phantriicks · 6 years
I'm honestly curious now, about your Blue-coat AU... how WOULD our favorite lil duo (Sissel and Missile) fit into all this? Honestly, I'm kinda amused by the thought of, perhaps, Missile, under a different name, taking the role of our ghost cat, and vice versa. However, this is still your AU, so I want to see what ya got in mind for it.
Well I haven’t gotten so far as figuring out every little detail quite yet for the blue-coat AU (it’s still rather in the works beside stuff I have established and such) Like whether Kamila will be present in the au or not for example ( cause it depends upon whether it’s likely she was born before the incident Jowd dies or if she’s born afterwards - which if she is born afterwards then that would mean she doesn’t exist) It’s kinda like how I’m figuring out some elements when it comes to Yomiel - beside the idea that he doesn’t lose his memory’s upon his death and so was able to go back to his partner before what would of happened in canon.
I did have the idea that when it comes to Sissel - Sissel get’s adopted by Alma and so as a result is named ‘Jowd’ instead (as I’ve drawn Sissel in this au with a green collar and being looked after by Alma. I believe the idea was that she went to the ‘scene of the crime’ to see for herself and by chance happened upon the kitten.)
Missel is still properly adopted by Lynne (since you meet Missel at Lynne’s apartment besides Kamila being there.) and for example - if Kamila was still around then she’d properly be at Lynne’s place because Alma requested Lynne to babysit her since she had some things to take care of?  Likewise in responce to what you brought up - that does sound more like a roleswap kinda thing but Missel and Sissel / Jowd could perhaps swap roles in this au since Sissel wouldn’t have a reason to be at the junkyard because Yomiel wouldn’t of taken em - but likewise again the junkyard scene would need to be reconstructed (as the scene may be more like Yomiel and Cabanela or something??? I still need to work on figuring out Cabanela’s revenge plot)I know that sith and his goonies would become interested in Yomiel and such and the reason Yomiel get’s wrapped up into everything is because of Cabanela (who in turn would be the one making the deal with sith etc and properly orchestrated events so that Yomiel could display his powers and in turn get sith and co interested in it.) I haven’t 100% decided yet whether Cabanela get’s ghost powers or how to re-construct some events in ghost trick so something similar happens in this au (like alma’s death at the hands of Yomiel - the kidnapping of the justice ministers daughter etc etc.)I know beside’s making Yomiel the lead in the story - since he’d want to stop Cabanela because ‘you can’t change the past’ - especially because Yomiel doesn’t have the power to do so Sissel / Jowd or Missel would show up somewhere to assist Yomiel to put a stop to what’s happening (it’s also the case of figuring out how ‘Ray’ would play into this beside’s like Ray wanting to save Lynne ((and Kamila)) and in turn put a stop to everyone else’s suffering)
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laughingmango · 6 years
hey i want the chronological order of appearance for which cast members look like cinnamon rolls and ARE cinnamon rolls list, please.
I aim to please!
Missile (alive)
Lovey Dove
Reckless Youth
Honorable mention: fianSissel
That’s a lot of cinnamon rolls for a cast of like 25!
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artsilon · 6 years
hey i am Very invested in your au where the ais are the agents apparently, can you plz give context to your art with au lore?????
Absolutely! This is going to be a ramble, so be prepared.
That’ll be PFL 2.0, which as you’ve probably guessed, is basically a switch of AIs and agents. So Sigma’s partner is Maine, Delta’s partner is York, Gamma’s partner is Wyoming. So on and so forth. Add in a couple of my own OC AI and Agents to round out ranks a bit, and you have a smaller Project, but... This one seems to be doing better than the canon one. Different circumstances have put somebody else in charge - Sheila-012, a Spartan II who dropped out of the program, often called the ‘General’ even if it’s not a proper title - so, no leader board, no setting agents up against each other. This little group is a devastating team, stronger mods, stronger teamwork. Everything’s perfect for this Project Freelancer.
On the surface.
See, things aren’t really what they seem.
There’s some Agents who would be AI that are just... Missing. Connecticut. South Dakota. Texas. There’s no Agent Epsilon. Their ‘Meta’ is Agent Alpha, the one who was their Tex analogue, and he only has the rampant AI Washington. And he attacks... Other facilities, never Agents head on. Like he’s looking for something.
And of course, these AI are still fragments, no matter if the Project itself is far better. York, Pride. Maine, Willpower. Carolina, Bravery. Wyoming, Deceit. So on, and so forth. Who are they fragmenting this time, if Alpha’s an agent? If Sheila-012 has been hired on to run administration for this group?
Alpha’s looking for something, alright.
He’s looking for his team. He’s looking for the Reds and Blues, because while this Charon-run ‘Freelancer’ is running missions for Hargrove, thinking they’re a UNSC-owned group, the Blood Gulch Crew are battling Charon on Chorus.
It’s not a straight switch, after all. It’s Charon, who has their hands on Tex, who has their hands on the original AI fragments, putting their EMP-scarred code to work as their Agents. Useless for operating armour mods now, all except Tex. But they had absorbed enough from their Agents to be able to have their memories replaced for this, to be as devastating as they are in the field.
Tex, you see, is the one they’re fragmenting. Shedding her memories of her friends along with her aspects, her emotions, protecting them even now. And Alpha, as powerful as Charon has made him, can’t get her and his fragments back without help.
Washington isn’t rampant. Washington is her Memory, and he’s why Alpha remembers at all.
....yeah, so I got dramatic, but that’s basically PFL 2.0. Better on the surface, but under that veneer, honestly so much worse. And that’s not even getting into how they actually modified Sigma’s code so he wouldn’t be a problem.
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personaprotagpals · 6 years
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anneapocalypse · 6 years
I'm glad that the entire fandom seems to agree on South Dakota being a Red. And I'm also very glad to find someone else who believes Wyoming's a Red too!
Both have them have tried and failed to kill a Blue which pretty much makes them Red by default.
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
“Okay, that’s true.”
I still have to wonder why, not the most experienced leader here after all, but… if we survive this, I can ask questions later.
Miho nods.  “I’m going to go check in with Tengan, make sure I know what he wants me to do while we hold down the fort.  Good luck out there, boss.”
She then heads off to find Tengan.
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(I feel like I’m gonna need more than luck...)
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vesperlord · 6 years
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calliecat93 · 6 years
anya5544 replied to your post: Curious question: if anyone in RvB is one of the...
Looking up stuff related to the sins, and Lopez could be “acedia”, or apathy. I think that’s a sin, or used to be one
Looking it up... according to what I’m seeing, ‘acedia’ can be viewed as a precursor to Sloth. Okay then, I guess as far the Seven Deadly Sins goes, Lopez would go under Sloth. That works!
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midorimochi · 6 years
i don’t know where that ask you probably just received came from either. what the fuck runs through my head? 
AHAHAHAHAHAH OMG, don’t worry!
Well, I think Teruteru would have absolutely nothing against it and he’d be sure a source of an endless despair for her, but would she want THAT type of despair? Is she really able to indulge in it? HMMMMMM mystery
Kaede would probably reject him with not too much trouble, so with him out of the pic you get Junko and Kaede…
I think Kaede would compliment Junko pretty much the same way she did with Tsumugi “You’re sexy!” and I think Junko would be intrigued by Kaede’s strong will because crashing her hope would be even funnier. If Kaede’s friends are safe I think Kaede would be able to stand up to her, who knows…
But I think it could be interesting to see Kaede getting defensive and Junko getting more and more interested, perhaps Kaede wouldn’t be so boring…
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“They had good reasons to join the Phantom Thieves.
...we all did.”
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dailyau · 7 years
so like. red vs blue. have you heard of it?
I have! I watched the pilot and couldnt get into it... I was never a Halo fan or a (whoever does it) fan so its not really my cup of tea.  cool concept tho! ~Lucy
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artsilon · 6 years
...ho. Ly. FUCK. THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME. I WOULD READ THE SHIT OUT OF THIS "AU"! ...okay, but if this is an AU, Season 15 totally either doesn't happen or happens differently due to some form of the Alpha not being fucking dead, right? And like, what happens with the other agents? Do they find out? Does Tex get hidden and the cycle just all start again?! Does Church get to see his team once more?! So many fucking questions you raise with no answers I'm dying????
I’m sure his dumb butt does see his team again- But you’re right, it would make s15 way different; this was come up with right after s13! 
It’s what happens after that I’m still working out. Tex shed Memory (well, technically a double fragment, Loyalty/Memory. She has a lot of doubles), so it’s debatable if she’s got enough left in her to be fragmented again, and I’m not sure if they’re so keen to repeat the mistakes of the first Project and have their AI ‘unsupervised’, especially since there’s no Florida to do the keeping an eye on. Besides, she’s still Tex. She’s a badass, so if she recovered, she would still be a badass.
Though, I wouldn’t put it past Sheila-012 to try to just leave her in the ship’s systems for a while, let her ‘recover’, then try again, though that would take ages. ...She’s got a bitter grudge against the Church family. Specifically the Director, but he’s of course long dead, so she can’t take his anger out on him. Tex is just an easy target.
The other Agents... Alpha remembers because Wash - though he’s had a name change, to Lola, because there’s a whole MESS of identity issues there - jumped into his head, basically forcing him to remember. See, they’d learned from the Epsilon fiasco, and had Tex’s memory locked up. Unfortunately for Charon, Lola was clever and managed to escape. While there’s definitely some Agents who could be more prone to remembering - Omega comes to mind - they’re currently still all very much believing all their false backstories. For now, anyway.
I might write it, actually figure out where to take it, but I’m REALLY bad at sticking with writing series.
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bills-pokedex · 7 years
Um, hi, yes, my Houndoom Hannah has recently begun expecting a litter of puppies. Any good advice?
Invest in a lot of aloe.
On a serious note, for the most part, a lot of the care will be handled by the mother for the first few months. Simply give her enough space, be sure she’s comfortable, take her to regular pokémon center appointments, and follow everything your Nurse Joy tells you, and the delivery will be relatively painless. Moreover, once hatching, the pups will likely stick to their mother (and the mother will insist on this if the pups don’t), and of course, the usual feeding, grooming, and so forth will be done by Hannah.
Once the pups grow and become more independent, assuming you keep all of them, care of them will follow the same basic outline as the care you’ve given Hannah. I would simply recommend that you fireproof as much of your home as possible and keep an eye on them, as houndour pups are naturally curious, mischievous, and social—and the latter is relevant because one possible way of communicating for houndour is through their use of fire. Something will be set on fire in your home, in other words, and this will simply be a part of your life until you teach Hannah’s puppies otherwise.
If, however, you choose to give away the puppies, be sure to find a reputable shelter or breeder, or simply leave them with the pokémon center. There are quite a few shelters out there that may be either high-kill or less-than-reputable (that is, fronts for illegal pokémon fighting rings), so it’s worth it to do your research beforehand.
Best of luck and congratulations!
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ask-kidsona5 · 7 years
So, do any of you kids have any pets?
Akira: we all kinda share a cat? His name is Morgana! He can talk!
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
“Sakakura.  What do you need me for?"  Normally, she’d accompany this with snark, but… with an actual black hole at risk of being, there was no reason to waste breath.
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Since so many of the 6th branch are gonna be gone for a while, if anything happens, you’re in charge of the riot suppression unit.
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vesperlord · 6 years
rvb for the fandom thing~
Favorite Male Character: Church. This will become more apparent as the list goes on.
Favorite Female Character: (real answer is in bold below if you don’t want to read my ramblings) As much as I want to say Sister, because I find her highly entertaining and pretty funny, I can’t say she’s my favourite character, mostly because her main personality trait as of right now is “Sex jokes.” I like her, but I will fully admit she’s pretty two-dimensional right now. I’m holding out hope they’ll develop her as we go along, however. Currently Carolina is my favourite female character.
Favorite Ship: Grimmons, naturally.
Favorite Friendship: The way Tucker treats Caboose like a little brother in later seasons is adorable.
Favorite Quote: DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE? I do? OK then. The last... third-ish of Epsilon’s speech really gets to me: “There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end they just have to have faith.Ain't that a bitch?”
Worst Character Death: Worst as in, most heartbreaking? Epsilon.
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: Not really an in-universe thing, but the fact that Cabooses’s guide to finding your home came out on the same day I moved house was amazing.
Saddest Moment: Epsilon’s death. (CAN YOU TELL I LIKE CHURCH?)
Favorite Location: Not the canyon, funny enough. I really like Chorus.
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