you stop your movements and panted heavily from how your head hurts badly.
Your bottom now naked and shown, slowly hands snaked down your ass groping them in a steel like grip making you let out a small whine and this made the man in front chuckled darkly.
You shivered when something cold and slick glides on your ass and went inside you making your body shook, mercilessly the finger shoves itself inside and began thrusting in and out and soon as that, a 2 more fingers got shoved inside and a painful cry passed through your lips as tears dripped down your eyes.
You cried helplessly from the pain, as the fingers violated your hole. Another hand slide down to your dick and began palming it, you bit your bottom lip trying not to let out any type of sound that would leave your mouth.
The fingers inside you finally left leaving you all empty and loose so it could take their cocks the hand on your cocks aswell left your touch all weeping and leaking pre, but they weren't finished yet.
Hands gripped your waist and felt something hard near your hole. You began to panic and shake him off but again.. Failed.
He suddenly shoved his cock inside making you arch your back and scream in pain as tears slowly flow down your eyes, he started to move in and out at a rough pace making you hic out a moan and whimper from how he pounded into you. The pain was unbearable from how huge his member was but pleasurable aswell.
"S-stop! Stop please!" You choked out from your quivering lips begging the man behind to stop, you gripped onto the ropes that tide your wrist when you felt your legs quiver then went limp. You swore you could feel your mind slip to oblivion from his merciless pounding.
The one infront, the man you talked to earlier lifts your legs up and smiled sadistically at you, the thrusting stopped to let him line his cock and rammed it inside and hit your prostate straight on making you see stars. Tears rolled down ypur puffy red eyes as you cried helplessly in their hold.
The feeling of two of their cocks ramming inside cant but feel so full of them, you swore your hole would be loose and stretched out after this. You feel such pleasure fro. Having 2 cocks inside your innards it felt to good, yu gave up fighting and let the use you like nothing but a little cockslut.
You noticed their thrust became sloppy, you whimpered and knew they were close.. "not i-inside please.." you cried softly but they just mocked you, the one from behind gripped your waist and the one infront gripped your thighs, both in a steel grip and shot their seed inside making you so full, you can feel some of it dribble down your thighs qnd it made your head dizzy.
They then take it out and leaving you leaking and head dizzy, yir weeping cock still leaked with pre.. you felt you were passed to the other, you looked up and was greeted with a big grin from the man above you, he held your thighs and lined himself up near your hole "p-please no more.." you pleaded weakly.
You whimper and gripped you hands on his shoulder feeling him push inside, some of the cum that was inside you leaked out when he pushed in and go down your thighs, you panted heavily trying to steady your breathing and he began thrusting inside at a animalistic pace and suddenly you let out a loud long moan of surprise and arched your back when he hit something inside that made you came all over yourself.
He grinned and gripped on your thighs more tighter and fucked you over and over again making sure to hit your prostate roughly, you cried from the feeling. It was to much to bare with and you lolled your head back.
The feeling of his cock hitting your prostate roughly made your head spin, you felt a tight knot in your tummy making your back cringe from the pleasure and tears fall, you regretted taking a solo mission.. you wish you didn't accepted it... But you have no choice but have your legs spread by your nappers and use you like a fucking Fleshlight.
Then hands start to wonder around you waist and caressed you dick with their fingers, they began jacking you off, you cant help but thrust you hips forward but end up having your dick gripped in a tight hold making you mewl out a whine.
Your head began to fall but was catched by someone else, and then a hard throbbing cock filled your vision "open up slut" you shook your head but when the guy fucking your ass shoved in in the most rough way it made you gasp out and tears fall, he quickly shoved his dick in your mouth making you gagged on his big cock.
The feeling of both your holes filled made stuffed to the brim and tear up uncontrollably..
This took for hours.. getting passed from one to another and getting your holes fucked again and again, this went on for days and you dont know if you could handle it anymore, your ass hole now stretched making an O shape as cum drip out glistening your thighs and the floor, you panted with your head resting on the floor with your tears staining dark puddles on the floor.
2 of the men stared at you and and 1 of them spit at your back and both left.. leaving you there in the dark, it was silent.. but not for long.. you heard gun fire and yelling outside the door. You tried to get up but failed, then you heard the door smashed open and dark figures of people that look quite familiar.
"(Callsign)!!" A Scottish accent yelled out from a man and ran up to you.. your eyes slowly get heavier and fainted as darkness consumed you.
You woke up, you hissed as a bright light cover your vision and covered your eyes with your arm.
"(callsign)! Your finally awake!" A voice yeld by the side and you looked to see who owns the voice, it was Price and he quickly hugged you tightly and embraced you.
Your eyes widen and began to break down and cried against gis chest, all the team hurried in seeing you both and Price hugging. You were shaking badly, scared and afraid, Price held you close to him and assuring you're okay now.. safe with them and theyre gonna take care of you.
Price looked at you with big worry and concern on your face and gently rubbed your back, he can see the fear and trauma in your eyes and it hurts him so much.. he regretted letting you go on a solo mission, he regretted everything that happened to you.
"im so sorry.. it must be alot to handle, i so sorry" he held you tightly in his arms as Soap rubbed your back comfortingly "must be scary aye.." Soap said softly behind.. suddenly a flash trained to your eyes and pushed Price away by insticts making him back off, the trauma was to much and you were breaking down and tears filled your vision.
"Y/n... Are you?" Gaz slowly approached but Ghost stopped him and told to leave you alone for awhile.. Soap step away giving you time to breath and calm down "i-im sorry.." you whimpered softly under your breath as your hands shake, Ghost let out a soft sigh "its okay.. its just us" he said in a calm manner making you look up to him i teary eyes "this is gonna be a long time.. Everything's Alright now.." Priced said sorrowfully...
IM SO SORRY I HAVE TO END IT HERE MY PHONES AT 3 %😭 i think this is the longest fic I ever made but do really hope you enjoy! Thank you<333😫
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok so tmi (on the tmi blog lol) but the first day of my Cycle I had a dream that I had just given birth and I was holding my baby and I was goddamn euphoric even though the logical part of me was like “???? I am 22 and broke i CANNOT have a baby rn” and I woke up crying and called my friends like I WANNA HAVE A BAAAAAABYYYYY I WANT A BAAAAAAABYYYYYYYY so basically. Imagine. Miguel catches you in a moment of weakness. And he NEVER. FUCKING. FORGETS IT.
Oh wow girlie those period hormones grabbed you by the uterus and absolutely REFUSED to let go
NO BUT FOR REAL don't look at me but I've been thinking of a concerning number of ideas where it's like, "Reader suddenly realizes they may want a baby and is actually putting serious thought into it and Miguel finds out (bet your ass Peter B tells him, i can see him as a "well intentioned" platonic guardian/mentor figure who sells you out to Miguel the second he thinks you're doing something risky or he thinks it's for your own good) and Miguel starts making all these plans and preparations behind your back to have a baby with you" and obviously I like the extra juicy option of "he found out you got extremely depressed and tied your tubes or something because you either see no point in you having a kid/think it's too late, OR, Miguel was the only person you were looking at as a potential father and you either decide it wouldn't work out or he does something to hurt you and you lose trust in him" so like, the double whammy combo of him being hit with the news you basically walled off your fertility that he's kinda fantasizing about AND you blame him for it
You see him chokeslam Miles on the train and having all these serious anger and stress issues and you're like "hmmmm don't like that" and basically make the tubal ligation appointment that week (but, you know, he'll either interfere before you can actually get it or even reverse it later on)
Like. Ugh I'm not sure if I should go super into detail bc I feel like I want to put this scene in the YouTwo fic or in a different idea i have thats more centered around motherhood, but, picture he catches you in his monitor room one day after you've lost your home dimension, you're having a little more than just a small identity crisis, and he catches you having Lyla show you the model for your life, or what the algorithm had predicted your life was supposed to be like before your universe just magically poofed away. You're just staring at these holograms with tears running down your face and he occasionally catches you starting to reach out like you want to touch what you see. He comes to stop you because he already knows all too well where this could lead, you can't become tempted to break canon and go somewhere else, but you beg him to let you watch just a little longer
"I was supposed to get MARRIED! I was supposed to have a BABY! I was supposed to have a family!! It's not fair!!"
And he's in total agreement with you because, who even fucking knows why your universe suddenly destabilized and vanished. He sees you as this person who has so much promise and potential who had their destiny and future literally snatched away from them and now you're lost and confused on what you're supposed to do, like really he totally understands why you feel so aimless. But watching these holograms is like torturing yourself, and he goes to stop you when you just keep crying because this is basically sending you into a critical mental health episode
"Someone was supposed to fall in love with me... we were supposed to have a baby... would I have been a good mom? Would I have had a boy or a girl? Cant you at least let me find out what my daughter's name would have been?"
And it's like NOOOO you can't hit him with the daughter card, don't you see what you've DONE!!! Gets him right in the heart. Now he's got this massive soft spot for you, bigger than it already was anyways, and he can tell over time you're just really starting to, grieve the future you were supposed to have, falling into a depression. Peter B is hanging around with Mayday like he usually does as both men can tell you're really staring at his baby today and he offers to teach you how to hold her. you're standing there misty eyed twirling one of her little curls around your finger as her dad starts volunteering information to you, "you know she's about XYZ months old now, they aren't really talking yet at this age but they're really curious about their surroundings and--"
Miguel watches as you start talking about children and suddenly get this really really tortured expression and just say "it's not meant to happen" and or some combination of "it's too late for me" and gives him his baby back a little too quickly in typical "I am clearly leaving the room to go cry" fashion. Meanwhile Peter B is like 38 wondering why you think you're out of time or it's not supposed to happen
Miguel's working one day and Peter is trying to shove his phone in his face, "you know I think this is one of the BEST photos of Mayday I've ever taken, she's looking so cute here, you just GOTTA see it" and Pete just won't let up and Miguel finally looks just to humor him because the man is being unusually annoying and, it's a photo of Mayday, duh, but being held by you, and you're clearly looking down at her with watering eyes and the smallest little smile that says "I'll die for you" and Peter is just all 😏 as Miguel is 'suddenly' interested in the photo. "That's a really good photo of MAYDAY, right? 😏 I figured you would like it, that photo of MAYDAY 😏" and Miguel is just grumbling and grouchy bc he sees what this guy is tryna do, but he's still like ".... send it to me later, I'm trying to work right now"
It's even worse if you're a member of his strike force because you're constantly around him, Peter B, and Jess. Miguel just, idly wondering where you are and deciding to walk around a little bit and eventually finds that you're having some sort of conversation with Peter B and Jess and he can tell you look really weepy as the other woman invites you to feel her baby kicking, like, you could not more obviously be developing baby fever, and you ARE around that age, and ESPECIALLY if you live in Nueva York because it's like, YEAH you're still a Spider and YEAH you help the Society with stuff but. Your home universe is gone, your canon is gone, you're kind of. Free as a bird really? But you're also scared because, if someone was destined to love you, does that mean it technically isn't meant to be to fall for anyone else? You can't exactly hook up with people at the Spider Society because of canon or them already having relationships, and you don't exactly have identifying documents if you wanted to try and adopt
I think it'd really reach a stressful breaking point if you and the strike force go to another universe to fight an anomaly and Miguel catches you staring out into the crowd of people you just saved and he sees what youre looking at instantly and his heart sinks. Another you, another normal you, never bitten by a Spider, is standing there with her husband and her little sputtering baby, and he has to all but drag you away as you cry "it's not fair, it's not fair, why does SHE get a normal life!!"
Sidebar for a moment, I think that's probably also one thing that would be so INFURIATING about the doppelganger stealing your life story because THEY have a home universe and YOU don't. They take your life, they take literally everything you have left, your friends, your sense of community, your literal purpose. I've already decided on YTs motivations but could you imagine you finding out YouTwo actually has a decent life and maybe even a husband and kid of their own and you're just furious because they're basically abandoning their duties back home not only as a Spider but as a parent/spouse to steal what YOU have? You can't kill them because it would break their canon and kill like countless people but Miguel and the others would def let you beat the shit out of your evil double and get some of your anger out. Like. Jesus could you imagine Miguel kicks you out thinking you're the fake and after you're gone, YouTwo breaks canon and that's what exposes them, or theyre exposed when they eventually take a trip back home and get caught. The Society's regret, the guilt, the anger, just marinate me with the drama
But anyways back to Being Sad and Babycrazy, you go missing one day and Miguel has to decide what to do when he finally tracks your bracelet and you're back in THAT dimension again. He has to physically track you down using your bracelet's signal because you refuse to answer his messages and you're, in the home of the other you while she takes a brief nap, in the nursery, holding her baby. Miguel quietly climbs through the window and you're in a rocking chair and you've got her hugged to your chest and your eyes are closed and you sense him and, obviously cry because you know you have to leave. Unlike with the holograms he doesn't give you any leeway on this, putting his foot down that this has to end here, this cant go on, this is already so dangerous. And, you're good for him and understand, leaving the baby back in its crib as you and Miguel warp away. You're heartbroken but ultimately understanding when he has to disable your watch's ability to visit that specific dimension again, and you're obviously extremely depressed for a while, having multiple Spiders coming to check in on you as word spreads around that you aren't doing well
I can just see Reader becoming kind of desperate because the only options for a baby you really have left is to either 1. get a serious relationship, which you're scared of because you have to trust that person and who can you even pick, you're nervous about breaking canon or something, or 2. Get some random person to impregnate you so you can run off with the baby
Miguel gets a call from Peter B that you went to a bar and you're EXTREMELY wasted as you try to pick someone, ANYONE up and like, you have admirers for sure but there's enough decent people around to keep the creeps in line, clearly you are in a vulnerable state of mind right now, and Miguel gets to tote your drunken ass back home as you drunkenly word vomit all your feelings to him because, unfortunately for you, he has your trust, and you need comfort right now, and you even ask him about what being a parent was like for him. You encouragingly tell him he shouldn't give up if he still wants kids, you trying to be genuinely nice and not trying to imply anything, blubbering about how he deserves to still be happy and he's still got time, and here's Miguel who's practically tracking your cycles at this point, TOTALLY not going to use anything you say to him while you're piss-drunk against you
Especially if you add ABO into the mix and you have a Miguel who's either Alpha/Omega and is already babycrazy af and he sees you literally fucking YEARNING for it, like. You've got a 6'9" Alpha basically looking at you, his poor lil Omega crush, with the big yandere goo goo eyes and how you need all this love and support and stability and how you're in need of a proper husband and of course he's all too willing to volunteer himself for the job. Even if he's too awkward to come right out to you and say it, he'll be thinking in his head and planning behind your back ways to take care of you, keep you away from any drugs/alcohol (no more smoking weed with metro boomin Spiderman, you've gotta detox your body to have a baby! Also, different concept but, Miguel basically keeping you in a bubble to control all your meals and recreational activities and all of that so he can make sure you're perfectly healthy for a baby)
Don't let this man catch you slipping up! Throw you to the Spider Society and you'll come back pregnant 😭 he sees you so depressed and wanting a baby and it's like well, if your life needs new meaning, he can help literally make one for you 😏 he's been feeling protective and nurturing of you anyways, so, it's an extra benefit for him to think of getting to have both you AND a little baby of your very own ❤️
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yanderesimp2000 · 4 months
Extreme Yandere Adam x Fem reader Chap 1/5 Start of your new life !MINORS STAY AWAY!
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(hey this is my first post here Just wanna say my english might be bad since I'm from Armenia but I'm excited to post here I USED ALOT OF INSPO FROM OTHER ADAM WRITES TO here are the TWS
Kidnapping, Adam being an incel as usual, threats of violence , Degrading, Manipluation, Violence, Noncon listener, threats of SA ,Gasliting, narcissism and rape if that's not your cup of tea SCROLL
Your are an angel You made it into Heaven recently Heaven would be like a paradise but is kinda like your old life in the big city You have to get a job buy things and Just deal with the classic shit of reality even though your in the FUCKING PROMISELAND
You decided to just be what you did back in Yerevan city and just be a secretary but it was the person to hire you that was strange it was Adam the First man when you met him you expected him to be some wise, kind and Gentle soul but instead you got a creepy, weird man child that you needed to cater to at every Second, Like you could just be standing in Adams office when he says "hey bitch bring me that soda bottle" the bottle was 2 inches out of reach. It seemed like he took pleasure in seeing you be miserable he always said "good girl good good girly" LIKE YOU ARE A FUCKING PET
Every second of your time with Adam was hell he was rude gross and was a FUCKING MISOGYNIST today while you were giving him a back massage he said "yes good girly" again as usual like you were a fucking pet but then he said "that's all you women are good for to serve men" this Made you even more angry but hey the pay is good and that Leeds to today You walk in sad as usual into Adam mansion when he starts making comments about something your already insecure of your wings he rubbed your wings and he then said "heh bitch your wings are so dirty you a fuckin slob yknow that but a hot one at that" he then Grabbed your ass and that's when you broke "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME" you yelled "I QUIT" you then storm of and back into your apartment crying about the insult of your wings and just fed up in general But that's when you get a text from Adam he always texted you when you were working for him but you quit it read "You really thought you could leave me you DUMB WHORE I treated you soo well I gave you everything you could of wanted and this I how you repay me I don't even need you you stupid fucking slut"
You were used to Adams shit by now but this this was just something else you text back "Adam stop messaging me Ill be back tomorrow at 10 am to get my stuff from my office and you better not try ANYTHING" he then responds "why would I try to interact with a brain dead whore anyway" that hurts you but you brush it off "being verbally abused by that dickhead isn't worth the pay" you thought before going to sleep
The next day you woke up at your alarm you got dressed but on a casual Black hoodie with Sweat pants because you weren't doing anything today other then going to Adams mansion to pick up your stuff. you flew over to his mansion only A 13 minute fly before landing at the door you were nervous but you knocked you waited and waited until someone opened the door "wow the whore really had the nerve to show her face again' He snarled "well I cant be to mad at you your fucking hot all we have to do to make your perfect is Shave down those ugly wings" he said in a arrogant tone. You walk inside and go to were your stuff is before you hear Adam locking the door 'what the fuck are you doing Adam" you snarl His mask lights up into those annoying little circle eyes he looks like a giddy child
"well I Talked to The big man upstairs if you get what I'm saying and since he would NEVER Say no to his precious Adam his first creation the person who gets ALL his love and affection he said I could keep you since your such a low ranking angel and you have no family in heaven no one will miss you " He still looked like a giddy child while saying this as all of a sudden He pulled out a stunning ring filled with jewelry and gems and luxury "cmere" he says before Walking towards you he towered over you, you were a quite short and small angel being only 5,5 and he was a Huge 13,2 foot angel. " ADAM THIS IS NOT FUNNY" you yelled at him but he said "Bitch? its not supposed to now were gonna cuddle and snuggle because Im feeling lonely and you cant do JACK SHIT" he sounded firm and serious you were scared and try to make a run for it but were tackled down "fuckin bitch your not escapin" he said before tossing you over his shoulders and taking you into his room upstairs and throwing you onto the bed before "cuddling" with you which was more like Wrestling a teddy bear he managed to restrain you with ease and he giggles "I love small girls like you so short and weak easy for me to... Manhandle" he says in an ominous tone you keep squirming and this just makes him giggle "so feisty" he says "don't worry my little Slut I'll fix you sooner or later I'll break your brain down till its just mush then I'll rebuild it to my liking and then you'll be loyal to me just me unlike those last 2 whores I married ill make sure you never leave" he says in a low coo ''i don't like you adam' you hissed he then got surprised "oh talking back to me don't you know who I am Im Adam the first man and your my new Wife you were created from my fucking rib you have to that me for your existance Im a superior being and your just my Wife you should me grateful so many people would beg to be in my presence and your trying to leave it ungrateful whore" he hissed as he started down at you you noticed he was starting to undress first his shirt then his pants then his Underwear but he kept that stupid mask on
His dick is fucking massive it was huge or maybe you are just small but damn and around it is just a bush of his grey hair He even has a piercing on his cock and his dad Bod OMG but as much as you hate it he was hot "like what you see" Adam teased you try to squirm away only angering him Well if your gonna resist I guess I'm gonna have to fuck that tiny pussy lose he said eagerly before starting to Teasing his cock around the hole "sh sh sh sh sh shhhh let it happen" Adam cooed "your my new wife you like this you have to your just in denial" he giggled before saying "Oh your sooo small My dick might kill you I bet I'd bet I'm like I don't know fucking 11 feet taller then you and my dick is huger then anything I've bet you've seen" he teased while rubbing his cock at the entrance of your pussy "damn it I just cant hold back" Adam yelled "p-p-please stop Adam" you whimpered but it just turned him on more as he said "going in bitch" suddenly you feel his entire dick in you it was huge and painful you were not enjoying yourself but Adam was "f-fuck babe I'm fucking you loose" he laughed as he kept fucking me so hard I felt like I was gonna throw up blood and organs he rearranged with every thrust it felt like a new bone in your body was being reangared you tried to flap your useless little wings which just made him think you were even more about how precious you are "that's so cute the only thing I dislike about you is your wings they get in my way might have to clip your wings soon" he teased scaring you He kept thrusting and more and more got hurt the more you pleaded whimpered yelped winces or squealed the more turned on he got as he was thrusting he laughed at the bulge in your stomach from his dick "it went to far in you really do like this ya whore"
You let out a whimper when he said that and that was the turning point he said "f-fuckkkkk I'm cummingim cumming" before long ropes of the warm jizz entered your pussy "yeah get pregnant bitch that's your only purpose breeding machines for men" he said at you and said let me clean myself up He then gets a rag and clean you and him up before seeming to get more gentle
"look I'm sorry when I get horny I go feral this is not how I am most of the time your just so fucking hot I just c-cant control myself" he said while cuddling you "I love you I really do and this world is cruel you have no family here no friends Nobody I'm the only one you have so im taking you under my wing figurative and literally" he said laughing since he tucked you in between his warm chubby chest and his soft comforting wings he then gets really soft and says "I've seen you on your own and your in so much danger so many people will try to take advantage of you and you have nobody to run to but me so I take it as my duty to protect you and coddle you like the cute little toy your are" he says that in a low coo while petting you his soft voice seemingly temporally calming you down you start to stop Wriggle and start giving up and snuggling into him causing him to turn bright red "their ya go girlly your a good little Beliver right so you should worship me if it wasn't for me you would not me alive you would not of been a thought you have to thank me for everything and disobeying me is just like spitting in the face of God it will get you banished to rot in hell ya get that" he pats your head as you cuddle into his chest since he's so big you look like a little housecat on his chest ''thats it just let my voice soothe you to sleep once you wake up tomorrow your life will be soon much better he teased as you snuggle against his body "nighty nighty" he says before you drift off to sleep
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Growing Pains (KTH drabble)
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Summary- You and Taehyung discover the struggles of parenthood as you take on the task of raising your 3 month old daughter, Kiyomi.
Warnings- mentions of postpartum struggles and attachment issues
word count- 1.6k
A/N- Hi guys! so after Ladybug got so much love I decided to make a another drabble to continue their storyline, this takes place months after their daughter is born. Hope you enjoy it!
Taehyung woke up to the sounds of crying. He sat up and looked over at his clock, it was 4:32am, and you werent in the bed.
Groaning, he pushed the covers back and began walking down the hall into his daughters room, finding you on the floor with her in your arms.
"Im sorry we woke you, go back to bed" you whisper, noticing the sudden appearance of your husband in the room. "are you guys alright?" he asked, ignoring your previous demand as he walked further in and sat next to you, eyes still sleepy from the abrupt awakening.
You sigh and gently rock the small baby in your arms as she wailed, becoming frustrated yourself. "she wont stop" you exhale, finally looking at taehyung. "maybe shes hungry?" he suggested, moving his hand to wipe away his baby's tears.
"She wont latch...so I dont think she is...I also changed her and put her in a lighter onesie incase she was too hot" you gesture to the new outfit on Kiyomi, of course taehyung smiled at the ladybug printed fabric.
"let me see her" he whispered, gently taking the frail 3 month old out of your arms. "Hi baby, you giving mommy a hard time again?" he kissed all over her face before pulling her against him, her tiny head resting on his shoulder as his hand rubbed her back.
"im so tired" your hands run over the front of your face, knowing you return to work tomorrow afternoon and not only would you be exhausted, you would be missing your baby.
Since Kiyomi was born, youve been home every single day making sure she was taken care of, of course Taehyung has been an excellent help as well, and you probably wouldnt have been able to do this without him, yet at the same time you couldnt express your fears of going back to work after maternity leave....you didnt want to let him down or make him feel like you didnt trust him. It wasnt ever about trust, it was about going hours and hours without being able to make sure your daughter was okay. What happens if she needs mommy? What happens if she starts to cry and he cant differentiate it from a hunger cry, dirty diaper cry, or a tired cry?
"go back to sleep, i'll take care of her" he yawned and stood up, one hand reaching down to help you to your feet.
"I cant sleep" you sigh, walking over to rearrange her crib and the blankets. "cant we just keep her in our room tonight? she can sleep in our bed" you finish.
Taehyung gently rocked her around as he paced the room, the small cries slowing down. "baby I thought we agreed its better for her to be in her own room, she is gonna be too dependant on us.....and why cant you sleep? you just said you were tired-"
"because I have a list of things I need to do Taehyung!" you turn around, "I have to pump because she didnt want to eat, and I need to make sure you have enough milk for tomorrow, plus extra just incase, and then I need to put my work clothes in the washer because I forgot, then dry them, and you know what?" you throw your hands up as you walked over and took your daughter "shes only 3 months old, theres no harm in having her in our bed, who cares! she wont even remember anyways" you scoff and walk out of the room.
You didnt mean to snap on him like that, in fact you felt bad as soon as you left her bedroom. Taehyung is a great dad and an even better husband, but you still found yourself unable to stay calm when the list of things piled on, you didnt know how everything was going to go tomorrow, and you were stressed.
"hey...Im sorry if I said anything to upset you" he whispered as he finally walked into your shared bedroom, his daughter now asleep on the comforter as you sat and tried to pump milk.
sighing, you turn to look at him. "I didnt mean to act like that...you didnt do anything wrong, im just on edge"
He slowly walked over and sat on the bed next to you, careful of the sleeping baby in front of him. "whats going on, sweetheart?"
You didnt respond right away, instead you shrugged and looked down at Kiyomi, feeling those stupid tears resurface to your eyes again. "talk to me angel..." he rubbed your back.
"I dont want to leave her" you spoke in a choked whisper, wiping your cheek quickly. "What do you mean?" he calmly responded.
"Work tomorrow, I dont want to go....I havent been away from her since she was born. Ive had 3 months but im not ready." you take a breath, gathering your thoughts. "I went to the supermarket yesterday to buy dinner by myself, and almost had a panic attack because I realized she wasnt with me"
"my love, its okay to feel like this you know?" he rubbed your back softly, his chest tightening upon hearing your struggles. "sounds like you might be experiencing some separation anxiety,"
"I wanna work from home" you protest, shaking your head. "I cant leave her, and Its not about you not being a good parent- because you are so good, probably better than me" you chuckle lightly, "I just need it for myself....I need to see her. I spent 9 months taking care of her, I knew where she was at all times, and now that shes actually here I get so worried something will happen"
"i know sweetheart, I know" his hand ran through your hair as you spoke, "If you really want to look for a job that allows you to work from home, i'll support you all the way, you know that....but I really think its important to go tomorrow at least, to tell them about whats going on"
You leaned against your husband, glad he was supporting you in such a vulnerable moment. "why cant I just call them tomorrow?" you sniffle
"because I think its good to just go in, the smaller steps you take, even if its just a day, will probably make things easier for you."
"mm....just tomorrow?" you look at him
"Just tomorrow, then you dont ever have to see that place if you dont want to, you can stay home and i'll pamper you both"
You giggled and shook your head, "no, I wanna work....just not outside the house"
"and I support that" he gently lifted your chin so he could kiss you.
You smiled and kissed him back, watching him carefully as you pulled away.
"You are so beautiful, I swear motherhood made you even more attractive than you already were" he grinned
you raised an eyebrow, looking down at yourself before looking at him, "are you kidding me? I have a suction cup attached to my tit right now, and my hair needs to be washed....dont even try to say I look good" you shook your head as you noticed the bottle was full, taking off the pump and pulling your shirt down as you crewed the cap on.
"Ah you dont see yourself how I see you, the fact you go through so much for our baby is what is beautiful to me, and just for the record, you could never shower again and i'd buy all the nose plugs in the world just so I could be near you and call you cute"
"shut uppppp" you whine and lean against the pillow, "thanks though....fatherhood looks good on you"
"now thank you, but we both can tell that its not physically" he laughed and stood, putting his hands on his belly. "sympathy weight" he patted his stomach, making you laugh.
"Hey, I didnt do that to you!" you retort
"Yes! you insisted that I eat with you every time you had a craving, and what did I do?"
"ate with me" you smile
"yeah, except you were eating and it went to the baby" he chuckled, "mine went to my stomach area"
"hey I think dad bods are sexy" you nudge him
he rolled his eyes jokingly and wrapped you in his embrace, both of you looking down at your finally sleeping daughter.
"next kid, you deal with those cravings alone" he teased, hand gently squeezing you closer.
You smiled brightly at his words, you couldnt handle another child right now, especially with your current mental state, but you knew in the next 3 years you would enjoy having a second baby.
"thats not gonna be for a while bubs, relax" you patted his thigh
"what if she gets lonely" he looks at you
"are you serious" you laugh, squishing his face "shes 3 months, plus she has us, and tannie. I promise she will be well entertained until we have another kid"
He huffed and slouched down, making you giggle.
He sat up and grabbed his phone, turning the video on as he began filming his sleeping baby. "I havent recorded anything in a bit, well thats a lie, I recorded her yesterday when I was playing airplane and she ended up puking on me"
Your giggles are heard off camera before he faces it towards you "Oh its funny huh?"
"shh, youre gonna wake her" you quickly cover the camera to hide yourself before he continues to ramble on about your baby. He's been doing this since that day you both found out you were expecting Kiyomi, and it still warms your heart to see a man so in love with his creation of life.
He was your rock, and she was your ladybug, and perhaps you would be okay after all.
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litaeque · 1 year
Hi! Could you please do Rui + Tsukasa with a reader that has really bad nightmares? No pressure of course, take care of yourself
hihihii!!! you too anon don't forget to eat, drink, and sleep! enjoy<3 , i thought it would be fun to post this on april fools day since i was supposed to post this yesterday.. so uh
character/s: rui kamishiro, tsukasa tenma x reader
cws: comfort with a tiny little angst (i swear), break up (implied and dw its just a nightmare..!!), takes place on their 3rd event!
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rui never sleeps like literally.
he finds sleeping nice but also a bothersome especially if he is very busy and he has a non-existent sleeping schedule anyway so why even bother sleeping?
but that doesn't change the fact that he wouldn't notice you shuffling your bed so much while he was working on something.
he walked towards you while also sitting down on the edge of your bed examining your face, and you looked.. troubled a lot.
so you were having a nightmare perhaps?
he slowly lean down to kiss your forehead to atleast make your nightmare go away (well he hoped it would work-) but instead you woke up even hitting him on the forehead while doing so but that doesn't matter right now!
rui was quick to hold you and kissed your forehead reassuring you that everything's fine
he asked if you had a terrible nightmare and ofcourse you said yes
he then questioned if you wanted to talk about it
if not- he will still comfort you and give you affection reminding you that he's always by your side.
if you tell him your nightmare, he's glad that you trusted him into telling him your nightmare
when you said that he wanted to break up with you, he felt his heart stop for a second right there.
it won't happen right?.. he knows that he'll have to let go soon or later on everything to achieve his dream but does losing you on the process really worth it..?
he quickly let go of those thoughts and pecked you in the lips constantly reminding you that was just a nightmare and it isn't real.
but was it really just a nightmare?
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tsukasa is quite a busy man especially when he's focused into becoming a star.
but that doesn't mean he won't able to make time with you!
so when you both were sleeping, his beauty rest was interrupted by the shuffling and movements on the bed.
he was confused and kind of annoyed but that immediately changed when he saw that it was just you doing that.
he thought you were awake so he tapped your shoulder to ask why you were shuffling the bed
but when he didn't got an answer he sighed quietly sad by the fact your ignoring, so he decided to go infront of you
when he turned on the night lamp he was immediately met by tears dropping down your face
he noticed that you were asleep.. but you were crying, as much as he didn't want to disturb you he had no choice but to wake you up he can't just stand there watching you crying your heart out without you even knowing it!
when you finally wake up he was quick to rush to be on your side patting you on the back telling you that everything's alright.
once you calmed down he wiped away your tears and he cant help but feel so devastated by just seeing you cry.
he then asked what happened, if you don't tell him it's completely alright! it's your choice to tell him so he won't force you he's just worried for you.
if you tell him about your dream, he felt a rush down to his stomach.
why would he break up with you? there's no way that's happening!
he will constantly tell you i love you's and that will never happen because your the light of his life, and what would he do without you?
besides that wont ever happen. right?
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jewish-vents · 4 months
its so bad to the point that i cant talk to goyim anymore, i just cant trust them whatsoever. but my therapist is a goy and a few weeks ago i tried to say that i was scared to go to more punk shows because of rampant antisemitism and she basically said that i was just paranoid and that it doesnt matter anyways. so obviously i walked out. but since then i cant talk to her i cant forget about everything that goyim have done to break me these past few months and i cant trust her to talk even about normal stuff. i still go i just sit there in silence while she talks at me for an hour. last week she asked me if someone did something to make me shut down like this and i was just thinking "yeah, my friend was murdered in october and i lost all my irl friends after i saw them cheering on the people who murdered him and i get people telling me almost everyday that hitler shouldve finished the job" but i just stayed silent because i know she'll probably agree with them. when my mum woke me up to take me today i started crying and hyperventilating because im so scared. its really bad because i need her to help get on the diability benefit, i cant work because im disabled and i cant get the benefit alone because my disabilities stop me from going to the meetings and making the phone calls and my brother said im a waste of resources and contribute nothing to society and i cant leave my house because im scared i'll get killed for being jewish
I'm sorry but your therapist sounds like a crappy therapist. It sucks that you need her. You're not a waste of resources and you can contribute to society, but one way or another you have inherent worth that is completely independent from what you can give others. And you have experienced quite a significant bit of trauma, and maybe more things you haven't even mentioned here. You're allowed to feel sad and upset and even angry.
When you need it, you can always come here scream and cry and talk and whatever you want (within the rules, of course). We're not going to judge you and you don't even need to make sense. Just let it out.
Best of luck and I hope it gets better for you
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logbush · 1 year
First Love
1247 words
quinn fabray x reader
A/n: i am working on all of your requests i promise!! i'm just trying to get out everything i already have written by now. please send in your requests!!
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quinn sighed as she looked at her clock, 6:30 am, time to get up. she groaned and leaned up. she hadn’t been to school since it happened. that was three months ago. people began wondering if she was okay, she had people knocking at her door just for her mom to say “she’s okay, no need to worry”. of course, people were worried anyways. her mom opened her door, the light quickly blinding the blond “quinnie, i need you to go to school,” she said quietly. “if it becomes too much you can call me and ill come pick you up. but i would really like it if you could make it a full day honey,”
quinn groaned. it already felt too much. she got up and went to her bathroom, not caring enough to turn the light on. she began running a brush through her hair, as soon as she caught a tangle she stopped caring and walked down stairs. she put a pair of slides on before walking out of the door, “can i walk?” she asked her mom hoarsely. her mom nodded “of course honey, stay safe.”
quinn walked into school about ten minutes after she left her house. she wasn’t paying attention as she walked down the hall. everyone else was however. she looked like a walking zombie, makeup on from three months ago, a mess of her hair, her clothes were stained in all of the colors in the rainbows. she didnt care, you weren’t there. there wasn’t anything for her to look good for anymore. santana and brittany spotted her from across the hall and rushed over to her. “oh girl..” santana started before taking quinn’s hand and walking with her to an empty classroom. brittany walked next to them “you look like me after i left the sewers” brittany said once they reached the classroom. santana looked at quinn and sat down on one of the desks.
“say something quinn” santana stated, looking at the blonde. quinn shrugged “theres nothing to say” she said meekly. brittany stood behind quinn gently rubbing her shoulders, trying to loosen her up. “you need to get out the anger you’re holding, because this” santana paused, using her finger to look up and down at the blonde “this is not the quinn i know” the blonde let out a shaky breath before collapsing on the floor, crying in a way she hadn’t since it happened. “it should’ve been me” she said in between sobs. santana and brittany knelt down next to her, wrapping their arms around her.
“i really think this rachel and finn getting married thing is stupid” you said in the passenger side of quinn’s car. she was driving to the chapel they had planned on, her hand on your thigh. “i dont either, they’re really young dont you think?” you nodded in reply “i mean they’re going to end up together anyways, might as well get it over with now” she chuckled softly. the blonde looked down at her phone as it kept buzzing.'WHERE ARE YOU??' it read. she grabbed her phone deciding to quickly text rachel back “hey dont text and drive, didnt your parents ever teach you that?” you said jokingly, you were on the back roads, what could happen? quinn began typing her text. as soon as she did she heard a honk before a loud CRASH. quinn was out for a few minutes, but as soon as she woke up she looked at you, you were pale “y/n? can you hear me?” no response. she felt tears form in her eyes before she heard sirens.
“quinn?” santana said softly “we’re here for you,” she hugged the blonde tighter. brittany then spoke up “i can see if i can get you a therapy session with lord tubbington but hes kind of backed up this month” quinn shook her head “i cant believe i was so stupid.” she yelled out. santana shook her head “no you’re not stupid” santana reassured. the blonde stood up and shook her head “santana. my stupidity killed the love of my life. i am the reason y/n isn’t here anymore. its my fault.” she yelled out, emphasizing certain words to get her point across. santana grabbed quinn’s hand before yanking her into the choir room.
quinn’s tears were still falling as she walked in. the glee club looked stunned “wow, quinn, its good to see you” mr schuester said as she stood still “i cant be here” she mumbled before running out of the room.
quinn sat in the waiting room of the hospital, it was a miracle she made it out with little injuries, just a little scrape on her forehead. you must've taken most of the blunt force. “ms. fabray? would you like to see y/n now? she’s in a coma, we’re not sure if she will make it out” a nurse asked once she walked in. the blonde shot up and nodded before following the nurse to your room. she walked in before her heart dropped to her stomach. you were laid down on the bed, wires coming out of you, attached to different medical devices. the quiet beeping of the heart rate monitor flooded her senses. she pulled up a chair and sat next to you before finally breaking down. “im so sorry y/n,” she said taking her hand in yours. “im so sorry i ever let this happen to you. this is all my fault.” she began breathing heavy “i know you can make it out of this. you’re strong enough.” her sobs took over her. her head laid on your stomach, not trying to hold it back anymore.
“how was your day honey?” quinn’s mom asked once she walked in the door. the blonde ignored her, instead just going straight up to her room. she sat on her bed curled up for hours in one of your hoodies, replaying that moment over and over again.
quinn sat on the bed next to you, desperately trying to pretend you’re still with her. she was holding your hand with her head on your chest, just like she used to do. the beeping from the heart monitor was keeping her calm. until, it stopped. quinn shot up as soon as she heard the flat line, spamming the 'call nurse' button desperately. the nurse rushed in with a doctor. the nurse tried to usher quinn out of the room but she stood still. the doctor sighed before shaking her head “we were too late” she mumbled “what are you talking about?” quinn asked “bring her back. please.” she begged. the doctor shook her head “we cant” the doctor stated. the blonde fell to her knees. “we’ll give you some time” said the nurse. quinn stood back up and looked down at you. “im so sorry baby” she managed to get out between her sobs. she knelt back down before taking your necklace off and putting it on herself, a way for her to always keep your memory alive within her. “i love you, i will never love anyone as much as i love you,” she started “im so sorry i let this happen to you” her sobs quickly overwhelmed her. she held you for as long as she was able.
within a matter of seconds, you were taken from her. everything she had planned was wiped away from her. she didnt know if she could recover. she didn't know how she could recover.
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sakiblack · 6 months
The moon and the sun ep2.
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Neteyam x reader
Words writen like this are spoken in navi
It was the next morning,i just woke up from a 9 hours of sleep.I must say it was a good rest for my   body and mind.It wasent long before Loak came into the tent probably from his morning walk. He looked at me with happy eyes a lot more defferent then last night as he asked me if i wanna go out epxplore with him Kiri and Spider. I didnt have anything else in plan so i said yes
It didnt take us long before we were jumping on vines from where i could see the forest.
-Go monkey boy!
Said Kiri as she was happily jumping.
Tuk:Guys wait up!
Said Tuk trying to keep up with us.
 As we all made our way to the forest Loak was the first one followed by Spider Kiri me and Tuk.
Loak:Tuk  keep up
Tuk:Ok ok
Spider:Bro why did you bring her anyways?
Loak:She is such a cry baby,im telling ,i will tell mom if you dont let me come.Plus y/n wanted her to come as well so i could not do anything about it cus if i did Neteyam would probably kill me.
Kiri:Dont pick on her
She said as Tuk  showed her tongue to Loak.
Loak:Whatever.Lets just keep going.
 We were walking for some time until we came to a  destroyed helicopter gunship that was cowered by vines.
Loak:Come on guys.
Tuk:Are there any dead bodys up there?
Asked Tuk with curiosity in her voice
Loak:No i cant see  any
y/n:Hey where did Kiri go?
Loak:Im not sure
He replyed still loking at the helicopter gunship
Spider:I will go look for her
 A few minutes later we were walking as we were now looking for Kiri and Spider
Y/n:Hire you two are
I said as i saw Kiri and Spider sitting on  grass
Tuk:Kiri we have to get back
Tuk said as Kiri and Spider walked to us.We were making our way back home as Loak saw something on the ground. Footprints
Kiri:What is it?
I could hear annoyance in her voice
Loak:That is way to big for a human.
Said Loak as we were all now looking at the footprints
Loak:Maybe,but they for sure arent ours.
Replied Loak as him and Spider started to follow the footprints
Kiri:What are you doing?
Loak:SHHH im tracking
y/n:If you call that tracking my Ikran is a tree.
I said rolling my eyes as  we all started to follow Loak.We were walking for about 1 minute as we saw some avatars walking around
Kiri:We are never soposed to come hire.Dad is going to ground you
Loak:shh can you stop
Kiri:For life
She finished .
Loak:Bro you got to look at this,lets go
Loak told Spider as they started to go closer to the avatars
y/n:Loak get back hire
Loak:shh  its all ok
 I was left with Kiri and Tuk.Kiri was looking at the two as Tuk was now hugging me. I tryied my best to make feel better by hugging her back but i dont think it worked.Soon Loak and Spider came back as Loak told us he will call dad, to tell him about the avatars
Loak:Dad dad can you hear me?
Jake:Yes i can what is it?
Loak:I got my eyes on some guys they look like avatars but they arent ours,there is about 6 of them over.
Jake:Where are you?
Asked Jake worry in his voice
Loak:Um we are at the old shag
Jake:Who is we?
Loak:Me,Spider,Kiri,y/n… and Tuk
Jake:…Son you  listening to me very clearly. Retreat as fast as you can and dont make a sound.Got it?
Loak:Got it we are moving out
Loak told Jake as we started to go back
Kiri:I told you
Kiri:Your going to be in so much trouble.
Loak:Kiri stop.
Spider:Guys come on
Tuk:Its almost eclipse come on.
Just as she said that i could hear her scream.As i looked at her i could see one of the avatars grabbed her
I yelled,as Spider and Loak pointed theyer bows at the avatars
:Put it down!Put it down or i will  shoot you!
Yelled one of the avatars as the others aimed the guns at us
Loak:Put it down Spider
Said Loak as spider looked at him and did as he said.Just as he did that the avatars ran to us and grabbed our arms
y/n:Be calm,calm
I said in a calm voice,looking at Tuk .Just then 2 more man came to us
:What have we hire?
Asked one of the 2 man as he looked at all of us and then at Loak
:Hey colonel check it out 5 fingers,we have a half-breed.
:Show me your fingers
Said the man /that i now assumed was the leader/ as he walked to Loak.Loak looked at him and showed him the middle finger.If it was another situation it would be funny to me but now i just hoped its not ganna make the man angry
:Heh youre his arent you?
Said the man as Loak hissed at him
:Youre his all right.
Said the man with a smile on his face as he grabbed Loaks braid
:Where is he?
Loak:Sorry i dont speak English…..to buttholes.
:Where is your father!?
Asked the man now anger in his voice as he pulled Loaks braid even tighter.That made Loak hiss even more
:Really? You wanna play it this way?
The man said as he pulled out a knife
y/n:Leave him alone!
I yealled at the mad with anger in my voice.As i said that the man pushed Loak to the ground as he walked to me
Loak:Please dont hurt her!
Said Loak as the man looked at Spider
:What is your name kid?
Asked the man as he gived the man that was holding Spider a sign to let Spider go
Spider:Nobody calls me that
Quaritc:Well ill be damned.Well i figured they sented you back to Earth.
Spider:They cant put babys in cryo dipshit
Now i think i know what is happening,that is Spiders dad,but now he was in an avatar. The man was looking at Spider for a little longer then got up and signed to the man behinde Spider to grab him again.
Quaritc :Iron sky, blue one ,actual
He said as he started to talk to someone telling them he has some prisoners.Im guessing they are us
Kiri:Let us go
Said Kiri as they started to pull us back to the shag.As we came back the avatars pushed us down to the ground as they started to tie us.I was thrown to the ground next to loak
I could see the leader and another man watching something but i could not see what it was.We were there for some time,we could not talk but i still did my best to give Tuk reassuring looks.Soon it was dark and they all pulled us back up and we were now waiting for who ever the leader was talking to some time back.That is who THEY were waiting for,we were waiting for Jake and Neytiri.It started to rain as we were now standing in darknes,the only light were the flowers around us
:Blue one,stand by ready.We are 3 minutes out.
I could hear a womens voice come out of the thing on the leaders neck
Quaritc :Heads up,3 minutes.
I was trying to think about how to get us out,if the back up will come before Neytiri and Jake as i heard a sound.It sounded like an animal but i know it was not an animal.It wasNeytiri.Her call that only we know.And there it is again.As the sound was heared again me,Tuk,Kiri,Loak and Spider all looked around.Now we all knew whu it was.And again third time.I was standing still waiting for my time to bite the hand that was holding me.Just as i was thinking that the man holding Kiri and Spider was shot
He yelled as they started to shot in the direction the arrow was shot from
That made Loak pulled one of smoke bombs from the avatar that was next to Loak.That made me and Tuk bite the hand from the avatar that was holding us
Yealled Tuk as she ran to him and i did the same
Loak:Tuk,y/n come on.Go,go,go!
He said as we all started to run.We were running for what seemed like forever. I wanted to turn back to see if Kiri and Spider made it out but i was to scared of seeing another avatar.
Loak:Go,go,go.Come on.Lets go
Said Loak to Tuk as he was running right next to her.When out of nowhere Jake and Nateyam jumped out.That scared me and made me scream but as soon as i saw it was them the fear went away
Jake:You hurt?
He asked her as he looked  up and down looking for any wounds
My eyes were full of tears and i only now noticed that.
Neteyam:Y/n are you okay?
I glanced at him as i finaly leted the tears fall down my face. I nooded my head as i hugged him.
Neteyam:Its okay.
Said Nateyam as he hugged me. We could see the helicopter as it took of flying.Just then mom and Kiri cam out of some bushes
Neytiri said as Tuk jumped into her arms.
Jake:Its ok.We are all ok
Jake said reassuring all of us
Neytiri:Oh thank you great mother.Thank you.
She said as she smiled at me happy i was safe as well.
Loak:Where is Spider
Asked Loak.Kirri looked him with tears in her eyes
Kiri:They took him.They took him
Said kiri her voice sad and broken
I whispered as i walked to her and before i could say anything else she hugged me tightly.
Jake:Okay.Its okay baby girl.He is a tough kid.All right.Shhh shh
Jake said petting her head.
Jake:He is going to be okay.We are all ganna be okay.
 Loak:Hey hey dont cry.You know that he can kick their ass right?
Loak said trying his best to make Kiri smile as she leted me go.I was just looking at the ground as the rain was now heavyer then before.I felt a hand on my shoulder again but this time i did not do anything to make it go away.Then there was another hand on my other shoulder.And then the hands hugged me from behind and someone rested their head on my shoulder.
Neteyam:He is gonna be safe.Trust me…….You do trust me do you not?
I looked at his face and nodded.
To say the truth i wasent so sure but i wanted to belive it. Out of everyone i know he was the closest to a brother i had. I just hope they wont hurt him.
Jake:Okay we are going back.
Jake said as he looked at all of us.
Neytiri:I will take Tuk and Kiri.
Jake:Good. Loak your with Neteyam.
Neteyam:Sir.I would like to take y/n.
Neteyam said as he looked at me.
Jake:Fine fine.Loak your ganna come with me.
Said Jake as he turned around and started to walk to the ikrans.
Jake:Lets go.
I looked up at Neteyam standing right infront of me.
 Neteyam: Riti.Lets go.
He said as he handed me his hand.I looked at the big hand for what felt like years till i finaly took it and started to walk with him.
He didnt say a word till we got to the ikrans.Noone really did.The only sounds that i could hear was Kiris soft cries, the ikrans and the night life.It was calming.Too much calming for tonight.
Jake got on his ikran as Loak climed on as well.Neytiri,Tuk and Kiri did the same as the only ones on the ground was me and Neteyam.He followed their moves as he too was soon on his ikran looking down at me handing me his hand to pull me up.I took his hand and took a seat in front of him.
He puted one hand around my waist as the other holded on to the saddle.Jake was the first one to take off followed by Neytiri and then us.
The way back home was just as silent as the walk before.Noone said anything.Not even Neteyam.Im guessing he didnt know what to tell me.I understand that.Only thing he did was that sometims he petted my waist as he was still holding on to me.My hands were placed on the saddle next to his own hand.
Soon we came back to the hide out.
Jake:Kids go to your grandmother .
Said Jake as we all landed and got off the ikrans.Neteyam helped my off as we all made our way to Mo'ats tent.
Mo'at:Children what happened? Where were you all?
Mo'at asked as we entered her tent.For some time noone answered until Neteyam broke the ice.He explained everything that happened as i walked to  a corner and took a seat on the ground.Kiri,Loak and Tuk did the same as Kiri started to look for wounds on Tuk and Loak was just looking at the air.
As Neteyam explained everything i noticed a small pot with blue liquid inside.The blue liquid Spider always used.It made me smile as i remembered he always said it made him feel more like a navi.
As i looked around to see me , Loak,Neteyam and Mo'at were the only ones in the tent.Kiri and Tuk must have left.
Neteyam:Come on we should go.
He said as we all got up and started to walk out of the tent.But not beffore saying good bye to Mo'at of course.
We walked to the tent they all lived in as we saw Kiri and Tuk listening to something.
Loak:Whats going on?
Asked Loak as we walked to Kiri and Tuk as Kiri shushed Loak.
I walked to Tuk and kneeled down next to her as Neteyam and Loak did the same.
Neytiri: This is our family.This is our home!
Jake: This is about our family.This is about our little ones.
I puted my face down on the ground to see through the small hole like Tuk.
Neytiri: I cannot,you cannot  ask this.I cannot leave my people.I will not.
Jake: He is hunting us.He is targeting our family.
Neytiri: You cannot ask this!The children.Everything they have ever known.The forest.This is our home!
Jake: He had our children.He had them under his knife!
I saw Neytiri grab her bow.She always told us stories about her father.How he gived her the bow to protect the people.
Neytiri: My father gave me this bow as he lay dying .And he said protect the people.You are Toruk Makto!
Yelled Neytiri as she was now crying
Jake: This will protect the people!Quaritch has Spider and that kid knows everything and he can lead them right in here.If the people harbor us they will die.Do you understand.Look i got nothing.I got no plan..But i can protect this family.That i can do.I know one thing.Wherever we go…This family is our fortress.
And hire we all were. Crowded by the navi in our clan waiting to soon not be a part of this clan…and the forest.This is like someone puted stones in my heart.Jake is no longer tha clan leader.
Tarsem is wise for his years.At least thats what Jake said.
I was standing next to Neytiri as Tarsem was becoming the new leader.I could not help but feel tears in my eyes.
Toruk Makto will disappear and the people will be save….
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geralallfandoms · 8 months
|Joel Miller|
○Death and me○
Warnings: thoughts about death, fear of death. ⚠️ (Joel Miller comforting reader. Reflection on death.)
You remembered having a moment in your life when these ideas didn't let you sleep, but over the years they disappeared and you simply thought it was something temporary.
But one night, after finding out about the death of one of the members of Jackson, that feeling, those thoughts came back.
Joel had fallen asleep hours ago, but you kept thinking and thinking... the pressure in your chest getting bigger and bigger.
What was next? Would you see your parents again? Could you see Joel again? Was it going to be all darkness? Were you going to reincarnate? have another life and forget this one? What would happen to your conscience? Would you realize that you were living another life? Or could you reunite with all those who had already left and be together for all eternity? was there anything else? or was it the end completely?
You didn't want to keep thinking about it, you didn't want to let those thoughts prohibit you from continuing, but it was too late.
The tears were already falling non-stop from your face, your hands were already shaking too much and it was impossible for you to hide your cries.
You couldn't even get up and go to the bathroom so as not to wake Joel. On the contrary, the only thing you could do was turn on your side, put your arm around Joel's waist and press your face to his back.
Joel had spent so much time outside, having to pay attention to everything, that the moment he felt you move, he woke up. He turned around with a smile on his face, loving the idea of having you by his side... but when he heard your desperate cry his smile faded completely.
Joel I don't need to ask you what was happening... he had his suspicions and upon hearing your words, he was able to confirm them.
"I-I dont...i-i do-dont want you to-to die...i dont want to die...i-i cant im s-scared...no...Joel no..." you repeated over and over again, the fear and desperation becoming greater and greater.
Joel just hugged you tight while trying to comfort you. A few years ago, you had told him about your fear, but he had never seen you like this.
"I know baby...I know you are scared...but there is nothing that we can do, you know?" His words only made you cry so hard, because he knew he was right.
"I dont know...what...wh-what happend after? I can't live without you joel..." You felt a desperation in your chest that only created more and more. There was no answer, or possible answer that would give you security, no one knew exactly what would happen... Joel couldn't promise you that he would see you again.
"I know, my girl, and I'm sorry for not having a scientific or religious answer that can ease your heart...But it will be of no use if you live thinking about that, if you do not enjoy the now because of something inevitable... not everything has an answer, not everything has a solution and we cannot know everything... in this case we only have to settle for what we have. ..and you know what we have? We have each other. We have Ellie, Tomy, Maria, we have days, months, years ahead, it doesn't matter how many but we have them, we have beautiful moments to remember...Don't let this stop you from living, don't let that keep you from us... live now, enjoy. When the time comes it will be what it has to be... okay?" The fear came from one moment to the next, but Joel's words always managed to make them leave as quickly as they arrived.
"Yeah...you're right..." you said as you caressed his face.
"Im here...I love you baby."
"I love you too Joel..."
Maybe they only had hours left, maybe days, months or if they were lucky years... but at the end of the day Joel was right. What's the point of worrying about something that was going to happen anyway? All that was left was to live in the now, enjoy it to the fullest and live as if there were no tomorrow.
The only thing left to do was keep looking for something to fight for.
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SORRY I know it's a little sad and short...but it's something that happens to me often and I wanted to write to Joel comforting someone who has the same thing happen to them.
Also a little to reflect on that fear and try to move forward.
What do you think about the topic?
I promise to write something more fun next time (I'm preparing the second chapter that I promised you) 😭
Leave me ideas of stories you would like to read! 💫❤
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