#any time akashi is taking a break he is petting the cat
active-mind-15 · 3 months
Had to further the Akashi cat-lover agenda before going to bed tonight. Reference under the cut. Enjoy. 😌✨
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what's on my mind today? cat dad akashi. the cat would definitely be a girl and she would be named aiko.
(aiko is actually the name of some japanese princess and lemme say i completely believe that akashi would treat aiko like a princess)
i think, one day, on his way home from school or maybe training, he sees a cat in a cardboard box, kinda like how kuroko found tetsuya nigou.
akashi would be so sad. he looks at the cat and thinks about the family that abandoned it. not gonna lie, i think he might even think about the relationship between him and his dad and how he never really experienced the best childhood. he gets emotional and thinks about all his friends in the generatio of miracles. about how kuroko helped him. how kise and aomine made his day more amusing with their little fights. how midorima spends a lot of time with him. how momoi has helped him and supported him in leading the team. he thinks about all this. after seeing an abandoned cat.
he takes the cat home and all the while, he's thinking about you and how you would feel about this situation. you never actually mentioned any dislike towards cats, but you nevr mentioned getting one either. (sweet and considerate boyfriends tend to think about every little detail. people should learn from akashi before pursuing a romantic relationship.)
so he walks in, puts his shoes away neatly and walks around trying to find you. (rich boyfriends = big mansions)
he does. you were curled up in your bedroom, listening to music and aiko is sitting outside the bedroom, surprisingly obedient. so he walks in and leans down to give you a kiss.
"hey princess" he mumbles against your lips.
"hi sei. how was training? anything interesting?" you asked. you liked listening to akashi talk about practise and goofy things the team did.
"now that you bring that up, there was an interesting thing that happened today. i found a little something."
akashi was slowly treading the waters. making sure to break the news terribly slowly.
"oh yeah? what did you find? is it a place? like that cafe we found last month?"
"not exactly, no. it isn't a place. more like a cat."
your eyes lit up. you couldn't believe what you were hearing. because, let's be honest here, a pet a surprise, no matter the situation.
"a cat? where is it? where did you find it? what's her name? wait, that's rude. what if it's a boy? what their name? how did you find them? oh my god sei! a cat!"
you were close to rambling at this point but akashi simply lifted your face up with his pointer finger and thumb under your chin and gently shushed you with his other finger.
"wait, princess. she's outside the room, in the hallway. i'll go get her."
and there she was. aiko. she was beautiful. a black cat with one green and one gray eye.
you guys bought all that she needed, food, toys and you even brought her a toy crown.
"she's a princess sei! her name's aiko! she deserves a crown."
akashi just chuckled.
"you deserve a crown too then, my princess."
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author's notes: this was terribly rushed. you can see i was at a loss for ideas as we neared the end, but i couldn't wait to get this out of my head.
tagging @vespersposts cause she loves akashi as much as i do.
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dreamsapphire28 · 3 years
Not so boring day at the office
I have not seen a lot of people writing or drawing things exploiting the fact that  operator 3 is a dog and operator 4 is a cat, like that’s so much wasted potential in my opinion, so I decided to write something with it myself. I also was in the mood for something specially fluffy.
The day was turning out to be quite uneventful with no emergencies or any kind of attacks from neither Villains or kaibutsu, which would explain the amount of people that had decided to stop by in Parallel Flight, first it had been Maculata and Sui who were there to drop some hero costumes that Huckle had commissioned for Akashi and Ryekie and also to take Mokdai’s measurements, again, it was done fairly quick but since Maculata had no more orders for the day she decided to stay for while so she could catch up with Huckle and Ryekie. Then Crowne dropped by with Hisaki to say hi and now both ended up doing some minor repairs to the gadgets of Akashi’s and Ryekie’s hero suits. After that Gomeisa and Procy decided to come, on Gomeisa’s request since they were doing some grocery shopping near by. Mokdai was giving maintenance to his camera equipment with Gomeisa who offered to help him out, while Procy decided to go talk with Huckle, Ryekie and Maculata, Sui was sticking close to her teacher but was not talking much.
Which leaved Akashi who was sitting alone on a couch browsing through his phone, bored out of his mind, he had arrived a little while ago and didn’t want to interject into any of the conversations or interrupt the ones that were working. In a situation like this he would just join in whatever Hiroshi was doing, but that wasn’t an option at the moment, Hiroshi ran a bit late today and now was going through his assigned work for the day, Akashi knew that it wouldn’t take a lot of time for Hiroshi to finish with whatever it was he was working on, but with how bored he was Akashi kept glancing over at his childhood friend to see if he was already done so he could go talk to him. As time passed and Akashi’s boredom grew his glances at Hiroshi became more frequent Akashi noticed his gaze had been drifting to one very specific part of Hiroshi’s body, his ears. Even with Hiroshi fully concentrated sitting at his desk working diligently the two triangle shaped ears still cutely perked up at any sudden noises. Akashi kept his gaze on Hiroshi’s ears for a moment when an idea popped up in his brain “I wonder...” Akashi muttered to himself before looking around to find that everyone seemed to be completely absorbed in what they where doing.
Akashi got up from the couch and started quietly approaching Hiroshi, he had to be careful Hiroshi has always had an excellent sense of hearing so if he wanted his plan to be successful he couldn’t afford Hiroshi to notice him. Once he was at arms reach from Hiroshi, Akashi stopped for a second, Hiroshi must be really focused to not notice him standing practically right behind him. Akashi ridded the thought as quickly as it occurred to him, he didn’t make it this far just to be caught now. Giving one final look around to make sure nobody was looking their way, Akashi enacted his plan, he slowly reached for Hiroshi’s head. The moment Akashi’s hand made contact with Hiroshi he immediately started scratching softly behind his ears, Hiroshi almost jumped out of his chair barely containing a yelp at the sudden touch, he turned his head slightly to see who had almost given him a heart attack “Huh?! Akashi what are you doing?” Hiroshi whispered sounding mildly annoyed but trailed off at the end, Akashi thought about stopping right then and apologizing, but he felt Hiroshi’s tail batting against his leg, Hiroshi was enjoying this even if he didn’t want to let him know, Akashi grinned impishly as he continued his petting only now with more enthusiasm, at that Hiroshi melted, his shoulders visibly slumped and his tail started waging a little faster. 
By this point Hiroshi was pretty much like putty in his hands, Akashi wanted to see how far he could push it. Akashi leaned in to ask very important question into Hiroshi’s ear “Who’s a good boy? Akashi could barely keep his voice steady, he just wanted to burst out laughing at the state he had left Hiroshi in “Don't talk to me like I'm a dog” it took all of Hiroshi’s willpower to form a coherent answer, his face was so red you could almost feel the heat radiating off of it “Well, I’m only willing to pet good boys, so if you aren’t one I might as well stop, I’ll give one more chance, who’s a good boy?” Akashi stated trying to sound firm, Hiroshi mulled it over for a second making sure nobody was looking at them “I am...” Hiroshi murmured “You’ll have to do better than that if you to convince me” Akashi teased, was this why Hiroshi enjoyed teasing others so much? Akashi had to admit this is quite fun. Since Hiroshi had remained silent for a while now Akashi had decided to just end his embarrassment and started to remove his hand from Hiroshi’s head. The feeling of Akashi’s hand lifting up from his head was enough for Hiroshi to discard his last remaining shred of dignity, both of his hands shot up to grab Akashi’s hand pressing it back down to his head “I’m a good boy! I am such a good boy! please keep petting me Akashi!” Hiroshi blurted out, almost begging, way louder than he intended. Needless to say everyone present turned to Hiroshi and Akashi realizing what was happening, they all looked at them with varied expressions, most notably Mokdai, Procy and Hisaki who were giving Hiroshi gentle understanding looks.
Akashi had not expected Hiroshi to answer that, much less so loudly, now feeling, and being, responsible for Hiroshi’s current predicament Akashi decided he should at least indulge him, so turning Hiroshi’s chair around, so that Hiroshi was now facing him, he resumed his petting with renewed vigor, he used one of his hands to scratch behind Hiroshi’s ears while the other one alternated between stroking his face and scratching under his jaw, Akashi even added calling Hiroshi 'good boy' a few times, among other praises. Hiroshi’s tail was now going a mile a minute, he didn’t even cared, or couldn’t remember, that everyone there was looking at him. Akashi on the other hand was quite embarrassed by the display they were putting on, but he felt that after teasing him, he owed at least this much to Hiroshi.
A few minutes later Akashi decided that it had been enough so he stopped his petting of Hiroshi, even now that he was not being petted Hiroshi’s tail was still wagging lazily behind him, is eyes closed while he had a satisfied dopey smile on his face. It only lasted for a few second as the full weight of what happened settled as his mind fully caught on. Hiroshi had actually enjoyed Akashi’s treatment, a lot, but there was no way he would admit it “Akashi you are so de-” Hiroshi couldn’t even finish his sentence “I want to pet him next!” Gomeisa shrieked excitedly. “Gomeisa don't!” Procy warned even though Gomeisa was already halfway across the room, Hiroshi was hiding behind Akashi while seriously considering making a break for the door, he couldn't possibly take that same embarrassment twice in a single day. "Hey Hisaki want some scritches?” Crowne asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes, already reaching out for Hisaki’s ears “Get away from me!” Hisaki backed away from her. Maculata was giggling at the whole sight, Sui and Mokdai were baffled at everything that just happened, Ryekie made no effort to hide his laugher and Huckle was seeing everything unfold with a fond expression on his face, he was not sure if he should stop it since in his opinion it was due time for Hiroshi to get dealt some of his own treatment.    
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herdustisverypretty · 7 years
AND ANOTHER TAG THING {warning: strong and possibly strange opinions, LONG ASS RAMBLES (which most definitely include strong and possibly strange opinions), frequent oversharing}
tagged by the lovely Angel <3
1. If you could go backward in time, what would you do first? #2008 Log- Don’t pretend to not be bothered by HC and co’s behaviour and actually call them out on their shit. Note to self: You don’t owe anyone anything. #2009-2014 Log- Start homeschooling earlier. Maybe actually tell people how you felt too? You might have gotten a diagnosis, and thus the treatment that has drastically improved your life, sooner and you’d probably have a lot less scars. Maybe none. And also might not be immune to the effect of regular painkillers. Also maybe then you’d be able to just get said painkillers from the cupboard where they used to be instead of having to ask your mother permission on whether you can have some- at age 22- and having to swallow them there to prove you’re not hoarding them for later (cause that’s right, you did that once, ya dumb little bastard). #2012-2013 Log aka You STILL don’t owe anyone anything- Also do not engage with HS AT ALL. Just nip that one right in the bud. Don’t even go there. PTSD ain’t fun. Also do not allow HC to worm their way back in later. PTSD still ain’t fun.  Though then you probably wouldn’t have written that one VIXX story and not only was writing that story enjoyable (sometimes???? ... maybe?????????), that story did also apparently help a lot of people too...so... maybe don’t fix yourself for the sake of those people who told you your writing helped them through a lot of their own shit. **Particularly never forget the one person who said they hadn’t cried themselves to sleep a night since finding your story. Taking that back from someone is not a nice idea.  LOTS OF SHIT THAT BASICALLY MEANS: stop trying to kill yourself, dumbass. people aren’t lying when they say things get better. well, somewhat. also don’t let people take advantage of and abuse you. or maybe do a bit. because your suffering has helped others and that’s all that really matters right? BUT JUST A BIT. definitely not all of it cause that was Shite. 
2. Conversely, if you could go forward in time, what would you want to see? Dumb men (I was going to say ‘straight, white, cis, American’ men but realised I’ve seen other types of men also being equally idiotic, SO I GUESS JUST MEN) being deleted from all youtube comments please. Also maybe shut down tumblr. I think we’d all benefit from that tbh. Also while I’m at it, can we have a game similar to Pokemon GO but instead of catching Pokemon you catch hot anime bishies. Get exercise and also get five thousand hot boyfriends :D Also retaining the nickname feature. Because that’ll be entertaining. 
3. What’s your favorite word and why? I’ve always been fond of kerfuffle. It just sounds so cute and happy. A kawaii way to say you fucked someone’s shit up. Petrichor is also a DAMN FINE word. It sounds satisfying and the meaning is EVEN MORE SATISFYING. 
4. Hot chocolate with milk or with water? Toppings? Marshmallows? It tastes better with milk, but as I at times have more than 3 a day (since I don’t drink coffee and need caffeine), if I plan to have more than 2 I will make them with water. I believe I have already stated my opinion on marshmallows as well lmao. 
5. If you could change one thing about your favorite fandom, what would it be? Tbh delete all appreciation for my absolute NOTP. And no, I don’t actually mean Akashi/Furihata like most other Akashi/Kuroko shippers; I occasionally state I don’t particularly care for that ship, but I tend to just ignore it and its existence for the most part. Whereas my actual ‘I FUCKING HATE THIS’ ship, NOPE I WANT THAT OBLITERATED> DELETE ITS EXISTENCE. WIPE IT CLEAN OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. This can also be said to apply to one particular person in said ‘FUCK NO’ NOTP. I have frequently expressed my disdain for this character, I do not make it a secret, so it should be no leap to assume who, and which ship, I’m talking about here. 
6. You now have the ability to permanently alter one character from any fandom. Who do you pick, and what do you change? -Lmao. Okay. Well, I’ll name some names after all then, shall I?  -Can I just. Completely erase Momoi’s existence from KnB entirely? Jfc I cannot fucking stand her one bit. The only redeeming quality of her very 2D, bland, and at times downright offensive character, is her desire for the GoM to be friends again. And I could live without that somewhat nice sentiment if it meant the remaining 99.9% of her shittiness was gone. I will never like her. -I can occasionally stand her in fanfiction if she does’t have a major appearance, and also if she’s not being monumentally annoying. And even then I don’t feel any issues with killing her off due to dislike of her canon characterisation. I could literally care less what happens to her. Harsh, maybe, but I personally feel she brings nothing of value to this series, and tbh it would be far better, and certainly less cringey, without her.  -I have essentially been awake for 3 days so this is probably said with much less delicacy than I would normally use, though regardless of insomnia-induced aggression levels, the base feeling is the same. 
7. What is your philosophy on life? (Is it pointless, is it meaningful, is it what you make it, etc…) I honestly don’t care about things such as ‘the meaning of life’. We’re never going to know who put us here, if anything did, or what we’re meant to do, if there is anything, or why we are here at all. Just do whatever you want. Everyone’s going to die and the sun will turn into a black hole and swallow the earth and the universe will ultimately end in a rather unpleasant manner anyway. As long as you’re not harming anyone’s way of life, do what ever you want I could care less.  (that got kinda dark... I guess that’s what happens when people ask philosophical questions)
8. Would you consider getting a tattoo? If you would, what would it be and where would you put it? -Well the first tattoo I ever planned on getting (decided upon when I was 15), and the one I still want to be my first, is my recently passed dog’s pawprint tattooed on my left wrist; where I used to frequently self harm. The original idea was to get a tattoo of something meaningful there that would remind me every time I went to hurt myself that there’s still reasons for living. I stopped self harming around the same time my dog died in 2015, and even though I didn’t really need the reminder to not hurt myself in that way, I decided that getting his pawprint (which I was given a print of when he passed) would be especially nice, and would serve as a reminder of things I survived, and should I ever need a reminder in the future. My plan is now to get his paw on my left wrist (where the majority of damage was done, as he was my first pet), and when my cat also passes (hopefully not for a while still), I will get her pawprint on my right wrist.  -In less meaningful directions, I’ve also wanted the Grey Warden’s emblem tattooed on me for the longest time. I’m thinking thigh in terms of placement. idek what it is about them, or about the DA series in general. I mean, being a Grey Warden is arguably (is it tho) kind of a shitty thing?? You don’t really want to aspire to that if you enjoy, idk, LIFE? But their tagline of ‘In war, Victory; In Peace, Vigilance; In Death, Sacrifice’ IDK BUT IT JUST GOT ME.
9. What’s your favorite headcanon? (Could be your own or someone else’s) Shit, I have A LOT. *These are all mine as well! (mostly lol) -One that I’m still fond of is the hc that Kuroko becomes sleepy after eating a lot (particularly sugary things) which is one reason he eats quite lightly, and that the GoM during Teikou would always be attempting to overfeed him because they thought it was adorable when he curled up in their laps and went to sleep.  -Another I came up with is Akashi not being allowed to play videogames (and probably also not watch much TV) after his mother died. Thus, the GoM (and later Rakuzan regulars, YES YOU TOO MAYU WITH UR LOVE LIVE RHYTHM GAMES) would bring in their DSs and PSPs to school to let him play them as a much needed break from all the pressure being put on him.  -Ideas conceived with 6ubblegum earlier such as Masaomi actually having an unrequited interest in Kuroko’s dad when they were younger, and obviously him becoming quite upset when Kuroko’s dad married Kuroko’s mother. We also came up with the idea that Masaomi and Shiori’s marriage was arranged by their parents for mutual family benefits and that the pair never cared much for each other, and also that Shiori was aro (also I angstily suggested ‘imagine her crying under her veil as she walked down the aisle tho’). Then I also suggested the idea of what if Shiori and Kuroko’s mother were friends, going on playdates with their sons (and also the humorous idea of them putting baby Akashi+Kuroko in matching dresses). So in the end, Masaomi has never been much interested in his own son, and the only person who cared about Akashi truly was his mother, who is now gone. Also Masaomi becoming understandably VERY opposed when Akashi begins dating Kuroko in school.  -Anything involving mentally ill GoM + others (though a chunk of these aren’t even headcanons and more: I am 100% convinced these characters actually have these conditions). Especially fond of self-harmer Akashi.  -Also literally any hc where any particular character is either aro, ace, or both. I reeaaaally love ace Kise actually.  -AGENDER REO!!!!! -I’ll end it with a somewhat nsfw one. The shameless guilty pleasure with 6ubble of Kise and Kuroko being known as the sluts of the Teikou. They’ve definitely boned all the regulars (including NIji) at least once. Probably more. definitely more
10. Do humans have souls? Do animals? I’ve been awake far too long for these kinds of questions XD UHHH in my personal belief I’ve always maintained the idea that all living creatures (this includes humans, as humans are primates) have a sort of.. living energy?? My belief is that once a creature dies, of its lifeforce/energy/soul/the magic keeping it alive/whatever you fancy calling it, the personality part (which I would say comes from the brain and is made up of memories and of course the individual’s unique personality) goes to a plane with other deceased energies (suppose you could call this heaven of a sort - tbh I always pictured it as kinda like the pyreflies in FFX), while the rest of the energy (which I would say comes from the heart and is, I guess, the emotions the individual has experienced through life) is recycled and returned to the earth to be used again. SOOO a sort of somewhat logical theory that combines both afterlife and reincarnation. I also think that the recycled energies can recognise other energies they knew in previous lives. Not in a literal sense, but more like, they might feel an inexplicable connection, be it between two people, a pet and a human, etc etc. I kinda like the idea of this also explaining real life cases of supposed ‘soulmates’. Two energies meeting that once knew each other and were compatible in a previous life (sounds really YA romance I know). This could also be potentially used to explain some conditions or mental illnesses. Recycled energy that previously had lots of negative experiences may be renewed as someone who is also troubled (blame ur disorders on your energy ancestors lmao). This could explain troubled people who have no family history of any similar experiences. IT ALL SOUNDS VERY FANTASTICAL BUT YE. This has all come together after years of viewing and researching many different spiritual beliefs and recounts of spiritual or other ‘incredible’ events, in an attempt to kind of merge everything into something that could potentially be real and/or believable. Idk if scientifically this would make any sense, but I feel it’s logical enough to suit me anyways. 
11. What’s your favorite holiday and why? Well I have mentioned I’m pagan before, sooooo, my answer to this will probably be weird? XD LONG AND BORING BACKSTORY TIME: I didn’t really become self identified as pagan until the age of 13-14, and before that I grew up typically celebrating Christian holidays (Easter, Christmas) despite my immediate family not being religious at all. I always saw these holidays as more just time to be with family than anything else. So I do still celebrate Easter and Christmas as I’ve grown up with them in a culture that celebrates them whether you’re religious or not. I guess Christmas was always my favourite? It’s roughly a month after my birthday, far enough that I get double presents, but close enough that there’s still lots of ongoing excitement. And growing up it was typically the only time each side of my family would all be together (we’d alternate, one year at my mum’s parents, the next at my dad’s). But as I’ve gotten older, and grandparents have died and families have drifted apart, I’ve become less interested in both Easter and Christmas, seeing them now more as just times to buy stuff for people when you really can’t afford to, and tbh now I find myself more drawn to things such as Samhain (also ref that if you have seen spn, they butchered the pronunciation. it’s more akin to ‘sah-ween’ it’s an Irish word I think, which explains everything tbh) in particular. Before last year I had never sought out other pagans in my area and thus was a bit lax in my celebration of sabbats, so when I actually started meeting up with other people in my city early last year, it actually really changed things for me (so emotional sobsob). The Samhain I celebrated with this group earlier in the year (as I’m in the southern hemisphere, Samhain for me is in May) was actually a really really special thing that I did. It also happened to coincide around the 2 year anniversary of my dog’s death, and as Samhain (which has become modern Halloween to most) is a day for celebrating loved ones who have died, it was just a really nice experience to think about my dog, as well as my grandmother who died 3 months before him.  THAT WAS A LONG, BORING, AND MUSHY WAY OF SAYING THAT BASICALLY: ‘pagan Halloween’ (tho that term doesn’t even make sense lmao) is actually really lovely and memorable compared to almost every other ‘traditional’ holiday of my life. 
Geez you just happened to ask all The Big Questions. And you literally went from 100 to 0 to 100 and then probably to 1000. Or maybe that was just me. I AM VERY TIRED AFTER VOMITING ALL THAT OUT. also my finger joints hurt. 
WELL, if you got all through that, here are my own questions, which I totally Did Not steal from other question memes already in existence. I’m definitely not lazy. No I’m actually just very tired lol. These are all going to be fandomy/OTPy questions because WE REALLY NEED SOME LIGHT CONTENT AFTER ALL THAT. Plus everyone loves talking about their fandoms and shit. 
1. A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind? 2. What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? 3. Your favourite fandom {for the people, not the thing you spazz over}? 4. Are there any fandom popular ships that you don’t like or just don’t get? Alternatively, are there any typically overlooked minor ships that you think are really underappreciated?  (hay this one i made up myself lol) 5. What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? 6. What’s a popular romantic/sexual ship that you can only ever see as a brotp? (also me!) 7. If you had the chance to make your OTP canon, and your NOTP very clearly stated as ‘definitely not canon eVER’, how would you express this in your ‘new canon’? (i’m on a roll) 8. Which character is Daddy Material? (there’s always at least one, admit it) 9. Character you relate to and why? (please share all tragic similarities) 10. As either a reader, writer, or both!, what’s your favourite fanfic genre and/or tropes? Are there any you always stay away from? 11. Opinions on omegaverse (in any and all forms, ranging from early spn fics, to the surprising amount of BTS/kpop fics, or have you tried the Japanese manga take on omegaverse - or even.... Life From the Ashes)? 
Tagging: @6ubble-gum AGAIN LOL cause these are new questions and I want to see your answers | @the-chibi-sempai | @justsimplyl | @humanitys-shortest-soldier | @kelandry5 | @seijuurouus | @sugaless-coffee bro r u still alive | @kagabutt bcuz we still need to talk moar |
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