#anyway do I ship nowen. I don’t know don’t ask me that question
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starryluminary · 1 year ago
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*long, droning sigh* I gave in
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td-hateblog · 4 years ago
no one asked but you’re getting it anyway!! the comprehensive ship explanation
because i actually know how to complete my comprehensive rankings unlike some people!!! 😐 feel free to flood the inbox with questions and propaganda. this is very lengthy i’m so sorry for being cringe
jomaria: their dynamic was epic. #girlboss icons. ooo they wanna kiss each other so bad read annies jomaria fic 🔪
nowen: nowen real, *smashes head through wall* they canonically have nicknames for each other, a staple of a homoerotic friendship
chref: chref canon. not much else to it. (wish we had more content of it that wasn’t drawn by weirdos 😐) also its pronounced “kref” fuck you fuck you fuck you fuckyu
jashawn: valid canon total drama ship real?!
samkota: we’re all sleeping on samkota. make content for it now 🔪
evzy: lesbins...wish we got more content of them
alenoah: hi larson (canon url haver) total drama dirtbags alenoah fic when??
aletyler: haha remember the aletyler vid- *gets shot*
heathney: heathney is still good but i haven’t seen a lot of propaganda for them lately, plus i lack object permanence so i don’t feel as strongly anymore :( also remember heathney week... n e way the heathney hurt/comfort potential was REAL fresh just hates women too much to make it canon smh
lesheather: remember that super long lesheather manifesto in the tag a while back? ngl that essay was so convincing it genuinely made me consider if i was actually a lesbian or not because goddamn did a lot of the stuff in leshawnas section hit close to home. anyway, lesheather was canon.
jasammy: remember when jasmine cheered on sammy for poisoning her sister? #girlboss moment. too bad fresh hates girls being happy 🙄 we all know they’d be kissing if they were in one more episode together smh
crimsonunni: can’t go wrong with goths. (gwen doesn’t count shut up) whao canon healthy relationship real??
good for them
jock: something something, bosswife, m/f bisexuals, tiddies, pegging, yada yada, you know the deal. on a serious note i think jock is neat. (dunno why a lot of jock art portrays brick as the dominant one ,when you know damn well 🤨)
tennis husbands: canon. fresh just hates to see old men winning 🙄 also why tf were they eliminated before the tennis challenge? cringe ass show
lesharold: good for them. kinda wish harold was a little less fetishy about it but eh early 2000s freshtv show moment
harzeke: smh they could of been making out on the plane if the writers weren’t so ezekielphobic. just imagine harold info dumping random shit to ezekiel during those long plane rides...nice
rockspud: rockspud canon. their elimination is proof that d*n is homophobic 😐
geody?? breof?? idk??: remember when they got married?...nice
gwensay: also known as lesbian nowen
lindsadie: cute! why tf didn’t they expand on their friendship?? what was the point of sadie lasting so long if they weren’t gonna give her any development?? cringe ass show
macsanders: canon but why do they gotta be cops tho
you had to be there (ironic tier)
tophmine: lmao tophmine was realer than jashawn (moar liek jaSTUPID🤬) because topher leit jamsine use him as a battering ram and he helped her obvercum her causephobia! checkmake jashit fans!! like and subscribe!!
dundie: dundie.
noerra: it’s less about the ship itself but more about all of the mayhem it caused lol. top 5 tee dee tumblr moments <3
scoerra: did me and anne awaken some primal urge for all of you to ship scott and sierra or something because the scoerra thing did NOT take much convincing for you people? 🤨 anyway, scoerra is unironically has more rights then any other scott ship and sierra ship. no i don’t take criticism.
mikwen: lol
courdy: had a very underrated subplot in the total drama bible (aka the noerra fic) but knowing anne they’ll popularize it soon 😙
gweoff: geoff>>>gwent
mellody: their ship name is mellody :3
marito: i hc anne maria as a lesbian but marito is fine ig. italian lyler...
lyler: i feel like a lot of my followers think i like lyler a lot more then i actually do. it’s fine ig
ellsky (i think? there’s like 3 diff ship names): @/topher-dorks wrote a really good essay on this one once
carryan (idk man): i don’t remember their interactions at all but ppl said they were cute so i’m goin with that
zoke: “zoke is a rice cake.”
justowen: i mean... sure?
aleheather: valid ass canon ship. don’t care about it tho
gwoey: gwoey is only good in the au where gwen is a real goth and zoey is a real alt chick send post
ozzy: they had some cute interactions in tda i think? idk what tf was goin on after that but oh my izzy is still a bop ngl
gweather: it’s fine. not really my cup of tea
kadie/satie???: gay and real
gwenshawna: good for them?
tynoah: discount nowen :/
josee x cadets (cause let’s be honest here, we all know josee would be tagteaming them both): LMAO when josee said “fuck the police” i don’t think that’s what she meant!1! 🤪🤪😂😂🤣🤣 *dies*
gwidgette: their ship name is gwidgette :3
better as friends:
bawn: b and dawn are in a qpr. love that of them <3
brawn?: dawn...lesbab
trentney: twentney :3
trody: trody is the only cody ship with rights but i can’t see them smooching. also trent deserves better (/lh) the art is cute as hell tho.
jacsee: only 90s kids remember the pegging fic jokes. they’re better as friends but it’s also the reason me and anne are besties (which is also why td tumblr doesn’t suck as much) so it’s kinda sentimental to me..*blushes from being cringe*
djidgette??: whatever tf they had goin on >>>> gidgette
aleduncan: i can only see them in a “friends that commit crimes together” kinda way but i think about that @chrismcbastard comic every day. also alejandro called duncan “bromigo” that makes me feel something
djuncan: ISLAND DUNCAN ONLY. they’d be kinda cute...it’s like dunknee but actually good
harody: i believe in harnoah supremacy but i can’t act like harold wasn’t completely gushing over cody in the last aftermath episode of world tour. god harold is so gay, i can’t believe people think he’s cishet. wtf
djeoff: friends?
heatherra: maybe in another world were sierra used her superpowers to be a worthy adversary™ instead of being cringe i can kinda see them having some rivals to lovers shit goin on there but i feel like they’d just be frenemies as best? idk m*riam needs to spread more propaganda i need to be convinced here
lightbrick: i’m listening 👀 fat tiddie duo when?
scottning: i thought this was dumb at first but the longer i think about it they’re kinda like the roti equivalent of aleduncan? i need to see propaganda for it
camlightning: society if they didn’t make lightning a villain last minute 🏙💫
dunhar: harold deserves way better and duncan is cringe but whatever tf they had goin on near the end of tda was the only watchable part of that season...very conflicted here
don’t care
the vegans: who?
camike: who?
zokota?: eh
doey: lmao
lindseth: betherra is better!!1!1!
bridgney: i’m sorry bridgney stans but bridgette is literally one of most heterosexual characters on the show :/ also i haven’t met a bridgney fan that wasn’t annoying 😐
gwortney (gwentney, courn idfk): gwortney is overrated and lame and their color pallet sucks 🐝🏌🏽‍♀️
gwent: boring. stan gweoff
dun¢ney: dun¢ney sucks and their stannies are annoying <3
leosugar: cute but sugar is a lesbiab
gwuncan: who?
duntrent: i do not understand the appeal of duntrent you duntrent stans need to spread more propaganda cause you can’t just draw duncan and trent kissing without giving me a reason? why are they doing that? educate me
zawn: zoey x shawn is the superior zawn!!1!1!1 🥳 *larson kills me in cold blood*
points and laughs
kellayne?: the only valid kelly ship is kelly and me send post
gidgette: gidgette was boring and then it suckedf
djatie: notie supremacy!!1!
scax: how the fuck does someone look at scarlett and max and think they should kiss lmao
shave?: lmao shave (also the fact that this has more content then jasammy makes me sad :/)
chraineley: i mean at least it’s not illegal? but it’s still inferior to doneley!1! >:)*stain pushes me down the stairs*
aleowen: alejandro and owens dynamic throughout world tour was funny as fuck and more people should talk about it, but as a ship, uhh....
justbeth: why
gwameron: i still can’t stop thing about that “remnant of gwody ask” it’s so fucking funny to me
dott: lmao
alecody: a wise man once said, “alejandro can get with anyone he wants and yet he chooses the shovel headed incel” ok but fr cosmas if you’re alive please send the the alecody essay in my inbox i must be enlightened
ten?? jom??: how the fuck does someone look at tom and jen and think they should kiss lmao
davella: but why tho
darrie: who?
scun¢an: lmao scun¢an
nody: nody is cringe bro i’m sorry for oppressing nody shippers but it sucks and i’m tired of pretending it doesn’t.
brott?: brick deserves better and you know it 😐
joning: no. (i should of put this with “better as friends”looking back on it now but i’m in too deep)
scurtney/scony/scottney/scourt/sour/scourtney: i know courtney has bad taste in men but this has to be comphet at this point
scoey: lmao scoey. it’s 2021 and you’re shipping scott with girls that ARENT sierra?? in fact i think we should start shipping zoey and sierra too!! like if you agree!!1!
devitty: what
katie x sadie x justin: no??
carritty: huh?
bethdy: lmao bethdy
dunler: feels like a ship for horny ppl ngl 😐
courtsay: i mean i liked their dynamic in tda but as a ship? 😬
deather: deather shippers scare me. they drink 5 monster energies every day and they threaten to curb stomp toddlers at the grocery store. also it’s 2021 and you’re still shipping heather with men?? especially duncan? 🤨
rodamy: 😕
he@thsay: heathsay sucks. it’s just conventionally attractive sugella and you know it
courmron?: if gwameron was remnants gwody does that mean cournsmd is remnery of gedhhdfh
n*mma: more like NOmma amirite? 😏 they just brought out the worst in each other. not very fun to watch.
jomeron: i hc jo as bi but this still feels homophobic
gw*dy: cringe as hell.
sugella: no
scike/mott: none of these ships seem healthy at all help
malejandro: malejandro shippers scare me ngl
ale//courtney: why would u ship this it’s just alejandro talking advantage of courtney’s vulnerability...it makes me feel icky
br*carthur: easily the most homophobic thing fresh has ever done. why? what reason does br*carther have to exist?
girl help
do i need to explain why any of those are bad? 🤨
are we all updating our ship tier lists again cause
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tee dee ships (updated)
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