#anyway ask me anything about dark souls 2
huggingtentacles · 2 years
You're being nice to DS2 today, yay! :D
Soooo.... Any thoughts on Shanalotte and her dragon dad?
Also opinions on the lil piggies by the well at Majula? (was gonna ask about crabs but we don't have any in DS2)
Shanalotte has the motherly vibe I really adore. She's nice, though I would love to have more dialogue with her. And the fact that she accompanies me on my journey is really special to me.
I wish she was in a better game.
The ancient dragon is a cool encounter, I wish I could talk to more dragons throughout the series. Unfortunately his bossfight is such a slug to get through. It's long and repetitive, which is fine I guess it's just not for me. Dragon hunting, to me, must be intense and dangerous and exhausting. The ancient dragon is just exhausting.
The little piggies in Majula... A lot of my friends remember them fondly because DS2 was their first fromsoft game and they wrecked their shit. I came in with Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 behind my back, so the only thing I thought about them was the fact that they sure do look tasty.
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darkstaria · 4 months
Yandere Batfam - Soulmate Soul Animal AU.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5.
Dark pupils watched from the ceiling, their gaze affixed upon you. You sighed, deciding to ignore its presence.
An aggravated chitter interrupted you. Pausing, you watched as a little green bird jumped out of the bat’s shadow. It paced towards you, making a small leap to land on your outstretched finger. You smiled, extending your hand to pet the top of its head. The bird took a moment to consider the moment, head tilting with its beak outstretched as if it intended to bite you. It seemed to decide on sparing your finger, allowing you to give the bird some pets on the head.
However, it was time to resume your work. You turned back to your computer, a dismissal. The bird didn't like that. A quick flash, and the bird tittered about on your keyboard, messing up your setup.
“Robin!” You snap, reaching out as if to push the bird away.
You sighed. You disliked calling the bird Robin. It was the correct species, despite the bird being green, so it made sense to use the name. But.. you hated the connection it created between your soul bonded animals and the vigilantes of the city. Unfortunately, the bird didn't answer to any other name. You've tried.
The other robins were so much more agreeable than this newer one. Well, not that you could even call those three robin anymore. The newer robin was very possessive of the name, and you'd rather not have to search your room for more stray feathers that flew off in their next fight. Your soul animals were such a pain.
The flutter of wings distracts you from your musings. You look up, finding the very bat you had been so cautiously avoiding earlier descend onto your desk. The bat chirped a little, with the robin occasionally replying back with chirps of its own. They were having their own conversation.
You decided you were owed a break already, so you gave up on your dreams of getting work done in lieu of watching the ongoing conversation. It was rare for soul animals to talk. They didn't need to. Due to the nature of a soul bond, soul animals act on the innermost feelings of the soul they represent. The bond connects souls, so soul animals, which are a manifestation of the bond, are already intune with their soulmates.
The only instance in which soul animals did tend to talk, was if the soulmates themselves were talking.
Robin chittured with a snap, the bat in return giving a controlled chirr.
Oooh. You thought to yourself. This sounds like an argument. You wondered what it was about. Maybe Robin pecked one too many victims, or caused a mess again.
Ah. You were thinking of your bonded as just animals again. To be fair, it was fairly easy. The only things you knew of your soulmates were because of how the animals acted. Anything else, and you were in the dark. That's how you wanted to think, anyway.
Maybe while they were distracted… You scoot back a little in your chair, until you figure you’re out of their line of sight. You make for the door, tipping out of your seat as quietly as you can. You're almost out the door when a weight settles itself on your head.
You sigh.
“Robin. Get off me, please.”
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the presence doesn't budge. Obliging, you reach up to your head, feeling the bird’s little feet jump onto your hand. Bringing Robin to eye level, you stare at it, unimpressed.
A nearby bat of wings draws you out of your faceoff. Guess sneaking out on your own was too much to ask for, as always.
“Ughhh.” You whine. Your soulmates were going to push you into complete isolation at this rate.
“Fine. You two already know the drill.”
You point at the Bat. “You can never follow me, I mean it. A bat is way too ominous of a soul animal to be flying around. It's just asking for trouble.”
The Bat remains silent, watching. Always, watching. You really hated it sometimes.
In all honesty, a robin wasn't too great of a soul animal to have with you in Gotham either. But your robins came in odd colours, so people didn't always clock that the bird was actually a robin. Sometimes you said that your soul animal was a greenfinch or a swallow. It tended to work, as long as no one looked twice.
A bat was much harder to hide.
“So..”. You give up, gesturing to your bag. “Just get in already, I'll make the trip quick.” You always had to make any outings short with this particular robin. If you spent too long with someone it got snippy. Very, snippy.
The other three robins tended to be a bit more accommodating. Well, not by much.
Robin glides into your bag, a movement of precision and grace. Not for the first time, you wonder what your bonded was like in person.
Deciding to dismiss the thought, you unlatch your door, heading out.
Just another day, with your soulmates.
~ ~ ~ ~
Your parents told you about your birth. You were born to a bat watching your window. It wasn't such a red flag, at first. The maternity ward was flush with newborn babes, so your parents figured that the bat was bound to another child. It was what they had hoped for, anyway.
Plenty of children weren't born with soulbonds. It wasn't a concern. They could be the elder of a bond. Or, they could have a delayed bond. They weren't concerned.
But… then it followed you home. Your parents settled you down, snug in your crib. When they next came to check up upon you, it was there. Perched upon the crib, watching you. When they next blinked, it was gone.
The very next day, your parents awoke to the Bat watching you again. But this time, a smaller bird was snuggled to your sleeping face. It clung to you all day, refusing to disappear when they appeared like the Bat did. It was… very mouthy.
They had assumed this to be a good development, everyone knew The Night worked alone. They were happy.
They were happy, even when another robin appeared the subsequent day. A scruffy one, snappy. Its feathers were still growing out. Young.
Perhaps they should have expected then, that the dawn the next new day would bring another little bird to your crib. The youngest one, a nestling still developing pin feathers. Despite its age, it held a keen gaze at them.
There weren't any more animals that appeared after that. So they hid any evidence of the Bat, and instead allowed you to grow up freely with your three birds.
The Bat was evidently the oldest in your soulbond. It was protective, almost parental, in its movements. It had a sixth sense for when you were in any danger, always emerging from the shadows with perfect timing. If a bat wasn't such a symbolic image in Gotham, you'd probably be more appreciative of its efforts.
The eldest bird was silly, performing aerial tricks and jumps that always brightened your day. It was keen, focusing on you whenever you felt down. It had the uncanny ability to appear whenever you were under the weather. When you said the word robin, it snapped to attention.
You decided to call it Robin.
The second bird was protective. It wasn't as loud as the eldest, but there was a spark of kindness in its gaze. Originally the bird was a lot rougher, but it started to calm down a few years in. Became stable. It always seemed to find you when you got stuck on homework, or landed on your shoulder whenever you flipped through a book.
The third bird was small. You assumed it was only a year or two older than you, due to how the bird’s feathers grew in. It wasn't as affectionate as the other two. Solitary, it often lingered in the shade. It watched you. It watched your other soul animals too, when they appeared. It seemed a little tired. It took you a bit, but eventually you realised it was lonely. After that, you always had a comforting word.
That is… until the Batman gained a partner. A boy decked out in green and yellow, the same feathers on your eldest bird. The vigilante called itself Robin.
As the duo gained notoriety, you were hidden more and more. There was danger in soulbonds, and nothing was more dangerous than vigilantes.
Robin became Nightwing. Your eldest bird grew in blue feathers. The bird stopped responding to its name. A new boy became Robin. You spotted green and yellow feathers growing in on your second bird. It started answering to Robin.
You knew who your soulmates were. After that, it was no secret. Not to you, not to your parents.
Your parents weren't happy anymore. But you were safe. They could be content with that. They considered reaching out. The evidence was obvious, they knew it, and you knew it. Maybe you could be even safer, if the Batman knew where you were.
And then you watched your Robin die.
The little bird had been stuck to you recently, seeming to be in an argument with the Bat. When in conflict, soul animals gravitated to those they weren't in disparity with, and this was nothing unfamiliar to you.
You had been stroking the little bird, as it rested on your lap. But then it jumped. It started shaking. It started crying. Bleeding.
You panicked. You tried to comfort it, to whisper caring words, to give a reassuring touch. You were young, you didn't know what to do. There was nothing you could do.
When a soulmate dies, the soul animal dies too.
The little Robin died, crying in your lap.
You had never looked at vigilantes the same way again.
There was no point in denial, not after that. Your bat became the Bat, the eldest robin named Wing. A few days later, your youngest soul animal developed new feathers. Green… and red. You didn't have a name for the bird, but you suspected you would soon.
You took a week off school.
~ ~ ~ ~
“Please be quiet, this time.” You muttered down to the green bird resting in your bag. It started at you with a condescending gaze. Ugh. Younger soulmates.
You'd sigh, but you've been doing that far too much lately as is.
Time to get this over with.
You enter the supermarket, one of your very few weekly outings. You start perusing the shelves, picking out what was in your list. As you're walking though, you hear a frustrated bark. You peak out from the shelves, spotting a lone woman tugging a leashed dog along.
Ah. You knew what this was. Everyone did. The other shoppers in the store paused too, staring at what was going on.
It was a rejected bond. When feelings between single soulbonded individuals become too bitter, the soul animal dissipates. Well, it was supposed to, and then reappear when feelings improve. But if the animal was constrained in some manner, then the animal can't disappear and is forced to remain in a physical form.
Judging from the leash on the dog’s neck, this was that same scenario. It was rather bold of the woman to bring the soul animal out in public if it was rejecting her like this. Almost brave.
Gothamites rarely helped each other, but things became a little sensitive with soul animals. You wouldn't be too surprised if there wasn't at least one attempt to free the dog today. It certainly caught attention. It could even catch.. vigilante attention.
You frowned. It was a shame to cut one of your few outings short. Sometimes there was no alternative though. You certainly wouldn't be sticking around.
You jumped at the sound of a shriek, eyes darting down to your bag where Robin rested. Robin glared venomously at your shoulder, and you glanced at it.
Your shoulder where… Ah. That would do it. Your shoulder where Red rested. Your third robin. You felt like crying. Why, why this pair?
You didn't even feel the bird as it appeared. Was that a testament to Red's stealth or your lacking observational skills?
Robin glared daggers at Red, practically hissing. You didn't even know birds could hiss. Red paid him no mind, instead looking very settled on your shoulder. The bird even snuggled your face a little. What a smug guy.
Another bark caught your attention. You glanced forward, remembering the scene. Your soul animal’s squabbling would draw too much attention. If any of the vigilantes were watching, you'd be in trouble. One robin soul animal was potentially excusable. But two? That would get you caught.
You tried to shush the two, a small signal for them to knock it off. Naturally, because it was these two, they ignored you. You groaned. This was far too public.
You grabbed Red, snatching him off your shoulder as gently as you could. Placing him gently into your shoulder bag, you tried your best to pretend the resulting screech from Robin wasn’t noticeable. The flap of your bag was closed, so no one could spot them… They could certainly hear if they came close enough though.
Time to leave. You paid for what you picked up and dashed out. The sight of rejected soulmates was generally considered disturbing, so anyone watching could just attribute your rush to that.
Were you paranoid?
Mayhaps a little.
You've justified it by the fact that you're probably soulmates with Batman and 4 robins, so paranoia is practically a requirement for your soul.
Hello ^ ^ welcome to my soulmate au! I do hope you enjoyed.
If you have any questions about the au, please feel free to reach out :D
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moirasdolly · 2 months
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˚ ⋆゚୨୧ Vampire Heart ୨୧ ˚ ⋆゚ Arlecchino x Fem Reader
Synopsis: You lay out your whole past for Arlecchino and bare your soul. It gives the other woman even more of a reason to help you get healthy again, and even offer you a permanent home with her. Of course you agree, but as you live together you begin to find little secrets Arlecchino is keeping.
Contains: NSFW (men and minors dni), graphic depictions of blood sucking, hurt/comfort (only slight angst).
Listening to ♪ ིྀ: Rosemary - Deftones
Previous Chapter: 1
Notes: Yes yes yes I know I’ve written her to have very cliche vampiric traits but that’s what a vampire fic is all aboutttt! Like yes she has to carry an umbrella in the sunlight and yesss she lives in a gothic mansion and yesssssssss she’s secretive and strange, but anyway I enjoyed writing this chapter so much <3 I love this fic so far and I hope yall do too
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❤︎ Chapter 2: Understanding
By the time you woke up the next morning it was still raining. To your surprise of course, you would have thought after the heavy showers from last night, it would have been calmer by now. You groaned softly as you shifted in the large bed you had been resting in for the night. Your body felt incredibly weak and it felt like a chore to even adjust your position. Your sleepy, doe eyes scanned the room for the woman who had taken you in, but there was no sign of her, admittedly you felt a pang of guilt in your heart when you realized she had probably slept somewhere else once you fell asleep. You felt horrible for intruding on her privacy and even taking her bed to sleep in for the night.
You were so lost in thought that you hadn’t even noticed the tall woman enter the room. “What thoughts are in that pretty little head of yours, hm?” She hummed upon stepping in. Your eyes widen ever so slightly at the sight of her. She no longer donned her sleek attire from the previous night, but instead she was dressed in a long, black nightgown. The top framed her breasts in delicate black lace and dark silk cascaded down the rest of her body, all the way down to her ankles. Rendered speechless for a moment, you blinked at her before registering what she had asked you. You cleared your throat to play off the fact that you were indeed staring her down. “I just feel bad… you’ve already done so much for me, but I can’t do much to make it up to you since I’m still sick.” You sigh before trying to sit up before making a pathetic noise of struggle and falling back down onto the bed.
She watched in amusement as you put on such a sad display and just shook her head slowly. Her light footsteps carried her to you before she bent down at the waist to loom closer to you. You tried to keep your eyes on hers, but even in your feverish, sickly state, you still found time to look at the way the neckline of her dress hung down, exposing her cleavage to you. If she noticed, she didn't say anything and instead placed a gloved hand on your chin and tilted it up to meet her gaze. “I’m sorry…” You mumbled out realizing you don’t even have a name to match the beautiful face. “Arlecchino.” She states simply, and you give her your name in return. “There is no need to repay me for anything, I just wish to see you healthy again.” You furrow your brows slightly, confused at why she was being so kind to you. “But… I don’t understand. I’m completely causing a disturbance for you and taking up space in your private home.” A frown had been creeping on your soft lips.
Instead of standing beside the bed she had taken a seat beside you by now and was keeping her gloved grip on you. It was odd she had gloves on, but again, you ignored it just like every other odd little detail about you. “Little doe, if I thought you were a burden it would have been made clear by now.” She whispered into your ear before pulling back to study you. Her eyes raked over your hair that suited your features perfectly, your blushed cheeks and slightly dewy skin from the fever, and your body… She wondered how cute you were under that long dress of yours as well. Oh how she wished she could slide her hands under to find out. She knew she’d have the chance once you were well again though. She noticed how silent you were for a moment and decided to fill the space with her own words. “So, what were you doing out there in the middle of the night? Don’t you know what dangers lurk deep in the woods late at night?” She moved her hand to soothe over your hair gently. 
You knew she would eventually want to know what you were doing out there, but you thought she’d wait a bit longer before asking. There was really no point in hiding it though since she seemed like a no-nonsense type of woman. She also intrigued you in a way that made you want to spill your heart out to her, you didn’t know why though. A sigh pushed its way past your lips and you turned your head away from her. You didn’t want to be facing her just in case you started to tear up, the wounds were still fresh after all. She tutted slightly before gently guiding your gaze to her once more, “Eyes on me, doe.” The pet name tumbled from her lips so easily it almost made you melt. You nodded slowly before retelling your story and how your parents wanted to marry you off to a man twice your age.
“They never cared for me as I was the middle child.” You mention. “Not old enough to be the responsible example set for the younger ones, and not young enough to be the perfectly adorable youngest daughter.” I sniffled slightly as the tears began to fall. “They just wanted to toss me away so they could get a fortune off of me.” You try to turn your head away again, but when you look up at Arlecchino you catch a glimpse of something on her face that you can’t quite discern. Her brows were furrowed and she looked like if you spoke of your family anymore she’d snap. “I’m sorry if I said too much.” You say finally after a beat of silence, you had misread her expression for annoyance with you rather than your pathetic excuse of a family. “Never apologize for feeling.” Arlecchino says quickly, wanting to dispel any ill thoughts she thought you might have. “Your family should be the ones apologizing for treating someone like you so terribly.” She spat out, her voice full of venom for the ones who did you wrong. She surprised you and her own self with how much emotion she was feeling for you in such a short span of time. “I apologize for raising my voice, dear, but it is completely unacceptable.”
Your heart was almost beating out of your chest, and perhaps it was because you had never received this type of care before, but you liked how strongly she felt about how you were treated. “Thank you for listening and taking me in. It means everything to me… I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t stumbled into you.” I might have even gone back home, you thought to yourself. Of course you didn’t say it because the taller woman would have gone into a rant on why you would be a fool to do that. “Well, you’re free to seek shelter and companionship here with me for as long as you’d like.” Her deep voice is sincere, and it sends butterflies straight to your tummy. “I want to stay.” You blurted out before averting your eyes. Embarrassment was present on your face as you blushed even deeper than you already had been. Your eyes snapped back to her once a soft chuckle rumbled in her throat. “I see,” she starts before letting her fingers smoothe over your hair once more, “now rest up, little doe. You had a rough night and your fever isn’t improving at all. Call for me and I’ll be here to help you.” You nod your head, not trusting your voice to properly reply, and just like that she vanishes out of the room. You almost wished she had given you a kiss on the forehead, or any sort of affection, but you knew that was just your touch-starved mind running wild, and you decided to let yourself sleep more since it was still early in the day.
For the past week you had been in Arlecchino’s care and she was nothing less than attentive. Everytime you groaned about your head hurting she would be there with a cold washcloth and pain medicine for you. If you felt too cold, she’d be there with blankets, and if you were too hot she’d be there with remedies to cool you down. And even though she was highly attentive, it felt like she was a bit secretive. During the day she spent her time chatting with you, taking care of you and if you were resting she busied herself with her own affairs. When she thought you were asleep for the night she would leave the house into the dark, misty forest and return several hours later. On the occasions that she left during the day, she was always fully covered with a dark colored umbrella, and all these things were starting to make you question her. You didn’t want to prod at her too much though, so you asked simple questions such as, “Where are you off to?” or, “I heard the door late last night, what was that?” She would always answer your questions vaguely, explaining she was going out to do business with someone or running errands, but she never came home with anything, so you felt she was lying to you.
Your fever had lasted an awful long time and only after a little less than a month were you beginning to feel well again. You were able to wander through her home now and explore every little detail of it. She gave you a full tour eventually and you were in awe of how beautiful it was. She had an old library with an extensive collection of novels in it that you had no problem indulging in whenever you were bored or if Arlecchino was out. On one particular night she was gone longer than usual, and you had already finished the book you had been reading all day. You were growing bored of reading and you weren’t sure what else to do until she came home again so you decided a little snooping wouldn’t hurt.
When she toured her home for you there were a few places she either brushed past or outright stated were off limits, and as much as the latter was interested you, you didn’t want to be an absolute pest and break her trust. Instead you wandered to the old, dark wood desk Arlecchino had in the corner of her library. You ran your fingertips over the smooth wood before sauntering around the corner to sit in the chair. It was quite comfortable, and maybe you’d take advantage of it in the future if you ever wanted to write or journal at the desk. There were compartments on either side and you jiggled each of them, and to no surprise they were locked. All with the exception of one. She must have forgotten to lock it last time she was in there. You opened it slowly to reveal a black leather booklet. You brought it to the desk and examined it carefully. It opened up easily, and there was no dust in sight, so she must have been using it recently.
The first page was signed by a name you didn’t quite recognize and you wondered who this “Peruere” person was. The first entries detailed quite a mundane life, and you flipped the pages quickly until something caught your eye. The dates that had been signed at the beginning of each entry were from 1832. You wondered what Arlecchino was doing with an old diary from so long ago, but you didn’t have time to dwell because you heard the front door open and close swiftly. It seemed as if she had other business to attend to before coming upstairs to meet you. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding when you realized you wouldn’t get caught. Footsteps ascended  up the steps and you knew the first place she would check was in here. You quickly made sure the diary was returned to the correct drawer  before snatching a random book off of the shelf behind you and reclining in your seat at the desk. You tried to make yourself familiar with the plot of the book you were reading just in case the older woman asked you about it. You were halfway through a random page in the book before she had entered. She was surprised to not see you in your usual chair that you had taken a liking to.
She called out your name gently, but loud enough for it to fill up the large library with her deep voice. “Over here!” You called out to her, and she was there in no time. “ Ah, dear, what are you doing over here?” She questioned, slightly confused as to why you’d choose to sit at this old desk rather than the plush, spacious chair she had arranged for you. “I dunno. I was just wanting to read something from this section, but I didn't feel like walking back over there….” Arlecchino studied your features to see if there was any indication that you were lying, and once she was satisfied she hummed softly. “Very well. I brought home a meal for us, I don’t know if you have eaten yet though, my apologies for being gone so late.” She extends her hand to yours and whisks you out of your seat and close to her side. You shake your head as a no, and she leads you into the dining room, but not before she spares a glance back at the desk you were sitting at.
 It was nothing too fancy, but she had brought home your favorite soup and bread to pair with it. Your mouth watered at the sight and you turn to hug her, but you stop yourself, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. The only physical touch had only been initiated by her, so you didn’t want to cross any boundaries.
She softened slightly at your cute behavior and pat you on your head gently. “Eat well, I already ate while I was out, but I wanted to bring extra for you since I recall you liked this dish when I made it for you from scratch.” Your eyes fluttered shut as you giggled softly. Arlecchino truly did take care of you so much that she had begun to notice your favorite foods in the short month you had been staying there. “Thank you Arle, you are the best.” You say softly before taking a seat and digging in. Your belly was full and warm by the time you finished and you felt yourself feeling a bit tired already. Granted it was pretty late at night and you always felt a bit sleepy after eating. You lean back in your chair before eventually taking your dirty dishes to the sink. Once they were cleaned and dried, both you and Arlecchino parted ways to get ready for slumber. 
About 40 minutes later and you were freshly showered and adorned in a sweet little night gown that didn’t leave much to the imagination. You had your own room now in her home and you had made it entirely yours. It was filled to the brim with pink, frilly, princess like decor that contrasted nicely with the dark walls and gothic light fixtures. Arlecchino had made it easy for you to get everything you wanted and you had questioned just how wealthy she was, but you weren’t complaining at all. You heard two knocks on the other side of your door, and you were giddy for Arlecchino to see you in the slip dress you were wearing. “Come in!” Your honey-like voice rang out and the other women entered the room. She was wearing the same black slip dress from the first morning when you woke up in her home and your eyes wandered all over her just like the first time. The glances were mutual apparently because Arlecchino was looking you over as well, but there was no hiding her gaze. Her intense eyes were focused on you, and only you. If you played your cards right, you would be in for a long night.
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Teen wolf - Alpha needs his pack Part 2.
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Hey, y'all already know who we are right? We're like two of the most popular guys at school. Or maybe the coolest. Or... ok forget I said that. We are just bestfriends, by day we do normal shirt together by some nights Scott is doing his wolf stuff and I try to help out as much as I can.
But recently sometihng has changed. Scott started to act more dominant. We spoke less and less. He is so focused on the pack and the dangers that might come, but that's not how Scott usually is. Also, what happened to Theo? He is always ten steps behind Scott like some sort of a servant and he even keeps looking at me. But not with his self-centered I AM BETTER THAN YOU look, but now he looks like he wants to tell me sometihng, like he is being punished. I'll try to talk to him, since Scott is distancing himself from me now. HE EVEN GOT A TATTOO. Without me! We were talking getting one and he didn't wait for me. Ok, maybe my dad would be against it, but I would resist. Maybe, for a while. Ok, I wouldn't dare, but you know. He could have said something.
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I think I was getting really desperate. My best friend is not talking to me, everyone else would think the way that I do. I knew If I were in his pack he couldn't ignore me. But if my dad found out I was bitten someday, he would flip. Or maybe I would too. The first transformation must be horrible. Which is why I contacted one witch. She is not evil, but doesn't work for free. And I still didn't have an idea how to get Scott to talk to me, but she would know what to do. Wouldn't she?
We met up in the forest. She brough a box with her with all sorts of potions and equipment. She was a middle aged, very beautiful woman, nice hair, leather jacket.
"Hey. You're not the witch from Snow White I was expecting."
"Money" she said annoyed after my joke
I handed her the money. And started nervously: "Haha, sorry about that. I just get nervous handling illegal stuff in the dark with strangers. Not like I would do that, like ever. Not like drugs or anything. I don't do drugs..."
"You talk too much." She handed me a small vial of liquid. As I observed the vial, she touched my hand. "Do you even know, there's some magic in you? Are you so blind to everything around you, you don't even see whats in you?"
"I am a wizard?"
"No. You have some magic, but you're weak." she started packing her things and getting ready to leave.
"Wait, you didn't tell me what to do."
"Drink it to get close to who you want." she said mysteriously.
What does that even mean? I drank the whole vial and she just smiled at me. I hope that's a good sign. A smile from a witch. Sure
Suddenly a noise echoed through the forrest. That sounded like a howl. The witch was already running away from me.
In a minute Derek appeared behind me. "What the hell are you doing here?"
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I was really surprised to see him, but also not. The wolves always protect the Beacon Hills so if there was a creature tresspassing, they would know. I tried to sound confident. "Well I could be asking you the same thing"
"Do you even know that the Dread doctors are in Beacon Hills?! Has no one told you they pose a threat, Stiles?!? They want to get to Scott and you are parading in a forrest doing god knows what."
"I was just... on a midnight walk. It's very healthy actually. You should try sometimes. But I guess you run a lot around the town during the night. Right. Anyway..."
"Stiles, shut the fuck up and let's go."
He touched my arm and then my whole world flipped. It must have happened really fast, but for us it felt like ages. I even think I saw Derek's aura? soul? I don't know. But those things switched places in our bodies. They positioned themself and after that I opened my eyes again.
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I saw myself. Myself from Derek's eyes. As I looked down I saw Derek's muscles. Oh man, he's gonna kill me now.
"Stiles?!?" the expression of my face changed from my usual friendly approach to the one I might have had maybe the last time playing a video game. I didn't even know my face could do this.
"Yesss?" whoa. Did that vibrating manly voice just come out of me? That's so hot. I have to calm down before Derek notices I am not that mad about the situation as he is.
"What exactly have you been doing here? And I need you to tell me everything." haha. My body looks so funny when he's trying to look angry.
I told him how I felt about Scott, how the witch took the money and gave me the vial and how I drank it.
He laughed of frustration. "You fuckin' idiot. Don't you get it?"
"Get what?"
"The Dread Doctors were planning to swap you and Scott. You were suppose to go meet him after this, right?"
"Well of course. Our little stiles feels intimidated by Scott new ball drop and wants to be close, just to endanger the whole town in doing so. What would you do if you swapped with him? Would you manage being the Alpha? HUH? No, right. Didn't think so."
"Sorry, this wasn't the plan."
"Oh I know it wasn't. And it sure wasn't my plan to spend the evening fucking myself."
"WHAT?! WHAT do you mean?! Why should I.... YOU...WHAT?"
"Every magical thing has a twist. And maybe from every cheesy freaky friday movie you watch, you might understand, that the people that swap have to get close somehow, make up. They always have to 'learn a lesson', 'try to walk in each others shoes', but they all take the long way. The fastest way to swap is to know how the other one FEELS."
"Derek, I... I don't know if I want this."
"Well I sure as don't want this kid, but we don't have a choice now, do we? Now, get on your knees. I got places to be."
He came close to me and started unzipping my jeans.
"Hey that's my dick!"
"No, it's mine now. And if you don't want it to be like this forever, which I really don't, then SUCK IT!"
I have to say, that seeing my own body being so dominant was in some ways really hot. I lowered myself.
"I have never seen it from this angle. It looks really nice."
"Stiles. SUCK IT!"
I didn't want to bee yelled at anymore, but Derek's body seemed to react to it slightly. I liked the shaft first, grabbing the lower part of my dick and positioned my mouth over it. My beard over my lips slightly scratching the head of my dick seemed to cause sensation to him. I pushed the dick more and more. Damn, almost no gag reflex. Convenient. My dick is real nice I gotta say. Striaght, slightly hairy, nice balls. It's not one of the biggest out there, but it's not bad in the mouth.
I accelerated. He started moaning. I used my right hand to jerk the lower half and blow the top. I think I'm getting good at this. Maybe cause Derek now put his hand in my hair to hold onto something.
"So you like it huh?"
I got back to it, accelerating even more until streams of cum released into my mouth. I swallowed.
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"So? When do you think we're gonna swap?" I asked him
He hyperventilated from the orgasm. "I... I thought this would work actually."
"Well maybe we gotta fuck for real. Let's go to my place. My dad's on duty now.
We entered my room. I could see the post nut clarity in his eyes. Post nut clarity and desperation. Nothing I haven't seen before on my own face.
"Ok, Derek. The lube is in the drawers. There is a completely new one. I haven't had a chance to use it. Guess I still won't be the first one using it. Hahah."
"What do you mean?"
"You just came. My body isn't used to cum two times a in an hour, So if you can't do the math, I'll do it for you."
"We'll wait until your body's dick gets hard." he said indifferently
A wave of anger swept over me
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"Listen here, Derek. You suggested this and I followed. Now it's your turn to obey and do what I tell you. You don't want to be stuck like this and these are your methods. So we're gonna fuck. And I will be on top. Understand?"
He just nodded. I could see the fear in his eyes. But also excitement. And what I really didn't expect a tent formed in his jeans. That little fucker likes to be dominated. He's just hiding it behind this facade.
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I was horny, hell yeah I was. And I also wanted to enjoy being this buff for just a few minutes. I did some pull ups. It went so easily. His body is so amazing. Maybe I should hit the gym after we go back.
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Derek just sat shirtless on the bed, watching me lift myself up and down.
I got near him. The sweat drops rolling over my muscles. I took his hand and positioned it on my belt. He unbuckled it. SHIIIT this dick is huge. No wonder when Derek is such a masculine man.
"SUCK IT!" I said just as he said before. Only now, my voice was more manlier than his. He obeyed me, he wanted me to feel good and ge was doing such a great job. I thrusted my hips into his mouth as he was sucking. He choked many time. My body's gag reflex made it worse for him. Take that, that's for before
I took off my pants and he took off his. He turned around and got in position for me to enter him. I took the lube, put some on my hand, then his ass. Then on my new dick. Fuck, it's my first time jerking his dick. And it feels so good. I don't think I want to swap. But if I get my hands on the vial, I could swap with anyone. It would be cool to know what it's like to be Theo. He has a beautiful body.
My mind got back from daydreaming to fucking again. My hard pulsating dick in my hand ready over my hairy ass. I pushed, slowly, gently. I waited for him to get used to it. He moaned like a little bitch. While I waited for him to enjoy the pain I grabbed his dick. He was just as hard as I was. I took my other hand and grabbed him under his neck and took him close to me. My other hand still on his dick, jerking him, my own dick thrusting into him. He moaned. I kissed his neck and bit him a bit. I could feel my wolf teeth come out. But no, not the time
I accelerated. Thrusting more into him and jerking him twice as before. He wasn't moaninf, he was screaming out of pleasure now. And then it hit. Both of us. Be came at the same time. I came into him and ha came all over my bed. We panted, my dick still inside of him slowly getting flacid.
I pulled out. Laying myself down and he did so next to me on the bed.
"Well, that didn't work."
We just looked at each other, both wondering what we were gonna do.
But hey, atleast I get to be part of the pack with Scott now.
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A story from inbox that skipped a few others: Maybe a second part of the new alpha where stiles hires some witch to make him and derek swap bodies in order to improve the pack. Maybe even derek had a kink with being smaller and loves the new reality.
Sorry for taking so long, but don't worry. Your story is coming
Part 1:
Part 3:
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receival · 4 months
baldur’s gate 3 starters.
the following is a collection of sentence starters from larian’s baldur’s gate 3. part 2.
look at me - i’m not a monster.
stay back. i don’t want to hurt you, but i will.
no. you’re not one of them at all.
i was ready to run you through. my mistake, friend.
that’s far enough. what’s your business down here?
you revealed our location? that tongue gets any looser, (name), and i’ll cut it out.
reckon i might miss this place.
this place is more dangerous than i thought.
well, don’t you cut a fine figure.
sometimes i’m jealous of that girl. ugh - to feel so invincible again.
in your expert opinion, what’s the best way to kill a devil?
i’m certain there are answers out there. we’ll find them together.
there’s no story. none that you’re entitled to hear, anyway.
you can tolerate a great deal of suffering, so long as it has meaning.
until then, all i can do is endure.
please try to understand that it’s not something i can just talk about freely.
perhaps there’s potential in you.
honestly, your faith is your own concern. i won’t judge, one way or the other.
i think i did well by joining you.
you already know my biggest secrets. what more can you ask?
that wall’s an illusion! hiding what, i wonder …
sun, moon, and stars will still be there, waiting for us.
this place is pretty spectacular, isn’t it?
no book or painting could ever do its strange beauty justice.
a perfect ring of mushrooms … nature, or magic?
hmm. i thought that might’ve done something.
another illusion. is anything real down here?
i’m more concerned with this ‘twit’ who set a spectator on you.
a rival - a mere footnote to my legend. you should be more concerned with who i am.
the fools must have turned back. or, better yet, died in the search.
i need no more rivals. try to take this as a compliment, yes?
this presence … this magic is not divine, but fey.
little? i am a god! and i’m gonna rip you - tear you - wear you for a hat -
don’t do anything hasty, now.
i’ll just kill you and claim it for myself.
i’m the lord of murder - i’ll show you why.
if you’re expecting me to drop to my knees before you, forget it.
a wizard’s tower is his sanctum, a private place for research and respite. but as this wizard’s not home … i say we take a peek.
a strange place for a button. especially one that doesn’t work.
what good would it do for me to be troubled? we can’t save them all.
you’ll have to speak slowly. i find it quite difficult to concentrate with my condition gnawing at my insides like a teething displacer kitten.
the whole village is falling to pieces …
hey, maybe we can scare up a few dusty bottles of wine somewhere.
i like your way of thinking. split any takings we find?
what creatures live in water this dark?
i’m a rabid dirty dog. and i bite.
i could’ve killed you before you even noticed me, but i didn’t. stand down.
i can be discreet. no need for bloodshed.
share? you really are in the wrong place.
a bleeding heart, are you? reckon i’ll just roast and eat it.
what in the hells did you do to that corpse?
you do plenty for me, more than you realize. but this cannot be remedied.
are you alright? is there anything i can do to help you?
enough. bickering won’t save your friend.
run away, then.
(name) - i was so worried! did they hurt you?
who cares? we’re together now, thank gods!
i’m grateful, don’t mistake me, but … why help us?
freeze it, cock-stench. we aren’t done just yet.
pay up, and you get to skink away. resist, and i gut you.
drop it. i don’t owe you anything.
your incompetence has been my ruin.
stop! no more innocents will die today, (name).
you care for the weak. most curious.
you so much as touch me, and i’ll tear you from limb to limb.
ah - another treacherous soul walks among us.
i ain’t going down easy.
you been a shit since i laid eyes on you, (name).
strike him down. prove your faith.
your silence speaks to your heresy.
look, you have no idea what you’re dealing with …
it’s the whole damn reason we’re here, and i’m not leaving without it.
the mission comes first.
and i thought i’d heard it all. that’s some cambion-level deception.
i go where there’s shit to stir. and there’s no shortage of options.
i can’t remember much, truth be told.
centuries of torment will do that to you.
you’ve been naughty. and you know what happens when you’re naughty.
just who in the nine hells are you?
well, well. aren’t you a luscious thing?
been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that.
you have a manner of irresistible desperation about you. i like it.
you know, i’ve been thinking. and i think there’s something i should tell you. nothing big or terrible, just … a small little detail about me that hasn’t come up naturally.
i want to join you - to fight by your side.
i’m sorry for barging in like this, but i had to come find you.
i won’t let you down. i promise.
we all have our burdens, one way or the other.
i’m trying to say that you’ve earned my trust in a way very few ever have … i want that to mean something.
freedom - i’d forgotten how it felt. thank you.
if you have a moment, i’d like your opinion on something.
the problem is this: a preponderance of evidence that i am a terrible adventurer.
i can’t risk re-capture. i barely escaped last time.
it was a mistake. and not one we’ll repeat.
i don’t know. he was kind of fun.
we can’t just invite danger in to our hearth like that. we must be more careful.
most monsters will think twice before making a meal of me.
an old hunter’s trick - if you can’t mask your scent, spoil it.
i prefer a weapon to stench, thanks.
you’re a monster hunter? not what i imagined.
whatever you’re hunting, your stench alone will kill it.
a quick wit is rare indeed.
know how to ask, and they’ll share that knowledge. if you’re fool enough to pay their price.
speak plainly. what is she?
i think you’re mistaken - this place looks innocent enough.
truth is like a blade, my friend. we can arm ourselves with it - or just as easily find it pressed against our throat.
i would not put you in danger.
your coyness is getting boring. tell me.
you take insult where none is intended, my friend.
how thoroughly invigorating it is to stand by one’s friend in the face of danger.
you best have one hells of an apology for me.
you must have mistaken me for someone else.
that wriggler swimming in your brain juice is a bit of an inconvenience, isn’t it?
that’s none of your concern.
don’t change the subject.
keep that hole under your nose shut.
let’s not involve ourselves in this place any longer than is necessary.
you want to play the hero so badly? fine. let’s make this interesting.
gods, it’s hot in here.
i’ve had better days. and worse ones.
i am, after all, the villain of the tale.
you truly are a soul that steels my own.
you are as thick as they come.
even i am tired of the sound of my own voice.
i stand at a precipice, but if you do not give up hope, neither shall i.
all of this … it must feel like a betrayal.
you bastard! you ruined it, you ruined everything!
slow down - what did i do?
this is an interesting way of thanking me.
i don’t need this. good luck getting out of here on your own.
i know i should head home, but … i can’t bring myself to leave.
(are you alright?) / not even a little bit. but i will be.
she favored me like a child favors a captive pet.
i promise i will not betray your trust.
i cannot thank you enough.
you will face (name)’s judgement.
i wish you could have visited at a better time.
you had no right to intervene.
you’re not one of us.
copper for your thoughts?
always a delight to speak to you.
did i play games like this in my youth? was i sweet once?
what are you doing? i’m busy here!
nothing beats the taste of stolen beer.
come on, now. they’re just having a bit of fun.
let’s do what we have to do, then get out of here.
smell’s like burnt flesh.
hold out your arm so i can mark your flesh.
i’m here to spill your guts across the floor.
pain without purpose is a terrible thing, wouldn’t you agree?
i often feel i like raw pain too much. it scares me.
as long as the story ends in death, it’s all the same to me.
forgive me, but - that look in your eyes. something terrible has happened to you.
what i see in your eyes, in your soul, is only natural.
we’ve all suffered in these dark times. it is little wonder you hear scars of pain and anguish.
touch me and you’ll lose your hand.
the pain you suffer will cleanse you - do not fight it.
you look tired. should i take over?
welcome the pain. let it become part of you.
that looks like it’s going to bruise.
not that i’m suggesting we stop for a drink, of course.
i wouldn’t want to place all my faith in blind luck.
sympathies won’t help me to survive.
your life, much like your words, is meaningless. end the latter to save the former.
looks like the booze got the better of them. they’re practically unconscious.
they’re dying for me. all of them.
why don’t you take a closer look? i’ll observe from back here.
please don’t open the creepy book!
toddlers are easier to please than you lot.
you know, i never pictured myself as a hero.
all i want is a little fun. is that so much to ask?
having performance issues, (name)?
never have i met such troglodytes.
i was hoping you wouldn’t notice i was gone.
i suggest we admire it from afar.
it would be too much to hope that’s nothing to do with us, wouldn’t it?
i go my own way - alone.
i’ll feed your innards to the ants before i do that.
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trumpkinhotboy · 6 months
Fight, fight, fight!
Pairing: reader x twilight wolfpack
Type: requested (thank youu)
Warnings: mentions of a fight, but nothing graphic
Word count: approx 1k
A/n: loved writing this little scenario, i'm maybe... even tempted to write a part 2 if that's something you guys would be interested in and also pls don't hate me i promise 'I'll keep an eye on you' pt.3 is coming!!! I've just had so many other things to work on, but I PROMISE IT'S COMING BABES anyway, hope you'll enjoy xxx
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You were not a violent person. In fact, you hated any kind of physical confrontation and considered yourself a pacifist. You always were one to stay calm and walk away whenever someone tried to get under your skin.
You never thought the drive to protect others would make you go feral, but you discovered it the day someone endangered someone you love.
It was stupid. The classic, popular high school kids gave other students a hard time. When they nagged as you walked by, you did as always: royally ignored them. Honestly, their words didn't even filter through your brain. You knew they didn't have anything important or original to say anyway.
But suddenly, their lousy comments started filtering in. Confused, you turned around to understand they weren't talking to you but to your friend. You could see how she slumped her shoulders and tried to disappear into the ground as they circled her. Your heart started beating faster, your blood boiled in your veins, and unconsciously, you clenched your fists until you felt a slicing pain in your palm.
The comments and nagging continued until you planted yourself in front of them, shielding your friend from their eyes. They sized you up, laughing at your attempt at bravery. While you weren't looking, one of them pushed your friend on you, hopping to make you tumble down pathetically, but something got ahold of your blood, of your every muscle, and very soul. This ever-growing feeling and instinct to protect yourself and the ones you loved took over. That's probably how you ducked so fast, pushed your friend out of harm's way, and swung your fist as hard as you could.
"I can't believe you would ever get in a fight!" said Emily for the third time.
You stared at the ground as she hurried around the kitchen, grabbing supplies to wipe the blood from your nose and split lip. You didn't say anything, and neither did the boys.
You hadn't said anything since they forced you out of the crowd before you injured one of the bullies too seriously.
Emily kept blabbering about violence and how fighting was never the solution while she grabbed a bag of frozen peas. She stomped to you, dropping it in your hands as she asked. "Don't you have anything to say for yourself?"
You leveled your gaze to hers, looked at the group around you, and only said, "They deserved it."
She let out a frustrated sigh, confused and frustrated with your attitude. You were a good kid, had always been. She knew there must have been a good explanation for why you did what you did.
You hoped she would finally give up the lecture and leave you alone, but when Sam entered the room, you knew you were still in for a while. His dark stare communicated much more than his words ever could. Sam was your cousin, but he also was your legal guardian ever since your parents died. You grew up with him, and he had become the most important parental figure in your life. He walked over to you with deadly calm, making all the other boys thankful not to be at the receiving end of his anger.
He grabbed a chair and sat right in front of you. "Why?"
"They deserved it," was all you answered once again. "You will have to do better than that if you don't want to be grounded for the rest of your life." You leveled him a look, and he noticed there was something there, something different. "Y/n, what happened?"
The same light of uncertainty and fear shone in your eyes. "I don't know," you finally whispered. "I don't know what happened. One minute, I was walking away from them, carrying on with my day as I always do. The other, I was in their face, feeling this rage gnawing at me."
Complete silence.
"Do you know what made you feel that way?" softly asked your cousin. The angry look had left his eyes, replaced with the soft and compassionate one he only let a few people see.
"I'm not sure, but I know once I heard them talking shit about my friend and saw how scared she was… I just wanted to protect her. One of them tried pushing us from behind, and I have no idea how, but I managed to duck, push Leila away, and punch him right in the face in the span of a second," you stared at them all, the shock and confusion in their face. "But the worst was that once I started punching, I didn't have to think about my moves… They all came naturally. There was this thing inside of me just repeating I needed to protect, and so I did. I honestly have no idea when I would have stopped if they hadn't stepped in." You finished with a grateful look at your friends.
Sam stayed dead silent, lost in thought. Unsure whether what you were telling him meant what he thought it did. This was all going too fast. He couldn't, wouldn't tell you about this right now. He would need to discuss with the rest of the pack and see what they thought before making any more moves.
You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Even Emily, always so joyful, seemed lost in an inner world of only her knowing. You looked around at the people surrounding you, your gaze jumping from one to the other, trying to find answers in their eyes.
Until Jake broke the loaded silence, "Then I guess you were right. They did deserve it."
The smile slowly lightening up your features made them all breathe a little easier. "Now come on, put those frozen peas on your eye before it turns all blue and mushy. We wouldn't want to be deprived of the sight of your beautiful face, uh?" he said while walking to you with his signature grin.
Sam gave him a quick thankful look before looking at the other members of his pack, wondering how on earth they would deal with this.
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breyito · 1 month
Fear your sins, not your monsters: Part Three: Paths Converging
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Continuation of Day 1 and 2 of @painlandweek
Part 1 Part 2 Chapters: 3/5 Fandom: Dead Boy Detectives (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence Relationships: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne & Charles Rowland, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne & Crystal Palace Characters: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Charles Rowland (DCU) Additional Tags: Protective Edwin Paine | Edwin PayneUnhinged Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Violence, Torture, Hurt Charles Rowland (DCU), Sickfic, love language: acts of service, painlandweek, BAMF Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Angst with a Happy Ending
Here on AO3
A/N: Hello! I'm so, so sorry about the delay! My ADHD has been kicking my ass for the last couple of weeks and istg i feel like i can't do anything. Anyways. I had to split this chapter in half, cause it was getting ridiculously long again, and I wasnt going to finish the rest of it today. (I have this new app on my phone that is voice-to-text and it changed my life! All the dialogues i keep forgetting bc of lack of energy to write i can just *dictate* and it feels so good lol. It also lenghtened this quite a bit, tho.) No moodboard for this one either, not yet. I'll try to make one tomorrow (or in a few hours, as it is, once again, 5am). No beta and English is not my native language, so any mistakes please point them out. I hope you enjoy this one! I'm very curious about what you'll think of this one ;P Oh, WARNING:This contains violence, threats of rape towards Charles and other children's souls, etc.
Part Three: Paths Converging
They headed back to the office. On the way, Crystal with her phone in her ear, Edwin had explained the general gist of things to her. Mainly that the other ghost hadn’t known the location of the lair of the witch, but had visited a few times. To allow him to travel there via mirror, she had given him a token attuned to him and his energy. They could use the token, but not to travel with it more than once; and definitely not to escape the place. (Not to mention that Crystal would have never let Edwin go on his own alone, without even the possibility of helping him. She was glad, still, that the ghost boy had not even suggested that.)
“So how can we use it?” she asked, looking right at him, as she plopped down on the couch. They were inside the office now and nosy taxi drivers couldn’t watch her suspiciously anymore. Also, she was exhausted and couldn’t bother with more acting for a couple of hours.
Edwin had gone straight to the massive pile of books on top of every single flat surface, including boxes full of files. He had looked at the books covering the desk for a full thirty seconds and then sent a wave of the black smoke at them, and they actually began moving on their own towards the floor. Crystal was…ignoring that for now, for the sake of her sanity. (How many things was she already ignoring?)
“I think I can combine a couple of rituals to create a sort of…tether, between Charles and myself.” he replied to her, as he removed his outer layers. “This would, basically, allow us to communicate with him and follow his energy to the place where the witch has absconded him.”
“Don’t tethers usually need something more physical to work?” she questioned, curious. At least that’s what the book she had been reading before their last case went wildly off course had said. Maybe the black smoke allowed him to tweak the limits?
“I have something more physical of his.” Edwin said, touching Charles’ necklace still around his neck. ”And for me, well, some blood or the ghost equivalent should work.”  His eyes showed his mind went far, far away for a couple of moments. She said nothing, remembering the sudden rush of cold, dark, wet she had felt the last time she touched it. Edwin eventually shook off the melancholy and straightened his posture.
“I will need to compile the different arrays and rites I need to build this ritual. It will take me at least a few hours, so I suggest you rest up.” 
“Are you sure I can’t help you…?” she asked, despite knowing he probably wouldn’t let her. Building rituals from scratch was a whole new area and she had exactly zero experience with that.
“Crystal.” He sighed, already spreading an alarming amount of books on the now clean desk. “I don’t mean to be rude, but unless you have a working knowledge of any of the Celtic languages, Aramaic, Latin or Fuþorc Runes I’ll ask you to keep out of it.”
“Okay, okay.” she rolled her eyes. Kicking her shoes off, she got comfortable on the couch and covered herself with the blanket.  “But wake me up if you need to leave, alright?” she mumbled, half asleep already. “I don’t wanna panic if you’re not there when I wake up…”
Several hours later, Edwin shook her awake. Still woozy from sleep, she understood he needed a specific kind of knife he didn’t have but knew where to get. And that he had to travel by mirror to the place. She mumbled her understanding to him, and he left. 
It was only when she was about to drop back into a deep sleep that her brain actually zoned in to the important part. She sat up on the couch so suddenly she felt dizzy.
“ Esther Finch’s fucking house!?” she yelled at the flat mirror, frustrated beyond belief. “Are you shitting me , Edwin!?” she cursed at the empty office. She creamed into the pillow a bit more, then got up. At least this should give her time to shower.
—-- —-- —--
—-- —-- —--
Edwin really doesn’t want to go back to Port Townsend. The place was bleak, damp and filled with memories of suffering. Whether it is mental, emotional or physical; he’d experienced more pain in that little town in a single month than in the rest of the world in the last fifteen years. 
But Charles was missing. Taken by another witch with a penchant for sick, twisted games and children’s pain. The ritual he came up with was novel and needed every single element to work. The dagger was fundamental. Edwin could not risk wasting more time looking for another knife with the same qualities when he already knew the location of one.
So he travelled to Port Townsend via mirror. He landed in Crystal’s old room above Jenny’s shop, and walked up to the house in a disguise. It was better than trying to travel directly inside Finch’s house, which surely had enchantments against ghosts using her mirrors that way.
As soon as his feet landed inside a ten metre radius, he could feel the repellent wards telling him to go away. This magic felt different than Finch’s. Probably the Cat King, then. Or maybe Tragic Mick? He ignored the compulsion, and kept walking up the path into the porch. 
He took off his glasses before reaching the stairs, and became his true self again. A loud caw immediately greeted him. He paused and looked back,  and saw Monty in his true form on a tree branch. The pause allowed the crow to land in the handrail of the porch, exuding an air of disapproval. Edwin sighed. 
“I need to get something from inside this house.” he said, focusing on one of the crows’ eyes. “I’m not going to-” he paused before he promised something he couldn’t keep. Because he couldn’t promise not to hurt someone with what he took from inside. “I’m going to get something from inside this house.” He said instead. “And you are not going to stop me.”
Monty lifted into the air, agitated, cowing. His wings produced so much wind that Edwin took a step back, but then straightened up and pulled his notebook and held it open with one hand.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Monty.” he stated. “But I will if you try to stop me.” His other hand opened and a bright orange flame erupted, tinged with wisps of black. An alarmed cry made Edwin feel like garbage, but he held the flame on his palm. In control, but ready to attack.
The crow flew off then, shrill caws on his way. Edwin took a deep breath and extinguished the fire, wiping his hand on his coat. He pocketed his notebook and climbed the stairs. Fortunately, he went in as easily as he had done for Becky.
By the time Edwin had found the dagger, and snatched a book that looked like it had been involved in the creation of the ghastly machine that so much pain it had caused him; it was already too late. He felt a pulse of energy from outside, and cursed under his breath. He could try to undo the spells on the mirrors of the house, but that would take too long. So he sighed and marched outside. 
“Edwin, Edwin, Edwin. You don't write, you don't call…” the Cat King said with a fake moue. Edwin looked up and saw Monty flying in circles above their heads. Little snitch , he thought, resentful.
“Cat King.” he said, nodding in respect, trying to walk around him. “I'm just leaving.” But diplomacy never worked on him. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” The other man clicked his tongue, stepping in Edwin’s path. The ghost boy stopped where he was, not willing to get closer.
“What do you think you are doing, entering the house of the Wicked Witch of the West?” The shapeshifter asked, sauntering around him. He was wearing heeled boots, and it added a little height difference that irked Edwin.  
“I already have what I came here looking for. Now, if you please, I'm in a hurry.” Edwin tried to give another step, but the Cat King walked closer again, forcing him to step back. He was not putting himself in reach again. Monty cowed, flying faster, agitated.
“No. I don't think I please.” he tilted his head. “Knowledge like Esther's is dangerous. And I just can't let you leave with something dangerous.” The trickster’s tone was still playful, and it was grating on Edwin’s nerves.
“Knowledge is just knowledge.” the detective said, exasperated. “And I'm not asking you for permission.” he countered, snappish, head held high. “You're wasting my time .” The Cat King’s eyes shone.
“You should always have time for me, dear.” he said, smile cutting. “I can always just trap you here again, Edwin.” He offered, the smile still on.
“...And I can always start killing your subjects until you let me leave. But we are not doing that, are we, Thomas? ” he smirked back, biting. There was something cold in those green eyes that made the shifter want to shiver. The faint wisps of black coming up from the ground were certainly unnerving. Monty screeched in alarm and abruptly landed on a branch several metres down. 
“You know my name.” the Cat King realised, stepping back. 
“I do. I know a lot of things about you now.” the ghost added, taking a step forward. “You like to play games . But I already knew that, from last time.” Edwin took another step closer. “The difference is, Charles is not with me right now. And I don't have a lot of patience for games when he is in danger.” he snarled. 
“So that is why you're doing this? For him? You came all the way to America, to the house where you were tortured in, just for him ?” Thomas asked, indignant.
“I would do many more things for him.” Edwin stated, staring right into those yellow eyes, daring. The shifter scoffed, leaning closer, looking down at the ghost.
“Like threatening me?” The man asked, incredulous.
“I'm not threatening you. I'm warning you.” Edwin said, looking up, teeth bared. It looked more like a show of aggression from a cornered animal than a smile. “You're either on my side, or standing in my fucking way. And I'll get through anything standing in my way to get to him.” Their faces were only a few centimetres apart now, noses almost touching.
Thomas knew, in that moment, that Edwin was being completely honest. He seemed not to care a single bit what could happen to him as long as he could leave to go help his little friend. Nor what enemies he could leave behind. The Cat King felt a bit peeved about it, quite hot under the collar, and a lot jealous. That kind of loyalty to another person, to the point of detriment to yourself? He’d never felt it nor had he had it. It was alluring , damn it.   
“Deathly little thing, aren’t you?” he whispered to this mysterious boy, unwillingly feeling more attracted to him still. The tension between them finally broke when Edwin’s lips formed a teasing smile and his eyes softened a little.
“Only when I have to.” he whispered back, before breaking his gaze and pressing the faintest of kisses on Thomas’ jaw, surprising him. He then sidestepped him and walked out of the yard. 
By the time the Cat King turned around, Edwin was already jumping into a puddle, travelling to where he needed to be. Monty cowed twice and Thomas felt the hidden amusement.
“Oh, shut it, bird-boy. Like you didn’t defy your witch for him, even after he rejected you.” he snapped. 
—-- —-- —--
—-- —-- —--
Charles woke up all at once, gasping. He was sopping wet and chained to the ceiling. The metal of the chains was iron, and they were burning every part of his body that touched them. He was still only wearing his trousers, felt his extremities numb with cold and some of his curls had crusted over with ice.
When his eyes got used to the dim room, he could see it was the same basement he had been trapped in since the beginning. The only real difference was that he wasn’t alone this time. There was a woman on the corner, deep in the shadows. For what he could see, she was pretty fit. Charles might have looked twice if he had seen her on the street.  But with her wild blonde hair, tight red dress and tall boots; she looked like she was wearing a halloween costume that couldn’t decide if it was vampire or witch. A large white spider, with its eyes closed, peacefully placed inside her hair didn’t help matters. He had almost missed it.
“You’re finally awake!” she cheered, getting closer. “Now we can finally get started .” her grin was dangerous and the boy felt a shiver go down his spine.
Taking advantage of the fact that his feet barely touch the ground, she spun him around, making him lose balance. His knee buckled under him and his whole weight was left suspended from his shoulders until he managed to find his footing again. He was trembling even worse  after that, and tears of frustration began leaking from his eyes.
“Are you crying? How cute .” she cooed, grabbing his face and licking the trail the drop had left on his cheek. ”I’d give you a comfort kiss, but I don’t snog anyone that’s not my man.”
“You. Are. Crazy.” Charles said, leaning away from her. The spider opened its eyes and winked with half of them, waving two of its legs. The shivers got worse.
“Don’t be like that, poppet. Everything I’m doing is for love.”
“ Love ?” he repeated, sceptical. 
“Yes! I’m gonna get the love of my life back, and you’re gonna help me.”
“I don’t know anything about love potions or spells; we don’t mess with that shite.” Charles explained, weary. The witch snorted, the spider wiggled, like it was laughing too. (Was this her familiar? Did it share the same amount of sentience as Monty? Somehow, that thought was terrifying).
“Pffff, I don’t mean like that . My boo and I were tragically separated when he was killed by the police and then he got dragged to Hell! ” she huffed. “Like, what even? I just want him back .” 
Usually, Charles was willing to give everyone a chance to explain themselves. It’s not like the system was flawless. Good souls could be sent to Hell, like it had happened with Edwin. 
However, since he was still shivering from the literal torture this woman had put him through (torture she implied her ‘boo’ would enjoy); he would go out on a limb an bet the bloke completely deserved his tenure in Hell.
“And why was he killed by the police?” he asked anyway, already tired of dealing with this. The chat was a step up from the freezing water, but the talk itself so far was three steps down from the earlier solitude.
“Because his stupid best friend and he decided to rob a bank!” she exclaimed, clearly miffed. This time, when she grabbed him to spin him around, her nails left deep scratches, burning and bleeding. This bitch had iron in her nail polish, apparently. “They were caught doing that. I mean, you have to give it to the pigs. They really messed up on that one.”she laughed. “They were caught and got done in as fucking robbers. They didn't even search their flat! They just killed them and left them at the morgue.  They never found out that we were the ones dropping the mangled bodies everywhere.”
“You're sick.” Charles said, swallowing, as he found his rooting again. 
“Oh, baby, of course I am. Didn't I tell you already? I love making people break, playing with them.” She licked her lips, seductive. The ghost boy just felt nauseous. “What I love even more is watching my man do it for me. And that's why you're going to help me bring him back.”
“From Hell ?” He asked, incredulous. “Even if I wanted to, I couldn't help you. Edwin is the one with the knowledge of Hell and its paths, not me. You chose the wrong one of us to kidnap.”
“I don’t think I did. Word is, you are the one that I saved him from hell this time.” she smiled.  She put her extended arm on his shoulder and placed her weight on the claw-like nails sinking in the muscle there. He felt blood dripping down his back. The spider began walking down her shoulder and onto her arm. Leaning in until their faces almost touched, she looked him dead in the eyes, despite his efforts to keep the blasted thing in his line of sight. 
“I did, yeah.” He admitted. “But I had help. I had someone else, much more powerful than I or you ever could be. They opened a portal down to Hell and they kept it open until we got back. You can't do that.” He swallowed. “Can you?” he couldn’t stop himself from asking, now looking at the spider.
Cursing, she pushed him back and started roaming the room, hands wildly gesturing. The spider had quickly climbed up to her head again. Charles had lost his balance and was spinning again, but at least that beast was not near him. He took her cursing as a negative to his question. Charles wanted to believe this was good news (he dreaded the thought of that man anywhere but Hell), but you never knew how others were going to react when you didn’t give them the information they wanted. This woman? Completely bonkers. Hopefully she would just let him in here, until Edwin rescued him. Suddenly, she stopped in the middle of the basement.
“Hmm, maybe I can't open up a portal. But I can make a deal with a demon so that I can get into hell.” She was smiling again. “And you will help me find my way out.”
“A deal with a demon is a terrible idea. Besides, lady, even if I tell you all I know about hell, which I won’t do. The level Edwin was at? It was terrible, but it wasn't that deep. The level your boo must be in… it has to be one of the deepest and darkest ones, just based on what you describe me you two did, to people.”
“I can think of a few things I can offer the demon so that he helps me.” she countered, now pensive instead of agitated.
“Like what?”
“Like you, your soul. Essence, whatever. Or one of the others’.” Charles was almost afraid to ask.
“Oh, yeah. I've been collecting little souls as gifts for my boyfriend when he comes back. Since, you know, he won't be able to interact with the living now he is dead and will become a ghost.”
“... Little souls?” he asked again, disgusted. He tried leaning away, but she plunged her nails into his face to keep his eyes on her. 
“Yeah, the souls of little ones!” she smiled, and it was a terrible smile. A wild hunger seemed to seep from her feverish eyes. “He's not that much into kids. He prefers young people, teenagers, you know.” she winked at him, suggestive.
“So he's a paedophile, but not that much of a paedophile?” Charles mocked, deciding to ignore the implications. 
She let go of his face only to slap him hard, hard enough to leave deep gouges from the iron on the nails she wore.
“He hates that word!” she screamed, offended. “He just… really loves young people.” The sheer incredulity must have shown on his face, because she just continued. “Anyways, I was collecting these souls so he could play with them when he comes back, you know? I bet he will be in a foul mood, and I just thought 'well what better way to cheer him up than letting him blow off some steam on a couple souls he will find pleasing?’ ' I took great care in ensuring they were innocent, as well. The responses to all the pain and the bit of little pleasure here and there that we can teach them are always the best .” she sighed, dreamy. “And ghosts are so much more resilient! We can play with you and play with you and play with you until you break.” She said, eyes evaluating him up and down. “And then we can start all over again!” she laughed.
Charles puked all over the floor.
"You truly are," he said in disgusted awe " the most despicable person I've ever met. And a few months ago I was at the mercy of a witch that cannibalised little girls. "
“Oh, cannibalism.” she hummed. “That sounds fun, doesn’t it, Ari?” she cooed at her familiar, reaching for the thing. “You have to get me her number.” she said to him.
Charles spat at her. It barely touched her face before she shrieked and sent him crashing to the back of the room. The chains had fallen from the ceiling and onto his torso, burning him terribly.  
“And you need to learn some manners." She said as he screamed from the sudden agony. Then she turned her back on him and walked towards the door. "I guess I will just leave you to repeat the cycle until you have had enough."
Charles’ last coherent thought before he was dropped under the thick frozen layer of water of the lake instead of through the ice as always, was that Edwin and he would absolutely need to save those poor spirits.
—-- —-- —--
—-- —-- —--
“That took longer than you said it would.” Crystal said as soon as he stepped through the mirror into the office. “Did the house not let you in?” she asked, remembering how they had just phased through the walls last time.
“The house gave me no problem at all.” Edwin answered, placing the knife on the desk. “It was Monty, actually.” he explained, with a grimace. “I had an encounter with the Cat king,” Crystal’s eyebrow went up “but not much came out of it. He was very insistent about not letting any kind of knowledge leave that witch's house.” He took off his coat and his gloves and, uncharacteristically, threw them onto the couch. It was the only free surface, she supposed. “Which would normally be a good thing, but in these circumstances, I could not abide by it.”
“And did he give you any trouble?” she questioned, sceptical. 
“He tried to threaten me, so I just…threatened him back.” Edwin said, unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling up his sleeves, trying to play it off as unimpressive. Yeah, Crystal was not gonna let that one slide.
“ You threatened the Cat King?” she said, incredulous. “He left you trapped in Port Townsend for weeks!”
“Ah, but I didn't know anything about him back then.” He countered. “And I wasn't dabbling in anything more dangerous than usual. And perhaps the most important thing of all…” Edwin started, leafing through his notes.
“...It was you in danger, not Charles.” Crystal interrupted, finishing the idea.
“Exactly.” He said, pleased that she understood this about him by now.
As they began prepping the materials for this massive ritual, she managed to corroborate that it was far beyond anything they had shown her so far. The ritual seemed so complicated. Beyond the dagger that he had to pick up from the other side of the world, it required them to move every single piece of furniture against the walls, then grabbing the bathroom mirror for a later use. 
After that, they placed a bedsheet on the floor, drawing a big circle on it with black chalk, and drew a set of runes inside it, near the centre. Then Edwin grabbed Charles' backpack, and took out a bottle full of a viscous dark liquid. He then lit a dozen candles inside the marked circle, each one in its specific place. A wave of different smells assaulted Crystal’s nose. She supposed that ghosts weren’t bothered by it since they couldn't smell much. She tried very hard not to sneeze.
Edwin retrieved two different cups from a cupboard, one made from silver and one from crystal, and poured the liquid from the bottle inside the silver one. For the other, he took out Esther’s knife from his pocket and sliced his forearm with it. Blood tinted with ectoplasm began to pour inside the empty cup, and once it was three quarters full he removed the wound from it to avoid overspilling. He slid two fingers over the wound and the black smoke that was becoming familiar to Crystal ate up the blood and sealed the wound. Then, he reached for Charles' chain around his neck and took it off. Gently, he let it fall inside the cup that had his blood. He took a big piece of parchment paper, those old ones that you see only in movies, yellowed with age, thick, and coarse to the touch. 
With a grimace, he sank his fingers into the first cup. A low hum came from his throat, sounding almost like words but not really. He began writing symbols with the blood onto the parchment. With the other hand, he began tracing the same symbols again, on another blank sheet of parchment, on top of the first one. These symbols were mirrored, and written with his own blood from the second cup. Once he was done, a string of Latin came out of his lips, and the second set of symbols lifted up in the air, glowing golden light, and fused into the first set, on the first sheet of parchment. The other parchment disintegrated as soon as the last trace of blood left the paper. 
Edwin let out a breath Crystal hadn't noticed he was holding. Done, he took the parchment, and began ripping it in pieces, keeping each symbol inside its own square of paper, and placed the symbols inside the circle according to the instructions written down by his own hand. The bloody symbols then sank through the paper and sealed themselves to the linen fabric. Edwin waved his hand and all the blank pieces of paper flew from the array. Then he took the necklace from inside the second cup and put it into the first cup. 
He took the bathroom mirror, and placed it in the middle of the circle array spell, then took the necklace out of the cup and flicked it in the air where it remained still, frozen in place at about two metres high. The symbols on the bedsheet and the blood on the necklace pulsed with golden energy every couple of heartbeats.
“I need you,” he started to say, very clearly, “to not, for any reason, enter the circle.”
“All right” she said, heart beating like crazy. 
“Whatever I ask you to bring me, you will put it inside the circle without touching inside it.”
“Okay.” Edwin repeated, breathing deep. He knelt beside the foggy mirror on the floor and began writing on it with his finger. At the same time, he spoke up, to keep her in the loop. “Charles? Are you there?”
are you there?
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justanamesstuff · 10 months
Chapter 2
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Matty Healy x f!reader
A/N: I'm really enjoying this process with this fic...I've written it a few years ago so it means a lot to me acknowledging how much i grew since then in a lot of senses. Anyyyway, I hope you like it! Please let me know whatever you think about it (always with respect please and thank uu) ♥♥
Warnings: just fluff and a bit of mixed feelings, typos.
Word count: 2.8 K
Masterlist Taglist
< chapter 1
1 month later, Ireland
The alarm went off startling Y/n out of her dreams. 
The girl groaned, closing her eyes tight before reopening them. Her sight settled on the ceiling of her temporal bedroom. Y/n’s mind was foggy with sleep and heavy thoughts. 
At the same time she went through the schedule for the day, Y/n rubbed the middle of her chest feeling a subtle and yet intense feeling. She felt like she was going against the flow of everything. Like her destination was east, although everyone was taking the opposite way. Y/n asked herself multiple times during that past month if she was doing the right thing. 
The contradiction was born out of a mix of feelings. Y/n had very deep and dark feelings on her heart, but on the other hand Ireland was making her happy, the time away from Matty and the guys was helping more than she expected it. 
Y/n hadn’t spoken with the boys since she left the studio/house. During the first days, she continued talking with George. But all conversations died quickly since she was getting ready to leave, and he was busy producing and recording the new album.
Y/n adored her work as a PA for actors around all type of sets. For the new job she was meant to help Lily, who was a sweet soul and luckily around the same age as he, so they got along rather fast once they landed on Ireland.
The girl rubbed her face trying to get rid of the heavy feeling. Running around the set drowned her energy completely, physically and mentally speaking. At night, Y/n ate fighting with the fatigue overpowering her body. Even though her work drained her she loved it, she wouldn’t change it for anything else and for the time being it was a life saviour as well. Y/n was deeply exhausted but profoundly grateful for everything. 
Only one thing shadowed her happiness: her dreams with Matty. He was constantly there, reminding Y/n he still existed no matter how hard she tried to avoid the man. Maybe that was why she started to work harder and harder trying to fell every night into even deeper REM states in which Matty couldn’t reach her. 
‘I’ll get through this’, Y/n repeated as a mantra getting up from her bed.
On set, Ireland
Y/n was going through Lily’s schedule on her phone making sure everything was right and on time. The girl was a good worker but the main reason that day circled around the fact that it was Friday, and she had a plane to take, Y/n wanted to be out of set on time.
She was texting the assistant to the director when the actress spoke for the first time in half hour taking the PA out of her work rush. 
“So, what are you doing for Christmas break?” Lily asked Y/n who didn’t take her eyes off the screen.
“I’m going home. Why?” Y/n expressed, still not making eye contact.
“Like…home home? Or just home?” Lily insisted, finally making her friend look up.
She told Lily a resume of her life, not a detailed one though. “Home home doesn’t feel like home any more and I much prefer to spend the holidays with the guys than with Uncle Dan and his family to be honest.” Y/n answered. “I’m going to Manchester.”
“Oh, right. He is- “
“No, he’s in LA from what I’ve heard.” Y/n explained rapidly. Yes, she told Lily a little about Matty.
“Why you ask?”
“Because the whole cast is planning on going out during the weekend but…anyway, you’re leaving us.” Lily pulling a sad face.
“I’m not part of the cast..so you’re not going to miss me.” Y/n joked back.
“Oh, shut up! You’re part of the gang!” Lily protested. “Well, yeah, we’re planning on getting super drunk, and you know who asked if you were coming…” Y/n instantly blushed.
“You’re bluffing You’re lying” she moved uncomfortably in her seat.
“‘m not” Lily smile widened. “You can ask Lee- “ who was another of the actors. “He was there too. We were running some lines before a scene, and your boy- “
“He’s not my boy.” y/n whined.
“Yeah, sure!” Lily scuffed. “As I was saying, we were discussing the plans and Tom asked about you.”
“Did he really?” Y/n looked at her friend, really willing to know.
“Oh yes, he was very interested.”
“Maybe he wanted to know because if I go he’ll skip it.” Y/n thought out loud.
Lily looked at her in disbelieve. “Shut up, the boy is whipped for you!”
“Shhh!” Y/n took a quick glance at the door and out of the small window of the trailer. “Someone could hear you… and besides that’s not true.” Y/n shushed her.
“You’re impossible, you know right?”
“I know.” Lily’s friend smiled proudly.
“No, but really…do you know he fancies you? Yes?” Lily seriously asked.
“Do you know he treats me as a friend?” Y/n fought back.
“Would you stop being so negative for a minute, please?”
“Mmmm, let me think about that” Y/n faked doing so. “No, but seriously, he’s a friend!” she looked down because Y/n could feel her entire face just turned red as her blood pressure picked up a little, and she didn’t want Lily to notice that.
“Oh, yeah, I totally believe you! The guy always finds a way to be around you and… please I don’t mean to underestimate your work, love…but he doesn’t have to be around you on set and yet…” Lily reasoned with Y/n.
“Okay, he likes to hang out with me.”  Y/n partially admitted. “I can agree with that. Although…that doesn’t mean he fancies me.”
“Yes, but he only does that with you, Y/n/n.” Lily grinned. “Not even with me, we’re the main characters! We’re around each other the entire day almost.”
“But you hang out more with Fionn and Lola. Maybe that’s why.” Y/n said while she fidgeted with her fingers.
“Maybe, still- “
“See? Your conspiracy theory is all wrong.” Y/n tried to end the conversation. She stood up searching for the tea bags. 
“It’s not. You’re choosing to avoid the truth!” Lily exposed Y/n hitting a nerve.
Y/n knew she tended to avoid dealing with her feelings. Specially the ones about love and romantic relationships. One thing was acknowledged it for herself although another galaxy was to admit them out loud at the same time she was –kinda– pushed to put herself again out there and give her heart to someone else. A little dramatic? Maybe. Even though, Y/n knew more than anyone the fact that it was a lot to handle. 
Tom was a very nice guy, who came into her life and gave her a friendship so sweet and easy. He didn’t ask too much of her, he didn’t hurt her fragile heart since the first day they met. The contrast with Matty was massive. Wrong too. Y/n knew she shouldn’t compare them, but her heart couldn’t help herself.
Y/n was sure of what she told Lily. Tom was charming with everyone, he was a kind soul. Possibly one or two times he gave her reasons to think otherwise, but Y/n was afraid so she denied everything.
“Earth to Y/n!” Lily snapped her out of her head and internal dialogue. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry. I’m not choosing anything. Didn’t he have a girlfriend?” Y/n asked Lily.
“It wasn’t that formal…I don’t really know what happened but I think she left him or he- I don’t know, not important.” Lily moved her hands in the air. 
“Like a month ago they appeared in the tabloids- “
“Oh, oh, someone was paying attention, ha?” Lily mocked her.
“Shut up, I wasn’t- I just- I stumbled upon it on the internet.” quickly Y/n tried explaining.
“Oh, yeah, I totally believe you!” Lily rolled her eyes gaining a weird expression from Y/n which in consequence made her friend laugh hard. Both of them started laughing uncontrollably. 
The laughs were very loud, even the people walking by the trailers could hear them. In fact, the boy standing at the door smiled watching them, just before he interrupted.
“What is so funny?” Tom grinned wide.
“Talking about the devil.” Lily muttered low and quickly, so only Y/n could hear it. 
“Hi, Tom.” Y/n greeted him avoiding Lily’s comment. 
“Yeah, hi, Tommy.” 
“What were you doing?”
“I was running lines and Y/n working, nothing fun.” Lily told him.
“Oh, good good.” he replied, leaning on the door frame.
Lily took a look at Tom and then Y/n, quickly making a decision. She took her phone, and said, “Well, I’ll leave you guys. Fionn wants to run lines together for the next scene.” Y/n arched an eyebrow knowing she didn’t have a scene with Fionn and very well knowing what Lily was planning. 
“Okay…” Y/n said suspicious. “Remember to stay inside the big building at 17 pm, okay?” Y/n remind her.
“Yeah, yeah.” Lily dismissed her.
“And keep your phone close!”
“Yes, mom!” Lily joked making her way out. 
Once Y/n’s friend was out of view, she urged Tom to get inside the warm trailer.
“Do you have more scenes today?” Y/n asked him, as Tom took Lily’s seat.
“Luckily, no, I just finished.” he shared.
“So, what are you doing here? If I were you, I would be in bed or something.”
“Yeah, good idea. I- I just…” Tom’s face turned a bit red, while he moved uncomfortable on his place. “I wanted to see you before you left.” Y/n’s heart melt a little. Tom kept gifting her those cute comments, and no matter the state of her heart he managed to make her a mess every time. 
“I’m only leaving for a couple of days.” Y/n played with the strings of her hoodie. She didn’t really know what to say. 
“Yeah, I know, I know…but we’ll miss you.” he said looking down.
Y/n tried to slightly change the subject, “Lily told me the whole gang is planning on going out this weekend.”
“Yes, it’s going to be boring without you.” Tom stated without skipping a beat. Y/n laughed a little. 
“Oh, yeah! I’m the soul of the party! Sorry to leave you guys.” Y/n joked.
“Excuse me?! We are. Do you remember the last party?” Tom inquired. Part of the tension surrounding the pair broke, making them feel more comfortable with each other.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t remember any party. We never ever stayed up all night sitting at a table, talking about books and movies like two proper geeks and end up falling asleep in the same place.” Y/n said with a big smile adoring her face, making Tom laugh.
“Good thing you don’t remember, because I do!”
Y/n chuckled, “It was a good night though.”
“Yeah, I really enjoy it. The nap was fantastic.”
“Yeah, totally.”
“So, y/n- “ he started to ask.
“Yes, Tommy?”
“Why do you always manage to make that horrible nickname rarely cute?”
“It’s my hidden superpower.”
Tom rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I was wondering if maybe- “
“I was wondering if… when you returned…you wanted to go on a date with me.” Tom’s proposal threw her back a little. Tom did notice her hesitation so he added, “only if you want- it’s totally fine if you don’t-“
Y/n cut him, “Tom!” 
“Yeah?” he looked directly into her eyes. 
Those gorgeous blue eyes drowned her and without thinking too much, y/n answered, “I would love to go out with you.”
“Do you have second thoughts?” She lifted her eyebrow, emphasising her question.
“No, no. I just- Never mind. Then, awesome! We can choose where and when next time you’re here, yeah?”  Tom said, visibly smiling.
“Awesome.” she returned the happy feeling, keeping her head empty of doubts and thoughts. Y/n, for once, was feeling excited and happy. 
After that they continued talking about everything and nothing for a couple of minutes, then duty called. Y/n had to make sure Lily shot her lasts scenes for the day and Tom had nothing more to do there if Y/n was busy. They said goodbye with a short but cute hug, making her feel a couple of things. 
Until the end of her shift, Y/n’s head was occupied with happiness and work. She needed to finish the day and catch the plane home.
Returning home to Manchester, England
After finishing with everything on set, Y/n went to the Airbnb she was sharing with Lily. Y/n picked a couple of her belongings, she didn’t want to pack too many things for only a week in Manchester, just the necessary. 
The flight was good, she already had messaged George all the details about what time the plane was meant to take off and land. G promised to pick her up from the airport and drive her home.
Y/n could feel the stress from the day, from the month as well. Even though she was happy and all, Y/n worked her butt off. That’s why minutes after the plane took off, she fell asleep. She woke up with the flight attendant letting her know that they had arrived.
A couple of minutes after the bureaucracy and all, Y/n managed to find George. They greeted each other with a big hug. They didn’t have seen each other since she left the house during the last bit of quarantine. 
“You’re back, you’re back!” George rounded her, lifting her body slightly up the floor. He couldn’t contain his excitement. 
“Someone missed me, ha?” Y/n said out of breath. 
“Of course! I thought I was never going to see you again!” George let her feet touch the floor, resting his cheek on the top of Y/n’s head. 
“You’re such a div.” Y/n accused him, laughing. 
Y/n pushed a bit back, looking up at G. 
“You just realized that?” he huffed, as they started to walk to the car. Y/n couldn’t avoid thinking of the last time she was at the same doors, but with someone else. She quickly stopped her head and returned her attention to her friend.
George ranted about a new track he had been working on with the boys, the mess he found when he returned to the house, etc. Y/n stayed in silence, loving the moment with her best friend. Listening was nice for her, his voice never failed to calm her head in a very strange way.  
Y/n realized driving around that George was taking the road to the boy’s house. So she interrupted his talking, “ G, I’m not staying at your house tonight.”
“But, M-“ he started to say.
The drummer’s friend interrupted again, “I know, I just need to go home tonight. I need my own bed, ya?”
G thought for a second after accepting, “Fine!” He totally understood what she meant. “Fine! But..promised me the first thing you would do tomorrow is going to the house, okay?” Y/n’s chest got warm noticing G referenced the house as her own too. 
“Yeah, dad.”
“Good girl!” George petted Y/n’s head jokingly, making her laugh. He was happy to see her smile more again.
The blond boy left her not without making her promise again. She already thought about going there before he told her, but anyway she repeated the promise.
After a hug and a sweet goodbye beside another promise of visiting the boys the next morning, Y/n was so tired that the moment her head fell on her pillows she drifted again. 
The next morning, Y/n moved around her flat content to be there and due to not remember any dream with Matty in a long time.
After a quick breakfast at 10 am, Y/n started the short trip to the boy’s house. On her way, Y/n texted George and the boy said he was out, but he would be home soon. It wasn’t a problem since Y/n had a key.
Y/n opened the front door at the same time someone started to walk down the stairs. She had her sight fixed on the bag of pastries she picked for the boy, but she could hear the steps.
Thinking the person was Ross, John or Adam –who was spending more time around since quarantine was over—, she said, “Who’s the sleeping beauty coming down?” finally looking up.
“Hi, Y/n.” a shirtless Matty greeted her. Y/n froze in place.
Taglist: @hollybrislen @sinarainbows @eaglestar31 @sugarkane1001
Chapter 3 >
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Hello! I'd like to request Eula, Hu Tao, and Rosaria's s/o getting super shy/flustered about asking to hold their hand
Even tho its super cheesey i have an absolute soft spot for the trope or whatever you call that tbh
I can't believe this is what I'm using my education for...
Eula and Hu Tao with a reader that get's shy when asking to hold their hand
Characters: Hu Tao / Eula x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none
a/n: I have to admit that I have absolutely no idea how to write for Rosaria. I came up with something, but it would have literally been something like 2 sentences. So I'm really sorry.
I'm just happy that I got to write for my two favourite's again. it's been so long
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Hu Tao 
Hu Tao never had, isn’t currently in the possession of, and never will grow a sense of shame, so while that meant that getting her to be embarrassed by something she did was almost an impossibility, it didn’t need a genius detective to notice that the people she surrounded herself with, with the exception of Zhongli and Xingqiu, although she was sure she’d get to him someday, didn’t exactly fit the same criteria.
So while her heart did skip a beat whenever you asked her anything that made your face turn red, she couldn’t help but use the chance to get a bit of fun out of your nervousness.
You should have known that no good was going to come out of agreeing to Hu Tao’s request to go somewhere together, but your stupid brain couldn’t help but accept when she asked, too excited when she took the word “date” in her mouth.
Unluckily for you however, the funeral parlor’s director’s definition of a date was taking a trip to wuwang hill and hunting for any lost souls.
“I… don’t know if it's such a good idea to go there. It seems pretty dark”, you voiced your concerns upon seeing where she was going to take you, only for Hu Tao to turn around quickly enough for you to nearly get a heart attack when you were suddenly greeted with her face mere inches away from yours, and summoning her weapon before triumphantly showing it off.
“If it’s too dark for you, I can light my weapon. We might start a small wildfire, but it’s not like the ghosts will care too much”, she suggested with her typical smile, making sure to pronounce the word “ghosts” in as unsettling of a voice she could muster.
It didn’t do much, but coupled with the already sinistre energy the hills gave off and the small, transparent children you could swear you saw running around from the corner of your eyes, only for them to vanish once you took a closer look, made the king of all shivers run down your spine.
“...or”, she began talking once again, causing you to look up at her, anticipating her next words, “you could hold my hand if you’re scared.”
It didn’t take you long to shake your head and stutter out a responce as your face turned hot, only for Hu Tao to laugh and turn back around, ready to lead you farther into the forest. Or at least she would have, if the sound of something stepping on a branch behind a nearby bush hadn’t caused you to nearly fall over dead. And while she wouldn’t complain about receiving a new customer, business could wait for a little longer.
“Y- you know what? I- is the offer still available?”, you asked slowly, the shame and nervousness openly displayed in your voice, as you looked to the ground, too scared of what you might see if you looked up at her..
“Sure, if you buy a casket from me? They’re surprisingly affordable… most of them at least”, Hu Tao joked, only to shut up for a second when she realized you were too occupied with fearing for your life to notice her genius joke.
In one quick motion, she grabbed your hand before moving to your side so the two of you stood shoulder to shoulder, before suddenly intertwining her fingers with yours.
“But since it’s you this should suffice.”
And while you spent the rest of the trip too embarrassed and deafened by the internal screaming to feel frightened by the dark hills that made you nervous from just thinking about them not long ago, Hu Tao happily skipped by your side while humming her favorite tunes.
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Eula, being born and raised as an aristocrat, had been taught how to do anything with elegance and dignity, from chuckling, to getting out of what would otherwise become an awkward scene. All of which was to say that something like holding another person’s hand was no problem to her either, having to have done so at many balls and other events in her past. So as long as you remained at least somewhat calm when asking to hold her hand, it should be no problem at all.
…so why was asking this difficult?
With every minute that your date drew nearer to a close, you became less and less talkative, eventually coming to a point where you silently sat and ate your food while remaining completely silent. If it hadn’t been for the hundreds of quick glances you took at her, only to immediately look back down when your eyes crossed, Eula would have simply assumed you were getting tired. It was pretty late after all and as she knew you, you’d probably spent most of last night awake, overthinking what you would do the next day. But now, she couldn’t help but worry about other motives.
Was there something on her face? Eula quickly wiped the corners of her mouth with ner napkin, trying to play it off as casual as possible.
There it was again! You were still glancing at her, somehow seeming even more nervous than before. If it wasn’t any food, what was it? Was there someone behind her you didn’t exactly have fond memories of? Would it be weird to take a look? Or was it her after all that caused you to act this way? Did she say something hurtful before? No wait, did you take her joke too literally? Maybe she should work on her communication skills after all?
“caniholdyourhand?”, the words shot out of your mouth, as you nervously looked around, your cheeks having turned a deep shade of red.
“What?” Eula asked, more in confusion than in anything else. Was this what you were acting all nervous about? A part of her felt relief wash over her, and yet your shyness began rubbing off on her more than she’d like.
“Can I- you know… uhm. Hold your hand?”, you asked once again, a lot slower this time but in turn much more quiet than before.
Before long, Eula reached out her hand for yours before grabbing it. There was no need to act all shy about something like hand holding, afterall, especially for an aristocrat like her. But then again, you had never been too confident about things like this, so she might as well give you a hand and help you out a bit.
Or so she’d like to, if her face wasn’t in the process of matching yours in the color department.
…Why was this so much more difficult with you?
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fernzwing · 2 months
"what about the pizzaplex?" The pizzaplex still exists!! The animatronics are still there!!
Sun and Moon (maybe even Eclipse too if you wanna) wakes up in human young adult bodies, they actually have an apartment!
And yes, their human versions do look like them just dark skinned and also their hair is according to their animatronic colors (yellow and blue)
"what about the other animatronics?" They do actually experience this as well!! So the self aware 'souls' that were in those animatronic bodies are moved to human bodies, so now the animatronics are just. Normal animatronics with programmed behaviours, and no they dont break
Oh dont worry about the memories on the human versions of these guys!! They DO in fact still remember and have their exact memories, sun and moon live together, so they were like pretty weirded out that their bodies are suddenly flesh
If i may... rubs hands together, i would like to put my self insert in here too!! This is the timeline waaaay before the silly jester twins are dating him
Fern discovers that their best friends are acting a bit off and too programmed that it got them sad and a little heartbroken!! like where did everyone go!!! Where is everyone!! also, Vanessa is nice in this!!
so maybe both of them (including Safira) try to figure out what is happening to their robot friends
"do sun and moon have names? And do they still work at the daycare?" 1. Sun's name is Salem, and Moon's name is Indra! rubs hands. theyre indonesian 2. Nope! but they will try to sign up for the jobs
Fern doesn't know that these guys ARE their guys, they just think how coincidentally that these two look like the jesters and thought they're a bit of a fan or something else!
"will he figure them out?" Eventually!!
ok anyways ramble over sorry i have so many thoughts in my head
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desultory-novice · 3 months
Why do I see Magolor using his ship to look into other timelines, to which he ends up stumbling upon the timeline where Adeleine and Noir end up fusing into that... thing and ultimately die. (Or any alternate timeline of Apologies really, they're all despressing and messed up!)
He probably turned the screen off pretty fast.
[Requiem For a Mask]
Magolor:  "Heheheh... Kirby and friends will be SO surprised when they see these masks!" (And I'm giving them a two for one deal! Am I generous with my genius or what?)
Magolor:  "But what to do for Adeleine? No offense, but from what I've seen, she's pretty boring--...I MEAN! She's a good girl with a stable head on her shoulders!" (...No one heard me say that right??)
Magolor:  "But that makes it hard to imagine a good alternate mask for her. Maybe she gets more interesting in another timeline? Lor...? Do me a favor and search her dimensional signature for me!"
Adeleine:"...You're not allowed to leave, Noir." Noir:"...I don't want to leave you either..."
Magolor:  "...Hmm? This looks different. ...I'd heard she had a brother, long, long ago. Is that what he looked like before he got turned into...?" (...You know what? I'm not ready to go there...)
King Dedede: "Hey, I think these two are still alive...!" Waddle Dee: "But...what are they...?" Meta Knight: "They don't look like anyone else alive on this planet." "Frozen remains of an extinct species?" "But how are they the only ones who..." King Dedede: "What they are is kids in need of help, obviously!" Meta Knight: "...Well, Kirby? It's your decision." (Hey, don't go above me! I'm the king here...!) Kirby: "I say we help them!"
Magolor:  "Ahh, yes, yes. And they get rescued! Happily ever after~! Just what I expected from Kirby and friends! ...Only difference I can see with her here is that she's not wearing that hat. Boy! Does that girl have a forehead you could park the Lor on or what? Heh he--"
Noir:"Adeleine...!! What did you DO to her?!" Dee Child: "We didn't do anything! We just asked if...!" Dee Child 2: "The ground!! It's turning to snow...?" Adeleine: "N...No...ir..." Dee Child: "Is that...her doing...?" Noir: "Don't TOUCH HER! Stay back...!" "...Stay away...from BOTH of us...!!"
Magolor:  "...Hmm? What's happening to...?" "O-Oh... Ohh Stars......."
""Is ts He un rk tr sa MD oe rm ea TS he ah nT Jo ut sn tI Mg yn Hi eh at ry tr .e Iv tE He ug rn tu sl IP no MT yt Sn oa uW lI""
Magolor:  "......Shut it off, Lor. Back out. Cancel the stream. Now."
- King Dedede: "Don'tcha hear them screamin' in there?!" Meta Knight: "...Of course I can! Which is exactly why we nee--!"
Magolor:  "................"
Magolor:  "...Boring is good, I think."
Magolor:  "Let's stick to boring."
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Zero III's dialogue reads: "It hurts more than just my heart. It hurts in my Soul." "I want to plunge everything into the same Darkness."
Since we're here, I just wanted to take this moment to regale how hair-pulling it is to write Zero III's dialogue!
It starts with thinking up something somewhat fitting for both siblings to say (Adeleine's dialogue always leaning towards sad or naive, Noir's always leaning towards rage or guilt) then stretching and twisting and trimming till they are the exact same number of characters, which generally means making a good guess, finally flipping Noir's backwards and painstakingly inserting each letter after Adeleine's, one by one, until I realize I was off by ONE letter and have to start the WHOLE PROCESS over again!
This happens about three times per attempt. All to come up with a dialogue quirk that NO ONE can read and that I have to spoil what they say at the bottom of the post anyway! XD
Also, Magolor's feelings on Adeleine do not reflect my own!! I think she is a good girl (/genuine) and I apologize for writing up a bunch of timelines where awful things happen to her! (...Looking at my Marx, Magolor, DMK and others, that's kind of a theme with me, isn't it? ^^;;)
And while the sadness will continue for a while longer, I can assure you that Apologies DOES end with Adeleine, Noir, and the rest of their new family both safe and content!
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
Confessions, Secrets And Stories
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This week's episode juxtaposes Bumbleby's confession with the secrets and doubts in Ruby, Weiss and Jaune's trio. Some more thoughts and feels :''')
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Bumbleby's love confession is framed as a dance with them inviting each other to keep up. This works well considering Bumbleby's romantic framing starts with the Beacon Dance:
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At the same time the whole scene is a challenge for Blake and Yang to overcome the distance between each other. This all culminates with a chemical wedding (the third) as @hamliet states here.
Other than this, as others have already noticed and as Casey has confirmed, the scene calls back to the Bmblb song:
Now the flowers are in bloom And you've chased away my darkness and gloom When the wind blows through the trees And your voice is like a song in the breeze
My doubts disappear Every time that you're near The clouds seem to run from the sky The thought of your kiss Sends my soul into bliss I get high
This is literally what happens. As Yang and Blake open up, the storm goes away and the sun comes out... until finally the flowers bloom as they kiss:
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The sky is both purple and gold, so there is balance, there is Yin and Yang.
Finally, this whole sequence explores one of the positive declinations of falling aka falling in love:
Yang: It's like... a cliff and if I do it, I am just going to... fall. Blake: I think we are already falling
Trying to save a city, risking your life for others and making a love confession are all risks, that may lead to your fall... and yet... they are still worth it:
Yang: You were being optimistic. Look, blind optimism isn’t great, but no optimism means we already lost. We need hope. We need to take risks.
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Interesting this line is from the episode Risk, where Ren takes a risk and confesses to Nora (among other things). There is clearly a theme going on here, that juxtaposes the fear of falling with the aknowledgement you will never gain anything if you do not take a leap of faith.
Which is why it is interesting the episode offers a very specific parallel to Risk:
Ruby: What good is saving anybody if Salem just destroys the world anyway. Yang: That's how Ironwood thought. You don't mean that
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Both times Ruby is giving in to cynism and Yang tries to support her.
And yet, it is obvious this dynamic can't keep going on forever:
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All in all, I find Ruby's reaction to bumbleby interesting, especially when compared to Weiss:
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Weiss is shown to smile subtly, clearly happy for her teammates. Ruby's reaction is instead much more neutral, after the initial surprise.
Now, I am not suggesting Ruby is unhappy about Yang and Blake ending up together... She has always been supportive of her sister and friend and has been genuinelly happy in volume 6 over their relationship being repaired. Similarly, I am not suggesting Ruby can't do anything by herself and needs Yang to be self-sufficient... (again we have her pushing forward in volume 4 without her sister)...
Still, Ruby is right now not in a happy nor stable place and it is shown in how she emotionally leans on Yang (when she even lets herself lean on someone)...
See the 2 abovementioned scenes, Ruby's frozen reaction to Yang falling, Ruby's shock over Yang choosing to follow her own plan instead of Ruby's, Neo transforming into Yang while she is falling, but also Ruby nervously asking where Yang is this episode and only later on wondering about Blake...
All of this, in a volume where this line is said:
Ruby: If you thought we wouldn’t come for you, then you must’ve forgotten who raised me.
Clearly Yang is someone Ruby strongly looks up to and a person who has tried to fill Summer's absence in Ruby's life. So, having her big sister moving on in a romantic relationship with someone else might lead to some interesting reactions for Ruby.
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Ruby, Jaune and Weiss's journey through the storm is about taking a long look in the mirror...
They are supposed to confront who they are, but they all make little progress...
Once again we have the characters dealing with:
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The mirrors give Ruby and Jaune opposite reflections. A parent and a projection of an idealized future self and a younger past self.
On the one hand Ruby's mirror image is Summer. This may be because Ruby keeps repressing her trauma over losing her. Or because she has tied her own self perception to her idealized idea of Summer. Or Both. On the other hand Jaune's reflection is his younger self. Why is that so? Is it because despite looking more "mature", as Weiss puts it, he is a person who failed to grow? Is it because deep down his young idealistic self is still there waiting to be saved? To escape the mirror? Is that a sign that Jaune wishes to go back to that "self"? The young knight, who was just starting to shine in Atlas? Or is it that he is deep down scared to face him?
At the same time, Ruby and Jaune's reactions to their reflections is also different. Ruby doesn't see hers > hence she is ignoring it. Jaune keeps looking at his > hence he can't get over it.
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Both Jaune and Weiss see images related to their experiences in Atlas. Jaune sees Penny, while Weiss sees her city. Two interesting details:
1 - When Jaune sees Penny he says:
It all happened. Just not the way Alyx said when she wrote it.
This is a clear nod to Jaune not telling RWBY how Penny died exactly. He is witholding information. The reason why is clear and understandable, but it may create friction later on.
2 - When Weiss is looking at the mirror, Ruby sees it. It is now 3 times that we have had this exact dynamic with our 2 girls:
In episode 2 Weiss opens up about her feelings over losing Atlas to Ruby
In episode 5 Weiss links the destruction of the market to Atlas's fall and Ruby consoles her
In episode 6 Ruby looks at Weiss grieving over Atlas
This is clearly a pattern, which can mean several things, as for now.
First of all, Ruby might clearly be projecting. She feels the same as Weiss, but while our Snowhite openly shows it, Ruby processes her feelings through her.
Secondly, Weiss should be the one noticing something is off with Ruby and comforting her, but so far she has failed. She tries to address Penny, but Ruby refuses to open up. At the market, she looks out for Ruby physically, but is unable to see her partner's psychological distress (hence being irritated when Ruby doesn't get the ingredient they need).
In general, Jaune, Ruby and Weiss are clearly all foils and I think their storylines are entangled. Specifcially, Jaune and Ruby are going through parallel and yet opposite journeys:
We see both of them fall
Both hear Penny's voice while falling
Both see someone/something while falling
Ruby sees Neo aka her own metaphorical mirror image. She is also someone she wants to run away from. Jaune sees Ruby's weapon, which represents an ideal. Jaune, like all the others has been inspired by Ruby:
Jaune: Ruby. We lost… We lost Pyrrha. You lost her, too. And Penny and your team and in a way… your sister. But you're still here, despite everything you've lost, everything you could still lose, you chose to come out here, because you felt like you could make a difference. You didn't drag us along, you gave us the courage to follow you.
So, the moment he sees Crescent Rose he immediately dives after it... to the point that years later he is still looking for it.
Ruby runs away from her fears, while Jaune runs after an ideal.
What does Weiss has to do with it?
She is probably gonna be a link between them. She was there when Penny died and is grieving her own loss. However, as previous episodes showed, she has developed a strong sense of self:
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She has already broken the mirror:
I'm shattering the mirror that kept me split in pieces That stood between my mind and my heart This is where I'll start
I looked in the mirror And I gotta say It’s been a long long time Since I felt this way
Jaune and Ruby are instead clearly still trapped in the looking glass. I wonder if Weiss is meant to help with that. However, she first has to look at them earnestly. To see that even if Jaune looks adult-like he is not psychologically well. To see that even if Ruby has always supported her, she needs her support now.
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Penny: No… there’s not enough time to heal me…
Interesting that the reason why Jaune is forced to kill Penny is time and the first thing he does after landing in Ever After is to pick a clock-fruit and to go back in time... Suddenly he has as much time as he wants... and yet he fails to use it.
Not only that, but he ironically keeps not having enough time:
Jaune: We don't have time for this! We got to get to my village!
Jaune: I didn't have time to make it right.
No matter how much time he has, Jaune can't make things right. Not only that, but metaphorically the situation he is in is a consequence of his own actions. He is the one who takes the fruit, which means the situation he is in is really a symbol of his own inner world. Not only that, but he decides to stubbornly wait years for the others. He could have tried plenty of things, like... he could have tried another fruit to go forward to the time RWBY fall. Or he could have tried to leave the Ever After. To go back to Remnant and keep fighting there. Instead he chooses to wait passively... to sacrifice his whole life waiting for his friends without even knowing when they will fall exactly.
This confirms what @bestworstcase says in this post > Jaune is probably the Hatter. (Also to comment more deeply I should reread the books)
The Hatter "kills time" by singing badly and from then on time refuses to help the Hatter out.
The Hatter is also friends with the March Hare and the two are often seen together.
Jaune is a White Knight, like the one Alice meets in Wonderland, but also:
He rides a jackalope (the March Hare)
He kills Penny and as a result his time stops to the poing he chooses to literally kill time:
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(Also he kills time as in... he waits without doing anything constructive > hence he has been "killing time" for years)
So, he probably combines both characters... Interestingly, Neo too seems to allude to the Hatter in the Opening:
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GIF di watrslides
Still, she also seems to be alluding to the Jabberwalker, as well:
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GIF di warriordreamer95
A creature everybody considers a monster because they are unable to communicate:
Say something real Do you only speak in riddles, chatterbox? I'm waiting for your ugly mouth to just spit it out
Interesting such a character is linked to a mute girl whose whole backstory revolves around her struggle to find her own "silent voice".
Not to count Jaune clearly wants to be the hero who saves RWBY thanks to his plan (a helper, a guide, a side character), while Neo wants to be the villain who kills them (an antagonist, a writer).
So, it is possible Neo and Jaune both allude to the Hatter and combine this allusion with another one.
Still, Neo is not the only character Jaune foils when it comes to his role in the Ever After:
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Both the Rusted Knight and the Curious Cat present themselves as Helpers and Guides, both to RWBY and Alyx/Luis. Still, they have opposite ideas of what the protagonists should do. This difference is rooted in a thematic opposition...
Jaune refuses change, so he refuses the Tree
Jaune: That Tree is death. It absorbs you, takes your memories and turns you into something else. If you go there, it is going to erase you.
The Cat is instead change, so they feed the Tree
Curious Cat: I know, I know, where you're from, things …die… but we’re just not like you at all. We… ascend. Herb will have a purpose again.
Who is right? Is forgetting yourself a form of death or just the chance to a new life?
Probably there is truth in both positions. Thematically, they should embrace change, especially because the Tree symbolizes alchemy: destroy and create, so that things can transform and evolve. That said, forgetting who you are is definately not the right answer.
At the same time, Jaune is right about the Cat's power being manipulation. To be precise it can be both empathy and manipulation.
This is why the last thing CC tells Ruby and Weiss is manipulative, but also necessary to challenge them:
CC: She tricked me. Just like all you. You only want to use me in the same way I have only seen others as a source of knowledge and entertainment.
The CC is calling out RWBY and Jaune on their lack of empathy for the creatures of the Ever After. They accuse the CC of tricking them, but they used the cat, as well. This is true for their reaction to the Ever Ater, in general. They have reguarded the people of this Kingdom as nothing more than characters in a book. So, you have them making a mess at the Auction, deciding to destroy a kid in a chess game, and so on. They fought for Atlas, but could not do the same for a market full of strange creatures, like the Teapot lady. Sure, this is also probably because of their own issues and trauma. However, it is still telling they had a civilian defend them with their life. It is supposed to be the other way around. Especially because it is not the Jabberwalker, but Neo and they know. It is not a character in a book, but their own personal enemy. (I mean, the fact they flee the moment they realize it is Neo is also telling of their current mental states). It is not their world, so why should they fight to protect it?
Ironically, the CC clearly sees people of Remnant the same way. They keeps asking ro RWBY's story and is entertained by it, despite its sheer traegedy.
Speaking of stories...
Alyx's story is still a mistery, as neither the CC nor Jaune really know what happened. Still, both agree on Alyx being a so not great person and a liar. As a matter of fact the only thing both Jaune and the CC seem to share is that they were both tricked by Alyx.
And yet, there is clearly more going on, as I think it is highly probable Alyx is the one trapped in the Ever After, while Luis got to leave.
As others have highlighted:
Alyx = Alice
Luis = Lewis Carrol
Not to count the clear foiling among Alyx, Neo and Ruby...
All in all, I think the ending of Alyx's story and what they learn about them will tell us something about Salem. As for now, I think this something will simply be that Alyx, just like Salem is human:
Red Prince: Human? Human?! I knew it! You must defeat them!
Humans can be both heroes and monsters, after all. It is probable Alyx was in fact as selfish as Jaune and the Cat say (I mean, why should they have gotten it wrong? Alyx and Luis were 2 kids and not 2 masterminds, as far as we know). Still, she was also a scared child lost in an unknown world:
Oscar: I thought the idea of falling through Remnant into a new world was exciting. I never understood why she was so sad when she finally made it back home. But now it makes more sense. (Ozpin) She wasn't the same girl anymore.
A child who was clearly struggling with deep personal problems:
Jaune: Like, the Herbalist. Something changed there. Whatever he said to her, she wasn't the same anymore.
(Also... nice going the only one who could maybe tell them what ticked Alice off is now gone :P)
It is probable she failed to change in a healthy way and stayed trapped in the Ever After. If Luis is the one who actually left (and there is not an inversione where he is the "mean one", which I doubt), maybe he went back home and wrote a story to celebrate his sister by toning down her negative traits.
I don't think the point is for them to discover Alyx was indeed an angel and Luis the monster or vice versa. I think the point is for them to realize Alyx was a human, who got scared and lost and maybe even gave in to her worst instinct to survive. Only if they learn to empathize with people like Alyx, like Neo, like Mercury they can be true heroes. Only if they do it, they can save Cinder and understand Salem.
When it comes to their personal arcs, Alyx's story clearly puts them in front of a choice:
Either return to Remnant, accept their pain, but also aknowledge how it changed them (what Oscar says)
Or keep on running from themselves, forget everything and be undone (what Ozpin says)
This is true for Ruby and Jaune especially. As for now, our 2 leaders have come up with opposite answers to this problem. Both wrong.
Jaune refuses change, while Ruby sees change as destrction. Jaune wants to write the perfect story where he is the hero who saves his friends. He has been preparing for years for this moment (look at it going completely wrong). Ruby is seriously thinking about erasing herself from the narrative:
Jaune: I think Alux traded him to the tree in order to leave. And then she wrote him out of the story.
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Jaune sees himself as nobody and wants to be a hero to feel like somebody. It is a pretty clear regression to his Beacon self:
Cinder to Jaune: Who are you again?
Ruby is a Hero, a Huntress, a Symbol, who wants to stop being that. She wants to become nobody:
Past Weiss: The Schnee name. Why bother, anymore? What even stands for now? Instead, you could be a nobody. Could you imagine? Not even a single bit of baggage on your shoulders. Isn’t that what you want? To be free?
(Yes, again Ruby, Jaune and Weiss are all tangled up in a strong thematic topic called "identity)
Some miscellania thoughts
I liked Ruby being compared to Ironwood. Ruby and Ironwood's foiling is a strong one, which the fandom often dismisses to defend one or the other. Still, Ruby being right and Ironwood wrong is not the point. The point is Ruby is very very very similar to Ironwood and she risks to turn out like him, if she doesn't overcome her flaws.
When Penny tells Jaune there is no more time, Jaune remarks Weiss will give them time. I wonder if it might hint to Weiss's role in helping Jaune (and Ruby) with his predicament. Unrelated, but I wonder if we will ever get the time glyphs back.
I think CC is neithe good nor bad, they simply have a different way of thinking than humans. Meta-narratively, they are the reader, who wants more. New stories, new characters, old ones are boring and can be replaced! Thematically, they are the cycle of life and death (like the Gods) > hence The Cat rules in the Ever After.
I wonder if the CC will joing forces with Neo, now. It would be definately interesting.
The CC's reaction to Ruby and the Herbalist is still pretty strong and has definately an emotional component. I wonder if it is because Alyx changed after meeting the Herbalist and is worried something similar might happen to Ruby, as well.
All in all a great episode :)
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awordbroken · 1 month
tumblr won't let me edit my old oc profile post anymore, so this is a remaster i guess
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dedicated character tag
Crow Melusine Kos (that’s two first names, always used together) (...their children call them 'Sine) former Pursued Con-Artist, Star-Struck Scholar, current Politic Laboratory Director or Doting Naturalist light fingers/main they/them
frequently wearing a mask that covers the upper half of their face; often plain colored with some painted details, such as vines, eyes or abstract lines. they paint their own designs - they doodle a lot while taking breaks.
faint lattice of scarring on top of head in memory of being buried alive. otherwise no scars of note.
underneath the mask, looks perpetually tired, with dark circles that never go away. typically very low affect in both expression and voice, speaks with a sort of soft, unwavering drone. not charming in personality, but used to sell ponzi schemes on the surface on the strength of their dead-pan manner making them sound completely and unshakably confident in whatever they’re saying.
casual interest in false-stars, especially a certain one of unusual brightness that was first sighted a few years ago. primarily studies Neathy animals and monsters. a bit scatter-minded and out of it as a professor, but students who thrive on hands-on, low-oversight learning rate them a solid “alright”. no longer spends much time teaching since taking a job as Director of one of Mr Fires' newest laboratories.
considers themself a parent to the moon-miser hybrid, and misses it greatly. may or may not be making preparations to grow a new monster baby in their lab. <3 now parent to a fluffy orange and cosmogone baby bat the size of a toddler of "mysterious" origins.
allergic to smoke and very much almost died when Mr Fires took them into an underground library and set it on fire with them still in it. incidentally has a “rivalry” with Mr Fires that consists of them metaphorically hitting each other with brooms. nowadays, is deeper entwined with Mr Fires than ever before, but don’t worry about it.
ESes that are canon for them: The Deadly Dapperlings, There is the Richest Juice in Poison-Flowers
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Carver The Hushed Crowner bag a legend/alt they/them
once student worker in Crow Melusine’s lab. asked by Crow Melusine to bring them the Vake, and no one was merciful enough to tell them the Professor expresses wanting a new monster to study literally every week and they could just ignore it.
child of a Khaganian mother and a Londoner father; grew up in London. used to work in one of Mr Fires’ factories as a crowner’s assistant, which mostly involved patching up injuries and “investigating” worker deaths/accidents and determining that the factory was not at fault and would not be compensating the family in any way. bit soul crushed about it.
“poached” by Crow Melusine, who helped them get into Benthic on the strength of their knowledge of anatomy and basic medical care mostly to tweak Mr Fires’ wires. Carver feels indebted anyway, because literally anything is better than the factory.
sought the Vake to gather samples for Crow Melusine’s research, but found themself captivated by it after coming briefly face to face with it. eventually got their sample, but gained permanent mobility issues from their wounds and was forced to give up the hunt.
now runs a small clinic in Spite, with an attached morgue for the temporarily dead--for safe storage until their recovery, or, for an extra fee, a guarantee that the deceased will stay dead an extra day or two. also does tattoos on the side. the clinic is guarded by three puppy-sized spiders, which they vehemently deny doting on like pets.
has never forgotten the Vake.
conscientious. arms like tree trunks. periodically non-verbal. nerve damage down left side of body from taking a claw to the shoulder. cane user. missing something. has something strange and bittersweet going on with Ada.
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Ada Durand tbd bag a legend/alt she/her, occasionally it/its in private
has to be the most fuckable person at the Singing Mandrake at all times.
child of a well-to-do industrialist father. never fit in with her peers. left home to become a monster hunter on a whim, but found that the hunt suited her. hedonistic and a bit thoughtless, loves jewelry and cares about her appearance. smug and smirking and sharp of tooth, but never really lets anyone see her innermost self.
the last Vake-hunter. killed the Vake and made it a part of herself.
still, an emptiness is left behind.
met Carver while looking to have an injury treated, and recognized something in their ever-unfulfilled longing for the Vake. can be found coming and going around their clinic at all hours ever since. hates that Carver lets the giant spiders sleep on the bed.
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Broken Tree of Ephemera, Mr Silk heart’s desire/alt they/it/she, depending on the identity they’re using
a Sorrow-Spider council that failed to reach consensus and split apart. many of their members died or scatted, but a core cohort remains, refusing to accept the pain of being apart, even when other sorrow-spiders dismissed the idea of wasting time and resources on trying to fix a failed union.
they co-inhabit a human-like silk puppet, with which they’ve infiltrated the human population of London in pursuit of a way to re-meld. thus, they came into contact with the marvellous.
have they been touched by the lives they came into contact with in the game and in their interactions with humanity? difficult to tell. though lifelike, their blank-faced doll body expresses little.
nevertheless, they won their hearts’ desire. the Masters, however, were none too keen to upset the Neath‘s already strained balance of power by handing the sorrow-spiders a brand new, red science-improved spider-council, and the Tree of Ephemera was obliged to agree to a transformation that might be more... easily controlled, and the duties and title of Mr ____ ...well, it’s a work in progress. the Tree is well aware that the Masters have no intention of ceding any real power to them, so they see little point in arbitrarily choosing an area of trade, despite their new colleagues’ repeated attempts to explain the necessity to their new nature. the only thing that matters is that the change will make them whole again: one body, a joined mind.
so far, to their so-called colleagues’ chagrin, their changes have not been wholly curatorial in nature. their puppet is growing as many flecks of shiny carapace as patches of fur, and has recently grown a glittering array of additional eyes.
less pleasing, they have begun to develop a distracting interest in weaving, silk, and other fabrics. Mr Veils watches them with increasing anticipation of an excuse to swat a gnat.
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Penelope Howard, “Penny”/”Ash” nemesis/alt she/he
when her brother Ashley’s lover was tragically murdered, he left his home and family and ventured to the Neath alone in search of her killer. there, he was killed (permanently), leaving his revenge unfulfilled.
as Ashley’s twin, Penelope has spent her life in his shadow. kind, thoughtful, intelligent, and naturally talented with every paintbrush, instrument or weapon placed in his hands, Ashley was loved by everyone. the ideal son. in contrast, Penny was just... Penny. after her twin’s death, it seemed only natural that she should take on his burden, following him to the Neath and taking on his identity to continue his pursuit. after all, he was the best thing about her.
is "Ash” avenging his brother, or the lover that he hardly knew? does it really matter?
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Woebegone the Captain Sunless Skies captain they/them
former London urchin. older than they appear. carries traces of Storm. sold their reflection to a fingerking. treasured. a doting parent and spouse.
FL ES canon for them: Homecoming
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ask-bad-end-sunny · 6 months
☀️ "The sky was brighter when he was here..." ☀️
(⚠️Warning: This blog will contain spoilers for the game, Omori, which is a game with subjects about depression, anxiety and other dark themes, just be mindful of this going forward! ⚠️)
Anyway, hey!! So, some of you guys may recognize my art style and such. Yes, I am also the mod of @ask-the-six-human-souls ! I got into Omori about a year ago, and it's been my brain rot since. I'm probably going to take a break from my Undertale blog because of this...I may get back into it, but only time will tell! I've just been wanting to do something like this that's Omori related. I'm not sure how it'll go, but we'll see! Anyway...
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☀️ This blog takes place after the bad ending of Omori, where Sunny gives into Omori and succumbs by jumping off the hospital rooftop. Now, he's a ghost, much like his sister. However, he is not exactly fond of wanting to interact with her. He can see how broken his friend group continues to become because of his own death, but he watches from afar. He can't do anything about it...there's no way to fix what he has broken. That voice in his head is still there. He caused all this...what can save them now? Will he be able to overcome this?
...Oh, and he's answering questions now, too.☀️
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#spirit sunny asks / #spirit sunny - Asks/posts that have to do with Sunny ☀️
#spirit mari asks / #spirit mari - Asks/posts that have to do with Mari 💜
#omori asks - Asks that have to do with Omori 🔪
#stranger asks - Asks that have to do with Stranger 🪢
#basil asks - Asks that have to do with Basil 🌻
#mod 💛 - Posts made by/asks that are answered by the mod (that me!! 💛)
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NOTABLE PLOT POINTS (will update as plot continues)
The grief of friends
"I'm sorry...my best friend..."
Graveyard (Start of Spirit Mari asks)
Welcome to White Space (Start of Omori asks)
The Light Bulb
Church of Something (Start of Stranger asks)
Steady your heartbeat...
The DREAMER is beyond the door...
Arrival at the Church
"I will not stand idle this time."
An eye for an eye
Fight in the Church
The Shadow fades
Argument in White Space
Mari intervenes
A sister's comfort
Let's have a picnic!
Faraway Town Forecast: Cloudy
Face your Guilt 1
Face your Guilt 2
Face your Guilt 3
Face your Guilt 4
Good morning!
Everything is going to be ok (Start of Basil asks)
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Waiting for something to happen?
Something Falling
And that's all I got!! Feel free to send in asks for Sunny (and possibly...other characters ;3) Hope you all like the blog!
- 💛
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spookitordukeit · 5 months
Guys I am so very very insane.
I have so many ideas for so many stories running laps in my silly little brain over and over and the moment I start writing one idea, another two pop up beside it. Oh I am so ill. So feral. I am unwell. I need to write them down. NOW.
1) I’ll put this one up first since it’s almost mermay, but I’ve had this idea for months.
Silly little MC gets pressured to go on a fun little boating trip by friends. (Bad friends) Unfortunately, MC has ✨thalassophobia✨ stuff happens and ‘friends’ decide it would be so ha ha funny to push MC off the boat as a little prank. News flash. MC has always been scared of water. Mc never learned how to swim.
Yada yada, Mc panics, starts to drown, hears clicking or something and is suddenly back on the boat gasping for breath. Orca Sans is not happy to have humans drowning in his waters. He is also not happy to have ‘friends’ polluting his waters with their trash. He had been following them because they kept throwing their shit overboard and then they threw over a while ass human. The man’s is not happyTM.
Anyway, she ends up passed out and her friends take her home, she wakes up the nest day thinking it was all just a weird dream, especially since no one but her seems to remember it, they said she passed out from the heat. After all, Monsters had emerged from the mountain a few years ago, she probably was just having funky fever dreams.
…On a whim, she goes to the dock closest to where her friends had their boat. Even if it was just a dream, the worst that can happen is she ends up looking silly.
Nothing happens and she ends up staring up at the moon, listening to the water hitting gently under the dock. It’s dark enough where she can pretend the water isn’t water and is just the night sky under her feet. She recalls a vague song, but it’s blurry she doesn’t remember where she heard it. There’s no words to it, just musical notes. On a silly whim, she sings in the quiet darkness.
It’s only when she finishes that she opens her eyes, finding two white eyelight staring back at her.
Thinking of calling it Learning Your Song.
2) I really really love the anti-harem concept, especially like There’s Still Magic by RosesCry and I’d love to write one myself! I have the idea of a whole verse for this one- I’d call is NexusTale or NexusHub and It’d be this one huge nexus where all the aus emerge from their mountains. I’m thinking it will be the first original verse lord wise. And other verses just continuously show up, many of them leave to go create their own Home AUs once their free, but may also stay.
MC has a… troubled home life to say the least. I can’t say much about this without spoiling it, but her and her sister live together, MC owns the house but she may as well be a freeloader with the way her sister and the skeles act. Oh yeah- did I mention MC’s sister invited a whole gaggle of skeletons to come live with them without asking MC?
It’s not like she could say no— they’re all newly emerged from the underground and don’t have a place to call their own, her and her Kindness couldn’t just leave them to the wolves… I Have Many Ideas For This One— I think I’d call it Shades Of Green or something.
3) okay so hear me out- Blue joins the Bad Sanses but with horrendous ✨trauma✨ Blue is with the Stars, and he does his best! He really does! But even his best isn’t enough most times. And people need him— people will die and suffer needlessly if he rests for even just one moment— so he must keep going! Dream is always there to give him a searing hot boost of energy whenever he’s falling behind. And who is he to complain if it makes his marrow feel like it’s boiling him from the inside out? If it feels like his soul is filled with churning, molten lava? If all he can think of is fight fight fight— anything to get rid of this feeling.
Why does Killer keep asking him weird questions? What does he mean he thought Blue would be too out of commission from mourning to fight?
…When was the last time he saw his brother…?
I’m thinking of calling it, When Dreams Turn To Nightmares. I also want to up the anti by having Nightmare somehow be able to transfer a little bit of his power to the boys?? Making them like demi gods??? Idk I’ll figure it out
4) okay okay— UnderFell soulmate Au where the first words your soulmate says are somewhere on your skin. I know I know, it’s been done many time but LISTEN- Monsters emerged from the mountain like five years ago and very quickly took over, humans are lower class and the world over all is pretty sucky. MC lives in a shitty run down apartment and works a shitty job. She has two marks, one on each of her wrists like shackles.
She’s working at her job at the gas station one day, tired, hungry and ready to go home when the captain of the royal gaurd and the freaking judge walks in. She’s panicking because two of the most powerful and dangerous Monsters are within killing distance of her, as she should. She does her best not to make eye contact with either of them as they loudly walk through the aisles, but, inevitably, The Judge comes over to the checkout and she can’t ignore him— no one ignores the judge.
Red says something probably along the lines of “what? cat got yer tongue?” And MC freezes mid scan of an item, the words on her left wrist burning against her skin for a brief moment.
She looks at him with utter horror and Edge walks, excuse me— stomps over with some snappy demand like “WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG, HUMAN? WERE VERY BUSY!”
And then the words on her right wrist start burning and all she can do is mutter out “This can’t be happening.”
Both the boys freeze for a long moment and MC flees out the back door.
I’m definitely calling this one Shackled By You Words, Collared By Your Love. Because yeah it’s UnderFell, there’s collars lol. MC has one that she wears that she fills with her own Intent to keep Monsters away. Not that it works very well.
5) I reeeeeaaaallly want to do a dark fic 😔 I think writing a Yandere Edge would be really interesting. Not in a ‘I’ll kill anyone who looks at you’ but more in a ‘I’ll steal you from the forest and take you home where you will never leave because I only I can keep you safe and you will never want to leave.’ Kinda way.
So MC is a skeleton creature of some sort, not sure which yet. She lives in the forest alone, without a pack. Her pack was… lost. They had been taken from their homes once, and she got free. But now she is alone, and has been for many years.
She had her den and she protects the forests creatures from hunters, many of which do not leave alive. One day she catches a familiar scent, and with her soul racing and the inside of her skull screaming that she’s found them! They came back! They escaped! Family! Pack! Pack! Pack! She races through the trees and follows the scent, skidding into a clearing with an elated yell of welcome, only to stop short and have the words die in her throat.
The monster that stands shocked in the clawing is not her pack.
Fear, grief and rage well up in her soul and instead of running the monster out or killing him for trespassing in her forest, she runs. She runs all the way back to her den and burrows herself into the deepest parts of her nest while her soul tries it’s best to tear itself apart. The brief hope that had surged in her soul leaves her more broken then she was before, her kind is not meant for isolation. She so horribly, painfully alone…
She doesn’t leave her den for days, creatures of the forest bring her food and water, and stare worriedly at her until she accepts them, wolves bring her fresh kills and rabbits snuggle into her sides. The forest is worried, and yet she can not bring herself to move. She is alone.
Prey animals scatter and Predators growl in warning when a figure emerges from the trees. MC looks up in shock and fear as the monster from before pauses in the little clearing of her home. Anger quickly stomps out her fear as the monster is surrounded, she pulls herself from her den and growls at the intruder who dares to invade her home.
The Skelton monster does not look worried for his well being despite the wolves, bears and even a great moose surround him. The forest hisses with anger.
Somehow it deescalates and Edge ends up coming to the forest quite frequently. He is observant and quiet but he’s kind and sh is so very alone. She attaches to him quickly, missing him when he’s gone and chattering endlessly the moment he’s there. She shows him her den, shows him her nest, shows him the wonders of her forest and tells him of her darkest memories.
Memories of white labs and cold voices and the whines of her pack from behind separated walls. Memories of escaping along with another, but losing sight of him along the way. (Sometimes she thinks she can smell him on Edge… but that’s just her head playing tricks on her.)
…When she wakes up from a nap that leaves her groggier then normal, she’s a little disoriented. But not for long. The place she finds herself is unfamiliar, but Edge is not.
She can’t do anything but stare at the monster in front of her in silent horror, a cold pit in her stomach as her shaking hands grip onto the collar around her neck.
Idk what if call this tbh.
Sigghhhhhhhhh. So yeah, that’s all my ideas so far. Any of them strike your fancy?? Lemme know! I’ve already got five fics going, what’s five more?!
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liquidluckandstuff · 4 months
Another Dadmort Idea / Supernatural au?
Shared from Up to Some Good I'm going to word Vomit here because I've got another fuckin dadmort fic in my head that doesn't make sense to anyone but me but if i get it out now i can focus on other things.
A Supernaturalish/HP crossover Where Harry is a SORCERER not a Wizard (DnDish Rules, Wizards have to LEARN magic where Sorcerers have a natural aptitude for magic and don't really need crutches like spells or wands or anything).
During the Yule ball harry wanders off because he is a little overwhelmed with the noise and ends up running into a woman being attacked by demons. Harry ends up kicking their asses but the hell hounds get her anyways. Harry is a little panicked but CROWLEY himself comes up and talks to Harry about it.
Saying he doesn't belong at Hogwarts bc he isn't a wizard but surprise surprise there is a school for people like him (Aka a school for all the kids who are a little different and don't fit into the wizarding world like children of demons, werewolves, banshees etc) Crowley even says they have a "summer program" aka these kids have no home to go to and stay in school year round.
Anyway. Harry says hell no at first (pun intended 🥁 ) But then the graveyard thing happens and Harry has a total meltdown about going back to the dursleys and dumbledore is a little forceful about it. Harry sends a letter to Crowley asking to go to school at his school
The Dursleys have to sign a demon deal basically (but not for their soul) agreeing for Harry to follow the schools rules and so he can stay there year round what they DON'T realize and nor do they care of course, is that they basically just sold him off.
there are a bunch of demons at Kings Cross waiting to escort him. The Order of course freaks out but Harry tells them "I told you I wasn't going back. You didn't want me, so I had to make other arrangements."
They try to argue about his saftey but harry says "When tf was i ever safe with any of you? I wasn't safe at hogwarts and who is supposed to protect me from the Dursleys? At least here I KNOW where I stand." Etc Etc.
Anyway, the summer + First part of the year go surprisingly well. Harry makes friends who don't give a fuck who he is past "Harry" and he makes a few rivals of COURSE.
Well, harry gets into a fight with one of them and Harry ends up with a few good scrapes and a bloody nose, but the other kid ends up in the hospital wing.
Headmistress says "well we have to call in your guradian" and harry is like "idgaf they hate me and aren't gonna come anywyas" Not realizing that 1. this is a demon and 2. they don't follow normal guardian rules.
With a letter that gets sent off and a few moments later, suddenly Lord Voldemort himself ends up in the headmistresses office. Turns out, they follow Blood relation rules, not legal Guardian rules. And since they share blood now (and maybe a little bit of actual realation) voldemort is literally the strongest canidate out of ANYONE to be Harry's guardian.
After a WTF is happening from both of them, The headmistress who doesn't gice a fuck and sees shit like this all the time (bc remember these are all misfit kids with wack ass parents) she sits them both down (demon powers baybeee) and starts her talk.
First she goes over what Harry did and he is NOT looking at either of them because he is embarrased/ terrified as fuck.
Then, she goes over his grades in his classes. He is doing above average in most classes EXCELS In the Dark Arts class of course, but struggles in poitions. She says that his teachers suspect his vision is the problem but can't do anything about it without signed permission from his guardian.
Voldemort is absolutely stunned about the whole thing (I mean a sorcerer?! what?!) and then she leaves so they can chat privately.
They are quiet for an awkward amount of time while Voldemort reads over the paperwork that she gave him with his grades and classwork etc. and then after some back and forth bickering, pulls a "you couldn't at least done this OFF campus so I didn't have to get dragged here? At least you won… " or something and Harry has no fuckin clue what to say to that.
Then, he freaking SIGNS the permission slip to get Harry's eyes fixed, AND AND signs him up for potions tutoring and then fuckin leaves just like that. Harry is STUNNED.
(If he doesn't cooperate, then it might ruin what little relationship he has with the Demons and it might cost him the war so he HAS to do it. Crowley invited Harry to the school to be a little shit. ) So now, you got reluctant father son moments because if VOLDEMORT doesn't cooperate, then he might lose the Demons on his side. If HARRY doesn't cooperate then he has to go back to the Dursleys and Hogwarts where literally everyone hates him.
Harry def gets a howler because he skipped a class or two to go hang out with his friends at the muggle town to get drunk. Aka he got to be a normal kid.
He is completley MORTIFIED that he got one, but then everyone is comparing "Well when MY mom/dad sent me a howler" and then Harry realizes that he is completely normal here and acts up a little more to get his attention bc that is the only way he knows how.
The teachers of COURSE catch on this and they have another Conference explaining the whole thing and that's how Harry gets to go home for christmas
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