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skittle-is-little · 9 months ago
went insane
drew 117 ants
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tag yourself
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moeroy · 4 months ago
"yay it's snowing!!!" Um did you check under the snow? Under the snow?
Have you been bitten recently? A lost species of ants used to hide under the snow in Sweden and would bite any people passing by. These bites would cause the person to go insane, and slowly become an ant. Because how else would the population grow?
Fortunately a shipping container traveling to the United States accidentally obtained these snow ants before. So now they are invasive. Did you check ALL the snow? Eventually they developed to eventually camouflage eventually into the snow.
So around the beginning of the 20th century there were mass disappearances because of these ants. But ants are good. Although eventually the human immune system started to detect these bites and fought back, curing the illness.
This fascinated the ants, so they burrowed under peoples houses to spy on them. But then they hath all passed away from ye olde spanish flu.
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invertebake · 2 years ago
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1364. Ant Farm
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chbnews · 9 months ago
-Anon cabin 3 camper (PLEASE HELP)
AHHHH it’s probably from Percy munching on his snacks in bed again 😭 - Drew Tanaka 🍓
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antposting · 2 years ago
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the-ants · 5 months ago
ANTS!!!!!!!!! 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜
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1:    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y    34/36    (24/26)    (10/10)
2:    00 04 05 08 10 12 13 15 16 17 21 24 25 28 31 33 35 36 39 41 42 43 44 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 63 68 69 71 75 77 79 80 82 83 84 87 89 90 92 93 94 98 ac ag ai al an ap ar as at ay ba be bi bo bp bs bu ca ce ch ci cl co ct da de di ds du dv ea eb ec ed ee ei el em en ep er es et ev ex fa fi fo fr ga ge gh gi gl go gs ha he hi ho ic id ig ik im in io ir is it iv ke ki le lf li ll lo ls lu ly ma mb me mi mo mp ms mu my nd ne ng no ns nt ny ob od of og om on oo or os ot ou ow pa pe pl po pp ps pu qu ra rc rd re ri rm ro rr rs rt sb se sh si so sp sq ss st ta te th ti tl to tp ts tu tw ua ub ud ug us ut va vd ve vi wa wh wi wo xc xe xp ye yo yt yw    217/1296    (167/676)    (50/360)
3:    000 056 087 104 105 108 128 131 136 152 179 212 213 256 283 313 315 392 421 433 443 482 483 493 516 550 569 639 680 715 775 824 835 843 900 941 989 ach aga ain alf all als and ant any app are ari ars art asi aso ati bas bee bei bel bin bob bpa bsp bsq but cal cen cha cis clu com cte ded der din div dua dvd eac ear eas ebo ece ect een ein ele elo emi ent epa era erc ere eri erm ese esp esq est ete ets eva exc exe exp fal fir for fro gai geb gep ges get gin gle goo hal har hat hem her hes hin his hit hos hou how ica idu igi ike ime ind ine ing int ion iou irr irs ise ite ith iti itl itp its ive ivi kin les let lev lik lin lit lly low lse lso lud man mbi men mes min moo mpl mut nda nde ndi ned nes nge ngs not nte nts nyw obp obs ogl omb omp ond one ong ons ood oog ord ori orm ose osi ost oth oug ous out pan pea pec per ple pon pos ppe put qua ral rci rde rds reb rec rel rem rep res rig rim rin rio rms rmu rom rre rst sbo sea see shi sic sit son spo squ ssp ssq ste tat ted ter tha the thi tho tim tio tit tiv tle ton tpo tps tsb tss tub two ual uar ube udi ugh uta utu van var ves vid way wha wit wor xcl xer xpe yea you ytp ywa    285/46656    (248/17576)    (37/12960)
4:    1056 1087 2131 2569 3136 3152 4212 4824 4835 6392 agai ally alse also ants anyw appe areb arep ares ario asic ason atio basi been bein belo bine bobp bobs bpan bspo bsqu call cent char cise clud comb comp cted deri ding divi dual each ears easo ebob ecen ecte eing elev elow emin epan eral erci eres erim erin ermu espo esqu este evan excl exer expe fals firs form from gain gebo gepa gesq gets goog half hart here hese hing hitp hits hose houg ical idua igin imen imes inda inde indi ined ines ings inte ions ious irre irst iter ithi itio itiv itle itpo ives ivid kind lete leva like line lite ludi many mbin ment mind mood mple muta nded nder ndiv ngeb ngep nges nter ntsb ntss nywa obpa obsp obsq ogle ombi ompl onde onge oogl orde ords orig orms osit othe ough outu pant pear pect peri perm plet pond pong posi post ppea quar rall rcis rder rebo rece rele remi repa resp rest rigi rime ring riou rmut rrel sbob seas shit sica siti spon squa sspo ssqu sted tati tera tere that them ther thes thin this thos thou time tion titl tive tles tpos tsbo tssp tssq tube uare udin utat utub vant vari vidu what with word xclu xerc xpec xper year yout ytps yway    231/1679616    (221/456976)    (10/466560)
5:    again antsb antss anywa appea arebo arepa aresp ariou asica ation basic being below bined bobpa bobsp bobsq bpant bspon bsqua cally chart cludi combi compl derin divid eason ecent ected eleva emind epant erall ercis erest erime ering ermut espon esqua ested evant exclu exerc expec exper false first forms gebob gepan gesqu googl hings hitpo hough icall idual iment inded indiv inter irrel itera ithin ition itive itles itpos ividu kinda levan lines liter ludin mbine minde mplet mutat nderi ndivi ngebo ngepa ngesq ntere ntsbo ntssp ntssq nyway obpan obspo obsqu ombin omple onder ongeb ongep onges oogle order origi ositi other outub pants pears pecte perim permu plete ponde ponge posit ppear quare rally rcise rderi rebob recen relev remin repan respo reste rigin rimen rious rmuta rrele seaso shitp sical sitio sitiv spong squar sspon ssqua tatio teral teres these thing those thoug times tions title tives tpost tsbob tsspo tssqu uareb uarep uares uding utati utube vario vidua withi words xclud xerci xpect xperi years youtu    172/60466176    (172/11881376)
6:    antsbo antssp antssq anyway appear arebob arepan arespo arious asical ations basica bobpan bobspo bobsqu bpants bspong bsquar cludin combin comple dering dividu elevan eminde epants erally ercise ereste erimen ermuta espong esquar exclud exerci expect experi gepant gesqua google hitpos ically indivi intere irrele iteral itions itives itpost ividua levant litera luding mbined minded mplete mutati nderin ndivid ngebob ngepan ngesqu nteres ntsbob ntsspo ntssqu obpant obspon obsqua ombine omplet onderi ongebo ongepa ongesq orderi origin ositio ositiv outube pantsb pantss pected perime permut ponder pongeb pongep ponges positi ppears quareb quarep quares rderin recent releva remind repant respon rested riment rmutat rrelev season shitpo sicall sition sitive sponge square sspong ssquar tation terall terest things though titles tsspon tssqua uarebo uarepa uaresp utatio variou vidual within xcludi xercis xpecte xperim youtub    133/2176782336    (133/308915776)
7:    antsbob antsspo antssqu appears arepant arespon asicall basical bobpant bobspon bobsqua bsponge bsquare cluding combine complet dividua elevant eminded erested eriment ermutat esponge esquare excludi exercis expecte experim gepants gesquar hitpost individ interes irrelev iterall ividual literal mutatio ndering ndividu ngepant ngesqua nterest ntsspon ntssqua obpants obspong obsquar ombined omplete onderin ongebob ongepan ongesqu orderin osition ositive pantsbo pantssp pantssq perimen permuta ponderi pongebo pongepa pongesq positio positiv quarebo quarepa quaresp rdering relevan reminde repants respong rmutati rreleva shitpos sically sitions sitives spongeb spongep sponges squareb squarep squares ssponge ssquare tations terally tereste tsspong tssquar uarebob uarepan uarespo utation various xcludin xercise xpected xperime youtube    105/78364164096    (105/8031810176)
8:    antsspon antssqua arepants arespong asically basicall bobpants bobspong bobsquar combined complete dividual ermutati excludin exercise expected experime gesquare individu interest irreleva iterally literall mutation ndividua ngepants ngesquar ntereste ntsspong ntssquar obsponge obsquare ondering ongepant ongesqua ordering ositions ositives pantsbob pantsspo pantssqu periment permutat ponderin pongebob pongepan pongesqu position positive quarebob quarepan quarespo relevant reminded responge rmutatio rrelevan shitpost spongebo spongepa spongesq squarebo squarepa squaresp terested tssponge tssquare uarepant uarespon utations xcluding xperimen    72/2821109907456    (72/208827064576)
9:    antsspong antssquar aresponge basically bobsponge bobsquare ermutatio excluding experimen individua intereste irrelevan literally mutations ndividual ngesquare nterested ntssponge ntssquare ongepants ongesquar pantsspon pantssqua permutati pondering pongepant pongesqua positions positives quarepant quarespon rmutation rrelevant spongebob spongepan spongesqu squarebob squarepan squarespo uarepants uarespong xperiment    42/101559956668416    (42/5429503678976)
10:    antssponge antssquare ermutation experiment individual interested irrelevant ongesquare pantsspong pantssquar permutatio pongepants pongesquar quarepants quarespong rmutations spongepant spongesqua squarepant squarespon uaresponge    21/3656158440062976    (21/141167095653376)
11:    ermutations pantssponge pantssquare permutation pongesquare quaresponge spongepants spongesquar squarepants squarespong    10/131621703842267136    (10/3670344486987776)
12:    permutations spongesquare squaresponge    3/4738381338321616896    (3/95428956661682176)
anyway that put me in a Mood, and combined with my other recent post it reminded me of an experiment I’ve been pondering for years
google hits for the various permutations of ordering the individual words within ‘Spongebob Squarepants’:
Spongebob Squarepants - 35,900,000 but that one’s kinda expected, not what I’m interested in. Squarepants Spongebob - 843,000 but see below Bobpants Spongesquare - 3,680 Spongepants Squarebob - 2,550 Squarebob Spongepants - 989 Spongesquare Bobpants - 516 Bobsponge Squarepants - 443 Bobsponge Pantssquare - 433 Bobsquare Spongepants - 128 Bobpants Squaresponge - 104 Pantssquare Bobsponge - 83 Squaresponge Bobpants - 55 Pantsbob Squaresponge - 54 Spongepants Bobsquare - 53 Bobsquare Pantssponge - 36 Pantsbob Spongesquare - 33 Spongebob Pantssquare - 10 Spongesquare Pantsbob - 7 Squaresponge Pantsbob - 6 Squarepants Bobsponge - 5 Pantssquare Spongebob - 5 Pantssponge Bobsquare - 3 Squarebob Pantssponge - 1 Pantssponge Squarebob - 1
Squarepants Spongebob gets a ton of false positives from things like The Origin of SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete First Season (DVD)
also literally like half of these are the titles of YTPs or other forms of youtube shitpost
here’s a chart of all the positions and how many times each word appears in them though (again, excluding those first two lines for being basically irrelevant to this exercise):
1 2 3 4 Sponge 3136 941 4835 283 Bob 4824 1087 715 2569 Square 1056 775 3152 4212 Pants 179 6392 493 2131
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aussie-roadkill · 6 years ago
“I’m pretty sure [a bite from D.Gigas] is gonna be even more painful than fire ants”
well yes, a bite would be, fire ants have pitiful mandibles, a bite will just tickle, but they sting, and Dinomyrmex don’t have stingers so all they can do is bite. It’d be a sharp pinch, but nothing agonising
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voidedvisions · 4 years ago
how do i find an ecovillage to adopt me
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travellingbobs · 8 years ago
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Riding Santai #ANTSS #vespa #piaggio #piaggiomedley #lxv150
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wafifi · 3 years ago
Saved on Spotify "Bounce 2 Me - Antss Remix" by Miguel Lobo, Antss https://ift.tt/svRMfQE
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quackitytheduck · 3 years ago
please can conn. can connoreatsp antss please go live please
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confundida25 · 7 years ago
About antman and the wasp  **spoilers**
Thing i like 
Hank Pym ego, like in the movie a former college call him an unsuferable dIva, a power hungry, knowing all and he never made anything that make us believe he is exagerating, and that´s the Hank Pym i love
Janet Van dyme, like everytime she is on screen i cry, she is perfect. 
Luis commedy is the best comedy of all marvel, i don´t remember laugh so much in a marvel movie 
the super power of make things small and big shine in the movie, they change sizes soooo much, the giant ant¡¡ OMG THE GIANT ANTS¡¡ THE TINY LAB! THE TINY CARS!! 
Luis driving the tiny cars and changing size like a boss, give that man a suit 
The hole “family bussines” hope and Hank has a great dinamic, best father-daughter duo 
Scot and Hope, like, you totally buy their kind of romance, specially in the scene in the lab when hope is talking about how hard was to grow without  her parents and how scott just ruin everything betwen them and Scott just apologize and come back to his “I need to be a better dad for my daughter, she is the must important person to me and i would do anything for her” and you could see hope tiny hearth glow like... yea i´m gonna forgive you because despise everything you are a good dad and that really resanote with me because i just to have a crappy father 
The cuantum realm was really nice 
By the end they be friends with the villain of the movie, is such a small detail but in the t.v show and some comics hank has this big deal about reabilitate criminals and i don´t know... i like it 
Wasp was totally amazing and Scott was her sidesick 
Thing i don´t like/doesnt understeand about antman and the wasp 
We know that Scot have money problems because he was in prision and they make really clear that his bussines with Luis isnt goin well, So how on earth he can afford that freaking house?? a two floor mansion with garden and balconyes??? HOW???? 
Like seriusly.... it could be a much more  simpatetic caracther if he remains lock in the crappy apartment he has in the first movie or something alike, because i never feel sorry for him locking in his mansion. 
all the POC are or a bad guy or a comic relief... yes that happend... ITS annoying me a little..... i supose i had to live with that.... 
Janet Van Dyme perfect hair and makeup when they find her, 30 years lost and she look stunning!! Just janet things i guess
The FBI agents are to nice with scott, they never are mean or nothing, no, they just do their jobs and go to his mansion totally normal size house when the alarm sound, he even joke with them and play goffy around, i never felt the threat of the FBI agents, they act like mad teachers no real cops, if the cops come to my house for a federal crime i would be terrified, i don´t wanna said its feel like a white thing... but yea... 
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etayo-jd · 3 years ago
This is the set that I played for Seminor Lab at the @EggLondon Club Halloween Party 2021. Track list: 1- Agus Pazos - It's your World (Chris Gialanze Remix) 2- II Faces - Deep in You (Andrew Azara Remix) 3- Late Replies - Second Nature (Original Mix) 4- Moscoman feat. Eleonora - Escape (Dudfire Remix) 5- Nate S.U, Elijah Something - Late Night Rail (Original Mix) 6- Soulrack - Planet 4 (Original Mix) 7- Roberto Pagliaccia - Out of Tune (Prok & Fitch Extended Remix) 8- Ellie Cocks - On the Run (Original Mix) 9- Leon, Ben Kim - Dance Tunnel (Wheats Remix) 10- Perky Wires - Mr Jackson (Original Mix) 11- Kohman - Groovy Moody (Original Mix) 12- Rendher - Trailz 13- FLETCH (GB) - Walk & Talk (AJ Christou Extended Mix) 14- Tony Guerra, Hassio (COL) - We Are Fresh (Original Mix) 15- Chicks Luv Us - Dance Machine (Rendher Remix) 16- Acid Arab - Stil (Kincaid & Sinàl Near East Edit) 17- Pedro Costa - Activist (Original Mix) 18- Chris Stussy - Central Frenzy 19- Edu Imbernon & Solomon Grey feat. Nico Casal - Noso (Colyn Remix) 20- Francesco Poggi - The Love (Extended Mix) 21- Fred Symonds, Samira (NL) - Bass Kicks in (Original Mix) 22- Matthew Dekay - Heimreise (Original Mix) 23- Matt Egbert - Lilac Groove 24- Cuartero - Wasp 25- Kreutziger - Playground (Original Mix) 26- Leonardo Gonnelli - Meet My GF (Antss Remix) 27- Parsec (UK) - Atria #deeptechhouse #deephouse #techhouse #deeptech #deeptechminimal #minimaltech #microhouse #minimalhouse #minimaltechno #boatday #boatparty #clublife #housemusic #progressivehouse #nightclub #nightout #dj #london #club #party #partytime #night #djlife #fun #londonbynight #Friday
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the-ants · 5 months ago
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oddvanilla · 11 months ago
Oh no
1. I'm REALLY easily injured 😭 not because I'm sensitive, but because I'm always risking my life for unnecessary stuff💔💔 (my last injury was probably just now because I bit my finger and now it's bleeding???)
2. I managed to get a 97.8% average on my report card even after NOT doing any homework for all subjects (I SWEAR IT'S REAL)
3. I have something against ants😡😡 my friend picked up an ant and named it "Timothy" and made it a little home in the desk, but it wasn't 2 minutes before I violently and brutally killed it by stabbing Timothy 16 times with the sharp point of my pencil. If any of you are ants, beware. I will find you, I promise I will. And when I do, you're going to have to run. But you can't hide. Antss😊😊
@skullnbonezs @grraaacccceee @mikeyvampire @tobymustlive @d011irl @chibiwawa
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog ! (feel free to ignore)
I shal not ignore >:)
I fucking hate bees 🐝 (KILL IT WITH FIRE) *jk I know their actually good for the environment but I still hate them*
i once burned my hand on a stove
i believe the freedom is the right of all sentient beings
@ranboothesillyartist @pansexualcake9 @sk3llyr4yr4t @glitch-1983
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