#anyway i hyperfocused on this for like 3 hours
smolalienbee · 2 years
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KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant gives a smile only you can see.
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I almost forgot how much fun having a hyperfixation is!! My obsession with Ghosts has been thorough restored, as well as my interest with general English history, and honestly it feels like I am in love with this show. Best feeling ever!
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eldritchred · 3 months
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artfight attack on magical girl siffrin by @parsnip-p :3 puts this in a canon and fires it directly at you. they are SO cute. i love them.. anyway i. like. hyperfocused and forgot time existed for 6-10 hours? unclear?? and then he was on my screen fully formed dw about it
edit oh yes also you can find my artfight account here!!
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Could I mayhaps have some hc!philza headcanons? Could be him in his hardcore, or how his time in hardcorr affects him now maybe? :D
So these will be operating off the theory that qPhil is hcPhil with his memory fucked up by the Federation. I'm gonna aim for "pre island, this is how qPhil was" but we'll see what happens as I actually write these LOL
What if I call these Pre-Dilf Edition in the masterlist SKFJSKFJSKFHF
10/10 would read the hardcore deity set I did recently to go with these :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
He either had a flawless sleep schedule (early to bed early to rise ass mf) or no sleep schedule at all (spending 3+ nights hyperfocused on smth). It made for a very loopy Phil sometimes, which his murder of crows very much enjoyed
This man can fit so much joy and whimsy in him. Everything is awesome, everything is a breathtaking work of art and everything is decades of rich history to uncover. He loves life, he loves the passage of time, he loves teaching the murder about what he finds & restores
That's his main hobby besides being a survivalist, restoration and an informal form of archiving. He sketches the builds, takes notes on the deities, adds his own little touches to each place to make it a little prettier
He could fly for hours. Sometimes he'd fly aimlessly into late into the night, too immersed in sight-seeing and chatting with the murder
He had little altars in Flowerfall, Nether Void & Greater Spawn Islands for OO, BE, and Rose respectively. He'd leave little shiny things, trinkets that made him think of them, offerings like cooked fish or blaze rods or flowers in little offering bowls. Just as a nice, more direct way of giving them thanks for creating something so beautiful and allowing him to restore it to its former glory
He fucking loves swimming and fishing and hanging out at Endlantis, he'd just very aggressively avoid the cave that is EK's tomb. It was extremely haunted, he never got good vibes down there
He sometimes considers making his own remarkable build as a sort of "I was here, I too am a mark upon this history" but looks at his house and is like "mmmmbetter not" (he's an idiot, he could 100% build something cool, just probably not on the scale of the builds the gods have created. He'd probably create it for Goddess of Death, not even himself 💀)
Obligatory gapple addiction mention. It didn't start because of the murder, but he definitely used them as an excuse to further indulge once he started devoting eating one to the crows who'd been in the murder for a year. He never really had a reason to quit, or worry about the addiction, so he never experienced negative effects from it. Gapples aren't exactly harmful, just.. tinged with just enough magic to infect the brain. (He never experienced withdrawal misery on QI bc the Feds wiped his memory so his body had no idea it should be having a bitch fit =) )
Semi-related, he loved the days where he and the murder lacked the motivation and focus to do restoration things so they'd just fuck off in a random direction for ages and go on loot sprees. Nothing more exciting than hunting for more god apples :D
He started out liking fishing. The murder got too obsessed and it became the bane of his existence. But he loves the murder, so he does it anyway. Besides, he wouldn't trade chill talks with them for the world. :')
Btw he doesn't know this but it was equal parts the Ender King & the Feds ripping rifts between the universes that got him caught and taken to QI. EK didn't plan for that to happen, he just wanted to escape to a new reality to find a vessel to come back to power. Which is why once Phil was on the island, EK went "Fuck it, I'll use that asshole since he's not only compatible, but from the same plane of existence"
Mobs never scared him much (except Enderman) despite the fact that they were very dangerous and he's a survivalist. He was practically a mob whisperer, it's how he trapped trophy ones, made certain farms and why he was 99% fearless when farming charged creepers. QI has so many mobs he's never seen in his life that his chill instincts are suddenly like AAAWTFWTF
He never felt truly alone despite being the only humanoid. He felt like Rose was always with him, very rarely OO, and the murder ofc. He could understand them and he'd talk to them all day every day. Not only that, he had pets like Pog and Champ and there were quite a few times he'd humanize inanimate objects, which scientifically helps keep you sane in isolation such as survival. He always felt like he had Something to socialize with
That said, he IS still a bit weird socially on the island. Socializing with humans is way different than crows, other animals, gods, and objects.
Btw Ian is God of Chaos (a lesser god like Goddess of Death) and other mods like Birder, D3 & Wolfy are notably larger or perhaps a different species of corvid that hang out among the murder :D
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beesorcery · 7 months
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i really liked the design of this shirt but 1) too many dollars 2) i wasn’t about to stand in that merch line for an hour and 3) it’s not on the website anymore??? idk
anyway i have decided to embark on a fun project in which i recreate this design but instead of the city names it’s the 8 ball from that show, which means it won’t be done until april! so i’m gonna post progress updates as i do them. graphic design is my passion or whatever
here is the current draft updated through 3/4:
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i’m doing it in illustrator because i have access through my school and also it’s easier to move things around as stuff gets added. i don’t know yet if i’ll try to make it into a shirt or maybe a poster or something once it’s done
my main obstacle to making it really similar to the original is these fucking song titles jesus christ. it took me like 5 hours noodling to get the current composition. slump isn’t even one of their longest like if they play get busy in raleigh i’m cooked. i am having fun though so that’s what matters
finding the fonts is also very time consuming but still fun, there are some i straight up can’t find anywhere (and the image isn’t hq enough to be able to tell exactly what they look like anyway) so for some of them i’m just gonna use the best match and then convert to shapes and fuck around until it looks right; i did it with the 3.3 and 3.4 idk if it’s noticeable
i’ll rb this post with more updates!! hopefully posting will also structure the time i work on it so i don’t end up completely missing schoolwork due to hyperfocusing on this
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teenyweenyeenymeeny · 10 months
Stephen Stills and Young Neil Ageredips Headcanons :D
*I talk about accidents in this post
🎼Stephen Stills🎼
• I would not say that he Quite identifies with the word “incontinent” but I would say at Least he has an overactive bladder
• this is not a Humongous issue Most of the time but when he is Really anxious it becomes one </3 especially when Something Big is happening like when Sex Bob-Omb have a show !! aaaaaall day before this he feels like he has to go pee at least once per hour…
• he doesn’t have accidents Very often but he also is always worried that he Will have one when he is already anxious so he likes to be Prepared for just in case !! when he has to do something that makes him Super anxious Like a show he will wear Briefs
• ^ he doesn’t like to call them any other word but briefs… he is too embarrassed to say diaper or pull up or anything
• he also wears them when he regresses !! he doesn’t regress very young but when he is regressed he Is way more anxious in general and also he would be even more humiliated if he Did end up having an accident
• the people close to him know about his little problem to some degree, but not completely !! he does Not like to tell people that he has to think to prepare for accidents but at the very least they know that he has a “nervous bladder”
• Scott used to tease him about it in college but stopped when he saw Stephen Have an accident the first time and realised that it was a more sensitive issue than he originally thought… now Scott Never wants to acknowledge it [he goes silent if Stephen mentions going to the bathroom and he never ever says that He has to pee if Stephen’s in the room. For Example] because he’s embarrassed that he used to tease Stephen about it [although he never actually apologised for it]
• again this is not something that Julie was Especially nice about </3 she would complain about how inconvenient it was to always keep an eye out for bathrooms when they were out
• I do Not think that Julie ever saw Stephen have an accident or knew about what he did to. Prepare for that Possibility and Stephen is Forever relieved that he did not have to hear what she would have had to say about any of that
• in the event that Stephen Does have an accident with people around he would Much rather they pretend to just not see it than fawn over him and comfort him because he is already so Aware that it happened and he doesn’t want any attention drawn to it !!
• can only buy his. briefs in person at whatever convenience store is close to him late at night and even then he dresses in the Least conspicuous clothing because he is so worried someone he knows will see him buying them or even that the people there he Doesn’t know will judge him for it…
• usually he ends up getting too scared to actually pick up the package and buy it and he ends up walking home defeatedly with a pack of gum… [he can’t just leave the store without buying something what if someone thinks he is stealing…] and then he has to order online and triple check for discreet packaging options and pay shipping fee… sigh. and THEN even after confirming that there will be discreet packaging he will make sure either Neil or himself is at the house at all times when the package could be delivered so they can take it in immediately because what if the website lied and it’s not discreet !!! or what if the package gets stolen and the thief Knows what Stephen bought…
• anyway…… Stephen would be too embarrassed to wear any fun patterns and he would only buy plain black briefs for himself Unless white was his only colour option…
👾Young Neil👾
• here I mention that Neil hyperfocuses on things like video games when he is little and doesn’t take any breaks unless Stephen reminds him !!
• he has accidents because of this sometimes !! sometimes he can feel he has to pee but keeps putting it off because he doesn’t want to stop playing his games but sometimes he is so focused he doesn’t even notice until it is Happening…
• either way it is always a little Surprising to him when he has an accident but also not too upsetting !! he just goes oh…! uh oh… quietly and then he goes and finds Stephen to help him clean up :)
• Neil wouldn’t be Too upset about having an accident even if other people were around either !! he would just go really quiet and get really flustered about it…
• if Stephen is around Neil will go find him just like when they are home alone together but if he is Not then Neil doesn’t really know. what to do… he will kind of just short circuit and stand there and stare around with wide eyes… eventually he might think to call Stephen but once or twice Stephen has gotten home to find Neil just standing in the middle of a room with wet pants </3
• Neil doesn’t have That many accidents but he Has had enough for Stephen to [nicely + non judgementally] suggest he. do something about it. Neil didn’t understand at first what he meant but Stephen was too embarrassed to Say it so he just went to his room and brought back some of his Own. briefs. and said could you maybe… try these on
• Neil was very surprised that Stephen already had some on hand !! he went um…. did you buy those for me ?? and Stephen had to go ………..no
• ^ Stephen was more embarrassed during this conversation than Neil was…</3
• Neil did agree to try it though !!! + it helped a lot especially when Stephen got some that were actually. Neil size
• Neil usually calls them pull ups !! and he is okay with the plain boring white or black ones but Much prefers fun silly patterns !!! he is a big fan of “boys’” goodnites he thinks those patterns are Awesome… hehe
• funnily enough Stephen doesn’t feel too anxious getting pull ups for Neil in person… it’s different somehow I guess </3 he doesn’t get as embarrassed talking about them or accidents in general when it is in reference to Neil instead of himself either !!
• Neil Usually only wears his pull ups when he’s at home and regressed but sometimes he will wear them Elsewhere like to exams !! he doesn’t like to change if he uses it outside of his house though :(
• when he is IN his house he can change all by himself !! he doesn’t even freeze up if Stephen isn’t home like he does if he has an accident in his pants !! he still always tells Stephen when he has accidents though… he kind of likes it when Stephen reassures him it’s Okay… ough
• sometimes after Bad nights Neil will have nighttime accidents… he is more likely to get upset about These than daytime accidents but Stephen just makes Extra sure to tell him that it’s Okay and just an accident and not his fault… there’s a plastic sheet on Stephen’s bed Anyway so it’s not a big deal 🤍
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mayari-bird · 25 days
More random thoughts ahhh but I find it really odd that people don't talk about how dangerous hyperfocusing could actually be like seriously. Most people joke that it's a superpower or something or if they're focused on a task with like a video game or something for maybe 2 hours straight then they're hyperfocusing, while my hyperfocus makes me ignore all my bodily needs for several hours at a time and could last for 12 hours straight uninterrupted which literally sent me to the hospital maybe 3-4 times with one of those eventually leading to another event that almost killed me just a little over two years ago. My hyperfocus had also physically disabled me maybe for the rest of my life. Like it has its benefits, of course, but I don't see a lot of discussion on the possible negatives of it or at least not as often anyway. I don't know, I've just been looking at different stickers and merch for inspo ideas and seeing some about adhd and how quirky it is made me think of lots of thoughts
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eshtaresht · 10 months
oh oh oh!!! 17 18 27 and 29!!
oh why thank you kindly!!!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
already answered here (don't mind me failing to copy the question)
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Vash. that bastard. he likes to go boneless like a cat that you're trying to pick up and his mind is HAUNTED and therefore LOUD. he's either dodging confrontation like bullets or being painfully sincere and I gotta "would he fucking say that???“ at every other paragraph. anyways fave character ever would recommend
27. What do you listen to while writing?
honestly, depends. I prefer music without words or in languages I don't understand, otherwise I get distracted (except for when I'm inspired by a specific song, then it's on the loop bby), I gravitate towards youtube paylists that range from "silly tunes for silly goobers" to "you're dying from thirst trapped in a liminal space ambiance". so, I'd say, it depends on the mood? and if I'm hyperfocused I just forget to turn on anything and sit in silence for hours
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Ohh that's a tough one... I'm actually proud of lots of things I've written this year but if it's just one... this passage from Fenrir. makes me go feral just like wolfwood
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Today autism and low blood sugar ganged up on me in the cruelest way. I had only had one single meal today because autism means I don’t recognize hunger till the effects of it hit me half the time (I’m like always sorta starving when high anxiety or sick but I played Stardew all day because my brain said Hyperfocus Now idk so that chilled me out) but so I got tired after not having eaten for about 7 hours (wonder why) and so I got up and got a glass of orange juice cause I knew I needed SOMETHING and drank it and laid down but as soon as I laid down I started having an earthquake in my stomach and violently gagging and getting a runny nose so then I had to sit up and blindly shove a slice of pumpkin bread in my mouth and now I’m fine and no more gagging.
Why is my body like this??? I don’t even know how I hyperfocused on Stardew for like idk 10 hours today, but I did and only ate one meal. I was hydrated but that’s IT. And the violent gagging and tummy earthquake upon laying down got me fucked up like that was so unnecessary???? Get it together! Stop gagging!!! I nearly choked to death and couldn’t get up the energy to sit up till like five minutes after I ate the bread!!! Wtf!!!
Anyways. Glad my body is back to it’s True Normal where I don’t have an infection for 3 months straight and instead I can focus on the real matters of life. Which are apparently Stardew Valley. I’m in recovery 😌
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enchantedaloefics · 1 year
Hobie x Spider-Person Reader (Chapter One)
Hey, this is Aloe! This is like, my second time posting a fic online ever and I'm a little nervous, but I'm having fun writing this. Also I'm super hyperfocused on Hobie :')
Some notes on the fic: Reader insert is mostly referred to with gender neutral terms, but I might slip up and use feminine ones occasionally. Also the MC has chronic pain and migraines because I'm projecting, and is autistic because, again, projecting. Anyways, I hope you enjoy, love you!!
(Also Hobie takes a little bit to show up, like, end of next chapter/start of chapter 3, I'm so sorry :'))
~~Chapter One~~
You pulled your mask down, making sure it was secure over your face before stepping through the portal, your mind foggy and body aching, though you knew your wounds wouldn’t take too long to close- one of the many perks of being a spider-person. And not the only one, as you’ve just learned. 
Spider-Woman–or Jess as she introduced herself– tried to explain the basics, but her words flew right over your head. You were still reeling. The multiverse was real! All those theories you learned about in high school were true! But not only that- you weren’t alone anymore. There were others just like you.
The noise immediately hit you like a truck, sharp pain quickly blooming above your right eye, but you’ve learned to push through that pain. You adjusted and looked around, and saw hundreds- no, thousands of other spider-people, in and out of masks, drinking coffee and chatting, working on holo-screened computers, eating in food courts, all in an impossibly large multi-floored building. Your impulse to explore was beyond strong, but your attention was caught before you could wander off.
“Here, put this on,” Jess said, handing you some sort of… watch looking contraption. “Your molecules won’t like being outside of your home dimension, this keeps them in check. Plus it’ll let you open those portals we used back there.”
You nodded slightly, mumbling a quiet “thanks” under your breath as you slid it on, the colors not quite matching with your suit. You didn’t like the idea of letting your molecules get out of whack- you dealt with enough pain already, so you didn’t put up any fuss.
“Um, is there like… housing?” you asked, glancing over your shoulder, hoping to see your universe one last time, but the portal was long gone. You figured it would be a long, long time before you went back.
“Not here, this is more of a central hub. Almost like an office building, if that makes sense,” she turned and smiled at you, her yellow goggles enhancing the happy glisten in her eyes. “But some of the folks here would be happy to open up their homes for you if they knew your situation. You’re, what, nineteen? Pavitr!” She yelled to someone else before turning back to you. “I gotta run, but you two are about the same age, you might get along.” 
And with that, she thwipped away, and a boy you guessed was a year or so younger than you ran up after her.
“Yes, Ma’am- oh, she’s already gone. Well, you look new!” he said, a grin evident in his voice, even if you couldn’t see his face. “I’m Pavitr, you can call me Pav.” He stuck out his hand for a handshake, which you quickly returned.
“I’m Sp-” you cut yourself off. Everyone was Spider-Man here, you were supposed to trust these people with your real name. You cleared your throat before trying again. “Y/N. Nice to meet you, Pav.”
“So, how long have you been, y’know?” he mimed shooting webs, making quiet thwip noises as he did so, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Since I was sixteen, so about three years,” you said, glancing over his shoulder. The group he was talking to were making their way over, and you felt your anxiety spike. You were having to meet so many new people, and reverting into your hero persona wasn’t working, your mind too foggy from what happened less than an hour earlier.
“Nice, nice,” Pav started, interrupting himself with a “Gwen! You have got to meet this dude!” and before you knew it, you felt his arm over your shoulder. You tensed up slightly, something both he and this ‘Gwen’ seemed to notice.
“Woah, hey, you alright?” the girl asked, and Pav quickly moved his hand. You nodded, though you knew it wasn’t convincing. 
“‘M fine, I just have a migraine. And, um, I’m sort of…” You tried to find words, but tears bubbled from your eyes, and you were beyond thankful they were covered, though you couldn’t hide the wobble in your voice. “Overwhelmed. This is all too much. Too many people.”
Pav and Gwen shared a look, and Gwen quickly pulled out her phone, typed for a moment, and nodded. You dug your palms into your eyes, both in an attempt to block the tears, and to ease your headache, but it did neither.
Within a few moments you felt a gentle tap to your shoulder as Gwen tried to get your attention.
“Hey, my friend has a great place, he said you can swing by and chill there. We’ll come with, and I can show you how to get there, okay?” Her voice was somewhat soft, and you could tell she was genuinely trying to help. You nodded, and she held out her arm, her wrist tilted so you could see. She typed in a number-138- and a moment later a spotty, hard to look at portal appeared. 
Pav was the first to step through, then Gwen. They looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to join them. This inter-dimensional travel was still very new to you, but you knew you’d have to get used to it. You took a deep breath and stepped through, the sound quickly dying our, replaced by quiet radio.
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nirvanawrites111 · 1 year
Stripper AU update!!
Okayyyy!!! So something MAGICAL happened to me last night. I was sitting in my living room working on my book (I'm in the pursuit of following my dreams and becoming a full-time author). I was struggling with writer's block and I decided to re-edit my first chapter. Then Slidin' by Kai came on and all I could see was him dancing in my head. So, I rewrote the first chapter to my stripper AU. I found an 1 hour loop and told myself I'm going to loop this. If I could hold myself accountable to just write whi
le it's looping then I'm good. Baby... my creative juices were flowing! I do need to make a slowed & reverb 1 hour slowed Slidin track because those versions just hit different!!!! So, Y/N is a male revue club owner (I also need a really cool name because I think I came up with Rock Hard Revue.. I need something that reflects a mixture of feminine and masculine energy. Even though it's all men.) and Y/n's main attractions are Taemin, Ten, and it used to be Kai. Y/n also has some type of relationship with each other them.
Y/N and Kai are divorced. Now, Taemin is the headliner. All of them using their own solo songs but they aren't idols. They are dancers who sometimes perform their own songs. I'm thinking about how I want to frame Y/n's relationship with all of them. I'm not sure how long I want it to be. Maybe a 4-part series? I don't want it to drag it too long.
One of my favorite Hwa author gave me a fantastic tip for when you have ADHD. Don't release it until it's all done. I have so many undone projects from yearsssssss ago. Months ago related to K-pop. I have a 4000 word sub!yuygeom that just need a bit more smut and it'll be done.
When I used to write for another fandom and I didn't know I had ADHD. So, I would work on 3 fanfics at a time. Start one and then start other. Delete it and then be hyperfocused and create something new. I hate that cycle. So, I will wait until it's all done before I post. I'm tempted to share what I have so far, but I want to write the whole thing first.
That way I don't disappoint you or me. We both deserve better tbh. But, I'm going to challenge myself to loop a song for 1 hour and write just within that hour. I had so much fun writing my Taemin x Reader x Jimin story. It's just something about having Y/n in a position of power that just empowers me. I've been wanting to write a reverse harem fem!dom story because I rarely see them. I think I've only seen it with 3racha.. I think?
But, anyways Taemin, Kai, Taemin are my 3 baes like fr! I might slide Baekhyun in it as a side character. But, not in the harem. I MAY OR MAY NOT add Jimin as a part of the harem. I don't know yet. I love me some sub!Jimin content TBH and alot of people see him as a dom!. Which is fine, but my perception is he makes a better sub!character.
Right now he serves a different purpose in the first chapter. But, I'll see how it goes. But, yeah that's just me updating because I love to share and use my throat chakra more when I'm excited about something.
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stregoniconiconii · 2 years
Something that I feel like I haven't seen a ton in fics is that little bit of awkwardness that I think would be there the first couple of days after Starcourt. Most of the time in fics set after season three they immediately click but I kind of just like the idea of them maybe sleeping in the same bed that first night and then being like "We're still friends right?" the next morning and not really knowing how to talk to each other despite having some really vulnerable moments 24 hours prior. And then obviously going from there and becoming the clingy weird friends that they are.
i feel this a lot. me hyperfocusing on those three months in between the main storyline and the epilogue in season 3. i just know there was a mild belated freak out over coming out to steve fucking harrington and robin going holy shit. holy shit. i did that. what. tbh i just thought of this but i wouldn’t be surprised if both steve and robin had like some mild memory loss considering the fact steve definitely got a concussion and they both got drugged with “truth serum” which from i’ve read on wikipedia usually leaves the drugged with some memory loss. imagine if they don’t even remember that crazy night how disorienting but that could be a fic idea. you know like those drunken confession fics where you’re not sure if the other person remembers the confession or they forgot that they confessed and then it’s like Unsaid. miscommunication my beloved. i think stobin could do it with robin not being sure if steve remembers her coming out to him bc steve is just not mentioning it and he like thinks he’s being polite by waiting for robin to bring it up first. i think that could be fun. anyway sorry tangent lol i’m a big fan of stobin clicking immediately in some ways but also having to Learn About Each Other and fucking it up a bit but always trying <3
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midxnights · 2 years
hey so like … it’s almost 10pm and i’m sorry for my serious absence all day. but i was a little busy when i first woke up and then … spent like several hours hyperfocusing on reading a 13 chapter fanfic - anyways i think i need to maybe take a small walk outside or something because my eyes are feeling funky from staring at that screen for so long. and then i really need to grab a shower and then i should be on here and be on for the remainder of the night. so i’ll talk to you all (well whoever’s still awake) then and i am sending much love <3
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bluejaybytes · 2 years
Top 5 viddy games
Wait I can change text colours on anon??? NO FUCKING WAAAAAAYYY
ANYWAYS top 5 viddy games :3
1. Horizon Forbidden West <3 I am so autistic for this game its not even funny. The insane incoherent essays I've written in DMs. Its genuinely my favorite game of all time. Elisabet Sobeck is my wife
2. Hollow Knight! My top recommendation for literally anyone ever. The best soundtrack I've ever heard for a video game. I'm not joking when I say Sealed Vessel is the most emotionally impactful piece of music I've heard in my life
3. Subnautica. I love stories about people you know didn't make it, but getting invested anyways. Bart Torgal Character Of All Time.
4. Stardew Valley. I've loved farming games for a LONG time, and its the peak of its genre even still. I actually wrote and submitted an essay on Stardew Valley recently, got an A on it even
5. Splatoon 3. Frankly there's probably a bunch of games I could put here but I'm really hyperfocused on Splatoon right now so that's what comes to mind. I'm S+ rank and have 400 hours in it, and I'm a Dapple Dualies Nouveau main. I love those squids
Honorable mentions are Horizon Zero Dawn (Honestly the majority of people would say Zero Dawn is better than Forbidden West, and I definitely agree somewhat, I'm just insane and autistic for Forbidden West specifically), Subnautica: Below Zero (it definitely falls in a few places and doesn't fully live up to Subnautica's standards, but I genuinely loved it anyways), Breath of the Wild (yeah everyone's heard how great it is, its fantastic and all that. I like killing Lynels), and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (second best soundtrack ever. Genuinely fantastic story. Time Gears is the 2nd best piece of music Pokemons ever made, only being beat out JUST SLIGHTLY by Vs. Turo/Sada)
Moral of the story is I love viddy game
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after being rather neglectful of my plants, I decided to move almost all of them into our living room, where I am much more likely to see them languishing and remember to water them.
also I bought 3 new watering cans (plus the two I already have), so that I don't have a barrier by needing to fill up the watering can 5 times (somehow this feels like an insurmountable barrier). I can just use all of them at once and refill when I'm done, after I've already Started The Task. plus it's better for the plants to have tap water sit out for a few days anyway.
I then went through all of my plants to find their botanical names. I'm not really sure why, but I wanted to have a list. the whole time I felt vaguely as if I had done this before, and it turned out I had. I was writing them on paper and remembered suddenly that I had a spreadsheet with all of this information. it turned out okay though, because I ended up correcting some mistakes I made the first time around.
I hyperfocused on all of this today for 6 hours and did not drink, eat, or pee. also my chronic pain has already been garbage and now I feel so so so bad.
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turtle-to-eternity · 4 months
Day 206 - Storm of Sloth
Calories: 2010
I got really tired and slept through part of the day again. I really need to stop doing that and I don't know why I am in the first place. But also I ate a bunch today and I declare that I shall not eat more than 1500 calories on any day until the start of Pride Month next year. That's all there is to it.
Writing for today:
Today was just Dominions 6. Lazily fiddling around with it, impatiently looking at the workshop page for the map I like, and then ultimately editing the map myself to make the changes I believe are necessary.
Now I actually have a game started, so that's fun. Hopefully the game turns out as interesting as it looks like it will be. I think I'm also going to take another crack at Cyberpunk 2077 on the side. XCOM 2 is still waiting, as well.
I tend to get hyperfocused on Dominions 6 to the detriment of everything else, but hopefully I'll avoid burnout this time. In any case, that workshop map will no doubt get updated in the next couple of days anyway and I'll probably restart because of that.
Today I got up late, and still needed more sleep. I just don't get it, why do I always have another 3+ hours of sleep in the tank at any given time? It's like i'm forever playing catch-up. I hate it. Overall, today felt mediocre.
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