#anton levey
rings-of-darkness · 8 months
Title: "Unveiling Shadows: The Art of Satanic Ritual and the Suspension of Disbelief"
Posted by Damien Harker | Date: January 13, 2024
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In the tapestry of atheistic Satanism, where skepticism intertwines with the enigmatic, Damien Harker delves into the essence of Satanic ritual—an exploration inspired by the visionary Anton Szandor LaVey. Today, we embark on a journey into the shadows, where the suspension of disbelief becomes a key that unlocks the door to the profound in the realm of ritualistic practice.
[DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions and by no means representative of CoS as a whole.]
Embracing Rituals in Satanism:
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Satanism, in its incarnation, places emphasis on symbolism and ritual as tools for personal transformation rather than acts of worship. Damien Harker, inspired by the principles laid out by Anton LaVey, seeks to understand the role of Satanic rituals in fostering self-discovery and empowerment.
The Art of Suspension of Disbelief:
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At the heart of Damien's exploration lies the concept of suspension of disbelief—an intentional embrace of the ritual's symbolic power without a literal belief in supernatural entities. Much like a theatergoer immersing themselves in a play, the adept suspends disbelief to tap into the psychological and emotional impact of the ritual.
Anton LaVey's Influence:
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Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, emphasized the psychological aspects of ritual, recognizing the power of symbols and archetypes in shaping human consciousness. Damien Harker draws inspiration from LaVey's pragmatic approach, where rituals serve as psychodramas, potent tools for self-exploration and personal growth.
The Theater of the Mind:
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For Damien, Satanic ritual becomes a theater of the mind—a space where symbolism intertwines with personal narratives, allowing for a deep exploration of the self. The suspension of disbelief transforms the ritual into a visceral experience, unlocking the potential for profound introspection and psychological metamorphosis, Psychodrama.
The Rituals; Akin to Personal Alchemy:
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In the vein of Satanic philosophy, Damien views Satanic rituals as a form of personal alchemy—a transformative process that transmutes the symbolic elements of the ritual into psychological gold. Through intentional suspension of disbelief, participants immerse themselves in the rich symbolism, allowing the psyche to absorb and integrate the ritual's archetypal power.
Conclusion: Beyond the Veil of Symbolism:
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As Damien Harker navigates the intricate dance of Satanic ritual, he invites us to peer beyond the veil of symbolism. In the suspension of disbelief, he discovers a gateway to psychological profundity—an avenue through which atheistic Satanism becomes a dynamic and empowering force. Inspired by Anton Szandor LaVey's legacy, Damien embraces the art of Satanic ritual, where the suspension of disbelief transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, and the shadows become a canvas for self-discovery.
Thank you for reading and may the Luciferian Light guide you on the path of Skepticism and Enlightenment. Until we meet again, I am Damien Harker.
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The story of the Oyneg Shabes archive. Between 1940 and 1943 a group of dedicated writers, led by historian Emanuel Ringeblum, secretly recorded daily Jewish existence in the Warsaw Ghetto. It would become history as survival. Anton Lesser narrates this new 10-part series revealing the lives, stories and destruction of the Ghetto.
With Elliot Levey, Alfred Molina, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Karl Prekopp and Simon Russell Beale (in episode 8)
All ten episodes are available here
More about the Ringelblum Archive
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anamelessfool · 3 months
This is the only time I will say this.
There are Three Ideas I use to exist in this space, and two of them come from Satanic writings that I'm sure Tobias himself is well familiar with and aligns his worldview with. The irony of a purity police in a fandom that focuses on Lucifer as Liberator is astounding. Liberation means freedom...for ALL. Even people who you don't understand. Even ideas you find challenging. Art should comfort the disturbed, or disturb the comfortable. Sometimes you're in the first camp, and sometimes you're in the other. And that's ok. That's how you grow your soul.
The Three Things:
The "Rule of Cool" (Every fun D&D or LARP experience I have ever had ever, and the film itself...if it's cool, epic, campy, suits the vibe then go for it. Hot air balloon? Opera singers? Theater Kid shenanigans? Fuck it, sounds cool let's do it.)
When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there. (The 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth, Anton LeVey, 1967.)
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. (The Satanic Temple's 7 Fundamental Tenets)
I make sure to tag things because tag blockers are the best part of the Hellsite. So use em. You'd be surprised what tags I personally block. My energy is precious, and I protect it. I spend it on my friends and the vibes I want to see in the world. Doesn't mean the demons are gone. It takes work to be an understanding heart. Sometimes the most challenging thing is walking away and letting things be.
If you're going to spill haterade all over my friends, there's the door.
If you're not going to be respectful then your respect isn't worth anything to me.
Anon asks off, if you're gonna say something say it with your whole-ass chest.
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dosesofcommonsense · 1 month
1. ANTON LEVEY—Author of the Satanic Bible and high priest of the religion dedicated to the worship of Satan. One of his famous quotes was: “There is a beast in man that needs to be exercised, not exorcised”. His dying words were: "Oh my, oh my, what have I done, there is something very wrong. . . there is something very wrong.”
2. GANDHI—At his death, he said, “For the first time in 50 years, I find myself in the slough of despond. All about me is darkness. . .I am praying for light.”
3. THOMAS PAYNE—The leading atheistic writer in American colonies: "Stay with me, for God's sake; I cannot bear to be left alone , O Lord, help me! O God, what have I done to suffer so much? What will become of me hereafter? I would give worlds if I had them, that The Age of Reason had never been published. 0 Lord, help me! Christ, help me! No, don't leave; stay with me! Send even a child to stay with me; for I am on the edge of hell here alone. If ever the Devil had an agent, I have been that one."
4. SIR THOMAS SCOTT—Chancellor of England: "Until this moment I thought there was neither a God nor a hell. Now I know and feel that there are both, and I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of the Almighty."
5. VOLTAIRE—famous anti-christian atheist: "I have swallowed nothing but smoke. I have intoxicated myself with the incense that turned my head. I am abandoned by God and man.” He said to his physician, Dr. Fochin: “I will give you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months of life." When he was told this was not possible, he said “Then I shall die and go to hell!" His nurse said: “For all the money in Europe I wouldn’t want to see another unbeliever die! All night long he cried for forgiveness.”
6. ROBERT INGERSOLL—American writer and orator during the Golden Age of Free Thought: "O God, if there be a God, save my soul, if I have a soul!" Some say it was said this way: "Oh God, if there be a God, save my soul, if I have a soul, from hell, if there be a hell!
7. DAVID HUME—Atheist philosopher famous for his philosophy of empiricism and skepticism of religion: He cried loud on his death bed "I am in flames!" It is said his desperation was a horrible scene.
8. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE—French emperor who, like Adolf Hitler, brought death to millions to satisfy his greedy, power-mad, selfish ambitions for world conquest: "I die before my time, and my body will be given back to the earth. Such is the fate of him who has been called the great Napoleon. What an abyss between my deep misery and the eternal kingdom of Christ!”
9. SIR FRANCIS NEWPORT—Head of an English Atheist club, to those gathered around his deathbed: "You need not tell me there is no God, for I know there is one, and that I am in his presence! You need not tell me there is no hell. I feel myself already slipping. Wretches, cease your idle talk about there being hope for me! I know I am lost forever! Oh, that fire! Oh, the insufferable pangs of hell! Oh, that I could lie for a thousand years upon the fire that is never quenched, to purchase the favor of God and be united to Him again. But it is a fruitless wish. Millions and millions of years will bring me no nearer the end of my torments than one poor hour. Oh, eternity, eternity forever and forever! Oh, the insufferable pangs of Hell!”
10. CHARLES IX—The French king. Urged on by his mother, he gave the order for the massacre of the French Huguenots, in which 15,000 souls were slaughtered in Paris alone and 100,000 in other sections of France, for no other reason than that they loved Christ. The guilty king suffered miserably for years after that event. He finally died, bathed in blood bursting from his veins. To his physicians, he said in his last hours: "Asleep or awake, I see the mangled forms of the Huguenots passing before me. They drop with blood. They point at their open wounds. Oh! That I had spared at least the little infants at the bosom! What blood! I know not where I am. How will all this end? What shall I do? I am lost forever! I know it. Oh, I have done wrong."
11. DAVID STRAUSS—Leading representative of German rationalism, after spending a lifetime erasing belief in God from the minds of others: "My philosophy leaves me utterly forlorn! I feel like one caught in the merciless jaws of an automatic machine, not knowing at what time one of its great hammers may crush me!"
12. JOSEF STALIN—Soviet Georgian revolutionary and politician. In a Newsweek interview with Svetlana Stalin, the daughter of Josef Stalin, she told of her father's death: "My father died a difficult and terrible death. . .God grants an easy death only to the just. At what seemed the very last moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and cast a glance over everyone in the room. It was a terrible glance, insane or perhaps angry. His left hand was raised, as though he were pointing to something above and bringing down a curse on us all. The gesture was full of menace. . .the next moment he was dead."
13. CAESAR BORGIA—Italian nobleman, politician, and cardinal: "While I lived, I provided for everything but death; now I must die, and am unprepared to die."
14. THOMAS HOBBS—Political philosopher: "I say again, if I had the whole world at my disposal, I would give it to live one day. I am about to take a leap into the dark."
BELOVED, compare these last words from atheists, with these last words, from these saints of God:
THE APOSTLE PAUL: “O death, where is thy sting?”
KING DAVID: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no Evil.”
AUGUSTUS MONTAGUE TOPLADY (1710-1778): Toplady will ever be famous as the author of one of the most evangelical hymns of the eighteenth century, "Rock of Ages," which was first published in 1776.
During the final illness, Toplady was greatly supported by the consolations of the gospel: "The consolations of God, to so unworthy a wretch, are so abundant that he leaves me nothing to pray for but their continuance."
Near his last, awaking from a sleep, he said: "Oh, what delights! Who can fathom the joy of the third heaven? The sky is clear, there is no cloud; come Lord Jesus, come quickly!" He died saying:"No mortal man can live after the glories which God has manifested to my soul."
Lastly, JESUS CHRIST said: “I Am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”
Only fools never learn from history, and it's amazing that even in our days, with all these facts on our fingertips, someone with a mind can devote his entire life to a delusion, and want everyone to know that there is no God. No wonder the bible says,
"Only fools say in their hearts, there is no God." (Psalm 14:1).“
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plumbob-boy · 1 year
RetailSims Satanic Set
So I noticed RetailSims.com is gone now. It's likely due to internet decay and most likely permanently gone, so I have taken the liberty to reupload the Satanism Set from that site, which is pictured below.
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The set comes with 16 objects, some of which have recolors. The objects are bundled in a collection you can see in residential or community lots. The Lady on Red and recolors have a dependency on CEP, the rest are standalone.
All items are from retailsims.com and are unaltered. If the original uploader, HChangeri from Retail Sims, wishes these to be taken down, please send me a message and let me know. Again, I take no credit for these items and am only reuploading to maintain community access because I love these cc items and can't live without them!!
Download (google drive) (simfileshare)
Edit: I guess I'm a few years late to the party and some awesome people already archived everything from retailsims. that's awesome! but……. I'm just gonna go ahead keep this up just because I already made the post :p
Description and pictures of each item and recolor below the cut:
The Great Book
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Object with 8 recolors
This book isn't just good, it's grrrrrreat (and damn old). Mesh created by Maxis. Recolored and edited by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com
Inverted Pentagram End Table
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Object with 4 recolors
This table sports not one but TWO inverted pentagrams for twice the evil. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com.
Decorative Inverted Pentagrams
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3 separate objects each with 2 recolors
Hang this around your evil lair just enhance the evilness and scare idiots away. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com
Slide a table under this inverted pentagram using the "moveobjects on" cheat for a wickedly evil altar adornment. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com
A little piece of evilness for your darkest decorating needs. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com
Altar and Shelves of the Abyss
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3 separate objects with no recolors
2-Tier Shelves
Shelves with that "just stepped out of hell" look to them. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com.
An altar with that "just stepped out of hell" look. Perfect for Satanic Ritual, Necromancy, or for the uber goth look. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com.
1-Tier Floor Shelf
Shelves with that "just stepped out of hell" look to them. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com.
Lady on Red Recolors
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6 Recolors of a Maxis base game object
No description available
Note: Likely requires CEP which can be downloaded from MTS
Seal of Baphomet
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Object with 5 recolors
"1. Stupidity—The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. Satanists must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid." - The #1 Cardinal Sin in Satanism according to Anton Szandor LeVey (c) 1987 www.churchofsatan.com
Altar Candle
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Object with no recolors
Pay homage to Old Nick the proper way with this Satanic Altar Candle modeled after one used by a Satanic High Priest (www.churchofsatan.com). Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com
Double Candle
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Object with no recolors
When you put two evil things together you get……twice the evil (duh!) Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com
Large Banner
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Object with no recolors
Celebrate the black mass properly with this banner depicting Baphomet and an inverted cross. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com.
Large Banner
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Object with no recolors
Celebrate the black mass properly with this banner depicting an inverted cross. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com.
The Satanic Rituals
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Object with no recolors
Every Satanic ritual altar needs a copy of The Satanic Rituals by Anton Szandor LaVey....so here you are. Created by HChangeri. www.retailsims.com
Note: Place the altar table first, then objects on both slots (candles are recommended), then with moveobjects cheat enabled, place the Satanic Rituals book in the center of the altar table.
Magick Ritual Tools
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Object with no recolors
Includes Book of Shadows, Wand, Chalice, Athame, Bell, and Candles.
Note: A duplicate floating version of the object intended for use with the moveobjects cheat enabled is also included for more customizable placement options.
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The collection file includes all items described above, as pictured.
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sonofsatansworld · 2 months
Don't Need To Aplogize For What I Say!
I really make me laugh at a LOT of Satanists when they tell me how they worship Anton LeVey and follow his teachings and call him the Father of Satanism whereas we call him the Father of Modern Satanism and credit is due where credit is due for he did make Satanism more available to the world as one philosophy regardless of his fucked up church. Any way, where was I, oh yeah, I have seen the number of the beast as seen in the book of Revelations as 666. For all these Anton lovers if you ever read some of his other books you will read where he said the 666 of the Christian bible is an INVERSION of Satan's number and Satan's number is 999. Seeing how Christianity inverted a lot we find in Satanism I could not agree with this more! Second the 666 was really a symbol for 661. Now doesn't 9 seem like a better number for Satan seeing how it is the end of all round numbers infinity coming next in sequence. It is like the end of the universe and then the void. Perfect for Satan. Another thing is this, 666 as a trinity is again a Christian symbol as in the Father Son Holy Ghost put in the bible to make Jesus Christ a god which he is not.
Satan arrangement of numbers is 4. For the number 4 represents that which is above the mind which is the number three and the three dimensional world.
Satan resides in the fourth and fifth dimensions, not the third, he rules that realm in the invisible four dimension though he can enter the 3-D world at anytime.
So we use s0s9999 as our honored number for Satan and are not asking you to do the same, we love the uniqueness of it and it is copyrighted by us.
Only the members of the Sonz of Satan can wear it and have the right to wear it to the point that any one not authorized to wear our Honored and Sacred Number of Satan that represents Satan as OUR FATHER in heaven, earth, and heaven is tripled cursed and will be until it it is removed or the person becomes a member of the Sonz of Satan.
I the Prime Mover of the Sonz of Satan use this symbol as a symbol of unity and knowledge that what is written comes from me and Satan/Lucifer. Peace In! Hail Satan! Hail Lucifer! Hail Me! Hail You!
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deadstrangeblog · 1 year
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The Black House- The home of Anton LeVey, the founder and leader of The Church of Satan. The house was demolished in 2001 and a duplex was built in its place.
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chamberlinfamilyfarms · 4 months
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1. ANTON LEVEY—Author of the Satanic Bible and high priest of the religion dedicated to the worship of Satan. One of his famous quotes was: “There is a beast in man that needs to be exercised, not exorcised”. His dying words were: "Oh my, oh my, what have I done, there is something very wrong. . . there is something very wrong.”
2. GANDHI—At his death, he said, “For the first time in 50 years, I find myself in the slough of despond. All about me is darkness. . .I am praying for light.”
3. THOMAS PAYNE—The leading atheistic writer in American colonies: "Stay with me, for God's sake; I cannot bear to be left alone , O Lord, help me! O God, what have I done to suffer so much? What will become of me hereafter? I would give worlds if I had them, that The Age of Reason had never been published. 0 Lord, help me! Christ, help me! No, don't leave; stay with me! Send even a child to stay with me; for I am on the edge of hell here alone. If ever the Devil had an agent, I have been that one."
4. SIR THOMAS SCOTT—Chancellor of England: "Until this moment I thought there was neither a God nor a hell. Now I know and feel that there are both, and I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of the Almighty."
5. VOLTAIRE—famous anti-christian atheist: "I have swallowed nothing but smoke. I have intoxicated myself with the incense that turned my head. I am abandoned by God and man.” He said to his physician, Dr. Fochin: “I will give you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months of life." When he was told this was not possible, he said “Then I shall die and go to hell!" His nurse said: “For all the money in Europe I wouldn’t want to see another unbeliever die! All night long he cried for forgiveness.”
6. ROBERT INGERSOLL—American writer and orator during the Golden Age of Free Thought: "O God, if there be a God, save my soul, if I have a soul!" Some say it was said this way: "Oh God, if there be a God, save my soul, if I have a soul, from hell, if there be a hell!
7. DAVID HUME—Atheist philosopher famous for his philosophy of empiricism and skepticism of religion: He cried loud on his death bed "I am in flames!" It is said his desperation was a horrible scene.
8. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE—French emperor who, like Adolf Hitler, brought death to millions to satisfy his greedy, power-mad, selfish ambitions for world conquest: "I die before my time, and my body will be given back to the earth. Such is the fate of him who has been called the great Napoleon. What an abyss between my deep misery and the eternal kingdom of Christ!”
9. SIR FRANCIS NEWPORT—Head of an English Atheist club, to those gathered around his deathbed: "You need not tell me there is no God, for I know there is one, and that I am in his presence! You need not tell me there is no hell. I feel myself already slipping. Wretches, cease your idle talk about there being hope for me! I know I am lost forever! Oh, that fire! Oh, the insufferable pangs of hell! Oh, that I could lie for a thousand years upon the fire that is never quenched, to purchase the favor of God and be united to Him again. But it is a fruitless wish. Millions and millions of years will bring me no nearer the end of my torments than one poor hour. Oh, eternity, eternity forever and forever! Oh, the insufferable pangs of Hell!”
10. CHARLES IX—The French king. Urged on by his mother, he gave the order for the massacre of the French Huguenots, in which 15,000 souls were slaughtered in Paris alone and 100,000 in other sections of France, for no other reason than that they loved Christ. The guilty king suffered miserably for years after that event. He finally died, bathed in blood bursting from his veins. To his physicians, he said in his last hours: "Asleep or awake, I see the mangled forms of the Huguenots passing before me. They drop with blood. They point at their open wounds. Oh! That I had spared at least the little infants at the bosom! What blood! I know not where I am. How will all this end? What shall I do? I am lost forever! I know it. Oh, I have done wrong."
11. DAVID STRAUSS—Leading representative of German rationalism, after spending a lifetime erasing belief in God from the minds of others: "My philosophy leaves me utterly forlorn! I feel like one caught in the merciless jaws of an automatic machine, not knowing at what time one of its great hammers may crush me!"
12. JOSEF STALIN—Soviet Georgian revolutionary and politician. In a Newsweek interview with Svetlana Stalin, the daughter of Josef Stalin, she told of her father's death: "My father died a difficult and terrible death. . .God grants an easy death only to the just. At what seemed the very last moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and cast a glance over everyone in the room. It was a terrible glance, insane or perhaps angry. His left hand was raised, as though he were pointing to something above and bringing down a curse on us all. The gesture was full of menace. . .the next moment he was dead."
13. CAESAR BORGIA—Italian nobleman, politician, and cardinal: "While I lived, I provided for everything but death; now I must die, and am unprepared to die."
14. THOMAS HOBBS—Political philosopher: "I say again, if I had the whole world at my disposal, I would give it to live one day. I am about to take a leap into the dark."
BELOVED, compare these last words from atheists, with these last words, from these saints of God:
THE APOSTLE PAUL: “O death, where is thy sting?”
KING DAVID: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no Evil.”
AUGUSTUS MONTAGUE TOPLADY (1710-1778): Toplady will ever be famous as the author of one of the most evangelical hymns of the eighteenth century, "Rock of Ages," which was first published in 1776.
During the final illness, Toplady was greatly supported by the consolations of the gospel: "The consolations of God, to so unworthy a wretch, are so abundant that he leaves me nothing to pray for but their continuance."
Near his last, awaking from a sleep, he said: "Oh, what delights! Who can fathom the joy of the third heaven? The sky is clear, there is no cloud; come Lord Jesus, come quickly!" He died saying:"No mortal man can live after the glories which God has manifested to my soul."
Lastly, JESUS CHRIST said: “I Am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”
Only fools never learn from history, and it's amazing that even in our days, with all these facts on our fingertips, someone with a mind can devote his entire life to a delusion, and want everyone to know that there is no God. No wonder the bible says,
"Only fools say in their hearts, there is no God." (Psalm 14:1).“
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hplovecraftmuseum · 10 months
To continue our examination of Lovecraft's ghost written tale, MEDUSA'S COIL, it might be enlightening to consider the following lines from the story itself: "Denis used to quote Marsh as saying odd things about the veiled facts behind the legend of Medusa's snaky locks -- and behind the later Ptolemiac myth of Bernice, who offered up her hair to save her husband-brother, and had it set in the sky as the constellation Coma Bernices." The idea that Lovecraft suggests here that 'behind' traditional myths there are far more uncomfortable and cosmic realities. For instance behind Cthulhu, the 'squid-dragon' there is the nearly universal idea of dragons in the human imagination. 'behind' Satan there is perhaps Nyarlathotep, behind Quezelcoatal there is 'Yig', etc. Rather than discard traditional historic myths, Lovecraft - who had a tremendous knowledge of the world's religious dogma, myths, and legends, attempted to suggest that 'behind' them all were monstrous and mind-twisting ultra-cosmic realities. The woman encircled with a serpent to the top left below was the work of Symbolist artist Franz Von Stuck. Cthulhu in ink appeared in the landmark publication H. P. L. The ink drawing of Tsathoggua was the work of Richard Gilman Huber. The clay mask of Cthulhu was also by RGH. The faux stone head resembling HPL and the heads of Easter Island is actually a small planter and was manufactured in China. The image on the cover of the book on Satanism is of Anton LeVey. (Exhibit 448)
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andreablog2 · 1 year
Satanism has become such a funny concept bc it really means so many things in our collective imagination like the Catholic church is satanic but so is Beyoncé but Beyoncé is like a positive satanism…at least to me she is. Then it’s also like corny for legitimizing the Christian canon of evil. But it’s still funny to like be satanic as a joke. But also there’s people who probably worship what they think is the devil and are evil but that’s so elusive and niche it doesn’t even matter. Then there’s Anton levey and the like satanic temple organization that’s a non profit used to counter act Christian organization in politics and bring to light the absurdity of religious freedom.
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Hello. Could you do a mythology/goddess aesthetic of Zeena Schreck as a Bodhisattva. It’s interesting how she denounced her father Anton Levey, began a rock band - radio werewolf - in Berlin, then became a Tantric Buddhist and took the Bodhisattva vows. A Bodhisattva is essentially a Buddhist savior/superhero.These beings refuse the afterlife to help others.
This is very interesting, ngl though, I’m having a little bit of trouble with this one currently cause I dont wanna fuck up but I apologize in advance if I’m not able to do it sweetheart!
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americanminervan · 3 years
Aleister Crowley and Thelema critiques of Theosophists
Aleister Crowley and Thelema critiques of Theosophists
A COMMON MISCHARACTERIZATION OF THEOSOPHISTS Many Theosophists early-on and still belonged to and represented their particular tradition, or religion to its highest, being specialized and trained within them in their esotericism, and tied to some actual superior, or superiors (priests, gurus) of the group, or religion they belonged to. A Theosophist was hence highly unlikely to be an ordinary…
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linusquotes · 6 years
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— Anton Szandor LaVey, from The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth, 1967
Linus Quotes
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daemonicdasein · 2 years
“Everything is a racket, including the church. The superior man recognizes these facts and lives accordingly. The fool continues to go straight for God and Country. The crafty man figures out how to work the rackets himself so he doesn’t wind up a slave to the crooked politicians and bosses. He refuses the life of the millions of people in offices and factories tied to the routine of going to work at eight o’clock every morning, stagnating at a deadly dull job, having lunch at the time they are told, coming home at five every evening, and for all this drawing a wage that is only enough to sustain their humdrum existence.”
— Blanche Barton, The Secret Life of a Satanist: The Authorized Biography of Anton Szandor LaVey (Revised Edition; 23 September 2014; Feral House), “Part 1: Descent, Chapter 1: Satanists are Born, not Made”, Page 29
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daemonrot · 2 years
What sources do you recommend to learn more about Lucifer?
myth-fiction/for the vibes: The bible, paradise lost, marriage of heaven and hell
history n such: Rites of Lucifer by Asenath Mason*, everything by Michael W. Ford, everything by Anton LeVey*, everything by S. Connolly*
*these don’t influence my practice really and i take them with mountains and mountains of salt bc they’re douche bags but it’s important to read the classics u know? And there’s honestly not much on Lucifer as Lucifer the deity. Learning about Satan and the overlaps between the two can help solidify your practice.
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homoerotic-ads · 4 years
asexuality is not an ‘internet identity’, a fad, or fake.
as an asexual person myself, it’s difficult to deal with feeling both under-represented and excluded, both in cishet society AND lgbtq+ circles. the general conception regarding asexuality, in my experience, is that it’s a new identity, specifically a ‘tumblr snowflake’ identity, it’s not real, it’s a medical condition, etc etc. not only is this perspective genuinely hurtful and damaging, it’s just plain wrong. 
asexuality’s history can be hard to pin down, exactly, outside of writings specifically about it because it’s difficult to write about an absence of something (in this case sexual encounters/attraction) rather than the presence of it. however, the concept has existed longer than our modern terms for it, as is the case with all other lgbtq+ identities. 
unfortunately, I’m going to be speaking from an especially western standpoint, because I myself was born and raised in the western hemisphere and the sources I’m currently privy to are western. 
before any terminology was coined, 17th century author and poet Catherine Bernard wrote various works that have since been read as relating to asexuality. her views of love, sex, marriage, and personal affairs (or lack thereof) speak to the asexual experience. here’s an article about her and her works for more information. 
‘monosexual’ was a term coined in 1869 by Karl-Maria Kertbeny, the same man who coined the terms ‘homosexual’ and ‘heterosexual’ (all 3 in the same pamphlet, actually!). ‘monosexual’ refers to people who only masturbate, rather than have sexual encounters, the implication there being that monosexuals have no interest in sex/feel no need for it. (it’s a myth that asexual people don’t masturbate--some do, some don’t. asexual people have fully functioning equipment, and are perfectly capable of having and even enjoying orgasms. remember that stimulation of sexual organs is not the same thing as feeling attraction). 
Kertbeny was a pretty cool dude, actually, or at least he was very progressive for his time regarding sexuality. he wrote that gay men were not inherently effeminate, that homosexuality was inborn and unchangeable, and that homosexuality had a long, long history, and many people they (and we) consider historical heroes were gay. Kertbeny was inspired to advocate for lgbtq+ people by a friend of his who had committed suicide after being blackmailed by an extortionist for his homosexuality.
in 1896 german sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld wrote the pamphlet Sappho und Sokrates, which discussed homosexual love and attraction, and referenced those who don’t feel sexual attraction. it is worth mentioning that he unfortunately connected asexuality with sexual anesthesia, which is the usually psychogenic condition that causes an absence of normal or expected sensations during sexual activity, as in, you have intercourse but can’t physically feel the stimulation. that is not what asexuality is. 
In 1907, Carl Schlegel, a german immigrant to the US and Presbyterian minister wrote a speech advocating for lgbtq+ equality, and mentions asexuality by name: “Let the same laws for all the intermediate stages of sexual life: the homosexuals, heterosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, be legal as they are now in existence for the heterosexuals[...]” Schlegel is considered one of the first modern gay activists in the US. 
coming back to Magnus Hirschfeld, he adopted the term asexual in his 1920 work, The Role of Homosexual Men and Women in Society, writing: “we must (if this were possible) describe” philosophers like Immanuel Kant “as being asexual.”
since its development in 1948, the Kinsey Scale has an X category for those who don’t experience sexual attraction. 
in the 1960s, the magazine Transvestia (founded by transwoman Virginia Prince in 1960, and ran from 1960-1980) published an article that claimed that, while most trans people “are entirely heterosexual,” “some are also asexual.” in 1965 the same magazine published the “A-Sexual Range”--sort of an early prototype for the modern asexual spectrum--which stated “There are persons who simply have a very low libido—no sex drive to speak of.”
in 1969 Anton Szandor LeVey, founder of the Church of Satan, wrote in his book The Satanic Bible that “Satanism condones any type of sexual activity which properly satisfies your individual desires – be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or even asexual.” 
in 1970 the Philadelphia, PA newspaper, Gay Dealer, published an article on trans liberation, saying that it “includes transvestites, transsexuals, and hermaphrodites of any sexual manifestation and of all sexes—heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexual.”
in 1972, The Asexual Manifesto was published by the New York Radical Feminists. although the term asexual is used, it is a radfem publication so bear that in mind and be cautious in reading it. 
at a feminist conference in 1973, female and nonbinary attendees were asked to wear a label identifying themselves as one of the following: “Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Butch, Femm, Asexual, Anti-sexual, ?, other, etc.”
in the same year, activists at a conference at Barnard college provided labels for lgbtq+ identities. 
in 1974, David Bowie discussed asexuality in Rolling Stones magazine. 
in 1977, Myra Johnson wrote one of the first academic papers about asexuality for the book The Sexually Oppressed. she described asexuality as a complete lack of sexual attraction, which is the definition we generally use today!
if you’ve read all the way down here, and needed some convincing, I hope you’re getting the picture. asexuality is a long standing, clearly defined community, with its first term (monosexual) coined alongside homosexual and heterosexual. we have been recognized, by name, for nearly 200 years, and the concept/feeling has existed long before that. asexuality is not a disease, a medical condition, an internet fad, or a joke. asexuals experience discrimination, lack of representation, and a the general misunderstanding that other sexual minorities experience. asexuality has not been institutionally discriminated against because, as previously said, you can’t really prove or prosecute an absence in the same way one can a presence. however, in 2015, Russia banned people with “disorders of sexual preference” from obtaining drivers’ licenses, and the list included asexuals. 
this post is not nearly an exhaustive list of asexual history. if you want/need more information on asexuality, I’d recommend @historicallyace​, the Asexual Visibility and Education Network, the Asexual Census, and this great article on cracked.com about general ace experiences. 
if anyone reading this post has more info and sources, please add them!
happy reading!
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