#any time i stop playing for a little while i wind up making a new farm and stuff cus i forget what i was doing earlier and i get stressed
forestryfae · 1 year
the worst part of stardew valley is Spring, Year 1
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needypisces · 5 months
there's only so much a body can work out, a body can do
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Art Donaldson was exhausted.
He was playing tennis for hours a day, exams were coming up, and with Patrick calling from a new time zone every week, he was barely getting any sleep. Even sliding facedown onto the bed next to you offered little relief for his aching muscles.
You let out a sympathetic cluck at his frustrated sigh, dropping your book and winding a hand into his shaggy hair to scratch reassuringly at his scalp. “Poor baby,” you said. “You’re wound up way too tight.”
He didn’t reply, but you could hear his exhale into the mattress. “You need to relax.” You continued, twisting a loose curl around your finger.
“I’m not so good at that.” He admitted in a muffled voice.
“You just need some help.” You paused for a moment, eyeing the tension in his shoulders, the slight arch of his back. “Why don’t you lie down?”
Art tilted his chin up to look at you. “I am lying down.”
“On your back.”
He scanned your eyes briefly before obeying, shirt riding up his toned stomach in the process. “Like this?”
“Yeah, just like that.” You agreed. You sat beside him and he shifted slightly to maintain better eye contact, bringing up an arm to rest behind his head. The movement drew your gaze to his taut bicep, and you couldn’t resist bending down to bite it, just barely hard enough to sting.
You smiled into Art’s skin at his surprised inhale, but you were the one caught off guard when his other arm swept you seamlessly into his lap.
“Hey!” You said, sitting up straight. “Hands to yourself.” He pouted, hand still gripping your hip, but you weren’t joking. When you started to lift yourself off, he caved.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” He said, propping himself up with both arms now. “You’re in charge.”
“Don’t forget it.” You warned. He watched, chastised, as you dropped your own hands to the hem of his shirt, pulling it up until it bunched at his collarbone. Then, finally, you leaned down to kiss him.
Art was a needy kisser, always waiting for you to guide him, chasing your mouth with his own any time you tried to pull back, whimpering when you licked at the inside of his mouth. You loved kissing him, loved how much it worked him up. He was still a teenage boy, after all.
Once you could feel him properly hard beneath you, you began to descend, teeth scraping his jawbone, his collarbone, his nipple, followed soothingly by your tongue each time. Art’s abdomen was tense beneath your mouth as you pressed open-mouthed kisses to his ribs, his navel, his hips.
The tip of his cock was already sticky when you pulled down his boxers and grasped him in your fist, and you wasted no time in leaning down to tongue his slit. Normally you’d tease him much longer, make him beg, but right now, you just wanted to make him feel better. Art could hardly believe his luck.
You pumped the base of him with one hand and cupped his balls with the other as you suckled at his head. A whine escaped from high in the back of Art’s throat, and it only encouraged you to swallow more of him down.
“Oh,” he gasped, hips bucking into your mouth. “Fuck, please, please.” You moved a hand to rub his thigh reassuringly, a wordless promise, and lowered yourself further until your nose nestled against his pelvis. Art was panting desperately above you, the noises so sweet you couldn’t stop yourself from grinding down against his leg. He moaned at the feeling of your wetness, which only spurred you on more. For a while, the only sounds in the room were your slurps and gags against Art's cries.
Before long, you could feel the familiar signs of his impending orgasm, and you popped off. It took Art a moment too long to comprehend that you were speaking, too mesmerized by the string of drool connecting you to his dick.
“Where do you want to come, baby?” You asked again, hand continuing your work. “Hmm?”
“Is this a trick question?” He asked between shallow breaths.
You couldn’t help but laugh, and Art’s chest flushed pink. “No.” You promised, ducking to mouth at his balls. “Anywhere you want. Do you want to come in my mouth? On my face, or on my tits?” His face was beautifully unforgettable when you glanced up, eyes dazed and cheeks glowing as he tried to form a thought. “Come on, princess, use your words.”
At that, Art’s cock twitched in your grasp and you took him back into your mouth, tongue working at the underside. “On your face,” he finally said above you, and your stomach swelled. “Wanna come on your face.”
“Okay, baby,” you murmured. “Anything for you.” You pulled off long enough to soak two fingers in your spit, simultaneously gulping him back down and pressing the pads of your fingers behind his balls. Art clenched down and let out a strangled moan as you rubbed over his hole. You teased him with the tip of a finger, nudging at the muscle but not quite penetrating him, soaking up the mewls that fell from his mouth.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna- you’re gonna make me come,” he panted. His thighs were quivering; he was so close, the tension ready to drain from his body. You gave an encouraging hum, swallowing around his cock, and Art’s gasp broke into a sob as he came. You kept him in your mouth for a moment, letting yourself swallow just a little before pulling off to let him splatter onto your face. Art’s whimpers were delicious as he watched himself coat your swollen lips, your long lashes.
“Good boy,” you cooed, fist still working his cock even as he began to flinch from the overstimulation. “That’s it, does that feel better?”
Art’s head was tipped back as he struggled to catch his breath, but even still, his eyes refused to move from the mess on your face. You kept your eyes on his as you lowered your mouth once more, lapping at the dribble of cum down his cock. He started to whine in protest, it was too much, but you took pity and let him go, rocking back on your heels.
“So much better,” he whispered. “That felt so good, I needed it, thank you."
“Good.” You said, licking your lips. “That’s what I like to hear.”
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1emon1ime · 2 months
Dominance Hierarchy (Koba x Human!Reader)
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(art by me)
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57723100/chapters/146903323
In this new world of predator and prey you are no longer the dominant species.
Rating: 18+ Pure smut. MDNI!
Warning: Non consensual, Gun Play, Interspecies Sex
There's dirt on your clothes. There's blood on your face. Bruises on your knees and grazes on your arms. There's dry soil on your skin, sticking coldly and clammy to your sweat. And there's a lump in your throat that just wouldn’t go away, no matter how many times you've tried to swallow it.
You suck in a huge breath of air and look up to the sky; the only semblance of color in a sea of green and brown. The trees that loom over you are still, the wind has left and all that's left is a cold hollow silence. Your lungs fill with cold air, and the chill hits your chest like a dagger.
You're lost.
How many hours-- How many days has it been now?
You can't even recall the faces of your parents. What they looked like, sounded like. It's been so long since they succumbed to the virus. But you-- You were still here. Somehow, you'd managed to make it this far. But... 
What was the point?
What was the point of anything anymore? You're tired, you're hungry and you're scared. So scared.
You're alone. 
And no matter how many times you tell yourself to keep going, the tears just won't stop coming.
You had been with a small group of survivors for the past year or two and while it was company; you could never really get along with them. Humans become violent and animalistic when resources were scarce. You had witnessed people kill one another for things as little as scraps of food, cannibalize one another to feed their family.
Man was only empathetic and kind when he had a a surplus of food. Now he was just as dangerous as any other predator out in the woods.
The last person you had been travelling with had died yesterday. You watched them keel over from fatigue, they just couldn't go on anymore. Hypothermia quickly set in that night and that was it. In the morning, you left her body and set out to look for an exit. You weren't even that close, death had become a constant part of your life now.
"I swear there's still game in that forest." She had said. Industrial agriculture had long collapsed, desperation had led many here, but you knew the truth. There were probably no animals left in the forest. The moment big supply chains had shut down, hoards of hungry people had caught everything, from street rats to deer. Their populations had no time to rebound. It was an endless cycle of ecological overshoot.
Perhaps not this area though.
Because there was something else, the reason you were reluctant to even traverse into this patch of forest in the first place.
The rumors . 
"They say that this area is heavily guarded," you had told her, "no one ever returns from here with their life. Least not their mental state." 
Damn it.
You should have listened to yourself. You should have stayed back.
But what was there to even go back to ? More violence and desperation? More chaos and collapse? There had to be something more out there-- something beyond the boundary. 
At this point, you probably didn't have much time left. You were growing weaker and malnourished with every day that passed. Not only that but you were completely on your own now, no weapons and no means to defend yourself. It was dangerous to stay here and it was dangerous to go back...
All you focused on at the moment was survival.
You wandered deeper into the forest, desperately searching for some relief: food, water, maybe even an old abandoned village that you could pillage for supplies. But the further you traversed, the more disorientated you became. Everything started looking the same. The trees all looked identical and the ground was so uniform that any footprints or other signs of human presence would be easily missed. Even worse, you couldn't tell which way the sun was facing. It was always behind the canopy of branches.
As you stumbled through the woods, a sudden movement caught your eye. Just ahead of you, a deer darted from one side of the path to another, sensing something that you had missed.
Rustle, rustle.
You froze, head sharply turning to the source of the sound.
You felt your heart race, the beat echoing between your ears as you turned around and felt relief wash over you when there was nothing there. A lone human girl with no weapons or defence was as easy picking as a deer. Without the safety of your community or your weapons, you were defenceless. Your species, once the apex predator of the world, free to pillage the Earth until it had been plucked bare had been reduced to a mere prey item on the menu for one of the many predators that lurked in the forest.
It felt like you had been walking for hours but it must have been a couple of minutes at the most. Your body shivered, the chill air stinging at your exposed flesh and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
You shivered, your clothes had gotten torn up in the thick bush, leaving you even more exposed to the elements.
Was it even worth it to keep going? You had nothing left but your survival instinct kept you from killing yourself. The hope that maybe one day you would be able to escape and find a place where the virus could not spread, a place where people had not gone insane. 
Right. Survival instinct. Embedded deep into the most primal part of your brain.That part that kept you turning your head every time you heard a strange sound, or start running when you spotted a predator out of the corner of your eye. But even your ancient instincts were failing you. That rustling sound appeared again. Someone-- or some thing was following you.
Rustle .
There it was. That sound again. The movements continued and this time, you could not ignore it. Something was definitely there.
Your hands trembled and your vision blurred. You felt sick, dizzy and weak. The cold air made you light-headed and your heart was pounding loudly in your chest. The only thing you could focus on was that sound and try to make out where it was coming from.
You could hear your own breath, heavy and ragged as you tried to calm down. The sound echoed through the silence, a deafening noise. Your legs began to shake and buckle under your own weight. The ground trembled beneath you and the air filled with the sound of something moving through the trees, something big. It could only be one thing. The source of the rumors and the reason why nobody ever returned from this forest.
You were the prey now.
You were prey and he was the hunter.
Your eyes widened as a creature stepped out into the open. It was not something that you were expecting to see at all. The look in his eyes was different from any bear or lion prowling the bush. Almost as if he were sapient.
He moved toward you. A large, scarred ape, standing upright and pointing a handgun directly at your head. He was a hulking presence, a brute of an animal that was more than capable of tearing you limb from limb if he so desired. He was also far more intelligent than any mere animal, an unsettling air of cunning being his eyes as he considered you. His lips pulled back in a snarl, revealing his sharp fangs.
You stared back at him, wide eyed in disbelief at what you were seeing. So the rumors were true after all … How long had he been tracking you? Had he been waiting for you to come here so he could ambush you? What was he going to do? Your mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation but your body wouldn't move, frozen in fear. Afraid that if you did anything he would kill you instantly.
Koba's eyes raked over you in a calculating, almost clinical way. He could see the way you shuddered and trembled under his gaze. You were terror incarnate, your fear and hopelessness filling the air like a sweet fragrance. He could sense your rapid heart rate, see the way your body tensed up in a futile attempt to flee from him.
"Don't. Move." 
He spoke, voice low and raspy. Hearing those words leave his mouth threw you off. The sound of his voice sending a shiver down your spine like a jolt of electricity.
You couldn’t move– even if you wanted to.
He took a step towards you and you stumbled back, tripping over your own feet and landing flat on your ass. The ape took a second step and then another, moving slowly and deliberately. Taunting you and revelling in your fear. What a pathetic creature you were, without your community, without any defence, you were weak. An even easier catch than a mere rabbit.
He grunted as he came to a halt right in front of you, a mere foot or two from your face. Koba stared down at you with his good eye, casting daggers at your own with so much malice, and for what? What did you ever do to him ? The scars littered along his body were the first thing that you noted about him, especially the large one that ran down over his eye. Each scar told a story, you longed to know more about. What on Earth was he?
He stared you down into submission as he came within striking distance. Gaze travelling over your body, appraising your form and making your skin crawl. He gave you the ill feeling of being stalked and caught under the prowler's strong grasp.
What a monster, you thought.
"You. Weak."
‘I know .’ You wanted to say. ‘ I am so weak, so pathetic, so alone. Please just kill me and get it over with .’
But every time you tried to talk, the words got caught in your throat. All you could manage was a pathetic whine.
The ape was standing less than a foot away from you now, his scent overwhelming. He smelled of blood, sweat and earth. A primal, masculine scent that made your stomach twist and your heart beat faster.
Koba crouched down slightly so that he could get a better look at you. He tilted his head to the side a little as he watched you closely with his intense stare.
Your eyes flicked down to the weapon in his hand and you wondered if you could grab it before he shot you. It seemed unlikely.
Ever observant, he noticed the way you eyed the gun.
"Don't bother." He growled and grabbed one of your wrists, holding it in a tight grasp, hard enough to leave a bruise.
Many armed men had passed through this patch of forest and Koba had dealt with them before they had even reached the colony. He had picked them off one by one, like shooting fish in a barrel. He had the advantage of being able to aim at them from the tree tops, they would never see it coming. Over time Koba had honed his hunting skills to perfection. He was praised within the clan for defending the territory and being able to take down large prey by himself. Not only was it a source of pride for him but the thrill of stalking and tracking down his prey, landing that killing blow inflamed his body with adrenaline. It felt good . Especially to kill humans.
He loved the thrill of the hunt.
Most days, he would return with a deer or some other small herbivore but today he was feeling extra bold and something in the air smelled off. Koba had been plotting for months to find another human trespassing through their patch of forest and traumatize them so badly that they would never return again. 
He had not anticipated finding one so early in his daily hunt, however. A human female, no less. Most who passed through here, as rare as it was, were armed men. But this girl was weak, alone and had no means of defence. Almost pitiful, like a rabbit waiting to be caught in a snare. Her weakness made him curl up his nose in disgust.
Koba made a mental note of her direction and swore quietly under his breath. The girl wouldn't be going anywhere soon. He could have just killed her on sight, but he wanted to play out every part of the story, even the beginning. She was now his prey and he intended on playing it out perfectly.
He had already decided that he wanted to make an example out of this intruder; a warning to others that this land belonged to the apes and anyone who tried to cross it would pay a steep price.
The first thing he noticed was that she was alone. He knew instinctively what that meant. She probably came looking for someone, maybe her friend? A lover perhaps? Where there were one human there always had to be more not far behind.
Koba could sense your nervousness, he could smell the fear radiating off you, you were not a threat to him like the others and yet–
He didn't need to kill you to make you pay. 
You knew that something was off by how long your execution was being drawn out. Why was he hesitating? He could have already killed you easily by now but he hadn't. Why? You shuddered, imagining what sort of plans a monster like him could have for someone like you.
"P-Please don't hurt me!" You begged, pathetically. Tears were almost welling in the corners of your eyes. How did you end up in this situation? You just knew that you would end up dying here. You had somehow survived the virus outbreak but so carelessly fell prey to a bloodthirsty predator. No-- he was more than a predator, he knew what he was doing. Every move had been carefully calculated. An exacted revenge.
His hold on your wrist tightened even more. He inched closer, his face now just inches from yours. 
"Shut up, human." Your pleading had clearly angered him. "You belong to Koba now.”
Koba released your wrist and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him defiantly.
"Koba?" You blinked, stunned.
He laughed darkly. Koba was on a power trip, something he had always dreamed of. Capturing a live human, alone and vulnerable making them feel all of the pain and misery that he had been subjected to. Being the one in control for once in his life. You just unfortunately had to be the one to fall into his sick plan for revenge. You had been there in the wrong place at the wrong time.
With his free hand, Koba grabbed one of your arms so violently that you felt it almost dislocate.
"Ahhh!" You yelped as you were dragged across the ground for what seemed like forever. The foliage and loose branches causing fresh cuts, tearing more of your clothes off. Your whole body ached, and every step he took made you feel as if your bones were about to break.
After a long and uncomfortable trek, Koba stopped at the base of a large tree surrounding an open grassland, he tossed you to the ground like a piece of garbage and spat at you.
You looked up at him with a mixture of anger and fear. You were shaking, your heart racing, the sound of it echoing between your ears.
"Now. We have fun." He grinned, baring his teeth.
"W-What are you talking about?" You backed away from him, scrambling to get to your feet, but he grabbed you by the hair and slammed you face-first into the tree, tossing his gun to the side momentarily. The impact made your vision go black for a few seconds.Your nose was bleeding and you could taste the coppery blood on your lips. Then, you felt something; he had tightly seized both of your wrists and began binding them together with rope.
"You humans. Think we animals. You keep us in cages. For your amusement. Experiments."
Koba spat the words with venom, his rage burning in his eyes as he pulled the rope tight as it could go.
"Please... I don't understand."
Your confusion only instigated his rage further.
"Now--" Koba leaned forward, his thick fur warm against you. "You will know. What is it like– "
He tore your clothes off, shredding the fabric, leaving you completely exposed. The last part of your humanity, gone.
"to be hurt."
You closed your eyes, tears rolling down your cheeks. This wasn't happening. There was no way that this was real. 
"No! Please stop!"
Your pleas fell on deaf ears.
Koba whipped you around so that you were facing him and he could get a better look at your naked body. You noticed him staring down your form, studying all of the details. He had never seen a human naked. Wondered why they always covered themselves with clothes. He reached out to touch one of your breasts, entranced by the way your nipples stiffened in the cold, how the microscopic hairs on your arms stood up as you shook under his large and imposing shadow.
He grabbed you by the throat and pinned you against the tree.
"P-Please, don't."
"You are mine now." He spoke through shallow breaths "And I will enjoy-- Taking you."
You shook your head, the tears flowing freely now.
"I don't want this."
"Too bad. This is happening."
Koba began to fondle one of your breasts and you backed up but he pulled you back toward him and growled. A clear warning, you understood.
“I– Ahhh What are you–!?” You groaned through clattering teeth as he began to suck on one of your nipples, squeezing your breasts, kneading the soft flesh. “--Why…”
You couldn't help but moan, telling yourself that you didn't want this but why did it feel so good? You felt utterly debased, humiliated beyond belief. This is what you had been reduced to. A plaything for this ape. But you had also been touch starved for so long and your body unwillingly began to respond to the touch.
He ignored your pleas and continued groping you. Your nipples hardened under his touch, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Koba glared at you before scanning your entire body. He leaned in, intense stare intimidating you. So much he wanted to do. To exact his revenge. To give you the same scars that had been inflicted onto him. To make you ‘ugly’ with marks, cuts, bruises, ugly like him. Why should he have been the only one to suffer? 
He had no intention of being gentle with you.
The rage whelmed up in him and he sank his teeth into your collarbone, leaving a raw wound. You yelped, wincing in pain which he seemed to enjoy. What a sick and twisted monster, you thought. You couldn’t read him. One minute he was growling at you, revelling in your pain and the next he was almost… gentle.
Your body tensed as his hands travelled down and cupped your buttocks, kneading them, digging his fingers into your flesh.
Koba looked at you with a hungry, predatory gaze. The way that touching you in various places had you responding so positively was only making his urges stronger. Not only had Koba been frustrated by years of pent up anger toward humans but he was also deprived. He was deprived of the affection that he was due, deprived of being in control and deprived of having sex.
He reached out and caressed the side of your face, the rough pads of his fingers tracing the contours of your jaw and the hollows of your cheeks. His hand then moved lower, down to the crook of your neck, where it rested. You felt his warm breath against your skin, the heat radiating from his body enveloping you.
You could hear him inhale deeply, taking in your scent.
"Please don't..."
You could feel his erection growing larger and harder, his excitement palpable. The bulge rubbing against your belly.
Koba reached down and began to rub his large hand over your pussy.
"No. No! Please!" You thrashed to the side, almost escaping, if only it weren't for the fact that your arms were still bound and one of your ankles had been wounded in the struggle that made outpacing him all but impossible.
The ape wasn't pleased with your attempt to deny him. Suddenly, he lunged at you, pinning you to the ground and knocking the air out of your lungs.
You gasped for breath, struggling against his hold. His body was warm and solid against yours, his weight crushing you.
"Stop struggling," he growled.
You stopped, staring up at him with wide eyes and h e grinned, satisfied at how you resisted when he demanded. Perhaps you were finally starting to learn. To be obedient. 
Koba got up and coaxed you onto your knees in front of him.
A large hand cupped your chin and forced your head up to look at your aggressor. You squirmed in place, kneeling in front of him, your bloody knees shook below you, barely keeping you in position. Rope burning uncomfortably against your bound wrists. The hand let go and grabbed your hair, pulling harshly. It seemed to amuse him every time you flinched.
You looked at the creature towering above you and he snarled, showing his sharp fangs. Your eyes fell to the ground and stayed there. You were so tired and hurt, you couldn't find the strength to fight against it anymore.
That was, until something cold, hard and metal was pressed against your lips, snapping you out of your stupor.
You froze instinctively, heart hammering against your chest.
You felt the click of the safety be released as the vibrations tingled your lips.
"Open. Mouth." Koba demanded, dragging the gun across your cheek to rest firm against your forehead. He gripped the base of his cock with a steady hand and angled it towards your mouth.
Nothing felt real.
"W-What?" You asked, dumbfounded.
The gun was pushed harder against your temple. That was it, it was final. You couldn't say no even if you wanted to, you didn't need a gun pressing into your forehead to remind you of how low you were. So utterly debased and humiliated.
Koba didn't say a word, instead thrusting his cock between your lips, forcing you to stretch your jaw to accommodate his length. You felt like you could throw up.
"Tongue. Out." Koba commanded and you obeyed, sticking out your tongue.
You gulped, slowly bobbing your head. Your body trembled and a cold shiver ran down your spine. Terrified that he might slip up and accidentally pull the trigger. Your life could end at any moment. In some ways, it already had been.
You felt so low. So dirty. So entirely worthless and ashamed.
Steel bit into your skin as you started lapping and licking the underside of his cock, swirling your tongue around the tip.
Tears streamed down your red and swollen cheeks as Koba grunted in approval.
"Good. Keep going."
You sucked on his cock, bobbing your head up and down, trying not to gag as he thrust his hips, but not once did you stop your movements. The gun against your head wouldn't allow you to.
“That’s… it…” He moaned and nudged the gun lower on your face, stroking your bruised cheekbone.
Praise. The words were hollow, but… Praise. Praise.
You winced slightly at how he stroked your cheek with the cold metal weapon, making sure that you didn’t stop massaging his length with your tongue. Maybe if you did a good enough job, it would all be over soon and he would let you go– or kill you. Whichever came first.
He must have been close, the way he began to groan above you, breathing in short bursts, his cock fully engorged and twitching in your mouth.
You were given no warning as the gun was tossed to the side and Koba’s hands gripped tightly into your hair and he began to slam you down on his edging cock. You spluttered and gagged, but Koba paid no mind, furiously pulling you forward and backward, fucking your mouth earnestly. 
With a final set of delirious, frenzied thrusts, Koba very suddenly pulled your head back, fist still grabbing hard into your hair, a string of saliva still connecting your lips to his cock. He gripped his dick, stroking himself a few more times. Once, twice, you steadied yourself, knees shaking as if they’d give out at any moment.
Koba grunted again and pulled his cock out of your mouth, stroking it with his hand, aiming for your face.
"Keep mouth open–" He growled and you obeyed.
With a low grunt, he came, splashing his hot seed all over your face and into your mouth.
You tried not to gag, swallowing his load and looking away in disgust.
He looked down at you, smiling.
"Clean. With tongue." He commanded, his voice firm and unyielding.
You shuddered, but complied, licking his cock clean.
Your whole body felt like lead. Your shoulders were aching and your knees were screaming from kneeling on the floor. Your mind was still struggling to process everything that had just happened.
The ape laughed lowly as you finished licking him clean.
"Good human. Now, on ground. On all fours. Head down, ass up."
"P-please, I–" You uttered, uselessly.
Koba interrupted,
"P-please...I-I can't." You stammered, "I don't want to, I..."
You tried to protest, but he was not listening. 
Koba's hand shot up and gripped your hair, yanking you roughly to your feet. You screamed in pain, tears streaming down your face as he dragged you across the floor and threw you onto the long grass.
You could feel his hot breath on your skin, nails digging into your flesh leaving fresh bruises.
"No... please..." You pleaded, "please don't do this."
Your voice was shaking, as if he cared. You knew begging and crying was useless, made you look even more pathetic to him.
Koba gave a satisfied grunt seeing you cower under him, bare and filthy. Truly lower than any animal in the forest. “What a pathetic creature”, he thought. How had he ever let himself be controlled by one of these things? They were weak and cowardly without their weapons. He was living out his ultimate revenge fantasy. No longer was it him on the operating table, no longer was he the one being beaten, inspected and abused. He had captured his prey and wasn’t letting go. And the power trip was only turning him on more. To have a weak, powerless human under his fingertip. An eye for an eye.
He mused at all of the things he was going to do to you, grinning at how you winced in terror when he wrapped one of his large hands around your neck and squeezed ever so slightly.
“You. Are so weak.”
His hand roamed lower, reaching between your legs.
You squirmed, trying to wriggle free, but he held you firmly in place.
He moved his hand, pushing his index finger inside of you and then added a second before you could even register what was happening.
"Nnng, no.."
You moaned and squirmed as he slowly pumped his thick fingers in and out of you, his thumb brushing against your clit.
You bit your lip and closed your eyes, trying to focus on anything else but the fact that this ape was about to violate you in the most intimate place.
Koba grinned and pressed his thumb firmly against your clit.
Your body reacted involuntarily, your hips bucking and pushing against him.
Koba watched your reaction, a mixture of amusement and lust playing on his face. He was enjoying teasing you.
Your cheeks burned with shame. How could your body betray you like this? How low... how could he possibly reduce you to this. He kept up his pace, thrusting his fingers into you harder and faster, rubbing your clit in circles with his thumb.
"S-stop." You pleaded desperately, feeling as if you would collapse under the pressure, "please... nghhhh,"
Your body tensed as his hands travelled down and cupped your buttocks. Koba began grinding his crotch against yours, the bulge of his erection rubbing against your wet pussy. No longer could you hide how aroused you were when the ape above you could see it clearly, could hear it in your voice.
"Ahh... N-No. Please, stop..."
He smirked, enjoying your pleas and desperate resistance, how you tried to deny how good it felt. He was going to take what he wanted from you whether you let him or not. He was the top predator here, after all.
You whimpered as his cock rubbed against you, the friction causing sparks to shoot through your body.
"N-not that--"
Koba ignored your cries, pushing his length inside of you.
Your breath caught in your throat, the sudden sensation of being filled by his thick cock overwhelming you.
"It hurts!"
As if he cared-- he was enjoying your pain, your screams. You were his prey, his capture, his toy to play with. 
His grip tightened, his nails digging into your flesh and leaving marks, bruises that would show the next day, if you even lived to see it.
Koba growled as he pounded into you, his cock stretching your tight hole, filling you. And with your wrists still tightly bound behind your back, there wasn't anything you could do to stop him. You weren't used to this kind of rough treatment. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion, his nails digging into the soft flesh, drawing blood. 
Koba pulled out and then slammed himself into you again. He fucked you like he had been pent up for months, releasing his sexual frustration on you. Your pussy ached and throbbed, the pain turning to pleasure. You moaned and cried out as he thrust into you, hitting a spot inside of you that felt good .
So good that you allowed a loud moan to escape your lips that definitely didn't go unnoticed. 
He grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head up, forcing you to look him in the eyes. To understand who your superior was. That you were beneath him. A filthy lowly human, only good to dump cum into.
You could hear the sound of his grunting and growling, the sound of his heavy breathing and his heartbeat pounding in your ears. You felt as if you were going to pass out, your body unable to cope with the shock and pain of being so utterly and brutally violated.
Koba continued to fuck you, his pace quickening, the sound of his ragged breath filling the air.
Your body began to shake and tremble as your orgasm built up inside you. Your mind was screaming at you, telling you to stop, telling you not to give in, but your body was betraying you, taking pleasure from the ape’s violation.
The tension inside you reached a breaking point and you cried out, the sound escaping from your lips.
Koba continued to pound into you, his grip on your hips tightening, his pace becoming erratic, his breathing becoming more ragged.
You felt his cock pulsing inside you, his seed spilling deep inside of you as he finished. You gasped and panted, the feeling of being stretched so much was driving you insane.
Your body was trembling, your legs shaking and you felt as if you were going to pass out.
Koba finally withdrew his cock from you, the sticky warmth of his cum dripping from your abused hole.
He released his grip on your hips, leaving you laying in a pool of his seed, your body quivering.
Koba stood over you, a smirk spreading across his face.
"Filthy. Human." He sneered.
At least, finally, it was over. You thought.
Until he gripped onto your hips again, pulling you flush up against himself. No, Koba's stamina was relentless. The day was just beginning. 
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thinkingotherwise · 5 months
I saw your post about Wind Breaker I was instantly hooked I was like FINALLY SOMEONE KNOW AND READ IT TOO….If can do you mind making a head canon about Jo Togame🙏. At this point I’m eating any crumbs that you left
Not to be biased but.. I love this man the most
Please Togame has the same VA as Shirosaki from 'My new boss is goofy' and I'm actually cryin' from laughter 😂 😂
Jo Togame making you his with your help
Spoilers for after the fight with Sakura
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- Togame was a mystery to you, you heard some of the people talking about him being the second-in-command in Shishituren.
- Because of the rumours you knew him as someone scary and tough, a thug if you will, and tried to avoid him as soon as you knew what he looked like, when one of your friends pointed him out in your neighbourhood.
- Later on, you got to know he visited the nearby public bathhouse, you were shocked at the discovery but still tried to keep your distance from him.
- Whenever you saw the familiar sunglasses and the Shishituren jacket you became nervous and tried to hide in one of the alleys or behind the parked cars.
- But as time passed, you might have been still scared of him but you found yourself seeking him out on the streets.
- You noticed him walking down the street more often, his face more relaxed than ever before and his hair loose.
- You thought he actually looked quite nice like that, the usual rigidness gone and a small smile from time to time appearing on his face.
- Little did you know the smile was caused by you and your failed hide 'n seek game. Once you almost tripped over your own feet trying to hide behind the corner of the street and he found it hilarious.
- The day you officially met him, it was in one of the most cliche ways. You stared at him so much you walked in the streetlamp making him openly laugh at you.
- Yet he still came to your side and helped you up, asking if you were alright. He also brought some ice from the nearby shop and iced your forehead.
- Thanks to that you started talking and noticed he was actually nice and you somehow got along well.
- After befriending him you spent your days meeting each other and you either eat takeout or play some board games.
- He loved eating food and would always compete with you for the last piece of whatever it was you ordered.
- And while he tried to teach you how to play go, he was so overjoyed. Only because you always lost and he liked to see you slowly getting irritated.
- Togame thought you made such cute faces whenever something didn't go according to your plans.
- He would sometimes let you win just so you wouldn't stop playing with him.
- Everything was going swimmingly between the two of you. You got along well, but there was one thing you couldn't stop. You started liking Togame a little too much.
- Your mind started to drift towards him too frequently for it to be only friendly.
- And well when you decided to finally ask him out on a real date, not a hangout as friends, you thought you would write him a letter. He seemed like the old-type guy always wearing those monk-like clothes so a confession letter seemed perfect in your opinion.
- Unfortunately, before you could finish the written confession and gather some confidence to share it with him, he came to you for another late-night meeting.
- He brought some takeout as usual and when you went to retrieve the board game you left him alone in your living room. And because of the shock of him coming unannounced, you didn't realize you left him with your feelings written on the paper.
- While waiting for you he found the crumbled papers lying in the corner and got curious picking one of them and straightening it.
- The moment you came back to the room you were shocked, to say the least, and you didn't know what to do. Frozen in place your eyes were stuck on Togame reading through one of your attempts at confession letters.
- "What are you d-doing?!"
- You stuttered your voice rising in nervousness.
- Togame turned to you a smirk evident on his face, he picked the paper up and showed it to you casually.
- "Oh, just reading this thing."
- Your heart was beating unusually fast and you gripped the board and the pouch you held tighter. You were so flustered, you didn't plan this. What were you supposed to do now that he read this?
- He laughed at your awkwardness and stood up, the paper still in hand he took slow steps towards you.
- "You've got some way with words."
- He said and your gaze fell to the floor. He then leaned over you.
- "If you are serious, I'd be glad to be your boyfriend."
- His voice sent a shiver through your spine and you gazed at his face surprised.
- You slowly nodded your head in a daze and he snorted grabbing at your shoulders and pulling you towards his chest.
- Togame kept his tight hold on you, one of his hands moving around your back and the other combing through your hair.
- You returned the hug dropping the things in your hands to grab at the jacket of Togame's keeping him close thinking it must be some kind of dream.
- But his warmth confirmed that it truly was reality.
- Just like that, he used the chance you gave him to finally make you his. And you just knew he would be such a good and loyal boyfriend.
Tags: @misticbullet
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reiderwriter · 1 year
Smutty part two of the hand to hand combat fic plz
A/N: Your wish is my command! I think a lot of people were frustrated at where I left the first part off lol, so here's a special treat for everyone who lowkey hated me after that lmao. Enjoy! 18+ MINORS DNI Also it is a crime that there aren't more gifs of Spencer wet, I have used most of them ㅠㅠ
You can read the first part here!
Warnings: shower sex, fingering, suggestive washing idk, Intercrural sex (he fucks the gap between her thighs for a while), no contraception, PinV sex, slight cum play? I guess?
You can also find my masterlist here, and if you enjoy my 18+ works, I'm partaking in kinktober, and you can find out about all of my plans here :]
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As you washed off the day's sweat, standing in the shower rooms of the FBI gym, you cursed the gods above for making you such a coward. 
If you'd been bolder during your sparring session with Spencer, you could've ended the day in a much more pleasurable way, or you'd at least have the memory of whatever you'd do to aid your fantasies. You thought back to your humbling defeats of earlier that day. You really thought you could get the upper hand on Reid in at least one of your rounds, but no. He’d got the jump on you all three times, leaving you squirming under his touch on the mat as he enjoyed his defeats. 
The second-round had been close, having the initial upper-hand being in the assailant role, but he’d used his extra height to throw you off balance, pinning you to the ground from behind, his hands trapping yours against your lower back. You’d blushed at the compromising position, your ass raised suggestively, his bodyweight pushed on top of yours, crotch to your centre, as you tried stay calm despite the very thin materials of both of your work out gears that separated you. 
Not that you were complaining about the extra contact, but you weren’t beneath using it as an excuse for your loss. In your final round, he’d let you think you hand the upper hand for a second, teasing you about enjoying the view from your place above him, straddling his waist as you pinned him down. By that point, you were beyond horny, reaching near orgasmic levers of desperation to feel him push up into you, and he’d let you enjoy the feeling of your core grinding into him for a few minutes. Just long enough that no one else would notice that your movements weren’t simply struggles to keep him pinned. Then, he’d gone and ruined it by thrusting his hips up quickly and using the momentum and your shock to buck you off to the side, returning you to your earlier pinned pose. Despite the losses, you couldn’t really find much else to complain about other than the fact that you hadn’t kissed him right then and there, having not thrown caution to the wind. 
With each pulse of water from the shower head, you tried to clear your head, but he'd consumed your thoughts. You didn't think you wanted him this badly, but apparently one touch was all it took for you to become aware of the desire you had for him. You let your own hands trail between your legs as you decided to deal with your bodies pent up frustrations.
The door to the bathroom opened, though, just when you were about to get going and you had to pull your hand away as you called out to your new friend. 
"Pen? That you? God I'm so fucking sweaty from that work out." You laughed a little as you greeted her, but the other person didn't make any other noises, stopping dead in their tracks. 
"Y/N?" Somehow your blood ran cold as your body heated up. 
"Spencer? What are you…?" You whipped your head around to get a look at him over the glass shower stall door, pulling your hands over your chest, reflexively. 
"Morgan said the men's showers were broken, and he was heading home to shower. But I can't sit for that long on the subway without getting rid of all this sweat. He said there'd be no one else in here since we stayed so late…. I can… I can leave if you need me to?" 
"No! No, it's okay, it's not like we're using the same shower or anything, and I don't want you to feel so… Uncomfortable." 
He thanked you, then slipped into a stall a three away from your own, as you tried your best not to watch the flex of his arms as he firmly gripped his towel around himself. 
Turning back to your own shower, you decided you needed to speed it up, actually get on with it so you could escape this awkward, tempting situation. You were almost sure this was some kind of divine punishment. You lathered up your hair and began to massage your head when the water suddenly ran so cold it burned. 
"Ah, shit," you whimpered out as you ran from the water as quickly as possible. 
"Um, Spencer?" 
"Y-Yeah," he responded, having heard your moans and immediately perked his head up. 
"Your shower stall, it's the second from the door right?" 
"Yeah, why?" 
"Shit, I should've mentioned something," you ran a hand through your hair as you turned off your shower. "That one doesn't work too well, when you use hot water in that one for some reason, it makes the rest of these showers run cold for the rest of the day." 
"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't realise." 
"No, it's good, I guess it's just cold shower time for me now." You sighed in a huff of annoyance, and turned your shower back on. 
"Do you… Do you want to come and use this one? My water's still hot and the cold water really won't be good for relaxing your muscles after all that work." 
"With you?" Your eyes meet his over the walls of your shower stall and you try not to sound too eager. Maybe this could be your chance after being such an idiot earlier. 
"Yeah, I guess. I still need to, you know, wash up?" 
You nodded at him then, and began collecting your things, your towels in your hands covering your sensitive areas, but only just as you stepped into his space.
He pressed himself against one of the walls as you entered, doing his best to cover his cock with his hands, but failing pretty miserably. You shot a single look down there, hoping he didn't notice. He was hard, and God did you want to help him out. 
But unsure of how to broach the topic, you ignored it and put your things down, before turning in to face the shower. A little sign of contentment fell over you as you felt the heat against your skin again, body relaxing as you began washing off your hair once again. 
You felt him move until he was a shadow at your back, close enough that you could feel his breath on your skin. 
"Y/N, let me help you clean your back. I don't want you to flare up that arm injury, and you're not reaching that well." 
"What?" Ill advisedly, you turn to face him. His eyes trail over your body, landing on the swell of your chest as you stand only millimeters from touching. Gently dragging his eyes back up, he repeats his plea, and turns you around, grabbing your body wash.
"Trust me, I'll help." But you know this isn't going to do any good easing the tension in your body, his hands on you being as distracting as they were. You almost jusmo a little when his bare hands finally come down on your waist. 
"S-Spencer I have a loofah!" You almost moan out as he begins to rub circles into your skin with his fingers spread. He's closer now, and with his hands out of the way. You can feel his cock, bare against your ass, twitching as you realise he's getting a lot of pleasure out of this. 
"Do you know how much bacteria can live on one of those things? You wanted to get clean, right?" It's all you can do not to buck back into him as he releases the words, hands coming up to your shoulders as he works his strength into your skin. His hands feel so good against you, that you barely notice them slipping around your front, as he begins to work on the plains of your stomach as well.
You throw your head back against his chest in pleasure as he slips higher and higher, hands eventually cupping your breasts as he slowly lathers them up, taking his time to feel every single inch of your skin. You whimper in your pleasure, and you hear his heavy breathing similarly pick up. 
"Spencer…" You don't know what your words are asking, begging for, but it's clear he does, as his hands spread. One goes up to your neck, wrapping around you tightly as you gasp out a breath, the other washing hanging in the air as he rids it of soap before trailing down between your legs. 
His fingers find your clit and you whimper. 
"That's it baby, I'm just gonna help you get clean, okay? Gonna make you feel good, too." You nod at his words, giving him the silent confirmation he needs to press his cock in between your thighs and start rubbing it up against you, not yet pushing it in. You're pushing your ass back into him now as he starts to fuck the folds of your sweet cunt, writhing in pleasure everytime his tip catches on your hole, pleasure rolling off your tongue in waves. 
His hand on your neck keeps you from gaining volume, keeping you grounded as he gets you close to that euphoric bliss. You're desperate to actually feel him inside you though, squirming in the hopes that one of his thrusts will accidentally land on target. 
"Spencer, please…" You know what you want now, and you're desperate for him to listen, as you turn your head to the side, grabbing the back of his own as you pull him down for a sloppy kiss. His hips still as he falls into the kiss, tongue dragging over your lips and begging for entrance. His hand stays on your clit though, and within a few more rubs you feel yourself twitch in his arms, fully held up by his hand on your neck. 
"Spencer, please, need you…" 
"Are you sure, Y/N? This is still a public bathroom, and I don't want you to think you have to do anything just bec-" You cut him off with another kiss, and that's all he needs before he's pressing you back into the shower stall, wrapping your legs around his hips and pushing his cock inside of you. 
You pulled his lips down to yours again and again, desperate to taste him, shower abandoned behind you. His pace picked up and soon he was slamming into you, with the full force of his body, the weight that had earlier been used to pin you down now being used to pleasure you to the fullest. 
He pressed his forehead against yours, letting his eyes fall to the place where your two bodies met, his grunts filling the space as you tried your best to bite your tongue. You knew that if you let yourself be as loud as you could've been in that moment, someone would definitely notice. 
"Just like that, Spencer, fuck, just like that." Your hips bucked wildly against his as he pulled your other leg up and around him, holding you fully off the ground as he continued his movements. 
You gripped his back, letting your nails find any purchase they could, dragging scratches down his skin, marking him as yours. You didn't feel so bad about the pain you must've been dealing him though, not when his hands were leaving red handprints on your hips from his tight grip, the sharp discomfort only fuelling your passion. 
"Spence, I'm… Fuck I'm close." Your head slumped into his neck. 
"Cum for my, Y/N, need to feel you clench around my cock." He grunted, and somehow your body listened to his demands perfectly, spilling over the edge with his next thrust. 
He moaned out quickly, lowering your legs to the floor, still holding you up, as he pulled out and stroked his cock a few more times. His white release painted both of your stomachs with his climax, and you fell against each other in your bliss, trying to both gain back your normal heart rate and calm your breath. 
"Spencer, I think we need to get back in the shower," you smiled up at him, and dragged him back over to it as he flushed, not finding the words needed to apologise for his mess. 
You pulled him in for a kiss under the water and mentally thanked Morgan for putting you through hell that day. He pulled away from you to attempt to talk, but you didn't want to let him. 
"You know," he started, but you tried to shut him up again, wanting desperately to feel his lips right back on yours. 
"Y/N, please," he laughed pulling your head away from him as you whined out childishly. 
"You know, Morgan was lying about us needing to do this physical thing." Your eyes bulged at the confession, as you tried to stammer out a reply. 
"What? I… What?" 
"He pulled the same act a year or so ago, too. Y/N, Penelope is never in the field, she doesn't have to do physical training, and we both have enough case hours to cover any further requirements." 
"So he… ThatThat son of a bitch." You muttered angrily to yourself as he ran a hand through your still damp hair, smiling down on you peacefully. 
"Wait, Spencer… If you knew that he was making this whole thing up, why did you go along with it?" 
"Needed an excuse." He pulled you in for another kiss, this one slow and languid, as you felt him twitch to life again at your thigh. 
"An excuse for what?" You moaned out as his lips trailed down your neck, leaving behind a trail of love bites you were sure would bloom into purple bruises, just another decoration for your neck alongside his handprint. 
"An excuse to touch you. You're very good at following professional boundaries, you know?" You laughed at him once more and let him pull you close into him again. It took you an extra hour to shower that day, but it was worth every second. 
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Klaus Mikaelson////The Sweetest Rivalry
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Anonymous request: can you write enemies to lovers for Klaus Mikaelson I don’t have any ideas.
You stepped out of your house, only to find Klaus Mikaelson leaning casually against his sleek black car, parked right at the curb. The early evening sun cast long shadows, and Klaus, of course, looked like he belonged in a magazine rather than on your quiet street.
He flashed you a grin as you approached. "Well, there’s my favorite Salvatore sibling."
You stopped short, crossing your arms over your chest, clearly unimpressed. "And you’re my least favorite Mikaelson sibling."
Klaus chuckled, unfazed by your cold reception. "Ain’t you a sweetheart, love."
You rolled your eyes, a mix of irritation and amusement. "What do you want, Klaus? I’m kind of busy."
Klaus pushed off the car and strolled over to you, his presence commanding as always. "Just thought I’d drop by and see what you were up to. Maybe take you for a spin unless, of course, you’re too busy plotting my family’s demise with your brothers and friends."
You huffed, shaking your head. "Actually, I’m here, hanging out with you, while my brothers and friends are probably wondering where I am. They’re likely scheming right now, thinking I’m with them."
As if on cue, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You pulled it out, glancing at the caller ID it was Damon. But before you could answer, Klaus smoothly reached out and plucked the phone from your hand, hitting the red button to decline the call.
Your mouth fell open in disbelief. “Seriously, Klaus? What the hell?”
Klaus just smiled, slipping the phone into his pocket. "Sorry, love, but I want your attention."
You glared at him, hands on your hips. "You do realize that could have been important, right?"
Klaus shrugged, the picture of nonchalance. "More important than spending time with me? I highly doubt that."
You stepped closer, your annoyance mixing with a reluctant amusement. "You’re insufferable, you know that?"
He smirked, leaning in just slightly. "And yet, here you are, choosing to spend time with me instead of your scheming brothers."
You opened your mouth to argue but found yourself at a loss for words. He wasn’t wrong. Against your better judgment, you’d been drawn to him more and more lately. You huffed, finally shaking your head in defeat. “Fine, but you’re buying dinner.”
Klaus’s smirk softened into something almost genuine as he pulled open the car door for you, "As you wish, love."
You slid into the passenger seat, rolling your eyes but unable to hide the smile that tugged at your ips. Despite everything, Klaus Mikaelson had somehow become… important to you. And as much as you hated to admit it, you didn’t entirely mind.
As He drove through the winding streets of the city, the tension between him and you began to ease. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the soft glow of streetlights outside created a surprisingly tranquil atmosphere.
You glanced at him, who had his eyes on the road, a focused expression on his face. “So, where are we headed?”
He shot you a sideways glance, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Ah, that’s for me to know and you to find out. I thought we could try something new. Besides, you owe me a little mystery after making me wait outside your house.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress a small smile. “Fine, but if this place turns out to be a dungeon or something, I’m holding you responsible.”
He chuckled. “I assure you, love, the only thing you’ll need to worry about is how to enjoy yourself.”
He drove through a series of upscale neighborhoods before finally pulling up outside an elegant, low-lit restaurant. The place had a cozy, intimate feel, with soft music playing in the background and a view of the city skyline through large windows.
Your eyes widened slightly. “Okay, I’ll admit it, this is nice.”
He grinned as he stepped out of the car and opened the door for you. “I do have a flair for the dramatic.”
You and he walked inside, and he led you to a private booth near the back. The dim lighting and plush seating made for a perfect setting. As you and him settled in, he gestured for a waiter and ordered a bottle of wine with an air of confidence.
You raised an eyebrow. “You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?”
He leaned back, his gaze fixed on you. “I like to make things memorable. Especially when I’m spending time with someone as intriguing as you.”
You tried to ignore the flutter of butterflies in your tomach at his compliment. “So, what’s this really about, Klaus? Why the sudden interest in hanging out with me?”
His expression grew serious, and he leaned forward. “I’m genuinely curious about you, Y/n. Despite all our bickering and the constant tension, there’s something about you that pulls me in.”
You studied him, trying to read his intentions. “You’re not just trying to win me over to make things easier with my brothers, are you?”
Klaus shook his head slowly. “No, love. It’s not about them. It’s about us. I’ve seen a side of you that’s far more complex and compelling than just being another Salvatore.”
Before you could respond, the waiter arrived with your wine, and He poured them both a glass. The conversation shifted to lighter topics as you and him enjoyed the meal, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that Klaus was being more sincere than usual.
By the time you and Klaus finished, you found yourself relaxed and unexpectedly content. The night had been surprisingly pleasant, and you realized that despite the complications and the bickering, you genuinely enjoyed Klaus’s company.
As you both walked back to the car, Klaus opened the door for you again, and you slipped into the passenger seat.
“Thank you for tonight,” you said, your voice softening. “It was… nice.”
Klaus’s eyes softened as he closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Maybe next time, I won’t have to use such elaborate tactics to get you out of the house.”
You laughed lightly, the sound feeling natural and carefree. “Don’t count on it, Klaus. But I’ll admit, you’re starting to grow on me.”
His smile was genuine as he started the car. “I’ll take that as a win.”
As you and him drove off into the night, the city lights twinkling around you both, you couldn’t help but wonder what other unexpected moments awaited you with Klaus Mikaelson.
The next morning, the Mikaelson siblings gathered for breakfast at the mansion. Klaus, who had been unusually cheerful all week, was in high spirits, which did not go unnoticed.
Rebekah, pouring herself a cup of coffee, couldn’t contain her curiosity. “Niklaus, you seem particularly happy these days. Is there something you’d like to share with us?”
Klaus, with a contented smile, replied, “Ah, well, it’s simply been a pleasant week.”
Elijah, setting down his newspaper, looked up with interest. “Pleasant? Is there a particular reason for this improvement in your mood?”
Klaus’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “Yes, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time with Y/n Salvatore. Her company has been most enjoyable.”
Kol, who had been listening with a smirk, leaned forward. “Y/n Salvatore, huh? That’s a nice change. You’ve seemed genuinely happy.”
Rebekah’s face brightened with a smile. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you this content.”
Elijah nodded, his tone warm. “Yes, it’s good to see you in such high spirits. If Y/n is the reason for your happiness, then she must be quite special.”
Klaus’s smile grew. “She is. Spending time with her has been surprisingly refreshing.”
Kol grinned, clearly pleased. “It’s nice to see you genuinely happy for a change. You deserve it, Niklaus.”
Rebekah added, her voice full of warmth, “We’re happy for you, Niklaus. It’s important to have something or someone that brings you joy.”
Klaus looked at his siblings, touched by their support. “Thank you. It means a lot to know you’re happy for me.”
Rebekah raised her cup in a toast. “To new beginnings and finding happiness.”
Klaus lifted his own cup in response, his eyes reflecting gratitude and contentment. “To finding joy in unexpected places.”
As they continued their breakfast, the atmosphere was filled with genuine warmth and support. Klaus felt a renewed sense of optimism, bolstered by his siblings’ encouragement.
Matt, clearly agitated, was the first to speak. “So, I hear you’ve been spending a lot of time with Klaus Mikaelson lately. Is that true?”
You sat on the edge of the sofa, nodded. “Yes, I have. We’ve been hanging out more, and he’s been… pleasant to be around.”
Tyler, pacing back and forth, frowned. “Pleasant? Are you serious? He’s one of the most dangerous vampires around. We can’t just ignore that.”
Bonnie, looking concerned, chimed in, “I get that he’s been friendly with you, but you have to be cautious. His family is notorious for causing trouble. It’s only a matter of time before they stir up something serious.”
Elena, sitting beside Bonnie, added, “You know we’re worried about you. We’ve seen what the Mikaelsons are capable of. We don’t want you getting hurt.”
Your expression hardened. “I understand your concerns, but Klaus has been different lately. He’s not the same as he used to be. And besides, he’s not the only one causing trouble. We all have our own issues to deal with.”
Damon, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, interjected, “It’s not just about Klaus. It’s about the whole Mikaelson family. You hanging out with him could bring them all down on us. They don’t exactly have a track record for playing nice.”
Her brothers, particularly Stefan, exchanged worried glances. “We’re not saying you can’t see him,” Stefan said carefully, “but you need to be aware of the risks. We can’t let our guard down just because he’s being charming.”
You sighed, your frustration evident. “I get that you’re all trying to protect me, but this is my decision. Klaus has been nothing but respectful and kind to me. I don’t think he’s going to cause trouble, at least not for me.”
Caroline, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. “We just want you to be safe. It’s not that we don’t trust your judgment, but Klaus’s history makes it hard for us to believe he’s changed that much.”
Your eyes flashed with determination. “I appreciate your concern, but I’m not going to cut him out of my life based on his past alone. He’s made an effort to show that he’s different now. I need to trust my own instincts.”
Elena sighed and placed a hand on your shoulder. “We’re just looking out for you. We hope you’re right about Klaus, but please be careful.”
You nodded, your resolve firm. “I will. But I need you all to respect my decision. I’m not going to let fear dictate my choices.”
As the discussion continued, it was clear that while you were resolute in your decision to spend time with Klaus, your friends and brothers remained deeply concerned about the potential consequences. The tension in the room underscored the delicate balance you had to maintain between your personal choices and the safety of those you cared about.
The next day, Klaus and you decided to spend some time together at a quaint café in town. The atmosphere was relaxed, and you and him were enjoying a leisurely brunch, the conversation flowing easily.
He, leaning back in his chair with a playful grin, looked across the table at you. “So love, tell me, do I still hold the title of your least favorite Mikaelson sibling?”
You stirred your coffee and glancing at him with a smirk, replied, “Are you seriously asking me that again? I thought you knew where you stand.”
He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Oh, I’m just curious if my efforts to win you over have made any difference.”
You raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Efforts, huh? Is this your way of trying to be charming?”
“Perhaps,” he said, his tone teasing. “Or maybe I’m just trying to see if my reputation precedes me, even when I’m on my best behavior.”
You shook your head, your smile widening. “Well, you’re certainly making an effort. I’ll give you that.”
He leaned in slightly, his voice playful. “So, have I moved up in the rankings at all? Or am I still stuck at the bottom?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You’ve definitely improved. I wouldn’t say you’re my least favorite Mikaelson anymore. You might even be… tolerable.”
Klaus’s broadened, clearly pleased with your response. “Tolerable? That’s high praise coming from you.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t hide your amusement. “Don’t get too excited. It’s still a work in progress.”
He leaned back in his chair, his expression one of mock disappointment. “A work in progress, you say? I’ll have to work harder then.”
You raised your cup in a mock toast. “To your continued efforts and our ever-evolving dynamic.”
Klaus clinked his cup with yours, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “To new beginnings and to proving myself as more than just the ‘least favorite’ Mikaelson.”
As you and him continued the lighthearted conversation, it was clear that despite the teasing, there was a genuine connection growing between you and him. The playful banter was a testament to the evolving relationship, and Klaus’s efforts were slowly but surely making an impact.
As the conversation continued, your playful side emerged. You leaned forward with a mischievous glint in your eyes . “You know, now that you mention it, I’ve been thinking about your siblings.”
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh? And what about my siblings, love?”
You grinned, clearly enjoying the moment. “Well, I have to say, Rebekah is actually my favorite Mikaelson sibling.”
Klaus’s eyes widened in mock shock. “Is that so, love? My sister, Rebekah, is your favorite? And here I thought I was making such progress.”
You laughed, clearly enjoying his reaction. “Yeah, she’s always been quite lovely and charming. I’m not sure if you’ll ever be able to compete with her.”
Klaus’s expression shifted from mock indignation to a more genuine smile. “Rebekah does have a way of winning people over. But don’t count me out just yet, love. I’m determined to improve my standing.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Well, you’ve definitely made it to ‘tolerable,’ which is quite an achievement. But it looks like Rebekah still holds the top spot.”
He leaned in closer, a playful smirk on his face. “I suppose I’ll just have to work harder to change your mind, love. Consider this a challenge.”
Your eyes twinkled with amusement as you raised your cup in a toast. “To friendly competition and evolving favorites.”
He clinked his cup with yours, his expression a mix of determination and amusement. “To proving that I can be more than just the least favorite Mikaelson, love.”
As Klaus and you continued the playful banter, it was evident that your relationship was growing more dynamic and engaging. The teasing and lighthearted moments were bringing you and him closer together, and he was clearly motivated to show you a different side of himself.
As you and him finished the brunch, Klaus and you lingered over coffee, the conversation still light-hearted and filled with laughter. He, clearly enjoying the playful exchange, suddenly adopted a mock-serious expression.
“Speaking of favorites, love,” he began, leaning closer with a dramatic sigh, “I suppose I should have a word with my sister,. It seems she’s stolen my thunder.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh? And what do you plan to say to her?”
He put on an exaggerated pout, crossing his arms. “I’m thinking something along the lines of, ‘Dear Rebekah, I’ve been trying so hard to be charming and win over your favorite status, and here you are, making it impossible.’”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You’re really going all out with this.”
He grinned. “Well, love, if I’m to be dethroned by my own sister, I might as well give her a proper scolding.”
He leaned back with a playful huff. “It’s not fair, you know. I put in all this effort, and she just swoops in with her effortless charm.”
You chuckled, enjoying his antics. “I’m sure she’ll be flattered to know she’s your top competition.”
He winked at you, his expression softening as he said, “Just remember, love, while Rebekah might hold the top spot, I’m not giving up so easily.”
You smiled, your amusement evident. “I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe I’ll have to balance out my favorites list after all.”
As you and Klaus prepared to leave the café, his playful demeanor continued. He gave a mock-serious nod. “Well then, off I go to have a little chat with Rebekah. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
You laughed, watching as Klaus made a dramatic exit, his playful pretense leaving you in good spirits. The light-hearted banter between you and him had added another enjoyable layer to the growing connection.
Later that day, Klaus made his way to Rebekah, a determined yet playful glint in his eye. He was still in the mood for his mock-serious “chat” with his sister. Rebekah, who was busy arranging some fresh flowers in a vase, looked up as Klaus entered.
“Rebekah,” Klaus began, feigning a serious tone, “we need to talk.”
Rebekah glanced up, a smirk playing at her lips. “Oh? What’s this about, Nik?”
He walked over, dramatically plopping himself onto the couch. “It seems I’ve been informed that my efforts to be your favorite sibling have been in vain.”
She raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Is that so? And who might have informed you of this grave injustice?”
He waved a hand dismissively. “Oh, just a beautiful little birdie I’ve been spending time with lately. Apparently, you’ve stolen the title with your effortless charm.”
Rebekah’s smirk widened into a full smile. “Well, I suppose I should be flattered. But I didn’t realize you were so invested in this sibling rivalry.”
Klaus leaned forward, his tone mockingly earnest. “It’s a matter of principle, sister . I’ve been putting in the effort, being charming and pleasant, and yet here you are, effortlessly winning hearts.”
She laughed, clearly enjoying her brother’s antics. “Nik, I had no idea you were so competitive. But if it’s any consolation, I’m sure you’re still a favorite in your own right.”
He sighed dramatically, putting a hand over his heart. “Ah, my dear sister, your words are as soothing as ever. But I must admit, I’m rather disappointed.”
She walked over and sat next to him, her expression softening. “You know, Nik, it’s not about who’s the favorite. It’s about being there for each other, no matter what.”
Klaus’s expression softened as he looked at her. “True enough. I suppose I should be grateful for your unwavering support, even if you’re stealing the spotlight.”
She placed a hand on his shoulder, her tone warm. “And I should be grateful for your efforts to be charming. It’s not often we get to have these moments.”
He grinned, clearly pleased with the exchange. “Well, I suppose I’ll have to accept my position with grace. But don’t think this is the end of our little rivalry.”
She laughed, giving him a playful nudge. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Now, let’s see if you can keep up with my effortless charm.”
As Klaus and Rebekah continued their banter, it was clear that their sibling dynamic was as strong and playful as ever. Despite his earlier mock-seriousness, he was clearly content with the lighthearted exchange, and the bond between them remained as unshakable as ever.
As Klaus and Rebekah were finishing their playful conversation in the grand living room of the mansion, the door opened, and Elijah and Kol strolled in, both curious about what was going on.
Kol, always quick with a quip, immediately chimed in. “What about us, then? Surely you haven’t forgotten about your other siblings.”
Klaus turned to him with a smirk. “She hasn’t said anything about you two, but you’re probably with me, Kol.”
Kol grinned, clearly amused. “Wow, that darling. So, we’re all vying for the top spot, are we?”
Klaus feigned jealousy, putting on a mock-pout. “That’s Y/n for the three of you,” he said, meaningfully. “But just so we’re clear, no one’s giving her nicknames but me.”
Kol’s smirk only grew wider. “Ah, I see. The pet names are reserved for you alone, Niklaus? How very possessive of you.”
Elijah, who had been quietly observing the exchange, stepped forward with a knowing smile. “Yes, but for Klaus, it’s always ‘love,’ isn’t it?”
Klaus shrugged with mock modesty, trying to keep up the charade. “Well, someone has to stand out, and ‘love’ does have a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Rebekah chuckled, shaking her head at her brothers’ antics. “You lot are impossible.”
Klaus shot them a playful glare. “Just remember, brothers, she might be fond of all of you, but when it comes to pet names, I’m the only one allowed.”
Kol raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. ‘Love’ it is then, Klaus. But don’t be too surprised if we find our own ways to charm her.”
Elijah’s smirk deepened, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Indeed, but I believe ‘love’ suits you best, brother.”
Klaus finally dropped the act, letting out a chuckle. “Of course, it does. Now, shall we get on with our evening, or do you all want to continue discussing who Y/n’s favorite really is?”
The siblings laughed, the playful rivalry only strengthening the bond between them. It was clear that despite the teasing, they respected the unique connections each had with you, with Klaus’s nickname for you holding a special place in their dynamic.
Meanwhile, back in Mystic Falls, you were sitting in the cozy living room of the Salvatore boarding house with Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena. The atmosphere was tense, a stark contrast to the light-hearted banter happening at the Mikaelson mansion.
Caroline, arms crossed and looking particularly displeased, was the first to break the silence. "Y/n, I can’t believe you’re actually spending time with Klaus. Klaus, of all people! You know how dangerous he is, right?"
Bonnie nodded, her expression serious. "Klaus is the enemy, Y/n. He’s hurt so many people, our friends, our families. How can you trust him?"
Elena, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up, her voice tinged with worry. "We’re just concerned about you. This is Klaus we’re talking about. You’ve seen what he’s capable of."
You sighed, rubbing your temples as you tried to gather your houghts. "I know what you’re all thinking, and I get it. But things are… different with him now. He’s not the same person he was when we first met."
Caroline shook her head in disbelief. "Different? Y/n, this is Klaus. He’s manipulative, cruel, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. How can you be sure he’s changed?"
You met Caroline’s gaze, your voice firm. "I’m not saying I completely trust him. But I’ve spent time with him, and I’ve seen sides of him that you haven’t. He’s not just some monster."
Bonnie frowned, still unconvinced. "Even if that’s true, how do you know it’s not all an act? He’s the master of manipulation. He could be playing you, Y/n."
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your frustration in check. "I’m not naive, Bonnie. I know who Klaus is. But I also know that people can change. I’ve seen glimpses of something good in him, something worth saving."
Elena leaned forward, her expression softening slightly. "We’re not saying you’re naive. We just don’t want to see you get hurt. Klaus has a way of getting under people’s skin, of making them believe things that aren’t true. We’re worried about you."
Caroline nodded, her tone less harsh now. "Exactly. We care about you, Y/n. And we don’t want you to get caught up in something that could end badly, for all of us."
You looked at your friends, feeling the weight of their concern. "I appreciate that you’re looking out for me. But this is something I need to figure out on my own. I’m not saying I’m choosing Klaus over you or my brothers. I’m just… trying to understand him."
Bonnie sighed, exchanging a look with Caroline and Elena. "We trust you, Y/n. But just be careful, okay? We’ve all been through too much to lose each other now."
You nodded, grateful for their concern, even if they didn’t fully understand. "I promise I’ll be careful. I’m not letting my guard down, and I’m definitely not forgetting everything he’s done. But I need to see where this goes, for better or worse."
The girls exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of worry and reluctant acceptance. It was clear that your decision to spend time with Klaus was unsettling to them, but they knew better than to push you too hard. They trusted your judgment, even if they didn’t fully agree with it.
As the conversation drifted to other topics, the tension in the room eased slightly, but the underlying worry remained. You knew that your friends and brothers would be watching closely, ready to step in if things took a dangerous turn. But for now, you was determined to follow your instincts and see if there was more to Klaus Mikaelson than the villain they all knew him to be.
A few weeks had passed since your tense conversation with your friends, and things between you and Klaus had been surprisingly pleasant. You both spent more time together, often falling into the usual banter and teasing. Klaus had grown increasingly fond of you, and his usual sharp edges seemed to soften when you were around.
One afternoon, Klaus and you were walking through the woods outside Mystic Falls, the late autumn sun casting a warm, golden glow over the trees. He had been unusually quiet for most of the walk, a contemplative look on his face.
Finally, as you and him reached a small clearing, he turned to you, his expression a mix of seriousness and his usual charm. “Love, I’ve been thinking… about us.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his tone. “Oh? What about us?”
He hesitated for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. “We’ve been spending quite a bit of time together, and I’ve come to… enjoy your company more than I expected.”
You smirked, her teasing nature kicking in. “Are you admitting that you actually like me, Klaus?”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Don’t make me regret this, love. But yes, I do. Which is why I’d like to take you out. On a proper date.”
You blinked in surprise, not expecting him to be so direct. “You’re asking me out on a date?”
Klaus nodded, his gaze steady as he watched your reaction. “Yes, I am. What do you say, love?”
You pretended to consider it, tapping your chin thoughtfully. “Hmm… let me think about that.” You paused for a moment, then shook your head. “No.”
Klaus’s confident expression faltered slightly, his eyes narrowing in confusion. “No?”
You kept a straight face, letting him squirm for a second before you burst out laughing. “Just kidding!”
Klaus blinked, processing your words before he realized you were teasing him. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, his face breaking into a relieved smile. “You’re a cruel woman, Y/n.”
You grinned, nudging him playfully. “You should have seen your face! I thought the great Klaus Mikaelson didn’t get nervous.”
Klaus rolled his eyes but couldn’t suppress his smile. “You enjoy torturing me, don’t you?”
“Maybe a little,” you admitted with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. “But yes, Klaus. I’ll go on a date with you.”
Klaus’s smile widened, the earlier tension completely evaporated. “I’ll hold you to that, love.”
You smiled at the way he said ‘love,’ the word carrying a warmth that you hadn’t expected. You could tell he was genuinely pleased, and as you and him continued the walk, the air between you and him was lighter, filled with a sense of anticipation for what might come next.
“Any ideas on where you’re taking me?” You asked, still riding the high of the playful exchange.
Klaus gave you a sideways glance, his smile turning into a smirk. “Oh, I have a few ideas. But I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see.”
You chuckled, shaking your head at his cryptic response. “You’re really leaning into the whole mysterious vibe, aren’t you?”
“Wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise, now would I?”
As Klaus and you continued walking, you couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity about what lay ahead. Despite all the warnings from your brothers and friends and the doubts you sometimes have, being with Klaus felt… right, in a way you couldn’t quite explain. And as much as you tried to play it cool, you were looking forward to whatever that first date would bring.
The next day, you found yourself nervously preparing for your date with Klaus. Despite all the time you both had spent together recently, this felt different and more significant. You stood in front of your mirror, running your hands through her hair as you tried to decide what to wear.
Caroline and Bonnie had stopped by earlier, both curious and more than a little concerned when you had mentioned your plans for the evening. After some good-natured ribbing and a few pointed questions about Klaus’s intentions, they had left you to get ready, though not without extracting a promise that you would call them afterward.
You finally settled on a simple yet elegant outfit, something that made you feel confident but not overly dressed. As you gave yourself one last look in the mirror, you couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement.
Just as you were finishing up, there was a knock on her door. You smiled, knowing who it was. You took a deep breath and opened the door to find Klaus standing there, looking as effortlessly handsome as ever, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Evening, love,” Klaus greeted you, his eyes sweeping over your appreciatively. “You look stunning.”
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks but managed to keep your voice steady. “Thank you, Klaus. You don’t look so bad yourself.”
Klaus chuckled, offering you his arm. “Shall we, love?”
You smiled, linking your arm with his. “Lead the way.”
You both made your way to Klaus’s car, and he opened the door for you with a gentlemanly gesture that made you smile. As you and him drove through the quiet streets of Mystic Falls, the tension you had been feeling started to melt away. There was something calming about being with Klaus, despite the history you both shared and the complexity of the relationship.
As you and him reached the outskirts of town, you noticed that you and him were heading toward a secluded spot. You recognized a scenic overlook that offered a breathtaking view of the surrounding forest and the twinkling lights of the town below.
He parked the car and helped you out, leading you to a spot where a picnic blanket had been laid out, complete with a basket filled with an array of food and drinks. The setting was simple but intimate, and you couldn’t help but be touched by the effort Klaus had put into it.
“Klaus, this is… really nice,” you said, genuinely surprised by the thoughtful gesture.
He smiled, his usual smirk softened into something more sincere. “I wanted to do something special for you, love. Away from all the distractions.”
You and he settled down on the blanket, and as you two started to eat, the conversation flowed easily. You and him talked about everything and nothing, and you found yourself laughing more than youhad in a long time. He was charming and witty, and despite the sharp edges he showed to the rest of the world, there was a warmth in his eyes that made you feel at ease.
At one point, he leaned back on his elbows, gazing up at the stars. “It’s peaceful out here, isn’t it, love? Just the two of us.”
You nodded, following his gaze. “It is. I could get used to this.”
He turned his head to look at you, his eyes searching hers. “I’m glad you agreed to come out with me tonight, Y/n. It means more to me than you know.”
You met his gaze, the sincerity in his voice. “I’m glad I said yes, Klaus. Despite everything, I’ve enjoyed spending time with you.”
Klaus’s smile deepened, and he reached out to gently take your hand in his. “Good, because I intend to spend a lot more time with you, love.”
You squeezed his hand, feeling a sense of contentment you hadn’t expected. “I’d like that.”
You and him stayed there for a while longer, talking and enjoying each other’s company as the night wore on. When it was time to go, Klaus helped you up and you and he made your way back to the car, the night air cool and refreshing.
As he drove you home, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation for what was to come. Klaus had shown you a side of him that was different from the ruthless hybrid you had known, and you found herself wanting to see more.
When Klaus and you arrived at your house, he walked you to the door, his hand lingering on yours as you and him stood there, the night around them quiet and still.
“Thank you for tonight, Klaus,” you said softly. “I had a great time.”
“The pleasure was all mine, love,” he replied, his voice warm.
For a moment, Klaus and you stood there, the tension between them electric. Then, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, his lips lingering for just a moment longer than necessary.
“Goodnight, love,” he whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
“Goodnight, Klaus,” you replied, smiling as you watched him walk away.
As you closed the door behind you, you leaned against it, a smile tugging at your lips. You knew things were complicated, and there were still many unanswered questions, but for the first time in a long time, you felt hopeful about what the future might hold.
Klaus stood before the easel, the soft glow of the moonlight highlighting the contours of your face on the canvas. His hand moved with deliberate care, every stroke of the brush a reflection of the deep feelings he harbored for you. Your eyes, filled with both fire and tenderness, seemed to look right back at him, and Klaus couldn’t help but feel his heart swell with emotion.
As he added the final touches, he heard a familiar voice behind him.“She’s so beautiful,” Camille’s words were soft, almost as if she didn’t want to disturb the moment.
Klaus smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that rarely graced his face. “Indeed, she is,” he said, his voice tinged with a warmth that spoke volumes.
Camille stepped closer, her eyes drawn to the painting. “What are you up to?” she asked, though she could already tell this was more than just a simple painting.
“Just capturing her,” Klaus replied, his gaze never leaving your painted eyes. “She’s been on my mind a lot lately.”
Camille noticed the way his voice softened when he spoke about you, and she couldn’t help but smile. “I’ve heard you’ve been in a good mood lately,” she teased lightly, trying to gauge his emotions.
Klaus let out a small chuckle, something rare and unguarded. “It’s true,” he admitted, his eyes shining with a rare vulnerability. “She has that effect on me.”
Camille arched an eyebrow, both amused and curious. “Who’s the poor woman that’s managed to soften the great Klaus Mikaelson?”
“Y/N,” Klaus said simply, but the way he said her name was full of affection, as if just speaking it brought him peace.
“Y/N Salvatore?” Camille asked, her surprise evident. “As in Damon and Stefan’s sister?”
Klaus nodded, his expression unchanging, but there was a flicker of something deeper in his eyes. “Yes, her.”
Camille was quiet for a moment, taking in this unexpected revelation. “But… didn’t you tell me that your siblings and you are enemies with the Salvatores? What’s changed?”
Klaus sighed, finally tearing his gaze away from the painting to look at Camille. “It’s her brothers we’re enemies with, not Y/N,” he explained, his voice carrying a weight of emotion that Camille hadn’t expected.
Camille’s expression softened as she realized how much this meant to him. “What makes her different, Klaus? Why her?”
Klaus took a deep breath, his mind racing with thoughts of you. “She’s… she’s unlike anyone I’ve ever known. She’s strong, not just physically but in every sense of the word. She doesn’t fear me like the others do. She sees the real me, the man behind the monster.”
Camille watched him carefully, seeing the raw emotion in his eyes. “It sounds like she means a lot to you.”
“She does,” Klaus admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “More than I ever thought possible. She’s changed me in ways I never imagined. I’m not just the monster they think I am when I’m with her—I’m… I’m more.”
Camille reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm. “You deserve happiness, Klaus. Maybe she’s the one who can give it to you.”
Klaus looked at Camille, his usual stoic expression softening. “I hope so, Camille. Because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”
He turned back to the painting, his heart heavy with a mix of hope and fear. “I just hope she feels the same,” he murmured, more to himself than to her.
Camille squeezed his arm gently. “If she sees the real you, Klaus, how could she not?”
Klaus paced the length of the grand hall, his thoughts tangled with emotions he rarely allowed himself to feel. He could still see your face in his mind, your laughter echoing in his ears, and the way you looked at him as if you saw past all the darkness, right into the man he once was. He had never imagined anyone could make him feel this way, especially not a Salvatore.
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the quiet little town as Klaus and you strolled through the secluded garden of a charming estate he had arranged for their second date. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, and the soft rustling of leaves created a peaceful, intimate atmosphere.
Klaus had taken care to plan every detail, wanting this time with you to be perfect. He couldn’t help but glance at you frequently, admiring how the soft light seemed to make your eyes sparkle even more than usual. It was a rare sight for him to be this content, and it was all because you.
You noticed his gaze and smiled, a playful glint in your eyes. “You’re staring, Klaus.”
Klaus smirked, not even attempting to hide it. “Can you blame me, love? You’re breathtaking.”
You blushed slightly, rolling your eyes at the compliment. “You’re not so bad yourself,” you teased, nudging him with your elbow.
You and him reached a small, private gazebo at the center of the garden, surrounded by roses. He gestured for you to sit on the bench inside, and he joined you, your and his shoulders brushing lightly.
For a moment, you and him sat in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. But Klaus’s mind was already spinning, thinking about how to approach the question that had been on his mind since the night before. He knew what he wanted for some time now but he wasn’t sure how you would respond.
After a few more moments of contemplation, he turned to you, his expression unusually serious. “Y/N, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden shift in his tone. “What is it, Klaus?”
He took a deep breath, his usual confidence wavering slightly as he met your gaze. “I know we haven’t been… conventional,” he began, his voice softer than usual. “But these past few days with you have been… different. I haven’t felt this way in a very long time, and I want to see where this could go.”
You tilted your head, a small smile playing on your lips as you watched him struggle to find the right words. “Are you asking me something, Klaus?”
He chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. “Yes, I suppose I am. love… would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
Your eyes widened slightly, and you made a show of tapping your chin as if deep in thought. “Hmm… let me think about that for a moment.”
Klaus’s heart sank, a flicker of worry crossing his features. He had prepared himself for many possible reactions, but he hadn’t expected her to hesitate. “Love?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
You kept up the act for a few more seconds, your face perfectly serious as you pretended to weigh your options. Then, you couldn’t hold back your laughter any longer. You burst out laughing, the sound like music to Klaus’s ears.
“Just kidding!” You exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Klaus.”
He blinked, his momentary panic melting into relief and amusement as he realized you had been teasing him. “You little minx,” he said, shaking his head with a smile. “You nearly made me turn off my humanity.”
you laughed again, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. “I couldn’t resist. You looked so serious.”
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. “I’m serious about you, love,” he murmured, his tone gentle but firm. “You’re the one thing in this world that makes sense to me.”
You looked up at him, your smile softening as you saw the sincerity in his eyes. “And you’re the one person who makes me feel like I can be myself, Klaus. I’m glad we found each other.”
Klaus’s heart swelled with affection, and he leaned in to capture your lips in a tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the emotions he hadn’t been able to put into words, a promise of the future you and him could have together.
When you and him finally pulled apart, you rested your head on his shoulder, content in his embrace. “So, what do we do now, boyfriend?” You teased, enjoying the new title.
Klaus smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Whatever you want, girlfriend. As long as we’re together, I don’t care.”
You closed your eyes, savoring the moment. you had no idea what the future held, but for now, you were exactly where you wanted to be by Klaus’s side.
Later that evening, Klaus returned to the mansion, a rare lightness in his step. He had just come from his date with you, and he couldn’t help the small smile that lingered on his lips. Everything felt… right, in a way it hadn’t in centuries.
As he walked into the main sitting room, he found Elijah and Kol sitting with Rebekah, who was flipping through an old magazine. They all looked up as Klaus entered, and they could immediately tell something was different about him.
Kol was the first to speak, raising an eyebrow as he took in his brother’s unusually content expression. “Well, well, look who’s back. You look positively glowing, Nik. Had a good time with your little Salvatore?”
Klaus shot Kol a warning look, but it lacked its usual bite. “As a matter of fact, I did.”
Elijah, ever observant, noted the change in Klaus’s demeanor and couldn’t help but smile slightly. “I take it the evening went well, then?”
Klaus nodded, his smile growing just a little. “Better than well. I asked Y/N to be my girlfriend, and she said yes.”
Rebekah, who had been only half-listening up to this point, immediately perked up, her face lighting up with excitement. “Wait, what? Y/N’s your girlfriend now?” She jumped up from her seat, practically bouncing with joy. “Oh, Nik, that’s wonderful!”
Elijah’s smile widened, and he gave Klaus a nod of approval. “I’m happy for you, Niklaus. Y/N seems like a remarkable woman.”
Kol leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips, though there was a genuine hint of warmth in his eyes. “Well, I’ll be damned. I didn’t think anyone could actually get you to settle down, but it looks like Y/N managed to do the impossible.”
Klaus rolled his eyes at Kol’s teasing, but there was no denying the warmth in his chest at the support from his siblings. “She’s different,” he said, his voice softer, more sincere. “I never thought I’d find someone like her, someone who understands me.”
Rebekah practically squealed as she rushed over to hug Klaus, catching him slightly off guard. “I’m so happy for you, Nik! Y/N is amazing, and she’s going to make you so happy. I knew it!”
Klaus chuckled, returning Rebekah’s hug with a smile. “Thank you, Rebekah. It means a lot to me.”
Rebekah pulled back, her eyes shining with excitement. “We have to celebrate! This is a big deal, Klaus! We’ll throw a party, or at least have a proper family dinner.”
Elijah nodded in agreement. “Rebekah’s right. It’s been a long time since we’ve had something worth celebrating.”
Kol raised his glass in a mock toast, smirking. “To Niklaus and Y/N. May she survive our delightful family.”
Klaus gave Kol a pointed look but couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped him. “She’s stronger than you give her credit for, Kol.”
Rebekah clapped her hands together, her mind already racing with ideas. “Oh, I can’t wait to tell Y/N! We’re going to have so much fun. Maybe we can even have a double date her, you, me, and… well, we’ll find someone.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow at that, but the idea of you becoming more involved with his family warmed his heart. He hadn’t realized how much he wanted this you to be accepted not just by him, but by all of them.
Elijah placed a hand on Klaus’s shoulder, his gaze steady. “This is a new chapter for you, Niklaus. I hope it brings you the happiness you’ve been searching for.”
Klaus nodded, his expression serious as he met Elijah’s gaze. “I believe it will, Elijah. I really do.”
Rebekah was already planning out the details of their next gathering, her enthusiasm infectious. Kol, though still teasing, seemed genuinely pleased, and Elijah’s quiet support was a comfort Klaus hadn’t known he needed.
For the first time in centuries, Klaus felt like he wasn’t just existing, he was living. And it was all because of you. You had brought light into his life, and now, with the approval and support of his siblings, he felt like they could face anything together.
Three years had passed since Klaus and you began your relationship, and during that time, the bond had only grown stronger. Klaus found himself more at peace than he ever had been, finding solace in your presence and in the life you and him had built together. However, not everything was perfect.
The tension between your brothers and friends, and Klaus, had not eased. Damon and Stefan had never fully accepted your relationship with the Original hybrid, and your friends were wary, always looking for signs that Klaus might revert to his darker tendencies. He knew that you felt caught in the middle, torn between your love for him and your loyalty to your brothers and friends.
It was that tension that had led Klaus to make a decision that would change everything. He wanted to move to New Orleans, where he could establish his reign without the constant interference of Mystic Falls. But the thought of leaving you behind was unbearable. He knew he couldn’t force you to choose between him and your family, but the idea of being apart from you was something he couldn’t fathom.
That evening, Klaus sat in the mansion, his mind racing. Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah were with him in the living room, sensing that something was weighing heavily on his mind.
Klaus finally broke the silence, looking at his siblings with an uncharacteristic uncertainty. “I’ve made a decision,” he began, his voice steady but laced with apprehension. “I’m planning to move to New Orleans.”
Elijah nodded, unsurprised. “We’ve discussed this before, Niklaus. It’s a sound plan, considering the situation here.”
Kol leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. “And about time too. This town is getting dreadfully dull.”
Rebekah, however, could see that something else was bothering Klaus. “There’s more to it, isn’t there, Nik?” she asked, her tone gentle.
Klaus sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Yes, there is. It’s Y/N.” He paused, searching for the right words. “I want her to come with us, to New Orleans. But I… I’m not sure how to ask her.”
Kol raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by Klaus’s rare display of vulnerability. “Nik, afraid to ask a girl to move with him? Now I’ve seen everything.”
Klaus shot Kol a warning look, but it lacked its usual bite. “This isn’t just any girl, Kol. This is Y/N. I can’t risk losing her.”
Elijah’s expression softened, understanding the depth of Klaus’s dilemma. “You fear that asking her to leave her brothers and friends might drive her away.”
Klaus nodded, his usual confidence wavering. “Yes. She’s already under so much pressure, being torn between us and them. I don’t want to make it harder for her.”
Rebekah smiled warmly, moving closer to her brother. “Nik, Y/N loves you. Anyone with eyes can see that. She’s been by your side for three years, despite everything. I think she’d want to be with you, wherever that is.”
Klaus sighed, still uncertain. “But what if she chooses them? What if she decides that she can’t leave her family behind?”
Elijah placed a reassuring hand on Klaus’s shoulder. “Niklaus, you need to have faith in her. She’s strong, and she knows what she wants. But you have to give her the choice. You can’t make it for her.”
Kol, who had been unusually quiet, suddenly chimed in, his tone more serious. “Look, Nik, you’ve always been the one to take what you want without asking. But with Y/N, it’s different. You’ve got to show her that you trust her, that you’re not just trying to control her.”
Klaus looked between his siblings, their words sinking in. They were right, of course. He had to trust you, just as you had trusted him all these years. But still, the fear of you choosing your family over him gnawed at him.
Rebekah, sensing his hesitation, stepped forward and took his hands in hers. “We’ll help you, Nik. We can talk to Y/N, help her see that moving with us doesn’t mean abandoning her family. She loves you, and she deserves to know that you’re serious about building a life together.”
Klaus looked into his sister’s eyes, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him. “Thank you, Rebekah. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Rebekah smiled, squeezing his hands. “You won’t have to find out. We’re in this together.”
Elijah nodded in agreement. “We’ll support you, Niklaus, whatever happens. But you have to take the first step.”
Kol, smirking as usual, added, “And if all else fails, just tell her how lost you’ll be without her. Chicks love that.”
Klaus couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head at Kol’s advice. “Thank you, Kol. I’ll keep that in mind.”
With his siblings by his side, Klaus felt a renewed sense of determination. He would ask you to move with him and his siblings to New Orleans, but he would do it in a way that showed you just how much he trusted and valued you. It was a risk, but for you, it was one he was willing to take.
The next step was to talk to you and hope that your love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle, even this one.
The evening sky was painted in shades of pink and orange as Klaus led you to one of the favorite spots just outside Mystic Falls, a secluded clearing by a serene lake, where you and he often came to escape the pressures in your and his lives. The gentle sound of water lapping against the shore provided a peaceful backdrop, and the warm summer breeze carried the scent of blooming wildflowers.
You looked up at him, noticing the way his usually confident demeanor seemed tinged with something softer, almost vulnerable. You smiled, squeezing his hand as you and him walked together. “You’re being awfully quiet tonight,” you remarked playfully. “What’s going on in that complicated mind of yours?”
He stopped by the water’s edge, turning to face her. He took both of your hands in his, his eyes searching yours as if trying to memorize every detail of your face. There was a seriousness in his gaze that made you nervous
“Y/N,” he began, his voice soft yet filled with emotion, “these past three years with you have been the best of my existence. You’ve brought light into my life in ways I never imagined possible. And I want nothing more than to continue building that life with you.”
You felt your breath catch in your throat, sensing that something important was coming. “Klaus, you know I feel the same way. You’ve changed my world too.”
He smiled, his heart swelling at your words. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. “I’ve been thinking a lot about our future, about what I want, what we could be together. And I’ve made a decision.”
Your eyes widened slightly, your curiosity piqued. “What decision?”
He gently pulled you closer, his gaze never leaving your. “I want us to move to New Orleans,” he said, his voice steady but filled with hope. “It’s a city where I can establish my reign, where we can start fresh, away from the constant battles here in Mystic Falls. But I don’t want to do it alone. I want you by my side, Y/N.”
Your heart fluttered, a mix of emotions swirling inside you. You could see the sincerity in Klaus’s eyes, the vulnerability he rarely showed to anyone. “You want me to come with you? To leave Mystic Falls?”
He nodded, his grip on your hands tightening slightly as if he were afraid you might slip away. “Yes. But more than that, I want you to be my queen, Y/N. To rule New Orleans with me. You’ve always been my equal, my partner, and I can’t imagine doing this without you.”
You blinked, your heart swelling with a mixture of surprise and overwhelming love. “Your queen?” You repeated, a small smile forming on your lips.
He nodded, his eyes filled with affection. “Yes, love. The Queen of New Orleans, ruling alongside me. You’ve stood by me through everything, and I want to build something lasting with you, a kingdom where we’re not just surviving, but thriving. Where we can create a legacy together.”
Your eyes shimmered with unshed tears, touched by the depth of Klaus’s words. You could see the future he was envisioning the two of them ruling together, side by side, in a city that would be your and his own. It was a future you hadn’t fully allowed yourself to imagine, but now that Klaus was offering it to you, you realized it was exactly what you wanted.
You bit your lip, your playful side coming through as you pretended to consider it for a moment. “A queen, huh? That does sound rather appealing.”
He chuckled, relief washing over him as he saw the spark in your eyes. “Just imagine it, love. The two of us, ruling over a city filled with history and life. You’d have the power and freedom to shape our world as you see fit. And I’d be there, every step of the way, your king.”
You couldn’t hold back your smile any longer. “King and queen of New Orleans. It does have a nice ring to it.”
He leaned in closer, his forehead resting gently against yours. “Then say yes, Y/N. Be my queen. Come with me to New Orleans, and let’s build the life we’ve always dreamed of.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, savoring the warmth of his words, the love you felt radiating from him. When you opened them again, you were met with Klaus’s expectant gaze, his eyes filled with hope and a hint of fear.
You grinned, your heart overflowing with love for him. “Yes, Klaus. I’ll be your queen. Let’s rule New Orleans together.”
Klaus’s face broke into a radiant smile, one of pure joy and relief. Without another word, he pulled you into a deep, passionate kiss, pouring all of his love and gratitude into that moment. It was a kiss that sealed your and his future, one filled with promise and the knowledge that you two would face whatever challenges came your and his way together.
When you and him finally pulled back, breathless and grinning like teenagers, Klaus cupped your face in his hands, his eyes shining with emotion. “I love you, Y/N. More than anything in this world.”
You smiled, your heart so full you thought it might burst. “And I love you, Klaus. Now and forever.”
As you and him stood there by the lake, wrapped in each other’s arms, the future no longer seemed uncertain. With you as his queen and Klaus as your king, you both knew you and him could conquer anything. New Orleans would be the start of a new chapter one where you and him would write your and his own story, together.
The following morning, Klaus woke up with a mischievous grin, an idea already forming in his mind. You were still asleep, peacefully resting in his arms, unaware of the prank he was planning. He carefully slipped out of bed, making sure not to wake you, and made his way downstairs where his siblings were gathered in the dining room.
Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah were enjoying a leisurely breakfast, the usual bickering and banter filling the air. Klaus entered the room, his face carefully arranged into an expression of distress and heartbreak. He let out a heavy sigh as he approached the table, immediately drawing the attention of his siblings.
Rebekah was the first to notice his unusual demeanor. She frowned, setting down her cup of tea. “Nik? What’s wrong?”
Klaus slumped into a chair, burying his face in his hands as if trying to hold back tears. “It’s Y/N,” he said, his voice trembling slightly.
Elijah’s brow furrowed in concern. “What happened, Niklaus? Did something go wrong?”
Klaus took a deep, shaky breath, making sure to sell the act. “I asked her to move with us to New Orleans… to be my queen. But she… she said no.”
There was a moment of stunned silence as his siblings processed what he had just said. Rebekah’s eyes widened in shock, her hand flying to her mouth. “What? No, she wouldn’t!”
Elijah’s usual calm facade faltered, worry etching his features. “Are you certain, Niklaus? Did she give a reason?”
Kol, however, was the one who reacted the most dramatically. He let out an exaggerated groan, slumping back in his chair. “I knew it! I knew it was too good to be true. She’s probably packing her bags as we speak, running back to her precious brothers.”
Klaus bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing, shaking his head slowly as if in disbelief. “She said… she couldn’t leave them behind. That it would break her heart.”
Rebekah’s eyes welled up with tears, her voice trembling. “Oh, Nik, I’m so sorry… I know how much she means to you.”
Elijah placed a comforting hand on Klaus’s shoulder, his expression sympathetic. “We’re here for you, Niklaus. Whatever you need, we’ll help you through this.”
Kol, never one to miss a chance to poke fun, leaned forward with a smirk, though there was genuine concern in his eyes. “I suppose I should have prepared a list of eligible women in New Orleans. It’s not like you to mope around for long.”
Klaus finally let the charade drop, unable to keep up the act any longer. A grin spread across his face as he looked up at his siblings, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Well, that won’t be necessary, Kol. Because she actually said yes.”
Rebekah’s jaw dropped, her expression shifting from shock to anger in a split second. “Nik! You evil bastard, you had me worried sick!”
Elijah’s expression softened into one of exasperated amusement as he realized they’d been duped. “Really, Niklaus? Was this little prank necessary?”
Kol, on the other hand, burst out laughing, clapping his hands together. “Oh, well played, Nik! You really had us going for a minute there.”
Klaus leaned back in his chair, his laughter echoing through the room. “I couldn’t resist. But yes, Y/N said yes. We’re going to New Orleans together, and she’ll be by my side as my queen.”
Rebekah, despite her initial anger, couldn’t help but smile, the relief evident on her face. “Well, I suppose I can forgive you… just this once. But don’t you dare pull something like that again!”
Elijah shook his head, though there was a smile on his lips. “Congratulations, Niklaus. I’m glad things worked out as you hoped.”
Kol raised his glass in a mock toast. “To Niklaus and Y/N, the new rulers of New Orleans. Long may they reign, and may we survive the chaos they’re sure to bring.”
Klaus chuckled, raising his own glass in response. “To our new beginning.”
As they all toasted, the laughter and camaraderie filled the room, the earlier tension forgotten. Klaus felt a warmth in his chest as he looked around at his siblings, knowing that they would face whatever the future held together as a family.
As the day of departure approached, you knew you had to say goodbye to your brothers and friends, even though the thought of it filled you with a sense of dread. You had made your decision, and you were confident in it, but that didn’t make the farewell any easier.
You decided to visit the Salvatore boarding house first. Damon and Stefan were in the living room, both nursing glasses of bourbon. The tension in the room was palpable as she walked in, but she took a deep breath and stepped forward.
“Damon, Stefan,” you began, your voice steady despite the nerves fluttering in your chest. “I just wanted to talk to you both before I leave.”
Damon didn’t look up from his drink, swirling the amber liquid in his glass as if you hadn’t spoken at all. Stefan kept his gaze fixed on the fireplace, his jaw clenched, saying nothing.
Your heart sank, but you pressed on, determined to at least try. “I know you don’t agree with my decision, but I need you to understand that this is what I want. Klaus and I… we’re good together. I love him, and I’m going to New Orleans with him and his siblings.”
Still, there was no response. Damon finally took a sip of his bourbon, his expression unreadable. Stefan’s silence remained unbroken, his eyes never leaving the flames.
Your voice wavered as you continued, “I’m saying goodbye because I care about you. I know we’ve had our differences, but you’re my brothers. I love you both, and I wish things could be different.”
The silence that followed was heavy, suffocating. you waited, hoping for some acknowledgment, some sign that they heard you, that they cared. But it never came.
Damon finally stood up, not looking at you as he walked out of the room. Stefan remained by the fire, his back turned to you, offering no parting words, no goodbye. The coldness in the room was like a dagger to your heart.
Feeling a painful lump forming in your throat, you blinked back the tears threatening to spill over. You turned and left the house, the door closing softly behind you, a finality in the sound that echoed in your chest.
Your next stop was at the Mystic Grill, where you knew your friends would be gathered. Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena were seated at their usual table, talking in low voices. When you walked in, they all glanced up at you,, but there was no warmth in their eyes, no welcoming smiles.
“Hey,” you greeted them softly as she approached the table. “I wanted to let you all know that I’m leaving for New Orleans. Klaus and I are—”
But before she could finish, Caroline cut her off with a curt, “We know.”
You paused, the sting of Caroline’s sharp tone making you flinch. You looked to Bonnie, hoping for some sort of understanding, but Bonnie only offered a tight-lipped nod, your gaze averted.
Elena kept her eyes on her drink, not saying a word. The cold shoulder from all of them was unmistakable.
Your shoulders slumped slightly, your heart heavy with the weight of their rejection. “I just… I wanted to say goodbye. I care about you all, and I’m going to miss you.”
But there was no response, no acknowledgment. Caroline picked up her drink, taking a long sip as if you hadn’t spoken at all. Bonnie stared at the table, while Elena remained silent, her expression unreadable.
You felt a tear slip down your cheek, quickly brushing it away as you realized there was nothing more you could say or do. Your friends had made their choice, just as you had made yours.
Without another word, You turned and walked out of the Grill, the door closing behind her with a sense of finality. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. You knew she wasn’t alone Klaus and his siblings were waiting for you, ready to welcome you into their lives.
But the pain of being ignored, of being dismissed by the people you had once considered family, was a wound that would take time to heal.
As you made your way back to Klaus, you resolved to move forward, to embrace the new life that awaited her in New Orleans. You had chosen your path, and though it was painful to leave without your brothers and friends by your side, you knew you were doing what was right for you.
And as you stepped into Klaus’s waiting arms, feeling his warmth and love surrounding you, you knew you were ready to face whatever the future held.
Two years had passed since You, Klaus and his siblings had moved to New Orleans, and your and his life together had become something of a legend in the city. The Mikaelsons were a formidable force, ruling the supernatural world with strength and unity. But amid all the power plays and schemes, one thing had remained constant: Klaus’s love for you.
Now, with the relationship stronger than ever, Klaus had decided it was time to take the next step. He wanted to ask you to marry him, and as much as he was confident in your love for him, this proposal felt monumental. He wanted everything to be perfect, which meant enlisting the help of his siblings.
The Mikaelson family was gathered at the compound Klaus stood before them, a rare hint of nervousness in his usually composed demeanor.
“So, I’ve decided it’s time to ask Y/N to marry me,” Klaus announced, his voice firm despite the flutter of anticipation in his chest.
Rebekah’s face lit up with excitement. “Oh, Nik, that’s wonderful! She’ll be over the moon.”
Elijah offered a warm smile, nodding approvingly. “A wise decision, brother. Y/N is a remarkable woman, and it’s clear how deeply she cares for you.”
Kol, always the joker, leaned back in his chair with a smirk. “Well, it’s about time. But let me guess, you’re planning to pop the question at the same place you two first met?”
Klaus’s eyes twinkled as he glanced at Kol. “Actually, yes. I thought it would be fitting to ask her at the very spot where our story began.”
Kol let out a laugh, shaking his head in amusement. “Oh yeah, I remember that day. The day she almost killed us all! You sure that’s the memory you want to bring up when you ask her to spend forever with you?”
The room filled with chuckles as the siblings recalled that fateful day. You had been a force to be reckoned with back then, strong, fierce, and ready to take on anyone who threatened your family. It was that very fire that had caught Klaus’s attention and, eventually, his heart.
It was a tense afternoon in Mystic Falls. Klaus, along with Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol, had arrived in town, seeking a powerful witch who had dared to cross them. They weren’t expecting to encounter anyone who could challenge them until appeared.
The Mikaelsons were gathered in the woods, discussing their next move, when you stepped out from the shadows. Your expression was fierce, your eyes glowing with a dangerous intensity that immediately put the Originals on alert.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Klaus had mused, intrigued by the fiery young woman who dared to confront them alone.
You didn’t hesitate, your voice cold and commanding. “You’re not welcome here. Leave Mystic Falls, or I’ll make sure you regret ever stepping foot in this town.”
Rebekah had scoffed, her usual arrogance on full display. “You think you can take us on, little girl?”
But you weren't intimidated. You raised your hand, and with a flick of your wrist, the ground beneath them trembled. The Mikaelsons exchanged surprised glances; this was no ordinary witch.
Elijah, always the diplomat, had tried to reason with you. “There’s no need for violence. We’re not here to harm anyone—”
But you cut him off, your voice steely. “Save it. I know who you are, and I know what you’ve done. I won’t let you bring your chaos to my town.”
As you prepared to strike, Klaus stepped forward, his eyes locking with yours. “You’re different,” he had said, more to himself than to you. “Stronger. Smarter.”
You hesitated for a fraction of a second, trying not to smile as you met Klaus’s intense gaze. There was something about him, something dangerous, yet captivating. But you quickly shook off the thought, your resolve hardening.
“Leave,” you had commanded, your voice unwavering. “Or I’ll make sure you don’t get the chance.”
Klaus had smiled then, a genuine smile that had taken even his siblings by surprise. “I think I’ll stay. I’d like to see what you’re truly capable of.”
The tension had been thick, with your power swirling in the air around them, but something shifted in that moment. Instead of attacking, you had slowly lowered your hand, your eyes narrowing as you studied Klaus.
“You’re not afraid of me,” you had observed, almost in disbelief.
“Why should I be?” Klaus had replied, stepping closer. “You’re not my enemy.”
Elijah had watched the exchange carefully, noting the unusual interest his brother had taken in you. Rebekah and Kol remained on edge, ready to intervene, but Klaus raised a hand, signaling them to stand down.
You had studied him for a long moment, your instincts screaming at you to be cautious. But something in his gaze, something that you couldn’t quite place, had made you pause. You had lowered your defenses, just slightly, and in that moment, a strange understanding had passed between you and him .
“Fine,” you had finally said, yourtone less hostile. “But don’t think for a second that I trust you.”
Klaus had chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Wouldn’t dream of it, love.”
End of the flashback
Rebekah, still smiling, looked at Klaus thoughtfully. “But it’s also the day she didn’t kill us, Kol. She chose to trust Klaus, and look where it’s brought them. I think it’s a perfect place to propose.”
Klaus nodded, his smile softening as he thought back to that moment. “Exactly. It’s where everything changed for us. She saw me for who I was and still decided to stay. I want to remind her of that, and let her know that my love for her has only grown since then.”
Elijah stepped forward, placing a hand on Klaus’s shoulder. “We’ll help you make it perfect, Niklaus. Y/N deserves nothing less.”
Kol grinned, rising from his seat. “Alright then, let’s make sure this proposal is one for the history books. Just, you know, maybe keep the violence to a minimum this time?”
Klaus chuckled, feeling more at ease with his siblings by his side. “I’ll do my best, Kol.”
With the Mikaelsons all on board, the plan began to take shape. They would return to the place where Klaus and you first met a secluded, picturesque spot in the woods just outside of Mystic Falls. Klaus had already sent a few trusted witches ahead to prepare the location, ensuring that everything would be perfect for the moment he asked you to be his forever.
As the days passed and the preparations were finalized, Klaus felt a growing sense of excitement. He couldn’t wait to see your reaction, to hold you close and promise you a lifetime together. And with his siblings’ help, he was certain that this proposal would be everything you deserved and more.
The day of the proposal finally arrived, and as Klaus led you through the familiar woods, his heart raced with anticipation. The spot where you and him had first met was just up ahead, and with every step, he felt the weight of the moment growing. He glanced over at you, who seemed to sense something special was about to happen, a curious smile playing on your lips.
When Klaus and you reached the clearing, your breath caught in her throat. The place was even more beautiful than you remembered, with flowers blooming all around and the gentle sound of a nearby stream filling the air. Klaus had clearly gone to great lengths to make this moment perfect.
“Klaus, what is this?” You asked, turning to him with wide, surprised eyes.
Klaus took a deep breath, his heart full as he looked at the woman he loved. “Y/N, this is where it all began for us. The place where we first met, where I first knew that I wanted you by my side. I brought you here because I want to ask you something.”
You watched Klaus reach into his pocket and pull out a small, velvet box. Your eyes filled with tears as he dropped to one knee, his gaze never leaving yourself.
“Y/N, you’ve given me more than I ever thought possible. Your love, your strength, your loyalty… you’ve changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. I want to spend the rest of my life proving that I’m worthy of you. So, my love, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked down at Klaus, the man you loved with all your heart. Without hesitation, you nodded, a radiant smile breaking through your tears. “Yes, Klaus. A thousand times, yes.”
Klaus’s smile was the brightest it had ever been as he slipped the ring onto your finger and rose to his feet, pulling you into a deep, passionate kiss. The moment was perfect, filled with all the love and promise of the life you both would share together.
And as you and he held each other close, the memory of that first meeting faded into the background, replaced by the joy of the future you and him would now build as husband and wife.
Weeks later, as Klaus and you prepared for the wedding, you and him were immersed in the whirlwind of planning. Klaus, ever the meticulous planner, had set up a meeting with the wedding planner to finalize the details.
In the elegant office of the wedding planner, Klaus reviewed the seating arrangements and floral designs with a focused gaze. As they discussed the finer points of the upcoming celebration, Klaus suddenly looked up from his notes, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“There’s one more thing I’d like to address,” Klaus said, his voice firm but tinged with a note of excitement. “When we sent out the invitations, I had a request regarding Y/N’s name.”
The wedding planner, a poised woman with a clipboard in hand, looked up with curiosity. “Of course, what would you like to change?”
Klaus leaned forward slightly, his eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and tenderness. “I’d like the invitations to reflect Y/N’s new name. Instead of Y/N Salvatore, I want it to be Y/N Mikaelson.”
The wedding planner’s eyebrows raised in understanding, and she offered a warm smile. “Certainly, Mr. Mikaelson. I’ll ensure that all the invitations are updated to reflect Y/N’s new name. It’s a lovely touch, symbolizing the new chapter you two are beginning together.”
Klaus’s lips curled into a satisfied smile. “Thank you. It’s important to me that we start this new chapter with the right representation of our unity.”
The wedding planner nodded, making a note on her clipboard. “I’ll make sure it’s taken care of immediately. Is there anything else you need to discuss today?”
Klaus shook his head. “No, I think that covers everything for now. Thank you for your attention to detail.”
As the meeting concluded and the wedding planner left to handle the changes, Klaus sat back in his chair, a sense of contentment washing over him. The thought of your last name officially becoming Mikaelson felt like the perfect prelude to the life you and him were about to build together.
He couldn’t wait to see you walk down the aisle, not just as his bride, but as a symbol of the new beginning and the life you both would share as husband and wife.
The grand hall was transformed into a vision of splendor, with flowing white drapes, sparkling chandeliers, and delicate flowers in soft pastels. The atmosphere was filled with a palpable sense of excitement as the guests took their seats, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the bride.
Kol and Elijah stood at the entrance, their faces reflecting a mixture of pride and joy. Kol turned to Elijah, a grin on his face. “Can you believe this day has finally come?”
Elijah’s smile was warm as he adjusted his suit. “It feels like just yesterday we were at odds with her brothers and friends. Now, look at us. Proudly walking her down the aisle.”
As the classical music began to play, the grand doors of the hall opened. you appeared, a vision of grace and beauty in your exquisite wedding gown. Kol and Elijah each took one of your arms, the faces filled with admiration.
Kol whispered, “You look absolutely stunning, Y/N.”
Your eyes sparkled with tears of happiness as she looked at Kol. “Thank you, Kol. I’m so grateful to have you both here with me.”
Elijah gave you a reassuring smile. “We wouldn’t be anywhere else. This is a special moment for all of us.”
As the three of you began walking down the aisle, the guests rose in respect. One by one, they bowed, a gesture of honor for you. The sight brought a fresh wave of emotion to your eyes. You squeezed Kol and Elijah’s arms gently.
“Look at this,” you said softly, your voice trembling slightly. “It’s like a dream.”
Kol looked around, his expression softened by the sight of their beloved sister-in-law. “It’s a testament to the impact you’ve made on all our lives.”
As the three of you reached the front of the hall, Klaus stood at the altar, his gaze fixed on you. His heart raced with anticipation and love. Kol and Elijah guided you to Klaus, each giving you a tender kiss on the cheek.
Elijah placed a hand on Klaus’s shoulder. “She’s all yours now. Treat her well.”
Klaus nodded, his eyes never leaving you. “I promise, I’ll cherish her always.”
Kol clapped Klaus on the back with a grin. “Now go make her the happiest woman in the world.”
Klaus took your hand, his touch gentle and reassuring. “You look more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.”
Your eyes shimmered with tears as you replied, “And you look just as perfect as I dreamed you would.”
The ceremony began, with the officiant guiding them through their vows. As Klaus and you exchanged promises, the voices were filled with deep emotion.
Klaus looked at you, his voice steady but full of love. “Y/N, you’ve shown me what it means to truly live and love. I vow to stand by you, to support you, and to cherish every moment we share.”
Your voice was a soft whisper as you responded, “Klaus, you’ve brought so much joy into my life. I promise to be by your side, through every challenge and triumph, and to love you endlessly.”
When Klaus and you sealed your and his vows with a kiss, the hall erupted in applause and cheers. The guests clapped and shouted their congratulations, their joy matching the happiness that radiated from the newlyweds.
As the ceremony concluded, Klaus and you shared a private moment, your hands clasped tightly together. He looked at her, his voice filled with wonder. “This day has been everything I hoped for and more.”
You smiled, your heart overflowing with love. “It’s perfect. Just like us.”
The reception that followed was filled with laughter, joy, and heartfelt toasts. Friends and family celebrated the union of Klaus and you , the love story now a beautiful part of his and your lives.
The day was a testament to the journey and the future together, a day marked by love, respect, and the beginning of a new chapter as husband and wife
As the after-party continued, the grand hall was alive with laughter and music. Guests danced and celebrated the newlyweds, their joy filling the room. The atmosphere was vibrant and festive, but amidst the revelry, you found herself feeling a quiet pang of sadness.
Klaus, ever perceptive, noticed the subtle shift in your demeanor. He approached you, his expression softening with concern. “Is everything alright, love?” he asked gently, taking your hand.
You offered him a brave smile, trying to push away your lingering sadness. “Yes, everything’s perfect. It’s just… I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed.”
Klaus looked at you with understanding. “I know you were hoping that your brothers and friends would be here to share this special day with us. It must be hard not having them present.”
You nodded, your smile wavering slightly. “I tried not to let it get to me, but it’s hard not to wish they were here. They’ve been such a big part of my life, and it feels strange not having them around today.”
Klaus pulled you into a tender embrace, his voice soothing. “I wish they could have been here too, but I want you to know that you have all of us. Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, and I we’re your family now, and we’re here for you.”
You looked up at him, your eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I know, Klaus. And I’m so grateful for all of you. It’s just… I hoped that maybe things could have been different.”
Klaus cupped your face gently in his hands. “Sometimes, the people we hope to be there for us aren’t able to be. But that doesn’t lessen the love and support you have from those who are. And I promise, we’ll make sure that our future is filled with the happiness and love you deserve.”
Your gaze softened, and she nodded. “You’re right. I’m so lucky to have you and your family in my life.”
Klaus leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “Let’s focus on the joy of today and the wonderful future we’re building together. Tonight is about us and the new chapter we’re starting.”
You took a deep breath, your heart swelling with appreciation for Klaus’s understanding and love. You managed a genuine smile as you looked around at the festivities. “You’re right. Let’s enjoy this moment and celebrate what we have.”
Klaus took your hand and guided you back into the midst of the celebration. As you and him rejoined the party, you made a conscious effort to immerse herself in the joy of the evening. You danced, laughed, and celebrated with Klaus and friends, savoring the happiness of the special day.
Months after the wedding, Klaus and you settled into a new life together in New Orleans. The days were filled with the routine of adjusting to married life and blending the worlds. The home was warm and welcoming, a haven of love and comfort.
One afternoon, Klaus and you visited a local witch known for her expertise in mystical matters. You had been feeling a bit off lately unexplained fatigue and strange cravings that you couldn’t quite explain. You and him had decided to seek the witch’s advice to get to the bottom of it.
In the witch’s cozy, dimly lit shop, the air was thick with the scent of herbs and incense. The witch, an elderly woman with wise eyes, performed a series of rituals and spells, her movements graceful and precise. Klaus and you watched with a mix of curiosity and concern.
Finally, the witch looked up from her work, her expression a mix of surprise and wonder. “I have something to tell you both,” she began, her voice gentle but firm. “You are expecting.”
Your eyes widened in shock, and Klaus’s face mirrored her surprise. “Expecting what?” Klaus asked, his tone a mix of disbelief and concern.
The witch nodded, her gaze steady. “A child. You’re going to have a baby.”
Your hand flew to your mouth, your eyes filled with confusion. “But we’re vampires… and I’m part witch. How is this possible?”
The witch’s eyes twinkled with a hint of mystery. “Even with your vampire nature and witch heritage, it is not entirely impossible. The blend of your unique traits has created a rare and remarkable situation. It appears that your combined magical essence has made this possible.”
Klaus took your hand, his mind racing. “Are you saying this is a stable situation? Can we expect this to be safe for Y/N and the baby?”
The witch gave a reassuring nod. “Yes, it’s a rare occurrence, but it can be managed. You’ll need to be cautious and take extra care throughout the pregnancy. There will be challenges, but your combined strength and support will be crucial.”
You looked up at Klaus, your eyes filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. “A baby… I never imagined this could happen. But it’s a beautiful possibility.”
Klaus squeezed your hand gently, his voice filled with warmth. “Neither did I, but this is a gift we can cherish. We’ll face whatever comes our way together.”
The witch smiled kindly at them. “You’ll need to prepare for some unique adjustments and seek regular magical guidance, but remember that this is a new and wonderful journey for both of you.”
As you both left the witch’s shop, you and Klaus walked hand in hand, your and his minds abuzz with thoughts of the future. The news was overwhelming, but the love and support you both shared gave you and him strength.
“Whatever challenges we face, we’ll face them together,” Klaus said softly, looking at you with a mixture of love and determination.
You nodded, your heart swelling with hope. “Yes, together. We’ll embrace this new chapter and make the most of this incredible blessing.”
As you and him walked back to their home, the city of New Orleans seemed to shimmer with a new promise. The journey ahead was unknown, but you and Klaus were ready to face it with love and courage, eager to welcome the new life you both were about to bring into the world.
As Klaus and you entered the house, Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah were gathered in the living room. They looked up, noticing the serious expressions on his and your faces.
“What’s going on?” Kol asked, his curiosity piqued. “You both look like you’ve got big news.”
You took a deep breath and smiled. “We do. We’re expecting a baby.”
The room fell silent as the news sunk in. Kol’s eyes widened in disbelief, Rebekah’s face lit up with excitement, and Elijah’s expression shifted to one of astonished joy.
“No way!” Kol exclaimed. “Are you serious? How is that even possible?”
You nodded, your smile steady. “It’s due to my unique nature as part vampire and part witch. The witch confirmed that the baby is on the way.”
Rebekah’s face lit up with joy. “Oh my goodness, this is wonderful! I can’t believe it!”
Kol, still processing the news, suddenly grinned. “This means I’m going to be the favorite uncle. Just you wait.”
Rebekah raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on her lips. “In your dreams, Kol. I’m going to be the favorite aunt. Y/N and I have always had a special bond, and the baby will feel that.”
Kol scoffed playfully. “Oh, please. We both know how much Y/N and I have been through together. The baby will naturally love me more.”
Elijah, who had been watching the playful exchange with a bemused expression, decided to weigh in. “Don’t be so sure, Kol. I plan on being an exceptional uncle myself. I’ve always been the one to give the best advice and support.”
Kol and Rebekah both turned to Elijah, their playful arguments now joined by his enthusiasm.
Rebekah grinned. “You’re not getting out of this. The baby will have a special bond with me because Y/N and I have always been close. I’m going to be the favorite.”
Kol laughed, shaking his head. “Not a chance. I’m going to make sure the little one has a blast with me. It’s just how things will work out.”
Elijah chimed in with a chuckle. “Oh, so now you think you’re the only one who can make the baby laugh? I’ll have you know I have some pretty impressive tricks up my sleeve as well.”
Klaus and you exchanged amused glances, yours and his smiles reflecting the warmth and joy you and him felt despite the playful bickering. Klaus shook his head, his eyes twinkling with affection.
“This is going to be quite the adventure,” Klaus said, his voice filled with affection. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You nodded, your heart full of gratitude. “Yes, it’s going to be an amazing journey. And I’m so glad to have all of you by our side.”
The argument continued with laughter and good-natured teasing, each sibling eager to claim their role in the new baby’s life. Despite the lighthearted competition, it was clear that the love and support from Klaus’s siblings were unwavering. The prospect of becoming uncles and aunts had energized them, and they were ready to embrace this new chapter with excitement and affection.
Nine months later, the time came for you to give birth. Klaus and you had chosen to have the baby at a secluded, magical location, deep within a sanctuary protected by powerful witches. This place was known for its ancient magic and tranquil surroundings, providing a safe and serene environment for the birth of your child.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the mystical landscape, you were surrounded by a circle of trusted witches who guided you through the process. Klaus stood by your side, holding your hand and offering support with a reassuring presence.
The atmosphere in the sanctuary was charged with anticipation and a deep sense of reverence. The ancient spells and enchantments woven into the surroundings created a protective barrier, ensuring a safe and peaceful delivery.
When your daughter finally made her entrance into the world, the room was filled with a gentle, otherworldly light. You and Klaus gazed down at the newborn with awe and wonder. The baby’s cries were soft and delicate, echoing through the sanctuary as if announcing her arrival to the world.
Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol had arrived just in time to witness the momentous occasion. They approached quietly, their eyes filled with emotion as they saw the new life that had joined their family.
Klaus carefully cradled the baby in his arms, his face illuminated with a radiant smile. “She’s perfect,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
Elijah stepped forward, his gaze softening as he looked at the tiny baby. “Congratulations. She’s beautiful.”
Klaus nodded, his eyes never leaving his daughter. “We’ve decided to name her Hope.”
Elijah’s eyes widened slightly, touched by the name. “Hope? That’s a meaningful name.”
Klaus’s gaze met Elijah’s, gratitude evident in his eyes. “Yes, it’s inspired by what you said. You mentioned that this child would be our family’s hope. It felt right.”
Elijah’s smile grew, his voice filled with warmth. “I’m honored. She truly is a symbol of hope for all of us.”
Rebekah, who had been waiting with bated breath, stepped closer. “She’s absolutely precious. I can’t wait to get to know her.”
Kol, never one to miss a chance for playful banter, grinned. “So, who’s going to be the favorite uncle? Because I’m planning on being that.”
Rebekah laughed, shaking her head. “In your dreams, Kol. I’m going to be the favorite. Y/N and I have always had a special bond, and that baby will feel it.”
Kol shot her a teasing look. “We’ll see about that. I’ve got plenty of time to win her over.”
Elijah, joining in on the fun, added his own lighthearted comment. “Don’t forget, I also intend to be an exceptional uncle. I’ve got my own ways of winning her heart.”
You, holding Hope close, shared a knowing glance with Klaus. You both smiled at the playful competition among the family.
As the family gathered around, their laughter and conversation filled the sanctuary with warmth and love. The arrival of Hope had brought them all closer together, and they were ready to embrace this new chapter with excitement and joy. The sanctuary, with its ancient magic and serene ambiance, had witnessed the beginning of a new legacy, one filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities.
The next morning, the sanctuary buzzed with even more excitement. Klaus and you had barely managed a few hours of sleep, and as you both made way to the common room, you and him were met with a scene that was both hilarious and heartwarming.
Elijah was pacing around the room with a smug look, holding Hope like she was the crown jewel of the family. “I’m telling you, this is a delicate operation,” he said, his tone full of mock seriousness. “She needs to be held just so.”
Rebekah, who had been trying to coax Hope with an assortment of plush toys and soothing songs, looked up with a mix of frustration and determination. “Elijah, she’s only a day old! You’re not making her into a royal guard. Let me have my turn!”
Kol, not to be left out, was making exaggerated faces and funny noises, trying to get Hope to giggle. “Come on, Hope! Don’t you want to see what your favorite uncle has in store?”
You and Klaus, feeling slightly overwhelmed but amused, tried to approach Hope. You reached out. “Can we please have a turn? We haven’t had a chance to hold her since yesterday.”
Elijah, with an exaggerated sigh, gently cradled Hope closer. “Not yet, Y/N. We’re conducting important bonding sessions here. It’s for her own good.”
Rebekah chimed in, holding up a rattle. “Seriously, Nik? If you want a turn, you’ll have to wait until I’m done with my magical lullabies. Hope needs to be serenaded.”
Kol, seeing you and Klaus's frustration, grinned and mockingly said, “Ah, so you’re trying to make us look like the bad guys now? Well, in that case, I suppose you’ll have to wait for the ‘Grand Uncle Award’ ceremony.”
Klaus, trying to keep a straight face, said, “Look, we just want a moment. We’ve been waiting patiently, and all we get are these ridiculous competitions.”
Elijah, now with a mischievous glint in his eye, raised an eyebrow. “We’re just having a little fun. You two need to relax and enjoy the show. Besides, Hope’s already part of our little competition.”
Rebekah, chuckling, added, “And don’t forget, we’ve been practicing our best baby-holding techniques for ages. You’ll appreciate the results.”
Despite their best efforts to regain control, Klaus and you find yourselves laughing at the absurdity of the situation. You and him are surrounded by family who were clearly thrilled to be involved in every aspect of the new arrival’s life.
You finally managed to coax Rebekah into handing over Hope. “Alright, everyone. We appreciate the enthusiasm, but we really do need to have some time with our daughter.”
Rebekah, with a playful pout, reluctantly handed Hope to you. “Fine, fine. But remember, we’re all watching to see if you live up to our high standards.”
As you and Klaus held Hope, you both were filled with overwhelming love and joy. The playful bickering and affectionate competition among Klaus’s siblings had only added to the warmth of the moment.
As you and him looked around at the laughing, loving family, Klaus and you knew that Hope was entering a world full of care, humor, and boundless affection. The day’s events had been a reminder of how cherished Hope was and how deeply she was loved by everyone around her.
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wearywinchester · 1 year
In the Rain
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: When Dean forgets to pick you up, the pouring rain is relentless on your walk back home.
Warnings: angst, arguing, fluff
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You waited in the library entrance for at least half an hour by yourself, the downpour outside only getting heavier the more time that went by. Dean had told you he would pick you up from campus at around six, you even reminded him earlier that day for that matter. But the closer it got to seven the more you figured he wouldn’t show up.
He was never late.
The tears were welling up by now and you stood up, frustratedly slinging your bag over your shoulders before you pushed open the heavy glass door. You didn’t have an umbrella, and your hood didn’t do you any good as you rushed along the sidewalk, your thoughts starting to get the better of you.
Maybe it was just an honest mistake and he forgot. Or maybe he didn’t really care and found something better to do. Your mind tricked you into believing that was the only possible explanation.
You wrapped your arms around yourself tightly to stay as warm as possible, the rain quickly soaking through your jacket. The wind was damn near impossible the bear, putting chills straight through to your bones. It was nearly dark and your heart was pounding at the thought of being alone.
You were thankful when you saw your apartment complex, and you were thankful it wasn’t a lengthier walk, picking up your already fast pace, sighing once you got inside.
Your shoes made an uncomfortable sloshing sound with each step you took, clothes sticking your your skin along with the fall weather nearly making you freeze. Not to mention the stares you had gotten in the lobby.
When you stepped in your apartment you locked the door behind you, taking off your backpack. While you were opening it you could already see the rain soaked through pretty much everything, your text book pages having been wrinkled and warped, and the months worth of notes you had taken since the new quarter looked the same as your book, the words you’d written now bleeding into each other till it was barely understandable.
You threw everything down with an angry groan, backpack thudding to the floor in a pathetic mess. Then your phone vibrated, then again, and again. When you looked you saw messages from Dean, and it only made you more frustrated, tossing your phone on the bed before you stomped off to your bathroom. You hadn’t bothered to read them, not yet.
It was next to impossible trying to get out of your clothes, your arms growing tired trying to get your long sleeve shirt off and the anger was enough to send you over the edge. The tears you had been holding back flowed now, steady one after another down your cheeks as you put the last item of soaked clothing in the hamper, wrapping a clean towel around yourself.
If Sam weren’t over at Stanford, he’d pick you up, you thought to yourself. Maybe you were being over dramatic about it all. But it was just the icing on the cake after the crappy day you’d had. And it had left your insecurities to run ramped and you were too tired to rationalize it.
Just as you pulled your sweatshirt over your head your phone rang again. “Stop calling me, Dean.”
“Sweetheart, would you just let me explain?”
“Explain what? You forgot about me. That’s it. I walked home because you forgot. If you don’t care, that’s fine.”
With that you hung up before your voice could give out and let him know you’d been crying.
No, it was not fine.
With a huff you climbed into bed, switching on the tv to try and distract yourself. Fighting with Dean was never something either of you wanted to do, and it didn't happen very often. It was over something so trivial too the more you thought about it. He never picked you up, didn’t even tell you he’d be late. Nothing. You had a right to be a little upset with him, maybe not quite so harsh but you’d already yelled at him now.
Sighing, you pressed play on the remote and tossed it to the empty space next to you, scooting down beneath the blankets. As much as you wanted to, you couldn't focus on the show you'd put on, too in your head about him. After all, you never let him explain, though you were sure your insecurities wouldn’t listen. The whole situation was a mess, torn between playing into your thoughts of if he really even cared about it and being understanding of what had happened. Your head spun with every thought and scenario and you sighed, rubbing your eyes frustratedly.
It’d been about an hour, a knock at your door waking you from your half sleep a little startled. You checked the clock on your phone, 9:23 pm. And there were more messages and calls from Dean. You got up, heading for the door, heart skipping a beat when you opened it. You nearly slammed it in his face but he caught it with his foot and you rolled your eyes, turning to walk back to your room.
“Sweetheart,” He drew out, closing the door behind him.
“Don’t call me that,” You grumbled.
“Hey,” He grabbed your wrist and spun you around to face him, face softening at the sight of your tears. “You know I wouldn’t do that on purpose, don’t you?”
You were quiet, looking anywhere but at him as you tried to tug your arm out of his grip. When you did, you retreated back to your room but of course he followed.
“Just leave me alone, Dean. You don’t have to pretend you care,” you snapped, hating the way your voice cracked.
“Y/n, Bobby needed an extra hand at the shop and I lost track of time. Will you stop being so dramatic?” He said a little louder.
He immediately regretted the words the moment the leave his mouth. Dean Winchester, notorious for saying stupid things, notorious for not thinking before he speaks.
“Dramatic? Screw you, Dean. I didn’t ask you to come here and yell at me.” You turned away before he could really see you cry.
He was quiet then, probably because he knew you were right, tears running down your cheeks again. He knew he messed up just now, and he knew he messed up a few hours ago. And getting defensive the way he does certainly adds fuel to the fire. He knew he was the bad guy right now and he could accept that.
“Just go h–“
You cut yourself off when you turned around, your books in his hands as he tried to flip through the pages, guilt on his face when he saw that it wasn’t salvageable. The feeling sat heavy in his stomach like a rock, growing heavier the more time that passed.
He set them down gently, rain dampened hair flopping over his forehead as he stood up. His mouth opened to say something but he closed it again, instead wrapping you up in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, kissing your cheek, and then your nose. You didn’t know whether it was the hug or that look on his face, but you lost it, burying your face against his chest. He held you tighter, shushing you in an attempt to calm you down, and after a few minutes it did.
“No, I’m…I should’ve just waited for you.”
He brushed your hair away from your face, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“That thing where you blame yourself.”
“It’s true,” you shrug, wiping your face with the back of your hand. You brushed by him to get out of that room and into somewhere that felt less confined at the moment. He kicked off his boots and his wet jacket, hanging it on the coatrack. “You don’t have to stay because you feel bad for me. It’s fine.”
He gave you a look of disagreement, shoulders slumped at the way you were acting. “It’s more than just this, isn’t it?”
“It was just a bad day, Dean. It doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter when it’s getting you upset like this,” he reasoned with a louder voice and you rolled your eyes, letting out a big sigh. “You know I won’t make you talk, but at least let me be here.”
You leaned against the counter for a moment, rubbing your hands over your face. He wasn’t leaving and you knew that. “Okay. I guess you can stay.”
You were caught up in your own head for a little bit, Dean’s feet coming into view while your eyes were focused on the floor. You grabbed his hands, noticing the black grease still under his nails and smudged on his hands, rubbing your thumbs across them gently. The sight only made you feel worse, so much worse.
It wasn’t because he didn’t care, not even a little. It was because of exactly what he’d told you, what he’d been trying to tell you this whole time.
“‘M sorry for getting mad,” you said softly, dropping his hand to brush the hair away that stuck to his forehead.
His hair was still plenty wet from the rain, the occasional drop falling from the end. And you brush it away, running your fingers through it to get his hair out of his eyes. You always did like the longer hair choice, no matter the fact that either looked good.
Things fell silent again and you sighed quietly, hand falling back to your side.
“You’re all wet,” you say softly, and he can hear the guilt in your voice.
That smile of his appears, a soft chuckle leaving his lips that makes you frown and furrow your brows.
“It’s alright,” he shrugs. “I ain’t gonna melt, sweetheart.”
You narrowed your eyes a little more.
“You pickin’ on me, Dean?” You ask, and you watch that smile get a little bigger. “Of course you are.”
You try your best to sound grumpy, to sound ever so displeased, but it never worked. Never. Especially not as he chuckled again, that stupid laugh of his that you loved more than anything. Especially not as he pulled you in close, despite his rain soaked clothes. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Not as he nestled in against you.
And even despite the fact that he was all wet with rain, despite all that, the warmth from his body heat still radiated through to you and blanketed you in it.
“I suppose I’ll forgive you this time,” you murmur, tipping your head back to look at him.
“Oh good,” he hums, barely getting the words out before he dips down to kiss you, his lips warm and lingering.
You could never stay mad at him, no matter how hard you tried to.
Taglist: @harrysweasleys @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @elegantbutedgy @campingmonkey @lanea-1 @deandaydreaming @agalliasi @malindacath @ajreturnstocringeyaccount @deanswaywardgirl @awkward-and-indecisive @drownthewitch @happyt0exist @sparkycorleone @humanmistakes @akshi8278 @kidd3ath @nyotamalfoy @elliewigginton20 @wandering-winchesters @senjoritanana
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luveline · 9 months
Hi, I’ve never sent a request before so forgive me if this sounds weird I’m still learning how to use Tumblr lol but what if Eddie and reader go to Roan’s school for parent-teacher conference and her teacher shows them something Roan wrote or made expressing how much she loves her new mom and her new little family🩷 and reader cries from how happy and loved Roan and Eddie make her feel🥹
ty for ur request, it doesn't sound weird at all! eddie and roan —you and eddie attend roan's PT conference, stepmother!reader, 1.2k
You hide from the biting winter wind in Eddie's side. “Is it supposed to be this cold?” you ask. 
“You sound surprised. It's December,” he says, though he puts his arm over your shoulders to cover as much of you as he can. “I told you to wear a coat.” 
“The coat ruins my outfit,” you say. 
“You being cold ruins the outfit.” He nods towards the step up into the school building. “You could say the outfit ruins what's underneath–” 
“What's wrong with you?”  
“An appreciation for my wife?” 
“Stop saying that, you're confusing people. Steve asked me last night if we got married in private–” 
“You're always talking to Steve,” Eddie complains, “he doesn't even call me anymore, he just wants to talk to you.” 
He'd called to ask if he was still babysitting, actually, but Eddie wouldn't know that because he and Roan had been playing monsters at the time, speaking to each other in gruff tones while they made sandwiches for dinner. 
“You have a problem.” 
Eddie can't decide whether to bicker or dote, squeezing you tightly, a promise about new problems lost to the growing ruckus of the elementary school after hours. Some parents have brought their children, but the majority stand chatting in lines to see the teachers. You and Eddie have come through the main entrance of the building rather than the side door where Roan enters, and the walk to Mrs. Lundy's room is longer than usual, though far from unpleasant. Light shines through the windows where a rainbow of creatures have been painted, leaving glowing shapes of apricot, cerulean, and lilac on your skin as you pass. 
“You're like a Christmas tree,” Eddie says. 
“I just need some tinsel.” You point at the decorations hanging from Mrs. Lundy's doorway. “Like that.” 
“You want some tinsel? I'll get you some tinsel, baby, just give me a minute. And maybe distract her.” 
You refuse to help him steal from Mrs. Lundy, and spend your time in line waiting with his hands held firmly in yours to prohibit any theft. Eddie moans about being jailed but is otherwise content. He quite likes it, actually, rearranging your fingers to stroke your knuckles. 
Mrs. Lundy is smiling, happy to see you and brag about your girl. She starts with Roan's general education, her behaviour, her grades, though this young she doesn't have grades so much as milestones. Roan is smart but no wizz kid (not that you care), she's kind (but not always good at sharing), she's loud, and rambunctious, a great artist, and she's very, very happy. 
“She talks about your wedding all the time. Every day. She tells us she's going to be the flower girl, and the best man, and that she has a beautiful dress.” Mrs. Lundy beams. “She's walking on sunshine.” The teacher's smile turns soft, almost wistful. “Well, she's Roan. You know what she's like better than I do.” 
Your cheeks ache with pride. 
“She's a good kid,” Eddie says. 
“Yes!” Mrs. Lundy reaches across the desk for a turquoise-coloured folder. “There was actually something I wanted to share with you both… You know we have creative writing assignments, and obviously we help them with making real sentences, but what she has to say is very much of her own volition.” 
Mrs. Lundy pulls a sheet of paper from the folder and puts it down in front of your hands. “The prompt was what makes you happy,” she says. 
The first sentence is simple. 
My mommy. 
A drawing of you decorates the page above the lines, so clearly you, your smile wide and pink. 
My mommy is kind and I love her. Dad sayd the wedding is speshul becase he loves her, but she will be my mom. She makes me so happy. Mommy says she loves me all of the time, and she brushus my hair. My best part of the day is when Y/N comes home and hugs me. We are so happy, and Lucky gets dinner. I love my dad too, and Uncle Wayn. 
Her spelling errors have been corrected in green pen, and her backwards letters are written forwards for her to copy. You read the entire paragraph in a blur, thinking about how long it must've taken her to get it all down, nearly an entire page in her bubbly handwriting, big letters running off of the page. 
“Needless to say,” Mrs. Lundy says, “that most children write about their families, or their pets, or their toys. But Roan was extremely focused on the word love. She's clearly going home to a loving home every night.” Mrs. Lundy smiles at Eddie. You nearly miss it, reading the paragraph again, and then a third time. 
“Can I take this?” you ask, clearing your throat, tears brewed and bobbing on your waterline, desperate to be shed. “Is that okay?” 
Eddie laughs and elbows you in the arm. “Come on, it's hardly news.” 
You wipe your eyes before you can cry in front of them both. “I'm sorry, just– can I?” 
Mrs. Lundy beams again, emphasising the well-worn smile lines at the corners of her lips and creasing beside her eyes. 
You hold it together well for a little while. Eddie talks over your wobbly silence, a hand on your shoulder, assuring Mrs. Lundy that you're all, in fact, very happy, and he's just glad that Roan is being a good student and friend to her classmates. Mrs. Lundy's kindness and Roan's love letter to you has knocked you entirely off kilter, and you're crying before you've reached the car. They're happy tears. 
“Come on,” Eddie says, taking the paper you've folded carefully from your fingers as they clench. “She's said nicer to you in person.” 
And sure she has. Roan loves hitting you with the saccharine when you're not expecting it. Drying her hair after bath time, totally distracted, she'll kiss your cheek and say, “You're so pretty.” She sprinkles I love you's wherever they'll fit like her dad does, and she shows it with little gifts and cuddles and invitations. Y/N, do you want to have a fashion show with me? Y/N, can we have ice cream in bed? Can I do your hair, please, mommy? 
“It's different. It's different,” you insist, scrambling to find the words. “She's…” You rub your eyes. Your makeup is smudging, but you can't help it. “I don't even know what to say.” 
Eddie shrugs. Lean shoulders, a loving arm behind your back, the car in sight but getting no closer, he comforts you in the middle of the parking lot while the passing headlights kiss your shoes. “You know how much she loves you, babe. This is a good thing, right? You're not upset?” 
“Not upset,” you clarify. 
“Okay, good. Is this a bad time for me to say that I am profoundly jealous right now? I used to get all the drawings and cards, I used to get Mother's day gifts. I have a mother's day card up in the attic… might have to get it out,” —he kisses your cheek— “just to cope.” 
You laugh through a sniffle. “Let's go get it,” you say. 
He presses Roan's assignment back into your hand. “You can keep that one, but don't get it out around me. I'm serious.” 
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jester-lover · 9 months
Could you do a Diasomnia dorm with their soulmates? Like the guys meeting soulmate for the first time, mc preferably being a human for that extra drama in case you’d want to add that?💙
Soulmate Sorrows
Oh you know I love the drama. Thank you for requesting, I hope my favoritism towards Sebek doesn’t show as much.
Feat/ Diasomnia
CWs/gn! Reader, angst-to-fluff, mentions of mortality, war and discrimination, brief kidnapping/isolation, bittersweet fluff (various soulmate aus), uhh, Sebek insults you pretty heavy
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I took the creative liberty of making Lilia and Silver’s more humorous to tone down the angst of Sebek and Mal. (Also, I hope someone notices the flower language in the Sebek HCs.)
When Malleus saw the red string on his finger connected to yours, he was filled with a sense of pure and simple happiness
As he holds you in his warm embrace, some realization hits him like a brick
As a human, you would live for a minuscule amount of time compared to him; he would see you grow gray and weak and pass on as he held onto your memory for eons to come
Or, even worse, a simple accident could take you away from him in the blink of an eye
Some sort of dragon instinct fills Malleus for a while, always suggesting to spend time with you away from others who may hurt you
He tries to keep you safe by hiding you from others, but humans like you are social creatures, and even the most introverted of us need some communication every once in awhile
He slowly realized he would be making you miserable by hiding you away and eventually stopped his behavior, apologizing to you meekly
During this process, Malleus breaks.
He cries into your arms, apologizing for his actions and revealing his fears and worries
As you comfort him, you tell him that you’ll be happy to be his for whatever time you have, and he decides from that point onward to keep you happy no matter what
He’s a very tender, affectionate lover
You can expect to sleep in his big bed, with the warm prince wrapped around you, and to hold his hand in between classes
Malleus seemingly forgets any social norms from his home when it comes down to you; he will literally fight tooth and nail with his advisers to keep you as his spouse when the time comes
Mortality rarely comes up in your discussions after a certain point, as he focuses on keeping you happy and safe
“My dearest, long after you’ve passed, I will still only have you in my heart... you’ve taken up all the space.”
He’s as playful as ever when he sees the matching tattoo on your arm; his own is practically centuries old, and while he was content with being alone, he's so happy to see you!
Lilia might play his feelings off as being plainly giddy, but deep down he does worry a bit about how the two most important people in his life will most definitely outlive him
Now that he has a partner, a strange form of protectiveness surrounds him, like he’s found another purpose, a reason to grow stronger 
(A reason to cook more!)
 Moving on from that more serious topic, Lilia will be most excited to spend time just lounging about with you, strumming little melodies on his guitar, taking you on upside-down walks, cliche couple stuff, y’know?
(Just wait till he starts spilling historical tea)
To wind down and enjoy the little moments with the family he’s built, however long it lasts, is a major priority in his life
“I need someone to try out my new recipe~, all the ingredients are actually edible this time around!”
y'all are chill lmao
Okok, but when he sees you start showing up in his dreams, he’s a little freaked out, partially because you’re very attractive to him but mostly because he has zero clue how to navigate romance
Imagine going on a date with him, and he’s down for the count in the first 10 minutes
Thankfully, I assume you are aware of his sleep habit, and he’s always very grateful when you wake him up 
Despite his stern exterior, Silver has a tendency to show his deep affection for you through acts of service, such as helping you clean Ramshackle House, because God knows how much it needs help (thanks, Crow Man).
Another little quirk about him is his tendency to go along with any cute couple activity you want to do
Wanna wear matching outfits? Cool with him.
Walk him to his classes? Absolutely.
Be the loudest spectator at his equestrian club meets? He appreciates the enthusiasm.
Even if you consider yourself to be a volatile or argumentative person, it’s very hard for Silver to get mad at you because of the genuine adoration and respect he holds for you
He can’t wait to grow older alongside you, to see you at your best, your worst, and your most human moments, until the two of you are old and wrinkly
“I saw something I thought you’d like at the store while I was running errands… maybe we could make dinner together…?”
this is Sebek's worst nightmare come true; the words written on his wrist were the first you ever spoke to him, you, you disgusting, vile, no good human...
He runs far away, back into his room, and under his covers
He refuses to speak to you, refuses to look at you, and refuses to do anything involving you
For a couple of days, he just sulks, which is super heartbreaking for you, considering the fact that you can't control who you are, and your only soulmate just harshly rejected you
Sebek cries a lot. Like, a lot. at one point or another, his mother calls him to verbally smack some sense into him (and most likely Lilia too)
You see him standing at the door of Ramshackle House, breathing heavily as Grim offers to flambé him for you
You decide to hear him out, and he practically spills his years of self-loathing and hurt on your lap
Some part of you hurts for your soulmate, and you hold him in your arms
This relationship starts out turbulent, to say the least, but there’s a mental click that happens for him at one point, where he just realizes how if his own mother found joy with a human, he can too
Sebek tries his best to earn your trust, trying to break down the emotional layers his own internal bigotry has put between you
(it’s also very cute when he shows up with a bouquet of daffodils, as per Lilia’s recommendation) 
You two definitely have a long road ahead of you, but Sebek’s affection is loud and unwavering, and while he might be stubborn in his nature, he knows when to cool it down now
For your sake and for the lifelong relationship he wants with you
“Human! I have a few hours to spare before training, would you like to read with me?”
OMG I actually posted??? I'm crawling through requests as fast as I can ya'll, school has been destroying my creativity for the last few weeks.
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alwayscorvus · 1 month
Your little things... - Part 1 - WuWa Characters (separated)
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Your little things... - Part 1 - WuWa Characters
malereader x Jiyan/male!Rover/Baizhi (separated), fluff; just some things that you often do to your partner and they are high over heels for it. Habits. Mainly related to their appearance; mxm or mxg; Part 2 (Calcharo, Mortefi, YangYang, ...); warning! not 100% family-friendly;
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Being Jiyan's boyfriend, you couldn't ignore his earrings. Those tassels were so tempting… You just had to touch them. Even though you were afraid of his reaction.
And when you did it once, you couldn't stop afterwards. You were enjoying yourself like a little kid who just found a new toy.
Most often it happens, when Jiyan (whether sitting or lying down) lays his head on your chest and his jewelry is within reach of your hands. Theoretically, Jiyan should feel calm and completely safe in your presence, but it's not really the case with his earrings. I mean, after many times he got used to your "harassment", but at least not at the beginning of your journey.
At first, without any drastic movements, you slowly bring your hand closer. Your fingertips gently brush his neck, triggering a wave of shivers as he closes his eyes tighter. You wrap your free hand around his body and start to softly caress his exposed cheek. Drawing great attention to his sharpened jaw.
When Jiyan loses his guard and starts to drift off, you firmly grasp his earring. Teal tassels tickle your hand nicely. And your playing has no end.
At the beginning, Jiyan wasn't happy with your idea. Especially when you made a joke and compared his earrings to decorations that tie up the curtains. He even furrowed his eyebrows in a fake offense. Maybe because their meaning was deeper than you thought.
But, in the end, you didn't mean any harm and your behavior was purely out of admiration. When he saw how much fun you were having with such a simple activity, he couldn't take it away from you.
When you're stressed, bored, or your head is busy with too many thoughts, Jiyan purposely leans towards you. He angles his head so it falls into your field of vision, which allows you to involuntarily raise your hand and engage yourself in play.
During your first encounter with his green dragon you were truly mesmerized. Jiyan saw that too.
Therefore, from then on, when he releases his energy, that wraps around his arm, he intertwines his hands with you and passes his impulse on. Little dragon begins to joyfully surround your body. In close contact teasing you with a tiny warm sparks, as if conveying Jiyan's deep feelings.
Man looks at it embarrassed, unable to quite control it, especially with the increasing distance. At that time, he often turns his face away, unable to look at it, as his cheeks cover themselves with a slight raspberry blush.
Whole process leaves a hint of refreshment. In the end, this dragon's path ultimately involves feeling of a gentle, cool and oh-so-pleasant breeze of wind.
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When making a stop, you often crouch down. Whether it's for a little rest or tying your shoelaces. You then glance at your company from below. For them, this sight isn't too surprising. They are used to your lazy approach. However, it's only what you do at the very end which brings them into pure awe.
When it's time to resume your walk, you grab your boyfriend's right hand with a great confidence. Stopping him in his tracks and causing him to turn towards you once again. You change your position and get down on one knee. Bring his hand closer to your lips and, while standing up, with a steady movement, place a tender kiss on his tacet mark.
It doesn't matter if you are alone or have an audience. You do it all the time. It's almost like your little routine.
At the first time, Rover was truly shocked. His eyes widened and his mouth slightly opened. He didn't even know what to say. But nowadays he always looks at you with a smile and slight blush, appreciating your gesture that symbolizes love and devotion.
Not gonna lie. You are down bad for this straps on his thigh that hold a bag on his leg. The longer you know each other the more your gaze drops downward. You do this in passing time when attention of others is occupied with some activity. You try not to show it, but you can't help it. Your boyfriend is just so hot and you are really proud to be able to call him yours. Sometimes you have to bite your lower lip to stop yourself from thinking further. Thankfully, you quickly shake off from your trance and come back to reality.
Especially when Rover turns towards you and calls your name with an innocent voice, wanting to ask for your opinion.
At the mere sight of this you melt. He is just so adorable. You immediately beat yourself up for all of your previous wrong thoughts.
But when you are alone, in a closed room, situation takes a completely different turn.
In split seconds you find yourself between his legs. Rover leans against the wall or clings to a desk top, tilting his head back with his eyes closed.
He throws his right leg over your shoulder as you slide your fingers under his straps. Pulling them even tighter and pressing them even further into his thigh.
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When you first saw the creature that accompanies Baizhi you were slightly startled. After all, it's not every day that some unknown creature, almost twice of your partner size, jumps out at you in the middle of town.
At some point, your concerns turned into appreciation. Fact, that Baizhi always has someone with her to help and rescue her, even when you can't be around, is soothing for your nerves.
Besides, thanks to You'tan, you could even call yourself a father. Both you and Baizhi take care of this (not so little) creature. And it repays you with the same. Healing you in time of need. It took You'tan a long time to accept you and trust you. Even longer than Baizhi. But now, You'tan seeks help from you by itself and lets you know when Baizhi is in trouble.
In addition, You'tan often lets you pet them. That is, not only "let" you. Rather demands it. You'tan starts playing with you on its own, puts its head under your hand and starts poking. Even when you have better things to do or are too tired to pamper the creature. You'tan won't give up until you get to the point. And if you ever decide to not obey its commands it will happily complain about you to Baizhi, striking an offended pose in front of her.
You are really ashamed about your… not so pure actions, but what can you do about them?
And considering that they don't intend to lead to anything more, then there's probably nothing wrong with them..., right?
Baizhi's tacet mark is just begging to be touched. After all, cut in her dress reveals it perfectly.
It's as if your girlfriend is sending you a silent invitation. Especially when she activates her power and brushes her thigh on her own. You can't help yourself.
You don't know if you can call yourself possesive. But you really enjoy showing others that Baizhi is yours. Just like you are hers. And that's why, her tacet mark is a permanent location of your hand. Especially when you sit next to each other.
Baizhi never particularly reacts to this. She is now quite an older woman that developed a rather calm approach to life over many years of living. And she definitely isn't someone who would openly share her feelings in public.
In reality, however, she has a pack of butterflies joyfully dancing in her stomach. Your hand just radiates such a pleasant warmth…
after I saw Jiyan's earings I just had to write that ngl and when doing so I only looked at them as fashion choice. although i also did some internet research after. just to be safe. and... lesson time! it turns out that tassel earrings by some people can be interpreted as "amulet against evil" or religious symbol or they can also represent social status of a person. so maybe one of that is also a case in jiyan's life
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elsblunt · 9 months
i need soft ellie rn and i don't feel like writing today so (gonna chill and read the iliad) . pulling out jackson!ellies bun skulkily while she's laying her head upon your stomach. like she's just chilling talking about the sick habit or space or whatever n then she feels a tug on the rear of her scalp and when she goes to veer her head and examine what in gaias green earth that was she just feels the tickle of loose hair brushing her neck n she goes "hey!! what the— NAURR MY MANE!!!" cause that girl never let's her hair down💀
stop everytime i ask for recs ur always here i love u queen <;33
the auburn haired girl sat in your lap, head resting against your stomach as she drew little shapes on your thigh with her finger.
cold nipped at your body and fingertips, fireplace crackling to keep the house warm. there was snow falling aggressively outside, the wind howling and brushing against the trees.
winters in jackson were no joke, bundling up, preparing for any blizzards, stocking up on foods and always being ready. it was easier to adapt to over the years.
you were currently cooped up in the house with your girlfriend, times spent drawing and doing stupid contests, sleeping a lot, and doing some childish stuff you did as teens. now you guys just lay down on the bed, pillows scattered everywhere from the forts and fights you had.
“…and i don’t really think dinosaurs sound like RAHH, you know what i’m sayin’?” you jump slightly at her recreation of a roar, snickering softly before nodding and humming an mhm.
your fingers run through her scalp, slicking the hair back into her bun. sure, it was fun to tug on and piss her off with, but her hair was so pretty. so you grabbed on the band that held her auburn locks together, pulling it and letting her short hair fall.
ellie doesn’t really notice at first, but then she does. “hey! leave my beautiful long hair alone.” she flips her head and looks at you with a pout, grabbing at her hair and stroking it as if she had damn 30 inch buss down. “long? ellie maybe the smoking has gotten to your brain. and i just wanted to play with your hair, els..” you look at her with a defeated, sad face. making it a bit more dramatic.
the green eyed girl scoffs and lays back down, hearing your giggle before you play with her hair. “y’know, i’m gonna save my hair so when the apocalypse is over i’m gonna clone myself and there’s gonna be a lot of ellie’s. maybe i would start a new apocalypse! i would name i—“
“i’m gonna shave your head.”
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concreteangel92 · 5 months
Be Careful What You Wish For
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Noah Sebastian x female reader
Warnings: Cum play, mentions of spanking, dom/sub relationship, slight humiliation kink and degradation kink (not too heavy) male masturbation, just Noah being a typical brat tamer
So this is kinda filthy even for me ahaha but it’s not massively detailed as it’s a head canon styled piece but I am working on proper detailed works as we speak so hopefully I will get those out soon.
This actually started as an idea from the other fic I’m writing but it didn’t fit into that scene properly so I decided to make it a separate piece so the thought wasn’t wasted haha and fyi the story I’m currently writing has definitely been inspired by the new tour content, that’s absolutely feeding me right now 🥵
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•You’ve been playing up all day and winding Noah up in front of people when he’s been working
•Just genuinely being a brat because you found it funny that day
•That’s fine but Noah would 100% punish you for it when you’re alone
•You’d be face down on the counter, underwear round your ankles while counting each spank he delivers
•But what’s one more dig?
•”That the best punishment you got? I’m getting bored of it now”
•Those spanks would instantly stop
•”Is that so?”
•Oh yeah, he’s pissed now
•You’d feel Noah’s grip on your hip tighten and hear the sounds of his trousers hitting the ground
•”Spread your legs”
•Noah would have a deeper growl in his voice, clearly not impressed with your attitude, but that’s ok, he’s happy to take it up a notch just teach you a lesson
•You’d feel his fingers scissor you open with a dark chuckle “bored are we? Do you want to tell that to your dripping cunt”
•That would most definitely pull a low moan from you, now Noah loves dirty talk, but to be that vulgar is very rare, even for him
•You could feel movement behind you and hear the sounds of him groaning and skin slapping on skin
•”So my punishments aren’t good enough eh?…” You could hear his words get caught in his throat, you knew he was touching himself behind you, his other hand now not leaving your hip
•”Well lucky for you…shit….I’ve got the perfect punishment for your cocky little attitude”
•You’d keep your head on the counter, pussy aching to be touched but you know that’s not going to happen any time soon
•“Did I forget to mention….that the guys will be here…any….any minute for the afternoon?”
•Noah hadn’t mentioned that they were all coming round for a gaming afternoon, you suddenly felt a sense of fear at what he had planned
•Noah’s groans became louder as he sped up his pace, you knew he wasn’t going to last much longer
•”fuck..I’m gonna cum”
•You’d feel him release onto your heated core, Noah would quickly bring your underwear back up and press the material into your folds, making sure not to let any of his juices slip out down your thighs
•You’re eyes would go wide, a choked moan escaping your lips as you now knew what his punishment was, it felt so wrong and dirty but fuck me were you turned on
•You’d hear Noah fix his clothes and then he’d grab you by your throat, bringing your back onto his chest so he could talk into your ear
•”let’s see how cocky you are walking round with my cum in your pants, and don’t think you can run away and hide baby. You’re going to sit with us until I say otherwise, is that clear?”
•”I’m in a dress, what if it…slips out?”
•You’d receive a hard smack to your ass and then Noah turned you around so he could stare down at you
•”You should have thought about that before you decided to be a brat and telling me that my punishments are boring”
•Noah grips your chin and gives you a hard kiss
•”Be careful what you wish for baby”
•That’s the moment you’d both hear keys in the door and the guys walking in with pizza boxes, Noah pulling your dress back into place and stepping away from you
•You’d do your best to walk normally and act all innocent when everyone started chatting, trying to sit without anything ‘leaking’
•Your cheeks would have a permanent blush for the afternoon
•All the while, that cocky smirk never left Noah’s lips as he stalked your every move
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furifurii · 1 year
since you, the reader has school going for you, you rarely play honkai star rail.
the characters would always wonder where you went, or what you were doing outside of their world. they can still hear your voice, but very, very faintly. they would sometimes hear a name they would not recognize and idk, maybe just go:
"who the hell is diluc and why is he so hot??"
they would also listen in to your conversations whenever they would hear your voice. even if it's you talking to yourself about history, or you talking to your friends about things unrelated to their world. they wouldn't really mind. maybe just a little bit.
but when you go back to the game, the characters would be overjoyed and would try to make you stay there longer.
even going as far as to secretly double the stellar jades you would receive during quests or missions. and missing the excitement of pulling for new characters, you would gladly warp for the new characters on limited banners.
they would ask silver wolf to hack into the system to boost your chances of getting a character or the light cone you were pulling for. they would push each other aside just so they can appear on your screen for you to gush over how you got another copy of a character or celebrating when you got all of the eidolons of one character that you really liked.
just seeing you being happy just makes them want to spoil you even more, just so you will stay playing with them, forever.
but when you suddenly stopped playing the game while they were trying their hardest to give you what you wanted, you realised, oh, there's school tomorrow. so you decided to turn off the game for the time being and go to sleep.
but they couldn't let you go just like that! that would be ridiculous.
for a few days just before you played the game again, the cast begged for anyone who could take them to your world. just sitting idly on your device's screen and listen to your voice wasn't cutting it anymore.
they want to see— they needed to see you, to actually have an actual conversation with you and not just talk to you through this game's script. it wasn't enough for them to be living behind the screen for you to just watch, they wanted to show you that they are actual tangible beings that call you their "creator" .
the main character had begged herta to do something about this, and she complied without any argument, to their confusion. usually she would be saying stuff like how she would just 'give up in the middle of it' ,, but she.. didn't? nonetheless, they were grateful to have herta agree with creating a portal to your world.
as soon as the characters caught wind of this, they were ecstatic. they had left their duties just to hop on the astral express and to herta's space station, to finally see you, to meet you.
in herta's office, it was packed with all the playable characters, waiting. some patiently waiting, some, not so much.
to see opposing groups of people being in the same room and not being at each other's throats were such a random thing to see, but they didn't care about that, no no, they only cared about you.
you, their "creator".. how could they miss this opportunity to be meeting their own creator, the one who gave them life, something to live for.
as herta was finishing up some parts of the portal, you were sound asleep in your bed, snoring away in your weird sleeping position.
well, until you felt your blanket started to move with sudden gusts of wind. you heard a really loud thump, it didn't come from any rooms of your house, it didn't sound muffled when it happened. so it's,, in your room. but oh, would you look at that, your room is so dark you couldn't locate your phone which was usually near you to use it as a flashlight.
but what's that? you heard a voice , a very, very familiar voice.
yeah naur... i can't do this,, this sounds terrible i'm so sorry you had to read this sobsosb i am so soso sorryr
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Hi! I'm new in Tumblr and this is my first time requesting, so idk if this is good 😭😭 you have stood out to me because of how good your writing is, and I admire how you always get to write everything the people request without getting stressed or tired and stop writing!
Okay so getting to the point, I wanted to request for more professor Johnny Cage x fem reader smut (it's just so good 😭) and maybe you can add fluff too? Kind of a porn with plot?
Love your work<3!!
no one needs to know pt. 3
a/n: i'm so honored that you used your first request on me
pairing: professor!johnny cage x student!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), nipple play, pussy eating, fingering, overstimulation, mating press, creampies
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Johnny kisses your neck, your legs wrapped around his waist and hands buried in his hair as he sucks a dark hickey high into your neck
you’re in his bed tonight rather than the office, and this is the first time you’ve ever been in his arms outside of campus
and Johnny wants to make it special, to have you remember him because in a week you’ll be gone, off to graduate college and scatter to the winds for your career
he pants into your neck trailing kisses further down until he reaches your chest, biting at the soft flesh and listening to your mewls as he presses his tongue flat over the bite mark
he wants you to remember this night, to remember him, to come back to him, but deep down he knows that’s a ridiculous thought
you’re a grown person, able to make their own decisions and finds someone around your age, who isn’t getting old and has pepper streaks in their hair
your nails dig into Johnny’s scalp as he circles your nipple with his tongue, and it snaps him back into the present and onto the moment
he has one more night with you, he doesn’t want to be sad, and so he’ll enjoy tonight with you, try to express his feelings, to love you as best as he can right now
his hand trails up your stomach, leaving goosebumps in its trail, and pinches at your other nipples, rolling the sensitive nub between his fingers, and it makes you whine
he can hear you growing more desperate and can feel your hips trying to grind into him, desperate to find any friction against your puffy clit
he chuckles against your skin as you beg, asking him for more, and he tells you to be patient, to let him enjoy tonight, before going back down to tease your nipples with his tongue
you arch your back into him, mewling in pleasure, as Johnny teases you, nipping and sucking at your nipples before pulling back to admire his work
he blows cool air onto your spit-covered chest, and it makes you shiver in anticipation as he moves to lavish your other nipple with the same attention
your hands dig into his hair as you gasp into the air, and Johnny grinds his hips into yours as you tug at his locks, whining about how you need more
your voice is high-pitched and needy as you ask for more again, please, and Johnny pinches your nipple harshly, telling you to behave yourself
you whimper and let Johnny enjoy using your chest as a stress-relief toy, and pleasure hazes your mind as you feel your panties soak with your wetness
finally, Johnny detaches from your chest, giving your nipples one final pinch before shuffling down to spread your legs around his broad shoulders
he nuzzles his cheek into the inside of your thigh, lightly kissing the soft flesh while spreading your sticky folds with his fingers
he watches as you clench around nothing, and he hears you whine in frustration, tears welling up as Johnny continues to leave little bite marks on you
Johnny listens to you yelp and whimper everytime he bites you, smiling at how you moan at how he licks over the mark, soothing the reddened flesh
your thighs twitch around his shoulders, and Johnny gets in closer to your pussy
you can feel his breath on you, and your hips twitch downward, trying to get any sort of friction on your aching clit and slick cunt
Johnny hums and licks a long strip up the length of your pussy, the tip of his tongue pressing a little harder into your clit, making you throw your head back
he eats you out in earnest, sucking on your sensitive clit and pressing his tongue firmly into the sensitive nub as his hands grip onto your thighs
your back arches off the bed, and you eyes squeeze shut at the onslaught of pleasure, whining and panting as Johnny hums around your clit
it sends waves of pleasure shooting up your spine and has your head spinning as your hips twitch and grind against his face
one of his hands let go of your thighs, giving the soft plush one final squeeze, and he brings it to your drooling cunt and slides in two long thick fingers
you choke on a moan, never getting quite used to the thickness of Johnny no matter how many times you showed up to his office
Johnny smirks against your cunt and pumps his fingers in and out of you slowly, head filling with ego as he listens to your every gasp and moan
he curls his fingers perfectly, massaging into a spot that your legs tightening around him and your back arching high off the bed as you see stars
your pussy clenches down on his fingers, and you can’t control the high-pitched whine from your throat as you cum around him
he presses long flat licks into your clit, prolonging your orgasm as he watches you through lidded eyes at how you breathe heavily and try to catch your breath
he doesn’t let up, continuing to fuck you on his fingers and massage into your sweet spot, and it has your hips twitching, unsure whether to go toward and get away from the stimulation
he hums into your clit again, his other hand holding onto your thigh digging bruises into your soft flesh, and the pain pleasure mix together to make you cum all too soon
you cry out, hips grinding down as you whimper out that it’s too much, it’s too much,  you can’t take it, you need him to fuck you on his cock
he laughs into your cunt, the vibrations making your mind melt, and he just tells you that he wants to enjoy this before he loses you forever
you tug at his hair, wanting him to come up and kiss you, but he ignores your pleas and adds another finger into your drooling cunt
he can feel the way your wetness pools on the sheets, and he wants more, needs more
and so he continues to fuck you on his fingers, drawing orgasm after orgasm out of you, listening to the way your loud whines turn into soft whimpers
you push at his arms, his head to get him to stop, sobbing as the pleasure becomes too much, and yet your hips still grind down on him as he fucks you through your orgasms
a creamy ring of your release sits at the base of his fingers, and he looks up at you again as your pussy spasms around his cunt as he makes you cum again
you’re whispering his name like a prayer, on a constant repeat as tears stream down your cheeks, and Johnny decides to have mercy on you
he slides his fingers out of you and detaches from your clit with a small pop, and he puts his fingers into his mouth, moaning at the taste of you on his tongue
you watch him through glossy vision as he puts your legs onto his shoulders and crawls up to push you into a mating press
you let out a groan at the stretch in your legs, but all thought flies from your mind when Johnny’s cock slides in between your soaked folds
he grinds against you mindlessly, watching your mouth open as your eyes well up in tears again as you start to beg for him to fuck you
he coos at your desperate pleas, but he doesn’t give in quite yet, wanting to hear you beg just a little bit more for him, needing to hear you say how much you need him
you can’t even begin to think as you blabber out how you want Johnny, you need him fuck you, please, you’ve been so good for him, you need to cum on his cock
you let out a sob, tears dripping down your face as Johnny smiles at you, and he lets out a hum as he finally pulls his hips back, lining his cock to sink in you
you moan at the feeling, and Johnny groans, head leaning forward to nuzzle into your neck as his hips thrust forward slowly
your legs twitch as you throw your head back, and Johnny presses kisses into your neck, biting your softly and listening to you mewl pathetically
his keeps his pace slow, consistent, but his thick cock still stretches you deliciously while his pelvis grinds into your puffy and sensitive clit
even with his slow pace as he mouths at your neck, it still makes your head spin with pleasure, and you cum easily on his cock, still sensitive and over stimulated from before
he groans at the feeling of your cunt clenching down on him, and you can feel how his dick twitches inside of you, and he keeps fucking into you slow
he brings his head up, pressing his lips to yours as he kisses you sweet and honeyed, tongue pressing into your mouth
you kiss him back, cheeks flushing and mind hazy as Johnny’s pace slightly quickens as his hips start to slap against yours
your moans are muffled, and so you can only hear the wet slap of his hips against yours and the squelching every time his cock thrusts in and out of you
the bed rocks softly as Johnny’s pace becomes erratic and sloppy, and he moans into your mouth as he chases his high
you whine into his mouth, wanting more, needing him, and he gladly keeps on kissing you as his hips grind into your clit
he moans as he buries himself deep inside of you one more time, spilling his seed deep inside of you, and you whimper as your pussy clenches down on him, milking him of all he’s worth as you cum again
he stays inside of you even as he softens, just kissing you and enjoying the taste of your mouth as you mewl into his mouth
he moves your legs down to rest on the bed, and he finally pulls out of you, admiring how his cum drips out of you and mixes with your release on the sheets
Johnny disappears into the bathroom, drawing a warm bath before returning to the bedroom and soaking you in the hot water
he goes back to the bedroom and changes the sheets, and he finds you half-asleep in the tub
he almost feels bad for waking you up and bringing you out of the tub to dry you up and tuck you into the fresh-changed bed
he takes a hot shower, wondering how tomorrow morning will play out, and he wonders if he should tell you that he wants you to stay with him
he shakes his head immediately, waving off the idea
you’re far too young for him, too many opportunities to find love, and he’s too old to be falling in love with someone like you
and yet, he still craves you, wants to hold you in his arms, take you out on dates, kiss you in public and not have to worry if someone sees you two
he really shouldn’t, technically you’re still his student, and he’s still your teacher
Johnny washes away the thought and steps out of the shower to dry himself and walk into the bedroom
you’re fast asleep, cuddling into the pillow, and Johnny smiles at the sight and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear
he crawls into bed, being sure not to wake you, and he watches you in the pale moonlight, trying to memorize your features before they’re gone forever
he doesn’t remember when he falls asleep, but he does remember feeling you in his arms, warm and clingy as you grip onto him tightly
he pets your hair softly, breathing in your scent, hoping that this moment never ends, but you wake up to his ministrations and greet him with a groggy good morning
he smiles and greets you, but neither of you make a move to get out of bed
you break the silence first, asking what will become of the two of you after graduation, and Johnny grimaces and tucks your head underneath his chin
he isn’t sure, he says, but you should go and pursue your career, find love
you push at his chest as he mutters out the last part and say that you’re not going anywhere, that you’re working in the same city and that you only want Johnny
you cup his face, and you don’t hesitate to say you want to pursue this relationship further with Johnny, to be with him and to love him
Johnny feels dumbfounded, mouth agape, but you stare at him with such fierce eyes that it knocks him out of his surprise
he tells you that he also wants to be with you, to have you in his arms, to kiss you and love you and take you out on dates in the city
you smile at him and cuddle back into his chest, happy that he had agreed to keep on seeing you after graduation
neither of you get out of bed for a while, too entranced with the warm glow of the morning
181 notes · View notes
imaginaryf1shots · 1 year
My Girls (|||.5) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 5149
Driver!oc X Max Verstappen
Platonic!Driver!oc X the grid
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
This is just how some of the grid found out about Nathalie.
Series Warnings: cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
A/N: Wasn't planning on posting this today, but I've been recieving a lot of love on this series so I thought why not treat you all.
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How they found out
2018 (Lewis) Nathalie is 2
It’s a nice day in Monaco, a lot of people who live in Monaco are now out of the country and it has a few tourists. The summer break is full on, Cecilia decided to enjoy the day and take Nathalie out, the mother daughter duo had a full day out. They went shopping, got Nathalie a new toy and a couple new outfits, Cecilia can’t believe how fast Nattie is getting bigger she’s walking, talking and eating. Then they got ice cream, Cecilia drove around for a bit while Nattie slept, Monaco is so small that Cecilia felt like she drove all of Monaco over 10 times, she stopped at a pier for a bit, Cecilia got out of the car, left the window open and lent on the side of the car looking out at the sea, it’s been so long since she’s partied on a yacht, it’s been a long time since she’s gone to any party. Period. 
Does she miss that time in her life, yes, does she regret it, no. She'd do the same things all over again, make the same mistakes, date that asshole if it meant she’d have her daughter with her. 
When Nathalie woke up, Cecilia decided it was time to head back. Having some disney music on, the windows down, wind in their hair, they were having so much fun. Glancing at the rearview window to see her beautiful girl smiling and moving around, made Cecilia the happiest woman alive.
Parking the car Cecilia got out of the car, grabbed their shopping bags, before she unbuckled Nathalie, the girl wanted to walk on her own. Closing the car and locking it, Cecilia held out her hand for Nathalie to take it.
“Maman, I don wanna goh home.” The small girl looked up at her mum with puppy dog eyes, pouting in the way she knew that Cecilia was weak for.
“Why Mon Ange? Want to spend more time with maman?” She asked with a smile, ever so patient, the way her mother was with her. Nodding, Cecilia smiled, she unlocked the car, placed everything back in locking the car before she held her hand out for Nattie, holding her mum’s hand, they walked around their neighbourhood. Nathalie was telling Cecilia about the play date she had with her cousin, or more like trying to, the two year old’s vocabulary was still very limited. One of Cecilia’s older brother’s sons is Nathalie’s age, so they often had play dates. Cecilia still lived with her parents, she never got to move out, her brother’s old room now Nathalie’s. 
The girl let go of her mum’s hand and started skipping as they walked, a woman with her dog was walking on the other side, the dog suddenly barked, scaring the little girl, who stumbled and fell down, in an instant her eyes filled with tears. 
“Maman!” She sobbed, holding her hands up wanting to be carried. Cecilia rushed to her making sure she wasn’t hurt before she scooped her up. The girl hugged her mother and cried. 
“It’s okay baby, let’s go home, it’s okay, you’re alright” She hushed, rubbing her hand up and down the toddler’s back in a comforting manner, she turned around to walk back to their house, her eyes looked around before they settled on a familiar pair of eyes. There he stood her colleague, she knows they live in the same neighbourhood, Monaco is small but Lewis Hamilton lived on the same street as her. They’ve met before on the grid and at FIA events.
Lewis knew it was her, the girl’s crying and shouting for her mother, gained his attention. Looking from mother to daughter, he quickly assessed the situation before giving Cecilia a kind smile. He nods in understanding before he walks up the steps for his building. Acting like he saw nothing.
Cecilia wanted to cry but she hoped that the nod and smile from the older driver meant that he’d keep it a secret. From her knowledge of Lewis, from his character he isn’t the type to tell. She doesnt know him that well but she hopes she knows him enough to make that judgement. 
Walking back home she hopes that she’s right.
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2019 (Seb and Charles)
“I think you did great.” Sebastian said, making Cecilia roll my eyes at him, and sigh. The four time world champion took no offence knowing how frustrated she is, and he’s very close to the female.
“I don’t know about that.” Cecilia muttered and chose not to look at both the drivers with her, they were both out of their champagne covered clothes and into their team kits, the three finished their post race media duties and were in the hotel lobby slowly making their way to their rooms. They were all placed in the same level as each other, for the Canadian Grand Prix, it was accidental but none of them was complaining. 
“Has anyone at Mclaren said anything?” Charles asked his friend, they have known each other for years now, cecilia was the only female who was at all the races growing up, not the only female at a race but she was at all of them, any race she could participate in she was in, and any race she could go to watch she went, because of that the girl’s social circle is big. Which wasn’t a good thing when the media found out about her being the new Mclaren driver, calling her all the names under the sun, ‘fans’ asking for her to be removed.
“No, but I'm on a yearly contract, I have to get as many podiums as I can to guarantee a seat next year.” Cecilia said and they got into the left, she leaned into the back of the elevator and crossed her arms.
“Then you got nothing to worry about, you’ve been winning Mclaren points every race, something not a lot of drivers can do in their first year.” Sebastian says, patting her shoulder.
“Says the great Sebastian Vettle.” Cecilia says and pouts, Seb and Charles laugh at her antics, Seb pulls her for a side hug. He’s been looking out for her since she was a reserve driver, she had met him a few times before she got into F1, she is a F2 World Champion after all. 
“Come on Cece, you’re doing amazing, Mclaren has been singing praises about you since the start of the season besides we’re only 7 races in AND you won in Austria.” Charles said and the trio got out of the left walking down the hallway towards their rooms.
“Maman!” A young squeaky voice shouted before a small body crashed into cecilia. The woman instinctively picked up the girl, before she froze.
“Nathalie!” Another older voice shouted, the males stared wide eyed as another woman who they know as your mother ran over, a nervous and apologetic look in her eyes.
“It’s okay Maman I got her.” Cecilia told her mother with a small smile, Nathalie wrapped her arms around her mum’s neck and laid her head on her shoulder shyly looking at the men staring at her and her mother.
“Are you sure?” She asked not convinced, Cecilia nodded, her mother leaving back to her room which is next to her daughter’s.
“Is she yours?” Sebastian asked softly, he had no idea cecilia had a daughter, and from the looks of it he knew that Charles also had no idea. 
“Yeah, Nathalie, say hi.” The young girl refused and hid her head in her mother’s hair.
“She looks so much like you.” Sebastian said with a smile, he could see the worried look on her face, he instantly knew this is the reason the girl disappeared for a year and a half.
“That’s why you took time off.” Charles concluded, saying what Sebastian was thinking, Nathalie is a spitting image of her mother, a mini her, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the eyes are something the Hannsons all had, a family trait. “How old is she?”
“Nattie, why don’t you tell them how old you are?” cecilia tried to prompt her daughter softly, the young girl looked at her mother, seeing them looking at each other, they couldn't spot anything that wasn’t cecilia, Cecilia is looking at a younger version of herself. “Come on, mon ange, you always see them on the telly.” 
“I’m three.” The little girl looking at them and holding her four fingers out, Cecilia laughed and pushed one finger down, kissing her cheek.
“Such a big girl.” Sebastian told her with a grin on his face, making Nathalie grin at him, she’s at the age where she doesn’t like to be babied, and loved to act a little older, wanting to be independent. But at the end of the night all she wanted was to snuggle and sleep with her mum. “Did you eat?”
“No, I wanted to eat with maman.” 
“Come on, let’s get into my room where we can talk, privately.” Cecilia followed the two males silently into Sebastian’s room, Cecilia sat on the sofa and Nathalia got out of her arms and started wandering around, her curiosity getting over her shyness. As the males sat down everyone made sure they could still see Nat.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Charles asked, he didn’t want to sound like he was angry or betrayed even if he was feeling a little sad his friend didn’t trust him enough to tell him she has a daughter.
“It’s a decision that my family and I took when I decided to keep her, and still continue racing, I was barely 18 when I had her, I got pregnant when I was 17, and it was a hard time, my family gave me the all the choices and told me they’d stand by me no matter what. But when I told them I wanted to race there were some things that we agreed upon.”
“Being the only female isn’t easy, people were already talking, brining a baby into it would’ve just pushed it more.” Sebastian added before Cecilia continued, again he understood her reasoning. He saw tears in her eyes a couple times when she was hounded and booed, she looks strong and unbothered on the outside but when she’s alone she lets her tears out, the one time she had a podium this year was just filled with boos and hate.
“Yes, and I couldn’t just tell anyone, I was hiding her, but if people started to find out then they found out, but I wasn’t going to parade her around. A couple of people at Mclaren know, and I think Lewis knows.” Cecilia ran her hand through her hair pushing it out of her face.
“Lewis knows?” Charles was surprised by that, yes Cecilia and Lewis weren’t enemies, but they weren’t close, not close enough for him to know and for Charles to not know.
“I think he does, you know he lives close to me and my family, he saw us once in Monaco.” Cecilia explained.
“He didn’t say anything?” Seb asked knowing that if Lewis knew he wouldn’t say anything to anyone anyway, you can trust Lewis with your secrets.
“No, never asked either, but I’m 99 percent  sure he knows.” Cecilia said and smiled at Nathalie who came over saying she’s hungry. The group took a break and ordered food from room service, in the meantime Cecilia left her daughter with the two men and quickly went to her room getting her daughter’s plastic plate, utensils and cup, with a toy she can play with. By the time she was back Sebastian had Nathalie laughing so hard. Taking out her phone she took a quick video wanting to savour the moment. Nathalie looked up to Seb so much and for some reason seeing him with her daughter made her so happy, her role model with her daughter. Seb already had two children and another on the way, he knew how to handle kids.
Cecilia sat next to Charles leaving Seb to play with her daughter, Charles took Cecilia’s hand in his making her look at him, he was smiling at her, before he pulled her in for a hug. Thinking about how hard it must’ve been for her, having to choose and take all those decisions at only 17.
“Mathew?” He whispered and Cecilia nodded into his shoulder, she tried not to tear up, it’s been over three years, but out of her family she never talked about it with anyone, she doesn’t want to keep her daughter a secret, she wants to take her to races for her to see her mum race in real life and not just on screens.
“But he gave up all his rights, couldn’t even stay for her to be born, his name isn’t on her birth certificate.” Cecilia told him and he squeezed her tighter, if she had another family she would’ve been so lost, he’s thankful for the love her family has for each other.
“She doesn’t need him and neither do you, she has a family that loves her.” Charles told her, pulling back and smiling at his friend.
“And new uncles.” Seb added before tickling Nathalie, who just laughed her heart out.
The food came and as Cecilia ate she helped her daughter and answered all the questions the two had for her, ranging from does Nat travel everywhere with her, to how hard she had to train to be able to get back in shape after the pregnancy.
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2019 (Lando, Pierre, Alex)
The end of the first half of the season, summer break. Most drivers went back home to begin their time off. Not all drivers though. Before everyone heads home, some of the drivers decided to spend a few days in Monaco to party and live it up before they returned home. Of course those already living in Monaco were already there. 
A yacht was rented for the group to have a semi-private time together and let loose, the drivers made a group chat and agreed on a time and date to meet up and just party, all plus ones and close friends invited. Charles had Lando, Pierre and Alex at his house for a pre-party hangout.
Cecilia made her way to Charles’ house first in her Mclaren, one of the guys would be riding with her on the way there, she planned not to drink, knowing she had to be sober for her plans with Nathalie the day after. Her mum told her to postpone her outing with Nattie to have a night out and drink and live like everyone her age, Cecilia wasn't like everyone her age, she has a daughter she has to think about. To Cecilia, Nathalie always came first.
It didn't take her long to reach Charles’ building, before she made her way up, having already been there a few times before. Ringing the doorbell once, the door swung open and Pierre was standing there with a drink already in his hand. An amused Cecilia raised her eyebrow.
“Cecilia!” Pierre greeted dragging the ‘a’ a little, looks like the drink in his hand wasn’t his first one. 
“Piereeeee.” Cecilia exaggerated before she invited herself in, seeing as the Frenchman wasn’t moving. Making it to the living room, Cecilia saw her teammate sitting with a beer in his hand, Alex and Charles talking about something. “Looks like you lot are already having fun.”
“Cece, you’re late.” Lando told the older girl, with a little whine.
“I’m not, I came on time like we agreed.” The girl said looking at her phone.
“You left me with them, you’re my teammate, you're supposed to help me.” Lando fake whined making Cecilia laugh as she sat next to him. “When are we leaving anyway?”
“Daniel said the yacht will move in an hour or so.” Alex told the group. 
The group decided to leave in 40 minutes or so, Charles’ girlfriend was on her way anyways. 20 minutes in, Cecilia’s phone rang while she was in the bathroom.
“Cece, your phone’s ringing!” Charles called for his friend, standing outside the bathroom door. “It’s your mum.”
“Answer for me please, I'll be out in a minute.” The female called trying to finish her business faster to get out. She heard Charles talking to her mum in french, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. Everyone in her family spoke French, Swedish and English as main languages, with a few speaking more, but the baseline is those three languages. So it wasn’t weird for her to have Charles talking to her mum in their mother tongue.
Getting out of the bathroom after washing her hands, she found Charles in the kitchen with her phone looking worried and conflicted.
“What is it?” She asked, holding her hand out for her phone. “What did she want?”
“Uh, she wanted to tell you that Nathalie is sick.” He didn't know how to tell her without scaring her, he thought about saying it in other ways, but how do you tell a mother that their child is ill without scaring them, you simply can’t. 
“Sick? How sick, I was just there.” Cecilia asked, already moving, Charles followed after her. He cursed himself once he saw the look on her face, she’s imagining the worse.
“She said it wasn't serious, she just threw up and complained about her stomach.” Charles explained, the others looked at the duo, Lando and Alex having no idea what the other two were saying only knowing a few french words but nowhere near the amount they'll need to understand the fast and panicked French, Pierre who got what they were saying had no idea who they were talking about.
“That’s serious, I’m sorry but I have to go.” She got her bag and turned to leave, her hands were shaking and her heart beating in her chest so fast she wondered if anyone could hear it.
“Wait, you’re panicking, you can’t drive like this.” Charles said, driving over the speed limit in streets like Monaco is dangerous even to people like motorsport drivers, driving fast is second nature, but not when you’re panicking. 
“What do you expect me to do? She’s my daughter!” Pierre choked on air it seemed looking wide eyed at the blonde woman. “I’m getting there, move out of my way.”
“What’s going on?” Lando asked moving closer, he’s never seen either driver mad at each other, but Cecilia was shaking, tears were gathering in her eyes as she tried to push them away.
“Fuck, fuck.” Cecilia cursed noticing how much she’s shaking, no way she could drive right now, Charles is right. She looked at Lando. “I uh, I have a daughter, who is sick right now, i have to go.”
“I’ll drive you.” Charles offred being the only one who didn’t drink. “Come on.”
He pulled her by her shoulder leaving the rest of the drivers shocked. Charles and Cecilia left, leaving the other three to put the pieces together, Pierre telling them what he heard in French and like those before them they started connecting the dots, the reason she took time off. Lando being her teammate, looking back now there were hints, but without context he wouldn't have got it.
A bracelet with Maman, flashes of pictures when she was showing him something on her phone, lots of I love you darling and what not, but he thought maybe she was dating someone, he’s seen her mother in their hotels but she doesn't always come to the track. A woman who can guess now is a nanny who’d come up to talk to Cecilia and leave. So many hints, but damn Cecilia hid it well.
“Who do you think the dad is?” Alex asked after they came to a few theories and conclusions, waiting for Charles to come back.
“Must be that asshole Mathew, they dated when we were racing years ago and continued until I'm guessing she got pregnant.” Pierre said, none of Cecilia’s friends ever liked Mathew. 
“Who?” Lando asked, he had no idea who they were talking about, him and Cecilia didn’t really get close before F1, she was always in the groups above him.
“An asshole Cece dated for a while, filthy rich, a couple of years older, was taking over daddy’s job and wouldn't shut up about it.” Pierre informed Lando. “Cecilia’s also very rich but you don’t see her walking around throwing it in everyone’s face, don’t know who he was showing off to.”
“He used to stay in Monaco a lot, but from his Instagram I haven't seen him here in years, his Instagram was once filled with pictures of him and Cecilia but one day everything was gone, I thought that meant they broke up.” Alex said, frowning.
“Me too, she too deleted all their pictures, before she went MIA.” 
They talked for a bit more before Charles came back, and filled in the gaps given permission by Cecilia and made them swear not to tell anyone, giving Pierre a look. They swore to keep it a secret, if this came out it would hurt their friend, the backlash could be carrier altering. 
They got ready to leave Charles’ girlfriends texted that she’ll meet them there. One the way they got a call from Cecilia telling them(charles) that Cecilia is okay, she just ate something that didn't agree with her stomach. Lando shouted that he wanted to meet his niece before he went back to London, Cecilia laughed and told him to come over whenever. Pierre and Alex also invited themselves, making Cecilia laugh again, shaking her head at her friends who couldn't see her.
With a final ‘have fun’, she hung up.
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Late 2019 (Max)
By this time in 2019 Daniel and Carlos also knew about Nathalie, they haven’t met her, seen pictures but they knew about her. With it being Monaco Grand Prix weekend, and under the reassurance of her family and friends mixed with her daughter’s pouty face and big eyes, Cecilia decided to let her daughter come to the race. She’d come in with her mum from the back entrance, with the help of Mclaren they were able to get in undetected. They were there since early morning, Nattie met Daniel and Carlos, they were mesmerised by the little girl, Charles once again was saying to anyone and everyone(that knows about Nattie) that he’s her favourite and he had a reason to say that, proud uncle. 
Cecilia’s mum stayed with the girl in the drivers room whenever they saw any cameras coming around, Nathalie had a little nap before they went to watch the race from the hospitality.
It was race day, everyone was buzzing, Cecilia was starting fourth, not bad. She didn’t just want to win this race because it’s her home race but because her daughter was watching, and she looked so cute with the headphones she had on that muffled the sounds a little, the place is noisy as hell. 
Starting the race, Cecilia had Max, Lewis and Charles ahead of her with Seb just behind her. The Monaco race is always a fan favourite, Cecilia knows this track like she knew the back of her hand, she ran it and drove through it, she can find her way around with her eyes blindfolded. This may be the reason she was able to get to second place, taking over Charles, before she took over Lewis. Cecilia was just thinking about how proud her daughter would be watching and knowing that her mum was the only woman in F1 and that she was beating all those men. When the race came to an end, she was back in third place, lewis having overtaken her in the final two laps but she had the fastest lap so that’s another point for her team.
Cecilia was grinning when she took off her helmet, happiness cursing through her, she wished she could win, but having a podium is something that she loved the feeling of, she’s becoming better and better with each race, and it’s evident in her scores. Mclaren are over the moon with her. She celebrated with her team, before she got weighted and interviewed.
After the celebrations and more interviews, the venue started emptying. Cecilia saw her daughter for a few minutes before she was rushed for a quick meeting. By the time she was done, most of the place was empty; a few teams were still present, also doing meetings or last checkups and whatnot. 
“Maman, where's Nattie?” Cecilia asked her mother, seeing her sitting alone. The small room made her feel a little claustrophobic after a long time.
“She is napping in your room.” Going to her room to take her daughter home, she opened the door and saw the small blanket Nattie couldn't sleep without but she wasn’t there, there wasn't any place for the girl to hide in, but Cecilia still looked everywhere, with each passing minute she started to panic. 
“Maman! She isn’t here.” Cecilia called to her mother who was talking with Lando now, both looked as panicked as her when they heard her words. “Start looking around, if you find her, call me.”
“I’ll tell the others!” Lando called as both him and Cecilia left the Mclaren garage, they went opposite ways, while Cecilia's mum started looking in all the small spots Nathalie could’ve gone to in the garage. Cecilia called for Nattie as she walked/ran, her eyes taking in everything as much as she could. Managing to take out her phone and call Charles while still looking around.
“Hey are you-”
“Is Nattie with you?” She cut him off, he could hear the urgency in her voice, frowning.
“No, I’m with Seb, we'll look for her.”
“Okay my mum and Lando are also looking, call me.”
Coming up on RedBull’s garage, it looked empty, but Cecilia wasn’t leaving a place where she didn’t look. She crouched as she tried to see if the tiny human she gave birth to was anywhere. “Damn it Nattie, where are you?”
Standing up she was about to leave when she heard talking, walking in more, she was going to walk where none RedBull personnel were allowed, and at this moment she didn't care. And it’s a good thing she did, rounding the corner where her daughter was, in her orange Mclaren shirt and a RedBull(?) hat, in the arms of today’s winner, Max Verstappen himself. 
Her daughter is okay, and looked like she was having the time of her life talking to Max. quickly texting her mum and Lando that she found her, before she made her presence known.
“Nathalie! Where were you?” Walking up to the due, once she was in range her girl leaned over and Cecilia easily took her form Max. “You scared me so much.”
“I’m sorry Maman.” She whispered not looking sorry at all, looking up at Max she found herself tearing up, she only just held herself together to find her girl, now letting a little bit of the panic she was feeling get to her, she couldn't help it. 
“It’s okay, I found her walking by the garage and she said she wanted a hat like mine.” Max explained(maxplained) trying to calm the almost crying mother, he found out from Nathalie that her mum is Cecilia and he could see the resemblance loud and clear. “I came back here to give her one, before taking her back to Mclaren.”
“Thank you.” Cecilia said letting a few tears slip out of her eyes, Nattie seeing the tears on her mother’s face also started crying, Max instinctively just pulled the mother daughter due in his arms. He doesn't know why he did it, but it felt like the right thing to do, he felt one of Cecilia’s hands grab his RedBull shirt tightly and her hand was shaking. 
“She was telling me how her mum was on the podium, how she was the only girl racing.” Max said to Cecilia, trying to lift up her mood a little, pulling back a little, Cecilia gave her daughter a teary smile. Max whipped Nattie tears. 
“I’m okay baby, don’t cry.” Cecilia told her girl softly.
“Mum was just worried about you.” Max said in a tone Cecilia hadn’t heard out of the man before. Yes they’ve grown closer as drivers/friends, their relationship is different from the one they’ve had before, but Max is no Charles or Pierre, they aren’t as close as she is with them. 
“Yes, mon ange, you have to be careful, you have to tell me or grand-mère where you’re going.” Cecilia said softly, pushing Nattie’s hair behind her ear, the hat on her head far too big for her. 
“I’m sorry momie.” 
“It’s okay baby.” Cecilia said and placed Nathalie on the floor, holding her hand. She turned to look at Max, she didn’t ask him because he might’ve not agreed, but she hugged him with one arm around the neck, yes he gave her a hug but she was crying. “Thank you so much Max, I was going out of my mind.” 
Max placed one of his hands around her waist and the other one landed on top of Nathalie’s head in a comforting manner.
“It’s okay, I was just about to go find you.” He told her they were talking so low, Nathalie couldn't pick up on what they were saying. 
“I owe you one.” Cecilia said and pulled back the hand he had around her took a few seconds before it dropped as well.
“Well, I’ll hold you onto that.” He cheekily replied, making Cecilia smile and nod her head.
“Whatever you want.”
“I call first dibs on babysitting duties, I mean not a lot of racers in Monaco.” He shrugged. “And Nathalie said she wanted to see who won today, so she may have to see me a lot.”
“We’ll see about that, I might just start winning.” Cecilia joked with the other driver, they held eye contact for a moment, shades of blue meeting in a stare they couldn't decipher yet, Cecilia’s phone rang breaking them from their moment, she fished it out of her pocket answering once she saw Charles’ name. Telling him she was at RedBull and that she’s coming, ending the call quickly. She gave Max another grateful look. “I’ll owe you another one, if you could just keep Nattie a secret.”
“You don’t have to owe me for that one, I wasn't planning on it.” telling thank you again Nat and Cecilia left for Mclaren where Charles, Seb, Lando, Danny and her mum were waiting, Pierre had to leave once he knew that they found Nattie.
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@luciaexcorvus . @vellicora . @tpwkstiles . @belennasif  . @eugene-emt-roe . @fanboyluvr
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comicaurora · 8 months
These have been pent up for a while, so there's a whole list lol. Some are Aurora, some are not.
1) Can lacrimas carry out multiple purposes at once? Or will they blend them? I'm assuming that this is possible, considering that the automaton in the ruins was using a lacrima as a brain
2) Has anyone tried to make tools or weapons out of lacrimas? I'm talking like chisel that needs no hammer. Or maybe a Fire lacrima on a bow that sets your arrows on fire
3) Can you engrave runes on lacrimas to make them affect themselves?
4) Where can I read more about the Twins? If I'm not wrong they're the creator gods, aided by the Light dragon and the Void dragon to create life, but I might be getting a wrong read on that
5) Since we see Erin successfully become the first Void mage, does that now mean there's potential for him to make a Void lacrima? The dragon probably won't allow it, but still
6) What exactly does elemental corruption of each element do? Fire literally burns you up, as we saw in Arc 1. I can infer that Life likely makes you a chimera. Void corruption makes you a cave crawler. But what do the other one do? Does Earth make you a statue? Does Wind disintegrate you, Thanos style?
7) Now onto the non-Aurora questions, is your art vector or raster? I believe it's vector, but it's always better to confirm
8) What are your opinions on reading into the environment and the character design to infer things about the character themselves? In any type of media
9) Have you played Baldur's Gate 3?
10) Do you have any music that you'd recommend? I've listened to every song I liked so many times that I hate them now.
11) I'm new to Tumblr, anything that I should know? You don't have to answer this one if you don't wanna. I think I know some of the basics already. Reblog what you like, and avoid the terfs, right?
You might be able to tell that I like the idea of the lacrimas a little bit. Just a teensy bit. The artificer in me definitely isn't obsessed. I appreciate any answers you can give :3
Ooh, lots of stuff!
Yes, it's possible. A lacrima can be engraved with multiple spells, set in a casing engraved with commands, or some combination of the two. Typically, all spells engraved directly on a lacrima will activate at once when the lacrima is "switched on", but a spell can be quite complex, and conditional activations are possible - "if-then-else" statements, basically.
Yes, magic items exist.
Generally no. If the lacrima is disrupted or broken, the spell generally stops functioning, so a self-affecting lacrima will run only as long as it takes for the lacrima to distort or break.
There's an extra lore page about them!
He probably could if he wanted to (and the Dragon allowed it) but Void energy is very dangerous, so he likely doesn't want to.
Each form of elemental corruption agitates the presence of the element in the mage's body. Earth corruption can damage or alter bones, encourage unhealthy petrification of soft tissues, etc. Wind corruption can have physical effects but it often most obviously produces breakdowns in the person's ability to speak or understand language. Lightning damages, numbs or intensifies a person's physical senses.
Raster, I draw with CSP's digital pens. I've only very briefly experimented with vector art - I don't like how it simplifies the lines.
I think it's a fun school of analysis but, like all literary analysis, it runs into trouble if it tries to lock down exactly what the writer was thinking or intending (which is an objective fact that one can be incorrect about) rather than trying to analyze the story on its own and what meaning might, intentionally or unintentionally, be factoring into it.
don't trust my taste in music it's 90% nu metal and sonic OSTs
Like what you like, reblog what you want, generally it's considered dubious form to add a comment to a reblog unless you have something profound to contribute (commenting in the tags is fine), steer clear of discourse and callout posts and generally the sectors of the site that are constantly on fire, blocking someone for any reason is 100% fine
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