#antizionist mob
eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Peter Reitzes
t about two minutes and 20 seconds into the video, activists began encircling Moritz, Buckley, and Campbell.
While about 80 percent of the attendees were women, a group of large men stood over the pro-Israel attendees and loudly clapped their hands while yelling “Free Palestine.” The video then goes black while the audio continues with a clear struggle being heard.
According to video and interviews with those targeted at the event, an activist grabbed Buckley’s phone, instigating mob violence against the three pro-Israel attendees. She was reportedly punched, kicked, and stomped. Her phone was stolen and later found, having been thrown on nearby property.
All three pro-Israel attendees reported being dragged out of the library.
Campbell, an 80-year-old military veteran with cancer and a stent in his heart, was stomped, assaulted, and pushed to the ground, a footprint clearly visible on his shorts. His phone was also taken and later found in a trashcan. Local police encouraged Campbell to see a doctor.
“My arms are chewed up,” Campbell told The Algemeiner. For medical treatment he went to a US Veterans Affairs facility, which found he had “severe contusions.”
“What really upset me — I was laying on the floor and this big guy was on top of me,” Campbell said. “The librarian came to the door, looked me right in the eye, turned around and walked back and didn’t do a damn thing. Didn’t call the police.”
Moritz was badly beaten, a large welt clearly visible on his head. Once the activists got Moritz outside, one briefly put him in a headlock before he was able to break free. According to interviewees, police arrived and stated that while they received multiple calls, none were from library personnel.
According to Moritz, the man who put him in a headlock was allowed to leave even after the activist was pointed out to the police.
Buckley reported that when she was being dragged outside, the unmasked activist who seemingly recognized her from other local events repeatedly said, “Monica, just relax, don’t fight it.”
None of the activists in attendance came to the defense of the three pro-Israel attendees.
According to Buckley, one of the attendees was arrested. A police report confirms that one person was arrested at the library.
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"You see Jews are not allowed to define what antisemitism is. I, enlightened gentile, also have to participate. Otherwise that's racist against Arabs"
Paraphrasing of course, but what the hell is this argument? You don't get to define what offends other people. Especially when you are trying to gaslight said people into thinking blood libel is constructive criticism.
"(((They))) are trying to silence Jews who disagree with them"
There is an interesting implication when original poster claims views of "wrong" Jews are being silenced. It brings lot of totalitarian imagery into how OP sees Zionist Jews. Also nicely vague. Who are the "wrong" Jews? JVP? Naturei Karta? Black Hebrews? Token Jewish friends that support their view on Gaza war?
"People being called antisemitic are as big of a victim as Jews being affected by antisemitic behavior"
You can't make this shit up. To OP, person getting called out for spreading misinformation is as big of a victim as Jewish person getting harassed by a mob. And there is a nice canard at the end about Jews controlling the world.
"That's why we need to discuss and define antisemitism together, but (((they))) don't want that"
It seems OP is butthurt about consequences of their own actions. Now instead of reflecting on his behavior, they want to change the definition of antisemitism. And another world domination canard.
"Antisemitism should be defined through progressive lens"
Imagine telling any other race or ethnic group that they shouldn't be allowed to define what offends them and it should be defined by privileged progressive living ocean away, who had minimal contact with their culture. After the whole Speedy Gonzalez fiasco, you'd think they'd learn their lesson, but clearly not. Also there seems to be "I'm leftist, I can't be racist" grift present here.
Based on this tweets, to me it seems OP is progressive activist, butthurt for getting called out. To hide they are butthurt, they threw a buzzword soup which amounts to basically "Akchually, I'm not antisemitic, calling someone antisemitic without their consent is bigotry."
Person posting it spams their blog with seemingly scammy fundraisers and constantly accuses Israel of every crime imaginable. Hell, even in tags Israel is accused of being genocidal terrorist state.
Overall, typical output of your average "antizionist" activist.
thank for doing my job for me anon!
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jewish-vents · 5 months
Gut yuntif. Hope your seder was good.
The other day, I advised a friend that despite them feeling like they should, they should not, under any circumstances, talk about Zionism or I/P, especially not publicly. They do sometimes talk about being Jewish in America, with no mention of war or other countries, literally just existing, and even that gets some hate sometimes. It doesn't matter that their opinions are fairly normal liberal mainstream opinions. It matters that my friend is a fellow Jew.
A goy has the privilege of standing up for what they believe in. But I believe, deep in my bones, that it doesn't matter what a Jew believes, so long as we are living in the Diaspora, we can expect to be punished for having these beliefs. (I believe this about antizionist Jews too: one day, they'll also be thrown under the bus, if they aren't already.)
Want to survive? Keep your head down, keep your shit together, and get a passport and a plan. Maybe, if we are lucky, this fever will break, and then we can resume "feeling normal". But if you stand up for yourself to exist as a Jew and as an equal member in society, you may lose everything: your job, your social and professional networks, your friends, everything that brings meaning and stability to your life at precisely the time when most of us can least afford it. In the worst case scenario, you may even lose your life.
Being brave and outspoken is for the privileged. Being smart is how we survive.
I'm not advocating we live bent on our knees. I'm definitely not advocating that we as random, relatively powerless individuals, face the wrath of the mob on our own either. This is precisely why we have community groups like ADL, AJC, the Federation, etc. Report shit to them, and hunker down. Don't make yourself a target.
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Those who go "Criticizing the Israeli government isn't antisemitic... but accusing it of apartheid or genocide is" do themselves no favors. Nor do they do Israel any favors in the long term.
Before I proceed, I need to make clear (both to Israelis as well as "antizionists"/tankies) when the accusation is paired with a declaration that Israel shouldn't exist, I'll agree that's when we get into antisemitism. After all, it'd be baffling to say that Serbia, China, or Sudan should cease existing for their part in genocide within the past 3 decades (not to be confused with the stance that certain parts of those nations have full grounds to break away), and only a relative fringe (your daily reminder that tumblr/twitter is not real life) will say the same about all the countries in the Americas.
Setting that aside, my issue is declaring that you can't say genocide or apartheid takes the teeth out of arguments to make them palatable for the political establishment.
Usually when I see people deny that apartheid, they bring up how Israeli Arabs have all the rights of citizenry. Except they fail to address how the accusation is leveled primarily at Israel's treatment of the West Bank (the settlements fulfill the literal translation of the "apartheid"). Or how within Israel proper, you can see a concerted campaign by the right to further marginalize Arab communities; from Netanyahu declaring Arab voters a fifth column, to the clear intent of the "nation state law", to incitement of violence from mobs and MKs.
Standing Together elaborates on the apartheid element:
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Now for the genocide part, one could argue about the whether this actually meets the academic definition. However I'd still argue that by itself, accusing the Israeli government of genocide isn't inherently antisemitic even if it's frequently stated by those who are. Death toll aside, if you not only look at the progressive nature of the evacuation orders that pushes Gazans into an ever shrinking "safe zone" with no provision for return, it's not hard for it to meet at least the ethnic cleansing criteria.
Importantly, the Israeli government has done nothing to reign in extremism. By not shutting down its genocidal members (who are signaling that they want to resettle Gaza) or doing anything more than wrist-slapping mobs, it essentially approves that ideology. So while Israelis as a whole aren't genocidal, those who are are where it counts. Which then is where you have intent, regardless of Bibi's English statements to the world.
Also, no, not everyone who suffers deprivation or hardship is gonna become a genocidal terrorist. But it's well-documented that such conditions do make it easier for extremist groups to gain influence and recruit. In that regard, I argue that "Oct 7 was a natural consequence" is also a harsh but valid statement; not just due to conditions that make it easier for Hamas to get control (and gain popularity in the WB) but also because it's clear as day that the far-right coalition's push for WB occupation actually weakened Israeli security.
And comparing yourself to the conduct of Hamas or any of the Arab states to make yourself look better is an utter fallacy.
It's fair to point out the hypocrisy of those who level the accusations but don't say a peep about Russia or China (or how Arab states treat Palestinian refugees for that matter). And I think it's fair to ask anyone who comes out with such an accusation to clarify if they are just critiquing your gov/military's actions or your very existence.
But when "It's fair to criticize Israel" is repeatedly followed by "Not like That", it raises the question as to whether you really are inviting criticism of Israeli policy. Because hating Bibi is easy; harder is addressing the conditions that allowed him to come to power and the long-term ramifications.
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hero-israel · 1 year
Related to the last post (though I’m not the same anon):
I saw a post where it was hammer and sickle variants from various countries. There was one from Palestine and not from Israel. Ofc Palestine has had a strong socialist movement and was allied with the USSR, but the same goes for Israel, though for less time (regarding USSR allyship and socialism having power, though it still exists there). I’m sure the unspoken argument was Isnotreal is a fake state due to being a colonial project, but then they also had variants for the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Admittedly, one person in the comments called New Zealand Aotearoa (which I wholeheartedly agree with, but for the same reasons I think Israel is a justified name, which is obviously not why they believe that), and I’ve seen people make the arguments that Israel shouldn’t exist for the same reasons as USA, CANADA, Australia, and New Zealand, but the fact is most vocal anti-Zionists are from those latter countries. They can gleefully say the countries are colonial and illegitimate, but they express very little guilt living on indigenous land, even if they acknowledge it. Meanwhile, they charge every Israeli with being an actively evil colonizer. Maybe you could win their favor if you dodge IDF drafting, but I would doubt even then. I’m sure there’s plenty of Israeli Jewish anti-Zionists who’d get shittalked by American gentile anti-Zionists without seeing the irony (tho I’m falling into strawmanning here)
Yes, it is definitely quite an experience to see Americans blame Israel for racism, Europeans blame Israel for colonialism. The Jew must symbolically take up their sins, that is the only way they can interpret the world.
When confronted with their privilege and hypocrisy, some American antizionists will say "we don't protest as much against the oppression of the Native Americans because it is already complete, it is too late." Shucks I guess that Standing Rock business was just a flash mob or something? It is FAR more achievable and worthwhile to demand the USA cede sovereignty over Wyoming or Idaho, after barely 130 years and nothing worthwhile gained, than to demand Israel reactivate the dhimmi apartheid status that governed MENA Jews for 1400 years until they finally won their freedom.
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mr-democracy-manifest · 6 months
I swear to g-d just fifteen minutes in a boxing ring with those “antizionist” nazi bitches and I’ll never ask for anything again
I'd pay to see that. It'd never happen though. ProPals are only brave when they're in a mob or hiding behind internet anonymity.
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jewishbarbies · 7 months
The glaring problem that Antizionists and Leftists as a whole fail to grasp, is their insistence that death and punishment makes the world a better place.
"If we just get rid of all the people we hate things will be so much better!!!"
"Setting yourself on fire is good!!!"
"That group must suffer and repent!!"
Ok but what of said hated peoples friends and family? And the survivors of your attempt? Do you think they will be keen on getting along with you? And what about the people unaffiliated to the survivors but horrified by all of that death and punishment you doled out? They will see YOU as evil and work against you!
You can't be against civilian deaths but then simultaneously want nothing but carnage and rape for the "other" it becomes a never ending cycle.
You can't be the boot on someone else's neck
I’m a big fan of restorative justice for this very reason. it devolves too quickly into becoming the person you’re punishing otherwise, especially when we’re talking mob justice against an entire group.
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