#anyway hi everyone hope you're all well xoxo
disturbnot · 11 months
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diaconicon · 9 months
Could you write a connor stoll x daughter of Athena reader. Where connor watches the reader and another person do romantic kareoke and he gets jelous because he think the reader likes that person.
⬆️This was an anonymous ask, which I unfortunately lost because I accidently deleted it😭 I'm so sorry to whoever requested this, I hope you still find it in some way!
All my Loving
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connor stoll x daughterofathena! reader
Summary: basically what the request says, made it a bit christmassy because its in less than a week (2 days now), and i miss the spirit
Warnings: none (I think), probs ooc everyone. We're just gonna ignore the fact that the Camp has the barrier that stops it from raining inside okay? I kind of forgot don't hate me love you guys xoxo. English isn't my first language, so there could be some errors
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22nd of December. It was almost Christmas, and Camp Half-Blood was in a fuss between Christmas decorations, some of the campers packing to go back to their families the day after for the Holiday, and the preparations for the 24th and 25th for the other campers who would stay, everyone had something to do and somewhere to be, not leaving a lot of free time to wish everyone goodbye and a Merry Christmas.
Here came the Hermes Cabin, as always, to 'save the day' - as said by its residents. They decided to host a karaoke night on the 22nd as a sort of pre-Christmas celebration, so everyone could also enjoy it with their friends who would go away the next day.
Of course, everyone was invited - although it was still a mystery how the Hermes Cabin was always capable of pulling out all these big parties without getting in trouble - but you were still debating on whether to go or not, not being the most social type, and definitely not very inclined to be singing, but after contemplating for some minutes, you decided to cave in and go. Most of your half-brothers and sisters wouldn't be there, but, after all, Connor did ask you personally to come, saying that 'you would really do him a favour' because 'everyone was just so boring and no fun to be around', and you just couldn't say no to him, you were, besides, quite fond of both him and his brother and it would be rude to just not go.
I mean, you wouldn't have to sing anyways if you didn't want to, right? You could just go, have fun with your friends, have a few drinks, watch other people sing and, most importantly, spend a bit of time with Connor before you went back home to your family for the holiday's.
Well, you were wrong. Almost everything was going perfectly. You arrived at the cabin, said hello to some of your friends, poured yourself a drink, and then, as planned, you went to search for Connor, who you found in a corner next to his brother, who scattered away (not without tripping at least a few times) almost immediately after greeting you with a quick "Oh hello there, how are you? Everything okay? Hope you're enjoying yourself. Oh, just a minute, will you? I think someone's calling me - and then turning to his brother - catch you later, Con."
And that left just you and Connor alone, in an awkward silence. Although you were usually so talkative with him, it really wasn't so hard to open up when he was around. He always let you feel so comfortable without even trying, you guessed it was in his demeanour, the way he walked, the way he acted, you didn't know exactly, but he definitely wasn't much of an awkward person as you were, quite confident of himself, but quieter than his brother, calmer, which made him more likable in your opinion. He was fun to be around, very animated, but when needed, he could also be very sensible and almost a shoulder to cry on. He was just so.. warm, almost like the sun, or an oven! You weren't sure how to put it, but he did really remind you of freshly baked cookies, who were still warm ones out of the oven, but that you had to wait for to cool down before eating, otherwise it would be 'bad' for your stomach (at least according to your dad).
But maybe it was something in the air that night, the music was really loud and you already could barely hear yourself over the others singing, maybe it was Travis' abrupt disappearance, but neither of you said a word, not even a 'hello' or a 'how are you?' After some seconds, what must have felt like minutes, you decided to be the first one to break the silence, then you saw that he too wanted to say something, and opting to let him take the word instead, you leaned in to hear him better. But just then, some of your other friends called you, wanting you to come sing with them and even after making it pretty clear that you had no intention whatsoever of participating, they still dragged you out to the karaoke section, pretty much forcing you to sing at this point. Maybe you were exaggerating - well, you were definitely exaggerating - but at that moment, it felt like being processed to death, tragically waiting for a guillotine to cut your head off.
You didn't know how it happened, but you ended up having to sing a duet with some Apollo boy you didn't even know well, although quite cute in your opinion, you couldn't even seem to recall his name.
Not quite as bad as you thought it would be, the song went by really fast, and you could even say you had fun. After chatting a bit with the Apollo kid, finally remembering his name, and him suggesting to spend more time together once in a while, having enjoyed himself, you bid goodbye and immediately went back to find Connor, still a bit embarrassed by the public scene, which you still wished to have avoided.
Though, not being able to find Connor anywhere, you decided to ask his brother if he had seen him.
"Connor? I think I saw him going outside just a few minutes ago. If you see him, tell him to come inside quickly, will you? It's like freezing out there, and I don't even think he took his coat with him"
You thanked Travis, grabbed Connor's coat, which he left in the cabin (by demand of his older brother), and went outside as well, hoping to catch up with the latter, wherever he went to.
Travis was right. It was indeed freezing, and in the time you spent in the Hermes Cabin, it also had begun to snow. Realising this, your heart couldn't help but to warm up a little. You absolutely loved snow, especially in this time of the year, only adding more to the Christmas spirit already strong around the Camp.
You eventually found Connor after a while near the beach, the sand now mixing with the snow that was falling, secretly thanking the Gods that he didn't go into the forest or it would've been probably impossible to find him.
He was sitting on a random trench, with his back to you, looking out in the distance, to the stars or the sea you didn't know which, still not having noticed your presence behind him.
So, you carefully went up to him, anxious of approaching, like reaching out for a baby deer who would otherwise get scared if you were too loud. Not only that, but you were also anxious about what to say. He looked upset, and you didn't know why. For how much you tried, you just couldn't think of what could've made him so distressed. Was it something you said? Well, you didn't exactly say anything... was that it? Did he expect you to have said something? Had he wanted to tell you something before you were dragged away by your friends? Maybe it was just the change in the weather that affected him so much. It was always pretty warm at Camp anyway. Maybe it was something that had been going on all day, and you just didn't know. You only first saw him this evening, and he already looked pretty off.
Whatever it could've been, you decided to just go and rip the band-aid off. You would've to ask him directly what was wrong, so you could try and help and comfort him.
You were now not even a few steps behind him, but he was still oblivious of you being there (sometimes you asked yourself how he was still alive with how bad his hearing and reflexes were), so you extended your hand towards him, the one with which you were holding his coat, and poked him on his shoulder, finally capturing his attention.
'Here, put it on, your brother is going to kill us both if you don't', you said, referring to the jacket, trying to relieve some of the tension around the air.
He didn't protest and grabbed the jacket, but he still didn't say anything and turned away immediately, his face impassable.
You set next to him, and for a while, just looked at him, not saying anything. Anxiety filled your stomach up to the point you thought you were going to feel sick. He didn't look only upset anymore but actually mad. Angry. And you were so scared it had to do with something you did. In the fraction of time you used to contemplate on what to say and how to start the conversation you were clearly about to have, he beat you to it and started first.
'Well, thanks for the coat. You can go back now if you'd like', he said, irritated, not once looking at your direction but keeping his eyes fixed on a vanishing point which you still couldn't figure out.
'Is something wrong? You know if something happened you can just tell me, I'm here to help you you know. Just.. please, I don't like to see you like this. You know if it's something I did, I'm sorry, I didn't realise. But just tell me, okay? I'm so sorry if I hurt you in any way.' You were desperate at this point, just hoping this would end soon. You'd never seen Connor this upset, and it quite frankly scared you a bit.
But just then, his gaze softened. He just couldn't stay mad at you, not like this, not seeing how much stress this caused you. He wasn't even mad at you. He could never be mad at you, not even if his life depended on it, he thought.
'No, I'm sorry, okay. Really. Just forget about it, I'm overreacting. It's nothing'. Although his voice was sincere, he felt like he needed to say more than that, much more, if he wanted to make it better. 'Look.. it's just that.. well. Just give me a moment, will you? I need to think of how to say this right.' It was now his turn to feel anxious, and he started picking at everything he could find to keep calm. His nails, the wood on the trench you two were sitting on, the zipper of his jacket, and so on.
You weren't doing much better, shaking your legs up and down, picking at the skin of your lips, and basically dying of anxiety. If you were exaggerating before, now you definitely weren't. You would've preferred the guillotine over this at any moment.
'Yes, of course, take all the time that you need. I'm here for you.'
And after that, it fell silent. The only sound you could hear were the waves of the sea and the snow falling on the both of you, and in the distance, a bit of the long forgotten party going on in the Hermes Cabin. You were now only waiting for Connor to start speaking. You wanted to say patiently, but it was eating you up inside.
A few minutes went by, and you couldn't take it anymore. You were about to say something before he beat you to it again.
'Okay, so this isn't going to be easy to say, but I want you to listen to me until I'm done. Please. I know I'm not the best speaker in the world, and I really did want to make this more worthy of you, more meaningful, but I'm probably gonna mess things up, so I'm sorry in advance, but just try and listen, okay?' He began, carefully, and you just nodded, following his instruction and waiting for him to continue.
'Okay so, well, I thought this was honestly kind of obvious already - he said this with a smile - but I really like you, and I mean really, since at least a few years I think already. And seeing you with that Apollo kid, I don't know it just made me mad, I thought I couldn't stand a chance against someone like that, so much more talented and what not than me. And not only him, I mean everyone. You're just so perfect in every sense, and I know you could do so much better than me, so I got a bit self-conscious, but that's it. I'm so sorry for worrying you. It really wasn't my intention to be such a dick, but my emotions got the better of me.'
You were left speechless. You really didn't know what to say. Not even a sound could come out of your mouth at that point. Luckily, it didn't have to because Connor went on before you could even think of anything to say.
'No, wait, don't say anything yet. I'm not finished. I want to say it better. This is definitely not how I imagined this. You know I made up so many speeches in my head, practising on what I would tell you if ever came the right moment. But I forgot all of them now, so I'll just have to figure something out,
'I am every second more infatuated by your presence, by your kindness, your beauty. You leave me without breath every time that I see you, and every time, just a bit more than the day before. Every time I look up at the stars, I'm reminded of you, perplexed on how the Gods didn't take you as the inspiration of such creations. Every time I look up at the moon, I can't think of anything else other than how your beauty surpasses even hers, how the reflection of the moonlight on the water isn't just an allegory of you. Because it's something so beautiful that you just can't take your eyes off it. How honey isn't scraped directly from your voice because it's even more sweet and warm than a cup of tea. You fill me with joy of which I've never experienced before, which I didn't even know was real. I'm at every second more and more confused on how all of nature doesn't revolve around you, on how it wasn't created for you and because of you, for at every thing I look at I am every constant reminded of you. If I ever was to meet Aphrodite, I know she would take your appearance and, although I can't dare say you are more beautiful than her or you know what would happen, I can say that in this world and all the universe you are one of the Gods' most beautiful creations. That if it weren't for Prometheus, I would steal the fire just for you, and you only, to keep you warm from days like this one. To keep you warm like you do constantly to me, by just your mere presence, by just an insignificant conversation you could have with me, which I hold dear forever and never forget. What I'm trying to say is that I don't only like you, no... no. I would hold up the sky full of stars and galaxies for you, I would go up to the moon to retrieve your lost items for you, even just to see your smile, to see you happy, to know that you are content. For you have already stolen my soul and hold my heart, I couldn't sell it to the devil, but I would, just to let him promise me to always keep you safe, that nothing could ever touch or hurt you. For you only I think and plan, for you only I ever want to live on. I love you, I really do, and I only hope for you to love me back at your own pace and time. But I could never force you to do anything. If you don't reciprocate my feelings, let's forget about this. Just go on with our daily lives. A simple no, or just a shake of your head, will silence me forever, I won't ever bother you again, I promise. But if there's even just one chance, a little bit of hope that you could give me a try, please don't let me wait for too long. Because how I am to take even one second longer of this I do not know.'
And with this, he stopped talking. He went completely mute, now only waiting for your answer, for a little hope.
But you didn't know what to say, how could after such a speech, such a confession? Anything you would say, even if meaningful, would never compete to something such beautiful and utterly captivating as this.
So you opted for saying exactly that.
'Connor.. I.. I'm really speechless, I don't know what to say, no, everything I would say could never compete with what you just did. I'm so sorry, but I really don't know how to own up to that.' You said with the biggest smile you ever had, which started growing since Connor began to speak.
'No, don't worry about that, just tell me, please. A yes or a no would be sufficient enough.' The poor boy was so stressed, but you couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't you mocking him or anything like that. It was a genuinely happy laugh, like you've never had before. He also started laughing at this, being influenced by you.
'Stop laughing, I'm serious. You're making me sweat cold here.' He said, finally lighting up from his serious stance.
'I'm so sorry, but I just really can't see how you could've become this worked up only because I was singing Last Christmas with some guy. Like, really, from all the songs Last Christmas, that's not even classifiable as a real love song.' At this point, you just couldn't stop laughing, completely captivated, almost not being able to breathe anymore.
'Hey! That's not true. It's one of the greatest love songs ever written. And I'm honestly quite offended you didn't sing it with me, okay. You know how much I love Wham!' Saying this, he also kicked your leg playfully. Finally, the mood was completely lightened up. Now, the interaction being like one of the many you had every day.
'Okay, now on a serious note', you began, and you could see Connor tensing up again, 'yes. And a million times, yes. I really like you, Connor, and I've had probably since I came to this camp. I could even say that I love you too.. but maybe for that, I do need a bit of time. But I do want to give it a try, and more than one if need to. Just don't make anything like that up anymore. Otherwise, I'd just look like a bad girlfriend, okay? I can't even come up with a good speech to convince my dad to let me adopt a cat, even think of confessing my undying love for you. I just think I need a little bit more time than you, but I'll get there eventually, I promise. Just wait until you'll get a Jane Austen type letter under your pillow.' You finally said, as sincere as you could. You were truly so happy, and you think you've never been this happy ever in your life (at least not until your dad would finally cave in and let you get a cat).
Connor, too, was happy. Oh, so happy, he thought he could break out in some type of dance right there and walk up to the sky to get a handful of stars to gift to you. But that was impossible, so he opted to wrap an arm around you and let you rest your head on his shoulder.
And like that, you stayed for a while, just you two together under the snow looking up at the stars and into the horizon.
'Don't worry, if we ever move in together, we're gonna adopt not one cat, but at least twenty, be sure of that.' He said.
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Okayy this is it! I really hope you like this. omg, it came out so much longer than I was expecting. Also im so sorry it took so long to write but I was really busy with school! Also im honestly very happy about the ending. Hope you guys like it!
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intoanotherworld23 · 1 year
Stairs Are Better Anyway
Pairing: Reader x Chris Evans
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY DNI, this whole thing is pure smut and sex, there’s filthy language, unprotected sex, sex on stairs
Summary: Chris was always a fan of taking the stairs especially with you on it
Hearts, reblogs, and comments are greatly encouraged and appreciated! I love to hear back from everyone on my works!! If you wish to be added to my Chris Evans tag list please do not hesitate to ask I would be more than happy to add more people! Thank you guys so much and enjoy! XOXO
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"You just don't know when to stop do you?" Chris grumbled as you laid across the stairs knees bent with your legs spread enticing him even more.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Acting completely innocent in this current situation.
"Oh sweetheart you never learn do you?" Watching as Chris crawled up the stairs until he was hovering above you lips pressed against yours. "Teasing me like that at the party."
His hands were all over you as you wrapped yours around his neck. Gripping onto him when you felt him push his body tightly against you. Feeling how hard he was for you and wiggling your hips just to push him a little bit further.
Chris growling into your mouth as you grinned knowing you got him. Not wasting any time in lifting up the bottom of your dress revealing your laced panties that already had a wet spot forming. Helping Chris unbuckle his pants and push them down his legs to the edge of his ankles.
"This what you wanted?" Mumbling against your lips. "To be fucked like the good little whore that you are."
"Yes." Your panties being pulled to the side a cold breeze hitting your core a shiver running up your spine.
"Tell me how badly you need it Y/N?" He teased as he rubbed the tip of his cock up and down your now soaked folds. "I want to hear those pretty lips beg for me."
"Chris I need you badly it hurts." Biting your bottom lip as he watched you with hungry eyes. "I want you inside me so badly."
"I don't know sweetheart I'm not believing you." Sighing loudly in frustration as he played his own game with you.
"God Chris please fuck me so hard on these stairs that I can't walk for a week." Pleading up at him as you tried moving your hips hoping you could slip him inside of you.
"That's my good girl."Leaning forward pressing his entire cock inside of you a gasp slipping past your lips. "Holy fuck you are so wet baby."
Lifting his hips back up only to slam down into you. Whimpers and grunts filling the air as he quickly picked up his pace and found a steady rhythm. His head remained pressed into your neck as he nibbled on your skin. His arms enclosed around your head to feel even more close to you.
Moaning loudly into his ear every time he sharply thrusted into your body. Your back pressing into the edge of the stairs, but you pushed through the discomfort, and focused on Chris. Moving your arms so they wrapped around his back. Putting some slight pressure on his lower back to feel more of his movements.
"That's it baby your doing so good for me." Words of praise echoed in your ear when you whined and whimpered for him. "Look at you stuffed full of my cock."
Chris leaned himself up only to watch as his cock would disappear inside of you. Drenched in your arousal making this squishing sound that had him really to start howling like some wild animal. He loved to watch as you would take him so deeply, and was always amazed you took him well every time.
"You want harder baby?" He teased his thrusts becoming slow and sensual. "Does my girl want me to fuck her harder?"
"Please Chris fuck me harder." Gritting through your teeth the frustration you felt never receding.
Rocking himself into your whole body to the point you were afraid you two would break the stairs. Feeling as he unleashed all his energy and power into you both of you in a state of euphoria. Seems like you weren't the only one who needed this either.
"God you look so good getting fucked on the stairs like this." Your left hand gripping the railing of the stairs.
Cheeks felt like they were on fire like someone was sticking a hot poker in front of your face. A drop of sweat descending down Chris's face and onto your chest. Rolling down your chest and in between your breasts. It felt cool for a brief second but then soon evaporated from the heat.
"Just like that." Crying out as your legs wrapped around him like a vine.
"This is all you needed didn't you baby?" His tone mocking as he looked at the pleasure on your face.
The new angle had your toes curling so hard you were afraid they would sprain. You were getting so close you could feel it in the pit of your stomach. Chris didn't once slow down as he pounding into you so deeply he could see a bulge in your stomach.
"That's my good girl so good for me." Pressing his forehead against yours feeling you squeeze around him.
"Oh god Chris I'm gonna cum." Your legs were starting to tremble as your release was vastly approaching.
"Cum hard for me sweetheart." That was the final click in your brain covering him in your arousal.
"Oh fuck baby I'm right there." Groaning with a strained voice as he panted heavily above you his cock twitching violently inside you pumping you full of his warm seed.
Leaning his head back down on your heaving chest as both of you tried to catch your breath. Your legs shaking from your intense orgasm as Chris laid slump on top of your body. Leaving tender kisses on your chest as he helped you come down from your high.
"That's why I love taking the stairs." He joked making you both burst into a fit of laughter.
Tag list for Chris Evans: @denisemarieangelina @kimberlydyan @patzammit @tinawritesstuff @princess-evans-addict @cevanstan29 @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @inmoix @evansgirl7 @nina-sj @chris-butt @a-moment-captured @suchababie @colinbridgertonisbebe @d3vil-is-my-sugg4rd4ddy @sesamepancakes @justjulie1105 @r2gers @sweetllamaparadise @coldmuffinpartycloud @foxchild-v @evansphnx12 @breezykpop @sunwardsss @nathalienightmare @franfineashell @snowy992 @chrisgirl4 @rainbowkisses31 @mrspeacem1nusone @mayisdelanoche @fantastickoya @seaweedthewhale @eliluv1626 @ccmarvelxx @chelricki96 @justile @maceymae2704 @ysmmsy @cheerup-loki @nostxlgia18 @nicolarobertson89 @evansxchalamet @freerose11 @ace-of-spaids2 @gitasor @december16-1991 @allthingschrisevans @melissad1974 @starry-night-20 @maryann8913 @gh0stgurl @vaseoftulips @danireal17 @seattlexgirl @noplacelikehome77 @evansgal @sherlockzss @deandreamernp @chrisevans-4ever @rookiemartin @lowkeysebby @compulsiveshit @janaev4ns @justreadingficsdontmindme @elrw24 @ccrobbs @fangirl125reader @iminluvwthme @alexxavicry @ttomholland1996 @loumaaria-blog @ilybbg @rogersbarber
Tag list for everything: @iam-laiya @rosie-posie08 @madzleigh01 @alwaysclassyeagle @mytbel0st @shanimallina87 @marvelstarker-mha98 @powellssugarbaby @lora21
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mourninglamby · 2 months
helloooo i just wanted to say i've been a fan of your work for a couple years now i think? & dsmp means a ton to me but i had to cut it from my life after the inconsolable differences stream cuz i lost all faith in the creators and the fandom to be normal abt the story. point being i've started looking at your art again and it is seriously so breathtaking and inspiring to me and is reigniting my love for dsmp (which is to say, reigniting my love for the few fans like you who turned it into something worthwhile). i learned so much about myself thru ctommy and made some of the closest friendships in my life in the fandom so it made me incredibly sad to think that time would only ever leave a sour taste in my mouth, and i'm super grateful to you for seeing the story for what it was, criticizing the things that deeply need to be criticized and recognizing the good parts and transforming them into something new. sorry if this is incoherent just wanted to say thank you and i hope you're well!! <3 take care
anon i think we had extremely similar experiences.. To be candid, I never would have even begun to understand what happened to me if I had not watched dsmp. I identify closely with c!Tommy because there hasn't ever been another character like him that resonates with me and my experiences. And I've also made most of my closest friends thru dsmp! There is a silver lining to everything, and I will forever be thankful that I found my most beloved companions and like-minded people thru dsmp.
However, people will always try to make you feel horrible about it, and undermine the importance of this character and the themes in the story because they refuse to try and understand. And the fandom itself is a monster, constantly proving it is not a safe space for victims nor those with more complicated mental health issues. But I want it to be! And I'm beyond grateful that I could provide some comfort for you in the midst of the incessant adversity plagued on us by anti-intellectual assholes. What I and many others do with dsmp is a reclamation of the abuse narrative. I want to explore c!Tommy and his relationships in ways the canon series could not, so I can give myself and others the ending that we deserved. One that upholds victims as survivors, not as means to an end. I don't know if it's appropriate to tack on, but I've been hard at work structuring how I will divulge from canon in Mortis Metamorphosis, and this has only fanned that flame... I'm so excited to share it with everyone.
anyways ..thank you x 1 trillion for this extremely kind message, I read it as I was walking home from work and it made me start crying like a babyyyy but it was cathartic af to know that when I post my work, it's not for nothing and it does reach people... Wishing you nothing but happiness and comfort anony, stay safe and take care of yourself... xoxo.
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fa-by · 4 months
Hi babies and dear Anons 👋🏼, me again 🙃. I posted a new Q&A yesterday, and @camrensrealbish (btw hi, bud 👋🏼😄) asked me in the comments if I could create a post just for I LUV IT's two analyses.
@camrensrealbish: “Hi Faby, I love the interpretation of I LUV IT. I luv it, I luv it, I luv it 👌😅. I think it explains so well that this era is not surface-level at all. That thought through lyricism and symbolism is definitely still here. And how we’re so eager to dismiss hyperpop as stupid and without substance, be it for our convictions about femininity or sexuality, or even caution because of how other people use women’s sexuality. But when done purposefully it just shows how showing someone’s sexuality in this way *can* be empowering and authentic. And I think this is the case here. Can you please post your song commentary in a separate post, please? I would like to share it properly 😘”.
I originally wanted to post the two analyses as I did here now, but I couldn't because Tumblr has limited the possibility of posting more than 30 pics and I don't know why the fuck 😤. So thank you, dear 🤗. You gave me the excuse to be able to do it 😉.
Enjoy 😊.
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Hiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I hope you're good too and about your ask, sure 😉.
So. I LUV IT ft. Playboi Carti released on March 27, 2024, is the first single for her fourth LP: C, XOXO. It's a hyperpop/experimental pop song and it samples Lemonade by Gucci Mane and interpolates Cockiness (Love It) by my queen RiRi (Rihanna). The studio recording with Carti was completed on Dec 17, 2023: (Carti's instastory)
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Let me tell you something, this song was meant to shock. She pulled a Yes, and? and it worked 😎. For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to by that, I meant that Yes, and? was Ariana Grande's single for her album Eternal Sunshine and it's a diva house/dance-pop song, which was a different and unexpected genre especially then comparing it to the rest of the songs in the album when it was later released. It's a great song, but if it weren't for the concept that connects to two other songs, it would have nothing to do with the rest of the album musically and sonically speaking. It was a calculated idea to make it different from the rest. It's very smart and it's a good strategy for both a comeback and an album. I feel like I LUV IT is exactly the same thing. An impactful comeback was needed and this, together with the platinum blonde and the new era in general, served the purpose. The song was meant to be talked about for better or for worse. And guess what? Mission accomplished 😜.
This song is not for everyone. There are those who loved it right away, those who hated it and still do, and there are those who hated it and then slowly loved it. In reality, most people hated it and then loved it 🤣. I personally didn't hate it but I didn't love it right from the start either, not gonna lie. I just liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️. But after the third listen? Bouncing ass, tongue out, aaaand I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it 🤣!! This song is definitely a grower! The more you listen to it, the more you become addicted to it 😍.
But anyway. Unlike the video, the lyrics talk about sex. So let's get started. Oh and, of course, I won't include Carti's mumbled Atlanta rap or as his fans say, the Cartinese, simply because he wrote his part.
***Btw, I can no longer listen to Carti’s “Oh, you on the road now? - Oh, you grown now? - Oh, you too grown now” without bursting out laughing 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣. I can't help but hear Nas' imitation of Carti's voice in the HE KNOWS music video🤣🤣🤣. For me, those three sentences have now become just one repeated X3: “Oh, you on the floor now” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣***
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Oh oh oh, last thing before starting. If you're a prude, LEAVE NOW. Skip the whole lyric analysis and go straight to the music video analysis. The song is about sex like I just said and I therefore won't hold back from explaining certain things, okay? I warned you 🙋🏻‍♀️. I don't wanna see complaints in the comments as happened years ago. Thank you.
Verse 1:
“Supersonic, in your orbit”
So, supersonic. One word from which two derive: super and sonic. Super: above the rest, better than the rest. Sonic: derived from the Latin ‘sonus’ which means sound. Super-sound. Basically a loud noise, a sound/sonic boom that (the actual meaning of supersonic:) breaks the acoustic barrier by traveling at a speed faster than the one of sound. A flight can be supersonic. As well as a missile and even a gun bullet.
An orbit is an ever-changing path one object in space takes around another. An unscientific example? A dog with its favorite toy often orbits their owner insistently because they want to play with them. Speaking from personal experience here 🤣.
***Oh and, lil fun fact. In prostitution specifically, orbit was, and perhaps still is, a code word for oral sex***
Ultimately, “Supersonic, in your orbit” means that Mila is this supersonic boom, this let's even say supersonic shock that orbits around her prey. As I've said many other times in my analysis, Mila likes to use wordplay in her songs and this is basically her artistic way of explaining sexual provocation. She's provoking her target.
“And I’m bad, diabolic”
It's giving intense energy and mischief out of the ordinary 😜. She knows she's good at it (provocation). She has a goal (to sleep with her) and succeeds because we have the aftermath of her intent in the next sentence.
“Bottle rocket, on the carpet”
Her favorite lyrics because many people didn't grasp the meaning 🤣. Definition of bottle rocket: a firework typically consisting of a cylindrical case that is partly filled with combustible material and fastened to a guiding stick which may be placed in a bottle to control the direction of the rocket's launch.
In this case, in sex, bottle rocket is the representation of cuming hard in an explosive way.
Rockets have a phallic shape, so the first thing that's assumed here is that it's the sperm that's on the carpet, also because the song acts as straight 🙄, but where's the deception? Even girls can give someone a bottle rocket. How? By being an explosion and not a normal female cum orgasm, with female ejaculation also known as squirting.
Ergo, she's talking about herself. This song is not about sex with a guy and I can even prove that with the next sentence.
“Threw it back and he caught it”
Round two, doggy-style position. Movements: “Threw it back” her ass “and she caught it” with the hands by placing it directly back on the face aka mouth-tongue (clue about the lil fun fact I mentioned earlier) or by directing the entrance of the cave of wonders on the dildo (since Camren loves toys so much 😜🤣🤭). But, given the “he” because, again, the song acts as straight 🙄, the meaning should make you think of the guiding on the dick. But no. As I said before, I can prove it.
When guys cum, it literally takes them a while before they can go again. Some need 10/15 minutes, others hours or directly the next day because they literally physically can't. It's rare anyway that they manage to go beyond the second round (unless they're in the midst of adolescence and are like 14/15 years old 🤣), and those who miraculously can make it, also last very little and their cum is also very little. And mind you, I'm not saying these things to belittle men. I'm not making anything up. It's the pure truth. Not only have I experienced it myself (cause yes, hi 👋🏼, I've been with my gf for 3 years but I'm bisexual and I've had relationships before her), but these are facts that you can even look up if you don't believe me.
It's obviously not the same for all guys and they're all different, but us girls literally need 5 seconds or nothing at all to recover, and we don't have limits like they do. Unlike males, we females can have multiple orgasms. Sexual arousal and orgasm are possible again right away. So no. It's impossible she was talking about a guy.
If she was really talking about a guy, it's impossible that immediately after his Bottle rocket, on the carpet (yet another proof that Mila was talking about her cuming, her squirting) he didn't need some enough available time for round two (Threw it back and he caught it). Let’s move on 💪🏼.
“I go soprano, baby, go down low”
Soprano in music is the highest note, so in this case, going soprano means she's screaming with pleasure. And in her euphoric state, she guides her partner back down there into her buried treasure.
“And when he leads, I gotta follow”
The movements. Like in dance. In partner dancing, there are those who lead and those who follow. They're designed roles to facilitate the movements. The one who leads manages the body of the one who follows and decides the dance steps and direction of travel from time to time.
The thing that makes me laugh about this part is the “when he leads”. “When” 🤣🤣🤣. Because she's the top and she's the one who leads most of the time because Laur's the bottom (even though they're both also switch) so when Lo leads, when, sometimes, occasionally, I gotta follow 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Oh Mila 🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🤣.
“I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral”
She feels out of control (spiral) because the ending is so beautiful that it almost makes her lose consciousness (blackin’ out).
“I need you now and tomorrow”
And forever.
I’d also like to add a deeper meaning of sex to I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral – I need you now and tomorrow. Although she said the song is about sex, she also said:
“Part of that cocktail is also the emotional drama between you and that person, and the chaos and butterflies and nerves and passion. It’s unsustainable and not peaceful and exhausting, but also, I LUV IT.” – “Now I feel kind of lonely and small and weird, but at the same time, I’m an adult and I feel so strong in other areas of my life, but not this one. There’s just the wrestling of those feelings without it being kind of neat or in a box. You can’t really say that it’s a sad song, you can’t really pin it down. It’s just kind of me wrestling with these feelings and me kind of being really present on a particular feeling and exploring it. I feel like a lot of songs on the album are that”.
So going deeper, “I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral” indicate her anxiety. Being on a spiral or simply spiraling, is an emotional state that rapidly worsens in a way that becomes increasingly difficult to control and often leads to short-term periods of anxiety or depression. Aka her OCD gets triggered. Which by the way, I remind you that for her leads to obsessions and repetitive thoughts. And in a certain way, we can also see it in the repetition of the same phrase in the chorus.
So here she's saying: 1) I’m blackin’ out, aka I'm going crazy, I'm freaking out (connection/thing that reminds me a lot of “Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind?” Bad Things [analysis here (eleventh ask)]) 2) I’m on a spiral, aka I'm anxious, distressed, worried, fearful. Why? Because I don't wanna lose you aka 3): I need you now and tomorrow. This alludes to the desire for connection and intimacy that goes beyond sex.
Both meanings (sexual and deeper) however indicate the intensity of her uncontrollable and erratic emotions towards as she said “that person” Lauren. But she doesn't care. “It’s unsustainable and not peaceful and exhausting, but also, I…?” She…? She what? Sing it all together🎤🎵🎶👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼:
“I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, ooh
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it, I luv it
I luv it, I luv it, I luv it”
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…...
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27.   27……
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27 times, huh? 😜 What a wonderful coincidence! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 of all the numbers, precisely the 27. Would you look at that 🤣🤣.
No seriously tho. The words have to fit and respect the tempo of the song, but coincidence or not it's still funny for me 🤭.
Post-Chorus 1:
“Lemons on the chain with the V-cuts (X2)
Lemons in their face, watch ’em freeze up (x2)”
This part was sampled from the song Lemonade by Gucci Mane. Lemons are basically yellow diamonds (known as Canary Diamonds) cut/engraved in the shape of the letter V (an expensive method of cutting diamonds).
The meaning behind that would be that people would “freeze up” in shock at seeing this display of wealth and success, these lemons/diamonds, “in their face”s. They're oh so surprised and intimidated that they even freeze up for this luxury lifestyle thrown in their faces.
Umm………. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Do we really care? Of that? Okay 🤣. About something she didn't even write? Something that she literally took copied and pasted into the song? Pfft, okay. Can we move on? Thank you 🤣.
Verse 2:
“Super twisted, sick addicted”
Twisted: someone who's mentally or emotionally unhealthy or disturbed: sick. --> Sick addicted: someone who's unable to stop doing something as a habit. Ergo, she's saying that she likes/enjoys it a lot and wants to spend as much time as possible doing what they're doing: sex.
Nonsexual meaning: She's using strong words to describe not only herself but also what their relationship is like. They may be twisted, and addicted, and toxic, and all the other things we've seen in their songs, but no matter what, she/they LUV IT, cause they luuuv each other.
“Kiss me hard, someday you’ll miss this”
A dig for all those times they break up or take breaks.
“Meteor shower, in your power”
What's a meteor shower?
The meteor shower is nothing other than what we commonly call shooting stars. These are obviously not stars, but meteors. Meteors are the aftermath of asteroids and comets that ORBITATED the SUN.
Asteroids (celestial bodies composed of rocky bodies) and comets (celestial bodies composed of frozen gases) become meteoroids when they fragment. In turn, meteoroids ignite and disintegrate when they enter our solar system, becoming meteors, ergo shooting stars. Those that don't disintegrate and manage to touch the earth's ground instead become meteorites.
How does a meteor shower happen?
The meteor shower happens when the earth, in its ORBIT around the SUN, crosses an area in which fragments of rock and dust (meteoroids) lost from a comet or an asteroid (celestial bodies made of rock, dust, and ice coming from the outermost areas of the solar system) are concentrated. When an asteroid and a comet heat up as they pass close to the sun, they reach such temperatures that they fragment even more (meteoroids) and when these very tiny fragments enter our atmosphere, they ignite and burn due to friction by generally developing tails, luminous trails (shooting stars) until they vaporize or leave debris (meteorites) behind.
Lil fun fact: some meteorites found on earth come from the MOON 🤭🤣. Most come from destroyed comets and asteroids, but some come from Mars or the moon.
So, after this compelling little science lesson, I can explain what Mila means by “Meteor shower, in your power”.
It's very simple actually. A meteor shower is a celestial event. She's comparing their sex to this astronomical phenomenon, the “Meteor shower”. The “in your power” is due to the fact that Lo’s the one who’s leading as we saw in “And when he leads, I gotta follow” in the first verse.
“Seein’ stars, oh my God”
The retina sends light signals to the brain by making sparks, stars, or flashes of light appear in the visual field. When does this happen? It usually has to do with the head. You've made a movement too fast, like standing up suddenly, or you've been hit on the head, or you're about to lose consciousness, etc. These are all negative aspects, but we're talking about something positive here. Sex.
This amazing sex (Meteor shower), this second round (Threw it back and she caught it), brings her to another orgasm (maybe even another Bottle rocket 🤷🏻‍♀️😏) during which she feels so bewildered, so dizzy, and she experiences this very surreal feeling that overwhelmed her by even Seein’ stars during it. Seein’ stars: to climax, to achieve orgasm.
This can very well be connected with ““I’m blackin’ out, I’m on a spiral” She feels out of control (spiral) because the ending is so beautiful that it almost makes her lose consciousness (blackin’ out)” that I explained earlier.
Oh and, the “oh my God” was her, um 🤣, comment, to express that ending if it wasn't already obvious enough 🤣.
“Slow down, baby”
All of Playboi Carti's “Uh, uh, uh, uh” before Mila's “Slow down, baby”, at least to me, indicate the thrust of the act. Again, he “sings” them to prove the song is straight 🙄, but we know the truth. Anyway. The “Slow down, baby” means exactly that. Either Mila's settling down from the end of round two and needs a tiny bit more time to go as fast as they were going before, or she simply wants this third round to go at a slower pace than the previous one, or better yet, Slow down, baby like in ‘stop, it's my turn now’ (to lead).
Another proof that this doesn't talk about sex with a guy. As I said before, it's rare for guys to get beyond 2 rounds, so let alone a third one 🤣. Sorry, not sorry, but it's literally the truth 🤣.
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And that's it. I luv the fact that Camila's lyrics in this song talk about sex but she uses words that still perfectly capture the magnetic attraction between the two of them. I luv how she's quite unapologetic about it. And I LUUUV how she also used these cosmic references in general, but above all, how they anyway hide in a certain way the two important celestial bodies in our sky and solar system: their representation, aka the moon and the sun.
Now let's move on to the music video where everything that could go wrong happens 👍🏼🤣. What is she trying to convey here? Let's find out.
Music video
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Opening scene. A Robin Hood wannabe who takes coins from his pocket.
Three empty stationary police cars in a driveway while an aspiring lumberjack cop is, for what initially appears to be, cutting down a tree to prepare for winter.
KhaleesiMila enters the scene 5 seconds before she starts singing. She looks like she just came back home from the night before given her outfit and her slightly messy hair. But not her makeup. The makeup is perfect of course because it's still a music video 😉.
She enters the kitchen with a chocolate cake in one hand while with the other she nonchalantly tosses her heels in a spot where it's very usual for us girls to leave them 🤣: at the doorway or in the bedroom on the kitchen counter.
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She starts singing and eating a piece of chocolate cake at the same time.
At the same moment as the first bite of the cake, we have a really well-done perfect transition of her spitting her mouthguard out in a somewhat snobbish but challenging and provocative way because she's ready to fight against a professional female wrestler.
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Soon after we have a 3-second split shot of her chewing the cake in the kitchen again and her and Carti in the gas station, before cutting to a long one where we have the reappearance of the archer from the opening scene.
From this moment on, all the small shots, the little introductions that we initially had, are explained a little bit more extensively with longer scenes and shots. Still messy 🤣, but longer.
Hospital part 1
Now that we see the surroundings, we notice how Legolas wannabe is in the corridor of a hospital and that the coins he took from his pocket in the opening scene, he needed them to get something like a chocolate bar from the vending machine. After taking it, he walks back to a white-dressed Mila who's sitting with an arrow in her heart.
A flash passed before my eyes and for a moment I was back in 2019. Why? Liar. The cover art picture of the song portrays her as an angel with wings.
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Camila explained that Cupid strikes her with his bow to make her fall from heaven and unmask her, by making her not so angelic anymore because she's actually a liar who's hiding something, that is a secret [hmm, I wonder which one 😏😎🤫🤐🤣]. This whole story created for the song inspired the visual for the entire album Romance (whole album inspired by the surrealism of a museum of love stories in heaven).
So I asked myself, what is this? A connection to Romance but direct to Liar? No. I'd say more that she paid homage to it since even though the lyrics are about sex, the ideology of the video is about their toxic relationship and how she knows it's toxic but she LUVs IT anyway.
Anyhow, I guess that at the arrow in the heart scene, you all thought that the Green Arrow wannabe was Cupid. Same thing here, mostly because of the connection with Liar. I initially thought: “Oooh, it's Cupid! Cupid shot her with his arrow, ergo she's in love. But she's lovesick, and because of this the hospital: love - sick”. Then I saw the whole scene (plus the ending which I'll explain, well, at the end 🤣) and I realized: “Nope. Not Cupid. Not Cupid at all. Hi, Lauren 👋🏼”.
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***Let's be clear. This is a music video. A creative and imaginative way of portraying objects, people, and scenarios in general. Yes, it's Camila's POV, but Lauren isn't that bitchy and dickish in real life. Okay? Every artist does it. It's art. Literally, as the word implies.***
So, back to the scene. Rewind. Lauren Hawkeye wannabe takes the candy bar from the vending machine and goes back to Mila. *This is the point where I got to before.* He doesn't even look at her. He just sits. Contrary to her who follows him with her gaze as he sits down and she also turns her head to look at him one more time before looking straight ahead.
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That chocolate bar or whatever the fuck it is, it's not even for her. He took it for himself without even having the thought of taking it for her or taking something for her as well. I mean he's like, he's there for her. He went with her and he accompanied her also because he hit her with an arrow. Like yeah, we know that. We can see that. But even though he's there for her, he at the same time doesn't acknowledge or address her at all. He's just there. Present and not. Waiting for her turn.
While she, even smiles with her mouth closed as he's returning to her, but it's a smile I'd say forced. A kind of smile that masks how uncomfortable she feels. It's a wan smile that shows no energy or enthusiasm. It's a stoical ‘grin-and-bear-it because you're used to it after all’ kind of expression. That smile alone makes you understand how ‘normal’ this situation is for her. She's so used to it that it's a standard routine for her. It doesn't come as a surprise.
In a situation like this one, in a hospital, with an arrow in the chest/heart, anger or pain or both reactions are what you expect to be shown by her. But no. She's just there. Waiting for her turn.
Meaning behind this? The arrow in the heart represents a metaphorical way to express the idea that love can be both powerful and overwhelming, capable of causing joy and pain in equal measure. In this case however, the arrow in the heart doesn't represent a tender sweet and romantic symbol of Cupid and Valentine's Day. It represents a heart-piercing emotional pain. In this case, that arrow is nothing more than a heart-stopping arrow through the heart.
Fight & Dogs
In the next scene we have the professional female wrestler again. Like when she spat her mouthguard out in the opening brief shot, Mila continues to have this defiant attitude *she’s so hot there btw 🤤🥵*.
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She shows herself as very self-confident with this superior aura and this cockiness that gives off an ‘I can kick your ass’ vibe. All of this flies out the window the moment the wrestler makes her move against her and Mila shits in her pants and starts running away 🤣.
At the same time that she starts running, we have another perfect transition of a running dog.
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Then we have another very brief shot of her continuing to eat the cake in the kitchen, before alternating the fight with the wrestler and not just one dog running randomly, but her being chased by no less than three dogs 🤣.
These two scenes are connected on the part of running for your life. Literally as far as the dogs are concerned 🤣. And speaking of the dogs, the scene represents the danger and risks of being in love with someone. It represents all the feelings of chaos that go along with it. It represents feeling afraid and helpless with a constant internal battle of anxiety and fear. Being chased by dogs is stressful, scary, and unpleasant, BUT, it's even adrenaline-pumping and the depiction of it, is basically like an excited nightmare that represents not knowing where things are leading. Running into the unknown. She's scared but she does it anyway because the journey is electrifying.
Going back and talking about the scene with the wrestler, the running scared to avoid the actual physical fight is the representation of avoiding the confrontation. And that's something we know Mila does thanks to both her and Lauren. We also know this because in 2016 she herself said that she avoids conflicts with people. It's a vice/bad habit that she's always had.
BUT, no matter how much she tries to run away and avoid this confrontation, it always happens. Sooner or later, she eventually always finds herself having to face the problem unwillingly or not. The representation of this in the video is when she's captured. We actually see this section almost at the end of the video after Carti’s “🎵tursin-eh-oh-and-halloh-eh-halloh-eh-halloh-I'm out o-controool🎵” 🤣🤣🤣. We see the wrestler chasing and catching Mila, which leads to the headlock wrestling move.
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Now let's talk about this section with the headlock that we see both at the end and currently in the first chorus of the part of the video where we are. Specifically this one here. We see several headlocks in sequence, but the one I want to focus on is the second one, where the wrestler is enacting the chokehold with only one arm.
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Like, umm… 🤭 The way you caress her arm and look at her, and the way you sing “I luv it” with your tongue sticking out in that seductive way 🔥.
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I mean... Mila, honey…😏 I see you! 🤣
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No wonder in the BTS of the video she said: “I've been the most excited for this scene all day”. Hmm 🤔, I wonder why is that 🤣🤣🤣. Just as I'm not surprised by the other clue she gave in the interview with Bru On The Radio when talking about the scene: “It's like a little homoerotic. It's cool! But um- * she bursts out laughing by looking to the side* -yeah”.
Homoerotic: 1) (especially of art, literature, drama, or the like) using symbolism, allusions, situations, etc., that invoke sexual attraction or activity between people of the same gender. Example: There's definitely some homoerotic subtext in that book. 2) having sexual attraction to people of one's own sex or gender, especially when that attraction is repressed. Example: To say a man has a “streak of lavender” means that he has homoerotic desires. 3) relating or involving sexual activity between people of the same sex. Specifically: marked by, revealing, or portraying sexual desire between people of the same sex.
I have nothing else to add, Your Honor. I have nothing else to add 😎🤣.
No but seriously now. She doesn't act that way during the other headlocks. In those, she tries to fight back and somehow defend herself by trying to free herself. We see her react in a rather normal way to that type of situation. But in that particular hold? Nope 🤣. We can see how much she likes it. How attracted and aroused she is. The reactions she has during the other headlocks represent her external side, what really happens and what she lets see. While in that particular one, we see the toxicity of what happens in her inner part. The “I luv it” to the choking which on a larger scale, represents her toxicity in loving the pain. Even though they're fighting and she hates the confrontation and is in pain, she LUVs IT anyway because she luvs HER.
***Mind you that this is only an additional representation and seen in a more generic way. I don't see it as fitting to the theme of the music video as much as the one I've already explained to you now.*** A broader meaning could also be the representation of how the love for Lauren is so strong that she can't fight it. We've seen this other times in the lyrics of songs like This Love [analysis here (the penultimate ask)] and Señorita [analysis here (the last ask)] where Mila was having an inner struggle because, on the one hand, she wanted to protect her feelings, and on the other, she couldn't resist her. Ergo, the scene where she tries to fight this love, the professional wrestler, but she loses and thus is ultimately defeated.
Next scene we have her continuing to eat the chocolate cake plus this guy who comes in and rides around her house on his motorcycle and she does nothing.
Let's dwell for a moment on her eating.
Where have we seen something like this before (besides the reality of everyday life)? In every damn movie and TV show since forever 🤣. Someone is sad for some X reason like they had a fight with someone, or they're going through a breakup, and what do they do? They eat either something chocolate or ice cream. 90% of the time it's something chocolate related. Why? Because when consumed, it releases endorphins in the brain that produce a mild feeling of euphoria by mimicking the feeling of being in love. This is why chocolate is called the love drug. It gives comfort and joy and when we're down, we emotionally crave chocolate because we're unsatisfied with something.
Her eating chocolate cake in this case is an indication of unsatisfied desires and emotional needs.
Now let's go back to the guy with the motorcycle. He's destroying everything in his path and she's simply there, munching on her cake unbothered.
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He's causing a mess but she doesn't even try to stop him. She doesn't get angry, she doesn't scream, nothing. And why? Because as I said before by talking about that type of smile in the hospital, this situation is ‘normal’ for her. She doesn't react simply because she's used to it. The chaos of their relationship doesn't surprise her also because, I mean, it's been years and years.
The house depicts her head and what happens in it. Him destroying the house is a representation of how she sees his bringing chaos into her life and their relationship. On a deeper level, her not reacting to the destruction of the house represents the fact that she's so in love that she ignores bad and toxic behaviors. The whole scene represents the toxicity and destruction that a relationship can bring into your life but you keep trying because you LUV IT. Lauren brings love, happiness, passion, euphoria, but she also brings chaos which also encompasses mess, confusion, disarray, whether all good or bad. We also saw this type of example in the lyrics of Consequences [analysis here (penultimate ask)].
Successively we have a mix of scenes, among which are the cop one of the opening scene, the car one, and the bathroom one.
Palm tree
We can finally see that this aspiring lumberjack cop is chopping this palm tree because Camila is on top of it.
Now, I have two interpretations for this. The palm tree represents Lauren/their toxic love in both interpretations.
N° 1, she's stuck on the tree. Being stuck represents her way of saying that there's no way out of their toxic relationship even though someone (represented by the cop) or more than someone (since there are 3 police cars even though we only see one cop) tries to get her out of this situation.
N° 2, the one I see as the most truthful, the most right one. She's not stuck on the tree. Mila is Walzing it 🤣🤣🤣 (for those who don't know, Dinah used to call Mila ‘Walz’ and here you can find the reason why the nickname was born). Her koalaing the tree also represents her co-dependence. She's clinging to it and doesn't want to let go.
She's on the very high point of the tree; visual meaning: danger. If she were to fall, she would die or be seriously injured. But she doesn't care. She's ready to risk her life. Deeper for the representation: her love is so strong, that she's ready to risk it (“I'll risk it all”, as we've already seen in Used to This [part of the interpretation that you can find in the analysis of Only Told the Moon here]). She's ready to risk everything/risk it all even if she were to lose her heart and if it were to affect even her mental and physical health as we've already seen in the lyrics of Consequences.
Even in this case, the cop represents someone or more than someone in her life who tries to get her out of this situation. They use extreme ways to do this, representative of getting her down: cutting down the tree. Why? Why doesn't this cop who clearly knows that this person is experiencing some kind of problem call the fire truck to bring a ladder to save her since that's what's normally done in these situations? Or he doesn't go directly and find one himself? Why doesn't he talk to her and try to reason with her to get her down?
Because it's not the first time this has happened. The cop (her family, her friends) is so used to and tired of seeing their on-again, off-again/cycle/loop/circle, that he decides to help her in a more brutal way in this case. Representation: chopping down the tree. It doesn't matter tho. It doesn't matter that other people try to help her in hard ways. She doesn't wanna lose her, and therefore she depicts how even though she knows it's a toxic relationship, she's clinging (codependent) to it and continues to love her because she doesn't want to depart/separate herself no matter what. Reason why we even see her singing “I luv it” while she’s glued to the tree.
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Speaking of falling (and how these two scenes are connected). Instead of that tree, here we see her having fallen over a car. Part of the car is destroyed, as is she. It's a representation of being in love and how it can sometimes destroy you. But again, we even see her singing “I luv it” because she doesn't care.
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She doesn't care about falling and being crushed by/for her. They've taken a lot of risks over the years. They've suffered, they've hurt each other, and they've fallen down and gotten up every single time. And those wounds, in the video are represented as real wounds with cuts, bruises, gashes, and all that jazz.
She doesn't even care when we, the public and the fans, see her destroyed like that. We've seen it many times, especially after years and years spent growing up in the public eye. By this, I'm obviously referring to the woman who's immortalizing the scene with her phone.
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Although that, it's also a representation of what would actually happen in today's world: instead of helping or calling an ambulance, the woman is filming or taking pics.
Bathroom & Bedroom
Contrary to the connection that the tree and the car scenes have, this one is connected to the ones of the dogs and the professional female wrestler.
We first see her in the bathroom. She looks in the mirror and even lifts her shirt up to look at her belly. Let's say normal things that we all do, and so far, nothing strange. Then we also see her perplexed and undecided tho (when she sighs with her finger in her mouth). And we see her rehearsing. We see her change her expression to a determined one and make the gun gesture with the fingers of her hand.
***Sorry but I have to tell you guys 🤣🤣🤣. I found it extremely funny how she made the gun gesture with her fingers precisely at “someday you’ll miss this”. THIS and bam: fingers out 😏😎🤣.
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry 🤣🤣 one day she'll miss, what, Mila? Your gay fingers?🤣🤣🤣 Oooooookay 😉🤣***
Back to normal. All that represents her mentally preparing herself, and for what? For what we then see in the bedroom. Before heading there, we can see her expression of determination but more importantly, we can see her pissed-off expression.
She walks into the bedroom with this imaginary automatic machine gun that she uses to shoot and destroy the bed. As she does that, the footage also shows us the rest of the room, and what do I spy with my little eye 🧐? A frame hanging on the wall. And what's in that frame? Five boys with the word ‘sorry’ written on their backs.
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Wait a second, wait a second… FIVE???? 😲 Five as a reference to Fifth Harmony? 😱 Five as in 5H because it's a hidden clue to confirm that she's talking about Lauren? 🤯 WHAAAAAT??? 😵
Yes, guys, yes. For those who haven't noticed, the answer is yes. Camila doesn't do things shittily. There's always meaning in the things she does, whether it's hidden or not. And if anyone tries to tell you otherwise or something different about that clue, don't be fooled. Why 5? Explain the 5 otherwise? They could've used a thousand different things like, for example, an apology/sorry note left on the bedside table, or even just one guy with sorry on his back in that frame since all of this is supposed to be straight and about a guy 🙄. But no. They used FIVE of them specifically.
Moving on.
The rehearsals she was doing in the bathroom that we later saw lead to the destruction of the bed with the imaginary automatic machine gun, were all due to Mila being pissed off about something Laur had done. Something we know thanks to the not-so-hidden apology message in the frame. Now I don't know about you 🎤🎶but I'm feeling 22 🎶🎤 sorry but I had to 🤣 but I know that even though Camila is magical, she doesn't really have powers 🤣. So even though this is the representation of her being pissed at Lo, she didn't actually shoot the bed. It was all in her head. She was just imagining doing it. Yeah, she was angry, but we also know that she'd run away in reality to try to avoid conflicts as we saw in the scene with the dogs and in the scene with the wrestler (aka Laur herself), during which, however, we also saw that the wrestler captures her and that therefore Mila was then forced to face.
Hospital part 2
During the mix of these three scenes (Palm Tree - Car - Bathroom & Bedroom) just discussed, we have two small shots of Mila in the hospital. The first during “oh my God” and the second during “I luv it”.
We see her looking in one direction before saying “oh my God”. It's an exasperated “oh my God” because no one's assisting her yet.
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She sings “I luv it” by tapping her finger to her temple in rhythm but we can see how impatient she's starting to get for the wait. Yeah, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, she luvs it, but she's irritated and frustrated.
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Gas station
Mila and her friends pull over into this gas station. A guy with long hair immediately approaches to serve them, but instead of refueling the car as we normally expected, he does it to them. He takes the pump and fills their glasses with gasoline, even though we know very well that it was actually nothing more than “some disgusting water-down apple juice”, according to Mila herself.
All this during “Lemons on the chain with the V-cuts (X4) - Lemons in their face, watch ’em freeze up (x4)” Oh well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade Camila Cabello drinks gasoline 🤣.
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Sorry, sorry 🤣. Joking aside now.
Drinking alcohol produces euphoria. It's stimulating, exciting, and lowers inhibitions and control. It's intoxicating, and although this word usually indicates something positive, it can also represent something negative especially when associated with alcohol. Drinking alcohol is intoxicating in a good way, but if done too much, it's intoxicating in a harmful way. In this case, alcohol is the representation of another hyperbolic metaphor. It's yet another concept represented in an exaggerated way. Gasoline, fuel, or whatever the hell it was, is obviously toxic. Ingesting it is dangerous. It's yet another representation of their toxic relationship and tendencies and how she doesn't care going against all common sense because she LUVs IT.
There would also be another possible meaning behind this scene due to Playboi Carti's verse. He talks about drugs (Novocaine and Mary Jane), luxury cars (Lamborghini Aventador SVJ), and rebellious life in general.
Novocaine is a drug used as a local anesthetic normally by dentists. Mary Jane is the literal English translation of the name Marijuana. Spanish: Maria/Mari. English translation: Mary. Spanish: Juana. English translation: Jane. Ergo, Marijuana: Mary Jane. In the past when drug users talked about marijuana, they called it Mary Jane so as not to arouse police suspicion.
I explained all this because specifically his talk about drugs made me think of a different possible meaning behind this scene. You see in the US, many drug dealers operate out of gas stations. Mila and her friends are getting gas at the gas station. In slang, ‘gas’ is a noun made popular by rappers to refer to weed/marijuana.
It might be that the scene has both meanings. Alcohol for her and drugs for him. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️. Maybe we would've seen it for real if Carti hadn't arrived late for the video shoot. But anyway.
Right after that, we have the dance scene. I have two interpretations for that even here. Both true.
The first one: Don't expect me to say sweet and predictable things like that she's dancing hypnotized because she's drunk on love 🤣. Nope. The blindfold is supposed to represent how blinded she is by love and shit, right? The typical phrase ‘love is blind’ that makes someone unable to see the flaws of the person they love. True, but at the same time in her case, bullshit tho. Buuuullshit! Because we saw throughout the video how she's aware of everything.
She chose to put the blindfold on and dance freely whether it's just for fun or distraction or to literally dance the pain away. She chose to put it on to ‘not see’ the flaws, the toxicity, and all the negative things. She knows. She knows they're there. It's just her choice to ignore them because, once again, she doesn't care because she luvs it and her.
The second one: Based on the getting gas in the previous shot, whether it's just alcohol or whether it's also marijuana, that's why right after that scene we see Carti with his hoodie backwards (it's literally backwards, look closely) before he starts singing and Mila and the girls dancing together blindfolded with X’s over their eyes.
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It represents the beginning of the effect. 😵: literally the dizziness of drunkenness and/or stonedness. In a deeper way, it represents love being a drug/addiction to live to the fullest (dancing).
Again whether it's just alcohol or weed, that's also the reason why at the end of the video they're both comfortable and relaxed in eating calmly as if they don't have a care in the world (despite the video being completely the opposite). Both alcohol and weed increase hunger and appetite, sometimes leading to strange and uncontrollable cravings. That represents half to almost the end of the effect.
Hospital part 3
She's still waiting. She's still waiting for someone to help her remove that fucking arrow from her chest. The whole reason she's been there waiting for probably hours. Nurses even walk past in front of her but still no one assists her. As before, she's still annoyed, but now she's also discouraged and sad. Not only that, but the male version of a Katniss Everdeen wannabe is also gone. Representation of a breakup or one of their breaks. Mila's alone, and suddenly, the wound begins to bleed.
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In this case, the arrow through her heart symbolizes feeling emotionally hurt. Since loving someone is not always a walk in dreamland, but it also consists of twists and turns and can really fucking hurt you, here we see how her heart starts dripping blood. The bleeding can also represent how toxic relationships leave you in the end. Again, love is pain but she LUVs IT.
Thing more important, the wound begins to bleed because she's no longer with her. It didn't do it the entire time Laur was with her, but her heart started to bleed in pain only after she left. Representation of how her heart, although already wounded (arrow) by her/for her, cannot bear to be without her (bleeding). As I also explained in my This Love’s interpretation, the choice over the years has often been between having her and suffering, or not having her at all, and as we know, she always chose her.
The end
So, that was the music video. It gave me Miami and Florida. It gave me GTA and crack house feelings 🤣. It gave me wildness and adrenaline. It gave me roller coaster. It gave me college students traveling for the holidays/Spring Breakers movie. *For those who don't know what I'm talking about 👇🏼*
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Especially here with this promo.
*Last minute edit: she just said Spring Breakers is one of the inspired aesthetics for the new era*
She in specific, gave me addicted to pain. She gave me impulsiveness. She gave me a fast-paced lifestyle, full of passion, desire, and disregard for consequences. She gave me vibe. She gave me boujee. She gave me dance. She gave me actress and humor as has also happened in other videos in the past (although less than those ones) such as for example Havana, Liar, My Oh My, Bam Bam, Don’t Go Yet, etc. (it's not the first time Camila's been in ridiculous situations in her videos). She gave me chaos begets chaos, and in order to maintain sanity, one must embrace the insanity. Or in her case, a palm tree 🤣🤣🤣.
I mean, all in all and in its complexity, I really enjoyed it. She said the theme of the video is chaos and danger, and we saw that. In the interview with Bru On The Radio, still talking about the video, she said: “This complex feeling of loving the pain of something, or loving the messiness of something, or loving the chaos of something, really kind of like finding the beauty in that part of our humanity”. And we saw that too.
And as if it wasn't clear enough already, the video is an artistic representation of the toxic tendencies and behaviors of their toxic relationship in general throughout all these years. And yes, their as in both of them, not just her as in Lauren's. I told you guys in the beginning that it's Camila's POV and I explained that Lauren isn't that bitchy and dickish in real life, but we don't just see Laur's toxic tendencies and behaviors from Mila's POV in the video. We actually see Mila's a lot more. Let me explain.
We saw how Laur brings chaos into Mila's life and their relationship (house scene). She's hurt her (shot her with an arrow through the heart), she doesn't acknowledge her in the hospital, and she also leaves at the end. The leaving her there (breakup or break) in those conditions as well as not taking something for her too from the vending machine is a neglect; another trait of a toxic relationship. That's all. That's what we see as far as Lauren is concerned. Mila on the other hand…
She's the one who's unbothered, especially in the beginning, in having an arrow in her heart, aka being hurt. She's the one who doesn't react when Lo destroys the house, aka when Laur has toxic behavior towards her. Still her the one who runs away from her problems so as not to face them and avoids conflicts (dogs and wrestler). In fact, if that's why, I wanna put in a good word for Laur in this case since she fights her by forcing her to confront her, aka talk about their problems. Still Mila the one who uses an imaginary automatic machine gun to shoot and destroy the bed symbolically in her head just because she’s angry with her. She's the one who crashes herself on top of a car and risks her life on other occasions with the dogs, the palm tree, and by drinking gasoline. I mean, see what I mean?
Who's the most toxic one we see here? And again, this is just a video. Not the reality. I feel like I always have to specify these things with you guys because one never knows you misinterpreted it 🤣. But anyway. I'm happy Mila did it. I'm happy that Mila represented even her toxicity since for many years due to her songs people only and always blamed Lauren. It's something I've been saying for years 💁🏻‍♀️. They both have their faults. There are two people in the couple and there are always two sides to a story. Not just one.
In any case, that's it, dear Anon. I hope you enjoyed both analysis 🙃.
Aaand I'm done 👅. Thank you all for your asks and I hope I've been helpful this time too 🙃. As usual, I'm always available for those who have questions, so ask away 😄.
Remember to be nice. Always. Both with others and with yourselves. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. Don't let our ship sink. Keep shipping them, but please respectfully 🙏🏼. Sending you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗. I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Being Roman's Favorite Sibling Would Include:
Requested: I looooved the "being connor's favourite sibling" headcanons and I was wondering if you could do some for bwing roman's favourite sibling as well? :) xoxo - anon
A/N: He is so baby boy. He is so little man. How much I love little man. Lol anyways!!! I hope you like it my love!!! Thank you for requesting!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Being Connor's Favorite Sibling Would Include:
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Roman didn't like that you were born. There were enough of you running around, he didn't need another sibling. Especially not one as young as you considering he was almost a teenager by the time you were born
Still, there's not much he could do. Like the rest of your siblings, he looks after you. He starts to like you when you're about six months old. That's when you start to look and act like a little person and not, in his words, some gross little flesh monster
You immediately love him from the start. Roman is your everything. He's the one you want when you cry. He's the one you want to sit next to. To play with. To follow around and copy. He secretly loves when you'd take his sunglasses and a pair of his shoes and walk around your little toddler walk pretending to be him
"I'm you, Romey."
"You're not as cool as me."
From a young age you call him Romey. Everything is Romey. Even when you're upset or fighting or anything, he will always be Romey
He likes you now that you can walk and talk and go to school. When your other siblings can't, he'll walk you home from school
"Guess what I learned today?"
"Brain surgery."
"Noooooo Romey, I learned how to multiply."
"That's helpful too, I guess."
All you wanna do is hang out with him, be his little shadow
You know that your father is not a good man. When you fall off your bike and get hurt you don't run to Logan, you never have, instead you go to Roman. He's not very sympathetic, but he'll sit you on the counter and clean you up
"I want the dinosaur bandaid."
"You can't always get what you want."
He gives it to you always, not wanting you to be upset
You're the only one who can go near him after Logan's hit him or berated him. He tends to self-isolate and pushes everyone away. Only you can open the door and come inside and wrap your arms around him. He doesn't push you off, he can't. That would be like acting like your father. He lets you stay as long as he needs and when he's done, he tells you he's okay. Somehow you always know when he's telling the truth and when he's lying
"I'm sorry about Daddy."
He makes it very clear if Logan ever touches you like that you go to him. Not Connor, not Kendall or Shiv, him. He has this terrible feeling that Logan can't differentiate between you two, that he sees you as an extension of Roman instead of your own little person
The older you get the closer you become. You pick up on his sarcasm, his wit, and annoy your siblings to no end when you gang up on them
"Kendall's gone crazy."
"He's been crazy for a while, you're just noticing?"
"Can you guys please stop talking about me?"
"You're forgetting I grew up with him."
As a joke, and maybe not as a joke, he has you in his phone as Mini Me. Mini for short. He'll call you on the phone and text you and you're always Mini
"Mini, where's Shiv?"
"How should I know?"
"Mini get out, the adults are talking."
"I'm an adult!"
"Not with that attitude."
You guys tend to stick together. Roman was right after all. Logan goes after you like he does with Rome. You're a teenager the first time you show him what's been going on since he left the house. Your eye is bruised and swollen shut. You try to put ice on it and get rid of the swelling, but it's too late. When he sees you, he loses his cool. You have to hold him back from going to your fathers study
"Please don't go after him."
"Please. It'll only make things worse. You lnow this."
"Fine. Fine, okay? Fine."
From then on you have more sleepovers at his apartment. He makes up a bed on the couch and you stay up and watch movies with snacks
"Isn't it past your bedtime?"
"Do I look five years old?"
"Four and a half."
"Fuck off."
Your first word was a swear courtesy of Roman. It was most likely fuck, but he swears he can't remember. It was the best day of his life listening to you say fuck over and over again, giggling in that little baby voice. He tries to play it off like he doesn't care abut really, it'll be etched into his memory forever
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine, Romey. Dad does it all the time."
It makes him feel sick knowing you were going through all that and he wasn't there to protect you. You protected him and you're the baby sibling. It's his job to look after you, to protect you
You guys fight all the time. Not in a mean way or a serious way, more like calling ewchother stupid and dumb and pushing and shoving. You never go too far, you never do anything to hurt one another, just as a means of disagreement
"You're so fucking stupid."
"Me? Are you kidding?"
"See! Can't even tell when I'm being serious."
"You're never serious, Romey."
Whatever you accomplish, he's always quietly cheering you on. He's not going to be as outwardly affectionate as Connor is. It's just not in his nature. When you get your degrees and find your place at Waystar he visits your desk multiple times a day
"Look at you becoming a corporate pig."
"I learned from the best."
You and Roman actively make fun of Tom and Greg
"Did you see what Tom was wearing?"
"Fashion disaster, I know."
"Why is Shiv even with him?"
"Daddy issues. Mommy, too."
You stick up for Roman when your siblings make fun of his lack of dating/sex life. It's none of anyone's business
When you do start to date and bring people home and find that someone special, they know they have to get through Roman for things to be serious
"Where'd you find this one? A back alley?"
"Please be nice, I really like them."
"Are you paying them? Are they paying you?"
Say what he will, he's happy you're happy. It hurts watching you grow up. You were his Mini Me not so long ago. Now you're taking part in the company and finding love and you've got your own place. You showed everyone that despite being the baby of the family, you're a force to he reckon with
He loves you. He loves you more than he loves himself. He doesn't say it, and when he does it never comes put right, but you're his baby. You always be
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Hi ladies! Sorry it took me so long to post this, but here it is, it's caption contest time! Just as a quick heads up, this is going to be a little different than other contests that I've seen in Tumblr cause I'm trying to kinda do my own thing and not copy others, but with that being said, feel free to give suggestions and everything as this gets going, I'm totes open to making things better however I can! Anyways, here are the big changes from what I've seen on Tumblr previously:
1.) Instead of everyone using the same pictures, I am going to post 30 cute/sexy photos after this for you all to choose from. Please also feel free to use any that you may have as well, if you want to participate, my pics are just for a jumping off point.
2.) As far as posting, feel free to post them on your own blogs obvi, but if you lovely creators are alright with it, I'd love to compile all of the amazing caps on my Tumblr with all of you cuties tagged so that there is an easy place to find them all. If you sweethearts are alright with this, just DM me your amazing works and I'll take care of the rest. (Again, feel 100% free to post on your own too, I don't want to step on any dainty feet there lol and if you want to only post on your own Tumblr just use the same tag on this post along with whatever else you'd like)
3.) Lastly, I'm hoping to continue to do this every so often (If there is enough interest obvi, so we'll see), but with that I think maintaining a theme will be important. So with this being a sissy blog, and it being close to Halloween 👻🎃 please keep it at least somewhat Halloween related if you can, as well as sissy related too. lol I won't turn anyone away if you don't, just sort of a suggestion.
4.) Oopsies, lol one more, I may write a few of my own, but to challenge myself a bit and have some fun with non captioners too, if any of you beautiful humans have ideas but you don't want to write the captions yourself, send them my way and I'll do my best to make your ideas a reality!
Sorry for the long post girls, but please feel free to reach out with any questions and again let me know if there is possibly any additions you sweethearts might think would be good! I think it would be fun to have all of these captions together and posted on Halloween for a little treat lol, so if you are going to send me ideas please try to send them to me before the 27th, and if you are going to make captions and send them to me to post please have them to me by the 30th! I hope you're all excited, and please, have fun! Sissy captions are fun and sexy so enjoy yourselves ladies!
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-XOXO Maddi
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zappsbrannigan · 3 months
There's no reason for you to feel guilty! I know that not everyone is a fan of Frapp, but Zapp as a character is pretty divisive in the fandom for some reason in comparison to other problematic/morally grey characters like Bender or Mom for instance, but please don't feel bad about talking about Frapp or your love for Zapp, and don't let anyone make you feel bad for it either!
We all have our OTPs and NOTPs as well as our fav characters, and so long as we are respectful of one another, it's not a problem imo - however, now that you're getting back into the fandom, I 100% recommend going through different blogs and tags to block or blacklist what you need to to curate your space to see what you want and to hide what makes you upset or uncomfortable
Anon, you're so sweet for your kind words! Anyway, yeah I've noticed that kind...idk if call it "double moral" between Bender and Zapp, I blame the fact Bender appears more in the show so the writers and we as viewers can see different layers of him and idk have some empathy. Even if Bender is my least favorite, i get some of the appeal...man, Godfellas is on my top 10 probably because makes a good "deep" episode with Bender, i like the message of the episode...what bothers about the character is how, his actions nowdays doesnt have consequences...isnt that interesing to see imo. About my notp...I'm not comfy disclosin the reasons because I dont wanna hurt feelings. Anyway, people tend to "crucify" Zapp a lot...I really want to write about him in depth soon, probably cus I've been seein the show since the first run my feelings are completely different about the characters and the show as whole. Anyway, Zapp is a dumb (or pretends to be dumb or basically brainwashed by politics) and morally gray character, I love to explore that... I'm a sucker for rivals to lovers ship and he has stuff in common with Fry as parallelisms, I would like people might get a try. Also that doesnt mean I hate Leela or anything either, just I'm fan of either hilarious situations of "YOU'RE A STUPID GORILLA!" til "who needs a girl who we have each other??" angst spectrum. Anyway yeah, gotta do what you suggest (I often do that) in general today it wasnt a good day (due...irl stuff) but at least i got some tasty ice cream! , i hope you also ate something delicious today! Hugs anon xoxo
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kaq3yma · 25 days
𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 [isagi yoichi]
qeena's brief note: yayyy another drabble to feed my (and isagi girlies) delulus (๑→ܫ←) i had this idea during my outing with my mom and i write this in public! i repeat. in public. and i wrote this less than an hour too wippieeeee (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و everybody say congratulations qeena bskshsnshek jkjk anyways, another drabble for my sayangsss so please tell me how i did, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated 💖🌺 thank you sayangsss and happy reading xoxo.
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The bus stops at the bustling town square and you gather your things to leave. Once you got out, you didn't wait but to hurry your way up to the library across of you on the other side of the road. It's a bright day, sunny but warm. It's not too hot nor too cold so you are able to dress lightly. The library situate in between two coffee shops so you decided to get yourself a drink before you begin your study session.
You get your drink and enter the spacious building. A woman dressed in formal dress greet you by the counter. You write your name on a book like usual and goes to a vacant table. You wouldn't want to waste any of your time leisuring so you quickly take out your laptop, notebook and your textbooks to begin your study.
Too engrossed on your study, you failed to notice a person taking a seat beside you. Only when you stretch your arms wide did you noticed him because your elbow accidentally hit his face "Oh, my God- I'm so sorry!" You frantically apologized until you notice it was Isagi "Yeah, what a nice way to greet me..." He adjusted his nose, hoping you didn't break it. You look at him, now eyebrows furrowing "What're you doing here?" You questioned him and he lift his bag, "I was gonna study as well."
You stare at him as he take out his stuff to study alongside you. You prop one hand, the corner of your eyes crease ever-so slightly as you smile at him "Your parents nag you with chores too?" He huff, taking out his pen and shake his head "I tend to be distracted when I study at home..."
You've been with him nearly two months and that's a news to you. He turn his head at you, laughing quietly as to not get kick out right off the moment he just came "Study, Y/n." You scoff, looking away from him and grumbled a soft "whatever". However, when you finally fixate on your laptop before you, it was Isagi's turn to look, grin when you look so focus yet troubled. Your brows creased and mindlessly, he caress the creasing spot to ease your brow. You didn't say anything, just stare back at him with prominent blush start to appear all over your face.
Once you recontinue, Isagi went to mess with your attention again "Your nails..." You look at him, then at your nails "What about it?" He lets out a sheepish grin "They're shiny, you put on a nail polish or sum?" You retreat your hand from his grasp and examine them yourself "No...? I did buffed them a little bit last night." He grin, taking your hand once more to speculate.
"Pretty," You snort, very loudly but accidentally and that earns you a quick glare from the old, wrinkling librarian. Isagi turn to you, face funny "What?" He deadpanned and you laugh "You're so cute!" He jolt from his seat and fell the ground. As if that was not enough, his foot knock over your drink and the whole table is wet.
The old librarian storm over you both "Pack your stuffs and leave, now." Everyone's staring and you won't lie, this is very much more embarrassing than times you had to cross roads.
"Your fault we get kicked out." He look at you, pretended to be hurt and pouting "It's okay, we can go again next time." You hit his arm "And you almost crash my laptop!" He look at your wet bag consisting your laptop "Almost, not entirely." You smack his arm again and this time, he winced "Okay fine, I'm sorry...!"
"To make it up to you, I'll buy you snacks, okay?" He smile, picking your hand and grasp it before dragging you far from the town square to a much secluded area filled with tranquility. He even got you snacks, lot of them, as promised. It's safe to say you've become not too haunted by the embarrassing accidents in the library earlier.
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 is open. all rights reserved goes to @kaq3yma on tumblr.
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1d1195 · 4 months
I SUCK at remembering passwords😭 and I seriously don’t remember why I even logged out in the first place lol
Honestly would 100% recommend bluey lol oddly enough I have a friend who genuinely enjoys paw patrol and I love that for him lol NOW THOSE LYRICS ARE A LITTLE TOO REAL😭 I’ve never imagined myself getting married or being a wife and as I was younger I was slightly more open to the idea but now I genuinely don’t care or even want ya know?? Idk I guess I have a fear I’ll end up like my parents HAHAH and I think it’s because people mainly from what I’ve seen like the “idea” of marriage but idk girl it’s a lot to unpack lol But I did love watching say yes to the dress growing up lol
ALSO Sam, fuck people honestly! It’s annoying to hear but the correct time will come for you to live out your dream wedding experience!
The TA lecture…. Tell me why I kinda got my image of him shattered 😭the experience was not making sense in my fantasy😭 the topic was alright like in theory it was interesting but I guess he was sort of giving “know it all vibes” during the lecture and while he was answering questions??? Which is CRAZY to me because during his office hours/other interactions I’ve had with him he’s not like that?! And my friends said the same thing too?? Idk maybe he was nervous which is understandable! Idk 😭(I know TA Harry would never😭)
Also LOVED THE DRYER SHEET UPDATE!!! I had missed them! I LOVED READING IT! Now NIALL PUNCHING HARRY?!? the way I GASPED AND SAY “NIALL” out loud?! CRAZY?! but kinda loved it 🤭 and the cuddling scene was just so adorable like omg 😭 I love the dryer sheets couple so much! You did such a good job as always!
Hope your break went well and that your week has started off well!! Sending all the love!!-💜
Sometimes I just be doing stuff and log out for no reason. I get it 🤣
I have wanted nothing more than to be married and have kids and a family but now that I'm pushing 30 I'm still in a very happy committed relationship. Idk maybe this is it for me. It's not bad. Like I said, it's just everyone else being judgmental af lol Please unpack any time I would love to hear it. My parents love language is arguing. There's no other reason. They're so much work. I don't want to end up like that.
RIP YOUR TA I'M DEVASTATED. I hope he was nervous. that's so tragic! TA Harry WOULD never. TA Harry would tell the whole class he was nervous before starting the lecture.
My trashy romance was so good. It was 👌 Enemies to lovers 😍 It was three novellas in one book and the girls in it were STEM ladies and super important in their fields. They were dumb in love but brilliant. It was magical. Very Miss Wildflower of them if I do say so myself.
I know I mentioned my love/hate relationship with Love and Dryer Sheets. I had been picturing Niall punching Harry (someone had to do it) I also rewatched New Girl like a month ago and there was an episode where the two girls get in a verbal disagreement and the boys are like "just punch each other; it solves things faster" and I thought it was so funny 🤣 Niall's just a baby though, he'd never do that in real life hehehehe I think someone suggested they wanted check-ins of them just being in love doing laundry and being normal which makes sense since they were striving to be a boring couple that love laundry and all their drama was centered around getting together. So now they're just going to do laundry which is great.
Hope you're having a good week, I'm excited to hear what you think about tomorrow's update! :)
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sylvie-fics · 2 years
It's a Part 4 and a Part 2, but you could read it like a one shot if you wanted!
FUCK it up bitches im back at it again. listen up, he likes you, you're fucking jayce, but this is a nice happy chapter where you learn viks fucking name holy hell please enjoy.
word count: 1613 EXACT
warnings: prostitution, electrocution, language, inhumane feats of acrobatics and strength
minors dni
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It’s been 2 months since Viktor heard anything from you. He thinks you might be dead. 
It’s all a haze. You claimed to poison him, talked about “hot girl summer”, and left through the window, all while blindfolded. It would have been impressive, had it have not been so horrifying.
He’s really at war with himself here— deciding why he’s so worried about you. Is it because he sees you as a potential project partner? Is it because he thinks you have no regard for your well-being to a dangerous extent? Is it because he thinks you’re absolutely fascinating and he wants to spend more time—-
No, couldn’t be that last one.
That’s what he tells himself, anyways.
It's almost as though you’ve just… gone missing. It wasn’t something he worried about at first. A few days of silence might be considered a small treat. A week of silence could be indicative of new, time consuming projects. 
But then multiple weeks started going by.
He told himself he wasn’t worried. He was just checking the obituary section of the newspaper… for fun? He was just going to the marketplace daily…in search of deals on parts for Blitz. He was just interrogating people on your whereabouts as a fun pastime.
He was just interrogating people on your whereabouts as a fun pastime.
“Ack— I swear that’s all I know! She goes to Piltover every summer!”
The poor shopkeeper was being held up in the air, nearly choking. Viktor wouldn’t be getting first pick on anything from here on out, forsure.
“For what? What reason would she have to go there?”
“I don’t know— but she goes, and she comes back loaded with cash! People say that she’s a…”
The claws grip tightened, bringing the man closer to Viktor. As if begging—no— threatening for the man to finish his sentence.
“She’s. A. What.”
“She’s…. A whore.”
And there he went. From the grip of the claw, straight into the wall of the building. No one near dared to speak a word. Neither concern for the shop keeper, nor information on your possible occupation. Everyone stayed silent, waiting for the dust to settle as the machine herald stormed out the building.
But the gossip around town afterwards… Two mad scientists having a relationship, while one is off having an affair with an aristocrat in Piltover. Oh, the drama! 
If gossip were wildfire, then Zaun was a firework stand.
It enrages him. His once horrifying image had been reduced to that of Zaun’s greatest lover boy. All for someone who he cared nothing about.
That’s what he told himself, anyways.
It didn’t bother him, the idea of you sleeping with others for money. It did bother him that others thought so poorly of you for it. Used such derogatory language. As if anyone else in Zaun were better than you.
Even through his anger, that feeling of ‘hm, y/n might have actually gotten struck by lightning and died this time’ persisted. Festered. Evolved into anxiety. Evolved into staring out the window all day truly hoping to see that familiar face.
Relief came in the form of a postcard. A picture of scenery, with “greetings from Piltover” plastered all across the front.
On the back, a note simply saying 
“Miss you! Selling my “ideas” for money! See you soon! Xoxo, (Y/N)”
It would only be a few days after the arrival of that postcard that you would return to Zaun. Loaded with enough cash to fund your projects for the rest of the year, and completely oblivious to how different the gossip was this year.
You knew what everyone thought of you. Frankly, you didn’t care. You have bills to pay and inventions to build. So if having a little fun in Piltover means those two things get done? Then damn, you’re all set.
Progress doesn’t wait, and neither do you. Straight from Piltover to the parts shop, heels and shades still on. Paying no mind to the distant clanking sound of your dearest enemy and friend.
He’s telling himself that he’s not following you. This is purely coincidental. Especially since he’s been taking this path near daily. He didn’t look out the window and see you. He hasn’t been staring out the window the past few days. Weeks.
Only moments after walking in did you hear the store’s bell chime once again, followed by that much too familiar voice. 
“What a coincidence to see–”
Though you could immediately tell his tone was different from his normal, angry, annoyed, grumpy voice, you didn’t care. You were quick to cut him off, pointing a finger to his face and attempting to push him away with your free hand. To no avail, of course. 
“Uh uh, no, leave.”
He tilts his head in response, as if he had forgotten. 
“Don’t think I don’t remember what happened last time we were here at the same time.” you state, “It’s not happening again. Favor one. You can stand outside until I’m done here.”
“Surely you aren’t wasting a fav–”
“I am, actually. Outside. Now.”
And so outside he was. For all of the 10 minutes it took you to obtain absolute trash. Completely oblivious to the fact that Viktor had been to that shop every day. Oblivious to the fact he wasn’t even planning on buying anything. Oblivious to the fact you absolutely wasted your first favor.
Oblivious to the shopkeeper sized hole in the wall.
By the time you came outside, you had already forgotten about being angry. You placed your shopping bag in the hexclaw, which gripped it almost instinctively. Not asking if you could or should. Frankly, you just didn’t feel like carrying it, and decided that hanging out with your big grumpy robot friend would be the best way to continue the day. 
Something about that one, small action made Viktor feel a sense of great purpose. The two of you were on the move, walking to seemingly nowhere. Vikor wasn’t able to register anything that occurred. Not the people dreadfully staring at Zaun’s most legally insane couple. Not the horrible insults you were throwing around about your ‘business partners’. He didn’t even realize the two of you were walking to his house until he was at the doorstep. He may not have removed his brain just yet, but it was near empty the moment his best friend and enemy placed a bag in his claw-hand. 
Truly, he thought, men do not evolve past their awkward teenage stage. This is why humanity has hindered, and even backtracked on worldwide progress. Holding your partners—-- enemies shopping bag should not produce this much testosterone. 
Viktor felt the insatiable need to go fight someone to prove himself as the alpha male. 
You had been attempting to get his attention for what felt like an hour. Waving your hand in front of his face. Shaking him. Looking around to see if there was some sort of… wire malfunction? You eventually decided just to go inside, as this trance looked as though it wouldn’t end any time soon. 
And it didn’t.
But when Viktor did eventually snap back into reality, he saw you standing over his work table, inspecting all the parts that had been put together thus far.
“You’re really having your Mary Shelley moment here, babes.” you said, mindlessly casting a glance at him from over your shoulder.
“Y'know– Mary Shelley. Frankenstein.”
“The monster?”
“Actually, Frankenstein was the doctor.” you stated factually, moving to the other side of the table. “The ‘monster’ did give himself a name. And got rejected by society. And chased his creator halfway across the globe.
But that won’t happen to you!”
Viktor was in no way reassured by the various words that you said. As you continued to explain the plot of this book, he found himself even more concerned. Still, you were good company, and made things feel less lonely while he worked on his project.
Not that he would admit that to himself.
“Maybe I’ll just start calling you Victor Frankenstien! It seems fitting.” 
“Just Viktor is fine.”
You tilted your head to the side
“Generally, people know him by his last name… don’t you think that’s a little counterproductive?”
“Victor Frankenstein… he’s just… no one calls him Victor. It’s usually Frankenstein. Title of the book.”
This is when  it dawned on Viktor that he had never once told you his name in the many months he’s known you.
Slowly, he called out, “y/n.” 
“What do you think my name is?”
“Harold, why?”
“What… what led you to this conclusion?”
You rolled your eyes in response, huffing out a, “first name harold, last name themachine. Duh.”
From your perspective, all you could see was the large armor-like suit shaking subtly. You had said it with such power, such conviction. Viktor was trying to keep himself from laughing at the pure idiocy that had just come out of your mouth. He knew you weren’t joking– you were being fully serious, and he couldn’t handle it. 
Viktor has never met anyone in his life so genuinely stupid, but so convinced they’re good at what they do. He had met people like that before, he had worked with them. But never, ever, in his life had he met anyone this truly far gone.
No amount of glorious evolution could fix you. If Viktor took out your brain, he would look at it and be amazed by how smoothe it is. No wrinkles, no room for thought.
Under that mask, a single tear ran down his face. Modulated wheezing came through the mask in short, frequent bursts.
“Are you laughing at me?!” 
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lorkai · 3 years
hiiii Iorkai! i was thinking....could you do something like a MC that is obsessed with demonology and how the brothers would react? also if its not bothering so much, could you do MC wearing a leviathan's cross? he would be so happy! no pressure tho, do in your time!
Love your work!
- anon21
A/N: Hi anonie, thank you for your kind words! And sorry for the delay with this headcanon, I honestly didn't know where to go and had a lot of ideas. It turned out to be small, however. Hope you like it anyway!
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You were a person who liked things that people didn't understand and didn't try to understand. Demonology was one of those things, fascinating, with so many secrets to discover, although you only see it as a means of knowledge that people turned away out of fear, everyone else didn't even want to think about demons and looked at you in a strange way. .
That changed when you arrived in Devildom. You could ask whatever you wanted and you would have an answer that no other book could offer you, after all you would ask a demon directly.
- He is proud that, in addition to you cooperating with the exchange program and not disobeying any of the rules imposed by him, you also study hard and always want to know more about demons and their culture. This knowledge will give you another view of the demons, one that the exchange program needs, so of course he helps you learn more.
- Probably sets aside time just to answer each of your questions and help you with your homework, he values your attitude!
       "See Mammon? You could learn a little from the MC and be more studious!"
- It is during these study sessions that you also become good friends. Lucifer even lets you use his office when his boisterous brothers are, well, making noise. You guys talk and work on whatever you're doing and he couldn't ask for a better friend.
- Annoying! super boring! If he's going to spend most of his time with you, then at least do something interesting instead of just asking questions and following him around. He wants more emotion, more movement.
- Still he answers your questions with as much patience as he has, although he may not know any answers to questions that are too difficult.
      "No MC, I have no idea the difference between pact and alliance. Ask Satan."
- He spends so much time putting up with you that he ended up picking up your habits and always studying with you, sometimes just making small drawings on the pages instead of doing something real. But hey, what counts is the intention. He finds all his curiosity cute, but he'll deny it if you ask him.
- He doesn't know if meeting you is a curse or a blessing, he'll think about it while playing. But Levi loves the fact that you have the Cross of Leviathan tattooed on your arm, it's a symbol of him and everything he stands for. He loves it, even if he won't tell you directly once he first meets you.
- During the exchange program, however, you spend time together. You liked Levi before you even met him and you let him know that, letting him see the tattoo every time you're together. And you also take this moment to ask him some questions about demonology, Devildom and himself. You always want to know more, even about the things he's always rambling on. Like Ruri-chan, the TSL series or Henry, his goldfish.
      "Yes, Mc, I can help you with the anatomy of demons... Just give me a minute to kill this boss in this game."
-His curious personality reminds him so much of a character dear to him, so he can't be mad at you asking so many questions. And as his best friend, Levi also makes sure no one makes fun of you for it. It's a pretty cute trait, especially given the way his eyes light up every time you get a satisfying answer.
- He's having the time of his life. Finally someone who also values ​​knowledge is living under the same roof as him, Satan will have many debates with you on many subjects, focusing more on demons and the books you have read about them in order to help you find out more about them. He was also very curious to know this when he was born, what was he anyway? An angel? A demon? Half angel and half demon? A fallen angel perhaps?
- He offers to help you with whatever you need during the first few weeks in Devildom, taking you to his library or his room to study and debate, make you reflect on things and even teach you some spells, for the fun of it. You and he become good friends that way too, and you talk about your problems and help each other out a lot too. You're the one who manages to make him realize that his hatred aimed at Lucifer is something that will wear him down over the years, as if he only lived to torment his father older brother.
    “A pact is when a demon gives himself to a human, takes this person as a master and serves them. You can summon him and force him to do whatever you want if you have a pact with a demon. But an alliance is different, it's like an equivalent exchange. You and your demon give and take back, it's a cycle MC."
-All in all, he's really happy with your coming to the House of Lamention. You are without a doubt the best person he has ever met and he is more than happy to help you on this journey to knowledge, he will be here for you whenever you need him.
– His beauty does amazing things, attracting such smart people to him. Of course he won't mind if you want to hang around him to ask questions about demons in general or just talk about silly things, he's all about that honestly. But know that he knows a lot about the anatomy of demons, in case you want to know about some very interesting points, if you know what I mean.
- If you feel comfortable he could talk about you to Solomon, after all the two of you like demons so much that he just know that you two would be good friends and would talk about topics that interested you the most. Pacts, the seven deadly sins, their most notable features like horns and wings. It's all so interesting. By the way Asmo would let you touch his wings, but be careful because his back is fragile.
  “Awww MC, darling, your dedication to this study is admirable. But come and sit here for a while, let's talk about something else now, shall we?”
- He's definitely going to tell you a few little lies, though. It's just for fun and watching you write some silly little lies in your book is so funny he just can't help himself. He'll tell you the truth later, don't worry.
- Beel might not be your first choice because he keeps that expression closed most of the time, but you can tell he's just not good at expressing what he feels. So you approach him, observe his patterns, and ask him questions about his hunger, what it feels like, why it's so persistent, what it's like to be the Avatar of gluttony.
- He's patient, but please don't ask questions when he's trying to eat. He might choke trying to answer you and he doesn't want that, although he's a Beel demon might not be your most favorable choice. Yes, he is a good observer and able to read people with a single glance, but there are many things he doesn't understand and maybe doesn't know how to explain in the best way. He can tell you about Devildom's plants, though.
  “No MC, this plant is one that didn't need much water! How do I know this? Hm, look here and you will understand what I mean.”
- He's the younger brother, so he sees a little bit of himself in you. He was really a curious angel as a kid and that's why he didn't mind answering your question, after all as a friend and an exchange student it was more than obvious that you were going to have doubts about things.
- Well... It's likely that you already know everything you want to know, it's months until you release Belphegor from the attic. But let's suppose you really don't know everything, Belphie is happy to be able to spend time with you to make you forget about the thing he did. And he lets you know that, despite his redemption he's still lazy and his explanations are slow, sleepy, but he does his best to give you a good answer.
- He understands your fascination with demons, he's the same when it comes to humans. So you share information about both races with each other, laughing at the absurdities that demons and humans think about each other.
       "We demons don't sleep upside down, Mc... I understand your blood is red, but what do you mean there's no blue blood?"
- It's fun to see you guys interacting, it's almost like you're in a game to test your knowledge. Mammon probably tried to make you guys compete just to see who would win the match, but you would end up in a tie. You know a lot about each other.
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lune-hime · 3 years
'ello love:3 So i'm just dropping this here xD MC and Levi are a fresh couple but Levi wanted to keep their relationship a secret from the public bc he didn't want ppl butting in his business and also bc well- our awkward boi is new to all this and doesn't rlly know how to handle it anyway. Erwin and Hange have obv picked up on it though. So they just devise all kinds of plans to torment Levi and get him to break in public and out his relationship for the world to see xD I have such a soft spot for flustered/jealous!Levi i s2g🥺
You know that you're my fav and i have full trust in you, and i can't wait to see whatever you might do with this prompt🤧🖤 love you xoxo
Thank you as always for being so lovely and supportive for both me and my work <3. I apologize if its not as blushy as you requested but I hope I did your request justice! Love you too girlie <3
Garden of Tulips (Levi/Reader) Tea Time #8
~Click me for more chapters~
“What did it look like?”
“Hmm?” Levi looked up from his place next to your sleeping form. “The titan that tried to snack on my darling granddaughter.” “Ugly as fuck.” “Aren’t they all?”
Levi recounts memories of the reader and their shared life together while she recovers from a serious injury.
!!WARNINGS!! - Violence, gore, smut, wholesome content ;)
Breaking the News
Your budding relationship with Levi wasn’t a secret. It just hadn’t been formally announced in a grandiose speech to the entire scouting legion. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t tell people if they prodded you hard enough.
“You told him.” Jean smirked as you walked towards the dining hall. “That stupid grin that never leaves your face says it all.”
It hadn’t even been two full days since you had confessed, of course he would have caught on by now. He knew you too well.
“...I hate how well you know me.”
“Levi, I just went to your office to find you.” Petra began, tapping her finger idly along the polished wood of the library table. Levi looked up from his book with a raised eyebrow.
“...And I found Y/N lounging in there instead.” Petra’s lips wobbled in a poor attempt to contain her excitement. Levi sighed and blinked up at her.
“Please tell me the two of you are finally together!” She demanded sweetly, leaning over the table in giddy suspense.
“We are.”
Despite Levi’s outward nonchalance, he too was quite giddy. And he thought that word and his name would never have been remotely connected. He felt utterly happy, but that didn’t mean he had to parade this newfound bliss around. The official standing of your relationship wasn’t a new installment in everyone’s lives. It was between you and him.
It was simple. If someone asked, the two of you would tell them. But that casual openness didn’t pertain to Hange and Erwin. Oh no, the two of you wanted to mess with two of the most important people in your lives.
Believe it or not, Erwin had a pension for gossip. Being commander, naturally he liked to be informed on all of the happenings in his jurisdiction. Hange, also having an insatiable desire of the unknown, was the corps worst and most persistent snoop. So, to have a bit of fun, you and Levi decided to make a game out of it. And those who did know were told to keep their mouths shut until you were done.
“ERWIN!” Hange’s bellow was a swift precursor to the boisterous body slam that crashed against Erwin’s locked office doors. Erwin’s eyes flicked up from his desk towards the cacophony. A muffled groan of pain fell upon the commander’s ears as he strode to unlock his office. Once the locks clicked, Hange uncrumpled herself and walked in.
“Sorry, I was trying to be dramatic but your door was locked. She huffed and rolled her wrists as they cracked. Erwin regarded at her as if this was in their daily routine.
“What can I do for you, Hange?” He posed calmly, clasping his hands together behind his back.
“I saw Levi and Y/N having lunch together at one of the outdoor tables.” She said in utter seriousness and leaned in. Erwin raised his brows as she continued to stare at him with wide eyes.
“They do interact, you know.” He responded, unimpressed by this mundane observation. Hange shook her head vehemently.
“Yes yes I know. But Levi took some food from her plate. He never does that with anyone. Doesn’t want their cooties.” Hange elaborated, her tone viscous with conspiracy.
Now this did peak the commander’s interest. His hand came to rub at his freshly shaven jaw at the thought provoking scenario.
"That is unusual.” Erwin mused.
He would have liked to give the two of you the benefit of the doubt on confiding in him the status of your relations-as both your commanding officer and a friend. But he couldn’t deny Hange’s claim. She was right, Levi never shared food willingly.
“Time to investigate?” Hange suggested with a wily grin. An impish half smile blossomed on Erwin's lips and he sealed her proposal with a nod.
Let’s just say...all of their investigatory attempts had failed thus far.
They started out simple; discretely corralling the two of you to sit by each other at meals and watching for affectionate gestures.
Which got them:
Nothing. Save for you taking Levi’s plate to be cleaned…but you did that for everyone else at the table as well.
Erwin felt he was justified in saying he and Levi had a close relationship spanning many years at this point. Thus he would like to think he knew him well enough to be skeptical that Levi would be the jealous type. Hange, on the other hand, couldn't have disagreed more.
Erwin’s thumb brushed along the ceramic pot of the freshly planted wild daisies as he flagged down a passing cadet.
“Cadet.” He called. His level voice stopped the kid in his tracks with wide eyes. He jogged over and stood straight in front of his superior officer on the outskirts of the training grounds where you were currently waiting for your next batch of cadets. Levi was sitting a few meters away fiddling with a broken 3DM harness in his lap as he too waited for more brats to train.
“Yes sir?” The young man saluted him. Erwin silently extended his floral hand to him. The young man blinked in confusion at the gesture. It only hit Erwin then, what this looked like. He cleared his throat and pursed his lips.
“Go place these next to Squad Leader Y/N.” Erwin instructed without a hint of jest and nodded towards where you were leaning along the fence. You looked like you were dozing off as you waited. “It’s for landscaping.”
Erwin noted the sheer perplexiity that radiated off of the boy, but the cadet didn’t question the simple order given to him. Erwin watched from afar as he approached your oblivious form.
The disorientation of the early stages of a nap mixed with the sudden tap on your shoulder made you startle. You gripped the poor kid by the arm, immediately causing him to drop the potted flowers. You instinctively threw him over your shoulder and he hit the ground hard .
“Oh Ymir, I’m so sorry!” You profusely apologized as the cadet groaned and rubbed his hip. Erwin sighed at his failed plan as you helped the boy back up and explained to him you weren’t usually that jittery.
“Nice throw.” Levi commented when the cadet was out of earshot.
Hange’s last ditch attempt was to once she was done talking to Levi in his office, suddenly demand she has to use the restroom and insist that it absolutely cannot wait. This was in the hopes of Levi graciously letting her use his and she could briefly snoop around his bedroom and ensuite for any signs of you.
All she got was a gracious shove outside of his office and a request to take care of her business out in the hallway instead.
Once they had exhausted their plans, Erwin called Hange into his office on a humid summer evening.
Hange swiveled in circles behind Erwin’s office desk, her legs propelling her gently round and round in his chair.  Erwin leisurely reclined on the leather couch after regrouping on their failures thus far.
“There is a festival in town this week.” Erwin spoke up.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” Hange asked on her way around, her head lazily slung against the headrest of the seat.
“Shame, haven’t been on a date in so long.”
“If we’re still serious about getting to the bottom of this, I’ll make it mandatory for everyone to go into town for the market fete.” He proposed and chewed at his bottom lip in thought.
Hange pursed her lips as she pondered his suggestion. She halted her spinning and rolled over to him.
“Go on.” She urged at his tantalizing proposal.
“As you know, I usually give everyone the day off during the festival every year in case they want to go. A few of our officers usually volunteer to help out and engage with the community.” Erwin explained.
“This time I’ll require all-”
“For the love of Ymir, minus cadets please. Could you imagine how many babies that would be to manage?” Hange interjected with an exhale.
“Right, only squad members will take the day off.”
“This will ensure that both Levi and Y/N are there. We’ll say it will be a good opportunity to not only volunteer for the community, but create transparency between the military and civilians. There’s going to be dancing, music, and food so they’re bound to sneak off together at some point. We will keep a vigilant watch.” Erwin said eloquently. He then looked at his subordinate expectantly.
Hange blinked.
“I was going to suggest we start a small, controlled fire in my laboratory while both of them are in there to garner a romantic rescue scene. But let’s go with your idea. It’s not necessarily better...but it’s easier.” Hange nodded in affirmation.
“Let’s save the pyrotechnics as our very last resort.” He agreed.
“We’ll have to be resourceful while we are there. Know our environment, and what triggers might expose their everlasting love to us.” Hange said with dreamy determination.
When Erwin announced that it was mandatory for all upper level officers to volunteer, you had commissioned Oma to send you tulips to sell at the local flower shop’s booth. Your fingers nimbly weaved stems of tulips and other assorted angiosperms into delicate flower crowns while the rest of your body bopped along to the lively fiddle music that flooded the square in front of you.
“Go out there.” Your stall mate, the heavily pregnant owner of the shop, urged when she noticed your little dancing. Villagers were laughing as they line danced to the upbeat music, couples swirled in a whirlwind of giggles, and others preferred to freestyle on their own. You looked from the shop owner to the square and back again in a fleeting moment of contemplation.
“No, I couldn’t. We came here to volunteer, not dance.” You politely declined her offer with a warm grin. “Maybe later tonight.”
She shrugged and resumed arranging a bouquet of peonies. You had placed your crown out for display and had just barely reached for a fresh tulip when a distantly familiar voice called your name over the merriment.
“ Luca ?” Your breathy voice rose with your shocked smile. “No way, it’s been ages!”
Across the counter stood the remnants of a boy you had been acquainted with at banquets and other high end events before enlisting into the corps. To say he was quite different from when you last saw him would have been a grave understatement.
“It really has! Walls, it’s had to have been since we were 17 right?”
From the perpendicular side of the square, even Levi had to forcibly admit...he was handsome as fuck.
Sickeningly handsome.
Perfect teeth of the highest bleached marble. Perfect hair the shade sunbaked bronze bricks. Perfectly pressed suit jacket and trousers. Perfectly annoying how he garnered such sweet laughter from you.
How would he like a perfectly undercooked, scalding pancake all over his perfect face?
Levi took pleasure in holding the title as reigning king of outward indifference.
Keyword: outward .
Levi didn’t generally think of himself as jealous or walls forbid over-possessive. But when he finally allowed himself to acknowledge his affections for you, irrational feelings of abandonment surfaced more than he would have liked. Possessiveness would pick at his insides and fester there until your imprint was felt in his waiting arms. He would never act on it, unless it was someone clearly making you feel uncomfortable, especially not before you two made your feelings known to each other. But now that he was yours and you were his, any false threat that could take you away from him was an intrusive thought he couldn’t shake. His past self would have snickered at how his emotions had him whipped into a constant cycle of elation and fear of deprivation. But he would now rather feel that than nothing at all without you.
Levi was quite the sight himself. There he resided behind his booth, situated at the long iron skillet with a frilled apron (courtesy of the crepe shop and unwillingly placed onto him) cinched around his waist. He simultaneously burned a hole right through the jubilant townspeople and the bubbling pancake batter sizzling on the griddle. Hange would later say he resembled a small gremlin who didn’t take his job seriously enough.
“Two strawberry crepes, please.” An older woman requested politely. Levi made a noise of acknowledgement, only looking down briefly to flay the batter out in a thin circle. His fingers flexed in the direction of the strawberries, missing them by an inch as he continued his eagle eyed spying.
Don’t inch closer to her.
Erwin, stood next to the goblin in a matching apron, watched as the woman watched Levi who was watching you. He sighed, shoving the tub of berries within range of Levi’s grasp. His eyes finally snapped away from you at the smell of burning batter. He rolled the poor crepe and plopped it onto the woman’s plate.
Those soft hands wouldn’t ever be able to make you feel as good as mine.
“Um-these are burnt.” She accused, her voice still ringing pleasantly despite her disappointment. Levi blankly took the whipped cream and gave her a heaping dollop.
“There, now you can’t tell.” He said simply. The customer looked at Erwin and he gave her a cringed smile.
“I apologize, ma’am. Let me make you another one.” He offered.
“When I heard you and the kid you used to sometimes bring as your date to events-” Luca began, his bright grin never wayining.
“Jean.” You clarified.
“Yeah him! When I heard you guys joined the survey corps I gotta say I wasn’t surprised with you, given your Oma. I was a bit devastated that I wouldn’t get to see your beautiful face for awhile, though.” He smoothly slid the flirty comment over the counter to you.
You did a double take, chuckling softly before he started speaking again.
“It’s good to see you unscathed. You’re so brave, you know that?” His dazzling boyish smile and clear attentiveness towards you made the pregnant woman giggle from the other corner.
“Thank you for saying that.” You replied sweetly. His compliments were coming on very strong and out of nowhere. Your mind buzzed with ways to politely accept them without leading him on.
“But what are you up to? The last time I saw you, you were my height and wanted to be a lawyer.” You chuckled nostalgically, seeing that now he was a good head taller than you.
His bright laugh made Levi want to gag on the sunspots that seemed to come out of his mouth.
“I’m actually a banker now. I’m training to take over for my dad when he retires.” He said with enthusiasm.
You were about to continue the conversation when the pregnant woman interjected.
“Young man, would you please take this young lady to dance? She disobeyed my orders to go enjoy herself for one song after helping me with this stall all afternoon.” The woman winked at you and you gaped. Luca held out his hand to you.
Levi thought of himself as a collected person. He really did. He wasn’t controlling. He trusted you. What he didn’t trust were sharp tongue nobles who clearly had a history with you by the way you were reacting.
“You heard your boss, Y/N. The flowers won’t miss you for one dance.” Luca’s sweet lopsided grin and the innocent insistence of the shop owner urged you to reach out to take his hand.
“Fine, one dance.” You said with a growing smile of your own. You felt bad about leaving your post, but your legs had been itching to dance all afternoon. And it might be fun to catch up with Luca. You glanced over towards the one who you would rather be side stepping around the cobblestone with, only he wasn’t at his booth.
But when you stepped around the corner and reached out for the hand extended to you, another found its way to wrap at your side.
“Ah, Levi-” You noted in surprise, but didn’t fight the tender hand at your waist. It was an unusually bold statement for him, his close proximity catching you off guard.
“Are you another friend of Y/N?” Luca asked with a candied voice that made Levi’s organs want to shrivel up. He stared at him for a moment, while you waited in anticipation for his answer. Your heart excitedly beat against your chest and his fingers twitched against your hip.
“The boyfriend actually.” His voice dripped with a supple bitterness that made Luca’s eyebrows shoot up. You regarded Levi with your mouth agape; his cheeks were blushed a soft red and his lips were raw from toying with them. He looked utterly adorable.
“I see. It was nice catching up with you, Y/N.” He gave you an understanding smile and backed off. You said your goodbyes and turned to Levi.
“Well does my boyfriend want to dance with me, then?” You teased. Your heart was fluttering viciously at his use of the word.
Levi felt the curve of your waist under his palm, saw the love that swirled in your irises, and basked in the affection of your rosy cheeks and excited grin.
Fuck it. He wanted to experience life with you, no matter who saw or what others thought. It was time to live.
“One dance." He mumbled, cursing the rosy flames of affection that baked his face.
You gasped when he led you into the square and began leading you in time with the music. You melted into his embrace, blowing a kiss to Erwin and Hange who were situated near the pancake booth, gawking at the two of you.
“Well, Erwin, looks like we didn’t even have to exercise our other plans.” Hange sighed, leaning against his booth and grinning as more soldiers joined in dancing after seeing you two go.
“Indeed. I like seeing him happy.” A genuine smile unfolded on Erwin’s lips. Hange hummed in agreement and looked over to her booth. Under the table she had stashed a box of assorted fireworks and other merriment explosives.
“Well, shit, what am I going to do with these fireworks now?” She exclaimed.
“I’m sure you will think of something.”
“It’s dumb.” You admitted sheepishly. Levi wasn’t dissuaded by your weak dismissal.
“So? I hear dumb shit on the daily.” He countered.
The two of you were having a friendly, celebratory tea break the week of your promotion to squad leader when the topic of the beginnings of your interactions casually came up.
“Once I realized you were tough on me and the other cadets because you needed to be, I didn’t take it personally anymore. I guess I was just a bit distant at first because…” You trailed off, trying to place your words correctly without offending him.
Levi waited patiently as the tick tocking of his office clock filled the pause in conversation. His chest clenched as he explored all possible responses you could give him.
“I assumed you wouldn’t like me because of my background. That you might have thought I was pretentious.” You admitted, meeting his gaze for a brief moment before turning them downwards towards your tea cup. His stomach dropped at your confession and at the bashful way your beautiful eyes wouldn't meet his.
“Why would you think I would hate you just because you grew up more well off than me?” He asked gently. His heart stung with a small tinge of offense. Not at you, but at himself. He could be quite a distant p;erson, and he knew that. But he would never want you to think he hated you.
“I dunno, Petra mentioned to me how you came from the underground and I know-well I don’t know-actually how…” You said bashfully. You had never enjoyed discussions about the monetary values of your upbringing. You wanted to be known for you , not any price tag associated with you.
“How write and disgusting it is?” He added. You nodded slowly.
Levi felt a prick at his pride that you once thought he would have judged you as such and would have written you off entirely. He took a generous sip of his tea and let the space between you ferment.
“...That is pretty stupid.” The harsh words left his lips with a honeyed coating. You felt momentarily idiotic, but it was immediately washed away.
“If anything, you’ve shown me that not all people with money are assholes.” He continued.
“The underground made me who I am, just as Krolva made you how you are. It’s by chance what we’re born into. If I hated you for that then it’d be like hating you for existing.”
His sincerity spanned from his words to his eyes that now regarded you with inviting tenderness. His openness gave heated kisses to your cheeks as you settled into a bittersweet silence. Your nerves had been dissipated, and Levi’s had been ignited with his increasingly unbearable feelings for you.
“...And I don’t.” He added quickly, the heat of his cheeks rising with the steam of his drink.
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romance-is-tragic · 4 years
Sleep Well Soulmate (Tim Drake X Fem! Reader)
Summary: Reader goes to visit her boyfriend, Tim Drake, Red Robin, at the Batcave after he’s had a long day.
A/N: Hey everyone ! Back with Tim Drake this time. Thank you to all of you out there who put up with me not writing for weeks and then posting and reblogging ten things in a row. This one just kind of hit me this morning and it’s taken me some time to write. Writer’s block, you know ? Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. As always, feedback is appreciated :) 
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Your phone pinged as you walked into your apartment, a text from Tim. You sat down, kicking off your shoes as you turned on the row of lamps hanging from the ceiling, wall to wall of your tiny apartment.
"Hey Y/N, I'm gonna have to cancel our date today. I've got some work to do. So sorry. Love you. Xoxo," it read. You sighed, this was the third date he'd canceled in four weeks. He had his reasons, you knew that, Tim Drake was as busy as anyone. You'd just kinda hoped that he'd make some time for you.
You got up and walked to the small kitchenette, pulling out some noodles and meat. You’d written down the recipe for pork-bone soup, something both you and Tim enjoyed on cold days. You hummed as you got to work, texting Tim a 'no problem' as the water boiled. As you added the garnish and packed up the soupy noodle concoction, you wondered briefly if you shouldn't be going to see him but you loved him and if he was this busy, you should take care of him, right ?
You stepped gingerly out of the Gotham subway, your eyes darting briefly from side to side as you felt for the pepper spray in your jacket. Gotham wasn't really the safest of places and you knew that. You walked silently towards Wayne Manor, the soles of your sneakers padding softly against the deserted sidewalk. You raised a cold hand and rang the bell to be greeted with the warm smile of Alfred Pennyworth.
"You're here very late Miss Y/N, here to see Master Tim I suppose," he said, ushering you inside. "Yes I am, thank you Alfred," you replied as he took your coat. You walked down the stairs to the Batcave, your eyes adjusting to the darkness in contrast to the honey golden lights above. You saw Tim hunched in front of the enormous computer screen, his eyes focused intently as his fingers typed at the speed of light.
"Tim, sweetheart ?" you said softly, coming up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He stared into your eyes, his softening as he aw you. You glowed amongst the darkness, the warmth of happiness in his cold heart of pain. "Oh, hey Y/N," he said, turning away from the screen. "What are you doing here ?"
You sat down beside him, placing the bag containing the still-hot cup of soupy noodles in his lap. "I figured you could use some pork-bone soup, seeing that you're so stressed." He smiled at you, his tired eyes drooping slightly. You pulled out the chopsticks you'd brought and passed him a pair. "Dinner together ?" you asked. He nodded and unscrewed the lid, letting the calming aroma fill the air.
As Tim polished off the warm soup, his eyes began to droop again. You took the container from his hands and placed it aside. "Tim, you alright ?" you asked. He nodded, murmuring a 'just tired'. You smiled to yourself and pulled him into your lap, your arms around his waist, one hand rubbing up and down his back as he snaked his arms around your neck and tucked his head into the crook of your neck. "I love you," he whispered as he closed his eyes. You smiled fondly at him, kissing his cheek. "I love you too Timmy, I'll love you forever. Sleep well soulmate."
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elvendara · 3 years
i found you from your passive-aggressive account on wordpress and i don't know if you're still active but I needed to get this off my chest. i need to know why. why would you do this? "after the funeral" was kinda odd. i know if my dad died i wouldn't immediately rail zen. anyway love the stories xoxo gossip girl <3
Oh man, I completely forgot I had that account! Still semi-active I guess, lol. Mostly devoted to Yooran these days though.
As for the fic. Well, we all know that Jumin does not show his emotion easily but that he very much feels everything we all do. He just finds it difficult to express those feelings, so they are packed down, hidden away, pretty much ready to explode. We've seen this happen, especially in Jaehee's route.
So, there he is, with a river of unexpressed emotion like a raging river just beneath the skin. He's also harbored some attraction to Zen which he has of course never expressed, to anyone, let alone himself. So when Zen is kind, close, the dam bursts!
The death of his father has him off kilter. It isn't that he doesn't care, in fact, it's the opposite. The love he has for his father is why he is devastated by his death. But that emotion is roiled up with all the rest. In all honesty, he probably would never have kissed Zen if he hadn't been reeling from the death of his father. I'm not sure I'm making it clear in the way I saw this and why it happened. Jumin focused on Zen singularly so that he could keep it together, and then he let himself just do what he wanted. Fuck what people thought, fuck what people expected of him, fuck everyone who treated him like a robot! He had feelings, he felt them, he was hurting and Zen was a balm.
Anyway, I hope that answers your question.
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sombreboy · 4 years
Hi how you doing? I havent had the time to visit your blog until now, but mused obsessions was soooo hynotisingly good. When I read it I can't stop until its finished. I dont trust trust Jungkook! I know it's like a duh hes a yandere moment, but he comes across so sinister with his cameras and I wonder if he'll do anything about jimins past partners? I have so many questions about Jungkook cause as much as he seems like a snake, hes an enigma. I want to know his past so badly. That balcony scene was something else. I just wonder what itll be like when their private bubble pops, they cant stay away from the rest of the world forever, and how that'll impact jungkooks behaviour. I'm so invested jesus. When you released it I'd just met a deadline and submitted so it was like a reward. Snake jimin was really sweet...how are you so talented? What's your secret? I get caught up in the story each time, the characters are always so interesting. I hope you're doing well, my weeks have been up and down, I had to get a covid test which was grim but I'm all clear and surviving. Anyways I'll go it always seems like I'm wearing a letter 😭 take care lovely 💜🌼
Don’t worry about sending me long messages I love this so much... I appreciate that you took the time to read my stories. (and shoutout to my @chimoona for that Mused obsession love, she deserves just as much praise for it.) My secret? I just write out my crazy imagination... I think my writing has improved a lot and I always learn new ways to describe things, and my mutuals have taught me a lot of english haha. I’m doing okay, it’s honestly been pretty up and down, but I strive to remain strong and hope that you and everyone else here can be positive and feel good on my blog in the midst of the chaos. xoxo
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