#anyway guess who just caught up on the newest episode
awnaron · 2 years
Salesman: *slap’s roof of HBO MAX THE LAST OF US*
“This bad boy can fit so much emotional damage in it”
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mooralltach · 3 years
Right, I'm back with ANOTHER crazy part 6 thoughts post
It weirdly doesn't seem to have much of a connection to my last observation post, though who knows? Maybe it will...? I also haven't been able to find one of those quotes in this latest episode yet, even though according to the recurring theme there should've been one, and I wonder if that means anything...
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Anyway, continued under the cut, spoilers up to ep 22.
I'll start off by saying I'm really not sure about this theory at all, and that I initially discarded it because the traces I tried to follow were random at best and seemed to end very quickly, if there was anything in the first place. So most of this post will be just me speculating and thinking out loud, more than having a coordinated trail like last time. It's just that there's a few things that have caught my attention, so I'll try and make sense of it.
So the thing is, I feel like there's something going on with flowers somehow?
This thought started at ep. 15, since that episodes woman of the week has a very specific flower attached to her (lily of the valley), and I was like, 'oh it'd be cool if they kept that up, since we have the florist girl and all. What if every weeks girl has their own flower?' But they don't (at least not as far as I've been able to find), so I wrote it off as coincidence. Using flowers for thematic purposes is pretty popular after all, and Jigens episode really did feel melancholic enough to use flowers for too, like a Cowboy Bebop or Noir kinda mood/story.
There's also these flowers (in ep 14) that have nagged me since the moment I saw them:
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I kind of dismissed this as meaning anything beyond this episode, because I assumed either Lupin or Fujiko placed those flowers there to get those little drone bugs in, since that's what they did at the auction house. There's even a shot focusing solely on the flowers for a second, which could be a little hint for Fujiko's surprise attack.
But nobody really acknowledges them either. Lupin and Fujiko don't, they only show the little bugs, and Mercedes doesn't either. I guess they are just flowers, but if that's your basement, wouldn't you notice if something was suddenly added, especially if they stand out as much as these in the for the rest completely dark room? They’re literally next to her in that last pic, there’s no way she wouldn’t have noticed.
Idk idk. Though this still kinda feels like grasping at straws, there's a few things from the newest episode that had me thinking about it again:
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Look, Mattea being a flower isn't weird at all, of course. She is (or she poses as?) a florist, she's supposed to be flower themed. But it's the fact she's a marigold.
Which they've hinted at in episode 14:
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(Funny stuff, I originally screenshotted this because I thought the way she caressed the flower in this scene was peculiar to me, and then the type of flower doesn't really matter. At some point I did try to look up if I could recognise some flowers that'd been shown (since I have close to zero flower knowledge), and the only one they seem to show in detail is this one. The friggin marigold.)
This scene made me pause a little as well:
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This one's probably a little insignificant, it could be like the flowers from ep 15, as a nice character quirk of loving a specific flower. But I can't help thinking the woman who loved those flowers was one of Tomoe's students, as is Mattea, and Mylene from ep 15 had some connection to her as well. Still, that's only a few, and there don't seem to be any specific flowers for any of the other women (unless those flowers in Mercedes' hideout really were part of it).
I'm still kinda torn on if there's anything in these thoughts at all. But on the other hand...
Then what the hell is up with this quote from the preview for next week?
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It’s The Avengers (03x15)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 15: Not All Rainbows
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: did someone just go and tell the otp about the otp?
Word Count: you know that feeling when you have had a bad experience on some project or assignment or homework before. And you know that thing is going to come around again next month or something like that. And you just age yourself by giving yourself anxiety by thinking everything that could go worse in that area. Yeah. So, I kinda shut that off for a few hours and wrote this.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
An ice pack sits partially on the sofa’s arm and partially on the head that is being knocked softly- but repeatedly- by its designated owner. The fist taps that forehead with the vigour of a dedicated hammer that is softly checking the tensile strength of its mettle. The second camera takes the liberty to zoom in on Tony’s face that has the tension the size of the Alps looming over his head. Other spectators sit around, going about their activities with their five senses while the sixth was stuck on Tony. One camera panned on Wanda’s figure standing in the kitchenette, stirring her coffee cautiously, locking eyes with the lens.
Wanda: Only if you could see the monstrous cloud looming over his head. *stretches the corner of her lips* It’s made less of anger and more of worry and embarrassment. *blinks and furrows her brows* And choco-chip ice cream for some reason. *shrugs* Though I'm just glad that nothing was broken or smashed today. *stops midway* *raises her index finger* Although...
Scott: *glows inside out with a big smile stuck on his red face* *swings from side to side in the chair* Huh? What? *shakes head* Nothing. Just *inhales* I'm worried about Tony *continues to smile*
"So-" Steve took the first step and everyone held their breath- "now we know why we weren't able to reach Carol before. She is clearly...kinda...sorta stuck right where Y/N and Loki are? I think the kids are safe now." "Oh? The kids are safe? I must have missed the scene where they returned home with another weird pet," Tony remarked monotonously with his eyes still closed. Peter leaned in towards Scott. "So Loki is one of the 'kids' now." Both the shippers fist-bumped discreetly before looking all serious. The camera swivelled right towards Wanda, who shared a look of bewilderment while pointing at the joy of the shippers who were clearly not reading Tony's wavelength. And Tony was not the only one on the wavelength. There in the corner on the dining table, Clint sat lost in some thought so deep that his resting face was now a resting bitch face while he dipped his arrows in tiny bottles- the purpose of which only he knew- and handled them like his own babies. "You still have to find a way to stab him with these," Natasha was quick to mention as she walked towards her friend and sat opposite him. "Oh, I'll find a way. I was in his head too, remember," Clint pointed out. "He completely underestimates me." "Hmm," she scrunched her nose, "just remove that itch-like thing on your neck before you go after him though." "Where?" He asked as he scratched the side of his neck with the end of his arrow, his furrowed brows suddenly releasing themselves at the dawn of realisation before disappearing from the camera frame to fall down from the seat with a thud. "Told you not to wipe both ends with the same cloth," she muttered while wistfully looking down at an unconscious Hawkeye.
That One Steamy Dungeon™ No one knew how, when or why Lulu was sitting there in Carol's lap like he knew her for ages. No one knew why Carol was stroking him with the back of her fingers while her eyes were stuck on you like two magnetic poles finding that one direction and sticking to it. And you genuinely did not know why you could not stop looking at Carol. All of Carol Danvers. Especially her lips. "What?" Carol finally dismissed the silence with one casual word. "Ag-sa-wuu-you're looking beautiful," was what you came up with. Loki stared at Lulu's camera with one long blink of...slowed surprise. The buzzing camera caught all three of you sitting in the returning silence over dried hay, looking at each other before you scooched down a little to hide the embarrassment visible over your face.
You: *whisper* W-well, she does look pretty despite all the dirt she's lying in. I mean *violently points at Carol in the background* look at her!!! How can someone look sooooo fucking beautiful??? *lick your lips* Except for Loki of course. That dude is on a whole another level.
Carol threw a shirt over Loki's face from her backpack. "Weren't your looks enough this time?" "Wasn't your hairstyle enough this time?" came the retort. You sat there in the middle, your eyes moving between both of them to calculate this new chemistry you were seeing. The camera caught you pulling your legs closer to your chest. "I didn't know you two were so...close to each other."
Javier: *signing* Why? *Furrows his brows* does that make you furious, Y/N? *wiggles his brows up and down in question* Hmm? *zooms in on his face* Hmm? *turns the camera towards the screen from which he and Green are watching the live broadcast*
"Close? I met him on one mission and this punk would have been dead had I not saved his ass back then." Carol smirked through the sentence and you did not realise any time sooner that you were staring at her, your mouth almost at the edge of drooling. "You blew my cover," Loki stressed while putting on the grey free size shirt. "And then she had the audacity to make me pay for her bar bill on the next stop," he gasped while looking at you. Javier took the opportunity to make his drone zoom at your iris, catching your pupils dilate in 4K as soon as Loki started narrating the story to you while you nodded in enthusiasm. "You do realise your ex-girlfriend wants to cut off your new girlfriend's head right this moment, right?" Carol was generous to point out while getting up and wiping off all the dirt and hay. "I'm not his girlfriend." "She's not my ex-" Both of you had the synchronisation of an orchestra. Carol took this opportunity to let her eyes pass the judgment- which played from one face to another and back for sheer entertainment.
Carol: *shrugs* *runs her hand through her pixie cut hair* Priorities, I guess. *nods*
"Anyways," Loki tried to cut this weird air surrounding the three of them that apparently Lulu was the only one enjoying, rubbing himself all around Carol's leg, "do you have a plan to get out of here?" "Of course," Carol simply jerked her shoulders, "punch my way through." You blinked at the camera.
You: Is that why they are called Captain? It has to be, right?
You shook your head and looked around in the ground, leaving Loki to do the bickering on your part as well. "Well, Miss one-punch woman, this time you are not the only one that needs to escape." You found a stick in the corner. It seemed to be made of the same ashen wood that Aellae sat on in her throne room. "We have tiny mortals to save too." Carol chuckled. You raised the stick your eye level, feeling the weight in your hands when suddenly your eyes grow wide and your mouth turns into a horror-filled 'O' "What? Where is the comedy?" A violent grunt came from your lungs, turning both Carol and Loki into attack and defence mode in your direction. Lulu's camera caught you taking the stick out of the orc's stomach. The dull creature blankly looked at the blood turning into sparks flying against the gravity before slowly consuming the whole creature, taking him with them. The next twenty seconds were a pause on every breath. You finally turned around, the stick still in your hand. "Did I kill him?" you asked in a whisper. Loki and Carol shared a glance. "It was just a bruise" Loki shoved your concern away with his hands. "He's in heaven now," Carol sang. "He was a bad guy, right?" "Yes," both of them nearly shouted. "It's good that he disappeared. You helped the universe get rid of a bad guy," Loki clapped his hands before give you an awkward thumbs up. You blinked at both of them. The smile eroding on your lips slowly turned the duo uncomfortable. "Good." Was all you said for your stature completely transformed. "Because that felt..."  you did not finish the sentence, clearly concerning your company. Well, Lulu seemed to like whatever vibes you were giving off. “Y/N,” Loki pretty much sang your name cautiously, slowly lifting his hands in the air to have a word with you to process whatever you were feeling. But you were already running outside with the most suspicious giggle the room had ever heard. Carol even shivered a bit to shake it off of her.
My daddy's got a gun My daddy's got a gun My daddy's got a gun You better run
The one buzzing drone in the hallway caught the slow-motion emotion of you walking into the hallway with the ash stick in your hand like a gun- locked and loaded- with something fierce burning in your eyes. Behind you Loki was trying to catch up with the adrenaline rush you were feeling, calling out your name to stop you. Carol was close behind, cheering you on as much as she could.
My daddy's got a gun My daddy's got a gun My daddy's got a gun Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga
The orcs didn’t even seek you out. One of the reasons was the fact that you were running towards them first, swinging your arms with as much force as your body allowed, screaming your lungs out and jumping with fueled excitement whenever they went up in flames. Loki had to take a moment out of those crucial seconds to look at you. To look at that animalistic look in your eyes. Pausing for a millisecond to consciously question whether to admire it or fear it, he almost smiled. He might have stood there for a few seconds more had he not felt the blue plasmic force run by his side to destroy the one orc aiming for you from your blindside.
It started with the hayloft a-creakin' Well, it just started in the hay (loft) With his longjohns on, pop went a-creeping Out to the barn, up to the hay Young lovers and they are not sleeping Young lovers in the hay (loft) With his gun turned on, pop went a-creeping Out to the barn, up to the hay (loft)
"Seriously?!" He shouted at the glowing Captain who flew past him. "Catch up. Catch up!" she teased him while leaving a trail of bodies in her way. "ANARCHYYYYYY!!!!!!!" You howled as you ran, following your new crush. Loki sighed, his head trying to hang as low as possible as he looked at the sleek shackles around his wrists. Breathing in a lungful, he grabbed the nearest iron rail from the window looking out at the barren mountains and bent it till it broke in his flexing hand. "Is this why I am still alive?" He whispered to himself while continuing to walk in the direction you just dashed in.
My daddy's got a gun My daddy's got a gun My daddy's got a gun You better run My daddy's got a gun My daddy's got a gun My daddy's got a gun Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga Ga-ga-ga-ga-ga
Throne Room Aellae sat on the ash throne frozen in thought when one of her underlings interrupted her daydreaming with its presence. "What?" She did not disguise her displeasure. There has been a mishap on the laboratory floor, my lady." Her body automatically shifted on her seat. "Four guards are dead. The source is unknown." "Is it the woman?" "No, my lady. I just checked up on her after locking Master Loki up." "Then who is it?" "We are yet to find out. My lady." "Then why are you wasting my time by standing here and doing nothing about it?" The skinny elf-like underling bowed down to her and scurried in the opposite direction. It had reached the entrance of the throne room when a weak scream left its lungs and it stepped back- falling down in the process- to make way for the uninvited guest. The poise on Aellae's face took a turn as she looked at the person casually sauntering in her direction, never realising when she got up. "Oh, don't stand on my account," White mentioned breezily with a smirk, coming to a halt right in the middle of the room. "Zune." She called out the name like spitting a curse. "It's been a while, my least favourite Witch of the West Galactica." Zune smiled his precious smile, standing bright in stark contrast to his dull surroundings. "Last time we met, you were grovelling on the floor, begging for mercy in front of the Silver Court, asking them not to punish you for the endless crimes you committed in the last century." The composure was evidently crumbling away in little pieces. Aellae's stone-like glare was slowly turning into fast blinks. Her usually unruffled breaths were now a mocked laugh. "And the court decided to send you to arrest me? Where is the rest of the coven?" She pretended to guess before snapping her pale fingers. "Oh, right. I burned them all. Poor boys. J'uke, Fae and Mi'in were still so young." Zune huffed and smiled. "Hmm. They were really young when they fought you, weren't they? And to answer your question, no. The court did not send me here." Now this made Aellae burst into laughter. "So, you are here for revenge? For your mates?" Licking his teeth, he bit his lip and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, all the playfulness in his feature draining out with every passing second. "I am just here to clean up the mess that you made. But they are the ones who are here for revenge." Taking a step back, Zune gave Aellae a few seconds to realise that they are not the only ones in this room. And just when it dawns upon her, she sees the rest of the 'coven' come out of the shadows, surrounding her from every probable escape route this place could have. "Fae," she whispered with a deep-rooted horror in her throat, backing up into her throne when she looked at the familiar red figure walking towards her. "When you were setting us up on fire-" Fae carried no empathy in his eyes as he moved closer with every step- "you forgot that you cannot make Gods made up of ancient stars disappear when you please." Every cell in Fae's body vibrated with a demonic aura that made the witch go down on her knees. Her breaths shook and her eyes watered. The claustrophobia resulting from just his presence made it hard for her to breathe. "No," she shook her head, trying her best to mask her fear. "No. This cannot be. I destroyed you. I destroyed the senate. I destroyed everything that stood in my path. I cannot fail this time. This world needs to kneel before my power. That God needs to kneel before me. NO!!" The six looked at their leader to begin the ceremony. "Aellae of the covens abandoned, child of the dark refugees, you are hereby sent to the endless pits of the universe for your crimes against the creatures of the universe." The screams of the witch echoed throughout the castle till every last ounce of life in her voice could be heard fading away by the other group at the far end of the other wing. By the time Carol arrived, all that was left were the seven boys and a pile of ash resting by the throne. “That was fast,” she did not refrain from mentioning, “I thought it would take more than that to get her to give up.” Zune shrugged. “Well, it was easy because we had you and your friends this time. She did not have much to distract us with, unlike the last time she was in prison.” Carol smiled a kind smile at them. “I hope they didn’t give you any trouble?” Fae stretched the corner of his lips. “When you first called us to go around the universe to look for a human, we were a little sceptical. But we were glad to have met her.” “Especially Zune,” Mi’in quipped, earning a yank by the ear from the leader. “Thank you for protecting her.” “No biggie. We would have protected her even if you didn’t tell us to.” Carol furrowed her brows at the statement. “Because Loki had already asked us for that favour,” Zune mentioned, clearing any doubts, “and we owed him from way back.” Feeling the ‘ah’ of a satisfactory conclusion coming on her face, she stopped midway to hear your scream turn louder the second you got closer till you turned the corner to enter the hall with your stick, forcing yourself to stop your lungs from going any further than that. “Oh,” you straightened your stance, giving up on the attack position as soon as you realised there was no more threat, “looks like you guys already cleaned the place.” “You almost sound disappointed,” J’uke stressed, judging by your disapproval of the lack of bad guys. Loki stepped in next, clearly having taken care of whatever tried to attack them from the back. "She hurt my friend. I at least wanted to watch her burn," you simply shrugged. Fae patted your head softly. "Don't worry. You'll get your chance." He smiled the most ridiculously comforting smile. "How?" You whined, "you guys already finished her." All the seven boys, Loki and Carol shared a look with each other while you stomped her foot in the ground while staring daggers at the pile of ashes.  "Yeah-" Zune blurted out, scratching an itch in the back of his neck- "we definitely, for sure, totally killed her. Like-" he pretended to chop the air with his hand- "so smooth." Everyone nodded in agreement. Our elder boys of the group supported their leader while Carol gave them soft applause. Loki gave them a thumb's up.
You: *turning away from the scene in the background where everyone now sits outside the castle having a chat with each other* Aww *smile widely* it feels so good to watch them get along like that!! *start staring in the distance* *smile still stuck on your face* I wish my family could get along this well too. You know. *tilt your head* If all of them got along with Loki, I feel like half of the world's problems would vanish just like that. *watch Javier sign something to you* What? Merch store? *reads some more* Manga?? *looks closely at Javier as he continues to sign* Fanfi-what does any of it have to do with Loki? *camera pans in on your confused innocent face*
"Here's my little monster!" Carol talked in a tone that one used on babies while stroking a very excited Lulu. "Who's a scary boy! Who's a scary boy!!! You are!!! Yes!! You are!!!" You chuckled, watching Lulu enjoy the love and attention from the Captain, bumping his head with hers, wiggling in her lap before settling down in her arms, his adrenaline going down. "Who's that?" Carol asked him, pointing at you. Lulu chirped. "And who's mamma's boy?" Lulu chirped again. "Aaaand who's gonna protect mamma from bad guys?" Lulu growled. And then he chirped again, hiding his faceless husk hairy face in his paws. "Oh my God, he growls!!!!" you gasped. "Oh, he is got a lot more to show you, mamma! Give him time." You sat down next to Carol and stroked a yawning Lulu, who was now making biscuits in her arms. "This one's helped me a lot through this weird, fatal, dreamy galactic trip," you mentioned wistfully. The camera- as well as Carol- noticed how your brows furrowed slightly before your teeth bit down on your lower lip and you turned your gaze up to search for something in the rocky terrain before finally resting on Loki. Carol watched this subtle shift, patiently spectating how Loki too was stealing glances your way while having some serious looking chat with the boys.
The boys and Loki: *standing in the grey terrain like a bunch of Gods modelling for luxury hair products* Loki: It's spelt Z-U-K-O Zune: You named a dog after the fire God? Loki: Wha-no. It was all her *points at you*. Apparently, Coco was a bit too mushy for her. Something about 'Zuko reminding her of a guy who was in his redemption arc right now'. Whatever that means. Zune: *looked at the camera panning in on his face*
"So, you wanna go back now?" Carol asked you, her hands still busy stroking a purring Lulu. You inhaled to answer but felt yourself turning to look at Loki. Carol noticed it too. "Of course. H-how, long will it take?" you scratched your forehead. "We were actually pretty close to getting Loki free of his...cuffs. And I'm sure two powerful beings is always better than one." Carol chuckled and nodded. "Tell you what-" she took your hand in hers, something that you were not expecting- "I will go and take care of a couple of things for our return journey. Till then-" she stroked your hand- "you find out for yourself. Whatever it is that you're looking for." That gentle tone and those cryptically simple words changed some spectrum of the emotions on your face. You stared at her for a long while with your mouth agape. "What are you talking about?" Your breath asked in exasperation. "Cuffs, I guess?" she proposed softly with a knowing smirk. You forced out a laugh. "I have no idea what you're talking about," You chuckled and found yourself looking back at Loki again.
The boys- well, at a few of them- tried to calm down the God who seemed to be picking up a rock from the ground. "Okay now-" Gin, our green jellybean, raised his hands- "let's all calm down and talk about this." "Yeah, yeah. How about we all go to the nearest oasis and have a cup of starry vodka and discuss how we are all alive. Right, Mi'in?" Me'isri, sweet yellow candy boy suggested casually. "Right," Loki nearly sang. His every step towards the boys made them retreat two. "We should be happy that the witch is gone for now. What could we possibly have had to do with her anyway? Hm? What's that? Oh! She was the one who stole my essence you say?" "Look," Ho, the sky blue cheery lad was suddenly not feeling so cheery at all, "we did not know-" "You numbnuts were the one who told me that!" Loki was practically hissing through his teeth right now, his steps breaking into a jog that was letting out some potential screams waiting in some lungs. Lulu was having a gala time just jumping in whichever direction the boys ran into as Loki chased them.
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roniscloud · 3 years
jsb - 302
jung subin [f. 1577 words] 302 
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from the day you moved into your new apartment, you couldn’t help but notice the cute tenant across the hall from you. you first saw him when you were bringing in the last round of boxes. you left a box in the frame of the door so you wouldn’t get locked out. with the final one, you joyfully kicked open the entry and practically dropped the items from your arms, ready to be done with unloading from your cramped car. standing in the doorway, looking into the quaint one-bedroom loft, you realize you now need to unpack and organize everything. you thought about a game plan, opting to get some food before starting. you turn your head to look to the hall outside, catching a glimpse of someone entering the apartment on the other side. 
you’ve never properly met him. hell, you don’t even know his name, only referring to him as 302—the brass number adorning his wooden door. yet, you know he always gets subway for lunch every tuesday, take-out from the ramen bistro down the street every friday, and goes to dinner with his friends every other saturday night. you know he has two pets, a cat and a dog. you know that he likes to go on early morning walks on sundays if the weather is nice and that he usually leaves, for what you assume would be work, at 7:30 am sharp. even with all of the trivial things you know about him, you somehow still had no idea what his name was. funny how that works.
little to your knowledge, subin—the nameless next-door neighbor—thought the same thing. he thought it was hysterical that he didn’t know his new neighbor’s identity—opting for the nickname, 303—but somehow knew that they were a night-owl who loved ordering a large pizza every thursday and strictly bought groceries on the second sunday of each month.
it wasn’t until about almost 4 months of you living in that loft till you crossed paths. it was bound to happen, right? you found yourself entering the building after a long day, on the phone with a close friend. you aimlessly press the button for the elevator, not looking up and waiting for the doors to open. a presence is made on your right, but you pay no attention, too caught up in your conversation, too busy to notice that it’s subin. your friend is rambling on and on about your favorite k-drama, “one spring night”.
“i get that, but hear me out. jeongin’s sister should just leave him already. she deserves better and there is no way that deadbeat jackass would be a good father, not like jiho is for his son.” your quarrel catching the attention of subin. “what do you mean by that? jiho sacrificed everything because eunwoo’s mom is no longer in the picture. even if he can’t be there 24/7, he still gives his all for his son.”
your argument continues till you reach your door. you nestle your phone onto your shoulder, sandwiching it there with the side of your head. you reach into your bag to pull out your keys. “yeah, whatever. i’m home anyways. i’ll talk to you later. i need to order some food, i’m starving.” a light chuckle comes from you with the last words. you exchange goodbyes, hanging up the call. you turn the key and open the door. you’re interrupted with a small voice behind you.
“excuse me… were you possibly talking about ‘one spring night’? i didn’t mean to eavesdrop, i just really love that show.” bright eyes and an even brighter smile are what your eyes see as you turn to answer. 
you blink a few times and swallow. this is it. this is him. you stumble to find the words, “oh… uh… yeah. my friend and i are both watching it and i guess… we’re just really passionate about it.”
“i mean it is really good, hard to stop watching.” this time he’s the one laughing. his voice resonating in your ears like honey, his giggle being oh so sweet. “now that i think about it, i’m pretty sure we’ve never actually met. i’m subin.”
you introduce yourself. not knowing what else to say other than your name and that it was nice to finally meet him. he shyly apologizes for never approaching you and not giving you a proper welcome to the complex. you tell him that it’s fine and that there’s no reason to worry. 
after that night, you seem to always see each other, always flashing a polite grin to one another. sometimes, you’ll stop in the hallway to dish about the newest show you both are hooked on. until one day, he notices you go to work like every morning, but you’re not back by your typical time. you haven’t formally addressed each other as friends yet, but it comes like second-nature to him to feel anxious. he paces back and forth in his kitchen, checking the peephole everytime he hears the faintest of noises in the hall. you usually get home at 5:37, pushing 6:21 if you decide to get dinner on the way. it’s almost quarter to ten when he hears keys jangling. his neck whips around immediately, not even checking if it’s you, just rushing to open the door. “where have you been?” the worry way too evident in his tone.
“oh… were you waiting for me? i’m sorry if i worried you. i had a dinner with someone, you know how that goes. blind date.” you roll your eyes at the mention of your coworker’s doing.
he sighs loudly. “how’d it go?”
“he was… nice, not sure i see myself dating him, but hey… it’s only the first date.”
“so, there’s going to be a second?”
“maybe, still not sure. we don’t really click.”
“well, you never know. people can surprise you. i should probably head back inside. have a goodnight.”
“you too…”
from then, your coworker keeps setting you up with other people. unfortunately, no one ever being a good match. by the fifth? sixth one? who knows at this point? you’re pretty much done with these stupid outings, but you’re not one to say no to a friend who’s trying to do a favor. you grab the last of your things as you make your way out. not even stepping all the way into the hallway are you met with subin’s voice.
“again, seriously?”
“you know me… how am i supposed to turn it down?”
“by saying that you’d rather not go on a date, by saying you’re not looking for a relationship right now, by telling your friend that maybe you’d rather find someone on your own…” he states in a teasing tone. “why go on another shitty date when you can spend the night with me, binge-watching our favorite tv shows and drinking cheap beer?”
“at this point, i’d consider that the best idea anyone has ever had. i’ll text them saying an emergency came up and that i can’t make it.” he opens his door wider to let you in.
an hour and a half later, you find yourself slightly buzzed and on the fourth episode of a new drama. “boo, can they stop pining over each other and kiss already?”
“subin, calm down. they literally just started getting close.”
“but- but they-”
“i know, i know. i want them to get together already too, but we have to wait.” you turn your attention back to the screen situated higher up on the wall. “look, they’re at least sitting closer now. before they couldn’t even hold eye contact for two seconds.” he’s quiet, not trying to refute your observation. “subin? are you even watching?” your gaze meets his. “hello? earth to jung subin. i asked if you were watching…”
“you remember the night we met? what you were talking about? how you said the sister deserved better than the jackass? well, you do too. you deserve better than those guys.”
“how much did you drink? i think you might want to slow down on those beers.” you laugh at his expression, the smile not leaving your lips.
 “please, stop smiling at me like that. i’m not sure what will happen if you keep doing that.”
“alright, now i’m sure you drank too much.” you’re flustered at how straightforward he is. “i think it’s time i go.”
“wait, no. look, i’m sorry. i wasn’t thinking. i just- i really do think you deserve better.”
“and who and where is exactly is better?”
“me. right now, whenever.”
your jaw drops. did subin just confess? did your heart just skip a beat? is he telling the truth or is it just the alcohol and mood talking? “tell me that again when you’re sober. for now, i’m leaving. i’ll see you in the morning.” 
you’re woken up with your phone ringing. you see the contact, 302, appear. your groggy morning voice answers. you hear subin ask you to come out. you reach your entryway, opening it to see a wide-awake neighbor. “you deserve better.”
“huh… so you weren’t kidding?”
“nope.” he nods his head firmly, pouting his lips. 
“well… if you really think that, let me go back to sleep. you can come in, maybe cuddle, who knows? i just need sleep.” he follows you in, reaching his hand down to hold yours and bring it up to kiss the back of it.
originally written: 26 november 2020
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kadekuro · 3 years
Thoughts on newest fus episode?
Gods I have very little thoughts in my head so I'll do my best to answer coherently but at the very least just know that ep 28 made me more mentally ill /j
canned peaches 🍑👏
I like the idea of a pulley system for the sideways site, good shit. I hope the life support systems are good like how if the oxygen machine? the water filtration systems? isn't that probably gravity based? how do they go to the bathroom or shower. better hope there's a reset soon and hope it sets the site back right.
also Love and Klein's convo was oof. I saw a theory Alves was the person who died but after reviewing this convo I doubt it bc Love compared Klein's 'talking weird' to Alves so casually and didn't, like, backtrack on it? I feel like she would avoid talking about Alves if she had just died.
Harley's recording was kinda nice, like. A good breather.
Love and Radd's one sided convo :( after the last episode... :( ... Love (the concept) Loses...
Radd and Harley convo also bad. (I do like the keyboard noises, I'm guessing cc!raddagher recorded those herself! her keyboard looks nice) Radd has been betrayed by someone she trusts and now she's trying to put her walls up. defrosting ice queen trying to refrost herself and people are getting caught in the cold. :(
Love and Harley chilling together good, good dynamic. Two broken besties actually communicating?? IRL not fake?
And now the meat of the episode. The fight.
Love is right about gathering everyone! Communication is important! IT'S IMPORTANT.
Harley getting angry at Radd and them getting into a full blown fight was such a gut punch, oough. Dragging Klein into it too. Tension is so high, it's not any One Person's fault here...
I wonder if having Simmons in on the meetings would help. I feel like if we see Simmons we'd understand why everyone in the group is a 14b.
"you let this happen by being a bad friend" and like we've been watching how Harley and Lanc, these two work-friends have sorta been thrown into being outside-of-work-friends and how they're like, kinda good and kinda not? they're friends but they push and pull wrong and we've been watching them slowly fall apart because they're both self destructive and isolating, and yet convinced they're right. "being a bad friend" but Radd I don't know if they were really 'friends' at that point, cuz it wasn't just the cabinet it was the "some of us have thing to do!" and the isolating and the dash 3.
Harley is possibly also trying to distance himself from Lancaster emotionally by saying this, because if they are friends then it hurts that he was betrayed, but if they're not friends then he's 'Okay', even though that's not how it works.
And Love! Tabi's acting is so good!!! Holy shit. (mental image of love climbing through the sideways door...)
that ending... :( ... Love (the concept) is Dead
anyways those are my thoughts on the episode, I hope you got something out of all this!
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safertokiss · 4 years
There’s No One Else
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A/N: Heyooo! I loved this request so of course I had to write something for it. It’s my first MGG fic, but it was super fun to write and I plan to do more fics for his other roles. Thanks for the support and all the kind words!<3 P.S. I decided to try out 2nd person in this one.
Request: “Can you do an angst/smut with Matthew but it's the set of criminal minds and they are shooting a scene and reader likes Matthew but she is keeping it a secret? sorry if that didn't make any sense. I love your writing!!” ( @victomizedbyreginageorge )
Category: SMUT, slight angst, and of course fluff
Word Count: 5.2k
Ever since you were a child, you knew that you were destined to be on the set of a production studio, surrounded by the biggest stars the business had to offer. Granted, you had always assumed you’d be the one in front of the camera rather than behind, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers in this world.
 It’s not that you disliked being Khalia Dark’s assistant. She was a world renown celebrity, loved by all who were graced with her presence, from afar that is. Anyone who had the “honor” to get up close and personal with her, yourself included, knew she wasn’t the sweetest of the bunch. If you were to use your own words, she was a mythic bitch. Adored by millions, envied by more, which was pretty much the case for all of the A-listers out here anyway. Although you could do without the woman being in your vicinity, you didn’t mind being her servant most of the time.
More often than not you were certain she forgot about your existence all together, which usually gave you a chance to breathe for a bit. While your job brought about many positives for yourself, for example the extensive knowledge of posh coffees that you would have memorized for life, the highlight of the endeavor was without a doubt the exclusive access to the extravagant movie and TV sets that the queen bee happened to be appearing in each given week. Today, much to your excitement, was one of those days. Usually movies were more her forte so it was always a nice, refreshing change when she booked a role for the small screen. 
Her newest conquest in the industry just happened to be one of your favorite shows to have ever aired, Criminal Minds. Of course you were trying to remain professional, but it became increasingly difficult the closer you got to the studio lot’s entrance. The child in you was screaming with joy at the prospect of being there, surrounded by some of your favorite actors and actresses in the industry. You couldn’t even consider the possibility that you would get to meet Matthew Gray Gubler, the object of your affections for as long as you had been watching the show. That simply was a no go. You were positive that if at any point in time he was in your vicinity, you would simply lose consciousness, and that wouldn’t exactly be the best first impression. The further you walked onto the set, the more amazed you were. You were so familiar with it after years of watching, it just felt like a second home. After breaking out of your stupor, you quickly spun around to try and locate your boss, immediately colliding with whatever was in front of you, letting out a small “oomf”. Well. Whoever.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying atten-.”
You immediately froze mid-sentence when your eyes caught up with your actions. Fuck. This is not happening. It was him. Standing less than a foot away from you was the one and only Mr. Matthew Gray Gubler, live and in the flesh. Fucking hell.
“Hey it’s no problem, I promise. Don’t worry about it. I’m not exactly the most coordinated person on the planet either, trust me”, he said, chuckling lightly. Running a hand through his unkempt curls, he momentarily let his eyes roam your frame before seemingly snapping out of it, clearing his throat and extending one of his strong looking hands towards you.
“I’m Matthew by the way.”
You, however, were still frozen in place. Realizing how stupid you looked just standing there, openly ogling the man in front of you, you quickly met his hand, a nervous smile adorning your face. His hands were so fucking soft.
Chuckling once again, he seemed to be waiting for something.
“And you are?”
Oh shit. You hadn’t even introduced yourself yet! So much for first impressions you thought.
“O-oh right! Sorry. I'm Y/N. Ms. Dark’s assistant”, you stuttered out, entranced by the specimen in front of you. “Wow, that’s a beautiful name. Well I guess it’s fitting. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
Wait a second. Had you heard those words correctly. THE Matthew Gray Gubler just called you beautiful? You must’ve been dreaming, there was simply no other explanation. But when you glanced at him he was once again trailing his eyes all over you. Holy shit. You thought you were going to implode on the spot.
“Th-thank you”, you muttered shyly, feeling the blush spread across your features faster than a wildfire in a dry forest. After your weak excuse of an answer left your lips, the two of you just continued to stare at each other for what felt like hours. Eventually you were broken out of your trance by the director calling all of the actors to their places across the lot.
“I-um-I gotta go do a scene, but it was a pleasure to meet you Y/N. I hope I get to see more of you around here.” With a quick wink in my direction, he was off in the direction of the other actors swarming to the set from their trailers. For the third time in the last five minutes you were frozen to the spot in which you stood on the pavement. What in the actual fuck just happened? He called you beautiful. He wants to see more of you. HE WINKED AT YOU. This time you felt like you were truly about to lose consciousness so you booked it to the bathroom to calm yourself. After splashing some water on your face, you felt your body temperature returning to a somewhat normal degree and decided you should probably go to the set in case the Queen of Hearts needed anything from you. 
When you approached the scene that was being filmed, you were able to deduct fairly quickly what the plot revolved around. Apparently Khalia had been hired as the episode’s damsel in distress victim, typical. She was definitely the type to rely on others for pretty much anything. That wasn’t what was catching your eye though. Even from where you were standing you could clearly see her making eyes at Matthew. I guess you couldn’t blame her, he was gorgeous, but it still made you feel so insecure. It really just served as a reminder that people like him would never go after people like you. They want the ones who count. They want Ms. Khalia Dark. In what world would someone like him want a nobody like Y/N Y/L/N? There wasn’t one that came to mind. And while this revelation was pretty damn heartbreaking, you couldn’t say you were shocked by the cold, hard truth.
Feeling like you had lost a war that hadn’t ever really even begun, you turned back to look at Matthew, deciding to make the most of however short the time was that you’d be here. However, he was nowhere to be seen. You quickly realized that while you had been distracted, the scene had switched to something else, one where Matthew appeared to be absent.
“Hey again!”
You literally jumped off the ground and let out a little yelp at the noise, you were so startled.
“Oops, I’m sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart,” he got out between adorable giggles. Damn, this man was gonna be the death of you. Literally. If he scared you like that again, you might actually have a heart attack.
“Jesus Matthew! A little warning next time!” You couldn’t help but join in his giggling after a few seconds. Returning his gesture just made the two of you laugh even harder until both of your chests hurt like hell. His laugh was angelic. Perfect. Just like him. For some reason, after you guys had calmed down a bit, you noticed him once again looking you up and down, admiring your body. You even swore you saw him lick his lips. You must be imagining things. Weird. Very weird. Bringing his wandering eyes back to yours, a goofy grin was plastered across his face. You hadn’t even realized you were biting your lip until he reached towards you, dislodging your teeth from the soft skin. “Don’t do that,” he said with a much more serious expression adorning his features. Before you really had the chance to decipher what had just happened, a loud voice cut through the air directed towards you both, causing you to put a bit of space between the two of you. You were able to easily recognize the sultry voice as Shemar’s, turning towards him, a smirk on his face.
“What’s going on that’s so funny over here,” he questioned before his attention shifted to focus solely on you. “My, my. And what’s your name sugar?” You were starstruck for what felt like the thousandth time that day, standing there with your mouth awkwardly hanging open.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I work for Kahlia, her assistant actually. Nice to meet you”, you answered brightly, a polite smile gracing your lips.
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine sweetness”, he concluded with a wink. While the action was endearing, it had nowhere near the same effect on you as Matthew’s did. You had always adored Morgan on the show, but you didn’t really know Shemar well enough to have any serious opinions about the dude. Matthew, however, you knew everything there was to be known, from his haunted treehouse to his love of Halloween. You weren’t proud of your obsession, but you couldn’t deny the unbelievably strong attraction you had for the man to your left. Regardless, the interaction caused a blush to spread, though this time it was caused more by being flustered rather than speechless. 
You were about to say something else to try and salvage some of the pride you had just lost, but you were beaten to the punch by Romeo himself. 
“Nothing’s happening over here actually, Shemar. I was having a private conversation with Y/N and I’d appreciate it if you let us get back to it. Thank you.” Matthew’s voice had picked up an edge and his eyes were dark. Like really dark. Although the situation was super uncomfortable and kind of unsettling, considering how feral he looked, you couldn’t help to think about how HOT it was. How hot he was.
“Woah, sorry kid. I didn’t mean to interrupt, just thought I’d introduce myself.”
Seeming to notice his mistakes, Matthew’s eyes quickly returned to their normal color and he stuttered out an apology, with slightly labored breaths.
“No, no I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean to snap like that, just been kind of on edge today”, he said, darting his eyes towards you quickly before redirecting his attention and clearing his throat.
“It’s all good Pretty Ricky, I get like that sometimes too. I’ll catch you guys later. It was nice to meet you Y/N”, he spoke before turning and retreating in the direction of the cast trailers. Shifting your focus back to Matthew, you could tell he was still a bit tense. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder to grab his attention, quietly asking if he was ok.
“Hmm what? Oh, um yeah. Yup. I’m-I’m good. All good. Like I said just a little on edge today. I haven’t had enough coffee”, he hastily responded. Before you could push further, the silence was broken by a shrill voice you were too familiar with, Khalia, unfortunately calling for your assistance at one of the most inopportune times. You turned back to him and gave a sad smile.
“See you around,” you asked, with just a little too much excitement laced in your voice.
“Y-yeah. Of course!” He seemed to have perked up a bit and gave you a wide grin. With a small wave, you were off to do whatever in God’s name the queen wanted from you now.
The week you were on set was surprisingly going by pretty damn quickly.
As much as you were anxiously awaiting the end so you could be free from Khalia for a bit of time, you couldn’t help but lament the fact that you would have to leave what felt like your second home. You would have to leave Matthew. That’s what hurt most of all. The two of you had become quite close in the short time you had been on set. Well, maybe not close per say, but comfortable? Sure. You guys were comfortable with each other, maybe a little too much on your end. Since that moment with Shemar and his outburst, the tenseness never seemed to dissipate completely. The two of you had shared some quick glances while he was filming a scene or while you were navigating the complex maze that was this sound stage. Whenever the two of you were near each other, he always appeared to go out of his way to get some kind of contact with you, whether it was his shoulder rubbing against yours or his fingers brushing yours as he passed by you. You, still in the mindset that someone as amazing and talented as him would never want anything to do you with you, didn’t really think much of his actions, simply playing them off as accidents and coincidences. 
Although you caught him staring at you on more than one occasion during your time there, you definitely spent the majority of your time ogling the fine specimen. You didn’t understand how a person could be so perfect. Seemingly no flaws. Sure, you had known pretty much every fun fact about the man when you had arrived on set a couple days ago, but now that you had spent some time with him, you were even more enamored. Matthew was an enigma and you wanted him. So fucking bad. Unfortunately, so did basically every other girl on the planet. You really shouldn’t be wasting so much time thinking about him, but at this point you were just in too deep. Watching him do his thing on the sound stage was like watching your own personal exhibition, so much talent pouring out of him he shouldn’t have even been allowed to do what he does. The world would certainly be a lot darker without his geniusness though so you supposed it was ok. As the scene you had been watching came to a close, you decided you really wanted to talk to Matthew again, missing the sound of his velvety voice as he focused on you and only you during the few conversations you’d gotten to have so far. Just as you were about to reach him, though, Khalia appeared out of nowhere directly in front of him with the same look in her eyes she had given him your first day on set. Hunger. You didn’t really know what to do now so you just kind of stood there watching the interaction. The conversation was just out of range, but you could tell she had said something that had made them both laugh. You also watched her place her hands on him in a very flirty way. And much to your dismay, he didn’t seem to be that bothered by it.
You knew that you had absolutely no right to be jealous of her advances, seeing there was nothing between the two of you, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt. You had known all along that he didn’t have those kinds of feelings for you, but the cold, hard truth being presented on a silver platter right in your face sucked. A whole hell of a lot. Deciding to leave the two of them to enjoy their moment, you turned and made your way to the snack table on the opposite side of the room. As you got closer, you noticed Shemar lingering around it, seemingly snacking on something among the array of treats presented on the table.
“Hey. Nice to see you again”, you said with a small smile, alerting him of your presence.
You had gotten a bit closer to him over the last few days, getting to know more about him, rather than just his character. He was a really nice guy. Very charming, much like his TV counterpart. 
“Y/N! Hey! How are you today?”
“I’m ok. Not one of the best, but hey I’m alive I guess”, you said with a sad smile. Worry quickly spreading across his face, he pulled you into a hug, gently caressing your back.
“Hey don’t say that babydoll. It might not be the best of days, but everyday is worth living in my eyes. We’re all so lucky to be given the chance to be here so why not say fuck it and make everyday a party.” You pulled away from him chuckling at his words, feeling slightly better than you had before. You were grateful for Shemar helping you out when you needed a mood boost.
“Thanks Shemar. You sure know how to make a girl feel better.” 
“Anytime baby girl”, he said with a wink, making you giggle again at his silly nicknames and behavior towards you. A little bit more at ease, you let your eyes survey the room real quick, eventually landing on Matthew. A very angry and annoyed looking Matthew. He was staring directly at the two of you, his hands balled into fists at his sides, his breathing heavy, his eyes as dark as could be. Less than a minute later, he turned around and stormed off in the direction of what you assumed was his trailer. Quickly focusing on Shemar again, you excused yourself and then immediately ran off in the direction he had headed just moments before.
You were able to locate the trailer simply labeled “MGG” fairly quickly and you cautiously approached the steps leading up to the entrance. Would he even want to see you? Why were you special enough to even be this close to his trailer? Before you could second guess yourself anymore, you speedily climbed the steps and knocked on the door, an action based solely on the fact he was without a doubt upset about something and apparently it was your fault to some degree.
You heard some rustling behind the door before his voice rang out.
“Who is it?”
Shit. He sounded really upset. Pushing aside the anxiety bubbling in your chest, you decided that you were curious more than anything and wanted to know what you had done to get his panties in such a twist.
“I-It’s Y/N.”
Immediately the door swung open, making you jump slightly. Without saying a word, he grabbed your arm and dragged you over the threshold, handling you like a rag-doll. Once you were inside he released your arm and began pacing around the trailer, breathing pretty heavily. Maybe it was a mistake coming here. You thought you should probably go and leave him alone for a bit so he could cool off.
“I-I shouldn’t have come here. I’ll leave you be”, you sputtered out, quickly making your way towards the exit. However, before you could even reach the door, his deep voice echoed through the trailer.
“Why did you let him touch you like that?”
You froze mid-step, unsure of how to respond. “Huh?” Wow, nice going Y/N. Really scraped the dictionaries for that one.
“Shemar. Why did you let him put his hands on you and touch you like that?” As he spoke his question, he slowly moved towards you, like a predator eyeing its prey. What was he talking about? Why did he care that you and Shemar had shared a brief hug? And most perplexing of all, why in the hell was he looking at you with such fire in his eyes.
“I-I don’t know what you mean Matthew.”
After his name fell from your lips, you saw his mouth twitch as he moved to close the gap between the two of you, leaving just enough space that your breaths intermingled, but no actual physical contact was occuring. 
“You’re mine, Y/N. You. Are. Mine.” What did he just say? Were you imagining this whole situation in some sick dream of yours? Your brain was struggling to catch up.
“What are you even talki-.”
Before you could finish your sentence, Matthew had surged forward, clashing his mouth against yours, hungrily devouring your lips like they were his favorite meal. You moaned at the contact, letting the shock envelope your entire body. He was ravenous, tongue pressing against your lips, begging for entry. Finally processing what the hell was happening, your mouth quickly opened and welcomed his needy tongue, feeling it tangle with yours as he released the most delicious moan you had ever heard in all the years you had been alive. His hands moved frantically, hastily ripping at the clothes covering your body, desperate to feel any part of you that he could. 
You couldn’t even comprehend how this was happening. Matthew wanted you? Not only did he want you, but he was acting on it too. Fuck. He had said you were his. Did he really mean that?
Breaking away from your lips to pull your blouse over your head, you could’ve sworn you heard a growl escape his throat as his eyes hungrily drank in your appearance, left only in your bra and panties. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. How are you so fucking hot?” Holy shit. The pure lust that dripped in his words made your legs feel like Jell-O, barely keeping it together as he shed his own shirt and began unbuckling his belt. Apparently that was what caused the wire in your brain to snap, your body surging forward to reconnect your lips and rake your nails down his chest.
“Please Matthew”, you whined, not even entirely sure what you wanted him to do. You just needed more.
Groaning at the desperation evident in your voice, he let his hand drift down your body, toying with the waistband of your panties. “Please what? What do you want from me, sweetheart?” His words made you whimper, grasping his hand to try and maneuver it underneath the damp fabric covering the place you needed him most.
“Uh uh uh. I want you to use your words princess. You can do that for me can’t you?”
Nodding your head fervently, you pushed aside any embarrassment you felt and answered almost immediately as the words left his mouth. “I want you to touch me! Please Matthew, I’m begging you!” As soon as you finished your desperate plea, his nimble fingers had ripped your panties down your legs and he was guiding you towards the couch conveniently located nearby. The two of you stumbled onto the cushions, Matthew hovering over you pinning you down, his large erection pressing into your thigh through his pants. You choked on a breath as one of his long, narrow fingers entered you swiftly, pumping in and out of you at a brutal pace, soon followed by two more. You were a whimpering mess as Matthew had his way with you, perfectly curling his fingers to hit your special spot over and over again. You needed him inside of you now or you were gonna explode.
“You’re so wet sweetheart. This all for me”, he questioned cockily, savoring the sounds pouring from your lips, cherishing the way your body writhed underneath his. 
“Yes Matthew! It’s all for you. Only you”, your words were accompanied by a long, drawn out moan. 
“Good girl”, he growled as his fingers picked up their pace, pushing you dangerously close to the edge. Matthew must have picked up on the fact based on the way your muscles were clenching around his digits and the way your breath was becoming more and more labored. 
“That’s it, baby. Come for me, little girl. Come all over my fingers.” His graphic words made your eyes roll back in your head as you felt your orgasm crash through your body, Matthew continuing his ministrations throughout the entirety of it. As you came down from your high and opened your eyes, you were met with the beautiful vision of Matthew sucking your juices off of himself, staring intently at you with lust-filled eyes. “Mmmm, so fucking sweet baby”, he moaned as he licked the last bit away. Realizing you simply couldn’t wait any longer, you grabbed onto his forearm, pulling him to you as close as physically possible. 
“Matthew I need you inside of me right now. Please. Please, I need you.” You felt like you were on the verge of crying, you were so damn desperate for him. You didn’t miss the way his eyes instantly darkened even more after hearing you beg him to fuck you so viscerally. 
“Baby, I really want to feel you bouncing on my cock. Can you do that? Can you ride me like a good girl, sweetheart?”
Not even bothering to answer his questioning, you mustered up all of your strength to push him up and off of you, allowing yourself to straddle him on one of the cushions. You made quick work unzipping his pants and signalling for him to lift up his hips, allowing you to hastily pull down both his slacks and boxers in one go. God, you were so fucking horny and needy for the man in front of you, you felt like you were going insane. Actually, scratch that. You were already long gone. Finally having removed the last barrier between the two of you, his strong hands grabbed your hips and positioned you over his throbbing cock, slowly letting you lower yourself down. Both of you released matching groans at the overwhelming feeling. 
“Fuck, princess. You feel so fucking amazing”, he moaned before gently grasping your hips, encouraging you to start moving. You couldn’t control the string of whimpers that escaped your mouth as you started circling your hips, gradually picking up your pace. It felt so fucking good, incomparible to anything you had ever felt before. As your speed increased and he began thrusting upwards to meet you, his hands reached behind you, finding the clasp of your bra, practically ripping the garment off of your body. Without any barrier blocking your breasts, he sat back and ogled you as they bounced in sync with your rapid movements, eventually needing more and grabbing the pillowy flesh with his wandering hands. The stimulation only made you move faster, desperate for the addicting friction that you could feel radiating throughout your whole being. You felt Matthew’s grip on your hips tighten exponentially, in order to get your undivided attention. 
“I bet you thought you looked real cute flirting with him like that, didn’t you princess”, he sputtered, his voice strained and hoarse. The sound of it made your insides quiver even more.
“I-I wasn’t f-flirting. I w-was just being n-nice”, you stammered, feeling your climax slowly building more and more with each thrust. He growled and immediately picked up the pace, speaking his next words clearly for you to understand. “That’s bullshit baby and you know it. Do you really think he could fuck you like this, sweetheart? Do you think his cock could fill you up this perfectly? Make you feel the way I do?” 
“N-Noooo! No, of course not. I only want you!” You were a moaning, whimpering mess as you gripped his shoulders trying to maintain your balance, his thrusts launching you into a whole other universe. “What was that, little girl? I couldn’t really hear you.”
“Fuck! Matthew! I only want you! There’s no one else!” You couldn’t control yourself any longer. You lost the ability to move as he wrapped his arms around your waist, slamming into you so fucking hard you swore you could see stars. 
“There better fucking not be, little girl. You are mine, sweetheart. All fucking mine. Mine!” His words make the chord in your stomach snap, your climax overtaking your body dangerously fast. “MATTHEW!” Your vision was spotty, muscles clenched incredibly tight, when you felt his cock start to twitch violently inside of you. 
“Fuck! Y/N! Oh my god!” As soon as the words left his mouth, you felt his cum fill you up completely, warmth radiating throughout your body as his dick pulsated inside of you. 
You collapsed against his sweaty frame, holding on for dear life. “Matthew, Matthew, Matthew”, you muttered as you fought to regulate your breathing. Both of you were shaking, thanks to the world-shattering orgasams you had just experienced, his hands gently rubbing your back, soothing you. “Shhhhhh, breathe little girl”, he whispered so warmly it made butterflies bloom in your stomach, a stark contrast to the way he was speaking moments ago. 
Pulling yourself upright, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his. After a few seconds had passed, a huge grin slowly formed on his beautiful face, letting out a light giggle. “Hey.”
Feeling a smile form on your own face from his silliness, you couldn’t help but fall for him even more. “Hi”, you shyly responded, reaching up to poke the dimple that was visible on his face, giggling when he playfully stuck his tongue out, trying to reach your finger with it. Completely absorbed in the moment, you had forgotten that he was still inside of you and you were probably hurting him, not that he was gonna complain. You slowly lifted yourself off of him, both of you wincing slightly at the sensation. He immediately pulled you back to him afterwards and continued to rub your back like he had before. It was so comforting, you were scared you were gonna fall asleep in his lap, which you pretty quickly concluded wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, noticing the way his eyes seemed to droop as well.
As you felt yourself starting to drift off, you heard his soothing voice near your ear. “I’m really sorry I got so rough Y/N. I didn’t mean to act like that. I just got so jealous seeing you with him and I didn’t know how to control my emotions. I didn’t know how to tell you how I felt.” He sounded genuinely sad when he spoke, the guilt evident in his quiet voice.
“Matthew, baby, don’t be sorry, ok? I really enjoyed every second of it, I promise. As for Shemar...you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I’ve only ever had eyes for you. You’re kind of stuck with me Gube.” You felt the chuckle vibrate through his body at your words and you lazily smiled against his chest.
“I know, sweetheart. I know.” You heard him hesitate and you wondered if he was going to finish his thought, hopefully before you knocked out cold. “Would you-would you maybe want to go out with me this weekend? Like on a-a date? You felt your heart swell in your chest at his question and slowly nodded against him. 
“I would love that, Matthew.”
Cherishing the feeling of holding each other in your arms, the two of you quickly succumbed to the drowsiness, falling into the most comfortable slumber you had ever experienced.
Tag List: @hopebaker​ @pastathighs​ @psychedellic-phase​ @gloryekaterina​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @racharr​ @etherealgubler​ @furiouspartyrebelhoagie​ @andiebeaword​ @liaabsurd​ @cielo1984​ @starkeybaby​ @rainsong01​ @moonlight-jukebox ​ @victomizedbyreginageorge
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darkershining · 2 years
Just watched episode 14 of Delicious Party Pretty Cure, in which the girls discover that one of Takumi’s classmates has a crush on him, while Takumi himself is trying to figure out how to approach the Cures as their newest ally.
The episode begins with the girls and Rosemary walking together, with Ran having purchased some sweets from Amane’s family’s shop which supposedly tastes of “first love”. As they’re walking, they suddenly spot Takumi talking to a female classmate. Rosemary tells them not to interrupt, having an idea of what is going on. The girl confesses to Takumi that she likes him, but she runs off before he can respond to her.
The girl comes across Yui and the others, who apologize for listening in. The girl doesn’t mind, admitting she wanted to talk to someone about her feelings anyways. The girl introduces herself as Tomoe, and explains how she recently developed her crush on Takumi for how he always speaks his true feelings, him having first caught her attention when she overheard him telling his friends at lunch that he likes the same condiments on fried eggs that she does.
Rosemary and the girls encourage her to talk to Takumi again so she can get his answer, as it’ll keep bothering her otherwise. Tomoe tells them she’ll give it some more thought first, thanking them for hearing her out and offering advice.
In the Bundoru Gang’s hideout, Secretor has purchased some of the same sweets, telling Narcisstor she’ll be testing them for poison before presenting them to Godatz. Narcisstor comments that she’s just making excuses to have some of the sweets, with Secretor denying it, although still noting that she did already make sure to save some for herself for later.
Later in the evening, Takumi goes to Yui’s family’s diner for dinner, and spots Rosemary also having dinner there. Deciding this might be a good oppurtunity to talk about recent events, Takumi approaches Rosemary and tells him he wants to talk about something. Rosemary correctly guesses it involves Yui, but mistakenly believes it’s about Takumi’s crush on Yui and that he wants advice about that. He and Yui also admit they saw Takumi’s conversation with Tomoe earlier, and in the end Takumi is too embarrassed to tell either of them about what he knows.
The next day, Takumi follows the group, trying to figure out what he should do. The girls and Rosemary check in on Amane, but are still unable to meet with her. They decide to pick up a present for her for when she feels better, and later stop by a pasta shop for lunch where they happen to meet with Tomoe. While having lunch with Tomoe, Tomoe admits that she’s decided to talk to Takumi again and hear his answer.
Of course, that’s when Narcisstor shows up, and captures a Recipeppi that appeared in the pasta shop, causing Tomoe to forget what she was planning to do. Ran wonders if they forgot something too, but Rosemary assures the Cures that their Heart Cure Watches protect them from the memory wiping effect. The group catch up to Narcisstor, who creates an Ubauzo. Rosemary quickly transports them into the Delicious Field, with Takumi following them in.
The Cures transform and begin to fight, with Rosemary warning Cure Precious to avoid the hot steam the monster shoots out. During the battle, Narcisstor notes that Rosemary seems to have a keen eye, but can’t fight himself, so he has the monster target him. As it prepares to attack Rosemary and Cure Precious, Takumi attacks the monster. The other Cures wonder where the attack came from, and Takumi reveals himself to them. Rosemary recognizes the outfit and initially mistakes him for the previous wielder of the Delicious Stone, Cinnamon. Takumi corrects him, introducing his alter ago as Black Pepper. With an opening to attack, the Cures manage to weaken and finish off the Ubauzo and free the captured Recipeppi. Narcisstor notes that with the Cures having a new ally, things are sure to get even more interesting.
Cure Precious notes that their mysterious new ally saved them, while the other Cures express their relief at Tomoe getting her memory back. Rosemary wonders who their new ally was.
The next day, Tomoe hears Takumi out. She goes over to Yui and the others, admitting he rejected her. She says he still agreed to be friends, so she’s fine with that, but it is still clear that she’s disappointed. The group invite her to eat some sweets together to cheer her up.
Another good episode! I really like how Takumi is having difficulty approaching the Cures as their new ally, not knowing how to bring it up to them, and his awkwardness when he introduced himself as Black Pepper. I just find that really endearing. I guess Cinnamon was the name Takumi’s father used when he fought as a CooKingdom warrior?
Hope Takumi eventually manages to properly join the team, and that Amane feels better soon so we can get to know the real her better.
Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
The Gift
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Tony says no pets in the Tower, but since when has Loki ever listened to him? Warnings: like one curse word A/N: Any Tom Hiddleston stans out there should get the Easter egg in this one :)
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Disclaimer: Picture not mine
“Oh, come on, Tony! Please,” you whined for the fifth time that week. “Not even just a little one?”
“Absolutely not. It’d make a mess of the place. Not to mention that this isn’t exactly the safest place for a pet.”
“So it gets into a lab accident and we have a super dog. Not the worst thing ever,” you said, half joking, though Tony actually seemed kind of intrigued now. You changed your tactic before he got any ideas. “Besides, it won’t make a mess. I’ll train it. And not all dogs shed.”
“I guess, but someone might be allergic,” Tony countered, thinking he delivered a winning argument.
“We can get a hypoallergenic dog,” you shot back, though you’d already checked with almost everyone and no one said they were.
Tony grumbled, running out of excuses to give as to why you couldn’t get the pet you’ve been pleading for the past few months. Tony had become somewhat of a father figure to you during your time in the Tower, and you’d been pretty sure you could use that to your advantage. Sadly, though, nothing had been working. In fact, that relationship had been more of a detriment to you than anything else as you didn’t want to make him upset with you. Otherwise, you might just go out and buy the pet of your choosing. Maybe even more than one. Although, to be fair, it was Tony’s building, and he was allowing you to live here rent free, so you should probably just drop it. But you really wanted a pet, and you knew you weren’t the only one.
“Sorry, but still no.”
“Fine,” you relented with an overdramatic sigh. “For now, anyway.”
“Thank you,” he said, going back to whatever he was tinkering with before you came in.
You pouted in the lab for a bit, hoping he might change his mind, but to no avail. Eventually you slinked out and went into one of the common rooms, plopping on the couch between Peter and Bucky.
“So, how’d it go?” Peter asked after popping a handful of Skittles into his mouth.
“No luck," you responded sourly, stealing some of the colorful candy from him. “None of my strategies are working.”
“What if we tried for something smaller?” Bucky offered. “Like a gerbil.”
“I guess,” you grumbled as you flopped back in exasperation. “But we’ve had our eye on that Cocker Spaniel for a while. A gerbil just wouldn’t be the same.”
“Yeah, I know.”
You all sat in silence for a bit and watched as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck argued about what hunting season it is, mulling over the situation. Admitting defeat seemed to be the most likely option at the moment, but you hated to just give up when you were sure there was a way to get what you wanted and not have Tony be upset with you.
“I’ve got it!” Peter suddenly shouted, bubbling with excitement. “We go and adopt it and then tell Mr. Stark that it just followed us home!”
“Except he wouldn’t let us keep it even then,” you stated, having already thought of that yourself.
“So we hide it. Simple,” Bucky chimed in. “By the time he notices, Peter will be so emotionally bonded to it, Tony wouldn’t dare take it away.”
“Great idea, Mr. Bucky,” Peter said, high-fiving him.
“Yeah, if only there weren’t cameras everywhere. Not to mention a home system that tells him everything,” you added, growing more upset at the lack of options by the minute.
You pushed up from the couch as the episode’s end was heralded by Porky Pig’s “Th-th-that’s all folks.” After waving bye to your friends, you headed to your room to brainstorm in silence. The figure lurking in the shadows didn’t even register in your mind, so you had no idea that a certain god heard your whole conversation. Not only that, he was about to fix all your problems.
“Mr. Loki, where are we going?” Peter inquired as he and Bucky were led into the city by the trickster god.
“All will be revealed, spiderling. I assure you.”
Bucky just shrugged when Peter looked at him, and so they continued following Loki through the busy New York streets. After hearing about your plight, he had hatched a plan to get you what you wanted. All it took was a bit of research on that infernal computer device, and he was pretty sure he’d found the right shelter. It was a far walk from the Tower, and since neither he nor his travel companions could drive, he resorted to taking the subway, an experience he’d rather not have again. Finally, they arrived at the destination, and Peter was about to burst with excitement.
“Mr. Loki!” he gasped. “This is exactly where we were looking for dogs!”
“But I have a feeling you knew that already,” Bucky said.
“Indeed,” Loki replied. “I must confess that I overheard your conversation in the common room yesterday.”
“Oh I get it now. You’re doing this for-”
“No time for speculation, we are here to get me a pet,” Loki interrupted, “Go on. After you, spiderling.”
Peter, still blissfully unaware of Loki’s true intentions, led the way into the shelter. They were greeted with the sound of happy barking and the distinct smell of dog treats. Loki had to admit, he wasn’t the biggest fan of animals. He found some to be more agreeable than others, such as a good steed, but overall he thought them to be more of a nuisance than anything else. Thor had bought a cat for Jane once, and it tore up half of his capes before he presented it to her. Loki was glad his brother kept it away from him and his belongings. Not to mention he didn’t appreciate the sheer number of similarities people said he had with felines. Dogs, however, he was fine with, so long as they were trained properly.
“Hello, how may I help...” the girl behind the front desk trailed off, her eyes going wide with excitement upon realizing who the trio was. “Y-you’re... Oh my gosh. My friends are never going to believe this! But, uh, how may I help you?”
None of the heroes were particularly comfortable with the attention and star struck gaze of the girl, so it took them a minute to get over their sheepishness. Loki looked at both his companions before realizing he would have to do the talking. He sighed but knew the look on your face would be worth it. You’d look at him the same way you had so many times before, whenever he did little things for you, whether it be rubbing your shoulders after a stressful day or brewing you a cup of tea on a chilly morning. The two of you weren’t dating, exactly, but you weren’t exactly not dating, either. Loki found himself incapable of asking you to make it official, lest it ruin what you currently had. He didn’t know what he’d do if you no longer casually held his hand or rested your head on his lap while reading in the evenings. Even though he was fairly certain you felt the same way, that last bit of doubt wouldn’t leave him alone. Besides, despite usually being quite a great thinker, he couldn’t come up with a good way to confess. He supposed that kissing you would do the trick, but he wasn’t brave enough for that, so getting you a dog would have to suffice for now.
“My friends here were looking at some of your dogs recently, and there is one that they are quite smitten with. We are here to adopt it.”
“That’s right! A Cocker Spaniel named Bobby,” Peter offered. “He hasn’t already been adopted, has he?”
“Nope!” the girl responded in a perky voice. “He’s all yours as soon as you fill out the proper paperwork.”
“Mr. Loki, are you sure about this. Mr. Stark told me I couldn’t get a dog.”
“Exactly. He told you, not me,” Loki replied, picking up a pen.
“Well, yeah, but I don’t really think he meant it just for me. I think it was more of a general kind of thing.” Loki and Bucky looked at him in exasperation for a second, wondering how he could still be so innocent, before he caught on. “Oh, ok. I get it now. Carry on.”
The three boys huddled around the page as Loki filled it out, providing Tony’s credit card as payment when the time came. It seemed appropriate, Loki thought, that Stark should have to pay for making you upset, and taking that in the most literal sense was the only somewhat acceptable way, it seemed. No longer could The God of Mischief go around stabbing those who hurt the ones he cared about. In a way, he missed the good old days, as he referred to them, but his new life led him to you, which made the rest of it fine with him, he decided, as he finished his signature with a flourish.
“There,” he declared, admiring the loop of his fancy, cursive L. “Finished.”
The girl disappeared into the back, only to return with Bobby a moment later. After giving the paperwork a quick once over, she handed the leash over to Bucky, who couldn’t stop the smile from growing on his face. Peter immediately bent down to scratch the dark brown dog behind his ears.
“Who’s a good boy? You are! You’re a good boy!” he cooed.
“Spiderling, he hasn’t even done anything yet,” Loki said, somewhat perplexed, as Bobby rolled over onto his back, stopping at the god’s feet. “Though, I do suppose he is a rather good boy,” he added, an inexplicable smile tugging at his lips.
One stop at the pet store and a taxi ride later, both unknowingly paid for by Tony, they arrived back at the Tower with the newest member of their family. It wasn’t even ten minutes later that Tony strolled into the room where they were playing with Bobby. He stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed the dog, happily playing tug of war with Bucky.
“What is that?” he asked, pointing at the Cocker Spaniel.
“A dog,” Loki deadpanned.
“Yeah, no shit. I mean what is it doing here?”
“I adopted it. Really Stark, for a supposed genius you ask a lot of obvious questions.”
“Don’t get snippy with me, Rock of Ages,” Tony quipped back, gritting his teeth a little. “This is my Tower and I say no pets, except for maybe a goldfish.”
“Yes, this is your Tower, but it is our home, is it not? As thus, we should be allowed the simple pleasures of life, such as having a pet. After all, studies show that having a dog can reduce stress, something I’d say is rather important for people in our position.”
Tony glared for a minute, not really having a good response to that. Then he called your name, certain you were behind this.
“No, Mr. Stark,” Peter said. “They had nothing to do with this. Don’t blame them.”
“That’s right,” Bucky also defended you. “It was all us.”
It was already too late, though, and you appeared in the doorway. Loki had been planning on presenting your gift to you in some cute or clever way, but all he had time to do was a magic up a bow on the pup’s head, a green one, of course. Bobby started happily yapping at your arrival and trotted over to you, looking for a scratch behind the ear.
“Oh. My. Gosh. He’s adorable!” you exclaimed as he rolled over for belly rubs. “You finally got a dog for me, Tony? Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Sorry, but I can’t take credit for this,” he said, turning down the hug you were offering him by putting a hand up. Then he pointed at the mischievous trio whose doing it was.
“Well actually, it was mainly Loki,” Bucky said, nudging the god in the ribs.
“But Mr. Bucky, we all- Oh wait. Awwww,” Peter gushed as he realized what Loki was feeling.
“Oh. In that case, thank you Loki!” you shouted, throwing your arms around him in a hug.
Without a second’s hesitation, he wrapped his arms around you, too, returning the embrace. “You are quite welcome, my darling.”
You nuzzled into the spot where his shoulder met his neck. In turn, he put his head on your own and breathed in your scent, forgetting the others in the room for a minute. It seemed you had, too, because you looked equally startled when Tony cleared his throat.
“Ok, fine. He can stay,” Tony conceded, “but only if he doesn’t wreck the place. And keep him out of the lab.”
You all chorused your thanks and, despite his harsh tone, could tell that Tony had already taken to Bobby, who was now the center of attention again. After playing with him for a bit, Bucky made some excuse about having to leave and took Peter with him, both of them wanting to give you some alone time with Loki.
“This really is very sweet, Loki,” you told him after a few minutes.
“Think nothing of it. It is my gift to you.”
“I feel bad, though. I don’t have anything for you,” you said, biting your lip. “Well, actually, I do have one thing that I can give you.”
“Oh? What would that be, my darling?”
The end of his sentence was nearly cut off by your lips crashing into his. The kiss was a little sloppy, but filled with so much love and desire that neither one of you cared. After gathering his wits, Loki kissed you back, cupping your cheeks as you grabbed his shoulders, still a little unsteady from surging forward.
“That,” you breathlessly whispered, pulling away as Bobby began barking again.
Later that night, Tony found you and Loki passed out on the couch, Bobby sprawled out across both your laps.
“Huh,” he mumbled, draping a blanket over your shoulders. “I guess it’s a good thing they got that dog, after all.”
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lunnanunna · 4 years
ATEEZ Extra Member AU
Summary: Ateez pick their new roommates.
Warnings: none
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @giant-puppy-yunho​ @kimonmars​ @soobinssmile​ @nlost21​
A/N: Yoori needs cuddles! 
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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“Waahhh! Noooo!” Yoori wailed, throwing her head back. She slid down the couch and landed on the floor, legs splayed out.
“Yah, Yoori. Don’t be so dramatic,” Hongjoong chuckled, reaching over to ruffle the girl’s hair.
“Yeah, Yoo. We’re all changing our roommates,” Mingi smiled.
Yoori pouted at the rapper. “Yeah, but you guys want to change your roommates. I don’t. I like rooming with San and Yunho,” she whined, crossing her arms. Yoori hated change. She knew that this was bound to happen. They had all agreed to change roommates every so often, but Yoori had hoped that maybe she didn’t have to.
“You’re such a baby. It’s not a big deal,” Wooyoung rolled his eyes, leaning over and placing an arm around San. “Plus it’s my turn to room with Sannie. You can’t keep him to yourself forever,” Wooyoung added. He pulled San in for a hug, burying the older’s face into his chest. He then looked over at Yoori and stuck his tongue out.
Yoori actually felt like she wanted to cry. She knew that he didn’t mean anything from it, but it almost seemed like he was taking San away from her. Obviously San didn’t belong to her, or anyone for that matter, but he was special to her. He had been her constant since she was four. Yoori felt stupid for thinking this way, but she couldn’t help it.
“Fine,” she grumbled, looking at her hands that rested in her lap. She just had to suck it up. The boys would definitely get annoyed with her if she kept acting this way.
“It’ll be fine, Yoo,” Yeosang said, moving over to sit next to Yoori. He pulled her into his lap, and she melted into the touch. She felt a little better.
“Yeah, okay. So first rule,” Seonghwa stated, calling everyone’s attention. When Yoori looked up at him, he was staring at her and Yeosang. “You two can’t room together for obvious reasons,” the eldest said, folding his arms over his chest.
Yoori actually choked on her spit. Her eyes widened as she looked up at him then at Yeosang who looked about ready to die. “Hyuunng,” the blond groaned, a light blush creeping up his neck.
Yoori could feel her cheeks heating up as well as she covered her face with her arms, folding in on herself. “Why would you even think that?!” she cried. Yoori refused to look up at anyone, especially Wooyoung who was snickering.
“I’m just saying. If you two are dating, you’ll need to follow rules,” Seonghwa said, and Yoori swore she heard him smirk.
“Neither of us were planning on sharing a room,” Yeosang said in annoyance.
“Yeah! I didn’t even want to change roommates in the first place!” Yoori protested, head shooting up to glare at Seonghwa who was smiling at the two.
“Well I’m glad,” Hongjoong said, shaking his head and chuckling at the situation.
“Sannie! Back me up! I’d would never-” Yoori said, then stopped and turned to Yeosang, eyes wide. “Not that I wouldn’t I just- I,” she groaned, hiding her face again. She actually heard the blond chuckle.
“Yeosang better not try anything, ‘cause that’s what I’m worried about,” San said. Yoori looked up to see him actually glaring at Yeosang.
The visual held his hands up in surrender. “You don't have to worry about me,” he shook his head frantically, and Yoori almost laughed, seeing as Yeosang wasn’t easily shaken.
“Okay, now that that’s out of the way,” Hongjoong chuckled, “Let’s pick new roommates.”
“I already called dibs on Sannie!” Wooyoung shouted, raising his hand. Yoori rolled her eyes, bringing her knees to her chest.
“I kinda want to room with Jongho,” Yunho said, turning to look at the maknae.
He smiled at the dancer, nodding his head. “I like that,” Jongho said.
Mingi abruptly pointed towards Yoori and Yeosang. The girl actually thought that he would pick her. “I want Yeo.” Yoori deflated. She hated changing rooms, but she hated being the last choice more. It felt like gym class all over again. Yoori wasn’t very popular back in school.
“Well, I don’t care who I room with, I guess, but I really like my bed. I-Is it alright if I at least get to keep it?” Yoori asked quietly. She didn’t know why she was nervous. Even if they said no, they wouldn’t be mean about it.
Yoori felt Yeosang tense behind her. He obviously caught on to the slight shake in her voice, but apparently it was only him. His arms wrapped around her waist and squeezed. She relaxed a bit as he rested his chin on her shoulder.
“I don’t see why not. It would all depend on who would want to room with you, though,” Hongjoong said, smiling.
Yoori flinched ever so slightly. He obviously didn’t mean it like that, but it kind of sounded like she was the odd one out. “Yah, you’re making me sound like some discarded leftover,” Yoori said, forcing a laugh. The others laughed too, and Yoori bit her lip.
“Never, Yoo,” Seonghwa said, smiling at the girl. She smiled back, but it felt a bit off.
Quietly watching the rest of the boys argue about who got which room exactly, and who would room with Yoori, the girl zoned out. She hadn’t noticed the worried look San shot Yeosang, or the way the blond took her hand and laced their fingers.
A clap brought Yoori’s attention back. Looking up she saw Yunho smiling at her. She definitely missed something, but pretended to smile anyways.
“Okay, so Jongho and I will room with you,” the giant said, grinning. “That way I don’t have to move my things,” Yunho added, holding a thumbs up. He seemed genuine about wanting to room with Yoori, but the reasoning wasn’t what she had expected. She grinned anyways. At least she didn’t have to move.
“Then let's start packing up our things,” Hongjoong said, and he started to get up. The others followed him and began to walk to their rooms.
Yoori went to move, but Yeosang’s hold tightened on her. She Looked back at him in confusion, then she faced forward as she felt someone sit in front of her. San was crouched down, looking at her, seemingly searching for something.
“What’s up?” she asked, noticing that it was only the three of them left in the living room.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” San raised a brow at her. She paused, looking at him, then looking away. She didn’t feel like crying now.
“I don’t know either,” Yoori answered, shrugging.
“Well, something happened. ‘Cause you kinda shut down earlier,” Yeosang said, placing his chin on her shoulder again.
Yoori shook her head, then slightly turned to face him. She pecked his cheek, smiling, “I’m fine. I just got distracted and was thinking about the newest episode of Re:Zero.” Yoori hated lying to them, but she didn’t want them to worry, or for them to say that she was being stupid for thinking the way she did. She knew it was stupid.
“You sure?” San asked her, poking her cheek. “You know that you’re actually not a leftover, right?” he asked. Yoori nodded her head. She knew that.
“Sannie, Yeo, I’m fine. I just made a stupid joke. I’m excited to room with Yunho and Jongho,” Yoori smiled, and she was. Yunho always offered her cuddles, but Jongho’s were different. He wasn’t much of a cuddler, but he always let Yoori snuggle into him. He was very much like a teddy bear.
“If you’re sure,” San said, not convinced at all, but Yoori knew that he wouldn’t push her. So she got up, kissed both boys on their heads, and smiled.
“I’m gonna go help Jongie pack,” Yoori said, skipping down the hall, leaving behind two very skeptical boys.
Yoori’s Masterlist
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emachinescat · 4 years
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So I've been wanting to write this since 5x10, but just now got the chance. This is a look at the ending scene from Murdoc's creepy, possessive obsession with Mac, and it plays with the idea of what might have happened if Bozer hadn't done the trick with the static (sorry Boze for taking away your moment of glory, but creepy Murdoc trumps hero time). Anyway, I hope you enjoy my twist on this episode. It was fun to write. Murdoc is fun to write. What does that say about me? ;)
Title: Murdoc + MacGyver - Everyone Else | Fandom: MacGyver 2016
Summary: AU ending to 5x10. Murdoc never planned on killing MacGyver in that skyscraper. Certainly not for the likes of Andrews. Or, in which Bozer doesn't do his trick with the comms and Murdoc sends a very clear message to all of Codex that MacGyver is HIS.
Characters | Pairings: Murdoc, Mac, Andrews, Riley, Desi
Words: 2,594
TW: Murdoc being creepier than usual, I guess
AO3 Tags: Murdoc Is Obsessed with MacGyver, Obsessive Murdoc, Possessive Murdoc, Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Whump. Hurt Angus Macgyver (Macgyver 2016), Season/Series 05, 5x10, 5x10 au, Implied MacRiley, Manhandling, Creepy Murdoc (MacGyver TV 2016), Obsessive Behavior, TW Creepy Obsession, Diamond + Quake + Carbon + Comms + Tower, Murdoc POV
Full story here or on AO3!
It was adorable, really, Murdoc thought as he lowered the improvised cutting torch slowly, steadily, agonizingly closer to MacGyver’s bruised and bloody face, that Eric Andrews thought that Murdoc was going to go through with this.  The general was a ridiculous man, the kind that Murdoc most enjoyed killing.  Arrogant and pretentious,yet stupid enough to believe he could manipulate, even control, Murdoc, he was a man who would look lovely with Murdoc’s gun pressed squarely between his eyes.
Yet despite his faults, he had been useful.  He’d helped Murdoc escape from the blacksite, and in return, Murdoc had vowed to help him set a trap for MacGyver.  Andrews wanted to broadcast Angus’s death to the heads of a terror cell.  It was his way of “interviewing” to become the head of the organization.  And what would Murdoc get out of this arrangement?  Other than his freedom, he would be given the opportunity to play with MacGyver before Andrews dealt the final blow.
So Murdoc used Andrews to escape the blacksite, and together they set this ingenious little trap for the genius himself.  He’d used Andrews and his resources as a means of playing his newest game.  He smiled and nodded when Andrews spouted his rhetoric, adjusted his plans as Andrews directed, and valiantly kept from gutting the egocentric wackadoodle – somehow – during the course of their time together.  He’d almost snapped and killed the guy, once.
He hated the way that Andrews spoke about his Angus MacGyver, gloated about how cathartic it would be to see the light go out of those blue eyes.  How he relished the notion of feeling MacGyver’s life sleep away, how he fantasized about wrapping his chains around that smooth, pale neck and squeezing , slowly and intimately, with all of Codex watching – after Murdoc had had his fun with him, of course.
Murdoc’s profession had always allowed him to maintain a rather fluid lifestyle, and until MacGyver had come onto the scene, the killer had moved from one job to the next without distraction.  He had never been one to get caught up or fixated on any one thing – as a killer, he understood the impermanence of life in a way few others could.
That is, until Angus “Boy Wonder” MacGyer.  Suddenly, Murdoc had a muse, a partner in his games, a worthy opponent, his very own Sherlock to his Moriarty.  And the thought of anyone – especially Andrews, that self-important crackpot who was so empty all he could do was spout the words of people who’d come before him – looking at Angus MacGyver with that kind of fire in their eyes, that kind of hatred, that dark intent, stirred something primal and angry deep within the hollow, twisted remnants of Murdoc’s soul.  Even worse was hearing that obnoxious, pedantic voice boasting about all the ways he planned to hurt MacGyver, all the ways he planned to kill him in front of a live studio audience.  A foregin, almost protective rush had overcome Murdoc.  The things that Andrews described, the torture, the killing itself – those were things that no one except for Murdoc himself could do to Angus MacGyver.
Murdoc could have snapped and killed him, then.  He almost had.  The trap had been set, MacGyver would soon be on his way.  Murdoc could take out Andrews in one surprise hit and wait for his BFF to arrive.  They might even get some time alone together before the rest of the love triangle showed up.  But he had stayed his hand.  He needed Andrews to contact Codex.  He had a message he needed to send.
And so he’d resisted the drumbeats of death so loud they blocked out his thoughts, and hadn’t put a bullet between Andrews’s eyes.
And now, here he was, in the moment of truth.  It had been a bold move, out of character, if you will, for Murdoc to take on MacGyver in hand-to-hand combat.  Normally, Murdoc avoided using brute force, not because it wasn’t fun – because, boy howdy, was it fun – but because his tools were much more precise than fists, and could cause more pain with less chance of unintended damage.
But this was a special occasion, and he allowed himself to indulge.  And it was a truly delicious situation, made all the more exhilarating with the knowledge that so many people were watching him work.  Not Codex – he hadn’t given a rat’s ass about Codex in that moment – but Phoenix, whom Murdoc had just manipulated and played with like a puppet master with his creepy little mannequins.  He kept an eye on the girls, and chills ran down his body as he saw the fear and desperation in their eyes, the way they strained helplessly against their bonds to get to their friend who was himself completely at Murdoc’s mercy.  He couldn’t see Matilda or Bozer or Taylor, but he could hear the fear in their voices when they spoke, and his mind’s eye conjured a splendid picture of their terrified eyes fixated on the screen, forced to watch as their golden boy was beaten and eventually murdered in front of them.  It was glorious .  Murdoc wished that moment could go on forever.
He truly had relished every hit he’d landed on MacGyver.  Bless him, he tried to fight back, but he was just a spy trained in field comat.  Murdoc was a killer.  Just because he didn’t use his fists that much anymore, it didn’t mean he didn’t know how to.  He was quick, and stronger than his lithe frame would suggest.  Beneath the long-sleeved shirts and black leather jackets, lean, deadly muscles lurked like a snake in the grass, always ready to strike – and strike fast.  Every kick, every hit, every punch to the face sent bolts of electricity up Murdoc’s arms.  He saw the moment when MacGyver’s cheek split open, watched the blood slowly trickle down as he wound up for another hit.  After about three hits directly to the face, MacGyver couldn’t hold himself up anymore and he made weak, desperate grabs for Murdoc’s jacket.  Murdoc felt the tug on the fabric, relished the feeling of MacGyver needing him in that moment.  When he threw MacGyver against the heavy metal support, he felt like a god.
Now here we was, with his greatest foe having literally just been under his boot.  His left hand was wrapped around MacGyver’s right wrist, pinning it down, his knee pressed against the half-conscious agent’s chest to keep him in place.  In his hands he held a tool that, as he had said moments ago, would be the most poetic end to MacGyver he could have concocted – finally silenced by one of his own fancy little inventions.  For a moment, Murdoc was tempted to plow ahead, not to kill, but to play, to hurt , to watch the dazed fear in his muse’s eyes turn to pain and sheer terror… but he had more important things to do.  Maybe he would take this toy with him when he left, and save it to use on MacGyver another day.
He leaned in close, his knee pressing harder into MacGyver’s sternum, and the boy wonder grunted in pain, gasped for breath.  Murdoc leaned closer, his face inches from his prey’s, and watched MacGyver’s concussed eyes go wide at the close proximity.  Murdoc noted with satisfaction that he’d really done a number on his blue-eyed buddy this time – the pupils were unequal, one dilated and the other not.  Murdoc whispered in Mac’s ear, “Don’t worry, friend, I would never let a pig like Andrews kill you.  I’ve got your back.”  He pulled back and winked conspiratorially.  Then, in one fluid motion, he dropped the torch, drew his gun, and shot Eric Andrews one, two, three times, right in his smug, ugly face.  The general didn’t even have time to be surprised by the betrayal.  He was already dead.
From across the room, Murdoc could hear one of the girls – probably the loud, bossy girlfriend – yelling something, but he didn’t pay attention.  Instead, he gripped MacGyver by the front of his jacket, hauled him to his feet (sort of; MacGyver slumped in Murdoc’s arms, unable to stand on his own, but Murdoc had no problem with that at all), and stood there facing the drone.  He could feel MacGyver trembling in pain, and it nearly sickened him that he was going to cut this meeting short.  Still, once he took care of this pesky Codex visit, he could look forward to plenty more games with his adversarial soulmate in the future.
Glaring up at the camera, Murdoc gave Mac’s weak, beaten form a little shake.  “See this guy?” he demanded, not waiting for an answer.  In the second of dead space between his question and answer, he did notice that Desiree had stopped yelling.  No one at the Phoenix was speaking.  Everyone was waiting, he knew, with bated breath, to see how this would turn out.  “Angus MacGyver, here, is mine. ”  He felt MacGyver stir weakly in his arms, protesting Murdoc’s claim even when concussed and barely cognizant.  “Hush, now, Angus,” Murdoc hissed.  “I’m trying to save your life.”
To Codex, he continued, “I love a good murder as much as the next guy.  Hell, more than the next guy.  Way more than him, actually.  So much more that I’ll kill the next guy just to scratch that itch.”  He grinned his most feral grin.  “But MacGyver is not on the market, you hear me?  The only one who is allowed to murder him is me .  Your Andrews was pathetic, a great brute who pretended at being a scholar because it made him feel important.  I meant what I said earlier, fellas – and ladies – this guy is so smart.  Way too smart for the likes of you.  Too smart for Andrews.”
He bared his teeth, shaking MacGyver once more to emphasize his point.  “Angus is my muse.  He’s my dance partner in this crazy murder-tango we’ve been doing for the past few years.  You thought I was being dramatic when I started reminiscing about the good old days earlier?”  He paused, thought, then amended, “Okay, so I was being dramatic, but I meant. Every. Word.  And it all boils down to this: The only one who’s going to end his life is me .”
A voice from the speakers, a female’s, cold and dead, offered, “Then kill him now.  Perhaps we can find a place in Codex for one as ruthless as you.”
Murdoc laughed out loud, throwing his head back.  His body trembled with giggles, and he heard MacGyver emit a grunt of pain at the motion.  “Whoops, sorry, buddy,” he apologized giddily, then shook him a bit more, this time for fun.  MacGyver stayed steadfastly quiet this time – bor -ing!
Murdoc sobered in an instant, letting every ounce of hatred, death, and chaos flood his gaze as his lips set into a thin line and he tightened his grip on MacGyver, who pushed feebly against his arms.  “You really think I want to be a part of your girl scout troop?  Please.  Codex before Angus MacGyver happened to it, maybe.  But now?  You all are ridiculous, dethroned kings who scrabble hungrily for any crumb left to you in your moldering ruins.  You aren’t powerful.  You aren’t smart.  That Leland was the only good thing you had going for you, and now he’s gone.”  He all but purred his next words: “And with what, a shot to the chest?  Precisely aimed, almost like a hit man had taken him out?  Hmmm….”
“ You are claiming responsibility for Leland’s death?”
Murdoc shrugged.  He finally, reluctantly released his grip on MacGyver, and the blonde tumbled to the floor.  Murdoc watched from the corner of his eye as he immediately began to drag himself slowly, agonizingly, away from Murdoc and toward his gal pals.  Murdoc rolled his eyes and clamped his boot down on MacGyver’s bruised back once more, effectively pinning him in place.  Too easy.  He peered into the camera again, rolled his shoulders, cracked his neck, and hissed, “Believe what you want about Leland’s death.  But do you really want to mess with the bastard who killed this great paragon of new wave terrorism?  Not saying it was me, but damn.  Whoever this guy is must be one tough cookie.  And I would advise you, friends ,” – never had that word held so much derision – “to not play with his toys.”  He ground his heel into MacGyver’s back a little deeper.  “The TL;DR?  MacGyver is off-limits.  If you kill him, I kill you, ten times more slowly and painfully than I plan to kill him.  Got it?”
Without giving the council a chance to respond, he raised his gun and shot the drone out of the air.  He tossed the gun aside, sighed, and stepped off of a weakly moving MacGyver.  He grabbed the genius under the armpits and dragged him to the opposite side of the room from the girls.  Producing another zip tie, Murdoc secured MacGyver to the nearest piece of equipment and stood back to observe his handiwork.  Paying no mind to the sorry state he was in, Angus was already stubbornly pulling himself up to a sitting position, bloody face set in pain and determination.  “You,” he panted, lifting his eyes up to meet Murdoc’s, “are insane.”
Murdoc laughed.  “I thought we’d already established that long ago, dear.”
“Don’t call me,” MacGyver wheezed, “dear.  Despite your… delusions, I do not … belong to you.  Or to anybody.”
“Expect maybe Miss Davis?” Murdoc mocked.  “And please , Angus.  Can’t you see that I was just putting on a show for the ‘evil Zoom meeting’?”  He hadn’t been, and he could tell that MacGyver was seeing straight through his lie.  “Look,” Murdoc said, “I hate it when we fight.  How about we both take some time and pick this back up when we’ve had a little time to heal and reflect?”
Through gritted teeth, MacGyver growled, “How about you go away and never come back?”
“Tsk, tsk, Angus .  That isn’t any way to treat your rescuer.  But you are concussed, so I’ll let it slide.  Actually, I need to motor.  Now that the situation’s neutralized, the authorities will be all over this place.  I really don’t fancy going back to that blacksite, so I’ll leave you here to wait for your buddies.”  He bent down, patted MacGyver on the face, grinned when his adversary jerked his head away from the touch.  “‘Til next time, Mac .”  He made a face.  “Actually, scratch that.  My calling you Mac is almost as unsettling as Taylor calling Miss Davis Riles .”  He heard an indigent noise from over the comm – he’d almost forgotten Phoenix was listening in, they’d been so quiet.  He chuckled, relishing how fun Russ Taylor was to annoy.  “Anway, I’ll see you soon, Angus.”
Murdoc removed the comm and crushed it under his boot, then backed away and sauntered from the room, whistling his slow, eerie funeral dirge, “Home on the Range.”
He knew that even while injured and concussed, MacGyver would be out of the zipties and releasing his friends before the polícia arrived.  He’d then be whisked away to a hospital, and all of Phoenix would have to deal with the fallout of the secrets that had been revealed.  He wondered if MacGyver would choose Desiree or Riley.  In the end, though, he knew that it wouldn’t matter who MacGyver chose.  He could deny it all he wanted, but in the end, there would be Murdoc.
There would always be Murdoc.
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abuskinswarrior · 4 years
Love Letter
So I read Read Between the Lines and it inspired me to write something similar.
Summary: The Reader writes her feelings down in a letter to hopefully get rid of her feelings towards Spencer.
Spencer x Reader
Fluff and Angst (a little, but not really)
Word Count: 2447
You know how they say write your feelings down then burn it. It’s supposed to symbolize you ‘“letting go of the feeling”. It’s usually for people that harbour anger, but I guess I could try it for love. So here goes I guess.
I don’t know why I’m so nervous to even write my feelings. I know you will never see this, but writing it makes it seem real I guess. Before I could just pretend I don’t feel this way, but it’s eating at me slowly chipping away pieces of me.
When I first met you, I thought you were cute and dorky. I liked the way you spouted out facts. You taught me so much about everything and I was amazed that it was only a fraction of what you knew. It was the start of one of the best friendships I have ever had. I think the moment I started thinking of you in a more romantic way was funnily enough Friday the 13 in October. Almost a year after I joined. It was a bad day for me. The words on the paper weren’t making any sense and when you talked to me I could only understand half of what you were saying. You noticed and you spoke slower for me. I don’t even think you remembered doing it. I was so extremely thankful and I brought you coffee for like a week after. It’s been so long since that and I thought I would get over it. We work together, we couldn’t date. But my love for you just kept growing.
I finally admitted that my schoolgirl crush on you was more than that when you invited me over to watch the newest season of Doctor Who. I told you I had never actually watched  an episode, you just shrugged and said we could do something else. I thought you were going to ask Penelope instead, but you wanted to spend time with me! (Outside of work!) I dressed up for it., stupid I know. I decided to wear a sundress because it had been so nice and you told me that your AC wasn’t working properly. I remember falling asleep on your couch and when I woke up you were still next to me watching Doctor Who. My head in your lap as you played with my hair. Again, I don’t even think you noticed. 
Emily picked up on my mood around you and confronted me, which is mainly why I am writing this letter. She’s gonna help me burn this. It’s hard though. I  know you will never feel the same way about me and I feel ridiculous. Sometimes it physically hurts to be near you. You make me nervous, you take my breath away and, god, you don’t even try.
I have fallen in love with all the things you do. You stick your tongue out when you’re thinking. When you spin around in the chairs when you can’t concentrate. The way you smile when JJ brings Henry  to the office. You bring me so much joy and it hurts that you don’t look at me the same way. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t in my life. 
Do you remember when the group went out for drinks after that really hard case a few years ago? I went to the bar to get another pitcher for the table and some random guy asked if I wanted to go home with him. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and that’s when you came. I had never seen you like that before. When you asked me if I was okay and I couldn’t move. I was replaying that moment in my head. It was sooo sexy.
This isn’t the first time I was going to tell you. The first time I finally had the guts, I went to your place and you told me you were just about to come over to mine. I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. You said you wanted to tell me something and I let you go first. Sometimes I wish I went first, but I’m glad I didn’t. That was when you told me about Maeve. My heart broke. I could feel my eyes tearing up, but the way you talked about her, god, I could never compare. And then she died. When JJ told me, for a fraction I was happy. It lasted for less than a second and I felt like such a horrible person. How could I even think about being happy? When you came back to work, I had to take a week off. I couldn’t even look at you because of the thought I had for a fraction of a second. That’s when I decided I was never going to tell you, but now I can’t even be near you and I have to leave.
I haven’t even said the three words this whole letter is for. It’s so hard. I think I’ve been denying it for so long that my hand doesn’t even want to write it. But I have to.
I                          love                             you
There I said it. I love you. Oh my god I love you so much. I love you so much I have to leave because if I stay, I don’t know what will happen. I want you to look at me the way you looked when you talked about her.
I think I’ll miss your eyes. The way they light up when you’re excited. I’ll miss your smile. I’ll miss the way your hand feels in mine. I’ll miss the way you engulf me when we hug. I can’t stay here anymore because I, fuck, I gave you pieces of my heart, slowly and now it’s in your hands and I can’t be there to watch you break it. 
I have to stop giving you pieces of me. At one point, you started taking them and I let you, but it ends now. I hope you find someone that makes you happy.
I sighed. “I think I’m done.” I looked up at Emily. We were desk partners. The other people in the office were out on their lunch break leaving just us. She looked up from her papers and smiled softly.
“How do you feel?” She looked down at the paper then back at me. I knew she wanted to read it and I just didn’t care at this point I guess. I handed it to her.
“Worse if that’s possible.” She read through it, mouthing the words.
“Y/n, you should tell him. I thought that you maybe had, like, a crush on the guy, not this!” Emily read it again, my natural cursive being a little hard to read. “Before Maeve? Really?” 
I smiled sheepishly and put my head down. “I know. That’s why I can’t say anything. He’ll hate me. Besides, it’s not like I’ll be around much anyway.”
“Woah, hey, you can’t leave.”
“Who’s leaving?” My head shot up as Derek walked into the office, back from lunch.
“Nobody, it’s nothing.” I said. Derek looked between me and Emily. Emily folded the paper, covering the front, leaving the back of the paper still accessible as she tried shuffling it between case files.
“Woah, what’s this?” He grabbed the paper out of her hands. Reading it out loud.
“Morgan, stop.” I got up trying to grab the paper.
“When I first met you, I thought you were cute and dorky. I liked the way you spouted out facts. You taught me so much about everything and I was amazed that it was only a fraction of what you knew.” He moved around me laughing. “Did you write this? Who’s this for?”
“It’s none of your business.” Just when I thought I had grabbed it, It slipped out of his hand.
“What’s this?” I looked over at who had grabbed it, the paper had refolded and it was in the hands of the one person who really should not have it.
“It’s nothing.” I reached for it again, but Spencer read the back. Being short sucked sometimes. I jumped reaching for it again. 
“Did you write a love letter?” He read it fairly quickly, no surprise. “It’s been speculated that writing love letters helps the nervous system pattern in the brain, appearing to exert protective effects throughout the body, including on the brain itself.” Spencer had stopped looking at it.
“That’s great, can I have it back?” I looked at him, my palm open. He looked between me and whoever was beside me. 
“Open it, pretty boy.” Derek shouted. Whatever he was going to say was muffled by Emily who had covered his mouth.
“Morgan, stop.” I heard her say. Spencer however, started opening the letter and I grabbed onto his arm, jumping up and snatching it, stuffing in my shirt in between breasts.
“Now, you gonna grab it? Cause I will file for harassment.” I looked at him. He smiled at me, a devious look in his eyes.
“Oh my god, I love you so much. I love you so much I have to leave because if I stay,” He used a higher pitched voice, mimicking me. My breath caught in my chest. I wanted to leave, I wanted to smack him, but I just stood there as he repeated what I wrote, mocking me. “I don’t know what will happen. I want you to look at me the way you looked when you talked about her.” He brought his hands up to his face. “I think I’ll miss your eyes.” He looked at me still smiling, laughing, with Morgan egging him on. I could hear both their laughs. 
“What’s going on?” I heard JJ’s voice from behind me. She put her hand on my shoulder, looking at my face. She could tell something was happening, but didn’t know what.
“JJ listen to this!” Spencer kept going. 
“Don’t,” I whispered as he continued to speak. “Please.” JJ looked between my face and Spencer, the wheels in her brain turning.
“I’ll miss the way your hand feels in mine.” 
“Spence, where did you read that?” She asked, stopping him.
“Y/n’s love note.” JJ looked at me with such sympathy. She figured it out. The tears streaming down my face were hot as I tried to wipe them away.
“Spencer!” I yelled. He finally stopped smiling, watching the tears stream down my face. “I know you have trouble picking up cues, I just never realized you could be such an asshole.” 
He looked at me with an emotion I couldn’t describe. I turned around, shoulder checking Derek as he tried to stop me. I could hear my name being called, but I didn’t stop. I ran down the stairs. I couldn’t wait for the elevator.
I pushed the doors open as I was gasping for a breath of fresh air. Tears clouded my eyes as I sat down on the curb. I let my head rest on my knees, replaying the scene in my head. He couldn’t hear me when I told him to stop. He wasn’t even paying attention to me. He was just smiling. I wiped my tears away, pulling out the letter, unfolding it, reading my god awful chicken scratch cursive. How Spencer was able to read it was beyond me. I watched as the paper dampened as my tears hit it. 
“God, I’m so stupid.” I sighed.
“I wouldn’t say that.” I whipped my head around looking up at Spencer’s tall stature. I folded the paper back up, tucking it back in my shirt, wiping away more tears.
“Here to mock me some more?” I looked away resting my chin on my knees. He sat down next to me and I rolled my head so I didn’t have to look at him.
“No,” He sighed. “I’m here to say I’m sorry.”
“It doesn’t matter. It’s a stupid note anyway.” I could feel his stare on me. I played with some of the loose gravel near my feet.
“If it’s stupid, then why try to hide it?” I squinted my eyes, turning my head to look at him. He had a soft smile on his face as if this was his plan all along.
“Go to hell.” I got up, brushing myself off walking away.
“Y/n, no, wait.” Spencer trailed behind me.
“No, Spencer,” I sighed, cursing myself for crying again. “It was a stupid note, for a stupid person, who will never feel the same. So it doesn’t matter.”
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous to even write my feelings.” I stopped turning around. He held the note in his hands. It had fallen out when I got up and I didn’t realize. “I know you will never see this, but writing it makes it seem real I guess. Before I could just pretend I don’t feel this way, but it’s eating at me slowly chipping away pieces of me.” He stepped closer to me, still reciting it, but he changed it. “When I first met you, I thought you were drop dead gorgeous. I liked the way you listened to me and were actually interested in what I had to say. Your limitless hunger for knowledge makes my heart warm. I noticed you were having a bad day because you pull on your hair slightly like you’re trying to pull your thoughts together and I wanted to make you feel comfortable. That was the day I realized I would do whatever you wanted.” He had taken more steps towards me. He placed his hands on my cheeks, so gently like he thought I was going to disappear. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment before reality could catch up.
“Y/n, look at me.” His voice was gentle as if he were talking to a child. I looked up at him, placing my hands over his on my face. “I love you. I love you with every fiber of my being. My heart beats for you and only you.” He wiped away a few tears from my face and I leaned in, titling my head up more. He leaned down pressing his lips against my own. My eyes fluttered closed pressing all my emotions into the kiss. He kissed me back with the same fever I did. My head was spinning. I moved my hands to his hair, gripping at the root afraid I was going to wake up. He pulled away to take a breath and he opened his eyes, smiling.
“So you love me, huh?” 
“Shut up.” I smiled, pulling him back in for another kiss.
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call you mine
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Pairing: Lee Donghyuck x Reader
Genre: fluff
Tags: bestfriends!au
Warnings: lil bit of language
Synopsis: Donghyuck hadn’t yet mustered the courage to tell you just how often he found himself staring at you for longer than he should have. He hadn’t found the words to say that he cared for you in ways that were inappropriate for just a ‘friendship’. But he was back at it again, missing you like you owned the other half of his heart, yearning for your presence like you were his oxygen. 
A/N: happy birthday to the beautiful, the breath-takingly talented, the one and only, Lee Donghyuck! i love you with a whole half of my heart (the rest belongs to jaehyun whattt) you make me smile, you make me laugh, you inspire me. i wish you all the happiness and love and health in the world on your birthday!
// can I call you my own and can I call you my lover, call you my one and only girl // (x)
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There it was again. The strange thrumming in the center of Donghyuck’s chest. Buried deep within the recesses of his heart, it seemed memories of you were begging him to let them resurface. And he rolled over, eyes finally opening as the grey of the early morning clouds painted the entirety of the sky. Glancing around his room, he released an inaudible sigh. 04:29 
The sun had yet to come up. 
He fumbled around for his phone in the darkness of his barely lit room. The chances of him falling asleep again were close to none, Hyuck knew this from experience. So as he lay there, the sound of his heartbeat filled his ears and he gave in. A foreign dampness surfaced around his eyes as thoughts of you poured into the empty cracks and crevices of his heart. The secret smile he caught on your lips every time he said something dumb. The color of your eyes and the way you’d stare at him when he spoke, laughed, cried, sang. The way you looked in his clothes, when the hem of his shirts cascaded past your knees and his sleeves fell way past your hands. Oh, he loved that. 
He missed you. Donghyuck smiled to himself, albeit the bitter taste that filled his mouth when he found himself staring at your contact on his phone again. It was a picture of you. Not a selfie though. There you were, sitting on his lap in one of his large hoodies, a giggle frozen on your lips when you realized that he had had his phone out to record the fact you had laughed at the dumb joke Mark told him was much too cringe-worthy for anyone to even consider laughing at. 
There was no viable reason he was missing you so badly. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t seen you in a while. No, he saw you just a couple days ago. And it wasn’t as if the two of you had broken up. Donghyuck hadn’t yet mustered the courage to tell you just how often he found himself staring at you for longer than he should have. He hadn’t found the words to say that he cared for you in ways that were inappropriate for just a ‘friendship’. But he was back at it again, missing you like you owned the other half of his heart, yearning for your presence like you were his oxygen. 
Before his mind could convince him it was a bad idea, the sound of dialling filled the stillness of the room and increased the anxiety pumping through his veins. Shit. Had he really just pressed ‘call’? 
“Hello?” your tired voice filtered through the phone speaker after a few rings and guilt flooded him at the possibility of having woken you up. “Hyuck?” you yawned when he didn’t immediately respond. “Are you there?” 
“Oh-” a pretty pink blush bit at his cheeks at the sound of your low morning voice. “Yeah sorry, I’m here,” he mumbled. “Did I wake you?”
Your soft chuckle played through his phone and Hyuck swore his heartbeat sped up tenfold. “You’re good,” you said, the soft rustling of blankets reminding him of how soft your comforter was that one time he slept over. “It’s been hard to stay asleep recently.”
A grumble of sympathy sounded in the back of his throat. He was familiar with the struggle. After all, you had been occupying his mind recently. “Are you alright?” His voice came out low, concerned and he shifted in his bed, kicking off his comforter. The sound of a brief exhale came from your side of the line and it was a moment before you answered. 
“...you wanna come over?” 
Donghyuck’s heart jumped into his throat. “I can be over in ten if you need.” He half expected you to laugh at the giddiness he knew seeped so obviously from his response. But you didn’t. Instead, you stuttered, sounding almost unsure by his certainty. 
“I-I… are you sure? You don’t n- I mean, I don’t want to be a bother making you get up so early in the morning, too. Yo-you don’t need to, I-”
He laughed, a deep sound so rooted in absolute assurance that you stopped spouting nonsense. “It’s no bother, Y/N. I’d travel the world to make sure you’re okay. I hope you know that.”
The silence he was met with made him realize the magnitude of what he had just slip. Fuck. He thought. Early mornings truly made for no filter. Finally, you spoke, the shy smile obvious in your voice. 
“Well, I guess it’s good I don’t live that far away, right?” And the smile that bloomed on Haechan’s lips near rivaled the slowly rising sun. 
“I’ll be over in a few.”
It was 4:56 when Haechan called you. Truth be told, you hadn’t been asleep at all. It was one of those nights where there really wasn’t anything preventing you from falling into the clutches of unconsciousness, but the whispering of night continued to call you, distract you. Exhaustion was settling into your bones as the night had gone on for hours and your mind insisted on waking you up every other collection of minutes. From food to television to the newest episode of that one show… Anything and everything was on your mind. It was fine, though. 
Anything to distract you from Donghyuck. Once thoughts of him infiltrated your mind, there was nothing that could deactivate the ever present stream of cues and triggers that reminded you of him. A sliver of sun peeking through the cracks of your blinds could bring you back to the way his natural honey tinted skin gleamed in any natural lighting. The smell of freshly washed linen would hasten the slow jog of your heartbeat to a rolling sprint until you could no longer rid the thought of waking up, snuggled next to him as the credits of a movie played out silently. The fabric of your favorite black hoodie rubbing against the skin of your back could snatch your attention from anything and everything to the fading ghostly feeling of his nose pressed into your neck, breath hot against your skin, arms doing nothing but tightening around your waist.
And the moment the phone rang, your rigid body loosened. Your thoughts stilled, having been interrupted by the ringtone you had set especially for him.
Just as he promised, he was there within 10 minutes. A mirthful smile graced your lips when you heard the familiar knocking pattern. It sounded just like everything else about him when he was with you. Soothing. Gentle. Persistent. You padded down the hallway with bare feet, rubbing the remaining sleep from your eyes. You paid no heed to the early morning chill of the tile beneath your feet despite the fact your body was adorned only by one of his hoodies and the pair of panties you had fallen asleep in. 
Gentle, tired, and filled to the brim with unadulterated adoration was the smile you were met with as you opened the door. The drab monotony of the white-ish clouds hovering over the brightening horizon did nothing to block the smile full of life found on Donghyuck’s precious lips. He was dressed in a light grey hoodie and large black sweat pants that dwarfed his figure. And for a moment, you gazed at him, drinking in the way his large eyes smiled back at yours, glassy with sleep. His soft hair stood, still tousled from sleep, straight up. 
In that instant, you forgot that it was only 5 in the morning. But time was a social construct that slowed infinitely when you finally opened the door wider. It only took an instant for all the chill of the morning dissipate into nothing the second Donghyuck wrapped his arms tighter than ever around your body.  
“Hey Y/N,” he murmured against the shell of your ear, deft fingers smoothing over your hair, your body, the fabric of his extra large hoodie draped well past your thighs. “Is now a bad time?” 
A quiet chuckle reverberated in the husk of your chest and in turn, you buried yourself in the warmth only he could exude. “Don’t be ridiculous, silly goose. Being with you is never a bad time.” your words were mumbled, muffled by the thick layer of fabric separating your two bodies but you knew he understood. “Thank you for coming over,” you hummed, reveling in the steady beat of his heart. “I know this is kind of early.”
Hyuck pulled back far enough to shoot you a playful frown. “Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N. I was the one who called you this early anyways.” You smiled. 
“Oh right, huh?” Another few moments in his grasp and you would have most definitely fallen asleep. But a gust of wind curled through the front door that had been left ajar by your early morning visitor and you made a sound of displeasure. Slowly, slowly, and almost reluctantly, you extracted yourself from his grip. 
“Wait, what are you-” He spun about on his heels, watching as you stumbled around him to close the door. “Oh, nevermind.” Within seconds, your dear friend’s arms enveloped you again, this time snaking sneakily around your waist from behind. “I was like, what are you doing, trying to sneak away? I just got here.” 
You giggled, resting your head back against his chest. “I was just closing the door, don’t worry.” The cool of the brisk morning air slowly subsided the longer your relaxed into his cozy embrace. Before long, the soft pattern of inhales and exhales floating from both of your lips fell into a type of white noise... a type of rhythm-less music.   
“Right, because I was about to say…” his breath brushed down the exposed skin of your collarbone, sending an involuntary shiver down your spine. “Even with you right here, it was getting kinda cold.” You nodded in agreement as another giggle escaped your lips and you twisted in his arms to look up at him. 
“Good thing you’re here.” 
“Why’s that, princess?” Donghyuck leaned down, resting his forehead against yours in such an intimate gesture that you nearly gasped in suprise. His bated breath danced across your skin and in that moment, you were made aware of just how close his lips were to yours. 
You tore your gaze off the boy before you, eyes bouncing off random things around the room to keep the blush threatening your cheeks at bay. “I don’t know... I guess, whenever I’m with you- you just- when you’re around, I’m always warm.” 
Waking up at 4, jogging over to your house at 5, falling asleep with you in his arms, and waking up again at one in the afternoon hadn’t originally been part of his plan for the day. But as Donghyuck blinked the sleep away from his eyes to see you in one of his hoodies with your messy hair splayed over your pillow and your body nestled securely into his arms, he couldn’t find a reason to complain. 
The curve of your lips twitched when he released an arm from around your body to brush a couple strands of hair from out of your face. A smile made its way up to his face when you woke, glancing up at him blearily. Warmth filled his belly as you gazed up at him through your wispy eyelashes, the upwards slope in your sleepy smile widening, the affection in your eyes glowing something fierce. 
It took a second for you to realize this - laying beside him with Hyuck’s arms resting firmly around your hips - was not a dream, not just another wistful fantasy you had woven together from the solitude of your single-ness and had yet to wake up from. 
The sun streaming through your blinds hit his mussed, auburn hair in such a way that it looked golden, like a halo, or a sun. One of his arms lay under your head like a makeshift pillow. His other hand grazed your cheek, tracing the outline of your face as you memorized the way he looked now - in all his lazy afternoon glory - beside you. And when the realization finally settled in, a slow, wonder-filled laugh left your mouth. Donghyuck propped himself up on an elbow, grinning down at you. 
“What’s so funny, beautiful?”
“Nothing,” you shook your head, the nickname flying past your mind, smile still playing at the edge of your lips as you rolled over to hide your burning face in his chest. “I just… this was the best I’ve slept in such a long time that I almost forgot you came over this morning, so seeing you was like… Woah, who is this dream man laying beside me? Am I still asleep?”
Biting back a smile, he hummed thoughtfully and pushed himself up into a sitting position. “Maybe I should sleep over more often then? You could get more sleep and a hot man to wake up to each morning!” 
You sat up with him, sleep drunk smile decorating your lips. Out of instinct, you found your hands reaching forwards to run your fingers through his hair, fixing all the silly little strands that stood up in all different directions. Had you been more focused on his face though, you would have noticed the light dusting of pink settling over his cheeks. You were so… close. And you felt so much like home. Donghyuck’s heartbeat pounded in his ears and he prayed you couldn’t hear it. 
“I mean, honestly, though-” you giggled in response. “-my bed’s always open for you, if you’d like. I know I wouldn't complain if I woke to this every morning.” Redirecting your gaze down to his deep, chestnut colored eyes, you leaned forwards to bop the tip of his nose playfully, giggling again when he blinked in surprise. “Now come on, I’m hungry and I wanna go out.”
But as you pushed yourself off your bed, Hyuck sat, pondering your words. Would you really be okay with waking up beside him every morning? He ran his fingers through his hair, sliding out of your bed to follow you out into the kitchen. 
God, he loved you. He loved the way you giggled, he loved the way your fingers felt in his hair. He loved the way you looked, wrapped his arms. He loved the way you gazed up at him through your eyelashes. Perhaps today was the day, then, he thought to himself. Maybe I’ll tell her today. 
Having jogged up ahead, you turned, any ounce of exhaustion from before completely dissipated into thin air. You smiled, wrapping your arms - still draped in his hoodie - around yourself. Donghyuck had fallen behind, eyes glazed over in thought as he moved sluggishly after you. 
“Hyuck, you bean-brain,” you called. He blinked the looming confession from the forefront of his mind and shook his head a couple times before realizing you had called him. 
“’Sup beautiful?” 
A pretty pinkish glow slid onto your cheeks just as a cheeky smirk fell over his lips. “I think I have some of your clothes in my closet if you wanna change.”
“Why?” he shot you a look before lifting his arm to sniff himself. “Do I smell or something? I could’ve sworn I put on deodorant before I ran over this morning.” 
You rolled your eyes, wrinkling your nose as if you had smelt something dank. “Yes, you smell horrid- no, you smell fine, Hyuck.” 
“Then why am I changing?” 
“So you don’t look like you just woke up.” It wasn’t like he didn’t look good, large t-shirt crinkled from cuddling with you. Donghyuck looked more than good. He looked angelic. He looked inviting and soft. Your eyes traced his well cut figure, taking the time to study everything. There was something about him and the way he stood, the way he looked at you, the way that little half smile quirked the corners of his lips up... there was something about him that just screamed boyfriend... and a shameless blush burned at your features when you realized you had been staring, again.    
“You look like you just woke up,” he pouted. “And I must say... you work it pretty well, cutie.” 
“Oh, shut up,” you growled playfully, turning back towards the kitchen. “Just go change, okay? You want anything before we head out?”
“Just for you to put some pants on,” he called on his way back to your room. You snorted at his comment from your precarious stance atop a dining chair. 
“Why? Your hoodie goes like almost all the way down my thighs.”
“Much as I love the way you look in my clothes, we can’t have other guys seeing what’s mi-” Donghyuck stopped, both physically and verbally right in front of your door. Shit, did he really almost say that? He had been mumbling, so there was a chance you didn’t hear him. Then, at the same time, part of him longed to call you ‘his’. 
“What’d you say?” your disembodied voice carried through his panicked thoughts. “I didn’t catch the last part.”
“Nothing.” He sighed in relief - albeit a little disappointed - the simple action releasing all the tension in his shoulders before turning back towards your room. No, he sighed, shuffling through your closet, a smile still very much present on his face. Today was already as good as it was going to get. He was spending it with you. 
Maybe not today.
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a/n: part 2 anyone? 
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zeta1offical · 4 years
Episode 1: Classes in Session, Part 1: Introduction
In the well lit hallway of Site 22’s 13th floor a young boy stares at the door before him with the number 1307 on a sign just below the widow as an armed guard stands by. The boy says to himself “You're gonna be fine” repeatedly almost in a trance until one of the guards spoke up “SCP 2241?” the young boy jerks snapping out of his trance. “You okay?” the purple haired female guard asked him “I’m fine just, I’m fine, Mis- I mean Officer Opal is there anyone else in there?” the young boy asked timidly. “Most of the other subjects are in there, hey kid don't worry I’m sure they'll like you” “You think so?” “Positive” the young boy takes a deep breath before exhaling “Okay I’m ready.” Private Opal proceeds to swipe her level 2 keycard and the young boy walks in expecting a laboratory like the ones he’s been tested in before. Imagine his surprise when he walks into something less like a lab and more like a classroom. White board behind what looks to be a teacher's desk, light green walls decorated with several posters, desks in various shapes and sizes, a projector attached to the ceiling, and shelves filled with all sorts of books. Once the young boy had a minute to take it all in his eyes turned to the center of the classroom where a bunch of individuals were gathered around a single desk. 
Each of the individuals were focused on whatever was on the desk, some were giggling while most were watching in awe, it took a bit before one of them looked up long enough to notice the newest arrival. “Oh hi there!” one of them, a little girl, said which caught the attention of the others, they all looked at the boy until one of them, a girl with pink hair and different colored eyes stepped forward extending her hand. The boy understood and shook the girl’s hand to which she said “I’m SCP 040 but call me Rosalia, it's nice to meet you..” “SCP 2241 but my name is Cameron” the young boy responded. “C’mon Cameron let me introduce you to the others” an Rosalia said while still holding onto the boy’s hand.
One by one Rosalia introduced Cameron to the other subjects most like the cyborg girl Victoria, SCP 191, were shy but some like the orange slime Xiaying, SCP 999, were excited to have a new friend. “So Cameron what makes you an SCP?” the little girl Abby, SCP 053, asked him “Well it's probably cause I can do this” Cameron said as he used his powers to lift Abby and two nearby desks in the air with his mind. To which the others gave a small round of applause as Cameron set the little girl and desks gently back down. “That's just one of my powers I can also-” a small beam of light appeared and Cameron had disappeared only to reappear right behind the group “-do this.” “That's pretty cool,” said Rosalia, to which others nodded in agreement. The largest student, a giant octo dragon humanoid named Cthulhu, SCP 2662, then asked “So Cameron I guess you got a letter like the rest of us right?” “Uh yeah along with some stuff and this cool suit, I feel like more of a superhero with this gear on” he said while gesturing the SCP 5000-B1 to 4 outfit. The others were wearing the same gear, each coming in various shapes and sizes to accommodate the wearer, with each bearing the same mysterious book and quill insignia. “I wonder what this symbol is for though?” Xena, SCP 2599, asked out loud but before anyone could say anything the door opened again. 
Rather than another single subject entering like before, two highly armored guards pushed in a teenage girl, skin pitch black with several white patches, who was strapped heavy in a wheelchair with a muzzle around her mouth giving a barely audible growl.  Cameron noticed the girl was wearing the same gear as him before one of the guards spoke “Alright 029 is in, bring in 2192” over the radio. It was not long before another guard who was not as armored, came in holding the hand of a young burn skinned girl wearing similar gear except her suit was much more bulky than any of the others. “Thank you ladies, I’ll take it from here” the unarmored guard told her subordinates who gave an uneasy look before responding “Uh you sure Capitan? I mean 029-” “I’m fully aware of the threat Rajani opposes, I got this, please vacate the perimeter, you're freaking the students out.” “But-” “That's an order Sergeant White” to which the heavily armored guards left. The unarmored guard sighed before speaking “Apologies for the armored spectacle, it's just two of your fellow teammates require some…... extra precautions. Anyway The girl strapped like Hannibal Lecter is Rajani, SCP 029, this little lady in the space suit is Milaya, SCP 2192, and I’m Captain Anastasia Zima, feel free to call me Anastasia.” A few minutes went by before the door opened again and four more somewhat familiar individuals stepped in. They were foundation psychologist Dr. Anne Evans, Senior Researcher Dr. Jordan Wolfshire, Agent Embo Ravencroft aka SCP 5000-B, and Omega 7 Iris Thompson aka SCP 105. “Sorry for our tardiness, we had to get the last member of your squad, say hi Timmy” Dr. Wolfshire explained while holding up a birdcage engraved with a sign that said SCP 1192, the inhabitant being a bird named Timmy. “Oh right I forget you're a Cockatoo not a Par-” “Ahem!” Agent Ravencroft exclaimed to which Dr. Wolfshire went quiet. Dr. Evans then spoke “Now that everyone’s here I’m sure many of you have questions, each of you please sit in your assigned desk’s and they will be answered shortly.”
To be continued.....
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It’s The Avengers (03x09)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 09: I’m Allergic to Bad Memories
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: *shrugs*
Word Count: I am sick. But I am out of stuff to keep my loud mind busy. So here we are. Be grateful to the Gods of k-dramas
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The chirps of concern were a train of ramblings coming in between the nudges little orange furry paws were giving you; smushing your lips, your cheeks, booping your nose. The only time they stopped was when that echo that resulted in your unconsciousness announced a little plan. “How about I be of some help, little one?” Lulu stood up on his hind legs while he and his camera saw a pair of pale hands stroke your head ever so gently, whispering something foreign under a sweet breath. The next second, you stirred, perking up the little furball- who smushed your face and head with an endless amount of rubs with his own. You groaned before a yelp found its way out of your throat as you felt the bump at the back of your head thump with piercing pain. “Ow! Ow ow ow ow.” “Ah,” the soothing voice called out from outside the frame, “you hit your head pretty hard, dear.” The realisation of the stranger came a little late- maybe because of the concussion, maybe because of the angelic voice that seemed to make you feel at ease- and once it did, your eyes widened while your legs moved your body away from… “God?” you gasped in question while Lulu’s camera looked at the aged women smiling down at you with a glow unlike any. “More or less, yes,” the glowing woman in a gold dress chuckled before bringing her hand forward. “Come, let me help you, dear.” You tried catching your breath there. “Wh...who…” The smile on that bewitchingly calm face brought this uncalled ease inside your chest. “I’m Frigga.”
. A shrivelled high-pitched scream eroded the den as Javier stood frozen at the expressions similar to that of a spooked out little child on the face of the head of the universe’s deadliest mafia. “No, please do not hurt my face!! That is my one good asset!!! You always hit me where it hurts the most!!!” Taneleer cried. The camera focused from the ball of luxurious fur whispering on the floor to Loki- who stood there with his arms across his chest. “I didn’t even hit you yet. Quit being such a pain in the a-” “Ssso what! You were thinking of hitting me,” Taneleer huffed while he looked up at Loki, “I could see it in those snake eyes of yours. Like you will bite my-my h-head off!” Loki sighed and rolled his eyes.
Loki: *bags under his eyes* I am…*blinks tiredly* surrounded...by the most idiotic scum of this universe *camera pans across his shoulder to show Taneleer calling his henchman* “As long as they are here, make sure that little Terran is safe. Otherwise, I will cut off your limbs and feed it to the street rodents,” he hisses.
“I cannot believe you just thought of hurting me for that Terran,” Taneleer tsked and jumped in annoyance, “she is getting between our friendship.” “You were never my friend,” Loki delivered the blow with a straight face while the boss felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. “And to think I made little marble figures of us both hanging out in Knowhere,” he whispered with the hurt reflecting in his voice. “Who is she to you anyway?” He pouted. “Who is this creature to have you travelling by her side as if you are...she is...you both...what is she to you?!!” “Just get me my fucking grace,” Loki raised his voice while rolling his eyes, “or I swear to all the power in this universe I will personally make you suffer for frying my brain cells with your utter nonsense. What are you trying to do? Buy time till your rotten brain can figure out how to make up an excuse for your incompetence?” Taneleer’s slouching and sad figure straightened up and raised a finger. “More like, trying to buy time before I really tell you who I sold your grace to.” . “Frigga?” The camera took in the glowing pale face smiling in your direction as it nodded in your direction. Your face, on the other hand, was a mess of confusion, surprise and the worst possible daze just sitting on top of your forehead. “Like...Loki’s mom Frigga?” A sparkle went off in Frigga’s eyes as the already glowing face seemed to shine four times brighter. Her eyes widened and her smile seemingly found a reason to grow wider. That was till some uncertain thought crossed her forehead and her smile twitched and transformed into an unsettling concern. “This is…” Frigga trailed off. “Weird?” you tried helping her. “It’s usually Thor that people know me through.” “Huh...makes sense.” “How...do you know Loki?” “Oh, I’m his friend. Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you.” “Ah,” Frigga nodded and mirrored your smile before confusion punched that softness away. “I’m sorry, you are what?!” The Lounge Scott sat on the sofa reading the latest copy of One Piece while the big screen opposite him showed Loki threatening Tivan by his collar. The screen did not seem to take his attention but the figure looking in front of it, going to and fro more times than Scott could count. Actually, Scott stopped counting after six about an hour ago. "Instead of working your legs, it would be better to work that mouth for your friend, don't you think?" Natasha called out from behind the counter, sipping on her kale smoothie. The words stopped Steve short, his whole face a mixture of blushing horror. "W-what." "That's not what she means, you thirsty grandpa!" Scott called his thoughts out without raising his eyes from the latest in Wano arc, "go talk to him." Steve blinked and regained a part of his lost senses, slowly moving towards the dorms. "And kiss him senseless while you're at it," Scott added, stopping the captain midway to give him an irritated glare- one that Natasha was loving.
Natasha: *smirks* I have to say it feels good to have someone else make thirst jokes on Steve too *Camera pans out to show Scott smiling for the lens* Scott: It's me *points to self* she means me. Natasha: I guess there are more coming? Scott: *gushing* you have no idea
The Den “So, if I were to summarise what you just told me, midgardians have no quarrels with Loki, Thanos has been defeated and my son is living with the Avengers now.” Lulu’s camera caught seriousness in Frigga’s brows while you nodded. “And I’m his friend,” you added with a smile before looking at Lulu’s camera.
You: I stressed that for reasons *shrugs nonchalantly*
“Right,” Frigga acknowledged. “So, how is my son? Is he here? My essence is only supposed to be released in his presence or someone he…” Frigga paused and looked back at you, this time with the keen observation that seemed to make you a little uncomfortable. “He is somewhere in the back with the anime-hair guy. They are trying to find a way to get him out of these cuffs my dad made so he couldn’t use magic. Long story. But we got teleported into some galaxy far away and now we are here to help Loki get his powers back so we can go home.” You thought best to blabber than stand there in awkward silence while Loki’s mother was giving you a deep mental once over. “And by we I mean me, Lulu and Javi. We are all friends. Lulu is the little baby we adopted on the way,” you cooed and smiled at the little pile of soft fur purring on receiving scritches from your under his not-so-visible jaw. You looked back up to watch Frigga’s fingers rest on her lips to mask some sort of emotion you were too late to read.
Frigga: This cute little midgardian keeps calling herself Loki’s friend *tilts head* and then tells me they adopted an old beastling’s offspring as their child. *contemplates* So...do marriages not happen on earth lately? Or is this something my son came up with? *raises her brows* no matter the story, *waves her hand* I am not letting him lose this precious one.
“Let’s go meet Loki,” you jumped in controlled excitement taking the first step to lead the way before freezing right there. “Wait,” you interrupted your own buzz with a grim expression, “how do I know you are one of the good ones?” “I beg your pardon, little one?” You sighed, feeling a little heaviness settle in your chest. “How do I know you are not going to hurt him?”
You: Yup *purses lips* reasons *stretches the corners of her mouth in regret*
“Did you just ask me if I was dangerous for my own son?” You could already feel the mother hen judgment even when you didn’t stare into her eyes. “I know,” you sighed, “it’s the space. My nerves are overworked and the only thing I can think of is Loki.” “...” “-’s well being.” Clearing your throat, you nodded at your own words, stealing a glimpse at the camera. “That usually does not happen. I can assure you that.” The surprise at your sheer audacity melted within ten seconds to give place to something soft and glowing; along with something else. You did not expect Frigga to bring forward her hand and cup your cheek with her palm to gaze into your soul while you stood there with disbelief dripping from your skin. “Your hand is so warm,” you commented after flinching a little at her touch, waiting for her to say something. But Frigga took her time, her thumb stroking your cheek while you witnessed the corner of her eyes glistening. “By the Norns, you have been one gentle soul through such wild storms haven’t you, dear,” she whispered, forcing you to grow more confused for a second, “why would someone hurt such a precious soul.” Lulu’s camera moved with Lulu’s body suddenly on alert. He could feel the change in the atmosphere right when the camera caught your crinkled brows release themselves to some invisible realisations that were either too quick- or too heavy- to bring tears to your eyes. All that your face carried was bearings of something that stopped time for you while your tears ran as much as they could; and with them ran your breaths getting shallow by the second till Frigga engulfed you in her warm embrace, her hands soothing your back. “Forgive me, my child,” she whispered, never leaving your cold figure, “forgive me for bringing it all back.” Lulu’s whines and unknown movements from the corridor made Frigga bring herself to face a dazed you. “You are one brave human, my dearest. Trust in yourself. And you are not alone. Take good care of my son till I can see him one last time.” With those words hanging somewhere in the midst of your ears and your brain, she left with a peck on your forehead, dissolving into the same light she was radiating all along.
The Dorms and Their Outer Surroundings The camera zoomed in to focus away from the leaves and into the french window of Bucky’s room where he and Steve sat in their respective love seats five feet apart, trying their best to keep their composure while trying to come up with words. Steve cleared his throat. Bucky moved the bottle of water on the coffee table towards him. “So…” Steve’s throat barely made any noise the first time while Bucky’s red face tried to hide under the shadow of his long unruly hair, “I heard that...ahem...that you…” “I’m gay!” The confession came like a shot of rifle mid-air, taking both Bucky and Steve by surprise. “And that’s o-okay,” Steve stressed, sitting up straight, “it’s okay to love anyone you want.” “So-” Bucky’s fingers wrung each other under the internal pressure to get the words out- “is it...is it okay to love you?” Unknown to them, another camera standing outside in the lawn witnessed an excited Scott perched upon the top of the tree with the headphones on to hear every word they said. And just as the confession came, the poor man caught hold of his chest, muttered, “my heart,” and fell from the branch while his red-headed accomplice waited for more. “Is it okay to love you now?” Steve was on pause, his attention solely taken by Bucky’s words and eyes. “Bucky,” was he was able to get out before standing up, forcing Bucky to mirror him. “I know this may seem out of the blue, Stevie, but I have always...always only had eyes for you. And I know times were different back then, but now I finally have the guts to tell you how I feel and I would completely understand if you don’t-” The words were stopped short right on the lips when Steve took Bucky by the collar and kissed him. “FINALLY!” a victorious cry came from the Black Widow right beside the camera, making the poor thing wobble and fall down lens first onto the ground.
The Weird Den Javier’s camera already caught the shimmer of an orb disappearing from right in front of you as he entered the room but his company was too late to notice any of that golden light that had just illuminated the room. The moment Loki entered the room the camera recorded his senses going off. His eyes ran over every corner of the room, over Lulu rubbing himself on your legs while trying to draw your attention, and then back to your figure standing in the middle with your back to him. “Y/N?” he called out, taking one cautious step at a time. You flinched. That stopped him right in his tracks. “What’s wrong?” Lulu’s camera caught your hands wiping away the tears before turning to face him. That effort was not of much use as both Loki and Taneleer could make out some real tears had been shed. “Nothing. Did you find something for your cuffs?” your nasal voice did not help your case either. Taneleer raised his hands a little as he stepped close to you, bringing forward a dense black fabric. You took without much thought and blew your nose into it, making the boss gag behind you. Loki clearly wanted to ask you about the reason behind those tears but those lines of latent rage in between your brows made him go the other way. “We will have to travel a little further for that, I’m afraid.” You sniffed, finally feeling the air in your nostrils. “Cool. Let’s go,” you muttered nonchalantly and walked out.  Taneleer’s eyes widened and he aggressively gestured his guards to follow you.  Loki’s brows raised themselves in question. “What just happened?” . “Are you sure nothing’s wrong?” Javier’s camera caught the grit of your teeth as you sat down in the transportation vehicle that looked like an exoskeleton of a schoolkids’ van. “I said I’m fine,” you pressed with zero emotions in your eyes. “Then why are you crying,” Loki pressed back while casually leaning on the doorframe and watching you with his intense gaze. You scoffed. “Because I’m allergic to you,” you spewed into the air and shifted to face away from him. Taking full offence of that statement, Loki opened his mouth to say something before shutting it back. Tight. “You know I’m still single right?” Tivan whispered from behind the God with a smirk. The latter did not pay much attention to his words. “I’ve taken some of your inventory. Don’t bother getting it back in one piece.” Loki was about to step into the van when Taneleer decided to open his mouth. “She knows you are here.” Loki paused, his hand resting on the frame and his biceps feeling a tug under his dark shirt. “She knows you are out of hiding, Loki. She will come for you. I know you already know that. And she will come for anything-” his gaze shifted from Loki’s beautiful back to yours- “-that stands between her and you.” No words came from the other side except for the tap of a finger on the frame before Loki got inside the van and came to sit next to you. Tivan’s guards were already putting the vehicle in full throttle to fly towards your ship while Loki waited for you to say something. But you were stubborn in your own way, not letting out a peep but turning to watch where exactly Loki is sitting. “Lulu,” he stressed with a note of caution when he did not let Javier secure him in his seat, leading to the fur-boy slump in his seat and sulk till Javier presented him with candy. At the same time, you scooched closer to Loki- still not facing him- and let your fingers feel his overcoat in them. Your eyes still carried the remnants of the tears along with a hidden hurt that you did not want to show anyone. But the high definition cameras everywhere were quick to catch it all; even the slight break of your heartstrings when you felt the fabric of comfort in your fingers move away. It also captured the shock that followed when you felt his arm come and rest behind your neck to prevent the discomfort of the metal rails on the back of your head on this bumpy ride, giving you full access to take the support of his shoulder and arms in that moment. You didn’t even realise when the waterworks came again. “What,” Loki looked at you expressionless, “I’m just resting my arm.” You blinked and took in the snot rising up in your nose. “I’m still allergic to you,” you muttered while resting your head on his shoulder. A smile born for two seconds was seen by no one except the camera.
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eloarei · 3 years
Your favorite Fallout ship and... ALL THE EVENS
Oho Socks, you mad lad lol
Well, alright then! *rolls up sleeves*
Favorite Fallout Ship: This really should be easy; I should easily say "LW x Fawkes", given how much I've written of it. And I think I'd still call that the winner. But a close runner up, worthy of mention, is SS x Nick Valentine. Ugh, such good ships, both. (Here’s one of my own drawings.) 
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2. Your newest ship: Huh... It's a toss-up between Luffy x Jinbe, and Luffy x Katakuri, since they both become relevant around the same time. (Here’s a cute Luffy and Jinbe.) 
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4. Favourite m/f ship: To avoid saying LW/Fawkes too much, I'll say it's Varric x Cassandra, from Dragon Age Inquisition! (RIP Cassandra’s head in this pic, but oh well.) 
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6. Favourite f/f ship: Gosh, I dunno if it's actually my favorite, but of recent ships I'd say Siora x de Sardet, from Greedfall. You can romance Siora as a male character too, but I just see it working better with a female de Sardet. (Not my de Sardet, but a nice one anyway.) 
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8. Most fluffy ship: Oh, Takeo x Yamato, from Ore Monogatari! Holy moly, what a pair of cuties, and what a cute anime! Super recommended if you like romcoms; I'm gonna go watch it again right this second haha (Gosh look at these goofballs.) 
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10. Most smutty ship: Y'know, I'm just gonna say Symbrock (Venom/Eddie) by virtue of the whole body-sharing experience. I think the fandom is like inherently, inescapably horny lol. (And by fandom I’m also including the very horny canon comics.) 
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12. Character that you can only imagine in one ship: This used to be like... everyone. I really never used to be a multishipper. But I've been around too long now; lol I have too many ideas. So who would never be shipped with anyone other than their one perfect OTP? Never ever? *sits here for any eternity* Ok, I gotta say it's Helmeppo from One Piece. Look, it's Coby or bust, partly because they're perfect partner-besties, and partly because nobody else would put up with his shit other than saintly Coby. (He’s a pretty good boyfriend though; haha this episode killed me.) 
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14. Character that you can’t imagine in any ship: Genuinely, this question just sounds like a challenge to me, but a lot of One Piece villains could fit this bill. I'll just go ahead and say Perospero. (Ahh shoot now I'm imagining him in a hate-ship with Pedro, but oh well. No take-backsies.) (I hate his tongue so much.) 
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16. Characters that you kinda ship but prefer as brotp: After the Whole Cake Island arc, Luffy x Sanji fits this pretty well. They have a very intense relationship (in this arc, esp), but I think it works best platonically. (God I love the opening for this arc so very much.) 
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18. Guilty pleasure ship: I don't think there's a point in feeling guilty, so it's either all my monster ships or none of them XD NEXT QUESTION. (Pictured: Elias and Chise from Ancient Magus Bride, because they didn’t manage to feature in any of the other questions.) 
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20. Ship that you liked but don’t anymore: I don't think I've ever really stopped liking a ship, but on the rare occasion it sort of gets replaced, and the only time I can remember that happening is in Fullmetal Alchemist, where I shipped Roy x Ed ages ago, and then the reboot did a much better job of presenting the mostly-canon relationship of Roy x Riza, so I didn't have as much reason to support the non-canon ships anymore pffft. (Look at them though. I do still like them. And this picture is rad.) 
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22. Ship that you immediately fall in love with after one scene despite not considering it before: I mean I guess Luffy x Katakuri. To be honest, I'd had a friend mention being into them, but I wasn't caught up on the anime so I was like "pffft, why?". And then their fight scene just got so.... !!! Like...!!! Like, these were enemies in a life-or-death battle, but you could SEE THEM start to like and respect and admire each other during this long-ass fight. Katakuri goes through literally an entire character growth arc during this fight, and by the end he's clearly thinking, "Okay, this pipsqueak is like no one I've ever met before; he's special, and I'm kind of honored for him to kick my ass, and also I hope he comes back to visit me one day, uwu". It, uh, it was an experience haha. 
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24. Biggest notp: I really only get NoTPs when I'm heavily invested in something. Back when I was into BNHA, I really didn't like Izuku x Todoroki, but since I'm not as into the series anymore, it doesn't bother me. I suppose right now my "nope"est pairing would be... uh... LW x Jericho, from FO3? I never cared for it to begin with, but it's really right-out in my current fic series. (I should have found a nicer picture but “Alright then” sums up my feelings about them.) 
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26. Characters that you like in every dynamic (lovers,friends,enemies) : I mean, not to rehash a ship again, but Luffy x Katakuri for sure, because they already are basically frenemies. (Look at that drawing! Even Oda knows they’re meant to be buddies!) 
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28. Ship that you expected to ship before reading/watching franchise and you don’t: Hmm. I'm sure there is one! I try not to have a lot of preconceived notions when I watch something... Well, I didn't expect this before the series, necessarily, but I always kind of thought I'd get into Tony Stark x Steve Rogers, but I just... never really did. Seemed like something I'd like, but it didn't catch on, even before other options became available. (Fun memes though.) 
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30. Favourite canon ship: EVER? Gosh, uh, let's go with Goliath x Elisa from Gargoyles! Ahh yes, someone made a good decision with that one!! Bring back whoever wrote that series! (I’m blessed by this canon gif.) 
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32. Favourite ship for hurt-comfort: For recent stuff, let's definitely say Kiddway (Edward Kenway x 'James Kidd' aka Mary Read), from Assassin's Creed 4. BOY, they just had to hurt me like that in canon! Their story seemed absolutely ripe for H/C. I really should write some fic.(God look at that little wink.)
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34. Ship that you never expected to ship when you were younger but here you are: HMMM what series did I like before shipping was a thing? OH OKAY here's one: Zelda x Ganondorf. I definitely accepted the 'Zelda/Link is basically canon' line as a kid, so shipping either of them with the Big Bad Ganon was not remotely on my mind. In fact, I don't think I'd have ever considered it if it weren't for A Tale of Two Rulers. (Ugh man I wish I could paint like Lor does.) 
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Alright, that was fun lol. Thanks for the questions, Socks! <3
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coldcanadianwinters · 4 years
Oh my god okay so y'all may or may not know that the newest chapters on the LN comic app have dropped, right? The hype continues to build in my very soul for the next game to come out yall I am SO READY. Anyways, I saw someone saying how the kid in the 4th episode is strangely well-dressed and has candy, two things that you would think would be impossible for children to get, seeing as the world is against them and if they're caught they're turned into something terrible or just straight-up killed. So for that person who's commented on that and asked for theories, here's my theory: I think that the School is a place for indoctrination (the parallels in this game to the real world are phenomenal), and that, much like the Maw, real children are kept there to be taught... something, probably along the lines that they will never amount to anything. They are probably exposed to the televisions, and if one of my other theories are right, then the School is actually where giants begin to get made, because enough exposure to the waves then turns the children into monsters (I'm thinking that's what happens to Six, so I'm not fully sure about other children but it's a guess haha). So, along those lines, this boy was one of the kids who were kept at the School, but he felt that he needed to escape because he saw something he shouldn't have and is now terrified. He'd been a good boy before, so he'd been allowed candy perhaps the day before, but he uses it against the Bullies when they stand in his way because he figures he might as well use it as a weapon. [SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T READ THE COMICS YET, GO READ THEM THEY'RE GOOD AND THE APP IS FREE] Then when he's caught by the Teacher, I think he's taken and turned into one of the Bullies (his face removed for future use and head replaced with a doll's head), as I believe that the children's souls are used for a number of things to fuel the giant's magic, like with the Lady and her shadow children who were clearly souls of the Nomes from the past, or that glitchy kid we've seen in the Hospital teasers who is probably one of millions fueling the Signal Tower. Anyways hope this satisfies, see y'all next time!
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