#anyway i learned about this event in the evening on sep 1
zeroannat · 21 days
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a late, humble contribution to #HugLoid2024 (DE please, i'm begging you)
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bhrttrainingacademy · 4 years
Think There is No Research To Support The Use of BHRT? Think Again!
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I am sure you have read or heard someone say that there is no research to support the use of bioidentical hormones, often referred to as Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT for short. One the other hand, proponents declare that there is plenty of supporting evidence.  Who is right? There certainly is a lot of conflicting information about bioidentical hormones and BHRT presented on the internet and thru the media.  There is no wonder health care providers as well as patients are confused. I will help sort it all out in this blog.
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Why the Confusion About BHRT Research Anyway?
Before I dispel the misinformation regarding the so-called lack of research on BHRT I want to address why there is even an argument in the first place. I propose that the main reason many have come to the conclusion that there is no research to support the use of BHRT is that when they peruse the data looking for studies on BHRT there isn’t much to find. That is because of this word “bioidentical” – it is not yet a medically accepted word.  It is more of a marketing or slang word.  All the same, personally I think it is an accurate way to describe hormones that are biologically identical to human endogenously produced hormones. (For more details read my previous blog WHAT ARE BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES AND ARE THEY SAFE FOR YOUR PATIENTS) When searching through medical data, what you dofind are studies on estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone.  The hormones often used in studies arebioidentical hormones. However, they do not use the word “bioidentical”, just the name of the real hormone as in estradiol, for example.
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BHRT Research
 Actually, there are decades of published studies that first started showing up as early as 1976.  In addition, there are recent popular studies including the Keeps Study, the Danish Study, WHI, The Pepi Trial, E3N, and the Danish Nurses Cohort Study that shed more light on this debate.
Here is a summary of what these studies demonstrated in regard to bioidentical hormones:
Bioidentical hormones have distinctly different effects.
Patients report greater satisfaction with HRT using progesterone vs progestin.
Progesterone is associated with a diminished risk for breast cancer compared to increased risk with progestins.
Progestins have a variety of negative cardiovascular effects including reduction of HDL, etc.
Estriol, estradiol, estrone and CEE have different physiological effects.
Transdermal estradiol is not associated with the same risk as oral estradiol.
Hysterectomized women treated with estradiol showed significant decrease inbreast cancer and mortality​.
Estradiol can be continued for at least 10 years without an increase in adverseevents and does not result in increased risk of breast cancer or stroke​.
Research Comparing Bioidentical Hormones to Non-Bioidentical
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Even more compelling is research that compares the effects of bioidentical hormones to non-bioidentical hormones. Non-bioidentical hormones are hormones that have a different molecular structure than human hormones. These include Conjugated Equine Estrogen (CEE), Ethinyl Estradiol, or Medroxy Progestin Acetate for example. Here is the summary of what you need to know from the citations comparing non-bioidenticals to bioidenticals.​ I will share the references below for your review.
Bioidentical hormones convey more favorable or equally effective results than non-bioidentical hormones.
Bioidentical hormones are equally or more effective for these key symptoms sleep, mood, and vasomotor symptoms
Bioidentical hormones have been shown to improve lipid profiles, be safer, and lack side effects demonstrated with non-bioidenticals.
The risks associated with CEE and progestins in regard to breast cancer and cardiovascular events have not been reported with bioidentical hormones.
One of the most important things we have learned is that you cannot extrapolate the results from research done on one type of hormone and then apply it to a different type of hormone.  I recall the days when some uninformed medical professionals contended that all hormones are the same. That does not agree with what we know from basic chemistry – the molecular structure determines its properties.
Let it no longer be said there is no research on bioidentical hormones or they have not been shown to be safe.​  As you can see there isreputable data and furthermore bioidentical hormones have been demonstrated to be safer than their non-bioidentical counter parts.
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I am convinced that patients prefer to work with open-minded, well-informed practitioners on this topic.  In fact, they are looking for you right now.  In addition to the fact that BHRT is evidenced based, not a fad compliance is very high.  Some clinicians estimate compliance is at least 90% or higher. As you know compliance on conventional HRT is very low.  Potential reasons for the poor compliance are assumed to be side effects or fear. In my 25+ years of experience in the field BHRT, women are seeking BHRT which makes them feel so much better.  Patients are well read now and want their providers to be resources they can trust to help manage their hormones.  With that in mind, in view of the growing body of research, as a provider you can confidently recommend and even begin to learn how to prescribe and implement BHRT into your practice.
Further Reading
Keeps Study
KEEPS study showed low dose estrogen and progesterone started within 5 years of menopause improved depression, anxiety, and cognitive function in healthy women without increased risk of CVD.
Int J Epidemiol. 2015 Jun;44(3):801-9. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyu184. Epub 2014 Sep 10.​
Data analyzed on 98,997 women concluding that progesterone regimens compared to synthetic progestin were associated with significantly lower breast cancer risks, and women that took HRT consistently were at lower risk of breast cancer than women who took HRT occasionally.
Fournier A, Berrino F, Clavel-Chapelon F. Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies: results from the E3N cohort study. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2008; 107(1):103-111.
Another European 8 yearlong cohort study on postmenopausal women on transdermal estradiol and progesterone found no increased risk for breast cancer.
De Lignières B, de Vathaire F, Fournier S, et al. Combined hormone replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer in a French cohort study of 3175 women. Climacteric. 2002; 5:332-340.
Danish Nurses Cohort Study
Effect of hormone replacement therapy on cardiovascular events in recently postmenopausal women: randomized trial.
BMJ 2012;345:e6409
Br J Cancer. 2005 Apr 11;92(7):1293-7​
Conducted on 19,898 women 45 years of age and older found the highest breast cancer risk to be in women who used continuous combined estrogen with synthetic progestin.
Stahlberg C, Pedersen A, Lynge E, et al. Increased risk of breast cancer following different regimens of hormone replacement therapy frequently used in Europe. Int J Cancer. 2004; 109:721-727.
Research published in JAMA found CEE and estradiol equally effective in relief of hot flashes but CEE has long-term risk of blood clot, stroke, and MI.
Nelson HD. Commonly used types of postmenopausal estrogen for treatment of hot flashes.
JAMA. 2004; 291(13):1610-1620.
PEPI Trial
Long term study on cardiovascular effects of both synthetic progestins and micronized progesterone with CEE. 
Writing group for the PEPI trial. Effects of estrogen or estrogen/progestin regimens on heart disease risk factors in postmenopausal women. The postmenopausal estrogen/progestin interventions (PEPI) trial.
JAMA. 1995; 273:199-208.
Bioidentical hormones convey more favorable or equally effective results than non-bioidentical hormones.
1 Stanczyk FZ. All progestins are not created equal. Steroids. 2003; 68:879-890.
2 Place V, Powers M, Schenkel L, et al. A double-blind comparative study of estraderm and premarin in the amelioration of postmenopausal symptoms. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1985; 152(8):1092-1099.
3 Writing group for the PEPI trial. Effects of estrogen or estrogen/progestin regimens on heart disease risk factors in postmenopausal women. The postmenopausal estrogen/progestin interventions (PEPI) trial. JAMA. 1995; 273:199-208.
 4 Good W, John V, Ramirez M, et al. Double-masked, multicenter study of an estradiol matrix transdermal delivery system (Alora™) versus placebo in postmenopausal women experiencing menopausal symptoms. Clin Ther. 1996; 18:1093-1105.
5 Stahlberg C, Pedersen A, Lynge E, et al. Increased risk of breast cancer following different regimens of hormone replacement therapy frequently used in Europe. Int J Cancer. 2004; 109:721-727.
6 Nelson HD. Commonly used types of postmenopausal estrogen for treatment of hot flashes.
JAMA. 2004; 291(13): 1610-1620.
7 Fournier A, Berrino F, Clavel-Chapelon F. Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies: results from the E3N cohort study. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2008; 107(1): 103-111.
8 De Lignières B, de Vathaire F, Fournier S, et al. Combined hormone replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer in a French cohort study of 3175 women. Climacteric. 2002; 5:332-340.
Bioidentical HRT Effective for Symptoms (Sleep, Mood and Vasomotor), Safer, Lack of Side Effects, No Risk of Breast Cancer, Improved Lipid Profiles.
1 Stahlberg C, Pedersen A, Lynge E, et al. Increased risk of breast cancer following different regimens of hormone replacement therapy frequently used in Europe. Int J Cancer. 2004; 109:721-727.
2 Fournier A, Berrino F, Clavel-Chapelon F. Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies: results from the E3N cohort study. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2008; 107(1): 103-111.
3 De Lignières B, de Vathaire F, Fournier S, et al. Combined hormone replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer in a French cohort study of 3175 women. Climacteric. 2002; 5: 332-340.
4 Grady D, Vittinghoff E, Lin F, et al. Effect of ultra-low-dose transdermal estradiol on breast density in postmenopausal women.Menopause J North Am Men Soc. 2007; 14(3):1-6.
5 Simon JA, Bouchard C, Waldbaum A, et al. Low dose of transdermal estradiol (E2) gel for treatment of symptomatic postmenopausal women. Obstet Gynecol. 2007; 109(2):1-10.
6 Montplaisir J, Lorrain J, Denesle R, et al. Sleep in menopause: differential effects of two forms of hormone replacement therapy. Menopause. 2001;8(1): 10-16.
7 Gambacciani M, Ciaponi M, Cappagli B, et al. Effects of low-dose, continuous combined hormone replacement therapy on sleep in symptomatic postmenopausal women. Maturitas. 2005; 50:91-97.
8 Zegura B, Guzic-Salobir B, Sebestjen M, et al. The effect of various menopausal hormone therapies on markers of inflammation, coagulation, fibrinolysis, lipids, and lipoproteins in healthy postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2006; 13(4):643-650.
The risks associated with CEE and progestins in regard to breast cancer, cardiovascular events have not been reported with bioidentical hormones.
1 Stanczyk FZ. All progestins are not created equal. Steroids. 2003; 68:879-890.
2 Fournier A, Berrino F, Clavel-Chapelon F. Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies: results from the E3N cohort study. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2008; 107(1):103-111.
3 De Lignières B, de Vathaire F, Fournier S, et al. Combined hormone replacement therapy and risk of breast cancer in a French cohort study of 3175 women. Climacteric. 2002; 5:332-340.
4 Santen RJ. Risk of breast cancer with progestins: critical assessment of current data.
Steroids. 2003; 68:953-964.
5 Schairer C, Lubin J, Troisi R, et al. Menopausal estrogen and estrogen-progestin replacement therapy and
breast cancer risk. JAMA. 2000; 283:485-491.
6 Schindler A. European Progestin Club. Differential effects of progestins. Maturitas. 2003; 46: S3-S5.
7 Grady D, Vittinghoff E, Lin F, et al. Effect of ultra-low-dose transdermal estradiol on breast density in postmenopausal women.Menopause J North Am Men Soc. 2007; 14(3):1-6.
8 Simon JA, Bouchard C, Waldbaum A, et al. Low dose of transdermal estradiol (E2) gel for treatment of symptomatic postmenopausal women. Obstet Gynecol. 2007; 109(2):1-10.
9 Montplaisir J, Lorrain J, Denesle R, et al. Sleep in menopause: differential effects of two forms of hormone replacement therapy. Menopause. 2001; 8(1): 10-16.
10 Gambacciani M, Ciaponi M, Cappagli B, et al. Effects of low-dose, continuous combined hormone replacement therapy on sleep in symptomatic postmenopausal women. Maturitas. 2005; 50:91-97.
11 Zegura B, Guzic-Salobir B, Sebestjen M, et al. The effect of various menopausal hormone therapies on markers of inflammation, coagulation, fibrinolysis, lipids, and lipoproteins in healthy postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2006; 13(4):643-650.
12 Rossow J, Anderson G, Prentice R, et al. Writing Group for the Women’s Health Initiative. Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women. JAMA. 2002; 288(3):321-333.
13 Wassertheil-Smoller S, Hendrix S, Limacher M, et al. Effects of estrogen plus progestin on stroke in postmenopausal women. The women’s health initiative: a randomized trial. JAMA. 2003; 289(20):2673-2684
14 Porch J, Lee I, Cook N, et al. Estrogen-progestin replacement therapy and breast cancer risk: the women’s health study (United States). Cancer Causes Control. 2002; 13:847-854.
15 Statement on the estrogen plus progestin trial of the Women’s Health Initiative. ACOG News release. 2002.
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riderdrauggrim · 4 years
Day Unknown. Sat, Sep 26, 2020.
Nervous about randomly hiding in 4G Motorsports parking lot, I'm awake a few short hours later around 6:30. I have the tent packed by 8:30, and huddle beside the bike, waiting for staff.
9:00 rolls around and I approach the doors, making my way back to the Parts/Service desk. A young woman who's family shifts her between Alberta and Toronto seems thrilled to meet someone else from Ontario. We check if they have a replacement battery in stock. They do not. And their mechanics are not in on the weekends.
There's a MAGNACHARGE Battery megaemporium RIGHT across the street!
Heartened my luck might be improving, I trot over.
They're closed on weekends.
I trot back to 4G, on the way calling Riverside Honda in St. Albert, the blokes who'd changed my tires. They sold their last YTZ14S on Friday. BUT they'd ordered more and they should arrive at the start of this coming week.
I run over my problems with their parts guy. He suggests I remove the battery and try starting the bike with another random battery attached; That might be able to isolate if it is my battery or my starter system/charging stator/rectifier/words.
Sounds good.
Back at 4G I ask if they have a charger or a booster. The parts girl knows where a tender is, but not how to use it. It's okay, I do. They graciously let me push the bike inside their service bay so I can tinker on it, good thing too as it starts to drizzle outside.
So! My battery: Out and Charging.
My bike: New battery hooked up to test the ignition.
My key: In the ignition, turning to activate the bike-*Crack*.
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One of the few flaws I've found with the NC750 design is the key is needed in a secondary lock. Turn one way to unlock the frunk (front trunk) where the gas tank USUALLY sits on a motorcycle. Turn the other way to unlock the latch securing the passenger seat, this allowing you to lift it up to reveal the gas cap to fill the tank, which sits under the rider. The problem with this lock is the key does not fully insert. It's about 3/4 depth to the ignition proper.
Over time, this has created something of a weak point on the key itself, occasionally twisting ever so slightly if too much pressure is applied, if the latches are sticky, or the frunk is overfull and a bit jammed. This was usually corrected by sticking the key in and turning it the other way, straightening the blade out again. For this trip, due to the tail luggage making lifting the passenger seat incredibly difficult at best, I had opted to outright remove the pillion cover, leaving the gas cap exposed for easy access. All I needed the secondary lock for was to get in and out of the frunk, which I was doing several times a day to fetch out Goose and Hat, or store drinks, or change power banks.
Perhaps it was this excess of one direction twisting that finally did the blade in.
Perhaps it was just six years of use and wear.
Perhaps life just wanted to take the difficulty level up a notch.
In any event.
I was left holding the top quarter of my key. The remainder still inside the ignition. Even if I can get a new battery, I can now no longer turn on the bike.
My coworker who helped fund this adventure texts me to see how things are going. I tell him my key just snapped in half. He says if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. We discuss options. I'm 3,505 km from home. I'm 427 km from the nearest Honda dealership. I just want to Abandon Quest and Hearthstone out of here, but that's not an option. So I work through various plans.
I call Riverside back and get the Service department. Nick remembers me. I fill him in on the last twelve hours. "Wow." Indeed. He puts me on hold and consults his coworkers. If I can get it there, they'll try and squeeze me in and get this sorted. Some people have good luck using super glue to get broken keys out and then jury rigged back together. With my luck, I'll make a mess and fuse the tumblers and need an entirely new ignition system. The key is also a newer blade style, not a normal tooth house lock key. It's supposed to be stronger, amusingly enough. But it's not the sort of thing local locksmiths should be able to replicate, it needs a Dealership. So even if I got a Fort McMurray locksmith to fish the main part out, if he can't make a new one, I still can't Go.
AND there's the pressing matter of the battery.
During all this my battery on the tender has completed charging. I restore it into the bike, or try to, as the damn nut in the contact for the red lead slips out of the holder and falls precisely through the ONE (1) hole at the bottom of the compartment and somewhere onto the engine block. I don't hear it hit the belly pan, and wedging my fingers into every nook, curve and cranny yields nothing but grimy hands.
I call CAA anew. I get the same woman as the night before, so that helped since she already knew the first part of this story. I now have Multiple Problems that can not be fixed locally. St. Albert is outside the Alberta tow range of 350km. But my membership is from Niagara, and I'm covered for 500km. She calls them to approve it. They say 'of course'. One hurdle down.
She contacts the tow company. New hurdle.
Due to the nine hour round-trip commute, they don't run every single broken vehicle south to Edmonton every time someone breaks down. They wait for multiple items, load them all on a long truck, and do a couple runs a week. So. Yes, they can get my bike to St. Albert. Eventuallllyyyyy.
I get it; from a logistics and efficiency and financial perspective it makes perfect sense.
From a "but... my bike..." and waiting for a nebulous amount of time in a hotel somewhere just for it to get TO the mechanics, nevermind the unknown timeframe of the shop having time to look at it, figure out what's wrong, order new parts if needed, and install them.... Hrrrggggnnnnn.
So EMI came with the short bed and picked up the bike from 4G. The logic being, now it's in their secure compound, ready to go, and when they have a load ready, they'll shove it on and take it south for me. Solid.
How do -I- get back to Edmonton.
Well, there's several buses that run the corridor, presumably for the mine workers to get up and back around their shift days. Awesome!
Oh but they don't run again until Monday. Less awesome!
But what can you do.
My bike won't leave until monday at the /earliest/ anyway, so me being there any sooner really makes no difference.
I book a ticket - cheap at 65$! For a nearly five hour trip? I paid 85$ plus tip for the 20 minute taxi ride from Supertest Hill to Fort McMurray the night prior.
Leaving Monday at 8:30am, arrive near downtown Edmonton. Found a hotel for 80$ within a block of Riverside Honda, not as cheap as my beloved Whitemud, but Whitemud Inn being at the south center of the Edmonton bubble, I'd be paying more than the 15$ a night difference in a cab to get up to St. Albert region. So I'll be right nearby the bike if we can get it going, or I need something from my bags.
In the meantime.
I found an RV campsite literally next door to the bus stop. I called the owner and explained my experiances, and my need for somewhere to simply hide in a tent until Monday morning. Sure, I could try and hide -anywhere-, but for my own safety, and nerves, if I can do this cheap and legal, the better for it. She says she can help me out. She offers a site for a price considerably cheaper than the nearby hotels, which I of course agree to. It's a twenty minute walk from 4G, made longer by hauling two drybags of tent/sleeping bag and essentials, and a third partial of food. Plus wearing my gear. And being somewhat small and scrawny. I take several rests. I drink my Gatorades. I make it. She has the sweetest tabby cat with white socks, no tail, and the SOFTEST fur. Name 'Trouble'. Awwww.
Transaction complete, I set up my tent, kindly serenaded by a curious magpie.
I hear a nearby RV owner pull up, truck doors closing, and then I see a giant white monster making a beeline straight for me. My best guess would be Lab/Samoyed. The head was very much the rectangle block and jowls of a lab, but the pelt was definitely a living cloud. It gives an very quick sniff at my tent, and promptly accepts me petting it. I realize I've been pet-starved during my journey. All my stress is put on pause as I scruffle the heck out of this random dog's sides. In fact, twice I tried to move one hand to teach for my phone for a photo, and he turned in annoyance to see why I'd partially stopped. I hear a woman calling, and ask if he needs to go. He makes no move. In fact he tries to push backwards closer. On a whim, I drop to my rear and make a bowl with my legs. He promptly fills said bowl with his rump. Me on my butt and him on his haunches, I came up to his shoulders.
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Good dog.
A woman shouts again, more insistent. I give him a bump with my leg. He resigns himself to getting up and heading home. I realize the owner can't see us, so I pop up and apologize for stealing her dog. She realizes he hadn't just ran off for no reason, and laughs, saying he loves people. Yes, I had learned this.
I needed that.
There's a valley beside the camp ground.
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The trees are spent matchsticks, grey and charred and empty against the sky. New growth slowly fills in around the dead wood. I don't know if this is a remainder of the BIG fire of 2016, or another more recent event. It's a staggering amount of devastation, and only a small fragment of the damage done.
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The clouds out here... I love skyscapes.
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Dramione - Werewolf/Veela fics
Human Hermione
Instinctive by goldhorse (were Hermione)
*Finished* 3 chapters
Draco and Hermione are turned into wolves and thrown in a zoo as punishment by Voldemort and the death eaters.
Secrets of the Moon by EndlessMoonChild (were Hermione)
(Last updated April 11, 2020) 5 chapters
When Draco stumbles upon Hermione working at a law firm - a lone wolf with no pack, and no knowledge of the magical world - he makes it his mission to help her discover the secrets of her past, while showing her what her future can hold. But, will Draco and Hermione be able to withstand the danger that comes along with knowing who she really is?
Wolf's Mate by FictionAficionado
(Last updated Aug 21, 2019) 54 chapters
The hunt for the horcruxes has gone on for years while Voldemort wages open war to establish his dominion in the wizarding world. When his men capture Harry Potter's best friend, he doesn't think twice before throwing the mudblood to his wolves. However, an unlikely ally emerges in the form of a werewolf. To escape her captors and defeat Voldmort, ever the realist, Hermione can't afford to dwell on the fact that help comes from the creature that raped and impregnated her. [On Hiatus]
An Unsuitable Mate by FictionAficionado
*Finished* 29 chapters
Draco discovers he's part Veela and Hermione is his mate. Tired of having his choices taken away from him, he ignores the fates and marries Astoria instead. Draco is happy with the life he's made for himself till a marriage law threatens to destroy it all by once more forcing the most annoying witch he's ever known back into his life.
Predestined by diemdoll (orphan_account)
(Last updated Jan 11, 2020) 11 chapters
"I would say congratulations are in order, but you won't be making it down the aisle." Madam Monroe told Hermione as her fingers continued to trace the contours of her hand. "You were predestined for another."
Addicted To You By Kittenshift17
(Last updated Dec 7, 2018) 15 chapters
An act of kismet whilst herb gathering sees Hermione interacting with an unknown werewolf. When he bites her while she is in her animagus form, he sets into motion a twisted destiny that binds them together as mates. With Remus and Sirius there to help her through, Hermione's biggest worry is finding out the identity of the werewolf who marked her.
Howl For Me by Kittenshift17
(Last updated June 10, 2020) 28 chapters
The Ministry enacts a Marriage Law, magically pairing couples who'd never in a million years agree to even speak, let alone wed. Paired off with Malfoy, Hermione has to suffer the added indignity of the Ministry banning all contraception and forcing fertility treatment and aphrodisiacs on them all. Draco's secret makes it worse.
As Seasons Change by flawlesslyfallasleep
(Last updated May 6, 2012) 5 chapters
Veela power couple Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have been married for a year and are expecting a daughter, but what happens when the past catches up with them? Will bad blood be enough to taint the small family's love?
Dark Water and Dying Eyebrights by Bex-chan
(Last updated April 21, ?) 10 chapters
One of them is desperately trying to remember their past while the other is forever trying to escape theirs. It's seven years after the war and Draco has managed to avoid almost everyone from Hogwarts, living a lonely life on a small island, far away from the wizarding community. But a familiar face in a cafe window capsizes his world into chaos.
Perfectly Matched by silverstorme
(Last updated Feb 10, ?) 20 chapters
When Auror Draco Malfoy is mauled by a werewolf on a mission gone awry, his partner Harry entrusts his best friend to care for him: Healer Hermione Granger. But now his heightened senses won't allow him to escape the one witch from Potter's crew he'd always kept at a distance, and his new and volatile wolf has decided she's his perfect match.
Affair de Coeur by woodsywintle06
(Last updated Jun 11, 2017) 9 chapters
Hermione is a smart, young witch who just wants to make the best of her last year. What happens when she is faced with the choice to choose the man she thought she loved or her worst enemy who is depending on her to survive. Draco has discovered the veela part of him and his mate is none other than Miss Hermione Granger, will she fall in love and save him?
Red Moon by g-o-t-a-m (werewolf Hermione)
(Last updated Jan 31, 2017) 16 chapters
All were were changed in one night and all have changed together. After the war, they expected things to stay the same, but a recent break out at azkaban changes everything. They all must come together once again and protect each other even if it costs each other their lives. (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Pansy, Luna, Fred and George, and Ginny are all Werewolves)
The Beast by LillyanMalfoy
(Last updated Aug 14, 2018) 26 chapters
The Golden Trio is more divided than ever, and when Hermione gets a surprising new patient, anything could happen.
Hers by Shaniyyaahh (prequel)
*Finished* (Last updated Aug 11, 2020) One Shot, 7 chapters
(no summary)
He didn’t even know her and yet...she was already driving her mad.
Tethers by dormiensa
*Finished* 7 chapters
It was perhaps inevitable that Draco and Hermione were a bonded pair. After all, they had a long family history of complicated relations.
A Hard-Fought Victory by Maloreiy
*Finished* One Shot
The rivalry between Gryffindor Army and Slytherin Army was almost as big as the rivalry between 7th years Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. With the clock ticking down in the race for the Hogwarts Cup, an interesting...complication...will affect the outcome of them both.
Evigilatio by darkcivet (FallenInDreams)
*Finished* One Shot
She could Apparate to the other side of the world and he'd still find her. She couldn't run forever. Not from what she wanted. And especially not from him.
An Unlikely Mate by gingersparkle92
(Last updated Dec 16, 2017) 1 chapter
When Hermione goes back to Hogwarts for her eighth year, she never expects to discover that she's the destined mate of her childhood worst enemy.
Lightning by floatsodelicately
(Last updated Nov 8, 2014) 9 chapters
The Black family has been cursed, every male born of Black blood is born a veela and is doomed to die without their mate. Draco has to deal with his veela side, his Death Eater father, his Slytherin front and his muggleborn mate, Hermione Granger.
His Mate by sxgittxrius
*Finished* One Shot
No summary available
Thank Jarila for Veela by Varali
(Last updated Aug 6, 2014) 5 chapters
Hermione is invited by the British Society of Veela to their annual Jarila's Day celebration. Draco is an unwilling benefactor to the same event. When the two meet at the party, Hermione discovers something interesting about Draco's lineage and something ignites between the two of them.
Awaken Mine Soul by otterlyardent
*Finished* 5 chapters
The events that occurred over Easter Hols at Malfoy Manor brought about a completely unexpected turn of events. With Hermione under Bellatrix's wand, Draco and his parents realize just how important she will be to their family. A change of heart among other things leads to the pair spending the summer together, getting to know one another without blood prejudice standing in their way. Will it be magical, or will it all end in tears?
A Little Twisted by Scarlett_Letter
(Last updated Sep 28, 2016) 2 chapters
Draco just barely missed his one chance at freedom. Now on an unwilling path to become a death eater, an old friend is entrusted to him. Add to that certain changes brought out by a brilliant witch that sees more than the act he gives the rest of the world, and a sprinkle of a few meddling friends and you can bet for a happy ending; even if getting there was a little twisted.
To Be With You by Kipsels
(Last updated Nov 6, 2017) 3 chapters
Draco's dealt with a lot of difficult things since the end of the war, including losing his inheritance and going through his Veela maturity. Finding out Hermione Granger was his mate however, that had to top the list.
Silver Roses and Ebony Thorns by MadMaster
(Last updated May 30, 2016) 1 chapter
Draco returns to Hogwarts his sixth year completely different. His father was sentenced to Azkaban, and he recieved an order from the Dark Lord-Kill Dumbledoor. As if his life isn't already fucked up enough, the summer before his sixth year he turns out to be a 2/3 Veela. So not only does he have wings and is deadly passionate he must hide what he is. Which is harder when he realizes a certain curly haired bookworm his his soulmate. Everything he was taught and everything he has ever know quite literally flew out the window.
That Which Destroys Me by Lovenyx125
(Last updated March 21, 2019) 17 chapters
"Mudblood Princess," she breathed out. "Disgraced Prince," he murmured against her pulse. Recovering from their stay in Malfoy Manor is hard enough, but Draco is battling a fatal illness of Voldemort's own design and Hermione may be the cure. Forget salvation, with the way she looked at him just now and the heat that touched him with her hooded gaze, she would be the death of him.
No Force on Earth by GreyBauer, SinBin
*Finished* 2 chapters
When Draco goes too far, Hermione has to learn to let go. She's worth more than what Draco can give her, she knows that. Now if only she hadn't gone and tied her soul to his, that'd be great.
Veela you marry me by Nervousmilkshaketrash
(Last updated Oct 29, 2017) 4 chapters
Draco is veela, shit happens
Neglected by Lost Cookie (Akalish)
(Last updated Jan 19, 2016) 1 chapter
Contrary to popular belief, Theodore Nott did not give a sodding fuck for whatever claims his Death Eater father made, did not follow pure-blood beliefs nor was Theo into the importance of "securing" magical benefits. Neither did he have the shallow impression that Muggles, Muggle-borns and Half-bloods were inferior beings ― not by much, anyway ― and so, he reflected, if ever asked by Professor Severus Snape, Theodore Nott should very much have been sorted into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin.
Inevitable by SilverOwlCity
*Finished* One Shot
His death, he mused, was inevitable.
Business Partners by Debboluh
*Finished* 20 chapters
Andromeda Tonks approaches Hermione with an idea to start an orphange and community centre for children and families who have been affected by Voldemort’s werewolves, other extra-magical children and families are more than welcome! But what secret is their potions master hiding? And will Hermione ever find out? Draco's mood swings are giving Hermione whiplash, first he doesn't care and then he offering his own house!?
Her Veela Knight by thrivingrightnow
(Last updated Nov 25, 2019) 6 chapters
Hermione Granger's been through more than any of her closest friends know. Her life has been woven through loopholes and hidden scars in order to keep everything well. One night, everything backfires when Draco Malfoy accidentally comes to know her dark past. The unlikely ally comes to discover what's been happening with her ever since Ron and Hermione broke up. To make matters worse, Draco's coming down with something.. quite brutal. When they turn to their friends for help, will Hermione open up to the problems that she has faced over the years? Will Draco stick with her all the way?
No Choice by Klazora
*Finished* 31 chapters
The trio and friends return to Hogwarts to finish their final year; it seems at last that they might finally have an uneventful, purposeful year of schooling, at least until Draco Malfoy's world is turned upside down by a family secret. His mother was a Veela, and so is he; now he's in a rather extraordinary predicament. Veelas are matched for life with one person, and he doesn't get to choose who it is. But it gets worse for him; if he doesn't find 'the one' in time, he won't live to become 18. This should be good...
My Savior by ShelbieRae
(Last updated June 20, 2018) 15 chapters
Hermione Granger wants nothing more than to just finish her education and have a normal year. Draco Malfoy simply wants to find his Veela mate before his clock runs out. What happens when they both return to Hogwarts, get Head positions, and have to share a living quarters and duties? Will they kill each other, or will new feelings emerge?
Unwritten by Maloreiy
*Finished* 3 chapters
"He’d always known that hair. He’d stared at it, he’d jinxed it, one memorable day he’d gotten his wand, his hand, and a good portion of his arm, stuck in it. But for the first time he was overcome with a longing to touch it. To touch her. To reach out to her and pull her towards him.” A lovely little romance about a young Veela and the mate he never expected.
Storm by Momo (uglee)
(Last updated Feb 6, 2019) 10 chapters
After being attacked during the batle at the department of Mysteries, a secret hermione Granger preferred to keep long hidden is exposed and it starts a snowball effect that will change the wizard world forever. When her friends find out her secret, their reactions are mixed, some more upset than others about her new status. With her closest friends by her side, Hermione Granger decides to come out of hiding and change the world for the better whike she's at it.
The Trouble With Veelas by hiddenhibernian
*Finished* 4 chapters
Draco just wants to make Hermione happy. Unfortunately, telling her he is a Veela and she is his mate would achieve exactly the opposite, so he has to find another way. Nothing else in Draco's life has gone according to plan, so he ought to have known it would only go downhill from there...
Can't Shake This Feeling in My Bones by brightraven14
(Last updated March 11, 2020) 7 chapters
She saw his distinctive platinum hair amidst the sea of bodies on the platform, almost insulted that he had the nerve to return to Hogwarts after what he had done. But at least that would mean he'd keep to himself this year, right? With Hogwarts being immensely overpopulated this year, they wouldn't even have to interact...
Draco's astonishing birthday by Hbsj
*Finished* One Shot
Theo and Blaise take Draco out to celebrate his 21st birthday, but at the stroke of midnight everything changes and all Draco can feel and need is that captivatingly dark haired gorgeous woman at the bar. Only his parents forgot to tell him about his true heritage...
Trope Soup by MotherofBulls, SaintDionysus
*Finished* 12 chapters
On the twenty-third of September, the year of our Lord, two thousand and seventeen, MotherofBulls and SaintDionysus thought it would be a good idea to get drunk and write as many tropes possible into a single fic. Lord help us. Again...we were drunk while writing this.
Wrath by dormiensa
*Finished* One Shot
If tickling dragons is folly, irking Veelas is madness.
Dangerous by sunalso
*Finished* 17 chapters
Life is, at last, safe and stable for Hermione. She knows who she is and who she loves. Until something starts to follow her in the dark and she finds she might not know herself at all.
Between the Trees by NuclearNik
(Last updated May 18, 2020) 2 chapters
When the tides of war change quickly, Draco makes a split-second decision and steals the freedom of the only person he still cares about, desperate to protect them. Hermione Granger becomes prisoner to a reluctant captor, locked away in the ruins of the one place she'd ever truly felt at home. Trust does not come easy for either of them.
His Veela Heritage
His Veela Heritage: M Rated Outtakes by RiverWriter
*Finished* 31 chapters, 2 chapters
His entire world shifted and he was suddenly certain that his life was no longer really his own, it belonged to her. He could only hope she'd forgive him, could only hope she'd accept him. Because he was a veela and Hermione Granger was his mate. The only woman who had any chance of truly making him happy was the same girl he'd spent half a lifetime tormenting. Karma was a bitch.
As the title suggests this is an M Rated outtake from my story "His Veela Heritage" written as a gift for Weestarmeggie's birthday. This may become a collection- Now officially a collection!
ICW's interfere by lonelyroads, LonesomePhantome
(Last updated Oct 8, 2019) 4 chapters
The ICW -or- The International Confederation of Wizards' high court decided to not trust Albus Dumbledore any longer after the Triwizard fiasco and sent some of their own to keep an eye on him and fix up all of Britain's Ministry of Magic's mistakes.
Between Love and Abuse by Fanfrick
(Last updated Jan 30, 2020) 2 chapters
Hermione Granger wanted one year without drama. One year without everything going wrong. One year knowing what was going to happen. She wanted a safe and normal year, but nothing is normal after Draco Malfoy kisses her. All of the sudden, her world is thrown inside out and she is left questioning everything she ever knew. Draco has Veela running through his veins. He had wished it would never be active. Of course not all wishes become true. Now he has to fight deal with not only returning to Hogwarts after the war, but also with finding his mate. Though he never expected that both could possibly be connected, when Hermione Granger smacks him he learns he must start expecting the unexpected
The Irregular Malfoy Gene by Grangermalfoy1
(Last updated Dec 12, 2018) 22 chapters
A Malfoy with the veela gene has been popping up irregularly in their bloodline since the 17th century. Draco Malfoy is one of the rare male veelas, and has until his 18th birthday to find his mate, and convince her to be his, forever. Finding her won't be the problem for this particular veela, it's convincing the stubborn witch to accept him that's going to be the hard part!
Missing You by Athenniene
*Finished* One Shot
Hermione has a visitor in her office. Draco just wants to see her one last time.
Story Challenge: I'm A Veela, And Karma's A Bitch by WritersObsession2002
*Finished* One Shot
"Granger, what the bloody hell are you doing here?" I demand, feeling blood rushing up my neck and ears despite myself. She glares at me. "When were you going to tell me?" she retorts hotly. I swear my heart plummted to my toes. "Tell you what?" "Don't!" she hisses. "When were you going to tell me that you're a Veela, and that I'm your mate?"
The Great Work by HallowQueen
(Last updated Feb 7, 2017) 2 chapters
Voldemort punishes Lucius for the Department of Mysteries and losing the diary by letting Greyback bite his only son, causing Draco to lose the one thing he could always count on: his blood. Struggling with his identity an given a task he cannot complete, he is left turning to his godfather to stave off the beast and drawn to the one person he was cruelest to: Hermione Granger.
What Happened to Us? by elfhunter05
(Last updated Nov 22, 2018) 19 chapters
Draco Malfoy finds out he is a Veela... His parents think they know who his mate is... Professor McGonagall sets up arrangements in Hogwarts... Will it work?
Undisclosed Desires by Mila_Reeves
*Finished* One Shot
Draco tried to stay away, but she was his mate and he was ready to show her what that meant.
Choices by MidnightValkyrie
(Last updated May 16, 2020) 20 chapters
The choices you make shape your future. After so long of having them stripped from you, you'll do anything if it means you get to be the master of your own destiny for once.
Veela, My Veela by LucindaRemyJohnson
*Finished* 3 chapters
Draco's got one hell of a problem, and he's really hoping Hermione can help him. These waters are citrusy.
Following by writerspassion18
*Finished* One Shot
Draco's obsession with a certain brunette is a little unhealthy. It may just be animal instincts, or that's what he tells himself at least.
Beautiful Disaster by ashleyfanfic
(Last updated May 30, 2019) 26 chapters
Veela!Draco! discovers that his mate is the least likely person on the planet, and the discovery leads him and his father in new directions...
Unequivocal by irene_doe
(Last updated May 20, 2020) 6 chapters
Hermione thought her biggest issues this year would be being stuck in a dead-end job and not quite getting along with her new officemate, Draco Malfoy. However, the Ministry is about turn her tidy and contained life upside down with the announcement of the new Marriage and Family Law, and there's more trouble brewing as outbursts of uncontrolled magic begin to wreck havoc in the office. Draco has been reassigned to Corporate Services after an Auror mission went spectacularly sideways; at least, that's what he's telling everyone. The truth is hardly as straightforward and Granger has him increasingly on edge, so naturally, he was only too pleased to learn of the new Law that was going to out him as a Creature to the woman he loves.
The Things We Do to Each Other by badthingfine_as_hell
(Last updated May 30, 2019) 5 chapters
Veela blood in the Malfoy family has been dormant for generations. But the stress of the wizarding war has caused Draco's to manifest, and he must cope with being an ex-Deatheater outcast and a secret magical creature. Meanwhile, Hermione Granger is beyond excited to return to Hogwarts for a final year without the looming threat of Voldemort. But when something completely unprecedented happens at the Welcoming Feast, her hopes for a normal year disappear.
Count Your Blessings Not Your Flaws by FizzyBee
(Last updated Feb 5, 2017) 7 chapters
Ron was a prat. There wasn't much more that could be added to that, other than a few choice expletives. Hermione had always been know as a genius, so it should have come as no surprise that a solution was on the imminent horizon. To the person asking nor to the person agreeing. Either way, Draco was happy. Things spiral out of control when it turns out that Ron isn't entirely incompetent, though.
Dungeon Dragon by Starkling
(Last updated April 20, 2019) 140 chapters
They had been stumbling around blindly for too long, they should have made it to the rendezvous by now, Hermione thought nervously before she took out her wand, placing it on her palm. "Point me." She whispered. When her wand spun in a circle, pointing off to her far right, she got miffed. They'd gone too far West. Gesturing for Zacharias to follow over her shoulder, she crept quietly though the woods. Keeping her eyes and ears peeled for any sign of humans or wildlife. "Granger! Look out!" Hermione snapped her head in Zacharias's direction just in time to see a look of horror cross his face, before a seemingly grey blur came crashing straight for her. It grabbed a hold of her waist and Hermione screamed bloody murder, before promptly being knocked unconscious by a jet of red light, hitting her square in the chest.
The Reluctant Veela by sapphirephoenix
(Last updated May 12, 2020) 28 chapters
Draco Malfoy has come into his father's Veela legacy, and is fighting it at every turn. The Fates aren't giving him an inch though, and neither is Hermione Granger, his destined mate!
marked by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
'“Perhaps you missed it over the last nine years, but I’ve cared for only you. It’s worth mentioning as well that I have forced myself not to get too close in case you did find your mate.” His brows drew together. “I did miss that.”
The Silent Call by UnanticipatedRavenclaw
(Last updated April 26, 2020) 13 chapters
Hermione has just transferred into the DoMLE as an Investigative Analyst. She's meant to be the eyes that find connections between cases but she ends up finding an unexpected connection of her own. Join her as she navigates her new job, the potential of what could be, and discovering the long lost history of what blood purity in the Wizarding World really means. A veela-lite slow burn love story between Hermione and Draco.
Key To Happiness by Marvelgeek42
*Finished* One Shot
A lot of the things in his life were things he would never have expected, but honestly? This was so much better.
Lessons in Lycanthropy by bentnotbroken1
(Last updated July 4, 2017) 8 chapters
The blame, Draco would later muse, fell on Theo’s shoulders. If it hadn’t been for his insistence that they sneak out and throw what the muggles called a “kegger”, none of them would have been in the forest that fateful night. But Theo had insisted and that was why he now had the urge to howl at the moon.
Sang et Lumière by Freya_Ishtar
(Last updated May 8, 2019) 9 chapters
*8th Year* Late one night, Hermione hears a sound that chills her bones—a howling from the Forbidden Forest, yet all werewolves fled at the end of the War. When she finds Draco stumbling back into the castle the next morning, she becomes his confidante . . . and something more.
Beware the Howling Night by Entwinedlove
*Finished* One Shot
Draco drags Hermione through the woods
Kismet by MrsRen
(Last updated Sep 28, 2019) 21 chapters
Kismet; destiny, or fate. Hermione begins uncovering secret after secret, eventually finding herself trapped between her sense of duty to her family, the war that's breaking out across Wizarding Britain, and discovering what sacrifice and love truly mean.
Scar Tissue by TheWildChild
(Last updated Dec 7, 2017) 35 chapters
A few years ago, Draco's life changed for the worst. Still, he could live with it, he could adapt. But when another werewolf comes to Hogwarts to teach the students, it starts to get dangerous. Their absences and behavior towards each other raise some eyebrows and Draco is afraid that a curious mind might even end up seeing right through him.
Containing The Beast Within by xLitheKitty33
*Finished* One Shot
Hermione Granger was his everything, his mate, his. He was hers. Draco would laugh at the fact it sounded like a joke, but it actually wasn't a joke. To be honest, he wouldn't exactly complain. After all, at least it meant he wasn't alone, even in a full moon that he couldn't recall what happened during.
LUPINE by LilithShade
*Finished* One Shot
Draco was not an Alpha, not really. To truly take the mantle of Alpha one needed a pack and he was alone, utterly alone. Yet he had killed Fenrir, ripped his sire’s heart clean from his chest with his own clawed hand during the Battle of Hogwarts. That violent act had imparted on him an ancient magic. Pack magic. Alpha magic. He had first caught her potent scent that very night, it was a pure beacon amongst the oppressive metallic tang of blood and decay. He had known in that moment what it meant, that she was his. His mate.
At Heart We're Human by xLitheKitty33
*Finished* One Shot
The enigma that is Draco Malfoy once captured her attention a long time ago. Perhaps it was because he was the one mystery she never solved that her veela set sights on him. Either way, it was hard to keep away, but they at least kept each other's sanity intact.
A Certain Point of View by RZZMG
*Finished* One Shot
Draco is an unfaithful husband, and Hermione is an unfaithful wife... but then, that depends entirely upon your particular point of view, doesn't it?
With Teeth by dulce_de_leche_go
*Finished* 5 chapters
Infected during the war by Fenrir Greyback, Draco survived one struggle to find another. His return to Hogwarts and so-called “normal” life was a cute attempt to move on but, as always, one insufferable woman turns that on its head as well.
The Deal by Snowflake_Dazzle
*Finished* 15 chapters
In order to win the war, Hermione strikes a deal with Draco Malfoy. Who turns out to be a Veela.
Breadcrumbs by Sharah
*Finished* One Shot
Draco was practically Hansel, dropping breadcrumbs of knowledge for his mate.
Mend by MufinXoxo
(Last updated April 5, 2020) 2 chapters
After the war, things aren’t going quite as Hermione expected. The introduction of a new Ministry legislation that allows ex-convicts back into society, coincides a little too well with a mysterious series of dark events in the world of magical beasts. To make things even more complicated, enter Draco Malfoy, who is carrying a secret he is willing to take to the grave.
Not To Me by naarna
*Finished* 6 chapters
The War is over, Voldemort defeated, and everyone settling into their post-War lives, with Hermione taking up a position at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Yet, when she comes across Draco's name in the confidential register of creatures, she leaves everything behind to go off on a search for him...
True Face by Ariel_Riddle
*Finished* 2 chapters
A/U Voldemort wins. When things take a horrifying turn for the worse at the final battle, Hermione must go under cover as a Muggle in order to survive. Ten years later, she cannot escape notice forever, especially when Praetor Malfoy has troubles of his own that prompt him to seek out the mysterious Muggle Healer, Piper Daniels.
The Girl Who Cried Werewolf by aru_dight
(Last updated June 17, 2018) 11 chapters
Draco Malfoy was far from a Prince Charming in disguise. He was a crude-mouthed beast who terrorizes women in their dreams, attacks their senses, and captures their heart never to set them free. Or that was just her?
Post: Part 1
3 notes · View notes
croik · 7 years
The TEW series timeline
is efffffffffffffffffffffed.
Which is nothing new.  The series has never had a consistent timeline from one installment to the next, or even in the very first game, when many people pointed out that the dates listed in Seb’s journal didn’t match the dates printed on the newspapers.  Then in the DLC we were treated to the major contradiction in event order of whether Juli joined KCPD before or after Myra disappeared.  The notes in TEW2 confirmed that the first game takes in 2014 but otherwise don’t have many dates listed, and deliberately tiptoe around any mention of Ruvik’s time with Mobius, and how long Union has existed.  But using the journal, the flashbacks, and Jimenez’s notes, I did my best to come up with a decent timeline.
It only illuminates more plot holes but OH WELL LET’S DO IT.
So here are the dates as given by Seb’s journal and other documents in the first game:
Roughly 1986 - Ruvik and Laura burn in the barnfire
Nov 2004 - Seb makes detective
Dec 2004 - Seb is partnered with Myra
Feb 2005 - Myra is injured on duty and Seb confesses his feelings for her
Mar 2005 - Seb proposes to Myra, is partnered with Joseph
Sep 2005 - Seb and Myra get married
Jul 2006 - Lily is born
Feb 2012 - Lily dies in fire
July 2012 - Myra admits she thinks the fire was not an accident
Aug 2012 - Juli joins KCPD
Sep 2012 - Myra disappears
Mar 2013 - Seb interviewed by IA
Oct 2014 - The Beacon Incident
So Seb was 28 when he made detective, Joseph was 24 when they met a year later.  Lily was almost 6 when she died and at the time of TEW2 would be 11.  Juli is 24 in the first game so she joined at 22, which kinda fits with her saying she joined Mobius “just out of her teens.”
The DLC contradicts this timeline, saying that Myra disappeared “way before” Juli joined KCPD.  That’s not just a number flub, that’s a direct change in the order of events (/salty).  So do we just push back all those events in sequence, or do we assume that Lily was younger than 5 when she died?  Her appearance in STEM suggests we can’t just age her down, so the whole thing has to move back.  
The comic tells us that Lily died 5 years before TEW1, in 2009 (protip: don’t bother reading the comic, it’s not relevant to anything).  I’ll buy that for a dollar, so adding in the details from Jimenez’s documents in the DLC, here’s the adjusted timeline with extra info:
Sometime before 1986 - Jimenez joins Mobius
Roughly 1986 - Ruvik and Laura burn in the barnfire
Nov 2001 - Seb makes detective
Dec 2001 - Seb is partnered with Myra
Feb 2002 - Myra is injured on duty and Seb confesses his feelings for her
Mar 2002 - Seb proposes to Myra, is partnered with Joseph
Sep 2002 - Seb and Myra get married
Jul 2003 - Lily is born
??? 2004 - Juli runs away from home
??? - Sometime in here Ruvik is recruited by Mobius
Feb 2009 - Lily is kidnapped by Mobius via housefire
July 2009 - Myra admits she thinks the fire was not an accident
Sep 2009 - Myra disappears - joins Mobius 
Aug 2012 - Juli joins KCPD
Mar 2013 - Seb interviewed by IA (this could be anytime now)
??? - Sometime before TEW1 Ruvik sabotages STEM and is imprisoned in it as a brain
Oct 2014 - The Beacon Incident
???? - Lily becomes the core of Union
Oct 2017 - The Union Incident
Five years before the game is a good number because it’s kind of in the middle between “recent” and “a long time ago”, which are both used to describe the event by different people/notes in TEW2 (because words don’t mean things).  This means Seb was 25 when he made detective, Joseph was 21 when they met (just about the youngest he could be), and by the time she leaves STEM, Lily is 14.  It took 3 years for Myra to become high enough in Mobius to be recruiting agents herself.
There’s no indication at all of how long Union has been functional, as far as I’ve found.  Most of the notes talk about how much they learned from the Beacon incident, as if STEM 2.0 was created from scratch only after the first one fell through.  But if STEM 2.0 didn’t exist until sometime after Ruvik’s, what did they do with Lily for the five years before then?
If you line up the timeline to Jimenez’s notes in the DLC, at the point in which Lily was taken by Mobius, Ruvik was working on STEM alongside Mobius, while Jimenez was stealing pieces of his work to publish himself.  This is around the same time that Jimenez handed Ivan over to Ruvik, to punish him for snooping around.  Ruvik’s audiologs around this time talk about the many victims he’s connecting to STEM and too each other, and how much he’s fascinated by and enjoying their suffering.  But at this point, STEM does not have a core.  Ruvik talks specifically about connecting and disconnecting to his subjects so that he can experience their terror and also observe from outside.  There wasn’t a single person sustaining the machine - this was even before they were aware of a shared universe inside the STEM, because it’s not until Ruvik is in the machine that patients start sharing their experiences of the STEM world with Jimenez, explaining that certain geographies and even “souls” persist inside after someone’s been connected.  Ruvik doesn’t mention this at all until he himself is trapped inside.  
And yet, in the TEW2 notes, it notes that Lily was chosen/kidnapped because they specifically knew already that only a psychopath or a child could function as the core of STEM.  Five years before STEM first gained a “core” Mobius had already picked Lily to be the core, at a time in which Ruvik was using STEM exclusively to torture mental patients.  
(The fact that they refer to Ruvik’s STEM as stable or successful in any way already cheeses me a little, because no, it never worked as intended, NO ONE SURVIVED IT EXCEPT LESLIE even before Ruvik toasted Beacon).
An argument could be made that Mobius was always making two STEMs - that they were copying Ruvik every step of the way with their own machine.  But then why the desperation when Ruvik sabotaged his so that it would only work with him?  After that point, everyone who entered the STEM ultimately died.  They had no way of seeing inside STEM and could only depend on what the patients were able to describe after they emerged, before they went into comas and perished.  So why not just scrap Ruvik and the Leslie option and continue forward with their second, if the had a viable alternative?  I can’t really rationalize a scenario where STEM 2 exists alongside STEM 1, especially given the tone of the TEW2 notes.
And I especially can’t picture that Mobius, who Jimenez described as “archaic” before he and Ruvik came on board, took and perfected Ruvik’s research before he did himself.
But then why kidnap Lily when STEM is still so young and more or less completely non-viable to them, and what did they do with her for five years while they waited for Ruvik to complete it?
The other possibility is that Jimenez’s logs are just bullshit, and Lily was kidnapped after Ruvik was put into STEM, so they could start working on a 2.0 before having fully given up on 1.0.  Basically, that no shred of canon within the franchise can be trusted, because nothing is true everything is permitted and subject to retcon at a moment’s notice.  But that raises the question of why did they keep Ruvik’s brain in a jar for five whole years while the machine was not viable?  That is a long time to be putting patients into the machine only to have them die.  Why not just scrap it if you have another option that’s not killing all your guinea pigs?
To say nothing of the other children that came before Lily.  Lily is described as “the most stable core we’ve had” and by the time she’s in place, there are already contingencies  to handle a core disappearing or escaping.  A core can only be missing a few hours before Union starts to break down, so once Lily was in place, she couldn’t leave.  How long was she in there?  And if she wasn’t in there, what were they doing with her while Ruvik was having his tantrum?  In all that time, how did Myra not find a way to get Lily out until after she was plugged into STEM, even when Mobius’s attention was on other children?
Mobius has always been the worst “we control the whole world” evil organization I’ve ever heard of, but I can’t wrap my head around this contradiction.  They kidnapped the daughter of two police detectives because she was just *that smart* so they could put her in a machine that a psychopath was using to torture mental patients with.  And they thought that would help them rule the world.  I’m trying really hard to find a train of logic that makes sense and it’s just not working, unless I toss out everything that anyone tells us and pretend canon says completely different things.
I mean, that’s what Haaga and Johanas did already, so I guess it would be well within my right :B
Anyway, that’s the state of the timeline.  If there’s something I missed or a logical explanation to be found, please let me know :<
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lindafrancois · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise.
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life. published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
fitnetpro · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise.
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life. published first on http://fitnetpro.tumblr.com/
0 notes
neilmillerne · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise.
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
0 notes
almajonesnjna · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise.
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
0 notes
johnclapperne · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise.
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
0 notes
ruthellisneda · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise.
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
0 notes
joshuabradleyn · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise.
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
0 notes
lindafrancois · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise.
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life. published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
execution Of The Scheme Education Grants For Minority
Teske's Germania in downtown San Jose (255 North First St.) hosts a series of weekend Oktoberfest celebrations featuring live music starting Fri., Sep. 13 through Fri., Oct. 25. Check their events page for the dates and times. I always wanted to do hair. I wanted to take cosmetology in high school instead of the international baccalaureate education I was forced to take! Then I graduated and went to hair school anyway! singapore international school fees structure 've always had my hand in beauty. singapore primary school registration started with hair, then I got into makeup. private kindergartens in singapore am a licensed senior cosmetologist so makeup does fall under my license, but I'm pretty much self-taught with makeup. Loans for students are only for those students who are permanent citizen of UK and hold an age of above 18 years. A bank account is also mandatory to be eligible. Most of the lender prefers to transfer the loan amount electronically so it is must to hold an active bank account. With international school yishun of this scheme you will be able to get cash for all your educational expenses like tuition fees, university fees, accommodation, books etc. In short your elc international school will be financed by UK lenders. What makes me laugh is that after six years of overseas school, I never had any of these programs in school. THAT is a travesty! boarding school india of the skills we use as adults must be taught by someone who has experienced it themselves. A parent or relative in most cases, but what about the people who don't have role models to teach these life skills? They rely on the wrong people and end up moving aimlessly from low paying job, to an even lower paying job. time international school can learn French translation from school. Some ib schools in singapore courses on French language. Try to consider enrolling in these schools if you are really interested in learning the language. It's a craft Oktoberfest celebration at Harry's! Firestone Walker's Oaktoberfest is a Marzen style brew with Augustiner yeast and Hallertauer hopping. We will be serving it international baraculate 20oz ceramic mugs with Firestone branding that you get to take home with you with $1 off refills after you buy the glass! This will continue until Saturday. We will have German music playing, sausage specials, and reps on site to talk beer. Prost! The last component to the IB program is Creativity, Action, and Service or CAS. CAS is supposed to serve as a counterbalance to the rigor of primary school hours in singapore's academic side. international baccalaureate uk to describe CAS would be to call it as a community service aspect of IB. At the same time, CAS is much more than just community service. Activities I've participated and done for CAS hours range from working in rebuilding wildlife habitats to canvassing for local politicians during re-election. IB requires that each diploma candidate finish 150 hours of CAS, roughly 50 hours for each part of CAS.
0 notes
lindafrancois · 6 years
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life.
20 seconds.
Today I’m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds.
And you’re going to do it. And it’s going to change your life.
Yup. 20 seconds doesn’t seem like a lot of time. But I’ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, twenty seconds is often more than enough to change one’s life.
What began as a fun mental strategy to overcome fear has since become a rallying cry for our community here at Nerd Fitness. 
And today, I’m gonna help you do that thing that scares the crap out of you.
The Discovery of 20 Seconds of Courage
Back in the day, I was on a plane and watched an obscure Matt Damon movie I’d never heard of: We Bought a Zoo.
In it, Matt Damon meets his wife by mustering up strength for a mere 20 seconds of courage to talk to her, despite being a complete nervous wreck before and after.
Had he never taken those 20 seconds to step outside of his comfort zone, he never would have met the love of his life.
One decision changed everything:
So what does 20 seconds of courage have to do with leveling up our lives? It comes down to 2 realizations:
REALIZATION #1: Our lives are made up of a never ending series of decisions that require less than 20 seconds of action:
What to eat for breakfast.
What workout to do at the gym.
Which school to attend.
Which job to take.
Who we sit next to on the train.
What lane to drive in.
Although our life’s path seems fairly set in stone, the direction is often set in motion as a result of a single action that took less than 20 seconds: signing a document, picking a seat, saying yes or no, swiping left or right.
Each decision can cause a new branching path in our history.
As David says in Prometheus,”Big things have small beginnings.”
REALIZATION #2: We are a species (especially us nerds) that tends to be risk averse, comfortable, and wary of doing things that scare us.
This isn’t surprising or unusual: we’re hardwired to trust our gut and be cautious of things that raise our anxiety. The decision to avoid certain things is what kept us alive during our cave-dwelling days.
In other words, wome cautious cavewoman 120,000 years ago listened to that instinct, avoided the scary noise coming out of the brush, and lived long enough to pass along her cautious genes to you today.
These days, we’re still avoiding things that scare us – not animals in the brush, but rather conversations with strangers, activities that might embarrass us, and events that are anxiety-inducing.
If we are going to get the things we actually want out of life, it’s going to require us to overcome that fear mechanism to make a decision that is counter to 120,000+ years of DNA-sequencing.
Which ain’t easy.
Enter 20 seconds of courage. 
By using 20 seconds to do something you normally would have avoided, or saying YES when you normally say NO, three amazing things happen:
If it doesn’t work out, you become more resilient. You quickly learn the world didn’t end, and you are more likely to try new things in the future because failure wasn’t that bad!
If it DOES work out, your life is now better as a result of your targeted bravery. A relationship, a new job, a new hobby, lifelong friend, are often results of a single decision made by somebody. This is you taking action rather than waiting for fate to intervene. 
You NEVER have to wonder “what if?” when thinking about what could have been had you done that thing!
How 20 Seconds of Courage Can Change Your Life.
“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne, clearly a fan of 20 Seconds of Courage.
Here’s how to implement 20 Seconds of Courage into your life:
Identify the thing you terrified of. Put ALL of your focus into a single specific action that will take less than 20 seconds but will result in you attempting the thing you’re scared of. Work yourself up into a frenzy if you need to. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror. Recruit a buddy if you have to.
Get scared to hell before.
Pee your pants after.
Just focus on the 20 seconds where you can make a different decision than you would have made in the past.
And then go do the damn thing:
Afraid of the free weight section at your gym?  Turn on Berserker mode.  Give yourself 20 seconds and walk into the section before you realize how scared you are. After your 20 second are up, you can go back to being afraid, but you’re already IN the free weight section, maybe even with a weight in hand. Might as well do the workout now, right? Who cares about the people around you – they’re too busy being self conscious anyway.
Don’t think you can start your workout? Too tired?  Turn on the Bloodwrath, baby!  Put on a great freaking pump up song, jump around, psyche yourself up, and just GET started. Don’t worry about what happens in the 20 seconds after you get started. JUST focus on those 20 seconds that are needed to get you out of bed or out the door.
Afraid to sign up for a class?  Afraid to try something new?  No problem, be afraid. Sign up in those 20 seconds and make your commitment before you have a chance to back out.  All of a sudden, you’re signed up and have to follow through!
Are you typically a push over? Do you never stand up for yourself at work?  Beast mode. At the next meeting, take 20 seconds to really stand up for yourself and present YOUR opinions. Work up the courage to begin the conversation with your boss about getting that raise you deserve. Once you’re in the office and the conversation has begun, you might as well keep going.
See that cute girl/guy at the coffee shop?  Normally you say NOTHING, and then go home and wish you had?  Give yourself 20 seconds of courage. Be scared shitless before and scared shitless after, but give yourself 20 seconds of courage: “Hey, I need to get back to my friend/work, but I saw you from across the room and think you’re really cute. Can I buy you a cup of coffee sometime?” At the very least, give them a drive-by compliment. You’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
Chinese philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” 
A life where you actually get what you want and deserve begins with 20 seconds of courage. Make the step. Approach that girl/guy. Sign up for that club/class/speaking engagement.
It’s how Jaime, after 3 decades of struggle, managed to change her life. It started with 20 seconds of courage and a single decision:
I’ve used 20 seconds of courage dozens of time in my life too.
Sometimes with health or fitness, sometimes with relationships, and other times with my own life level up quests, which I discuss in my book, Level Up Your Life.
I’m most proud of the time I used 20 seconds of courage to perform on a street corner in NYC:
A post shared by Steve Kamb (@stevekamb) on Sep 9, 2015 at 5:29am PDT
“Steve this is great. But I’m still cautious and Matt Damon is cool and all, but give me more stories I can learn from regarding 20 seconds of courage!”
Fine! Here are my favorite examples of 20 seconds of courage: 
Super Mario Bros: Star Power makes Mario invincible for a short amount of time. He’s normal before and after, but in those few seconds he can cover some serious ground and wipe out a LOT of Koopas.
Transformers: Some transformers had the ability to transform from a robot into an animal form, just for a time. This was referred to as “Beast Mode!”
Ancient Viking lore: Berserkers were Norse warriors who worked themselves into a rage before battle, and fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury.
Lord Urthstripe in the Redwall Series: A badger lord who goes into “bloodwrath” mode to vanquish his foes.
Will Ferrell in Old School:  He puts together less than 20 seconds of pure genius in his debate with James Carville. Sure, afterwards he has no recollection of his answer (and before he was probably freaking out), but this 20 seconds saved his fraternity:
The 20 seconds Of Courage Challenge!
Today, I’m issuing a 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge. 
You have 7 Days. Not to watch a VHS tape, but to use 20 Seconds of Courage to do something you’re scared of.
Everybody is fighting their own demons and chasing their own dragons (not a euphemism), 
Going to that part of the gym that you’re afraid of.
Signing up for a new class.
Taking more initiative at work.
Doing a new workout/exercise
Talking to a complete stranger.
Saying yes to something you’d normally say no to.
Eating a new vegetable that you’d normally avoid.
Leading an army of Transformers against the Decepticons.
Change can happen in an instant, and your life’s path can change as a result of any single decision you make. And I think this quote paints that picture better than most:
“Easy choice, hard life. Hard choice, easy life.”
Fortune favors the bold, and doing shit that scares us is often the only way to actually get what we want out of life.
So here’s how to not let that fear keep you prisoner: 20 Seconds of Courage!
Here’s how to participate:
Pick something you want to do but have been too scared to attempt.
Freak the F out before you do the thing.
Muster up 20 seconds of courage and take that one action.
Pee your pants after (optional).
Leave a comment below on how it goes and what you learned.
Here’s the bribe: I’ll pick two people who share their 20 Seconds of Courage story before 11:59PM EST on July 26th, 2018, and I’ll send them a free Nerd Fitness shirt and a copy of Level Up Your Life!
Just 20 seconds!
PS: This week’s Rebel Hero is Mike, who took his daughter and niece on an epic hike in his Nerd Fitness gear:
Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send a photo of you doing something epic in your NF Gear to [email protected] so we can feature you in future posts!
photos: berserker, watch, fire poi, beast mode, 
How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life. published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes