#anyway i hope today/tonight is very kind to you!! <3333< /div>
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violetsareblue-selfships · 14 days ago
good morning!!! happy valentine's day 🩷💘💝💜💙
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abouttoplaymy-ace · 3 years ago
DID YOU LIKE MY COUNTDOWN!? That was fun! I had fun. That was actually more fun than I thought it would be! There were too many good posts to name. It was very fun reading all your comments and theories.  Though side note: animal anon has no problem with people joining her BUT it must be animals and it must not mess with my countdown. No statues! Animal anon does animals, not statues. Side side note: can someone settle the debate of if that emoji is a hedgehog or a porcupine? Because I have no idea. Side note side note side note: sorry if you got multiple asks in a day...my system isn't perfected yet so sometimes I send two (or three) because I forgot I sent one and didn't want to accidently miss anyone (also sorry if i did miss you, still perfecting the system, no one has been animal anon blacklisted, i promise!)
Anyway, GUESS WHAT TODAY IS!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 It's been one year since I started animal anon! How exciting is that?! Phew, what a year we've had together! I mean what better way to start this second year than some chaos since that's how animal anon started to begin with! I will admit, it was slightly stressful coming up with something to meet the occasion of this event. I hope the countdown and this post live up to it. No, I'm not going to reveal myself just yet.. maybe that will be for year 2...😏😏. BUT I will give you some fun facts about me! So let's see; first, I'm from the Midwest (so not Canadian, but close so I do have a slight accent), but I currently live in the TriState area. Second, I am a MASSIVE theater nerd. No, seriously I have been to 21 shows since Broadway reopened in September and I'm actually going to my 22nd tonight. I don't know if this makes that fact better or worse, but I've really only been to about 12 different show because out of those 22, 10 of those are one specific show. Third, I am fluent in German and English. Though, I suck at writing in German, I never learned how to, so don't ask me to do that please. Fourth, my favorite color is red, so you can guess my favorite Taylor album (and coincidently also the show I've been to see 10 times on Broadway...). Fifth, I love to talk A LOT if you couldn't tell by the essays I send yall. And lastly, I can also confirm I am not Taylor...but I will say that I do share something very important with her... tell me your guesses down below as to what very important thing you think Taylor and I have in common, and I'll send some extra animals to whomever I see gets it right first!
So contuining on with my dissertation here, this week I have been trying to figure out a prompt to live up to this occasion. As I already mentioned, my system isn't perfect! And I've been thinking a lot about community lately and how that's been lacking for so many because of Covid. So what I want yall to do is if you get this dissertation of mine, please send a message, post, anon, whatever you want to at least 1 other blog (though you can do more), telling them something you like about them and giving them an animal emoji! That way we can keep spreading the love all day long to as many as possible! 🥰
As always, you are all brilliant, kind, worthy, beautiful and as this past week has shown, hilarious and unique human beings. No seriously, some of your posts had me kneeling over in laughter. If you would so like, you can tag #animalanon so I and everyone can read all your lovely posts! IM STARTING EARLY TODAY SO WE CAN PARTY ALL DAY LONG BECAUSE I LOVE YALL SO MUCH 🎊 🦥🦁🐯
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Omg happy anniversary animal anon!!! 🎉 We all love you so much <3333 The chaos was 10/10 thank you for the entertainment you’re an icon!!
It’s so nice to hear more about you!! I am also from the Midwest not too far from Canada! Maybe I know you 👀 I ALSO love theatre but wouldn’t consider myself an expert by any means but you sound like you’re living the dream 🤩 and I also also love Red! I go back and forth on if it’s my favorite or rep (tho Red TV I think pushed it to #1 ❤️) So we have a lot in common!!
I’m going to guess what you have in common with Taylor issss… you have 3 cats?? 🐱
I love your idea for spreading the love! Bringing the light to the fandom, as always! I hope you have a wonderful anniversary!!! 🐳🦚🐇🦒🐘🐬🦉🦄🐝🦕🐙
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zicosmullet · 7 years ago
Bathing with Zico
- Part 7/7 of my Bathing with Block B Imagines.
- Warnings: Some NSFW stuff
- Notes: FINALLY finished this SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG. It’s difficult for me to write for my own bias asdfghjkl,,,,So I apologize in advance for this one!! I just got a bout of inspiration tonight after Zico’s US tour dates were announced. Oof,,,I hope I can see him perform live. <3333
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We all know how hard Zico works and just how much he pushes his body to extremes when working, sometimes without even realizing it.
So a bath is EXACTLY what he needs.
But of course, he believes he DOESN’T need one.
When he’s seriously working on something, you know it's best to give him space. But you can’t help worrying about him and his health at the same time. So you mostly just check on him occasionally, sometimes bringing him food and drinks. Sometimes he’s grateful for them, and other times he’s completely absorbed in his work and says nothing.
When he gets REALLY fed up with something while working, he freaks out to himself for awhile before finally coming to you to complain about it. You can’t always give exact advice since you’re no expert on the music industry, but you’re always there to listen and help him calm down, offering whatever advice you can.
Even if he's ranting, you feel grateful for this time, because he rarely lets his walls completely down in front of other people so as to maintain his public image. But when he’s with you, he doesn’t have to worry about that. He can be himself and you feel so lucky that you get to experience this side of him.
So one day while he’s complaining to you about being stumped on a piece that he’s working on, you can tell that what he really needs is a break. He’s exhausted and frustrated at himself but doesn’t want to admit it. But you know what he really needs to do is just step back and collect his thoughts for a moment. Inspiration strikes at the most random times and he’s been working so hard lately that he’s probably used up all of his creative energy.
PLUS when was the last time that he properly bathed?? He could probably use a good soak lol.
So with MUCH persuasion, you finally get him into the tub. You can tell he’s annoyed because he doesn’t think he needs or deserves such an extensive break. But he can also tell that you're very adamant about this and he doesn’t want to fight about it for very long. So he gets in the bath you've drawn for him.
And WOW does it feel good like it’s been so long since he'd had a bath, the pleasant surprise really shows on his face.
Most of the time he just takes showers but this bath was much needed.
And you're just standing in the bathroom smiling because you KNEW this would help him, PLUS wow,,,he’s so beautiful,,,,his bare body,,,,and his tattoos,,,,and all this water and steam,,,,
He’s so ethereal,,,,God you're so lucky,,,,
But you don't stand there for too long because you want to give him some peace and quiet so he can relax and recollect his thoughts.
It's almost comical how fast this bath shut him up since he was complaining only minutes earlier. Again, not that you minded, but it was rather that the power of the tub was just so amusing to you.
While lying there with his eyes closed, Zico looks practically exhausted, so you make sure to casually check on him a few times to be sure he doesn't drown in case he happens to doze off, which he does ofc, but who could blame him with his horrendous sleep schedule and tendencies to overwork himself.
It's rlly cute,,,,because he looks so young for some reason like this,,,,with his mouth hanging open ever so slightly. It's TOO soft. Most people might see your man as scary or intimidating, but that's because none of them have ever seen your man when he’s like this.
Life OFC he’s sexy and stuff too, but that's just one side of him.
Anyways you decide to give him some space so he can properly relax. You go off to do your own thing while still discreetly checking up on him from time to time until you FINALLY hear him getting out of the bath.
Part of you wants to go coddle him since he's been having a rough night, but you ultimately decide to wait until he comes to you, leaving you to eagerly wait in the living room. Your heartbeat quickens at the thought of him coming into the living room in a moment and just laying his head in your lap while you pet his hair.
Like GEEZ you've been dating for a pretty long time at this point but you can't help it,,,,you just love him so much.
HOWEVER, you feel your heart practically plummet when you hear him exit the bathroom in the opposite direction, probably to get right back to work. You don't blame him of course, you know how important this is to him, but you can't help wanting to spend time with him too. At least he HOPEFULLY got some kind of inspiration out of this.
In the midst of it all, you end up falling asleep on the couch which COMPLETELY throws off your schedule for the next day. You end up waking up late and have to scramble to get ready for work on time, not to mention how you have an awful kink in your neck from sleeping in a weird position which makes getting ready ten times more annoying. And having your morning schedule thrown off just ALWAYS ends up muddling the rest of your day as well. Work seems to practically drag by and you can't seem to really get anything done right. You want nothing more than to get home and immediately crawl under the covers (in your actual bed this time).
So that's EXACTLY what you plan on doing as soon as you FINALLY make it home.
That is, until a certain someone sneaks up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder just as you were in the process of changing out of your work clothes.
“Oh, hey babe" you manage to say, trailing off a bit. You REALLY hoped your tone didn't make it sound like you were mad at him, because you weren't, you were just exhausted.
Regardless, he tightened his embrace in response.
“Baby…” he started, “I have a confession to make…”
WHICH just has you all “!?!?!?!?!?”
LIKE WHAT he could mean a thousand different things by that!?!?!?!?!?
You want to say something witty back so you don’t fear the worst, but you’re still too drained from work, so you stay silent until he starts to speak again.
“When I was in the tub yesterday...ughh this sounds so cheesy but...I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I know I can be difficult to put up with sometimes, but you always do. And you always know what's right for me, despite how stubborn I can be.” unexpectedly, he gives a slight laugh “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I really am pretty in love you.”
And hearing that makes your heart skip a beat. Because you never doubted his love before or anything, but hearing it out loud really makes all the difference. Your smile stretches so wide as you twist in his arms so you can connect your lips with his, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.
When you separate, his expression looks a little concerned and you realize that you’ve actually started crying a bit. All your built up stress from the day was finally releasing itself. But you can’t help but chuckle a bit at how panicky Zico looks as he reaches to cup your face and brush away some of your tears. He really does care for you deeply.
He probably says something like “Hey, hey” in a hushed tone to make sure that you’re actually okay and not mad at him or something.
So you kinda decide to change the subject a bit by saying “Well, I hope you were at least able gain some inspiration after that bath.”
And his expression gets a little cocky as he says “I told you I couldn’t stop thinking about you, didn’t I?”
“Babe, you know you're my inspiration.”
And you kinda slap his chest then cover your face a bit with your hands like “Jiho PLEASE you’re TOO MUCH.” And he just smirks because it's true and he knows you know it too despite how flustered you’re acting.
Zico breaks the silence again when he says “Anyways, I wanted to return the favor so I went ahead and drew a bath for you too. And it's a good thing I did, because you look like you need the extra relaxation today.”
“You’re right, a bath does sound tempting.”
“Would it sound more tempting if I told you I would join you?”
And you’re like “Asdfghjkl stOP BEING SO GREASY but also,,,,yes,,,,”
And yeah, it's pretty great.
You’re the kind of couple the can spend comfortable silences together so relaxing together like this isn’t really awkward at all for you.
He gives you some space to relax for awhile but after a bit he gets eager to pamper you since he’s in the mood to make you feel loved. He wants to make sure you know just how important you are to him since he feels like he doesn’t always get the opportunity to tell you enough.
At some point, he coaxes you into his lap and insists on washing your hair for you, probably leaning down to whisper into your ear a few times.
Ends up kissing it and your jawline a bit too.
Even after he finishes washing your hair you don’t move from his lap.
One, because you don’t want to, and two, because he probably wouldn’t let you move even if you wanted to.
But just sitting there starts to become more and more unbearable as he whispers more and more to you.
And his whisperings get increasingly more romantic and,,,,dirty.
“You’re everything to me.”
“It must be fate that we even met.”
“Don’t you know how breathtaking you are?”
“God you’re just so gorgeous.”
“The things I want to do to you…”
His voice is just so raspy and obviously heavy with desire and it just does things to you.
And suddenly you’re kissing a lot. A WHOLE lot. And everything is desperate and slippery and pretty ungraceful, but you love how wild he drives you.
And you drive him equally as wild because he gets a little rough and he can’t help it.
He’s always been into your legs and thighs, but in the tub he has to grip them a little tighter and it’s kinda thrilling tbh.
And at this point you’re in a MUCH better mood than earlier, so when there's a pause you find yourself saying between pants “If I’d known you’d needed inspiration this bad, I would have helped you out last night too.”
His response is a cross between a slight, breathy laugh, and a huff, before he tightens his grip and pulls you closer.
As much as he enjoys using dirty talk on you, it's super effective when you use it on him as well.
So yes, you do fuck the first time you two bathe together.
You probably shower together more frequently than bathe together because you don’t always have enough time to dedicate to bathing together. This is mostly because when you do, you both like to spend A LOT of time in the tub.
And he quite frequently initiates sex in the tub or at least heated makeouts so that often prolongs the baths.
Because Zico actually has A LOT of stamina,,,
So you’ll be in there for awhile,,,
LOVES to have you in his lap, riding him, either facing him or with your back to him is fine.
Has more of a preference for you facing him though so he can kiss all over your chest. And so you can get your hands tangled in his hair.
Zico literally always has to be grabbing your thighs/legs/ass though, so having you face him is also optimal for this. I mean, he gets a better look at your ass if your back is to him, but he likes holding it better when you face him.
ALSO finds it thrilling to watch your facial expressions through it all, but has a habit of letting his eyes close during pleasure so eye contact isn’t a must or anything.
But looking at each other makes conversation easier and sometimes he can get pretty playful and tease you because he knows it gets you off.
One time you made a comment about trying to get him to stop sloshing so much water out of the tub, which just ended up leading to some sexual teasing and somehow even more water than ever being sloshed out of the tub.
So yeah, he really enjoys sex in the tub. Sometimes when working, he gets pretty isolated and touched starved so when you're just there in front of him like that, it's difficult for him to hold back.
But with that said, there are tame baths too.
Sometimes he’ll be too exhausted to really do anything so you’ll end up pampering him a bit instead.
Again, he likes when you’re in his lap or sitting between his legs because that's the optimal way for him to be close to you in the bath. His legs are long so other positions can be a bit cumbersome. But when he’s really exhausted, he likes to try to fit between your legs and use your chest as a pillow while you play with his hair and poke at his squishy face.
You two don’t usually get out of the bath right at the same exact time, but it's usually only a few minutes apart because once one person gets out it starts to feel a bit lonely.
He also probably has like really soft expensive Gucci towels or something for when you get out of the bath lmaoooo.
So yeah, you’d both be really into bathing with each other when given the opportunity.
Baths with Jiho would be so good y’all. :’)
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tcm--holland · 8 years ago
threat // peter parker
request from @fragilefrances: Reader keeps getting threats and she keeps it to herself and when she disappears, Peter finds the threats and tries to find her before its too late
word count: 3.3k
a/n: hey guys! this my first time writing a request, so i hope you guys enjoy! i realize i didn’t do exactly what the request said, but i hope it’s still ok (sorry!!). unedited! this will get a part 2 soon! and starting next monday, i begin high school! it should be okay for the first few weeks, but i might get a lil busy so i hope y'all understand! i’ll still write as much as possible <3 and hope you guys enjoy this! warning for threatening and kidnapping themes. <3333
“So I thought about telling her that, y’know, I was kind of in an awkward situation there. But how are you supposed to do that with all these people around?”
“And then she had this idea, right, and I was like, ‘What are you doing?’ and she was getting this empty bottle and she said she wanted to play Spin the Bottle!”
“Uh huh.”
“She knows that I have strict boundaries with that stuff, and she still…” You trail off into silence for a few seconds. “Okay, Pete, I know you don’t care, but give me something to work with here.” You wait for a response, and then check to see if Peter is still on the other end of the line. “Hello?”
“Wait, what did you say?” You sigh audibly at this. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I was…zoned out.”
“It’s okay.” There’s a short pause.
“So what were you telling me?”
“Uh, it’s nothing important. Speaking of which, I’m getting a little tired. I’d better get going.”
“It’s not even eight, how are you tired already?” He sounds confused.
“I stayed up last night. I’ll see you.”
“Uh, okay then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You hang up the phone call, feeling discomfort poke at you. Peter’s as close to a best friend you’ll ever have. You know him like the back of your hand. But recently he’s been a little weird around you. He’s always off in his own little world, thinking about something else. It was okay the first few times, but now you hardly have conversations with him anymore. You’re just worried if he’s okay sometimes.
Is this just a thing that happens when people grow apart? You gaze out of your tiny window into the not-so-tiny world. The sun is drowning in the horizon, the fiery orange and red tones fading away into pink, and then into periwinkle blue. The city is noisy, but in this transition between day and night, everything looks beautiful.
You think about talking to Peter. But where would you even begin? How do people have supportive conversations? You’re not very good at being helpful in this kind of situation. You move away from your window and flop onto your bed. You dig around your sheets for a minute before finding your phone. You Google ‘Why is my best friend being distant?’ and scroll through a few pages. If anything, this just depresses you more, so you decide to stop.
You’re about to close your phone when it dings with a text. Is it Peter with another half-assed apology? It seems you’ve been spared from that tonight. You scroll through your conversations, but you don’t see any new texts. You frown when you see an old text. Whoops, you forgot to text a classmate back about a quiz. The quiz that happened today. Yikes.
Well, you’re sure it’s okay. You set your phone aside to do homework. But as soon as you lift your pencil, your phone starts ringing. Without looking at who it is, you pick up, voice firm. “Peter, I’m sleeping. Bye.”
You pause, and then look at who’s really calling you. Whoever it was turned off their caller ID. Uh…weird. Is this a prank call? “Um…hello?” You say cautiously.
The silence hangs for what feels like an eternity. Unsettled, you hang up. You have a notification for a text. You open it.
Unknown: There’s a package waiting for you on your doorstep. Get it within fifteen minutes.
You frown. Is this one of your friends trying to play some sick practical joke on you? “Yeah? Or what?” You mutter to yourself, scoffing.
Unknown: [image attached] Or else something might just happen to him.
Your eyes widen when you look at the picture. It’s Peter, sitting in his bedroom. But…he’s, like, attached to the ceiling. He’s hanging upside down and reading a book. No, this must be digitally edited or something. That’s when you see two things. The digital clock, which reads the time right now: 8:37 PM. And a very familiar looking suit on the floor. The Spider-Man suit. You’ve never been more confused.
You feel a tight knot in your chest. How does this person know who Peter is? How do they know you? Who are they? How do they know that you know Peter? They’re not going to hurt him, are they? Why does Peter have that suit? Christ, is he the Spider-Man that you saw in a YouTube video a few days ago?
You look at your clock. Nearly five minutes have passed already. You don’t want to find out what they’ll do to Peter if you don’t comply, so you quickly stand up and fumble to unlock your door. You race downstairs and past a pair of worried looking mothers.
“Honey, is everything -” You cut one of them off as you step out of the apartment. Sure enough, there’s a small box sitting there. You scoop it up and dash back upstairs with it. You swallow, breathing heavily as you grab your phone. Another message pops up.
Unknown: Good girl. Give it to the hooded boy waiting in the alley by your building at 7:50 AM tomorrow. Don’t talk to him.
You try keep yourself together and think. Do you dare send a message?
You: who are you and how do you know me?
You: how do you know him?
No response. You didn’t really expect one, anyway.
You: you can do anything you want with me. just don’t touch him. please.
You don’t expect a response to that, either, but then, a message pops up.
Unknown: Follow your instructions without hesitation and he will go unharmed.
You set your phone down as you try to process everything. The first thing you do is cry, sobbing uncontrollably while you clutch a pillow to your chest. What do you even do? You want to call Peter, but you’re scared of what might happen. Whoever this is knows how dear he is to your heart. What do they know and what don’t they know? Is anything even private anymore?
You think about every memory you shared with Peter. That one time you ruined his new jeans by throwing a cupcake at him. Or when you sat on the floor and debated over Star Wars fan theories for a whole day. Or the countless nights you stayed up with him on Skype, talking endlessly. Or just a few months ago, when he kissed you and he thought you didn’t feel that way about him even though you did.
He’s not just the friend that went through thick and thin with you. You love him, goddammit. And now you don’t know what to do because you can’t imagine being in a world without him. You can’t even imagine him ever being hurt. At any other point in your life, the possibility that he might be Spider-Man would freak you out more than anything. But right now, you don’t care about any of it. You’re pretty sure that even Spider-Man can’t dodge a bullet when he least expects it.
You try to make yourself feel better about it all. So what, you move around a few packages and then they leave you alone. And then you can carry on with your life and have everything be okay. No biggie.
Still, a dark feeling disturbs you.
Having completely forgotten about your homework, you lay on your bed to sleep. You’re too frightened to sleep with the lights off, so you leave them on as you drift into an uncomfortable slumber. You toss and turn all night, racked with paranoia and fear. You hardly get any sleep. For the longest time, you stare at the ceiling. You just want Peter to be safe. You just want to protect him. The idea of protecting Spider-Man feels silly, but the picture ‘Unknown’ sent you lingers in your head. He’s still a kid, like you. He still has vulnerabilities.
You jolt when your alarm clock goes off, scaring you. You quickly switch it off. 6:30 AM. If you have to give the package to someone at 7:50, you’re going to be late for school. You guess one day won’t be too bad. You scrape your hair out of your face and put on your jeans and t-shirt from yesterday. The t-shirt says “May the force be with you” but the word “force” is replaced with the formula for force. It was a Christmas present from Peter.
At 7:30, you head outside to wait with the package in hand. It’s chillier than you expected, but you manage to stand there for twenty minutes. Goosebumps lines your exposed arms as you look around for the recipient. You realize that you didn’t even stop to think about what was in the box. You were so busy worrying about Peter that you forgot about it. What if you’re carrying meth or crack cocaine or something? What if you’re helping some illegal activity happen?
Just as you start freaking out over it, a hooded figure enters the alley. You’ve never seen the guy before, but he looks young. He can’t be older than seventeen. He stares at you expectantly. You open your mouth to say something but quickly shut it when you remember that you’re not supposed to say anything. You quickly hand over the box. To your surprise, he starts opening it. You watch, lips parted.
You expect him to take out something suspicious-looking, but instead he reveals a knife wrapped in cloth. He unwinds the cloth, and before you can even scream, the boy pins you to the wall. One gloved hand presses tightly over your mouth as you try and yell out. He presses the knife to your throat and you reflexively tilt your head back to try and create some space between your neck and the knife.
Oh god, this is it. This is the end. You think about how you should’ve been a little nicer to your moms, and how you should’ve apologized to a few people. You should’ve told Peter you loved him. And maybe kissed him again. His image flashes in your head. His warm, dark eyes that crinkle when he smiles at you. His soft lips against yours, hungry for something you’ve both wanted for an eternity. The way his dark brown hair flops onto his forehead and escapes the gel when he’s leaning over to work on a project. The look on his face right before he’s about to make a dumb joke that you’ll laugh at anyway. It’s all too sweet to let go of so quickly, but if it means saving him, you’ll do it without hesitation.
And then, as though the guy was having second thoughts, he steps back. He almost looks apologetic, but it might just be the lighting. Your heart’s still pounding out of fear as you fumble for your phone. What the hell?
Unknown: Wait until further instruction.
You look back up to yell at the boy, but he’s vanished. You glance into the darkening alley, and then out towards the street. Great, you don’t want your life threatened again anyway. You check the time. It’s nearly 8:10, and you’re already missing first period. You race out to go to school.
In second period English, Peter side eyes you the whole time, like he normally does. You normally do the same, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to look at him today. Your phone is on your lap in case you get a text.
Is he really Spider-Man? You tune out the entire class, until the teacher walks up to you. “Y/N, are you alright?” You jolt slightly in surprise when you see her.
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine,” you say quickly, tripping over your words.
“You didn’t seem to hear me for the past five minutes. Where’s your homework?” You’re acutely aware that the whole class is staring at you, including Peter. Your cheeks redden in embarrassment when you realize you didn’t do it last night. What are you supposed to say?
“U-Uh, I left it at, um, home.” Your voice is quiet as you look down, your face burning up. Everyone’s going to think you’re stupid and you don’t take school seriously. They’re going to think that instead of doing my homework last night, you were at Flash’s party getting drunk, and that’s why you’re being weird now. Ha. As if you’d even get invited.
You spend the rest of class being extremely embarrassed as you try and participate more. At the end of class, Peter walks up to you. Dejected, you try and walk past him, but he blocks your path.  You step around him, but he’s too quick. He grabs you by the arms this time, but then lets go when you show obvious discomfort. You walk out of the classroom, Peter right beside you. “What’s up with you?” He asks.
“Nothing,” you murmur, slightly annoyed.
“Oh, so you mean nothing as in totally ignoring me, having bags under your eyes, and not doing your homework for once in a blue moon. You look like you saw a ghost, you’re scared out of your damn mind. So don’t give me this bullshit about nothing being wrong, Y/N.” Is he mad at you? Suddenly, it seems silly to think he was the same person you fell in love with months ago. He seems completely different. The Peter you know wouldn’t get mad at you. His expression softens when he sees yours. “I’m sorry.”
“No, you know what, Parker, what’s wrong with you?”
By now, the halls are nearly clear except for those skipping. “What are you talking about?” Peter asks, confused. He looks kind of upset, because he knows you’re serious when you call him by his last name.
“You know what I’m talking about. You hardly talk to me, and you’re never paying attention when you do. If you don’t fricking like being around me, then tell me and I’ll leave you the hell alone! I thought we were best friends, and I thought that meant you could tell me anything. But whenever I ask, you say it’s nothing and I’ve been trying so hard to believe it. Because I trust you to tell me the truth when you think it’s time. But then the moment I start acting weird too, you just have to push it. Maybe I have my own secrets too. Did you ever think about that too? Maybe I put on a suit and I leap around kicking ass, too.” You spread your arms out, the angry look on your face quickly breaking apart. Peter’s eyes are wide as he stares, in complete shock. You can’t bring yourself to say anything else. You wipe the tears that start spilling from your eyes.
Peter tries to pull you into a hug, but you shove him away as hard as you can. Spider-Man can take a push, can’t he? But he winces anyway, simply watching as you walk away. You check your phone, and your heart pangs in your chest at the message.
Unknown: Don’t speak to him again.
You’ve never felt more alone, but at the same time, you can never truly be alone. You can’t even talk to Peter anymore, isolating you from the one person that matters most to you. But now you’re sure they’re watching you somehow. They’re watching your every footstep, they’re listening to your every word.
You instantly feel bad for yelling at Peter, as you always do whenever you get upset at him. You just can’t control your emotions around him anymore. For some reason, this all makes you want to protect him more.
God, you hate everything. You hate Peter for what he does but love him for who he is, which is a confusing thing all on its own. And he’s Spider-Man. And you’re doing scary ass things under the promise of his safety.
Your fingers brush against your throat. There isn’t a cut there or anything. Huh, maybe the knife just wasn’t that sharp.
Your phone pings with instructions to retrieve a box. For the next few hours, you’re forced to skip school as you obediently follow seemingly random orders. Thankfully, you don’t get any more knives shoved to your throat again. You just move things around, and you don’t even have to deliver things to anyone.
Over the course of the day, you start to calm down a little. It’s only now that you begin to question the person’s motive of threatening you with Peter. Do they want something from you? Or something from Peter? Peter is more likely, with him being Spider-Man and all. But all Spider-Man does is stop robbers and help old ladies out. He just doesn’t seem like a person worth targeting for the reason that he might be a threat to criminals.
You’ve had missed calls from him all day. He must be wondering where you went, but every time you even get the urge to call back, you remember the harsh warning you were given to not talk to him. He sent you tons of texts, too.
Peter: where are you???
Peter: y/n please!! i’m worried about you, just tell me you’re safe and i’ll stop.
Peter: i know you’re mad and you don’t care, but i really care. just tell me if you’re home or something. i won’t come visit you if you don’t want me to. i just need to know if you’re in a safe place. that’s it.
Messages like this continue on until a few scrolls. Finally, they come to a stop and then Ned texts you.
Ned: Hey Y/N Peter looks like he’s going to have a panic attack
Ned: It’s really bad and he won’t listen to me
Ned: Just tell him you’re okay so he’ll stop freaking out
Ned: Dude you realize he’ll put on his suit and try and find you if you don’t respond soon right
You take a deep breath and look away, pained inside. You don’t want to think about Peter getting anxiety over you. At least he’s alive. And when all of this is over, you can tell him everything and he’ll understand. Because he’d do the same for you. That’s just the kind of people you and Peter are. Your thoughts are cut off when you see you got a message from ‘Unknown’.
Unknown: Go back to the alleyway by your apartment and wait.
Unknown: This is the last message you will receive.
Something about this feels weird to you. Wait for what? This is a vague message, which is unusual considered the pattern of very specific messages. Nonetheless, you begin making your way home. Your phone keeps buzzing with messages, probably from Ned. You keep yourself going with only one thought in mind. It’s almost over. Just one more thing to do, and then it’s all over. You just hope Peter will be okay.
You finally get to the alleyway as the sun moves downward. It won’t be sunset for a few hours, unfortunately, but it’s not like you would be able to see it from down here anyway. You’re nervous, and there’s a very odd feeling in your gut. It’s giving you a very clear message. RUN. You ignore it, looking over your shoulder to see if anyone’s coming. No one.
You wait there for a while, realizing how exhausted you are from running around the city all day. You probably have so much homework to catch up on, and you owe an explanation for not showing up to most of your classes. Your phone buzzes again, and you finally look at it.
Mom: Honey, why did your mother and I get an email saying that you didn’t go to any of your classes other than English today?
Mom: You know that you can talk to us about anything. You can tell us the truth.
Shit. You are so screwed when you go home. You quickly start thinking of excuses, because you obviously can’t tell them the truth in this situation. As you worry over this, you don’t notice that someone is behind you.
Suddenly, you feel metal clang against your skull, and you’re gone. You drop the ground instantaneously, unconscious.
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