#anyway I'll probably sit down and organize this next week
Day #20: Hard in Hightown: Chapter One
By Varric Tethras
They say coin never sleeps, but anyone who’s walked the patrol of Hightown Market at midnight might disagree. The pickpockets and confidence men head to the taverns at dusk, the dwarven businessmen and nobles go back to their tiny palaces to fret over the ways they got cheated, and the market falls silent.
Donnen Brennokovic knew every angle of the market with his eyes closed. Twenty years of patrols had etched it into him so that he walked that beat even in his dreams. The recruit, Jevlan, was another story. The ring of steel striking stone told Donnen that the kid had stumbled into a column again. His new armor would be full of dents by sunrise.
“Torches would make this easier.” The sound of Jevlan hauling himself off the pavement was like a tinker’s cart crashing.
“Torches make you night-blind. You’ll adjust.” Donnen crossed the square to help the kid to his feet. A breeze scurried across the plaza, sending the banners and pennants shivering and carrying an old, familiar scent. Donnen stopped in his tracks. “Something’s wrong.” His voice was low, warning. He peered into the dark, up at the mezzanine just above them. “Follow me. Be ready for trouble.”
The two guards climbed the dark stairs and there, in a puddle of shadow, found the body. Gold-trimmed satin glittered through the blood.
“Get the captain,” Donnen sighed. “We’ve got a dead magistrate.”
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spookysteddie · 9 months
Text Me The Details
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Modern!Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Influencer!fem!reader
cw: gossip magazines, reader being horny on a live stream, cocky!Eddie, drinking, drugs mention
a/n: I kinda want this to be a series? So expect a part two at some point. But yeah this isn't an original idea so, credit to literally everyone who's done this before me. I gave reader a last name because if I have to write y/l/n one more time I'll sob. ANYWAY I hope you all enjoy and let me know if you like this!
WC: 1.2k
You are never drinking again. Ever.
Your management would agree after what happened last night. You didn’t mean to spill the secret you’d been keeping. It wasn’t even that big of a deal, however, you had an image to keep up. The party girl, the kind one, the one with lots of friends, the girl who had good grades in college, the one who always donated most of her fortune to various organizations. 
Now, every tabloid was writing articles about your celebrity crush. 
Party girl and influencer drunkenly admits she’d love to sleep with lead singer of Corroded Coffin Eddie Munson. Sources have said they’ve been together for a while but decided to keep it under wraps. 
The dating portion of that article wasn’t true and you silently vow to figure out who the fuck these ‘sources’ were. However, you admitting to wanting to fuck Eddie… did happen. You have no one to blame but yourself. 
Now, there are three reasons why you’re so stressed about this. First, even though you party all the time, you were good. You know, like only went out on the weekends, did every single assignment, tutored people on the side, was probably the most unproblematic influencer out there. Second, the last thing you wanted was Eddie Munsons attention. You had this thing where you didn’t want the people you were fans of to perceive you. 
Theoretically you knew they did, most of them followed you on social media. But there was a difference between being a fan of someone, and them semi-knowing you vs your actual crush who you own a poster or two of? That makes you want to throw up and pass out at the same time. 
But, finally, the third reason this stressed you out was because Eddie and his crew were not good. You know like, partied every single day, smoked a lot of weed and snorted coke off of his groupies and fans. It was all over the tabloids and the band has even posted about it a time or two. You didn’t do that. And if the tabloids caught you doing that, you’d lose everything you worked towards.
“So this is how we’re going to fix it,” Case, your manager, says from where she’s standing next to the fireplace in your apartment. “You’re gonna go back on live and say it was an accident.” 
You look up from the article you were reading, eyes finding his. “That is the worst idea ever. I was tipsy not black out drunk. No one will ever believe that was an accident.” You huff, locking your phone, “and I have tickets to their show next week.” 
You loved your team, but sometimes they made the most insane comments on how to fix the unfixable. 
You stand, pacing the room, “he isn’t one to read gossip magazines. And-and I’m not on the same level as his band. They’re A listers and I’m C list at best.” 
Your manager and publicist look like fish after what you said. Anna, your publicist speaks first, “I swear to god if you ever say that again I am uppin your therapy appointments. You hear me?” 
You huff, sitting back down on the couch, “I’m not kidding though. I’m not giving up this ticket. It’s one of the few things I’m looking forward to.” 
Case answers after rubbing her temples, “you better pray this blows over without him seeing it. You may party but his partying is a whole other level.” 
The call came two days later, an unknown number popping up on your phone. 
You knew, you knew before you even accepted the call who’d be on the other end of the line. 
It felt like it started in slow motion, first came the gossip mags with the original story. Then came Eddie following you on instagram. He’d like a few photos and stories you put up. Then came his interview. The interview where he said, “of course I know who she is. I’m flattered really. I hear she’s a sweet girl.” 
Now, your phone is buzzing in your hand and you can’t bring yourself to answer the phone. 
“Yes just a fucking person. Just like you’re a person. Answer the phone.” You look down at the phone and are thankful it’s just you in your house. You tap the answer button, a fake smile on your face, as you put the phone to your ear. 
“Hello?” you use your best interview voice, the one Anna has drilled into you. 
You can hear him breathe in before letting it out, long and slow, it’s clear he took a drag of his cigarette. Is he nervous too? There’s no way. Eddie always seemed to be this cool and calm guy, never afraid of anything or anyone. He gets into more fights in a week than you have in your entire 25 years of existence. 
“Good afternoon, Miss Asher.” You can hear the grin in his voice and it sends a shiver down your spine, your heart pounding in your chest. “It’s Eddie.” 
He didn’t have to introduce himself to you, you’d be able to pick out his voice in a crowded room. But only because you’ve listened to his music so often… only reason. 
“Oh! Hi! I’m s-surprised to hear from you.” You cringe at the stutter that came out of you. You had more than enough practice dealing with any situation thrown at you. From the funny to the uncomfortable to the scary. You were trained for this and you were fucking it up. “How can I help you?” 
“The band and I will be in town next friday, we’re playing a show.” You know where this is going and it makes your heart beat faster, so fast you’re scared it’ll burst. “I was wonderin’ if you were goin’?”
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.
“I am, actually. Me and a few of my friends actually.” You rub your hands down your sweatpants, nerves making them sweat. 
“Oh! Well that is fantastic,” his tone is chipper as hell and you know he’s high. On what, you have no idea. “I was thinkin’ that maybe ya friends and you’d wanna join us backstage. VIP area for the show? What cha think?” 
All of sudden you forget how the english language works, your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. This is what you’ve been wanting for so long. Well, in your dreams of course. But looking at it from a business perspective, it could bring his fans to your page and your fans to his page. It was kind of a win win. Well, win win lose because then Corroded coffin knows who the actual fuck you are and you arent just some fan. And that, terrified you,  
“Heeeeeeello? Are you there?” 
His voice breaks through your clogged mind, forcing you to respond. 
“Hi, sorry. I’m here! I um I got distracted. But, yeah that sounds great, actually. We-we’d love that.” 
“Good! I will have my people call your people, yeah?” 
“O-or you can just send me the information,” you say it before thinking and now you really want to punch yourself. 
He chuckles to himself, “okay, sweetheart, I’ll text you the information. See you next friday.” 
He hangs up before you can say another fucking stupid thing. You press the phone into your hands, foot bouncing on the floor with nerves. You can think of seven different ways that conversation could’ve (and should’ve) happened. One of which was with your entire team, another being with your friends, another being with your parents. Not alone to make a fool out of yourself. Your management team was really going to kill you.
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f1stargirll · 11 months
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Conversation Friends ° Lando Norris
Chapter Two
Word count : 1.658k
Description : slow burn, college!au (enemies to lovers) and more to come
Hey guys, sorry this chapter came out a week late, I was suffocating from homework. But here we are! And I'm currently on a week break from uni so I'll try to write as much as possible during this time, I have sooo many ideas. I think I'll even try writing oneshots so if anyone has requests I'm open to them! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and feel free to message me if you want to be tagged in the next parts 🧚🏼‍♀️
PSA : Since I’m STUPID, I’ve started writing on a side blog which means there’s a lot of things I can’t do!! So I’m switching to my main blog which is @f1stargurl !!! The next parts and the rest will be posted on there, so if anyone follows me here, if you could pls follow me on @f1stargurl 🤧 To quote mister Leclerc once ai gain, “I am stupid”
Hi Lando,
I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I’m sure that stupid encounter at the supermarket was just a result of the both of us being irritated and tired. As you can probably tell, my first few days here weren’t so easy and it might’ve been one of the reasons why I was so unpleasant, and once again, I apologize. 
I really am willing to put this stupid history behind us and get this program started!
I hope you’ll give it a thought and I look forward to hearing from you soon, have a good week! 
Sincerely, y/n
It’s been six days since I’ve sent Lando that email and pushed my pride to the side to organize a date. Well, it’s not a date, but still- I guess it is technically a date? Is it a date if we hate each other? It’s a meeting. Yeah, I was trying to organize a meeting. 
Still no response. 
Closing my laptop, I decided to take my mind off this situation and take a break at a coffee shop near campus. 
Taking a step inside the coffee shop I spot Daniel and Alex sipping on their drinks. Seeing Daniel again instantly put a smile on my face, we’ve been hanging out these last few days and having him by my side feels great. 
“What’s up guys!” I say while waving at them across the room. 
“Hey y/n!” They both got up from their seats to give me a hug.
 “Go get your drink and come join us,” Alex invited me, pointing at their booth, “we were talking about the party this weekend.”
“Don’t mind if I do then”, I respond smiling from ear to ear. 
After picking up my hot chocolate I sit down in front of them, Daniel makes fun of me for not liking coffee, again.
“I swear y/n you’re 21 and you still don’t like coffe? You need to grow up,’ rolling my eyes, I playfully shove Dani’s shoulder feeling his muscle tense under the light punch, so annoying, and buff, wow. We kept talking for more than two hours. I got to tell them all about Lando ghosting me and about the amazing cheese and garlic pasta I made last night. 
“I think he’ll come to his senses. He has to,” Daniel insists, crossing his arms in front of him. Ooh, veiny forearms… “the reason you guys hate each other is so ridiculous anyway, over freaking pasta!” he shakes his head in disbelief. 
“I think you did the right thing trying to reach out, at least you’ll be the bigger person” Alex says, his hand reaching for his matcha latte, “I’m sure you’ll be able to figure this out together.”
“Thanks for the optimism I really appreciate it” I say with a weak smile, not really believing in Linguini’s philanthropist potential, “I just hope this won’t ruin the program for me…”
“What? No way!” Daniel exclaims sitting up on his side of the booth, “Look, you’ve got your Conversation Friends right here” he says putting his arm around Alex’s shoulder who’s nodding and smiling in agreement, “and you’ve got Lola!”
“You’re right Dani, I’m not gonna give myself anxiety over a guy who can’t even be polite,” I state with confidence, “anyways, I’m so excited about the party this weekend!”
Once back in my room, I decided to check my inbox one more time. Just in case.
Still no response. 
The sight tugs at my heart a little. We have our first mandatory meeting in a few days and I still have no contact with my partner. I wouldn’t care so much about it if it was just about the two of us, but the whole group is supposed to visit a museum and I don’t want to be the only one there without a partner, that would be too embarrassing. 
But as I reminisce on the topic, I realize I’m not just sad anymore, I’m bitter. All week I saw everyone meeting up and doing fun activities with their partners, but I can’t get an email back? Even a “k” would’ve been enough… I’m stunned at how childish this boy is being. 
Putting my phone on my wooden nightstand, I close my eyes and try not to overthink about the situation. Is it my personality? Maybe it’s because of the way I look.
But I catch myself slipping, the last thing I need to do is to start doubting myself because of a man again.
God, this British Society class is really kicking my ass right now. Why did I even choose the 8am one, what is wrong with me? The professor starts off the first chapter of the class as we hear a loud knocking on the door. 
“Sorry I’m late,” I see Lando standing in the doorway, out of breath, his cheeks a light pink from the rush. His eyes search around the room for any seat still available until they meet mine. There’s one right next to me, but of course he’ll never take that one. He sets down his bag on the table front row and I feel my heart racing from embarrassment as my mind instantly jogs back to the email and how vulnerable it was. He turns around a final time and blankly looks at me. What is that supposed to mean? 
The class went by slower than ever, my mind speeding about different ways to go up to him and finally settle this ridiculous situation. 
8:55 finally strikes the clock as the professor concludes his explanation. As I put away my computer I see Lando clutching his books and bolting towards the exit. 
Not on my fucking watch. I head for his direction, calling out his name, “Lando! LANDOO!”
He turns on his heels in a swift motion, “What do you want from me?”
Suddenly feeling small, I still mustered up the courage to ask him about what’s going on, “Well you’ve read my email so I don’t know why you’re acting like you don’t know,” I grumble. “I feel like I’m making way too much effort here.”
“What email? What are you even talking about?” he asks, his thick brows furrowing in irritation. “I didn’t even give you my real email, the one I wrote down was just to fill the blank so the teacher won’t bug me,” he explains, still slightly confused as to what I was on about, “I just don’t want us to communicate outside of the mandatory attendings, got it ? We’ll meet there and that’s it.”
Well, at least that explains the total ghosting, doesn’t make it any less humiliating though. My lips close in a tight line, “Message received then, glad to know you’ll still be there for the museum,” I slowly nod my head trying to process what I’ve just been told. I feel my throat tightening up a bit and decide to leave before embarrassing myself any further, never looking behind me at the curly haired boy. 
Standing in line in front of the museum’s ticket office with my two favorite boys feels like we’re high schoolers on a field trip. I still feel uneasy about this upcoming afternoon, even if the run-in we had was terrible, he still assured me he’ll be coming today. 
But now, I don’t even want him to be here, I’m done with the idea of making any efforts with him, I’ve been way too kind to him. I’ll just stay glued to Dani and Alex and spend a nice afternoon at the museum with them, it’ll be way more fun than if he ever was to be here. 
“Still no news from Linguini?” Alex asks, trying to make sense of this situation, probably feeling bad for me. I really was pitiful.
“It’s not like I have a way of having any.” I half-joke trying to keep face despite anxiety and sadness creeping their way into my heart;
I found myself gazing at a beautiful photograph of a peony field, my favorite flower. The exhibition was showcasing the origins and the beauty of perfumes around the world. It involved a path filled with elements used to make our favorite scents through the use of pictures and different aromas being diffused all around the museum. I had clinged on to my favorite boys for twenty minutes before the teacher noticed, “I don’t care if your partner isn’t here, it’s a pairing of two only.” So now I was wandering around the exhibition and taking in the great sights and scents on my own. 
“Hey,” I turned around to see Lando looking ahead standing next to me, his hair covered by a green cap matching the crew neck sitting on his shoulders and the color of his eyes. Last time I thought they were blue, but they’re not. They’re the most gorgeous shade of olive green I had ever seen. It bothered me that I noticed these kinds of small details about him, he was the last person to deserve it. “Sorry I’m late.”
I kept my focus on the piece in front of me, “Alright.”
“These are my favorite, my grandma used to grow some in her garden,” I tell him without really knowing why.
“My grandma had roses, those are nice too,” he answers, I just nod in agreement. We both keep looking at the photograph in silence for another minute when his phone starts to ring. 
“Hey babe,” he quickly picks up, “yeah it’ll be quick I promise - no I don’t care I just have to do this, you know that.” Wow, way to ruin the last speck of hope I had. He hangs up as fast as he picked up.
“You know you could’ve just told me you had a girlfriend and didn’t want to talk to me for that reason, I mean, It’s a little extreme but I get it.” I know that some girlfriends are overprotective and the idea of their boyfriends spending time with another girl can be a nightmare.
“It's not about her,” he spits out, “I just don’t want to be here, I’ve got better things to do,” and with that final sentence he rubs the salt in a wound that’s already way too deep for what it’s worth. 
“You don’t have to be here though, nobody’s forcing you to” I remark, my voice filled with resentment. I’ve had enough. 
“I do, though. I’m only doing this to pass my semester, so let’s just wrap this up,” he starts going for the rest of the exhibition in hopes of finishing early. When he doesn’t feel me following him, he turns around and stops, staring me down with his hands in his back pockets, his shoulders slumped in frustration.
Slowly shaking my head, I stand my ground and head towards the next step in the exhibition in silence, disregarding the icy stare from the green boy across the room. I’m not letting him get away with it this time. I’ll enjoy the rest of the tour and make sure to take my time. Might as well enjoy my own company if that’s all I’m gonna have for the rest of the program.
Taglist : @u5dthsduttd
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cakesexuality · 2 years
Roughly 5.5 months on Lupron update
I had a spike in immune symptoms in December and appear to be having one again, but with a different set of symptoms this time compared to the last couple of times
A lot of my joints hurt (namely my knees, ankles, foot joints, wrists, shoulders, and right hip), my eyes keep hurting and are becoming light-sensitive again, and I have this pressure sensation in my lower right abdomen?? Which might be my ovary (the right has always been worse than the left) or it might be my intestines (there's a part in that area that likes to cause problems when I eat something I can't digest) or it might be something else, and my ears and nose are getting fucky again too
But wait! There's more! While writing this post, I started developing the same pressure sensation on the left side, so... yeah, probably my ovaries, then!
I also have a fever most days, which is normal for me during these immune flares (of course my temperature is 38.0°C, why wouldn't it be?)
Laying down to sleep or rest or even just sitting is a fucking Time bc bringing my knees up to my chest helps my sciatica but it also feels like my thighs are squishing my abdominal organs too much so then I put heat on my lower back to soothe my sciatic nerve instead but then that comes with a risk of upsetting my uterus for whatever reason GOOD GOD
I thought maybe I was done talking about my immune system in my Lupron updates, but the joint pain is both concerning and potentially relevant bc that's what would happen to me when my Depo-Provera was wearing out and my estrogen was going up and I'd be limited in my mobility for days or even weeks until my next Depo shot (why my NP moved my frequency from 12 weeks to 8 weeks, to shorten how long I'd be like that, and why we moved it from being done by a nurse at my primary care clinic to being done by a pharmacist at my pharmacy, so it took less out of me to get my shot done, and it's also why I started asking if I could self-administer at home)
That pressure sensation, I don't know what it means, so I'll probably call TeleHealth or my gynecologist or GP... the walk-in clinics here probably can't do anything, so I'll see if my gynecologist or GP want to see me (I have a GP appointment booked this week anyway but atm it's set for over the phone) or see if anyone tells me to go to the ER, bc those are the only options where I live
I'll probably make a separate post elaborating and probably using a Read More for sensitivity purposes, but maybe this bit of info would serve someone somehow -- what's been happening with my body for the last few months has been making me feel as if I can't do anything right in regards to my health/healthcare and I can't control my body through treating it well, and it's compounding with already being in the mental state of "traumatised by my medical experiences" and "the more I learn about endometriosis, the more pissed off I get"... so the short version of the story is that I recently had to call CMHA 3 times in 1 week, I've been in contact with NEDIC, I had a chat with my dietician last week, and I'll be talking to my GP on this coming Friday... I'd want to expand on it in a separate post due to it perhaps being too off-topic, but I'm bringing it up here bc physical disability and chronic illness don't really mix well with EDs or even with some of the language used in recovery (like "your body is trying to take care of you" when my immune system is offended that I have lungs), and I just want other people in my boat to know that they are in fact riding a boat with more than one passenger
I'm currently not scheduled to see the gynecologist until April, I won't be seeing my psychiatrist until just over a month from now, and I probably won't be seeing the allergist for another 9 to 11 months, but things might change and I might end up seeing one or more of my doctors sooner than originally planned
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[the base lost power LMAO. the guys r fine though. their eyes (and footmuncher's (cock and) thighs) glow in the dark. anyway]
[rocketjumper is swirling energon around in a cube. she's developed a liking to a spicy flavor.]
[bonecrusher is sitting right next to rocketjumper, cradling footmuncher in his arms for good luck.]
[patchwork is outside in the freezing blizzard working his magic alongside groundrumbler.]
[nebula is in orbit. she's watching PW & GR work their magic. she spots a blue light off in the distance, and focuses in on that to see what autobot it is.]
[pov shift to kitchen gang.]
FM: this is just like the trenches. primus. so serene in sheer darkness.
BC: i hope one of the fuses hadn't went. rockie, how long did you say your internal heating system could last for?
RJ: it's an emergency system, i think. three day battery at full charge. or did you mean the things patchie surgically bestowed upon me?
BC: yeah, the things patchwork installed into you. how long do those go for?
RJ: about two weeks at a time. runs on my energy though, so if i run out i'm gonna need an e.s.s. revive.
BC: mmm.
FM: should get a better fuel source. don't wanna die cuz u wanna keep warm.
RJ: that's what i told patchie. he said he didn't have any better models in storage, and he also said he didn't want me 'butt-chugging oil to keep warm' with the older ones. which... not a pleasant image.
BC: ...yeah, no, that sounds unsafe.
FM: as unsafe as eating organs?
BC: a little less sanitary, i think. but yeah.
RJ: wat? how is eating organs more sanitary than butt chugging fossil fuels?
BC: fossil fuels smell horrible. guts don't smell earthy. also, guts feel nice.
FM: i know one organ that definitely feels nice.
RJ, BC, FM: [collective giggling]
= [pov shift: the engineering team.] =
GR: why is this so intricate in the first place, patch?
PW: i don't like it when bots fuck with my power. if someone - primus forbid a patient - fucks with my power, i'm putting them on my table for emergency surgery.
GR: hah. nice. i'm the same way with my privacy bubble. hey, speaking of which, am i still asexual if i wanna interface?
PW: i... need to do more research on that. pass a fuse?
GR: oh, y-
N: hey, ground team, there's a blue light heading towards the base. the bot seems relatively tall, could be a maz model vehicle mode.
GR: now, who do we know that has a maz variant for a vehicle mode?
N: very funny, rumbles. i'll keep watching the light, you just work on the power generator. over.
PW: thank you for the report, nebula. over 'n' out.
GR: ...which wrench should i use on the rings?
PW: i believe the... the clamp wrench should be good for the rings. if you can get a good angle and enough leverage on each nut, at least.
GR: alright. let's see... [clamp.]
= [pov switch: the kitchen gang.] =
[bonecrusher left to go investigate a noise. he'll be back soon.]
RJ: -it... glows in the dark when you're horny.
FM: hegehee,,, yeah.
RJ: you think it'll glow in my mouth?
FM: probably? you wanna test that hypothesis right now?
RJ: of course i do. just wanna check on nebula real quick, see how she's doing.
FM: alright.
[rocketjumper tunes into the comms.]
RJ: rocketjumper to nebula, how's it going up there?
N: good! there's an autobot coming close to the base and they seem friendly. kinda looks like cake.
RJ: oh, that's nice. thanks for letting me know, nebbs.
N: you're welcome. gonna keep watch on the engineers, see you soon.
RJ: see you soon.~ [she tunes out of the comms.]
FM: so? what did she say?
RJ: autobot incomin'. she says it might be cake.
FM: [very quick gasp] two rocketjumpers !!
RJ: [deep giggle.] anyway, hypothesis time. [she flips footmuncher upside down, gulping his tentacle-y cock down like it's nothin'.]
FM: [very soft moan...] oh, hey, it does glow in your mouth! that's pretty sweet.
RJ: gghuh du nnoe. [she flips footmuncher around again.] (good to know.)
[bonecrusher appears from the hallway, taking his seat back.]
BC: heyy, fellas. nice glow-in-the-dark cock, munchbutt.
FM: thank you,,,
[rocketjumper hands footmuncher to bonecrusher.]
RJ: any idea what the noise was?
BC: meh. looked like a pipe bursted, so i ripped it out and fixed it.
RJ: huh. wonder why it broke... cool to know. speaking of:
FM: cake's coming to visitttt
BC: oh, amazing! she'll be able to see katyusha today, i think, if she's awake.
RJ: [impotent giggles]!!!
BC: primus, dude, what is your obsession with rocketjumper and her lookalikes?
FM: i want to be sandwiched inbetween all three of them at the same time.
BC: ...me too.
= [pov switch: the engineering team] =
PW: i TOLD you not to touch the fuses already in the generator, groundrumbler!
PW: [sigh]. just stick your hand in the snow, it'll be fine.
GR: ow... fuck. sorry. now what?
PW: should just be... closing up the generator and letting it work its magic.
GR: ...seems easy enough.
[slow stomping coming closer from off in the distance]
PW: huh. i think that's the autobot nebula was talking about.
GR: didn't someone say her name was cake? are you having plot blocks?
PW: ...oh yeah, cake. i remember hearing her talk one day while i was workin' on sketching tricky down in my little work-note-book.
GR: yeah, there you go. you think she has any beef?
PW: should be fine.
GR: mmm. gen's fixed. let's head back inside before our joints freeze solid.
PW: really? i was starting to get used to the snow! [/s]
GR: move it, asshat.
[patchwork giggles to himself, and climbs down from the roof, allowing groundrumbler to do so himself. as he does, patchwork catches him in his arms, walking into the base with groundrumbler in tow.]
[Cake catches up and gets her hand under the door before it has a chance to close.]
PW: greetings, gentlemen. rocketjumper.
RJ: 'ello there, doc.
[Cake opens the door -- though damaging its systems in the process - whoops --- and allows herself inside.]
Cake, a little winded: Primus. Hi. Heard there was someone new over here. Wanted to get here as soon as I could. How's it going?
RJ: it's uhhhhh... good. you okay there?
Cake: Me? Totally. Nothing happened.
FM: ...cake, why are you bleeding?
Cake: Someone got grumpy. That's all. Okbye [She rushes into Patchwork's office.]
PW: ...[looks over to bonecrusher]
BC: [gaze switching between patchwork and the hallway]
RJ: ...uhm. patch, you should... you should go check on her, i think.
GR, to himself: why is everything going wrong today?
[patchwork drops groundrumbler onto the floor, running into his office and locking the door.]
GR: [sigh]. [he gets onto his feet.] well. no one tell katyusha, and everything will be fine.
FM: why aren't you at least suspicious??
GR: too cold to be suspicious. i need a nap. enjoy worrying for cake, lads. [he heads down to his room.]
RJ: ...
BC: [he tunes into the comms.] did you get all that?
N: i'm surveying the continent for hostiles as we speak.
BC: thank you nebula. if the hostile's a popular character, alert me. if otherwise-
N: blast them into shittereens?
BC: you got it. bonecrusher out. [he tunes out of the comms.] now, uhm... anyone for a movie?
FM: i think i wanna go check on rumbles. he's not that uncaring, right?
BC: ...mmm... no, i don't assume so. go check on him.
[footmuncher hops out of bonecrusher's arms, trotting down the hallway.]
RJ: so... today's weird. why's...
BC: y'know what i think that it's just the paranoia sneaking in. how do you suppose we should get our minds off it?
RJ: you suggested a movie. any good ones in mind?
BC, getting out of his seat: i'm quite curious about there will be blood. see you in bed. [he rolls down the hallway.]
RJ: mhm... [she gets out of her seat as well, grabbing some snacks from the fridge and joining bonecrusher.]
================================================ ================-[ some time later. ]-================= ================================================
[bonecrusher is falling asleep in rocketjumper's already unconscious arms. nebula sends a ping through the comms, and bonecrusher answers.]
BC: ...yes?
N: you have a problem.
BC: what's their name?
N: (TFP!)megatron.
BC, immediately filled with rage: [growl.] checking the front door. [he tunes out of the comms. he shakes his wife.]
RJ: ...mmgh.. what?
BC: get katyusha in with patchwork and cake. someone's at the door and i think he's angry.
RJ: affirmative. [she rolls out of the bed, heading right out of the bedroom door.]
[bonecrusher heads left, knocking on patchwork's office door.]
[the door creaks open.] PW: hey, bonecru-
BC: rocketjumper and katyusha are coming in. don't answer the door for anyone else.
PW: why?
BC, raising his eyebrows: why else?
PW: ...megs. right. you can trust me.
[bonecrusher nods, heading to the bunker door.]
BC: ...wait.
[bonecrusher rolls to marrowbomber's room, knocking on the door. the door opens.]
MB: whaddaya need?
BC: megs is here. need you to prep incase he gets violent.
MB: mmm. i got your back.
BC: good.
[bonecrusher rolls once again to the bunker door. marrowbomber closes his bedroom door.]
BC: [he tunes into the comms.] where is he?
N: 20 meters from the front door.
BC: preparing to attack?
N: negative.
BC: thank you. prepare to blast him incase he gets aggressive.
N: you got it. nebs out.
[bonecrusher rubs his hands, hopping up and down in place, psyching himself up to meet megatron. in the hallway, patchwork is letting katyusha and rocketjumper into his office, and once he closes the door, he can be heard barricading it.]
BC: ...alright. megatron awaits.
[the bunker door opens almost aggravatingly slowly, revealing the sharp set of toes that've likely stomped many a helm, balled-up fists filled with bloodlust, and the mountainous, spiky pauldrons of everyone's favorite space meth addict, tfp!megatron.] (which... i'm not sure whether to type his dialogue in autobot or decepticon stylized text... well, he's pretty important. he gets autobot text for now.)
TFP!Megatron: Ahh, the Claw of ('07!)Megatron. How's the cannibalism situation going, my friend?
BC: fairly well. how's the dark energon addiction?
TFP!Megtron: I regret to inform you I'm not capable of shaking it yet. In the future, I'm sure I can get a lowly bot to assist me in such a matter, but for today, I have... different... intentions.
BC: [his mining claw twitches.] mmm. shall we discuss them in the kitchen?
TFP!Megatron: If you so wish.
[Megatron scans the environment as he enters Bonecrusher's base of operations. It all seems... very... what's the word? Unnatural. Megs hadn't seen any other bases stylized in such a human manner, especially not from a Decepticon who despises humans such as Bonecrusher does. For starters, the 'kitchen'... what is the purpose of the monument in the center? And the mettalic, cold box in the far corner? His optics slide over to the "living" "room" as he and his thunderous feet venture over to the kitchen. A monitor, coal in color, reflective in nature, and an unusually soft and long throne. The throne has an unusual pattern adorned upon the back. To add to that, no hand-rails like Optimus' hideout in Nevada. Megatron raises an eyebrow, and he feels Bonecrusher's own optics analyzing his every move. He's out of his element within this building.]
[bonecrusher knows this, and he's comforted by the thought. if only a little bit.]
[Megatron takes his place upon an unusually-shaped seat that looks like something he would place a hapless victim upon for torturing.] (in this house we adore extending sentences as much as possible)
BC: [he takes a seat across from megatron.] so, then. what're you visiting for, megatron?
TFP!Megatron: Oh, nothing special... I simply had a falling out with one of your co-horts and wished to take it up with you. Tell me, Bonecrusher, has your conjunx ever considered betrayal?
BC: [tch. no one's told megatron about rocketjumper's lookalikes yet, hmm? great. just wonderful. welp. here we go.] megatron, my conjunx -- my wife. -- would never consider betrayal unless it were forced upon her. she is loyal to the decepticon cause, and she always has been. there is nothing, at all, that can dissuade her from turning to another side.
TFP!Megatron: [He quietly snarls. Bonecrusher's lying? To his face? What incompetence.] Then why, may I ask, have I seen her adorning an Autobot insignia upon her carapace?
BC: [he attempts to lead megatron on to the idea of there being more than one rocketjumper.] tell me, megatron... was she white in color?
TFP!Megatron: [He hadn't considered that. He simply saw what looked to be betrayal, and fired upon her. How outrageous for Bonecrusher to assume that he could be wrong! Megatron asserts himself, launching out of his chair.] White in...? What sort of question is that?! The color of one's armor does not matter if they are on the enemy team, Bonecrusher, surely you must know this! How long have you been out of battle for?! That must be messing with your processor to assume that such details are worth thinking of!
BC: [bonecrusher ALMOST loses his temper as well. megatron... oh the space meth must've fucked with his own processor.] megatron, calm yourself. such details are of course important, especially if you fire upon the wrong rocketjumper. let me explain it to you in terms that you can actually understand.
[bonecrusher's mining claw forces megatron back down into his seat, as he climbs onto the kitchen island, stomps across it, and gets in megatron's face. stabbing three fingers into his cheek for good measure.]
TFP!Megatron: GET Y-
TFP!Megatron: [...Megatron hadn't had the fear of Primus stricken into him from anyone, aside from Bumblebee and his first gladitorial duel, such like Bonecrusher was able to. He doesn't understand how he'd done it... and yet, he feels as if he must comply. He ceases his resistance, adjusting in his seat accordingly. ...Also, his face hurts now.] Yes. I apologize. It was foolish of me to assume such incompetence of you, Bonecrusher. Now, ahem... explain to me why I'm wrong in attacking an enemy, if you so please.
BC: [...huh... uhm. he wasn't confident that that would work. well. good. alright. he takes a seat on the kitchen island.] good. good. i'm assuming here that the other megatrons hadn't bothered to explain to you how lookalikes work. i'm sure you must know how they work from the insecticons, as well as skyquake and dreadwing, correct?
TFP!Megatron: [He nods.] Correct.
BC: alright. are you aware that my wife, rocketjumper, also has lookalikes?
TFP!Megatron: [He realizes his mistake. Disappointment washes over his frame, as he holds his head in his hands. After a moment, he raises his helm up to face Bonecrusher again.] ...It had not occured to me, no.
BC: [there we go.] you have shot such a lookalike. her name is cake, if you hadn't known that either. i say again, rocketjumper has not and will not -- EVER -- betray the decepticon cause. cake has never had a taste of the cause. there exist two other lookalikes, as well. would you like to hear the details of all three, or would you like to exit my base and never enter again?
TFP!Megatron: I would like to hear of the details of these lookalikes.
BC: as you wish. [he whips out a clipboard, with some sheets of paper on it.] for the first lookalike, cake. she is an amicable, polite femme, equipped with ion blasters, similar to those of your nemesis optimus prime, as well as armblades near-identical to my own wife. her armor comes in white camouflage paint, ice blue eyes, and cubic, blocky shaping. i feel as if she doesn't wish to meet with you, however, due to your fire-on-sight policy.
[bonecrusher flips the first paper.]
BC: the second lookalike is a femme more similar to rocketjumper than that of cake: for the longest time, we've known her as 'autobot rocketjumper' due to her being my own wife, but twisted and molded into a weapon by that of my own nemesis, who also happens to be an optimus prime. we've donned her with the new name of 'katyusha', however, and we hope you call her katyusha as well. now, her armor is a shade away from my wife, and it is -- i kid you not -- riddled with scars, bruises, and injuries beyond reason. if she was an astronomical object, she'd be an asteroid with all of the marks on her frame. it's horrifying how horrible her treatment was, i believe.
[he flips the second paper.]
TFP!Megatron: How does Katyusha think of me, do you think, Bonecrusher?
BC: not well. i've warned her of your reputation. she doesn't like you.
TFP!Megatron: ah. :(
BC: now for the third lookalike... which might as well be a new character with the pain she's been through so far. we've not adorned her with a nickname yet, but right now we're calling her abomination in search for something less mean. this version of rocketjumper -- which i want to say, she and katyusha are alternative universe versions of rocketjumper. sorry for the confusion. -- was on an energon run that went astronomically horrible for her. i'm... not going to discuss what she had to do to survive the bombing that she underwent. just know that she's bulkier than the other two lookalikes, as well as my wife.
TFP!Megatron: [He notices that Bonecrusher's been calling Rocketjumper a different term... a 'wife'. What is that...?] Heh... I have an offtopic detail I'd like to bring up.
BC: go ahead.
TFP!Megatron: Why are you calling Rocketjumper your... 'wife'?
BC: well, i've got more than one conjunx.
TFP!Megatron, perplexed: what.
BC: i have two - working on a third - conjunxes. rocketjumper is my first and my wife, footmuncher is my second as well as my husband, and i've noticed that bunkerbuster seem to be... a bit attracted to me beyond the usual sexual feelings. i think i might talk to him after tonight.
TFP!Megatron: ...Okay. Mmm. I believe I need to recharge. [He gets out of his seat, approaching the bunker door.] Bonecrusher, I would like to ask if you'd let me in another time in the future, possibly to meet these lookalikes.
BC: just as long as your promise not to raise your voice.
TFP!Megatron: [He nods.] I promise.
BC: [he nods in return.] get out of my base.
[Megatron does so, transforming and flying off into the distance.]
[the bunker door closes automatically.]
[bonecrusher reaches for a drink from the energon cupboard, wondering how he managed to make megatron behave. maybe he dug his claws too deep. he giggles to himself, sipping a cube of strawberry flavored energon.]
N: ...huh.
[bonecrusher jumps off of the kitchen island, scrambling to get off of the floor.]
BC: jesus christ, nebula, at least warn me before you hop in.
N: [giggle.] sorry, bonecrusher. how the hell'd you calm megatron down like that?
BC: ...i blame plot magic.
[bonecrusher and nebula share a laugh.]
BC: go tell patchwork and everyone else that we're good. i'm gonna clean myself off.
N: oh, you- whoops! sorry about your energon, boss.
BC: don't worry about it... and don't call me boss. feels uncomfy, idk.
N: alright. have a good time, bonecrusher. i'm going to... take a nap on the couch, i believe.
BC: sweet dreams, nebula.
N: and you have a nice shower.
[bonecrusher heads down to the bathroom. nebula knocks on patchwork's office door to let him know that everything's fine, then going off to the couch to take a nap.]
0 notes
thecontumacious · 2 years
hii i was the one who asked for the house husband domestic au and smsmsms you wrote it so well :’))) i was wondering if this time how luxiem would be as baristas and you’re the regular who comes in every week for either studying or like just to chill~
"I think there's something b r e w i n g between us."
a/n: IM SORRY PLS FORGIVE ME FOR THAT AHSJKDSAJHSKD i'm also super sorry for being inactive friends! writer's block hit me hard this time but i think im okay now uwu
special thanks to 🌺anon from the server for helping with the proofreading!
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl. 
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content utc!
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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what was it? the third? no, fourth time you've come up the counter to order?
would it be possible to just order multiple things in one single time...?
vox sighs internally, smiling at your shy figure who seemed to have asked for a different drink and dessert than last time.
was he complaining? no, of course not. why would he?
he was just... interested in the way you processed your way around the cafe. he was glad you were ordering and supporting the cafe like this, but you weren't even sharing them with anyone!
and for the love of god, y/n, just order your coffees and pastries all at once!
but did he have the heart to tell you this when you looked absolutely adorable every time you came in the cafe?
again, no.
"will that be it, y/n?" he asks, not even bothering to jot down your name. vox is truly just hinting at the fact that maybe you should order something else while you're there, but you end up shaking your head, placing some money on the counter
"yep, that's it!" nodding, you grin at him.
it was like you knew what you were doing to him. you probably did.
"i'll go take these to you, y/n. the cafe is quiet anyway," vox insists and much to your surprise. but you nod and go sit down.
he placed the order into the cafe's system before preparing you another drink and pulling out the croissant you asked for.
later, he does indeed carry the two orders to your table where it lies your laptop and a notebook with your handwriting on it.
other than that, vox notices the empty plates of the previous pastries you ordered.
"i'll take these plates, yeah?" he says. you smile, gesturing at the dishes for him to take in exchange for your new drink.
as he helped to clean up your space, his yellow eyes can't help but wonder over to what you were writing in your notebook. it was so hastily written upon and the mentions of ingredients kept popping up too.
wait... vox frowns, his gaze lingering just a bit at your notes.
then your hand covers it, stopping him from reading anymore.
he looks up at you and finds your cheeks red, eyes looking away as the notebook is hidden under the table, on top of your lap.
seeing your shy figure, vox couldn’t help but chuckle and walk away with the empty plates back to the bar.
what was in your notes?
oh, you know. just you trying to figure out the ingredients used in his pastries.
as soon as vox placed the plates into the sink, he grabs his sharpie markers and gets a few tissues. when he finished, he returns to your table and places the tissues down next to your drink.
he winks, "forgot something. here you go, love."
come back to the cafe after closing hours. i'll teach you.
later that night as all his coworkers bid him farewell for the day, you make yourself known by the cafe doors and vox immediately invites you inside, holding the door open for you.
and he couldn't help but tease you, "ready for our class, y/n?"
you look away, skittering inside anyway to leave vox to laugh by himself.
"come on, into the kitchen," vox gestures to said room, one you've never seen before actually. you follow him inside and like it was a real organized class, he has all the items for a baking lesson ready by the counters.
you frown, "are you sure you're okay with this? you're using your resources..."
vox smiles, tapping the counter, "oh, it's alright. with you frequenting my cafe for my treats and drinks, i don't think using up my resources outside my business should be a problem, hm?"
again, your ears and cheeks flare red at his response. but then you suddenly feel your wrist being tugged forward and you are now just a few steps away from vox
"which dessert do you want to learn about first?" he grins, folding up his sleeves.
thus began your first night in the vox's kitchen in the cafe, pretty much spoiled of his secret recipe to his delectable foods. you pay attention to his techniques and follow his every order exactly
sure, you messed up here and there by over measuring or not whipping the egg whites enough
but there weren't any shortages of vox applauding you for how well you were doing
when the first treat, a cheesecake, came out, you were pleasantly surprised by the results and you went to grab another spoonful to enjoy your creation
vox, on the other hand, revels not in the sweet dessert but rather how sweet your smile was as you enjoyed your cake
he liked how your eyes just twinkle with delight when the right flavors fall unto your tongue, or the way your brows would scrunch while weighing out the ingredients
he selfishly wished to see more.
so by the end of the night, after three successful treats ready to be taken home for breakfast tomorrow, vox asks you, "would you be interested in doing this again some other time?"
you smile up at him, nodding, "sure! when?"
"how about my place tomorrow? i have ingredients at home too."
"that's fine," you then pull out your phone, handing it to him. "can you type in your number and send your address?"
"i'll let you have my number but i will be picking you up, love," vox winks, quickly filling up a new contact and giving it back to you. "i'll see you after work. i'll also be expecting an address from you."
and with that, you go home, hands full with your handcrafted treats
and vox, watching you leave with the biggest smile on his face as he awaits what you two will make tomorrow together. it won't matter if it won't turn out well
he just wished to be in your lovely presence and to see your smile, sweeter than any dessert he's ever made
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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"excuse me."
at the call, mysta's heart drops once more.
he sighs, putting down the blender down into the sink to help out the customer, but he feels a hand rest on his shoulder so he cranes his head around to see it was you.
you smile at him, walking towards the pick up station where the customer stood waiting
"good day, how may i help you?" you warmly greet them
but despite your polite attitude, the customer does not seem happy about their day and mysta knows for a fact that it's because of his own fault
they put their opened cup down, pushing it a bit harshly towards your side that it almost spills everywhere.
"i clearly asked for less sugar and i didn't ask for caramel in this!" they begin to protest, the anger bubbling from their blood as they sputter even more mistakes about their drink.
mysta pretends to not hear it, as it was clearly meant for him but with you being the kinder person and his manager, somehow you wanted to cover for him especially as it wasn't the first time this happened
"i'm very sorry for messing up your order. i'll get you a replacement drink, free of charge of course. could you tell me what your order was?" you still smile, taking the cup off the counter
the customer huffs, mumbling their order, "and you better get it right this time."
with a nod, the customer sits back down and you hurriedly throw the ruined drink away and make the actual correct drink yourself. mysta could only shoulder the guilt and shame as his other coworkers stared him down, probably a few customers who saw it happening too
he felt absolutely terrible. he didn't mean to bring down your business like this. yet somehow, you haven't fired him for it.
mysta sighs and mumbles to himself, "i should find a different job..."
when closing shift finally came around, just you and mysta inside the cafe, he took a deep breath and went to approach you.
"u-um, y/n?" he stuttered, holding his hands together
you stop sweeping the floor to look up at him, offering him a gentle smile. "yes, mysta? ready to go home? i can do the rest myself."
he shakes his head, "n-no. it's not about that."
you raise an eyebrow. "then?"
"it's about my employment here," he began. "i-i want to leave."
the cafe is quiet. nothing but his loudly beating heart thrumming against his eardrums.
you hum, tilting your head. "and your reason why?"
were you mocking him? surely you've noticed him messing up the customers' orders a lot. you were his manager, and the type to clock in the cafe as often as you could
even if you hadn't noticed, he was sure as hell that his co workers have reported his poor performance to you at some point, right?
mysta sighs, rubbing the back of his head, "oh, come on, y/n. you've seen me tons of times. you've definitely seen me mess up orders."
with a laugh, you put the broom back into the closet, nonchalantly replying, "oh, that."
wonder laces mysta's mind as he steps closer to you, "so, i can leave right?"
"nope," you smile, walking past him and into the back of the bar. "not until i give you another training."
"huh?" he blinks mindlessly.
you reach over the counter to grab a couple plastic cups and a few paper ones. you then arrange across the bar, looking back at him. "when it comes to people who aren't doing well in the work field, it's not always about firing them immediately. re-training is an option."
mysta still doesn't know what to say, as you gesture at the cups before him with a smile. "go on then. we'll start with an iced double shot americano and a hot caramel latte with an almond milk alternative. both medium sizes, mysta."
with you pressing him under time, he stumbles his way over to the bar and begins with the coffee grinder. he takes the right amount and he remembers to press it properly before taking it to the espresso machine
you watch mysta struggle with the a machine a little as if he should be afraid of the metal thing. but he eventually gets it.
so far so good... you think.
but then you see him take out the almond milk for the latte and pumping in hazelnut syrup instead of the caramel, putting it into the cold milk and not the actual espresso shot...
you note down all the things mysta does incorrectly and also keeping track of how long he makes both drinks.
he latches on the lid and turns to you with a goofy smile. "well? how did i do?"
you step forward and take a sip of the americano, clicking your tongue at the taste. "hmm, you did well on this one. be careful of the ice. don't forget it to throw it into the sink if you drop it."
mysta nods.
next, the supposed caramel latte.
you take a careful sip and hum. you spare mysta a side glance. "what do you think you could improve on this, mysta?"
he's taken aback by your response a bit, then hesitates. "uh..."
it takes him a while. then his shoulders droop down. "oh wait, i was supposed to mix the syrup in with the espresso shot right?"
"why is that?"
"because the shot was hot and it mixes more evenly."
you nod, smiling. "good! anything else?"
"is there more?" he whines slightly.
giggling you shrug, "i don't know. is there?"
mysta sighs. "um, did i use the wrong milk?"
he looks at the carton but sees that it is almond. "wait, no. i didn't. what is it?"
"taste it yourself," you hand him the warm cup.
he bites his lip for a good second before sipping the beverage. he takes a minute as his face frowns with concern. "wait... this doesn't taste like caramel, does it? is this... oh shit, hazelnut???"
seeing him look at the drink in his hand and mentally beating himself of his mistake made you laugh.
so mysta turned, red on the cheeks and ears.
"i'm glad you were able to figure it out on your own, mysta. see? you could do it after all," you place a gentle hand on his shoulder and for that single moment, he had never been more glad than to have you as his direct superior.
that night, you taught him how to make drinks and with every espresso shot made and ice cubes thrown around, he was able to make even the most complex drink on the menu.
all because you decided to be so patient and willing to help him out.
the next morning, mysta is up for opening shift.
as thanks for your help, he makes his first drink of the day.
then you come in as usual to help out with the cafe and you're met with mysta's beverage just by the pick up counter.
with the cafe still closed, you figured this was probably mysta's but the note on top...
"thank you, for everything. this is for you. i'll be back from the store in a bit."
it's your favorite drink. you take a sip and it's made just how you like it.
he really did improve.
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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you were... luca's very special customer.
he really tried to tell you but he couldn't, seeing as you were extremely comfortable with how things are.
so, here's how it began between you two.
luca was on closing shift that night and just as he was about to grab the broom to start sweeping the floors, it started to pour heavily outside.
he sighs, shrugging it off as he'll just have to make sure to drink vitamins later when he gets home so he wouldn't get sick the next day.
but then his purple eyes catch sight of something zooming through the windows.
luca immediately raises his head and he sees you, the poor thing who didn't bring an umbrella and now desperately sheltering under the awnings of the cafe
you look from side to side, occasionally up at the dark and gloomy sky.
to luca, you looked panicked. and his heart decided to move on his own as he went to put the broom away to open the door.
"excuse me?" he called out to you
you immediately turn to him, surprised. "oh, hi. can i help you?"
"more like could i help you," luca chuckles, holding the door open as you rub the back of your head, embarrassed. "come inside. you'll freeze out here."
"but you're closed though, aren't you? i don't want to intrude," you shake your head.
"oh, uh," luca blinked, looking inside the cafe then back at you. his mouth seemed to have shaped the words on its own before his brain could even process so he says, "we're not actually closed yet! there's still about an hour ish...?"
you tilt your head to the side, "really?"
it's only when you question him that he starts to question himself. but he's said it and there was no way he was going to embarrass himself in front of you.
so luca nods, gesturing for you to come inside. "yep. come inside. order anything you like."
smiling, you bow your head in thanks and went inside to wait by the ordering counter to wait for him.
that night, you really did become his very special customer.
and you somehow never notice why it is you're always alone during the nighttimes. actually, luca keeps wondering why you even came at such a late hour and never any other time in the day.
his co workers would often question why the heck he would let a customer in way past opening hours, but luca would just offer to take closing shift every time you came by
but it got to the point where his boss came himself to tell luca that he wouldn't be able to tolerate this behavior any longer in the most gentle way possible
luca knew his boss was by no means angry about it, but he kindly asked him to tell you that it's not actually opening hours anymore...
somehow though, with every night you show up and order something from him, he could not bear to tell you.
when he's supposed to say 'no, y/n. it's actually closing time', he replaces it with a genuinely curious question of how your day was or if you had any exciting plans for the week
it's more than just about if you wanted less sugar or milk alternative for your drinks.
it's about what foods you favored, what hobbies you preferred doing in your free time and the type of friends you had around.
luca can't help but think that this supposed closed time of his is the only time in the day where he gets to have you all to himself.
after a long and busy day, he gets to have you as a break from all that.
just you, some coffee and him.
until one day his boss insists that he shouldn't be doing any of the closing shifts. not until he was sure luca had told you about the right opening times.
so just as luca was waiting for his coworkers to leave, him left behind as always to wait for you to come, his boss pushes him out of the cafe and sends him on his merry way.
"luca, you know well enough how many times i've told you this can't go on anymore. i know you're responsible of the consequences by covering all the closing shifts but other customers will think we're still open at this hour," his boss sighs.
he had a point and luca was just being insubordinate.
"alright then... " with a heavy heave of his breath, he shrugs on his jacket and bids his superior goodbye.
but then he runs into you at the front of the cafe.
"oh, hey luca! wait, you're off today?" you ask him.
great, now he has to tell you.
"hiiii y/n," luca laughs nervously, scratching his head. he looks inside the cafe but he realizes that it's already dark inside, only the locker rooms in the back were seen with the lights on.
he really wished nothing else than to rush back in and make your order tonight but his boss gave him a last warning today.
"we-were you looking for a drink?" he questions
you hum, "yeah... here, at your cafe. but you're closed? isn't it early?"
"right about that!"
here goes nothing.
"i've been uh... lying to you."
you frown. "lying to me?"
"we're not actually open at this hour. and i've just been... letting you in past opening hours."
it's silent between you and luca for a few minutes, before you suddenly let out a laugh. he blinks, surprised.
"sorry! sorry! i just--" you giggle. "i've been coming here for so long, thinking that you're still open. and it's only now you tell me this? it's more funny than it is supposed to be surprising."
luca releases a breath he never knew he held all this time.
maybe it was because he heard your laugh amidst the stress of telling you.
"so uh... ," he laughs nervously.
you smile up at him, "i do know a cafe that opens this late though. care to join me? they don't make my drinks as good as you do though, luca."
red creeps up to his cheeks, but nonetheless, he agrees to your invitation.
"i'd like to join you, yeah."
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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it's exactly 8:37 am, about half an hour after the cafe's opening when ike's ears catch wind of the bell hanging by door ringing
he looks up by reflex and there you are, his regular customer who comes by around this exact time
you're hauling a backpack, your phone in your hand as you go to approach the rather quiet ordering counter where ike was standing by
you smile at him like usual and order your typical drink
"for y/n?" he asks, holding the cup in his hand and a marker in the other ready to jot down your name
you nod, giggling as you give him the appropriate amount of money
ike scribbles on your name and your specific order, then helps with the payment.
"just take the change as your tip today like usual," you smile, sliding over to the pick up area.
it's become a routine for you two now. you come in at around 8:30, order your usual (or sometimes a different drink from time to time with a treat) and then sit in that specific spot all day long
you'd be typing away on your laptop, or flipping through some books or pages you've brought with you. then you'd occasionally sip on your drink as you're laser focus on the laptop screen once more
much to ike's dismay, he has yet to figure out what you do on that laptop. what were you so busily typing about? were you writing for a research paper? were you a college student?
well that last deduction was far from accurate as you spend almost every day of the week in the cafe
then what could you possibly have as a career when all you do is sit in a cafe on your laptop?
even today, ike hasn't figured it out as he put the lid to your drink on
he walks over to the pick up station and hand you your cup, never forgetting to insert a smile of his own to you. "here you are. order for y/n."
"that's me," you giggle, taking the drink while ever so slightly brushing against his fingers. goosebumps rise onto ike's forearms and he can't help but pull away quickly as you retreat to your little work nook
and then the part where ike doesn't interact with you the entire day begins.
he would check on you every once in a while, seeing if you've taken a break from your work, whether that be to take some time to look at social media or finishing your drink
of course, if you weren't, ike would be on the shyer side to tell you to take a break
after all, even if you and ike had met multiple times in the same circumstances, you two were still technically strangers.
he wished to know what you were working on, what you did for a living, what other drinks were to your fancy so he could make them for you. he wants to be able to talk to you other than what drinks were on promotion that month or if you wanted to make your drink iced or hot
ike selfishly wished you two weren't just barista and customer
suddenly, in the middle of the day, ike looks up to once again check on you when you seem to be missing
your laptop and belongings were there though
"probably went to the bathroom?" ike mumbles to himself, then noticing how the table next to where you sat had recently been left unclean
he ducks under the counter to grab a cloth and plastic box before leaving the cashier to take care of the empty seats
as he placed the mugs carefully into the plastic box, he couldn't help himself to steal a glance at your still glowing laptop
for the first time, he sees what you're working on
ike wipes the table clean quickly and then subtly leans over to your table to see what it is you're so serious about this past month
"oh," he whispers, unknowingly finding himself leaning even lower to read through your work
but before he could brave himself to scroll down, he hears the bathroom door latch open and he quickly goes back to cleaning the table
when ike takes his box back with him to the bar, you're already settling yourself down back in your seat and madly typing away at your laptop
he doesn't know what has gotten into him, but the very next day, when you left to go to the bathroom and any tables remotely close to yours needed cleaning, ike is taking that chance
all so that when he comes back, he gets to steal a bit more of progress of your work
he has to admit it, but you do good work. that even him, your mere barista and generally a stranger, was captivated by it
it becomes one of the very reasons why he goes to work now. he becomes more motivated only so he could see you, make your drink by memory and if lucky, get rewarded by a snippet of your work
until one day, your visits become rare. then slowly turns to none at all.
ike thought at first he was just overthinking as he goes about his day to work
but he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss seeing you come through the door early in the morning
it was silly, he thought. so when he finally accepted the fact you probably found a different cafe, he swallowed his insensible longing for your visit
"hi, can i order my usual?"
ike looks up, and there you were, smiling at him.
"o-oh! of course," surprised, ike quickly grabs a cup and a marker. he nervously beams, "order for y/n?"
"yes," you nod. as he busies himself with logging your order, you suddenly pull something out of your bag. definitely not your wallet.
ike turns slightly and realize you're looking at him and sliding over a hardcover book onto the counter.
he raises an eyebrow and looks down at the book, then noticing it has your name on it, printed in bold letters along with a title.
"i noticed how you're a big fan of my work, ike," you giggle, pushing it over to him. "so here, a signed copy. money's inside."
and just like that, you leave the ordering counter.
ike's face flushes red.
but he's happy.
he takes the book and opens it up to get the money for the drink, but he also notices something else than the money.
on the front page is indeed your signature and below it, your number.
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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not much was said between you and shu, other than the words of your chosen drinks or sometimes a treat or two for longer days. but that didn't stop you two from bonding a mutual relationship of the comfortable barista-customer trope.
you come in, he knows your usual order and the correct spelling of your name, and you generously tip and smile at him.
it was an unspoken friendship you had.
one that sat both well and not with shu.
sure, he liked what he had. it was unlike any other he's had before. but he can't handle just 'good morning, shu, i'll have this and this, thank you!'
shu asked the world why the conversations with you were solely only about coffee and cakes. why couldn't it be about yourself? about him? about the annoying things you wished could disappear from the face of the earth?
he wouldn't mind that.
but as you walk through that door with that same smile and your usual order once more, shu will have to accept what he has for now. one day maybe he'll brave himself to ask you how your day went in detail.
after passing your drink to you, you're off to sit down and shu returns to his post at the cashier. but the moment he's face to face with his next customer, the sorcerer couldn't help but feel very unsettled.
in the eyes of everyone else, this guy probably looked very normal and well, your average male stranger looking for a drink in the cafe.
but being well practiced in sorcery which also meant trusting your guts and instincts, shu made sure to keep his eyes open for this guy as he went to order something off the order. a hot americano he said.
shu goes about his business as usual, despite his stomach just flexing about every time the guy moved.
and it certainly did not help that he kept glancing in your direction.
did he know you? did you know him?
shu was sure as hell that you've never brought him here with you, so probably someone you either didn't know or at least did not feel like interacting with
"hot americano?" the sorcerer announces and the man who ordered it comes up front to pick it up, muttering a quick thanks and almost as if hurriedly, goes to your table.
the hairs on shu's arms stands on edge and he clenches his first in worry for you.
calm down, shu. you're probably just overthinking. maybe's he just an old friend of theirs they haven't seen in a while. maybe your gut is wrong this time.
but that's the thing.
his gut is almost never wrong.
you look up from your phone when you notice someone approaching you. upon seeing who it is, your face drains of its color and shu knew exactly then that he was right.
the man stood in front of your table, raising his hand to wave at you it seems.
you simply nod, but your eyes don't meet his.
another sign you didn't like interacting with this man.
but he ignores your body language and had the audacity to sit next to you, not minding personal space.
you and shu weren't even friends, but he absolutely hated how he was making you visibly uncomfortable.
he seems to have said something to make your face scrunch with the discomfort, disgust even as you scoot away from him.
it's when he dared to place his grimy hands on your lap did shu take off his apron hastily and exited the counter like a mad bull.
"hey, babe! sorry, work took a while. my shift's over though now," shu announces, standing by your side and leaning over a bit.
you, on the other hand, look up at him with surprised eyes but you smile up at him to play along, scooting even closer to shu to avoid the man.
"h-hey! i was wondering what took you so long," you respond.
"yeah, sorry about that," shu courageously puts a hand on your shoulder then turns to the person next to you. he raises an eyebrow, "oh, who's this?"
"he's my--"
"oh, you're the new boy toy?" he smirks, looking at you this time. "really, y/n? someone like him?"
"excuse me?" shu spoke in a gentle manner, but with you so up close to him, you can feel him seethe with so much anger. like he could explode at any moment if ticked off the wrong way.
the creep leans back, grinning, "come on, look at him, y/n. what's with the weird hair, huh? and a barista? lame job. does nothing but make coffee and bread."
"the coffee i made you? the one you're drinking? must be because you can't make it by yourself," shu retorts. "lame."
you even let out a small snort.
the man's face is burning red with anger and frustration. he stands this time and goes to grab your arm, but shu snatches his hand before it could even touch you
"don't you dare lay a hand on her," he growls. "there are cameras in here and if you so much even say something out of place, i have every right to remove you from this property."
the man laughs to mock him, spitting back, "really? what's a puny boy like you gonna do?"
shu eyes the still hot black coffee on the table and he smiles. he lets go of the man's hand, pushing him back a bit before saying, "i'm not going to do anything. i don't need to. a real man uses his brain instead of his brawn."
just as the man was about to pounce on shu again, the sorcerer had already subtly moved the hot drink closer to him with the help of his sorcery skills.
so by the time he was about to grab shu by the collar, the americano is knocked over and pours all over the man's pants.
he lets out a pained screech, stumbling back onto the floor to try to recover from the hot drink.
all the patrons in the cafe looks at the commotion, eyeing the man oddly. at the public embarrassment, he stands and hurries out the cafe to escape it all.
shu heaves a sigh and turns to you, "you alright?"
you only stare at the fallen cup, blinking. "i... i saw that."
"i know," he chuckles, grabbing a tissue and patting down the table. "but you're safe, that's more important. tell me if that guy ever comes back and maybe i'll do something worse than hot coffee."
another laugh leaves your lips and you look up at him with the most beautiful smile he's ever seen. "yeah, i'll be counting on you, shu."
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divinegrey · 3 years
𝘽𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆 & 𝙍𝙀𝙋𝘼𝙄𝙍 / 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙠𝙖 𝙭 𝙛!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
oh? what's that? nobody wants sevika fics? fine, i'll do it myself. here's another prompt from my drafts that i never posted. this one wasn't requested but it is for my friend who loves sevika.
prompt: you're zaun's resident expert of mechanical limbs and it's not uncommon for you to be summoned to the last drop to fix a certain someone's arm. as for the woman whose arm you're fixing? well, let's just say things go further than usual.
words: 1639
warnings: cursing, sevika being kind of an asshole but we love it anyway
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The toolbox lands on the table with a loud thump, causing the light above to flicker out for a fraction of a second.
Sevika’s eyes move up before her head does to take you in, regarding you with a scowl on her face. She takes the smoke from her mouth, blowing out grey-brown plumes into the air through the corner of her mouth. Her eyes flick to the other side of the table, and she makes a mere gesture at her two playing partners.
You pull up a stool and sit down, opening the lid to the toolbox as the other individuals scatter like the wind. Sevika sweeps all of the cards on the table into a single pile, straightening out the deck until each side is meticulously sharp and clean. From within the box, you pull out a collection of small, fine tools made specifically for an occasion like this.
You meet Sevika’s hard gaze and say, “You look like shit.”
“Aren’t you just being a sweetheart today?” Sevika replies. You reach over to move her ridiculous one-shouldered cape, but she smacks away your hand to do it herself. “It’s fine, I’ve been doing the necessary repairs.”
“Right, but I’ll hazard a guess that you haven’t cleaned out any of the moving parts since the last time I checked up on you, so they’re probably full of gunk,” you say, picking up a screwdriver and holding out your other hand. Sevika rolls her eyes and extends her arm. You grab the hand and press your fingers into the plates in order for them to activate and reveal the heavy screws keeping the hand connected to the forearm.
For years, you’ve been serving as Zaun’s resident expert on mechanical limbs. Limbs of any type, whether it be arms, legs, hands, fingers, or even more… sensitive regions require a type of repair with delicacy only you’ve mastered. It’s brought you plenty of wealth and protection from the unsavory types, especially those with body modifications that rely on maintenance.
One such unsavory type is Sevika, Silco’s right-hand man.
You’ve learned how to handle her. The first time you met, you believed she was going to put your head through the wall. Now? You barely flinch any time she says a crude insult meant to wound you. Doesn’t faze you at all.
You remove the hand joint. Sevika makes a noise, laying the rest of her arm on the table and giving you better access to disconnect all of the parts and organize them.
Sevika watches you the entire time. Not her arm. You. This, you’re keenly aware of, her heavy gaze on your side profile as you clean out the pipes that allow the shimmer canisters to flow properly. Gunk is a serious problem to have if it builds over time, so Silco has you come around every two months to clear out Sevika’s mechanical limb. Optimum efficiency is the baseline standard for Silco. You agree.
Her eyes are… a mash between analytical and something else. You would like to know what the other part is, but that would be letting her know that you’re aware of her looking. You’re not about to give her that satisfaction— she’d be smug about it until next week, and you already see her enough at the Last Drop brooding in the corner to last a lifetime.
“Keep staring at me like that and I’ll put the arm back together and smack you with it,” you comment not so lightly, wiping a rag over some plates that had accumulated far too much dirt. Sevika had completed the daily repairs and tweaks necessary to keep it functioning, but the grime never seemed to bother her unless it got in the way.
“Can you even lift it?” Sevika says. Her finger taps a pattern on the wooden table, a rhythmic movement that creates a nice, subtle noise in the background.
“It’s a lot lighter now that I’ve emptied the shimmer pipes,” you say, turning the forearm section over. You press down on a plate to expose the inner wires and circuitry that allows the arm to operate so you check everything. Internal processes are looking fine, nothing is out of place or out of the ordinary; for as much as you gripe about having to deal with Sevika often, her arm is one of the finest pieces of mechanical prosthetics you’ve seen, not including your own.
“Huh. Never woulda taken you to be someone so smart at this kinda shit,” Sevika drawls, pinching her smoke between her fingers to take another inhale of it. You watch the smoke plumes flow from her nose— you catch a whiff of it. Expensive. Sevika clearly likes the uppity brands over the rest. It’s a scent you recognize only because it was the same kind that your father used to smoke.
“And what is that supposed to mean, Grumpy?” you say. You take the heaviest shoulder joint of the arm into your hands. You eject the shimmer chamber and check for rust or gunk build-up inside of it. “You think I ain’t qualified for this?”
“Don’t know. Silco never mentioned a damn thing about you before the first time,” Sevika replies. “I think you’re plenty qualified, in fact.”
Your hands pause for a fraction of a second then you simply resume your work, doing the last rounds before putting the shoulder back into the anchor. Sevika grunts, making a restrained noise with the limb locking into place. You attach the upper arm joint, the elbow, the forearm, and then you slide the hand back into place. After tightening the screws, you step back and retrieve a shimmer canister from the toolbox and place it into the chamber.
It locks and pushes down. You witness the veins in Sevika’s shoulder up to her neck and face glow with a pulse of shimmer going through her bloodstream, the injection sending the mechanical arm to life. The fingers flex and respond to her movement, and Sevika exhales, curling her hand into a fist. You won’t admit how hot it is to see her gain subtle confidence back with the mechanical arm.
“The grip on the fingers is wearing out,” you comment. “I’ll come back in a week to fix it.”
“I promise you, the fingers will feel good regardless,” Sevika says. It takes a second for you to realize what the fuck she means by that, but when you do, you feel the hairs on the back of your head stand on end. You raise your brow at Sevika. She does the same thing. The bench she’s sitting on slides back as she rises to her full height.
Several inches taller than you.
“Making innuendos over threats now, are we?” You remark, raising a brow at Sevika. The woman just huffs out a tiny laugh, walking around you until the back of your legs are pressed against the table. Where the hell is this coming from, you think, but you’re not about to stop it. Sevika, for all her incredibly rough edges and brutish behavior, has always had a certain… appeal about her that consistently captures your attention.
Makes it exceedingly difficult to get your work done sometimes.
Sevika steps closer, tilting her head down and forcing you to crane your neck all the way back just to keep her gaze. She’s a powerhouse of a woman, and she knows that. You brace yourself against the table— it’s simply you and her in this secluded alleyway, nothing but the thick vapor from her smoke keeping you two company.
In a moment of boldness, you reach up.
You take the smoke from her lips and place it between your own, drawing in a strong inhale. Instead of blowing it out, you simply open your mouth and let the smoke spill out from the sides of your lips. Sevika, to your credit, looks almost frozen by you, her deep grey eyes unable to draw away from the vapor slipping between the gaps in your teeth as you give her a grand ol’ smile.
“Qualified, for damn sure,” Sevika mutters. Her mechanical arm cages you into the table, her other wide, firm palm coming to the back of your neck. You drop the smoke from your hand, letting it fall on the ground in favor of whatever the hell Sevika is doing with the pads of her fingers on a tender spot at the base of your skull. It causes you to turn into complete putty at her mercy; you see she likes that, just by the look in her eyes.
You aren’t aware of any other present reality other than the one you’re trapped in with Sevika, but you find that you don’t mind that when she finally leans down and puts her lips on yours. The taste of ash and smoke is overwhelming— it’s bitter and gritty on the back of your throat, and the smell of wood and whiskey comes off her clothes in waves that make your head just a tad woozy. You put your hands on the belt loops of her cargo pants and pull her closer.
God, she’s so fucking tall you can’t stand it.
“Why don’t we cut the chit-chat outside and take this somewhere else since you wanna be so damn insistent on knowing my qualifications,” you say, following it with a not-so-gentle bite to her bottom lip. Something bordering on a growl slips out of Sevika’s mouth, plus an instruction to pack your shit up and follow me.
You’re not about to argue. You’ve seen what that mechanical arm can do. Well… most of it. You have the gut feeling you’re about to see what else it can do, judging by the glint in Sevika’s eye as she pulls you through the Last Drop and to her room.
A/N: sevika simps, I hear you. we rise.
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aquamoonchaii · 3 years
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•• genre: fluff, angst
•• warning: mentions of alcohol
•• pairing: xiaojun x fem! reader
•• wc: 1.4k
•• collab: Resonance Beach by @amorajae
•• charlie's notes: enjoy this cheesy piece <3
•• summary: you two choose the worst time to argue and separate each other for a while so xiaojun is now a party pooper and he is a sappy drunk asshole. did he even understand what you said that night?
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“He is the luckiest asshole in the whole resort.”
“Not as lucky as me, remember I won the tickets to get here in the first place.” YangYang brags and a couple of mocking “thank you sir” echo the room.
“But really, who the fuck brings this alcoholic to his room?” Hendery questions and the man in question scoffs, sitting up just to find all the idiots gathered around him.
"Are you really talking about me….around me?" SiCheng, without a word, grabs his face like searching for something then proceeds to grab his hands and puts them up as he is shirtless. "He is complete, no organs removed or bruises. This guy right here is indeed lucky." Xiaojun furrows his eyebrows as SiCheng gives him a slap on the back, stands up and leaves as everyone follows him talking about what they should have for breakfast but the only rational one stays.
Kun rolls his eyes at his hungover friend when handing him a glass of water with pills he got there. "You know this resort masters at wild parties and strong liquor so why are you drinking so much? The blackout thing and being lightheaded are not sexy nor a good combination."
"I'm a grown man, it's fine."
" I know, that's why no one follows you."
"Don't lie, I heard the bartender calling you."
"...maybe. But that's not the point, how do you even get here?" XiaoJun groans because it's too early for this and he is hungry, thinking how he wants to go home and be at peace. "Whatever, just don't die DeJun. Do you have any news?"
He lowers his head and shakes it, no one really mentions it as they promised to shut up about it hoping he shuts up and enjoy.
Xiaojun indeed has been quiet but drinks one beer and he is sobbing about Y/N once again. Goddamnit. It's been a week of him drowning in his tears and three days of him drowning in alcohol, his friend is really heartbroken and he secretly wonders if this type of codependency is actually good for him.
Kun bites his hand to not call you and ask what happened because XiaoJun won't talk about the whole stuff. You two were basically glued to each other since you started dating and it was a bit awkward but XiaoJun looked happier and you were really nice to everyone.
He wonders if his probably now single friend is going to be alright. For now, he just listens to him talk for a bit and forces him to swallow a lot of healthy snacks so his liver doesn't collapse.
It's been two long days at the resort and everyone is having fun except XiaoJun. He has been basically brought here as another suitcase anyways, one night he has been slurring words about Y/N and how the guys would have to kill him to make him accept the invitation to the resort and the next day he woke up at lunch time with a huge hangover at a king sized bed... at the Resort.
Fuck them all.
Until Kun made some sense because well, they didn't do it to mess with him. Actually, yes but also because XiaoJun was one of the most excited when Yangyang played a stupid lottery and won tickets to a luxury resort for a week. He helped Kun to organize everything for the other chaotic asshats, it was gonna be an unforgettable summer vacation.
Yangyang and the guys approved Y/N so they invited her but no one asked anything, maybe it was because he arrived late at the dorms looking like garbage after meeting you. He remembers reaching them and opening his hand to show them both of your rings, how embarrassing but at least that stopped the questions.
After Kun leaves, he slurs a thank you because he knows he is making this trip a nightmare for him. But a question keeps running through his head, does he actually reach his own dorm by himself?
DeJun can't even stand on his feet when frick an he acts wild almost screaming what he feels because the alcohol softs his vocal chords and makes him rant about his feelings he prefers no to talk about sober.
He doesn't stand up but leans to the little table at his left to search for his wallet and grab a lot of cash, he'll search the person and tip him extra because it's probably one of the service people that looks the worst side of him.
Let's give us some time. It would be good for both of us, DeJun.
Honestly, fuck you.
How is this good?
It was a silly argument that turned into something big as stress and miscommunication clashed, you both hurt each other with harsh words and stormed out in opposite directions. The next day he met you to talk things out and you forgave each other but it had turned awfully when you returned the promise ring to him.
You are not coming back, he can feel it.
Honestly, he wants to run to you and do something for you to get him back. But what if you end things right away? You said something about giving him a week to enjoy himself as the most repetitive thing of him at the argument was you being everywhere and he couldn't breathe.
He sighs, how stupid of him.
Basically, DeJun is the clingy one so that didn't make sense. He was the one expecting for you to come and cuddle him as you bicker with Yangyang as he tried to roast him, you caressing his hair as he played the guitar and sing for you, the little kisses on his cheek when he felts sad, how you didn't leave his hand even when you were paying for the snacks. He loved it, he was the one to search for your hand so you can hold him a bit more.
If you are taking your revenge now, it's working and he wishes once again being at the dorm so the wondering and the waiting eats him alive.
You are not coming back but he is hoping you do somehow.
"DeJun! Are you drunk?" He shakes his head as he arrives at the fun stuff to do, maybe doing something would make him stop thinking about you for a bit. Everyone pats their back as he probably looks like crap and make him go to beach and learn surf.
...it doesn't work but he feels less miserable at least.
No headaches are cool too as night arrives and they are invited to a party. SiCheng bet him 100 dollars he couldn't pass the night without a single shot and he raises an eyebrow.
"I'll be the one who takes you to the dorm, I won't clean anything tho."
The variety of cocktails makes everyone drunk as hell and XiaoJun actually has fun watching Kun dancing on the table as everyone cheers for him. Hendery breaks empty glasses as he tries to do a house of cards with them, he is the one in charge of apologies tonight. SiCheng literally passes out on his lap and he can't move.
Luckily, the staff helps him and takes each asshat to their room and he gets the chance to ask who is the person who takes him to his own room.
"No staff was needed, sir. A lady came the first night and handed me her number so I could call her when you were passed out."
"Uh, what?"
"We allowed it as he addressed herself as your girlfriend. The friend who slept over you confirmed to us she made you arrive safely."
"Can you call her please?"
And there you are coming hurriedly from another side of the resort, waving at the bartender. "Where is he?"
He lifts his hand and nervously waves, you approach him awkwardly and waved too. "So you caught me."
"Why didn't you tell me you were here?"
"Well, you weren't in conditions for it."
"And what's the best condition?" He doesn't know how to feel, but being embarrassed is the first thing that gets the best of him as you saw it all.
"Maybe sober?" You shrugged your shoulders and sat down in front of him, his cheeks heated because he remembers talking to someone about how sorry he feels for the woman he loves. "You really don't know how to listen to me, huh?" He looks at you utterly confused but his heart flutters when you extend your hand to him. DeJun carefully grabs yours and lets out a shaky sigh like he has been holding his breath since you left.
"There's no need to explain further, I heard it all with hiccups and everything." You chuckle and caress his hand. "It was too extreme for me to return the ring, I'm so sorry for that. But I really thought a week alone would make us think if this relationship was going well and… I felt awful. I literally made you cookies twice and kept forgetting we were on a break. I am not sure how to ask this but, how did your week go?"
"I literally can't see because of how swollen my eyes are. Never do this again please I'm so annoyed I'm going to cry again."
"I won't I promise, I also can't see." You laugh and he looks at you, your sweet eyes lighten up as he stands up and kisses them both over the table as he mutters apologies again.
"Can you keep it as a secret what I did hen drunk?"
"You screamed my name but I loved it." XiaoJun groans and covers his ears as you laugh, he searches his pocket and give shou the ring.
He is never going to drink again but he makes you write on a napkin a promise to wear the ring everywhere.
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barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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하나. chanel : part two — 1.7k words
The lights in the shop lowered in their intensity, and Ahyeong gasped, drawing in heavy breaths of air as her limbs finally moved of her own accord, bending low to clutch her knees and balance herself when she slightly stumbled.
"Are you okay?" Wangja the Shop Owner asked, concerned about the sudden change in demeanor.
"I,"— Ahyeong found herself at a loss for words, what was happening to her?— "I don't know."
An abnormal lucid dream, she thought, that was what she was experiencing. One in which she was aware of her made-up fantasy world but couldn't control her speech and actions at times.
It was like the dream itself had a script of its own.
Huh. Maybe that was it. She just had to follow the script.
"Umm... I think I should get going," she mumbled, hoping her hunch was right.
Wangja looked a bit disappointed that he couldn't carry on the conversation, but nodded in agreement. The sleek black car outside that he had spotted while coming in was probably her driver waiting on her.
Suho was still coughing on their way out, and upon the two shooting concerned looks at him he merely ignored them, gaining his composure and zooming past them and into the dimly lit night in his mildly flustered state.
As Ahyeong stepped into the cold night air, she saw her family's personal car, finding Driver Kwon sitting in front of the wheel through the tinted windows.
Her family and acquaintances must be the same as before then.
"Well, do come by often," Wangja said, handing her the copy of Shiver that she had been sifting through previously, and when Ahyeong looked at him confusedly, he winked, "as an insurance that you do visit, I'm letting you borrow it. Remember, the shop's policy only lets you borrow items for two weeks. Any more and you'll have to compensate."
The girl tucked the comic under her elbow, amused at his antics as if she'd known him for a long time, and said without thinking, "Does ramyeon work as compensation?"
The shop owner grinned, "Aye, you know me so well. Now go. Your driver is giving me the creeps with his glare."
Ahyeong chuckled at that. Driver Kwon was rather overprotective over the Song siblings and got suspicious of anyone who got within six feet of them, even the people the two kids had explicitly stated were their friends.
Bidding Wangja goodbye, Ahyeong slipped into the leather seats of the car, fastening the seatbelt around herself as was the clearly stated rule by the person in front of her who turned the key as soon as she got in, revving the engine before taking off into the night and to, presumably, her home.
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Ahyeong paused at the front door, looking at the front lawn with puzzled eyes.
Why did it look even more extravagant than it was on a usual day?
The flowers were in full bloom despite spring having passed months ago, the garden lights were still switched on, illuminating the finely-trimmed shrubs and foliage, and the cars were displayed out in the open instead of being in the garage.
It was as if someone was trying to make a drawing of a picturesque rich household, perfect in every aspect with next to no flaws in its design.
The mahogany doors opened abruptly, halting her thoughts, and the housemaid, Eunjung, hurriedly ushered her in, putting slippers in front of the girl's feet as she toed her shoes off.
"Why were you out so late? It's past curfew. Thank goodness Mrs. Song hasn't returned from work yet, or you would've been in trouble," she fussed.
Trouble with her mother? That was odd. That never happened because Ahyeong usually informed Eunjung of where she was going, and her mother didn't really mind if she was out past curfew as long as she had alerted someone of coming in late.
"I'll prepare your dinner while you wash up. Do you want to eat at the table or should I bring it to your room upstairs?"
"My room, if it's not too much trouble."
Eunjung waved her hands, dismissing her, and scurried off to the kitchen while Ahyeong headed up the stairs to the West Wing of the house where her bedroom resided.
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Contrary to what she thought, her room had not been what she expected.
It was littered with cardboard boxes and suitcases, most of them unpacked and organized but there still being enough to do that the floor looked messy.
Ahyeong remembered her involuntary words back at Prince Comics.
So her family moved to Seoul in this dream?
From where though? She's never lived anywhere else other than this city.
Oh well, too bad. There was no use dwelling on it. Her dream would end as soon as she would go to sleep and wake up anyway.
But her nagging mind urged her to clean her room up, and despite knowing that her efforts may be in vain she obliged, and by the end of the hour, her room looked just as it had been in real life.
Setting her towel by the bathroom rack to dry, Ahyeong sat down in front of her desk in her pajamas, where the maid had spread out a variety of steaming dishes on fine china while she had been tidying up.
Leave it to Eunjung to make mouth-watering food for any time of the day.
Just as she raised her spoon to eat the seaweed soup, her door swung open.
Gilyeong stood by the threshold, racing to her and shoving his phone in her face, a rather horrible picture of a mangled body on its screen.
"What the-" Ahyeong dropped her utensils with a clang, pushing the device away from her face with a disgusted expression and glaring at her brother, who giggled mischievously, "I'm trying to eat, you gremlin. Don't make me lose my appetite."
"It's payback for the time you showed me a clip of a gutted person when I was trying to eat pat-bingsu. Now get a taste of your own medicine, grinch," Gilyeong laughed evilly, shoving his phone into Ahyeong's eyesight as she tried to stop him from ruining her eyes in front of her food.
Even in dreams, her brother was as nasty as they came.
"You evil little-" Ahyeong wrestled the phone out of his hands, making the younger Song frown and whine at her to give it back to him, and got an idea as she glanced at the shelf on top of her desk.
"If you promise to behave yourself this week, I'll let you borrow that," she said, pointing at the Junji Ito comic that Wangja had let her borrow.
Gilyeong looked up, and his eyes glimmered in anticipation as he jumped up to grab it from the shelf.
"Woah, where did you get this from?" He exclaimed as he started to peruse the pages, "It was out of stock in every bookstore I dragged you to."
"I got it from a hippie who starred in a drama," she smirked at her brother's puzzled face , "so, do we have a deal?"
She raised her hands as she said so.
Her brother looked up at her suspiciously, eyes narrowed in contemplation, then nodded briefly, "deal."
He raised his palms, meeting Ahyeong's halfway as they did their Handshake of Temporary Truce.
Yes, they had different handshakes for a whole list of situations.
"But you still have to pay up for your flinches from yesterday and now," he drawled while walking out of her room.
Wait, yesterday?
"What do you mean the flinch from yesterday?"
Gilyeong stopped midway and turned around, confused.
"Don't tell me you've been getting amnesia too. We were at the restaurant yesterday with Mum and Dad's investors, remember?"
With that ominous comment, he stepped out, shutting the door behind him.
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Sunlight peeked through the half-open blinds, beaming on Ahyeong's face as she woke up and looked around her room, same as ever.
What a crazy dream.
She remembered it as clear as day.
But it was over and done with, and she was in reality now.
For a moment she pondered how she had gotten into her bed, but then trashed the thought. One of her parents had probably carried her here when she had fallen into a deep sleep in the lobby of the restaurant.
She got up, picking up her phone to look at the day and time.
It was around 8 on a Sunday morning, and Ahyeong yawned, kicking off her blanket to freshen up. She woke up too early for a weekend.
Deciding to explore the city for the day, she changed into a button-up and denim trousers, picking up a set of Doc Martens on her way out for breakfast.
"What's new this mornin', gremlin," she greeted Gilyeong while running down the stairs, who sat by the couch reading something, its cover blocked out of her eyesight.
She slightly tripped on the last two steps and hit her knee on the railing, hissing in pain and lightly hopping towards the dining table.
"Good morning, Eunjung-ssi," Ahyeong smiled through her discomfort at the maid, in complete contrast to the way she greeted her brother, and he scowled at her from his spot but didn't say anything.
Eunjung rolled her eyes in good nature at the sibling's antics, all too used to it, "Good morning to you too."
She set down two servings of rice, soup, and a variety of side dishes for breakfast, and the siblings came to sit at the dining table.
As Ahyeong scooped up a spoonful of rice, she saw Gilyeong putting down his book, finally spotting its cover.
She paused.
"Hey, dongsaeng, how did you get that?" She said as she pointed at the copy of Shiver.
The young Song stopped eating, pointing a fake grin at her.
"From the grinch who got it from a hippie who starred in a drama."
This was not a dream.
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
56 notes · View notes
purplellamanator · 3 years
Sorry for the delay! This is the first part of my contribution for @shinranweek The above link is to read the story on AO3 or if you prefer to read off of fanfic, just click here! Of course since this is a tumblr event, the chapter will be posted below the cut. I originally wanted this posted for day 1 for first meetings but unfortunately life got in the way. Just a little insight though, this is heavily inspired by movie 20 The Darkest Nightmare. This is not completed though and I'll post the next part later. Sorry if it seems rushed and thanks to @shinranweek for hosting the event! Loved all the shinran content this week!
Amnesia Part I
Her head. . . . It was pounding so hard she thought it'd implode in on itself.
She clutched at the source with one hand and continued walking forward blindly. Everything she did was blindly. Where she was going, where she came from, why her head hurt. . . who she was; it was all lost to her. And she kept moving forward.
Where was she anyways? Glancing around cautiously, her hand still pressed to her head and now as a slight shield from the blistering sun, she tried to discern her surroundings. It was hard though. Her head was pounding and she could barely think. There was so much noise going on around her to add to that and- she was going to pass out.
Eyes landing on a bench, the woman stumbled hurriedly to the wooden chair before collapsing on it. She felt slightly better now that she was off her feet but not by much. It did allow her to actually see through the fog that was clouding her already injured mind and she lost the need to hold herself together.
Laughing and talking; there was a lot of that. There were families milling about, smiling and chattering excitedly. Obviously she was in a family park of sorts . . . but what had brought her here? Was she here with her family? If so, where were they?
Eyes moving around slowly before seeing a massive ferris wheel in the distance, she felt a semblance of knowledge itch at the corners of her mind. Something was familiar. . Something was familiar about that wheel. .
Had that been why-?
She jerked suddenly when she realized she wasn't sitting alone anymore. Looking beside her, it was a man, not that old at all and maybe in his younger twenties. The surprise wasn't what made her jump though. He was- had he been smelling her?
Even after she jumped away and stared at him as if he lost his mind, the man continued to sniff at her as if he were some sort of dog.
Finally, she cleared her throat. "Um . . . " She wanted to cringe at how awkward the one sound had been. What do you say when one human being sniffs . . another. . ?
And if possible, the man leaned back against the bench completely nonchalant. As if he hadn't just been smelling her . . .
His voice had come so abruptly and her eyes blinked in confusion. "Excuse me?"
"Gasoline," the man repeated, a satisfied look in his blue eyes. "You smell very strongly of it."
Did she really? The woman raised her arm to her face and sniffed, brows furrowing when she discovered that he was right. The odd stranger was correct and she did smell very strongly of gasoline.
"Are you okay?" He asks when she was still trying to figure why she would smelled like she took a bath in a gas station.
Her eyes flit to his. "I- I think so."
The stranger's brows lifted curiously. She didn't blame him for looking so confused. How could she not know if she were alright? He didn't question her response though and instead said, "You don't look okay. You look and smell like you've been in an explosion." She was sure that was meant to sound like a joke but the possibility that that very well could be true reflected in his gaze; a hint of seriousness.
But for the first time, and only because this stranger pointed it out to her, she was actually taking in her appearance. Clothes disheveled and dirtied, hair tangled and a welt on her head; safe to say she looked and felt like she'd been through an explosion or two.
"Forgive me for cornering you like this but you appeared distressed," he apologized but somehow he didn't sound very sorry at all. "I just saw you stumbling around in those heels and I thought you'd pass out until you collapsed on this bench. Were you coming from work?"
"Work?" The woman mumbled to herself and again took notice of the gray pencil skirt and the white button-up blouse she wore. Where did she work? Did she even work? She could feel the headache coming back again. Or maybe it had never gone away and she had been able to forget about it momentarily. "I don't know," she finally said in a slow realization and his eyes widened even more.
"Do you know your name?"
Do you know your name?
The voice that resounded after his wasn't hers and she heard it only in her mind. A memory- but from what she didn't know. She had been asked that before but she couldn't remember when or why. For some reason, it made her head throb from trying to remember. "My name. . . ?" She was staring hard at the concrete before her on the ground as she continuously ran that question through her head.
"Can you remember?"
She could hear him right beside her- practically feel him leaning towards her when she didn't respond right away. But for some reason it felt like he was muffled and suddenly the man was miles away and she was stuck in her head. "What's my name. .?" So many thoughts rushed at her in that moment and she raised a hand to her welt to try to soothe the pain radiating from it. But it wasn't soothing it; it wasn't making it better and soon both hands were clutching her head as she attempted to recall something that should've been so simple. "My name?" she repeated again and now her breaths were coming out panicked.
Why couldn't she remember her name? It was hers and she couldn't say it?
"Hey!" She could barely feel a firm hand splay across her back as if to comfort her. "Breathe. I'll call an ambulance and we'll-"
"No!" She jerked away from him roughly and attempted to come to a stand. Her legs wobbled and she could barely make a decision between holding her head together or balancing on her own two feet. Something about his statement had her body reacting automatically though and she just knew she couldn't go to a hospital. Why? She didn't understand that yet but her instincts were telling her no and as of now, her instincts were all she had.
The man rose too and moved slowly towards her as if approaching a scared animal. "We'll get you help. We'll find where you came from," he tried again and went to help her stand.
Where I came from. . to take me back. . . ? Back to-
Nails digging into her head as the pain became intense, she stumbled away each time he moved closer. "No," she shook her head and it became apparent to her that tears were streaming down her cheeks from the pain. "I- I can't-!"
Couldn't what? Go to the hospital? Go back to some unknown place that her body was rejecting? It was all too much.
And suddenly startling them both and everybody in the vicinity, she began screaming from the pain as something tried to force its way to the forefront of her mind. It couldn't though and it was just so much pain and she couldn't stop yelling and before she knew it she was falling and falling.
Heavy lids blinking open a few times to adjust to the brightness, she felt weird. Her head was sore but that was a given. But she didn't feel herself as if she were a mind in someone else's body. That's what she really was in that moment considering she couldn't recall something so simple as her own name.
Her mouth felt dry and her eyes tight as she took in her surroundings. She was in a bed- a hospital room and hooked up to some IV that was probably full of saline. Something else she became apparent to was the fact she was all alone. No one else was in the room with her.
So why was the first thought to strike her was to sneak out that far window? It was like an unconscious reaction that she shouldn't be there in that room; that she had somewhere else she needed to be and that she knew deep down she was never to be in a hospital.
But why?
Thankfully, the woman didn't get the chance to act out her idea because in the next second the door was creaking open slowly and a head was peeking in. It was the stranger- the man from before. And when he saw that she was awake and sitting up in her bed, a grin cracked across his face.
"I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?"
Honestly, she felt terrible. "Better," she said instead. At least she could actually remember what happened before she landed herself here.
"Remember anything?"
She gave him a curious glance. "I remember my head hurting and passing out while we were talking." That was it and he understood fully what she meant. She still couldn't remember her name or anything else before they met.
He must've saw the way her eyes slowly slid around the room uneasily. "I took you to a friend. We're not in a hospital."
Those words really did bring a certain amount of relief for her. Though she still had this mild feeling of wanting to jump out the window, it felt like a weight had lifted off her.
Stepping further into the room, he took the seat beside her bed and she wondered if he had really been here the entire time waiting for her to wake up. "We'll figure it out soon enough. A detective is waiting to speak with you when you're ready."
Detective? Her insides clenched and that again was another red flag. She didn't want to speak with a detective. Swallowing away her body's natural panic, she attempted to pay it off. "Y-you called the police?" She wasn't fooling this man though and she briefly wondered how he could read her emotions so easily.
"Let's just say they're my friends as well," he gave a small but relaxed grin.
Other than for the heaviness of her head, she really felt better now. If he was telling the truth then he had saved her from having to worry about any legal consequences or actions. "Who are you?" He hadn't told her after all. He had been too busy . . smelling her and asking for her name. But he had helped her as well it would seem. Such an unusual person. . .
His blue eyes widened as if he just realized he never told her that. It seemed unlike him but his cheeks actually tinted a slight pink. "I can't believe I didn't even tell you my name," he scratched the back of his brown hair awkwardly and she could hear the unspoken apology in his tone. "I'm Kudou Shinichi." He said it so proudly and matter of fact that the woman was taking back her earlier accusation. He wasn't awkward because he had forgot to mention his name. He was just used to people already knowing it and since she didn't she hoped that didn't take him down a notch. After all, she couldn't even recall her own so why would she remember his?
Kudou Shinichi.
But then again, maybe she did. There was some sort of recognition that came with the name.
Again, that awakened a voice within her but this time she didn't push the fact. Last time she had given herself a migraine and she thought her brain would explode.
"Thank you then, Kudou-san," she said sincerely. "I'm sorry for any trouble this has caused you."
"Not at all," he waved her off. "I'm a de-."
A firm knock resounded around the room before the door creaked open slightly again. Only this time it was someone the woman did not recognize. Based off their clothes though, she was able to determine it was one of her nurses.
She was proven correct when the woman clad in her scrubs turned to another and said, "She's awake but the doctor doesn't want you questioning her long. We're still examining the severity of her brain damage and she doesn't need any stress." And then the door was held open farther so a couple could enter; one man and one woman.
She determined these were the detectives Kudou-san had warned her about. Instantly, she was on guard but she couldn't tell what was to blame. Her body seemed to do it unconsciously and she knew she couldn't speak freely with them. Why would it matter though? She couldn't remember anything not to speak freely with them. And Kudou-san had also said that they were there as his 'friends'.
As they stepped closer and she tensed even more, Kudou-san stood up in what seemed respect to greet the other two. Soon he was moving aside granting them full access to her bedside and she felt her chest cinch up nervously.
Her gaze instantly appraised the woman. She held a certain air of authority that demanded it. She seemed to be in her thirties maybe, the injured girl couldn't tell. But through her stern features she seemed kind enough so far. The man appeared much more at ease than her. She didn't want to mistake it for timidness but she could tell who was the boss in this partnership. Or better yet, who bad cop good cop was.
The woman was the first one to address her proving her theory even more. "I'm Detective Sato and this is my partner Detective Takagi." She paused to give her a chance to speak but all she could do was nod her head respectfully. It wasn't like she could respond with her own name.
"Kudou-kun suspects you've been in an accident of some kind. Not only would we like to find and hold whoever is accountable, our goal is also to identify whom you are."
"I don't think I'll be much help," she admitted apologetically. "I don't remember anything before meeting this stranger." Her eyes flit to the brown haired man that stood to the side.
The woman nodded her head as if she already knew this. "After what Kudou-kun described earlier today and what the doctor explained, I don't expect you to remember anything. So I'll ask you a few basic questions and if you can't answer them, that's okay."
She wasn't too sure that was a good idea. After the pain from last time. . .
The two detectives must've noticed the uneasiness on her features and Detective Takagi actually spoke up. "We don't want to further your condition. Don't push yourself."
Detective Sato nodded before clearing her throat. "It is to my understanding that you don't remember your name so I won't bother asking you about that. Instead, I'd like to know the first thing you do remember."
She swallowed uneasily as she watched the detectives before her. The woman couldn't really understand why but their presence bothered her a great deal. To forget about that, she tried focusing on the question. The very first thing she could remember . . .
"I-I was in an alleyway," she revealed. "My head hurt badly and I didn't know what was going. I could barely stand."
"Can you recall where this alleyway was?"
She shook her head slowly. "I hadn't stuck around for long." Her tone seemed curious about her actions; or maybe perturbed as to why she hadn't. It was something deep down inside of her that told her she had to keep moving.
"Why did you go to that park specifically? Why not the police?"
The ferris wheel.
The answer surfaced swiftly and assuredly through her thoughts. She didn't know why she went there just for the ferris wheel but the fact she knew even that much was something. Yet. . she didn't tell them.
"I don't know," she shrugged. "It felt safer and just calm. I wasn't thinking to go to the police." Of course she left out that she couldn't go to a police department. But she could just use the excuse of confusion until she knew what was going on with her. To be fair, she really was confused.
Detective Sato nodded before pulling a card from her pocket. "I didn't expect you to know much and you are on bed rest so I'll end this here." Handing the card to her, the injured girl looked at it curiously. "That's my number. If you remember anything about yourself or the accident, call me."
She nodded again and her cheeks tinted a slight pink. That's all she's done for the past few hours. How embarrassing it was that she couldn't even think to hold a conversation. "T-thank you," she choked out but it sounded completely forced and her grin appeared as a grimace. And either they didn't notice or they just didn't feel like making her even more uncomfortable because the detectives bowed their heads respectfully before exiting.
Not giving her a chance to relax, the door opened again and now what she assumed was her doctor entered. She watched the man even more uneasily. For some reason the doctor bothered her more than the detectives. The man didn't seem too bad. A normal middle aged man dressed in his medical coat and carrying a clip board; there was nothing particularly daunting about him but something . . frightened her.
She started sweating. Her heart beating furiously could be heard on the monitor and she felt her cheeks enflame even more.
"Looks like someone's afraid of the doctor's office," he joked with a warm smile and a wink. "I'm Doctor Araide. I've been looking after you since Kudou-san brought you in."
That didn't put her at ease at all and she swallowed through her dry throat. Forcing herself to breathe evenly, the beeps from the monitor slowly went back to normal. She was thankful the doctor hadn't made too much of a big deal over it but Kudou-san was actually looking at her with a calculating frown. All she could do was try to convince her brain that it was alright. They weren't really in a hospital and that she needed to calm down.
"Well," he went to sit on the chair beside her and she tensed up some more. He didn't point it out this time thankfully and continued with," I have some bad news and some good news."
"What's the bad?" she took the initiative to ask. She'd rather get that out of the way first.
Doctor Araide sighed before shaking his head. "We ran prints and DNA through our systems and through the police department's records as well to see if we could pin you with a name. You're not in any of the systems and no one has reported a missing persons case." Seeing the disheartened look on his features he said, "Don't worry. That could mean many things. You just might not be around from this part of Japan and thankfully you don't have a record to warrant the police's attention."
She nodded slowly, trying to focus on the positive side. It was hard though when she was so confused. She literally had nothing. Not even memories.
"Now for the slightly better news. . . " And for this he actually looked at his clipboard and flipped back a few pages. "I'd still like to do a few more brain scans just to make sure your condition hasn't worsened but it appears to be psychogenic amnesia."
"P-psychogenic. . . ?"
"Retrograde amnesia," he corrected for her in simpler terms. "It's a form of memory loss that can follow a physically or emotionally traumatic event. Luckily, I believe yours isn't too severe."
"So. . . I won't keep passing out?" she asked hopefully from her bed. It hadn't been a very nice feeling from what she could remember and waking up hadn't been any easier either.
Doctor Araide sighed as if he didn't want to make her any promises. He probably couldn't and instead said, "I think that was your body reacting to a memory that . . . psychologically," he finally settled on that word, "you wanted to avoid."
"Basically. . . I don't want to remember." The injured woman nodded but could feeling the beginnings of a headache; only this time it was different. Instead of just straight and abrupt pain this one seemed to stem from stress and disappointment. What had happened to her so bad in her life that she didn't want to remember any of it?
"Not necessarily," the doctor said anxiously. He must've saw what her own statement meant for her. "It was only a theory. What's more important is there was no physical damage to the brain. Cases like these- I don't want to give false hope, but typically my patients that have experienced something similar, all regained some form of memory to their life before their accident."
Though he basically told her not to get too excited, her heart grew brighter. Maybe she wouldn't be a nobody forever and like he said, at least there was no serious damage. "Is there anything I can do that will hasten the process?" The woman didn't want to lose her calm façade in front of the doctor but it was hard to hide it in her voice.
And like a doctor would, he detected it easily. "You're still on bed rest," he warned. "Besides the amnesia, you suffered some major bruising to your ribs and abrasions to your face."
Her eyes widened. She hadn't even noticed. Had she been walking around with bruised ribs all this time? It was hard to believe but maybe whatever accident she had been in numbed her.
"I-" She cut herself off nervously. She didn't want to stay here. Doctors were meant to help people; she knew that deep down. But a certain fear deep inside of her chest- she couldn't deal with that here and surrounded by it. "I don't want to stay here."
And just like that, both the doctor's and Kudou-san's eyes were flitting towards her incredulously.
"I don't think you understand the severity of your condition," Doctor Araide started. "Your wounds are ones fitting of a car accident. You are in no state to be living on your own. And legally, I cannot let you leave on your own."
She wasn't legally a patient here. She was sure of it from Kudou-san's words and she wasn't about to stay here longer than she had to. She didn't want to be here and as far as she was concerned, she didn't have to be. She tried to be nice and let them have their questioning and their tests. Now she wanted to leave. She was fine just on her own until that stranger started smelling her. She wished she jumped out that window when she had the chance.
"Any more stress could damage your chances of gaining anything from your past."
That had her pausing her retort, biting her lip in contemplation. She didn't want to stay here. This wasn't comfortable for her. In fact, it frightened her quite a bit and what was even worse- she didn't know why.
Seeing that she wasn't too fond of this place but also realizing she understood her condition, the stranger from before spoke up again only this time addressing the doctor. "She can stay with me."
The doctor was staring at her now, a frown on his face before turning that disapproving stare on Kudou-san. "It was already wrong of me not to send this woman to a hospital let alone to not call the police. How can you ask me to let her leave?"
"She'll stay at my house. I have more than enough room and I'll watch over her," he replied easily while giving her wary sideways glances. It looked like he was worried she was going to just jump and leave herself without listening to what they had to say.
It was tempting.
"I'll let you leave tomorrow morning if you stay the night," was the doctor's final offer. Either that or he would more than likely inform the law enforcement. She didn't want to risk getting any of them in trouble for hiding this for her.
Lips pursed uncomfortably, she nodded her head once. "And then I can leave?"
"Like I said earlier, I want to run a few more brain scans and make sure there's no lasting damage through the night. After that, I am letting you leave with Kudou-san to be in his care." Doctor Araide put extra emphasis so she knew she would not be leaving alone.
True to his word though, the next morning she and Kudou-san were filling out documents. The entire time Doctor Araide was standing over her- prattling her to stay. After the restless night she had however, that wouldn't be happening. It was like she was about to crawl out of her skin. She didn't feel safe.
"Ma'am," the doctor turned to face her. "I really do not recommend this." It was a last ditch effort really. The hours long process was finally over and Kudou-san was pulling his car around as she waited.
"I know. Thank you for all you've done," she bowed. If it hadn't been for the fact that this was his practice and they had in fact taken her to a hospital, she knew this wouldn't have gone done as smoothly as it did.
Doctor Araide sighed disappointedly. "Please come back if you experience any pain or illness. You have a head injury and that could make appearances as nausea, soreness- anything." And he too was handing her a card and she couldn't believe she was receiving a second one. "This is my work number. It's always on and do not hesitate to call. Kudou-kun has my number as well."
After a few more departing words on the doctor's part on how she needed to be careful, she was waiting in the passenger seat as Kudou-san talked privately with him. She didn't pay it any mind and figured the man had finally given up on trying to convince her to stay there. Instead, he must be giving Kudou-san explicit instructions as he had done prior with her.
She jumped when the door opened and he slid into the driver's seat. Not realizing he was done talking, the girl noticed the doctor was long gone and not even standing on the porch any longer.
"So," he began as he buckled his seatbelt. "Is there anything you'd like me to call you?"
His question actually threw her. She just assumed she'd be left a no-name until she either remembered or those two detectives identified her- whichever came first. The woman thought about it though before shaking her head. Thinking about it gave her a headache and she honestly didn't know what she'd like to be called. Her real name definitely but at the moment that wasn't a possibility. Then to make it even harder, she knew nothing about herself to conjure up some nickname.
Kudou-san waved her off. "We'll figure something out," he said reassuringly. "Let's get you settled in first."
"Where are we?" she piqued curiously. Somehow her brain had retained the information that she was indeed Japanese and still in Japan. Why it didn't know anything else she'd never figure out.
"I live in Beika."
All she could do was nod again. Nothing seemed familiar about the area or name. A little bit of her hope diminished with that but she wouldn't get too discouraged yet. The doctor had hinted that this loss was more than likely temporarily until her mind could come to grips with what happened.
For some reason, when she was informed that she'd be staying with this Kudou Shinichi, she had pictured an apartment. Maybe a two bedroom flat in the city. What their car pulled up to however, she was practically pressed to the window in amazement.
It was a mansion- and no, she was not exaggerating. The house was huge and gated in and everything. Again she had to ask, "Who are you?" Not just anybody could afford a place like this. He had to be somebody important.
He looked at her surprised as he walked up to the gate and pulled it open. It was already unlocked apparently. "I already told you." When he saw she was still looking up in awe at the place that would be her home for at least the next few days, he sighed. "My mother is an actress and my father is an author. They left me the place to live in the States."
Glancing at him, she had a brief moment to wonder if that's why she recognized his name. The fact he had famous parents was more than explanation enough. She was curious to just who his parents were now but he seemed uncomfortable on the topic so she respectfully didn't push it. Instead she said, "Is it just you here?" She was curious. He looked to be in his early twenties and he wasn't bad looking at all. Maybe he had a wife or girlfriend.
"Well now there's you," he pointed out.
Blinking, she was a little flabbergasted that he owned this mansion all to himself. "You live here alone?" Still staring at the hard iron gates blocking the entry way, she felt a sort of cold sensation overcome her. How could someone live in such a big building all by themselves? She knew already that she wouldn't want to and she didn't even know who she was.
Kudou-san took a moment to pause and look at her as if she needed to pay attention. "No. Now, you live here too."
She actually took a moment to glare at his retreating back. The woman wasn't able to tell he was joking until he turned and gave her a small smirk. It was hard to stay irritated when someone smiled at you like that. And the fact he kept this entire thing a secret also helped but she didn't really want to bring that up anymore. Instead, she wanted to focus on getting to know the new place she'd be staying at for however long he chose to deal with her.
After he shut the gate behind them and resumed strolling down the pathway, her gaze raked across the front entrance and the surrounding yard. There was grass and it was green and there was indeed paint on the shutters and front door, but something disturbed her about the scene. She couldn't explain it well but it all just seemed so . . . dead. The front area near the front windows was completely bare where it appeared a garden may of been there quite some time ago. Actually entering the house and into the foyer, the shoe cubby was empty except for one pair. And eyes scanning the barren walls and the way their voices echoed around the spacious house- it was empty.
And there she had the answers to her own curious questions. There was no wife. There was no girlfriend. And based off the shoe rack, there wasn't even any guests. Did he really live here. . ? A hollow feeling ironically filled her heart. She couldn't explain it but she had the weird urge to open the shades and start cleaning. Not that it was messy or anything. It was clean- too clean if possible.
Kudou-san didn't notice the way she scrutinized the building as she followed him up the stairs. If he did, he didn't say anything about it and she walked quietly in his slippers. She assumed they were his considering they were the only pair by the door and he was forced to walk around in his socks. He must not receive many visitors.
"You can stay in here," he said as he opened one of the many doors in the upstairs hallway. "Since I only really had the night to prepare, it's not much. We can go out and buy you some clothes and stuff tomorrow though if you're up to it." It came out unsurely and when she glanced back at him he was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
The woman shook her head with a small grin. "This is fine. Thank you for allowing me to stay." She was still curious as to why he did it. He had no clue who she was and neither did she. She had absolutely no memory of her prior life and some possible health issues. If she was asked, she'd say she was more trouble than it was worth.
"I have a neighbor that is about your size. She lent me some clothes for you to use- if you don't mind them of course," he corrected quickly.
Eyes a bit wide from the fact he actually thought she'd care about having to borrow clothes, she shook her head again. "I am very thankful for her offer and would be more than happy to get out of these." She had been wearing the same clothes she woke up in the first day with Doctor Araide. He had given her a pair of hospital pants and a white t-shirt.
"I have your original clothes in the wash." He had a thumb pointing behind him in the direction she assumed was the laundry room.
All she could do was bob her head in acknowledgement. In a way, she was thankful. Those clothes were her only grasp on where she had come from. On the other hand, they sort of felt detached. She couldn't remember anything about them so they almost held no meaning to her. She just wished she could remember something.
"Is your head hurting?"
She almost wondered why he would be asking her that but then she took notice to the frown she had on her features. The girl hadn't even realized she'd been doing it. Straightening her features, she fixed her lips upward into a small grin. "Not at all."
Kudou-san had been in the process of saying something when the grand doorbell resounded around the massive home. A confused scrunch of his brows showed he wasn't expecting any visitors today. "Excuse me," he nodded his head at her before turning to go. "Go ahead and settle in."
Back facing her, the man wasn't able to see the puzzled and incredulous look she bore. Settle? Settle what. Turn down her sheets to go to bed? She had nothing. There was nothing to settle. Not saying anything though, she decided to just follow him. It might be those two detectives with a lead.
"I told you not on the first day," he came Kudou-san's disapproving tone. He didn't sound angry but there was hint of scolding in his tone and she wondered who was on the receiving end. "She just got back from the doctor's and she needs to rest today." He was glancing down, almost bent over at the waist to talk down. Now she was curious.
"I just wanted to give her these!" came a cheerful voice if she'd ever heard one.
Making her way further down the steps, she noticed the way Kudou-san gripped the door open enough for him to speak. Hoping it wasn't too forward of her, she pried the door open further. It was obvious they were talking about her anyway and she didn't feel like resting much.
Shocked at first, it was enough to catch him off guard and the door opened further. Eyes looking forward, her eyes had to flit down when she realized once again, it was a small child; a little girl. Her hair was dark and cut short, a headband with a bow on her head. All in all, she looked adorable and the woman felt a wide smile tug at her features.
Practically shoving the man out of the way- or even forgetting he was there, she came to a kneeling position. "What did you want to give me?" she asked softly at the child's wide eyes. She wasn't sure but she hoped her sudden appearance hadn't frightened the girl. She really was tiny and she had to wonder how old she was. Maybe seven, if she had to guess?
The small girl's cheeks turned a flustered pink as she hid her hands behind her, an embarrassed look as she glanced at her feet. "I can come back tomorrow. Shinichi-oniisan says you need to rest."
Unlike with Kudou-san, she was being shy. It was no surprise considering she had no clue who she was.
The woman made to appear as if she were thinking. "Well, we can tell Shinichi-oniisan that the sun's still up," she replied with a sideways glance in his direction and she almost laughed. That got the little girl looking up at her again she felt her heart warm as a small giggle escaped her.
"What's your name?"
Now a bit more at ease she excitedly said, "Yoshida Ayumi!"
"That's really pretty," she complimented and if possible, the pink on the small child's cheeks got pinker.
"My parents named me after my grandmother. It means to step or. . to walk your. . " She kept stuttering and cutting herself off as she thought really hard to remember.
The woman wasn't really sure where the burst of knowledge came from but she paused the struggling verbal thoughts of the girl. "To walk your own way," she corrected.
Ayumi gasped happily. "Yes! That's it!" She giggled herself when the girl bobbed her head excitedly.
"Here you go, Onee-chan!"
The woman had to blink at the sudden appearance of flowers in her face. When she realized this must've been what the girl was hiding behind her back, she smiled before grabbing the stem from the child's hand. They were orchids and they were almost a violet color. Where had she pulled this from?
Eyes moving back to Ayumi-chan's, she smiled wider. "Thank you. It's really pretty."
Ayumi-chan pointed at the woman's face. She had to blink again from the sudden closeness. "Just like your eyes!"
Her eyes? The woman hadn't really paid that any mind. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't even looked in a mirror yet. Surprisingly she hadn't thought to do so. Most of her time had spent in a doctor's office. It would be like staring at a stranger anyway.
"My eyes?" She still repeated as she stared into space. How could she not know the color of her own two eyes? She felt her head start to ache.
Ayumi-chan nodded surely. "Say. . . what's your name?" It must've just hit her that she wasn't aware who she was talking to. Truthfully, the woman had forgot herself too. So used to being a noname for the past two days, she didn't think to introduce herself.
"Um. . . "
Kudou-san saw her unease and appeared ready to turn this conversation around. Ayumi was way ahead of him however.
"I'll bet your name is Ran- like the orchid!" she chirped excitedly as she pointed at the flower that she still held in her hand.
Ran? Was that her name? There was nothing there; nothing familiar about the title. But as she twisted the violet orchid in her grasp, and turned the name over and over in her thoughts, she felt a slow smile return to her face. It did have a pretty ring to it.
Kudou-san looked fully prepared to scold her. He didn't want the woman to have another meltdown from trying to force a memory. "Ayumi-chan-!"
But she interrupted him. "How did you know?"
And the man had to take a second to wonder if she really remembered and that was indeed her name. But based off the humorous twist to her lips, he could tell it was mostly to amuse the small girl. If it really was her name, she didn't know but she didn't appear to be about to argue it.
"I knew it," Ayumi-chan gasped happily. "It's because of your pretty eyes!"
All three heads shot up to glance just before the Kudou manor gates. There were two boys that appeared to be the same age as the small girl and she figured they must be classmates.
"Oh! That's Genta-kun and Mitsuhiko-kun. I'm supposed to be working on school work with them." With that she practically skipped down the front entrance steps towards the two boys. "Bye Shinichi-onii-san! Bye Ran-nee-chan!"
Little girl long gone and now back Kudou-san glanced at her. "That was nice of you."
The woman was still sitting on the couch, violet orchid in her hand as she twirled the stem. "It's not like I had a name to begin with," she shrugged. She couldn't hide the warm feeling she felt though. For once, that she could remember, someone had given meaning to something in her life. Even if it was because of chance that her eyes happened to be the same color of that particular orchid. She had a name with a meaning. She had a meaning.
Her eyes slid over to Kudou-san whom hovered in the doorway. His own gaze shot to the floor and she couldn't really tell but it seemed like his cheeks gained a tint of color. Had he been watching her?
He cleared his throat. "I could get a small vase for that," he suggested looking up at her finally. "Did you want one, Ra-?"
He cut himself off abruptly and this time she was positive he turned red.
She wasn't at all offended by his forwardness. In fact, she felt better knowing that he now had a name for her. She wasn't nameless. He probably felt uncomfortable or rude calling her some child's nickname. "I have something else in mind . . and," glancing briefly at the flower again and back to him, a small grin twisted her lips. "You can call me Ran."
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Californian Dream (Pt. 09 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.9 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
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{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
For the third time today, you hit Jimmy with the fins as you walk by, pretending you didn't notice. He groans and you bite back a giggle. “If you do that again, I swear I'll fire you.” He sings songs, putting the price tags on the new regulators that got here today.
“You can't fire me. I'm very good at selling stuff.” Putting the fins on its place you turn to look at him.
“The Padawan always becomes stronger than the Master.” Crossing his arms, he squints his eyes. “I taught you everything you know, Lily flower.”
“Yup. And I mastered every single aspect into perfection.” Walking around the store, you make your way back to the counter, letting your hair down, running your fingers through it. “I'm a Jedi by now.”
“You're getting cocky. I think you're spending way too much time with Billy.”
“Well, we're living together and dating so...” You move to stay behind the counter, drumming your fingers on the wooden top. “I'd say that yes, we spend way too much time around each other but I wouldn't change a thing.”
“You're the only couple I know who started living together before even starting to date,” Jimmy says, finishing with the regulators and moving to the new swimsuits, starting to organize them by color and size.
“Yeah, it wasn't the conventional way but it worked, didn't it?” Biting your lip, you try to hold back the smile that always comes whenever you think or talk about Billy. It's been a month since it became official, and things have been going well. Very well. The life you had before is a distant memory you don't even visit it anymore. You're still watching the news here and there, some of your old friends were released and the investigators are getting somewhere. But the truth is that this your life. A real life for a change, where the days aren't pointless, and you do love the friends you have, people with who you don't have to watch your manners or think before saying something. You can laugh out loud and make a mess if you want.
“It did. Look, this is girl stuff, can't you–. These are different sizes but they look the same.”
Rolling your eyes, you walk over him, pushing him away. “They're different, Jimmy. You're clueless.” Looking through the bikinis, you take one off the hook. It's blue and pink, with black symmetrical lines all over it. “I really like this one.”
“It's nice. I bet Billy will like it.” He says in a sassy tone, and you roll your eyes again.
“Alright. Can you put this in the back for me? I'll buy it.” Handing him the piece, you focus on reorganizing everything, paying attention to the clients in case anyone needs help. You're humming a soft song when you feel someone approaching, so you turn on your heels to find a guy walking over the swimsuits. “Hello. Do you need anything?”
His lips break into a bright smile, which you respond with a small polite one. “Yes. I was wondering what tank I should get.”
“It depends. If it's just for recreational purposes, the one with atmospheric air.” You say, finishing with the bikinis and turning to give the guy some attention. “Come, let's check them.” Gesturing, you walk to the other side of the store, almost in the back where the tanks are.
“What's this Nitrox thing?” He asks, stepping closer to the tanks, his hand brushing on your thigh. You move away, but since he didn't seem to notice, you decide not to give it much thought. Probably just an accident.
“That's for long dives. It's a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen.” Shrugging your shoulders, you lay a hand on a nearby tank. “But I assume it'll be just for fun so the atmospheric one will suffice.”
“You know a lot about this stuff.” His smile grows wider, and he gives you a little wink.
It makes you giggle. Is he trying to flirt? “I'm still learning.”
“What about... This one?” Stepping closer, he reaches out for a tank behind your back. You know what he's doing now, so you're quick to step aside before he can pin you against the wall.
Taking a deep breath, you roll your eyes. “Trimix. For depths beyond 130 feet. Which one will you take?”
“I could take two atmospheric tanks if you agree on coming with me for a... Recreational dive?”
“Nah, I don't think so.” He's not planning on buying it, so you make your way back to the counter. “First of all, I don't know how to swim. And second, I have a boyfriend.” Tapping on the counter a few times in a happy rhythm, you focus on the other customers around.
“And why haven't your boyfriend taught you how to swim yet?” He comes to the counter too, leaning on it, making you stand up straighter. “Or... Maybe he can't.” He giggles.
“Oh, he can.” You smirk. “He was a lifeguard during his time in Indiana.” As you speak, you see the man himself, walking closer, an eyebrow raised at the guy talking to you. Biting back a smile at his jealous face, you look at the guy again. “He's amazing, actually. Handsome, strong.” Raising your voice just enough for Billy to hear, you lean on the counter too. “But he's also kind and generous. Honest, trustworthy.”
“Sweetie, nobody is perfect so don't even try to make me believe he is.” The guy chuckles, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, no. He's not perfect. Billy has problems with anger and he absolutely hates when guys try hit on me.” The moment you're done speaking, Billy touches the guy's shoulder, strongly pulling him away from the counter. “Hi, baby.” You say, giving Billy a bright smile.
“Billy, my dude.” The guy says, nervously stepping back, hands raised. “Didn't know the girl was with you, man.”
“Now you do, so back the hell off.” His thunder voice gets people's attention, but you don't even bother.
“Alright, alright.” He mutters, walking backward until he's in the middle of the store, where he finally turns around and leaves.
“Let me know if you want the atmospheric air tank!” You shout, laughing a little.
“Seriously, why the hell–” Billy starts, but his words fade when he looks at you.
Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle at his expression, leaning a little closer to him. “What?”
“Of course guys will hit on you.”
“Uhm... Care to explain it or am I supposed to guess?”
“You look good, that's it. And all this friendly act when you're working here. The kind smiles, politeness... Guys are stupid, they'll think you're interested.” When Billy leans over, you don't move away, a smirk coming to your lips when his face gets dangerously close.
“So... Are you calling yourself stupid?” You whisper, taking his bottom lip in between your teeth. Some people are starting, you're sure. They all know Billy around here, but it doesn't bother you.
“I was stupid. Now that I'm with you, I'm the smartest man on Earth.”
“Doesn't make much sense, Billy.”
“Doesn't have to.” He rolls his eyes, lips finally meeting yours.
“Hey, hey!” Jimmy exclaims from somewhere behind you. “You can take this home, alright? Remember rule number one? Not making out in work hours?”
“My work hours were done seven minutes ago so...” You snap, turning on your heels and waving at Jimmy. “See ya at the bonfire.”
“See ya, Lily flower.”
“Bye.” Muttering, you sigh at the name he calls you.
Walking hand in hand with Billy, you wonder when you'll be able to tell them the truth. It's tiring to hold on to this lie. It's the only thing left to open up about. That, and the fact that you're, well, rich. Sitting shotgun, you look at the people walking on the sidewalk, quietly thinking.
“Hey,” Billy calls. “Everything alright? Did that guy–”
“No, no.” You assure him, shaking your head. “If that idiot tried anything you'd know.”
“Then what's wrong?”
“It just sucks that they still think my name is Lily.” Running a hand through your hair, you sigh. “I'm (Y/N). And I'm afraid they'll be mad when I tell the truth about who I am, who my family is. I don't wanna lose them.”
“Princess, you're hiding your identity for a very good reason. They know about the kidnappings, I'm sure they'll understand when you tell them the truth.” Billy lays a hand on your thigh, and you stretch your arm to massage the back of his neck. “They're not like those pricks, they'll understand.”
“I hope so. I'm sick and tired of that Lily flower shit.”
“Yeah, I bet it sucks being named after my car.” He says, a smirk on his lips.
“What?” You breathe out, smiling. “Are you finally letting me name your car?” You basically jump on your seat, leaning over Billy to place kisses all over his cheek and jaw.
“Keep that up I might even let you name our future kids.”
His words make you stop, freezing, slowly moving back to your seat. Kids? Is he joking or something? Does Billy even want kids? And does he want them with you? This was never brought up before. Billy nervously moves in his seat, clearing his throat. “What?” It comes out almost a whisper.
“No, just... It just...”
“It's alright. I don't...” Billy enters the small parking lot beside the building, stoping on his usual spot. “Anyways, we still have to deal with things when I'm allowed home, so...” You step out of the car, a little flustered, walking side by side with him. “Until that happens we can just...”
“Yeah, we can wait until you break the news to your parents, then–”
“Yeah.” You cut him off, taking his hand. “We still have time since neither the police or the investigators seem to be anywhere close. So let's have fun now and talk about the future later.”
“Let's focus on the bonfire for now.”
“Beach party!” You exclaim, giggling when he pokes your side on a ticklish spot.
An hour later, you're at the beach, in a long skirt and blue top, talking about the most stupid things as the huge bonfire sends flames up to the sky. You're seated on a huge beach towel, eating burned marshmallows. The wind is fresh and the sky is still fading into the black for the night. Leaning against Billy, you giggle every time he places a kiss on your shoulder. There are way more people here than planned, but nobody seems to care. The music is loud, but the voices are louder. Over thirty people are either by the fire or playing on the water, and you've never felt this... Carefree. Or happy. The same people your parents despise so much, are now the best people you know. Just a bunch of kids having fun, not thinking too much, not overthinking their manners, or looking at others with judgmental eyes. This is easy, effortless.
“Billy!” Someone calls, waving their hand over the fire. “A little help with these coolers!”
“It's Austin.” He says, and you move a little to let him get up. “Finally some food and drinks.”
“Yeah, I'm thirsty.” You complain, turning your attention to Stacy as Billy walks away. “So. You and Jimmy. When is it happening?”
“Shhh.” She takes a look around before standing up and pulling you with her. “He doesn't make a move, so I'm starting to give up this idea,” she says when you're away from the others, near the deck of a small snack bar which is almost closing.
“You like him, and he likes you. What's missing?” You ask, not sure what else to do to help. Jimmy often comes to you for advice, and you do your best to push him into asking Stacy out. But after three weeks, it hasn't happened yet. But if it was a double date... “Oh! Gosh! It's so damn obvious!”
“What?” She giggles, pinching her eyebrows together.
“Double date. Saturday. Movie theater.” You say, winking at her. “You two are coming and leave the rest to me.”
Giving a little jump, Stacy pulls you into a hug. “You're the best. I can't believe I haven't come up with this idea myself but I'm so thankful you're my friend.”
“I'll get you two together.” Pulling away, you assure her. “It's a promise.”
“You're welcome.” Linking arms with her, you start making your way back to the fire. Your eyes find Billy in a distance, and you're just about to change direction when a girl walks over to him, arms immediately wrapping around his neck, her lips chasing his. You stop in your tracks, freezing, throat suddenly dry. Relief washes over you when Billy pushes her away before she can kiss him, holding both her arms when she tries approaching him again. “The audacity of that bitch.” Stacy mutters, and you nod.
“Why don't you go ahead, I'll... Go there.” Gesturing at the snack bar, you step back.
“It's alright. I'll just get something to drink.” You know the drinks just got here, but you don't care, you just need some time right now. Turning your back at her, you climb the few wooden steps that lead to the snack bar's small balcony, where some tables give the clients a view of the ocean, holding your skirt so it won't get into your way. When you get to the deck, you walk to the very back, where's dark since half the lights are already off.
You don't know why you're feeling so bad. Billy pushed her away, but still, you're... Angry. Stacy is right, the audacity of that bitch... But if she felt like she could do that, she was one of his many... Flings. And it kills you to imagine them together. Leaning over the wooden railing, you put both hands on your head, the wind messing with your hair.
“Hey, there.” Billy's voice reaches you and, taking a deep breath, you turn around with a half-smile.
“Stacy told me you saw Amanda grabbing me.” He starts, coming to stand beside you. “You know that–”
“Billy, I saw you pushing her. I'm not mad at you, I'm happy, I just...” Throwing your hands in the air, you sigh, letting them fall. “I just don't like the mental pictures I'm having about the two of you.”
“You're jealous.” He states, and when you look at him, he's trying to hold back a smile. “That's how you cope. You like to be alone. I like punching the guys in the face.”
You didn't want to, but you're chuckling anyways. “Yeah, I kinda noticed that.” Billy comes closer, pinning you against the railing and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“It'll take a while for people to believe I'm actually dating someone this time. But they'll get it, I promise.” He places a soft kiss on your lips. “Even if I have to shove away half the girls of California.”
“You're so cocky, did you know that?” You give him a light push, but you move alongside him, leaving the railing behind. “But it's okay. I just... I hope I won't... End up like one of them. Being pushed away.” With a low voice, you look down, the very thought of it breaking your heart a little.
“When you're falling asleep you have the habit of moving your feet,” Billy says, and the subject is so damn random you raise an eyebrow, staring back at him, shrugging your shoulders. “And you take deep breaths as you relax, and it means you snuggle closer to me every time. And almost every morning you find a way to hook a leg around me so I can stay a little longer.”
“You'll have to help me out here because I don't follow.” Furrowing your eyebrows, you cross your arms.
“I was never that intimate with anyone. And I never wanted to, that's why I never took any girls to my apartment.” Billy softly rubs your arms, and for some reason, your attention falls on the exposed part of his chest. The idiot doesn't seem to know what buttons are for... But you don't care. “But with you, I... I want this. And when the issue with your parents is over we will talk about what will come next and–”
“Oh my God!” Someone from inside the snack bar exclaims, turning the TV volume up. “They got them. The police got them.”
After exchanging a glance with Billy, you both rush inside, eyes on the TV. And yes, the police got them. The journalists show the commotion, an abandoned place, all wrecked, as the criminals are dragged out. And the hostages they still held. Soon enough everyone from the bonfire is here too, silently watching. You're relieved, of course, to know the people you grew up with are being released. But it means you'll have to face your parents, and finally make the changes in your life permanent. With a hand on your heart, you stare at the TV without paying much attention.
“Wanna get out of here?” Billy whispers on your ear, and you nod, following him out of the snack bar.
Guess you'll be talking about the future a lot sooner than you thought.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23 @lilred91
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criminalminds4days · 4 years
Family Matters | Chapter 7: Happy Birthday
Hello people!!
I know I just came back, but school and work are really kicking my butt. I have virtual events, classes, projects and papers... On top of that I have to go to work and I barely have enough time to sleep. I am hoping I'll be able to keep writing, and I already have some chapter written in advance but who knows how my life will be by the time we reach the end of those chapters...
Anyway, I hope you guys are having a good week and a good year so far. Enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think!
P.S. keep in mind I did not have time to proof read this, so it might be wonky.
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, violence and murder references, public embarrassment, and very bad jokes!
Word Count: 5.2k
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Tag list: @mcntsee @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel @evelyncade @haylaansmi @paulaern @myfandomlife-blog
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(This gif is not mine)
Chapter 7: Happy Birthday
It was now time to get everything set up for Reid's surprise birthday party. She was still not talking to him, but something within her didn't allow her to abandon the idea of celebrating his day of birth. She wanted so bad to stop wanting to be his friend and talk to him, be around him and hear him laugh, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.
"You're gonna let us know your decision soon?" She almost fell down the chair she was on.
"Can you not scare me to death, please?"
"Well stop keeping us in suspense."
"Emily," she stepped down from the chair and used it to sit. "I didn't accept the position, in fact, I told Luke that same day. To help him with his bosses being on his ass I said I would think about it, but I'm going to email them soon to say I won't be transferring. I don't know how Garcia found out but she didn't let me explain that I wasn't even leaving. Then all of you barged in and I just thought it would be funny to let you guys believe I was gonna leave."
"And you've had us in suspense for two days?! Do you know how devastated Reid is? He probably thinks that's why you won't speak to him!"
"That's not the reason I don't talk to him, I ignore him because he's a cheater!" Her mouth closed fast after saying those words.
"What do you mean? Did he cheat at poker or something?"
"No, just forget about it."
"Tell me!"
"No necesitas saber," She said in Spanish. Telling Emily she didn't need to know.
"¿Se te olvida a caso que también hablo español?"
"Yes, I totally forgot you spoke Spanish." She placed for a little bit, deciding whether to tell her or not. "I saw Reid and JJ a couple of weeks ago and they were in a very friendly situation, to say the least."
"Were they making out or something?" She shook her head, and Emily smiled. "Listen, I honestly don't think that they have something going on."
"You didn't see what I did."
"That's true, but I am also not emotionally involved."
"I'm not emotionally involved."
"Sure you aren't." She winked, "does Hotch know you're staying?"
"He was there when I turned down the offer originally."
"That little prick, he's mentioned nothing to me!"
"To you? Interesting." Before Emily could correct herself she had already made her way to the sitting area, setting all the dishes and cups. She looked it over one more time before deciding it was good. "I have to change, I will be back in a half-hour. Everybody should be arriving by then, do you mind just checking that everything is good while I'm gone?"
"Yeah, though it seems rather interesting that you're having a birthday party for a 'cheater' don't you think?"
"It's also weird that you expected Hotch to tell you specifically, rather than the team, things like my possible transfer."
"That's not what I meant."
"Oh, but it is."
"No, it's not!"
"Yes, it is, now bye!" With those last words, she exited the building.
She paced her room. She had about thirty minutes before Spencer arrived and she was about ten minutes away, so she still had some time to figure out what she was going to say or do once the party began. She knew someone would tell him it was she who organized the party, and that would only raise more questions about her current behavior towards him.
"I had already planned it, and I couldn't get a reimbursement for the salon." She said to the mirror. "No, that might be too mean. How about, Whatever else is going on, I am glad you're alive. No, that's too nice." She rubbed her eyes, frustrated with her responses, and then, the best idea she would come up with came to her and she couldn't pass up the opportunity.
Would it backfire? Most likely, but that didn't mean she wasn't gonna try her best for it to not. With one final look at the mirror, she grabbed her keys and made her way to the venue. When she arrived all the cars from her co-workers were parked, except for JJ's, who out of the goodness of her heart had offered to drive the birthday boy. She wouldn't be surprised if Will didn't attend the event, because that would give them some alone time. Absorbed by this thought she almost didn't notice that almost immediately after she exited her car, JJ, Spencer and Will pulled up in their car. When she noticed them she squealed and ducked, but it had been a little too loud, as all three of them turned to her and saw as she very awkwardly tried to hide by ducking next to her car. She sighed and stood up, waving at the trio.
"Dropped a contact." She weakly explained.
"You don't use contracts, nor glasses for that matter." Spencer reminded her.
"No, but my friend does, and she left them in my car, and when I got out, I ended up dropping one."
"Well, it might be time to go in," JJ said, trying to salvage the surprise.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Spencer asked her.
"I... I didn't know I was, it was sort of a last-minute thing."
"Oh, okay." He looked at her expectantly, as if hoping she would acknowledge the date and congratulate him. That was one of the few things that contrasted his serious demeanor, those small moments in which he would just act like a child and have that twinkle in his eyes.
"Anyway, why don't I go ahead and go inside and you guys catch up later."
"No, you can stay with us. I mean, you can be my date. Today doesn't feel like the day to be the third wheel." He gave her another expectant look, hoping she would ask what made today special, or simply acknowledge she knew what day it was. "Besides, we haven't really seen much of each other lately."
"Yeah, life's crazy. Let me take a rain check on that though. I'll see you all later!" She tried to walk inside but he took her arm, preventing her from leaving.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, she's just trying to prevent you from finding out about your surprise birthday party before we get a chance to say surprise." Spoke the one and only Derek Morgan. They turned to find all of their friends at the entrance with amused smiles on their faces.
"Surprise!" They exclaimed and his eyes lit up even more, if that was possible, at the sight.
"Can you let me go now, please?" He nodded and mumbled an apology as he let go of her arm, she moved next to Emily and avoided all eye contact with everybody.
"Way to go champ, you almost ruined it." The woman jokingly whispered in her ear.
"Happy birthday Spencer!" Everybody said.
"Thank you guys, this means so much to me. I can't believe you all took the time to plan this."
"Actually, it was all-"
"Emily! This was all Emily's idea." She exclaimed before JJ could finish the sentence.
"Well, thank you so much, Emily." He said to her. She couldn't help but notice a small hint of disappointment in his tone, but she decided to not read too much into it.
"Yeah, you're welcome." This one said, shooting a glance at her friend. "How about we go inside and get some food?" Everybody cheered and they all made their way to the table that she had set up earlier.
"So my idea, huh?" She mumbled.
"Shut up Emily, you don't need to read into everything."
"I'm not reading into stuff, it's all just out in the open."
The dinner had gone great, everyone seemed to be having a great time, especially the birthday boy, though something kept bugging him and she wasn't sure what it was.
"So, have you made a decision about your transfer?" He directly asked her once the conversation had died down.
"Are you asking me?"
"Is anyone else considering a transfer?"
"Touche." She instinctively looked at Emily and Hotch, who casually were sitting next to each other, 'out in the open' she immediately thought. Emily gave her a pointed look while her boss simply nodded slightly. "I'm still thinking. Luke made some really interesting points about the position."
"For example, his deep voice." Emily teased.
"A raise in salary." She countered.
"How do you even know Agent Alvez? I heard of him, but I didn't even know what he looked like before this week." Garcia questioned.
"He was a mentor, per se, when I was finishing up my courses at the academy. I ended up going on my first mission as a graduate with him and his team, I was actually going to start with them when Hotch requested me for the BAU."
Everybody seemed a little impressed by this knowledge. It was true she never really shared her stories, and it was mostly because they were filled with embarrassment, but this was work-related, so it seemed okay.
There seemed to be more questions emerging but before they could be asked, footsteps were heard at the entrance, and soon enough, Anna, Tyler, her aunt Becky (Anna's mother), and her mom walked in.
"Who in the-"
"Happy birthday to my favorite son-in-law!" Her mother cheered and before he even had a chance to stand up he was already engulfed into a hug.
"Son-in-law? Reid, is there something we need to know?" Questioned Derek.
"What are you guys doing here?" She spoke, feeling her throat dry out.
"Well, your mom told us it was Spencer's birthday and that you organized a birthday dinner for him, so we thought we would stop by and congratulate him," Anna said.
"Wait, that's your mom?!" Garcia asked.
"Is there something you two need to share with the rest of us?" This time the question came from Hotch.
She turned to the uninvited guests and gave them the fakest smile to ever exist. "Family, can I have a word with you all, outside? Now."
"Aren't you gonna introduce us to your team?" Her cousin asked, a smile playing on her lips.
"Yes, of course." She turned to Emily, begging with her eyes for help.
"Aaron, do you mind coming with me to my car. I seemed to have left something there."
"Right now?"
"Yes right now. It's important." She basically dragged him out of the venue, and she took a deep breath.
"Well, Mother, Anna, Tyler, and Aunt Becky," she signaled to the uninvited attendees. "This is my team, Penelope Garcia, SSA Morgan, SSA Jareau, and her husband detective Will, SSA Rossi, and you already know Dr. Reid. Team, this is my family."
"Pardon me if I sound rude by pointing this out, but you seem familiar," Derek mentioned.
"Well duh, we're one of the wealthiest families out there. The Blackwood family is very well known, and we've had our fair share of magazine covers." Anna said with glee.
"Blackwood? Wait, that's your last name, but you go by-"
"ANYWAY!" She interrupted JJ, "let us congratulate the birthday boy and celebrate, let's worry about titles later!" She grabbed her mother away from Spencer and placed her and the rest of her family in additional chairs that were part of the venue.
"So, how old are you turning Spencer?" Tyler asked, with a hint of annoyance.
"Thirty." The mentioned responded. Both of them stared at each other and she couldn't decide if what was happening between them was pure hatred or sexual tension.
"I thought you didn't like older men that much."
"It is of wise people to change their mind." She responded.
"I honestly feel like I am missing so much information right now," Derek said out loud.
"Same." JJ and Penelope added.
"I think I have a somewhat good idea of what's happening," Rossi said.
"Well, as a gift from me and my daughter, here are the keys to the Noire museum downtown. I personally think it would be fantastic for your children to grow up going there every weekend or something."
"Mother!" She exclaimed.
"Thank you, but I can't accept that, it is too much." Spencer intervened.
"Nonsense. You are the only son-in-law I will ever have; let my daughter and I spoil you."
"Yes Reid, let your future mother and future wife spoil you," Rossi spoke, a hint of glee in his eyes.
"Have you proposed already?!"
"No!" They both exclaimed. She had no idea how much more of this she could take.
"Okay, let me get this straight, Reid and you have been dating, and you didn't tell any of us?! How long has this been going on?"
"One year, and about four months, right cousin?" Anna was asking to get murdered.
"Actually, it's one year five months, and six days since we met, but we've only been together for one year three months and 4 days. Unless I confused my numbers again." He gave her a look and she fought the urge to not smile. Sure, she had to pretend they were a couple, but she was still mad at him.
"Reid getting his numbers wrong?" Will whispered.
"Yeah, because of his dyslexia," Tyler said as if it was obvious.
"Of course, his dyslexia! How could we forget Will?" JJ added. She looked completely surprised and kept glancing back between Spencer and her, but her tone was controlled, making sure the non-profilers in the room would not see through her. She couldn't help but wonder if the blonde was at all upset by the situation, after all, if she was right JJ was Spencer's girlfriend. The reminder made her frown, but she soon erased it from her face: one problem at a time.
"Well, this was grand, getting to know each other but I am sure you guys have a long drive and-"
"Don't worry cousin, we made time for the party. After all, Spencer is practically family, and you two are just so perfect for each other."
After her words, the steps of Emily and Hotch made the room go silent. He gave her a knowing look and took his previous seat as well as her friend who gave her a wink. This was going to be a disaster.
"So cousin, you guys hadn't told anybody about your relationship? Why keep it a secret?"
"The FBI has very strict policies, and both agents needed to demonstrate that their work in the field would not be affected by their relationship, and it hasn't," Aaron said, giving her a faint nod.
"Wait, but what does that mean for your transfer?" Garcia asked. Her eyes opened in shock because nothing could ever go right.
"What transfer?" Her aunt Becky questioned.
"I got offered a position with the team I did my first case with. But that's really not gonna change my relationship with Spencer. It's not like I'm leaving the country if I accept it. If anything I would spend more time in D.C."
"Listen, family, I really appreciated having you here and taking the time to come and congratulate Spencer, I'm sure he's so happy that you guys could be here, but it's getting late and since all of us have to be back in the office tomorrow morning we're probably gonna call it a night soon."
"Of course darling." Her mother winked at her and Spencer as if suggesting that was not the reason the two wanted people gone.
"Before we leave though, we would love to get a picture of the two of you. It's not every day you get to celebrate your partner's birthday number thirty." The annoying blonde she had for a cousin suggested.
"Maybe another time."
"No, I think that's a great idea." Morgan chipped.
"Sure, why not?" Spencer said casually.
Was this man crazy? Did he not understand that their boss was right there and this could cost them their careers?!
She sighed and approached the brunette she placed her arms around his torso as he enveloped her in a hug, they smiled for the camera and waited a few seconds for pictures to be taken.
"Now Kiss!" Anna said and followed by that Garcia and Morgan joined her in a chorus of "kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss." The rest of the team, except for Hotch joined in, and she made sure to remember to kill Emily at her next best opportunity.
She cursed internally and turned her face, meeting his eyes for the first time in days. Sure, they had made accidental eye contact from time to time in the last few days, but she had tried her hardest to make it rare, and now she felt somewhat vulnerable. He gave her a small nod and leaned in, his lips touching hers ever so softly. It had been over two months since they had last kissed, but she could remember the taste as if it was yesterday.
A couple of minutes and cheers later they broke apart, his hand immediately reaching for hers. She tried not to wince or remove it, but it seemed like an impossible challenge.
"So cute!" The woman said, disgust in her voice. "Anyway, happy birthday Spence, here are some books that we thought you might like." She placed them on the table and attempted to walk towards him and hug him, but both she and Spencer made it clear that was not an option. There was something about her spanking him during the retreat that didn't really sit well with either of them. "You two are just made for each other, aren't you?" She commented before walking back towards her husband.
"Happy birthday Spencer, I hope the next time we see each other it's to ask me about an engagement ring." Her mother squeezed his cheeks and planted a kiss on each one to later repeat the process on her daughter. Aunt Becky simply waved and Tyler gave the couple a head nod before the four left the building.
There was a silence, she let go of his hand rather abruptly and separated herself from him a couple of inches as the rest of the team observed them. "Should I go set up the karaoke machine?" She asked as she tried to navigate the room.
"You should tell us why none of us knew the two of you were a thing," Morgan said.
"Agreed." The rest of the team said.
"Really, Emily you too?"
"That kiss made me doubt."
"Let me just make sure they're gone." She walked towards the entrance, as her mother's vehicle drove away she sighed with relief and made her way back to the table. "All right, let us get this over with."
"Why didn't you tell us you two were dating?" Penelope asked.
"Because we're not." She responded.
"Really? Then what was all that?" Morgan arched an eyebrow, clearly not impressed by her response.
"I asked Dr. Reid to pretend to be my boyfriend for a family event because my cousin kept telling me she was better than me and I was gonna end up alone because I was horrible and-" everybody observed her, the message clear. "Okay, she didn't say that exactly but the intention was clear! Anyway, because he went with me now my family thinks we're a couple and we have to pretend we are."
"That can't be it, please tell me you're lying and you two are actually in love," Penelope begged.
"Sorry, but Dr. Reid and I are simply co-workers who got caught in a big lie because of my big mouth." She shrugged, "Hotch, I promise, you have nothing to worry about."
"I know." He said, but something in his tone suggested otherwise.
"But that kiss though. It seemed more real than it should." JJ pointed out.
She looked at her, wanting to say something to hint that she knew about her and Spencer and that she knew that comment was coming from a place of jealousy, but she decided against it. She simply rolled her eyes, as if disregarding said kiss and made her way to the karaoke machine.
After everyone had moved on from the conversation and had begun cheering at those who participated by singing one or two songs, she decided to take a little break and get some air.
“If I didn’t know any better I would say you hate me or something.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Then what is it, because ignoring me and barely answering me isn’t cutting it anymore. I thought we were friends.”
“JJ, there are just some things that I can’t condone.”
“Like what?”
“I didn’t cheat, I was the first one to the office, so I grabbed the first doughnut. I am sorry if you liked chocolate glazed ones.”
“I am not talking about that! Though I am a little upset about that too!”
“Then what did I do?”
“Are you sleeping with Spencer?”
After those words came out of her mouth and JJ processed them, the blonde couldn’t help but laugh her ass off. She observed as the woman continued to laugh without a sign of stopping soon. “Me, and Spencer?” she asked between laughs, “Have you seen this?” She pointed at the ring in her hand and began to draw images with her hands as if hoping to represent that she was married, and she and Spencer were nothing but friends, she even confessed to her second pregnancy, something only Spencer knew about. But the other woman didn’t really understand, she thought everything was signaling at her avoiding to answer. “You are a funny one! Now, let’s go back inside, I will buy you a whole box of glazed doughnuts on Monday.” She managed to say as she continued to laugh, “me and Spencer? Hilarious!”
After watching her enter the venue, she waited before following suit. The whole scene seemed bizarre at best. Her confrontation had backfired and now she was back to square one on that front. On the bright side, she would be getting her chocolate glazed doughnuts so not everything was lost.
After two more hours, the venue was completely empty. Though they didn't have to go into the office the next day as she had told her mother, they all were more than happy to sleep early when given the opportunity. She had stayed behind to clean up some of the areas, hoping to make it easier for the cleaning crew the next morning.
"Do you need help with that?"
She jumped at the voice. "Jesus! What is it with you people and trying to give me a heart attack?" She said to the brunette.
"Sorry, I just wanted to help."
"Shouldn't you be heading home?"
"That's the thing, JJ and Will got a call from the nanny and they had to go. I was in the restroom, so I didn't know and they, well they left me behind." He looked really embarrassed by the situation.
Don't do it, she told herself. Don't say the words that you're thinking, she urged. "I can give you a ride home." She said despite her best efforts.
"Thank you."
"Yeah, no problem."
She turned back to her duty and the silence that engulfed them was so awkward she almost backed out from giving him a ride home.
"What did I do?"
"Excuse me?"
"I'm a profiler, you know? And I'd like to think I'm good at my job. I know you're mad at me, I just wish I knew why."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Please, I can't keep going on like this. I miss you, I miss spending time together, joking around, and just being us. I really miss it and I will do anything so we can go back to being friends."
"Dr. Reid, six months ago we weren't even friends." She pointed out.
"But four days ago we were."
"Are you sleeping with JJ?" She blurted out before she processed the words.
His face went from confusion to amusement and soon he was laughing his ass off. Great, now both of them had laughed at her.
"Me and JJ? You do know she's married, right?" He said between laughs.
"Not everyone that gets married is faithful."
"You're mad at me because you thought JJ was cheating on Will with me? Why would you even think that?"
"I saw you two at the office the other day."
"JJ asked me to be the godfather of her second child. She's pregnant. And no, it's not mine." His smile grew wider as the laughter stopped as if knowing she thought he was cheating was the best news he could receive.
"Oh." She mumbled, everything making sense. JJ’s reaction, the whole signing, and laughing. The idea seemed so foreign to both of them she couldn’t help but feel like an idiot for thinking it to be a possibility. She wanted to hide under a rock and never come out again. How could she possibly think that the two of them would do such a thing? Now that she had all the pieces the idea seemed so far-fetched she couldn't even understand what led her down that path. "I-I'm sorry, I interpreted everything wrong."
"I'm glad you did though." He said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "It gave me a really important insight."
"About what?"
"I need to tell you something." He said, and his other hand moved a strand of hair behind her ear. She couldn't help but think this was all too similar to a movie and how horrible that was, and yet how much she wished she was part of a movie in that precise moment. A part of her already knew where this was going and she felt all bubbly inside at the notion. "I like you."
"I like you too Spencer. You're my best friend." She spoke, completely shattering her internalized movie.
"No, I like you romantically. If it was up to me that kiss would have not been as short nor as innocent as it was."
"Why are you being a dumbass?" She said as she pushed his hands off her shoulders. "Quit playing, let's get you home."
He shook his head, slightly annoyed by how dense she was. "Will you please stop for a minute? I am trying to tell you about my feelings for you because I have been hiding them for days and every time I see you I want to kiss you and hold your hand. When I saw Luke and you, first I thought he was kind of hot, but then I saw him as a threat, and I was dying to punch him in the face. Because I want to be more than your best friend. I've probably wanted to be more than your friend for a really long time, but it took Emily barging into my hotel room and scaring Derek into the cafeteria for me to realize it and now I know that you must feel something for me, otherwise why on earth would you get so upset about the idea of JJ and I having an affair?  So, can you please put the pieces together and come here so we can make out in the middle of a salon on my birthday like I dreamt last night?"
"You're joking, right?" She said, her heartbeat speeding up, half of her body wanting to run and the other half wanting to do exactly what Spencer had suggested. Well, it was more of an eighty percent for staying and twenty percent for running.
"Do I look like I'm joking?"
"You actually like me?"
"Yes! And I'm pretty sure you like me."
"I mean, sure, you're funny and a great friend. Not to mention cute, well I guess we have to be honest here, you're hot, like really hot, but just because I see that doesn't mean I like you, does it?"
"Do you want to kiss me right now?"
"Yes! Wait, no! I mean yes! I-"
"Let me help you out a little with that." Before she could ask how Spencer had already shortened the distance between them, placing his lips on her. This was the first time they had kissed without an audience, or as a part of their fake relationship. To prove how real this was, Spencer didn't hold back. First, his hands were on her cheeks, but they slowly moved to her hair, hips, and pretty much anywhere he could find. Hers never left his hair, appreciating how soft it actually was and the fact that despite his immense love of his hair and that he despised people touching it, not once had he complained.
She thought back on her conversations with Emily, on how Reid always made her feel safe. Sitting on a couch with her head resting on his shoulder had felt so right, and the idea of losing him to JJ had made her spiral. She knew that Will's feelings were not going to be the only ones hurt if it had been true. She wanted him.
She liked him.
It was so ridiculously obvious that she had to laugh. One would think metaphorically, but since she can't ever have a good moment without ruining it, her body decided to actually laugh, interrupting what had become a heated make-out session. As she tried to stop her laughter, he looked at her, confused.
"That bad?"
"What?" She said between laughter, "no! It's not that, it's just that I am so dumb. How did I not see that I like you so fucking much?" She continued, her laugh subsiding. "Spencer Reid, will you be my real boyfriend?"
"This has to be the best birthday present ever." He smiled, “but I don’t know if I am convinced by this offer."
"How about I second it by offering a make-out session in my car, and instead of driving you to your apartment, you can stay with me tonight?"
"Yes, please!"
“Is that a deal then?”
“How could I ever say no to you.”
After what seemed like a lifetime, but also a blink of an eye, they had made their way to her apartment. His shirt was wrinkled, and both their lips were read as can be. The small hickeys that he had graciously given her were now on full display as her neck was left exposed. She opened the door and he stepped inside after her, making sure to close and lock the entrance.
“Before we go any further, I need to ask.”
“No, Spencer, I am not a virgin.” She responded with a smile.
“That’s not what I was going to ask.” She observed him, encouraging him to continue. “Are you seriously thinking of leaving the BAU to go work with that jerk?”
“First off, he’s not a jerk. You don’t need to be jealous; Luke and I are just friends. And secondly, I turned down the offer as soon as he presented it to me. I was just giving you all a hard time.”
He frowned, clearly not as amused by that knowledge as she was. “There is something you should know.”
“What is it?” Her smile faded as his expression turned to a serious and concerned one.
“I sleep on the right side of the bed.”
“But you said-“
“I know what I said, I simply didn’t want you to feel bad, so I took the left side.”
“Spencer…” They almost fell as she crashed her lips to his. For others, this simple gesture might seem like nothing but knowing he would do something just to accommodate her was somehow so amazing and heartwarming. This knowledge summed by her newfound feelings were giving her the urge to pull him to her bedroom right then and there, but sadly for her, there were still certain things that needed to be addressed. “Before I undress you, and trust me I am dying to do that, I need to request something from you.”
“Stop wearing tight pants to work.”
“Excuse me?”
“You have a very nice ass, I have noticed. And recently you have decided to use dress pants that don’t let me forget about this knowledge. We need to keep our relationship secret, at least for the time being, and watching you in those pants is not gonna help me, at all.”
“On one condition.”
“You need to stop wearing blue.”
“But it’s my favorite color!”
“I know, and you look really good in it, like really good. It’s not good for me.” He planted a soft kiss on her neck, and that alone would have made her agreed to pretty much anything he asked.
“Okay, yes.”
“Good, now can we please get to business.”
“Never call us having sex business again.”
“Noted, as long as this isn’t the only time we have sex.”
“As if.”
30 notes · View notes
Summary: Winry sat in the optimal place to study in the school cafe for the entire fall semester. Then spring came, and suddenly some self-entitled twit who dressed like off-brand Gerard Way decided it was his territory. He was so not going to get off easy.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1.8k words of coffee shop/college AU with a side of enemies to almost-lovers
A/N: It's finals week, I posted this on Ao3 at almost 5am, and if the rest of the sentence didn't make it obvious, I'm writing from unfortunate experience. Not beta-ed or proofread, although I happened to see one thing to fix when I woke up this morning. Feel my raw power. Rawr.
It wasn't that big a deal.
It kind of really was, though.
Every Thursday morning during the fall semester, Winry sat in the same spot at the same school coffee shop. It was the spot sent by the entire patron pantheon of cram papers. Maybe one person didn't need an entire booth, but it was in the corner, and the tops of the bench seats had opaque plastic barriers that just so happened to be perfect for minimizing excess visual chaos. For the most part, there weren't loud conversations, and the jazz music that came through the speakers helped her tune out people ordering coffee. Add to that the fact that she could use campus flex dollars and not her own bank account that was begging for mercy, and it was the perfect spot to get papers done.
But apparently not this spring.
As soon as Winry walked in, she noticed him in the corner. Some emo wannabe guy on his computer. Probably on Reddit complaining about how women didn't appreciate the amazing pics he sent them on Tinder. Or at least, it was a fair guess based on the sour look on his face. Why did this guy of all people have to steal the holy grail spot? Ugh. She was still gonna get her coffee, darn it.
"You know the deal, Sciezska. Medium roast with a shot of espresso and vanilla creamer."
"On it! You paying in flex?"
"Yeah." She scanned her student ID and lowered her voice. "Who's off-brand Gerard Way in the corner?"
"Who's Ger—"
"The punk kid."
"Ohhh. I can try to get his number for you, if you want."
"No, he looks like a total tool! And not the kind I like dealing with!"
"Which means you think he's hot. I didn't think you were into that type, but you're not wrong."
"For the last time, no, Sciezska! He took my spot! And I'm trying very, very hard to keep this to a stage whisper, but if you keep trying to set me up with some random creep, I won't be able to!"
A distinctly male voice grumbled, "I'm not a creep."
"Keep telling that to the girls on Tinder. I'm sure they'll understand eventually."
"Yeah, and I'll bet if you look at your 'Live, Laugh, Love' sign a little more, you'll understand it eventually." He mumbled something under his breath.
"What was that, Mr. Nice Guy?"
"Lay off, it's eight in the morning. I said the only reason I even have a Tinder account is because my roommate stole my phone while I was going to the bathroom."
"Well, if you didn't want it, why didn't you delete it?"
"Eh, I figured if I really got sick of being single one day, it'd already be there."
"Never would have guessed you were single," Winry said dryly.
"Come on, it's way too early to be rubbing that kind of crap in. Who says I'm not fine with being single anyway?"
Sciezska timidly spoke up. "Medium roast with espresso and vanilla creamer?"
Winry thanked her as red jacket boy continued. "'Edward Elric, Bachelor.' Almost sounds as good as 'Edward Elric, Bachelor of Science.'"
"B.S. degree. Sounds about right."
"About time you stopped acting like I'm an idiot!"
Winry snorted. "That's not what I meant."
"And with that, I'm going to go find some other spot to write my paper."
Edward, as his name apparently was, scoffed and mumbled something that sounded like "good riddance". Maybe the librarians wouldn't get on her case too much for bringing in coffee.
A week later, Winry walked into the cafe, assuming the circumstances of the previous week were an anomaly. They were not.
"Medium roast with a shot of espresso and vanilla creamer," she grumbled and sulked in the direction of the corner seat.
"Hey, don't start with me again, blondie. I've had a whopping four hours of sleep and I can't promise you'll like what comes out of my mouth."
"We're at a coffee shop. Get some coffee. I can't help it if you're too hung over to be polite."
"Now look, genius. I did not stay up until 4 A.M. working on a stupid chem paper for that sadistic pyromaniac excuse for a professor just for some random chick to accuse me of being hung over."
"Yeah. And for your information, coffee doesn't really help me wake up. It just helps me focus on homework." He lifted up his empty cup and gave it a shake.
"That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard."
"ADHD is a weird thing, and yet, here I am."
"Huh, interesting."
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pick up where I left off with the same stupid ten page paper I started last night."
"Oh right. Sure," Winry stammered. "Listen, I'm really sorry I just assumed things about you. It was wrong of me, and I'd like to make it up to you, if that's okay."
Edward eyed her suspiciously. "What do you have in mind?"
"Well...I could look over your paper once you're done writing it? I've got a paper of my own to write while I'm waiting, and I can sit right across the table here so you don't have to come get me. I won't try to talk to you or anything. Neither of us need that kind of distraction."
"Alright, alright. Get your coffee and sit down. The girl at the counter's been up there waiting for a good minute or two while you've been at confessional over here."
"Wait, she has?" Winry's eyes widened, and Edward laughed at her expense. He was kind of attractive when he wasn't scowling...wait what? She pouted and got up to retrieve her coffee. When Winry returned, she plopped down on the bench opposite Edward and opened her laptop. Peeking out from behind it, she added, "By the way, I'm Winry. I figured you ought to at least know the name of the person who's proofreading your paper."
"Well, Winry, you're the one who volunteered." The corners of his mouth twitched upward. The two worked on their assignments in silence, occasionally speaking up when necessary.
Edward was in the corner again the next week as well.
"Hey, Edward! Mind if I join you for homework again?"
"Normally, I'd say no, but you didn't bother me too much last week, so you might as well." He turned away slightly.
"Great! Have you gotten your coffee yet? I didn't see a cup, and you got something the last two times."
"Eh, I haven't been here long. If you're going up and getting yours, would you mind ordering a caramel macchiato for me?" He asked, sliding his ID across the table.
"Yeah, no problem. I'll be back in a sec."
She returned and slipped his ID back before pulling out her computer. "Do you have anything for me to look over this time?"
"Not this week. But if you have anything you need looked over, I can do that, too."
"Actually, I do, if you wouldn't mind."
"Winry, I just volunteered. Just send the paper to my school email. Mine's 'elricedwa'," he instructed as he proceeded to spell it.
"Medium roast and a caramel macchiato?" Sciezska called out.
"Coming!" Winry replied and turned to Edward. "I just sent it, so you should be able to start while I'm getting our stuff." Eyes glued to his laptop, Edward gave a thumbs up.
Once she returned with their drinks, Winry sat down and wordlessly set Edward's drink next to him.
"Thanks," he muttered distantly. His lips mirrored the words he was reading. Though his lips weren't plump by any stretch of the imagination, they were shapely. His steely concentration made the air leave Winry's lungs. To top it all off, the first rays of sunlight came through the window just right, hitting Edward's hair in a way that made it positively glow.
What was she thinking? Those were only the sorts of things people thought when they had a crush. She'd only had two positive interactions with him, including this one. ...well, maybe it was a crush. She could certainly do worse than someone with a questionable fashion sense. After all, he worked hard, and he got good grades, if the quality of his writing was any indication. Okay, fine. He was also drop dead gorgeous, if you could see past his clothing choices. Yeah, she had a crush.
"Did you hear anything I just said?"
"Figures. I finished reading your paper. It's not bad, I just left a few suggestions for sentence structure. Now I am going to enjoy my caramel macchiato." He took off the lid and breathed in the steam with his eyes closed, nearly drooping into the cup in content. When he opened his eyes slowly, Winry was awestruck by the similarity between the color of his eyes and his drink.
"What?" Edward furrowed his eyebrows.
"Nothing. I didn't say anything. At all. Nope."
"Okay." He shrugged. She reopened the document and went through his suggested edits. Gnawing her lip in concentration, she leaned forward a bit to settle in and tackle the editing.
"...hey, uh, Winry?" Edward gulped. "Are you going to drink your coffee?"
"Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot. Thanks, Edward!" she smiled.
"No–no problem. And you can call me Ed, you know. Most people do. Except for that excuse for a professor that calls me pipsqueak. Can you believe he's my advisor? I mean, come on, I'm a grown man. I'm not that short."
Winry made a poor attempt at containing her laughter. "Okay then, Ed. Prove it. Stand up."
"Fine." He slid out of the booth and stood. Winry followed suit and appraised their respective heights.
"Well, I'd hardly call you tall, but you're at least taller than me by a few inches, for whatever that's worth."
Edward grinned as if he had won some sort of prize. "Time for shorties to sit down now!"
"Watch it now. You're not too far from that label yourself, mister."
They both returned to their positions in the booth and worked steadily for the next hour. At the end of that time, Winry closed her laptop. "Ed, are you okay? You seem distracted."
"ADHD. I'm always distracted," he dismissed.
"No, like, are you sick or something? You did get more than four hours of sleep this time, right?"
"No comment." Ed's mouth twitched. He mumbled barely loud enough to hear, "Wouldn't have mattered anyway."
"Are you sure? If you're not feeling well, I can drive you over to the health center."
"N-no. That's not it." He exhaled, then slid a napkin across the table. His hands trembled slightly. "Anyway, here's my number. In case you need me to look over a paper. Or whatever. I've got a class soon."
Winry blushed, but tucked the napkin in her laptop. "Thanks, Ed. See you next week?"
"Yeah. Next week."
Winry: This goes with your major, right?
Tumblr media
Edward: Blocked
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A Mondo Owada/Kazuichi Soda Fic
Monday: Flowers, Festival, Fireworks
Summary: Mondo has a special plan for the school festival, and only the best mechanic in town can help him.
Kazuichi Soda’s heart sank when he heard some rumbling down the street. He only worked the shop for a few hours after school, but it was always this last hour that had all the worst customers. When he finally saw a Kawasaki motorcycle pull into the shop’s parking lot, he knew he’d landed a last-minute headache. It was mostly the heinous pompadour on the driver. 
Man, ever since I dyed my hair pink I’ve gotten nothing but punks hanging around me at school. Now I gotta deal with em here, too?
Kazuichi grumbled in his head. He’d seen biker gang-types at school before, but he’d done his best to keep his distance. 
People like that...can’t be trusted.
Not wanting to interact any more than necessary, Kazuichi went back to his tinkering and waited for his latest headache to walk into the office next door and order properly. His dad could handle all of the talking. 
Mondo Owada pulled up and parked just outside of the shop. Seeing someone working in the shade of the garage, Mondo took two steps away from his bike before squinting to see inside. He could tell someone was there, but they kept working, instead of greeting him. Instead of looking around for an attendant or sign, Mondo shouted across the parking lot. “HEY ASSHOLE, DOES KAZUICHI SODA WORK HERE?”
Kazuichi jumped at the sudden mention of his name. He started to duck under his work bench, but his hand caught a wrench sitting on top. His head tucked under the top of the bench just in time for the wrench to tip off the edge and onto his head with a light, but dense *thwack.*
"Ow!" whined Kazuichi, standing back up and rubbing his head involuntarily. "Who… who wants to know?"
Mondo had wandered a bit closer by now, and could finally make out the mechanic's face under the shade. "Mondo Owada, and what do you mean who wants to…Oh hey, there you are, you son of a bitch! Pink hair, just like they said," Mondo chuckled. "I've been looking all over for you, you little shit."
Kazuichi picked up his assailant wrench and started fidgeting with some metal pieces strewn about his workspace. He was trying not to make eye contact until he could figure out if he was relieved the larger boy was happy to see him or threatened by his abrasive way of talking. "Look man, I don't know who sent you my way, but my dad handles the orders in the office next door. If you got something you need, take it up with him."
"No man, my business is with you. Special order. My buddies told me no grease monkey in town would take this job, expect you. Sounds to me like you've got what I need. So hear me out, man."
Here we go, another punk buttering me up so he can ask whatever he wants of me. I'll probably say yes too, damn it.
Kazuichi tried to stay focused on the *very important* scraps in front of him. He'd have an easier time keeping his nerve if he didn't look the biker in his eyes. They were...a little distracting. And intense, definitely mostly just intense. "Come on man, not like I don’t have my hands full already, you know?” But the mechanic knew it didn't matter. It’s not like he was going to risk a black eye over one job, and with a sigh, Kazuichi caved. “Alright fine, what do you want? Illegal rewiring or something?"
"No, what? I want rockets on my bike, man."
Kazuichi felt those words fly through his skull and come right out the other side. “Wait, what did you just say,” the boy stammered, barely able to contain his optimism.
“Jesus Christ, I said ‘rockets,’ man. Like fireworks? I’m trying to plan a stunt for fuck’s sake. And I heard you were the guy to go to.”
The young mechanic started seeing stars, and briefly questioned how hard he’d hit his head. “A, a motorcycle stunt?! With fireworks?! That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of!”
The neat but snaggle-toothed grin from the mechanic gave Mondo a pause, before he shot back with a smile of his own. “Well I’ll be damned, so you do have what I need. With a crazy bastard like you with me, I might just pull this off!”
“Yeah, yeah! I can totally think of some ways to rig up some extra gadgets on that ride. This is gonna be so...what, exactly?” The mental image of the muscular biker riding through the sky with streamers and colored smoke trails had become so vivid in the boy’s mind, he’d almost forgotten how little he knew about this plan he was agreeing to. “Sorry, guess I got a little carried away. What’s this all for?”
“You don’t know, man? We go to the same school right?” Mondo shook his head, then sat in an empty stool across from Kazuichi’s workbench. If he was going to have to explain all this, he was going to be comfy. “It’s for the school’s fireworks event in a few weeks. This dipshit in my class got put in charge of the show this year, but he’s got a giant stick up his ass. Said something about how we couldn’t set off anything that was against school regulations. So I say ‘Fuck that.’ If he’s not going to put on a decent show, I’ll do it my-fucking-self. So, are you going to help me, or am I just wasting my fucking time?”
“Are you kidding me? That sounds awesome! No one’s ever asked me to put rockets on something before. Last time I did that, I got smacked for messing with the school’s field striper.”
“That was you? Oh man, that shit was fucking hilarious! All those assholes in the field, running after it and shit? You’re a fucking genius, you goddamn weasel!”
Kazuichi broke eye contact again. This guy had some nerve bringing up one of his mess-ups like that and being so...nice about it. “Well it wasn’t supposed to do that. Not exactly like that anyway. I wasn’t finished yet, okay!”
“Well, I’ll come by a lot to see how it’s going, so there won’t be any doubt from me on how you’re doing,” Mondo said, getting off of the workshop stool he’d helped himself to.
“What, are you nervous I’m going to mess up your bike or something? I know what I’m doing, man! I’m not just some dipshit, you know!”
“No duh, dipshit,” Mondo retorted as he put his hands on his hips, “you wouldn’t be going near my bike if I didn’t think you knew what you were doing. Why do you think I’m all the way out here, talking to your grease-monkey ass? I’m just pumped up, that's all. Shit’s gonna be awesome, you know?”
Does this guy...believe in me? I haven’t even done anything yet, and he’s already excited for my work?
Kazuichi couldn’t help but second-guess his suspicious first impression of the loud, vulgar boy. He was very used to being asked to make and do all kinds of things. But any time he can remember doing something for his father or ex-best friend, any praise for him came much later, much milder, or not at all. “Yeah, you’re right. You’re right! This is gonna be totally awesome! Leave it to me, Mondo!”
Kazuichi stepped out from behind his workbench and stepped closer to Mondo, offering his hand to the other boy. Mondo reciprocated with a smile, and the two boys shook hands enthusiastically. When they stopped shaking, Mondo said, “I can’t wait to see the look on that asshole’s face when we kick the shit out of his lame-ass fireworks show. You’re gonna come with me and watch, right?”
“Of course! No way I’d miss a stunt like that! I gotta make sure it goes off without a hitch.”
“Alright, it’s a promise then!"
With that Kazuichi slunk behind his table again, ready to resume work. To his surprise, Mondo made himself at home on the same stool, rather than making his way out.
After a brief lull in the conversation, Mondo spoke up. "So...uh… what kind of rockets were you thinking? Cuz I got some guys under me that could get us some pretty crazy shit."
"Yeah, you got it!"
"Oh, uh… I'm not quite sure. Honestly I've got some projects to get to before I can work on your bike. You might wanna bring it by tomorrow. I’ll come up with something by then." Kazuichi was a little nervous to be put on the spot, but he wasn't lying. While much of what he'd been nervously tinkering with was junk, he had a pretty sizable to-do list on his clipboard, and only an hour before he'd be reporting in with his dad.
Mondo scratched at the back of his head and said, with less fire than before, “Yeah alright, I’ll get out of your hair then. I’ll see you tomorrow. This Summer Festival is gonna be fucking awesome though!”
“S-Summer Festival?! Wait, your stunt is for the Summer Festival?” Kazuichi began nervously clawing at his beanie. This new realization might have hit his head harder than the wrench did moments ago. 
“Yeah, no shit man. What other school event would have fucking fireworks at it? You seriously just now put that shit together?”
“I usually skip school events, so I wasn’t really paying attention to the schedule. But I had plans for this one. I was going to ask Miss Sonia to go with me...” He hadn’t thought about her in a little while, but with how busy he was about to be, the thought of asking the Ultimate Princess out seemed more daunting than normal.
Mondo had been chuckling at the mechanic losing his cool over a silly mistake, but he wasn’t laughing at this. “Fuck that, man. You should’ve thought of that before you made a promise to me. Tell your girlfriend you’ll catch up with her later or something, I don’t fucking care.” 
Kazuichi felt all of the anxiety pooling in his stomach rise up at this comment. He snapped back at his new friend, “Miss Sonia’s not my girlfriend, okay?! That festival was gonna be our first date, you know? If she...had time...and wanted to go...with me.”
Kazuichi thought he heard Mondo soften his tone just a little as he scolded back, “Look man, if it means that much to you, fine. Ask this girl out if you think you’ve got a chance... I won’t make you go with me if you don’t want to. But don’t fucking promise that quickly like it’s not a big deal, got it?”
The biker’s words hit surprisingly hard when he lowered his voice. Kazuichi muttered remorsefully, his guilt growing. “Look man, it’s not that I don’t care about giving my word or some shit like that. I just...this could be my big chance! A big festival with an awesome fireworks show *I* helped make? This might finally be my big break! She might actually say ‘yes’ this time!” The mechanic did his best to sound optimistic, but... 
God, it sounds so fuckin’ pathetic when I say it out loud.
But what sympathy Mondo had burned away quickly. He leaned forward in his stool and fired off, incredulously, “what the fuck do you mean, ‘this time?’ You mean you already struck out? How many times have you asked this chick out?”
“I don’t know! You think I’d keep track of something like that? Geez, are you trying to make me depressed?”
“Like hell you don’t know! I’ve struck out the past eight fucking times I asked someone out! But you better believe they were eight different people!” 
...people? What’s this guy implying? And what’s his problem, anyway?
“Look Mondo, I just...only have eyes for Miss Sonia. I haven’t fallen for any other girls...er...people, since I first saw her. And besides, she could change her mind, right? You can’t say she won’t!”
“It doesn’t matter if she changes her mind, you dipshit. If she said ‘no,’ there’s your answer. Fucking done. If she has second-thoughts later, that’s her fucking business. Leave her alone man. Go find someone else.”
That’s it? Just give the fuck up?
The mechanic was indignant. “Hey man, she’s not just some school girl, she’s a fucking princess! I’d never find someone like her if I gave up now!”
“I don’t care if she’s a princess or the goddamn Prime Minister! She’s a girl who’s not. Fucking. Into you. Jesus man, have a little self-respect! You’re the most capable mechanic in this city and you’re a fucking high school student! You’ve got the second-in-command of the largest biker gang in history asking around town for your mom-and-pop bike shop. You’re seriously gonna grovel on the ground like a fucking pig for people that don’t even like you? Do you wanna feel like a useless piece of shit? Because I can stomp you into the fucking ground if that’s how you wanna feel.” Mondo sounded angry now, and a little hurt. But he didn’t move toward the mechanic. He just burned his stare into the other boy’s eyes.
The gangster was more intimidating now than he had been the entire time he’d been in Kazuichi’s garage, but just this once, Kazuichi kept Mondo’s intense stare. He didn’t know what to say right away. 
I just met this guy today, and he’s gonna act like he knows me so well? He’s just another asshole here to kick me while I’m down.
But that feeling didn’t stick. It couldn’t stick. The biker had been loud. He’d been vulgar and aggressive and pushy. But he’d...believed in Kazuichi. Seen him as more than a fuck-up, more than a punk, more than...a pig. 
He said he wants to go with me. When has anyone wanted me around, when nothing else needed to be built? Who else has liked me for what I liked or what I was passionate about?
When he did manage to speak, he finally broke Mondo’s stare and looked down at his tools. “What am I...doing, man? You came into my garage, what, twenty minutes ago? And you can already say shit like that to me? How am I supposed to handle another two weeks of you cutting me to my core like that, huh?”
Mondo was ready to snap back, but the slight vulnerability and joking tone of Kazuichi’s words made him rethink speaking too quickly. But eventually he did speak, and his tone hummed with the smile he was forming. “Well, if you can learn to quit being a dipshit, I’ve got no problem easing off of you. You’ve got a lot of good to you, Kazuichi. When you’re not being a dumbass.”
“Well, you’ve got two weeks to help me work on it. Guess it’ll be payback for this special order of yours. And then...we’ll show that festival what the hell the two of us can do.”
“You got yourself a fucking deal, Soda.”
It was a deal neither boy needed to shake hands on or promise to keep.
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potatoqueensays · 3 years
Happiness Is a Virtue That You Deserve
Yo! So I may have written another Irondad fic, it's a bit shorter than the last one but I hope you enjoy!! 🥰
AO3 link:
Tony had been hauled up in his lab all day, working on an update for his suit while he had the kid over. Technically it was one of their lab days but he told the boy to go to the common room and enjoy his day while he worked on schematics and "whatever genius stuff he did".
Peter's words, not his.
He felt slightly bad for having the kid not in the lab with him, but he also knew that he could distract Peter with how he was stumped with his own work when the kid needed to do his homework, it was very important as him and May stressed that everyday, even though they knew Peter was way ahead of them.
So he was deep in thought when he heard a shout loud enough to hear down in his lab, he was startled out of his thought process and almost dropped the tool he was holding when working on a suit.
He looked to the ceiling in confusion.
"FRI honey, mind telling me who just yelled?"
"It appears to be Mr. Parker, Boss."
His eyes widened slightly, FRIDAY hasn't alerted him that there were any problems in the tower. Nobody appeared to try and explode his lab in, and there was no news of aliens appearing on the streets of New York, so why was Peter screaming?
Panic slowly wrapped it's claws around his heart, to which he put down his tool and sat up. His Tower was one of the safest places there could be in the state, but maybe someone tried to hack FRIDAY?
"Mind telling me why he's screaming?" He raised a brow slightly, trying to mask his slight fear even to his AI, although she could probably already tell from how his heart went just a little quicker than normal.
"He seems to be playing a videogame." His dutiful creation responded.
That seemed to explain the shout, although it was pretty loud to appear all the way to his lab, that kid sure had lungs.
Even if the assurance of Peter just playing a game calmed his fear, he would be at ease when he checked on the kid himself.
Tony got up from where he was sitting and made way out of the lab. Fast walking to the elevator, he didn't need to say a word as the door shut and made it's way to where Peter already was, his AI knew him too well.
When the doors opened, he could already hear the loud voice of a one Peter Parker. He was still shouting (luckily quieter), but he seemed to be laughing a little as he talked.
When Tony left the elevator, he made a beeline for Peter, seeing the kid sitting on one of the couches with his eyes on the TV, controller in hand as he used the Xbox Tony had gotten him about a couple weeks ago.
"Hey kid, where's the fire?"
Peter didn't seem the least bit startled as he paused his game and looked over to Tony.
"Oh hey Mr. Stark! I'm just playing some minecraft with Ned." He pointed to the headset over his head, a grin plastered on his face as his brown doe eyes held pure amusement.
Tony could feel his shoulders relax a little as took a once-over on the spider-kid before him that was fortunately unharmed, he smirked a little.
"Oh yeah? What happened that made you shout so loud that Thor could probably hear you from Asgard?"
He could practically feel the smirk on his face turning into a grin as Peter's cheeks turned a little red, but the happiness in his eyes luckily didn't dim.
"Oh sorry, I got a little too distracted, Ned and I were fighting and he accidentally hit my wolf, it's alright now though! I had to make her sit down so she wouldn't attack Ned." The boy babbled on.
Tony's eyes softened a little at that, even in a game Peter didn't want anyone getting hurt. His heart warmed as he made his way over to the couch to sit next to the kid.
"It's alright, I kinda needed a distraction anyways. You mind showing me the game anyway? You told me something about just getting it and wanting to play." He remembered when he showed the Xbox to Peter when explaining that he already had it before (he got it for him specifically, but Tony would never admit that) the kid's eyes practically lit up like the fourth of july. He said that he had a videogame he wanted to show his mentor and that he wanted to play it with him if the man had time. Which he always did when it came to his kid.
"Oh yeah! We're kinda just building a big death star right now since we already built the lego version, we've done it before but we need to perfect it!" The kid looked back to his game and resumed it, showing off the partly made death star, Tony could see that everything was made out of blocks, and a character was crouching a lot in front of where Peter's character was looking.
"That's Ned right there, he can hear us by the way. He says hi."
"Hey Ted." He responded to said kid. He could hear a voice through the kid's headset, who was probably fan-boying over Tony Stark himself watching two teenagers play a game.
Peter smiled wider at his response, his gaze focusing back on the TV in front of him. He gathered some blocks from a chest and placed them with Ned.
Tony leaned back in his seat as he watched the boy play happily, it was definitely a good choice to get that Xbox, the kid was so happy from what he could see.
Peter was too engrossed in his game that he couldn't see the fond look his mentor unknowingly gave him, but he could hear the elevator from across the room open up, showing Pepper Potts stepping out, fresh from a meeting.
She walked in the room to see the two geniuses focused on a game, correction: one genius. Her beloved fiancé was watching the kid play, probably thinking of other things he could get for Peter so he could smile forever. He was such a dad.
"Hi Ms. Potts!" Peter greeted as he still looked at the game. Tony looked up to see the redhead herself, his small smile growing bigger as she kissed his forehead. "Hey Pep."
"Hi Peter, Tony." She looked at the boy and then the inventor. By the look on her face, he was probably due for a lecture soon, oh no.
"What did I do now, oh sweet future wife of mine?"
"Well let's see; for one, you didn't attend the meeting you said you would, so instead I had to go, and you still haven't responded to those business dealers about what they wanted to buy." She looked at him expectantly, just daring him to say anything to combat her scolding.
"Well as you can see, I'm busy with Pete here. He's playing his game, what's it called? Craftmine?"
"It's Minecraft and you know it, Mr. Stark!" Peter butt in.
"Don't use him to distract me, Tony."
The inventor sighed good-naturedly. He had been putting off things for a while, focusing on what really called his attention. Like Peter of course. He had bought the tower back so he could keep a closer eye on the spider-kid, but he wouldn't admit that of course.
"I'll get to it soon, I have to influence what he builds, otherwise he might leave me for some other corporation, have to keep them interested you know."
Pepper rolled her eyes and made her way past the couch to probably go change. She still had things to do today, but it seemed Tony just wanted to wait a little bit more to be productive.
"Oh yeah I was thinking, kid, how do you feel about a PS4?"
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suga-honey-icedtea · 4 years
“you’ve been hiding something from me, haven’t you?” with red velvet's seulgi please? thank you! i love your writing so much, from now on, i'll stick with you til' the end uwu call me 🐰 anon
oh my gosh thank you so much 🥺🥺 you’re absolutely one of the sweetest people ever lil bun anon thank you so much for your support! i really hope you like this uwu also i’m so sorry it’s so long! i got a little carried away 😅😅
 “What’re you doing?” Seulgi’s voice boomed across the room, making Y/N jump from the sudden shock. Their head quickly turned to face Seulgi, a sheepish smile already forming as they continued to inch toward the door.
 “I’m just going out with Yeri and Sooyoung!” Y/N quickly answered back, inching closer to the door than they had been when Seulgi caught them. Seulgi frowned at the answer, her mouth falling open to say something further before she was cut off by Y/N. “Which I’m going to be late to, so bye! Don’t wait up!”
 The door slammed shut and Seulgi was left alone yet again. She couldn’t help her frown only deepening as a sigh left her. Y/N had been acting strangely for a few weeks now, spending more time with the other girls and less time with Seulgi. 
 Not that she had a place to say anything, the two of them weren’t even dating, technically. Just some heavy flirting and perhaps a drunk kiss or two from some parties they’d attended together. Seulgi didn’t try to hide her crush, either, and had thought maybe Y/N felt the same for her. But, the more time they spent with Yeri or Sooyoung or anyone else, the further away that thought seemed to be.
 Seulgi sighed again before getting up, deciding to just get ready for bed early and call it a night. Tomorrow was her birthday and she didn’t want to spend it being salty and crabby. That was another reason she was even more upset over Y/N’s lack of presence lately. They always spent their birthdays together and Seulgi wasn’t even sure if this year would be the same. Y/N seemed way more interested in what their other friends were doing. Sliding under her covers, Seulgi squeezed her eyes shut and tried to push away the thoughts so she could sleep. 
 The next day, Seulgi woke up with a smile and excitement bubbling inside her. She didn’t waste any time scrolling through her phone, opting to get dressed and face the world. When she reached the kitchen, though, it was void of any life. Seulgi couldn’t help but frown, backtracking to check Y/N’s room that was down the hallway from her own.
 Opening the door, Seulgi’s heart dropped when she noticed it was completely empty. Walking back to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal, Seulgi finally noticed the note stuck to the fridge, addressed to her.
 “‘Good morning Seul~ I won’t be around until later today so I hope you have a good day at work! Love, Y/N’, seriously?” Seulgi read aloud, her eyebrows furrowing before she crumpled the note up and threw it away. Not only did Y/N not even acknowledge what today was, but they wouldn’t even be home until later. Seulgi was practically fuming as she stormed back to her room to get ready for work without eating breakfast.
 By the time Seulgi was off of work, she had calmed down some and instead, the anger was replaced with sadness. Her coworkers had got her a small cake, even singing happy birthday for her and everything. Seulgi sniffled a little as she carefully set the cake in the passenger seat with her bag before getting into the driver’s seat.
 Before she could begin driving, her phone began to ring and the last person she wanted to talk to’s name flashed across the screen. She picked up anyway, quickly trying to suck up the few tears still there. “Hello?”
 “Seulgi! Are you off work yet? I want to hang out~!” Y/N’s voice sang through the phone with a laugh, but Seulgi only scoffed. Y/N heard and their tone immediately shifted. “Seul? Are you okay?”
 “I don’t know, Y/N. Am I okay? You tell me.” Seulgi snapped back and the awkward tension could be felt through the phone, especially when Y/N awkwardly laughed at her words.
 “Just come home already! I wanna hang out with you--”
 “You suddenly want to hang out with me?” Seulgi couldn’t help but ask, biting on her lip as she tried to hold back the rest of the word vomit threatening to spill out. It didn’t help, though. “How come all of a sudden you want to spend time with me? Are Yeri and Sooyoung too busy for you, now? You’ve been hiding something from me, haven’t you? You’re dating one of them, aren’t you? Or, at least, screwing one of them?”
 The silence that followed broke Seulgi’s heart and she didn’t bother to wait for an answer. Hanging up, Seulgi started her car in tears and sped out of the parking lot and toward home. She was embarrassed she’d exploded on Y/N like that but also hurt that she was probably right in her accusations. Yeri and Sooyoung were way prettier than her, younger too. Y/N’s types for sure. Seulgi furiously wiped at her eyes at a stoplight, deciding there that she’d apologize for how she reacted but demand her own apology in return. She deserved some apology from Y/N for leading her on.
 Parking her car outside, Seulgi quickly grabbed her cake and bag and marched toward the door. She wanted to do this quickly and painlessly before moving onto a silent treatment. Her keys jingled in the lock and it took her far too long to unlock the door and open it.
 “Y/N? Are you here? We need to talk.” Seulgi called out into the darkness, frowning when she realized just how dark it was. She carefully walked into the kitchen in the dark to set the cake down on the counter before making her way to the living room.
 When she flicked the lights on, the last thing she was expecting was a bunch of balloons and confetti thrown around the room with a large sign behind the group of smiling people that read “Happy Birthday Seulgi” in giant black letters.
 “Happy birthday!” Sooyoung was the first to skip over to the still shocked Seulgi, ignoring the obvious tear tracks and hugging her tightly instead. “I got you the best present out of everyone here.”
 “That’s debatable.” Yeri countered as she stepped closer, smiling at Seulgi. “Happy birthday, Seulgi. Sorry for the confetti mess.”
 “This is...for me?” Seulgi looked around incredulously at the groups of people socializing together, drinking and laughing with party hats sitting on their heads. Sooyoung giggled as she squeezed Seulgi tighter, nodding in answer.
 “Of course! We’ve been planning this for weeks, honestly. Y/N wouldn’t let anyone rest until it was all perfect!” Sooyoung explained, frowning once she looked around for the organizer of the event. “I don’t know where they are, though--”
 “I saw them slink off to the bathroom, I think.” Yeri shrugged before grabbing Sooyoung and dragging her away from Seulgi to talk to some other friends. Seulgi quickly turned toward the bathroom, thanking a few people on the way before she finally reached the door.
 Y/N was sitting in the bathtub when Seulgi popped her head inside, sniffling a little to themselves in the otherwise empty room. Stepping inside, Seulgi quietly closed the door behind her, drawing Y/N’s attention toward her. “O-Oh, Seulgi--”
 “I’m so sorry I didn’t trust you, Y/N.” Seulgi immediately dropped to her knees on the outside of the tub, taking Y/N’s hands into her own while she spoke. “I let my emotions get the best of me. I was so hurt that you weren’t spending time with me, I automatically assumed you were a thing with one of the other girls and were just playing with my heart.”
 “No, never.” Y/N’s voice quietly croaked and Seulgi gave them a sad smile. 
 “I realize that now and I’m so sorry for what I said to you.” She whispered and gently placed a kiss on their hand. Y/N sucked in a deep breath, a smile forming when Seulgi’s eyes finally met theirs again. “Why are you smiling?”
 “I was planning on doing this after everyone left.” Y/N mumbled as they carefully shifted, pulling a small box out from their pocket to place on the edge of the tub between them. Seulgi carefully picked the box up, looking to Y/N for permission before opening it to reveal a rose gold flower ring. “I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend, officially. I was gonna give you this ring after everyone left and it was just us. But, I guess now is as good a time as any--”
 Y/N was cut off as Seulgi gently pressed her lips against theirs, leaning over the edge of the tub and praying that Y/N could feel every ounce of emotion she was feeling, too. When she pulled away, the tears that fell down Seulgi’s cheeks were tears of joy instead of tears of hurt.
 “A million times yes. I’d love to be your girlfriend.” Seulgi whispered against their lips, giggling when Y/N’s cheeks turned pink. Kissing them one more time, Seulgi sighed in content this time, carefully sliding the ring onto her finger and taking time to admire the new piece of jewelry.
 “This is by far the best birthday present you’ve ever given me.”
send me a starter with a name and i’ll write a little drabble
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