voreplier · 4 years
So or I forgot about these... >-> (they are really old by now)
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Oh well...
Enjoy your stay in Hotel a’la Anti~! (pun was made by @magnificentzharin​ all rights goes to them!)
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vorish-egos · 4 years
could we please get some headcannons for anti like y'all have for dark?? those were so good omg
Since I'm dropping by, I'll go ahead and offer up some of mine real quick! I'm sure like any other mun there are multitudinous and unique headcanons in regards to each of our versions of characters, but I don't mind offering up mine in the meantime ^^ (and yes anon, I am still working on the Dark/DA request, I have not forgotten amongst the chaos still <3)
-Anti is a much less... "Coy", predator than Dark. He won't waste his time playing mind games, but rather lead the prey on in a real game of cat and mouse if he's bored enough. He's much more physical and "pouncing", and in it for the chase and the hunt/endgame, unhesitatingly rough with his snack if he just cares about scaring them instead of tucking them away. If he cares about the one he's turning into a snack though, then he'll definitely be a bit gentler and at least use swallows that glide the prey more easily down into his powerful gullet, with actions more slow and deliberate, but still eager to get the precious cargo inside where they can be under his complete contro- I mean protection.
-A common trope I think is that Anti has green innards, be they neon or a deep glistening hue—and even a static-y stomach is another option, with the prey suspended in a sort of void of white noise, cocooned in his glitchy atmosphere— I for sure go with the flexible tongue and slight yet still-sharp canines, where he can use his tongue to easily wrap around his meal and pull them into his equally flexible jaws. And being a demon, he can handle a great deal of volume in his stomach, as well as control his system so that he can speed up, slow down, or even halt digestion altogether.
-He is also hypermetabolic, which is a huge cause of why he's nickname-labeled a "glutton"; he has to keep eating a lot in order to negate the amount of energy spent by his glitching aura, as it takes a lot to maintain a "fully present" form without a willing host body. He also just likes the sensation of live prey, not only because it relieves the gnawing hunger, but also because it's a nice warm blissful feeling— and what consenting pred wouldn't want that~?
-And again, if he uses his gluttony as an excuse to keep a precious one close, then he'll be very "insistent" on it. To the point of making you a belly pet whenever possible. He'll snuggle you while you're inside, kneading and massaging for both of your sakes, and you can tell when he's genuinely happy if he's purring (I'll let you in on a little secret: He'll purr if you pet his head and scritch the back of his neck too, he loves having his hair stroked but will most definitely deny it, but believe me it is soft like wool. Proceed at your own risk though, side effects may include not escaping to tell the tale and being "grounded" by a very grumpy ego's stomach); he also can be very lackadaisical when his belly is stuffed, lounging around and still stroking his passenger to just relish being full while having you close. Aka. he is very possessive, in case you couldn't tell lol
-He can be a "little" fussy if you need to stretch your legs or go do something that involves leaving the confines of his stomach, but he does make a great guard-dog demon if you somehow have his loyalty. Just don't be surprised if you end up in there a lot. Although with his level of fierce devotion, it means no other egos or especially stranger-predators can have you without your explicit permission— because whoo boy, if he found out that one of them nommed you without your— or more importantly, his— say-so...
-If he's neutral towards you, then he's more likely eating you as a convenience and form of dominance, to assert and remind that he is the "ultimate predator"— though no one's seen him try to hunt Dark... Probably for the best.
-And if you're a known reformer, well... Let's just say I hope you know what you're getting yourself into XD
-So yeah, he's basically a sassy knock-everything-down-and-eat-everyone-in-my-way cat
Hopefully that gives you a basic idea on my Anti-muse's hcs lol. Take care— and don't worry about the shadows... They don't bite eheheheh~  ;3
Edit: I forgot to mention that my Anti also has black claw-like nails, whoops!
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vorish-egos · 5 years
I like to imagine that Anti can get protective/possessive of his tinies if another ego is threatening to eat them. Like, say Dark or someone is looking for a snack, unaware that the tiny they picked out is already Anti's tiny. Anti jumps in, scares them away, and gulps down his prey before vanishing. He rubs his belly and purrs about how his prey is his and his alone, almost sweet but still a little scary at the same time.
This hc / idea would perfectly match to Anti’s personality.
In my opinion, it is that Anti is not willing to give everything that is his, even a non-material objects. It is a bit horrible to think about, especially when you imagine a borrower who lived under the Septic’s property for a long time and maintained friendly and associated with symbiosis relationship with the egos, only to be caught by Anti and transformed into his puppet.
A puppet who often ends up in glitchy belly.
In the event if someone would try to swallow a small inferior of an Irish demon, surely such a person would be punished by him. He would probably leave on “foodie” a few scratches or, although it is unlikely, he would abuse the person mentally for a certain period of time.
Then he would keep his tiny in a torage stomach for a day or even few,  and in this manner he would show that the little creature is his property only.✩Vorie✩
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vorish-egos · 6 years
JackieBoy-Man: Protecting [Y/N]
{The sequel to "Anti Dealing with Troublesome Y/N}
The first thing Jackie noticed when he opened the door to the house was a plethora of noises which didn’t seem to mesh quite right. The first sound was gentle snoring, unmistakably Anti’s, with the wheeze of air through the neck wound and distortion of his voice; the second was a tiny, muffled, terrified screaming; and the third was an uncomfortably noisy gurgling stomach. This miasma of noise stabbed suspicion right into Jackie’s heart and he crept closer to the source: Anti, sleeping peacefully on the couch with an uncharacteristically swollen and lumpy abdomen. Near enough to understand what he was seeing, he realized that he was hearing [Y/N]’s voice coming from inside Anti. They were screaming for help and squirming hard to escape.
His eyes widened as he paled and gasped softly, “[Y/N]!”
“Hlmph mm! Plmnv!”
“I-it’ll be okay bud, I’ll find a way to getcha outta there! Ju-just hold on!” He whispered, racking his brain for a solution.
What should he do? If he punched Anti to make him throw them up, he’d likely wind up hurting them, too. If he shoved his finger down the glitch’s throat, there was a good chance he’d end up getting cut. Or worse, end up in the same scenario as [Y/N]. How did Anti even get them in there?! Did Henrik have any ipecac left after the last poisoning incident? No, there wasn’t enough time to go looking! Who knew how long they’d been in there.
Anti began to stir and all thoughts flew from Jackie’s mind. His chest tightened and his breath hitched in his throat, so he did the only thing he could think of. He cocked his right arm back, summoned his flame aura to his fist, and socked Anti in the gut.
Oh God why did I do that?! I hope I missed them!!
Anti was flung into a sitting position with his jet black eyes bugged out. He yelled something incoherent before he groaned and doubled over, leaned to the side, heaved, and threw up. Out popped [Y/N], who fell to the carpet with a small-sounding scream. They were so tiny! Barely six inches tall if Jackie’s guess was right. Anti began to sway, so Jackie grabbed them and took off for the nearest bathroom. He held them tight to his chest as he sprinted down the hall, took a left, took another left, and slammed the door behind him with his foot. Anti would be livid after this. Jackie needed to find a way to protect them, but first he had to get them clean!
He locked the door and leaned his back against it, panting hard and sweating. Not from exertion, mind, he was a professional hero after all. No, he was trembling in his boots and swallowing hard on a dry mouth. He hadn’t even peeked to make sure [Y/N] was okay yet. He had to check, though, even though he was afraid of what he might see… what he might have done when he punched Anti.
He gulped and shook his head, steeling his nerves, “Are you alright, buddy?”
A tiny voice piped up from against his chest, “I-I think– I think so… Thank you, Jackie.”
Finally, he dared peek at the miniaturized friend in his hands. They seemed mostly unharmed, if soaked in saliva and bile in their destroyed pajamas. Dark bags sagged below their eyes, which might’ve been bloodshot but were so small he couldn’t tell. They were pale, which made sense considering where they’d just been. He stepped up to the sink and ran some warm water.
“Let’s getcha cleaned up,” he murmured, “Ya look like ye’ve been through the wringer.”
“Feels like it, too,” they nodded, edging off his palm and onto the sink.
Jackie stopped the drain and his ears perked to the approaching sound of stomping feet. Anti was coming and Jackie still didn’t know how to protect his friend! He turned the water off to hopefully throw the demon off their trail, but he knew better. Anti was clever, it wouldn’t work.
He glanced at the door and whispered to [Y/N], “Hurry, wash up and I’ll getcha outta the house.”
Anti was pounding on the door already, demanding that Jackie ‘get his ass out here with that little menace so he can eat them again’. How about no? [Y/N] hurriedly splashed around in the sink before Jackie felt them tugging at his sleeve. He looked down so fast his neck popped. They were soaking wet and had both hands up, grasping at the air and bouncing on the balls of their feet in the childlike signal for ‘up’.
“Jackie, eat me!” they begged.
“I just spent the last two hours in Anti’s stomach, I’ll be fine in yours!”
He felt the blood drain from his face as he glanced at his watch. Two hours? Did that mean Anti got them while they were sleeping? Just like him to prey on someone when they can’t fight– the door rattled on its hinges as the glitch-demon outside grew impatient and began cursing at Jackieboy. But to swallow [Y/N] so soon after freeing them from that very situation was wrong! How could he do that to his friend? He couldn’t!
“There’s no time! He’s going to break that door down and I’d rather be in your stomach than his!”
“[Y/N], I…” he gulped hard on nothing and turned to them, “I couldn’t possibly do that to ya!”
“Do we have another option?! Hurry!”
The door rattled harder with a heavy ‘thunk!’ that sounded like Anti was throwing his body at it. He fidgeted in place, but jumped when the door began to crack.
He set his hand on the sink with an open palm, “Okay, okay. I don’t like this, but fine! C’mere.”
The now-tiny [Y/N] jumped onto his palm and hugged his thumb as they kneeled. He brought them up to his face and hesitated. This felt so wrong, but he couldn’t come up with any other solution. Anti hit the door once more and Jackie was showered with splinters. He gasped and opened his mouth, then tilted his head back a little ways. They practically threw themself into his maw and he choked somewhat, then tried not to gag. They tasted like watered down bile.
Something whizzed past his ear and he gulped. He felt their head and arms pop into his throat as the thing that missed him by centimetres embedded itself in the tile wall in front of him. Anti’s knife. He needed to do this quickly. Another swallow and their legs were in his mouth. The door crashed open and he closed his mouth as he turned to see Anti panting and glitching in rage.
“G̷ive.̷ t̡ha͢t.̀ l͢i̧t͡tle͡.͡ ́shìt͢. b̸ack̕!”
“Nm-mn,” Jackie shook his head and [Y/N] squirmed, trying to worm their way down his throat. His stomach churned and greasy feeling started at the base of his tongue. He wanted to throw up.
“T̡hey̷'͘ŕe ̨m̕i͡n̴e̷!”
He finally swallowed hard one last time and grimaced as he felt their descent. Anti snarled as Jackie gagged, then burped and wiped his mouth. The knife reappeared in the glitch’s hand and he leveled it at Jackie’s abdomen as it swelled ever-so-slightly. He never broke eye contact.
“Fi̵nę. ͞Bu͟t ͏you’d ̢b͡ett͜e͝r ḱe͢e̷p͜ t̷he̡ḿ d́ow̛n, ơr̛ ̧y͠ou'͟ŕę ͞n͞ext.͟”
“I’m not lettin’ ya hurt ‘em.” He flexed his abs, the slight distention disappearing behind muscle, “I’ll protect ‘em, whatever it takes.”
Anti growled, stabbed his knife into the wooden door frame, and stomped off back to the living room. “Wat͜c̴h y̴o̸ur̀ ba͡c͞k̛, h́e̶r͞o.”
Jackie waited until the knife disappeared in a small puff of staticy black smoke to relax and let [Y/N]’s bulge return to his belly, then put his hand over them. There was a good chance that he was about to throw up even if he didn’t force it. They’d shifted around inside his stomach in such a way that made him incredibly queasy. Even though they seemed to be sitting still, he could feel their every subtle movement, from breathing to hugging their knees. God, this was all wrong!
His breaths were shaky as he traced their outline with his fingertips and stared at the door across the hallway. Oh God, he’d just swallowed his friend and now they were inside his stomach! How had it come to this? He couldn’t bring himself to move. He just stood rigidly, disgusted with himself but unable to truly bring himself to vomit. It was true that Anti couldn’t get them now, and they’d lasted two hours in the glitch’s stomach, but how long would they last in his? He had to go see Henrik and get them out, then find another way to protect and get them back to their original size. Marvin needed to know that Anti had done this, so did Seán. Especially Seán.
“Jackie? Hey! Jackie!” [Y/N] piped up, their voice seeming to come from inside his head, “HEY! Are you okay out there?!”
He didn’t respond at first, couldn’t bring his mouth to work.
A small collision rippled through his gut, “JACKIE!”
“Wha-?” He shook himself, snapping back to reality.
“Are you alright?”
That was ironic, they were worried about his well being.
He chuckled haltingly, “I-I’m alright, but what about you? This is the second time today ye’ve been swallowed!”
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry. And thank you.”
“Fer what?” He furrowed his brow but never stopped rubbing their outline.
“Saving me. Protecting me. Getting me out of Anti’s stomach.”
“But I putcha back in the same situation!”
He felt them place a hand against the lining of his stomach, “Not really. I mean, I asked you to. You’re protecting me, not… whatever it was he wanted to do to me.”
Jackie legs finally collapsed from beneath him and he fell to the ground, landing hard on his ass, as he put a hand to his head. What had Anti wanted to do to them? Probably digest them, if he guessed right. Oh god! Digest them! Adrenaline tipped into his system and he jumped back to his feet.
“I’ve gotta see the Doc and getcha outta me! Then we’ll see Marvin about fixing this!”
He resisted gulping on a dry mouth again and shakily made his way out of the bathroom, taking a roundabout route to Henrik’s office. If he wanted to fix this, the Doc would be the best person to see. He needed to hurry, but his feet felt so sluggish and unresponsive and the short trip down the hallways of the big house felt like an eternity. Anti would need to answer for this, but first [Y/N] needed to be safe.
He covered their outline with his hand, “Like I’ve said before: I promise I’m gonna keep ya safe, [Y/N]. No matter what it takes.”
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voreplier · 6 years
I made few gifs based on videos, where people put their cameras into their mouth, so you can see and explore it. 
Of course everybody knows that slimy cave of fantasies doesn’t look super interesting in real footages, which is why I put into these gifs some flirters, to creater a more welcoming paradise. 
I  used a videos of one person I am watching specifically, because they are the best in my opinion. ((Small note: I couldn’t make them bigger sorry))
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And also I made one where YOU yes you, the person who is reading it, is inside no other than ANTI’S mouth~ And there, the definition of freedom does not exist. ((Sorry but I screwed with it a bit and it’s a bit junky ;-;))
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vorish-egos · 6 years
Ipliers and Septiceyes and their Vore role
• Predator •
- Darkiplier -
- Antisepticeye -
- Yandereplier -
- Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein -
- Googleplier and Red (Red Google) -
- Dogiplier -
- Marvin the Magnificent -
- Wilford Warfstache/ Wiliam Jackson Barnum -
- Derek Derekson -
- Bill the Werewolf -
- Bim Trimmer -
• Prey •
- Actor (Asshole) Mark -
- Silver Shepherd -
- Ed Edgar -
- Jims/ Jim brothers/ Jim twins -
• Observator •
((Explanation. These people who don't have a favourite, saliva-making aroma as like preys. Even if they were tiny, they would never end in hungry maws, even if so predator wouldn't be so happy about the taste of it. They just don't fit in, for them is preferable to watch how is done by professionals.))
- Host/ Author -
- Dr. Iplier -
- King of the Squirrels -
• Pred-Prey •
((Explanation. No matter where or in which form they will end up, they are always doing their job perfectly.))
- Jameson Jackson (JJ) -
- Robbie the Zombie -
- Damien -
- Lightiplier -
- Chase Brody -
- Mark -
- Jack/Seán -
- Jacksepticat -
- Bingiplier -
- Jackieboy-Man -
- Oliver (Yellow Google) and Green (Green Google) -
- Eric Derekson -
☆ Vorie ☆
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vorish-egos · 6 years
°One small thing about requests° [UPDATE]
Because I am dumb and I forgot to mention it in the last ask about one more subject, which is you know the things I can write and I am really sorry if already I made anyone angry about it. :c
It's just some topics/themes are hard for me to write, because or I don't feel to confident about them or just I have a problem with imagining peculiar scenario in my head. Again I am so sorry. ;-;
So here it is a list of things I can write about:
You can request:
✓ Child, Female, Male, Genderfluid (they/them) Reader as a (non) or Prey [with any disorders or malfunctions, eg: Mute, Blind, Deaf, Bipolar, Autism]
✓ Mark, Seán (occassionally Nate) and their egos (canon and non-canon) as a (non) or Predator
✓ AU's (Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Modern, etc)
✓ Headcanons, images, prompts, drabbles
✓ Vore story (fearplay, gore/hard, mouthplay, licking, safe, soft, micro, same-size [only when the predator is naga]) and non vore (fluff, angst, gt, size difference, comfort, death [it depends on mood and characters], etc)
✓ Demi-monster (half human/half-animal/monster), feral, sizeshifter, giant, tiny, borrower, human, ghost, werewolf, vampire, demon character
✓ Platonic and Romantic relationships
Note: Prey has to be smaller than Predator
You can't request:
✕ Reader as a Predator
✕ Anything related to sexual, BDSM theme
✕ Foot, naval, cum, poop, piss, fetish thing
If somethings change about this list, I will upgrade it, but if you have questions do not worry you can text me due private messages or anon asks.
Mun Kwissant and Cherry have a different list of do's and dont's than mine, so if you want a peculiar person to write your request just put a name or a first letter of it at the beggining or end (Vorie/V ; Kwissant/K ; Cherry/C), but if you don't know who to choose from, you don't have to add anything at all. ^^
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vorish-egos · 5 years
I had an idea where Chase can't die, regardless of what kind of trauma his body goes through. He'll just kinda regenerate the injuries super quick (which would kinda explain the lack of a bullet hole in Chase's head at the end of Bro Average). He realizes this when Anti swallows him, but his body isn't affected by the stomach acid, which results in Anti getting indigestion and spitting him out. Some of the other egos try to experiment with his regenerative abilities too (Most likely Marvin :3)
I’m not sure if Chase really shot himself in the head or it was just an ordinary scene of what he had experienced. It is possible that he tried to shoot himself, but simply at the moment of gunshot, the weapon slipped out of his hand.
However, I do not exclude the intervention of higher powers, let alone your headcanon.
With this ability, Chase will certainly spend most of his time in Marvin’s library and Henrik’s a la laboratory.
The wizard would try to comprehend Chase power and create an universal spell that would help in emergencies, for example if it turned out that Jackie would not be able to heal more of his serious wounds.
Schneep, however, would do various experiments on him to check the limit of his self-healing powers. He would shrink and throw him into various creatures mouths, from snake to Robbie. In case when tiny ex-dad would been swallowed by a zombie, Robbie would be morbidly worried about friend. Although he would know and see that none of digestive juices will harm Chase.
While we are still on Robbie at the moment, I would add that whenever something made his stomach upset or needed a good massage in that place, he would swallow Chase, whom would be the size of his finger or even Barbie Doll to calm the organ a little. He would “pack” the very trick master to stomach but only if he senses a threat or negative energy towards green-yellow haired ego.
Anti, even after the uncomfortable effect of foreign regeneration, would still eat him. He would feel pain, twists, nausea, but that would not prevent him from taking pleasure in having a living meal in his tummy.
After some time, his stomach would get used to the fact, that not everything can be digested at once. Quickly returning to the doctor, that also it seems to me that in some situations, he could swallow Chase, without a sense of guilt. Because with the boy inside of him, he will be able to evaluate and observe the experience better.
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vorish-egos · 5 years
Hello! I was wondering for headcanons about who you think has the loudest belly sounds! Personally, I think it’s Wilford or Marvin (if you count him as a pred.) also, just wanted to let you know that there’s a wonderful audio clip floating around of a gurgling and goopy stomach on @a-place-for-vore or @voraliciouslair if you wanna hear!
I never thought about it before, but if I could do the list fromquietest to loudest belly for both Ipliers and Septics, it would besomething like this:
1) Wilford (yeah like you, I do think that he would have one of a noisy tum)
2) Google (since he is a robot, he can „play” or even stimulate his stomachto behave super loudly)
3) Dark (normally he tries to control his stomach, but when he is too hungryhe just let it growl as much as it wants)
4) Mark (once in his monday morning member stream, you could easily hear hisstomach growling, to which he gave a genius comment “Excuseme for noises coming from my body, I don’t know what is this allabout.” 0///0)
5) Dr.Plier  (notIplier, this ego in perticular is a therapist)
1) Anti  (hedoesn’t give a damn how loud his stomach can be and obviously useits volume to scare off his preys)
2) Robbie  (sincehe is a zombie, his tummy behaves much more slower and louder than ifhe was alive)
3) Jameson Jackson (justbecause he is mute doesn’t mean his organs are quiet)
4) Chase
5) Marvin
Even if I have never thought about it before, it doesn’tmean that this is not an interesting headcanon to create dear Anon. Iwould say that was fun to think about audible gurgles of hungryegos. uwu
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vorish-egos · 5 years
Hmmm..what would Anti's reaction be, if he was trying to have me as a snack, but i succed to eacape? (Unless you want to do an ending where i still end up being eaten, 😉 go ahead)
Anti showed a series of razor-sharp teeth that looked a little like a shark’s one or other bloodthirsty beast’s. They rose slightly and behind them, a dangerous snarl emerged from back of throat. Currently, he was sitting in his kitchen with a scratched by a knife table. It must have been an extraordinary coincidence … If not for earlier annoying situation… 
- As ̶y̧o҉u c̀an şee, ̷I͟ a̵m ͟n̴o͠t v̧er͏y ͜ple͝as̵ed͝ ̴t͘h̛a̕t̷ s͢udden҉l̶y ̶m͝y҉ ҉ pu̕̕p҉͝p̡e̴t̡ ͏d͘ecid̴ed ̴to͢ ̷avo͝id the͠ír d̢es̢t̸i͢n̷y͝ …
Suddenly his stomach roared. Demanding an apology, for such a nasty behavior. The green-haired psychopath only laughed derisively, massaging the place of the noise properly.  
- Õ̅f ̑͒̂̐ͫc͗̔ͬ̔̃̚ǒͤur̍s̽͐ͬ̄̏̄͌e̎̆̚…
Eyelids fell heavily down, but as soon as another sick laugh left the body, they were lifted. Instead of eyes with pale-blue irises, black without bottoms spheres appeared.
- I̢͔͓̫ ̰͕̯ẃ̰̲̠̩ị̵͇ll̺̮̩̹ͅ ͚̞̣̰̺͎̝͞ń̜̜͇o̡͙̳̫̪̦̘̤t̹̺̝̫̻ ̠͞d̝͍̭͎͙̫̕o̪͕̲ ̦̟̟̬̙͟t̺̪̥̦͔h̺̟̖a͕̥̖ṯ͚͚̥̪͕̭ m̨͉i̴̖͚̯̘̭̙s̹̥͕̟̝̥̀ͅta̦̭̝̮k̼̮̝̰̮͓ͅe̜̯͎̙̻͜ ҉̥̥̣͇̱ẹ̥̩͍v̫̖̦͙̭͝e̴͙̱ŗ͚̬͎̮̺ ̩̺̬̳̞ḁ͇͡g̲͇̘ͅa̼̻̙͔̫͘i̢̳n~̪̻̘̯̰̲̥
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vorish-egos · 6 years
I really want Antisepticeye to swallow me whole.
Anti dangled you by your leg above his mouth with his tongue draping over his bottom lip, drooling in ANTIcipation (I couldn’t help myself) for the snack he was about to have. Dropping you inside of his maw, he shut it before you could escape (as if you wanted to). You were tossed around the glitch demon’s mouth relentnessly for a while, being coated in sticky saliva before gravity shifted as he tilts his head back. Gravity pulled you to the back of his throat and down the slimy tube to your final destination. His stomach.
I hope you liked this ^^ we could all use some Anti vore in our lives~
#yeet #vore #antisepticeyevore #sorryI’vebeensoinactive #Kwissant
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