#anyway Buck dramatic speech about how Eddie is the one person who never left him before eddie grabs him and kisses hin 2024
lover-of-mine · 1 year
Your post about Buck needing to be the one who chooses got me thinking—it's not just that he's gotten into a bunch of relationships without really trying to initiate them, he's also needed his hand held through every single major milestone in those relationships. He was kinda shamed (lol) into asking Abby out on Valentine's Day, he needed Bobby to tell him to step in with her with her mom. When Taylor started acting weird, it didn't even seem to occur to him that something must be wrong—he just assumed that she was gonna leave him, and he literally had to be told by Bobby to at least talk things through with her. He would've never asked her to move in if not for the thing with Lucy. He wouldn't have attempted to reach out to Natalia again if she didn't come back. The only time I can think of him attempting to actually start something is in 4x12 when he's trying to flirt with Taylor and even that seemed kinda half-hearted and all over the place? He just doesn't even try! And look, it's one thing to need advice, and it's another to need an external push for literally every step of a relationship.
With Eddie, though, it's completely the opposite. From day one, Buck is all-in without needing direction from anyone—whether it's following him into danger, helping him with Chris, actually noticing whenever Eddie was not himself—especially in s5, where Buck panicked if Eddie got so much as a papercut, which really shows how apathetic he was with Taylor—and trying to help Eddie as best he could. And he's never needed anyone to tell him to do any of this. So, when it comes to choosing, there's already a precedent of Buck taking initiative when it comes to Eddie, as opposed to his other romantic endeavours. So, really, Buck being the one to finally initiate things between him and Eddie and choose him, is really the natural conclusion of all this.
Post in question
No but that's true, it's like Bobby says when Buck freaks out that Taylor is gonna leave him, he gets in relationships without having any idea how he got there or what to do when things get rough. He couldn't even figure out what to get Taylor for Christmas. And you're so right even his flirting with her was all over the place (how that man managed to sleep with as many people as the show implies is a mystery because he has no game, there's no way he was getting women on biceps alone but that's not the point now kapaka). He just goes through the motions with all of these women and keeps struggling because he decided love is work but cant see they it's work as in love won't just fall in your lap, you need to do something to get it, not as in I need to hold on to this forever and ever even if I don't want to be here anymore. And the whole thing with Natalia is that Buck was talking about wanting to pick the right person but she was the first woman we saw paying any attention to him all season and dude just latched on to that (don't blame would've also folded like a paper plane) but that exactly what he did to Taylor. While Natalia is miles better than Taylor for a lot of reason beginning with simply for the fact that she apologized for leaving when she came back, Buck is hanging on to whatever love is offered to him while failing to look around himself and see the connections he already has in his life. And the thing about Buck being attuned to Eddie since day one is so true, he never really hesitates with Eddie because the things Eddie needs seems to come on instinct to him. And he's so deep in his insecurities that he doesn't notice the way that Eddie keeps choosing to stay over and over again. Eddie picked Buck with the "you're badass under pressure" and has continuously picked Buck. Someone in the tags of that post also said something about Buck not realizing that Eddie misses him, and that's also true, I don't think Buck realizes exactly how big the space he has on Eddie's life is but since he always had to beg for love and Eddie has been giving it to him freely and without expectations he doesn't register that love as love. Like I said in my Eddie fell first essay, Buck never knew home as a place where he could find love. And that's what Eddie is, Eddie is a safe place to land no matter what. And I think in the end that's the thing, he never knew love with no strings attached so he doesn't know how to look for it. But he will never get the type of love he wants until he puts in the work to look for it. Because let's face it Eddie has been sitting around waiting for Buck to catch up for AT LEAST all of season 6.
Also if what Buck and Eddie have are not the exact opposite of the thing Bobby says "you just go with the flow and find yourself in a relationship with no idea how you got there or what to do when things start to go wrong" (went back to get the exact quote) because Buck made a conscious decision of inserting himself into Eddie's life. Eddie never asked for help with Christopher, Buck stepped up and offered because he could and that exchange tied them together. And contrary to every other relationship on Buck's life, Buck actually does know what to do when things go wrong with Eddie. But at the same time Buck didn't even notice. The man has a whole ass CHILD and he still hasn't realized what he has. I need to shake him around like and etch a sketch to see if stuff starts to register into that brain of his.
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
#anyway Buck dramatic speech about how Eddie is the one person who never left him before eddie grabs him and kisses him 2024 the first thing that came in to my mind with this was the line "We all need someone to stay"right before the chorus of somebody to stay stating to sound the moment they kiss and as the kiss progress get to the" Can you keep me close, can you love me most?" and i melted just thinking about it (you can tell this is one my top 3 buddie kiss song option )
Thank you for this image, I will be thinking about it the rest of the day. I never thought about the soundtrack of their first kiss, the possibilities that exist there are endless 🤔🤔
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