#anyway i really hope this father stays nice and kind
tytangfei · 1 year
xiaoliu/xiaoyao having a nice father??? I'm getting whiplash because all the recent dramas I've seen have had annoying and controlling fathers
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monzabee · 1 year
two sides of the same coin - mv1
Summary: The one where you try to convince yourself that you’re not falling for your teammate, but can’t help it when you realise that he is not that different from you after all.
Pairing: max verstappen x reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: cursing, mommy issues (same), daddy issues, ISSUES OKAY, ISSUES, EVERYBODY HAS ISSUES, J*s Verstappen (yikes), allusions to eating disorders, a singular mention of divorce babe divorce, angst (why am i writing so much angst), daniel ricciardo being the best older grid-brother there is, slight frenemies to lovers if your squint, i don’t really like horner but he’s like the only father figure max ever had so he’s a good guy in this one. 
Request: “teammates to lovers with max please!❣️”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! i did NOT expect to get this out today, but there you go! it was so much fun to write and honestly, i might slowly becoming a max girl (sorry carlos). anyway, please check the warning tags if you haven’t already, because there might be some possibly triggering content. thank you, anon, for the request, i hope you guys enjoy! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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“Do you have to leave?” You ask the Australian in front of you who, coincidentally, is kneeled on the floor and in the middle of packing his bag. “Can’t you just… I don’t know, stay?”
“Come on, cheer up.” He says, “You’re supposed to be happy that I’m changing teams, Y/N.”
You scoff, dropping yourself to lay down and bending your knees to rest your feet on the couch. “I don’t have to be happy about anything.” You throw the tennis ball in your hand towards the wall, catching it and doing it all over again in a pattern in which you know is going to make Daniel mad. 
“Any other potential driver would be happy about this, Horner already told you the seat would be yours. So, there is no reason why you shouldn’t feel happy about this.” 
“Well, I still don’t.” You huff, turning your head towards the man jokingly glaring at you. 
He laughs, gives you a look and returns to his task while shaking his head slightly. “You’re a very weird girl, Y/N.” 
“Wow, Daniel. That’s brand-new information.” A third voice interrupts your discussion from the door. It’s Max leaning against the frame with his arms crossed across his chest. You halt the movement of your hands to send him a scathing look. 
You roll your eyes, mumbling something along the lines of  “No one asked you,” under your breath. 
“Play nice, Max Emilian.” Daniel mumbles, making the Dutch groan and you laugh. “Fuck, how did I pack this in the first place?” 
“You wouldn’t have this issue if you didn’t get too comfortable in your driver’s room, Danny.” You offer, raising yourself on your elbows to get a better look at the already bursting luggage. “You still have a ton of stuff at the hotel, too.” 
“Maybe you should just stop living like a slob.” Max offers this time, making both you and Daniel to glare at him. “Jesus, tough room.”
“You should become a comedian,” you tell him with a voice dripping with sarcasm, “Max Emilian.” 
He straightens his posture quickly, “You know what, Y/N–”
“Calm down, children.” Daniel sighs and  giving you both the look. “You two need to get along now that I’m not going to be there to stop some kind of childish feud–”
“It’s not childish–” You argue at the same time Max complains, “She pushed me off the track!”
You furiously get up from your place on the couch and walk towards him with an accusatory finger extended towards him. “It wasn’t me, you dickhead, it was Charles! And it was an accident!” 
“I don’t care,” He contends, “You were helping him push me off the track.” He shakes his head while mumbling, “Incident, inchident, as if I’m stupid.”
“Why would I help him when I was racing against both of you, Max?” 
“I don’t know,” He shrugs, a devilish smirk on his lips. “Maybe you had a crush on him.” 
“I- I did not!” Your shout is high pitched, you gasp and start to follow him with enraged steps when he walks out of the room. “You get back right here, Max, you insufferable twat!” 
Daniel is left with an empty room and a luggage which is about to explode. “They’ll be fine,” he announces, mostly to himself but also at the poor intern who watches the corridor you’re both walking down in while continue your very loud fight. “Do you think you can get me another luggage?” 
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It’s not like you hate Max, you don’t hate him at all. In fact, he’s gone out of his way to make you feel comfortable from your change in role from a reserve driver to the second driver at Red Bull. Looking back, you can now say that everything happened so quickly. One day, you were the reserve driver for Aston Martin Red Bull Formula One team, and the next day, Christian Horner invited you to his office to offer you an opportunity of a lifetime. Having a reserve driver who was a woman had already had the team under a large microscope – some calling it a step in the right direction whilst others arguing that it was nothing more than a PR move to gain sympathy. You tried telling your team principle your concerns about the media but he assured you that all will be dealt with and all you would need to do is drive a good race. 
So, you left the office with a renewed, and rewritten, contract and never looked back. After that, it was a whirlwind of media duties (both due to your ‘promotion’ and Daniel’s departure), photoshoots, and much more. Your trusted Apple Watch was replaced with a Tag Heuer one, which left you terrified of losing it. But Horner assured you that they’d deal with it – “Should you ever lose the watch, but try not to because it costs a lot of money, okay?” Max was with you in every step of the way, even though his father clearly unapproved of your pseudo-friendship. You sometimes think the only reason the two of you ever became friends is due to the fact that it was forced upon you due to you being teammates, but Max proves this to be wrong every time he brings you coffee in morning briefings because; “I don’t want for them to repeat it and extend the meeting because you’re sleepy,” or when he checks up on you before a race in a particular track he knows you’re anxious about; “Just making sure you’re calmed down so you don’t accidentally hit me,” or how he comforts you after every fight you have with your mother. 
Which brings us to another topic – your mother. You suppose what J.D Salinger said was true – Mothers are all slightly insane. And you are allowed to say that, because yours takes the term ‘dance mom’ to a whole other level. You thought since Daniel convinced your mother that he’d take care of you, she’d stay away, but she became very interested in your career as a racing driver. You’d hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but your dreams are crushed like your car when she shows up in your first race. You two have a very public fight, which Christian has to break up for both of your sakes, leaving you to lock yourself in your driver’s room for the remainder of the race. It’s only when your door is knocked you realise the race is over. You’re about to yell back against the persistent knocks that you want to be left alone when you hear his voice. 
You get up and open to door to let Max in, only to find yourself crashing in his arms on the couch, sobbing through his calming words. “It’s going to be fine,” he says and somehow you realise maybe the two of you aren’t so different. 
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Between the pandemic and the new regulations, the 2020 season rocks your world – in a totally not cool way. The paddock buzzes with the health restrictions, everyone wanting to keep their drivers and staff safe. The stress from the unknown which comes from the fact that you’re in a freaking pandemic and that fact that your mother and Helmut Marko is enough to keep you on the edge throughout the whole season. The fights with your mother now more prominent than ever, you’re fairly sure that the poor people who are supposed to be doing their jobs can’t even do that because the fight seems to continue wherever you go. One day it’s about the fact that you couldn’t get a podium, the next time it’s because of the fact that you were third, you didn’t push enough, you pushed too hard, you didn’t use enough throttle, and the list goes on. You can feel the light in you fading with every fight, and the criticising jabs being masked as ‘little comments’, you’re just glad that you’re getting through the season without wanting to explode. 
It's between practice sessions when you sit down for lunch with your mother. You both order your food – her a salad, and you a sandwich. After the waiter leaves, your mother lets out an unsatisfied hum. 
“What’s wrong, mom?” You ask, trying to keep your voice and facial expression calm. 
“Wouldn’t it be better if you ate something healthier?” She asks, her voice condescending in every way you absolutely hate. “It would save your engineers a whole lot of work.” 
You sigh, turning your attention to your phone in your hands to appear busy. “The world isn’t going to end if I eat two slices of bread for lunch, mom.” You mumble. 
“It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t maintain healthier habits, I heard of this new diet–”
“I think she said she’d prefer the sandwich, Ms. Y/LN.” A voice interrupts, the one which you’ve become accustomed with. When you raise your head up, Max meets your eyes with an expectant look. “I’m sorry to keep your lunch short, but Christian said he wanted to meet us.” 
And with that, he quickly whisks you away from your mother. You’re confused when he leads you to his driver’s room instead of Christian’s office. You look at him with raised eyebrows, “I thought we were meeting Christian.” 
“Well, I might’ve lied.” He shrugs. Then, he moves towards the serving plate on the little table and motions you to sit. You’re even more surprised to find the sandwich you’ve ordered on the plate. He must’ve anticipated this because he explains it as he offers you the plate. “I was sitting a few tables over and heard you order it, now eat.” 
“Thanks, Max.” You whisper with a breathy voice. 
“It’s going to be fine.” He whispers back, making sure you eat every bite. 
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Everything is much more tense this season. Although the go through the races is podium finishes and points (and even a few wins), you realise Max is more on edge than you are. This also puts you in a slight state of panic, as he’s been the one better at keeping the cool between the two of you, but you manage to put your own insecurities aside to help your friend who’s done the same for you for the past two years. It starts with encouraging words and continues with comforting touches which evolve into hands lingering around after hugs. It becomes stolen looks across the rooms or group interviews where they separated the two of you. It later becomes holding each other’s hands under the tables during function and award shows and even holding each other in the comfort of your respective driver’s or hotel rooms. 
Max brings home a win in Monaco, while you steal the first place from Seb in Azerbaijan. He’s not bitter about it, in fact he congratulates you and doses you in so much champagne you have to take two showers to get the stickiness off your hair when you get back to your hotel room. While the season seems to be going for you from the race perspective, you realise Max is starting to have more problems with his father. You try your best when it comes to reassuring him, but both you and Max realise that you’re more open to being comforted than him. So, you provide the silence he craves and he eventually lets you know that he is ready for your cuddles. It’s a sad but a good routine. 
There’s one incident with an interview during the season. The tensions are high and people are starting to question your ability as a driver more now that you are bringing home podiums and wins. They are sceptical about the fact that you are a woman and question your every move and achievement – but you don’t mind it, you’re doing it for the little girls everywhere who watch you and hope to achieve the same things as you one day. 
An interviewer asks, “Isn’t it hard to focus on your task when you’re surrounded with nineteen other drivers who happen to be all men?”
You’re still tired from the previous race and not getting a full night’s sleep the night before, that it takes a while for you to comprehend the question. Thankfully, Daniel and Seb are there to defend you alongside Max. You turn your focus to the interviewer who asked the question as their protests die down. “Well,” you start with a shaky laugh, “I know the past year has messed up us all, but I’m not particularly into anything involving masks or stuff that conceal the face.” There is a nervous laughter around the room and the interviewer is not pleased with your answer. “Shall we continue?” You ask in the sweetest voice you can muster. When you look at Daniel and Max, both of them grin at you while giving you a supportive thumbs-up. 
You find yourself in his hotel room in Austin, a couple weeks after the race in Turkey. His eyes are focused on the portable screen as he plays FIFA. You’ve realised it’s a pre-race routine for him – not that you understand, his eyes must be tired after looking at the screen for too long. He asks you if you want to play and you agree, albeit timidly. He lets you play a few rounds after taking over and playing for fourteen hours straight to find himself ranking 21 worldwide. 
“You can always join an esports team after this.” You joke, your head is on the back of the couch as you look up at him. He laughs, agreeing you without any objection. 
“Maybe I should.” 
“What, you’re not going to continue racing until you are an old prune?” You ask. 
His face contorts. “No, that’s not the goal, schatje.”
“Then tell me,” You move your hands under your chin to appear more interested despite the sleep in your eyes. “what is the goal?” 
“To prove a point, and then I’m free.” He replies, mimicking your earlier pose. 
“You’re going to be fine, Max.” You speak in a soft voice; your touch is soft on his cheek when you bring one of your hands to caress the skin. “You’re going to become the champion this year.”
“How do you know?” Max asks, you can tell it is not to be sceptical, but it is in genuine curiosity. 
“Female intuition.” 
He lets out a big laugh, grabbing your wrist gently and pressing a kiss on the tips of your fingers. “Come on, we have to sleep before tomorrow. He have a race to win.” 
He wins, by the way – the race in Austin. And then, he goes on to win the 2021 World Championship. There are tears in your eyes as you congratulate him on the team radios, and after you get out of your car. He brings you on the podium and kisses you in front of the whole world. You realise that he was right all those times after all, everything is going to be fine.
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Both of you are in a bubble when you get to the 2022 season. He kisses you before every race, you do the same. You wish each other luck and proceed to race on the track the best you can. You find each other after every race, mostly covered in champagne, and kiss again. Both of your parents were opposed to your relationship at first – your mother and his father. It’s funny to think that now, because he’s introduced you to his mother and you introduced him to your dad, and as far as their approval goes, the love extends both ways. You’ve told your mother to stop coming to races, presenting a clear argument without raising your voice once, which leaves her no choice to agree to your wishes. It was scary to even consider doing it, but the proud look on Max’s face is enough for you to do it all again.
You win the race in Monaco this year. Max is P3, but he looks just as happy as you when you direct your bottle of champagne towards him. Although Carlos is there with you on the podium, in that moment, it feels like the world consists of only the two of you. You go to celebrate with the team, of course. Christian pushing you into the pool and you pulling Max, and consequently him, alongside you. Someone captures the moment and you post it to your social media. Daniel makes sure everyone knows that he approves. 
The fight is still on, as Lewis would say. You know both him and Max are still fighting for the title. No one expected you to join the two of them in their fight for the title. The first few races are hard at the start of the season, but you outrace most of your friends on the track after your win in Monaco. By the time you get to Abu Dhabi for the season’s last race, you’re a shaky mess. He takes you into his arms and whispers affirming promises into your ear. 
“You’re going to become the world champion,” He announces to you. “I know you’re going to do it.” 
Your voice comes out creaking as you question, “How do you know?”
There is a warm smile on his lips as he answers, “Female intuition.” 
You both get ready to race before you could answer because of the knock on the door. 
You’re still shaking by the time you park your car, and can’t get out even when your team huddles around you to celebrate. It takes a while to take it all in, but as you stand on the podium as the reigning champion with the man you love, nothing else matters to you in the world. You look around to see the smile on people’s faces, people shouting and cheering for you, and you even see your father who holds a banner with one of his hands as his other arm is wrapped around your team principal. It’s a bittersweet feeling, winning the same season one of your best friends announce that he is going to become a reserve driver. But Daniel is right there with your dad and Christian, screaming your name with pride. After your national anthem is played and you pop the champagne, you’re trying to get your eyes dry from all the tears as Max suddenly falls to his knees. You kneel with him with panic, of course, thinking that there might be something wrong with his heartbeat or something worse. But right as you’re about to call for help he brings something from his back towards you, opening the small box while maintaining his eye contact with you. There is an uproar of cheers around you, but it doesn’t matter. As far as you’re concerned, there’s only Max and you – and you and Max. 
“Marry me, liefje.” He says. 
You nod your head, “Yes.” 
He gathers you up in his arms after he puts the ring on your finger. You realise that he was right from the beginning, everything is more than fine. 
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“You need to stop doing this to yourself.” You announce as you watch Daniel struggle with his overflowing luggage – again. “You’re not even driving this season.” 
“It’s not my fault, I can’t not take what the fans give me.” He tries to defend himself; he points to the suitcase with frustration. “Can you help me, please?”
“Only because I am in a good mood.” You announce as you kneel beside him and the two of you try closing the monstrosity in front of you. 
You know Max is there before he announces his arrival. “Putting my wife to work, Daniel?” He asks. He comes to kneel with the two of you helping you close the luggage up. Then, he kisses you softly on your lips as he mumbles, “Hello, Mrs. Verstappen.” 
“Hello, Mr. Verstappen.” You giggle. 
“God, you guys are insufferable.” Daniel pretends to gag, receiving glares from the both of you. “Remember when you guys hated each other? Yeah, I miss those days.” 
“We never hated each other.” Max shrugs. 
“Yeah,” You seem to agree with your husband. “It was just an inchident of misunderstanding.” 
“I better be your future kids’ godfather!” He yells behind you as you start to leave (your) driver’s room. “Children, bloody children.” He mumbles to himself, he waves his arms for help when he spots one of the interns, “Hey, do you think you can get me another luggage?”
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m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
hi mira can i pls req a sae x reader and it’s like falling in love with someone. like you know that feeling when you’re really getting to know someone and it sounds like a soft song
i love uu take care x
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Synopsis: Thanks to a chance encounter on the beach, you spend your vacation trying to apologize to the famous soccer player you inadvertently offended. Unfortunately, Sae Itoshi has other plans.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Sae x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 11.6k
Content Warnings: love at first sight, fluff, humor, teasing as a love language, sae does not understand emotions or relationships but he’s rich asf, reader has a little brother and loves eating, meet-cutes, summer romance, SEAGULLS
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A/N: although sae is a difficult character for me to get a hold of, i ended up having fun with this LMAO as i’m sure you can tell by the massive word count 😭 i hope he’s not horribly ooc or anything and that this is kind of what you were looking for anon!! tysm for requesting and ily too <3
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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You tried to evaluate the series of choices you had made which had led to you lying atop a boy with green eyes and sand smeared across his cheeks, a blank expression on his face despite the way you were literally sprawled over him.
First: your family had decided to spend your summer vacation in Spain. This was innocuous and broad enough, considering how large the country was, so you concluded that your brother’s desire to practice his rudimentary Spanish in a more realistic setting than his high school classroom could not be blamed for your plight.
Second: your father had gotten a great deal on rooms in a luxury beachfront hotel. He was like a bloodhound when it came to haggling and discounts, so it wasn’t a surprise that you were staying in such a nice place for a relatively cheap price — and with a complimentary breakfast every morning, too! Anyways, the hotel had its own private pool that you could’ve been lounging around beside, so that probably wasn’t the cause, either.
Third: your mother had told you that the beach within walking distance of the hotel was famous for its smooth waters and pale sand. You had to visit at least once, according to her and every other travel guide written about the region, but since no one had wanted to go with you, you had decided to go alone, bringing a book, a bottle of sunscreen, and a blanket with you, throwing a dress on over your swimsuit and preparing yourself to spend the entire day soaking in the sun’s rays. This was definitely a contributor to your current predicament, although considering the miles of beach that stretched out in both directions as far as the eye could see where you could’ve been instead of right there, it wasn’t the sole factor.
Fourth: you had thought you would get hungry at some point and had had the foresight to bring a sandwich with you. That was definitely the reason. If only you hadn’t been so concerned with your stomach! If only you had just sucked it up and made the trek back to the hotel upon feeling peckish instead of being so lazy and planning ahead, you wouldn’t be in this situation.
“Can you get off of me?” the boy groaned.
“I am so sorry!” you said, scrambling to your feet and offering him your hand. He did not take it, standing on his own and doing his best to wipe the sand from his face. Then he shook his head like a dog, shaking out the grittiness from his soft hair. “I’m really sorry. I was just running so fast, and I was so worried about my sandwich that I didn’t notice you were there until it was too late!”
“Sandwich?” he said. A few paces away, a seagull landed, the remnants of your lunch held in its beak. You and the boy watched as it tilted its head back, swallowing the last few bites before cawing at you in satisfaction.
“You pig!” you shouted, pointing at it, the boy beside you temporarily forgotten as you fumed over the loss. It cocked its head at you. “That was mine!”
“Ah,” the boy said. “Your sandwich.”
The seagull hopped towards you, like it was teasing you or something, and you screeched before diving at it. Satisfied with the mischief it had caused and the food it had stolen, as well as with making a fool out of you, the seagull took wing, flying well out of reach and leaving you facedown on the ground, your stomach grumbling sadly and emptily.
A foot nudged against your rib cage. “Hey. Sandwich girl. You’re not concussed, are you?”
Being referred to as sandwich girl was so humiliating that you were instantly pushing yourself into a sitting position, folding your arms across your chest as you gazed up at the boy, who still wore that same unimpressed expression from when you had barreled into him.
“No,” you said.
“That’s great,” he said, though he did not sound particularly concerned nor relieved. “Mind elaborating a bit more on why you ran me over? You could’ve seriously injured me, and then you would’ve been in a bunch of trouble.”
“You would’ve been in a bunch of trouble,” you mocked, making your voice high and smarmy. “Jeez, what are you, some kind of celebrity or something? I ran you over because I was taking a break from reading my book, and I realized that I was hungry. Well, luckily, I had brought a sandwich along with me, so it wasn’t a huge deal. I was just about ready to dig in, when that fat pig of a bird swooped down and stole it right out of my hands! The gall! The shamelessness! It was definitely laughing at me, and I can’t stand anyone who laughs at me, so naturally I took off in pursuit, and, uh, that’s how I ended up crashing into you. Though you really should’ve been paying more attention, too. What’s so fascinating about the horizon that you just blocked out the rest of the world for it?”
“I like looking at the ocean,” he said. “But, wait. What do you mean, some kind of celebrity? Don’t you know who I am?”
You gave him a once-over. He was tall, though not impressively so, and definitely well-muscled. His hair was a warm shade, and his green eyes were framed with long eyelashes that fluttered every time he blinked. A pair of sunglasses was perched atop the crown of his head, and the top few buttons of his white shirt were undone, lending him a breezy appearance.
“You’re not handsome enough to be an actor, so that can’t be it,” you said, chewing on your lower lip in thought. “Plus, I’ve seen a bunch of movies, and I’m pretty sure you haven’t been in any of them, so if you were in the film industry, you’d be a D-lister at best, and there’s no way you’d want to flex that kind of status.”
He furrowed his brow, the first hint of a different expression than the one he had kept for the entirety of your very brief acquaintance. “What?”
“What else are people famous for?” you said. “Oh! Are you a singer or something? Were you in that one boy band from a few years ago? I’m sorry, I was too busy having a ‘not-like-other-girls’ phase when they were popular, so I never got into them. I’m over the phase now, if you were wondering, but that would be why I didn’t recognize you.”
“You are amazingly off the mark,” he said.
“I am? I’m kind of out of ideas at this point, though. Can I have a hint or something?” you said.
“Do you watch soccer?” he said. You made a face.
“Hell no,” you said. His eye twitched, so you hurried to elaborate. “My little brother is obsessed with it, so by law, I’m required to hate everything related to the sport. Do you have any siblings? You’d get it if you did.”
“Ask your brother about Sae Itoshi,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, drafting a text to your brother and sending it when you had deemed it to be a perfect blend of uninterested and cool while also underscoring the urgency of the request. “So, your name’s Sae Itoshi? I’m Y/N L/N! I’m not a celebrity, though. If you text anyone and ask them about me, they’ll probably be pretty confused.”
“Yeah, I got that impression,” he said. Your phone vibrated in your hand, and when you looked at the notification, you saw that it was from your brother.
uglier sibling: no shit i know about sae itoshi. he’s that one super talented midfielder on re al. he’s dad and i’s fav player atm.
You gulped, glancing up at Sae before returning to your phone.
me: lol wtf is re al.
uglier sibling: it’s madrid’s team lmfaooo dumbass how do you not know that
uglier sibling: actually wait why are u even asking lol
uglier sibling: did u meet him or something
me: funny story actually!
uglier sibling: WHAT
uglier sibling: y/n are u with sae itoshi rn.
uglier sibling: y/n answer pls
uglier sibling: can you at least get his autograph for me or smth???
Pretending like you were still texting your brother, you typed the name Sae Itoshi into your phone’s search engine. The photos that came up matched the boy in front of you, and the news articles made your heart pound. He actually was a celebrity, and furthermore, his earlier arrogance was deserved. If you had somehow injured such a famous player and put him out of commission for the season, then you really would’ve been done for. It hadn’t been an exaggerated sense of self-importance but an honest evaluation of himself.
“Ahem,” you said, feigning a cough to appear dignified and mature. “It seems like you are a pretty well-known soccer player, Mr. Itoshi.”
“It seems like I am,” he said.
“My brother and dad are big fans, apparently,” you said.
“Good thing you didn’t take me out permanently, then, or I’m sure they would’ve been pretty disappointed,” he said.
You cringed. “I’m sorry again.”
“Whatever. I won’t hold it against you; all’s well that ends well, after all,” he said.
“I feel really bad, though,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?”
“You didn’t do anything, so there’s nothing to make up for,” he said.
“Not true! I knocked you over and said you’re not handsome!” you said. “I’d say that warrants some kind of recompense.”
“It’ll warrant more recompense if you keep saying it,” he said.
“You agree that you deserve payment, then? Great! Um…how about I…buy you lunch?” you said, the insistent pangs of your stomach reminding you that you still hadn’t eaten.
“Is food the only thing you can think about?” he said.
“For your information, it is not, but I haven’t eaten since the morning, so I’m hungry,” you said.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he said. “It’s okay. I’m not interested, and just so you know, I’ve been asked out by plenty of girls, but by far, this has been the lamest attempt.”
You supposed, looking back, that it did seem like that was your end goal. But, of course, it had been nothing of the sort; you were just planning on going to eat yourself and thought that you might as well kill two birds with one stone. It was just your luck that he had twisted your words into such a request, though! How were you supposed to maneuver yourself out of this position? If you denied it furiously, then it would seem like you were just ashamed at getting caught, but if you didn’t say anything, then it would be akin to agreeing with his accusation.
There was only one way out of it, and even though you were usually opposed to lying, and even more opposed to bullying others, it was the only thing you could think of. So, bowing your head, you clasped your hands together in front of your heart.
“I’m sorry, but you’re not my type, Mr. Itoshi,” you said. “Like I said, you’re really not that handsome. Also, I’m into tall guys.”
That was how you found yourself sitting across from Sae Itoshi in a private booth at a fancy restaurant, your hands trembling as you read over the menu items and their associated prices.
“I’m in the mood for steak,” Sae said, stroking his chin and setting down his menu, interlacing his fingers and raising his eyebrows at you. “What about you?”
“Steak is a dinner item, don’t you think?” you said, your head spinning at the fact that he had picked the most expensive thing that was served at the entire establishment. “It’s lunchtime.”
“I’m an athlete,” he said seriously. “I need a lot of protein in all of my meals. Especially because I’m so short. It’s important for me to build muscle, don’t you agree? How else will I manage to compete with the taller, better-looking players?”
“Steak it is,” you said with a faux smile. “As for me, I’ll just get crackers.”
“Crackers? What kind of lunch is that?” he said.
“An affordable one,” you muttered under your breath.
“What?” he said.
“Nothing!” you said. “It’s nothing. I just really like crackers.”
He gave you an odd look. “Alright.”
You waved the waiter over. He had been hovering around your table for the past few minutes, and as soon as he saw you beckoning him, he sprinted to your side, fumbling with his pen and notepad before reaching you and bowing.
“Sae Itoshi, sir! I’m sorry to interrupt your date, but I just wanted to say that I’m a huge fan of yours. If — if it’s not too much trouble, could I have your autograph?” he said.
Sae sighed, a long-suffering and irritable sigh. “Just take our order first. I’ll give it to you after we’ve eaten.”
“Oh, my apologies,” the waiter said. “What would you like?”
“I’ll have the steak, and I also want this sandwich, but omit the tomatoes, please,” he said, pointing at the menu items he wanted.
“Got it,” the waiter said. “What about you, miss?”
“Just the crackers,” you said. The waiter paused, but when you did not say anything more, he giggled nervously.
“Would you, uh, like some cheese with those?” he said.
“Nope,” you said. “I’m really the biggest fan of plain crackers. That’s all I want.”
“Sure, miss, if that’s what you’d like,” he said. “So, one steak, one sandwich, and a plate of crackers?”
“That’s right,” Sae said, hardly looking up from his phone when he did so. It was only once the waiter had run off to place your orders that he put the device away, resting his elbows against the table, setting his chin in his hands and giving you a bored look. “Why are you glaring at me?”
“Steak and a sandwich, really?” you said.
“A conversation with you was more than enough to increase my appetite,” he said. “Forget about that. This is the part where you ask me questions about myself and I pretend like I am interested enough to answer them.”
“Why would I do that?” you said, rolling your eyes at him. “Actually, I’m pretty sure your answer to that question will be something that makes me even more annoyed than I already am, so don’t bother. What’s your favorite movie?”
“You’re not going to ask me about soccer?” he said. “It’s Taxi Driver, by the way.”
“I don’t know that much about soccer, so what would I even ask? Based on what I’ve seen from the matches my brother and dad watch, it’s just a bunch of sweaty guys kicking around a ball and pretending like they’re dying whenever another player happens to look at them the wrong way,” you said. “Oh, actually, I am curious about that. How many of those injuries are real? Have you ever faked getting hurt?”
“Almost none of them,” he said. “Generally, players will overreact for the sake of entertainment and the possibility of the opposition receiving yellow cards. I’ve never needed to do anything like that, and I never want to, because it looks stupid. Also, soccer is more than that mediocre description you just gave me.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say,” you said. “Man kick ball. Ball go in net. Man happy. That’s the extent of it.”
“Women play soccer, too,” he said.
“It’s the same concept there, but with women instead of men. Not the argument you thought it was,” you said.
“I can’t believe you actually dislike soccer,” he said.
There was definitely some irony in the fact that you couldn’t care less about his chosen sport, and yet you were the one who had somehow finagled your way into eating with him — even if you were the one who was paying. There were so many people who’d do anything to be in your place, but to you, it was a begrudging chore that you were only performing because you felt obligated to. Mentally, you had already marked the entire encounter down as something that you’d laugh about to your friends later; a fun story you’d tell at parties, but little else.
“Like I told you earlier, I’m the older sister. If I didn’t rag on my brother’s interests, then I couldn’t claim that title in any way that mattered,” you said. Sae’s eyes flicked down to the ground.
“You should be nice to your brother when you can,” he said.
“Are you some kind of an only child or saint, then? There’s no way you’re saying that if you have a normal relationship with any possible siblings,” you said.
“I have a little brother,” he said. “Our relationship is okay. I haven’t seen him in a while, though.”
“Long distance?” you said, reaching over to pat him on the hand sympathetically. “That’s the worst. I miss my friends and my pets already, and I’m only here for vacation.”
He snatched his hand away. “You make it sound like we’re dating or something. It’s alright. I’m sure it’ll be the same as it was whenever I go back.”
“True, it’s not like he can dump you and find a new brother who’s both better and more conveniently located than you are. He’s kind of stuck with you forever,” you said.
“Enough about my brother,” he said. “Let’s talk about something else.”
“Okay,” you said. “What TV shows do you watch when you’re bored?”
The two of you continued on in that mindless manner until your food arrived. Your mood, which had steadily been rising as Sae proved himself to be, if nothing else, a willing conversationalist, rapidly plummeted as the waiter set the steak and sandwich in front of Sae and the crackers in front of you.
“Enjoy your meal,” the waiter said.
“I’m sure one of us will,” you said, picking up a cracker and biting into it rebelliously. Sae began to cut his steak into small pieces, using his fork to demurely place the meat on his tongue, doing nothing to disguise the indulgence of eating such a wonderfully prepared meal while you were stuck with crackers.
“What a shame,” Sae said when he was about halfway through his steak. You hadn’t spoken since the food had come, mostly because you were too busy fervently hoping that he would choke and you would somehow be awarded a free meal as an apology on the restaurant’s part, so you jumped at the sound of his voice cutting through the silence. “My eyes were bigger than my stomach. I don’t think I’ll be able to eat that sandwich after all.”
“We should send it back, then,” you said.
“What sort of place do you think this is?” he said. “It’s already been ordered, so it’s ours now.”
“Are you serious?” you said. “What now? I’ll have to pay for something that you didn’t even eat!”
“You’ll just have to have it,” he said.
“Me?” you said, already salivating at the delectable sandwich, the bread which was taunting you. Come, it seemed to be calling out to you. Eat me. You know you want to. “I guess that’s a sensible prospect. Someone’s going to have to take it.”
“Someone will,” he agreed, sliding the plate across the table and stealing a cracker for his troubles. “It might as well be you. My coach will be pretty upset if I get stomach cramps next season because I overate too much on my off time. I’d have to tell him that it was your fault, and then you’d have all of Re Al after you, and you don’t want that. They’re relentless.”
Your fingers inched towards the sandwich. “I definitely don’t. That sounds scary.”
“It would be amusing,” he said. “A waste of resources, though. They might cut my salary to make up for it. ”
“Then the only solution is for me to eat this sandwich,” you said.
“Essentially,” he said. You gave in, taking an enormous bite of the tantalizing sandwich and exhaling in delight. It really was as good as the exorbitant price tag claimed it would be, and although you would never buy such a thing for yourself, you found that you were a little more grateful for the series of events that had led you to be in this position now that your stomach was finally being greeted with something substantial.
“It’s good,” you said, your words muffled by the napkin you held in front of your mouth as you finished chewing. “I can kind of get why they charge so much now. It’s still way more than any sandwich should ever cost, ever, but…I kinda get it. Is your food good, too?”
“It is,” he said.
“Alright!” you said, giving him a double thumbs up. “Then you can consider this a worthy apology! Let’s finish eating and be done with the entire mess.”
“Hm? But how can it be a worthy apology when I’m the one who paid for everything? To me, that doesn’t sound like an apology at all,” he said. You froze, your mouth wide open, the sandwich still halfway to your mouth and drooping in your hands. Sae looked at you, still expressionless, though if you really focused, you would’ve noticed something like mirth dancing in his irises.
“What do you mean?” you said. He unlocked his phone and showed you his screen.
“You can pay by app here,” he said. “I did it as soon as we were done ordering. I was going to tell you after you ordered what you wanted for yourself, but I wasn’t expecting you to be so frugal that you’d really only order crackers!”
“But — but I was supposed to pay! To apologize for—”
“You don’t have to say it,” Sae said sourly, cutting you off. “Believe me, I remember exactly what you have to apologize for, and I’m not going to forget. I just paid this time because I was feeling generous, but you still owe me.”
It was a little suspicious, but you didn’t have any reason to accuse him of anything, so you only narrowed your eyes at him. Taking another bite of your sandwich, you mulled over the latest reveal. He was paying for the entire lunch? You still owed him? You could manipulate that in your favor, then.
“Tomorrow morning, I’ll pay for your breakfast,” you said. “The hotel I’m staying at has complimentary breakfast for guests, but outsiders can eat for a certain fee. I’ll pay for your entrance, and then we can be even.”
“Sure,” he said. “I eat breakfast early, though.”
“How early?” you said.
“I have a snack at 7:00 a.m., before I go for my morning run, and then I eat a proper meal afterwards,” he said.
“Oh!” you said. “Any chance you could not do that?”
“It’s part of my training regimen,” he said. “How about you pay for my food and come on my run with me?”
“I hate running,” you said.
“You’re apologizing. It’s supposed to be an agonizing process,” he said. “You’ve called me short and ugly at least three separate times already, not to mention the entire slamming into me ordeal. It’s really the least you can do.”
“7:00 it is,” you said, though you were fighting back tears at the mere thought of getting up so early while on vacation. “Give me your phone.”
“No way,” he said, holding the phone away from you while you tried to swipe at it. “What are you going to do, post something embarrassing on my social media accounts?”
“Why would I do that?” you said. “I was going to text myself so I had your number and could send you my location for tomorrow.”
“Or you could tell me which hotel you’re staying at now, and then my phone is entirely removed from the equation,” he suggested.
“Do you think I remember the name?” you said. “That’s a rhetorical question, by the way. I don’t.”
He handed you his phone with an aggravated huff. “Fine. Don’t abuse the privilege. I only give important people my contact information.”
“Woah, you really are stingy,” you said, scrolling through his contacts list. All of them either had the designation of work attached to their profiles, or they were clearly members of Sae’s family.
Clicking on the plus sign in the corner, you created a new contact for yourself, typing in your number and giving yourself the name Y/N L/N — sandwich. It fit the naming conventions he had going on, and if it weren’t for the reminder that you were the so-called ‘sandwich girl’, you doubted he would remember who you were in the first place.
“Of course I am. Imagine I gave every crazy fan I met my number. I’d have a million stalkers before you could say Re Al,”he said.
“I’m not a crazy fan. To clarify, I’m not a fan in the first place,” you said, texting yourself from his number before taking out your own phone and responding to the message with a thumbs up.
“Correct, which is why you get my number,” he said.
“I feel so honored,” you said dryly. “Actually, you know what? I would feel honored, if it weren’t for the fact that you’re only giving it to me because you want to wake me up at an unholy hour and make me run with you before paying for your breakfast.”
“Would you rather pay for this meal?” he said, showing you the receipt he had been emailed. Your eyes widened, and then you shook your head rapidly.
“Nope! See you tomorrow!”
The next morning, you tiptoed around the hotel room as you got ready, trying your best not to wake your mother up. She, and the rest of your family, had been up late last night, going out for dinner and dessert well past your bedtime. Far too embarrassed to tell them the realreason you were going to sleep early, you had said you were sick and went to bed as soon as the sun set.
Angrily gnawing on a granola bar from your mother’s emergency stash, you stomped down the spiraling hotel staircase, your eyes still bleary as you texted your family group chat that you were going out for a morning walk but would be back for breakfast.
Sae Itoshi was waiting for you in the lobby, doing some weird stretching routine that involved pressing his foot against the wall and leaning over it. You watched him, bemused, wondering which muscles he was trying to stretch before giving up and deciding it was probably one of those pro moves that you were too uninterested and unathletic for.
“Oh, you’re here,” he said. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” you said, giving him another one of the granola bars you had taken from your mother’s backpack. “Sorry, it’s sort of smushed. It’s been in a backpack for the last few days.”
He pinched the wrapper between his forefinger and thumb, looking at the granola bar with a disgusted expression. You didn’t think it was thategregious, but according to Sae, it must have been all but an offense against humanity, as he tossed it into the trash can within seconds of having it within his grasp.
“I already ate my snack,” he said.
“Why did you throw that away? I could’ve eaten it!” you said.
“That thing had probably melted and reformed at least twice. It was most definitely radioactive. I did you a favor, so you should say thank you,” he said.
“Thank you, Mr. Itoshi, for protecting me from the horrors of a slightly misshapen granola bar. I’m sure that, by throwing away that still edible brick of deliciousness, you have done me a great service. Possibly, you have even saved my life. I am eternally grateful,” you said.
He snorted. “You’re terrible at groveling. No wonder you have to do all of this ridiculous stuff to apologize to me instead of just saying sorry and moving on like a normal person.”
“Look, it’s a product of my upbringing,” you said. He finished stretching and headed out of the door; you followed after him with a smile at the hotel concierge, who seemed surprised to watch you go — whether it was the hour or your company, you weren’t sure. “Whenever my parents did something to upset me, they never apologized. They just came to my room with a bowl of fruit they had cut for me.”
“At least you got fruit,” he said. “My parents just told me to go practice soccer until I had cooled off.”
“Wow, really? That’s hardcore,” you said. Sae began to jog, and you did the same, though it was closer to a run for you than anything. “Did you just kick around the ball until you were less mad?”
“Pretty much,” he said.
“How horrible,” you said.
“Eh, it’s fine. It was a good way to get my anger out, and it had the added benefit of making me better at the sport, so it was pretty constructive overall,” he said.
“I still can’t imagine it,” you said, shaking your head. “What’s it like, being a professional athlete? Your entire life revolves around a game. What about when you can’t play anymore? When you’re too old, or if you get injured?”
His upper lip curled. “Do you want that to happen or something? Why are you speaking it into existence?”
“Not the injury part, but everyone grows old. You can’t stop that,” you said.
“I’ll play for as long as I can, and then I’ll coach for longer,” he said. “After that, I’ll retire and make sure my kids follow in my footsteps. Athletes make a lot of money, so I luckily won’t ever have to worry much about my finances.”
“What if your kids don’t want to play soccer?” you said. He actually sneered this time, the expression at home on his cold face.
“What else would they do with themselves? If they don’t want to play soccer, or if they have no talent at it, then they’re definitely not my children in the first place,” he said.
“Hm, maybe cooking? What if they want to be a chef?” you said.
“Then I’d wonder how your kids snuck into my house,” he said. You gasped, though it was as much for breath as it was out of offense.
“Stop it! You just happened to catch me at a hungry time!” you said.
“Sure,” he said.
“Just entertain the hypothetical that you really did somehow father children that were into cooking instead of soccer. How would you react?” you said.
“I would put them up for adoption,” he said.
“Seriously?” you said.
“No, obviously not,” he said. “What kind of person do you think I am? Why did you actually find that to be within the realm of possibility?”
“I think you’re some kind of soccer fiend. Who knows how dedicated you are to the cause?” you said.
“Not that dedicated,” he said. “I’d be disappointed if my kids can’t play soccer, and our relationship would probably be a bit distant, as I don’t know much about anything else, but I wouldn’t disown them.”
“You don’t know much about anything besides soccer? That’s a little sad,” you said.
“Kind of,” he said.
“Do you wish you knew about other things?” you said.
“Everyone has something they specialize in. It’s not uncommon for someone to know a lot about one thing and only a little about others,” he said. “My ‘thing’ is soccer. If it wasn’t that, then it’d be something else, so if I was in the business of wishing, I’d always be unsatisfied.”
You were already panting for breath when Sae picked up the pace, though he had not so much as broken a sweat yet. He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, taking in your obvious struggles, and then he made the decision to not slow down at all.
“I get it,” you said. “You’ll face no judgment from me.”
“Like I would care if you did judge me,” he said. “You’re already dying, and we haven’t even started running yet.”
“This isn’t running?” you said. “What the hell? How much faster can you even go?”
“If you think that this is anywhere near the pace of an average soccer match, then I don’t even know where to begin with you,” he said.
“You look slower on TV!”
“What, so you think I’m slow, too?”
You and Sae returned to the hotel in markedly different conditions. He wasn’t even warm, still appearing to be perfectly put together and entirely perspiration-free, smelling faintly like body soap and cologne. On the other hand, you were still trying to regain your wits about you, leaning on his shoulder so that you did not fall over from exhaustion.
“This is embarrassing for you,” he informed you as you walked towards the breakfast area.
“You’re a professional athlete and I’m a normal girl! It would be embarrassing for you if I could keep up!” you argued weakly.
“That would be true, if I wasn’t going easy on you,” he said, pulling out a chair for you and helping you into it, brushing his arm off when he was sure you were seated. “I’m going to go to the bathroom. Be right back.”
“Have fun,” you said, resting your head in your hands, already knowing what you wanted to get. “We can walk through the buffet together. I’ll take the time to recover.”
“You do that,” he said.
While he was gone, you opened your phone, catching up on all of the texts in the family group chat that you hadn’t been able to read while you were attempting to run with Sae.
me: going for a morning walk but i’ll be back for breakfast
me: just wanted to let you all know so you weren’t worried!
uglier sibling: yeah nobody was worried LMFAO
mom: Hope you’re feeling better, honey!
dad: Make sure you’re back before 10. That’s when the complimentary breakfast ends, and we’re not paying for overpriced toast with jam.
uglier sibling: i still can’t believe u went for a morning walk
uglier sibling: like
uglier sibling: since when do u voluntarily wake up in the mornings at all let alone leave ur bed LET ALONE TAKE A WALK
uglier sibling: bitches will meet sae itoshi one time and suddenly they’re fitness influencers or wtvr
uglier sibling: btw i’m still mad that u didn’t get his autograph or a photo with him or anything
uglier sibling: i bet u made it up
uglier sibling: LIAR. FRAUD. HACK.
mom: Honey, leave your sister alone. Why would she make something like that up? 
dad: Your mother is right. Y/N doesn’t even know who Sae Itoshi is.
So it was a typical conversation, then. You hadn’t missed much; just your brother being salty and your parents showing some care for your well-being, as well as your father worrying for his wallet like he was prone to do. You didn’t even bother responding, just liking your father’s two messages and then putting your phone away.
“Y/N, you’re back already? What good timing!” your father called out to you from the entrance to the hotel restaurant. The world slowed as you turned to see the rest of your family walking into the restaurant, dressed in their typical touristy outfits. Your mother waved at you, and your brother faked gagging.
“Wow, you look like shit,” he said. “The fuck kinda morning walk were you on?”
“Gross, it’s you,” you said. “Go away! I’m busy.”
“You don’t even have any food with you,” he pointed out. “Can I sit with you? The parents are way too chipper in the mornings.”
“No!” you said.
“But there’s an empty seat at your table. Are you saving it for someone?” he said.
“Yes,” you said, wishing that for once they would’ve all slept in instead of getting here at the exact time that you and Sae had.
“No, you’re not,” he said.
“Come on, you two, let’s sit together and have a family breakfast!” your father said, motioning you and your brother over from where he and your mother had settled at a four-person table. Your brother gave you a pleading look.
“I’ll owe you forever,” he said. “I’ll grind on all of your video games for you the entire plane ride home!”
“I’m not lying, dude, I actually am sitting with someone. Now fuck off and leave me alone!” you hissed.
“Who?” he said, crossing his arms. “Your imaginary friend? Or your imaginary boyfriend!”
“Excuse me? Sorry, I was sitting there. Do you mind—?”
The most comical expression you had ever seen flashed over your brother’s face just then. It was horror mixed with incredulity mixed with extreme confusion. He turned slowly, his jaw dropping as he made eye contact with Sae Itoshi, whose dry countenance and perfect posture were as off-putting as ever.
“What?” your brother said. “What is going on?”
Sae sat opposite you. “This hotel has the most confusing first floor layout I’ve ever encountered. It took me ages just to find the bathroom.”
“There’s signs. Can you not read?” you said. He stared at you dully.
“I can read. I just happened not to look up at them,” he said.
“If I didn’t want to pay for even more food, I’d make another short joke, but I shall refrain,” you said.
“That was cutting it close,” he said.
“Y/N. My beautiful, amazing, wonderful older sister,” your brother said.
“Yes?” you said, preparing yourself for the incoming explosion. “Also, that’s not what you were calling me in the group chat earlier, was it?”
“Is that Sae Itoshi?” he said.
“Liar, fraud, hack, was that what it was?” you said. “Run along, loser. Maybe if you were nicer to me, I’d let you sit with us.”
Your brother opened his mouth to argue, but then, like he had remembered he was standing in front of his idol, he hung his head and trudged off, scuffing his toes against the floor as he did and giving you a betrayed look over his shoulder.
“That’s your little brother?” Sae said.
“Yup,” you said. “Your self-proclaimed biggest fan.”
“And you made him go sit with your parents instead of talking to me? You’re super mean, big sister,” Sae said.
“He wouldn’t shut up if I let him stay here, and considering the goal of this is for you to eat and then leave me alone for the rest of my vacation, that would not be conducive,” you said.
“I see,” he said. “I didn’t realize that was the goal.”
“Isn’t it yours, as well? I’m sure you’d like to enjoy yourself on your time off from soccer,” you said.
“Who says I’m not enjoying myself?” he said. You furrowed your brow at him.
“You’ve had the same expression on your face every time we’ve spoken,” you pointed out, lowering your eyelids and pursing your lips in an imitation of his resting mien. “Like this. It’s totally amphibious.”
“Amphibious?” he repeated. “What does that even mean?”
“You don’t know what amphibious means? Man, when you said you only focused on soccer, I didn’t think it was this bad!” you said.
“I know what amphibious means! I just don’t see how the word applies,” he said.
“Oh, right. Well, you kind of look like the frog emoji,” you said. “Sorry, I could’ve been clearer. That’s my bad.”
“Were you dropped on the head as a baby? I’m asking this from a place of concern, not anger,” Sae said. “It’s because you say so many nonsensical things. After all, I look nothing like the frog emoji.”
“Sure, and people tell me I look like a famous actress,” you said.
“Really?” he said.
“No, I thought we were both saying things that aren’t true,” you said.
“I think you look like a famous actress,” he said. “There. Now we’re both saying things that are true.”
“Well done, Mr. Itoshi! That was clever,” you said, knowing when to concede.
“Thank you,” he said. “Let’s go get our food now. If you die of starvation on my watch, it’ll be a major scandal for Re Al.”
“Your manager must love you,” you said. “So conscientious of your public image.”
“Nope, he’s usually pretty pissed at me,” he said as the two of you got in the buffet line.
“What for?” you said.
“Contrary to what you think, I’m pretty unconcerned with my public image. I’m a soccer player, not some kind of philanthropist or actor or whatever,” he said. “What does it matter if I offend people? My value is in playing well, not being friendly or kind.”
“No one ever accused you of being either of those two,” you said, spreading butter and jam over your toast. “You’re not that bad, though.”
“You’re not that bad, either,” he said. “At least, you’re better company than my manager.”
“I’ll take it as a compliment,” you said. He scoffed.
“You have low standards,” he said.
“Yours are lower,” you said.
“Very mature response.”
Sae was a pretty agreeable breakfast partner. He wasn’t as impossibly cheerful as your parents, who generally drove you crazy with their talkativeness so early in the day, but he also wasn’t as silent and closed off as your brother, who was prone to snapping at others until he had finished at least half of his meal. As with lunch yesterday, it was almost an enjoyable experience, right up until you remembered whose card he was eating on.
“Where are you going?” he said when your plates had been cleared and you had pushed yourself to your feet. He followed after you as you made your way to the hostess’s station, ignoring the whispers that echoed behind the two of you.
“To pay for you to be here, duh,” you said, fishing around in your purse for your wallet. “I know you’re famous and all, but that doesn’t mean you get to eat for free. In fact, that was kind of the point of the meal.”
“I already paid for myself, so you can go and sit back down with your family if you’d like,” he said.
“What? When?” you said.
“I wouldn’t spend that long in a bathroom,” he said. “Not a public one.”
“You little—! Now what?” you said.
“Now you have to see me tomorrow,” he said. “Bye. I’ll pick you up for dinner, so make sure to wear something nice, and bring your credit card. It’s your treat.”
He walked off with a jaunty wave, leaving you standing there, confounded by the development. He had paid for himself again? What was the point of making you take him places if he was just going to cough up the cash himself anyways?
“Psst. Y/N,” your brother said. You weren’t sure when or where he had appeared, but it remained that he was suddenly tapping you on the shoulder and whispering in your ear. “Does Sae Itoshi have a crush on you? If so, please ask if he can get tickets for dad and I to attend his next game.”
“What?” you said, a shockwave running through your entire body at the mere thought of Sae having a crush on you. It was so juvenile and cliched as to be out of Sae’s character entirely. “No! I just owe him.”
“For what?” your brother said.
“I ran into him, called him ugly, and said that he was short,” you said. “Indirectly, of course, but it still happened. I was supposed to buy him lunch yesterday as an apology, but then he ended up paying for us both, and then today, I went on a run with him, and I was going to pay for him to have breakfast here, but guess what?”
“He paid for himself?” your brother said.
“He paid for — yeah, how did you know?” you said.
“There weren’t that many ways the story could’ve gone. Also, I overheard you guys talking,” he said.
“Creep,” you said.
“Weirdo,” he said.
“Freak,” you said.
“Stupid,” he said. “I bet he has a crush on you.”
“Why would he? We have zero common interests, and I’ve mostly only insulted him in our very short time knowing one another,” you said.
“Maybe he’s into that. Some guys are. My one friend is — actually, I’m not exposing him like that,” he said.
“Thank you, because I really didn’t want to know,” you said.
“Anyways, where I was going with that is some guys like girls who humble them a bit. Especially someone like Sae Itoshi; he’s probably so used to people falling all over themselves to get his attention that it’s nice for him to hang out with someone who’s too oblivious to care about that kind of stuff,” he said.
“People like you?” you said. “I told him you were his biggest fan, just so you know.”
“Why would you do that?” your brother said, his eyes bugging out and his mouth forming a pained grimace. “He probably thinks I’m a nerd now!”
“You do it to yourself, buddy,” you said. “Let’s go. It looks like the parents want us to go sit with them. Think you can handle it?”
“After learning that my hero has a crush on my sister and, furthermore, probably thinks of me as some kind of dweeb, I can handle anything,” he said.
The entire day, you pondered your brother’s words. Did Sae have a crush on you? Running through his actions and every conversation you both had ever had led you to think that he did not. It didn’t seem like he liked you very much in even a platonic sense, so how could anyone begin to think he liked you romantically? It was just tolerance for the sake of his pride, that was all.
And you definitely didn’t like him. He was emotionless and conceited and teased you far too often. What did it matter that he was somewhat attractive? He had a terrible personality, and you bet that if more of his fans knew what he was like, he wouldn’t have any to begin with.
No wonder Sae’s manager hated him. He was probably a jerk to his poor employees, too.
“We’re thinking of going here for dinner tonight,” your father said the next day. “Look, their reviews are pretty high, and their prices aren’t crazy. What does everyone think?”
“I’m fine with anything,” your mother said.
“Same here,” your brother said.
“Y/N?” your father said. You were about to respond when your own phone buzzed. You knew exactly who it was texting you, and you sighed as you opened it.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): I will be there in one hour.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): You better not have forgotten about our plans for tonight.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): I made a reservation, so I’ll really be mad if you stand me up.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): Especially because you’re paying.
sae itoshi (dumb haircut): Okay.
“I can’t,” you said.
“Why not? Are you on some new diet or something? They should have vegetarian options, so that won’t be a problem,” your father said. “We can look at their menu beforehand if you prefer, and if you really don’t like anything, then we can find somewhere else.”
“I already have plans,” you said, your lower lip jutting out childishly. “Not that I want to! But I made a promise.”
“You already have plans? What’s that supposed to mean?” your mother said.
“I’m having dinner with someone,” you said.
“Ooh, how exciting! With who?” she said.
“I bet I can guess!” your brother sang.
“Enough out of you!” you said, kicking him in the back of the leg. He doubled over, though that did not stop him from smirking at you.
“Y/N and Sae, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” he said.
“You’re going out with Sae Itoshi?” your father said. “You should’ve just said so! That’s perfectly alright, honey. Actually, he’s the one man I’m not upset about you dating!”
“We are not dating!” you said. “It’s a more transactional relationship than that. No feelings involved. It’s just me apologizing to him.”
“Are you close enough to him to get an autograph for your brother and I?” your dad said.
“Um.” You thought about it. Would Sae give you an autograph for them? You weren’t sure. There was a chance he would, but there was also a high chance he would not. “I dunno. I can ask.”
“You’ll ask for dad, but not for me? Wow, I see how it is,” your brother said.
“Yeah, because you’re annoying!” you said. “Ugh. I have to get ready now. He’ll be here to get me in an hour. Have fun at dinner, all of you. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.”
“You have fun as well,” your mother said. “Make sure not to bring any money with you. Gentlemen should always pay on the first date.”
“I’ll be sure to tell him that,” you said, giving up on explaining things to your family for the sake of your sanity.
Sae was aggressively punctual. Exactly an hour after he had texted you, a shiny black car was pulling up in the valet lane, and a tall, bald man in a suit was opening the door for you. You climbed in awkwardly, finding Sae to be sitting on the other side, gazing out of the window pensively.
“Hello,” you said, smoothing your dress and buckling your seatbelt. “You have a driver?”
“Of course I do,” he said. “I usually walk places when I’m on vacation, but this restaurant is kind of far, so I thought it’d be more prudent to have the driver take us.”
“I see,” you said. “Thank you, driver, sir.”
The driver hummed in acknowledgement but did not say anything else. You supposed he probably wasn’t used to talking with his passengers; you doubted Sae ever spoke to him much.
“It’s been so hot out recently,” Sae said stiffly.
“That’s what happens during the summer, yes,” you said.
“That’s true,” he said.
“You’re right, though,” you said. “It has been hot.”
“Super hot,” he said.
“Yes,” you said. “Super hot.”
That must’ve been why there was a slight redness to his cheeks. There was definitely no other reason. And there wasn’t any other reason for why you felt uncomfortably warm, shifting in your seat to dissipate the feeling in your stomach. It was the temperature. That was all.
Given the trend, you really should have anticipated it when Sae paid for your dinner while you were freshening up in the bathroom, but you really had not seen it coming in the slightest. He scrunched up his face when you argued, simply telling you that he would see you tomorrow before dropping you back off at your hotel, the receipt in your hand, his flourishing signature scrawled across the back.
“For your brother,” he had said, handing it to you before you could even ask him for his autograph. “You said he was a fan, right? I’ll get him a better one later, but for now, this should do.”
You spent every day of the rest of that vacation with Sae Itoshi. Some days, you would accompany him on a morning walk — he had softened to slowing his pace, so that he was only barely jogging instead of the full on run that he had forced you into that first time — and on others, the two of you would have some meal or another together. The common theme was that, if there was money involved, he would take care of it. Without question, without hesitation, he always slapped your hand back and pulled out his own credit card, telling you that now you both had to meet again, and the next time you really would be the one paying, or else he’d never be able to forgive you for your terrible behavior.
Your parents and brother complained about it at first, as your new friendship with Sae — could it be considered a friendship, or was it something else? — meant you did not see them much on what was supposed to be a family vacation.
You brought it up with Sae, and he responded with something about how it wouldn’t have been a problem at all if you weren’t such a freeloader and actually paid for him, like you were supposed to. This resulted in a lighthearted squabble between you both, which in turn made you forget your family’s whining, and as well you should have. You could take a million more vacations with them, but you’d likely never get a chance to hang out with Sae Itoshi again, so why wouldn’t you take advantage of it when you could?
Sae didn’t forget, though. He sent you back from dinner the next evening with a soccer ball he had won in one of his games, his signature and a note of gratitude scribbled on it in black marker.
Thank you for letting me borrow your daughter and sister from you while you’re on your trip. I really appreciate it, even if she doesn’t know anything about soccer. — Sae Itoshi
They stopped complaining after that. The ball became your brother’s most prized possession, and every day, your father would tell you how happy he was that you had made such a considerate friend.
“And you know, if you ever want to date him,” he’d say, elbowing you in the side with an obnoxious wink. “We wouldn’t be opposed!”
Your mother was in the same boat. “He really cares about you, I think. Enough that he gave your family something so precious just because he thought we didn’t like him. You could do a lot worse than that.”
“Plus, he’s rich and famous!” your brother would chime in without fail. “Double win!”
“You guys are all nuts,” you’d tell them, shaking your head to disguise how pleased the thought of dating Sae made you.
It could never happen. Like your brother was so happy to remind you, he was rich and famous, an athlete that was adored worldwide and played for the best soccer club in history. He could have any girl he wanted, so why would he ever choose you? You and he were from two different planes of existence. Maybe you could pretend for a little bit that you weren’t, but the date for your eventual departure from Spain was drawing closer and closer, and that day meant the certain end of the fever dream that was your closeness with Sae.
You had been prepared from the start for it to finish in this way. You would go home and tell all of your friends about your trip, how you had spent almost every day with the famous soccer player Sae Itoshi, how he had given you his phone number and made you go on runs with him, how together, you and him had eaten lunch and dinner and breakfast and several meals that you were convinced he had just made up to have an excuse to buy food for the two of you — brunch, linner, midnight snacks and third desserts.
There were other things that you wouldn’t tell them, too, things that Sae had not necessarily said to you in confidence but which you sensed were held close to his heart and which you would therefore hold close to yours. His little brother was named Rin, and they had the same eyes, though Rin’s were quicker to water and perpetually had hair falling into them. He still watched the same shows he used to when he was very small, because they reminded him of his parents’ home. He thought that a person’s athletic potential could be determined by the shape of their butt, but he tended to avoid looking as a form of respect for others.
“That’s a pretty cool skill, Sae! What do you think my athletic potential is?” you had asked when he had revealed that last fact.
“If it’s possible for a person to have negative potential, then that’s about what yours is. If it’s not, then you’re definitely at a zero,” he had responded.
“You didn’t even look,” you had said, shoving a French fry into his mouth as punishment. He hated French fries for how unhealthy they were, and you had half-expected him to lecture you about fats and oils and salts, but instead, he had dutifully chewed and swallowed without any theatrics.
“Don’t need to, and don’t plan to,” he had said, and that was that. “I’ve already seen you run, and that told me all I needed to know about your athletic skills. Or, in this case, your lack thereof.”
If you took his words at face value, then you would’ve thought he truly hated you. He never missed a chance to make fun of you, and you were the same way — certainly, anyone who overheard your conversations would’ve been convinced that you and he were bitter enemies. But that was because they didn’t see the way he always positioned himself on the sidewalk so that he was between you and the oncoming traffic. They didn’t see the way he’d pull out your chair and only pretend to frown when you’d thank him for it. They didn’t see the way his ears would turn pink if you dared to smile in his direction or, heaven forbid, agreed with what he was saying instead of arguing, as was your go-to.
No, you were pretty confident that Sae Itoshi did not hate you. It was just that soccer was his thing and all other areas were beyond him, areas which included such fields as emotional awareness and sensitivity.
Maybe you might tell the friends you were particularly close to about that. Sae Itoshi treated me pretty well, you’d say, with grand, sweeping hand motions to emphasize the point. As well as he knew how to, which was well enough for me. If I ever get a boyfriend, they’ll have a lot to live up to. Seems kind of unfair to whatever poor schmuck gets stuck with the task, don’t you think? Considering the two of us never even dated…
“I'm going home tomorrow morning,” you said. The sun was setting, and the two of you were walking along the same stretch of beach that you had first met at. “I finished packing all of my things before dinner. It’s surreal, almost. I feel like an entirely different person now, compared to when I came here.”
“Is that so?” he said, the corners of his lips twitching slightly. “I wonder why.”
“Did you just smile?” you said. Immediately, he scowled.
“No way,” he said. “I’d never smile because of something you said.”
“Uh-huh, uh-huh, you definitely smiled. I made you smile! I made you smile! I made you smile!” you said, poking him in the cheek repeatedly. Sae’s expressions were so subtle that it was easy to overlook them before they had vanished, but there was no overlooking what you had just seen. He had definitely smiled at you, or at least he had been about to.
“Stop poking me,” he grumbled.
“No,” you said, poking him again. “Only if you smile again.”
“Hell no,” he said. You poked his cheek again. “Y/N. Stop it.”
“Will you miss me?” you said.
“Not if you don’t quit that!” he said, grabbing your wrist when you prepared to poke him again. Heat rose to your cheeks at the way his thumb rested against your pulse, and when he realized he was holding your hand so familiarly, his own cheeks flushed. “No. I won’t.”
“I’ll miss you,” you said, digging your feet into the sand, turning out to the sea because you couldn’t stand to look at him when you were being so vulnerable. “I’ll tell everyone I know about you, of course, but it won’t be the same. Something funny will happen, and I’ll think to myself, oh, Sae would’ve snorted at that — but not laughed, because you don’t laugh. Or I’ll order shitty French fries, and it’ll remind me of how much you’d scold me for eating them. You’d say something like, those are basically heart attacks in a box, and then you’d pour a bottle of salted kombucha down my throat to cleanse my system.”
Somewhere in the distance, a seagull squawked, reminding you of the fateful encounter from so long ago. You wished you could go back and get to know Sae all over again. You wished you could ask him the same questions and not know the answers, so that you were surprised when he told them to you. You wished you could argue with him for a little bit longer. You wished that, one more time, you could imply he was short and ugly and slow and a thousand other rude adjectives, even if he was really none of those things, none of them at all.
“I’m going to ask you one last question, okay?” you said. “Please think over your answer carefully. It’s important.”
“Okay,” he said, uncharacteristically gently. “I’ll really consider it well.”
“What’s your favorite animal?” you said.
“Seagulls,” he said immediately, directly contradicting his solemn oath. You laughed at this, burying your face in your hands to hide the hitch in your throat.
“You traitor,” you said. “You know all about the feud between seagulls and I, and yet you’re still claiming they’re your favorites?”
“They always have been,” he said. “I like migratory birds, how they don’t stay in one place but are always moving around. It must be such a blissful life.”
“But it’s probably pretty lonely, too,” you said. “They don’t have anywhere to call home.”
“I like lonely things,” he said. “That’s why the end of the summer is my favorite season.”
“Hm,” you said. “Then, if I tell you that I’ll be lonely once I leave here, will you like me, too?”
He looked at you, but you stared resolutely ahead, your gaze trained on the horizon, the way his had been on the day you had run into him. It was such a kiddish question, and internally, you were beating yourself up for asking it, but deep down, you wanted to know, so you did not move to retract it.
“Well, I like seagulls for a different reason now,” he said.
So that was your answer, then. The waves crashed against the shore, and a balmy wind blew through your hair and clothes, carrying the light scent of Sae’s cologne to your nose, the same one he had worn for as long as you could remember.
“I understand,” you said.
“These days, it’s a specific seagull I’m fond of, actually,” he said.
“Huh? Like a breed or something?” you said.
“No, just one bird in particular,” he said. “It did me a really huge favor recently.”
“What are you talking about? You always say that you suspect I was dropped on the head as a baby, but between the two of us, I think the one that was dropped was you,” you said, the fraying ends of your rejected feelings driving you to irascibility.
“A while ago, I was standing on the beach, feeling pretty annoyed with the world — as usual,” he said. “I had had to run from the paparazzi in order to go on this vacation without being bothered, you know, and I honestly was starting to question if I’d ever be seen as a normal person. I get that the only thing I’m good at is soccer, but it’s pretty tiring to be thought of as a guy who kicks balls around and nothing more.”
Unbidden, you inhaled sharply, because the story was starting to sound familiar. Spinning on your heel, you were met with the sight of Sae smiling shyly, peering down at you through his unfairly long eyelashes.
“That seagull must’ve known how I was feeling. There’s no other explanation for it all. It must’ve known how I was feeling, and somehow, it managed to find the one person in the entire world that saw me as something other than that. Do you know what it did next? It stole that person’s sandwich, and it led her right to me,” he said.
“Are you talking about me?” you said.
“How many people do you think have called me a short, ugly, D-list celebrity instead of asking for my autograph upon meeting me?” he said.
“Probably not very many,” you said. He chuckled.
“Probably not any,” he said. You rested your forehead against his shoulder.
“Probably not,” you said. He stroked your hair, though his motions were like a marionette’s — he was not very used to this type of relationship, after all. But he was trying his best, and you found that to be far more endearing than any suave gestures might’ve been.
“I know you have to go soon, so I was planning on not saying anything,” he said. “What would be the point? I figured this was just a summer fling for you. But then you had to go and be all sentimental, and I had to say something.”
“I’m glad you did,” you said. “It would’ve been worse if I had returned home without knowing at all. Where do we go from here, though?”
“Where do we go from here? Let me think. Well, I’ll ask you to be my girlfriend,” he said. “And you’ll say yes, because who would ever reject me? Then we’ll talk on the phone every day, and you can send me photos of things you find funny, and I’ll have a sixth sense for when you’re eating French fries and I’ll send you strongly worded texts in reprimand. You’ll fly over to watch my matches whenever possible, and when I’m on my next break, I’ll come visit you and meet your family and friends properly.”
“Getting a little presumptuous, aren’t we? What if I say no?” you said.
“Will you?” he said.
“Not sure. How about you ask and find out?” you said.
“If you’re going to say no, then I don’t want to,” he said. You stuck your tongue out at him.
“I can’t be with a man who’s afraid of rejection. It was nice knowing you, Sae,” you said. “See you around. Hope you lose the Champions League.”
“Wait! I’m not afraid of rejection,” he said. “Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? Officially, I mean.”
“Yes, of course,” you said. “But you’re going to have to buy my plane tickets if you want me to watch you. Even with frequent flier miles, I doubt I can afford coming to see you that often.”
“Consider it done,” he said. You grinned at him.
“You know, if you’re my boyfriend, then you’re going to have to keep paying for our dates, as well. My mother said that’s the gentlemanly thing for you to do,” you said.
“Right, I was expecting that,” he said. “Don’t you think there’s a reason why I haven’t let you buy anything yet?”
“Then how am I ever supposed to apologize to you for the circumstances of our first meeting? I mean, I was pretty harsh,” you said.
“That’s true,” he said. “Let me think.”
“Mhm,” you said. “I know that that’s out of your comfort zone, so I’ll give you a minute.”
“I have an idea,” he said, though it was accompanied by a slight glare at your jab.
“What is it?” you said.
“Close your eyes,” he said. You obliged, squeezing them shut, though not without widening your feet into the defensive stance he had demonstrated to you on the day he had attempted to teach you basic soccer skills.
“What are you going to do, tackle me or something? I’m using the position you taught me, but please be gentle, you’re way more muscular than—!”
You were cut off by him pressing his lips to yours. It was a soft kiss, gentle and light, like feathers in the air or water against the sand, and he pulled away before you could really react or reciprocate. He had left you wanting, and you knew he knew that, because there was a smugness to his voice when he spoke next.
“Apology accepted,” he said as you blinked at him in shock, your mind still lagging well behind your body. “Now we’re even.”
“Hold on,” you said. “I’m suddenly feeling very repentant and remorseful. Are you quite sure you forgive me with just that?”
He laughed. It was such a lovely sound, his laugh, and you would’ve told him so if you weren’t afraid that he’d stop when you pointed it out.
“Maybe not,” he said. “You might have to apologize a bit more.”
“That sounds doable,” you said. “Yeah, I might be able to work that in. It’ll be agonizing, but a wise man once told me that that’s just the nature of apologizing, so it’s the least I can do, right?”
“Oh, shut up,” he said, holding your face in his hands and leaning in. You did the same, your eyes closing all on their own as you sought out the connection he had deprived you of earlier.
As the sun set over the horizon and the seagulls settled in for the night, he kissed you again.
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zombiigrll · 1 month
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NEGANS DAUGHTER. ⋆。°✩ carl grimes x reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 2.7K ꩜ .ᐟ SUMMARY ⭑ you prove yourself to your boyfriends father. .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ sorry this took a million years to come out </3 i've been WAY to busy T_T i feel like this ended kind of.. confusing/unrealistically... but its fanFICTION. so its whateva!! anyways i hope you guys enjoy :3 (also, if u guys REALLY want a part 3 i'll write one, but i mostly wanted this to be a fic where you can interpret the ending yourself! but i wouldn't be opposed to writing a part 3 it just might take a while as i work on my series :p ) .ᐟ read part 1 here .ᐟ ⭑
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────────────────────────────────────
you stayed the night at carls. you didn't mean to, but after a while of talking, and getting to really know each other, the two of you had grown tired. so, you ended up falling asleep in his arms.
but no one knew you were there. not until rick opened the door that morning.
"hey, carl. wake up-" rick spoke before quickly stopping, taking out his gun as he spotted you next to his son.
you quickly put your hands up, stand up and step away from carl as your chest goes up and down as your breaths quickened. carl, of course, quickly woke up to the loud noises.
"what are you doing here? and who are.." rick yells, but stops himself as he examines your features. "wait.. you're negans daughter, aren't you?"
you nodded. "yes, i.." your voice trembled as you looked around.
"dad, stop!" carl quickly intervened as he processed what was going on, stepping in front of you. "she's not like them. she's nice, she's not going to hurt us."
"how do you know?" rick glares at his son. "she's still a savior. we can't trust her."
carl continues to argue back and forth with rick, staying firmly in front of you. "we can't bring her back out there!" he yells back, using his hands to accentuate his words. he's visibly shaking in anger at his fathers words.
rick lets out a deep sigh before continuing. "if that's what you really believe, then fine. but i think we need to keep her locked up and get more information. i don't trust it."
carl scoffs. "are you kidding me?-"
"that's fine." you cut him off before he can continue speaking. "i'll go with you."
rick nods at you and carls eyes widen. "seriously y/n?"
"yes, carl. i don't care." you step forward, up to rick. "i didn't expect him to be fine with me being here. if that's what makes him comfortable, then i'll do it."
carl shakes his head in defeat, following you and rick out the door.
you were now officially locked up in alexandria. rick had pulled up two chairs on the opposite side of the dark cell. carl sat in one, arms crossed and obviously quite annoyed, while rick sat properly in the other.
carl had brought your bag with him, and it laid by his feet.
carl's leg moves up and down off the floor anxiously, his face covered in frustration. "this is so stupid, she's obviously not a threat-"
"well then she needs to prove that, doesn't she?" rick retorts, shutting carl up instantly.
you nodded understandingly, sitting against the bars of the cell. "how can i prove it?"
rick silently thinks for a moment, clasping his hands together. "you can start by telling us about your father."
"there's a lot to know about him." you chuckled lightly to yourself, leaning your head against the bars and looking up at the two on the other side. "what exactly do you want to know?"
"his motives. why is he doing this?"
you clenched your hands together, anxiety rushing through your body.
"he's.. trying to make civilization or something." your voice trembled. "he thinks for every crime there needs to be punishment. that's why he killed.. your people." your body language softened as you began taking in everything happening. "..what are you going to do to my dad?"
rick stayed silent, except for a quiet sigh, which basically answered your question.
"your friend daryl should be out of the sanctuary now." you blurted out.
"what?" rick quickly stood up and walked up to the cell, his hand laying on the bars.
"i saw one of my dads wives slip a note under his cell. when i went out to leave and come here, a motorcycle was gone." you explained yourself anxiously. ricks eyes looked deep into yours, a sense of aggression and concern coming from him.
"do you know where he could be headed to?" ricks voice shakes as he speaks to you.
you shake your head. "no, i don't." you feel like your story could be sounding like bullshit, but you were telling the truth. "i'd assume he would be coming here, but he would've been here before me. maybe hilltop? somewhere with your people, probably."
rick pushes off of the cell bars and walks out of the room, pulling his walkie-talkie out as he shuts the door.
you sit with carl in silence for a moment. he looks shaken up, and honestly a bit frustrated.
"..sorry." you lowered your head onto the bars. you didn't know why exactly you were sorry, you just knew you were.
he looked back up at you, his expression changing to confusion. "what? why?"
you hid your face away from him as tears started flooding your eyes. so much was happening, even if it wasn't necessarily your fault. you worried that you made the whole situation worth.
"for everything." your voice cracked as you moved the back of your head against the bars to make sure he didn't see you crying. "my dad, your friends.. it just sucks. i wish i could've done something sooner to stop him."
carl quickly walks up to the cell, sitting down to look at you. "hey.." he leans his back against the bars, looking at you the best he can. "you're not your father. i'm sure everyone can tell that, even my dad."
"i think your dad hates me." you laugh at his comment.
"i'm serious, y/n." he turns the upper-half of his body to face you more.
you stay looking away from him. "i need to go back to the sanctuary."
"why? you're safer here."
"me being here puts you all in danger. if i'm gone any longer, my dad might come here." you stand up and try opening the cell, which rick obviously locked previously.
"my dad has the keys, he's not gonna let you out." carl stands up with you, putting his hands on the other side of the bar.
you felt so angry. but you didn't know exactly where the anger was placed to. you felt so much at once. your heart was racing, and you could just hear static going through your brain. you laid your head against the cell, defeated.
..until you remembered you had a bobby pin in your hair.
of course, with your dad being negan, you knew how to pick locks. you began picking it as carl continued speaking to you, not even noticing what you were doing.
"it'll be fine. i'm sure your dad trusts you enough to let you go out on your own."
you shook your head, continuing to pick the lock. "you don't know my dad. i barely know my dad. by the time i came back after dropping you off, he already had a few people out ready to come get me."
"just stay. for a little while longer. please." carl begged, looking at you before finally realizing what was going on. "what're you doing-"
you cut him off by swinging the cell door open. "it's fine, carl. i'll be back." you grabbed your bag and tried walking out the door, but carl quickly blocked you
"are you kidding me?" he put his arm on the wall, preventing you from getting past.
"carl." you sternly spoke, looking him dead in the eyes. your eyes quickly softened, however, as you brought your hands up to the sides of his face. "i'll be back as soon as i can. i promise. i have to try and make sure me coming over here didn't get you guys into more shit."
carl moves his hand up to your wrist, looking down at you anxiously. but after a moment of hesitation, he nods. "please be safe."
"don't worry about me." your lips turn up into a grin before you lean to kiss him.
he moves his hands down to your waist to pull you closer, leaving one hand on your side and the other on the back of your neck. you could tell by his body language that he didn't want you to go, but you knew you had to. he knew that, too.
you pulled away, despite his protest. your smile turned somber as you looked up at him. "i'll see you soon. i promise."
"wait." he grabs his walkie talkie and hands it to you. "i have another one somewhere. i don't know if this will be in reach with the sanctuary, but please try and call me when you're safe."
you nodded, pulling him in for one last hug. he held you tightly, leaving a kiss on the crown of your forehead before letting go.
"i love you." he smiled warmly at you.
"i love you too, carl."
you snuck back out of alexandria and back to where you had left your motorcycle. you rode it as fast as possible, speeding back to the sanctuary.
luckily, you hadn't seen any saviors yet. the roads were clear, except for a few walkers that you simply just sped past. you had to get back to the sanctuary as soon as possible.
and after a while, you finally arrived.
it was similar to how you arrived after dropping carl off. negan was standing by a car with a few saviors that were geared up. they quickly noticed you, and your father didn't seem happy either.
you parked and took your helmet off. negan ran up to you and hugged you tightly.
"where were you?" his voice was stern, but also soft. he was worried.
"i just went out for a bit." you returned his hug, but quickly pushed away. "..can i talk to you, dad?"
negan looks at you confused before nodding. "okay."
he signals that the saviors can come back inside before continuing to follow you to one of the old conference rooms.
you sat down at the end of the tables, and negan sat down on the other so he could look at you.
"so, what's up?" he smiles warmly at you, which you anxiously return.
you messed with your nailbeds nervously. you knew how he would react, but you had to ask. "i can't live like this anymore."
that was the only thing that you could spit out. probably the worst way you could've worded it, but you could tell it got your point across the way negans face dropped.
"what?" was all negan could spit out from that sentence.
you stood up and began pacing around as you spoke. it was the only thing that could even slightly calm your nerves. "the way that you run things. i know i'm your child and i've grown up around this, but i know right from wrong. i'm sure you do, too."
his eyebrows furrowed as he clasped his hands together, placing them on the table. "go on."
"i know why you do it. you've told me a million times. but i can't stand it anymore, dad." you stopped pacing, looking him straight in the eye. "i can't watch you kill people like that. not again."
"then i wont take you again, easy as that-"
"no, dad." you quickly cut him off, your voice raising slightly as you become more infuriated. "i can't let you kill people like that either."
negan simply huffs in response, standing up and walking over to you. "this is how we live now. how do you suppose you'll stop it?"
you stay silent for a moment, just thinking. he puts a hand on his shoulder and goes to speak, but you stop him.
"i'll leave."
his face drops. he moves his hand off of your shoulder and presses his lips together. you've never seen him look so distraught before, at least with you.
"you'll never see me again."
"where would you go?" negan finally speaks, his expression glum and his voice firm.
"anywhere but here. i'd go far away just to get away from here." tears started forming in your eyes as you tried to keep your composure. "maybe you'll find me. maybe you'll kill me, i don't care. because i'll be away from this."
"this is how we live-"
"this is not living!" you yell, tears finally falling down your cheeks.
when he didn't respond, you grabbed your bag and walked towards the door. but, he grabbed your wrist. "hey-"
"don't leave." negans voice remained firm, but you could tell he was upset. "what can i do for you to accept that this is just the way things are?"
you give him a look that screams 'are you stupid?' before you continue speaking. "nothing. because i wont accept it." you move his hand away from your wrist. "i love you, dad. but i can't keep living with the fact that we're just.. murdering people."
negan looks at you blankly and you take it as your opportunity to exit. except before you could close the door behind you, something stopped it.
negans foot.
"what?" you turned around to look at him.
"fine." he breathily says, wiping his eyes quickly. "i'll.. i'll figure it out."
you smiled at him, letting your tears fall as you hugged him tightly. even if it seemed like it to him in the moment, you didn't want to leave him. he was your father, not many people had that luxury of still having a parent alive nowadays. but it's the only way you thought that he would listen to you, and he did.
he hugged you back. "i'm not losing you, too."
you didn't know what your dad was going to do now. hell, he didn't even know what he was going to do now. but, you knew that you needed to call carl. you walked back over to your room and locked the door, pulling the walkie-talkie out as fast as possible and calling.
"hello? this is y/n. is carl there?" you asked, but just got static as an answer.
'maybe i need to get a bit closer.'
you walked back outside of your room, and negan was standing right outside. you put your hands behind your back quickly, hiding the walkie-talkie.
"hey, dad."
he smiled, hugging you with one of his arms. "are you heading out again?"
"..yeah." you nodded nervously. "not too far. i just need some air."
"alright. try and be back by dinner, alright?" negan smiled at you. you nodded back and him, putting the walkie-talkie in your pocket as you walked back towards your motorcycle.
you rode out a bit, towards the area you'd usually roam to when you needed space. as you rode, you occasionally turned the radio on to check if you were in range.
as you approached your hangout area, you set your motorcycle down and turned your radio on.
"hellooo.. this is y/n, i'm calling for carl." you repeated for the thousandth time.
there was static, but just before you turned it off again, you heard his voice.
"carl?" you exclaimed happily.
"holy shit, are you okay?" carl asked through the radio, his voice seemingly laced with concern, but he also seemed happy to hear your voice.
"yes, i'm okay." you nodded, your smile not leaving your face. "i told my dad that.. i'd leave if he didn't stop. he's gonna try and figure something out."
"that might not go over that easy with my dad, y'know?"
"i know. but i won't let him kill anyone else. all i ask if that you don't let your dad kill mine." you lightly chuckle, which he returns.
carl stays silent for a moment. "could you come back over here?"
"i can try. why? what's up?"
"i'd feel better knowing you're here with me while all of this goes on." his voice is a bit more quiet over the radio, but loud enough where you could still hear it.
"of course." you started getting back onto your motorcycle as you spoke to him. "i'll always be there when you need me."
you could hear him laugh on the other side. "thank you. i'll see you soon then?"
"yep. love you!" you happily replied.
"love you, too, y/n."
you rode off back towards alexandria. this time, instead of feeling so anxious and stressed, you felt happy.
you didn't know what was going to happen after you arrived at alexandria. how rick would react, the other alexandrians, the people effected by your fathers actions.. but you did know that you'd figure out how to make it right.
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hello! if you don't mind i do have a request for poly Fizzmodeus x reader
can you do headcanons of them with a crush on an idol/popstar succubus who's secretly a single parent (to keep the kid safe bc reader knows the public will be more than invasive and will only reveal the kid when they're older)? like reader's hesitant to rlly get into a relationship with the two bc she's afraid of what they think.
a certain anime's been giving me this brainrot for a while and i don't have the skill to properly write this sjjdkdkdkskdk
I didn't focus too much on the succubus part, but I hope this is good.
Fizzarolli x Asmodeus x F!SingleParent!Reader
Fizz is not a great father, but he does try his best, and thats why I love him <3. Hope y'all enjoy!
• Your tour ended recently, and you already have a new album being planned.
• For anyone else, it's a dream come true.
• For you, well, it's the break you desperately need to see your kid.
• You've been living a double life for a while.
• On one hand, you're a pop star, hiding her face beneath a variety of masks, with hundreds of thousands of adoring fans.
• On the other, you were a mom just looking out for her kid, trying to keep them out of the exhausting and draining world of fame.
• The mask thing was probably one of your best ideas, as it let you actually go out with your child without being accosted by the paparazzi.
• Plus the whole "secretive succubus" act was great for sales and popularity.
• Most of the money goes to your kid. Yeah, they may end up a tad bit spoiled, but you just want them to be happy.
• Plus, you do have the foresight to not make them an asshole.
• You've dealt with enough rich people in your time, and most of them are the exact kind of people you're trying to keep away from your child.
• Although...there are two that are pretty nice.
• You knew Fizzarolli first, both of you hitting Lust's entertainment circuit at the same time.
• You even had a small thing together for a little bit, although it never really grew. It was more platonic than romantic anyways.
• That's not to say that you hadn't considered going further, or that you didn't have some feelings for him, you just chose not to act on it.
• Asmodeus, on the other hand, found you after you had gotten a decent sized following.
• Unlike with Fizz, nothing really happened between you, but you did become good friends.
• He was also kind of hot too.
• When you had gotten back to your home, you were planning on take your kid out to do...something.
• You weren't sure, but it didn't matter, because someone had sent you a message.
• It was from Ozzie, inviting you over for dinner
• Problem is, you had just gotten back, and you really wanted to be with your kid.
• So, you asked if he could make sure that dinner stayed pg-13, which he questioned, but agreed to.
• You had been wanting to tell Asmodeus about you being a parent for a while, you needed to figure out dinner, and you didn't want to leave your child again, so why not kill 3 birds with one stone?
• When you got there, you got a pleasant suprise in the form of Fizzarolli.
• Fizz and Ozzie also had a suprise, the fact you had a kid.
• (I've been trying to leave the kid's age ambiguous, so that y'all can have a bit of freedom with it. If the kid's old enough, they introduce themselves, and if not you do it. Anyways, back to the headcanons.)
• It takes a good couple of minutes to explain everything, but they understand and respect your decision to keep your child out of the limelight.
• The dinner was nice, fancy too. Then again, you weren't expecting anything else.
• There was something odd though, you felt like Fizz and Ozzie were flirting with you.
• Turns out, they were.
• Apparently, both Ozzie and Fizz, who were together already, wanted to invite you into a little polycule relationship.
• And to be honest, you didn't hesitate to say yes.
• As mentioned before, you did have feelings for Fizz, and you did think Asmodeus was hot.
• Plus, you wouldn't mind having some help raising a child.
• Turns out that Ozzie is a pretty good parent.
• Fizz not so much, but he's trying.
• And dear Satan is it amazing to have people doting on you for once.
• Fans are one thing, romantic partners are so, so much better.
• And hey, at least your kid will grow up around some genuinely good people.
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half-oz-eddie · 6 months
After Max snuck off one day, Steve brings her home right before Neil and Susan return.
Billy gives her and Steve shit about it on the porch, freezing up when Neil's car pulls into the driveway.
He notices the way Neil's normally hard and intimidating stare softens upon seeing Harrington in front of their house.
He greets him, shakes his hand, makes polite small talk with him and invites him in for dinner.
Steve glances over at Billy, noticing how he rolled his eyes and he politely declines.
"I really shouldn't—"
"I insist." Neil goads him, gently pushing him inside and leading him to the table. "Susan's cooking is divine."
Billy groaned. Of course, Steve was the golden boy everyone adored, even his own father. What was so perfect about him anyway?
Billy is imagining he can shoot lasers from his eyes at Steve, and Steve can feel the intention coming from Billy's glares.
He plans to leave early, but Neil offers him dessert, offers him a beer, asks if he wants to stay and watch the game.
Why the fuck's this guy being so nice to Steve?
Because the Harrington name holds so much prestige in Hawkins? Because it can help him get a promotion? What? What the fuck is it? It can't just be because of Steve.
Billy notices that Steve feels really awkward, but he's always been taught to be polite, so he does what any golden boy would do. He stays, he accepts Neil's kindness, he answers questions when asked.
Of course, Neil brings up Mr. Harrington, asking about his company and how it's doing.
His question seems really motivated and Billy's pissed off to the point of no return. He stands, politely excusing himself to his room.
"Don't you wanna watch the game, son?"
Who in god's name was he talking to? Not me, Billy assumed.
Why was his voice so soft and his eyes so warm? That wasn't Neil. That wasn't Sir. Billy was afraid of this version of Neil and that warm smile that showed the crow's feet beside his beady, lying eyes.
Billy slowly sat back down next to Steve.
"Billy used to love baseball."
No I didn't.
"He lost interest. He's much better at basketball. Aren't you boys on the same team?"
"Yes, sir, we are." Steve nodded. "He's really good."
Neil laughed. "That's my boy."
What?! Am I in an alternate universe?
When the fever dream of a night ended, Neil told Billy to walk Steve to his car.
"Uh...See you at school?" Steve said uncertainly.
"Yeah." He watched Steve get into his car and walked back into his house.
Neil's warm, fake smile was gone, along with that soft welcoming voice.
It was all a facade, just as he'd assumed.
Neil ordered him to do the dishes, including Steve's. Nothing disgusted him more than cleaning up after Steve.
To make matters worse, this became a constant. Neil was letting Max's nerdy friends come over and Steve would pick them up, then circle back for dinner or a beer with Neil.
Neil would insist on including Billy, bragging about how strong, or how bright Billy was, bringing up the days in California, the very few good ones.
It pissed Billy off, but the nights Steve would come over, there was no shouting, no beatings and Neil was...nice.
Billy started passing notes to Steve at school, inviting him over, especially on Sundays so he didn't have to deal with Neil's bullshit on his day off.
At first, Steve would keep Neil out of Billy's hair, but then, Steve stopped by Billy's room to ask him why he always invited him over if he didn't wanna hang out.
"I thought maybe Neil'd like hanging out with you."
"So you invited me over to keep your dad company? Why don't you just hang out with him?"
"Because we don't get along. He's...he's not always like that." Billy quietly mumbled, hoping Neil didn't suddenly develop super hearing.
"Oh." Steve slowly shut the door. "So that's why you keep inviting me over?"
Billy shrugged.
"Well, Max told Dustin, and Dustin told me that your dad beats the hell out of you, that true?"
Billy's body tightened up and he went dead silent. "The fuck do you care?" He snapped.
"It's not cool." Steve sat on the floor across from Billy. "I don't wanna come here and keep hanging out with your dad. I kinda thought we were hanging out. That's why I would stay."
"You...wanted to hang out with me?" He skeptically narrowed his eyes.
"Yeah. I've been hoping we could get along for a change. I didn't know you were just using me to keep your dad out of your hair."
"I—I didn't think you'd wanna hang out with me. I thought you liked hanging out with Neil."
Steve laughed. "I don't hang out with old people."
"Yeah, you hang out with little kids instead."
"Shut up, I'm their babysitter. Those little shits are always getting into some kind of trouble."
"Whatever. So...d'you wanna like...hang...now?"
Steve nodded without hesitation. "Yeah. That's why I come here in the first place."
"You like Metallica?"
"Mötley Crüe?"
"Not really."
"Eh. Not really any beaches around."
Billy scoffed, shaking his head in disapproval. "The hell do you like?"
Steve pointed to a deck of cards on Billy's dresser. "Know how to play War?"
"Vaguely." Billy shrugged before grabbing the deck and handing it to Steve.
They played a few rounds of cards before they were laughing and shit-talking into the late hours of the night.
Neil didn't disturb them at all.
Dedicating this to @mangywayway since you're always being so kind when I'm feeling down. Tysm ❤️
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sundrop-writes · 11 months
if Draco walked in on you changing...
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Word Count: 1360
Harry Potter Masterlist
Warnings: I have no clue when this could fit onto the general Harry Potter timeline (and tbh I don't think it does); this features the 'arranged marriage' trope; the reader is a rich pureblood (but there is no indication that the reader looks down on muggleborns the way that the Malfoys do); there is no mention of which pureblood family the reader is from, so there is no indication of her race; the reader is mentioned to be afab/has breasts and wears dresses; mentions of house elves/use of house elf labor; Draco is very cocky and entitled in this; there is some dubious consent because Draco looks at the reader while she is undressed without her consent, but she doesn't fully care; Draco calls the reader 'darling' and 'love'; the reader's parents are discussing the arranged marriage with the Malfoys without her consent; passing mention of the reader and Draco having kids together; the reader is definitely attracted to Draco and denying it. I believe that's everything.
A/N: Can you tell that I'm obsessed with the arranged marriage trope when it comes to Draco?? Yes? No? (Well you're gonna be able to tell that even more if he wins the other poll - which he probably will, and that oneshot about him is the one that I post.) I just love the idea that because he's not the best person, the reader would be forced to be in proximity to him, and she would bring out his more likeable side over time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Eventually, I want to do this trope/reaction with all the characters that I mainly write for. (And maybe more, like Neville and Ginny.)
The past week of your life has been nothing but a hectic chaos, and you were simply trying your hardest to get through it. 
Your parents had travelled such a long way to ‘catch up’ with their old school friends, the Malfoys, some fellow purebloods that they hadn’t seen since graduating Hogwarts when they were all teenagers. This meant you had been a ‘guest’ at Malfoy Manor for the past week - seven straight days filled with nothing but fake smiling, bragging about your accomplishments, in detail (for your parents’ sake), being shown off like you were some trophy out of their case. You hated it. 
You didn’t think you could handle sitting through one more evening dinner or afternoon tea, hearing them all wax poetic about the ‘good ole days’ while their insufferable son stared at you from across the room. But, as you kept telling yourself, you could go home soon. You could soon go back to your regular life, your own house with walls that weren’t decorated in depressing dark shades - a place with a sprawling rose garden that you missed so dearly. 
Tonight, you just had to get through dinner. 
And then, you could fake some kind of illness and be left alone in the large, comfortable (if entirely dark and dreary) guest room that they had put you up in for your stay. 
Currently, you were racing around that room, wearing nothing but your black stockings and heels, and your jewellery, looking for your perfume bottle to spray some on your neck and chest before you put on your dress and attempted to go through the hassle of zipping it up on your own. You knew that the Malfoys had house elves that you could call upon, but you were really only comfortable with your own elf, Peplum, being the one to dress you. And she was back home because your mother and father didn’t allow her to travel. 
You finally found the perfume bottle and sprayed a few good pumps of it over your neck and breasts, and put one on your inner wrist for good measure. Then you took a moment to bask in the scent because you found it so enjoyable - a nice moment of calming peace from the annoyance and mental strain you had been put through during the past week. 
When you heard the door creak on its hinges, you thought you had been mistaken. 
“My goodness, what do we have here?” 
The sound of someone speaking caused you to jolt, practically jumping out of your skin, and you rushed to cover yourself - the only available covering being your own arms. You turned your back to the door, wrapping your arms around yourself to keep your chest covered, knowing that you looked entirely foolish wearing black tights that went up to your waist, black underwear, and heels - with nothing else. 
Naturally, Draco thought that you looked like a sex dream come to life. 
He could think of nothing sexier than a woman wearing black stockings. So naturally, seeing you topless while wearing those - it caused a stir in his pants that he had to concentrate on for it not to turn into a troubling hardon. He did wish that you weren’t wearing the underwear, though. 
“Don’t cover up on my account.” Draco smirked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pantsuit (partially as a measure to hide any stirring of his cock). And then he simply continued to stand there, not taking his eyes off the round curve of your ass for even a moment. 
When he spoke again, it was only then that you knew who was there, and any shock pulsing through you at the fact of someone just waltzing in faded away in favour of pure annoyance grinding against your nerves. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You barked, glaring over your shoulder at him. “Knocking was invented for a reason!” 
Draco always found your anger attractive. He found that he liked you angry and topless even better. 
“It’s my house. I don’t have to knock.” He shrugged, sounding as entitled as ever. 
You sighed so hard at this it practically came out as a growl under your breath. Even if you liked the heat in his eyes as he looked you over, even if you found him to be somewhat attractive - that pattern of entitlement made him impossible to put up with. 
You had grown up pureblood, and definitely wealthy, but you absolutely had more humility than someone like him. 
“That is so not true!” You screeched back, entirely insulted by this notion. “Knocking is a basic courtesy that your parents should have taught you!” 
“Whatever.” Draco sighed, seeming entirely unconcerned with the social faux pas of walking in on you partially dressed - he didn’t rush to apologise or even bother to look away. “When we’re married, it won’t matter. I’ll get to look at my wife as much as I want,” 
He said these words with a filthy greed grinding against the back of his throat, the expression on his face disgustingly satisfied. He raked his eyes across your body once again, drinking in every bit of you like he was truly entitled to you. 
You turned around then, your neck aching from craning to look at him. You still had an arm covering your breasts, but his eyes definitely stuck to the puff of your cleavage that was leaking out around it. You would have yelled at him, called him a pig for staring so hard - but cared less and less about his staring as you got caught up on his words. 
“‘When we’re married’?” You echoed back, the words entirely strained on your voice. “Are you okay? Have you been snorting the Floo Powder or are you usually this out of touch?” 
Draco chuckled then, and titled his head slightly as he looked at you - it was distinctly condescending, like how someone might look down at a small child. Like he thought you were the one who was truly out of touch. 
“Darling, are you really that daft?” He asked slowly. “Do you really not know what this trip is for?” 
“What?” You croaked. 
Now, you were truly confused. 
“Our parents didn’t just feel like ‘catching up’ out of the blue. They’re trying to come to some sort of agreement. They’re match-making us. You know - bonding two powerful pureblood families.” He explained. 
“Oh… oh god.” You sighed. It all made perfect sense. The ‘hush hush’ lunches that you weren’t allowed to sit in on, the insistence from your mother that you ‘bond’ with Draco, her questions about if you wanted to have children or not when you thought that was distant years in your future. “I am gonna kill them!” 
You moved to storm out of the room, wanting to give your parents a stern talking to for not warning you about this. But - 
“You’re still naked, love.” Draco chuckled. 
You felt a flush of heat run through you - you wanted to say that it was from embarrassment, and not the wonderfully teasing nickname, and his cutesy tone. But you had other things to focus on than your non-attraction to Draco Malfoy. 
“Ugh.” You turned back around sharply and grabbed your dress off the bed, and after you stepped into it and aggressively pulled the straps up over your shoulders, you struggled to reach behind you and even begin to pull the zipper closed. 
You froze instantly when you felt Draco’s cool fingers brush against the skin of your lower back as he grabbed onto the zipper and then nimbly did it up for you. His touch was surprisingly gentle, and you told yourself that the shivers down your spine were from his cool touch, and not because of any underlying (very annoyed) attraction toward him. 
“Might not be so bad.” Draco breathed against your neck, causing more goosebumps to form on your skin. “Being married to you.” 
You felt an argument bubbling under the surface - but you saved that energy for the ensuing fight you were bound to have with your parents. Instead, you simply scoffed and rolled your eyes in response.
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girls just wanna have fun 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, blackmail, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your struggle to push back against your controlling father result in a misguided crush. (Silverfox AU)
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself
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Shelby shows up with her switch case slung over her shoulder. You don’t really touch your system anymore, only when she’s around. The last time you tried to boot up, the update took too long and you lost interest.
“So, MarioKart?” She asks.
“I told you, we’re swimming. My dad just left for his stupid work thing.”
“Oh, I didn’t bring a suit,” she frowns.
“Why? I said--”
“It’s late. The water’s cold,” she whines.
“Really, Shel,” you roll your eyes, “why don’t you just play your switch by the pool then and I’ll go swimming.”
“Wow, you don’t have to be rude. You know I’m not comfortable in swim suits,” she sneers, “what’s gotten into you, anyway?”
“I don’t know, maybe I’ve grown up,” you sigh, “I’m over playing video games in the dark. I want to live.”
“Fine, we can sit by the pool. Can I have a blanket?” She huffs.
“Whatever, grab one,” you wave vaguely. She knows where everything is.
You head off down the hall to the French doors and step out in the dimming air. The solar lanterns glow dully as the sky dulls slowly and you strut over to the pool in your new suit. The red might be a bit much but you’ve been working hard.
You sit with your legs in the pool as you search through your phone for a playlist. You connect to the bluetooth speaker and play some buzzy pop. Shelby comes out with a throw around her shoulders and her switch clutched to her middle. You don’t get why she’s so shy. She’s pretty enough and she has a nice shape to her hips. If she smiled and maybe did something with her hair, or wore nicer clothes she might not feel so crappy.
You hum along with the music as her nintendo tinks and deeps under the drone. You push yourself off the edge and dip under the water. It’s refreshing. You don’t see why she doesn’t just hope in in her undies. It’s just the two of you.
As you break the surface, you hear Shelby’s voice but her words are garbled. A low timbre comes in return and you whip around to face the fence. Sam’s once more popping his head over, leering as you wipe the water from your eyes.
“There you are,” he smirks, “was just checking in. Me and Bucky got some extra dogs and we’re about to do some smores. Wanna join?”
You nostrils flair and your lashes twitch as you consider the offer. Sure, you’d love to go over and show off your new fit for Bucky but if it means spending time with Sam, it’s not really an opportunity. You shrug as Shelby stares at her lap. Oh yeah, she’s shy. And the perfect wing woman. You can distract the pest with her.
“Do the smores come with drinks?” You challenge.
“Are you two a package deal?” He sticks his tongue, “don’t need a sausage fest.”
Shelby mumbles your name and gives a desperate look. You wade through the pool to the ladder and climb out, the water slaking down your body. You grab the towel from the chair next to your friend and wrap it around yourself, knotting it low between your cleavage.
“Sure, you like smores, don’t you Shel?”
“Um, yes, but...”
“Come on,” you turn and lower your voice, keeping your face hidden from Sam, “loosen up, alright? It’ll be fun.”
“Please,” she begs.
You hush her and snatch the switch, “come on or I’ll throw this in the pool.”
“You wouldn’t!” She exclaims as she stands.
You send her a darting look then glance over at Sam with a sickly smile, “will you be a doll and go get our drinks ready?”
He chuckles and winks before he descends back behind the fence. You grab the edge of the throw and rip it away from Shelby. You look her up and down and shrug.
“Just do me a favour and distract him, alright?” You snip, “tell him one of your jokes.”
“He’s a stranger,” she ekes out.
“His name’s Sam, there, not a stranger,” you drag her by her wrist through the yard and along the side of the house.
“But... he’s old. Why would you want to hang out with him?”
“It’s not him I’m interested in,” you growl, “okay? Look, it’s just a bit of fun. You don’t have to do anything. I’m not planning on it either. I just want a few drink and to flirt a bit. You said it yourself Shel,” you stop her just outside Bucky’s gate, “they’re old but they’re rich, got it?”
She makes a face, “your dad’s rich.”
“So’s yours, but they’re both assholes. When’s the last time you saw yours, huh?”
She looks away. Her dad’s always on some important business trip and her mother never mentions the perfume on his clothes. You hate to bring it up but you may as well get something out of some old pricks at some point in your life.
“Just smores, alright,” you promise her and keep hold of her arm as you knock on the gate.
“Hey, girls, give me a hand,” Sam calls over, “hands are full.”
You open the back gate from the other side and find him waiting with two bright bottles in hand. The coolers aren’t what you expected. Hadn’t he teased Bucky for drinking Corona?
“Smirnoff Blue Raspberry, huh?” You take one and read the label, “didn’t take you for the type.”
“Oh, I got a hell of a sweet tooth,” he purrs, “speaking of, who’s this little slice?”
Shelby gurgles and you try to ignore her awkwardness.
“This is Shelby, we’re like best friends. Since grade school.”
“Mmm, best friends,” he nods as he looks her up and down, “well, come on in. The old coot is searching for marshmallows. I swear if I wasn’t around, he’d lose himself too.”
“Sure,” you utter dryly and take the other bottle, shoving it towards Shelby. She takes it reluctantly and eyes it with suspicion.
“It’s fine, it’s like five percent,” you squint at the corner, “I don’t think that’s very much.”
“Oh. I didn’t know you drank,” she whispers.
“Not a lot but...” you stop and sniff the neck, “smells alright.” You taste the bright blue elixir and hum, “like a popsicle.”
She takes a reluctant sip and her eyes roung, “mm, yummy.”
“See, it's fine,” you elbow her as you follow Sam into the yard. You've never been this far.
You take in the large oval pool and the grotto hot tub to the far edge of the lawn. Just like the front, it's well-kempt. The patio set all matches perfectly to the tile around the pool.
“So, you guys hungry? Got some spicy hotdogs?”
You look at Shelby, she gulps down another mouthful to save herself from replying. God, you gotta do everything.
“We'd rather the smores. I don't eat whatever hotdogs are,” you scoff.
“Huh, makes sense,” he gives you a lurid look, “how about you, Shelbz? Don't let her do all the talking? You want a nice thick sausage?”
“Don't be gross,” you nudge him out of the way and flick your fingers for Shelby to follow.
She tails you across the grass and you spread out across one of the loungers. You just want Bucky to come out and see you. You just need a bit of a thrill to tide you over, to get you through your next vibe-assisted session.
“Guess I'll go check on that dope,” Sam mutters, “always keeping me waiting.”
“Fine, fine,” you dismiss him.
He retreats and you pose yourself on the lounger, adjusting the towel so when you move the right way it'll come loose. It's not much of a plan but you'll play it up.
Shelby slurps loudly and you look up at her, “jeez, Shel, slow down.”
Her bottle is almost empty as she wipes her lips with the back of her hand.
“I'm nervous,” she quakes. “That guy… he's so… is he flirting with you?”
“He's flirting with you, dummy,” you shoot back, “what's up? You want his sausage?”
You cackle and she nearly chokes, “you know I've never–”
“Relax, I haven't either,” you trill, “it's a game, Shel. They wanna feel like they still got game and well, it doesn't hurt to get a bit of attention, does it?”
“I… guess not.”
“Don't even worry about it,” you snort, “they're probably getting close to bedtime. Just smile, will ya?”
She forces a smile and looks down at her bottle. Maybe she should have another drink. She's such a wet blanket.
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Oooh I have a request! The youngest Itoshi f!sibling neglected over many years after both brothers prioritse football. Has a moment of realisation and decides to put herself first and move on. Stops messaging in family chats, calling, birthday wishes, festive greetings etc. Moving on and finding better for oneself ~~!
Synopsis: Itoshi Y/N was never the first priority when it came to her parents and her two older brothers that were pursuing football. She has a moment of realization that no matter what she does she will never be any of their top priorities, and so she decides to cut off contact with her family and pursue her own passion of sport.
Content Warnings: angst, u realize ur self-worth, neglect, platonic!Rin Itoshi x reader, platonic!Sae Itoshi x reader, good ending
Word Count: 788
Author’s Note: I tried to fill in the blanks for some of this, I hope it’s to your liking, dearest!Tysm for the request! Requests are still open!
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There was another family-friend reunion of sorts happening and Y/N had to sit at the far side of the table as she constantly heard her parents boast of her brothers’ accomplishments. She sighed and just stared at her plate aimlessly toying with her food as nobody spared a single glance her way, until one random adult spoke up,
“And what does your nice daughter over here do?”
She quickly perked her head up with slight excitement from the attention and said,
“Oh well I do [insert sport]!”
The adult politely smiled at her comment and was about to respond until her brother, Sae, finally walked into the room and everyone directed their attention towards him leaving Y/N forgotten once more. With some disappointment in her eyes she just turned back to her plate and continued to silently stare while listening to everything around her. Everyone was congratulating Sae on his triumphs and his becoming of an international star, he simply nodded not really showing much care as he was only visiting Japan for a few days before leaving again. Rin was brought up into the conversation too, being praised for becoming another upcoming star, Rin followed his brother’s actions in nodding and mainly staying silent. Hunched over in her chair, Y/N slowly turned her head to her brothers’ direction, watching as they were showered in compliments and praise while she was just the only person sitting at the table now. Rin looked in her direction and saw her staring, but acted as if it was nothing and directed his attention to the adults praising him as if he were a god of sorts. She decided to stop her staring and focused on her plate once more while thinking,
I’m tired.
I want to go to my room and sleep.
I wonder how [friend’s name] is doing at [insert sport].
I want to go to the [insert sport] meeting.
Nobody would notice if I leave anyways, I’m kind of worthless staying here.
Why do I even bother trying to be part of this family?
As her mind continued to wander, she quietly got up and walked out. Nobody even noticed she left. Her mother didn’t notice, her father didn’t notice, Rin didn’t notice, and Sae most certainly did not notice nor cared to. Y/N called her friend to ask if the [insert sport] meeting was still going on, and thankfully it was as she rushed to the train station to get there. Once she had arrived she swore she would no longer affiliate herself with her family due to the countless years of neglect and missed opportunities her family caused for her. She also swore she would practice [insert sport] extremely hard and become even more known than her brothers.
As time passed she kept to her oath and did not communicate with her family at all, not even sending any holiday messages and such. She still missed her brothers very much as she remembered them trying to teach her how to kick a ball into a goal when she was very little. She grew sad at the thought, but remembered she was no longer going to try and be the initiator to try and get their attention. If her brothers wished to speak to her, then they must do so themselves. She slowly but surely made her way to the top of [insert sport] and became internationally known just like her brothers. As she was about to get up from her seat, she heard her phone buzz and saw it was from an old group-chat that consisted of her, Sae, and Rin. There was 5 minutes until she had to go out, but she opened the message which read from Rin,
“Good luck we’re out here if you need anything”
She took a slight peek and scanned the crowds until she spotted Sae and Rin sitting amongst the crowd with both their arms crossed. She smiled to herself; she finally was able to be seen by her brothers once more.
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mysticalsoot · 11 months
someone to live with
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part 2 to someone to (not) die with
➸ note; i know i said id post this at 8- but I was watching heartland with my mom and like.. sobbed like a baby anyways, hope you enjoy!!
➸ pairing; revivebur x gn!reader // c!wilbur x gn!reader
➸ summary; after wilbur's death and a too long to think, you ask your sister to help you. she does but maybe her methods work a bit too well.
➸ warning; slight hurt/big comfort, suicide mentions, kissing, easily forgiving reader, ghostbur goes to a happy limbo, probably swearing
➸ age-rating; 15+
➸ wordcount; 3.1k
main masterlist // part 1
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wilbur's funeral was quicker than most, and not many people showed up. if anything, it was mostly you and his father and brothers. Niki came by, your sister Grace did too. but in all honesty, not many people bothered to pay their respects.
you also kept it quiet, taking a few days before the funeral to really let everything sink in, to let the fact he left the bouquet you gave him on the spot he wanted to be buried. it was just by the hill he used to sit on, the one he took you to and told you all about his dreams for the future. for lmanburg and for the future you both hoped to share.
you wouldn't be sharing that future now.
despite that; the time since wilbur's death went by slowly, and was utterly agonizing. your home felt colder, although it could've been winter slowly creeping up, you chalked it up to the lack of your partner. or maybe it was his ghost that wandered your halls that emanated that cold. or maybe he just contributed to it. whatever it was, you found yourself spending more time out in the snow sitting by his grave than sitting by the fire in your living room.
you'd talk to him, or rather the corpse of his that was buried a few feet down in a hand built coffin that his older brother forged through anger. Techno wasn't known for tears.
but you were. you wouldn't be surprised if your tears eventually froze over whenever you spoke to his grave, as the days were getting colder and the chill of the wind started to burn your cheeks.
ghostbur was nice, you thought. a nice distraction. he was kind and sweet and he was all the good of Wilbur and more. he wasn't Wilbur, he made that clear, but you knew that the moment you met him. he caught you on a less than good day, wandering around your house, mindlessly walking the halls and dissociating to the point you weren't sure what was going on or where you were.
but he came knocking on your doorstep, friend behind him. you took him in, since he had nowhere else to go. you helped him stable up friend, put him in the pen and set him up in the fields while you brought ghost in and helped him warm up. you kept him away from the snow and cold, helping him become afloat again. he stayed back with you, keeping an eye on you and giving you blue any time he could. he loved spending time with you, caring for you.
he was a good friend, and he hoped that's what he always would be.
no matter how many times you'd tell him how wonderful of a friend he was, he wouldn't believe it. even when you brought up the time he saved you a week after he walked into your life. you were so close to ending it all, jumping off the edge and joining your wilbur. but he stopped you, he managed to talk you down and he held you and promised to protect you, and that he did. he protected you, he cared for you and even if your relationship was platonic at best, he was a wonderful partner.
meanwhile, wilbur was pent up in limbo. pacing the platform, listening to the sounds of the train passing by not once stopping for him. he was going crazy, mind you he already was, but this was a whole new level.
there wasn't much to do up there, time passed so much more slowly. there weren't any books to busy him with, all he could do was sit and listen to the screeching and taunting of the train. the sounds drove him mad, a constant reminder of what he can never reach, what he can't get back. what he destroyed with his selfish ways.
he nearly ripped his hair out, with the way regret and stress was eating at his dead form. he was tired, lost and he couldn't get it out of his mind what mistakes he'd made. the long list of things he'd ruined with his own presence.
sometimes he'd wonder if it's better that he's dead. maybe he shouldn't bother with troubling thoughts of how to get back. you must be thriving, he hopes you're thriving.
you weren't. it's crawling up to the two month anniversary, and to say the least, you were losing it. you were good at pretending, pretending that you were okay and healing but in reality; you weren't. you were staying up at night, clinging to his old trench coat and shutting your eyes in hopes you could pretend he was there and would materialize into his coat at any moment. it felt stupid to do this, but it kept you from being pushed onto the ledge.
"Grace?" you whisper, holding your cup of tea close to your chest, sitting behind her counter at her flower shop. your sister was always a safe place for you, especially when you couldn't sift through your thoughts on your own. she helped.
"mm?" she hums, turning to face you with a smile before returning to the flowers she was working on. a small winter themed display for the Christmas festival she was preparing for. as for every other shop owner in L'manburg.
"have you.. have you learnt anything about revival?" you managed to mumble out, eyes casted down on the floor as you set aside your tea.
"I've done some research," you didn't catch the way she froze for a moment, as if she was buffering. and you especially didn't know that her research pertained to reviving the same person you wished to.
"how much?"
"enough." she sighs out, tying a ribbon around the bunch of stems, placing the bouquet on display before cleaning up her workstation.
"how hard is it? to revive someone, I mean." you bit your lip, nearly drawing blood before you quit, looking away again but this time outside the front windows.
"is this about wilbur?"
she didn't need to ask, she already knew. it's always about wilbur. you fidget with your fingers, wringing your hands together as you shrug, "maybe."
"if.. and I mean, if. if you revive him, he may not be the same," Grace frowns, walking over to you and bringing you into a hug. for a younger sister, she acted like an older, doting sister occasionally.
"at least I'll have him back, y'know?" you shrug again, raising your shoulders before dropping them in defeat, leaning deeper into her hug.
"I'll help," she draws in a breath, calculating her next words as she steps back to look at you, "if you promise to not blame anyone but him if he comes back an ass, okay?" she cracks a smile, chuckling softly at her own words as your own lips curl up and you roll your eyes.
"fine-" you pause, mind reeling as you remember ghostbur. how could you hurt him?
"what will happen to ghostbur?"
Grace shrugs, pulling away and turning to grab some more flowers to put together, "he'll be sent to limbo."
"so he'll die?" regret bubbles up in your throat like bile, and your eyes widen at the thought.
"no, no," she starts before stopping, biting her bottom lip, "he'll go to his own limbo."
"is that good?"
her shoulders lift, mouth curled in a frown and uncertainty paints on her face, "in theory, yes. I'm sure he'll be fine. it's- he'll be okay."
"if.. if getting back wil hurts ghost- i- I can't do that to him, Grace," your lips curl downwards and you step into the main area of the shop, grabbing some baby's breath and setting it on the counter by your sister.
"it won't hurt him. i promise," she rests her hand on yours, shooting you a soft and sympathetic gaze.
you take in a breath and nod, "okay, when can we start?"
you were sure that the rivival process was long and tedious, and maybe it was but-- grace liked to work alone. she'd update you when you showed up at her shop every morning, reassuring you that everything was fine.
it was a few days before ghostbur disappeared, which grace warned you about. you just hoped he was okay. despite the lack of the beloved ghost, you still hadn't found wilbur, and Grace was becoming more suspicious.
she avoided your questions, choosing short answers and it seemed like she was pulling herself at both ends, spreading herself thin. you were worried but Tom didn't know anything, and Grace wasn't letting you in on it anytime soon.
"why can't I see them, grace?" wilbur pried, sitting on the bench in the back of Grace's shop.
"I don't trust you yet. you haven't proved to me that you won't hurt them," she toyed with the ribbon she held, melting the ends to keep it from freying.
"you've threatened me enough, I think that's plenty of reason-"
"no, wilbur, you killed yourself and left them off on their own. threatening isn't enough for you to get it through your head that your fucking existence could hurt them! sometimes that's all you do," she scoffs, placing down the ribbon and picking up the next one, sealing the ends again. she takes a moment, listening to the silence of the room, the silence that's fallen on wilbur. she rolls her eyes, huffing before she continues, "I'm sorry, okay? but I've had to watch my sibling suffer because of your decisions, and they suffered longer than you've been dead," she pauses, shutting her eyes and taking a breath before continuing, "I'm not trying to be hard on you, I promise but- just, please understand, wil."
"I know, I know I've hurt them but I promise, I can make it better. weren't they the one that asked to revive me?" he counters, standing up and making his way to stand beside grace, towering over her and resting his hand on her shoulder.
"yes, they were but- I warned them and I just don't want them hurt."
"I won't hurt them," he starts, resting his hands on both her shoulders, "I promise."
she pulls back, "fine, but remember the second I catch wind that you've hurt them, say goodbye to living. and your reproductive organs."
"I think killing me is good enough," he laughs softly, pulling grace into a hug and mumbling, "thank you, so much,"
"yeah, sure."
"I'll see you later, yeah?" wilbur's lips curl into a smile as he practically bounces towards the door. he hurries out of the flower shop, determination taking over and hope filling his veins.
all the while you're out by his grave, again. maybe you should build something in honor of ghostbur, you think. he's not here anymore, hopefully in a better place so surely you should do something to honor his memory. just like you did with wilbur. like you always did.
you sifted your fingers through the grass, tugging at it gently, trying not to fully rip it but just mess with it. your mind runs miles an hour, wandering through thoughts and feelings that haven't quite healed yet.
moss has begun to grow on his headstone, flowers grace planted around it now blooming up around the stone. it's heavily weathered, the words.
'wilbur soot. beloved son, friend, partner, brother and president. 1996-2020.'
they're painted on and the snow and sleet has worn it down, its barely visible. the words ghost on the stone. but you have it memorized, by reading it over before you had it made, and then reading it over and over again for hours every day since his death. like a mantra, even if it has no purpose other than to hurt you.
you'd been sitting there for who knows how long, your fingers felt like icicles but you barely noticed the pricking cold. you weren't sure what you were hoping for, praying for by sitting alone but it was something.
the sound of fabric waving in the wind, and footsteps crunching on the grass, and then the scent hits you; cigarettes and cologne. mixed together and hitting your nose sharply. you bite your lip, letting your breath catch in your throat, not bothering to look behind you.
"wilbur?" you mumble, and then you hear his smile form, a little puff of air let out with it.
"hello, my love," he stands beside you, waiting for you to invite him to sit with you. you glance up at him, mouth slightly agape.
"you're alive."
"yeah, I am. thank god grace let me go. finally-" he chuckles, and for the first time in a while, you smile. a genuine smile.
"what? she kept you cooped up?" you pat the spot beside you, keeping your eyes up on you.
"yes, she did. and she threatened my livelihood," he follows your guide, sitting beside you and letting his legs stretch out before him. you finally catch a glance at the discoloration on his face, the bruises and patches of skin too pale or too tan.
"oh? so she threatened to neuter you?" you meet his eyes finally, smile soft but clear on your face.
"that's her favorite threat," he chuckles softly, fingers twitching as if he was going to reach for you. he takes a sharp breath, looking forward and out on the horizon over the hill. he takes a moment before pulling something out of his trench coat pocket, but you stop him short.
"you grabbed the coat?" you frown, fingers reaching out to play with the fabric, rubbing it between your fingertips. you glance up at him and he finally reaches forward, hand on your cheek and thumb rubbing your skin.
"it wasn't the only thing I grabbed," he sucks in a breath, pulling his hand away and taking out two rings, the rings he left for you, "i found them, on the mantle and i- I wanted to do what I didn't before."
"so you've been in our house?"
"is that what you take from this?" he chuckles, leaning forward and kissing your forehead. to his surprise, you don't flinch away but rather lean into it and sigh.
"maybe, but- are you.."
"proposing? if you're okay with it," he starts, pulling the rings off the string and putting his hand out for yours. you nod and give him your hand. he slips the ring on and begins again, "will you marry me?"
"mmm.. I don't know- will I?" you crack a smile before chuckling softly, "yes, yes I will. idiot."
he pulls you into a hug, your right leg tossed over his lap as you both pull one another closer. and then you pull back and reach your hand out, palm up.
"the ring, it's only fair."
"oh?" wilbur smiles, handing you the wedding band he intended on wearing. you slip it on his ring finger before kissing each of his finger tips.
"I missed you,"
"I missed you too," he leans closer, resting his hand on your cheek again and stroking the skin.
"mm, I'm sure you've had plenty of time to miss me," the corner of your mouth twitches upwards into a smirk. you stand up, reaching your hand down for him to take as you help him up to stand. he rests his hands on your hips, squeezing gently before leaving a kiss on your cheek.
"too much time," he mumbles, holding you close and hugging you, "I'm sorry, for all I've done. I know that no words can account for all that I've put you through but I- I hope you can find a way to put up with me."
"don't worry, I forgave you a while ago. you were stupid but, dream is dead and it's because of what you pulled. we have you to thank for that."
"I'm still sorry," he winces, and you grab his hand, leading him back to the cabin as you shrug.
"I know, and you're going to have to do a lot more than say sorry for other people. but for me, you're lucky I missed you so much. otherwise, I probably wouldn't have asked to have you revived."
"I know but-" you shoot him a warning look, silently telling him to shut his trap before he starts whining again, "okay, okay, I get it."
"good, now- let's go enjoy ourselves yeah? get you a shower and go to bed. because, love you, darling but you reek." you chuckle, tugging him by his hand up the stairs of your porch, hurrying in and shutting the door behind you.
he pulls you to him by your hips, swaying you gently before he leans down to pull you into a kiss, lips licking together in a way they haven't in over six months, you think. much longer than he's been dead.
you reach your arms up, wrapping them around his neck as you both tug one another together, your bodies now pressed up. the warmth he spreads wraps around you and you've never felt more at home.
the kiss doesn't end until you both have to gasp for air, and you drop your head to press against his chest. he rubs your back with his hands, gentle circles spun over your shirt.
"do I really reek?" he croons, looking up at the ceiling as your fingers grasp at his shirt.
"yes you do,"
he attempts to get out of it, poking out a gentle pout and you pull back. folding your arms over your chest as you shake your head, smirking at the way he tries to beg like a puppy.
"wilbur- you do realize I was going to make brownies while you showered, right?" you knew the moment you mentioned baked goods, he'd do whatever you asked. he'd do whatever you asked anyway, but a little bribe never hurt anyone.
"wait really?" his eyes light up and his pout falls off and is replaced with an excited grin. you nod and he lunges down to press thankful kisses all over your face, giggling happily as he holds you by your sides, fingers curling over your waist.
"yes- god, you only love me for my baking?"
"no, but it is a plus," he pulls back, placing a quick peck to your lips before sprinting up the stairs for him to shower. you shake your head, smile clear as day on your lips as you venture into the kitchen to begin baking.
despite everything, the pain and turmoil and living without him, you're glad you asked to have him revived, even if it meant some sacrifice. yet the more you think of it, you're gonna have to thank grace for holding your fiance hostage tomorrow.
taglist; @lcvejoy @lillylvjy @ella-fella-bo-bella @lotusanonymouse @willgoldszn @whos-nicooo @zebonos
honorable tags (asked for part 2); @babybabygrogu @tacomumun3r
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 months
Where you post a bit of fic that may or may not exist, depending on which timezone you are in. Thank you for tagging me, @jackmichaela! 🥰 Here's a bit of the next chapter of my Buck 1.0/118!Tommy fic. As for tagging, anyone who wants to do this, just say I tagged you. Still need to get to know people more over here, sorry 😅 Enjoy! ❤️
“Thanks for letting me paint with you,” said Maddie, grinning from the side of her canvas.
“I have the spare supplies. They were going to be used anyway,” said Tommy with a shrug.
Maddie had lived with Tommy for a few weeks now. She was still looking for a place of her own, but just hadn’t found the right fit yet. Tommy didn’t mind. She could stay with him for as long as she wanted, really. He was happy to give her a place to breathe. To find her sea legs.
And she was doing much better. She had settled into her job at dispatch. She was figuring out LA. She seemed so much happier.
Maybe Tommy only noticed that she was on edge at first because he knew that feeling.
Looking around every corner for him to come.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
It wasn’t a one-to-one. His abuser was his father. But all the same, Tommy felt it deeply when she jumped. When there was that glimpse of panic in her eyes.
He tried to be kind.
He tried to be helpful.
To give space.
To give time.
To give whatever she needed.
And she had stumbled upon Tommy painting maybe the first week and hadn’t asked about it. The next week, she decided to hang out in Tommy’s living room as he painted. Today? She had asked to join him.
And it had been nice.
Being able to do this small thing together.
“I like your little trees,” said Maddie as she glanced over at Tommy’s canvas, “If that’s – it’s okay that I looked, right?”
Tommy laughed.
“Not like I’m working on a masterpiece. It’s okay if you look.”
Tommy kept painting little trees.
He didn’t know why he kept painting trees. Tiny little trees. Dozens upon dozens of trees. A tiny forest of trees filling the white spaces until the entire painting was shades of green. There was something soothing about it. Gazing at a forest like that. Looking at the little brush strokes.
Tommy liked trees.
“I’m not working on a masterpiece either,” confessed Maddie sheepishly as she turned the canvas Tommy’s way to reveal the worst painting of a cat that Tommy had ever seen in his life.
“Sorry,” said Tommy, trying to stop himself.
“No, it’s pretty bad,” laughed Maddie along with him, “Maybe we need to watch a tutorial. Learn how to make other things."
"Yeah. That might be a good idea at some point," said Tommy as he looked at his phone, “But… aren’t you hanging out with Howie soon?”
Howie had been coming around a lot. Not in a way that felt like he was pressuring her, no.
He was friendly.
A friend.
They seemed nice together. An easy, slow start that. And it was cute. They were cute. And it felt like some of the reason Maddie was doing so well was because of Chimney. Because of the care that was taken in their friendship.
But still.
There was something under that friendship.
A romance that Maddie wasn’t quite ready for.
But maybe someday. Perhaps that was just the romantic in Tommy, though.
“Yeah,” said Maddie as she didn’t do much to hide her smile, “We’re watching Die Hard. Which is fun – who doesn’t like Die Hard?”
“True,” said Tommy with a smile.
He was happy for them. Maddie and Chimney were good people. He hoped that it went well for them, whether they stayed friends or became more.
And, like clockwork, there was the doorbell.
“Speak of the devil,” said Tommy as he stood up, “Want me to get that for you?”
“Yeah. Need to put this up before he sees how terrible I am at painting,” laughed Maddie as she grabbed her canvas and rushed over to the guest room.
Tommy set down his supplies, walking over to the front door. He opened it to find…
“Evan?” asked Tommy, smiling.
Evan was all dressed up.
Nice button-up shirt. Something handsome with small white dots on a navy backdrop. He had this slick leather jacket that made him look fantastic. These jeans that fit well on him. Hair gelled how he liked.
He looked ready for a date.
And – and he had flowers.
This big bounty of a bouquet. Almost obnoxiously big. Colorful and loud and kind of amazing. It was hard to look away from them.
“Hey, Tommy,” said Evan as he extended the flowers to Tommy, “I, uh. I didn’t call. And I’m sorry if you have plans. I’ll leave if you do. But – but I was thinking about you and I saw these flowers at this flower shop near my place and I was just thinking – I don’t know.”
Evan stepped closer.
“Fuck it. I really like you. And it’s not like I haven’t said that, but I know we’ve been keeping this lowkey mostly for me. And I’m – I’m not saying I’m ready for everything, but I’m ready for a little more,” continued Evan, “I want to do something fun. Want to go out tonight?”
Tommy took the flowers. A little stunned.
“People don’t usually ask me out,” breathed Tommy, taken aback.
Not that Tommy was against it.
He kind of liked that.
“I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to ask you out,” said Evan with a shrug, “But, hey. Maybe I’m biased.”
Then, Tommy remembered why he answered the door.
“Chimney’s coming to pick up Maddie to hang out,” Tommy said as he stepped back into his house and – and where was he even going to hide the flowers?
Should he just put them in his room for now? Evan being over wasn’t weird. Tommy taught him Muay Thai. His sister was temporarily Tommy’s roommate. On the days Tommy gave Evan flying lessons, he generally came over first and let Tommy drive them to Harbor Station. It wasn’t weird for Evan to be here.
But the flowers were going to be hard to explain.
Tommy turned, walking straight down his hall until – “Hey. No. Don’t just – you don’t need to hide them for me.”
Tommy faltered.
He glanced at Evan.
“Are you sure?” asked Tommy.
Not that he didn’t believe Evan, but he felt as if he needed to ask.
Evan didn’t look nervous about the idea. Tommy wasn’t sure if Evan was even thinking about telling Chimney. Evan’s eyes wandered down and up Tommy, stopping for a moment at the flowers in Tommy’s hands and – Evan seemed to melt at it.
He walked up to Tommy and took Tommy’s face in his hands.
“Yeah,” said Evan as he leaned in for a devastating kiss, “I’m okay with this.”
“Well, you know I’m not opposed,” said Tommy softly, “Howie’s a good friend.”
And there.
Was the doorbell.
“I’ll get that,” Evan said.
Before Tommy could say Evan didn’t have to, that it was his house, Evan strode over to the front door and opened it himself. Like he lived there.
He kind of did, if Tommy was being honest.
Evan ended up sleeping in Tommy’s bed half the time nowadays.
“Chimney! Good to see you,” said Evan.
And – and Tommy could hear the slight confusion in Chimney’s voice as he said, “Buck? Uh. Are you visiting Maddie again?”
“No. I’m actually here for Tommy,” said Evan as he walked Chimney in, “Going out on a date with him.”
“What?” laughed Chimney before he looked from what Evan was wearing… to what Tommy was holding, “Wait, what?”
“I’m, uh. Bi,” said Evan, beaming.
“Good for you, Buckaroo,” said Chimney as he patted Evan’s shoulder and – kept staring between the two of them, “This… isn’t your first date, is it?”
Tommy glanced Evan’s way. Trying to ask what he was okay with giving Howie more information. Evan just seemed happy, so Tommy decided, okay, he could say a little more.
“We’ve been dating for months now,” explained Tommy, “Just been a little private about it.”
“Huh,” said Chimney, as if several things were making more sense to him now, “Well, I’m happy for you both.”
“Thanks,” gushed Evan, “He’s the best.”
“I’m – I don’t know. You’re great too,” said Tommy, his face falling into his flowers.
Wasn’t Tommy supposedly the smooth one here? What was happening?
“Is Maddie around?” asked Chimney.
“In the guest bedroom,” Tommy offered, his face still in the flowers.
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buckysmith · 2 years
Hi ! I don't know if you've ever had this request but can I ask for Price, Soap and Alejandro where the reader gets a mental breakdown ? Like for König, Ghost and Valeria :-) Thanks xoxo
Hey hey, sorry that it took me ages to fulfill your request!
Stupid me wrote for König ghost and Val again, cause yeah, I forgot that I had already wrote that for them🫡👍
Hope you’re enjoying it anyways, have a nice day/night
- he knows how to deal with you, it is more instinct than experience, although he has that too
- depending on what you like and what you do not like he acts
- you need physical contact? You are in his arms faster than you can look, your head buried against his chest while he gently strokes your head and back.
- Price knows with which words he has to calm you down
- you don't want physical contact or words? He sits down next to you and listens to you.
- you don't want to talk? It's ok, he stays with you as long as you want him to.
- you want him to leave? He leaves immediately and makes you your favorite food and drink
- he puts it in front of your door, knocks and leaves so that he does not disturb you further
- he just wants to make sure you have enough to eat and drink, and that you know he is there when you need him
- you don't want to be alone? No problem cook your favorite food with him
- you just want to cuddle and watch a movie? No problem, he has already provided snacks
- he can sit next to you for hours and just listen to you
- you want professional help? He has an appointment with a psychologist faster than you can count to three.
- no matter what it is, no matter what you need, you will get it
- because he wants to see you happy
- you deserve to be happy
- when he is not in the country, it is a little difficult for him to give you support, he doesn't have many friends and no one from his family is living either
- the employees he left the villas to, take care of you though, they are kind hearted people and are more family to Price than his biological parents and relatives ever were.
- However, if you are near laswell and her wife, Price will gladly leave you in their care because he knows that you are in good hands there.
- No matter where he finds you, whether at home or at his base, he is immediately by your side
- he is a little confused at first, did something happen? Did someone do something to you? Is it something you can change? Tell him, he is worried
- he pulls you into his arms and presses you to his chest, he wants you to know that he is with you and nothing can happen to you
- you hear from him the sweetest words while he tries his best to calm you down
- many kisses on your forehead, even if you don't really like physical contact
- he thinks it is best that you feel the presence and warmth of another person at such a time
- he immediately offers you to do something, be it cooking, sports or a movie, distraction is the best medicine
- he asks you questions without you really noticing, he wants to know the reason for your mental breakdown without addressing you directly and risking that you might close yourself off from him completely
- he hates to see you like this, knowing that it is normal from time to time
- he just wants to see your happy YOU, because he wants you to be happy, you deserve to be happy
- he also lets you have a warm bath when you need one, massages your shoulders and takes care of you all day long.
- when he is not present you are either with his family and his mother and also his father take care of you
- his parents treat you like their own child and do everything to make you feel better
- his sisters are also by your side and support you as much as they can
- if no one from his family is around then Alejandro knows that he can rely on Rudy, Rudy may not be him but Alejandro knows that he can entrust you to Rudy.
- you are one big family
Soap :
- he is a little overwhelmed with the situation at the beginning, but he acts quite instinctively and pulls you into his arms
- the first thing he asks you is what's wrong, if you need help or if you are hurt.
- he looks at your body, you don't seem to be hurt, but what is it then? Is it something psychological?
- He tries to calm you down and lightens the mood with jokes.
- when it doesn't work he tells you stories that happened to him, that he fell headfirst out of a helicopter during a mission thanks to Ghost's terrible flying skills and that Price held him by his pants, tore them and he had to complete the rest of the mission without pants after they reached the ground
- he hears a soft laugh? That's his reason to tell more stupid stories
- he likes your face so much more when you smile
- after you seem to have calmed down a bit he asks you if you want to eat something, saying that all the stories have made him hungry, but he just wants you to eat something so that your body has enough energy
- when you want something to eat he immediately drives to your favorite fast food place
- you want something mexican? He is the first to call Alejandro, even if he should still be asleep due to the time difference, he wants the best recipe he can get, and that's why he calls Alejandro.
- he tries to talk to you carefully while you are eating, but if he notices that you are not ok with it, he asks if you want to watch a movie while you are eating
- if you want to talk about it he likes to listen to you all night long
- he's out of the country and you're not feeling well? Go to mommy McTavish, she is already waiting for you with open arms, warm food and a warm hug.
- no matter where he finds you, he immediately knows what the problem is
- he is not really the type to touch you, so he just sits next to you
- he tells you calmly and with a deep voice that you have to breathe in and out deeply
- sweet words leave your mouth, he does this not just to make you feel better but because he thinks you deserve them
- he gently strokes your head and back when he really likes you, while you slowly calm down thanks to his breathing exercises
- he wants you to know that he is there for you
- he is asking you out what the problem is, he doesn't want to waste his time and yours and maybe make the problem worse
- it may seem insensitive but he is doing this for your own good, the sooner he knows what the problem is the sooner he can help you properly
- but if you just want to talk, that's ok, he is already analyzing the real problem
- you want to eat something?ok, from where do you want to get something? He drives you there
- he is always there for you, don't forget that
- the first thing she does is ask if anyone has hurt you, if so, that bastard will die no matter who it is.
- she hates to see you like this, you should be happy and enjoy your life, cause you deserve it
- she pulls you into her arms and her smell gives you instant comfort, she smells of roses and the finest spices
- she may not understand what is going on or why you are feeling this way but if her presence helps you to feel better she will do everything to give you what you need
- she would not like to leave you alone at this time, even if you want to be alone.
- she cooks for you anything you want
- if she can not be with you, her mother is always near you and helps you
- he probably knows best how you feel
- he is not really good at calming you down, but he try’s his best, pulls you into his lap, wraps his arms around your body and covers you with a blanket
- Warmth helps, at least he thinks it does
- he is not really talkative either, but he murmurs softly in your ear how strong you are, that everything will be alright and that you will soon be able to laugh again
- he gently strokes your head, back and gives you kisses on the forehead
- he would never leave you in such a situation even if you want to be alone, because he does not want to leave you alone
- he just wants to show you that he is always with you
- when you fall asleep he puts you carefully in his bed and goes to make you something to eat like schnitzel and French fries or some other traditional food from his region
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generalpalacefishgoop · 8 months
Bad reveals to Pomme about Ron
Ghostie :"What happened to Ron?"
Bad :"Um...poor Ron. We need to visit him. He's been alone."
Pomme :"Who?"
Bad :"Oh um, yeah Pomme, did I tell you about the federation worker that I kidnapped?-"
Pomme :"?????"
Bad :"-while you guys were kidnapped? Oh yeah, so uh basically I kidnapped a federation worker. Locked him in the basement in our house in a little dungeon and um.. fed him nice meals of chicken."
Pomme :"WHY THO"
Bad :"Oh yeah I was trying to get information, like I thought the Federation had kidnapped you. This was before it turned out that they hadn't kidnapped you....but I didn't know that was the case. So, in my defense......anyway...um point is, kidnapped him, held him in our house for a little bit.."
Pomme :"Nah fair enough"
Bad :"Yeah, that's what I'm saying, that's what I'm saying...then um basically....yeah...eventually...he kinda became family...and I let him go...well...that's not true, I didn't let him go, I still couldn't risk him like telling the Fed about what was going on...so uh....-"
Pomme :"Okay wdym family now 0_0"
Bad :"Yeah no he's kinda family now, but he's in a house somewhere. I put him in a little farm. That's not like a saying, like "put him on the farm" and meaning like I killed them, that's not what I mean, I put him on an actual tiny farm that's very cute, I built it. Um...and then lo and behold, got you guys back, showed him to Dapper, and uh yeah, they became "friends"-ish, I think. Eh yeah fun, its a fun little romp, but he's kinda been alone there for a while."
Pomme :"Can we really trust him? D:"
Bad :"Well...Pomme...that's kinda why...he's still...anyway that's kinda why...he is still...-"
Pomme :"mhm?"
Bad :"-on the farm, cuz can I really trust him, I mean I'm pretty sure I can...I don't think he would betray us, but the problem is Pomme, he gets kidnapped...by the Fed again...reveals like info...-
Pomme :"yeaaaaaaah"
Bad :"-about the location...about the fact that I kidnapped him...anyway it just creates this giant pain in the butt. That's just not worth it. So-"
Pomme :"kinda got yourself in annn interesting situation it's the least we can say"
Bad :"Yeah, he's gotta stay kidnapped for a liiiiitle bit longer. But I think he likes it, on one hand, I think he kinda likes being kidnapped um...nah that's not true he doesn't like it at all, um yeah its the least we can say. Exactly, its like "Hey buddy, as soon as we take down the Federation or they agree not to punish and/or kill me...well...try to kill me..for any wrongdoing, then we're golden!
Pomme :"lmao can they kill you?"
Bad :"uh...I mean it hasn't happened yet, Pomme...knock on wood...um but theoretically, Pomme, they could lock me up, which would kiiind of suck. Yeah, getting locked up is kind of on my "no" list of things I'd rather not have happen."
Pomme :"Nahhh we would free you"
Bad :"Yeah no that would- I hope you would free me. I know you and Dapper like to watch a lot of TV and so it might seem fun to keep your father locked away but-"
Pomme :"I'll go to war against them if needed"
Bad :"Aww, thank you, Pomme. I appreciate that. Hopefully, that doesn't come to pass...but at least I know I can count on you and Dapper. Just make sure you guys are taking care of yourselves."
"You know the worse part is, Pomme, even if, today I had been there, or even if, I had the NINHO 2.0 the egg basket egg carton set up today er yesterday, it still wouldn't have saved Empanada. That's the horrible thing, cuz I would've had to get them all set up today. Urgh that's suuuucks. Urrrrrggh."
Pomme :"I mean. I meannnnn. U know me"
"It'll still prevent future accidents"
Bad :"Everything's gonna be ok."
Pomme :"I meannnnn I'll go to war to save any of the people I love you already know that"
Bad :"No I know Pomme, I know... (continues building and stops) Urrggghh I'm so done, all the death, all the pain, all the suffering."
Pomme :"I'm so upset :D They will pay :D"
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
Happy Father's Day - Miguel + kind of adopted male reader
So this is just kind of a comfort drabble for this man cause my fyp was filled with nothing but sad edits yesterday and I wanted him to be happy, anyways, enjoy my crack
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Walking through the Spider Society towards Miguel’s office, (y/n) was hoping to check in on him, it was Father’s Day and he knew just how difficult it would be on Miguel if he remembered what day it was. Stopping outside the room, (y/n) could hear a quiet noise behind the door, similar to children’s laughter. Looking at the door he took a deep breath before quietly opening it, being sure not to disturb Miguel as he walked into the room and looked up to the floating platform. The screens were displaying plenty of memories of Gabriella with other Miguels in different universes, soccer games, birthdays, and school dances. So many lovely events that Miguel would’ve loved to do with his daughter. Sighing quietly, (y/n) swung himself up onto the platform with a web, his footsteps barely audible as he approached Miguel, staying a few feet back. “I wanted to wish you a happy Father’s Day Miguel…you’re a great dad you know,” his words trailed off slightly as he looked at the back of the taller man, a soft and almost apologetic look on his face as he spoke. Miguel turned around to the voice, letting his shoulder slump slightly as he looked down at the shorter male, a small smile on his face. 
“...thank you…that means more than you know,” stepping closer Miguel took (y/n) into a hug, it wouldn’t be the first time he’d done it, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last either. Holding Miguel back, (y/n) ran a hand up and down his back in a hopefully comforting manner. 
“I know I can’t replace her, and I never would want to either…but I see you like a dad sometimes, and you’re a really good one,” his voice was quiet but certain as he spoke, trying to sound as genuine as possible. Miguel’s grip tightened at the mention of being seen as a father figure, pulling back from the hug slightly to look down at (y/n) with a soft smile and slightly teary eyes.
“That’s really nice to know, you’re not replacing her by any means, but it’s nice to know someone sees me like a dad…and that they think I’m doing a good job at it.” Pulling (y/n) back into another hug, Miguel fought back a few tears, still hearing the videos of Gabriella playing behind him on the different screens. 
“Happy Father’s Day Miguel, she would be proud of you.”
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justtwotired · 9 months
Like mother like son Lloyd x OC (platonic)
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Alright, so I randomly had an idea, I just watched Percy Jackson, and you know that scene where Percy is like “I am Sally Jackson’s son” yeah that one, but then Lloyd to Misako about an oC (Aruna) because she was like a mom to him when Misako wasn’t there, so I give you Lloyd with a good mother figure.
(I aged the ninja up a bit for this one, because it’s very small Cole x oC but really not the main plot, it might be there if you squint your eyes.
They first met when Lloyd was around six. He had ran from Darkleys and ended up in a small café in Jamanakai. A girl that was 17 years old at the time was working there, as it was her parents shop and she brought him some hot chocolate as he seemed so cold.
“I have no money,” he told her with a sad pout and she smiled at him. “That’s alright, this one’s on me,” she said and he happily thanked her before drinking his hot chocolate.
He stayed for a while after that so she brought him some lemonade. “Where are your parents, sweetheart?” She asked and Lloyd shrugged.
“No idea, I don’t really remember my parents,” he said and her heart broke. “What happened to them?” She asked, wondering if he had maybe been living on the streets after an incident.
“Nothing, my mom left me at a boarding school and I have no idea where dad is,” he said and she frowned a bit. “Do your teachers know you’re here?” She asked worriedly.
“No, not like they’d care at darkleys,” he mumbled and she tried not to scoff. What kind of parent leaves their child at darkleys?
“Why don’t you drink up your lemonade and I’ll get you some paper and crayons,” she said, making him smile as she walked off to the back of the shop.
She came back and gave him the paper and crayons.
“What’s your name, love?” She asked and he looked up at her. “It’s Lloyd,” he said with a smile. “Lloyd Garmadon,” she smiled back at him, she obviously knew who his father was, but she didn’t mind, he seemed like a sweet kid.
“Nice to meet you Lloyd, I’m Aruna Whitlock,” she said, sticking out her hand. He looked at it confused and she smiled. “You shake it,” she whispered and he happily did so.
He stayed until Aruna had to close down, she had given him some food trough the day of course, making sure he was taken care of well. She looked at him as he sat in a corner, now playing games on her iPad.
“Come, I’ll bring you back,” she said and he pouted at her. “I don’t wanna go back,” he said and she gave him a sad look.
“I’m sorry, dear, but I can’t let you stay outside,” she said and he got of his chair, sadly. She took his hand and walked him to her car.
“Can I come back?” He asked. She knew that it wouldn’t be allowed by the school, but she also knew how horrible the school was.
“Whenever you want,” she said, making him grin. This was the first time in Lloyds memories that he experienced love.
The second time he visited, he came to sit with her behind the counter, telling her story’s about himself that definitely didn’t happen.
She did have to scold him a bit, telling him that he shouldn’t steal or be mean to others.
She did give him some cookies and her iPad, letting him watch some videos on YouTube as she helped her customers.
The third time he visited, she was prepared. She had bought some commics, blankets and a hoodie, as the boy always wore a t-shirt even though it was cold outside.
It was plain black, but she hoped he’d like it anyway.
Spoiler alert, he loved it. But the comics weren’t of much use, the boy couldn’t read a word.
Aruna should’ve thought about it, he was only 6 after all. She wondered how he even managed to escape his school all the time.
But now, every time he visited, when there were no clients, she took her time to teach him how to read.
The boy was actually quite smart and at his tenth visit, he could already read small children’s books. He begged Aruna to give him some off the comics to read and she finally gave in.
It went pretty well, but he ran over a lot of times to ask her about a certain word, which she then explained to him.
This is how he became obsessed with starfarer and he visited so much eventually, that it didn’t take long before he had read all of them.
Whenever a new one came out, Aruna bought it so the boy could read it when he came by.
It was his the twenty first time he visited that he proudly showed off his black hoodie, which he painted with white paint so it looked like a skeleton.
It was messy, but Aruna could laugh about it and called it beautiful, making his eyes shine.
One of the days Lloyd best remembers, is the day he visited on a Thursday, the day the shop was closed.
He sat outside the shop door, tears staining his cheeks because he really wanted to see Aruna.
Luckily for him, she had forgotten her phone charger the day before so she found him at the doorstep.
He hugged her tightly when he saw her and in tears he explained that he had missed her so much.
She hugged him and picked him up in her arms. He burried his face in her neck and mumbled something before he fell asleep.
Aruna just opened the cafe door and made a makeshift bed out of some blankets and pillows, where she laid him down.
When he woke up, he rubbed his eyes and found a glass of lemonade and the newest starfarer comic next to him.
He looked up to spot Aruna with a cup of coffee at one of the tables and she winked at him.
He happily read his comic and drank the lemonade. He had run up to her three times to know the meaning of a word or what it said.
“Lloyd,” she said when he finished the comic, he looked up at her with questioning eyes. “Have you heard that there’s a starfarer movie?” She asked and his eyes lit up.
“There is?” He asked and she nodded. “It’s actually in the cinema today… wanna go?” She grinned and his mouth fell open.
“Really?” He asked and she nodded. “Really,” she said.
This day is what Lloyd would call the best day of his life.
It had been a bit longer than a year of his visits. He was at the cafe once every two weeks at least and he and Aruna had became really close.
So close that one day… he accidentally called her mom.
“Oh- I mean, Aruna,” he quickly said, a scared look on his face. She smiled at him and ruffled his hair.
“You can call me mom if you want to, love,” she said and he grinned, showing of his little fangs that Aruna had no idea where he got from.
Years went by and nothing really changed in their cycle, Lloyd visited, called her mom, learned new things and manners, and you could go on.
She loved the boy like a son, she made sure he had a place to go to when he needed help, when he needed a mom.
“Were you demanding candy from the villagers again?” Aruna asked, looking unamused as she raised an eyebrow at the blonde boy, hanging on a wall with the hood of his hoodie.
“Yes…” he mumbled and she sighed. “What did I tell you about bothering people and being disrespectful?” She asked.
“To not do it,” he said, looking at the ground with a pout. “And what did you do?” She asked. “I still did it- but like- this is just mean!” He said and she chuckled.
“You’re right, this is mean,” she said and took him off the wall, holding him in her arms. “So we learned not to do that again, right?” She asked and he nodded, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
She took him inside and gave him some apple juice and a lollipop to keep him busy while she helped her clients.
When there weren’t any clients, Lloyd told her the story about how the ninja had stopped him and where complete meanies, in his words.
She told him that it was not fair how they treated him, but that he should not be a meanie to other people either, making him sigh and nod.
“Shall I bring you home?” She asked and he shook his head. “I’ll walk,” he said and she frowned.
“Are you sure, love? I could give you a ride if you just wait a few hours,” she said but he shook his head.
“No, I want to walk, it’s good for me, right mom?” He asked and she chuckled.
“Yes, exercise is good, but sometimes taking a kind offer is also good,” she bend down to be at his height.
“Yes, but I want to walk, I want to go back anyway,” he said and she chuckled at him and kissed his cheek.
“Than you may walk,” she said and he waved her goodbye through the front windows.
She could never have guessed what Lloyd would do next and she could never have stopped it.
Later that day, some villagers took refuge in her shop. There were serpentine outside, terrorising the people around, they said.
“Lloyd Garmadon is with him, he’s always here, isn’t he?” A woman said and Aruna’s eyes widened.
“Are you sure it was Lloyd?” She asked and the woman nodded. “Pretty sure, he was rather proud with calling his name,” she said and Aruna put a hand over her mouth.
“I am so sorry, stay here, I’ll talk to him,” she said and walked outside. She saw some serpents but it only looked like they were in a hurry to get away.
There wasn’t any sight of Lloyd, but it wouldn’t surprise Aruna if he was really behind it, there were deserted wheelbarrows of candy and Lloyd had always been fascinated by serpentines.
She looked around with sad eyes as some villagers were hurt. She then noticed the ninja were also there.
One dressed in black came over when he saw her staring. “Can we help you, Miss?” He asked and she nodded.
“Please don’t tell me Lloyd was with the serpentine,” she said and his eyebrows rose slightly.
“I- yes, he uh, he was, it actually seemed like he was commanding them,” he said and Aruna groaned.
“He said he was going back to darkleys,” she said, rather disappointed. “You know him?” He asked and Aruna nodded.
“He’s in my shop a lot, can I give you my number, so you can call me if you find him?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yes, of course,” he said and took out his phone. They exchanged numbers and soon enough he left.
“Did you just get the number of that pretty girl?” Kai teased him and Cole nodded.
“Yes, but not because of what you think, she knows that little trouble maker, she seems to care about his wellbeing,” he said and Jay huffed.
“Why would someone care? He just let the serpentine lose, no one can tell what will happen now,” he said annoyed.
“Awe come on Jay, he’s just a kid,” Nya said and Jay quickly changed sides, stumbling over his words and blushing.
Kai rolled his eyes while Cole laughed at him.
It was a week later when Aruna got a call from Cole.
“Hey, it’s me, the black ninja, but just call me Cole,” he said, a bit awkwardly.
“Have you found Lloyd?” She asked quickly, having been worried all week.
“Yeah, yesterday evening, I didn’t want to bother you so I waited until morning to call,” he said and she just brushed this off.
“It’s fine, where are you? I’m coming over to see him,” she said and he was surprised for a moment but thought it couldn’t hurt if she stopped by. He hadn’t really realised Lloyd was apparently this important to her.
He told her where they were and Aruna grabbed her keys, closed the shop and got into the car, ready to drive over there.
She called her parents on the way, telling them that she closed the shop and they needed to fix someone else because she had an emergency.
Damn was she lucky they were understanding people.
She had already gotten the news that the ninja were taking residence on a flying ship, so she didn’t think much when she saw it.
She rushed on board and the four ninja all seemed to be training there.
The red one seemed to notice her first and greeted her politely. “I’ll go get him,” he said but before he could do so, the boy already came running outside.
“Mom!” He called and jumped into her arms. She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, before putting him down.
“What did I tell you about hurting other people and behaving?” She asked in a scolding tone.
“Always be kind and don’t do anything that might hurt other people or myself,” he said, looking at the ground.
“Why did you think it was a good idea to set the serpentine free?” She asked and he shrugged.
“The ninja had been mean,” he moped and Aruna sighed and looked at the ninja who where staring at them from a few feet distance.
She stood up and crossed her arms. “Did you apologise to him?” She asked in a scolding tone.
“Uh, no?”
“I don’t think we did…”
“Obviously not,”
“I think we might’ve forgot…”
“Apologise to him, now,” she pointed at the boy and the surprised ninja all muttered apologies.
“Have you apologised to the ninja?” She asked the boy who crossed his arms rebelliously.
“What do I have to apologise for? They started it!” He pointed and she raised her eyebrows.
“Excuse me?” She asked and he pouted at her, making tilt her head to the side slightly.
“Sorry mom,” he said before turning to the ninja. “Sorry, I guess,” he said. “Lloyd,” she said and he looked back at her before he turned to the ninja again.
“I’m sorry I set the serpentine free and kind of messed up,” he said.
At that moment, a man with a long white beard came walking outside.
“Sensei Wu! Your sister in law seems to be here!” Kai called and the man looked up in surprise and longing.
“Misako?” He asked and Aruna raised an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure I’ve never met him,” she said.
Wu frowned as he walked over. “And I’m sure I never met you,” he said and that’s when Lloyd took over.
“Mom, this my uncle, uncle, this is Aruna, my kind off mother” he said and Aruna chuckled and stuck out her hand for Wu to shake, which he did.
“I think you know I’m not his actual mom- I’m also much to young for that, but he calls me mom,” she said while Lloyd held her hand and leaned against her.
“It’s nice to meet you, Aruna,” Wu said kindly, rather happy to see Lloyd had found some sort of parental figure.
“Can she stay with us, please, please, please!? There is enough room on the bounty!” Lloyd begged.
“If she wants to, she may stay here,” Wu said and looked at his students. “Right boys?” He asked.
“Uh, sure, I don’t mind,” Cole shrugged. “I think Nya would like her,” Kai nodded.
The other two agreed aswel and Aruna chuckled.
“I’m not sure Lloyd, I still have the shop and I really don’t want to be a bother,” she said but he rolled his eyes at her.
“Didn’t you say you wanted to quit anyway? Your parents can take care of it, can’t they?” He asked, and even though she thought it irresponsible, she let herself be convinced by Lloyd.
It did lead to the very awkward moment where she met his dad, though.
Garmadon had not been interested in her, at all, but the moment they came back to the ship after trying to save Lloyd, he saw the devastatingly, heartbroken look in the girls eyes when she found out Lloyd was still in the erupting volcano, he thought maybe his son had been really important to her.
He had been right, because the moment Lloyd got back, it wasn’t his father he immediately ran to for comfort and a hug, no he ran to the strange girl and called her mom.
Of course, he did get a hug after, but he was really surprised, because for a second he was conflicted if Misako had just changed so much or if this was just a random girl.
The answer was obvious of course.
When it became clear Lloyd was the green ninja, Aruna had stayed with him all night, because she knew he was going to need her.
In his room, he told her about how heroic he was going to be and how he was going to be a great fighter.
“And than, when the time comes, I will beat-” he cut himself off as realisation flooded trough him. “I will beat my dad…” he said and looked at Aruna with heartbroken eyes, tears starting to spill.
She held him, the whole light she held him. She sat on his bed and he laid in her lap, sobbing until he fell asleep.
The next day the ninja found the two, Lloyd snoring in a sleeping Aruna’s arms, it was the moment they really realised how important this girl was for the boy they actually started to like.
Through the days, the ninja actually became great friends with Aruna, deciding that they had to put up with Lloyd for a long while, so they would be ‘stuck’ with Aruna aswel.
When they defeated the great devourer, she helped them find jobs and things that they could do to earn money.
She loved watching as they trained Lloyd in the Mojo Dojo.
She also loved watching Lloyd glare at Dareth whenever he tried flirting with her.
She did like it when they got the bounty back, it had really started to feel like home to her, and now she could watch the ninja train Lloyd there.
Cole started to make some time to teach Aruna some stuff aswel. “If you’re going to be around for as long as we think, you might aswel learn how to fight, you’re going to need it,” he had told her.
She really liked the training time with Cole and couldn’t help but blush ever time he moved her a bit to better her stance.
The day of the tomorrow’s tea, is a day Aruna would never forget. She had been out for a while, and when she came back, nobody was home.
She didn’t think much off it and waited for them to get back.
They jumped onto the deck one by one and she looked around the group for a few seconds.
“Where are Kai and Lloyd?” She asked, the group exchanged looks and Cole stepped forward.
“Listen, Andy, something happened,” he said and the frowned. “Are they okay? Is Lloyd hurt? Is he in the hospital?” She asked and he quickly calmed her down by grabbing her hand.
“No, it’s not that- it’s… you better see so for yourself,” he said and moments later, Lloyd walked onto the deck.
He only seemed about three or so years younger than she was. Her breath hitched and tears started stinging in her eyes.
What happened to her boy?
“What happened?” She asked, her voice breaking. “There was an incident with some aging tea…” he shrugged, trying to give her as reassuring smile.
It fell when he saw the heartbroken look in her eyes.
“Hey,” he tried to laugh as he walked towards her taking her hands in his. “Mom, I’m still here, alright?” He said and she nodded before pulling him into a hug.
The group watched all a bit mournfully as they watched a mother and son that could be mistaken for a brother and sister, two friends, or even boyfriend and girlfriend (everyone felt disgusted by the last one really) hug, knowing that the bond they had would never be able to break.
Aruna had joined the group when they visited the museum, it was pure coincidence that she was there, but it was lucky she was, because it was important for Lloyd at that moment.
“You guys are such idiots,” Aruna laughed as she looked at the destroyed gift shop. “Oh come on, like you could’ve done it better,” Kai said.
They made their way out of the shop to see Wu with a woman, he seemed rather in love.
“So, are you gonna introduce us?” Jay asked and Wu nodded.
“Yes,” he said. “This is Misako, Lloyds mother,” he said and Aruna felt her heart crashing trough the ground as she looked at the woman who actually really resembled the boy.
They all stood to the side and looked at a surprised Lloyd.
“My- my mother?” He said and the woman smiled.
“Ah, Lloyd? My little boy,” she walked toward him. “You’re so much bigger then I remember. “
Aruna glared slightly at the woman and Cole laid a hand on her shoulder, and gave her a concerned look. She just lightly smiled at him.
“Yeah, well, it’s been a long time,” Lloyd said, recoiling from her touch.
“I didn’t want us to meet like this,” Misako shook her head. “I have a reason why I’ve been away!” She tried to explain.
“Well I don’t wanna hear it,” he spat and turned away, walking toward the door.
“Lloyd wait! Please!” She called. “You’re my son!” She cried desperately.
Lloyd turned around and for a moment Misako seemed to have hope until she saw his angry glare.
“I am Aruna Whitlocks son!” He yelled at her before turning away and slamming the door.
“I’ll go talk to him,” Aruna said, walking toward the door.
“Maybe it’s better if I go to explain my reasons,” Misako laid a hand on Aruna’s shoulder and the girl turned around with a small huff.
“No, I think it’d be better if I go,” she said with a a small sneer.
“And who are you?” Misako asked, a bit irritated. “I am Aruna Whitlock,” she answered with triumph before going after Lloyd.
Aruna found Lloyd sitting at a large sinkhole. She walked over and laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you alright, love?” She asked and sat down next to him.
“It’s so unfair how she thinks she can just explain her reasons and think we’re all good again,” he said and rested his head on Aruna’s shoulder.
“It is unfair,” Aruna said. “But maybe if you heard her out, you might want to give her another chance,” she tried and Lloyd huffed.
“Another chance at what?” He asked and Aruna shrugged. “Well she’ll never get another chance at being my mother, that spot is taken,” he said and the girl chuckled.
“Yes, I’d be jealous,” she teased, making him laugh lightly. “But maybe another chance to be in your life,” she combed her hand trough his hair like she did whenever he couldn’t sleep or had a nightmare.
“You might wanna look out, that sinkhole doesn’t have a bottom, son,” the voice of Misako entered the room. “It’s where I found the ancient stone warrior,” she explained.
Aruna stood up from her spot and looked at the woman for a moment. “I’ll leave you to alone, I’ll wait outside,” she said before she kissed the top of Lloyd head and headed outside.
Aruna waited outside of the room and she saw the others about to head inside. “Are you coming aswel, Aruna?” Zane asked and and she gave him a small smile.
“No thanks, I’ll wait,” she said in a small voice. Deep inside, she felt scared that Lloyd would choose Misako as his mother again and they’d lose their spark.
After composing herself, Aruna headed inside, to see what was going on and if the two made up.
“Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had time do,” she heard Misako said. “But faced with saving you and the world, I had no other choice,” she said.
Aruna came to stand with the others and Lloyd stood up.
“I can forgive you,” he said, making Misako smile. “And I can let you back into my life again,” he continued, slowly stepping towards the others behind him.
“But I am afraid to say the face of a mother belongs to someone else,” Lloyd looked at Aruna who gave him a reassuring smile.
(Tell me if you want a part two or maybe a series of this,)
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plutoccult · 1 year
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pairing: jean kirstein x female reader
description: a love confession from jean shakes up your restless night as the two of you are unable to fall asleep.
word count: 2.6k
read part two here
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: hi, this was originally written on my ao3 account (@plutotown, same as my main blog and also my wattpad that i notoriously don’t post stories on anymore) a few months ago, but i decided that i also wanted to share works on tumblr too as i would like to get back into writing again. i’ll probably post mostly anime stuff on here (especially attack on titan and haikyuu as of rn), but i’m open to more. hopefully this is something i stick to, but if not, then at least i decided to expand sharing my works! anyway, sorry to ramble, but i hope you enjoy <3
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it was common for you to be in this position; using what’s left of the candlelight to accompany your restless state. you always had trouble sleeping, especially with so many things going on at once, and the bags underneath your eyes were proof of it.
this time around, you were writing a letter to your father as it had been awhile since the two of you exchanged words. luckily for you, sasha, your roommate, was bothering connie and jean in their room, so you didn’t have the sounds of her snoring or munching on food to irritate you.
such peace didn’t last forever though as three knocks had startled you in the midst of your writing. you couldn’t possibly think of who could be at the door at this hour besides sasha, but then again, what if it was captain levi or hange? anything could happen in the middle of the night, but you supposed that if a major event was happening, the headquarters would be roaring with chaos already.
before answering the door, you quickly set down your paper and pen, hearing another knock to the door as you were getting ready to answer it. “coming!”
you opened the door, your eyes meeting with the last person you expected to see tonight. “j-jean?”
jean stood in front of you with his arms crossed, looking a little disgruntled, which made sense considering it was the middle of the night. you grew flustered as he wore a white tank top which revealed jean’s muscles that you had never noticed before. sure, you had become quite toned yourself since starting training as a lanky teen, but he was on whole other level. it was embarrassing to look at your friend and comrade in such a way, so you really had to keep yourself together here.
“nice nightgown.” jean snickered. you looked down and glanced at your baby pink nightgown that went down to your calves with its puffy sleeves and a little bow in the middle of your chest. usually after dinner, the two of you don’t see each other when going to bed, so seeing one another in pajamas like this was something new. if only this couldn’t get any more embarrassing. you didn’t really need jean having something else to tease you about.
“what are you doing here?” you stammered, trying to force your eyes to look up at jean’s face and not his physique no matter how hard it was to not stare. how dare he make this so hard for you?
“can’t sleep.” he sighed. “sasha and connie have been keeping me awake, and then i realized you have an empty bed because she’s in me and connie room, so.”
“so...?” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“well, since you’re clearly awake, wanna stay up together?” at first, you thought of his proposal as suspicious, and yeah, it kind of was. he never comes to visit you at night like this. was there a hidden motive? who knew? you didn’t, and it’s not like you were innocent either, so you allowed him to come in and hope for the best.
“um, sure...” you replied hesitantly, no going back now. “you can even crash on sasha’s bed if you want.”
“sweet, thanks.” jean then stepped inside, his first instinct to check out the letter you were writing previously that sat out in the open for any curious eyes to see. “oh, what are you writing—“
“it’s a letter to my father!” you yelled out, quickly rushing towards him and grabbing the letter out of his hands before he could read it. “i was in the middle of writing it before you knocked.”
“oh, my bad.” he immediately apologized. “you can finish writing it, i don’t mind.”
“no, that’s fine.” you let out a sigh, putting away the paper and pen into an empty drawer. jean didn’t say anything else about it, and as you turned your head, you saw him begin to sit down on sasha’s bed with not enough time to warn him about the issue with her side of the room. “by the way—“
“jesus, are these crumbs?!” jean said in disgust. there it is.
“yeah. sasha likes to eat in bed. i was just about to warn you about that.” you forced a laugh, sitting across from him on your bed, which was notably free of any crumbs.
“disgusting.” he scoffed. the look on his face made you giggle, but you stopped once jean looked up with a bit of a scary look. “what’s so funny?”
“nothing, nothing.” you lied, then patted your hand down on the spot next to you for jean. “you can sit on my bed if you want though. i’m not falling asleep anytime soon.”
“oh.” jean stood up and wiped off any crumbs that happened to stick to his pants, moving on over to your side. he blushed as you two sat close, your hips so close that they could touch if they moved even the slightest bit closer. “uh, could you not sleep either?”
“yeah. plus, i still had yet to write my father back, so i took the opportunity to start writing it.” you shrugged. you really needed to write to your father more often, especially knowing how worried he had been since you decided to abandon your life’s plan by joining the survey corps instead of the military police. but hey, you had friends who had your back just as much as you had theirs.
jean wasn’t all that innocent either though. he missed out on writing his mother back more than you missed out on writing your father back. when it came to worried parents though, mrs. kirstein took the cake. he was surprised she hadn’t stormed the headquarters by now, but even she knew he was so busy fighting for humanity. “i need to write back to my mom too. i hope she’s not worried.”
“i’m sure she thinks about her jean-bo all the time.” you teased. jean-bo could never escape that nickname, especially with you around. although, he didn’t exactly mind when you called him that. dare he say it, but you were the only exception. jean couldn’t help but hate it with a burning passion when eren used it against him though.
“not the nickname...” jean couldn’t help but pout. his frown disappeared as you lightly nudged him, reminding him that jean-bo wasn’t the only thing he was known for.
“what? it’s cute. well, cuter than being called my stallion sidekick.” that wasn’t exactly the best nickname either, but it connected him to you, so he couldn’t complain about it as much. jean always thought there had to be something better than that though.
“we are quite a pair, huh?” he chuckled, looking over to you as you grinned and responded in agreement.
“the greatest, of course.” god, that smile. it was his weakness, but in this instance? that weakness hit him like a ton of bricks. with the combination of the growing tension, the moonlight slightly shining on your soft skin through the window, and the look of peace and innocence in your eyes (compared to your feisty look in the daytime), jean was smitten. your smile never failed him, and he hoped it wouldn’t fail him now.
“um, listen, y/n, i gotta tell you something.” jean couldn’t take it anymore. he couldn’t stand the way his heartbeat slowed, even skipped a beat when you smiled the way you always did. he hated it yet loved it at the same time, so this was now or never. he couldn’t let that smile ever leave him, not now, not ever.
“oh, okay. go ahead.” but you never had any clue about your effect on jean. sure, you were always on each others toes, attached to the hip as you both relentlessly teased one another. you always knew you and jean shared a deep connection, one that grew over the years, but you always assumed it was simply a friendship and nothing more. you couldn’t let a silly thing like feelings ruin what you had with him, but jean was willing to take a chance for once.
there was no better way to go about this than muttering your name and spilling out those three little words that would change everything. jean was always one to get flustered so easily, but the tiredness in him didn’t let him think too much, so it made all of this far more easier. without really thinking, jean lifted his hand and used it to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, hair that had seemingly grown out a little longer due to neglect thanks to the chaos around you. he watched as you grew confused, and that’s when jean said the words he had been wanting to say for months out loud.
“y/n, i love you.”
as jean retracted his hand away, your eyes shot wide open in shock. you had no idea what to say or do, you couldn’t even believe this was even happening. you felt like you could pass out at any second as the realization of jean’s confession hit you. he loved you. not just like, but love. it didn’t matter that you were merely teens in a cruel world where death was always around every corner. what started as a childish crush as cadets blossomed into an aching, burning, earth shattering love for the woman in front of him who was stronger than he thought he’d ever be.
the scenario of jean having feelings for you never crossed your mind. every time you pictured him knowing how you felt, it always ended the same with him brutally rejecting you and running after mikasa instead. god, were you dreaming? you almost wanted to yell out for somebody, anybody to pinch you all over until you started bleeding, but you were practically frozen.
“jean...” it was the only thing you could manage to utter out. even if you could speak in sentences, your mind simply wouldn’t be able to mush any words together, but you had to say something, anything. you knew how your heart beat for him but as the silence stretched out longer than it should have, jean sat in front of you, desperate for a reply. “y/n?”
“i, uh...” why couldn’t you say anything more? what was so hard about giving a proper response? to jean, it felt like a huge punch in the face, like he was being rejected, and he figured if you couldn’t manage to say anything, then he shouldn’t have said anything about his feelings in the first place.
“i knew i should have kept my mouth shut.” jean let out a sigh. you tried opening your mouth in hopes something more than “uh” would come out, but jean had given up hope on a reply, handling what seemed like rejection with grace. “just forget all of this. i’m sorry i forced my feelings upon you. i’ll just let you get back to writing your letter.”
as he stood up and began to walk out, you finally managed to say something else once you saw his hand hover over the doorknob, and it came out more as a yell rather than a normal volume. “no!”
jean turned around confused, moving his hand away from the doorknob but still standing in the same place just in case. you had his attention, but what now? “i mean...”
“goodnight, y/n.” he knew this was going nowhere, even if you seemed desperate to prevent his exit. jean grabbed the doorknob and opened the door, and as he began to step out, you stopped him once again, but with greater effort than before.
“no, don’t leave me!” you yelled out, standing up from your bed and rushing towards him. it all sounded so pathetic, you thought, but you couldn’t let him leave you, not yet. jean halted his exit once again, no matter how much it hurt him to stay a moment longer. he simply couldn’t say no to you, even at a time like this. “i mean... wait, please.”
and he did wait. that stupid, teenage hope in his heart made him wait. jean didn’t know what he was waiting for, but he was glad he did. you walked closer to him, his heart beating a mile a minute, and then you stood on the faintest hint of your tippy toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him unbearably close to you for a hug. he was so confused, not knowing what this could possibly mean in this instance, but returned your embrace and carefully wrapped his hands around your waist, not wanting them to rest too high or too low on your frame.
you didn’t utter a word and neither did he. this was different than the times you hugged each other for comfort in the aftermath of the many deaths you’ve seen. this wasn’t for consolation or just because you felt like it, this was longing. a desperate pining for one another that would crash and burn like the worst natural disaster there ever was, and there was no escaping it.
you trailed your fingers across his neck as jean gripped onto the fabric of your nightgown. you slowly parted from his embrace, cheeks grazing, noses brushing, and before you could do anything else, jean’s lips pressing against yours. there was no time for you to process it, no time to even close your eyes and take it all in, it just all went by so fast. your first kiss. you knew you should have seen it coming knowing he loved you, but seeing him express this more physically came to more of a shock than when he did verbally.
as jean parted away slowly, he thought to himself that this was probably a mistake. he had overstepped far more than he thought he should have, but when you took a step back away from him, he saw the redness of your cheeks and the look in your eyes. after getting a full glimpse of you, he thought that maybe it wasn’t that much of a mistake after all. jean then let go of you completely, using one hand to scratch the back of his neck and the other to tug the neckline of his tank as he grew flustered. he was wide awake now, so his mind was functioning at one hundred percent unlike before. jean was back to his usual self, the night no longer granting him confidence.
“i-i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have done that. forgive me. goodnight.” before you could do anything more, jean finally left, his feet moving faster than when he dragged them across the floor on his way here. he couldn’t believe he just did that, and he didn’t even give you a chance to say a word about your feelings. what would you have said after that kiss if he stayed, jean wondered. would you have said you loved him too, or would you have formally rejected him and told him you didn’t feel the same? jean would just have to wonder about it all night until you spoke to each other again, and it would probably eat him alive like a titan.
you gently grazed your hand over your bottom lip, thinking about everything that happened before jean left. not only could you not believe he loved you, you couldn’t believe he kissed you too. you wished it all went down differently, that the kiss could have occurred on better terms, but at least you had the words he left you and the thought of his lips against yours to think about. still, if only you could have said you felt the same just as he said he felt for you. if only you knew how to say those three little words.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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