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just-a-cool-wizard · 3 days ago
Wow, this brings me back. Believe it or not, I was there that night. It was the second or third year of wizard school--third I think because I was there with my friend Reynauld the Wize-with-a-Z, and he transferred over from Wizard Yale (I know, right?) during my third year. Anyway, Reynauld and I had the bright idea that we'd go to this bar that night to meet some witches, not that we'd know what to do with a witch if she even glanced at us, much less, you know, what we were hoping for, but I literally chalk up "reason to meet witches" as one of the main reasons I explored a wizard career to begin with. You can't grow up watching Elvira Mistress of the Dark on the seeing stone and not have it affect you, you know?
But, see, I was nervous. Witches and warlocks and folks pretending to be vampires, and I was just a kid, so I'd gotten pretty in my head about it and I thought it would be a good idea to put up some wards, you know? What if I get cursed? What if somebody tries to poison me? What if there's a real vampire there with the fake vampires (fampires we called them) and they try to glamour me, or who knows what? So, wards up, anti-curse stuff up, all my spell slots on defensive abilities.
So there we were at this bar full of leather- and black denim-clad so-and-sos, and if you've ever seen a wizard student you'll know how much we stood out. I was, to put it kindly, cherubic in my school days, pale and pock-faced, quite the stereotype. I used some scum from the bottom of a cauldron as eye shadow, thinking that would make me look goth, and Reynauld tied his robe sleeves up with a copper wire. We looked ridiculous. I'll give those goths one thing, though--were they ever welcoming to a pair of dorks invading their space like this. One guy with a fucking safety pin through his face, like his WHOLE face, he's all, how you guys doing, so glad you're here, let me show you around, and then this gal who, so far as I could tell, literally didn't have eyes, just offered us molly like it was no big deal. Everyone was super nice.
Anyway, this guy. Saint Verthaine, apparently. I remember seeing him and thinking he looked so fucking cool, like as nervous as I was, he was the polar opposite. I was scared to be there, and he, I don't know, it looked like he didn't even want to be there. He was standing at the bar with a creamy-looking drink and a cigarette and he looked like through his presence he was doing the place a favor. In hindsight I realize that was just his shtick, this aloof above it all thing, like obviously you don't go to a bar to be alone, but I was pretty in awe of it at the time.
And then, something happened. Reynauld was shouting over the music, shouting right into my ear, complaining about one of his classes, when suddenly he stops mid-word. A wave crossed over the room. I felt a pressure, felt one of my wards buckle and one of my counter-curses trigger. The music sounded heavy and distorted--more heavy and distorted than it was, I mean, like I was hearing it from under water, and then I realized that everyone was frozen. Everyone but me. My anxiety about coming to this club suddenly erupted into a full on panic and I was hyper aware of everything and everyone around me, positive I was getting glamoured or otherwise mind-controlled and a wraith or who knows what the fuck was about to get me, and then I saw her: rainbow hair that obviously had taken her hours to get right, skin gray as a cloudy sky, and leather that she must have been stitched into. She's slinking seductively through the crowd and I'm positive she's who did The Thing, and thank heaven i'm petrified with fear or she'd have known I wasn't magically petrified like the rest of the room was, and I realize then that she's approaching the cool guy I'd seen, and he's not petrified either, just smoking and standing there like he doesn't give a fuck. It was crazy. She says something to him, something weird and garbled that I couldn't hear, holds her hand out to him, he stubs his cigarette out against the bar, takes her hand, and then, seriously, the two evaporate into smoke.
And just like that, the music is normal again and everyone's moving again and Reynauld picks up exactly where he left off, the second half of the word he was saying, which made me jump right out of my fucking cauldron-soot eyeliner, I'll tell you, and then he stops and is like, "What the fuck, man? Did you take that molly that chick gave us? You can't just take random pills, dude!"
I stared over at him like he was crazy, and then I thought, wait, did I take the molly? Was that what that was? Molly is supposed to be fun but that was fucking terrifying.
I guess the moral of this story is don't do drugs, kids, except cool ones, of course, and, like, I don't know, I lost the thread of this, I suppose, because I checked later and I still had the molly, so maybe do do drugs, just make sure you test them first? And watch out for goddesses of chaos.
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Now THIS is how you start an occult text.
(Book of Eris)
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alternate-real-ities · 24 hours ago
Research Report: Subject J - Asian Flu
Prepared by: Dr. Amara Patel & Dr. Liam Chen
These diary entries, obtained through confidential sources, detail the personal experiences and transformations of a young man identified only as "Jake" who has been unknowingly infected with the recently emerged Asian Flu (AF). His accounts provide invaluable firsthand insights into the virus's effects on its host, spanning from early symptoms to advanced stages. Thus, with these entries, we aim to better understand the virus's effects and timeline.
Diary Entries:
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Dear diary,
I woke up feeling a bit off today, but nothing major. Probably just another case of the common cold going around. I didn't let it stop me from starting my day as usual - working on my laptop at home while sipping coffee. My muscles were kinda sore too, but I thought it was just from my workout yesterday.
I did notice something strange though - when I caught my reflection in the mirror, my pecs looked a bit bigger than usual. Probably just my imagination, right? They're not exactly massive to begin with on my scrawny frame. But hey, maybe I'm finally making some progress at the gym!
Anyway, enough about me and my silly feelings. I'm going to bed early tonight. hopefully I'll feel more like myself tomorrow.
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Dear diary,
Woke up today feeling even better than yesterday! I breezed through my work and couldn't wait to get back to the gym. When I stepped into the locker room, a few guys checked me out appreciatively. Normally that would make me blush, but now it just gave me this weird rush of confidence.
At first, I thought the gym machines felt a bit too easy today. Like my body was used to working at higher intensities than I realized. And why were my pecs tingling so much? Probably just a funny nerve thing, no biggie.
When I got home, I caught another glimpse of myself in the mirror and… holy shit… are my muscles bigger? Like, way bigger than they should be after one intense workout. Also, I didn't look as pale as I usually do?
This can't be real - something's going on, I just don't know what it is… Hopefully, I'll have more time to think about it tomorrow.
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Dear diary,
Okay, so something is seriously wrong with me but I can't put my finger on it.
I can't stop sweating, even when I'm just sitting around doing nothing! My clothes are always soaked and I stink like a damn animal in heat... And don't even get me started on my fucking pecs - they're so sensitive right now. Like every brush of fabric against them sends a jolt straight to my dick.
I called in sick to work today, couldn't handle trying to make sense of all those spreadsheets and emails. It's like everyone's talking in a foreign language now, I just don't get it no more. I keep telling myself this is all stress-related but deep down, I know something ain't right.
At the gym today, I kept having to increase the weights because anything less felt like a joke now. There were these two Asian guys there who kept glancing over at me admiringly between sets. Normally I'd be flattered but nervous about such obvious stares. Instead, I found myself flexing subtly in their direction, feeling this bizarre urge to show off my body.
And to top it all off, I've been having these crazy horny urges nonstop. Like, I'm constantly rock hard and leaking pre-cum like a fucking faucet. It's embarrassing as hell. I ended up jerking off about three times today already but it did nothing to satisfy this insatiable hunger in my balls.
I'm scared… I don't know what's happening to me. Maybe this is all just a bad dream and I'll wake up soon. Please.
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Dear diary,
Fuck… what's happening to me? I'm struggling to type this entry because my fingers feel too thick and clumsy on the keyboard.
I went back to the gym again today because I couldn't stay away, even though part of me knew something was seriously off. The Asian guys from yesterday were there again and this time… fuck… I walked up to them and started chatting like it was the most natural thing in the world. Talking about protein shakes, the best ways to sculpt chest muscles, shit I wouldn't have given a second thought to before.
They kept touching my arms admiringly as we talked, marveling at how fast I must be growing. And I fucking liked it. Craved more of their attention and praise. We ended up in the locker room together…
I'm not proud of what happened next but I couldn't control myself. I was too drunk on this new sense of power and desire coursing through my body. The next thing I knew, we were all naked, touching each other, moaning like animals…
I can't think straight anymore either. It's like all the smart stuff is leaking outta my head and being replaced with nothing bro.
And the smells… everything smells so much stronger now. My own stink, sweat and musk, it's so intense!
I'm losing control here diary… I feel like I'm turning into one of those dumb gym bro stereotypes and it scares the everloving shit outta me. I almost can't recognize myself in the mirror anymore.
Tomorrow, I'll go see my doctor to finally understand what's going on.
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Yo diary, it's your boy Jake and lemme tell ya, today was fuckin' EPIC dude! Like, the most awesomest day ever since this crazy shit started happening to me.
Woke up feelin' like a million bucks, muscles all twitchy and ready to dominate. I hit the gym real quick, just a lil warm-up ya know? And oh man, did I catch some looks! All those bros were starin' at my gains, probably wishin' they had a physique like mine hehe.
After that, I decided to take my rock hard bod for a walk in the park. Felt good to let the sunshine warm up my bronzed skin and show off these sick pecs. I was strutting real confident-like, just basking in all the attention from thirsty bitches and dudes.
Then, get this diary… I bumped into this super cute lil twink at the park! He was practically drooling when he saw my massive package tentin' in my shorts. I couldn't resist, had to show him what a real man feels like down there haha.
We found a lil spot behind some bushes and I bent that boy over and gave it to him HARD, diary. Pounded his tight boyclit so good he was screaming for more. Fucked him so deep he'll be tasting my cock for days! Blew the biggest load right up in his guts too, hah!
I'm gonna hit the gym again later for some more gains, maybe see if I can find another thirsty boycunt to bust in after. Life is fuckin' great diary!
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Based on Jake's diary entries, we can confirm the progression of AF symptoms aligns with our current understanding: rapid muscle growth, cognitive decline, personality changes, and increased sexual aggression. His accounts also highlight the virus's insidious nature, as he remains largely unaware and unconcerned about his transformations.
To better understand the virus's transmission dynamics and long-term effects on secondary hosts, it is imperative that we identify and locate the twink (hereafter referred to as "Subject TW") with whom Jake engaged in sexual activities at the park. There is a high probability that Subject TW has been infected with the Asian Flu through this encounter.
Locating and monitoring this new potential subject could provide crucial insights into the virus's sexual transmission rates, incubation periods for secondary infections, and further manifestation of symptoms in diverse hosts.
This final surveillance footage from a concealed camera in a bustling city gym captures Subject J (center frame) engaging with his newly acquired "bros". This clip represents the most current documentation of Jake's behaviours and physical state, obtained while maintaining strict contamination avoidance protocols. The timestamp indicates this recording is approximately three weeks after his initial diary entries.
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Caution: Viewers are strongly advised not to approach or engage with Subject J or his associates without proper protective measures in place, as their sweat and other bodily fluids pose significant infection risks.
Please direct any inquiries or resources needed to pursue this lead to Dr. Patel or Dr. Chen.
[End Report]
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hometoursandotherstuff · 3 days ago
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Expect the unexpected. This 1990 home in Indio, CA sold for much less than it's worth. (I posted it quite a while ago.) The 3bd, 2ba 1,953 sq ft home is worth an estimated $677,600 and sold for $487,500. And, I've never heard of this before- 2 HOA fees: $224mo & $130yr. (I think, for the country club).
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Welcome to the cave house. You know what disturbs me about this? The perfect floors and ceiling. Anyway, the real estate considers it a fixer-upper. I don't know, though. I'd leave it, and do something to perk it up.
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So, this is the cave entrance.
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Before we emerge from the cave, we hit a fork in the road and it's a bar.
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When I first saw the living room wallpaper, I thought those were bats, but they're eagles. (I would've preferred bats.)
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It's a little tight in here, though.
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This is where guests come up to the bar, on the right.
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There's a fireplace on the right, here. You know, the owner really missed the mark- this could be cool. The furnishings are so DULL.
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Look at that big niche, there. Some kind of a statue would look good in there.
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Depending on your theme, this is perfect for a statue.
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On the left of the living room, there're sliders to the patio, and on the right, they put in a small bump-out dining area, so you can look out at the pool.
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The kitchen is so dull and dated. It needs decor. There's a rock on the counter, too.
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Over the window that looks into the sun room, they made rock "curtains."
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There's a dining room. Is that a bread box in the rock?
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Looks some sort of black & white photo wallpaper of a forest on the wall. I think that this home could benefit from colored lighting and new wallpaper.
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It has a pantry. That's nice.
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The rest of the home is absolutely nothing special. This is the primary bedroom and it couldn't be more dull.
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The ensuite features a corner shower. Wow, if that drain ever gets clogged the water will just pour out onto the floor.
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Large, double, dated vanity and a huge mirror.
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The other bedrooms are standard sizes and plain.
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The 2nd bath is a small shower room.
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The home office has some built-in cabinetry.
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So, here's the thing- they never finished the pool or patio. But, the good news is, that the rocks are in.
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So, this is gonna cost the new owner. Is that dry dirt or rock that they have to blast thru?
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There's a finished covered patio on the side of the house.
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Looks like their fan blades melted. The house is on a 10,019 sq ft lot.
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presleyslilbaby · 20 hours ago
can you make a cg Elvis from the 50's making lunch for the reader but she wants to eat his lunch instead and she has a favorite blanket instead of a stuffed animal? 🥺
~Lunch Time~
(50's!CG!Elvis X Little!Reader)
(Hello! Thank you for requesting! Even though it's a bit short, I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope you like it!)
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"Alright, li'l Bit," Elvis had started, resting his hands on his hips as he looked down at you who had currently been playing with your toys. "What'chu want for lunch, hm?" With your pacifier tucked tightly between your lips, you began to bounce in excitement before replying with a muffled, "Noodles!" He chuckled, shaking his head before kneeling down to your level. "Now that don't tell me much 'bout what ya' want, Honey! What kind o' noodles?" You thought for a moment before bouncing again, throwing your arms above your head happily, your beloved pastel Green blankie still clutched in your hand. "Wif cheese!" You exclaimed. "With cheese? Alrighty, then. It's settled. Mac n' cheese for my li'l Sweetheart." Elvis said, rising to his feet and giving your head a loving little pat. "But first, you gotta clean up your toys, li'l Miss." A pout made its way to your lips despite being securely wrapped around your pacifier, crossing your arms dramatically over your chest. "No wanna. No clean." "Aww, but ya' gotta clean, Y/n. Look at all this mess," He gestured to all of your scattered toys, his hands settling right back on his hips. "Li'l Girl, I ain't takin' no for an answer. You clean your toys up, or Daddy picks your lunch instead." Upon hearing his threat, you released a loud and rather dramatic groan before begrudgingly cleaning up your toys just as he asked you to. Why did you have to clean up your toys if you were going to play with them later anyways? It never made sense to you.
As you very slowly picked up your toys and put them back in the toy box, Elvis was in the kitchen making you your lunch. But one mistake that you made was thinking that he hadn't been paying attention. And so, you pulled out more toys to play with, plopping yourself back on the floor. "Y/n. Put those toys back." Elvis called to you, causing you to huff. How did he always know if he wasn't actively watching you?
What felt like hours had passed before you were finally finished picking up all of your toys to put them away, waddling your way to the kitchen where Elvis was plating yours and his food. "Wash your hands, Baby." He said after offering a kind smile, bringing your foods to the dining room table. Feeling a little bit too impatient to wait, you washed your hands up as fast as you could, barely even drying them off much before rushing out to the dining room and climbing in your chair. Noticing that you still had your pacifier in your mouth, he held his hand out in a wordless request that you give it to him. Acting reluctant at first, you gave him your pacifier, though you snuggled your blankie to show that he wouldn't be able to separate you from its warmth. He chuckled. "It's okay, Baby. I ain't gon' take your blankie." He reassured, sliding you your food. "Cheesy noodle! Cheesy noodle!" You chanted excitedly before starting to tuck in, your mouth already becoming coated in the cheesy goodness of your lunch.
However, something caught your attention. Elvis was eating a hamburger. And you wanted it real bad. Leaning over, you opened your mouth as big as you could to take a bite of his burger. But before your teeth could sink into the bread, he pulled it away from you. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What'cha think you're doin' li'l Girl?? That ain't your burger!" You pouted, reaching your hand out in attempts to grab his food. "Want! Want hammy-buwgew!" You exclaimed, wiggling your legs in effort as you tried your hardest to reach for the hamburger. Elvis shook his head as he gently pushed your arm away, swallowing the food that was in his mouth. "Honeypie, you got your mac 'n cheese." He said. "No wants it no more! Want hammy-buwguw!" You replied. "No, Sweetheart. That's Daddy's food. You eat yours like a good Girl, 'kay?" "No!" he sighed, pushing his plate away before turning towards you fully, hands resting on your shoulders. "If you eat your food and not Daddy's, I'll get ya' a cookie." Ah. Bribery. Your eyes widened at the deal, your lips parting as you considered it. "I getted a cookies?" You asked. "Only if you eat your mac n' cheese." He said. Without much hesitation, you nodded, grabbing your utensil to resume eating your lunch. "Otay! I no eateds Daddy's food!" Smiling, Elvis pat your head. "That's my Girl."
Finally, his hamburger was safe.
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27spoons · 20 hours ago
I’ve got insomnia and my legs/joints feel weird so I’m thinking bout stuff. I wanna comfort nat so bad, like ugh the tears in her eyes, the way her nose drips, and she smears blood on her face after killing Ben. Sweet girl needs to be hidden from the horrors of the world. I just wanna hold her and clean her up. Also FUCK Shauna Fr. All my homies hate Shauna, like that little fucked up smirk on her face when she suggests nat cut up Ben..oooo that got me heated man.
Thanks for letting me yap🫶💐
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thinking about cleaning nat up after the whole ben thing... everyone else is against her and you're the only one willing to actually be with her (because lbr, that girl was DISSOCIATINGHARD afterward).
sitting down with her and wiping the blood from her face and hands while she just sits there, staring off into some empty space. when she does finally speak, it's something like "i'm so sorry," but she doesn't say anything else...
telling her you understand why she did what she did........ she just sorta gives you a sound of acknowledgement but doesn't comment further cus she's too busy replaying the entire interaction in her head..........
helping her put her fuckass headband on before sending her off to butcher ben 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 knowing damn well that girl won't ever forgive herself
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seeing that she looks fine from the outside at the 'feast' that night, but knowing that she's probably a shell of herself right now, and will be for a long while............... sigh................ nat you will catch a break one day i promise...........................................................(I'm lying don't tell her)
also, 🤺, i gotta tell u. i hate teen shauna now. like i never fw'd her heavy, but now????????? nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this hoe got me UPSET. go back to screwing your jackie knock-off cus u let the real one freeze to death. anyways i still like adult shauna cus i melanie lynskey makes it so hard to hate her idk. sophie n makes it very easy to hate her UIAHGAUIHGUIAHG they're just good actors
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nekromantik97 · 2 days ago
it's vile just how much disordered eating habits are normalized on social media, hell even in real life. a woman with a healthy, normal functioning body will get torn to shreds on any platform because she isn't bmi 17 and you can't see her ribs and hip bones sticking out. bullshit diets are still shilled out to women so they can achieve "the perfect summer body". people still bring others down solely on the basis of what their body looks like. nobody ever says anything about how disordered most women's eating habits are because it's seen as the right thing by majority, most times it is actually encouraged. that's why most women think it's alright to eat like that anyways. no, i promise you're not being bad by having a slice of cake and you don't have to skip out on a meal tomorrow to "make up" for it.
i almost fell into the phenomenon myself but was lucky enough to snap back into my senses, most people aren't unfortunately. currently watching one of my closest friends descent into this hellhole and my efforts to pull her out of it are unfortunately futile, she refuses to listen and tells me that i just don't get it. yes i may obviously not get what's going on inside of your head but please just hear me out for once. she is already thin, underweight thin. she keeps engaging with ed content on twitter and alike, i was able to make her stop for a while and she seemed happier and better during that time period. i hope she hasn't gone back since then.
i'm firm believer that the modeling-fashion industry (which is mostly curated by men by the way) and social media has been detrimental to most, if not all, women's body image and mental health. it isn't and shouldn't be normal to aspire to have a bmi of 15-17, to be sickly and frail, to consume under 1200 calories everyday, to count every little calorie.
sorry, this is kinda everywhere and messy but just very tired and felt like i had to write this out. probably gonna edit this sometime later.
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archivalofsins · 2 days ago
Spoilers ahead if you want to go in completely blind about Yuno's third trial song don't want to see the cover or the lyric snippet any of that. Then don't look under the read more because I'm about to discuss it after sitting with it for a while.
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"Life, I wanted you to care enough to scold me and tell me I was wrong. Damn you."
"Am I a bad girl? Please don’t answer. What do you want to do? Please tell me." "I messed up. I found out." "Are we over? Please don’t answer. What do you want to do? Please tell me."
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Really on some I'd put u and i together in every life time shit now huh. Really being that Stickybug.
"Gonna be a smitten mitten till the day you die?"
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"Stop it, you always forget to close the door on hope!"
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"I told you from the start don't even try."
"What type of girl do you like? I want to become like that, but that’s probably too hard for me." "Just the two of us. I finally found it." "Just me alone, it really is lonely."
"Little miss devotion, the exits over there..."
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"Oh, so not going home after all...?"
Tear Drop
"The wanted wanting the wanter. The overlap, isn’t that some sort of perfection?" "If you want “me”, come marco, I’ll polo. Let’s just do it, please smile?"
"Hop, step, grrr, one more chance! Aha! Why don't you kiss up and shake your cottontail? A pop cuddle snuggle hum a tune why don't you?"
"But anyway, let’s be together till the morning. “Good morning” “Good night” I want to be with you as many times as I can." "Play-biting each other, warmth-giving each other. That is probably an amazing thing. Even this makes you happy right? I know you will respond that way."
"It's out of place put away your jealousy."
"Why are you here? You annoy me a little. I can’t smile well anymore. It’s because of you."
"If you get lonely, find anybody just get lucky."
"Just me alone, it really is lonely. Let’s reload the warmth."
Tear Drop
“Let’s just do it, please smile?”
"I loathed to love but it gave me life gonna be a smitten mitten till the day you die?"
22/01/17 (Mahiru’s Birthday)
Mahiru: My birthday…… the day I was born…… But was there really any reason for me being born? Lately I’ve started to wonder that. Do you ever think about stuff like that, Yuno-chan? Yuno: Eh? Not really. I mean, Mahiru-san, you’re really the romantic type, right? Not that I have anything against that. But isn’t it a bit much to think that everything in life has a meaning? If it makes you happy to think like that then go ahead, but if it doesn’t, then isn’t that in itself meaningless? Mahiru: : ……you might be right. I’ve always just lived my life like this, so I don’t really know. Yuno: We’ve all just gone through a bunch of things in life that happened to lead us here. It’s nothing more than a coincidence. Definitely not fate or anything. Probably. Even if there isn’t a meaning, you can still be happy that it’s your birthday. That sort of thing’s all you need in life really. So happy birthday, Mahiru-san.
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"With this verdict of “innocent”, she’s turned her back on social interactions. It seems like she’s even contemptuous towards MILGRAM itself. That’s the real Yuno Kashiki, you could say. Cold and logical. Practical and unromantic. Getting her to interact is gonna be a heavy lift, I’d say. By the way, I love frosty girls like her."
"Fell in love with a meh and felt like dyin'-"
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"So, I'm just smashin' over here OK. Roger that!""
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"This feeling's been gone for longer than forever."
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"I wanna drink up, but I just can't anymore."
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"Fell in love with a blah, wanted to kick the bucket."
Yuno (-273.15°C) 13:17s
"Ahaha, ha! Oh! Also, that reminds me, there was one thing I'm curious about." What? Go ahead and say it. "Am I...really alive?" That's...what do you.. "Hm... if you don't know, then it's fine." Yuno? "Hey, it's time, right?"
Yuno (-273.15°C) 12:44s
"I mean stuff like forgive or not forgive- that's all made-up play! I won't get warm with something like that! Unless you embrace me, it's impossible, no way."
MILGRAM / Jackalope’s “Third Trial Commencement Notice” 2:31s
Your judgement was “innocent”, and as such, her ideas were affirmed. Hm. She seems calm and collected, but just look into her eyes. She can’t hide her inner turmoil. She’s conflicted. But, what changed her wasn’t MILGRAM, it seems. Prisoner No. 006: Mahiru. Witnessing her death was what brought about this change in Yuno.
"Not the judgements of MILGRAM, or being found “innocent” by strangers...... no. What a turn of events. Interesting, isn’t it?"
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"Life, I wanted you to care enough to scold me and tell me I was wrong. Damn you."
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"What do you want to do? Please tell me."
Tear Drop
"“Poor naive little girl”? So off the mark, what’s it to you? It’s just absurd Like really, who do you think you are?"
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"I don’t need to be lectured to like that. Do you just want to make yourself feel even better?"
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Hold up gonna derail my own post real quick why the fuck are you so unhappy here Yuno? That is the fakest smile you have ever smiled. This the customer is always right ass smile. This, I swear I'm not under duress ass smile.
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This I'm fine ass smile. This I am biting back a scowl ass smile. This other me you better hold me back ass smile.
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Ah, that's better never mind.
She fucking hates that guy across the table sooo much it is so funny she fucking hates that man and possibly the audience as well if the stuff rabbit was a stand in for the audience and that guy.
Fucking I can't say it,
"I don’t need to be lectured to like that. Do you just want to make yourself feel even better?"
But I am damn sure thinking it ass smile.
Ah, Yuno I- ya know I wish we could have several more trial I really can't believe this is gonna be the last one. I would like to do this forever with you because you are just that amazing that made my year. What the fuck were we talking about oh yeah- How she fucking hates that guy represented by the color yellow.
Yeah she more than likely does. Dearie me... Never seen a person so unhappy after being paid. The fuck did this man say to have her upset after he gave her a gift and money. Like I can't comprehend fumbling that hard. Fumbled so hard she started having a relationship with herself on screen directly after this interaction.
She's really went I wouldn't treat me like this,
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And another version of her showed up and went you're so right babe is this fool bothering you,
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Maybe her case is as a clear cut as Haruka's but it's still very fun to think about. Plus, life tends to be a lot more complicated than that so I'm really curious to see what happens. Maybe these mean don't matter at all, maybe those ribbons mean nothing. Who am I to say more than I already have. I will admit though it is always nice to see Yuno again.
Because it's always so fucking messy. Also all the merch and art is really good.
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Like ridiculous if all the prisoners are getting straight facing mugshot like bust shots that call back to Undercover and seemingly have their obscured reports attached too for their cd covers this is going to get really fun really fast.
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Oh yeah I've been curious about this and it could be me just being like that's weird and it's actually normal but what the hell is up with Yuno irises???
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What's with the black curved lines inside. It probably means nothing but I found it interesting anyway. Maybe all the prisoners will have it I don't know. Overall really pretty to look at and fun to speculate about.
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swampjawn · 3 days ago
Hi swamp jawn. Didn’t realize you had a tumblr, but ig that’s on brand.
Just wanted to say that your work is really amazing — in the literal sense of the word. My first exposure to you was when you were grinding DunMeshi (surprise) and it was originally just a “oo I need to engage with discourse abt how this anime in a genre I have no interest in is really owning my ass this season, let’s see if this video scratches the itch”, but immediately, I exp’d the awe and uhh.. the secular version of reverence (admiration isn’t quite right… respect doesn’t quite cut it either… sth [gestures] though) like probably a ton of people around that time. Not only the way you convey info (also lucky: having a comfy voice), but the whole “wow! This key animator did this thing in these three frames! And this next section didn’t have credits, but I think this other person worked on it bc of xyz which I’ve seen in other works” is like….. so crazy (positive)… it’s like a quality of visual analysis/explanation that I haven’t really had exposure to before, but wholeheartedly adore in literary review. Kinda similar to how people who can just recite esoteric/poetic/deeply moving quotes on the fly. Super cool energy that I couldn’t honestly even realistically aspire toward. Keep up the cool work.
Anyway, my partner got me the moe lil keychain of your mascot, and a friend who studied illustration/animation in college got real excited when she recognized it. We chatted abt your channel a bit, and are looking forward to what you’ll do next.
Cheers, take good care of yourself, and have a rad weekend.
I don't usually post this kind of thing because it feels self-congratulatory, but this is so cool and sweet to hear people connecting over this stuff. I'm still very new to this, so it's crazy to hear! thank you!
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sk1ndx0 · 3 days ago
˖ ࣪ ⊹ ࣪You. ⊹ ࣪ ˖
Niragi x fem!reader
TW: Niragi in general, mentions of smut, cursing
A/N: I honestly can’t tell what kind of relationship dynamic I put these two into but…. It’s there.. I guess 😔💔 IS IT ANGST, IS IT FLUFF????? IDKKKKKKKKKKKK
Summary: You. You took too long to come back to the beach, and Niragi wasn’t very fond of it.
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Fucking YOU. You who always got in the way.. you who always had some dumb shit in your head. You couldn’t have died. No.. not yet, at least. You were the only thing keeping Niragi from burning this whole-
Wait. What…??
The fuck was he thinking?? He didn’t care for you. He didn’t give a shit about anyone. He didn’t care if you went on a game by yourself. He wouldn’t allow himself to. He could deal with a couple hours by himself. All those thoughts rushed out at the sound of the hotel door clicking open. Niragi almost tripped getting up from the couch. He met your eyes, some type of emotion ranging between anger and anxiety lacing them. It was silent.. but not for long. Niragi had a habit of ruining such things..
“Where the fuck were you??” He spat out, looking you over once.. twice.. “Took too damn long.. it was just a fucking diamond game for fucks sake.” You had a few cuts and scrapes. Nothing huge. You heard him let out a soft exhale of relief..
“Went out a little longer than expected.” You answered calmly, almost used to this behavior, “It’s almost like you care.” You retorted, as you usually do.
“No I fucking don’t. Don't you know me, Y/N?”
“I do.. maybe not as well as I thought.”
“Well, you still seem whiny as always.” Niragi smirked, softly punching your arm.
Was he usually this tolerable??
“Oh, yeah, no I’m fine, the game was great thanks for asking.” You cross your arms. Your words never held any real bite. Oh no, you saved that hate for better times. “If I knew any better I’d say you were worried about me.”
Niragi shifted, slightly, just enough to show a reaction to the words before slouching in his normally horrid posture. He scoffed slightly and flashed his signature smirk. “You fucking wish.” You just ignored him and watched as he finally became less tense, plopping back down onto the couch. You looked at his rifle, sitting beside him like it was his girlfriend or some shit you couldn’t really explain by yourself. “Are you married to that thing?” You mumbled, jabbing a finger at the rifle like it wasn’t a weapon he could shoot you with at any moment. “Okay Ms. Bitchy-Mood-Switch.” Niragi held up his hands in mock surrender. “You know you’re just jealous.”
You let out a frustrated sigh, “Ridiculous. You’re insufferable.”
“You can’t live without me, we both know it. Who’s gonna keep you on your toes all the time?” Niragi smirked, his arms loosely on the back of the couch. Faint partying could be heard from below. The people of the beach getting drunk, high, fucked, etc.. it’s almost like this is all they can do to forget about the bloodshed out in the real Borderlands. Oh wait.. it is.
Niragi stared at you, his eyes narrowed.
“Thinking about them again? Seriously I don’t know why you fucking bother. They’re not gonna quiet down soon anyways. Besides, you should join ‘em.” Niragi finally spoke, once again, breaking the really needed silence.
“I don’t want to. I won’t. Thanks for the offer though.” You turned to look at him, kicking off your shoes and walking to the couch, sitting down right next to him.
“You know I’m not a party animal. That’s you. You should be down there.”
“Don’t get me started. I fucked almost every girl down there. They’d be all over me.” Niragi snaps back, running a hand through your hair. It wasn’t playful, it wasn’t hurtful.. it was just there. Just enough for you to know that he was real. That you were real.
Honestly, after that game you really needed it. A diamonds game, yes. But a lot of people died in front of you there.
You didn’t lean into his touch, though. Nor did you move away. You just sat there. Like you enjoyed Niragi’s terrifying company..
After more silence, you spoke.
“We should find something to eat. Or maybe drink.” You stretch, standing up. “Or maybe you should go to your own hotel room. This one is mine.”
Niragi slowly got up, as if suddenly all the weight of the world on his entire shoulders. He had a smirk plastered on his face. You rolled your eyes.
“You’ve got to be kidding me right now.”
“What? I’m getting up.” Niragi contested, nearly busting out into a state of laughter.
You groaned, grabbing his arm and pulling him up from the couch, making him stumble a bit before catching himself. He grabbed his rifle and slung it over his shoulder before walking to the doorway, turning around and staring at you with something unfamiliar in his eyes.
“If you need me-”
“I won’t.”
You interrupted before shutting the door in his face, letting out a huge breath. God, it felt lighter in here.
What the fuck was that about??
Niragi stood there, a bit dumbfounded before he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, exhaling shortly before walking up to his room.
This wasn’t the end of it. This playful but hateful banter. Honestly, Niragi thought it would never end. You hoped it would end.
Because it wouldn’t.
Not yet.
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A/N: OKAY.. this was my first little fanfic thing, and I hoped you liked it. Honestly, I know it was a bit out of context, but I might add parts to this, I just wanted to know if you guys liked it in any way so TYSM FOR READING PLEASE GIVE SOME ADVICE AND IF I SHOULD MAKE THIS A SERIES!!
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
-Love Sk1n
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lonely-moons · 1 day ago
♡୭something good | sam winchester x reader, pt. 2
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title: something good, pt. 2 (read pt. 1 here)
pairing: stanford!sam winchester x socially anxious!reader
warnings: once again a hell of a lot of overthinking, social anxiety, reader is yet again an (i say this with affection) awkward loser, sam winchester being a sweetheart, more m&ms (when do i get sponsored)
summary: you begin to remember your plans to just go at it alone, but it seems as though sam winchester is hellbent on ruining that
wc: 2,943
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over the next two days, the weekend, where you have no excuse to run into sam, your inflated sense of joy wears down. you wake up and wonder what's gone wrong, how a couple hours with the guy had managed to chip away your self-promise that you would just make it through college without caring about the social aspect. with choosing not to form any connections, so that it didn't hurt as much when no one would want them with you anyway.
you spend an embarrassing half an hour working this through in your head before getting out of bed on saturday. you know there's nothing wrong with being civil - it's not your aim to be an unwarranted bitch, after all - but growing attached? that's a mistake you've made time and time again. you know better now.
even though you and sam had exchanged numbers, neither of you appear in the other's phone over the weekend. not that you're actively checking. you illuminate the screen for the time, for the date, for the temperature before you head out to grab some dinner. it barely even crosses your mind that your inbox is empty.
and when you get a spam call on sunday afternoon, you most certainly do not almost fall off your bed in your haste to grab it.
when monday rolls around, you're the first to arrive in class. you always are. it's a tactical move that you can never quite give up, something that lessens the anxiety that's ceaselessly churning in your gut. you want first choice of a seat so that you don't end up too close to the front or back, where the students usually get picked on. the middle is your comfort zone, where you can blend in with everyone else. you're typically good at that, after all.
when someone slides into the empty seat beside yours, you don't even look up, assuming it's someone you don't know, given that that's pretty much everyone. only when there comes a light "hey" do you flinch slightly and stop digging around in your backpack.
"8 a.m. classes are just the best, aren't they?" sam rubs slightly at his eyes, and despite the exhaustion in his tone, the words come out through a small smile. not for the classes - for you.
"what?" you ask. it's the only thought in your head right now, and it comes out as majestically as it sounds bouncing around in your brain.
"think these should be illegal." he looks at where your hand is still stuffed elbow-deep into the backpack perched on your knees. "you get lost in there?"
you blink, shaking away your surprise even though most of it manages to stay latched on. "um..." your fingers move around, finally finding what you're looking for, and you extract your arm then unceremoniously dump the bag to the ground. it lands on your foot but you act like it doesn't. thankfully there are no 600-page hardback textbooks in there right now. "just... need a pen." you smile clumsily, waving it between your fingers. "got one."
now it's sam's turn to be taken aback. you're about to wonder why he looks like he's never seen a pen before, but then you realise which one you've taken out: the one designed to look like a syringe. you had found it in a joke store one day after going out for a walk in the local town. you didn't like leaving without buying anything - and you had thought it was pretty cool.
"oh, it's - it's not real," you say, pressing the nib to your arm and clicking the top. "see?" you internally roll your eyes at yourself - no kidding.
he looks amused, the beginning of his dimples starting to peek through. you try not to look at them. "well, if it was, i think i'd have to tell you you're in the wrong class."
the sharpness of your own awkwardness manages to deflate you. you had started off on edge with sam on friday, as you do with everyone, but by the end of the evening had felt comfortable. it's only been three days, yet you seem to be back at square one. you look around, frowning slightly now, thinking that at least it can't get much worse. "i don't know, half the people here look like they'd want to be put out of their misery." you're sure you'd make the top of the list but don't mention that part.
"they'd probably prefer something more effective than a syringe."
you click it again, offering sam a brief glance. "anything can be effective if you've got the spirit."
his eyes switch between you and the pen, that amused sort of light dancing in his eyes. "i don't know if i should be inspired or terrified."
his dimples finally tip into full-blown as he agrees, "both."
for some reason it eases your tension, and you continue talking until your professor arrives, which ends up being much sooner than you'd have liked. it's much sooner than you'd like every day, because it now seems to be some kind of unspoken routine that sam comes to sit beside you in classes. there's been nine so far. not that you're counting.
you also aren't counting that you handed in your project four classes ago, which means that there's no obligation forcing him to be here. at least not of the scholarly kind. you can't stop yourself from wondering if he feels bad for you. if he realises you have no friends, and this has turned into some sort of pity thing - god, you really hope it's not a pity thing.
but he doesn't act like it's a chore. doesn't seem to be regretting his decision as he asks you about the newest book you're reading, doesn't mind when you start a silent game of hangman during a boring class after finishing the tic-tac-toe he'd initiated. doesn't mind that you sometimes need to pause in the middle of a sentence because your words are becoming too fast, too thick for your mouth to keep up with.
you try not to read into anything too much, which unsurprisingly doesn't work. it's just like you to get annoyingly caught up in anyone being kind, your usual clinginess always threatening to rear its head.
the next day, you're sitting in class wearing a top that never usually makes it out from the bottom of your closet. it's nice, nicer than something you usually wear while not being too over-the-top for a college morning. and you tell yourself it has nothing to do with seeing sam, that you just want to get your money's worth out of buying this thing on a whim. you certainly aren't wondering if he'll notice, if he'll like it, because it wouldn't make a difference to you either way.
you don't care.
that thought repeats in your brain like a mantra, bouncing around so strong that it keeps turning your head in the direction of the door. it's beginning to get ridiculous, which the antsy tapping of your foot so kindly reminds you of. you grab your notebook from your bag and begin to add to some of your notes, just to have something to do.
when your professor arrives a few minutes later, the seat beside you is still empty. you try not to feel disappointed - sam could be late, or maybe he's sick today. or, you think, when you spot him a few rows away from the front and talking to two guys, maybe that clingy nature of yours has made its appearance after all.
you wish you could say you imagined the sinking feeling in your chest, the wheel turning in your head that reminds you of why you don't usually bother with people in the first place. why you made your promise. you know it's irrational, that sam doesn't owe you anything, and certainly doesn't have to always sit beside you.
that doesn't mean you hadn't hoped he would.
when the class is over, you leave on your own. usually you and sam would linger for a few moments outside, talking until he really does have to rush off for his next class. you usually head back to your place, enjoying the walk through the campus. even before you can plug in your earphones, the chirping of the birds keeps your mind happy as you run over your interactions with sam.
now your earphones come out tangled and a crow squawks obnoxiously loudly in your ear. you huff, then it seems the world really does hate you as you feel a small stone in your shoe. the walk home is more of an angry march, your mouth set into a hard line and jaw clenched. your top's thin fabric makes it so that the wind raises relentless goosebumps on your skin. maybe you'll just go to sleep, ditch your class later and mark today off as not having existed.
you collapse into your bed immediately, not bothering to move the blankets. about five hours are lost after you've woken up some time in the late afternoon. the rest of the day is a bust, with you just half-heartedly getting some work done but mostly watching movies that aren't holding your attention either. you know you're overreacting, but you can't seem to bring yourself to care.
the next day, you don't have a class with sam until the early afternoon. you arrive late - by your standards - to class, after having snoozed your alarm one too many times, which drags your mood down even further. you pulled on the same outfit from yesterday, still piled on the ground, and hoped your deodorant would get you through until you could take a shower tonight. now you settle unhappily into a seat at the back, desperately trying not to watch the back of sam's head. you once again leave right after the class, heading back to your room but only making it twenty minutes before your stomach loudly complains.
you head to the closest place on campus where you know you like the food. it's a relatively busy fast food place, but not many people venture up to the second floor, so you're usually able to find a quiet corner to reside in. but you're here later than you usually would be, which means it's rowdier, and as you make your way to the queue, you decide you'll just bring it back to your place where you can continue the show you had started last night.
you turn in alarm towards the separated queue that's designated for anyone only ordering coffee. sam is standing there, hands in his pockets, that usual smile on his face even despite the bags under his eyes.
you blink for a moment, wondering if you're still half-asleep. you somehow hadn't noticed him, despite his height, but you had been mostly sighing under your breath and watching your shoes. it's weird, though, how you're suddenly seeing him in here, when it's not a backdrop you're used to seeing behind him. but the light streams through the high windows, hitting his eyes in a certain way that draws your attention. they look expectant, a little amused, and you nearly debate running when you realise you haven't responded yet.
"oh." you shake your head, stumbling a little as some old guy in a hurry jostles past you. "hi sam."
"hey. you getting some lunch?"
you nod, still feeling a little bleary from your lack of sleep last night. "coffee?"
"yeah..." he seems to think for a moment, thoughts whirring about behind his eyes as he pauses. "hey, are you busy?"
"busy?" you ask, like you don't understand the word. "um... no?"
he shifts on his feet. "mind if i join you for lunch? my treat."
now you're really sure you're not following the conversation. this doesn't seem like the request of someone who's trying to shake you. sam easily could've pretended to not have seen you, or at least just said a polite hello. now he's offering to buy you lunch?
"you don't have to -"
"i want to."
you think about your promise to yourself, about just making it through college without giving much thought to friends or socialising. maybe you know that deep down you're being dramatic, or maybe it's the fact that the queue moves so that now it's your turn and you have to make a split-second decision. but you nod.
sam's shoulders loosen and he steps over from his own queue to yours as you both go up and order. a few minutes later you're sitting at a booth. on the bottom floor, which you're not too thrilled about, but you did at least manage to get a corner. sam's got a salad, but you're starving, and looking forward to digging into your pizza and fries.
"i didn't see you during class," he says. "is everything okay?"
"oh, just... um... had a paper to finish." you take a bite of the pizza, wincing at how hot it is, but you know you'll just start running your mouth if it's free.
"ah." he nods, like it was the answer he'd been looking for. "i was wondering why you looked so busy in class yesterday. i didn't wanna disturb you."
you stuff another bite of pizza into your mouth, feeling horrible. you had practically spent the last twenty-four hours thinking he was another person who would just throw you away like something discardable. you know you overthink things all the time, but recognising that only seems simple in hindsight. and then whatever negative emotion it generates only dissolves into guilt, which hits you in full-force now.
"you know me," you smile, though it feels all wrong, "just... busy." busy mind, you guess, always managing to come up with ways to destroy you.
"i've noticed." it's lighthearted, which might make you feel worse. "you get it finished?"
"yeah. all done."
"well, good, i'll need you there tomorrow. i had to actually listen today."
your mind only just manages to push that first part aside so that you don't begin making a fool of yourself.
you know he always listens anyway. somehow manages to play the silly paper games with you and still take perfect notes. but you widen your eyes. "oh, the horror. maybe you should be laying down right now."
"should i get my vitals checked? maybe i need a shot - you've got that covered, right?"
the jab at your pen isn't lost on you. "yeah, sure, where do you want it?"
his laugh is abrupt, like it snuck up on him. you like it, you think, knowing that it's genuine. that you get to hear it before he can decide which way he wants it to be heard.
the conversation sinks into that easy flow once again, and only then you feel how much you've missed it. you keep talking until your food is nearly gone, just a few meagre fries left. at one point, sam leaves under the guise of wanting to get a refill. but when he returns, he's holding two small ice creams in little cardboard tubs.
you send him an unimpressed look, which deepens into a scowl as he refuses to accept your money. he was the one who'd decided you should have one, not you, which meant he had to pay. or so he claimed.
"so, no game of thrones t-shirt today?"
you look down, realising you'd never changed out of your slightly-more-fancy top from the day before. it hadn't felt like as big of a deal as it had yesterday, but now you're painfully aware that you're wearing it. how it clings to you in ways your spider-man ones certainly don't.
"laundry day." you shrug, a little too quickly, grabbing your drink. some of it sloshes down over the side of the cup, but thankfully he doesn't seem to notice. or, at least, care.
"huh... well, you look nice. it - looks nice, you know, the, uh... colour. suits you."
you watch him, confused. he looks a little shy as he says it, sinking down in his seat slightly. is he flustered? the stammering is usually your thing; while sam isn't arrogant, he does have a particular air of confidence about him. that seems to have dissolved entirely.
as if hoping to save himself, he reaches across and steals a fry from your plate. before you can pry any deeper into this, your face automatically drops into an expression that might be suitable for someone who'd killed your firstborn child.
"hey, i bought them," he says, snickering, and it seems as though the look on your face eases something back into him.
you hadn't even wanted any more of the cold fries, having been about to move on to your ice cream. but you like the way his eyes crinkle in amusement at your reaction. you grab the ice cream now, swirling the plastic spoon around inside, trying not to outwardly react to the fact that there's m&ms added in - which he obviously knows you like by now. you narrow your eyes at him, ignoring the flip of your stomach. "this becoming a thing now? you giving me free food?"
"are you complaining?"
"depends. do i ever get to return the favour?" it's bold for you, something that slips out as a teasing remark before you can really dissect what it means. the kind of thing you probably should've thought out in advance - you have a feeling that the lost time worrying will be made up tonight as you try to sleep. you're not sure if you want to take it back.
sam doesn't react much, but you do notice the quick tick of his lips. "name a time. i'll be there."
never mind. you don't want to take it back at all.
when you get back to your room, you collapse against your bed like earlier. only this time, it's with a sigh of contentment. the thought only hits after a moment, as you're staring at some peeling paint on the ceiling, and it's so swift and striking that you feel as though you've been sucker-punched.
hold on - did you just as sam winchester out on a date?
and did he say yes?
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notes: i don't wanna make promises bc i am notoriously bad at keeping up with updating, but i'm thinking of trying to post every friday?? maybe?? 🫣
also thank you for the support on pt 1!! ♡
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kamelpferd · 15 hours ago
Mydei = Alexander The Great
First of all, the fact that the whole Amphoreus storyline is based on Greek Mythology, and Alexander was Makedonian, which most likely found its origin as a ancient greek tribe. So that is that, BUT we all have noticed that Mydei is a liiiiiiittle bit gay. I mean.
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I am not even going to comment that scene any further. But we have gathered, that our beloved King Mydeimos is very much homosexual per se.
So. We all (okay a few of us who actually pay attention to the lore) have maybe noticed a few things, as we listened to Mydei talking about his past comerades. Well, I don't really care about any of them... except one.
The last one.
His name was Hephaistion, The Kings dearest friend, and he was a warrior who died of a sickness in the end...
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Haven't heard that before?
Well to go back in time of our real world's history... there is something that allignes...
Well... Alexander The Great had a best friend.
'Best Friend' as in 'Lover' and this lover, his name also was Hephaistion, was a warrior who sadly died from a sickness not long before Alexander passed away too.
Same Name, Same Job, Same (Similar) Relationship with the King, Same Fate...
So... I might overinterpret into this, but as archaeology student, I immediately recognized this pattern, not to mention that Alexander and Midey are both kings, with a very similar personality AND in my opinion color scheme...
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I don't know if any of this (Mydei's inspiration by Alexander) has been confirmed or even suspected before. But I honestly don't care enough to look it up because I typed out this whole ass post right now and I will not have done that for nothing.
Anyways, what do you think?
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ii-neutral-confessions · 15 hours ago
"...shut up."
What? I just wanna talk to you. Do you know how boring it gets being stuck with you all the time? Being a vengeful ghost 'n shit isn't as eventful as it used to be.
I'm not gonna be like that weirdo on your phone, Neutron. You know that.
You remember that one proton you shoved in the dumpster?
"Oh, so you're gonna talk about our past victims. Cool. We're done talking."
...actually, why do you keep saying "our" and "we" when you're referring to yourself? You've been doing it a lot lately. Especially when you're thinking to yourself.
Come ooon. Nothing I can even do with this information, anyway.
Are you, like... multiple people or something? Is that it?
"...yeah, basically."
Oh. Oh shit, for real? I was joking.
"Yeah. Me 'n Neutron."
...wait. So you're not Neutron right now?
"No. Mamba."
Huh. I don't get it. I thought, like... Mamba was just Neutron's old name.
"Sort of. Not really."
You gonna explain, then? 'Cause I still don't get it.
"Didn't expect you to."
Then explain it, dumbass.
"...after I got out of jail, I wanted a new start. So I made Neutron. Let them take control 'n stuff. New person, new life. We could leave everything behind."
...huh. And you two are completely different people, right? Like its not some alternate identity thing?
"No. We're different."
...I still don't get it. What's even the difference between you two? You're both, like... emotionless 'n shit. And boring. You act the same.
Sigh. "Think of it like this. Mamba is the old me. Neutron is the new me. After jail, I did a reset and... shed my old me like a snakeskin. I still have that snakeskin. That's the old me. Mamba. The new guy's Neutron. They're separate from me. Does that make sense?"
Of course you use snake metaphors. But yeah. I get it a little better. Not much, but a little.
"Better than nothing."
...so that means that Mamba's the murderer one. And Neutron's, like... innocent. Never did any of that.
"That was the goal, yeah. Fresh start."
You know that, like... nobody's going to see it that way, right? The cops sure won't. I'm having trouble understanding it.
"Maybe I'll just be called crazy and locked in a rubber room. With rats or something."
Yeah. And to me, it seems like a real cheap "stay buddy-buddy with Proton" kinda thing. You could just pretend to be "Neutron" forever and not have to face all the shit you did 'cause "Neutron's" the innocent one. And they didn't do all the shit stuff. So you get to be friends with Proton forever.
."...it does look a lot like that, doesn't it?"
Uh-huh. But I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here. 'Cause clearly you're still guilty about the shit you did. And the people you ate. And killed. So maybe you aren't pulling all this shit off to keep a friend and you've actually got a legit reason.
"Wow. Thanks a lot."
Don't mention it.
"You're awfully friendly today. No hauntings or reminders and guilt-tripping."
I got bored. And it's clear that you feel bad about killing innocent people. Maybe with some therapy 'n shit I could grow to tolerate you on a daily basis.
"Mmm. Do therapists accept murderers as clients? Or are there special heavy-duty therapists for people like me?"
Dunno. You can go and find out.
"...eh. I'd rather not."
...you avoid stuff a lot, y'know.
"Whatever could that mean?"
Like... it still feels like you made Neutron so you could avoid confronting all the shit you did. So you could just be some guy. Not some murderer.
"...I suppose that was a reason. I did want a fresh start..."
Yeah. And speaking of avoiding shit...
You are literally going to have to tell her sooner or later. Best to do it sooner 'cause your relationship's already strained and time is probably not going to help it. So just get it over with. Tell her what you did.
"I have no clue what you're talking about."
Yes you fucking do. Last I heard, you were Mamba, not Neutron. You know what I'm talking about. That stupid "iunno what you mean" excuse doesn't work here.
"...they didn't know that they would be her. If I knew that my roommate would be... them, I never would have let them take that shit up."
But you did. Funny how fate works.
Groan. "I wish I never locked that dumpster."
Oh, I know. I can hear each and every single one of your thoughts. You think about that memory so much that even I can remember it clear as day. Wouldn't have made it better, though, if you didn't lock it. 'Cause you still-
"Shut up. Don't say it. I don't... I don't want to hear it."
...fine. But you'll still have to face it soon.
"...I'll get to that eventually."
Suuure. How many times do you think that poor proton rebirthed in there? You ate a chunk of their head 'n arm 'n leg. You think they get phantom pains there sometimes? I know a proton who gets phantom pains there.
"Fun. Here comes the haunting."
I know how many times they rebirthed in there. Saw it all myself. Tally marks scratched on the dumpster walls - one side was for days passed, the other side for times rebirthed. There were so many tally marks there. So many. So fucking many.
"I wasn't in the right mind-"
How do you think they rebirthed? Starvation? Dehydration? Sickness? Asphyxiation, maybe? Heat stroke? Generally feeling hopeless? Panicking? Probably all of those. Maybe worse ones, too.
"This is really making me not want to te-"
But you'll have to. You'll have to and you'll have to face everything that happened to them. Everything. Actually- I should be using her right pronouns! What am I thinking?
"Stop. Shut up. This conversation is over. We're not talking about her anymore."
It's only over when you take your meds, lizard bitch.
"Great. Where are our fucking pills..."
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haveihitanerve · 15 hours ago
Gotham Is Sentient my HC:
Bruce actually talks to her. Like out loud. It freaks people who cant see her tf out
She doesn't actually have a real form per se, its more like a vibe, but she has gentle, slender hands and a sharp nose and long dark black hair. Thats the most defining features. Also she doesn't like walking and kinda floats over his shoulder like a weird ass angel and devil type shit
She does call herself Bruce’s mother. Bruce doesn't not reciprocate the title and she is mad about it “stop denying me parental rights!!”
She also doesn't take so kindly to alfred for a plethora of reasons, but does not voice them because Bruce doesn't like it
Every single one of the batkids can see her (eventually) but they thought he was crazy and sometimes still pretend they cant just to fuck with him- especially if a new kid is around Dick: Bruce who are you talking to? Bruce: Gotham??? Dick what do you mean she’s right here? Dick: Bruce… what are you talking about? Bruce: I know you can see her Dick don’t fuck with me- Newly Robin Jason: *slowly backing away*
The kids do call her Grandma on occasion
Steph was the first to see her and chatted with her before she even met Bruce
All the other kids see her because they’re extensions of Bruce
When the Watchtower is at the just right angle she can appear there too, otherwise she’s confined to just Gotham
Bludhaven does not have a spirit because its a new city and doesn't have all the curse and shit gotham does- also its new and hasn't had enough time to build a spirit- but Gotham has already named her- “of course its going to be a woman Richard, no useless man city will ever claim you.” “... I am a man Gotham.” “hush child don't remind me” 
Anyway she holds that against Dick but he always “buys” his way back into her good graces when he visits with trinkets or a new flip or smth "you fold so quickly" "shut up Bruce don't talk to your mother like that- he brought me a bracelet!" "you dont have arms"
Bruce did the “I don't have a mom. Or a dad.” “im right here!” “Sometimes i can still hear her voice…” because Dick forced him to and its the only time he has ever even mildly consented to having her be called his mom
Bruce is mostly human because of her. Mostly. He discovers this fact once when talking to Clark and the hero goes like “i still can’t believe you do this and you’re human.” *said with horror disgust and awe* and Gotham laughed awkwardly and went “wellllll…”
Stephanie is her golden child and while she adores Bruce he is her gorgeous baby prince, she will take Steph’s side on almost every matter just to annoying
Dick first saw her when he put Zucco in prison and didn't kill him Bruce: *proud Dick made the right choice* Dick: *staring at him in horror* Bruce: *turns to look around* what? Dick: *horrified that Bruce isn't actually insane* theres a woman floating next to your head… Gotham: *delighted!* he can see me!
Once they see her they can never stop. Its lovely and also horrible. 
Jason first saw her when he was running away from Bruce after nailing him in the dick with a socket wrench when they first met Jason: Ya big boob! Bruce: *loosing it with laughter* Gotham: *wiping away tears* Jason: *what the fuuuuckkk* why is there a lady here? Gotham: *delighted!* already!!?!?!?! Ohhh Richard is not going to be happy about this
Tim first saw her about a month into Robin, for no special reason at all really, he and Bruce were just chilling on a roof and he leaned against Bruce’s side and pop a woman appeared next to him, watching the sunrise with him and he was like !!!!! and she was like !!!!!!!!!! and yeah
Cass met her a second before she met Bruce, hunched in an alleyway, and she cocked her head at her like a cat, Gotham mirrored it, and then Bruce dropped from the sky 
Gotham has been with Bruce since before his parents died but before Batman she appeared as different like…vibes and it takes Bruce like solid years into being Batman to realize this Bruce: *!!!!* Gotham: what.. Bruce: you! You were that random thing I saw floating around the house!! Gotham: *sliding away casually* whaaaaat? Bruce: Don't you fucking dare- I thought I was insane! My parents were a hair away from calling a doctor for me! Gotham: how do you claim not to be insane- Bruce: *!!!!* You!!!!!
Babs met her after she had already retired Batgirl, one slow day as Oracle Babs: alright Batman, that should be the last of them, the signal is off, head home Bruce: copy that, thank you O. Babs: *tired, leans back in her chair* *muttering* at least he has manners now.. Gotham: *sitting on the table next to her* I told him I could raise him better than that British guy Babs: *startled, almost falls out of chair* wha-who- huh??? Gotham: *blinks. Blinks again* you can see me.. Babs: *stares. Blinks. Blinks again. Rubs tired hand over face* fuck… and here I thought he was just a crazy man talking to himself… Gotham: *grinning* nope! Babs: i wanted him to be a crazy man talking to himself. Gotham:... well technically he still is
Duke met her in the middle of a fight Duke: um. Hello. Gotham: *floating next to him* hi! Duke: *throws a dude out the window* do you uh… hi? Civilians should be evacuating... Gotham: *grinning* Ooooh you’re fun Duke Thomas. Duke: th-thank you? ~Later~ Tim: oh my gods tell me you did not say that?!?! Duke: IDK!!! Its a spirit! The Spirit Of Gotham dude! What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to handle that??? Gotham: *right next to him* Well Tim handled it quite well Duke: *scrambles up and falls over the back of the couch* Tim+Gotham:... Duke: *from the floor* why did I ever agree to be apart of this family Tim: *leaning over the back of the couch* i have no idea man Gotham: *cheerily* oh neither of you would’ve escaped it, don't worry! Tim+Duke:... Duke: i find that very worrying…
Oh i forgot- when she appears in the Watchtower Bruce flinches every time because she just materializes and shes the only thing/person/whatever that can actually sneak up on him successfully. It always freaks every hero nearby the fuck out because whatjustscaredthebatomgwhat- and so she specifically does it when hes in the middle of meetings. The kids think its hilarious. Bruce is not amused
Thats all i've got for now! Feel free to add your own or not or wtv… idk! :)
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apple-onigiri · 2 days ago
Hey, this is just a curiosity but I saw your map posts and was wondering if you could A. say how big Vaguarde is compared to a real country like you have with the island, B. talk about the climate they'd have when it comes to where they are, if that's in your area of expertise? Feel free to ignore this is it's too much or annoying to do but thank you anyway! I was just wondering and figured that, considering your map posts, you were the best person to ask this. Thank you so much! Have a good day!
ohhh this is such a cool ask and i'm Soooo grateful for it because it's always such a fun topic to talk about but it was very demanding because i'm always constantly overly concerned with details. sorry it took so long to answer because of that!! so!! ╰(*°▽°*)╯
A. the size of vaugarde is around 1,712,931 square kilometers (661,366 square miles). there isn't a country in the real world with this exact size, but the closest in shape and size is sudan with its 1,731,671 square kilometers. i was actually a bit surprised? it's bigger than i expected but i triple-checked the numbers to make sure i didn't fumble yet again but nope, i think that's right! the math portion for all this is, as usual, under the cut!
B. okay, so vaugarde is located snugly between the 10th parallel south and the capricorn tropic (i'm using earth nomenclature for the tropic. c'mon now). the best way to look for evidence for what its climate could be is looking at the earth itself and a big part of the climate is also the currents and winds connected with oceans, so let's take south of brazil as the best equivalent for it, considering they're both located on the east side of the landmass connecting with the ocean.
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the best pointers for specific weather is to look for close geographical equivalents to locations we know of, ending up with bambouche - salvador, dormont - belo horizonte and jouvente - rio de janeiro. i'll put the graphs for yearly weather for those under the cut along the scary math, where it belongs.
it's the same with the island - looking for bigger islands at that longitude, right underneath the equator, results in coming across papua new guinea or indonesia.
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we don't know any specific locations from the island but i put some weather graphs under the cut for the general climate.
both locations have a tropical climate, with vaugarde being classified more like the savanna type, and the island more of a rainforest. that means both of those regions would experience more of a wet/dry season cycle than the continental four-way split. for all i know. maybe the earth spins the other way in isat for some reason and makes either of them as much of a clusterfuck as the east coast of the united states. have you ever looked at how it looks on the köppen–geiger climate map? with california, the geographical nepobaby and its mediterranean climate thousands of miles away from the actual mediterranean? yeah.
of course, we have the information that the island would get really cold at night but we don't know if it was a regular 'it's cold for inhabitants by comparison' or it was actually somehow abnormally cold. if it was, i'm blaming wish craft and you can throw out the section about the island, leaving only vaugarde's behind. actually, i guess you could do so anyway - not like there's anything where the island used to be, right??
anyway!! hope that answers your question that was, for its difficulties, pretty fun to do! various addendums below the cut for your perusal (❁´◡`❁)
Appendix A
okay so it's really the same method as with calculating the island's size but on a larger scale - i moved vaguarde a bit, going as far as separating the chunk furthest west to make it a bit easier on myself. standard marking and cutting out triangles (and sometimes rectangles!) from the big square. first this part:
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then that one, with half of the big square instead:
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then this last part, this here with C and D jutting out, so they're getting the opposite treatment (i ran out of space near the marked territory so its two images):
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then sum up all the areas you calculated, and there you go :)
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Appendix B
here's graphs from salvador, belo horizonte and rio de janeiro respectively.
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and here's graphs from port moseby and surabaya.
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karmaajr · 12 hours ago
okay yall sometimes I forget WHY I'm friends with people and then I suddenly remember and it's like.. woah-
FOR EXAMPLE!!! I have this friend and she used to be my best friend?? but we haven't really spoken that much this school year lol- and so ive been like?? 'should we still be friends??? we dont rlly click the way we used to'
but then!!! the story happens lol-
okay so like it's right before chemistry n its still lunch time and im being my usual self and then I'm demonstrating to magpie on how to get somebody to stop doing something that you don't want them to do bcuz like?? why not?
the tip is basically to be as loud/embarrassing as possible and so I decided I needed to demonstrate (as I, personally, am a visual learner so why not teach somebody in the way it works for me?) and I decide to try it on the es best friend I mentioned at the beginning??
so I go up to her and start telling her what happened like 20 minutes ago (year 7 ive been hanging out with crashed out on me after I squirted half her drink at her.. I SOUND LIKE AN ASS FOR THIS BUT I SWEAR THERE'S SOME CONTEXT YALL 😭😭🙏) and her eyebrows just get higher n higher n shes kinda "girl wth" -ed out
and then this other friend I have points it out and shes like "oh oopsies" and then we get a little.. uhm, silly? so like, I show her my shirt (which had gone somewhat see through due to the friend of the year 7 previously mentioned throwing HER drink at me) and then I'm like, "omg it's like, so wet.. feel it!!"
and so she places her hand on my school shirt real near my chest which is EXACTLY when i thought I had gotten her and so I go, "dang you really just can't get your hands off me, can you?" REALLY loudly and several people look over AND NORMALLY THIS IS WHEN THE OTHER PERSON GETS EMBARRASED?? WHICH WOULD'VE EFFECTIVELY TAUGHT MAGPIE HOW TO DO IT??? but then guess what girly does?
grips my shirt real tight and goes, "wow *name* I didn't expect you of all people to complain, normally you don't.. what's up today?"
anyways she lowkey ate with that and I probably looked like an absolute wreck cuz she just laughed and booped my nose-
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threegoldfish · 2 days ago
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Steven has to admit, he's actually quite surprised about how adamant Sasha is with him not being a Capybara - he didn't expect her to have so many feelings regarding the topic... which is kind of amusing, actually, in a rather confusing way; It promps a bit of a lopsided smirk onto his features, followed by a shrug.
"Ah, well, she'd... been a bit special anyways." His coworker, he means. A young lady, couldn't have been much older than eighteen, perhaps, having worked there for only a few weeks to gain some extra money. That being said, she'd been quite funny and easy to talk to - just... odd, in some ways.
But then, Steven's not one to judge. At least that young lady hadn't ignored him, even remembered his name from early on! Some of his current coworkers don't manage to do that, so it had felt quite refreshing, all things considered...
Anyways. He chuckles, then looks down at the offered phone while Sasha scrolls through the few possible locations; She calls his vegan diet lovely, which causes him to blink, but before he can really comment on it they've found a suitable spot that's still open. Dani's Diner? Steven's never heard of it, but he's excited to give it a try.
Their travel toward said location is uneventful - briefly interrupted by the lady talking about how hungry she is, mentioning her desire to eat a house (and yes, Steven has to giggle at that, softly) before they enter the Diner - which appears to be lovely indeed, cozy and warm, quiet.
Their tea is served minutes after, and Steven's hands are immediately wrapped around the mug once Sasha has pushed it over to him, long sleeves covering half of his hands in the process - lips nursing the edge of the ceramic, taking tiny sips in an effort to not get burned in the process.
Milk and sugar it is for him as well, though he's not always adding those - just feels right tonight, so here he is.
"Uhm." Upon her question about why he's so interested in ancient Egypt, Steven shrugs and offers another, slightly apologetic smile; Because, well...
"---Actually, I'm... not too sure. It just happened." Which is very much a boring answer to give, he knows. "Dunno, really - I remember watching a documentary many, many years ago, and... it fascinated me. The whole history of ancient Egypt, the way people used to live, the many gods that existed back then... the Pyramids! I wanted to know more, went to the library to get myself a book on the matter and... well! here I am."
And part of him wonders whether that memory he has is even real to begin with; He knows that some are fabricated, made up by his brain to fill empty spaces that wouldn't make sense anyways. Steven decides to not think about it right now, though - it could only make him feel stressed, and he doesn't want that.
"I tend to hyperfocus on what interests me, I guess. So I got myself a lot of books and papers, watched tons of documentaries, spent a lot of time researching... I just really enjoy it. Everything."
Another slightly awkward chuckle, another shrug, and Steven takes one more sip of his lovely tea. Oh, tastes amazing...
"---I'm... not sure if I'm as proficient in anything else, really. I did branch out a little and own a few books about greek history as well, some are about ancient Rome... but my knowledge is very limited in that regard. Haven't really read as much yet - I'm not quite done with Egypt, I guess." He laughs now, soft and quiet, a little breathy. "I know it's unusual, my... passion about such a specific thing. I wished I had an answer for that!"
an almost wicked smile curls on her lips at his admittance, feeling quite proud to give him such a title. instantly frowning at 'capybara' though.
" the giant rat thing? the furry hippo? " brows furrowed while her gaze lowered, swiveling while she thought about it. " that---" putting her hand up as if it offended her on his behalf. " no--that is not you. at all. "
giving her head a shake and rolling her eyes. why would someone say such a thing?
the pair continued down the pavement, sasha clicking on a few locations until she noticed him attempting to look with her before he backed away. she raised her brows with a light noise of question, shifting herself and the phone closer so he could see with her.
she looked almost shocked to been have given such a basic form of information about himself, the look on her face transforming into a warm smile. " are you? how lovely, steven. " sasha mused, bringing her attention back to her phone to quickly tick for vegan options.
" mmm-- okay here's what we have. " stopping before they proceeded any further. since it would really depend on which one he wanted.
" ohhhh--that's closed, that's closed, that's closed---" she squinted, scrolling her thumb. " ahh--- dani's diner it is. " beaming before she put them arm in arm so they could cross the street, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear with her free hand.
a quick sigh left her, muttering under her breath. " I really worked up an appetite with all that despair and destruction. I'm so hungry--I could eat a house. " in true foreign fashion, getting the analogy wrong. it wasn't but a few more steps until they approached it, the diner practically empty and dimly lit. rows of deep red booths that looked cozy and private.
she couldn't remember the last time she had went out. even if it was just something as simple as this. they seated themselves and grabbed the menues to look. the waitress coming soon after to take their orders and leaving. sasha placed her elbow on the table, ducking her chin her hand to just quietly observe him for the moment.
" ....I have to know, " she started while hot tea was placed on the table, sasha scooting his cup toward him and taking hers. beginning to prepare hers how she liked it.
milk and two sugars.
"what made you so interested in ancient egypt ? " flashing him a smirk.
" and would you say you're proficient in any other fields as you are as that ? "
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