#anyway finally gonna read book 3 to 6 in a few days when i go to paris!!!!!!!!!!! so let's see what's whattttttttt
connorjesup · 2 years
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The officer might’ve gotten whatever information he has from someone in the family. I wonder who the traitor is. 
EP07 - Promise || Gannibal (2022)
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iheartambss · 8 months
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!PoseidonCabin!Reader
summary: You and Clarisse have been anonymous pen pals and when identities are revealed it all goes south
warnings: swearing, slight angst, fluff, Clarisse is kinda a bitch at first, not proof read
a/n: I hope this is what you wanted! I added a little twist to it, I hope that's ok. I may have self projected just a bit, the request didn't say a specific cabin so l put mine. Yes I'm a cabin 3 girlie. I had to write in the catradora line, it would’ve bothered me if I didn't take the opportunity. Best wing girl award goes to… Amaris! Amaris is in cabin 6 aka Athena btw. I actually had a lot of fun writing Amaris and Y/n's friendship hehe. Also if you’d like to listen to the song while reading there’s a link below :)
Mine by Taylor Swift
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You and Clarisse have been anonymous pen pals for a couple months now. You accidentally left a note you had written where you talked about your favorite book which coincidentally was Clarisse's too and ever since you both have been leaving notes for each on the very same spot every day, every few days or even every week. You don't like Clarisse because she bullies other campers and Clarisse doesn't like you because you're one of the only people who have actually stood up to her, at least, that’s what she tells herself.
You watch as Clarisse shoved Percy then proceeded to push him on the floor with a frown. You walk up to Clarisse after you watched the girl walk away from Percy, "Leave the new kid alone princess. Quit being a bitch," You hiss as you cross your arms. Clarisse's brows furrow, "Did you just call me a bitch?" She takes a threatening step towards you, "Why don't you come closer and say that again?" Her tone is challenging.
You stepped closer to the girl and looked up at Clarisse, "Quit being a bitch princess.” You said the word ‘princess’ in the same mocking tone you always did. Clarisse's eyes flash with anger and she lunges forward, grabbing your shirt and pulling you close so your faces are inches apart. You gave her a smug smile before your smile shifted into a smirk and ignored the hammering of your heart, "What? You gonna kiss me or something princess?" You teased.
A scowl settles on Clarisse's features when she feels her cheeks flush and she roughly shoves you away from her, "You're so fucking infuriating" She spits. You give her another smug smile as you shrug, "I try" then you turn around and leave. Clarisse watches you go with a mix of frustration and satisfaction. She turns around, muttering under her breath about you before heading back to her cabin.
The next day, you walked around the library and went to grab the note in your favorite book but before you could, Clarisse snatched the book from you. Her eyes are wide and she looks nervous like she’s hiding something. "What are you doing?" Clarisse demands, holding the book against her chest protectively. "Why does it matter Clarisse?" You said, rolling your eyes before reaching out towards the book, "Give me the book."
"No." Clarisse crosses her arms over the book, "You’re just trying to sneak a peek at my notes." She hisses, taking a step closer to you as her eyes narrowed. You looked at the Ares girl with wide eyes like you had just seen a ghost, "Your notes?..." You asked softly. Clarisse finally lets out a small sigh, her eyes still narrowed as she watches you, "Yeah, my notes." She nods, "Why are you so interested in them anyways?" Her brow furrows in confusion.
"Clarisse... I'm the one who’s been writing you," You replied softly, thinking about everything you’ve talked about and how sweet the Ares girl was in contrast to her normal demeanor. Clarisse's eyes widened in surprise, and she took a step back, "What?" She stammers, looking at you like you've grown another head. She glances down at the book in her arms, then back up to you, "You've... been writing me?"
You nod, "I mean if you've been writing notes and leaving them in that book then yes," You point to the book in Clarisse's arms. Clarisse looks at the book then back up to you, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Oh," She mutters, running her fingers through her hair, seemingly at a loss for words. She looks conflicted about the whole thing before she decides to do what she does best in these type of situations, run. After a moment, Clarisse clears her throat, "I have to go," then she shoves the book in your hands before quickly taking her leave.
You tried to find Clarisse to talk to her but you couldn't find the girl anywhere. You’d catch a glimpse of her at times but the minute you’d try to walk over to her, she's gone. After a while of the same dance, you’ve realized she’s been avoiding you and it was driving you crazy. All you can think about is how sweet the girl was to you when you both didn't know who the other was. You always found the Ares girl attractive and had a little crush on her but that little crush grew into something bigger once you realized that she was the one you were writing the whole time.
You’re currently with your best friend, Amaris, laying in her bed as you talk. "Am, I can't stop thinking about her," You sighed. Amaris looks at you, a small smile playing on her lips. "You mean the girl who's been avoiding you for two weeks?" She teases gently. "Well, maybe it's time to confront her then." You look at Amaris with wide eyes, "That's like the worst advice you could give me when it comes to Clarisse," You mumble, "Who knows how she'll react.” Amaris shrugs, propping her chin on her hand. "So you can keep stewing in uncertainty, or you can take the plunge and see what happens. Either way, you're not going to stop thinking about her until you try."
You look at Amaris, still uncertain. "What would I even say to her?" Amaris grins mischievously, "How about ‘I know you’ve been avoiding me for a while, but I can't stop thinking about you.' Something like that should get her attention." You laugh softly, "Yeah that could get her attention I guess. Maybe a fist to the face too if she's generous enough." “Well, you know what they say, 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained'." Amaris winks, clearly enjoying teasing you. "And hey, maybe she'll surprise you. You never know with her." You nod, "I'll try to talk to her tonight at the bonfire."
"Good luck. You're gonna need it," Amaris says playfully. "Don't forget to let me know how it goes." You blew a kiss to Amaris, "Thanks. I will Am," then you hug her before leaving the Athena cabin. With a smile, Amaris watches as you leave. She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, knowing that things might get interesting tonight.
That night, you muster up all the courage you can and head to the bonfire. The air is filled with laughter and music as campers gather around, enjoying each others company. As you approach the bonfire, you see Amaris chatting with a group of other campers. She notices you and gives you a small wave before turning back to her friends. Taking a deep breath, you make your way over to her. You put your hand on Amaris' shoulder and smile, "Hey Am." Amaris turns to look at you, her face softening into a warm smile. "Hey Y/n," she replies, gesturing for you to join the group.
You smile as you greet Amaris' friends before looking back at her, "Girl, who are you trying to impress today?" You tease, "You look hot." Amaris rolls her eyes, but can't help but smile as she replies, "I always look good babes and you look pretty damn hot yourself." She nudges you gently, a mischievous glint in her eye. You grin, gently nudging the girl back, "Flattery will get you no where Am." Amaris raises an eyebrow at you, clearly enjoying the playful banter between the two of you. "Well then," she says with a grin, "Maybe I should start thinking about upping the ante."
You look at Amaris, giving her a playful apologetic look. "Sorry babes, my heart belongs to another." Amaris laughs lightly, the sound filling the air. "Ah yes, I remember hearing about that certain someone." She teases. "Have you seen her?" You shake your head, "Not yet. Have you?" Amaris shrugs her shoulders, "I saw her head to the bathroom with some of the Ares kids. I think she went to give the new kid their welcome gift." You frown at that, “You think she’d learn her lesson after Percy.” "You gonna go find your knight in shining armor?" Amaris says with a mischievous grin.
You sigh softly, "Yeah, I might go look for her in a bit." Amaris smiles warmly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well remember, when you do, don’t forget to let me know. l'd love to hear all about it." She takes a sip of her drink and adds casually, "Good luck." You nod, "I know, I know. Thanks Am." Amaris waves her hand dismissively, a small smile playing on her lips. "Always," She says before gently nudging you and gesturing at something, "The princess has arrived." You turn to look at what Amaris gestured to and see Clarisse. Your heart skips a beat as you take in how beautiful the girl looks.
Clarisse wore a red crop top and black cargo pants. You couldn’t help but think the girl looked absolutely breathtaking, she always did. Amaris looks at you with a smug grin, "Careful lovergirl, you might start drooling," She teases. You turn to look at Amaris, blushing softly as you roll your eyes, "Shut up." Amaris bursts out laughing, shaking her head at you playfully. "All right, all right," She chuckles, taking another sip of her drink. "Go talk to your princess then." You look at Amaris, uncertain, "I'm beginning to think this is a bad idea Am. What if she makes fun of me?"
Amaris rolls her eyes, "And how is that different from any other day? Just go talk to her." You nod and take a deep breath, walking over to Clarisse before you can change your mind again, "Hey princess." Despite all the other times you've called her princess, this one came out soft, not mocking like it usually does. Clarisse sighs before looking up at you with a raised eyebrow, "What do you want?" She asks bluntly. "You," You reply casually before blushing when you realize what you said. "I mean you cause I want to talk to you," You stutter out.
Clarisse can't help but smirk at your blush and stuttering. "Well, aren't you sweet?" She says sarcastically. "I don't want to talk to you." You frown, slightly hurt by her words, "Just answer one question and I'll leave you alone. Please." Clarisse narrows her eyes at you, "What's the question?" She asks warily. "Why have you been avoiding me?" You ask softly. Clarisse sighs again, clearly not expecting that question. She shrugs lightly, trying to play it off casually. "I wasn't avoiding you. Just, you know... busy training."
"Bullshit," You reply. "Every time I see you and try to talk to you, you disappear." Clarisse rolls her eyes. "Look, I don't want to talk about it. So just leave me alone." She says firmly, turning away from you. You frown, "Clarisse just tell me the truth.” "The truth? Fine," Clarisse snaps, turning back to face you with fire in her eyes. "I was avoiding you because I'm not interested in some pathetic little crush you have on me," She shouts, the words coming out harsher than she intended. You felt your heart shatter and tears well up in your eyes.
Clarisse's eyes widen and she internally winces at the sight of you trying to hold back tears. For a moment, she feels a pang of guilt, but quickly pushes it aside. You look around, feeling eyes on you before looking back at Clarisse. "Ok… got it. I’ll leave you alone" and with that you walk away from the Ares girl. You kept walking even as you heard Amaris call out for you and left the bonfire. Clarisse's eyes narrow at Amaris, she felt a pang of jealousy course through her which changed to satisfaction as she watched you ignore her and continue walking. Amaris turns to Clarisse and walks over to her, "What the fuck did you say to her?" She said, glaring at the Ares girl.
Clarisse shrugs nonchalantly. "I told her to leave me alone," she explains. "I'm clearly not interested in being friends with her." She takes a sip of her drink, unfazed by Amaris' glare. Amaris rolls her eyes, "Me and you both know that's total bullshit La Rue," she spat before adding, "I've seen the way you look at her, even before you realized she was the one writing you." Clarisse's expression becomes cold and defensive. "What are you talking about?" she asks sharply. "I don't look at her like anything." She steps closer to Amaris, their eyes locked in a fierce stare down.
Amaris looks up at Clarisse, seething at her. "Cut the shit Clarisse. I know you like her, it's so obvious. You stare at her as if you were in love with her." A small spark of irritation flashes in Clarisse's eyes. She's not used to people seeing through her. "Fine," she says through gritted teeth. "If you must know, yes, I do have feelings for her." "You two are fucking stupid. You don't want to admit you like her, she can't and won't believe you like her no matter how many times I tell her," Amaris adds. "Stop being a fucking jackass and go find her. Y/n is one of the sweetest girls I know and she’s madly in love with you. You'd be fucking dumb as fuck to pass up the opportunity to be with a girl as amazing as her."
Clarisse is taken aback by Amaris' words. She can't deny that she feels something for you but she's not used to expressing her emotions in such a vulnerable way. "You're right," she says, taking a deep breath. Amaris grins, "Of course I'm right, I'm always right. Now get the fuck out of here. Y/n's probably by the river near cabin 3." Nodding, Clarisse heads out towards the river, her heart pounding in anticipation. She's nervous but determined to express her feelings to you. After a brief walk, Clarisse spots you sitting by the river, you head bowed as you dangle your feet in the water. Clarisse approaches cautiously, clearing her throat to get your attention.
You turn around to face Clarisse with a tear stained face, your eyes widening when you realize it's the Ares girl. Clarisse's heart sinks at the sight of you. She knows she's the reason for your pain, and it hurts her deeply. "Y/n," Clarisse says softly, taking a seat next to you on the riverbank. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier." She swallows hard, feeling her cheeks redden a bit. "I... I might have been a bit harsh with you." You look at Clarisse, giving her an unimpressed look. "Oh you think?" You snap sarcastically. Clarisse internally winces at your harsh tone, but she understands your anger. "I guess I deserved that," she says, hanging her head in shame. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that."
You look away from her and towards the river, thinking for a moment before turning back to Clarisse. "Gonna have to come up with something better than that." Clarisse takes a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Y/n, I'm really sorry for how I acted earlier," she says, looking into your eyes earnestly. "I was wrong to treat you that way. You mean a lot to me and I hope you'll give me another chance to make it up to you." "You know it's funny cause Amaris would tell me you liked me back all the time but I never wanted to confess because I knew there was no way l'd ever have a chance with you. I guess I was right," You said as you wiped tears off your face.
Clarisse frowns, Amaris told her this but hearing it from you somehow made it worse. How could you believe you'd never have a chance with her? "But you do have a chance Y/n," she replied, adding, "Don't you get it? I love you. I've always have." You look at Clarisse with wide eyes, "Then why did you avoid me like I was the plague? Why didn't you say that back at the bonfire?" You ask softly, like you’re scared that you might scare the Ares girl away. Clarisse swallows hard as she avoided your gaze. "I-I didn't know how to react back then. All my life, I've hidden my vulnerability just so l wouldn't seem weak to my father...and I know that's obviously no excuse for my behavior but that’s why. I'm so so sorry Y/n. I never meant to hurt you.”
You look away from Clarisse again and think about something before speaking up. "Just promise me you'll try to be more vulnerable with me in the future Clar,” you say softly before turning back to the Ares girl. Clarisse's eyes widened in surprise at your request. She didn't know if she could make such a promise, but she knew she wanted to try for you. "I promise I'll try Y/n." You smile softly in response and stay silent, taking in how beautiful the Ares girl looked under the moonlight. Clarisse gazed back at you with an intensity that made your heart flutter. "You're so beautiful angel," She murmured softly. Your soft smile turned into a grin at the compliment and you could feel butterflies forming in your stomach.
"And you're gorgeous princess," You mumbled just as soft. Clarisse's cheeks flushed at your compliment. "Thank you," she whispered, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. She moved closer to you, unable to resist the urge to be more near you. Your eyes flickered between Clarisse's eyes and her lips. You resisted the urge to lean in, still scared of the possibility of scaring the Ares girl away. Clarisse sensed your hesitation, but she didn't want to push you away. She wanted to be close to you, to feel the warmth of your presence. "Can I kiss you angel?" She asked softly. You nod immediately, leaning in just a bit to meet Clarisse half way.
Clarisse's heart was racing as your lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was unlike any kiss she had ever experienced before; filled with tenderness and vulnerability that she had never allowed herself to show. She deepened the kiss, feeling warmth spreading through her body. You return the kiss with a soft smile, feeling like your heart is beating out of your chest. Clarisse's hands moved up to cup your face, her fingers tangling in your hair as she lost herself in the kiss. It was like a spark had ignited inside of her, and she couldn't get enough.
You pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily, "Does this mean we're dating now?" You asked softly, trying to hide your hopeful tone of voice. Clarisse rolled her eyes at you but she couldn’t hide the smile on her face, "Yes," she replied simply. “We're dating dumbass." She leaned in to kiss you again, but paused, looking into your eyes. "I know it's probably too early for this but I already said it so fuck it... I love you Y/n." You look at Clarisse with adoration in your eyes and grin, "I love you too Clarisse," then you closed the distance and pulled her into another kiss.
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Knuckles Arc Anon here for the third and final time, there's a few lore decisions that I just remembered that confuse me.
1.Pachamac's character being completely different. I'm aware Sonic and friends are slightly different than their game versions but there's still the essence of them. Like Sonic still keeps his basic core concept of being a representation of the average teen/kid for example and extreme oversimplication. But Pachamac, I have no problems with Knuckles not being related to him or Pachamac not being from thousands of years in the past. My issue is him being a completely different character especially with the context of movie 2.
Like in the games Pachamac is a bloodthirsty asshole who's desire for power led to the destruction of his empire, unleashing an ancient god, and eventually the extinction of all Echidna. Which knowing the lore in movie 2 would be perfect and easy to adapt (u could ignore Chaos for now)
Why is he chill? It's not even hinted at that he died with regrets and wished he made the right decisions in life to explain this massive change in personality. Personally my theory was while watching is that Pachamac was slowly going to be revealed as being a terrible person who would try to force Knuckles to stick in his warrior mindset.
2. Knuckles who was probably a child or preteen being able to kill or seal Iblis... I'm sorry what? Unless Solaris being split apart just instantly lowered the power levels even more in the movieverse this completely fucks with the power scaling. And normally I don't care about this but this is beyond suspension of disbelief. Like yeah the Echidna tribe warred with the owls since they got the Master Emerald but Knuckles didn't even have the Emerald or all the necessary combat training at like 6? Also Knuckles didn't even use his fire powers in Movie 2 but I think we are left to assume it was part of his quest to get the Master Emerald but we are shown he didn't eve need it.
3. Knuckles was gone at minimum for a few days and Maddie calls him her kid. Why is she not blowing up Wade's phone looking for her kid? Set up suggests him being grounded would come back around but guess not?
i dont think i got ur second ask but yeah. I DO feel like SOMETHING's being set up with Pachacamac, considering they made him specifically the bitch who shot Longclaw in the 2020 movie. I don't think they completely forgot his personality but they were setting something off that either didn't get paid off or hasn't been paid off yet.
Another thing I would have really liked from this series would've been more acknowledgement that Knuckles is a child. He's about 15 when this series takes place. He shouldn't be thinking like this, Sonic's right he should be playing video games and reading comic books. Once again I feel like the first ep was setting that shit up and then they just. Forgot.
but anyway that's enough negativity lmao i just woke up with some awful cramps so im gonna watch the second movie til i pass out
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theplaytheroist · 1 year
For I Such Yearn Chapter 6: For Such Training
It's already training months for the young Midford lady. Elizabeth is currently in her room, sleeping late today for some reason though during her sleep, Mey-rin left a blood clone in the mansion as she heads to Midford Family Mansion.
"I wonder why Mrs. Midford took me that easily, it's very odd about her" Mey-rin mutters as she knock on the door. "Hello Mey-rin, I've been expecting you. Elizabeth is currently sleeping in for today, please come in." Francis let's her in. "I'm surprised you let me train your daughter" Mey-rin comments. "Well, it's nice to have an independent women around here. I must say, Elizabeth is quite excited" Francis smiles. "I hope you don't mind me and Elizabeth train 3 hours Monday to Friday? It's really preferable to have Elizabeth good stamina stance" Mey-rin informed. "Of course! I must say Mey-rin I'm impressed that you were able to fence well! Who taught you?" Francis asked. "I'm afraid I can't reveal that Mrs. Midford, it's very personal you can say" Mey-rin answered truthfully. "I suppose I can't imposed on that. I'll get Elizabeth up, you can go wait for her at the empty room for Fencing" Francis insisted.
Mey-rin goes to the empty room, waiting for Elizabeth to get ready. After a few moments, Elizabeth is in her fencing gear as Mey-rin smirks at her.
"Alright then, I have schedule for you to follow until the tournament. You'll be training with me Monday to Friday, 3 hours a day. It's important to build up stamina and your reaction time to be better. Your free to take breaks if needed. I'm not going easy on ya" Mey-rin poke at her chest with smirk. "I got you Mey-rin. You have the most experience out of all" Elizabeth nodded. "Alright let's start" Mey-rin flips her sword.
They both take a stance as Elizabeth starts the attack as Mey-rin does the same. The sounds of clink from the sword, as Mey-rin beats Elizabeth with ease though she would admit Elizabeth does pose a challenge. Then swish, Mey-rin sword was taken out which shocks her completely by.
"Haha! I finally got you Mey-rin!" Elizabeth smiles.
"What was that? That was so...inhuman for a moment. I gotta investigate her family line at least" Mey-rin questions herself.
"Yes indeed, why don't you take a break right now?" Mey-rin suggested. "Sure I don't mind at all. I'm kinda tired anyway" Elizabeth agreed.
Elizabeth went off to the kitchen to get water as Mey-rin goes to Francis who is currently in the library.
"Mrs. Midford, you don't mind if we chat for a bit, no" Mey-rin asked. "Of course not, something on your mind?" Francis asked back. "What do you know about parents? I know Ciel somewhat know about Claudia but never mention his grandfather. I'm just curious about it" Mey-rin mention. "Well...I don't know much about my father, he was a kind and loving father, his name is Cedric K. Ross. I assume he died when my mother cried and after she died, Vincent, my late brother took over her position. My mother, Claudia took a lot missions that I never learn, only Vincent and The Queen know. I'm always out of the dark from it" Francis explains. "Is there anything you felt off about Elizabeth?" Mey-rin asked. "Her strength is one thing, I can tell you that, there times she felt a presence that she see but I couldn't see" Francis answered.
"Could her father be a supernatural being? They are not demons obviously but Elizabeth carries my supernatural treats then her mother and possibly Ciel. I gotta go to the reaper library for this" Mey-rin observed the information.
"Well that's all I can you give you" Francis stated. "No its fine Mrs. Midford, I appreciate your information. But you don't mind if I take Elizabeth somewhere?" Mey-rin responded then asked. "Sure I suppose, just please keep her safe" Francis expressed concern. "Of course Mrs. Midford, I will" Mey-rin bowed.
Mey-rin heads to Elizabeth's room as she is reading the translation from Gregory Simon book.
"Elizabeth, I'm gonna take you somewhere and I'm gonna give special type of clothing you should wear for these type of training" Mey-rin informed. "Type of training, what do you mean?" Elizabeth questions. "Follow me" Mey-rin answered with a smirk.
Elizabeth tilted her head as she shrugged it off and took her goggles with her. At Ciel's Mansion as Mey-rin carried Elizabeth quietly to her room.
"Ciel is currently focusing on his business deal with Sebastian but still keep high alert, okay?" Mey-rin informed. "Yeah, I got it" Elizabeth nodded.
Mey-rin took out an old box, showing clothes that are way different than usual that Elizabeth never seen before.
"These clothes belong to my brother, back when he was your age. I kept it as treasure, those clothes are modernize you can say, Saint-Zacharias modernize their clothing thanks to my family who uses their Apple of Eden to show them a glimpse of the future. His clothes and I suggest you wear them for training other specific missions" Mey-rin informed.
Elizabeth looks at it, a black jacket with gray t-shirt with black pants and black and red sneakers.
"Wow, this looks very loose" Elizabeth took the jacket. "It does, it's how we fight against the demons, rouge demonologist and other supernatural being. But this is between us only, got it?" Mey-rin smirks with a wink. "Yeah, got it" Elizabeth nodded with a smile. "Good, I want you to wear these clothing right now, I'm taking you somewhere to train you secretly" Mey-rin stated. "Huh? Right now? Uhhh, sure I guess" Elizabeth nodded with confusion.
Elizabeth uses Mey-rin bathroom as she change her training clothes from fencing to Sebastien's clothing, feeling very loose but comfortable clothing.
"Wow, he must've look so cool in those clothing" Elizabeth looks at the mirror in awed.
"Yo Lizzy, let's go" Mey-rin knocks on the door. "Yeah, I'm ready" Elizabeth puts her goggles on top of her head.
Mey-rin sees young Sebastien image next Elizabeth as they both smile at her with pride of the clothing.
"Sebastien, how much I want to see you again" Mey-rin sombers.
"Are you okay Mey-rin?" Elizabeth asked. "Yeah, yeah. Just you remind me of my brother, let's go" Mey-rin carried Elizabeth as she jumps off the window.
At Whitechapel where Elizabeth looks around the boroughs outside of the station.
"Exactly where are we going?" Elizabeth asked. "You'll see, just follow me" Mey-rin answered as she walks.
Elizabeth follows Mey-rin, down the streets to see markets, carriages, kids playing, beggers and gang members there but they are color green though. Walking down a bit more, we see a man with a top hat talking with older women and probably her husband talking in a small.
"I thought you guys went to India" Mey-rin smirks.
"Well, we came back to check on thing in London, safe to say that we do miss it though" the women short hair bangs.
"Miss it? I miss the time where I kick Templar asses" man with top hat comments.
"You two are something else" the older man with robes shakes his head.
"Elizabeth, this is the British Brotherhood. Jacob Frye, Evie Mir and her husband Jaydeep Mir but call him Henry Green" Mey-rin introduced.
"Hello, nice to meet you all" Elizabeth waves.
"I must say Mey-rin, I wasn't expecting you'll have a student. Thought you'll be a loner type of shit" Jacob comments. "I made expectation you say. How much I miss your snark and jokes" Mey-rin playing hits him on the shoulder.
"What brings you two here in the Curio Shop?" Henry asked. "You don't mind if I use your territory to train no?" Mey-rin answered then asked. "To train? Are you training her to be an Assassin?" Henry looks at Elizabeth. "No, just training her something" Mey-rin stated.
"Sure, we wouldn't mind. What is it your practicing her on?" Evie looks at Elizabeth. "Parkour" Mey-rin simply stated. "Parkour? Isn't that to early for it?" Evie expressed concern. "Nah, we only doing simple stuff, nothing to big" Mey-rin waves it off. "Alright, be my guest, good luck" Evie nodded.
"Can I join?" Jacob insisted. "Sure, I don't mind at all Jacob. Be our lookout at least" Mey-rin smirks.
"Good luck training young Elizabeth. I do see potential in you. Mey-rin is very powerful Assassin" Evie smiles.
"Thank you Ms. Frye, I'll do my best" Elizabeth shows determination.
At Whitechapel Gang Territory where Jacob sets up wooden boxes into each stacks.
"Alright Elizabeth, your gonna learn Parkour today" Mey-rin stated. "Parkour? Ummm... why do I need to learn that exactly?" Elizabeth questions. "It's for me to know that if you carry supernatural blood, cause how your mother explained your unusual skills you have" Mey-rin answered. "Okay...so how does this relate to Parkour exactly?" Elizabeth still doesn't get it. "You'll see, now I'll demonstrate the skill you need to learn" Mey-rin goes on top of the wooden boxes.
Mey-rin jumps box to box easily like a stair case with perfectly time jumps.
"You see have to jump box to box. This will help you with fencing to keep on your feet to say the least" Mey-rin explains. "Okay, I got it but why your training for this? It's not a like an enemy is coming or anything" Elizabeth comments. "True but it will be waste of talent now would it?" Mey-rin mention. "I suppose to then" Elizabeth mutters. "Now onto the wooden box Elizabeth" Mey-rin order.
Elizabeth goes ontop of the box as she looks at two stack of Wooden boxes as she attempt to jump but fail instantly.
"Good try there Elizabeth but you have to be on edge to jump, not further away" Jacob advised. "Oh okay, thank you Mr. Frye" Elizabeth stood up and goes to the wooden box again.
Elizabeth jumps to the two wooden crates and barley made it.
"Nice one but you have to be consistent, Parkour is also a running skill, it's not to stop and think" Mey-rin informed.
"This is gonna be a lot of exercise, that's for sure" Elizabeth sighs.
Elizabeth goes for it again, this time the running and the jumping but fail once again.
"Ow" Elizabeth simply stated. "Keep on going, you can do it" Mey-rin responded.
Elizabeth sighs as she starts again, hours has pass as Elizabeth somewhat gotten it, still fallen down from the ground considering that it's very much difficult for her.
"Alright Elizabeth, I want you to punch this" Jacob shows a punching bag.
"Jacob no, I don't think that's a good idea" Mey-rin stated
"I wanna try it!" Elizabeth goes to it. "That's the spirit, now. To punch it, you have to do this stance, basically a boxing stance" Jacob demonstrates.
Jacob took the stance of a boxer as he punches the boxing bag and reacted to it as it push back.
"You see, it's all in the force" Jacob shows the stance again. "Okay, got it" Elizabeth copys his stance.
Elizabeth begins to pull back her back her punch then punches the bag extremely hard which shocks Mey-rin completely that Elizabeth's supernatural strength has shown by one single punch.
"Woah! That was amazing, did you see that!" Elizabeth shows excitement as her bloody knuckles show.
"Yessh lass, that's quite a punch there" Jacob compliments. "Huh? Oh....my hand" Elizabeth looks at it. "It's a good thing I brought the first aid kit" Jacob shows the bandages.
Jacob wrapped around Elizabeth injured hand as Mey-rin ponders about something. That was definitely not human strength, especially for women and men standards.
"Yo Jacob, can you help with Elizabeth combat skills?" Mey-rin asked. "Sure, I don't mind at all" Jacob answered with a smile.
"Umm...I have to do fencing tournament coming in up in 3 months, I don't have enough time for that type of training!" Elizabeth mention. "Relax, this will help you with fencing as well, you'll see" Mey-rin smirks.
Elizabeth sighs as she has no choice since she does want to win the fencing tournament. Currently taking the train back City of London, Jacob decided to join just in case since at night gets dangerous.
"Alright then girls, I'll be taking you home" Jacob winks.
"Thank you Mr. Frye I appreciate it" Elizabeth smiles.
"I'll be fine on my own but I'll go with you. Gonna show you where she lives" Mey-rin does follow me hand motion.
Walking down in the night heading to the Midford Mansion, Elizabeth felt a presence surrounding her as she look around.
"Are you okay Elizabeth?" Mey-rin asked. "Yeah, I felt a presence...that's all" Elizabeth answered.
"Definitely Supernatural trait but no idea what type of blood she carries with her. I'm not stopping until I get an answer" Mey-rin ponder.
"Let's go ladies, we don't have all night!" Jacob shouted.
"Uhh yeah right" Elizabeth catches up.
In the top of a building appears a gray hair man with his death scythe, looking at Elizabeth.
"It seems she's no different than you.. Claudia" The gray hair man spoke softly.
The man with the scythe disappeared as Pandora box has open up completely for the two girls.
Wow an update? Why? Cause Black Butler anime is coming out bitches! In a writing mood lmao. Anyway, the ending is pretty much a given who it is, I'm excited for this story I'm gonna tell low-key, see ya next chapter!
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aamethyst000 · 2 years
Oct 28,22 6:28pm
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woke up late today, around 2pm. what woke me up was the heavy hail and a little rumblings earlier today. hell, I felt the rumblings. I enjoyed it while it lasted, I had 2 cups of coffee so far. I ate, and read a few chapters on ao3 and on out second toke sesh. writhed finally calmed down after 5:30. we went through harsh winds, with a literal rainfall and hail off and on and very chilly. all the while, i collected a week worth of rain water! going to filter it soon after it is filled and then make moon water with it! gonna need it for me and my family.
surprisingly enough, they are going with it! I find that endearing, even though we are not learning our language (yet) we are still doing some of our practices in our own time. there's 3 of us who are harvesters, well, 4 now, including my uncle who moved I with us. I actually miss jarring fish,
7:21pm - I am just going to have leftovers for dinner tonight. today was just a rest day and I am enjoying every bit of it. I am also going to put the rest of the dishes away that my ma washed last night. the only thing I have to do today ^-^ I can feel the calm before the storm and it is making me a ˡⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ nervous, not gonna lie. so I'm just going to watch good omens hoping that'll make me feel a little less nervous, amd have something to eat.
9:15pm - I had something to eat and I finally put the dishes away ^-^ I also wrote in my journal before typing everything out. my ma is watching the pens game and I get to rest ♡ and my body is like "FINALLY!" I am debating if I should have a bath to relax as well. you know what? I just might! I will have to let my phone charge though. poor thing was at 5% before I finally put it on my charger. oh! I also pick up the last book I was reading a couple of months ago when I was trying to stay away from my phone for more than 5-15mimutes. obviously I couldn't last long but I tried anyway. the book I am reading is: a work in progress by Connor franta. I've read note to self almost 6 times over at this point and I still haven't read through this book 🙃 so that is what I am doing now, while listening to a zelda playlist on Spotify, lofi versions.
10:08pm - I am just going to get ready for a bath and I wanted to mention this to the internet, my cat likes to come wait for me in the bathroom, he just naps and basks in the heat. poor thing gets cold easily. he really loves the woodstove too, he just lays on the floor and just... r e l a x e s. now I can tell when winter is coming. now that my bath is ready, I am going to do some self care and relax too. nice day off today and I love it ♡
11:26pm - had a bath, on my third and last cup of coffee, my hair is nice and poofy. and now I am feeling very warm. my cat is now having out in my ma's room while we are having a toke, I think he'll be in here for a little while. it was really nice to relax all day today, had a nice bath too. today is great ^-^
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pokenimagines · 2 years
A/N: First chapter is a bit more serious than the rest of the story is gonna be. The following parts will be more or less snippets of Reader and Emmet in Hisui and their misadventures trying to stop things. I just needed a good set-up chapter as to why Reader and Emmet are working together, and how they ended in Hisui.
Also have fun translating Arceus’s speech. I found an English to Shakesparean translator and found it hilarious and did legit no editing to what it translated to. It was too good not to. Anyway, enjoy the story and again, the rest of the parts will be collections of mini series because the last thing we need is another fic that has a word for word play on the game.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Extras: Part 6 | Part 7
Discord (16+) - Request Information
Arceus' Mistake Pt. 1
Arceus had messed with the wrong trainers. You would’ve been fine if he had taken literally anyone else. Sure it would be a tragedy, but at the end of the day it wouldn’t have affected you. However, Arceus himself decided to take Ingo; a close friend of yours. Not to mention he did it right in front of his own brother's eyes…metaphorically. 
You and Emmet had been struck by confusion when you had gone through the Gear Station footage after Ingo hadn’t made his way back home. It was like some portal opened up and just…took him. You two immediately went to the station but all you guys could find were his pokemon team, outside their pokeballs, and frantically searching for their trainer as well.
This cued what you liked to call your unhinged arc. Both you and Emmet decided you needed to get to the bottom of this and after traveling for over a year on pokemon myths, you had a few suspects. Some of them, landed you two in Alola (something Elesa was made that she hadn’t been invited to for vacation while you two sleuthed). Talking with a professor known as Burnet had helped you learn about wormholes. You two even tried going to the Aether Foundation to speak with someone named Mohn, only to find out he had disappeared in a bit of a different way years prior.
Burnet thankfully gave you a little bit of insight about an old phenomenon known as a “Space Time Distortion” that she studied briefly. It was something that happened in ancient Hisui, and she explained from the footage that it looked exactly like that.
So off to Sinnoh you two had gone, only to run into an issue with a team known as Team Galaxy. It took another year just to make headway and finally greet both Dialga and Palkia, neither of which would help you. 
You and Emmet had almost given up hope that you’d find help until a pokemon known as Giratina made a show of itself and you both knew immediately, from the power it emitted when it arrived…this is what took Ingo. However you two soon realized that Giratina wasn’t exactly the friendly sort and there was no way it would help you out.
As a last ditch hope, you two decided to find a way to face Arceus…which thankfully wasn’t hard due to all the work you had done to defeat Giratina (and literally almost died due to the severe wounds you received trying to protect your starter pokemon). When the beastly pokemon had disappeared, there was a single flute that laid where it once stood…floated. After reading books you and Emmet made your way to Mount Coronet and played it at the Spear Pillar.
When Arceus finally arrived you had every intention of literally decking him yourself to get answers. It had been two years, nearing three, since Ingo had gone missing. You and Emmet had traveled all through the regions trying to find clues, leaving literally everything behind. Emmet the subway, and you the league you were once Champion of.
“Please, Arceus…we just want Ingo back. After everything we did to save Sinnoh…can’t we be granted this one thing!” You pleaded, hands clenched in front of you as tears threatened to spill out. Emmet’s hand was on your shoulder as he took an oddly serious look at Arceus.
“I can bringeth thy cousin backeth, this Ingo, on one condition. The foe thee combated bef're, Giratina, hast gone backeth in timeth to healeth fusty wounds. I needeth thee to stand ho that gent once m're, only aft'r yond shall i bringeth thee and thy cater-cousins backeth, in one piece.” Arceus’s words confused the hell out of you. The old timey speech was almost lost on you, but you managed to translate it.
“Fine, then Emmet and I will go together. I refuse to be parted from him. And once we get back…Ingo…he better be fine. I’m not saving the world again only for Ingo to come back and miss an arm or worse.” You said, knowing that this pokemon had the power. He created the world, after all. He probably just couldn’t directly interfere with things.
“If 't be true yond's what thee wisheth, then so beest t. Thy pokemon wonneth't beest able to maketh the journey, howev'r.” He said, his almost glowing eyes glanced over you, “Thy tasks art as follows: stand ho the foe and discov'r all pokemon.”
“What does that mean?” You asked, leaning over to Emmet and whispering.
“Kill Giratina, find pokemon.” Emmet nodded with a small smile.
“Gotcha…” You said before glancing back at Arceus, “Alright, let’s get this show on the road then. Will you be watching our team while we’re out?”
“I bethink th're is someone bett'r suit'd…an Elesa.” 
“Elesa…how does he know Elesa?” You whispered back at Emmet.
“He’s god.” Emmet nodded and again you had to agree. “Alright…let’s go then, Arceus.”
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ooffies · 3 years
ʀᴏᴀᴅᴛʀɪᴘ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴɴᴏɴꜱ
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Characters: Venti, Zhongli and Diluc
Warnings: Just some kissing, nothing too extreme
A/N: okay so this isn't a request but the idea wormed it's way into my head and I couldn't get it out. I'm definitely doing other characters so this will probably be a 2 or 3 part series! Anyways, I hope you like it! :)
Tagging @genshin-obsessed (hi pocket! -🍷❤)
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Probably knows the lyrics to all the songs on the radio/playlist
Definitely made at least two or more playlist for the trip
Makes you drive because it’s too much effort and drains so much of his energy He’s just lazy
Makes you stop at Starbucks every morning, if it’s a multiple day drive it’s at least 3 times
He has three moods during road trips
One: Overly excited 
Talks on and on about the stuff you two will do and how much fun you two will
Two: Complaining way too much
His back hurts
His legs are stiff
The seat is uncomfortable 
“Are we there yet?” x100000
Will literally ask it every 2 seconds
He’s all pouty and grumpy
Three: Deep sleep
Finally you have a few hours peace and quiet
Probably caused from a caffeine crash
Sleeps like he’s dead, you literally cannot wake him up and you don’t want too jkjkjk
He’s usually quiet when he wakes up or is about to fall asleep. But when he is half asleep he always wants to hold your hand. Will probably tell you how much he loves you and how lucky he is to go on this trip with you while struggling not to fall asleep. Then conks out 5 minutes later.
Empty landscape surrounded you for miles, it looked like it went on forever. Music hummed in the background as the car kept a steady pace. “Are we there yet?” Venti asked in an annoyed tone. For the past eight minutes he had been moving around in his seat trying to find a comfortable position.  He was now sitting crossed legged, a large frown on his face as he twirled his hair. “Not yet love, we have 3 more hours till we reach the hotel,” you replied. “UGHHHHHHHHH! And then we have 7 more hours to drive tomorrow and how many days till we actually get there!?!” “2 babe,” “UGHHHHHH THAT’S SO LONG!” he whined. He sunk into his chair, his frown growing. You chuckled at his antics, “Weren’t you talking about how great this trip was gonna be like an hour ago?” you said with a smile. “Hush it” you couldn’t help but laugh at his response. The sun began to set as the car continued on down the highway. You felt a hand lightly rest itself on yours. You looked over at Venti. His half lidded eyes focused on the road. You smiled and brought his hand to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it, “Feeling sleepy? Are you finally crashing from all that caffeine?” “Mhm” he hummed sleepily. There was a brief peaceful moment of silence between the two of you. “Thanks for taking me on this trip babe…… I love you….” you laughed lightly at his sleep tone, “Love you too.” You looked over to see him conked out and already lightly snoring. Another quiet laugh escaped you, “Sleep well sleeping beauty.”
Doesn’t mind driving, he’ll drive for the whole trip if you’d like
But also doesn’t mind switching driving shifts with you
He’s actually a decent driver which came as a bit of a surprise (he got a little offended when you told him that)
He can and will talk the whole trip
Has a abundance of topics and stories he will talk about
He will go into deep detail, even if it’s just about his morning cup of tea he will go into detail about it.
If you two take turns driving he’ll definitely nap while you drive
Peepaw needs his naps :((((
He 100% doesn’t get car sick
He can read a whole book during a drive without looking at the road even once
Probably talks you while you’re sleeping when he’s the driver
He won’t even notice you’re asleep for a good while, he’ll just keep talking and talking
One time he didn’t even notice you were asleep and when you woke up he was still going on about that same subject.
He won’t eat fast food. He will make you two eat at restaurant or diner
Also he always books fancy hotels too. Not Marriot or Motel 6 for him. Nope. Not in a million years.
He loves exploring the towns and cities you guys stop in. Checking out the shops and local attractions, he’s all for that.
Probably plans for your two to stay a few extra days in the big cities
You stepped out into the cool night taking a deep breath of air. You and Zhongli had just finished eating dinner at some fancy restaurant he had picked out. (You had pay of course). “Thank you for dinner beloved.” you looked over him, “Yeah it’s no problem but maybe next time you shouldn’t forget your wallet so you can actually pay for once.” you said with a cheeky grin. “Urk” he clutched his chest and said with a chuckle, “Why must you wound me with your harsh words darling?” “ I’m just messing with ya peepaw!” you said as you lightly punched his shoulder. “Hey I’m not that old,” as he offered you his arm. You wrapped your arm around his as you two began walking back to the hotel. “You seriously act like an old man though,” “It’s because I have an old soul,” “Yeah you sure do…….” he let out a laugh and kissed your forehead, “It’s never a boring conversation with you my love.” “Can’t say the same about you peepaw” he burst out laughing at that comment, he even snorted once or twice much to your amusement. You couldn’t help but laugh with him. After the laughter you looked at him and said, “Sorry if I was a bit harsh but I couldn’t help myself!” you said, still giggling a bit. He returned your gaze with a warm smile and wrapped his arms around your waist. He pulled you in and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was sweet and you couldn’t help but smile when his lips left yours. Still hand in hand you two had resumed walking back to the hotel, “So…. are you ready to hit the road again tomorrow morning?” “Yes my darling, I’m actually quite excited to spend more time with you. This trip has been fantastic so far, part of me wishes it will never end…..”
Will drive the whole time
He refuses to let you drive
Why may you ask?
Because he gets car sick very easily. He’ll never admit it though.
Tease him about it and he’ll get all flustered.
Probably has road rage
Not much of a big talker so it’s either idle chit chat between you two, him listening to you or just a comfortable silence while listening to music.
I feel like he has jazz CDs, he just gives off the vibe
Like you guys will drive through a dead zone and the you know you have some sweet jazz music serenading your ears
Doesn’t mind listening to your music either, he’s not very picky.
He always turns down the volume of the music when you’re sleeping because he doesn’t want you to wake you up
Doesn’t mind fast food at all which is a bit surprising.
When he needs a quick nap he’ll pull into a rest stop
Even if you offer to drive while he’s asleep he still won’t let you
Definitely planned out everything beforehand. Already booked the hotel rooms and all that.
He asked you what you wanted to do and practically based the whole plan off that because he wants you to see you smile.
The rest stop parking lot was practically empty. You looked up at the blue sky through the sunroof. Absolutely no clouds were in the sky, it was just like a never ending bright blue blanket. You looked over at Dliuc who was quietly sleeping. You watched his chest rise and fall. He looked so peaceful, so at ease. You twirled the ends of his bright red hair between your fingers. He had asked you to wake him up in twenty minutes. You checked the time. Five more minutes. You let out a soft sigh, turning your gaze back to the sky. You continued to play with his hair as you stared into never ending blue. After what felt like an eternity later, you finally checked the time again. Looks like you gave him an extra minute. “Hmmmm...How should I wake him up?” you thought to yourself. Well you could be nice to him and gently shake him awake, but that was boring. You could tickle him but you weren’t sure if he was tickle-ish or not…… After a little more pondering you finally got the perfect idea. You quickly sat up and leaned over him and gently cupped his face in your hands. You brought your lips to his and gave him a deep kiss. His eyes quickly snapped open as he jolted awake. You broke the kiss to say “Good morning sleeping beauty. How was your nap?” he just stared back at you, a bright red blush covering his face. “I-it was fine,” was all he managed to muster out. You giggled and leaned back in your seat, “Well that's nice-'' But before you could finish Diluc’s lips were on yours, continuing the kiss. This time he was the one cupping your face as he pulled you closer. His kisses were tender and soft, his hands were warm against your face. Once the kiss finally broke, Diluc cleared his throat, “Are you ready to get back on the road.” He was still clearly blushing, even the tips of his ears were burning red. You couldn’t help but giggle at him, “Yep! Let’s get this show back on the road!”
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alwaysachorusgirl · 3 years
Of Wolves and Witches
Pairing: Werewolf!Bishop Losa x Witch!Reader
Word Count: 3088
For: covers the monster square for @adarafaelbarba 's moodboard fall bingo
TW: violence and accidental death via a nightmare/flashback sequence, brief mentions of mental, emotion, and physical abuse, PTSD, and covering up a crime scene
Author's Notes: The Mayans Werewolf AU that no one asked for, but i wrote it anyway. It starts out dark, but ends with fluff, I promise. This is my first time writing for Bishop, so please go easy on me... a big thank you to @itsjustmyfantasyroom for letting me run this idea by her and reassuring me that it wasn't crazy, and for encouraging me to write it.
Tags: @madamsnape921; @prurientpuddlejumper; @thatesqcrush; @welcometothemxdhouse; @raulesparza4eva; @teamsladsandgents; @rosequcrtz
He stormed into your living room, rage storming in his eyes. His aura was a swirling void of red and black. He shouldn’t have been able to break the locks on your front door, he shouldn’t have been able to walk right through your magical wards, but here he was. You straightened your posture and stood your ground, determined to not let him see how terrified you were.
“How did you get in here?”
“Really?” He pulled a glowing amulet from out of his shirt. “Not that hard when you have a little help. Benefits of having hunters for friends.”
Your eyes went wide as you realized what you were looking at. It was an enchanted amulet, one strong enough to get through your warding. You could only hope that it wasn’t strong enough to dampen your powers.
“Yeah, that’s right,” he smirked. “I know what you are. Makes me a wonder what else you haven’t been telling me.”
“Alex, get out! I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.”
“You little bitch!” he spat back. “You think you can just break up me? You think you can just walk away?
“I can and I did. We’re done, Alex, it’s over. You don’t get to hurt me anymore. It’s not my fault that your fragile, insecure male ego can’t take a fucking hint.”
“Bitch, I’ll fucking hurt you whenever I fucking want to! And I don’t see your little biker friends here to protect you.…”
Then he charged, and suddenly you were on the ground with his hands around your throat.
“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live!”
You could feel the murderous intent radiating off him, and put your hands on his chest, trying to push him off you, but then you felt the release of kinetic energy through your palms, and Alex was flying across the room. He hit the wall, and you prayed to whatever goddess was listening that the sickening crack you heard was just the drywall breaking behind him. But then his eyes rolled back in his head, and his head lolled to one side, at what could only be described as an “unhealthy looking” angle. His lower body twitched a few times before going limp. He hung there for a moment, suspended in the air, pinned to the wall by your invisible force. Still shaking in terror, you finally lowered your hands, and Alex’s lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud.
“No!” you cried out, sitting bolt upright on your couch. You were covered in a cold sweat and your whole body was shaking. Your lungs gasped for air and your eyes darted around the room, searching for Alex, but he wasn’t there. You weren’t even in your old house anymore. You held your hand in your hands and took deep breaths. You were in your apartment, in Santo Padre, Alex was dead, and you were safe. The Saturday afternoon sun streamed in through the window, and the TV was still on, a marathon of Guy’s Grocery Games playing at a low volume.
“I must have fallen asleep,” you said softly to yourself, “it was only a nightmare.”
You grabbed your phone off the coffee table and checked the time. It was only 3:30, plenty of time to shower and freshen up before Bishop would pick you up at 6. You stood, and after checking your locks and wards, made your way to the bathroom.
Despite your best efforts to push them down, the memories of what happened next came flooding back as you stood under the warm shower spray. You had been in shock, understandably so, but you were now exposed as a witch, and had to protect yourself. The logical side of your brain kicked in and you got to work. After verifying that Alex was dead, you had used your telekinetic abilities to rip the amulet off his neck. A quick examination verified that it had only been enchanted enough to allow Alex to breach your magical wards without getting zapped, but not enough to block your own powers. The enchantment was also crude and amateurish, probably done in haste by someone with limited knowledge of witchcraft. He had mentioned having hunters for friends, and you cursed yourself for not sensing that sooner. He hadn’t been one himself. You would have read that in his aura the moment you met him, but you also hadn’t sensed his dark side. The mentally and emotionally abusive and manipulative side, the one that turned violent during an argument when you had tried to call him out on his bullshit and break up with him the first time. You had ended up in the hospital, and when you confronted him the second time, you had friends with you to back you up. And after destroying the amulet, those were the friends you called on for help with your predicament.
The Blood Moon Motorcycle Club was a found family werewolf pack, led by Jack Reynard, a fearsome and intimidating Alpha. But Jack was fiercely protective of his friends and allies and didn’t hesitate to show up with four of his most trusted lieutenants when you called and tearfully explained your situation. They got to work cleaning up the scene and going through Alex’s phone and wallet. They found a business card for an elite and dangerous organization of hunters, and the contact’s name and number on the card matched up with one of the contacts in Alex’s phone. Jack told you to start packing your bags and to make sure that you included any magical artifacts that you had. You would spend the night at their clubhouse under round-the-clock security, and in the morning, they would get you out of town. Anything that couldn’t be packed that night would be shipped to you once you were settled elsewhere. They would dispose of the body; it wasn’t the first time they’d had to do so.
Jack had called Bishop Losa, president of the Mayans Motorcycle Club in Santo Padre, California. Jack and Bishop had served together in the Marines in their younger days, and the Mayans and the Blood Moons were allies as a result of that friendship. The Mayans were another found family werewolf pack and protected Santo Padre alongside the Galindo Pack. The town was a safe haven for all supernatural beings and the humans who lived there were none the wiser.
And now you had been here for six months. You worked in a bookshop owned by another a witch, Matilda, and lived in the apartment above it. In addition to the books, you also sold your homemade herbal teas and did Tarot card readings in the shop. 2-3 times a week you would bake cookies and muffins and sell those in the shop. Your teas were so popular that you now did tea making demonstrations on Saturday mornings. You were thriving but were still plagued by nightmares and PTSD and attended therapy once a week to help you work through your struggles.
And then there was Bishop. At first, the Mayan president and Alpha had been your friend and protector. You had been too traumatized to even think about pursuing a relationship, and so you both denied the unquestionable and inexplicable attraction. The more you got to know each other, the more you were drawn to each other. Two months ago, he finally made a move while the two of you had been outside getting some air at a party at the Mayans clubhouse, asking if he could kiss you. You’d been a couple ever since.
You had just finished lacing up your boots when you heard the sound of a familiar motorcycle pull up to your building. You ran to the window and looked down to the street. You saw Bishop getting off his bike and removing his helmet. You exited your apartment and ran down the stairs, meeting him at the entrance at the side of the building. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed his lips. His arms encircled your waist and pulled you close.
“Hola Querida, you look beautiful.”
“Thanks, you’re not too bad, yourself, handsome.”
That got a chuckle from the Alpha. He removed one of his arms from around your back, revealing the bouquet of roses in his hand. “These are for you.”
“Bish, they’re gorgeous, thank you. You shouldn’t have.”
“And pass up the opportunity to surprise you? Not a chance.”
“Come on up. I’ll put these in water, grab a few things, then I’ll be ready to go.”
Bishop nodded and held onto your hand as he followed you up the stairs.
You held onto Bishop as the two of you went speeding down the back roads, away from Santo Padre. You loved dates like this: just you and Bishop on the bike, heading somewhere unknown, away from all the stress and bullshit of the day-to-day. His torso felt warm, sturdy, and safe. You could feel the vibrations from bike rattling through your body as you watched the scenery fly by. You’d been on the road for at least half an hour now.
“Almost there, Querida,” Bishop called back. “You’re gonna love this spot, I promise.”
After a few more minutes he pulled off the road and the motorcycle slowed to a stop. Bishop turned off the engine and stored the keys in his pocket. You both got off and removed your helmets. You looked around at the small, wooded area and smiled, breathing in the fresh air.
“This is nice, babe.”
“Oh, this isn’t the spot, “he told you, unlatching the soft fleece blanket and cooler from the back of his bike. He handed you the blanket. He took the cooler in one hand and grabbed your free hand with his other, interlacing his fingers with yours. “It’s this way.”
You walked for a few minutes down a short path before finally arriving at a grassy clearing. The view was breathtaking. You could see everything from your elevated perched; Santo Padre, the valley, green leafy trees swaying in the breeze, fields of wildflowers. A sense of calm settled over you that you hadn’t felt in months. You didn’t jump when Bishop came up behind you and slid his arms around your mid-section, instead relaxing into his touch and leaning against his sturdy frame. Bishop softly kissed your shoulder.
“You okay, baby?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “this is perfect, this place in perfect. The energy here is so peaceful, and so alive. I love it.”
“I’m glad. I was thinking we could eat dinner, watch the sunset? And wait until the stars come out…You can show me all the constellations?”
You turned and slid your arms around his neck, resting your forehead against his.
“You would have thought that you were such a romantic?”
“Just don’t tell anyone, okay? Gotta maintain my tough guy image, you know?”
“Mmm…your secret is safe with me.” You pecked his lips once, twice, three times, each kiss lasting a bit longer than the rest. When you finally pulled your head away you noticed that the blanket was laid out on the ground with cooler sitting on top.
“Come on,” said Bishop, directing you over to it. You both sat down, and Bishop opened the cooler and started setting out its contents: sandwiches from the local deli, fresh strawberries from the farmer’s market, giant cupcakes from the gourmet bakery, a bottle of beer for each of you, and bottled water. He popped the caps off the beer bottles and handed you one. “Cheers.”
The two of you sat and ate, completely at ease with each other, and the conversation flowed easily. Bishop told you about the day’s antics down at the scrapyard, and you told him about the business plan you and Matilda were working on to expand the bookshop into the empty café next door.
“The theory is, that having a space to sell food and drinks will drum up more business. I can sell my tea and baked goods and do my demonstrations there. We would obviously need to hire some extra people to help, but I think we can make it work. We can’t tear down the wall between the buildings and expand without the proper permits.”
“I’m sure the town will approve whatever permits you need. They’re not going to say to ‘no’ to something that will bring more business into Santo Padre.”
“Wow, you weren’t kidding about the sunsets,” you said, gazing at the red, orange, and purple hues of the evening sky. “How did you find this place?”
Bishop laid down on the blanket and you stretched out next him, placing your head on his chest.
“Me and the guys had just come back from a run,” he began, “Things didn’t go so well, and I was pissed, needed to blow off some steam so I just rode around for a while. Next thing I knew, I was here. I shifted, ran around for a while until my head was clear. I come back whenever I need to get away from everything.”
You tilted your head up to meet his gaze. “Thank you for bringing me here. I needed this.”
Bishop caressed your cheek with his fingers. “You’re welcome, Querida. I’ll bring you up here whenever you want.”
“Bish, can I ask you a personal question?”
“Of course, Querida, you can ask me anything,” he replied with a chuckle.
“Can I see you in your wolf form sometime? There’s no pressure, only if you want to…”
Bishop mulled the question over in his head. You had caught him off guard with the query. None of the women he’d ever been with had asked to see his wolf form, not even his ex-wife. These days, he only shifted when it was absolutely necessary. There were advantages to being an older and more experienced wolf. He could shift at will and didn’t have to worry about losing control. But what if you didn’t like what you saw? What if he scared you away? He’d never forgive himself if that happened. Your soft, sweet voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Bish, I’m sorry, forget I said anything- “
“No, it’s okay,” he kissed your forehead, “I just wasn’t expecting that question. I’ll do it if you want me to, but just be prepared, okay? I promise I won’t hurt you, but it might not be what you’re expecting.”
“I trust you completely, and I promise, I won’t be scared.” You looked at his aura and saw the hesitancy there. He was scared. “You’re not going to lose me.”
He cupped your face with his hand and his lips found purchase with yours. He had a way of kissing you that made your mind go blank and get lost in the moment, and you loved every minute of it. You kissed him back with equal fervor, hoping that somehow you were able to convey the trust and faith you had in him. The smile on his face when you broke away seemed to indicate that you’d been successful.
Bishop rose and walked a few feet away.
“What are you doing?” you asked, confused by his actions.
“Shifting is a lot easier without clothes on,” he replied with a wink, beginning to undress.
“I’ll close my eyes and give you some privacy then,” you giggled, shutting your eyes, but occasionally cracking one open to steal glimpses of his increasingly naked form; and damn if you didn’t like what you saw!
Bishop finished disrobing and crouched down on the soft grass. He breathed deeply and cleared his mind, focusing his intention. He felt his muscle start to ripple and his joints and bones shift. It didn’t hurt at his age; it was just slightly uncomfortable. All his senses sharpened. Body hair became fur, his hands and feet morphed into oversize paws with razor sharp claws. Even his teeth changed shaped, becoming longer and more pointed. A few moments later, he stretched and shook out his fur. He looked over towards you, still sitting there with your eyes closed, and cautiously padded toward you.
You could hear the footfalls of his paws, and then felt his large wet nose nudging your arm. You opened your eyes and saw a massive wolf standing before you. His fur was brown and black, with specks of gray in various places. His legs were strong, and his paws appeared large enough to take out a person with one blow. But his eyes, his eyes were gentle, and you would know them anywhere.
“Oh, Bishop, you’re beautiful!”
He sat and cocked his head to one side, appearing confused.
“Yes, you heard me correctly. May I?” You held out your arms to him. Bishop bowed his head and leaned forward, allowing you to embrace him and bury your face in his fur. “Your fur is so soft!”
He put his head on your shoulder and let out a contented groan when your fingers began to massage the spot right between his ears. You giggled at that. “I take it you like that, huh?” Bishop lifted his head and licked your face in response, making you laugh even harder. You massaged his head for a little while longer before resting your forehead against his. “Thank you for letting me see you like this. I love you, Bishop.”
There was suddenly a very naked, human man in your arms. Bishop’s hands cupped your face, his eyes scanning it for any indication that he might have misheard you.
“Bish- “
“Say that again, Querida.”
“I said, I love you, Obispo Losa.”
Bishop pulled you into his lap and pressed his lips to yours, kissing you with more intensity and tenderness than he ever had before. Any doubts that you may have had about him not feeling the same quickly melted away. It went on for what felt like forever before the two of you had to pull away and come up for air.
“I love you, too, mi reina.”
You held onto one another like that for while before Bishop got dressed and rejoined you on the blanket. You spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other’s arms and gazing at the night sky. And when a shooting star passed overhead, you made a wish that you could stay this way forever. No more looking over your shoulder, no more nightmares; just you and Bishop, ready to take on whatever the future might hold.
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hwascripts · 4 years
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What Izuku would be like in a relationship: The positive traits, the toxic traits, his love language, my own personal headcanons and an overall conclusion
WC: unknown
TW// POTENTIAL SPOILERS, No smut but Izuku is aged up, Toxic traits aren’t necessarily toxic...more so just bad traits, Teeny tiny little bit of angst, I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming the following headcanons are true. You are 100% free to disagree with me but please DO NOT send me hateful comments or asks. I am simply writing what I think Deku would be like in a relationship
a/n: Just to let you know, your nickname for him is Zuku just so you don’t think I kept spelling his name wrong.
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-Deku is literally the kindest soul ever and it makes me want to cry. He’d give you his umbrella if you ever forgot yours, he’d literally carry you to first aid if you ever injure yourself- this man will legitimately do everything for you
-He’s incredibly observant. If he catches you looking at a pretty ring then he’ll literally show up at your door days later with that very same ring in his hands
“I saw you looking at it a few days ago and I wanted to surprise you!”
“Zuku baby oh my god how much did you spend?!”
“You don’t need to worry about it sunshine”
I wholeheartedly believe Izuku would call you his sunshine or something along those lines
-I have this one headcanon of him drawing you all the time as an excuse to “observe you and your quirk” but it’s really just because he wants to admire the way you shine underneath the sun- and that’s how he came up with the name Sunshine for you
-Deku has a heart of gold oh my god, this guy cares so much about you it’s unreal. Imagine trying to hide the fact that you’ve been crying while on a phone call- mission failed because he heard your shaky voice and now he’s on your doorstep with your favourite hoodie of his and your favourite snacks
-His memory is insanely good, like it’s freaky how good it is. Like you mentioned to him ONCE that you liked a certain drink and now he pulls up to your dates with that drink all the time (not like I’d complain if Deku brought me my favourite drink)
-Just like Bakugou, Deku is incredibly smart and he literally always comes up with a solution. You could literally vent to him about a problem you’re having at work and he’s come up with at least 73 solutions within 6 hours
-He’s determined and hardworking. Again, he’s just like Bakugou in the sense that he’ll put his blood, sweat and tears into whatever he’s doing- no matter if it’s a serious high stake mission or something like planning your weekly date. The second he puts his mind to something, he makes sure to give it his all.
-Izuku is your own personal cheerleader, this dude will hype you up no matter what. Training after work? he’s cheering for you. You completed a really difficult task? you better believe he’s gonna pat you on the back for it.
-He’s very protective of you. Remember when the LOV attacked the training camp and he rushed to find Kota? yeah he’s 10x more protective of you.
-And it’s not because he thinks you’re weak and can’t defend yourself, it’s because he genuinely worries about you all the time and just wants to make sure your always safe
-He’s an inspirational person, he makes you hella motivated to do even the most boring chores around the house
-Deku isn’t afraid to show his emotions. Unlike Bakugou, he’s often seen showing his emotions. Deku said “toxic masculinity who?”. He definitely gives 0 fucks if someone sees him crying/upset because I feel like Pro-Hero Deku would stop the stupid mindset of “Hero’s can’t show their genuine emotions”
-Izuku is the type of person to analyze all his losses, figure out what he did wrong and then learn from it to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake again. He’s the complete opposite of Bakugou who gets bitter over his losses due to his superiority complex.
-He’s so good at comforting you that it’s unbelievable. Deku gives the warmest hugs that make you feel so safe- you literally cannot change my mind about this
-You know those hugs where the other person lightly rubs your back and lightly sways side to side with you? Yeah those are the hugs that Deku gives (he’d definitely give you a sweet little kiss on the forehead/cheek)
“Sunshine come here, let me hold you while you let out all your frustrations. I’ve got you, nothing can hurt you while you’re here with me”
-Can you tell I want some comforting Izuku hugs? He wouldn’t let go of you until he put a smile back on your face and GAHH oh my god I need Izuku hugs
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-As much as I hate to do this, it needs to be done 😔✊🏻
-Izuku is such an over thinker, this guy worries about EVERYTHING under the sun. Your eyes didnt crinkle when you smiled? he’ll think you’re upset with him. You gave him a side hug rather than a normal hug? he’ll think he did something wrong.
-He’s self aware that he overthinks things but he just can’t seem to stop his thoughts. No matter how many times you reassure him that you aren’t upset with him, he’s subconsciously thinking about how to make it up to you
-He constantly pushes himself past his limits. You guys saw how many times he’s broken his bones. Deku may be intelligent but when it comes to his own self he can be completely hopeless
-The amount of times you’ve scolded him while you clean up his scrapes and cuts is insane. He just sits on the toilet lid and bites his lip nervously while you wave your finger angrily at him
“Sunshine please, I said I was sorry and that it won’t happen again!”
“Zuku you and I both know that’s a damn lie, I’ve had to patch you up 3 times this week! When are you going to start being more considerate of your limits?”
-I’m sorry but I picture him being so nervous to initiate anything with you. This guy would be so fidgety just by THINKING about holding your hand
-And deep down he knows he’s being ridiculous because come on, you’re his S/O and he’s been dating you for years now- why does he still get shaken up just by holding your hand?
-At first you think it’s cute, he’s just being respectful of your boundaries- but as time goes on you kind of get a little annoyed because he always asks you a bunch of times if you’re okay with him being affectionate.
“Zuku...sweetheart you know you don’t need to ask me a million times if I want to cuddle, right? I love cuddling with you!”
*cue sweating* “I’ll keep that in mind, Sunshine”
-He eventually gets a lot more comfortable with affection...more often than not you wake up with him nuzzled into your side like a cat
(Side note PLEASE wake him up with a bunch of kisses, he’ll literally melt)
-He’s very insecure about his scars because they make him feel like he’s “ugly” and sometimes he doesn’t even want you to look at them
-Do me a favour and please kiss along his scars/ trace them with your fingers while you compliment him- he’ll start crying because the scars he thought made him ugly are now starting to look beautiful to him
-This isn’t necessarily a toxic trait, more like a bad habit. Whenever Izuku gets stressed he’ll train himself to the brink of exhaustion just so he can try to focus on something other than how stressed he is
-Again, not a toxic trait but a bad one...Deku puts everyone else before himself. Which isn’t a bad thing if it’s done in a healthy amount, but Izuku goes to the extreme. I feel like he’d neglect his own needs just to satisfy everyone else and you’d have to intervene before it gets worse
“Sunshine I said I was fine, you don’t need to worry about me! Your Zuku is perfectly energized and ready to go”
“Zuku don’t lie to me, you know I can read you like a book. You’re coming with me and I’m putting you to bed”
-I hate to say it but this guy hates confrontation so much that sometimes he’ll suffer in silence for MONTHS before he even hints at being upset with something
-I honestly think your biggest argument with him would be about his lack of communication in terms of him not being completely honest about how he feels and he just breaks down-
-Like he has a really bad breakdown because he’s been bottling everything up for so long because he hates the idea of fighting with you.
-And now he’s sobbing because he’s so frustrated that he doesn’t know what else to do
-Anyways, the two of you just silently comfort each other until you’ve both calmed down enough to talk properly. This is the night Izuku finally starts opening up to you rather than bottling up every negative emotion he feels
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-I honestly think his love language is a mixture of giving you gifts and words of praise
-He’s a little shy when it comes to showing you how he feels through affection, so giving you gifts and his praise get his point across
-He’s totally the type to send you cute messages throughout the day, send cute selfies when he misses you, or he just sends you a random bouquet of flowers because he saw them and thought of you
-Also the type of guy to have photos of the two of you displayed around his office. His most prized one being the photo of your first mission together
-Just warning you now that if you ever mention that your suit ripped or a certain item isn’t functioning properly then he’ll literally buy 10 replacements- each one better than the last
“Zuku I said that the sole of my BOOT ripped off, not my entire suit!”
“Well now you have 10 new upgraded suits to make sure it won’t happen again! Isn’t it great, Sunshine?”
(Someone take his credit card away from him)
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I definitely think Izuku would be an amazing S/O! He’s caring, kind and comforting- and he does his very best to try and work on the bad habits he has.
Overall, I would say Izuku definitely would win a “S/O of the year award” (sorry Bakugou)
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
The Bet - Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Summary: Draco makes a bet with Pansy and Blaise that he can make Y/N, a shy Hufflepuff, fall in love with him.
Draco Malfoy x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst and Fluff
AN: Had this idea last night and had to do something with it.
Word Count: 1859
"I bet you can't make someone fall in love with you," Pansy who sat across from Draco and sat next to Blaise says looking at the platinum haired boy.
"I'll take that bet as long as it's not Granger," Draco says with a smirk. He knew that Hermione would probably punch him if he ever tried anything with her.
"Why afraid she'll punch you again," Blaise says looking cockily at Draco who rolled his eyes at his fellow Slytherin.
"Just get on with it tell who and I'll do it," Draco snaps looking at Pansy and Blaise who looked at each other with smirks on their faces.
"I'm gonna regret this," Draco thought as Blaise and Pansy whispered and looked around trying to find a girl that would be a challenge for Draco Malfoy.
Pants shoved Blaises shoulder and pointed in a direction behind Draco. Once Blaise saw the girl he had a smirk on his face as Draco looked at the two confused.
"Her," Pansy pointed to Y/N who was reading a book and looked like she was in her own world.
Draco looked behind him and saw Hufflepuff he hasn't noticed before.
"Who is that even," Draco asked turning back to his friends who shrugged.
"No idea," Pansy shrugged. "Now you have to make her fall in love with you in a month or you owe me 15 galleons."
Blaise coughed as Pansy rolled her eyes at him "15 each."
Draco thought about it for a minute his father would be furious if he took the money, but his pride got in the way.
For the next few days Draco watched Y/N. He finally learned her name. He saw that she was a quiet Hufflepuff who barely had any friends.
How he had to think about how to introduce himself to her. He still had most of the month left but he had to think class.
As they were in Slughorns class Draco kept thinking about how to get to her as Y/N was listening to the lesson her professor was teaching.
Y/N usually paid attention in class as she loved the stuff.
People thought she should of been in Ravenclaw but what she thought she got in Hufflepuff is her shyness. 
"Ok now for the next assignment we'll be doing partner work," Slughorn announced to the class.
Most people cheered but Y/N groaned internally since she hated talking to people.
"But I will be choosing your partners," He continued. Draco was now partially listening to the teacher as he heard the groan which mean partner work.
"Ok I'll start listing off the partners," Slughorn got the papers out and started listing out names.
Y/N's heart beat as she thought who she was going to get. She hated this stuff about school since she hated.
"Draco and Y/N," As the two people mentioned snapped their heads up in surprise different thoughts running through each other's brains.
Draco thought this was the perfect  thing to make her fall in love with him.
While Y/N was kind of worried she heard about all the stuff Draco Malfoy has done and his family as well.
As everyone got with their partners Y/N stayed looking at the ingredients for the potions getting ready to make it. She was worried about partnering up with Draco since his reputation was known.
As he sat next to her Y/N kept her face in the book while Draco tried to get a good look at her.
"Hey beautiful," Draco was the first person to say something. He thought it looked cute on her as she blushed at the nickname.
No stop thinking like that it's a bet.
"So what do we need to get started," He asked as she didn't say hey back.
"I'll get the stuff," Y/N whispered as her heart hammered in her chest. Before Draco could say anything she got up to get everything.
Draco scoffed as he watched her run off. He'll have to think of something else to do.
As Y/N sat down and put the ingredients on the table.
"So were you listening cause I certainly was not," Draco stated staring at the beautiful Hufflepuff.
"Yes," Y/N nodded giving him a smile.
"That's a relief," Draco sighed fiddling with his fingers.
"You don't listen," Y/N asked curiously as she put the ingredients in the cauldron.
"No was to busy thinking about a certain Hufflepuff," Draco flirted with a smirk on his face.
"Oh," Y/N blushed looking in the cauldron. Y/N thought he was cute so that's why she felt so flustered around him.
As the class went on Draco kept talking to her and Y/N kept blushing as butterflies were in her stomach.
"Meet me in the library tonight at 6," Draco said giving her a smile before leaving.
Y/N didn't know she should meet him. Maybe he wanted to work on the project or he wanted help in some other class.
Y/N decided to go because also would have been guilt standing him up.
"See you showed up," Y/N jumped as Draco said sitting next to her. She was to engrossed into her book.
"Yes I didn't want to stand you up," Y/N says quietly looking at her lap.
"That's sweet of you," Draco looked at her really looked at her.
He thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the word and even thought they just met today. Draco could feel his heart race.
"Thanks," Y/N smiled at him which made his stomach turn in a good way. "Uh why did you want me here anyways."
"Well I wanted to spend some more time with you darling," Draco teased her as he smirked at the girl who blushed at the nickname.
"Oh," Y/N says surprised.
"Oh why," He was curious of why she was so surprised.
“I just don't have much guys wanting to spend time with me," Y/N smiled at him maybe someone did like her.
Draco started to feel bad for leading her on but quickly got the thought out of his head as he stared into her eyes.
"Well I'm glad to be the first love,” Draco put his hand on hers giving it a squeeze.
They sat there for another hour talking about each other's interest. Draco was very fascinated about this girl.
For the next week the two were glued to each other's hips. Blaise and Pansy took note of this and decided to tease Draco about him.
"Is someone catching feelings," Pansy asked sarcastically.
"It's none of your business and for your information no I am not Draco snapped at the girl and got up walking away from his friends.
A couple weeks later Draco and Y/N got closer and Draco kept flirting with her which made Y/N feel giddy.
Draco invited her to his dorm where they could work on homework together.
As Y/N sat on Draco's bed she looked around and noticed how clean it was.
"Surprised love," Draco sat next to her getting his book out. He didn't really want to study but as long as it was with her it was fine.
Draco in the past 3 weeks has caught feelings for the girl who captured his heart. His stomach would have butterflies every time the talked and every time she smiled at him.
“So let’s get started,” Y/N stated with a smile.
As she continued talking Draco got lost in the way she spoke and a smile on the corner of her lips. Draco wouldn’t admit it but he was smitten.
“Draco are you even listening,” Y/N asked with a smile looking at the boy who snapped out of his daze.
“You are so beautiful,” Draco whispered ignoring Y/N. She let out a blush.
He put his hand on her cheek and felt the heat from the blush. He put his lips on hers and he knew it was her first time.
He knew this since she tried to copy his movements and Draco didn’t mind. Draco was glad to be her first kiss.
“I think I’m falling love with you,” Draco whispered against her lips.
Y/N stared up at him flabbergasted soon turned into a sheepish look.
“I think I’m falling in love with you too.”
In the next few days Draco took her out on the first day she’s ever been on and it was amazing. Draco treated her like a princess.
“I’m done I don’t want to do this bet anymore,” Draco snapped at Blaise and Pansy.
“You can’t just do that,” Pansy hissed.
“Pansy it was just a bet,” Blaise defended Draco.
“No,” Pansy snapped.
“I’m sorry Pansy I’ll pay you back but I’m done I don’t want her to think I’m only doing this for a bet when it’s done,” Draco snapped not noticing the Hufflepuff who walked up to him and had a shocked expression on her face as she heard Draco’s word.
“It was just a bet,” Draco heard Y/N behind her. Draco closed his eyes feeling annoyed with him self.
“Love,” Draco turned around and saw the sad expression on her face and tears coming in the corner of her eyes. He felt so guilty. She looked so sad.
Before he could say anything else she ran out going to her dorm room with tears running down her cheeks.
“Damnit,” Draco cursed himself ignoring Blaise and Pansy running after Y/N knowing she was going to her room.
He ran into the Hufflepuff common and thank god no one was in there. He ran up the stairs to her room where she was crying on her bed.
“Y/N/N,” Draco says cautiously.
“Go away,” Y/N cried into her pillow making her words muffled.
“Please love let me explain,” Draco raced his words out as he ran to her bed sitting next to where her body laid.
When Y/N didn’t say anything he continued.
“It did start out as a bet but as I got to know you I felt myself fall more in love with you,” Draco started to explain. “I started to feel guilty so that’s why I broke the bet off so I could be with you without it being a bet,” Draco lets out a tear.
“So it wasn’t just a lie,” Y/N asked sniffling as she sat up next to him. Her eyes were all black from the mascara.
“No it wasn’t just a lie,” Draco says wiping the tears away.
“One more chance and if you ruin it I’m done,” Y/N says sternly.
Draco nodded while saying “Of course anything love.”
Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist burying her face in his chest while his head rested on the top of her head.
He was happy that she forgave him because right now she was the only good thing in his life. And he knew he would never doing anything wrong again because he love her so much.
Even after a month.
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mxchellesworld · 4 years
Attraction and Repulsion 
Harry Styles x Reader
Synopsis; Where Harry is too much of an asshole for a proper relationship but too good in bed for you to leave 
Warnings; mean!harry, arguments, name calling, smut, unprotected sex, creampies, degradation, impact play, choking, 
a/n; harry styles fans come get yall juice!! ok i wont lie this kinda seems all over the place but i like it anyways. hope yall enjoy and please send some feedback:)
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You thought it was real funny. It was absolutely hilarious how the whole world saw Harry as a sweet lad who wears big trousers and has fun nails. But you saw him for who he really was. Harry Styles was mean. Plain and simple. 
But you loved it. 
And as much as you tried to deny it, you both knew it was true. You were like magnets. When you weren’t absolutely repulsed by one another, starting an argument, you were wrapped up in each others sheets feeling the strongest attraction you’d ever felt for another person. 
You were always stuck in a limbo of back and forth. Arguments and name calling over the phone leading to quick hang ups and the eventual knock on the door signaling he was there to deal with you the only way he knew how to put you in your place. 
You were drawn to him like a moth to flame. And just like you, he was also too stubborn to admit that he’d want anyone else but you. No matter how cocky he got flaunting the fact that he could get any person in the world with just a smile and wink, he knew he’d never actually do it. 
Under all the petty acts and insults there was the smallest bit of adoration he held for you and you only. 
You had been lounging around your apartment when your phone chimed. It was one of your girlfriends sending you a link to a newspaper article. You hadn’t bothered to look at the title on the message before clicking on it and seeing the large cover photo on your screen. 
Right there Harry and some model getting cozy after his last show. Big bold letters on the teen magazine reading ‘HARRY STYLES AND NEW BAE???’. You audibly scoffed. 
It wasn’t like he was your boyfriend so you couldn’t really do much about it, you thought ignoring the small sting in your chest. Shaking off the feeling you skimmed the rest of the article then replied to the message, “she is kinda hot, maybe he’ll give me her number lol” 
With that you threw your phone on the other side of the couch and started to get up. It was 3pm a little too early in your book to start drinking at home and especially too early to start letting him ruin your day. 
Maybe it was time to start looking at other people. You were hot and single, living in a big city with other hot singles, it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find someone to get in a stable relationship with or at the bare minimum a good fuck for the night. 
So you did what anyone else does and picked up your phone once again, going straight to the app store. Right on the front page was tinder and just for good measure you added bumble. Making the accounts were easy enough but selecting the pictures for your profile was tricky. You wanted a good amount of selfies and body shots. Cute pictures but also something risky enough to catch the eye. 
Soon enough you were already swiping and giggling to yourself about the future prospects you had lined up. Meanwhile in a city about a few hundred miles from you Harry was sitting with a frown on his scowl on his face in the same predicament you were in earlier that day. 
He was in his hotel room packing up and getting ready to head back home when his phone chimed. He looked over to see if it was his manager or someone from crew with any updates on departure times however it was one of his close friends. 
At first he was expecting a sports update or an invitation to go to a bar when he got back but instead it was a screenshot of your tinder profile. When had you gotten that? he thought to himself. 
It wasn’t like he could get mad since he knew he didn’t treat you the best. But that was just your dynamic, deep down you both cared for each other and even then it made for the best sex of his life. 
Looking back down at the glowing screen he swiped through the few screenshots he was sent. Various pictures of you out with friends. The one that got him was a picture of you in the bathtub, your body was covered by the porcelain yet just enough of your chest just was showing in the mirror as you gave the camera your best sultry look. 
Yet the real kicker was the bio where you included him in your top artists. He scoffed and shook his head, biting his lip as he clicked out from the messages app. Instead he called up his manager to get him on the fastest plane back home. If the blood wasn’t rushing to his face he knew he’d be hard as a rock but for now he’d save that frustration for when he saw you. 
You knew tinder hookups were easy to get but you didn’t know just how easy. After spending the day scrolling away, putting your phone down for food and subtle chores you landed a ‘date’, which you really knew was ‘lets get tacos before we fuck on my couch’. 
You had planned to meet at 8pm at some restaurant by your house. At 6:30 you started to get ready slowly, taking your time in the shower, shaving, the works. You had your music connected to a speaker getting yourself excited for the night. 
Who wouldn’t be? You needed this. This was your time to get all dolled up and get to cum from someone other than yourself or the man who makes the vein in your forehead pop when you think about him. 
You put on your sweet smelling lotion and head to your closet looking for an outfit. It was starting to get warm so you settled for a black t-shirt dress that fell to mid thigh with tan heeled booties. You pulled out a jean jacket to put on top in case it was windy.
After finishing your hair and makeup, it was nearing 7:30 and you were back on your couch fixing up the pillows and picking up any misplaced items in case the night led you back to your place. Suddenly you heard a knock on your door, the same hard 3 rasps which only meant one person. 
Your heels clicked on the hard wood as you made your way to the door, unlocking it and opening it halfway, “What do you want Harold,” you said unamused. 
“You look pretty,” he said pushing past you, ignoring the annoyance in your tone. 
“Wish I could say the same about you. Now what do you want? I’m busy and I have to leave soon,” you said rolling your eyes. 
He took a seat on your previously neat couch, spreading his legs and putting his arms up on the back. The way he looked you up and down sent chills up your spine, “What did you get a date that quick? The internet works wonders doesn’t it love”, he said rolling his neck. 
“How did you know abo- actually I don’t care. As a matter of fact I do have a date and I’m meeting him soon so if you don’t mind leaving,” you said picking up your jacket and purse, “Why don’t you call that one girl from your show? She probably misses you.” 
He let out a short laugh before pushed on his knees to stand back up, “Ah I see what this is. You’re jealous and you think going on a little date with some nobody would hurt me.” The cockiness was just seeping out of him. 
“Pull your head out of your a-,” you started before he cut you off. 
“No no you’re gonna listen to me angel. We may not be together but you belong to me. No one else can ever touch you or fuck you as well as I can,” he said leaning in to whisper in your ear. 
It was almost sad how easily he could have you crumbling. Just then your phone dinged. It was a message from the guy, Danny? You couldn’t remember at this point. 
“Answer it sweatpea, tell him you can’t make it.” 
You were really debating it. On one side this could be your chance to finally tell Harry to fuck off but on the other you knew it would be hard to replace him and you weren’t even sure you completely wanted to. That was a whole other layer of emotions to dig through. 
You looked back up at Harry, one of his curls falling into his eyes which were filled with lust. The way his tongue peeked out to slip over his pink lips gave you the answer you needed. 
“Fuck,” you whispered unlocking your phone. Quickly you typed out a half ass apology about your sister needing you to babysit, even though she lived out of state, he didn’t need to know. 
After you hit send your phone was quickly plucked from your grasp and pushed into Harry’s pocket. You didn’t think much about it when his lips pressing onto yours was acting as a great distraction. 
He pulled away lightly mumbling a “taste like strawberries”. If you weren’t so turned on you would’ve giggled. 
You moaned into his mouth pulling him by his loose button up shirt into your bedroom. It was a routine you had almost perfected at this point with little stumbling or need to grab onto the walls as a guide to make sure neither of you hit any corners. 
Your lips never left each others in the feverish mess of kisses. Each one making you grow needier and needier. Your fingers worked quickly in trying to get the buttons on his shirt undone. You felt his warm ones wrap around yours halting your movements. 
“Not so fast, you think I’m gonna let you off easy for what you did today?” 
You huffed out, “You did the same-”, again he cut you off. 
“I get to do whatever I want because you know who I am,” he finished trailing his thumb over your bottom lip, slowly tugging it down. All you could do was nod. 
“Say it then.” 
“Harry Styles,” you whispered out. 
You could see his pupils get bigger with each syllable. It was his favorite thing, the power, the dominance. He got off on his own name. But so did you, the thought alone made you clench your thighs as you were in the moment. 
His hand came up and tapped on your cheek, a small implication of what you knew he could do, “You’re gonna have to be louder than that lovie. Don’t worry though I’ll let you try again later.”
He backed you up until your legs hit the bed, pushing you down. You slowly crawled back, pulling your jacket and dress off as he worked on his belt and pants. You made quick work of kicking off your boots and settled into the plush sheets. 
“Hurry up Styles. I think Danny could’ve made me cum at least twice now,” you said sliding a hand down to your panties. That move would bite you in the ass but the risk was worth it. 
You let out gasps at the touch of your fingertips, moving your hips, doing anything to put on a show and hopefully have him give you what you wanted quicker. 
He eagerly got on the bed, trapping you under his knees. His hands quickly ripped yours away from where you needed them most, pinning them over your head. He leaned down, face inches from yours until you shared the same breathe. 
“You just want to be punished don’t you? Don’t worry I’ll help you get it through that stupid little slutty brain of yours,” he finished with a sadistic smile. 
You nodded frantically moaning out pleases. His hand came down on your cheek, the chill of his rings pressed against the now warm skin on your face. His nails raked down until his hand was snuggly hugging your neck. 
You tilted your head back giving him more room to squeeze and mark as he pleased, “Please Harry, want you to fuck me already.” 
He tutted his lips giving your neck one last squeeze before he pulled away. “I think we should work on your patience,” he said moving down to your spread legs. 
His warm hands pulled on the lace fabric on your hips, scoffing at the visible wet patch, “Don’t tell me this was all for old Danny-boy.” 
“No Harry its all for you,” you mewled as he let his fingers swipe through your folds. It was evil how he was leisurely propped up between your legs teasingly circling your aching bud, switching between blowing on it and nipping at it. 
You already felt the tears springing in the corners of your eyes. So little was doing so much. Just a little more and you could cum right then and there. And he knew it too. 
“Oh you better not cum. I’m not gonna be very forgiving if you do,” he trailed off almost laughing. He never let up, quick circles on your bud making your body tense up. 
“Ple- no.. oh god Harry,” you whined out. You felt your juices gushing out of you as you reached your peak. He never let up on his motions, going even faster on your overstimulated clit. 
“God you’re so pathetic. Such a whore you just had to cum,” he punctuated with a slap right on your pussy. 
At this point you were sobbing. Your head was swimming in the pleasure. You tried to apologize but the words weren’t coming together, just broken whimpers and mixes of sorry’s. 
His hand came down on your sensitive cunt two more times, each one had you trying to close your legs but he was quick to keep them open with a bruising grip. 
“Please.. Harry.”
“Please what?” he said taking in your shivering frame.
“Please fuck me! Want you to cum inside me, mark me so everyone knows i’m yours!” you spoke out breathlessly.
Quickly he flipped your over, pulling your hips up so that your pussy was on display for him. He groaned as he swiped the tip of his weeping pink cock over your already puffy folds.
With a long stroke he filled you completely. Your nerves were on fire and he hadn’t even started. His rough hands grabbed onto your hips for leverage on his thrusts.
“Fuck you’re so tight. Such a good little whore just for me to ruin,” he gritted out. He kept a steady pace, quick and deep making sure to hit your sweet spot each time.
Your nails were digging into the pillows for dear life. Eyes shut closed as your mouth fell in silent screams and jumbled phrases of pleasure. The only thing on your mind was HarryHarryHarry.
“Wanna cum again.. oh my god.. Plesse Harry fill me up! I need to feel it,” you said arching your back further. You felt each vein slide along your spongy walls making sure to clench around him and milk him for all he was worth.
His grip on your never let up. He let his hand come down on your ass cheek. Once again the rings contrasting the heat radiating off of you, “That’s it cum for me baby. I want you to scream my name when you do. Can you do that love? Shit , tell me who fucks you this good? Who’s cum do you want spilling inside you?”
You all but screamed a “Harry Styles” letting your neighbors know just who was with you that night, nights before, and nights to come.
The sweet noises and screams of his name had Harry’s cock pulsing inside you, ready to burst at any moment.
One look down at where you connected and he was sent right to heaven. Your cute little pussy creaming right on his cock had him shooting his load deep inside you.
You both gasped and groaned at the feeling of him filling you to the brim. He stilled his motions and you all but collapsed onto your bed.
You felt him lean down once again, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear before whispering, “You think Danny could’ve done that?”
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ygreczed-3 · 4 years
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The Red Guard and the Snow Angel
Hank and Connor’s kiss
Hank and Connor fighting
Hank and Connor having good time with Sumo
Connor’s “I’m not going anywhere”
Gavin and Nines : interface
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
They eventually find something in one of the books : Kamski is known to live in a castle, with 7 beautiful angels to serve him. No one knows how to get to Kamski's castle, since the pike is guarded by the darkness war spirit (actually Kamski being the powerful magician he is, sealed the war spirit to the castle, condemning it to the protection of the whole rock he lives on).
On their first attempt getting to the castle, Hank gets injured, and they're forced to retreat to Nestlepeek
Connor stays near Hank as he recovers, and can't help but touch him with noticeable loving attention. Nines sees him but just decides to say nothing, knowing he's too emotionally compromised with Gavin to give his brother a lesson. Gavin is totally oblivious to that, he's just very bad at hiding his concern for Hank (yes ! he is low-key worried for his human comrade).
Nines somehow gets to talk calmly with Nines, for the first time since the street fight.
Nines : I just don't understand. You've always been so ambitious, always training to be more powerful, why don't you use this aspiration to channel the power source and thus use it? It doesn't make sense. Gavin : It's… It's just too fucking much to process okay ? This war spirit is in me, I can feel its thirst for blood and violence all day long, and I know I can't control him because I…
Gavin just stops before he can say he's too confused with his own priorities now to have a defined goal he can use to canalize the spirit's energy. He used to know what he wanted to do with his power, but now, he feels a latent part of him wants to use it to protect his partners, Hank, and the two snowy idiots. He's still not ready to admit it outloud and thus, the spirit having no specific goal to unleash its violence, is in fact uncontrollable. 
Nines, who is a bit more honest with himself than our favorite rat, already knows he cares for Gavin more than he should in regard to his given mission, and just feels so useless when Gavin refuses to talk to him. At this point Nines only wants to help him. He looks quietly at Gavin's nape, where the seal of the war spirit is still noticeable and forms a delicate golden scar. The Golem feels a little contradictory about this scar, one part of him being satisfied and proud of the mark he was able to let on Gavin's body, and the other part of him feeling guilty for it.
Nines : I'm sorry for this. You didn't ask for it and now you have to deal with… a war spirit and unwanted killing desires. I sometimes forget you're only human, it's not in your nature to use magic. Gavin : … It's okay. Let's just… stop talking about the spirit, deal ?
Nines remains carefully silent when Gavin offers his hand in a casual manly shake. He knows humans culturally use handshakes to settle an arrangement, and decides to ignore the deep and intimate meaning of this specific gesture in his own culture. Their hands meet, as Nines' skin unwittingly turns white at the contact, but the golem doesn't pay much attention since a human can't interface anyway. Gavin's smug expression shows he's  about to say something but his grin fades away as Nines realizes their mistake : in a flash, he can feel Gavin's doubts about his unsaid desire to protect Nines despite his hatred for golems. Nines isn't sure what passed through the contact and doesn't have a clue on what impression Gavin had about his inner thoughts, or if he even felt or saw something. The human is the first to break the contact. He looks shocked, as he meets Nines' eyes and for a moment, none of them can speak. 
Gavin : The hell was that ?!
Nines is confused too : … I didn't know it would… interfaces only happen between magic creatures… Maybe… the spirit allows you to connect with me.
Gavin : What the… You read my thoughts ? Nines : It's not… mind reading. I caught a diffuse… "impression".  Gavin : … Shit.
Gavin looks suddenly so betrayed. He looks down and sideways, taking a few steps away, hands on his neck as if he was trying to hide his head between his arms. When Nines tries to get closer, he almost jumps away.
Gavin : Don't- Fuck it, don't… touch me. Nines : I'm sorry, I didn't mean to probe you. Gavin : What exactly did you… hear or whatever? Nines : … I think… I have an answer for why you can't use the spirit's violent spree. Gavin : Fuck you, that was private ! Did you search for it you fucking asshole ? Nines : Like I said, I didn't mean to interface with you ! You too must have seen something from me so stop being a child. Gavin : I didn't-
Nines waits patiently for the end of the sentence but it never comes, as some realization seems to dawn on the human warrior.
Gavin : That nice fluttering in the stomach, when we held hands, actually it was you ?
And for once, Nines is the one to remain silent, his face even but internally too embarrassed to answer the question. No wonder this sensation passed through the connection. For the few seconds their hands touched, Nines was, in a Golem way, experiencing a gesture akin to a kiss, of course he was kind of "emotionally impacted".
Nines : … As I said… let's not embarrass ourselves any further.
And at that exact moment, Gavin realizes that Nines likes him… more than a partner, more than a friend.
In their room, Connor is holding Hank's hand. 
Hank : So, what should we do ? Connor : I didn't think about it yet. I wanted to be here when you wake up. Hank : ...I still have three days of bed rest at the very least… Are you sure you want to lose all this time when we're so close to the goal ? I mean, we already went through the desert, you don't need me anymore. Connor : Of course I need you, Hank. Hank : Ahaha… It's nice to go easy on me like this but you don't have to- Connor : You have to trust me, when I say I need you. It's not because I think you can help me go faster or even because I think you can help me cross a specific territory. I just… need you because you mean something to me.
Hank stays quiet but tightens his hand around Connor's, looking down right at them, his large, calloused fingers embracing the golem's white and slender ones. A long and deep look into Connor's golden brown eyes tells him there is more into this already meaningful gesture than he might think.
Connor breaks the eye-contact, and Hank realizes how intense the moment was : Connor's eyes inexplicably make him feel comfortable, as if he was floating in a warm air bubble, and he instantly misses the feeling when Connor stops mirroring his gaze to look down at their hands.
Connor : You know… There is this ultimate quest upon us, something we have to achieve to save our people… And this goal governed us like it was the only thing that mattered… Maybe I'm being a selfish brat, but Hank you're so important to me, I don't want you to be injured or killed in all this. Hank : You're important to me too, Connor.  (And then Hank laughs, giving in to his stupid and unwanted feelings.) Actually, you probably couldn't even understand how much you mean to me.
When Connor meets his gaze with a puzzled expression on his face, Hank decides he has to tell him. If anything, Connor could still change his mind and keep going without him, and then Hank will be able to finally move on. He's too fucking old to pine for a pretty boy, and if it's gotta be painful then he wants it the sooner the better.
Hank : I… recently started to develop… indecent feelings… Connor, purposely obtuse: "Indecent" ? Hank : I mean... in a… hum… romantic way. Come on kid, don't make me say it. Connor : Why would "romantic" be "indecent" ? Hank : Dunno, I'm old and pathetic, you're young and cute, sounds indecent to me. Connor : Hank… I love you too. Hank : ...You, huh... Sorry what ? Connor : I mean every single word in this sentence, Hank, I really do. Hank : … Oh. 
Connor chuckles at Hank's blank expression, as his poor brain processes the information with unprecedented difficulty. And as Hank starts moving again, his brows frowning and his mouth forming an "o" like he was gonna say "why ?!", Connor just leans towards him and brushes his beard with his lips before meeting his mouth, softly.
And god, they love it. Hank leans forward to deepen the kiss, Connor catches his beard, his fingers following the edges of his chiseled jaw until they reach his neck and nestle around it.
And it's a weird sensation to Hank because he used to know what was hot passion and what was tenderness, and at this very moment, he could feel both in Connor's grip, burning fire and smooth touches at the same time. That's it, love, love everywhere.
They separate because the older man needs to breathe and hopefully, Connor remembered it because Hank was just gonna kiss him until he falls unconscious. 
Hank : Am I dead ? Connor : You're thankfully alive and safe, but you need rest. Stay calm. Hank : I can't  believe it… i'm… almost scared of falling asleep and realize you're gone when I wake up. Connor smiles smugly at this : he takes Hank's hand in his own, kisses the palm softly, his deep dark eyes locked on Hank's.  Connor : Sleep tight. I'm not going anywhere.
So, as soon as Hank can walk again, the party goes back to Kamski's peek.
Hank : I feel better but I admit that I don't think I'm able to fight anything right now. Maybe we can find another way ? Gavin : Humans and Golems can't beat a war spirit. But, huh… a war spirit could do. Nines : … Is that you you're talking about? Gavin : 'Know another war spirit around here ? Nines : But you… you can't control it… I mean, you're obviously facing a dilemma with your own motivations right now. I don't think you should endanger yourself in this state… Hank : What dilemma ? Gavin : Not your business. It's fine, I just need… I just need to meditate a little bit more. Connor : We don't need much more than a distraction just a moment until we reach the castle. There we'll activate the seal and it should stunt the spirit for some time. Nines : I'm not letting him go alone. Gavin : Still don't trust me, snow man ? Nines : I'm concerned for your well being. I wanna help. Hank : Well then we can do that. Nines and Gavin take care of the spirit and Connor, we get to the castle as fast as we can. You're good ? Connor : … Yeah, that sounds good. I just need to talk with Nines. In private.
Hank and Gavin just look at each other, surprised, but then they leave the brothers for their serious talk.
Connor : What was that ? "I'm concerned for you well being" ? Gavin is right, only a war spirit can compete with a war spirit… even if we wanted to, we couldn't help. Nines : Gavin can't control his spirit. I saw it when we interfaced, he truly can't, no matter how much he meditates, as long as he will have this dilemma, he can't make it. Connor : Wait what ?! Interfaced ? How ? Nines : Guess the spirit makes him sensible to magic connections. Connor : What's the deal ? Why can't he control it yet ? He's strong enough, and for what I know, ambitious enough, so it's only a matter of… Nines : He's confused. He grew fond of us, and he knows we're basically enemies. We're all being reckless, he's the only one to keep this truth in mind; if we can't reach Kamski, or if he refuses to help us, we'll have to go back to the war we left, go back to kill each other. He can't resign himself to accept his attachment to us if we're going to be his enemies again. Connor : … Do you think he can make it ? Against the darkness war spirit ? Nines : I don't. That's why he needs me there. If the thunder spirit takes control of his body, I'll be there to hit the seal in his neck. Connor : Oh Nines… You love him, don't  you? Nines : … We're selfish and weak, Con. This mission… our whole kind is waiting for us to succeed. And we're threatening this long awaited deliverance because we fell for humans…  Connor : ...That's why we can't fail. I understand you're worried but maybe… Maybe that's the reason why Gavin wants to try : he knows we can't fail now.
In the final act, Gavin and Nines get ready to fight with the war spirit, while Hank and Connor plan on reaching the castle as fast as they can, and find Kamski.
Gavin and Nines are hiding near the war spirit.
Nines : … Are you ready ? Gavin : I don't really have a choice there.
Gavin breathes deeply and steadily, to focus and calm down before entering the arena.
Nines : I'll be flying right behind you, okay ? It's factually stronger than me, so I have to maintain minimal distance with it, but I'll be ready to hit your seal when you need  me to, and help you run away if you're in a bad state.  Gavin scoffs : Thanks Snowman, I feel so confident right now, with you believing in me like this. Nines : … Sorry I just… worry. Gavin : Look, I was right, at that time, I couldn't do it and I was totally right. But today I… I'll do it. And I want to prove it to you. 
In front of Nines' incredulous stare, Gavin offers his hand : Nines narrows his eyes as he detects static electricity all around his fingers, as if his spirit was already eager to fight.
Nines : … Do you know what it means to us, Golems ? Interfacing with someone ? Gavin : Enlighten me, snow man. Nines : ...I'll tell you if we survive this fight. Gavin : Huh… fair enough. Now, take my hand, I'll show you.
Nines gulps nervously and reaches for Gavin's hand, his own fingers turning white as he gets closer to the human's warm skin.
And he can feel everything. It's a lot less blurry and chaotic than the first time, as somehow Nines' first sensation is Gavin's serenity about sharing his deep feelings. He catches a volatile thought that flies through the human mind, saying in a flippant tone "we might die, no need to get embarrassed", and smiles at it. Interfacing with Gavin is very special for some reason : Nines had interfaced with other Golems before but it was never so vibrant, so intense. "Maybe that's because we're about to die" he feels, and for a moment he wonders if that comes from him or from Gavin. Nines feels like Gavin is an extension of himself at that very moment. Suddenly, the realization he's gonna fight against a gigantic, ancient war spirit dawns on him. He feels scared, sure but somehow, confident as well. He can do it. He will do it now, because if he fails, he'd give up on his people in Detroit, his friends Hank and (surprisingly) Connor. He would give up on Nines and he's not ready to. He used to fear that he was making friends with an enemy… That they'd have to separate at some point, and go back to where they belonged, Detroit and Jericho. But if Gavin fails now, Detroit and Jericho are doomed. He used to fear that death was preying upon him… now he fears that his team could die. That Nines could…
If he fails now, Nines and he will be dead, and that is much more scary than befriending a Golem.
Nines frowns as he feels Gavin's hand twitching in his, as if he was about to draw it back. He wants to stay connected, he wants to melt into Gavin's mind, because he feels so scared right now.
All he can catch is a glimpse of something that sounds like "I have found some higher purpose in life than my own existence", before Gavin breaks the contact.
When Nines opens his eyes again, they're wet and his breath is short. Gavin too, seems a bit shaken up by the interface.
Nines wonders what exactly the human saw/felt/heard from him and feels very self conscious for a floating second. He wants to kiss the human, he can feel it in his vein, the fire of love rushing, burning his cold body. Gavin must have felt it through the interface… and somehow, Nines wonders if he knows. He doesn't seem shocked or… disgusted. 
Gavin : You okay ? Nines : Yeah… I'm ready to go.
Gavin exhales sharply : Alright, let's do this.
Nines : I've got your back. Everything will be alright.
So they get out of their hiding spot and as Nines takes off, Gavin summons the thunder spirit.
We then follow Hank and Connor, who are climbing up the rocky column at the top of which Kamski established his castle. Actually, Hank climbs it and Connor flies around to help him find the safe grips. 
They're constantly attacked by monsters with long members (parts of the war spirit), and can't fight them all back. They decide to run forward, and they finally reach a huge grid in a tunnel : Connor can pass between two bars, but Hank can't. Behind them, the monsters are getting closer.
Hank : Run before they catch us up ! Connor : Wait, there must be a way for you- Hank : I'm sure there must be, Connor, but we won't find the solution in the next few minutes we have. You have to keep going without me. Connor : What are you gonna do ? They're gonna outnumber you, and… and you're still healing from the last injury--- Hank : You have to find Kamski ! He must know how to stop those monsters, and the war spirit out there. He can help us ! Connor : … Yeah, right.
Connor puts his hands on the floor and ice columns grow up from the ground, keeping Hank in a safe space. When the man looks back at Connor with tenderness and gratitude, Connor kisses him through the bars.
Connor : The ice won't last long but it can buy you some time… Hank I… I love you. Don't let me down. Hank : I swear. Now, run, and don't look back.
Connor nods and starts running to the castle, as the monsters start to attack ferociously the ice cage Connor created. Hank knows it's not gonna last much longer, and that he'll have to fight. He prays to be able to see Connor again.
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willwriteforhugs · 4 years
how stray kids asks you out <3
skz scenario - all members (individually) x reader
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genre: fluff, dating au, angst if you close your left eye
word count: 1.6k (total)
warnings: some cursing, but nothing else :)
a/n: hello, lovelies!! this is my very first (posted) stray kids fic- i hope you all enjoy. it’s nothing major, but i really had fun writing it. if you’ve found me on the explore page, hello! i’m a hot mess. pls validate me by reading what i write.
just kidding.
ANYWAYS- please keep in mind that this is written in a totally lighthearted way, and this is 100% fictitious. this is for entertainment purposes only. thank you for reading!
he is actually so shy about it :’(
but he knows he’s gonna go through with it
cause that’s the kind of person he is
he just wants his emotions to be out in the open
whether the feeling is mutual or not
so he just improvises 
he approaches you with completely no context? like he just walks up and starts a convo but you can’t tell why
you think he’s just. being chan
but no
he’s pretty chill, actually
his face is so tho red but he doesn’t know that so don’t say anything
a few minutes in he kinda just snaps because he just couldn’t wait
“y/n-ah, do you wanna- i don’t know, get together sometime? are you free?”
this takes you off guard completely
he misunderstands your reaction *screams*
and he immediately regrets saying anything
but you scramble to reassure him 
when you say you’d like to get together, he loses all humility
becomes a total flirt
this flusters you but the two of you have such CHEMISTRY 
“so it’s a date?”
“it’s a date.”
is the type to completely deny his own feelings until the very last minute
plus, tbh
he probably thinks you hate him
so he has a hard time convincing himself to finally ask you out
but when he does...
he just bites the bullet (lmao pray for him)
when you respond he just kinda:
“will you go out with me?”
you also probably thinks he hates you too (go communication!!)
so you’re just like *surprised pikachu face*
but he just stands there and waits for your response
he’s sweating on the DL
but you kinda just go with it and say yes
he’s hella surprised but doesn’t wanna show his excitement
so he just smirks and is like
“okay. what would you like to do, and when?”
(just because he’s a cocky lil shit doesn’t mean he’s not a gentleman)
but he’s also secretly planning the whole first date in his head
will i hold y/n’s hand? what will they wanna do? should i-
- minho’s brain
is on the bolder side
(be careful with this one)
(he’s feisty)
he probably let his feelings fester for a long time
so this is overdue
but he spends the whole day shamelessly flirting with you
he finally just asks if you want to grab some food
you don’t even really realize it’s a date until he insists on paying for everything
this makes you all clumsy and embarrassed
but he thinks it’s the cutest shit ever
well now he’s clumsy and embarrassed (sobs)
TECHNICALLY he doesn’t officially ask you out until after this
he pretty much just straight up confesses
the audacity i can’t
“y/n-ah... i really like you- will you let me take you out? on a real date?”
* gesturing to the take out *
he isn’t embarrassed at all
you CANNOT stop looking at his eyes
they’re so genuine and loving that you almost forget to answer
once he gets confirmation he promises to both plan and pay for the whole thing, even as you protest
how are you already in love with this man 
poor hyunjinnie probably spent the last four months trying to decide how to ask you out
he’s been head over heels for you for a while now
and he knows he needs to make his move
(cause, let’s be honest- you’re a catch, and he’s protective. could i make it any more obvious?)
he ends up thinking that just being straightforward is the way to do it
so he spends the whole day just trying to get you alone
this is harder than he anticipated
so finally he just grabs you while you’re in conversation
and goes
“y/n, i’m sorry-it’s important, can i just talk to you a sec?”
you go with him, if not out of pure curiosity 
literally the SECOND you’re alone he just swivels around says
“did you know that you are really hard to catch alone?”
and you’re kinda just like: 
but he continues
“anyways, i just had a question for you?”
“oh, okay. what is it?”
this is when the nerves hit him 
“oh, uh- i guess i was just wondering- if you would go out with me sometime? nothing big, i just-”
you interrupt him without thinking
* cue one completely flustered and w h i p p e d hyunjin *
is not shy at ALL
but he wants to make sure you’re comfortable
so he doesn’t make a big deal out of it
he spent a lot of time debating how to do it
but he decides to write a note (so cute)
he waits until you leave the room for a sec
he slips a note into your bag that just says
“date? -jisungie”
with a lil heart next to it
then he panics and just books it
when you find it a bit later you’re initially confused
but then it kinda hits you
you FREAK out and track him down-
only to realize you have no idea what you want to say to him
but he knows you too well
and he just laughs when he sees your face
this makes you laugh too, even though you’re nervous
when the two of you finally recover he’s just
“but really- please? let me take you out.”
you know your face is on fire
so you just nod
but that’s all the confirmation he needs
king of overthinking 
we all know felix has EVERYTHING planned in his head
like, to a T
he’s been very stressed about asking you out, but he also doesn’t want to miss his chance
so he just thinks and thinks and thinks
he just wants it to be perfect for you
he decides to just hang out in the comfort of your home to do it
the two of you are just chilling (y’know. FRIEND THINGS.)
but he is completely in his own head
and you can tell
you get to be a little worried for him, so you just ask:
“hey- are you alright? you seem a little off tonight.”
he turns super pink and tries to play it off
but since you’re a stubborn piece of work, you pry a lil
and he cracks under pressure (I FEEL BAD OMG)
he finally just looks up and snaps:
“y/n- i’m really sorry. i wanted to to this well, and make it cute and romantic and have you fall in love with me in an instant. but you- god, you’re so nerve-wracking!”
you just sit there
completely flabbergasted
he bursts into awkward laughter, and between coughs he’s just like
“y/n, i was gonna ask you out. i’ve loved you for a while now.”
he continues: “but i guess i fucked up, didn’t i...”
you jump and interrupt him
and insist that he was being crazy- what was he doing letting his mind run free with that?
finally, to shut him up, you just lean over and place your lips over his.
is surprisingly confident
but also low-key has no idea what he’s doing
he decides to send you a text
he asks if you want to grab coffee, which you absolutely do
he doesn’t realize until later...
that he didn’t actually specify it was supposed to be a date.
but he kinda just goes with it, and the two of you maintain good conversation
finally he interrupts you mid-sentence and is like
“y/n, will you answer a question for me?”
you nod, and he continues:
“what is- uh- this- exactly? to you?”
* nodding down at your long empty coffee cups *
you don’t really understand the question (valid)
he kinda just sighs and starts laughing
“well. it was supposed to be a date. i’m just really bad at this.”
you just. cannot believe your ears
he just laughs harder and says
“so. can we try again?”
you start laughing too
and you know that even if it wasn’t the best first date,
you’d felt right at home. 
poor baby is SO NERVOUS 
he’s spent like,,,,
the last 6 days trying to plan how to finally do this 
but he decides to approach you and let it try to come up naturally
you two carry a conversation for a few minutes and then he asks
“so...do you- you know- like anyone?”
your face turns bright red
you can’t stop thinking
does he know oh my god am i that obvious i-
but you end up just looking away and being like
“i mean- i guess?”
he can’t decide how to respond
because on one hand- that person could be him
but on the other hand, it’s more likely that it’s not, and then it would be awkward as hell for him to ask you out
he kinda panics
then against his own will he just goes for it
“y/n-ah. i don’t really know how to say this- but will you let me take you out? i really like you...”
his ears are RED OH BOY
his voice kinda just trails off and you can tell he feels insecure
but when you tell him yes...
he was literally born for this
he gets so excited and doesn’t hide it at all
thank you so much for reading!! p.s. my asks are now open, feel free to send in your requests !
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 4 years
The Red Witch
Jasper Hale x Reader Part 6
A/N: Part 6 is here lovelies! And I hope you all are doing well! 💕
Summary: Imagine being an immortal witch from the Middle Ages and being the previous love of Jasper before he was turned. You two were separated under certain circumstances and cross each other’s path once again, years later in the present era.
Warnings: language
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
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That night you had went to bed early, only to awaken at the crack of dawn the next morning. Today was the day of your performance. You layed there in bed beneath the sheets for a moment with your hands resting on your stomach, staring at the ceiling and pondering on yesterday’s events. Your anxiety had almost cost you your identity, and you did not want that to happen again.
You got out of bed, adjusting your eyes to the dark room and slowly placed your weight on the wooden floor, being careful not to wake Charlotte. You slipped out of your nightgown and into a simple light cotton dress, not even bothering to put on a corset or stockings. You tied a leather belt around your waist before reaching under your pillow to grab your Colt revolver, putting it in your holster. You might need it in case any threatening situation arised. You threw on your lightweight overcoat and left it unbuttoned before lacing up your boots and grabbing your wicker basket, you threw in your Wuthering heights copy and some apples for a light snack.
You carefully opened the door, taking one last look at Charlotte’s sleeping figure before closing it behind you. You exited the inn and glanced around outside, breathing in the cool morning air and relieved to see that no one was up and about yet. You walked a mile out in search of an isolated area with shady trees until you stumbled upon a meadow filled with bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes. Your eyes lit up at the sight of it and a smile appeared on your face. It was beautiful. The way the flowers spread across the field with the few scattered trees and the morning sun’s rays just barely peeking out over the horizon. It looked like a painting. You eyed the closest tree that stood by itself and made a little jog towards it, your free hair flowing behind you as you ran your fingers along the grass and the flowers. This moment right here reminded you of the very few fortunate days you had as a child when your mother would take you out on a picnic to the english countryside because your father was away on urgent matters. It was a chance to escape the cold stone walls of the castle while he was away. You missed running through the meadows while she chased you around, both of you giggling from delight, free from your father’s tyrannical presence.
When you met your destination, you put your basket down by the tree and took off your boots before plopping down on the grass, taking out your book and reading it as you held it above you. You layed there for a while, your hair splayed out behind you and the skirt of your dress hitched up to your knees, lost in your book, the soft grass, the sweet scent of the flowers, and the cool morning breeze. You’d occasionally stick your bare feet out above the grass, stretching out your legs and toes.
Half an hour of peacefulness had passed by until you heard the sound of hooves in the distance. Your senses became heightened as you sat up, whipping your head around to see a horse in the distance coming in your direction. The rider was hidden from view from where you were crouched down, making you nervous as you backed up against the tree, your hand gripping your colt in case this was some sort of attack. The horse came to a sudden stop before you and turned, allowing you to finally see the rider. It was the same gentleman from yesterday.
“You.” You narrowed your eyes at him while standing up with a balled fist. You were still gripping your pistol and had half a mind to not just hit him with it right there.
“Ma’am.” He tilted his hat at you, his face darkened by the shade his hat provided.
“You’ve damn near ran me over. You know that?”
Bloody plonker.
“Well you look fine to me.”
“And if you had gone a few inces closer I wouldn’t have been fine.” You huffed out, your breathing affected by the thrill of getting nearly trampled over or murdered by a bandit. You didn’t know which was worse.
The man let out a chuckle, shaking his head before eyeing your hand that still clutched the grip of your pistol. “Don’t worry. I’m not gonna hurt ya.”
“And what? I’m supposed to magically believe you?” You scoffed.
“Well you’re welcome to shoot me if I do something to offend you.”
You stood there for a second, making yourself look as if you were contemplating the thought. “Does that include verbal offenses?”
He chuckled again at your remark, dismounting his horse and tying the reins up. “You’ve got quite the attitude on you, you know that? You come from a dishonest place or something?”
You watched him wearily, lowing your guard down. “Dishonest is one way to put it. More like a dodgy hell hole if you ask me.” You thought about all the times you had to fend for yourself against the worst scum of men and even women in the past, especially in the Middle Ages. Only difference was you wielded a sword then instead of a revolver. If there was one thing you had to thank your father for, it was for raising you like a son and teaching you the art of war and the sword. “What are the likes of you doing about here anyways?”
“Well, what’s a lady like you doin round these parts all by yourself at this time of day?” He looked at you.
It was then you had just remembered you weren’t wearing a corset which meant. Shite. Your Belisha Beacons were cage-free. You let in a sharp intake of air and quickly buttoned up your jacket before he’d notice, covering up your chest to add an extra layer to your cotton dress. You were silently praying the wind wouldn’t blow up your skirt and reveal your short drawers and your lack of petticoats and stockings or else you might as well shoot yourself from embarrassment. You almost cursed yourself for a lack of proper dressing and daring to go out like this. But, he just had to show up didn’t he.
“You didn’t answer my question.” You looked up at him, finally noticing his features and my goodness. You didn’t want to admit it but he nearly took your breath away. You found yourself staring at him. That golden blonde hair that looked soft to the touch, the tanned skin, that face, and my goodness those green eyes. You quickly changed your expression into a stern one as he looked at you. You hoped he didn’t catch you staring at him like some toad at a fly. Him being pretty means nothing.
“Neither did you.” He remarks.
“Well I believe I was the one to ask a question first. Now go on, explain yourself.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “You’re not following me are you?”
“No ma’am. Just doing my patrol. Now, what are you doing out here?”
“............reading. As if it’s any of your business.” You lifted your chin before turning away and sitting down with your back against the tree, adjusting your skirt to cover your legs.
“Out here by yourself?”
“Obviously.” You rolled your eyes.
You sat there and glanced up at him still standing there like some kind of meerkat. “Well? Are you just going to stand there and watch the grass grow or are you going to have a seat? It’s not like you’re going to leave me be anytime soon.”
“Is there anywhere you specifically want me to sit, princess?”
You raised a brow at the nickname, wanting to smack that smug look right off his mug.“Whichever pleases you.” You wave your hand about before muttering to yourself. “Bloody fucking hell.”
The man smirked before taking his hat off, sitting down beside you and leaning against the big tree as well. You side glanced at him before scooting away just an inch. He chuckled at your little movement, shaking his head as he rested his arm on his bent knee, fiddling with a strand of grass in his hand.
There was a bit of silence between you two. Your eyes roamed everywhere else but him while his would occasionally glance in your direction. This situation was awkward for you.
“What’s your name soldier?” You asked him as you pulled your basket closer to you and pulled out your gloves, putting them on for precaution. You could feel him watching you with curiosity as you did so.
“Jasper Whitlock ma’am.” He bowed his head to you.
“How long have you been a major?”
“You know my rank?” He quirked his brow at you.
“Well you are wearing a uniform with insignia aren’t you?”
“Of course.”
“Just making sure.”
Jasper sat there with his brows furrowed as he studied your face before popping a question. “You seem to know a lot. You’re always reading. You some kind of genius?”
“Well.” You scoffed. “I wouldn’t quite call myself a genius. Though I have met many in the past. Very interesting individuals I must say. What on earth bothered you to ask a question such as that?”
“I don’t know.” He stared at you. “Your eyes.”
You looked at him gobsmacked before letting out a confused laugh. “My eyes?”
“Well.” Jasper tried to explain himself, feeling embarrassed while straightening up a bit. “When I was younger my ma used to tell me how you could read people’s eyes. How some held wisdom behind them.”
You nodded your head with approval, a small smirk playing on your lips. “Your mother sounds like a wise woman. Though, it completely baffles me that you a ninny like you would be her son.”
“Ninny?” He cocked his head back from the word. “Is that some kind of insult?”
“I’ll let you figure that out on your own.” You gave a short smile before reaching into your basket to grab an apple, holding it out for him.
Jasper studied the apple in your hand before looking up at your blank expression, his brow raised playfully in suspicion. “That’s not poisoned is it?”
“Well that’s not a very encouraging answer.”
“If I wanted you dead you’d already be.”
“Well my apologies Lady Macbeth. I guess I’ll take your word for it. If anything happens-“
“Don’t worry. No one will know.”
“Okay. Here goes.” Jasper chuckled at your strange sense of humor before taking the apple from your gloved hands.
His fingers lingered there on your palm for a brief moment. And even though you were wearing your gloves, you couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down your spine. A part of you wondered what it would feel like if you weren’t wearing your gloves, just your bare hand against his. You stared into his eyes and a blush started to creep on your cheeks before you pulled your hand hastily away, turning your head away from him. You were in complete shambles.
“I’m sorry.” Jasper gave you a pained look as you had your back to him. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“No. You’re quite alright.” You composed yourself before pulling out your pocket watch from your coat pocket, glancing at the time. “Shite. In fact, it’s my fault. I should get going. I have a performance later and I do not want to be wasting your time and mine.”
“Wasting my time?” Jasper sat up once he saw you hurriedly packing your things. “Ma’am, I assure you, you weren’t wasting my time. I enjoyed your company.”
“Well you shouldn’t.” You stood up with your basket as Jasper followed you right after. “I’m sure you have far more important matters to attend to, Major. Good day.”
You turned to walk away only to have Jasper at your heel, making you close your eyes in frustration.
“Wait! At least let me take you safely back to town.”
“No thank you. I managed to get here on my own and I am more than possitive I can make my way back.” You gave him a polite smile before going your way, not even bothering to look back.
Jasper stood there by the tree next to his horse, his heartstrings being pulled at as he watched you disappear from sight. He didn’t know why you reacted in such a harsh way, especially when you seemed to have eased up a bit around him. But he wanted to understand, more than anything.
You marched on back to the inn, wiping away at the lone tear that dare to fall from the corner of your eye. You were upset, filled with distress and fueled with anger for yourself. You had promised yourself not to give in to such feelings and yet here you were. Conversing with a dashing gentleman whom you have found to be tolerable and risking everything being at a close proximity with him. You knew more than anyone the dangers of becoming close with a mortal. You knew more than anyone, what would happen if you were to merely touch a person with your bare hand. You knew more than anyone, that the most simple form of affection, a touch of a hand, a caress on the cheek, a kiss, could never be possible for you.
Tag List: @smileygirl08 @peachyevergreen @Lustdere @moonlights27 @krazykatkay456 @buckysjuicyplums @oi-itsemily @ahahanofanks @iberandom @bittergomez @holyhumorliteraturelight @bells3333 @ashdab2611 @toomanybandstocare @lilithknight1111 @cricketlicket @5sosfanforever2001 @justine-en @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @shakespeareanbooty @pancake-pages @elisemurphy06 @ineffabledears @bella-stenbakken @seraphpheonix @trickylittlewitch @twilightrox @hobodolly @big-galaxy-chaos @mega-ultra-so-awesome-it-hurts @mikariell95 @decaffeinated--fangirl @lovestomanyfandoms @fairyunhappy @chaoticsimptown @hanster1998 @coricosplays @secretpickleprofessordean @itsbqueenthings @theweasleythatgotintoslytherin @corpseism @yourlocalelf @eternallysleepyteen @thecrazytealady @marvel-kpop-twilight @leeleehale
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your-eternal-muse · 4 years
Wish I Were....
Heather Series Chapter 12 (FINAL PART)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Bonus!:Readers Card Confession Bonus!:To Hold On, To Let Go, Spencers take Bonus!:Series Playlist
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Summery: Reader no longer wishes she were someone else
Words: 4k
Warnings: Swearing, Description of Birth, just pure, tooth aching fluff
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Y/N: This is it y’all. This is the final chapter of the Heather's Series. I started this journey a little over a month ago, and my god, has it been amazing. I never thought it would pick up the traction it did, and I am so glad I decided to start posting in the first place. I’m gonna take a short break from posting any writing just to recuperate and stuff, but it won’t last longer than a week, and I will still be interacting on the platform itself. I want to thank every single reader who has liked and/or reblogged my work. It means so much to me, and I would not have gotten this far without your support. I love you all with all of my heart. There will be one more bonus “chapter” that I will be posting within the next couple days, but it’ll be mostly headcanons, and answering any questions you may have about the series. I hope the ending is worth it. 
With love, your eternal muse,
Frankie <3
I used to be a night owl.
I used to live in the night, sit under the stars and soak it all up.
I used to not go to bed until hours after the sunset, perfectly content to not waking up until hours after it had risen.
Now, I’m lucky to sleep for a few hours between dusk and dawn.
But I’m okay with that.
The ringing of trembling tears echoes through my ears, and I stir awake.
I rub my face, looking at the clock as I push back the comforter.
4 am.
Oh goody.
“I’ve got her baby, go back to sleep.”
Spencer whispers in my ear, planting a kiss on my shoulder, and I’m not one to argue.
I fall back into the pillows, pulling the blanket back up to my chin, my eyes closing without much resistance.
I wake an hour late, expecting to feel his body warmth against my back.
I turn, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, realizing that the blanket is still pulled back from when he got up the hour before.
Oh dear lord please tell me she didn’t get sick.
I climb out of bed, padding down the hallway towards the soft glow of light emitting from her room.
I pause at the doorway, watching as he holds her close to his chest, a smile draped across his face.
I can’t help but stand and watch as he sways back and forth, watching her sleep in his arms.
I notice her tiny hand is clasped around his ring finger, the gold of his wedding band glowing in the dim light.
I love that ring on him.
I never thought I’d be the one to put it on him.
My heart is pounding in my chest.
Why am I so nervous?
He’s not going to leave me stranded.
Jesus, get a grip, y/n.
“Are you ready y/n?” Hotch walks around the corner, fixing his cuff links as he walks up to me.
I take a deep breath in, trying to convince myself that I wasn’t going to throw up.
“Yep. I’m ready, I just….” I fan myself. “Is it normal to feel like you’re going to pass out on your wedding day?”
He smiles, coming forward and taking hold of my hand. “It is. And I guarantee you, he’s worse than you are.”
I laugh, just imagining the state he’s in.
He hasn’t seen me in three days, since I’m a stickler for tradition.
It was my bachelorette party, than his bachelor party, and now here we are.
“When Haley and I got married, I was a nervous wreck. I don’t think I took a normal breath until hours after just because I was so worried about everything going to plan.”
He brushes some of the curls framing my face out of my eye sight.
“But, when I met her eyes, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. It was just us, and I knew, at that moment, that everything would be okay.”
I nod, exhaling. “Okay. I’m ready.”
He loops my arm through his, turning to the closed doors where my future waits for me.
“Thank you, Aaron. For giving me away. You’re the closest thing to a father I’ve got.”
He pats my hand. “It’s my honor, y/n.”
I hear the start of the music, and my heart jump starts. 
I grip his arm, trying to control my breathing. 
“Don’t let me fall.”
The doors open, and for a moment, I panic.
But then my eyes meet his.
And everything else disappears.
His hands are clasped in front of him, and I see him look me over, taking in everything.
Tears are streaming down both of our faces, and god, I never realized how much I missed him when he’s gone.
We reach the altar, where a proud Rossi stands, and Hotch hands me off with a kiss to my cheek.
I hand JJ my flowers, turning clasping Spencer's hands in mine.
When my hand touches his, my breathing returns to normal.
However, before I even notice, JJ is handing me a folded piece of paper that holds my vows.
Weddings always seem longer when you’re not in them.
I unfold the paper, clearing my throat.
“I don’t have an eidetic memory, so I need this so I don’t make a fool of myself.”
A couple laughs from the crowd.
Okay, here goes nothing.
“The first time I saw you, you were sitting at your desk, while Derek and JJ sat around you, watching you explain the scientific inaccuracies of Star Wars.”
He laughs, and Derek pats his shoulder from behind him.
“I was awestruck to say the least. The way your eyes lit up with excitement, how your hands couldn’t stay still.”
I take a breath, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“I fell in love with you at that moment. But I knew I was done for when you looked at me for the first time.”
Rossi produces a tissue from his pocket, and I laugh, accepting and blotting at my tears.
“You are my best friend. You are there for me in my darkest times, and are often the cause of all my light ones. You hold me when I cry, and you laugh when I’m angry at something stupid. You never make me feel stupid. You are the greatest thing to have ever happened to me.”
Christ, why was this so hard?
“I love you. And I promise to cherish you, and not get annoyed when you ramble on about god knows what, because I love to listen to you talk. I promise to never make you feel like you don’t matter, because you matter so much. I promise to love you through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, until the end of time itself. I choose you, forever and always.”
I fold the paper up again, dabbing away my tears.
“Well, look at that, I still made a fool of myself.”
More laughs, and I hear a few sniffles here and there. 
Spencer wipes his own eyes. “I don’t know if I can top that.”
I giggle.
He goes into his jacket, and pulls out a white envelope, and my face scrunches in confusion.
“It’s not what you think it is.” He whispers.
He opens it, pulling out a car, and begins to read from the inside.
“You told me once, in a card similar to this one, that the moment you admitted to yourself that you loved me, was on a road trip to visit my mom. I thought it fitting that I tell you that, that was the moment I admitted to myself that I loved you in the same way. So here we are.”
I bring a hand up to my mouth, covering the ugly sobs that threaten to spill out.
“We had only known each other for a month, but you were easily taking over every brain cell in my mind. I was terrified of you saying no, but I asked anyway. Those two weeks were some of the best of my life. I fell in love with your laugh, your smile, the way your hair looks in the sunlight. I fell in love with you from the driver's seat and I’ve loved you ever since. You deserve to be reminded of that every day for the rest of your life. I promise to hold and cherish the heart that you have given me. I promise to catch you, every time you run away. I promise to protect you with my life. You mean everything to me, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of forever with you. I love you, forever and always.”
He closes it, and it takes a moment for me to gather myself.
“I promise I didn’t look at your vows before writing mine.”
I laugh.
Rossi clears his throat. “The rings please, Henry.”
Henry walks forward, our rings sitting on the pillow as he smiles at us. 
“Thank you buddy.” I say, taking hold of Spencer’s between my fingers.
“Alright. Y/n, repeat after me. I, Y/n Y/l/n, take Spencer Reid, to be my husband.”
I repeat the words, a smile growing bigger and bigger on my face.
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until the end of time.”
Can I kiss him yet?
I say the words, like casting a spell, before slipping the golden band onto his finger.
Rossi repeats the phrase, and Spencer’s smile is as big as mine, if not bigger.
“Until the end of time.”
He delicately slips the ring on my finger, and my heart starts pounding.
“One more question for each of you. I promise, we're almost there.”
He smiles at each of us, before turning back to me.
“Do you, Y/n Y/l/n, take Spencer Reid as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
Not even a question.
“And do you, Spencer Reid, take Y/n Y/l/n as your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
I start bouncing on my toes, too excited to care.
“Then it is my great pleasure and honor to pronounce you, husband and wife.”
He turns to Spencer. “You may now kiss the bride.”
He doesn’t hesitate, cradling my face in his hands as he places his lips on mine.
It’s just me and him, in an empty room.
I move my hands up his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck.
It’s only when we break, that I remember people are here, and the room is filled with applause.
With our hands clasped together we walk back down the aisle, and I swear I am never going to be this happy ever again. And that’s okay.
My eyes fall from his arms, to the dresser sitting next to her crib. 
The top is covered with photos, personalized trinkets, and books. 
One picture is framed with her name in gold lettering down the side.
My first sonogram.
Through the glass I can see wrinkles in the film.
Spencer carried it with him until the day she was born.
He had always mentioned how he wanted to have kids someday.
It didn’t make me any less nervous to tell him, though.
“Hi! Is this Mrs. Y/n Reid?”
I stop writing, my pen mid stroke on my paper.
“This is she.”
“Hello! This is Nicole calling from United Health with the results of your pregnancy test.”
Jesus that was fast.
“Oh! That was quicker than I expected.”
I set my pen down, closing my file, pushing some hair behind my ear, looking around to see if anyone was in ear shot.
They weren’t.
“We get that a lot. But, I’d like to say congratulations! You are pregnant!”
I stop breathing for a moment.
“Oh my god. Oh my god! Thank you!”
Holy shit.
Holy fucking shit.
“You’re so welcome! Congratulations again! Have a great rest of your day!”
I hang up, still trying to grasp the words that have just been spoken to me.
I’m pregnant.
I’m fucking pregnant.
Holy fuck.
“Y/n? Baby, are you okay?”
I snap out of my daze to see Spencer standing beside my desk, a look of skeptical worry on his face.
“Uh...yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. Um…”
I have to tell him. I can’t keep this a secret from him, even if I wanted to try and surprise him.
I stand, running my hands over my pants.
“Okay, somethings wrong. You do that when you’re nervous.”
I can’t help but laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Nothings wrong, Spence. Um, I just got a call from United Health.”
He’s confused, setting the file in his hand, down on my desk.
“Why would United Health be calling you?”
There are days when I can't believe he has an I.Q. of 187.
“I went in yesterday, to get a test done. I’ve been gaining weight, and I’ve been getting sick in the mornings. I also skipped my last period.”
I can sense the wheels beginning to turn in his head.
“Wait. Are you…”
I nod, tears falling down my cheeks. “I’m pregnant, Spencer.”
It takes a moment for the words to register in his brain, but then he’s yelling in excitement, throwing his arms around my waist, picking me up and spinning me around.
He sets me down, his eyes red rimmed, his smile one I will never forget.
“You’re pregnant. Oh my god we’re having a baby.”
His hands are placed on either side of my face, and I can’t help but laugh at his infectious excitement.
“Who’s having a baby, now?”
Derek walks up, and Spencer turns, and I know Derek knows just by the shit eating grin on Spencer’s face.
But I just love saying it.
“I’m pregnant.”
Derek’s eyes light up as he claps his hands together, before pulling Spencer into a hug. “My man!”
JJ and Emily gather around, all smiles and squeals as I’m captured in the middle of a group hug.
Penelope walks into the bullpen then, confusion written across her face.
“What’s going on out here? Why are you guys screaming? Who won the lottery?”
I bite my lip, trying to hold back the smile.
“I’m pregnant!” I all but scream.
Penelope’s expression changes in an instant as she practically runs forward.
“Oh my god! Holy crap! Baby genius! That’s so much better than the lottery!” 
She catches me in a bone crushing hug before suddenly pulling back.
“Crap. Sorry. Fragile baby.”
“Congratulations baby girl.” Derek swaps places with Penelope, who is now hugging Spencer with everything she has.
“Alright, why are you guys hugging each other?”
Rossi and Hotch walk through the glass doors, taking in the commotion.
I feel Spencer wrap his arms around me from behind, as he kisses my shoulder, my neck, my cheek.
“I’m pregnant!”
A smile immediately forms on Rossi’s face as he comes forward, grasping my face between his hands, kissing me on each of my cheeks.
“Congratulations, principessa.”
“Congratulations, to both of you.”
Hotch is smiling, waiting his turn to give hugs.
“It’s decided, celebratory dinner at my place tonight!” Rossi announces and we all cheer.
I turn my head, placing my hands over Spencer’s which are now resting over my stomach.
“I love you.” I smile.
“I love you, too. Both of you.”
Soft humming breaks the silence of the room, and quiet words float through the air as he sings to her sleeping form.
“Come Josephine, in my flying machine. Going up she goes, up she goes.”
I enter the room then, tip toeing over to stand by his side, leaning my head against his shoulder as I gently stroke her hair.
“Up, up, a little bit higher. Oh! My! The moon is on fire! Come, Josephine in my flying machine going up, all on, goodbye!”
She’s tiny.
I couldn’t fathom how tiny she was a month ago, and she has grown, but she’s still so small.
Has it already been a month?
“Jesus fuck, I  promised myself this wouldn’t happen at work.”
I shouldn’t have come in.
I know that.
I know that waking up with contractions is a tell tale sign that you should not go to work.
But she isn’t due for another two weeks. Two weeks is a long time. Hopefully enough time to get a grip on myself so I don’t panic that I’m gonna fail as a mother every time I think about it too hard.
I thought maybe I could just get through the day, but the warm stream trickling down my leg is a big fuck no to that.
I’m trying to steady my breathing, the cup of tea I was making abandoned on the counter as I grip the edge with a force I didn’t know I had.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
Hotch walks up, worry creasing his brow.
He places a hand on my back, a comfort as pain ripples up and down my spine.
I shake my head. “I need Spencer.”
I shift my weight from leg to leg. “And a towel.”
He nods his head, looking around for a chair, frowning when he comes up empty.
“Aaron,” I say, turning my head towards him. “Please go get my husband.”
“Right.” He nods, taking a second to make sure I wasn’t going to topple over before almost running towards Penelope's bat cave.
A hiss escapes my mouth as I feel a jab in my side.
“Yeah, I know baby, I wish he would hurry the fuck up too.”
A plethora of footsteps fall upon my ears, and Spencer immediately places a hand on my lower back, taking hold of mine with his other.
“How far apart are they?” is the first thing out of his mouth.
“I’m fine, honey, thanks for asking.” I say as we start to make our way towards the front glass doors.
He gives me a look and I sigh.
“I don’t know. I thought if I didn’t count they’d go away and I could pretend this isn’t happening at work.”
“I wish it worked like that.” JJ laughs, holding open the door and what I presume is my go bag.
“Me too.” I grit, squeezing Spencer’s hand.
“Remember our deal. Not one statistic, or fact is to be uttered from your mouth today. You are not a doctor once we enter the hospital.”
I can see the panic start to form on his face, but he laughs.
“Yes ma’am.”
I’m never doing this again.
I don’t think I’ve ever been in this much pain before.
I’ve been in this room for what feels like forever, because she’s taking her sweet time being early.
No amount of pillows or soothing rubs can help the aches that are washing over me.
My hair is falling from the bun I threw it up in, sweat coating every inch of skin I have.
I feel gross in every sense of the word.
I lean forward and groan as another contraction rips through me.
How do women do this?
Spencer brushes some hair out of my face and lays a cool washcloth on my neck as I grip the side rails of my bed.
“You’re doing so good baby.”
It feels like I can’t breath.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”
He knows there’s not much he can do right now to help, but he holds my hand, trailing his hand up and down my back.
“Just a little bit longer. I promise. She’s almost here. You’re doing so good, y/n. I’m so proud of you.”
If only he knew about the panic flowing through my veins, the thoughts that I’m not ready to be a mom bouncing around my skull like an insistent headache.
A knock at the door, and my doctor walks in, smiles and bright eyes. “How are you feeling, y/n?”
“Like a,” I groan, trying to move away from the pain, shifting forward and backwards. “Like a million bucks.”
She laughs, and I don’t have the energy to be nice and laugh with her.
“Well, I still need to check, but I’m pretty sure you’re ready to push.”
I close my eyes, not wanting to look as she sticks her fingers in a place that will need some R&R after this. 
“I was right. You’re ready. Now, your body knows exactly what to do. It’s best to not fight it, and just listen to what it’s telling you okay?”
I start to move myself back away from her, my breathing picking up pace.
I can’t do this.
“No. No. I can’t. I’m not ready.”
She doesn’t seem phased at all, but Spencer easily notices the fear in my voice. 
“Hey, Hey, Hey. Look at me.” His hands stroke the sides of my face, and his fingers are wet from my tears and sweat.
I shake my head. “I’m not doing this. I’m not ready. What if I fail? I don’t want to fail her. I can’t. No. I’m gonna be a horrible mother.”
“Y/n, baby, breath with me.” He takes my hand, and places it on his chest.
I can feel his breaths beneath his breastbone, the frantic heartbeats that give away his true state of mind.
I hate that I’m stressing him out.
“You are going to be a great mother. One of the best. I don’t think you could fail even if you tried.”
He brushes my tears away. “But you can’t force your body to stop. You need to let go. I’m right here.”
“Alright, were ready, y/n.”
My eyes pass between Spencer’s and I know he’s right.
I just need to let go.
I nod, and I move back to where I was. 
My left hand grips the rail, while my right is situated inside Spencer’s. 
I feel the next contraction start. 
“Alright I need you to push for me.” 
I’m on the brink of a mental breakdown, but I take a breath and let my muscles do the work.
I hear that groaning and screaming can actually help, so that’s what I do. 
With every push, my voice grows louder, words lost in the back of my throat.
But I’m getting tired, and I can feel myself crashing. 
So when another contraction pulses through me, I push myself forward, and use every muscle in my body.
“Get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!” 
I don’t think I’ve ever screamed that loud, but it seemed to work.
It felt like a gush and then crys fill the room.
I fall back onto the bed, tears streaming down my face.
“She’s beautiful!” I hear my doctor say over her screams.
Spencer kisses my forehead, his own tears coating his face. “You were amazing, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
“Here she is!”
My doctor lays a bundle of white blankets onto my chest, and when I see her face, my heart stops. 
The world could be burning around me, but I wouldn’t care. Even covered in gunk and red faced, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. 
I sob, holding her close to me, Spencer right there beside me, his hand gently stroking the top of her head. 
“Hi, Ettie.” I whisper. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“She’s so beautiful.” He whispers, his voice thick with emotion. 
I can’t take my eyes off her. I never want to let go of her.
Nothing else matters anymore, nothing but her.
Juliet Diana Reid.
Born at 6:08 am, on the third of December.
He places her in my arms, and I clutch her close to my chest as I move back towards her crib to lay her down again.
I don’t understand how I could have ever doubted how amazing my life would be with her in it.
Soft snores emit from her small mouth, and Spencer wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, only moving when he hears me sniffle.
“Why are you crying, love?” he whispers
I wipe my face, turning around so I can face him.
His hands are on my hips, his thumbs rubbing circles on my skin.
“For so long, I was jealous of so many people.” My hands play with the fabric of his t-shirt, rubbing it between my fingers.
“I was jealous of Heather. Of what she had.”
My hands move up his chest, coming to rest at the base of his neck. 
“I dreamed about this. About having this with you. And I never thought I would get it. But here I am.”
I smile up at him. “I have everything I have ever wanted. I wouldn’t wish for another life even if it was offered. I have you, and Ettie, and the life I wanted so bad. I’m just…”
I swallow the noise threatening to spill from my throat, so I don’t wake up the sleeping girl behind me. 
“I’m just really happy is all.”
He smiles softly down at me, and he brings up a hand to cup my cheek. 
He leans down and kisses me slowly, gently, in a way that always leaves me paralyzed. 
“I love you.” He whispers. 
I nuzzle my nose against his, before laying my head against his chest, feeling his arms wrap around me, holding me tight against him. 
“I love you, too.”
I love you, Spencer.
I love you.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Lovebug (9/12)
“It might be a bug.”
“A bug?”
“Sometimes the developers of this application make mistakes. This is our first time meeting I’m sure so…Isn’t it a bit weird that we just met for the first time and it rings like this? And for two strangers to coincidentally ring each other’s alarms?“
Levi is the developer of the Love Alarm App and Hange is married to Zeke.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Notes: Sorry for taking my sweet time posting this. We had no wifi for a while, transpo issue and I was dead asleep as soon as I got home two nights in a row lmfao. 
Anyway, feedback is very much appreciated :D
Levi might have felt a little guilty about letting loose just that evening but his conservative mind was finding all the ways to justify it.
Maybe the justifications held some weight. After all, taking the midnight train out of the city wasn’t the strangest thing to do. Hange and Levi weren’t the only ones at the ticket gate then they weren’t the only ones waiting on the platform. On the train, Levi could count the number of empty seats more easily than the occupied ones.
He started to relax as soon as he settled on one of the seats. He convinced himself that in the end, he had been overreacting. There was nothing at all odd with rushing to her home then to his, packing two overnight bags and buying two last minute tickets to the northernmost station of their country.
To Pemberley. Levi didn’t have the time to load the book into his reader again. He instead downloaded the pdf file to his phone.
He had willed himself to make sense of the black on the bright white screen before deciding, it was too late at night to read. Instead he propped his elbows on the windowsill and leaned his chin on his hand. He snuck a glance at Hange who sat in front of him, leaning on the window in that same way.
A long day behind them, they were both exhausted. On the bright side, if Levi closed his eyes and let the train rock to whatever rhythm it was most comfortable with, he was sure that in a split second, they would have arrived at their destination.
Sleep could have lasted less than a second. Next thing Levi knew, he was fighting to open his eyes. The sun rose without warning, the only thing between them just an empty glass that did nothing to protect him from the first rays of morning.
Levi quickly adjusted his view, making sure he wasn’t directly staring at the sky like a while ago. He craned his head back, instead focusing on the rolling hills and the countryside.
It wasn’t the British countryside in the book. It didn’t seem at all like a Pemberley or a Rosings Park or Longbourn. Still, he delved into the passing green and foraged for whatever similarities his sleep muddled mind could come up with.
One thing Levi dared to note, despite his limited experience traveling, the view from an interregional highway, or an interregional train, the rolling hills that passed by, the clusters of trees that varied in density and the plains that dotted the view were all the same regardless of location. Despite the variety nature could offer, nature still had unifying characteristics. While at the same time, nature was distinct from everything non-nature.
And when it wasn’t unwillingly tamed, paved over, forced to coexist with concrete, buildings and humans, it was a sight to behold.
It was enough to take his breath away, enough to make him almost regretful that the train was moving too fast for him to stare for just a second longer at a changing landscape or canopies that blurred amongst one another.
Eventually, regret at not appreciating nature had him exhausted. He turned in front of him to see Hange’s eyes were fixed at whatever passing objects caught her eye outside the window. Her head bobbed, her eyes darted from left to right and her mouth was half open and she didn’t seem at all in a hurry to close them.
“I’m sure this isn’t your first time seeing this much nature,” Levi said, a humble start to light conversation.
Hange seemed comfortable going along with it. “It isn’t. We had the country club,” she said. There was a nonchalant look on her face as if she saw the ‘country club’ as more of a consolation.
Levi couldn’t help but agree. Golf courses were all green, the mini forests that lined the paths from the golf courses, to the beaches to the summer houses were all nature. Yet they were of a type of nature, trained not to bite any unsuspecting visitors.
When Levi leaned back on his chair, turning his head out of the window, he appreciated the raw green for a second longer. Then he concluded, there was novelty in seeing nature at its most candid form.
Hange spoke up. “You know, I haven’t been able to leave the city since we left the country club. And not traveling in months... This feels new.”
“But you’ve travelled before,” Levi responded.
“Of course I have,” Hange said. “Zeke would always take me out to the best gardens, the best parks, the best hiking trails… He knows I like nature.”
“So he took you to ‘Pemberley?’ Then to ‘Rosing Park then Longborn?” Most were likely fictional places but at that point, Hange may have had her own idea of what fictional was.
“No, not to my Pemberley,” Hange said, like it was the most unimportant thing in the world. “Never.”
“So this was supposed to be your first time going together?” Levi asked. He noted that they never did get to sit down and map the route to Hange’s dream destinations. Hell, he didn’t even know where they were.
He opened his phone, then the map of the northernmost region.
The capital of the northern region had city buses, a small subway system, nothing like what they had back home. Levi traced the blue and the green, pondering for himself which had the most rolling hills, the most ‘gardens.’ Obviously, over a very zoomed out map and a few hundred mile radius, it would be difficult to tell so he consulted Hange. “We could take an unlimited bus ticket… or a two day all you can ride train---”
“No. We rent a car,” Hange said.
“Wait, but if we don’t know the land--.” There were too many excuses he could have brought up. The excuse he was most hesitant to even fathom seemed most pressing then. Levi didn’t know how to drive.
Hange probably saw through it. “I’ll drive.” The cheeky grin on her face was enough of a hint, she was more than ready for adventure.
Levi closed the maps application and pocketed his phone. “So I’m assuming you’ll be doing the navigation.”
Hange only nodded, her smug smile getting wider by the second.
Hange surprisingly knew how to navigate the complexities of building an itinerary. What the hell she was doing, how the hell she was doing it and what the hell her plan was, Levi couldn’t be too sure.
Thirty minutes into arriving at the regional train station, they had rented a car and secured a pocket wifi. Thirty five minutes into it, Hange was pulling out of the station in a rented sedan.
The train station was situated in the middle of the city and in the car, Levi had to subdue the panic which came with going out of the city then seeing the scenery slowly shift from five story buildings to two story houses then finally to the peaceful green offered by the city outskirts. He wondered why they had even taken a train station to town if they were going back into countryside landscapes anyway.
“Do you know where we’re going?” Levi asked. Levi knew that Hange had been there once before. Just the idea that someone could actually easily navigate expressways and exits without a phone on the dock and a guide seemed almost unnerving.
“Ish,” Hange said, her eyes fixed straight ahead.
“We have wifi, we could use a maps application to navigate?” Levi never drove, he wouldn’t know but, it couldn’t hurt to be just a little more careful.
“Maybe later. I’ve been here more than enough times,” Hange said. They rode in silence for a minute or so more before she turned to him. “We’re gonna be on the road for a while and driving on the freeway gets boring.”
Levi glanced up at her questioningly.
Hange caught his eye “Tell me a story.”
“About what?”
“How was your date with Petra?” The question came out of nowhere and Hange had said it too casually and too abruptly and that had Levi choking on his own saliva.
He recovered quickly, clearing his throat. “Excuse me?”
“Your date with Petra? Didn’t you tell me you would be going on one?”
“I did,” Levi admitted. “Because you asked me to,” he added, a second later.
“I suggested it.” Hange clarified. “And how did it feel?”
“Good.” His response was automatic.
One hand on the steering wheel, Hange pulled her phone from her lap, unlocked it and turned on her modified emotions alarm. “Turn yours on.”
Levi only saw one reason why she’d do all that. “Why? You don’t trust me?”
“Well, you went through all the trouble of making the gift right? Let’s make use of it.”
Levi could have fought. He only needed five seconds to see reason in her order. Besides, if she turned hers on, it would turn out to be a fair trade. He turned on his phone scrolled through the home screens and opened the application.
“So how did it feel?” Hange asked. She set her phone on the stand and hovered one finger over the activate button.
“It felt good,” Levi willed himself to say it with the same conviction as a second ago, firm and straightforward but just a little shaky underneath.
Still too shaky to deceive his own application. A yellow spot just under the words ‘happy’ would have been nice. After all, ‘good’ was a word that generally implied that something was good, something made me happy. The alarm flashed with green and Levi had half the mind to fling his phone over the backseat of the car.
“Happy sad? Or sad happy?” Hange asked, there was a laugh in her voice.
Was she mocking me? It felt like a much better argument to quote her, mock her maybe. He glared at her. You told me love is a choice right? By some allusion, Levi attempted to put it all together. “I’m making the choice to say it was a good and productive date. We tried to pick out a good present for you.”
“And in the end, you decided to make an application,” Hange said. “Did Petra suggest anything?”
“Tea, a wallet, a pencil case…”
“I would have enjoyed those,” Hange said.
“It didn’t seem like that to me,” Levi admitted. He studied her features as he spoke.
Hange’s face was unchanging, her eyes still looking straight ahead. Levi was almost amazed she managed to keep some of her focus in conversation. Hange turned the car, swerving towards one exit.
Levi winced at the white that flashed in front of him for a split second. “How do you feel?” He asked.
“About what?”
“About the date?” He answered. Levi gave Hange a good once over, ending with her hand on the clutch. Her hand wasn’t shaking, but she held it like she was going to pull it out of its place any second now.
Hange paused. She had hovered her hand over the alarm but she never did activate it.
Levi subtly turned towards the phone then back at her. “Happy?” At that point, maybe a mischievous side of him had taken over. He wanted to provoke her.
Hange poked the active button on her phone, much harder than necessary, hard enough for Levi to wonder if it had reduced the phone’s lifespan by even just a year or so.
Her phone flashed once again with a purple dot.
Levi noticed her eyes widen for a second then a flash of pink flowered on her cheeks before she looked away. “Angry sad or sad angry?” He asked, deliberately mimicking Hange’s old tone of a while ago. It came out more of a growl than whatever naturally sing songy voice Hange managed everyday. Either way it had been a satisfying set of motions.
“Angry sad… Or maybe sad angry?” Hange murmured. Then she hummed for a second longer, the car slowed down with it and she turned back to him. “I feel...purple,” she said.
Purple isn’t a feeling. Levi glanced accusingly at her. Hange though wasn’t looking back at him. If she saw anything through her peripherals, she didn’t make it obvious.
With her own series of gestures, Hange had given one message. She didn’t want to be bothered.
Yet, she had asked him about Petra for a reason.
Levi couldn’t tell how much he saw was a trick of the light or a clear hint. Hange’s jaw had tightened, her eyes narrowed ahead. She didn’t talk much after the word ‘purple’ that softened to a whisper mid word.
For the first time, she wasn’t being completely transparent
Levi then felt less obligated to open up. “If you’re feeling purple, then I’m feeling green,” he said.
They didn’t talk for a while after that.
The car exited the main road to a road half its size. Although the car always rattled, it was particularly more obvious then and as Levi looked out the window and back at her, he realized that maybe it was because she was slowing down.
Slowing down, or maybe vacillating the best course of action.
“You okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine. Just trying to remember the way around here,” Hange said. She looked behind her, then forward again.
“What are we doing here?”
“I’m gonna use this birthday weekend of mine to take a trip down memory lane, reflect on stuff.”
“If that’s how you want to celebrate your birthday…” Levi checked his phone once more before pocketing it.
“Thanks for coming with me,” Hange said, her tone more serious. “Going on these types of treks, they really help. More than you probably think they do.”
Levi could at least try to understand it, if he just focused on how far apart the houses were, the notable manicured green of his surroundings and every single tree, flower, root and bush that just seemed to have a place. All acting prim and proper as if they were doing the gardens a favor.
There must be some appeal at least. “It’s quiet,” Levi noted as the car slowed to a stop to the side of the road.
“Most of the houses here aren’t occupied,” Hange answered. “Who actually wants to live in the middle of nowhere all year round.”
Levi turned around once, scanning his surroundings for a second longer. The houses were too far apart, he counted five just by doing a 360 but he knew if he squinted and took in the other shapes far past the downhill slope he could count more. “From the looks of the houses here, rich people,” Levi said.
“During the summer maybe or during the winter vacation. Every other time of the year most people will stay out in the city so they’re nearer to work,” Hange said. “Zeke owns this house.” She didn't have to point far, Hange only had to casually brush her thumb over to her side for Levi to follow her gaze.
Of course Zeke would own one. When Levi looked behind him again, then looked to the far left and the far right, he had to admit Zeke had one of the grandest ones, a wide two story mansion situated at the top of a hill.
“This is my Rosings Park,” Hange said. She walked towards the small pedestrian gate, pulled a key from her pocket and with a quick flick of movements--- as if she had done it so many times before--- she unlocked then pushed the metal gate open with a creak.
The view behind the black bars was only more beautiful. They climbed the hill and slowly but surely, Levi was getting a much better view of the house on top. He noted that the house gleamed with a type of beauty that could take one’s breath away. He had been a little self conscious though and he found himself willing his mouth shut, letting his breaths come out with a more rehearsed rhythm.
“Did you ever continue the book?” Hange asked, her eyes fixed ahead.
It was easy to tell which book she had been talking about. “Since you spoiled me? No,” he admitted.
“Then I don’t think you’ve read far enough into the book if you still think Elizabeth ended up with Mr. Wickham,” Hange said. “You probably won’t appreciate Rosings park then.”
“You still remember…” Levi could have sworn it had been months since he told her about the book.
“The book means a lot to me,” Hange said. Her words were a bit more careful that time, but she was starting to climb the hill, a little faster as if whatever scenes were running through her head then had injected in her, enough energy for adventure.
Levi brushed away a rush of guilt and he followed behind her. “Go spoil,” he said. I’m sorry about being angry. He didn’t say those last two words, awe, exhaustion or maybe a combination of both had him opting to stay quiet. Maybe he chose to reflect and as he followed behind, he started to wonder why he had been angry about her spoiling in the first place.
Hange seemed surprisingly eager to spoil him. The first words out of her mouth came out unimpeded. “Rosings Park is where Mr. Darcy first proposed to Elizabeth.”
First proposed. “So she rejected him?” Levi asked.
Hange turned back to him and nodded, a strange smile on her face. “And why do you think Elizabeth would reject Mr. Darcy?”
“He was an asshole right?”
“According to Elizabeth that is…” Hange looked at him expectantly but Levi for the life of him couldn’t tell what she wanted. She didn’t give him time to answer. She ran straight ahead towards the side of the house.
Levi was left with no choice but to follow. After all, the grounds were much larger than Levi had expected. From his view at the bottom of the hill, the house had seemed small, only composed of the front porch. As Hange went behind the house, disappearing in the corner, Levi started to suspect that the summer house was larger.
Consequently, Levi was occupying himself over the wealth of Zeke.
Again. The view didn’t do anything to help. The corner opened up to manicured gardens, clean cut hedges and flowers that could have been arranged by some invisible hand. Or maybe they were arranged artificially. It probably wasn’t beyond Zeke and his money to find ways to grow flowers so they were evenly spaced, further accentuating the fiery orange and bright red on the simple green.
Hange followed the stone path that lined the large house, slowly balancing on the pebbled line that cut between the cobbled stone path like it was a tightrope. She had the balance, maybe the eagerness to look straight ahead, and Levi couldn't really follow her gaze or be certain of where she was staring.
She didn’t look particularly entranced at anything as if she had seen it so many times before.
“This is one of Jaeger summer houses,” Hange said. She stopped by the fork of the path, one side circled the house, the other went straight into the garden. “He has others all over the country, others abroad. Too many to count and I don’t even think I’ve been to all of them.”
“Okay.” Levi had felt pressured to say something. As the awkward silence dragged on, Levi realized that might have not been the best thing to say.
What else was there to say though?
Wow the garden is so nice. It seemed like an appropriate thing to say but it didn’t feel like something he would have liked to admit to Hange.
Wow your husband is so rich. What else would that do but reiterate what Levi already knew?
Wow, I wish I was your husband. That last one felt like a mind fart. Something that had seemed natural to think but as Levi pondered it for a second longer, he realized just thinking that exact phrase seemed all the more inappropriate.
“Does it seem artificial?” Hange asked.
“Yes, it does.” That answer came out easier definitely, especially when it wasn’t a begrudging compliment. Especially when in the back of his mind, he could remind himself, those weren’t his words, those were Hange’s.
Hange continued to indulge him. “Gaudy?”
“Very tacky, incredibly tacky.” Maybe those words had seemed more for him than for anyone else. A hint of guilt settled at his chest but then he remembered, the Jaeger family had more than enough money. He could spare a few unkind words. He looked at Hange, trying his best, to keep his eyes away from the garden in front of him, before he started to doubt the reliability of his own words.
Despite the ‘gaudiness,’ Hange walked ahead, following the stony path and Levi followed behind. Beyond the shiny manicured hedges were benches, a gazebo and Hange sat one of the ones closest to the top, just before the steep incline fell. It was a good vantage point for a comprehensive view of the garden.
At the highest point, the green expanded in all directions. He could pick out how the sun kissed the lawn, the trees and how they shone with something seemingly unnatural. The more Levi stared, the more easily it became to pick out what gaudiness Hange had been talking about.
With his eyes looking out for the right glimmers, he soon figured for himself, they shone like plastic. It soon became apparent to Levi, there was something artificial and tacky about manicured lawns, well trimmed hedges and carefully positioned flowers. The guilt assuaged and Levi felt all the more confident to look back at Hange. “Why do you like it here then?”
“It’s still Rosings park to me,” Hange said matter-of-factly.
“And what’s so special about Mr. Darcy’s first proposal?”
“Read the book,” Hange said as if that were the easiest thing to do then.
The book was loaded into his phone. It was just a few clicks away, reading was an entirely different process and Levi found it tempting to overlook that order---or that friendly suggestion altogether.
“Just spoil me. You spoiled me already before,” Levi said.
“Mr. Darcy first proposed here.”
You said that already. “And? What’s so special about that?”
Hange didn't reply to him immediately. For a long few seconds, she stared at nothing in particular then turned to him, a defiant look on her face. “You know, you remind me of Mister Darcy.” A backhanded insult maybe, enough to have Levi looking away as blood rushed to his face.
Anger, it was definitely anger. “How do I remind you of Mister Darcy?” Levi challenged.
“Don’t.” Levi looked away.. “Tell me to read the book.”
“And there you are again.” Hange waved one hand at him, as if making a point.
A point Levi could only grip weakly. “You think I’m an asshole?” One realization dawned on him, maybe he had been pressing a little too much at her points.
“Not an asshole. A well intentioned man with a very abrasive manner of speaking.”
“Abrasive?” Levi asked. When he realized he put a little too much lip into the ‘br’ and too much throat into that last last syllable that Hange might have just been right, but only just. “What makes you think I’m abrasive?” He added, a second later, just making his manner of saying the word ‘abrasive,’ softer and tamer.
Hange looked pointedly at him. She stood up, right in front of the gazebo. And she stood there for a second longer, as if she expected him to follow.
It was awkward to sit alone on a bench, in a garden he wasn’t familiar with, especially when the partner of the owner was standing seemingly uncomfortable by the gazebo. He stood up and walked towards her.
“Was I at least tolerable?” Hange asked with a very distinct tone, a hint of a mock accent in her voice.
Tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me. For some reason, those words had stuck with him. “Why the hell are you citing the book?”
“Oh, so you noticed. I wanna play a bit,” Hange said.
“Play what?”
“Just play a bit with the man who reminds me so much of Mister Darcy,” Hange said. The insult still poked at Levi at his most irritable and he was tempted to walk away.
Hange put one hand out and the most natural movement was to look back. “What do you want?” Levi asked. Two parts of him were grappling for control, one with the intention to walk away and one tempted to take her hand. “Why are you putting your hand out?”
She’s married. She’s married. She’s married.
“May I have this dance?” Hange asked.
No, you cannot dance with a married person. People go to balls because they’re single. His conscience wasn’t screaming but it had grumbled it with utmost authority.
Holding hands was off limits. Holding hands with a married person in one of the summer houses of her billionaire husband was very much off limits. What the hell was Hange thinking? His head started to spin, there was a hitch of breath and Levi didn’t even think confusion could have sent a prickle in his eyes.
The hand quickly disappeared from in front of him. Levi looked up to see Hange had pulled that hand back and it fell to her side. Still, Hange was moving it, as if it was still very much fair game. “See, you’re a softie at heart,” she said.
“What are you trying to prove?” Levi asked.
“That you’re like Mr. Darcy?” Hange was getting more and more smug. “Mr. Darcy didn’t wanna dance either.”
“We’re not in a ball,” Levi said, blood rushing to his cheeks. Suddenly everything seemed like an insult. Darcy was an asshole yet a big softie. Two descriptions on two different ends of the spectrum. Levi started to reflect. Which description was more insulting?
Hange leaned back on the gazebo. ”Let me enjoy this, I met a guy who reminds me of mister Darcy. Then when we first met, I thought you hated me, if not hated me, I thought you just hated the world,” she said.
"How can you assume that from our first meeting?" Levi asked.
Hange sighed. "You sat too far away from me, you acted like my being there was an inconvenience and you weren't too happy to be answering all my questions."
"I was being professional."
"I have met sales people nicer than that."
Levi wasn’t a salesman. That much, he could admit. "And just because I was a little abrasive, you'll assume I hate you?"
"What can I say, that's my prejudice," Hange said. She didn't look like she would have bothered to hear much about his explanation.
"And what are you going to say now? My own abrasiveness is pride?" Levi challenged. Really, he was in no mood for a challenge then, a challenge he didn’t himself understand. He sighed and turned back to the bench. From the mischievous glint in Hange’s eyes, it was obvious there were way more things he still didn’t understand. “Give me time to finish the book,” he said.
He stretched his legs out, unlocked his phone and opened the ebook file.
He didn't remember the last words where he stopped but he did remember one particular passage that seemed a little bolder, the ink darker particularly on the bright white of his phone screen.
You could not make me happy, and I am convinced that I am the last woman in the world who could make you so.
Then comprehension came quickly after that. Levi scanned through the next page, until reaching a point where he knew there was new information.
Back to that asshole Darcy. At that point, Levi was in less of a mood to reflect. Hange had called him Darcy, he still considered that one character to be a total asshole and he found himself torn between denying and accepting his sad fate.
Hange continued to move, a flicker at his peripherals. He felt it clearly, she sat beside him again. He heard the click as she unlocked her phone. Then the all too familiar sound as the love alarm activated. Love alarm or Emotion alarm?
Levi cursed himself for reusing that damn sound. He glanced quickly, just to search for some flash in the color. He couldn't really tell the contents of her phone from his angle. And when he had gathered up the courage to look, Hange had already pocketed it.
“Peaceful isn’t it?” Hange started.
“How do you feel today?” Levi asked. He kept his voice disconnected, not looking at all at Hange.
“Happy,” she said.
Levi had turned on his own application almost surreptitiously, making the conscious effort to silence it just a second ago.
The alarm flashed before him again. A very familiar yellow, with the words happy on top.
“Good for you then,” Levi finally responded.
He made another conscious effort, a quick sanity check, just to make sure the smile wasn’t apparent in his tone.
The house wasn't empty.
As Levi soon found out as they made their way back out to the gate, there were housekeepers, gardeners. And they seemed fond of Hange, fond enough to even remember her birthday. Some had even been friendly enough to ask who the man with her was.
Friendly. Or suspicious. For a while longer, Levi was self conscious.
But there was nothing to hide. He and Hange after all had just gotten friendly over the months.
“This is Levi, he’s a developer helping me work on my PhD,” Hange explained it like it was just the truth.. “And I thought I’d show him around the estate. If you don’t mind…” And it was the stone cold truth and as she spoke, Levi couldn’t help but be fascinated at how feelings of sadness, guilt and relief mixed so easily together inside him.
The housekeeper shook her head. “No, we don’t mind at all. Do you two need lodging? We could prepare---”
Hange put her hands up in front of her. “No, that would be too much. We’re only here for the night and I think I wanna go further up north.”
“Just like last time?” Worry flashed across the housekeeper’s face for just a second. “You know it gets dangerous nearer to the mountains…”
“We’ll only be there for a while, just long enough to see it again. And we’ll be careful about it.” Hange looked like she was saying too much. But she always talked so it shouldn’t have been such an odd thing to think. Maybe because Hange spoke with a little more tension, her words came out of her much faster, sometimes stilted and Levi found himself staring, then avoided her gaze as he realized he couldn’t even control what he was feeling.
The quick exchange eventually ended and he was following Hange out of the house. Her strides were much harder to keep up with.
“Sorry about that,” Hange said. “I get nervous when I visit the Jaeger estate alone.”
“You’re married to Zeke, you have every right to be there.”
“I married Zeke, not his money. I don’t wanna play the partner that just suddenly enjoys all the richest and powers of my husband. That’s why I didn’t even take his name. I’m not a gold digger. I’m not a Jaeger, we just so happened to get married.” She got into the car and closed the door with a louder slam than usual.” I’d feel much better staying over if Zeke was with me.”
“You didn’t have to take me here either if you were uncomfortable.”
“I wanted to show you my Rosing Park,” Hange said. She placed her hand on the clutch and started the car. “And next, we go to ‘Pemberley.’ It’s a few hours away from here so buckle up.”
The car pulled out from the driveway and soon they were out on the road again.
A few minutes of silence later, Levi started to get a little restless. “This book really means a lot to you huh?” He asked.
Hange nodded then she was quiet for a while longer and Levi thought it proper to just let her navigate her way through. The car continued to whirr and if Levi looked closely, he even noticed his body was shaking with it. If he read for a while longer, he could end up with his head spinning and his eyes crossing. He increased the font size and willed himself to read again.
“You know,” Hange’s voice was ringing in the silence and it pulled him out of his semi concentrated state.
Levi looked up at her, and just behind her, he saw they arrived back in the free way.
Hange continued. “One thing about Pride and Prejudice, the author doesn’t spend too much time talking about how the landscapes look like. The appearance of the houses and gardens are up for interpretation.”
Levi recalled, Hange was a very inquisitive person. Enough to hyperfixate on landscape? He was doubting. “Then why did you imagine Zeke’s manor as Rosings?” He asked.
Hange shrugged. “If you read the book, you’d see, it was the home of Lady Catherine, an incredibly tacky place and if you remember the gardens behind the house, they’re very green but they seem…. Artificial? Rehearsed?” She gave a pained look.
“Then why do you care enough to look at them if you hate the gardens that much?”
Hange shook her head. “I don’t hate them but the novel, it made me reflect on a lot of things and sometimes, when I allow myself to look at the landscapes, I’m able to think about what happened in the book, and about love and---”
“So Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth,” Levi interrupted. “Then what happened?”
“She turned him down,” Hange said.
“To put it simply, because she thought Darcy was an asshole.”
“It’s only natural that people wouldn’t want to marry an asshole right?” Levi asked. “Books should be teaching those types of things.”
Hange spared him a long glare. “Well, here’s the thing. Mr. Darcy isn’t an asshole. He’s misunderstood.”
“And what do romance novels do but romanticize every single ‘misunderstood’ man.”
Hange hummed and stared back again at the front. The car continued to move at a steady pace. A long pause followed. Then she spoke up again. “What if I told you Pride and Prejudice is not really a romance?”
“When it follows a couple and the development of a relationship, I think it counts.”
Hange patted the steering wheel. “Well sure, the novel tackles love and marriage but the approach is… cold, calculating. If you notice, they spend more time discussing money, properties, duty. It takes into account money, status, upbringing… so it seems more like a social commentary to me. ”
You could not make me happy, and I am convinced that I am the last woman in the world who could make you so.
“Then how did this book shape your idea of love?” Levi asked.
Hange put her finger to her chin. She had a far off look. “I like the idea of approaching love as something to calculate and to think about. Like Elizabeth and Darcy, they explored it, they thought long and hard about it..”
“Oh?” Levi asked, one eyebrow raised. “Is this where your ‘love is a choice’ schtick comes from?”
Hange bit her lip. “Not just that definitely. There’s a lot to learn about being hasty, about having to think long and deep about love and marriage. They didn’t fall in love at first, they were prideful. They had their prejudices but they made it work… And I thought to myself, maybe these are what love and marriage are? Maybe they're calculating like a science, maybe we should consider everything from reputation, money, family and convenience when we deal with something like love and marriage and it’s okay to approach life that way.”
For some reason, that tirade only made Levi heavier and heavier the more he continued. "The main character… she turned down Mr. Collins proposal and that was because she didn't love him right? Emotions play a part too," Levi said.
"I'm not denying it," Hange said. "But ask yourself, how much of a part are emotions supposed to play?"
That question, Levi couldn't answer. Somehow, that should have been something someone a little more experienced like Hange should have answered for him. Instead, she kept quiet, her eyes looking straight ahead, but she blinked a little faster the next few times as if she was struggling with something he couldn't see.
It could have been uncharacteristic. It was an odd set of emotions to play with but Levi was suddenly more and more compelled to break the silence himself. With nothing much else to say, he let his emotions speak for him. "If I were a little cold before, I didn't mean that."
"No offense taken," Hange grinned at him knowingly. "You seem tense." She was studying him for that glimmer of a second before she started to fiddle with her phone with her free hand. "I have the audiobook for Pride and Prejudice. You wanna listen?"
"They gradually ascended for half a mile, and then found themselves at the top of a considerable eminence, where the wood ceased, and the eye was instantly caught by Pemberley House, situated on the opposite side of a valley, into which the road with some abruptness wound.
"This is supposed to be my Pemberley," Hange said. She had been hyping it up since a while ago that it seemed almost anticlimactic then. With the tone Hange was giving, he was sure she had been a little disappointed too. "Believe me, it looks nicer on good days," she added.
It had been a good day until a while ago. He could have sworn the sky had been blue for at least half the trip. Grey clouds were a strange things, part of the clouds were grey from afar but never looked too menacing until they was looming directly above them. Only when it was nearer did it have the tendency to just blanket everything in a very dull and unbearable grey.
Any color would look grey with the right level of dimness. He wondered for a while longer why Hange was still continuing the trek. The longer they walked, the farther they got from the car.
Levi’s worry, his nervousness only increased threefold, fourfold then he lost count. After all, they had stopped on what could have been the middle of nowhere. He couldn't tell where they were. Any inkling of sense laid out in front of them was in the form of a dirt road, just stretched out from the freeway with no buildings for miles, no pit stops.
And if it actually started to rain? Levi imagined it for a second before shaking his head. He tried to focus on other things like the ease of walking, his manageable energy levels.
The meagre late lunch of a drive-through burger meal was more than enough for a quick hike. Levi found himself pondering whether energy should have even been expended for something so grey.
The color grey just didn't seem worth the hike to see. "Why are we here?" Levi asked.
"Let's just stay long enough to climb the hill." Hange seemed persistent. Her back was on him and he couldn't tell the face she was making then. “It might look better on the other side.”
They were near enough at least that Levi had to crane his neck to see the top and he consoled himself. Maybe it was worth the hike. Maybe Hange was more privy to weather patterns and she at least calculated the quick hike and the awe that it would be worth.
Then Levi reminded himself, it was her birthday. Whether it did leave him as in awe as she was was irrelevant. That was a consolation Hange afforded herself. He was merely a companion. There should be things to get out of the conversation at least. “Tell me about your Pemberley,” Levi said.
“You’re gonna continue reading right? Do you really want to know?” Hange asked, seeming suddenly careful with her words.
After spoiling me the rest of the way? Levi would have wanted to ask.
“You seemed invested,” Hange said. It was a sufficient answer to his silent question. “I’d rather you read it on your own. Especially the part about Pemberley and the scene in Rosing’s.”
“Why? After spoiling me this much?” His abrasiveness, the irritation had made his legs lighten under him and he moved a little faster catching up to Hange.
Hange seemed concentrated, looking ahead, not hesitating even as the incline presented itself right in front of them. It was getting steeper and Levi felt it as an ache in his legs as he climbed but Hange, admirably or begrudgingly, seemed unfazed
Levi was a few inches shorter and maybe he was at a disadvantage. He didn’t have the same investment either but he stepped forward, going at the steeper incline with wider strides while maintaining speed. He looked to Hange who was right next to him. She continued to look ahead, she craned her head back, her hastily tied hair fell behind her and she was whispering something.
If Hange hadn’t seemed hypnotized yet disturbed, if the fat cold droplets didn’t settle on his arms, getting stronger and more numerous by the second, maybe he would have let her climb and climb. He would have obediently followed behind.
It had been everything at once. Maybe confusion at everything had been that one final nail on the coffin. Irritation welled quickly, then anger. Hange hadn’t been speaking in any straightforward manner for a while already so he forced it out of her.
“Why the hell does Pemberley mean so much to you?” Levi raised his voice. Just in case that hadn’t been enough, hell, that had actually been enough, he pulled her from behind.
The rain accumulated on the dirt road quickly and when Hange turned to answer, she fell backward rapidly. Right on top of him.
It was a quick and terrifying sequence or movements, Levi found himself sandwiched, Hange in front of him, his behind buried in mud and dirt, blades of grass were brushing heavily past him. But he didn't stop.
They didn't stop. Gravity had them moving down, naturally quickly and violently down the steep incline and Levi could only be thankful that the grass had been kind, absent of anything that could have snagged at any part them.
A few long seconds later, by some miracle, they were unharmed, still very much alive.
It didn’t change the fact that at the bottom, they were both fucking dirty. And he was a little--- scratch that--- very rattled. And Hange was on top of him, her hair clung close to her, her glasses had fallen to her mouth and she seemed just a little disconcerted.
Hange pushed herself up. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” She put one hand on his cheek, one filthy hand.
Instinctively, Levi pushed it away. She was disgusting. They were both disgusting. He could taste a hint of dirt at his lips and he closed his nose and shut his mouth before he could taste anymore.
It was disgusting. And in that state, he was recalling how pleasant almost drowning seemed when he was covered in mud, the rain only continued to pour. He would rather have been drinking salt water then.
When he noticed that a minute passed under the rain, he started to observe then search for signs on how Hange might have been feeling. They had left their phones in the car. He was thankful they weren’t casualties but he was a little regretful that he couldn’t read her then.
Purple. He made a guess. That was the only reading she had given then. Sad angry? Or angry sad?
But when he looked for sadness, angriness, he saw it in those wide eyes in the red just under her eyes. Or he could have been projecting. It could have also been a placebo affect.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I got so fucking worked up over this. Let's go back." Hange's voice was stilted, alarmingly cold.
"You've done this before right?"
The rain wasn't stopping anytime soon. In fact, it came down hard and Levi could have felt like he was drowning again.
The storm had proven to be a worse adversary. The wind was almost as menacing as waves.
He struggled to his feet. Hange had held out her hand, wrapped one arm around his shoulder and standing up became a small feat.
"Hey, are you okay?" Hange asked again, her voice a whisper that brushed at his neck. She was close enough to even overwhelm the pouring rain just outside their small bubble.
He hadn't answered her earlier. He didn't even know how she had been able to get the message to him in spite of the wind blowing at their face, the thunder and the patter of the rain on the dirt road.
When they were close enough, shoulders and arms touching, her lips almost brushing against his ear. He thought it close enough that she would probably hear if he whispered. Maybe it was worth just opening his mouth to speak. Two words or maybe four. Just long enough so she won’t have to speak again the whole trek back to the car.
“Let’s just go back.”
Adrenaline, exhaustion and the shaken state eventually gave way to irritation once again.
It was a slow process but Hange was silent. She had been driving much slower and with the peace, the slow rhythm of the whirring of the car, Levi had time and space to contemplate.
Levi was contemplating the expenses of cleaning a rented car. When the mud started to dry and harden, when they caked at his skin, they only aggravated the at first, silent irritation. It was silent but it was irritating altogether. He angrily wiped his hands on the dashboard of the car, and reached for his phone next to the clutch.
“Levi, I can pay for cleaning up the car," Hange said.
Levi kept quiet. For one, he didn’t want to entertain the idea of making her pay for all of it. A part of him though, the stingy part, would have rather she did.
“Levi, are you angry at me?” Hange asked a minute later.
And that phrase always had that magic of making most people angrier than they were already. Levi was no exception.
Still, he did try to be just a little nicer. “You’re driving aimlessly on the road. We’re a mess in the car. We’re both covered in mud, my legs and my arms hurt. Hange, think.”
“Who wouldn’t be at least a little angry?” His tone betrayed his words. Hange had been responding in questions since a while ago and it only served to further aggravate it.
“I told you, I’m sorry.” She did say 'sorry' a while ago but he wasn't in the mood to accept it then. So it slipped his mind.
“Well, finally you’re being more direct but you know, it would have been helpful if you’ve been more open since a while ago.”
“More open about what?”
Levi smacked his hand on the dashboard. “There you are again, you ask questions but you never fucking answer. And if you answer you’re fucking vague, or you fucking digress.”
“Any... question you wanna ask?” Hange asked hesitantly.
“Why does Pemberley mean so much to you? Why does this damn book mean so much to you? You’re a scientist, a researcher. Why are you getting so worked up over a fucking social commentary?”
Hange gave him a wounded look, and she stared for a long time. Levi only noticed then, that that had been the longest stare she had been giving him in a while. The fiasco of a while ago was enough of an evidence that Hange did get worked up over it and Levi held it like a memento, just in case Hange decided to play oblivious.
She didn’t. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I got emotional.” But she still wasn’t answering questions.
“Why does Pemberley mean so much to you?” Levi asked again. He kept this voice hard, stone cold and firm. He enunciated every syllable and every word like they were separate from one another.
Hange avoided his gaze. “Well, I really like the relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy---”
“Why do you like it so much?”
“It’s because I would have wanted the same for myself---”
“Would have?” And Levi caught it, two words that had hovered in the air for a second.
Hange clamped her mouth shut.
“Would have?” Levi repeated again in the silence. And the irritation, the discomfort and the fury from being caked from head to toe with semi dried mud had somehow been released with two words.
“I have the same for myself,” Hange clarified.
“It’s a slip of the tongue,” Hange said. She didn’t look back and it didn’t look like she would be prodding that topic anymore.
So Levi brought up another question. “What about Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship do you like?”
“It’s... “ Hange was hesitating. “It’s in the small details…” She seemed more concentrated on the road ahead of her.
“Go on.” Levi gripped on the seat cushion underneath him. Somehow, the car was starting to move in time to the patter of the rain.
“You might even think I’m crazy for looking at them…” Hange continued.
“But…” Levi turned to Hange, he looked closely as her lips parted as if she was about to say something.
Then her voice filled the cramped space inside the car for only a split second, before the squeak of tires, the spray of water and the burst of sensations that came with the dizzying experience of his body lurching forward in his seat.
For a second, Levi could have sworn he was dead.
They weren’t the only ones who decided to call it a day. It turned out there were numerous people who had been wandering around that side of the country and it looked like that particular motel had been the only one for miles around.
The first warning should have been the fact that it had taken Levi and Hange minutes to navigate a pretty small parking lot, just to find a place to fit the car. The second warning should have been the amount of lit up windows.
At that point, they were both exhausted and Levi had focused too clearly on the ‘open’ sign.
Open 24 hours.
So he didn’t waste any time. Hange didn’t either. It was cold, it was raining and Levi could forget that it was too early in September for him to have been shivering, for white fog to be accompanying his shuddering breath.
It was his first time up north, autumn came much earlier. That didn’t stop him from grumbling silently about why autumn rains had to be so cruel.
It was barely even autumn. Shitting on the weather proved to be an adequate consolation for their very uncomfortable state.
Hange seemed unsure and maybe she had heard his grumbles, maybe she had assumed it was about her. “I’ll check if they have any rooms,” Hange said, an apologetic smile on her face. She looked down towards his elbow. “And I’ll ask for a first aid kit, so we could do something about that.”
His body had been a conglomeration of discomforts since a while ago and the bleeding scrape on his elbow had been a terrible surprise. Not so terrible actually as he looked closer, he barely even felt it.
Before he could stop her, Hange had went ahead to the reception, covered in mud and all. Levi was grateful at least that they both had cleaned their shoes on the way in. The headache would be left to whoever would be cleaning their car.
The man at the counter was apologetic, a little too nice and he spoke to Hange like he was talking to some higher figure. It was a simple back and forth.
They were guests, he worked in hospitality. It was a natural exchange.
Maybe Levi had just been a little perceptive because everyone seemed to approach Hange with some unique form of respect. After a brief back and forth, Hange turned back to Levi, a flash of uncertainty on her face.
Just a flash. Before Levi could perceive more, it disappeared.
Levi still saw that as a cue to follow behind. “What?”
“So there is only one room left, towards the back...” Hange started.
“Apologies about this…” The receptionist bowed his head. “The roads get slippery… And it’s dangerous to go out so many people….” He was babbling at that point and all Levi wanted him to do was get to the point.
Hange let out a sigh then dropped her credit card on the table. “We’ll take it.”
“You managed to get a room, why is he apologizing?” Levi asked, turning to the comparably more coherent Hange Zoe.
“Well, there’s only one room left,” Hange responded.
“There’s only one bed.” Hange had said that part with a straight face. She huffed and put one muddy finger up in front of him. “But you know, I really think we can make this work...” 
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