#antropomorphic robot
apollyonarts · 1 month
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the prettiest girl in the corner of her home
[ Image ID: A digital illustration of Mirage from Ultrakill sitting in a corner of her home wearing a sweater, with blue sweatpants and blue sneakers with orange shoelaces. She is sitting in a ponderful position and has 3 dots above her head. End ID.]
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smilesabertooth · 2 months
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I am quite surprised by the good reception my first post about my oc "doggo robot"
By the way, her name is Nine
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wildbeautifuldamned · 8 months
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Astro Boy Atom Lapel Pins Badge Osamu Tezuka Japan Manga Anime Limited ebay iuoj56
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mrsleepband · 1 year
I’m so happy with how this drawing came out!!! His name is Gadget and he is a robot cat!!! he is not fuzzy he is made of metal the little poofs on his hair are fake and are metal his hair is hair tho
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cow-stealin-gal · 9 months
one of my cringiest drawings ever
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Self-inserted hug, by JL (me). Pencil drawing on copy paper, most likely 2016.
Her name was Carnivora.
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fipindustries · 7 months
robot dreams
man, ill never be able to hear september by earth wind and fire the same way again.
this is the most adorable love letter to new york in the 80's that you will ever see. this is the new york i grew up with in movies and tv shows in the 90's and to see it depicted with this much careful detail and delicious fun was just one hell of a good time.
its... a weird movie, ill say. it starts a little too mindlessly cute, then it progresses through a series of adorable and incredibly endearing vignettes and ends in a surprisingly bittersweet ending, with perhaps more sweet than bitter but still.
its a movie for the whole family that examines in a surprisingly mature way the little absurd insatisfactions of every day life and the nuances of friendships and human relationships. sometimes people drift apart through no fault of their own and this can be sad but also its a part of life. and life moves on and one learn to be happy with the new doors life opens.(1) its one of those movies with a zest for life, the lovingly renders the thousand little tiny beauties and frustations of mundanity.
also, i love any story that grabs antropomorphic animals living in a city and truly has fun with the concept, some of the best anthros ive seen in a movie in a long while, it is overflowing with personality and character and charm.
(1) spoilers: but also, on a deeper level this is pure cope, the fact that the dog and the robot dont get together at the end is pure bullshit and i am so mad about it >:(
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blastoisemonster · 1 year
Posting A Few More W's
Oh hey folks! The site's not dead at all, don't worry. It's just that I have accumulated so many GB cartridges now that my current decorated storage boxes are full- and I'm still in the process of painting a new one to start hoarding more. Mine's an organized collection, mind you U_U
Nevertheless I've been playing a lot elsewhere, mainly on the Switch because I realized I have one at home I mean, its library of graphic adventures has plenty of interesting titles, but also on several other consoles as me and my brother currently have a knack for platforming adventures. We're especially looking at some 3d explore-and-collect titles released during the early 2000s on consoles we never had the occasion to try at the time: GameCube, PS2, the original Xbox. I feel like this was a generation I completely missed, as when Nintendo's cube came out I could only read about it on magazines while I played my GBA (still very loved of course!) and its Sony and Microsoft rivals were pretty much unreachable for me (I doubt I was even aware of the Xbox's existence at the time, incredibly).
Anyway, wanna know what's the best thing about these 3D platformers? They all have a screen displaying your progress and all available collectibles, something that pushes players to go for a 100% complete run (which is one of the things I love the most about games- pretty sure the Pokèdex started this obsession of mine) and that's very easy to take a snapshot of, in order to show off the completed mission. So here's a gallery of our completed games! This is a spiritual sequel to my post about personal gaming achievements, as I feel seeing these screens is an achievement of its own.
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Vexx is a game with a very odd charm to it. My brother hates it and I partly agree with his distaste: it's flawed, oftentimes buggy, most of the difficulty is due to its unpolished controls. However I feel it also oozes with style, tries to paint a bigger picture than what's shown ingame and it's clear there was a special passion put into it, the developer team wanted to impress. I like the edgy protagonist and his design; I remember looking at a few dedicated advertisements and being very curious about it. Nevertheless, I admit taking this game to full completion was quite a pain! I'm proud of this screencap.
Super Mario Sunshine
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This title is a white whale for many players, since like half of the planet forgot the GameCube existed and now it racks up thousands on the secondhand market. I've always wanted to play Sunshine, it's the only 3D Mario chapter I was still missing and the reason why I was so very tempted to get 3D All Stars, yet I knew the Switch's emulation of the Cube was subpar. So we emulated it elsewhere. :V This game is so short! Everyone treats it like a gem and the general hype and mystique surrounding it might have elevated my expectations too much. Nevertheless we had fun, but less than what reviews promised us and if we have to choose, we'd still go for Galaxy over this.
The Incredible Machine
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Oops, here's the odd one out of the list. :P Me and TIM go way back, I already talked about this game in one of my earliest story posts and it still bears an important heritage in my childhood; however, I could never finish it back in the day! The later puzzles were too complex for kid me and my english was still extremely unripe to understand what I had to do in the stages. Seeing this screen would make younger me very proud!
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger
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If there was a class for mid 2000s abrasive platform mascots, Ty would have graduated with pomp and circumstance. This game follows every aspect of that trope to a… Ty. Antropomorphism, unusual species, comparative and aggressive advertising, catchphrases, characters trying to crack jokes every single time, an evil clone, the bad guy using robotics for end level bosses, big levels with lots of secret areas and tons of collectibles. Granted, not everything listed here is a bad thing: I appreciated the representation of australian fauna and enviroinments, also big levels and many collectibles were exactly what we were looking for when me and my brother started scouting for games to play. But there's also a huge level of unpolishness to it, like we played a beta of the game: it got too easy too fast with one of the boomerang powerups being an infinite machine gun and the other a literal nuke who automatically eliminated enemies (not that they were a threat before- we never got a game over); other boomerangs were barely employed in puzzles and game mechanics; transitions were nonexistent making cutscenes and level warps end abruptly; the sound design was especially lacking; the fire particles were absurd and we couldn't understand where it began and where it ended; similarly, the lacking shading on many platforms made jumps difficult. We got into a disagreement because I feel like this game should rank worse than Vexx while my brother swears it's Vexx still being inferior to this. We can't come to a conclusion on that. Anyway, this is as far as we can manage to go with Ty; the game is 100% complete with all collectibles except, sigh, five concept art collectibles out of 250. We literally combed all levels three times for them and like Dark Helmet's subordinates we ain't found shit. Also 250 concept art pieces? It really shows the game didn't fill up even a quarter of the disk (we were impressed on how short it was). If you're wondering why the screen's in german, my brother got quickly tired of the australian voice accent and wanted to hear all the other dubs. XD Are we gonna play the sequels? Fuck no!
I may get back to this post for the rest of the summer if we manage to take a picture of another completed collectathon! Otherwise, I'll make another in the future!
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charlott2200 · 3 years
Commissions /comisiones 💙💚💜
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Comisiones digitales abiertas 🎉 !!😊
Digital Commissions are now open 🎉!! 😊
-Empezando desde : 1 octubre ,2021
-informacion extra por mensaje
-Paypal/cuenta rut sera enviadas por mensage
(En la red social que viste el post tumblr,instagram o twitter)
-Starting  in : October 1 ,2021
-additional information by message
-PayPal /cuenta rut will be send by message
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Thanks to my friends for helping me with this 💞!! : scousehyena
meow_inwonderland /la_osa_verde /melancolia_sin_nombre /__babby_cake__ /xyeliss_official /amast_24
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jkflay · 4 years
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I realized I had a completed piece of the anteater character from my last work (the trio walking) done a loooong time ago, so here it is for everyone to see!
Currently, there’s not much to them (they don’t even have a name yet), but they are influenced by anteater/aardvark/armadillo mythology, where they’re defined by their never-ending quest (for what I’m not sure of yet).
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guisergestalt · 5 years
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All Terrain
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apollyonarts · 1 month
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(trans) mascs your mindflayer [Image ID 1: Digital illustration of the Mindflayer from Ultrakill, it has pectoral muscles with top surgery scars, visible abdominal muscles and a piece of fabric tied around its hips. It is reaching 1 arm behind its back and holding the fabric skirt with its other hand. End ID.] [Image ID 2: Digital illustration of the Mindflayer from Ultrakill, it has pectoral muscles with top surgery scars, visible abdominal muscles and a piece of fabric tied around its hips. It is reaching 1 arm behind its back and holding the fabric skirt with its other hand. It has mechanical tentacles surrounding it. End ID.]
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smilesabertooth · 6 months
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Robot girl
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wildbeautifuldamned · 9 months
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Kobunsha Kappa Comics Astro Boy #8 CGC SS 5.0 Sketch Mari Shimizu Rare 1964 ebay TM
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high-bear-art · 6 years
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I started my comic book project with a nickname ''Bluebird Schematic''.I use a nickname for the comic book so nobody can copyright the name of the comic book before me. It's just a placeholder name just like ''Blue Harvest'' the placeholder name for ''Star Wars Return of the Jedi'' This is NOT the comic book covers but a concept art for the main character in my comic. And a mobile Wallpaper for my Phone :) *Here is a old Bulgarian poem that inspire me for the plot of my comic... Hope you like it*               *White Swallow* Do not wait to get away from I do not know where you are,          deliver in a beak to bring you          and with the scissors on the wings          your sky to reshape.          If you are looking for a white swallow, from your own skin made yourself. The simple and children's model is familiar:          one or two sharp bends,          two straight, upright wings          and no luggage - can          to break away suddenly and farther away than the pearl to fly. And let it fall again from mid-flight,          broken on the sober land,          for reptiles,          but only one more experience,          but only one more risk to make your destiny like a swallow. And as the trembling yard of childhood          we're throwing a shit          to the heavenly white bird          from a sheet drawn from a notebook,          and she after an infinite circle suddenly the arrow, your feet went down ... So you will fall again to your land share.          Still in your pockets yet          free wind will whistle,          and on a broken wing          you will wear a scar of endlessness. And let the white crow crow to you. You are a white swallow!                          1981 - Blaga Dimitrova.
Visit me on my Deviantart
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novamorto · 6 years
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fipindustries · 1 year
and to go off on a tangent regarding this post.
ive always dismissed a little alan moore's idea that "the membrane separating reality from fiction is somewhat porous". because it always sounded so ambitiously silly and easy to disprove. we dont have dragons or superheroes or space aliens or magic in the real world! the world doesnt work like stories do! there are no great big heroes or brilliant machiavellian villains! obviously the real world is the real world, mundane, material, limited by whats actually real and possible.
but, as always with alan, just like when he talks about magic, there is a deeper, less literal, level at which to read what he says where it becomes insightful. "children grow up and try to make the world the one they dreamed of when they were children".
fiction is fiction, the things it depicts are often impossible. but by god that doesnt mean we will try our damn hardest to make it a reality, to try and make the world work the way we always wanted it to the moment we get an iota of power to exert over it.
look at furries! we all grew up with worlds in our tv and comics where antropomorphic animals walked around like people and talked like people and got into fun hijinks and those kids grew up and made the world into this
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think of all the engineers who grew up as kids watching star wars and have dedicated their entire careers to bring the lightsaber to the real world somehow
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think of all the sci-fi stories involving cool robots and how close we are today to actually cracking AGI.
but also,
well, in the video i quoted, on the previous post, kyle kallgreen mentions an article written by the creator of GI joe, and the regret he feels thinking about how the kids who grew up watching his fun show about an evil terrorist organization trying to take over the world would be military age by the time the irak war started. how many of them joined the army thinking of the cartoon about heroic supersoldiers saving the world in the back of his mind?
in short:
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