#anton levay
rings-of-darkness · 8 months
Title: "Unveiling Shadows: The Art of Satanic Ritual and the Suspension of Disbelief"
Posted by Damien Harker | Date: January 13, 2024
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In the tapestry of atheistic Satanism, where skepticism intertwines with the enigmatic, Damien Harker delves into the essence of Satanic ritual—an exploration inspired by the visionary Anton Szandor LaVey. Today, we embark on a journey into the shadows, where the suspension of disbelief becomes a key that unlocks the door to the profound in the realm of ritualistic practice.
[DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions and by no means representative of CoS as a whole.]
Embracing Rituals in Satanism:
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Satanism, in its incarnation, places emphasis on symbolism and ritual as tools for personal transformation rather than acts of worship. Damien Harker, inspired by the principles laid out by Anton LaVey, seeks to understand the role of Satanic rituals in fostering self-discovery and empowerment.
The Art of Suspension of Disbelief:
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At the heart of Damien's exploration lies the concept of suspension of disbelief—an intentional embrace of the ritual's symbolic power without a literal belief in supernatural entities. Much like a theatergoer immersing themselves in a play, the adept suspends disbelief to tap into the psychological and emotional impact of the ritual.
Anton LaVey's Influence:
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Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, emphasized the psychological aspects of ritual, recognizing the power of symbols and archetypes in shaping human consciousness. Damien Harker draws inspiration from LaVey's pragmatic approach, where rituals serve as psychodramas, potent tools for self-exploration and personal growth.
The Theater of the Mind:
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For Damien, Satanic ritual becomes a theater of the mind—a space where symbolism intertwines with personal narratives, allowing for a deep exploration of the self. The suspension of disbelief transforms the ritual into a visceral experience, unlocking the potential for profound introspection and psychological metamorphosis, Psychodrama.
The Rituals; Akin to Personal Alchemy:
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In the vein of Satanic philosophy, Damien views Satanic rituals as a form of personal alchemy—a transformative process that transmutes the symbolic elements of the ritual into psychological gold. Through intentional suspension of disbelief, participants immerse themselves in the rich symbolism, allowing the psyche to absorb and integrate the ritual's archetypal power.
Conclusion: Beyond the Veil of Symbolism:
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As Damien Harker navigates the intricate dance of Satanic ritual, he invites us to peer beyond the veil of symbolism. In the suspension of disbelief, he discovers a gateway to psychological profundity—an avenue through which atheistic Satanism becomes a dynamic and empowering force. Inspired by Anton Szandor LaVey's legacy, Damien embraces the art of Satanic ritual, where the suspension of disbelief transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, and the shadows become a canvas for self-discovery.
Thank you for reading and may the Luciferian Light guide you on the path of Skepticism and Enlightenment. Until we meet again, I am Damien Harker.
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A Prayer for My Death - FOETUS
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bijouxcarys · 7 months
I am a Satanist, and I’m bloody proud of it.
I am aware of the general misconceptions surrounding the religion. I prefer to call it a philosophy I utilise as a guide to life.
Anton LeVay has continued to be an important figure in my life since I was 19, and his words and ideas have helped me evolve into as close to authentic of a person as possible.
We are not devil worshippers. We do not skin goats at 3am around a fire. We do not kill. We do not judge. We do not hate.
Most importantly, and something that’s been integral to my well-being and ongoing evolution, is the 8th Satanic Rule of Earth:
8: Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
That sentiment has changed my life.
But the 11th is my favourite:
11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
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ronmerchant · 6 months
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Anton LeVay does his thing.
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the-hornedwitch · 4 months
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As I’ve said before, what I write is from my own personal journey. None of this was learned over night. Nor did my connection and relationship occur in such a manner. My journey with Him has been a four to five year walk.(though the way I write condenses it)  While I have been a pagan for over fifteen years, and have practiced witchcraft for an equal amount, I did not hear His call for a time.(I have a listening problem) I am in no way an expert, I’ve just read what called to me (S.Connley, Jason Miller, Anton LeVay, Michial W. Ford, Ego Diabolus, EA Koetie, Rumi, Alan Watts and C. Jung) took what made sense, and applied it to my own practice. Some of what I speak on may or may not align with what some of the above stated have written, again, my perception, my experiences, my interpretations. Enjoy.
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Lord Lucifer LOVES music
            I mean LOVES Music. If there’s one thing popular media has gotten right in regards to this Dark Lords personality it is how He ENJOYS music. (We can talk about emotions, deals, hedonistic tendencies and Justice later) Back to Music.
            I’ve noticed He enjoys all genres, as long as it "sound good" or is "creative". I tend to be electric in my music tastes and enjoy listening to it more than watching television. I often play music as a type of "offering' for Him, and through the last four years, I’ve concluded that some of His favorite genres are; Classical(the more emotional the better), Melodic/Goth(Loves Orgy, Depche Mode, Muse, NIN), Synth/EDM, 80s(All of it), any sort of Broadway/theatrical, Punk(not a surprise) and ANYTHING about/relating to/inspired by Him(He is and Pentacle to the Pit from Ghost put Him in a MOOD). Metal is a touch and go, (I personally LOVE it). He does enjoy various types of Rock (70s mostly) and Blues/Jazz tend to bring out a nostalgic/sensual energy. Oddly enough, some Christian themed music. (Has something to do with His sense of Humor, He likes His Jokes)
            Music, carries vibrations and energy, as do spoken words. I am of the opinion it is one of our first language as a species. The Ancients used it in ceremony and ritual. As a Pagan and Witch, I have utilized music in various types of ritual, meditation, and craft work. Most of my communication with Lord Lucifer often occurs through music. It can range from hearing a set of lyrics that co inside with a thought or question. To falling into a very deep trance, that carries me into His current.
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Contracts ARE a "Thing"
Yes, Lucifer does LOVE his Contracts, Bargains, Deals, and Arrangements.
No, not the "selling of your soul" type of deals. (Then Again...)
You do not need to make any sorts of deals to "work" with Him. He will work with you, especially when you approach Him with respect and humility. Building a relationship with Him is very important, He doesn’t 'take' orders, nor can you "command" Him to do anything. Attempting so is very disrespectful, and He will laugh at you, while teaching you a fun lesson for the audacity.
Not to say, some of the 'old' High magician, Alester Crowly, Golden Dawn type of 'summoning" doesn’t work, they will get His attention, yes, and like I said, He does enjoy his deals, bargains, and such. Remember, Lord Lucifer does what He wants. He has His sadistic, Dark Lord moments, and (I say this with respect) is That type of Asshole. You ask Him for fame and fortune, He may give it to you. Just understand what the price is, and be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
I have a contract and arrangement (No, not for fame and fortune) with Him, they took time to be "written" and I did not go into them lightly. He did not approach me about them, I petitioned Him. They are deeply personal and pertain to my path and dynamic with Him. I am only "allowed" to speak on them openly if the environment allows it. Which tends to be in spaces with fellow practioners, who understand the Dark Divine on a profoundly deeper level then the standard "Satanist."
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It's all an Illusion, even the Gods
            We live in a Matrix, No it's not like the movie.
            There are layers and dimensions to this reality. They aren't always physical, and they have a lot more to do with one's own consciousness and perceptions. The Gods are no different. When you began to work with Enties of a Higher or Deeper plain, your understanding of reality, consciousness, and time shifts dramatically. It can happen all at once (Which bends or breaks the mind to the point of madness), or it can be gradual. Sometimes it is both. The Gods are no different. Through my thirty some odd years on this planet, I have learned a great deal of things. Some wonderful, some not so much. I have decades to go on my journey, but one thing that has stuck out to me thus far is this: Humans put the Gods in neat two-dimensional boxes. Myself included Hell we all do it, it's how our silly little ape brain can make some sort of sense in regard to the vast cosmic beings which are The Gods.
            When I say, Lord Lucifer is everything "they' say He is, and more. I mean this; He has aspects and masks, that go far beyond what many people have written about. I am in no way saying I'm special and know all the secret's, I'm certain there are others on this path who have been just as privileged to know all aspects of Lord Lucifer. What I'm saying is, you get what you Give with Him. If you push yourself to grow, to dive deep within yourself, and to listen to the knowledge He willing offers to those who put in the work. You by proxy, are introduced to sides of Him that aren't often addressed in 'the books'. It is both terrifying and euphoric, if you know, you know. If not, sorry friend. I can only share so much, I can only show you the door, you have to be the one to open it. 
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The books aren't always right, but sometimes media is
            I quote that line from Constantine a little too often, "The books aren't always right Chaz". I'm not the only one, Jason Miller uses it a lot too. Speaking of which, if you haven't seen Constantine yet, you're missing out. It's actually pretty awesome. Peter Stormare, steals it with his whole ten minutes as Lucifer.  I mean it. I saw the damn movie at eighteen, well before I started my journey. Thought it was fun, and interesting, in my top ten favorite movies, damn love me Keune Reeves. Since starting my journey, and rewatching it recently, Holy fucking Hell. Not to say the movie has anything correct, it is still fiction inspired by Abrahamic mythos. Fun, and entertaining, and much like anything, there is some truth in it.
            Its approach to how Lucifer is depicted.
            Yes, He can and will be all about His 'Job' and have fun while doing it. His sense of humor is dark, with a touch of insult to injury. He can go from laughs and smiles to I will fucking tear you apart at the drop of a hat. He does whatever the fuck He wants, when He wants, "rules' be damned I found a loop whole, suck my entire dick, I get what I want, end of sentence.
            There are books, and tomes out there that have important and vital information in them. Some have assisted me with my journey, and I give credit where credit is due. Few, however, give you the heads up in regard to how Lucifer "works". I have skimmed across a few who mention how intense He can be. How He will push you. or how strict, He can be.
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His Infernal Majesty, The Crowned Prince of The East
            There is a Hierarchy within the world of The Dark Divine. While Lord Lucifer Is one of Four Crowned Princes, He is not King/Lord of Hell. Nor is He Satan, Has He carried the title from time to time, yes, but He is NOT Satan. In my dealings with The Dark Divine, I have met One Satan, that being Ha Satan (Sammeal). Who is the head of the House of Satan. Lucifer is directly under Ha Satan, along with the Other three Crowned Princes. Under a Crowned Prince, there are Kings, Princes, Dukes, and Marques. Under each title are Legions, in each Legion are Devils, Imps, Incubus, Succubus, Demons, and Nameless.
            Polyamory is common among the Dark Divine; Lord Lucifer is no different. He has quite the array, of Wives, Concubines, Consorts, and lovers (Yes, He has a Harem). Angelic, Demonic, and 'Human' alike. I'm not naive, to think I'm the only one who has experienced Him in the manner I have. There are many Humans who serve and devotee themselves to Him. I am not the only one. There are levels, and you go as deep as you want with Him. You get what you give.        
            While there is a lightheartedness to the way I write about Him, it is simply my personality shining through. I have learned what I can and cannot share, on social media and the like. My approach tends to keep me out of too much trouble. That being said, do not get it confused. I know exactly, WHO, I speak about. There are moments I have shared with Him that I am not permitted to speak on openly, due to their personal nature. (And our arrangement) I'm well aware of how, brutal He can be with His lessons. I have been on the receiving end of 'discipline' more than once. I know to which Dark Lord I claim to know and serve. These writings are encouraged by Him. With their limitations of course.
Images by Mabel Amber, Joachim Schnürle , Michal Jarmoluk, Эльвина Якубова from Pixabay
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theseventhoffrostfall · 9 months
You guys know how Anton LeVay strategically used Satanism? Like his whole book was like "women must be naked and fuck me this is very necessary for proper magickque" and everyone shrieked so loud about evil Satanism and whether it was legal for them to ban it they completely overlooked him just doing perv stuff? I feel like it's a similar situation with the whole "Epstein Book." Epstein was a prominent finance mogul for decades, and now everyone is so embroiled in accusing every celebrity who ever associated with him of being part of the "totally real I swear guys" global elite satanic Caananite homosexual Jewish atheist pedophile ring they just overlook that he was 100% involved in regular-ass bribery, cronyism and corruption
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creature-wizard · 11 months
Anton LeVay and Gerald Gardner made a bet to see who could create the biggest, most popular, most influential religion. Who do you think won?
...I'm gonna need to see some sources on that one, anon. You got 'em?
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white-chalk-sapphomet · 4 months
ur thing is so clearly transexual satanism. thats ur brand
also deeply correct takes
That should be it, but I feel like I used to be way more into it back when I was first reading anton levay and was more into the band ghost. I still feel antithetical to a lot of Christianity and am still into the occult but I don't think all that highly of levay's writing these days. I think he was still onto something with the 7 deadly sins revolving around basic self preservation instincts, and reading his stuff was a big step for me in terms of self love and self mercy, but I didn't care for some of his 'the strong must crush the weak' stuff and some of his theories on attraction tended towards weird pseudoscience. I used to be more confident in my takes, but I've been sort of in unreliable narrator mode while I try to commit more time to like. reading and listening to things trying to get on more even footing for discussions with ppl
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maklodes · 1 year
There are two, somewhat mutually antagonistic groups of Satanists that I’ve come across: the Church of Satan and the Satanic Temple. Neither of them literally believe in Satan. The Church of Satan is more “traditionalist,” following the teaching of Anton LeVay. The Satanic Temple is newer, and they seem to be basically secularists who do things like say “If you’re gonna have a Nativity Scene on public property in front of City Hall, you’ve also gotta put up our statue of Baphomet” or “freedom to have an abortion is part of our religious principles, so laws against abortion violate our first amendment religious freedom rights.”
I think they’re both kind of stupid, but I think that if I ever became a Satanist, I would definitely join the Church of Satan. There’s something I find particularly grating about a religion whose doctrine seems to be ripped from the headlines, which does not have theological commitments with political implications, but has political commitments with theological implications, whose commentary on the meaning of life, the order of the cosmos, or the nature of justice are indistinguishable from a hastily curated collection of Vox articles.
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blowjob-horseguy · 2 years
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rings-of-darkness · 11 months
Title: Navigating the Abyss of Thought: "The Devil's Notebook" by Anton LaVey
Author: Damien Harker | 17 October, 2023
[DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions and by no means representative of CoS as a whole.]
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As I journey deeper into the uncharted realms of Satanic philosophy and literature, I've recently stumbled upon a hidden gem, "The Devil's Notebook" by the enigmatic Anton LaVey. This concise collection of essays and notes is a whirlwind exploration of intriguing themes such as nonconformity, occult faddism, erotic politics, the Goodyguy Badge, demoralization, and the eerie concept of artificial friends.
Nonconformity: The Satanic Pulse
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LaVey's relentless championing of nonconformity is the thunderous war cry echoing through the entire notebook. His insistence on rebellion against societal norms, the outright rejection of hollow conventions, and the unapologetic embrace of personal identity resonates deeply with me as I navigate my own path of self-discovery. It's the essence of Satanic philosophy itself, a fierce call to arms against the stifling grip of conformity.
Occult Faddism: A Thorn in the Occult's Side
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LaVey's scorching critique of occult faddism lays bare the festering underbelly of the mystical world. In a realm often plagued by sensationalism and mystical trends, he mercilessly demands that seekers embark on a relentless quest for genuine knowledge. This is not a polite suggestion but a thundering mandate, an uncompromising cry for intellectual integrity.
Erotic Politics: Where Power and Sensuality Collide
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"Erotic politics" is a term that ignites the fires of passion and rebellion. LaVey's exploration of the intertwining of sexuality and personal empowerment is a ferocious affirmation of the Satanic principle of embracing one's desires, without a trace of shame or hesitation. It's a facet of Satanic philosophy that I've long celebrated with unwavering ardor.
The Goodyguy Badge: An Emblem of Questioning Virtue
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LaVey's relentless deconstruction of the "Goodyguy Badge" tears into the very fabric of excessive virtue and self-sacrifice that many wear like a shroud. This is not a gentle inquiry but a thundering indictment, a reminder of the value of self-interest and a stark warning about the perils of boundless altruism, themes I've fiercely grappled with in my personal Satanic journey.
Demoralization: The Perils of Excessive Technological Reliance
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The notion of demoralization paints a nightmarish picture of the perils of excessive technological reliance. LaVey's words are a chilling reminder of the necessity to cling to genuine human connections in an increasingly digital world...
Artificial Friends: A Positive Perspective
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On the flip side, the concept of artificial friends is an intriguing battlefield. In an age of digital connections, these artificial friends can serve as vital weapons of support, inspiration, and learning. They can expand our arsenals of knowledge and introduce us to new battle strategies and perspectives. The key is to maintain a relentless balance, ensuring that we fiercely guard and fortify our genuine human connections while also harnessing the aggressive power of artificial friendships.
In Conclusion: The Devil's Whirlwind of Thought
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"The Devil's Notebook" is a relentless siege on conventional thought. Anton LaVey's insights are powerful battle cries, encouraging readers to wage war on complacency, challenge the status quo, and obliterate stagnation. This, to me, is the very essence of Satanic philosophy—an unyielding call to arms against the forces that seek to stifle our spirits. The book is a testament to the unrelenting legacy of LaVey, a fiery torchbearer of Satanic thought in our modern world.
The journey through these pages has rekindled my commitment to intellectual independence, personal empowerment, and an unwavering thirst for knowledge. "The Devil's Notebook" serves as a formidable weapon in my growing arsenal of Satanic literature, a testament to the profound wisdom that continues to emanate from the depths of darkness.
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skooodles · 2 years
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Mad magazine sticking it to California and Anton Levay
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shaneplays · 2 months
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For some inexplicable reason, John A. Russo cast an Anton LeVay look-alike as a graveside preacher in the extra scenes for his Night of the Living Dead 30th Anniversary Edition (they are filling in Cemetery Zombie's story). It totally fits the small-town country feel of 1968!
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revessie · 8 months
Anton Levay's (#satanist) last words.
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ronmerchant · 7 months
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Forrest J Ackerman and Anton LeVay in the Ackermansion
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the-hornedwitch · 2 years
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The left hand path is an umbrella term for occult and speritual practices that pertain to the taboo and "darker" aspects of the current culture. (I'm paraphrasing)
In other words;
WHOA WHOA What?! The Devil? Isn't he like THE bad guy?
Well sweet innocent reader, yes Satan, The Devil, Lucifer, the most unclean one. (Ahh the old names)
And No, Satan is Not the "Bad guy". In fact the term Satan translates to adversary, and that is not synopsis with "Evil". (Is the hero not the adversary to the villain?)
What modern Abrahamic based society depicts as the devil (horns and the like) are warped depictions of other cultures (tribal/heathen/pagan) old gods. Who infact predate Christianity (and the like) by a few hundred years.
Satanism is more about the self. Whatever aspect that is to the practioner. It is upon the individual to conduct themselves in "civilized" culture as they see fit. To many "normal" people, Satanist are viewed as aloof, selfish and often times offensive. (In my personal experience)
There are various aspects, "beliefs" and opinions in regards to Satanism and The LHP. While a majority tend to be Atheist, there are a few who are Thiestic.
The Church of Satan (Atheist)
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"Satan, is the best friend The Church has ever had, for he has kept them in business for so long"
Ahhhhh, good old Anton Salazar LeVay. Say what you will about the man. (We all have our opinions) the dude knew how to have a party. A man with a rich career history, (Carney to crime scene photography) LeVay was an observer of the world around him. Birthing The Church of Satan in April of 1966, LeVays philosophy set the foundation for many in more then one way.
LeVayian Satanism (Modern Day Satanism) regards Satan (depicted by the image of Baphomet) as an archetype for man's (humankind) inner beast. The caged animal we keep inside, that yearns to roam free. Anton LeVay held that modern society disregards and shuns our most primal and basic needs.
"There is a beast in man that needs to be Exercised not excorsied"
Some of LeVays written works include; The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Witch, and Satan Speaks. Information on other aspects in regards to LeVayian Satanism can be found on The Church of Satan's website.
The Church is still active, membership is available (with an application and fee) and does not actively seek followers. (Satanist don't recruit, we suggest, we guide)
The Satanic Temple (Atheist)
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The Satanic Temple (TST) or as CoS likes to through shade, curt tail followers. (I got nothing against TST) Founded in 2012, by Lucien Greaves they have chapters around the United States. (We have at least four in California)
They hold similar outlooks as LeVayians do. (Which pisses the Church off) except Greaves has built upon said outlooks and has truly made them his own.
One thing both have in common is their love of performance. It goes with out saying, we Satanist love our dramatics and aesthetics. (I sure fucking do)
TST is responsible for the Baphomet statue outside an Alabama courthouse. Among other "outrageous" public antics. (Hail Satan! I LOVE it). The Temple leans towards activism over a good old fashioned orgy. (I'm sure they still happen) The main chapter resides in Salem, Massachusetts. They advocate for the right to; openly practice our beliefs, a woman's right to choose, and the eradication of Christian indoctrination within the public school system. There are other campaigns, which can be found on The Satanic Temples main website. Where you can find literature and more information on their personal doctrine. Also, they have some wicked campaign associated merch and membership is less disciplined as CoS.
Theistic Satanism
Theistic Satanism does exists and often times is misunderstood and shunned. Not just by society, but often with in the Satanic community as a whole. (like I said, predominantly atheist)
Temple of Set
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Founded by Michael Aquino, a former member of The Church of Satan. They see the Egyptian God of war, chaos and Storms as the real god, and the term Satan(in their opinion) is derived from the name Set. They are extremely esoteric (intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest) in nature. So with respect to that, I care not to speak to much on their ideology or practices. Aquino has a book available for the non initiate who wish to discover.
I have met one practioner of that craft, and they are a rather interesting bunch. Their magic, is heavy and difficult to work with. It isn't for everyone.
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Luciferianism as a whole venerates the essential characteristics affixed to Lucifer. (And gods associated with the planet Venus). Lucifer is not seen as a dark vengeful force, but a force of enlightenment. Often times The Light Bringer or Morning Star (which in Latin is Lucifer) The Architype, predates Christianity, and his energy was worshipped in the Roman/Greek era long before The Cult of Yahweh made him The Devil. While it's considered theistic, some do not openly view Lucifer as a deity.
There is no church or organization, and some websites tend to be... Problematic.
While there are other sects, (some I care little to mention for my own personal reasons) I find these two to be the more common and often practiced among Theist.
What does Lylith follow?
Well dear reader, we haven't reached that part of our journey. Have we?
Next post scheduled -> New Moon Jan. 21st
If you enjoy what I'm posting, don't be shy. I don't bite, (to hard). Questions? Ask away.
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