#any version of loki
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taw-k · 3 months ago
How do we think a Clint and Loki reunion would go?
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hulloitsdani · 3 days ago
Fighting for your life with heroes against brand new ones that sweep your team. Henrietta lore? That power she must keep in check? Summoner just won't die. Only in some timelines. and badly. Sharena. Ragnorok?!?! Loki's shenanigans.
Thank you stranger! In no particular order, let’s go through these
First off, OH I LOVEEEEEE BEING IMMEDIATELY PROVEN WRONG ABOUT LOKI. FINALLY. THANK FUCK. The validation I felt when the question of her motives was IMMEDIATELY brought up this book. I don’t care that my read was wrong— what I truly wanted more than anything was something of more substance to read into. As for actual predictions, my bets are that her aims are on bringing about Ragnorok and the end of the gods. For fun. As a treat. For the silly.
As for the actual state of the game, idk man, I play this game weird. I’m both free to play and entirely causal, so it’s entirely up to luck if I ever have any relevant units. In my many years of playing this game, I have never managed to +10 merge a unit that wasn’t a grail unit. So I don’t tend to play game modes where that matters much, with the exception of aether raids sometimes. I like clearing the challenge maps and making the story mode levels really difficult by using strictly Askr trio.
For events outside of that, I have a lot of fun using about one team per six months and trying to creatively use them and their base skills to solve whatever new bullshit is added. The game is clearly not built for you to do that, but I like the challenge it poses. I got really lucky on the CYL7 banner and got all four of the guys from that event. Brave Robin, Corrin, Soren and Gullvieg was my go to team for wayyyy longer than it should have, especially with zero changes to their kits and no merges. Hell I didn’t even have dragon flowers on half of them because Askr Trio building has long stolen most of flower supply. But god was it fun. I know how that group of units play off each other like the back of my hand. And considering how most people tend to just be frustrated with this game’s gameplay, it feels like I must be doing something right. I am constantly broke tho, so rip.
On the lore side, Henriette and Gustav are such a fascinating two for one package for me. Marketable plushies often bought together please don’t separate. The :) to his >:(. They’re both are great rulers and loving partners, but fumbled a bit in their parenting in ways that make total sense. For you see, I am a firm believer that everyone walks out of their childhood at least a little fucked up. Even the best parents are still human. And I adore Askr’s royal family unit, because it digs into that idea! Henriette and Gustav weren’t abusive or harboring malicious intent, but they were neglectful and lacking in ways that cannot be denied. Which is extremely cool! More of this please and thank you.
Looping back to the quote in question, to be perfectly honest, I would be pleasantly surprised if we ever got answers for her day of devotion alt voice lines. However, Gustav having a wife with the power to kill him easily would be so fucking funny. Like father, like son. If your romantically coded life partner can’t theoretically ensure your body is never found, what’s even the point. She doesn’t even need to be secretly divine or anything— I would be satisfied with her being something as simple as an abnormally strong mage. She can accidentally fold people like an omelet if she’s not being careful. Which, now that I’m putting that into writing, might contribute to her relationship with her kids.
Speaking of, Sharena!!! My best friend Sharena!!! I’ve got a multitude of thoughts cooking for her, but currently the one at the forefront is making home girl jacked as hell. Not joking. Dead ass. We all know the role she plays on a personality level— she’s the heart. The emotional glue that keeps these loner trickster types together and in check. But considering that this is the theater of war and everyone else has a role to play, I think it could be interesting if she was the beefiest fighter in the Askr trio. She’s able to dedicate the time fully to that craft, you know? She’s not balancing the responsibilities that arise from being the Order’s commander, tactician, or right hand man/history buff. Not to mention she was trained to fight by Bruno, who presumably played the role of group muscle before her. Therefore, when it comes to feats of physical strength, Sharena should be the Order’s go-to lady! I think it would be neat! She deserves the ability to easily carry her commanding officer and beat Alfonse’s nerdy ass in an arm wrestle.
Last but certainly not least, summoner bad ends! What could possibly go wrong? A lot, apparently. And it happens much more often than you’d expect.
See, I don’t think it’s that the summoner cannot die. Polar opposite, if anything. Each success is built upon the littered corpses of millions of failures. This idea loops back to the alternate version of Askr the group finds in book 3. In order to defeat Hel, they must loot the corpse of a dead world. By its very nature, not every summoner has an alternate corpse to loot. At least half of all realities where the summoner exists results in death and ruin by book 3 ALONE. This is saying nothing of all the dangerous odds they must beat from then to book 9. Just pulling one example off the dome, in order to defeat Gullveig, they had to die a truly eldritch and inconceivable amount of times. But we the audience don’t bear witness to that. We get to see the one world with the one summoner who is hitting those fraction of a fraction odds. The universe’s luckiest bastard. Others are not so lucky.
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skyekitsuneart · 30 days ago
What should have happened when Loki reunited with Billy and Teddy in Loki The Liar
Teddy: So yeah, basically we're married and ruling space together now :D what have u been up too?
Loki: Oh not much,,,, worked as a spy for Asgardia,,,, fought with Thor again,,,, got betrayed by Asgardia,,,, died and was reborn again,,,, watched the multiverse collapse,,, i saw America briefly!!,,,,, became ruler of the Jotunhiem,,,,,, so you know, the usual
Billy, local reality warper: What do you mean the multiverse collap---
Loki: Oh! And i fucked your mom
Billy: What. Please tell me youre lying again.
Loki: Damn you got me!!
Billy: Thank god
Loki: Yeah no, we didnt actually fuck, but we were really close. Wanda rejected me at the last second,,, :(
Billy: wha-???!!? you-?!!!? she-?!!??
Billy: You have 10 seconds to run.
Loki: hehe
Teddy: D:
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brinnybee · 1 year ago
key lime
Somebody's gonna figure me out It's what I am, it's what I was, it's what I wanna become Somebody's gonna figure us out And I hope they do 'cause I'm falling for you ((Entropy -- Beach Bunny))
oops made a lokius playlist
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musclesandhammering · 1 year ago
If shippers are making you this pissed off, you need to stop interacting with them instead of being so fucking negative.
And if seeing negativity makes you pissed off enough to anonymously (lmao) send me a message about it, you need to adjust your filters accordingly to avoid posts that are specifically tagged as anti from blogs that have anti right in the name 🤷‍♀️
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pandagirl45 · 1 year ago
The bird boys being with rhodey.
Starling Steve
Hawk Clint
And Falcon Sam
Rhodey who takes care of his winged partners
Steve gets huffy at the fact he is the smallest of rhodes partners
Because I'm trash
Tony with a osprey Bucky, a bird of red Robin pepper, and I'm between either a magpie loki or a Martial Falcon for t'challa. Not sure
Pepper gets the biggest room for herself. T'Challa and Bucky likes trying to bring home what they hunted for Tony. Call it domestic rivalry.
What the fuck... ugh. I love this.
If rhodey and Tony were birds too, rhodey would be a raven and Tony would be humming bird. Ugh, my word. Yes.
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spacedykez · 2 years ago
new url time (foxbride-sunlight --> lovequeerloki)
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penofsteele · 11 months ago
I have. So many.
favorite character from any media BUT it has to be a woman. in the tags now go (pls talk to me about your favorite fictional women pls pls pls pls)
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witchoflegends · 1 year ago
@liies liked for a Frigga starter
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"Oh, good morning, my darling," Frigga greeted her son warmly. "I wasn't expecting to see you up and about so early. Have you been having trouble sleeping?"
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taw-k · 2 months ago
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percheduphere · 1 year ago
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Production costs aside, clothes tell the audience about how characters think of themselves.
Loki's shoes in the S2 finale raised a lot eyebrows, but I find them quite fitting: they are comfortable, practical, and most importantly, they are humble. The camera brings this to our attention to communicate his evolution in character.
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Loki has always dressed well, often times ostentatiously. Whether he is at war, passing as a Midgardian, or held captive as an Asgardian prisoner, Loki communicates his social class and sense of superiority through clothing. For him, clothing armors his fragile sense of self and against others' opinions of him. He intends to be perceived as deadly charming but ultimately unapproachable.
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His attire in the first Thor movie is roughly equal parts green and gold, signifying his royal status. His style is dressed down for his brother's misadventures in Jotenheim, yet overall both silhouettes are lofty, princely, but not hardened or threatening.
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In Avengers, Loki's look has more black and leather, with exaggerated emphasis on his shoulders meant to intimidate as he assumes the role of villain. The silhouette is very hard, heavy, and edgy. Gold detailing is prevalent as well. Combined with the goat's helm, this is Loki's most pretentious outfit, which speaks to an undercurrent of low self-esteem and a compulsive need to impress. There's no mistaking he is the main antagonist of the story.
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In Thor 2, Loki's attire is similar to Avengers but the overcoat is exchanged for a less bulky version (perhaps conveying he is less guarded now that the effects of the Mind Stone are no longer influencing him). Loki's role likewise pivots from the harsh lines of a villain to the more flexible edges of a reluctant villain-turned-ally. This aligns with his character arc when he protects both Jane and Thor, seemingly sacrificing himself.
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In Thor 3, Loki's silhouette is streamlined even further. The overcoat is done away with in favor of what appears to be a leather doublet, pauldrons, and vambraces. Gold accents are minimal. While stylish, Loki's attire is more practical than showy, and his helm serves the dual purpose of protection as well as weaponry. At this point in his arc, Loki has become a full antihero, joining his brother's side in rescuing as many Asgardians as possible, and eventually dying in a vain bid to protect Thor from Thanos.
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The TVA does something very fun and interesting in taking away Loki's ability to dress himself. Since Loki cannot use his magic in the TVA, he is forced to wear the same clothing as his captor/advocate, who eventually becomes his best friend and peer.
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Perhaps, on a subconscious level, this helped Loki to feel included. We know by his pwn admission that Loki fears being alone and desperately craves a sense of belonging. At the same time, he intentionally dresses to put people at a distance, thereby protecting himself from potential rejection at the cost of isolating himself further.
When Mobius gives him that TVA jacket for the first time, Loki seems uncharacteristically pleased. It is not an attractive jacket by any means, yet he neither scoffs at it nor refuses to wear it. Instead, Loki puts it on and is content when Mobius says it looks "smart" on him. He continues to dress like Mobius and, indeed, mimic some of his mannerisms such as placing his hands on his hips. Without clothing meant to push people away, Loki opens up, has more fun, and makes friends.
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Loki's choice of attire as he assumes the mantle of God of Stories (and time) is fascinating. Setting aside the clear design inspiration from the comics, Loki's silhouette is soft, remarkably so. His colors are earthy hues of green, and the only bit of flare are the light gold trimming and crown. The look brings to mind the garb of sages and wise wizards rather than royalty or warriors. He's powerful yet approachable because there is humility in his bearing. And that humility springs from a well of healthy self-worth, self-love, and a deep love for others.
The shoes are not meant to be attractive. They are meant to help him ascend the throne, nothing more.
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cerealnico · 2 years ago
What if instead of making Loki and Sylvie crush on eachother, when Mobius tells Loki she's been eliminated or whatever Loki just finally blurts out
" I'm alone! I used to think I was but now I really am, and she was the only one I've got left. She gets me, she trusts me, and for the first time in my life, I had a real friend. A real connection, and I know it's real because she could've easily left me to die and she didn't, and not because we're family or she owed me anything. That's why I helped her, Mobius, and because I believed her. And if you're mine as well, you'll believe me."
And like, you can keep the blanket scene and shit, that is a proper bonding moment, but it could end as like, " I've never actually had a real friend either." Well, neither have I. Maybe until now?"
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lostalioth · 5 months ago
𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲
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→ premise: loki may seem like a cruel prince to others, strict and ruthless. expect in the privacy of your shared chambers he’s your loving master who fills you up just like you need.
→ pairing: loki laufeyson x fem!reader
→ warnings: smut | 18+, creampie, master kink, unprotected sex, nicknames [master, angel, darling], small praise kink, small amount of begging, reader grabs onto lokis helmet horns, this is very short
→ a/n: kinktober 05
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To the other asgardians Loki seemed a ruthless man, a cruel prince who nobody understands. Though to you, he was your loving devoted boyfriend, one who spoils you in more ways than one.
“Loki- please let me cum” you whine as your hips attempt to push against his hold on them to ride him. His long thick cock was throbbing inside you, he was currently buried to the base with you sat in his lap. He was making you sit still to stop you short from cumming. He was just as close as you were and even the little clenches of your cunt were soon gonna be enough to push him over that edge.
“Eh- what's my name darling?” He tilted his head, his voice having its usual cocky edge. The shorter version of his signature horned helmet, sat on his head still. He grabs ahold of your chin, forcing your glazed over about to start watering eyes to look at him when you don’t respond right away.
“Master!~” the proper name he wanted you to say slips out in a wanton moan when his hips thrust up hard inside you to get your attention. “Master, please let me cum, pleasssee” you drag out the last word in a whine as you beg.
A satisfied smirk grows on his face as you continue to plead and beg. “You can cum angel, you have permission for being such a good girl” he chuckled lightly and using his hold on your hips, thrusts up into your leaking cunt.
”Fuck!” You scream out as your hands scramble to hold onto something, you try grabbing ahold of his shoulders but eventually your hands settle on grabbing onto the horns of his helmet.
He quirked an eyebrow at you in interest at your choice but loses his focus when your pussy squeezes his cock. “Mhmm~ shit darling im gonna cum, wanna cum with you angel” he growls and speeds his thrusts up, his tip hitting the glorious spot inside you and abuses it.
“Master, im cumming~” you whine out as your head falls back, your eyes screwed shut. Loki takes in the beautiful sight of your body as your climax washes over you, your thighs shaking as they laid each side of him.
“Thats a good fucking girl- god angel” he grunts out as his own head lulls back in bliss when his climax hits him, hot spurts of cum slowly filling up your used and still throbbing cunt.
in the midst of coming down from your highs, Loki softly kisses along your exposed shoulder and up the side of your neck. Exhaustion and soreness quickly hits your body as it grows limp in his arms.
“I love you darling” he whispers against your neck as you begin drifting off to sleep. “Mmm, love you too master” you mumble out almost inaudibly, his softening cock still buried in you and keeping his seed inside.
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→ a/n: this is short as i rushed to write it, it late by a day, i meant to post this yesterday but had a horrible headache so I couldnt even write it. I didnt proofread so sorry for any mistakes
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months ago
Cool tags by @/zorilleerrant
Reminds me of the "on a scale of Superman to Loki how well did the adoptive parents raise the alien?"
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This question was sent to our inbox and we made a separate poll in response to it. If you want to put your Blorbo in a situation of your choice and see if people think they’ll survive, send your Blorbo and the situation in which you want to see them to our inbox and we’ll post a poll for you! (For more information, check our pinned post.)
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yanderes-galore · 1 month ago
Venom won the fic poll so here's my attempt at writing him... them...? Sorry the second half is rushed... I honestly didn't have a plot in mind and just... let my mind wander.
I want to write Loki, Moon Knight, and Doctor Strange at some point for Marvel Rivals... but I'll be spacing out any other personal fics I do between requests. Like a little treat for my brain rot.
Lethal Protector
Yandere! Venom (Marvel Rivals) Oneshot
Pairing: Dubious
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Violence, Blood, Murder, Kidnapping, Restraints, Clingy behavior, Dubious turned forced companionship/relationship.
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No matter the universe, it's hard to get used to Venom. Symbiotes have always been seen as monsters, especially in this timeline displacement event. However... this version of Venom, is one of the only ones where he's become a hero.
Eddie and Venom are one being now. They are Venom and have pushed aside their desire to consume others. For the most part, at least....
They claim they're a hero now, a protector trying to fix the crumbling multiverse that threatens to harm you all. You have even gotten involved due to your timeline merging with all the others. Encountering Venom was a concerning meeting at first...
But you'll take any help you can get.
You already have enough to deal with. You're meeting people you thought you knew only to find out they're from a different universe at a completely different time. There's two Dr. Dooms fighting, Hydra's in contact with eldritch beings, Knull is waking up, Bast is corrupted, Loki's taken over, Dracula...
You had your hands full enough as is.
When you met Venom, like many of the other familiar faces you witnessed, you were tired. Like everyone you're struggling to find a way to stop all this warring. Dealing with a symbiote was the last thing on your list....
Yet... Venom wasn't your typical ball of alien goop. They have a host and are in sync with them relatively well. You had first encountered the beast on Klyntar in an attempt to help the Guardians get Knull under control.
Like most of the wildlife on this planet, you expected Venom to attack you.
They never did, in fact...
You caught the symbiote defending you from another of its kind.
Since then you accepted the symbiote around you. As long as the beast doesn't try to eat your face, you'll accept teaming up. Speaking with the beast even allowed you to learn more about them.
The host was named Eddie. Together with the symbiote they were Venom. While once a beast that tormented Spider-Man in their universe... their connection with Knull was severed then. This lead to some... individuality.
Venom was now considered a lethal protector. Lethal you could see from just looking at them. Although, protector...?
That was a new sight to you.
You had partnered with Venom across various new locations with many different faces. You never bothered considering them a threat. After all, there were worse things to consider.
It also meant you never quite had enough time to process the changes in Venom's behavior around you.
It was hard to tell when the beast was extra ruthless. While intelligent, Venom acted like a towering guard dog around you. Many other faces you've met tended to comment on how insistent Venom is around you.
Even Spider-Man, someone who's used to Venom chasing him down, asked how you managed to 'tame the beast'.
You don't really know how yourself. You simply fought alongside the beast at Klyntar. Ever since then, the beast has followed you around.
Downtime is something you cherish in times like this. It doesn't even seem like you can get that alone anymore. Not that you really want to be alone in the places you find yourself in....
You quietly sit down in a place so familiar to your own world... yet altered. It's all uncanny to you as you try to remember what home was. Before you can, a large presence slams beside you, startling your thoughts before it comes crawling over.
"We wish to know why you are so quiet?" The beast hisses, settling behind you. You feel the protoplasm of the beast shift beside you as Venom looks down at you. You sigh, calming the tension in your body.
"I just... miss home. I see so many traces of it yet it's never the same." You admit, glancing at Venom. "I'm tired of being in danger all the time... I don't want to be alone."
"You don't wish to be alone?" The beast echoes as though trying to understand your conflict. You nod quietly, exhausted.
"I never know who's friend and who's foe. Everything's all messed up and I don't know who I can trust!" You admit, barely picking up the subtle way the beast shifts closer to you.
"Do you trust us?" The creature hisses, studying you. "We wish to trust you."
"I..." You hesitate, having trouble looking into the milky white eyes of the symbiote. "Yes, Venom. I trust you. You... haven't eaten my brain yet, at least."
"We do not plan to eat your brain." Venom growls as if offended by the idea. "You are much too..."
A brief pause is heard and you tilt your head. You weren't expecting them to hesitate as they look at you.
"... You are... inedible. We cannot eat you. We do not wish to." Venom manages to respond. You can't tell if you're offended or not until the beast shifts closer, black body sticking to your clothes.
"We only wish to protect you. Won't you let us? We are friend... You may trust us." Venom hisses, tongue lashing as they press closer.
"Uh, yeah... Yeah, you can protect me... Just... stop touching me?" You ask, pressing against Venom's chest with a hand. You immediately grimace as the black goop nearly envelops you. The beast the chuckles a growl, nodding before pulling back.
"Fine... We will give you space." The beast grins, "For now."
Protection. Trust. You didn't expect that to be a slippery slope. With how Venom stuck around you, you didn't think he'd do anything... wrong.
You underestimated Venom's words, it seems...
After all... You said you couldn't trust ANYONE, right?
A slimy appendage swipes across your face as you wake from your temporary slumber. The smell of something wet and metallic tingles in your nostrils as you sit up. At least... You try.
Yet the beast's black tendrils tighten on your body, large white eyes staring down at you.
You struggle to remember what happened. Your head hurts and you keep feeling something wet hit your face. After that... It doesn't take long for you to realize a tongue is hitting your face.
You struggle immediately, the beast above you growling as it tightens its hold. You can now see it's Venom who is holding you hostage once your vision returns. You struggle... but the sticky symbiote won't let you go.
"Venom, What the hell—?" You freeze when you look around yourself. The area around you stunk of blood. Traces of the red substance covered the area as you pull at Venom's hold.
You smell it on them too, the stench making you freeze on the spot.
"Scared? We took care of it. You were in danger. Danger's gone now." Venom answers in a matter of fact tone.
"Danger...? What danger? Danger where?" You try to ask, Venom choosing to nuzzle your head instead of answering.
"Gone. Danger is gone. We said we will keep you safe." Venom answers, licking their teeth as they hold you in their claws and tendrils.
You look around to see where Venom brought you. It's an alternate version of your home, you can tell that much. It looks so different... especially with the amount of blood splashed across the ground.
"... Who did you hurt, Venom...?" You force yourself to ask, heart racing.
"Who does not matter. We got rid of the danger." Venom responds simply. "We brought you home, too."
"You said no one is trustworthy but us." Venom growls, "Why do you care? We are the only ones worthy of working with you."
"Let me go, now, I can't—!" You plead, only for Venom to roar and pin you. You feel yourself stuck on the bloodied floor, four sets of claws pinned beside you while symbiote tendrils coil around your midsection.
"We will not be letting you go just to see you nearly get killed again!" The beast roars on top of you, tightening their hold. "We plan to keep our promise. You said you miss your friends... You said you miss home. We're meant to be your friend, we took you home!"
The hold is tighter, suffocating, yet oddly comforting despite the gooey texture and uncanny environment.
"We shall be your friend. We shall be your home. We... shall be yours." Venom growls, tongue dripping with saliva as they stare you down.
"You... shall be ours."
Venom was not the threat you expected to be your downfall in this multiversal problem. Many who were dragged into this may very well die. Naively... You wished Venom would've focused more on the big picture.
Instead, to Venom, there was only one goal that mattered to them now more than home...
That goal was keeping you all for themselves, for protection... at least, you can only hope that's why.
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prinzrupprecht · 7 months ago
Hello, I would like an order for Ror Yandere Hades, Poseidon, Loki and Apollo with Anubis female version with the personality of Helaena Targaryen and being super overprotected because she gets lost and is autistic with ADHD, please.
Yes, this request is interesting since Halaena Targargyn’s is one of my favs from HoTD, so I’ll try to make a good interpretation on these characters. I prob fucked up Poseidon… sorry. :(
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This man would not let you out of his sight, he knows how naive you are.
When you do accidentally find his secret room and a doll that looks like you. Your mind couldn’t handle the thought of why he had that and as you tried to panic and leave, he even stopped you and refused you from leaving his palace.
He normally would shape shift into cats or other animals to stalk you whenever you’re reading or wandering around.
If someone tried to take your attention from him, even to ask you for your assistance in something, he would rudely dismiss them while you stand there puzzled and confused.
As you struggle with social interactions and being near others, Loki would always be the one to speak for you even if he says out of line phrases that you would never say.
You also have a huge habit of watching bugs in the garden and sometimes would accidentally wander too far in Odin’s garden before Loki could find you and bring you back. You had always wondered how he always finds you. Maybe he was nearby?
Apollo normally appears as an extremely narcissistic individual who never was loyal to any of his lovers, until he first laid his eyes upon you as the goddess of funerals and burials. He had to nearly beg you to get to know him, even if you preferred to be alone and to be withdrawn from everyone.
Whenever others don’t fit his standards of beauty, he looks down on them even if you’re standing beside him as he berates some of the maids and or servants in the Olympus palace.
He would always act dramatic and rant to you about his long day arguing with his servants if they don’t do things his way, Apollo gets agitated. You tend to always listen and speak if you’re asked to.
Whenever he goes to have his baths, he always puts pressure on you to join him. You felt like you had no say in the matter and agreed to these occasional baths with him.
Whenever you tried to wander the palace alone, Apollo would scold you about leaving without telling him because of how easy it was to get lost in the palace. You could go days without seeing a single person sometimes. Apollo always told you to tell him if you were going somewhere so he would be the one to accompany you. This was something that made you weirded out at first but you never questioned him.
You preferred being in solitude without Apollo rambling nonsense about his day. He was too attached to your company to let you out of his sight. If he wants a bath, you’d have to join him. It was nearly impossible to get away from him at times. He even dropped the harem of girls because he was obsessed with you.
When Adamas tried to hurt you one evening while you got lost in the wrong wing of the palace, you had thought you were alone since you left Apollo’s room without telling him. However, Apollo was already quick to tell Adamas to leave and that he was sorry for disturbing him. Apollo wasn’t mad, but he doesn’t like the thought of someone trying to hurt you and he’s not there to protect you.
The King of the Netherworld wasn’t one to find a soulmate considering he was too busy ruling Helheim, until he saw you one day in the garden of Eve with Lucifer, Azazel and Samuel stealing apples which was forbidden, however, he didn’t care about that. He rarely goes to that place but something about you intrigued him and lured him. You? An Egyptian goddess of funerals hanging out with them? He wanted to scoff knowing you could do better, with someone like him.
He knew of you, but you rarely appeared during council meetings because of how sensitive the topics were. You didn’t like the thought of destroying entire species. You took care of the dead your own way.
You mostly kept to yourself and found the littlest things more amusing to you like ants on the ground. Hades had wondered why he watched you for so long.
The moment he finally caught your attention, you looked dumbfounded at his presence while the three angles were kneeling. You were socially distant from your interaction with the Netherworld king many times before. However, he quickly declared that you walk with him in Helheim.
As reluctant as you were, Hades saw how nervous and fidgety you were around him due to his status as a chief god. He quickly asked if you’d stay with him in his empty palace and promised you his protection. You quickly thought of saying no to that suggestion, however, how could you decline that? You had your own routine and duties as the goddess of funerals. Hades promised you’d continue your usual activities only if you’d accompany him whenever he wanted. Helheim was a dangerous place where demons dwell and he would kill any demon that tries to harm you.
Whenever, you tried to travel around his castle alone or the number of times you got lost finding your away around, Hades would quickly find you and tell you to stay with him in his room instead. He even offered his entire library to you if you wanted to read. Even if you’d rather be alone, his presence was enough to make you obey him.
This man rarely talks, and mostly glares at others. His cold exterior told you otherwise to just avoid him and to never interact with him. However, as you thought he had no emotions, you were completely wrong by this. He loves his brothers and even shows you respect by not calling you a bottom feeder like he does with other gods.
He saw how Zeus was being a pervert and was spying on you in the baths and scolded him which nearly pissed off the ocean tyrant because of his younger brother’s unpleasant nature of being a pervert.
You were just an outside guest of the Egyptian pantheon and were asked personally by Poseidon to accompany him in his hall. Which was a long table and he sat at one end. He questioned you, your intentions, why you were even at the Olympus palace and other things. You were incredibly nervous and thought you were going to die. He tried walking towards you as you were squeezing your eyes shut while fidgeting with your fingers.
You were something that interested you but he couldn’t put forth as to why. Was it your personality? Or how much you prefer to be alone like him? When Adamas tried to harm you, things didn’t end well for him. Let’s say he tried to attack Poseidon the same day as well nearly killing him.
He didn’t like how much you’d rather leave when you tried to dismiss yourself. He refused to let you leave and told you to stay with him for just a bit longer. This was the longest you ever heard him speak. He was definitely more quiet when he’s with his brothers.
Even as nervous as you seem to be, you were easy to obey him.
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