#any and all clones who died in TCW like:
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tangents-within-tangents · 5 months ago
I see your ‘Tech’s alive bc the show knows how to explicitly confirm deaths and gave us multiple on screen examples of that’ and raise you one ‘Tech’s death wasn’t meaningless, insignificant, or just for stakes and shock value bc the show gave us multiple on screen examples of what that actually looks like’
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animazi · 9 months ago
icl i fundamentally disagree with the 'oh the acolyte shows anakin could have left the order anyway actually so he's so much worse bc he had an easy way out the whole time' discussions I've been seeing, because, like. literally why is this even a topic of discussion? ok ok hang with me here, I'm doing a list.
there is literally nothing in the prequels that suggests this is ever an option for him. up until shmi's death he is happy with the order - most of the problems he expresses come specifically from his relationship with obi-wan not the jedi generally, so why would he want to leave. once shmi dies, sure I getcha. his mum died and the jedi have a significant hand in that, and then he immediately breaks the code and does a massacre. however, and some may have missed this, its a fairly small plot point, the clone wars begin. anakin is not only never characterised as the sort of guy who would back out of this conflict (esp since he was involved from the get go), but also there is literally no time between anything - aotc and rots take place over such short time spans, comparatively; we see quite literally All the events happening at once.
so why doesn't he quit in tcw/rots? again. there is a war on and he is directly involved. tcw shows him as having made personal connections with the clones, and if there's one thing about anakin that everyone should be able to agree on its that he sure has attachments. also, again, rots takes place over such a short span of time and he is fairly clearly not in the best place in like fucking any of it
it probably wouldn't even fix anything bro. anakin is not the central turning point of the war, not really. that's palpatine. with or without anakin palpatine still gets the war, and realistically if anakin leaves the order then war breaks out, he is going to turn to palpatine as one of the only people he is close to, and ergo probably falls anyway. maybe he doesn't kill the younglings but like. shit still happens, jedi still get order 66'd
No Please Understand One Busy And Isolated Woman Is Not A Full Support Network Stop It. ok so. padme isolation is something that I fully see in the films. I will not yap on about that now, but take it as read for this point (although. even if she has a great and healthy support network that is not the issue! you are still saying that padme, who has a very busy job and her own life regardless, should functionally drop everything to support anakin). a key part of support networks is that they are a network aka not one woman. look me dead in the eyes and think anakin and obi-wan (already not having a great communicative relationship) are still talking after he leaves. go on. try. realistically speaking once the war starts anakin is in an, if anything, worse position - his fatherbrothermentor is out there fighting and he cannot help, his wife is barely home, the senate is always busy, and he is so so jobless (again. here is where palpatine would swoop in...bro cannot win fr fr). and Again, One (1) Padme Should Not Be Responsible For Dealing With The Entirely Of Anakin's Issues. stop it.
I don't actually have a full point 5 rn I just like it when the numbers do this :3
so bonus not-quite point: tcw and the acolyte both explicitly say the jedi don't prep you for the outside world if you leave the order, transferable skills etc etc BUT ALSO does your ex-jedi have any records of employment? any space gcses or a-levels or space degrees? a letter of recommendation? are they actually skilled enough in say mechanics/engineering to be able to survive in a world where droids exist and clearly have a huge presence in those sectors? any any money to help them get a flat or smth (not applicable in anakin's case but worth saying anyway)?
in short. I don't think it's a fair point to make when criticising anakin. it relies on a really weird reading of the prequels that misses a) the war, b) palpatine, c) the inherent misogyny of putting the wellbeing of anakin, guy who is hanging on the same thread as my sanity after exam week, entirely in the hands of one woman, d) the lack of regard for how support networks are, in fact, networks, e) how fast everything happens in the prequels
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callipraxia · 6 months ago
Lying here at 7am, sneezing my head off because of ragweed, and I had a thought about the novelization of Revenge of the Sith.
Early in said novelization, there’s a retrospective on a couple of important moments in Anakin and Padme’s early marriage, specifically around how, since Anakin, as a Jedi trainee, doesn’t own things or have much ability to acquire them, which is an Issue when it comes to giving his new wife a wedding present…so he ‘gives’ her C-3PO, to be ‘a friend’ while he is, as he frequently is, absent, and there’s a sweet moment where Padme politely invites Threepio to join her staff, because on Naboo, droids as high-functioning as Threepio are considered beings, not property. Anakin also notes that technically, since his builder (Anakin himself) owns nothing, Threepio kind of owned himself even before this. Then later, she gives him R2-D2 as ‘a friend’ in return, at which point Anakin starts modifying him this way and that until Artoo eventually obtains at least as much cognitive function as Threepio, setting the stage for the bond the droids have throughout the series. All very nice…but then jump to the very end of the book, immediately after Padme dies and Bail Organa adopts Leia. Y’know. The moment when he casually orders that Threepio undergo a mind wipe to forget…pretty much everything. Who “the Maker” was, all about his years of service to Senator Amidala, where the Princess came from and the fact she has a brother, etc. Then cut forward about twenty years to the beginning of A New Hope, where Threepio fussily keeps scolding Artoo about how “Master Luke” is his owner now and he should therefore forget the mission from their previous owner. It never seems to occur to Threepio, after his years on Alderaan, that they could think for and own themselves, even though again, in the novelizations, Threepio has technically done so for longer than Artoo has; the only difference is that Artoo still remembers everything, whereas Threepio only remembers, at most, the past twenty years.
Clearly, droids did not enjoy the same legal privileges on Alderaan that they did on Novelization!Naboo…but why is that relevant? Threepio, recall, was said to have legal rights on Naboo as a member of Padme’s staff. At a stretch, since Anakin couldn’t technically own Artoo either, one could make an argument that Artoo was still legally Padme’s property and therefore automatically passed into the ownership of her daughter when Padme died*, since Anakin and Padme and Threepio seem to have been the only ones who realized at that time how sentient the astromech had become, but there was really no doubt about Threepio: if Stover’s writing in the official novelization is taken as on any level canonical, then Threepio, as a high-functioning droid, was an employee; certainly this is the case within the pages of the book in question, where he meets the same ends. Padme no more owned him than she owned Jar-Jar or the Handmaidens who acted as her body doubles or her other Senate aides...at least on Naboo and areas where its laws applied, like the embassy on Coruscant, I suppose. They were not in Naboo space at the time of Padme’s death, and apparently the idea that droids could be autonomous was culturally alien to Alderaanians…but we see in TCW that Bail had worked pretty closely with Padme for years. They were political allies, but also friends. They’d risked their lives together before - in the Committee of 2,000 conspiracy, in that episode of The Clone Wars where they investigated a murder together, and arguably, Padme had put her life in his hands without a second thought again on Empire Day when she made that “how liberty dies” remark in the midst of the rest of the Senate’s enthusiastic endorsement of Palpatine’s announcement. Padme also was shown to have a real Problem with the discovery that slavery still existed in the galaxy when she met Shmi and Anakin as a girl, and considering she later married an ex-slave who had…rather strong feelings about the subject, it’s hard to imagine that she didn’t get personally emotionally invested in the issue as well. Anti-slavery measures would have probably been part of her political platform, especially in that gap between Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones where there wasn’t a war that depended on slave soldiers to consider. It never, in all that time, came up with Bail? He never said, “It’s strange how you treat that protocol droid of yours - you act as though he were a person,” to which Padme could only reply that “by my planet’s laws, he is”? Padme never voiced any discomfort with the Alderaanian stance on high-functioning droids in all their years of working together? Why would her good friend not think twice about treating one of her staffers as his property before the poor woman’s corpse was even cold? Even if he disagreed, he ought to have at least had the thought “oh wow, I am disrespecting my friend’s memory here,” or even a hesitation about his legal right to give orders about Threepio’s memory, given that there would of necessity have to have been some interstellar agreement on whether Planet A’s laws about droids applied to droids from Planet A when they were on Planet B, especially if Planet B was neutral space like Coruscant, the place where Bail would have been most familiar with Threepio. I’m American and reasonably historically literate; American history was never my favorite branch of history, but I know all about the sort of trouble it causes when people don’t agree about whether laws from one state in a republic apply in another. See also: the American Civil War? And more recently, the issue of gay marriage, back when states determined that individually. Didn’t cause a war that time, but anyone who had the political awareness of a tree branch probably knew of the issue and, however dimly, probably something of why it was such an issue.
It’s now 9am, and yeah, yeah, I know, all this was necessary to protect the Chosen Twins because Threepio is a bit of an idiot, or it would have taken too much time/been too much at the tail end of a plot as dark as that of RotS to have a quick scene where Threepio agreed to become Bail’s property in order to stay with Leia, etc etc. But considering that Bail’s one of the good guys, it’s pretty messed up to realize how casually someone’s rights could just get hand waved away the moment they no longer had anyone politically powerful immediately on hand to defend them. It’s hard not to think…with his memory gone, Threepio doesn’t even know that he was supposed to have rights, and most humans cannot communicate fluently with Artoo. Bit disturbing to put oneself in that position, to wonder, as messy as the world’s getting…who’s the one person standing between us and having our rights almost as casually overwritten? Not quite as casually, I suppose, since mind wipes don’t exist for us (…yet…probably), but almost. Not something Lucas probably meant to put there, given that he didn’t write the official novelization and his apparent failure to think out the droid issue especially well**, but there’s where my brain’s going on this sneezy, sneezy morning.
* Note: this is totally ignoring the issue of whether this is moral and ethical or not. Also ignoring the issue of how that even stacks with the assiduous efforts to conceal that Padme’s child/children hadn’t died with her, in which case, being legally dead/never personified, it’s hard to consider them her legal heirs anyway.
** See also this video essay: https://youtu.be/WD2UrB7zepo?si=HcttHLpZFGnU5bNb
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marvelstars · 6 months ago
Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padawans
There´s a popular idea in fandom about Anakin feeling jealousy over Obi-Wan choosing another padawan shortly after his graduation from padawan to Jedi Khight but I honestly don´t think this was the case.
I don´t think Anakin had any bad feelings over Obi-Wan getting a new padawan and I believe it´s because he always felt like not being raised at the temple, a former slave, with no core education and being found by Qui-Gon, who died, made it almost impossible for him and Obi-Wan to get things right, he loved Obi-Wan but his rejection of him and his view of him as a father sting too much imo but as always, they never talked about it.
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As a child he probably would have developed more issues but at the time of TCW Anakin already had to grieve over believing Obi-Wan was dead(he was tortured by Ventress) and lost almost all his peers on Bespin at the start of the clone wars(legends), he is very much the only Khignt left of his age alive with the exception of Barris and he is preparing to leave the Jedi Order to be with Padme once the war ends.
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So my guess is that he wanted Obi-Wan to have a new padawan because it seemed to make him happier, one raised at the temple who would have more in common with him than Anakin and it would make it easier for him to accept Anakin leaving the Order and in fact he was smiling when he saw Ahsoka meet Obi-Wan, he only stopped when he realized it was him the one chosen to be her master because wth, he is 19?, just made a knight? he is about to leave the order? Ahsoka is 14? he doesn´t want her anywhere near a battlefield, he actually called her youngling, not even a padawan.
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So imo he was way more impacted by the idea he had to teach, raise and keep alive a 14 year old padawan in the middle of a civil war that already had taken the lives of many of his peers, some of them more experienced than him. I honestly believe that gave him nightmares but he didn´t want Ahsoka to pay for his doubts and felt rejected the same way he did as a child so he did his best to help her feel accepted, wanted and loved and it worked to help her develop into a great jedi and person which is what Anakin wanted for her.
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year ago
hi let's talk about her
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Honestly I have so much to say about her. so much. so here's some of it
-Asajj was last seen in canon in the Dark Disciple novel. Where she died. I would never recommend that book to anyone so if you haven't read it yet please don't. In short, after becoming a Bounty Hunter in The Clone Wars she grew out her hair, got a cool yellow Lightsaber and for some reason teamed up with Quinlan Vos to try and kill Dooku. They didn't manage to do it. And Asajj died (was fridged) trying to protect Quinlan. The Bad Batch will not contradict that, as was said by the creators. So this is just a summary for anyone who hasn't read it because I wholeheartedly believe that book is bad
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-I have not watched a single Bad Batch episode in my life. As a disclaimer. I started the first one, watched their TCW arc and saw memes screenshots clips and spoilers but I do not know this show. I will watch it now that Asajj's there tho
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-She does not have the same outfit anymore! It's a change, and we haven't gotten a clear look at her new design so idk how to judge it yet. Might be to look less recognizable, but it has a very different vibe than any of her prior outfits. There's a leftover shoulder pad and probably some other stuff from her last design but I feel like they kinda clash with the new one and tbb's design language in general. The Bounty Hunter look has a very TCWish feel to it and this one is a sharp turn in another, much more casual direction. I'm not inherently against it but I guess we'll see how it looks in action soon
-In my opinion the hair looks like shit. I don't think she should have hair ever. I don't understand why she can't be bald. Why is she bald when she's evil and has hair when she's a padawan (good) and when she is "redeemed"? guess we'll never know. It's a leftover from the cancelled Dark Disciple TCW arc design (and the Dark Disciple cover and promotional material ofc) and it's bad if you ask me but to each their own and if you like it good for you
-Her Lightsaber!!!!! Same case as the hair in terms of irl development but I like it so much better. The yellow just fits her character and it's pretty. Would love for her to find another one and get back to dual-wielding (I know that won't happen)
-The bag and pouches make me so happy as a design element do you think she carries a (tooka) cat in there
-Now, visually she looks great and the animation style is smoother and nicer than TCW (as is the quality), but what about the direction the character's going in? I didn't like her being dead before, but I felt like it was somewhat better than her being shoved into being a cameo character in new content. If you can't touch her after a certain point, you also can't mess her up. But I do wonder where they're going with her. A few questions:
-Asajj in canon is a directionless character. Also, a partially nonsensical and inconsistent character in her choices and storylines. I've talked about it a lot but in short she just feels messy. What's her purpose in life? Her motive? Her origin story doesn't really make sense, even. She's a Bounty Hunter, sure, but why? If all she wants is revenge on Dooku and maybe money (which was pretty much the case in Dark Disciple), what's she doing after the Empire? And more importantly, why?
-Obviously, the question I haven't asked yet because I don't like it: How the fuck is she alive? Nightsisters have a weird relationship with death but seriously, how?
-She's a Force User after the Rise of the Empire now, so what does he do about that? Is she founding The Path? Fucking around and finding out? Making a not-Jedi-not-Sith order with other force users she finds? Is the Empire after her? Do they know she's live?
-What about her girlfriend? Is Latts Razzi safe? Is she alright?
-Why is she in The Bad Batch show? Are we making her into a cameo character or is there a purpose? Why'd they bring her back? For fun? What is she doing after the show? Floating in dead space? Cameo-ing? Will we have a book?
-OK enough for tonight but if we see Quinlan Vos in the show I'll become violent (/neg). We probably will (he might just get mentioned idk).
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warsamongthestars · 1 year ago
Bit of something I noticed when I watched the "Outpost" way back...
Mayday has the exact same character as Clone Wars Hunter.
Someone who's irritable, someone who is snarky towards command, lightly mocking, seems to operate better in the midst of battle or once the "Worst has come to pass", and someone who's used to surviving against bad conditions.
( And of course, someone who cares for his brothers, and tends to adopt the odd-ones-out no matter how they got there )
And he can match Crosshair snark to snark, which TCWs Hunter did too.
Hell if it turns out he likes the Thrill of Extreme Sports (Looking at you Hunter, and skysurfing without a parachute on that flying Lizard), he might as well be Hunter.
... At least, Clone Wars Hunter.
Something that should be pointed out about the differences between TBB Hunter and TCWs Hunter.
Remember Echo's situation? He was turned into a weapon. That weapon was used against Thousands of Troops, possibly more than that. Thousands died, more so than anything under Crosshair's record. While its clear he wasn't in his right mind, or really any mind at all, he was forgiven about it.
Yes, there was some doubts and mistrust, yes, Hunter was distressed as hell about it all--more vocally than anyone else, really.
( TCWs Hunter seems to make it a point to be distressed about everything except when he's on his own or only with his team. )
--But it was Hunter who offered Echo a spot on the team (with of course Team backing). Hunter who saw an odd brother out, and kept him.
And Mayday did that for Crosshair. ( For a little while, at least. )
... Could you say that TBB Hunter would do the same? Did do the same?
TBB Hunter seems to be the kind of character who does an awful lot of running away.
Where Mayday went back for bodies, and TCWs Hunter faced danger head on.
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cacodaemonia · 14 days ago
for the fic writing game, the existential question: 🤔 why do you write fic? ^^
Haha I just realized that I asked you the same question XD
And tbh, my answer is pretty similar to yours! Since I only started writing after watching TCW, my initial motivation was just to come up with fix-its for the chips arc and Umbara. But like you said, so much of the clones' story as a whole—as well as their individual stories—is left so unsatisfyingly open and incomplete in canon. We get countless tidbits of intriguing but disconnected information about their upbringings and their lives in the GAR that have a ton of potential, but canon barely touches any of that (Yeah I know there are the repcomm books and tbb, but none of those focus on 'average' clones, which is what I'm interested in. If I wanted to follow stories about the 'special' characters, I'd be content with the Jedi 😂). I mean, the untapped potential is clear when you look at how many fics vastly expand on worldbuilding related to the clones as well as dozens of blink-and-you'll-miss-them characters.
So yeah, at first, I wanted to make satisfying fix-its for myself, and then I started to think more about all of the unanswered questions related to the clones, and some of the really cool themes that were only just touched on in tcw. As you mentioned in your answer, after the initial burst of activity died down and I didn't have a lot of ideas, I still wanted to keep writing. But I think for me, the main motivation was that I still wanted to spend time with my faves. Aside from a few other folks whose Waxer*Boil fics and art I treasure, I'm, uh. The main lunatic person who makes stuff about them 😅 So if I want more of them, I usually need to reread things or make more myself, haha.
Anyway, that was long. Thanks for the ask! :D
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clonebrainrot · 10 months ago
So I came across an article it was basically Dave Filoni talking about how he does endings
The important quote is
I think that in some ways you want each season to have a feeling of an ending. But in a lot of what I’ve done, I don’t like hard endings”
And this is very true. Look at Rebels, the clone wars and to a lesser extent the bad batch. Although I think a wholly separate post can be made a very long one on Dave’s influence and or lack thereof on the bad batch. It definitely fits into no hard endings.
But I also think you need a hard ending eventually. Sure you could theoretically keep making things with the characters, but eventually I as the creator of stories like to end them. Due to my poor writing skills I have never written my fanfiction down, but while I was younger say between the ages of 8-15 I would verbally tell my friends my stories. The point is. While I am not a writer I have been known to tell a good story. And eventually any good story needs an ending.
But Star Wars currently thrives off the no hard endings rule. Because they always return to the characters.
It’s why I think I have continued to get more and more disappointed with Ahsoka’s continuing story. There were times you could have had great endings for the character such as Twilight of the apprentice.
Hell a hard ending doesn’t even need to be death. Take the bad batch as an example. While the no hard ending rule definitely applies to characters such as Omega, Echo, Rex, Emerie. It does feel like the ending we got for Crosshair, Wrecker and Hunter was the hardest ending we have gotten in Star Wars in a long time. And I am completely happy with that fact.
A story needs an end. Now of course this is my opinion, but if you keep doing soft endings you’ll eventually get to the point in a decade or two where you grow tired of the character and just stop following it up.
Hard endings are important for a story because it means it’s done.
Now I have a feeling many of you may disagree with me. I want to stress though I am not saying soft endings are bad. I liked the bad batch and TCW and rebels. All three shows have soft endings. I am saying following a show up with another soft ending after another soft ending. And then never doing a hard ending is a bad idea. Because eventually you run out of the story and you just end it forever on a soft ending. And that in itself isn’t satisfying. It’s why I personally prefer shorter fanfiction. Or completed fanfiction.
Doesn’t mean I won’t read long stories. I do. But a part of me gets bummed when there is no ending because a creative abandoned it. In the Ahsoka movie Dave has a fantastic opportunity to do a hard ending. Do I think he’ll take it? All signs point to no.
Again this may just be me. But my point here is I do think you should have a general hard ending in mind for characters and plots. And I honestly don’t think Filoni does. Because he likes playing with the characters so much. Maybe he’ll prove me wrong.
Maybe this is why I like the ending of Revenge of the Sith so much. Because while it isn’t a hard ending. In many ways it is a hard ending for those characters. Padme dies. Anakin for all intents and purposes dies and the man Obi Wan was is buried deep down. It’s a hard ending for who those characters are.
Just my two cents.
Also this doesn’t reflect my opinion on spinoffs. I think that’s a wholly different debate.
So I think soft endings are fine as long as you do have a hard ending in mind eventually.
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tranakin-skywalker · 1 year ago
how exactly does tcw handle zygerria? i’ve been really adverse to watching it because of what i’ve seen surrounding anakin’s characterisation in that arc and i don’t know if i’d feel up to it even if the angst potential is soo high and fucked up and could be interesting to explore
It's... not great I'll be honest.
I'm not sure how much you're familiar with the arc, but they have Anakin go undercover as a slaver, which, okay sure. Going undercover in a way that is deeply uncomfortable and traumatic for him, but means saving innocent people, really great opportunity to explore Anakin's character and what an experience like that would do to him. Only, the show doesn't bother with any of that.
He acts pretty unbothered about the whole thing. Not in a way that makes it seem like he's deflecting, either. He really doesn't seem all that bothered about pretending to be a slave master, or that he has to whoo the queen of a slave empire.
And it's not like the creators forgot that he was a child slave and lived this reality for the first nine years of his life. He outright mentions the fact that his mother was sold in a slave market like the one they're walking through at one point.
Then there's the whole thing with Ahsoka posing as his slave. I... cannot imagine any universe where Anakin would be okay with something like that. Putting her in that position does not seem in character for him at all.
Then you add in some of the dialogue the writers put in there...
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Who are you and what have you done with my boy?
This just does not in any shape way or form seem in character for him? Making light of the situation and joking about things to distract from how viscerally uncomfortable this is all making him? Sure. But not like this.
And then there's the end of the arc, where (spoilers) the Zygerrian Queen dies. This is a character who 1) rules a slave empire, 2) has enslaved and tortured Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Rex and used them as hostages to get Anakin to do what she wants and 3) was implied by the show to have coerced Anakin into sex (genuinely cannot believe a kids show got away with that one) and the creators had the gall to have Anakin cradle her body as she died. The guy who murdered an entire village for killing his mother, held this woman and looked sad as she died.
I do not understand the decisions made here. I really don't.
Honestly, if you're interested in the angst of the episode but not the execution, just skip the show and read some fanfic about the Zygerria arc. There's a lot of really great ones that focus on the events of the arc and the aftermath.
Some of my favorites:
System Reset by That_Ghost_Kristoff. Honestly, this whole series is great
Dog Bites by Husborth
Goes to Ground also by Husborth cuz she's awesome like that
Time by katierosefun
Or you could read the Clone Wars comic of Slaves of the Republic, which actually handles the arc a lot better.
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octoperson-just-because · 1 year ago
i've seen a post the other day that was a some kind of analysis of a scene from tcw blue shadow virus arc where it was stated that anakin forgot about his padawan in favour of padme after they were both rescued from that lab with the blue shadow virus.
however i've recently rewatched the said arc and i cannot exactly agree that anakin forgot about anyone? when the virus is set loose, the lab is sealed and obi-wan and anakin go back to theed, they're immediately told there's an antidote on a planet iego and anakin wants to go there the very next second because, and i almost quote, his padawan and padme are trapped in the lab. he doesn't forget about either of them through the episode. when he and obi-wan talk about them, they talk about them both.
now, he does kind of disregard the clones' lives but no more than any other character so far? besides general krell or whatever was that guy's name from the incident on umbara. the clones are generally treated horribly, just as separatists droids are, anakin isn't even the worst here.
also, back to padme, before they're all rescued padme and ahsoka call obi-wan and anakin, saying that they destroyed all the droids and the planet is safe. then padme tells anakin to never unseal the lab and says her goodbyes to him, clearly thinking she's going to die soon. so i really cannot begrudge at a man, who thought his wife was going to die so very very soon, for running straight to her to check on her. and i don't quite see her praise about ahsoka as a reminder to him about his padawan since he has never forgotten about her in the first place. and he made sure to praise her, it's not like he could do more after the rescue than he'd already done for all the victims of the virus.
and there was also a point about how padme was less sick than ahsoka. yeah, padme was exposed to the virus later than ahsoka but if you closely, ahsoka is a little bit more resistant to the virus than humans. like, when she and padme call anakin and obi-wan, padme looks almost as bad as ahsoka even though she fell ill later than her. besides, viruses tend influence different people differently, and i believe that is also the case here, since there's at least one clone who presumably died only after a few hours of getting ill. this all, of course, doesn't excuse anyone treating ahsoka's condition lighter than padme's. and nobody does treat it lightly? and certainly not anakin.
(the virus is kind of weird by the way. if it kills so quickly how can it be carried from a person to person? shouldn't it be a little slower or something...)
so these are my thoughts. you don't have to agree with me, that's fine, i don't exactly need to know about that. this is just what i've seen myself and how i interpreted it.
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jedi-enthusiast · 2 years ago
I just saw @saltinestyle’s 20 day post about how people bash the Jedi for being unemotional assholes
To me it’s just another inclination of how much society’s intelligence going down the drain
Because if they were portrayed emotional in another alternate reality the fandom would bash the Jedi for being too emotional and sensitive
You can’t win with these individuals
So I’ve got to ask what is your take on this
I’ve known you have backed Jedi on several points from their beliefs to their response to anakin’s and subsequently Palpatine’s actions
What is your take and argument to the people who would just as likely bash Jedi for Being too sensitive and emotional?
I honestly feel like this is all just another example of- “no matter what, people who hate the Jedi are going to find some way to demonize them.”
The thing is, the Jedi are emotional---we see them express their emotions, both in the movies and TCW. We see them express happiness, sadness, annoyance, anger, fear, worry, etc.
So when people say- “the Jedi are cold/unemotional” -they’re just straight up lying, because we see otherwise. They’re just not overly emotional, they don’t lash out because of their emotions or let their emotions control them---which is what people take as proof of them being “unemotional,” despite the fact that what they practice is very emotionally healthy.
Ignoring that, though, and going back to your question.
Again, no matter what, people who want to hate the Jedi will find some way to demonize them and read their actions in bad faith.
They fight in the war? They’re war-mongering hypocrites who took control of a slave army, therefore becoming slavers themselves.
They don’t fight in the war? They’re just self-righteous assholes that left the galaxy to rot while they sat back in their ivory tower, doing nothing while the clones suffered and died at the hands of people like Tarkin.
They listen to the Senate? They’re just the Senate’s lap dogs, how dare they follow the orders of the corrupt Senate when they could just do things without any backing---consequences be damned!
They don’t listen to the Senate? They’re out of control and need to be kept in check, how dare they just take things into their own hands without answering to any authority other than their own!
They control their emotions? They’re a bunch of cold emotionless jackasses who look down on things like love and empathy, and punish those who care about those around them.
They’re more emotional? They’re a bunch of irresponsible morons who shouldn’t be in charge of anything because they’re too emotional- “what if they end up bombing (nuking) Serreno (Russia) because they get emotional (their period)?”
(The argument people use against female presidents comes to mind and it’s how I think people would treat the Jedi if they were more visibly emotional than we see)
It's all just a no-win situation for the Jedi, where they're bad if they do one thing and bad if they do anything else as well---there's just no way to convince anti-Jedi people that the Jedi are good, because they'll just read whatever the Jedi do in bad faith and find some way to view it as a bad thing.
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reconstructwriter · 3 months ago
@charmwasjess ah an open-ended ask 😊 Given the recent holidays I’m in the mood to yammer about “A Life Day Lament”, my Star Wars spin on the Christmas Carol. It was my first *checks ao3* no my second story in the Star Wars fandom because I am compelled to write a spin-off of Christmas Carol in every single fandom I get into.
(My preemptive apologies to The Untamed/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation fandom)
Anyway I was very new to Star Wars – hadn’t watched any of the movies in decades, no tcw (2003 or 2008), no new shows, hadn’t even seen that infamously wretched holiday special (I had to look up what Life Day was, blissfully ignorant of the terrible movie intertwined therein). Every bit of Star Wars stuff in that fanfic was cannibalized from those I read before or snagged from brief, repeated checks of Wookiepedia. And wow did that fic not go at all like I wanted to.
Initially Anakin/Darth Vader was my Scrooge. He was the main bad guy, lots of his associates fit various Christmas Carol roles. Shmi made for an amazing twist on a ‘business partner’ bound not by her own sins but by those of her son committed in her name (bummed that I never included that). Qui Gon made for a too-perfect Ghost of Christmas Present (except I needed him to be in the past), Rex in Bob Cratchit’s place…
But I stalled out early on. Anakin just isn’t very Scroog-ey. Asshole yes. Crosser of Moral Event Horizons, sure. But Scrooge specifically? He hadn’t an aristocratic bone in his body, his evilness leaned towards hiding horrors behind an open personality, many of his associates were inconveniently alive, etc. I needed someone cold, someone lonely, someone who was ‘solitary as an oyster’, someone who had already murdered most/all their loved ones. The more I typed on this story the harder the words fought me, the more stuff I had to look up, the more I struggled to merge Anakin’s narrative with Scrooge’s into something resembling coherency. And I failed. I couldn’t write this I didn’t know enough yet.
Hey, what about this…whatshisname? The Count Dooky guy.
On a whim I looked this guy up on Wookiepedia and whoo boy! Deceased partner (friend? Lover?) Check. And the dude who helped create the clones. I gave Sifo-Dyas delightfully creepy chains made of the bones of clones who’d been decommissioned. Dooku/Darth Tyrannus also fits the Scrooge personality almost to a T – formerly a nice guy driven by fear and greed towards his current horrible self, aloof, aristocratic, incredibly lonely having conveniently murdered most of his loved ones. This gave me a plethora of ghosts to choose from and let me twist the knife a little further with each one! Dooku also died just before the rise of the Empire and at Anakin’s hands which made Darth Vader an utterly phenomenal ghost of Life Day future for him.
So I scrapped something like 10-20k words, read through the OG Christmas Carol and started again. The words leapt to my fingers and I was (and still am) pretty proud of how this turned out. Knowing what I know now I’d have put a canon clone as Tiny Tim, not an OC and given them a bigger role but otherwise I think my fic turned out well.
And that was the start of Dooku sticking his big stupid nose into my stories.
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clone-wars-retteyo-au · 5 months ago
Clone Wars Retteyo AU Lore: Beliefs on Mindfulness & Death
(Part of my SW TCW clone-centric AU)
I find the clones' mindset on death to be fascinating, so I decided it would be good to add a section discussing this somewhat unique aspect of Retteyan culture, as it's a bit different from most and a major cultural difference between clones and many of their natborn counterparts.
Many clones who fought during the war saw their loved ones die all the time, to the point that they became desensitized to it. They were also kind of made with a certain kind of resilience and ability to process violence and death easier. When someone died on the battlefield, you mourned for a short while, then moved on. Or at the very least, you mourned after the battle was done, and then moved on to the next thing. You could still feel grief for a long period of time, but you never let it affect you and your everyday life. 
This is kind of the case in canon, actually, and it made me realize something interesting about the clone troopers: while Jedi believe in the concept of “no attachments”/mindfulness, clone troopers are extremely skilled at practicing it. They care about each other as a whole, and can form deep bonds, but they don’t let things like grief or their feelings for others get in the way of their work. They are, as I said above, able to move forward after a loss, and see it as a part of life, even if it’s sad.
Clones’ main focus above all is the Republic and fighting for it, and it takes a lot for them to stray from that path. Even when some stop fighting for the Republic, they will fight for the rights of their fellow clones. They are far from disconnected from their emotions, but they don’t tend to linger on them as often or grieve in the same way, prioritizing the bigger picture over their personal feelings.
It’s hard to describe, but I think most people can get my point. Due to both this and the fact that the Jedi did have an influence on the mindsets of many of the clones around them, I believe that many clones would fully believe in and practice mindfulness, even if indirectly. They would then pass this on to future generations, teaching them to accept the death of loved ones as a part of life, and while you can grieve, you don’t need to linger on it.
This is why I think Retteyans would have a very interesting relationship with the concept of death. Not only are they shown to move on pretty quickly from death in canon, or at least process and accept it very quickly, but they (or at least the much older ones) were taught that their lives don’t matter all that much. They’re also forced to accept that they could die at any moment, and are extremely aware of that.
We eventually see them realize that they aren’t expendable and their lives do matter, but they still seem to be aware that death could come at any second and anyone you know could die very suddenly. During the Umbara arc, Fives actually accepts his death pretty quickly, and while Jesse is displeased, he isn’t freaking out about it, showing that clones are pretty calm about dying. Finally, they already have pretty shortened lifespans. Thus, they are forced to accept their own deaths pretty quickly into the war.
I conclude that while Retteyans do grieve and begin holding things like memorial services, they treat death as simply another part of life, and don’t fear it as much as others might. They obviously have a sense of self-preservation and do experience a fear of dying, obviously, at least in the moment. But they’re more concerned with the type of death than death itself. As long as it’s somewhat honorable, they can accept it pretty easily. They don’t worry about death or contemplate on it too much. They simply live while they can and spend time with those they care about.
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ebisul · 8 months ago
TCW Rewatch: Season 2 Episodes 19-22
The more I comment on the different relationships the more I wonder if im possibly on the aroace spectrum.
I will continue to call myself bisexual tho, very Obi Wan Kenobi of me i think
Episode 19: The Zillo Beast Strikes
* Poor zillo, this feels unethical
* Actually no it’s absolutely unethical
* Ani folded so fast
* Idk why anyone is suprised it managed to escape, thats what happens when you take it to the most populated planet you could to think of
* The zillo targeting palpatine specifically is so me
* “I wish we had never brought the beast here” me too padme! This was a horrific idea on every possible level
* They should just put it on a uninhabited planet like they had originally planned
* This is what i like to call Karma, palps
* I like that R2 is sliding with everyone else when he can literally straight up fly
* The Zillo was so close to saving the entire Galaxy
* I wont cry I wont cry I wont cry I wont cry
* So the zillo on tantiss is cloned i figured
Episode 20: Death Trap
* Theyre already bullying Boba
* Boba is not hiding The Rage very well
* Who trained Boba? Bc the scene with shooting decoys doesnt make sense if he has like no real formal training
* Windu retrieving the clones body, i love when its just blatantly obvious that the Jedi care about the clones
* Boba only wants revenge on Windu, He wants to leave everyone else alone
* God the interaction in the core is so sad, that trooper felt so betrayed
* I hate aurra
* Boba is such an interesting character in tcw like he obviously feels remorse and makes the decision anyways
Episode 21: R2 Come Home
* I swear to god if ponds dies here
* I wont believe ponds is dead until i see a body
* Thank fuck hes alive
* The bounty hunters took them as hostages
* They plan on assassinating Windu for Dooku and think they can demand double if they get Anakin too
* How the fuck is he not only alive but awake under all that rubble
Episode 22: Lethal Trackdown
* More of remorseful Boba
* Ponds dies this episode doesnt he
* D:
* Im distraught
* They just left his fucking body to drift in space what the fuck
* I remember why i hate aurra
* They sure do talk about Jango a lot without giving me any new Jango lore, please im begging
* Hondo and Aurra is unexpected and unwanted, im am physically grimacing
* Poor kid, someone needs to adopt boba fr, or someone better than aurra at least
* Ahsoka saves the remaining hostages
* Boba gets arrested
War Crime Counter:
Separatists: 12
Republic: 7
im counting the extinction of the zillo bc i can
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year ago
One of the things that upset me most about Dark Disciple & the Quinlan/Asajj romance is just how much it's the writers smashing their action figures together. In general, the entirety of Asajj's TCW storylines also severely lack thought other than somebody playing a game with their dolls.
Let me explain. Asajj has a lot of potential. Her character and themes from the get-go (concept art for AOTC Sith) are full of intrigue and mystery. You want to know this character and whatever is behind her, why is she doing all this, and how she got there. And TCW answers that question pretty well. She was a Nightsister baby who was given to a slaver and later trained by a Jedi Master who died, she encountered Dooku and trained under him, only to get betrayed by him and return to her Nightsister roots, causing the murder of almost all Nightsisters and her transition to a Bounty Hunter and …redemption? leading to her eventual death at the hands of Count Dooku.
The thing is, this story feels so all over the place for me. There are themes, sure, but other than a clear motivation, something is missing. There's no point to her character. When she's introduced in The Clone Wars movie, she's just a flirty villain for Obi-Wan to quip and play off of. In the end, when she dies, she furthers a male character's character development we never even see afterward. TCW has plenty of pointless characters, don't get me wrong. But her story starts nowhere and goes nowhere, only affecting her and having no real story importance or relevance outside of that. It also means nothing. There are no repercussions to Dooku taking on an apprentice, no, uh, how do I put this. Her story is full of themes but no meaning. No underlying plotline or development that feels natural and beneficial to her character. That wouldn't be a problem if she was just a throwaway villain, coming in once in a while to flirt with Obi-Wan or fight with Ahsoka. But because of the natural interest in her, the intrigue and mystery, they gave her a story. Not even a motivation, a story that came out of nowhere and in watching back might feel like just an elaborate build-up to Maul's return. Instead of looking at the character and, idk, thinking about how you can develop her current character and the yet-unexplored background with Obi-Wan and her relationship to the Dark Side, they threw her into that whole Nightsister bullshit. And then that wasn't enough and they made her a bounty hunter because they wanted a Boba Fett & friends episode. For the love of god, if she knew about the Nightsisters, why wouldn't she go to them earlier? You didn't tell us how she found out and who told her, so why THE FUCK would she go to Dooku after her mentor's death and not to her people? What of all things made her go to Dathomir in Nightsisters? Why would an ex-dark sider with (probably) knowledge of Dooku's most secret plans who just lost the people she just found go and be a Bounty Hunter? And what about that redeems her? What the fuck was she doing on Coruscant? If she hated Dooku so much and knew she couldn't kill him alone, why would a single Jedi help her do it? What is her motive and why was she so loyal to Dooku if she's just going to throw the Dark Side and her hate for the Jedi out of the window like that? Does she have principles? Character motivations? Is there a point to any of that?
Legeneds version aside, what does she mean? Is she the last survivor? Is she a failed apprentice? Does she just want to be loved but gets consumed by the Dark Side? She's all of these things but none of them consistently. If character development happened, I'd have no problem with her character changing. But it DOESN'T. Things just happen to her and we barely see any reaction to it from her. To me, she's kind of like Thrawn if we never got the (canon) books, empty and lacking any character motivation.
In Dark Disciple, instead of expanding on the actual character, they just kept on putting her in situations. Because we don't really see her POV anywhere in the book, and she's not written to express emotion openly, she feels like she was molded to fit the story instead of the story being character-focused and following her and Quinlan's development through a situation. The only time her character feels well-written in the canon era to me (not just in a fun comic story) is in Dooku: Jedi Lost, which actually shows us her perspective for once, and even if she still lacks motivation, it feels like a story of her character and not of her action figure. She has a character and a personality throughout all of Canon, don't get me wrong. I can't accidentally write her like Ahsoka. But a character and what the writers do to put it in a story are two different things.
And I know I said I wouldn't get into the Legends part of it all, but even in a few shorts and a handful of comics, there seems to be a much more consistent line of thought and an arc to her character than there is in the canon version. The best way I can describe it, tbh, is that something just clicks with the way her story and role are in Legends, while in canon it feels like 10 different people trying to put together 15 different jigsaw puzzles. Maybe it's the fewer writers, maybe it's the different approach to story-telling in general, it's just very different to me. Right now (since a May comic issue and excluding the mention in Ahsoka), there isn't any new Asajj content, so it's not really a problem. But if they ever do something new with her I need them to get their fucking shit together and make it make sense.
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warsamongthestars · 10 months ago
On to the ranting, because the ride never ends for me.
( Warning to you Hunter fans, I am going after him this time. Avert your gazes, for I am going to shred this man like cheese. )
That end message of the finale with the whole "We can't be Clone Force 99 without Tech"... and the whole "We can be who we want to be now!"
... Dude, they spent 2 seasons being CF99 without you, Cross. Didn't even discuss anything about it either. They went "We have this kid now, that we knew all of 30 minutes, and went back for without ever talking to you once while you were going insane in front of ours eye... Buh-Bye now!"
Tech was not the glue holding the team together.
Frankly, nothing was holding the team together besides contrivance... because everything that made CF99 into CF99 was left behind in the Clone Wars Show, in favor of a copycat idiot plot where the Writers and Directors fanfic'd three seasons outta nonsense, and left all the important bits off the script.
As for "We CaN bE wHaT wE wAnT". ( Which still fucking kills me )
Congratulations, it took TBB Hunter 3 years to grasp, what TCWs Hunter already knew in less than 15 minutes outta a 4 episode arc.
And it only took the brainwashing and torture of one brother, and the entire death of another. At a certain point, I'm pretty sure TBB Hunter is the antagonist here, just not the villian (Because we cannot attribute to malice, what can clearly be seen as sheer unadulterated stupid).
TCWs Hunter would've fucking killed him. I place credits on it.
Its not a case of "Oh past hunter doesn't like future self" oh no no no. TBBshow is an entire alternate universe to TCWshow, as it bends on the whims of amateur writers and corporate greed rather than the story and characters.
( And there is no reason for any of what happened, to have happened. The only thing that ever had any guarantee of what folks have called "canon", had been Order 66.... and that's it. )
Its a case of:
THe original Hunter would've taken one look at this sad spineless excuse of an alternate version of him, saw the negligence that cost 3 teammates, 2 of which are likely life-long batchmates (HCs aside), and would've just fucking lost his gods damn mind. Would've just outright shown that he isn't just Billy from Predator, but in fact, Predator in clone form. You don't get a name like Hunter for a Modified-Gene Super Soldier with Super Senses and think he's an average gods damn joe you find at Walmart.
And you don't get a tight-knit squad like TCWs CFF99, without having some real consequences on what happens when one of them is taken or dies.
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