#antionio dawson
marshmallows2345 · 2 years
This is gonna sound crazy BUT
Being adams sister and he thinks it’s funny when you come to visit him at the station and he goes to taze you and everyone is confused how you didn’t flintch
no its so funny bc like they’re all weirded out (in a good way) and you’re just like “eh whatever it is what it is”
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
Undercover Desires (18+)
Request: Alright, I have an idea 💡 I'd also ask this for my bday but then I feel bad for all other which requested before me :( 
Another Antonio one where they're a couple and she works as an officer on the road, but one time Hank asks her to help them out undercover, all dressed up hot and sexy, which makes Antonio really jealous and possessive but he can stay professional. Just until they get home, where he rips of her dress and shows you that every part of you belongs to him ? 🥵💗
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Cop!Reader
Warnings: smut, implied smut, swearing, fluff, angst
A/N: happy birthday to the anon that sent this request in! I hope you like it!
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You loved your job and wouldn’t give anything up for it. You liked the thought of working in Intelligence but you liked being out there on the streets more. You are a cop for Chicago PD and currently loving it. You also didn’t want to put your boyfriend’s, Antonio Dawson, job at risk and risk the chance of clouding his head if you two did work together. You and Antonio have been together 2 going on 3 years and you loved each other with everything you got and you wouldn’t trade anything for it.
Intelligence was currently working on a case and you could tell it was a tough one considering the way Antonio would come and collapse. Every other cop had been asked to help on the case but it wasn’t as in depth as Intelligence was working. You wished you could help more but right now all you could do was patrol the streets and alert if something was out of the ordinary. The case was about how a man would abduct ladies at a bar and then sexually assault them and then end up killing them and dumping them. The FBI should’ve been called in but Intelligence was given a chance to catch the person before the feds were called.
You had gotten home from work before Antionio and had changed out of your work clothing and started some dinner. It wasn’t even 30 minutes until your boyfriend had walked into the shared apartment with a sigh and keys hitting the table beside the entry way. You turned around and smiled at him sympathetically. “Hey, Baby. Rough day?” You asked him already knowing the answer.
“Very. We aren’t any closer than when we started.” He said and walked over to you and hugged you and you returned the hug.
“I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help out. Food will be ready in 10 min.” You said when you released each other.
“You’re doing all that you can, Babe. Anything I can do to help?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No. You go and get changed and it’ll be ready by the time you get out here.” You said knowing his routine and how he liked to take a quick shower after work to as he puts it ‘wash off the day’. True to your word when he joined you back into the kitchen and you had already began to plate his food. He smiled and took the plate from you and kissed you, you closed your eyes and leaned into the kiss. He pulled away and then you plated your food and joined him at the table but not before grabbing two beers and opening them and sitting one in front of him.
“Have I told you lately about how beautiful and sexy you are?” He asked and you furiously blushed and dipped your head and shook your head.
“No, I don’t think so.” You say looking up at him still blushing and you could see the light twinkling in his eyes.
“Well, in that case you are one sexy woman. The most beautiful one I’ve seen and don’t know how lucky I got to call you mine.” He said and that had you blushing even more. Let’s just say you both didn’t finish your supper and headed off to bed early.
The next morning you both woke up cuddled into each other’s arms with no clothing on. You smiled at each other and then started to get ready for the day. When you were ready you kissed each other and headed to the precinct. You normally didn’t ride together due to the different times you both got off. When you arrived, you kissed each other and went your separate ways but not before telling each other that you loved one another and to be safe.
As you we greeted Trudy and she gave you a look of annoyance and rolled her eyes as you walked past her to grab the keys to your cruiser. While you grabbed them Hank walked in and spotted you. He walked over to you and you looked up and smiled at him. “Hey, Hank. What’s up?” You asked and he smiled at you.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m gonna need your help with something.” He said
“Yea, of course, what is you need?” You asked this is what you had been hoping for.
“We need someone to go undercover and we can’t send it Hailey or Kim. They would be recognized almost instantly and they don’t look like the woman he has been taking. I want someone that hasn’t been seen with us and you also look the other women.” He said and you thought about it and you seriously wanted to help.
“Absolutely, I would do anything to help you guys.” You said and you could see some of the tension fall from his face.
“Thank you so much.” He said and you nodded “Be ready up in Intelligence in an hour. I’ll have the girls help you get ready and wired.” He said “Also I need you to wear something that would catch his eye. So, if you have anything at home I would suggest going and getting it.” He added and you nodded.
“You got it.” You said and he thanked you one last time and then you both headed your separate ways. When you got your car, you headed to your and Antonio’s apartment to grab a form fitting dress and some high heels. The dress didn’t cost much and had been saving it for any occasion and what better occasion then a short undercover operation?
You patrolled the area for awhile until it was time to head to the precinct. When you arrived, you parked the car and headed in with your stuff. Trudy looked at you and walked over and punched in the code to let you up. You smiled at her and she smiled back and shook her head. You both were good friends and liked to tease each other and it just flowed smoothly.
You walked up the stairs and everyone greeted you but Antonio and you could see the wheels turning in his head and he shook his head. “Did Hank put you up to this?” He asked you and you just smirked.
“He asked me and I said yes. No shame in helping out.” You said and walked over to him and kissed him which he returned.
“Glad you’re here.” Hank said and you broke the kiss to look at him “Kim and Hailey will help you get ready.” He said and the girls mentioned came up and took both of your arms and headed into the locker room.
“So, how bad is Antonio freaking out about this?” You asked with a smirk as you started to remove your uniform.
“He didn’t know who we got to do it until you walked in.” Kim said and you shook your head.
“It’s going to be an easy one. Get in there have him confess and get out.” Hailey said and you nodded you slid on the dress.
“Since you’re going to be wearing a dress, we got a necklace with a mic in it so we can hear everything.” Kim said and you nodded your head and they put the necklace on you. You all continued to talk while they got you ready to go. Once you all were done you put on your heels and headed out to the bullpen. Kevin, Jay and Adam complimented you but Antonio had yet to say anything but you could tell by the way his pupils dilated that he had liked it and could he wanted to shield you from other guys.
“Antonio?” You asked with a smirk and you could see how he was having a hard time controlling himself.
“You look perfect, Babe.” He said while looking you up and down.
“Ok, now that you’re ready we can get going.” Hank said and you all nodded and headed out to the van and the vehicles. You knew what you were doing to Antonio, you could see him squirming in his sit and had to adjust himself several times.
They briefed you one more time and then you were heading into the bar. Some catcalls were made at you and you just knew Antonio was not taking it well. When that man gets possessive, he gets turned on and it led to some incredibly great and rough sex, which you loved. You found a seat the bar and waited and you didn’t have to wait too long until a man approached you.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked you and you turned to look at him, he was handsome, tall, dark hair, a dazzling smile, and chocolate-colored eyes. You smiled at him.
“No, not at all.” You said and he sat down.
“I haven’t seen you around here before.” He said
“My work is demanding but I decided to take sometime for myself.” You said and you knew you were lying.
“My name is Tyler Shane.” He said
“Well nice to meet you, Tyler. I’m Abbigail Lawson.” You said giving a completely fake name. You could just imagine Antonio smirking.
“Well, what do you say to getting out of here?” He asked and you nodded.
“Ok. Your place or mine?” You asked.
“Mine.” He said as you began leaving with him you made sure to adjust your necklace a sign that you had him. Once you reached outside and began heading towards the car Intelligence jumped out.
“Chicago PD!” Hank yelled out and Tyler put his hands up while Hank cuffed him and Antonio came over to you and wrapped his jacket around you.
“You fucking bitch! You’re a cop?!” Tyler yelled out looking at you and before you could respond Antonio beat you to it.
“You bet she is. She’s a damn good one.” He said and pulled you closer to him shielding you away from Tyler. Hailey and Kim came over to you and removed the necklace and then you all went on your way.
When you all arrived back to the police station Hank allowed Antonio to take you home and Trudy didn’t even say a word. You decided to leave your car there and ride with Antonio back home. The ride home was all sexual tension. Antonio had his hand on your high and it was slowly rising to the hem of the dress. “My girl is badass.” He said and his voice had gone an octave lower a sign that he was really turned on. His hand slid up further until it reached your underwear and he started to stroke you which quickly had you a moaning mess.
“Antonio.” You moaned out and then you were stopped at a stoplight he leaned over and kissed your neck. That and the combination of him slowly stroking you had you hot and bothered. The light turned green and he didn’t move until a car horn blew and then he returned his attention back to the road he pulled his hand away and whimpered at the loss of friction. He smirked and drove the rest of the way to the apartment. He as hard and you could tell from the bulge in his jeans. You reached over and rubbed him and he actually swerved but quickly corrected himself.
You arrived back to the apartment and he parked and killed the engine and you both walked into the apartment. When you got the elevator, he pressed the button and when it opened you two walked inside thankful nobody was there. Once the door was shut, he had his mouth on yours and hand returning to your soaking hot core. “So wet for me and only me.” He said and bit your sweet spot and you moaned. You were close and could feel that rubber band tightening just a little more and it would snap. He seemed to have had noticed that because he pushed your underwear to the side and slid a finger into you and began to finger fuck you. He had you a moaning mess. He then curled his finger hitting your g-spot and it was over you came over his hand then the elevator dinged and he pulled out and you whimpered again. He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. “You taste absolutely delicious.” He said and you pressed your thighs together trying to get the friction back that you so desperately needed. He held his hand out to you and you walked out and to your apartment he had already had the keys out and unlocked the door and once you were inside, he had your back against the door attacking your neck.
“Antonio!” You moaned out. You felt him smirk you kicked off your heels and wrapped your hands around his neck with one hand in his hair. You turned you head the side letting him have more access.
“You were so hot today. Had me hard while we were in that van.” He said and brought you hand to the bulge in his jeans. “You’re mine and only mine.” He said while looking into your eyes. “I want to get this dress off of you.” He said and took it in one hand and tugged the dress ripped with ease and you gasped.
“That was my favorite dress.” You whined out.
“I’ll buy you a new one.” He said he had you jump and you circled your legs around his waist and he walked you over to the counter and laid you down on the cold surface which felt great on your burning skin. You were so out of it that the sound of material ripping had you looking at him and you saw your torn underwear in his hands and a smirking Antonio, you glared at him.
“Antonio.” You said in a stern voice and he just smirked.
“I’ll get you new ones.” He said and you rolled your eyes but it didn’t last because the next thing you knew he was licking a broad stripe up your folds that had you toes curling. You moaned and your hands went to his head and pushed him further into you. He rolled your clit and gently bit it at times and probed your entrance with his tongue. After a minute he pulled away and you groaned at the loss of contact, you were so close.
Your hands fell from his head and you watched him rid himself of his clothing and you got rid of your bra. Once he stepped out of his jeans, he was stepping over to you and roughly shoving his girthy cock into you. The familiar stretch and burn were perfect and you loved it, your head went to the counter and he started a rough pace thrusting in and out of you. You and he were a moaning mess. “Right there! Feels so good!” You moaned out and he latched onto your right nipple and set a brutal pace that you loved. He caged you in with his arms.
He rolled your nipple in his mouth and gently bit it and then soothed it out after a few minutes he let go of it and looked up at your face and smirked. “You’re mine and only mine.” He said and you nodded “Words use your words.” He said and you moaned.
“Yours.” You said and he gave a sharp thrust into you and then attacked you left nipple giving it the same attention as the other. He then let up and pulled out and you whimpered at the loss of contact but you didn’t have to wait long because he was helping you down and then bending you over the counter and then shoving himself back into you. You could feel the coolness on your breasts. You turned you head the side and he put one hand on you head holding you down while the other one held your hips.
“Tell me who is making you feel good.” He said
“You.” You said and he gave a harsh thrust.
“Who is making you feel this good?” He asked again.
“Antonio!!” You yelled out and he smirked.
“Good girl.” He praised and you felt that knot forming in your stomach again. You were so close.
“’M close.” You said and he leaned over you going deeper.
“Not yet.” He said and you whimpered he pulled out again and then turned you around and had you jump again and he walked you to the bedroom. He gently threw you on the bed and then crawled up to you and guided himself into you again and set a brutal pace again.
“’Tonio, close.” You said and he just smirked loving when you couldn’t even form sentences. He himself was close too.
“Let go.” He said and as he said that you did and his thrusts grew sloppy and he stilled inside of you throwing his head back and moaning as her painted your walls white. When you both came down from your high you were both panting and the room smelt of sex, you both were sweating. He rested his head on your and smiled and you smiled back. He kissed you and you kissed back. He slowly slid out of you.
Antonio got up and went into the bathroom and came back with a wet washcloth he gently slid it through your oversensitive folds and you moaned and your legs shook. “I’m sorry.” He said and you shook your head.
“Nothing to apologize for. Just sensitive.” You said and he smirked knowing he made you that way. He threw the washcloth into the basket. He walked over to the bed and pulled the covers back and you both crawled into them. He pulled you into him to where your back was to him.
“You’re mine and only mine.” He said and you turned to face him and smiled.
“Yours and only yours. If I get rough sex each time you get possessive or jealous each time I go undercover or someone flirts with me, then I should do it all the time.” You said with a chuckle and so did he. You closed your eyes “I love you, Babe.” You said.
“I love you too.” He said and felt you smile against his chest and kissed your head and felt your breath even out and then he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Oh yea if he was like this every time you went undercover or he jealous and possessive when someone flirted with you then yea you were going to do it more often.
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pocketfulofrogers · 5 years
Be Brave
Pairing: Adam Ruzek x Reader Jay Halstead x Sister!Reader
Request: If you’re not busy can you do a Adam Ruzek from Chicago PD request where the reader is Jay’s civilian sister and she has to go undercover with Adam as her date to her high school reunion (which she didn’t plan to attend) because someone is targeting girls in her high school class which causes their feelings to come out after months of flirting?
Summary: Jay is a badass detective and Will is a badass doctor. Why would the youngest Halstead be any different? 
Notes: When I say this one got away from me, I mean it. Just shy of 4.3k words and I have no idea how that happened. Hope you like! Requests open!
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The first memory Jay has of you is a fuzzy one. You’re young with pigtails and shoes too big for your little feet. The sun was high, concrete hot, and there’s a small breeze bringing in the smell of charred hot dogs from one of the neighbor’s houses. Your tiny hand is in his, sticky with dried ice cream.
You catch sight of a butterfly and chase after it, but the toe of your shoe catches the curb and you go down. Hard. When he sees the blood running lines down your shin, the tears flooding your waterline, he picks you up, cradles you to him, and carries you home.
He sets you down on the edge of the bathtub and wipes your tears. “Be brave.” He tells you.
Will wanders in with curious eyes and jumps up on the counter. Jay begins to rummage in the cupboard while Will reaches to the shelf above him to lay out a band-aid. Jay wets a wash rag and begins to clean you up as best he can. You hiss when he reaches broken skin.
He looks up at you and his heart tugs at the sight of your face contorted in pain, the silent tears coating your rosy cheeks. He wonders if he should stop, let the softer touch of your mother handle it.
You close your eyes and scrunch your nose. “Be brave.” You whisper to yourself.
Jay finishes quickly, places the bandage, kisses it lightly, and taps your nose to make you giggle. You thank him, he tells you that’s what big brothers do.
He’s spent his whole life looking after you, so when you show up at his apartment trying to convince him that two murders from your childhood neighborhood are connected, he’s clearly not thrilled in the slightest.
“Y/N, homicide is on it.” He tells you again.
“Intelligence should be on it.” You tell him again. “Lizzy had two kids, Jay.” He does his best not to look at you, knows as soon as he does, he’ll cave. “Jay.”
He turns and sees you with your wide eyes, eyebrows drawn upward, arms crossed, hip cocked. That’s his first mistake
“I’ll bring it to Voight, but you have to stay away from this. It could be a coincidence, but if it’s not, you could be a target.”
“Alright, fine.”
His second mistake was believing you.
When Jay reports that Hank agreed to lift the case from homicide, your first stop is none other than Adam Ruzek. A good man who’s skin you enjoyed getting under. He’d always tell you, “you’re Jay’s sister, we can’t blah blah blah”. You respected that, even thought it was slightly honorable. Didn’t mean you’d stop having your fun.
He opens the door in a tank top and jeans, hair still wet from a shower. You watch droplets chase each other down his skin and you find yourself frozen. Did you have the perfect witty remark before you saw him? Sure did. Did you now? Absolutely not.
“How can I help you?” He prompts, looking more confused than anything else.
You recover quickly, stretch your lips into a cheeky grin and look him up and down. “Oh, I think you know exactly what I want.”
He rolls his eyes. “Y/N- “
“Relax Ruz, I want information on your case, not to see your dick.” You say as you walk in and turn back to smirk at him.
Funny enough, the only thing he wanted was to kiss that smirk right off your lips, take you to his bed and rip your clothes off.
“We’ve been instructed not to say anything to you.” He shrugs. You groan and throw your head back in frustration, not so quietly cursing Jay’s ‘big brother’ complex. “However, if I were to leave the room and you were to read the file on the counter next to the microwave, well, I guess there’s nothing I could do about that.” He winks at you before he leaves the room.
“You’re the best.” You sing-song after him.
You pour over the files. Names, bank statements, recent communications. Out of three scenes there was only one eye witness and he was questionable at best. How was that possible? This definitely wasn’t done by a pro, the medical examiner’s report had detailed gruesome, messy deaths. Emotional and frantic.
Adam finds you on his living room floor, papers sprawled before you. You have the end of one of his pens tucked between your lips and he can’t say he’ll be mad at the teeth marks you’re likely leaving.
You’re so completely engrossed, you don’t hear his soft chuckle from behind you or even notice the scent of coffee and vanilla in the air. You only notice him when he clears his throat from above you and hands you a warm mug.
“Oh sorry.” You wince. “I suppose I’ve been here a little too long.”
He waves you off. “What are you writing down?”
“Anything that sticks out to me really. I’m sure it’s not anything you haven’t already come up with, but I just know there’s a connection between them.” You frown at the mess in front of you.
“Well, you did graduate with them, right?” He asks. You nod. “Was there maybe a person or a class they had in common?”
You scrunch your nose and begin to gnaw on your bottom lip. “I don’t know.” You whisper.
It was right there; you swore it was. It sat heavy on the tip of your tongue ready to fall at any moment, but nothing you’d just seen had jogged a memory.
You hover your fingers over the pages. “I thought files like these usually had pictures of the scenes, the… bodies.”
“I didn’t think you needed to see that.” He says softly. “Hey.” He tries to catch your attention. “You’re not going to solve this in one sitting, Nancy Drew.” You roll your eyes and he shrugs. “At least you’ll have something to talk about at your reunion.” You look to him with furrowed brows. “Your… high school reunion?”
You had forgotten. Whether that was on accident or on purpose is unknown. “Oh, yeah, no. Definitely not going to that.” You laugh. He questions you with a head tilt. “It’s just not really my scene, Ruz.” You say simply. “I’m supposed to be meeting Will and Jay for lunch, I should go. Thank you for- uh- you know.”
“Breaking a few laws to please you?” He chuckles.  
You smile softly at him and he walks you to the door, but you pause just over the threshold. “If Jay asks if you’ve seen me you say…?” You prompt.
“There’s a third Halstead?” He places a hand over his chest, feigns a shocked expression. Your laugh echoes through his chest and he marvels at the sound. Crisp and light, the perfect breath of fresh air.
Adam feeds you information over the next few days, but informs you he won’t tell you anything truly important. “Last thing I need is Jay blaming me for you getting yourself in trouble.” He’d say. “No, being detective adjacent does not make you an almost detective.”
You’re perched on Adam’s desk, leaned forward to offer him his choice of sugar-coated pastries. He takes one gratefully and sinks his teeth in. Powdered sugar coats the corner of his mouth and you have to stop yourself from reaching out to wipe it, preferably with your tongue.
You shut that thought down quickly.
Jay walks in, catches sight of you and you know he sees red. He’s almost as mad as that time you put bleach in his conditioner. You roll your eyes at Adam and he coughs to hide his laugh. You jump off his desk, plaster the sweetest smile of innocence you can muster, and hold the box of treats out to him.
“I got your- “
“I thought I told you to stay away from this.” He cuts you off.
“Did you? I thought that was more of a suggestion.”
He pulls you into a hallway by your arm, rough enough to catch you off guard. His eyes stare daggers at you and you watch as he balls his fists tight enough to turn his knuckles white. He’s afraid. You’ve never seen him afraid before.
“This isn’t a game or like one of your crime shows, Y/N. This is serious. We’ve already found two more girls from your class.”
But you already knew that.
“Jesus, Jay, I’m not a child.” You spit. “I know exactly how dangerous this job can be. How many times have I sat by your beside at Med? How many times have you called me and said,” You lower your voice, patronizingly imitating him, ““Ok, don’t freak out but…”?” You’re silent for a moment, waiting for a response. He doesn’t really have one. “Girls are dying. Girls I knew! I had dinner with Chelsea two months ago. If you’ve found two more, that means I probably know who did it. And I know exactly how to catch him.”
His eyes widen. “Absolutely- “
But you’re already gone.
You ask Hank for the floor and he grants it to you. You list out some of your more notable theories, most of which they’ve already looked into. You point out the fact that, if his last four victims were from the same high school, it’s likely his fifth would be too. Assuming he’s not done yet. What better place to grab her than the reunion tomorrow?
“Now you want to go to that?” Adam pipes up.
“Oh yeah, because walking around a gym chatting up people I never really liked who are pretending to have better lives than they do in order to impress people they also never liked is a great time. Of course I don’t want to go, but this is our best option.”
“’Our’?” Hank echoes.
You straighten your back, square your shoulders and nod. “I get a plus one, but you can’t have someone impersonate me and everyone knew Jay. Chances are I know this person. Best case scenario I suss out your bad guy.”
“And worst case?” Jay asks, clearly seething.
You ignore your brother and turn back to Hank instead. “I find you a new suspect to interrogate.”
Jay barks out a laugh. “Or, the killer is there, you’re on his list, he corners you, and you get- “
“Enough.” Hank cuts him off. “We wire her up, send her with a date and monitor the whole thing from across the street. Keep her as safe as possible.”
Jay watches you, your shoulders back, eyes alert, mouth set in a straight line and he can’t help but feel sick. The same determined look you’ve had your whole life and he knows there’s not a single thing he can do about it.
Sometimes he thinks you take ‘be brave’ too far.
Early the next morning, he corners you in the locker room. You complain about not having had any sleep with all the prepping you’ve had to do. He pulls out his phone, clicks Will’s contact number, puts it on speaker, and hands it to you.
It rings twice before he picks up.
You and Jay go back and forth explaining what exactly was going on. Most of it was you and him arguing over details. Will stays quiet, lets you hash it out. He catches the important bits, but for a moment he wonders when he became the voice of reason in this trio.
The idea of you being sent under cover to catch a serial killer or spree killer or whatever term you both had finally settled on did make him nervous. However, he’s been to a kick boxing class with you before and the only idea scarier than an angry you is a Jay with a gun.
“I’m assuming he’s going to keep you safe, so why is he making you call me?”
“I think he’s convinced I’m gonna die.” You shoot Jay a look before he can argue.
“Oh, I see. You though I could talk our stubborn little sister out of something she’s already set on, because, as we all know, if she won’t listen to you, she’ll definitely hear me out.”
“I thought you could reason with her.”
He laughs. “Because I’m known for being the reasonable one.” He’s quiet for a moment. “Okay, but if you do die, can I get your apartment?”
“Will!” Jay chastises.
“It’s such a great view!” He adds. You’re fairly certain he’s only half joking.
“I’ll add to my testament you can only have it if you finally ask out that doctor you’ve been pining over.”
He’s quiet again. “Your death might be the best thing for my love life.”
Antonio runs through the school’s blueprints with you and details every exit strategy they’ve put together. Jay goes over codewords with you, Kevin tasks himself with calming your nerves, and Hank takes you through every worst-case scenario until your brain melts. He informs you he’s sending Adam with you, and you’re about to question why when Jay interrupts, asks to have a moment alone with you.
“We’re in too deep now for you to get me to pull away from this.” You say quickly.
Jay takes a moment to look at you, but can’t get the image of that little pigtailed girl leaving snot stains on his shirt out of his head. You had grown so strong and sometimes he forgets that. He’d love nothing more than to convince you to go home where he’ll know you’ll be safe, but, instead, he places his hands on either side of your shoulders and looks you straight in the eye. “Be brave.” He tells you. You take a deep breath and nod.
The next few hours are a blur of curling irons and lip liner. You pull nervously at the lace of your sleeve, begin to twirl burgundy fabric between your fingers and Kim grabs you hand, offers you an assuring smile and promises they have your back.
Adam comes in, a sarcastic remark tittering on the edge of his tongue, but when he sees you, wrapped in red like a rose, it falls off. He’s only able to mumble something along the lines of, “car’s here.”
You fill the strange silence during the car ride with back story details. You met at a Blackhawk’s game, he spilt his beer down your back when he got upset over what he thought was an unfair call, and here you are seven months later. You said ‘I love you’ first, a detail he felt the need to argue, but you agreed to move into his place. You point out that, in real life, you’d never leave your view willingly.  
He opens your door and takes your hand, but you hesitate just before the door.
He moves his hand to the side of your face and grazes your cheek bone. “Hey.” He says softly. “You don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable. You say the word and I will drive you home, no questions.”
You close your eyes, lean into his touch, and for a moment you consider his offer. “No.” you breathe out. You’re met with worried eyes and he’s about to protest when you shake your head. “I can do this.” He nods, eyes still worried, and grips your hand a little tighter.
Over the next hour you have so many small talk conversations that the people begin to blur together. You ask about jobs, kids, new houses. Most know your brother became a cop, so you don’t have to worry about trying to work the case in and Adam is strangely good at getting alibis from people without them knowing he’s also a cop. You flitter around with his hand always on your lower back and you can’t say you mind.
“Tell me, have you always been a badass?” He asks you seriously.
You purse your lips and contemplate for a moment. “No.” You answer truthfully. He was expecting a sarcastic remark, or a jab at Jay, your honesty surprises him. “When Jay enlisted and Will went to med school, I was truly alone for the first time.” He’s listening, watching you intently and suddenly the moment is too real, the air too heavy. You wiggle your brows to break the tension. “I supposed that’s when I became the best Halstead.” You whisper.
That’s when you see him. Slicked back hair and deep-set eyes, there’s something in his nauseating smirk that triggers the memory. A young boy with grabby hands and pushy words sulking around groups of girls. Those four girls did have someone in common, unfortunately so did you. He makes eye contact and stretches thin lips into a toothy smile. You do your best to mirror it.
The next five minutes include a very long string of decisions, the first being not telling Adam. You know there’s no way he’d let you get anywhere near this guy, which would keep you from getting a confession on tape and justice for those girls, so you had to find a way to lose him. You do the first thing that comes to mind. You chug your wine and his untouched drink, say something about crowds making you nervous, and tell him you’ll get the refills.
He finds your behavior odd, but then again you were a civilian undercover helping them look for a killer. Perhaps he’d be more concerned if you were completely calm. Jay told him to not let you out of his sight, but the bar was within his eyeline and he was in the middle of getting some information from a retired teacher. What harm could there be?
You hadn’t even placed your order with the bartender when there’s a tap on your shoulder. “Y/N, hey.” He stands too close to you, the smell of cigarettes and whiskey heavy on his tongue.
You hear Jay’s voice whispering “be brave” in the back of your mind and force a surprised expression before you morph it into a sweet smile. “Richards, right? Michael?”
His smile grows impossibly wide at the knowledge that you remember him. You start with the usual questions and he tells you he’s actually between jobs now, looking to start over after things ended with his fiancé. He paints a picture of a perfect man in a spell of bad luck who seems to believe he’ll get by on just his charm.
“Hey, do you want to get out of here?” He asks.
You ignore the pit in your stomach and the bile at the back of your throat when you trail your fingers up his arm. “I’d love that. My car is out back, it’ll be easy to slip away.”
He smiles devilishly at you and you take a moment to make sure Adam is distracted before you take his hand and pull him into a hallway. You’re sure to keep the exit strategies Antonio mapped out in the back of your mind, and fall behind to allow a distance to form between you.
He’s in the middle of a comment when you cut him off. “Did you pull a similar stunt with Chelsea?” You ask. He turns on you. “Lizzy was married with kids. I don’t imagine you thought you’d be successful there, so you just killed her. But Chelsea? She was fresh off a bad breakup and back in town.”
“What are you- “
“Did she reject you like she did in high school?” You bite out. You can only imagine the fit Jay is throwing right now, but you just need to hear him say it. “I didn’t know those two other girls well, but I bet they did the same. Did it make you feel small? Like less- “
“Shut up!” He yells as he reaches behind him to pull out a gun. He trains it directly on you.
See, you hadn’t planned for a gun, he had never used one before. You only put the distance between you because it’s harder for someone to hit or stab you when your farther away. But now there’s a pistol pointed directly at your chest and all the training Jay has even given you for this exact moment is useless.
“Drop the gun.” Adam bellows from behind you.
“Come any closer and I’ll shoot her!” Michael counters.
“You don’t want to do that.” He tries to reason.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure he does.” You mutter. “I’m right, though aren’t I? Why now?” Your blood chills with a sudden realization. “What really happened with your fiancé?” You press harder.
“Don’t worry, the bitch will get what’s coming right after you. She wanted to break things off because I wasn’t enough. You all think you’re so much- “
“You pathetic piece of- ”
“Yeah, maybe don’t provoke the guy with the gun on you?” Adam quips. You huff, but withhold the rest of your remark.
Adam’s slightly closer now, using the distraction you’re providing to move in. You feel a breeze graze your skin and the team files in to surround him. Jay flanks your other side, asks if you’re alright.
“Give it up, you got nowhere to go.” Antonio announces from behind him.
Michael falters for a second before he pulls his lips into that same devilish grin and you swear it almost splits his face in two. “Maybe. But four out of five isn’t too bad.”
He pulls the trigger and you drop.
You’ve imagined being shot several times and you definitely thought it would hurt more. You haven’t willed yourself to open your eyes yet, but all you can feel is pressure over your torso and something soaking your dress. Jay’s yelling, but one voice cuts clear from the chaos.
“Are you alright?” Adam asks from above you.
When he gets up, the pressure disappears and his hands start searching your body for any signs of injury. He repeats the question again. You look down at yourself and press your fingers into the dark spot on your dress, pull them away, and rub the red between your fingers. It’s blood, but it’s not yours.
You sit up in a panic, almost knocking him over. “Oh my god, Adam you got shot!” You exclaim with frantic hands searching for the wound. He hisses when you find it on his shoulder.
“I’m fine.” He grunts out. “It’s you I’m worried about.” You hear Jay call for an ambulance and are almost certain his heart is still racing.
You pull out Adams pocket square and place it firmly in his wound, try to ignore the body only feet from you. “That was so stupid.” You grit out. “You actually jumped in front of a bullet!”
“Thanks for saving my life Adam.” He mutters out and you ignore him.
“Stupid.” You say again.
You're sat in the waiting room of Chicago Med. Will and Jay are both laying into you about how dangerous and reckless your actions had been, but you’re barely listening to them. Your attention is only grabbed when a doctor comes out, tells you the surgery to remove the bullet went well, and he was awake. You follow the Doctor back, Jay on your heels.
When you walk in, Adam gets the dopiest smile you’ve ever seen. You sit gently by his side. “Do you need anything?” You ask.
“Ice chips would be amazing.” Once he’s sure you’re out of ear shot, he turns to Jay. “I’m sorry man. I shouldn’t have let her out of my- “
“I picked you to go with her, and I’d make the same decision.” He interrupts and Adam’s surprised. “Look man, I needed someone to go in with her that would protect her the way I would. I’ve seen the way you look at her.” He’s about to protest to tell him he’d never cross that line, but Jay raises his hand. “You just jumped in front of a bullet for her. You’re one of the few people I know she’s safe with and she actually listens to you which is a miracle on its own.”
You come back in and sense the shift in the air, but Jay excuses himself. You sit back at his bedside and offer him the cup and for the first moment of that night, everything is still. The events of the night, the sound of the shot, the smell of gunpowder thick in the air, it all builds up in your chest.
He hears your breathing pick up. “Woah, hey, I’m okay.” He tries to reassure you.
“You could’ve died.” You choke out.
“But I didn’t.”
“If it went two inches over, you’d be dead!” You’re panicking now.
“But it didn’t.” He says with a little more force and pulls you down to his chest. You let him. You breathe it out, allowing the sure smell of him to calm you.
“Why’d you do it?” Your voice is small. He hums his question. “Jump in front of me.” You clarify.
He’s quiet for a long time. You only know he’s awake because his fingers are trailing lines up and down your back, drawing circles between your shoulder blades. Goosebumps rise on your arms and you bury yourself further into him.
“Because I love you.” He says it as if it’s the simplest thing in this whole world. Maybe it is.
You look up at him for a while and think he’s far to calm for the moment. You lean up and place a tender kiss on the pillow of his lips before laying your head back down.
“I guess that’s a good enough reason.”
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Hi :) i love your imagines! Could you do one where reader is jay's sister and Antonio is secretly dating her? She's in dangerous situation and they both come running to safe her? Thanks 😊 and have a great day!
Last Call A.D
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This morning you woke up in bed cuddled up to Antonio. It was your idea to tell your brothers that you were dating Antonio. It was going great so far and you haven't been this happy in years. And it was all due to Antonio. And now here he was, looking at the white board in the units office with a picture labeled of you as a missing person.
This morning, you called your brother, Jay, and asked him if he wanted to come over for dinner that night. You never got to work to talk to Will to ask him to come over for dinner. Now, Jay and Will were sat in the small office with Voight, asking who she was last seen with and who she last talked to. After a few questions, Voight left the room. Antonio was still staring at your picture. Your y/e/c eyes were shining show Bright and showed your beautiful smile. The picture was brought to the office by Jay from his house. The picture also showed Will to your right and Jay on your left with their arms wrapped around you.
When Jay got the call from Will saying you never showed up to work today, he instantly started to panic. You're his sister for God's sakes. And when Antonio got the text from Jay saying he needed the team to come in and help find you, Antonio nearly dropped his phone and ran out the door to the district.
If anything happened to you, Antonio didn't know what he would do. You and Antonio were only together for a little bit but he cared immensely for you. All he wanted to do was make you happy and feel loved. Unlike his ex wife, you understand his love for this job, it was the same way with you at the E.D. You loved and appreciated everything Antonio did for you. He needed to get you back. Enough was enough, time to come clean.
Antonio got up from his desk and made his way over to Will and Jay.
"Y/N asked you dinner tonight. She wanted to ask you," he said pointing to Will, "to come too. But she never got the chance to tell you"
"I told Voight I was the last to talk to her." Jay told him.
"No you weren't. I was." Antonio said.
Will looked Antonio up and down confused, "How do you know it wasn't Jay? And why were you talking to our sister?"
"Antonio if you have something to say just say it" Jay said.
Antonio pulled out his phone to show Jay his call log. "You talked to Y/N at 7:47 this morning Jay. I called her at 8:15 to make sure she got to to work, she said she had just parked her car"
Jay and Will took turns looking at Antonio's phone. "She only asked you to dinner because she was going to tell you that we were dating"
"Dating. Dating each other? You and my sister together?" Will asked.
"I'm sorry" Antonio said. "I'm sorry I should have said something sooner Jay."
Jay's jaw was clenched but he was able to say, "You and I will talk later but right now we need to talk to Voight."
After confirming that your car was indeed parked in the Chicago med lot, they started to search for camera. Eventually they found a camera inside the parking garage and they found footage of you being taken into a van by gun point.
Antonio, Jay and the rest of the team were about to storm the house of your kidnapper. Jay went to door and tried to turn the knob. Locked. He took a step back and kicked the door the down. Antonio then moved in, "Chicago P.D!" he yelled. Antonio cleared the left side of the house while Jay went to the right. From upstairs they heard Hailey yell "Jay! Antonio! She's up here!"
The two men quickly ran up the steps taking two at a time. As the reached the top they saw you laying on the floor in the bathroom. Your scrubs were covered in blood and your arms and legs were covered in bruises. Jay and Antonio dropped to their knees when they got to you. Jay went by your head and started to run his hand through your hair, "We got you Y/N. We got you, hold on sis"
Antonio grabbed your hand and kissed it, "We're here, just hold on"
In-between coughs you were able to tell them, "It's not all mine" referring to the blood "his daughter, she's sick"
"Okay okay, that's good baby" Antonio said.
Jay grabbed his radio "Where my damn Ambo?" He said
"ETA in 3 minutes"
You tried to look at Jay but it hurt to move. "Jay, Antonio and I-"
"I know. I know Y/N. I'm not mad. We can talk later but right now we need to get you to the ambo."
Jay, Antonio and Will sat in the waiting room of the hospital waiting to come a see you. On the way to Chicago Med, your lung collapsed due to the severe beating. Will was pacing the floor. Jay sat down, his leg bouncing out of anxiety. And Antonio sat with head down between his hands.
Dr. Marcel came out of the E.D and the three boys rushed over to him. Not caring if they ran into others or not. "How is she, Crockett?" Will asked.
"Well her lung collapsed so we inserted a tube to remove the excess air. She also has some minor interior bleeding. I'm not worried about it too much but we will keep an eye on it. Other than that, I'd say she'll make a full recovery," he tells them.
The boys instantly relaxed but there was one question Antonio was scared to asked. "Dr. Marcel, was she- did he -"
"We did a rape kit just to be safe. It came back negative"
Antonio ran his hand through his hair, "Oh thank God"
Jay extended his hand to the Doctor, "Thank you sir"
Dr.Marcel shook Jay's and looked at each of the  three men while telling them, "I've always liked Y/N. She's an amazing doctor and has such a kind soul. Jay, Antonio, you better find this guy"
"The rest of the team is following a lead now. But can we go and see her?" Jay asked.
"She's upstairs, obviously we want to keep her overnight. But yes you can go see her."
And with Dr.Marcel went back into the ED and they went to the elevators.
You were only on the third floor, but the elevator ride seemed never ending. Jay turned to look at Antonio and asked, "So how long exactly have you been seeing our sister?" crossing his arms.
"Together for about two months. We were talking for one."
Jay sighed, a tad annoyed, "To be fair, I did go out with Gabby for a bit and you were cool with it. Even after it ended. So I guess, I should be okay with it. Besides, she could have picked Ruzek, if she’s with anyone I’m glad it’s you man."
"She was really looking forward tonight" Antonio said.
"Once she's out, we will get together. But right now just stay with her. She needs you Antonio." Will chimed in.
"Your her brothers, she needs you too."
They made there way out of the elevator and went to your room. You were laying in your bed half asleep with a tube sticking out of her side. Antonio's blood started to boil and wanted to get a few moments alone with the man that took you, as did Jay. But right now, Antonio needed to be with his girl.
"We will wait outside," Jay said.
"Are you sure?" Antonio asked.
"Yea man. I'll make a few calls to the district and update the team on Y/N. Hopefully we will have an update on the her kidnapper" Jay said.
"And I can go check on some of my patients, Natalie and Ethan helped cover for me."
Antonio nodded his head, "Thank you" and went into your room. He pulled up the chair and sat next to you holding your hand. You started to stir at his touch and you opened your eyes to find Antonio teary eyed.
"Hi baby" you said. Your voice was rough and you were desperate for water.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm drugged up on morphine so I'm thinking pretty good"
He laughed lightly, still amazing after the day you've had you were still making jokes.
"I was so scared Y/N. I thought I lost you. "
"It's not your fault Tonio"
"If I had lost you," his voice was cracking' I-i don't know what I would do. I love you damn much"
"I love you too Antonio"
Antonio leaned down and kiss your head. "Do you want me to go get Jay and Will?"
"If you don't mind, I'd like to have all my boys in one room"
Antonio finally cracked a smile, "Will do. I'll be right back baby" he squeezed your hand and got up to find Jay and Will. As he left the room your thoughts drifted away to what happened earlier today. Your hands started to shake and you chest felt like weight was resting in you but letting you breathe as you tried not to cry. After all, you had to be strong for your boys.
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Partners A.D (Drabble)
Haha... Soo long time no see. As y'all can tell this is not Harry Potter related. I've been binge watching Chicago PD for 3 weeks now and I am completely obsessed with Antonio Dawson. So sorry not sorry if you don't like this or if you're disappointed but I want to write this. If anyone is actually into Chicago Fire or PD let me know maybe I'll actually start writing for them.
Also sorry this is kinda long for a Drabble 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Warnings: talks about a case with a child. Some badly written sexy time. 
It was a rough case for everyone. A little, Hispanic, 8-year-old, girl shot point blank in the south side. Nobody took this case harder than your partner, Antonio. Victim look eerily like his young daughter something he could never get over while working the case. After your team was able to make the arrest, you went back to Antonio's apartment with him. He was still very shaken up and you didn't want him to be alone.
"Her eyes, they were just like Eva's. How could someone do that? To a little girl? I mean what if she was Eva? Or even Diego?", Antonio said as he was opening his beer.
"Some people are ruthless animals. They deserve to be locked away forever," you said putting your hand on his leg, trying to confront him.
"He deserves to die"
"That's something for the jury and judge to decide. Antonio you always talk about believing in the system. You know, for a fact, that the system will decide to let that man sit in the electric chair and never hurt another kid again"
Antonio grabbed your hand, raised it to his lips and placed and soft kiss on it. "You're a amazing partner Y/N."
"So are you. And you're an amazing dad."
"I don't know about that. I couldn't do it without your help."
"Antonio Dawson, your kids adore you. They look up to you. Hell, Eva snuck out of her house and got on a train to see you when your ex wife first left. And you know I will always be here to help."
He cracked a small smile, "They sure do love you. That's for sure."
"As they should, I feel like I helped raise them" you joked.
Antonio lean forward rested his head in his hands. The small smile that he showed just a second ago, started to shrink as he became more serious. "They are always asking about you and me. About us."
You took a quick sip of your beer out of nervousness not knowing where the conversations is going. "You mean cases?"
Antonio lifted his head, and said, "No". You noticed that you were still holding his hand and your grip getting somewhat tighter. Now you knew where this was going. "Well yes they ask the cases and us working together. But they also ask about you and me and our days off and the things we do when we're with each other. I mean we're with each other all the time even when I have Diego and Eva.They asked the other day if we were together."
He looked at you right in eyes and said "and to be honest I didn't realize how disappointed I felt when I said no until now"
You always had a thing for Antonio. It was hard not too. You spent all your time together. At work, Molly's, even with the kids when he needs extra help. Nights like this happened often too. But with the job and his family you never thought it was a good idea or a good time.
"Listen, Antonio, I think you know how I feel. You're a detective for God's sake, so if you don't, you should find a different job"
His grip on your hand loosened as he let out a little laugh and rolled his eyes.
"But our job, do you seriously think this is a good idea? Partners at work, and romantically? Don't ypu think that could comprise everything we have worked for? What about Voight? Do you think he will let this slide?"
He placed a hand on your leg and said,"Y/N we have been at this for years. So no I don't think it will. And Voight, yea he will be mad at first but he will get over it. He did with Jay and Erin"
You felt your heart pounding, trying to break through your chest. You wanted it. You've wanted this for years. It felt so close. You didn't even realize that you and Antonio moved closer together on the couch.
"We keep this a secret at work for a while. No one knows."
He leaned forward and placed a hand on your cheek before kissing you. You instantly kissed him back, your hands found there way behind his neck. It wasn't long until Antonio pick you up and moved you to his lap. He moved his other hand down your back and onto your ass. You lips started to drift away from his , to his jaw, and down his neck. He tilted his head back and through a moan said, "Stay the night"
Your hands start to work on unbuttoning his shirt. "Believe me, I plan to".
With that, Antonio grabbed you by your waist and moved you in your back. He shrugged his shirt off. He slowly started to move your shift up, kissing up your stomach in an agonizingly slow pace. You knew you were in for a long night.
It was 10 am the next day when Antonio woke up to the sound of his door being knocked on.
He tried to wake you up, "Y/N, get dressed. Now"
Still groggy you said, " Last night you were begging me to take my clothes off. What's the rush? We have a case?"
"No. My kids are here. I forgot it's Sunday" Antonio said quickly throwing on the same pants from last night and a random sweatshirt. As soon as he said that you jumped up and quickly started to get dressed. "Oh fuck!"
Antonio went to the door to get Eva and Diego from their mother. He was still slightly worked up from the case and he hugged them both tightly when he saw them. At this point, they knew when their dad had a bad case so they played along. When they went inside they saw Y/N in the kitchen, trying to act innocent. "Hi guys! How are you?" She said hugging both of them. They were equally excited to see her, if not more.
Eva noticed her hair was still a bit messy from the night before. "Y/N are you okay? You look really tired"
"I'm fine sweetheart. Just a long night last night. It was bad case, your dad and I were up for a bit talking about it."
"So you spend the night here? With Dad?" Diego asked trying to hide his smirk.
"I uhh..." You were at a lost for words. Luckily Antonio was back from talking to his ex wife and saved you.
"Enough with the questions detective. Come on, I got tickets for the Bears game. "
Antonio and Diego were making their way to the door but Eva stayed back to tell you, "It's okay if you were with dad. We love you. We don't care."
You smiled and told her, " Okay Detective Dawson. Get your butt out the door. Don't tell your Dad or your Brother. Let your Dad come to you about this okay?"
She smiled and nodded. She was happy that her Dad was finally with the girl he has being pinning after for years now.
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