#anyway I was going for a concept art/storyboard vibe for this
potato-lord-but-not · 2 years
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the battle at broken moons
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samobservessonic · 9 months
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There’s a page about AoStH that gives a brief introduction to the characters in that show, but I’ve skipped over that and moved onto what is unarguably the highlight here, which is the apparent “screen shots” from an early draft of SatAM Sonic. We see the image of the Freedom Team that was already shown in an earlier issue of StC, along with a few other images from a version of the cartoon that would never come to be What’s especially interesting here is that, at this stage, they already know details about the final versions of both AoStH and SatAM. We’ll get to that in the next post, but the article talks about them both separately. However, I believe that whoever wrote this thought that these images were from SatAM, as both this page and the bit about SatAM are referred to as being from a cartoon called “Sonic the Hedgehog”, as opposed to “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog”, which they referred to as such. Having said that, on the SatAM bit, they talk specifically about characters from SatAM who were already looking different to these images. Bunnie and Boomer (the original name for Rotor) are both mentioned, instead of the Johnny Lightfoot and Joe Sushi characters shown here. “Princess Sally Acorn” is also mentioned, though she isn’t shown to look different from the Princess Acorn here But whatever the reason these images slipped out, I’m glad they included them, otherwise we might never have known about these at all. The general assumption is that they were from an earlier pitch for SatAM, based on the small animals in Sonic 1, and without Tails, so probably made prior to his introduction. Perhaps this is the evolutionary link that would lead onto the pilot episode of SatAM We already know that Sally went through a lot of design prototypes before they landed on the version used in SatAM, and that’s a bigger topic on its own, but I’m going to take a moment to talk about Princess Acorn specifically, because I don’t think she’ll come up again for me to talk about, at least not in this StC read-through. Princess Acorn is shown in every image here, even more than Sonic himself. There are two more images of her that I found on the Sonic fandom wikia, both marked as concept art, but I don’t know more about them than that. They don’t appear in StC, but I wanted to share them anyway:
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The second one is particularly interesting to me, because it looks like it might’ve been from a storyboard, showing Princess Acorn reading a story to Tux Penguin. It makes me wonder if Tux was originally going to be portrayed as the “young child” character - a role that Tails would go onto fill. I know some fans talk about how Tails was more child-like in SatAM compared to later versions (but this portrayal of Tails was kind of general to western media, where “kid genius Tails” didn’t become more of a thing until after Sonic Adventure), so I do wonder if maybe to a certain extent, Tails had been swapped into Tux’s role. Maybe not, however. Since Tails was already present in the pilot, but you never know. Not only that, but Sally would go on to be called “Aunt Sally” by Tails in the show, which is perhaps a similar vibe to what they were going for with Princess Acorn and Tux here Anyway, that’s our bit of unused Sonic media speculation for today, but there is another page in this mag that I want to talk about, so I’ll include that in the next post
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elie-draloup · 2 years
Things about the Owl House that I wish would exist (spoilers season 2 warning) :
1) A 9 chapters comic book filled with 180-225 pages about the coven heads, their backstories, and everything about them.
2)Luz's journal, where we learns tons of things about the lore and how she discovered the isles with more details, some off screen shenanigans with Eda, King, and her friends, and it would go from her first day in the BL to whatever the hell happen in the end of season 3, including fluffy adventures in the human realm (ESPECIALLY if there's a time skip). Anything happening from this point would feel bittersweet given the circumstances, but I'll take any fluff I can at this point, even if tainted with a lot of angst and trauma. Also it would be a big journal. Big book. Big baby. I suppose very pricey. But very cool. Hard cover and all.
3) Philipp's journal would be pointless because it's full of lies (I'd still buy it though, you know, for the records), but how about Caleb's journal ? So we can have the full story of everything that happened until his death from his point of view ! We don't know much about him after all, like, he only appeared in some paintings from Belos memories, but it could be a way to know more about how was the relationship between the brothers, and how went their first years on the isles. And also how the portal door was created. And Flapjack's birth. And eventual confirmation of the "Clawthorn's ancestor" theory. So cool stuff. Any parallel with Hunter would hurt as hell though. Wait... what if... What if Philipp used his brother journal to write about and study grimwalkers? Like... He needed his own journal to put him as some kind of hero, so no way he would mention killing his own bro in his journal. But Caleb's journal is there and Philipp needs paper anyway. So he decides to use it. Imagine, you're reading about some guy that discovered a new world, grew out of his puritan education, and make out with a witch, and near the end, some notes about how he's worried about his little brother and he's going to talk to him. And then it just stop, the next few pages are from a different handwriting, and aren't about the wonders of the BI anymore... But about some insane guy who was so salty about his brother not sharing his opinion, he decided to make a new one in order to fix him after killing the original. Would be messed up. But cool.
4)A comic book, with a more GF lost legends vibe, about several backstories and sidestories, like Hooty origins story, Steve and Math being bros, Hexside when the adults were kids, the beach episode, Luz teaching human stuff to Gus, some Vee and Camila slice of life... And anything that the season 3 cut stole. And more !
5) An artbook. Named The Art of The Owl House. Concept arts, storyboards, early concepts, deleted scenes, colorscripts, awesome illustrations, doodles from the crew, I want to see it all.
6) Hunter's funny socks.
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centurypark · 3 years
Some of the crew has gotten started with concept art and character design. We've also just sort of been bouncing ideas off each other and I can't wait for you guys to see this!
While we have some very talented artists and writers who are either already working or who I'm going to get started soon, we really need some animators and storyboarders. This is an animated show, and most of the current cast and crew don't know how to animate, or at least not how to animate an entire show.
We're all beginners here, and this is a very low-pressure thing. As of right now, you'd mostly be vibing in the discord, getting to know the rest of the cast and crew, and creating some walk cycles or something.
Unfortunately we can't pay anyone right now, because we're all kids who decided to make a gay little show.
The show follows two best friends, Echo and Molly, who accidentally fall through a portal in an abandoned amusement park where they end up in a magical world. There they meet some friends, new and old, and help to restart a rebellion against the reigning tyrant, Q.
The form to apply is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M5hkp51Pidmfi6AvhzF3ghCLAIpIVc17DAOlb2F3LuY/viewform?edit_requested=true
Anyways, go follow some of the amazing cast and crew of Century Park: @j--3 @mistythegenderqueermess @nonbinaryfrogkid @goddess-of-night @one-threesevenths @f-0-s @yeti-zeus @winniethepotatosalad @eat-the-door-to-the-v0id
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Episode 30 Season 4: The Dead Joey Shuffle
Lets ignore everything happening on planet Earth right now and talk about old ass anime, shall we? Yes, my sky turned a horrible end of the world yellow/orange color for an entire day because of a LOT of fire in my state. But thankfully, the winds have changed, the sky is blue...and I can write about Yugioh again.
Last we left off, Tristan, Tea, and Yami stumbled across two fresh corpses. Now, when Joey died a season or two ago (I honestly can’t remember when), we had my favorite storyboarder at the helm just sweeping emotion all over the field and the intense weeping for Joey Wheeler lasted for like 30 minutes. Yugi freaked out in the puzzle headspace for like half an episode and nearly gave up playing cards again, Yami punched a wall and then put a duel disk on Joey’s arm like a funerary send off to the afterlife, Tea started losing her mind and begged Yugi to drop out of the tourney so Yugi wouldn’t die, and Pharaoh was like “yo Tea, Yugi can’t talk right now can we do this later????” And then Tristan, out of nowhere, just started shaking Joey and screaming at him to wake up (and I think he punched him in the face and it got censored? Yo that episode is wild.) Joey got plugged to some Kaiba Corp med bay that had like 2 dozen weird sensors attached to his chest and feet to keep him alive. Serenity was like hyperventilating in the back, just a LOT of stuff was happening all at once.
But this time, with an ordinary animation team, these three kids are so distracted by the other corpse, that they only cry just a little bit before being like “woah what?”
And like this is their second time. Maybe they’ve gotten used to Joey being dead? Maybe they got it all out of their system and are now a lot more accustomed to the fact that they all must die. Several times.
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Confronted with this Agatha Christie brand debacle, Tristan makes an incredible reach that is also completely correct. Like this is such an amazing incredible reach.
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Hire Tristan as your detective, hot damn. There are like 7.8 billion Orichalcos-possessed people on this planet right now trying to kill Joey Wheeler and Tristan actually called the right one.
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Yami never tells us who he blames, but it’s OK, because the show immediately cuts over to Dartz’ silicon valley fortress to tell us without telling us. So while this animation team isn’t as insanely extra as our previous animation teams, they still know how to edit their cuts to work alongside their dialogue just fine.
(read more under the cut)
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Lets take a little while to just take this in. Someone took a while to make it, so rather than look at it for half a second before it passes--please lets count the number of floating streets in this scene.
So before when I talked about the history of San Francisco, I mentioned the old Embarcadero, which was a double decker street wrapped around the peninsula. (we still see parts of this double decker set up on parts of the highway to this day.) But what if--they actually have no idea that the Embarcadero was a thing before it fell down in an earthquake?
What if they just...wanted San Francisco to be vaguely cyberpunk in this universe and that floating freeway was supposed to be futuristic and not just an 80′s throwback?
Because there’s 3 streets stacked on top of eachother right here and yo there is no where in the city built like this. This is a Gotham situation where the poors live on the lower levels and the rich just kind of hang out on the top. We have too many Earthquakes in reality to ever support this setup but Yugioh...wow. They went for it.
Also, our art deco architecture isn’t quite in this style as Dartz’ mansion. Mind you, this isn’t full deco, and the structure has more of an ancient world vibe. But...while San Fransisco does have a lot of deco, it’s just different (sorry you’re not really here for the architecture but youknow, I’m an artist so I do think a lot about why concept artists may have gone where they went)
So I’m not going to dare say this is a mistake on the Yugioh team by any means, since Deco is Deco and who knows when Dartz built that building. But like I’ve seen the SF skyline many times in this show and it’s got some funky shapes in it that are just sooo off to me. They keep drawing a more Futurist New York. Truth is, we don’t have that many skyscrapers in SF.
Most of the pictures you see of scaling buildings are of this one area around the financial district--everything else is...pretty short. So in those photos they very carefully crop out all the really squat as hell buildings on either side of it, to give the impression that our city is super tall, much like a dating app.
And, as far as Art Deco Gotham-esque skyscrapers go, we got ones like this guy:
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Where at a glance it’s like...that’s barely deco (and barely that impressive. This is 1/3 the height of the Empire State building.) Compared to a lot of cities in America, our skyscrapers aren’t as...clearly deco from far away? We don’t have the huge ass humps and long ass gilded lines of the Empire State building or the Chrysler building. You only really get those details when you zoom in.
Our other skyscrapers are kinda understated or modern in comparison. And the reason why we just don’t have many deco skyscrapers is because...our ground ain’t good for building skyscrapers at all, so it took us kind of a while to build up.
Like we got this tower that we built recently (the first skyscraper they built in SF in a good while) and they decided to name it the “The Millennium Tower” which...I know...good job, team, clearly you wanted to get cursed. Well the tower started leaning about 3 or 4 years ago, like well over a foot from it’s original spot, it’s just tilting and sinking away, and people are freaking out because it’s surrounded by other tall buildings so they’re like “damn it we’re gonna dominoes.” The people in charge were like “well...we don’t know why it’s leaning...but I’m sure it’s fine” and it’s like “the ground. It was the ground...you dumbasses” not to mention that it’s clearly cursed by at least one angry Egyptian Ghost but...what do you do?
I would absolutely watch the Yugioh spinoff season about the Millennium Tower and the SF tycoons that got possessed by a ghost and have to play card games to keep their tower from squishing all of San Francisco. Yo you should hire me, Yugioh, I got IDEAS.
Man...Yugioh predicting the future, how did they call the ill fate of The Millennium Tower????
But anyway, most skyscrapers in SF are kind of boring because they have to be sturdy as hell. But, they have some neat modern shapes (like the Transamerica Pyramid--in the shape of A PYRAMID that hasn’t shown it’s face once this entire Egyptian influenced anime)
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I mean, come on Yugioh, it’s right there.
Also the hell is this weird UFO on this picture I lifted off of google?
Like I think it’s 4 jets? 
I may have lifted this from an alien website, so forgive me, q-anon for lifting your image, I’m trying to talk about architecture in my Yugioh blog.
In fact the only building I (and google) can think of that is both really tall and deco-ey is this one:
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And it’s a Marriot hotel built in the late 80′s. And honestly, it looks way more 1980′s Las Vegas than it does Deco. (It honestly looks like photobashing but made real, this is a weird building.)
And I could be wrong and overlooking a very important structure, but most of the city’s really cool art deco buildings are in the form of theaters, libraries, churches, schools, and houses--which are only a few stories tall. They’re gorgeous buildings with cool and different silhouettes, it’s just not very big.
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Like I believe this is an old high school?
also a lot of our “art deco” has no idea if it’s victorian, deco, or art noveau so they’ll just hit all of it to see what sticks. It’s a lot more eclectic than other places where Deco is typically more...straight-lined. I kinda hate defining art styles as masculine or feminine but honestly it’s the quickest way to really hit home the difference between a Bruce Timm art deco that you’d see in a comic book, (which is very New York inspired) and what we have in San Fransisco which is really decorative and decadent.
The Yugioh SF just has no curvy nonsense and that really sticks out to me.
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Ornate swirls get shoved Everywhere. Willy nilly. Just everywhere randomly. And it sits next to other structures that are modern and simplistic. It’s very San Francisco to have this old world next to new world.
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And it makes sense. SF is the other side of the continent from New York, and about as far West as you can go from the movement going on in Europe. So...we made our own take and tl;dr the art deco in our city doesn’t look like Gotham at all.
And, while it’s not as grand or dark or iconic, it’s a good thing. It’s what helps make San Fransisco look really unique compared to other American cities--the fact that we're...short and eclectic. Our district with the skyscrapers is where it’s kinda boring, actually--the good stuff is when you get away from that. Where every little building has a spunky wild personality.
But in a show like this you gotta make it seem more grand and less homely so--they scaled up the buildings a lot more than we really have and homogenized all the stylings into one (and they axed every Victorian swirl because they don’t want to draw that). They really just turned SF into comic book New York--especially since I’ve only seen like...one steep hill since we got here.
It’s fine, and it makes complete sense why they did it, (I’m more confused as to why most of California is a Nevada desert so I can easily forgive a San Francisco without the right Deco) it’s just a very different energy.
and honestly...it’s an energy influenced by the tone of the show. Everything has a very dark blue-gray palate, and it’s because it’s literally the end of the world, Joey has died, everyone is sad...maybe it would be out of place to have a building that looks like it sparks joy? The harsh and cold lines do add to the gravity of the situation.
Maybe I would have done the same thing? In the end, the legibility of your story matters more than the accuracy of your story--especially when it comes to TV. Which is somewhat a controversial statement, and there’s exceptions when it comes to cultural stuff. But while the culture of San Fransisco was erased (a culture that they did draw in the beginning of the season! they did show alcatraz, a trolly, and the golden gate!), it is at a point in the show where...all of humanity is being erased anyway. Could also be symbolic? Maybe?
+++++++++++++END OF THE ART DECO RANT+++++++++++++
So anyway, stepping away from lovely buildings and into this gross ass abandoned park, Yami decides he’s gotta get himself to this gaudy ass Batman building ASAP.
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He can ride a horse but he absolutely will not ride a motorcycle. Or touch Joey Wheeler’s dead body.
Which is wild because apparently there’s a Yugioh spinoff where all they do is ride motorcycles??? But from what I heard, Yami is not in it. Which is the most wild thing.
So uh...you know how much I love art details, lets take a long look at this one.
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AH no.
Nope nope nope nope.
I hate this logo. It looks like an emperor penguin’s eyebrow thingies. Like a face with just four huge eyebrows.
Not sure why we randomly have a new logo. It’s nearly the end of the season, we’ve already shown the Orichalcos logo so many times. Was this episode made earlier in development than the rest? Is that why there were like - I dunno, put this random logo here... Maybe we’ll figure out the rest of the logo later?
I don’t know. This weird logo feels so out of place.
And then because I’m thinking about buildings...maybe it’s influenced by our Shell building?
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Maybe? Or not? Just saying you got a round thing with radial lines hovering over a trellis...the possibility is there that they were inspired but had to edit it down for animation? Eh, I’m reaching desperately for anything that looks like San Francisco at this point.
Anyways, the front door of this building is an elevator (????) and in a somewhat confusing set of cuts, out of this elevator comes the murderer herself.
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And she’s dead.
SO HAPPY I didn’t have to watch that card game but like...c’mon. There’s no way Mai would lose to Raphael.
Maybe that’s why they couldn’t show it? Because she’s the only person on this show who uses a themed deck with cards that actually sync with eachother? (outside of Pegasus’ toon deck and Grandpa’s voltron deck ((sorry it’s name isn’t voltron, I’ve forgotten the name of the robot that you build out of other cards. Exodus? Exodysseus?
It’s Exodia isn't it? Wtv. 2020′s been a real long one, all y’all.)) )
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(don’t ask where the smoke came from, we don’t know. Maybe Yami felt like making it to be more aesthetic. It is a fun visual tic to the show.)
So Yami goes into this elevator instead of anticipating that this is obviously a trap. Like most would just decide to take the stairs instead, but Yami loves falling for a good obvious trap every once and a while (or, in the case of this season--each and every single time a trap is placed in front of him) and so this takes him directly to the fightclub roof of yore.
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Ah. We started this season on fightclub roof, in like...2010 or whenever I started this season. Feels like forever ago. How long has the year of 2020 been? 20 years of my life? 40 years of my life? Was I in fact never born before 2020 started? I honestly don’t remember anymore who I was before this year happened. Probably because I inhaled just a hell ton of wildfire smoke and now my brain is a bunch of jelly beans rattling around in a jar.
Anyway, Raphael just hands Yami (by hands I mean throws aggressively) Joey’s dragon card.
A little unsure why he’d do this since...this is the weapon to destroy Dartz. Why are you giving it back to the Pharaoh? But apparently, Raphael did that to prove that he is the murderer of Mai, who murdered Joey and...youknow...the stuff that we know but would be pretty difficult for the people in this show to follow.
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Mai’s voice actor seeing “Mumbo-Jumbo” and being like “Well if I’m doing this, I’m going to commit.“
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I refuse that a duel with Dartz, in fact, ever happens in this season.
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Kind of surprised whenever I see there’s still people left. SF is basically abandoned in comparison.
Thing is...that’s just SF on a holiday weekend.
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And then, because Tristan’s in the middle of the street, the rest of the party has to try and run him over.
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It is really funny to me that Seto went out of his way to ditch these people so MANY times, but keeps ending up around them again and again, and each time in a wildly different vehicle, each and every time it’s when these guys need a lift...he’s very quickly turning into the group’s soccer mom. Should’ve gotten a minivan.
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And then this happens?
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I’ll just leave this here:
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I’m sure that fanfic writers everywhere rejoiced when Seto reached out a hand to catch Joey’s face from hitting the pavement. In all this was a bizarre animation and now that I’ve figured out my blender settings for the new update, I can finally cap little segments again.
Just don’t you dare flag me, tumblr. Hopefully segments less than 10 seconds long are fine.
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Like there was this part where they had to just drag around Joey’s corpse over this rail, and it was Mokuba and Tristan just prying him up there like he were a potato sack and like...
...Joey’s gonna wake up with so many rail-shaped bruises! They do not treat him gently!
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Then back on fightclub roof, Raphael made me do a bit of a double take when he accidentally implied the existence of another bean within that Pharaoh bean.
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And no, Bakura did not show up at this point.
I would LOVE IT if Pharaoh biffed it a second time and Bakura suddenly took the reigns and was like “Oi loves! that was bloody easy!” but I...have a feeling that this team didn’t actually watch the episodes where Bakura is just vibing in that puzzle piece.
If this never comes back to bite Pharaoh in the ass...
It might never come back guys...I don’t know. How do these writers have this much self control to ignore Bakura for like a full season. How do you do it? I can’t hold a plot twist in for even like 5 seconds. How....how do you do it?
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Anyways, now that Seto has Tea who has a map, they walk up to the entrance (I honestly forgot if they drove or walked because knowing this show, Seto would absolutely ignore the car. Either way, the Ferrari isn’t necessary anymore. Written right out of the script. Cars are hard to draw. Get rid of it)
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You know, Mokuba’s seen an awful lot of corpses for a kid! Like 20ish corpses if you count the 2 times the Big 5 biffed it. Really should have left him with Rebecca! Youknow, the other kid the same age as him!
But it’s fine, we gotta train Mokuba to suppress that trauma deep, deep down like a proper Kaiba.
Youknow when I started this series I was like “I don’t get why everyone talks about the Kaibas so much, these two seem kinda like whatever” but now I’m on like S4 and like...I’m SO concerned about the Kaibas. With Yugi...whatever...he’s gonna be fine, but the Kaibas? Oh boy. Either one of them could go completely evil and I’d buy it.
And probably root for them.
And I know they won’t go full tilt, I’m pretty sure--but like...they COULD. I can’t say that about the rest of the cast.
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Everyone’s made it!
Even joey’s weird coma/dead body for some reason!
Lol also I love this random sci-fi tech water tower next to Tea. What is that?
My drought senses are screaming, is that a huge ass water tower the size of a 4 story building next to Tea? Chances are, it’s got a jet in it or something because this is Yugioh, but...man. At least it doesn’t look like one of those rusty New York rooftop water towers. This show just completely not getting what SF looks like.
Whatever, he can resurrect the leviathan, maybe Dartz can make water?
Youknow, all you have to do to make California worship you forever is make rain. Screw this lizard nonsense. The man can power water. What’s he doing with this stupid snake?
But youknow, Yugioh just never really figures out how to harness the weather. They CAN and they do it all the time. But, do they use it for their benefit? Like freakin never.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I went on a looong rant about SF but maybe I’m just sick of my own house? Been a lot of fire and quarantine over here. It’s been messing with my head a fair amount so thanks for bearing with me and my weird ass update schedule (remember when I used to be productive? Was that just a dream I once had?)
But if you just got here, here’s a link to read these recaps in order, from the beginning way back in S1.
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olivetheflyinghuman · 4 years
Wip masterlist
Click read more to see some of my wips. Many are in very early stages, others (one of them) is currently in the second draft
And as y'all can tell I haven't even come up with most of the names smh
Fallen gods
CW: death, gore
Like everyone else, I too have a story where some irresponsible people mess with gods
There's this lil bitch that is doing a weird research and...then he dies for reasons (all of his friends are witnesses uwu)
So main character that is lil bitch's best friend finds the notes about the research and brings him back. Obviously he's not fully alone
So things go as the now rencarnated friend is wild and tried to do things like murder and robbery
His friend group is all like: ah ah ah u so sexy don't do that or... We might have to kill you again luv
Anyway mc has a chicken as a pet. And they take very good care of her!
To be honest there are a lot of things about this that I still need to work out
The vibe: snow filled roads, street lamps illuminating empty roads, cozy knits, blood on whispering woods
Storyboard ii
Mc has his personality/body stolen. Basically he looks like a Chad now and sometimes he thinks and acts like one too. Truly tragic I know 😥
The inspiration for that came to me on a history class where we were discussing Greek art... Don't remember how I actually came up with it lmao.
Anyway MCs friends r helping him get himself back before he looses his own memory and is stuck as a Chad forever
The setting changes from our world and a different sorta of fantasy world
It's about friendship👌 and betrayal 👌
Characters r: Logan, our Chad that just wants his memory/personality back so he can be pretentious again
Jedi, Logan's best friend that just wants her childhood best friend back
Twins, basically the ones with the biggest connection to the magic world, I won't say their names bc now I think they r cringy and I want to pick new ones
Joshua, the smart one intellectually but makes dumb choices when it comes to real life.
Nicholas, I don't want to say that he's the baby of the story but he's definitely my baby. Honestly too scared of everything and he just wants to hold a hand. He's still in highschool (he's in his last year whereas his friends r on the 1st of uni) and he feels left behind
"even a worm will turn"
Vibe: green and blue neon lights, abandoned churches, a thin line of smoke, vintage books with annotations
wlw period drama
I actually came up with this some days ago.... It's a really funny story but I'm not telling it now
Anyway mc is lonely and stays at her house most of the time writing stories and poems
Her sister is usually traveling bc she's a scientist or smt ejfnfjf
Then one day her sister comes back to their home and brings a scientific artist with her
The sister has to leave for one afternoon so mc has to show the artist around her house. They end up in a meadow near a lake painting and writing poems and sorta of get feelings for each other
When the artist goes back to her country they keep exchanging letters and falling in love one word at a time
Vibe: wild flowers, white linen sheets, countryside, rivers but in a nice way!!
Superhero story
I pretty much have everything figured out about this story but the villain so
Half of the characters are unhinged and just do what I wish I could do :'( like set their abusers on fire figuratively and mentally
I honestly don't know how to speak about this without giving away major spoilers and there are a lot of povs so... Yeah it's a talk for another day
cloves and bread
Inspired by a childhood tale and a myth:-)
Dragons, rich girls and kings
Burning woods
Lots of dissosiatian
Mc hears voices from the woods (when he was young the fey tried to kidnap him and he sorta of stayed linked to them)
It mostly deals with mc feeling crazy and wild things happening
There's also a mysterious love interest
Autumn knight
Mc's sister goes missing so mc goes looking for her
She is my bby but I have planned 1% of this wip smh it shouldn't even be here
Sleeping wolves
I watched too many Ari aster movies and a lot of heist movies and then I was like ok luv
The concept is eat the rich but in a really wild way and part of the reason why I did the mc characters white and male was because I'm afraid people will look at the story and think these characters r doing what they r doing bc for example they r crazy emotional women(yes people still think that unfortunately) so by being male I really want the reader to get that perhaps they r just crazy and r using the eat the rich as an excuse for what they do
Mc is lost in life bc his brother was missing for a while and then he was found dead
Then he gets closer with a weird group of people
They go apeshit and uhmmm
And uhmmm maybe one of the characters took eat the rich a bit too literally
I don't want to talk about this rjbghff it's a mess luv
But it actually sounds better when u read it bc like half of these things r supposed to be... A "surprise"
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2djdanger · 7 years
Words cannot describe the love I have for The Boss Baby. I saw an advanced screening of it a few weeks back with the director there & it blew my mind it’s like 3D animation meets 2D along with gorgeous art & so many opposites attract motifs like the baby acting like an adult & the graphic bold bright comic book feel type scenes that also meet this almost soft pastel 1950s/1960s vibe going on. AND THE EMOTION IN EVERYONES FACES AGH IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY AS AN ANIMATOR!!! It’s such a fast paced movie & everything happening at once & throughout all this everyone’s showing a variety of different emotions in a few seconds & the writing is amazing like not many animated films these days go back to the roots of traditional animation & just making it for a wide variety of an audience from all walks of life instead of making the same movie over & over again with great animation but a story line that seems rushed & choppy & not thought out but they keep making sequels anyways whether we wanted them or not just because m o n e y. I’m looking at u Disney with almost everything & Illumination with Despicable Me. It’s not to say that I don’t like sequels bc those companies have made some I enjoyed but it makes me disappointed when they could be putting their talents towards something fresh & new & original. This movie was o r i g i n a l in every sense of the word. Go take your kids to see it, yourself, your parents (I took mine & im a fully grown adult as are they & we loved it), your grandparents, your grandparent’s grandparents!!! It’s so great!!! It’s literally what the 3D animation community needed. I’m a traditional/2D animator myself & it seems more of the 2D movies out there recently have been trying to keep it original and don’t even get me started on the amount of work the animators do in not only 2D but 3D as well. But like recently 3D animation seems obsessed with the technology realizing they can make anything look more & more realistic nowadays then say when Pixar created Toy Story & their shorts in the 80s. These big companies keep churning out these movies not putting much thought into it & spending everything to make it look as real as possible. But that’s not the point of animation at all! They’re losing touch with why we animate in the first place!!! As my old storyboarding teacher once told our class on why we animate, we animate because it shouldn’t be possible in the real world. When you make anything animated you should stop & think: why am I making this story animated? Does it really need to be animated? Can I do this in live action? If you can make a story in live action then why are you animating it at all in the first place? It doesn’t need to be animated! Literally animation is just beautiful. You can do anything with it. And more & more especially with the technology in 3D films they’re slipping away from those values & ideas & making things that can be replicated in live action. So to see The Boss Baby really utilize the original concept of animation to tell that beautiful crazy impossible story & to top it off tell it through the bright eyes of an over imaginative child make it all the more better because it gives way to these big brilliant imagination sequences with these bold graphic designs that I’d die for. The editing and the animation in this movie is literally perfection it’s one thing flows into another into another into another & it works ANNND THERES EVEN GOOD COMEDIC TIMING!!! Sometimes movies live action & animated just can’t capture that kind of fast paced back to back tension followed by good comedic timing so to the writing team on The Boss Baby I say bravo to you & to the animators as well because God knows how difficult it is to draw out a normal sequence of actions but to follow the writing & get that vision out there in the open & follow it & draw it out so every detail works that’s just insane. This movie just inspires me so much & it’s relatable. My childhood was like Tim’s where everything was perfect & I was happy until my baby sister came along & we went at it for years. Another thing back to the genius writing in the film is this style where it forces you into Tim’s shoes because when they first introduce Boss Baby & for the first half of the film you’re made to hate him & he acts as the villain of the film until about halfway through Boss Baby really comes out of his 1 dimensional evil villain shell & just sees Tim in distress & reveals why it’s not only bad for Tim the current situation but why it’s bad for him too & then proceeds to give Boss Baby this insane narrative & beautifully tragic multidimensional backstory. Tim as the first main character has already been developed as a multidimensional character with different feelings & emotional expressions because he doesn’t know much about the world except for his imagination since he is a kid but by showing this then completely flipping everything on it’s head & giving Boss Baby real flaws & strengths that balance out Tim’s strengths & weaknesses it makes them seem a lot more like real relatable people & more so like siblings who depend on each other. As an older sister I can say some of my weaknesses end up being my sisters strengths & vice versa. Then by the end of the film,Boss Baby is this character you can't help but love & root for hoping he wins & can get out of the bad situations like when his formula was stolen so he kept going baby again it's like you feel panicked because you don't want Boss Baby to be normal you want him to be his crazy quirky self. Also this whole tragic narrative really hit me like it just stuck with me because I’m a sucker for these kinds of dark/sad stories layered in a brighter happier story & they coexist in harmony like that’s when you know a film’s really working. So SPOILERS AHEAD even though if you got this far there have already been some light spoilers I couldn’t avoid talking about but these get right into the grit of it. So the idea that Boss Baby was never really born fascinates me. In this world in the movie it makes sense. It’s also really sad as Tim points out as we’re finding out more about Boss Baby that he never had a childhood & how Boss Baby even says himself he was “born” or more so created (in both the universe of the movie & if he was self aware ((which he isn’t but for the sake of explaining this just humor the thought if he was)) that he was created as a character to work in this movie world realm plane of existence whatever you want to call it) all grown up as an adult in a baby’s body. Just think about that for a minute. What if you were born an adult & never went through childhood, never had a family, no one ever loved you or played with you or anything, all you knew was co-workers & business stuff. You never had fun or imagined things. That’s a really sad life if you ask me personally. He never had a chance to be creative or find himself all he knew was what the cold adult business school taught him from day 1. Most adults these days forgot what it was like to be a child & have fun & I think that’s what they were trying to get at with this backstory especially when Tim’s on the plane to Vegas with Boss Baby & just trying to teach him in small little ways how to use his imagination & just be a kid & not be so serious & black & white all the time. Also, I feel like that’s the issue sometimes with my own parents. As an animator I see animated movies as just another way of telling a story whereas people like my parents who don’t understand much from my line of work see it as a children’s media with no substance & pretty pictures. I want to break that barrier because the first animated pieces were NOT made for kids they were for other adults. I feel like it shouldn’t matter anyways if the movie’s marketed for kids because it could always be a good movie regardless of that & people like my parents forget what it’s like to have fun & see a good kids movie. They were kids once, we all were. As with many animated films before it, The Boss Baby brings subtle tasteful adult humor to the film as well as some just downright outrageous adult humor like Boss Baby running around butt naked with a censor bar over his nether regions. When you can marry adult & child humor together in a movie & make it work nicely it’s always a sign of a good movie. So tonight’s the opening night of The Boss Baby in cinemas everywhere & because I have so much love for this movie after seeing the advanced screening & listening to the director, producer, & designer from the movie speak about it & their own experiences they put into this film, like I stated before I dragged my parents out of the house on a Friday night when they would normally be in bed sleeping really early & shared the joy & beauty of the animated feature film with them. Normally my dad’s the one who will give almost any film a try & watch it & really like it. My mom however is extremely picky & if it doesn’t please her in the first 10 minutes or less she will zone out & fall asleep taking a nap through over half the movie. Both of my parents were on the edge of their seats tonight paying the utmost attention to the movie. It was a really beautiful moment to see my parents actually giving this animated movie a shot & they both ended up loving it as much I did on my second go seeing it. I’m not gonna lie I saw the trailers for this movie late last year & it caught my interest but I had this nagging thought that it wasn��t going to be a fresh new story it would just be typical & only made to make some money & keep Dreamworks in the game another year. I was happily proven wrong & this movie just takes everything about these money making no story movies & flips it on its head entirely. I even bought the art book for The Boss Baby because the artwork alone is enough to inspire me while working on my own projects. And that my friends is why you need to see The Boss Baby
TL;DR: The Boss Baby is an A+ gorgeously animated film with a breath of fresh air new story told in a way that’s really interesting & new & takes you back to the old days of 2D animation classics despite being a 3D film so disregard Rotten Tomato’s obviously wrong ratings & go see it for yourself because as an animator this movie makes me happy & I want to live in it forever ❤️❤️❤️
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