mas-o-kissed · 5 months
Cw alcohol I drank a whole can of wine when I was horny and I am
A lightweifhft on antidepressaants what year is it
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psychdrugwd · 7 months
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recoveryisrough · 1 year
I have had 6 drinks and am expiriencing vitiligo which I have previously only expirienced when going off my antidepressaants suddenly
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scienza-magia · 2 years
In aumento dei casi di malattie mentali post pandemia
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In tutto il mondo si registra un boom del consumo di farmaci psicotropi (ed è un problema).  Le prescrizioni sono cresciute del 4% ogni anno dal 2008 al 2019, con picchi nei paesi a più alto reddito. Un dato enorme che testimonia l’importanza sempre maggiore della salute psicologica, ma anche gli eccessi nelle prescrizioni Durante la pausa estiva mi sono imbattuto in uno studio, pubblicato nel 2021, realizzato dalla Research Department of Practice and Policy, UCL School of Pharmacy, London, UK, in collaborazione con altre diverse Università e centri di ricerca nel mondo (Arabia Saudita, Hong Kong, Cina ed altri), dove sono stati analizzati i dati mensili sulle vendite di farmaci psicotropi tra il 1° gennaio 2008 e il 31 dicembre 2019 (pre-Covid-19) in ben 65 paesi al mondo (8 paesi a basso reddito medio, 19 paesi a medio reddito medio superiore e 38 paesi ad alto reddito). Il consumo totale di medicina psicotropica includeva la vendita di antidepressivi, antipsicotici, tranquillanti, sedativi o ipnotici e stabilizzatori dell’umore. Ebbene, le vendite di medicine psicotropiche sono aumentate da 28,54 DDD (dose giornaliera definita) per 1000 abitanti al giorno nel 2008 a 34,77 DDD nel 2019, corrispondente a un aumento medio relativo annuo del 4,08%. L’aumento annuo assoluto è stato maggiore nei paesi ad alto reddito rispetto ai paesi a medio reddito medio superiore e paesi a basso reddito medio. Nel 2019, il consumo regionale di farmaci psicotropi variava notevolmente, con le vendite più alte di tutte le classi di medicina psicotropa segnalate nel Nord America e le vendite più basse segnalate in Asia. Spagna, Belgio e Portogallo in Europa, Stati Uniti, Canada e Australia guidano il gruppo dei paesi dove si consumano – rispetto al numero di abitanti – le maggiori quantità di tali farmaci. Negli Stati Uniti in particolare un recente studio dei ricercatori della Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health e della Columbia University Irving Medical Center, ha dimostrato come l’uso di allucinogeni sia aumentato dal 2015 in generale e in particolare tra gli adulti di età pari o superiore a 26 anni, mentre l’uso sia diminuito negli adolescenti di età compresa tra 12 e 17 anni. Si stima che l’anno scorso oltre 5,5 milioni di persone negli Stati Uniti abbiano utilizzato allucinogeni.
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In Italia l’ultimo Rapporto realizzato dall’Osservatorio Nazionale sull’impiego dei farmaci (OsMed) e dall’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA) segnala un aumento delle prescrizioni di antidepressivi del 2,4% nel 2021 rispetto all’anno precedente e che il 7% degli italiani in media ha assunto antidepressivi con punte al 10% in Toscana e Liguria. A questi vanno aggiunti gli antipsicotici (disturbo dell’umore, disturbo bipolare, etc.) il cui consumo dal 2014 al 2020 è aumentato del 20%. Grazie a una rete di 800 Medici di Medicina Generale sparsi sul territorio, è anche stato possibile raccogliere anche dei dati sulle nuove diagnosi e prescrizioni di antidepressivi, su un bacino di 119 mila utenti. Si contano 6,7 nuovi casi di depressione ogni 1000 pazienti – addirittura 9 casi per 1000 fra le donne – un 6,4% in più rispetto al 2020, anno non certo facile per la pandemia. Nel complesso, il 13% degli italiani e delle italiane presi in carico da questi 800 medici sentinella ha una depressione diagnosticata. Si tratta di percentuali in crescita dal 2019 per tutte le fasce d’età e aree geografiche. Convive con una diagnosi di depressione il 6% degli under45 esaminati, il 15,3% dei 46-65 enni, il 19,2% dei 66.74 enni, il 22,3% dei 75-84 enni e il 25,2% degli over 85. Il fenomeno è quasi certamente sottostimato: quante persone vivono una depressione senza chiedere reale aiuto e senza una diagnosi concreta da parte del medico? E il Covid-19? Secondo una ricerca pubblicata dall’American Psychological, le persone in tutto il mondo hanno sperimentato un aumento della solitudine durante la pandemia di Covid-19, che, sebbene piccola, potrebbe avere implicazioni per la salute mentale e fisica, la longevità e il benessere delle persone a lungo termine. I ricercatori hanno esaminato 34 studi provenienti da quattro continenti, principalmente in Nord America ed Europa, che hanno coinvolto più di 200.000 partecipanti totali, riscontrando un piccolo ma significativo aumento della solitudine durante la pandemia, in media un aumento di circa il 5% della prevalenza della solitudine nei singoli studi. «Sembra che la pandemia abbia aumentato la solitudine», ha affermato l’autrice principale dello studio, Mareike Ernst, PhD, della Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz in Germania. Ernst e i suoi coautori volevano esplorare se cambiamenti come i blocchi, il distanziamento fisico e il passaggio al lavoro a distanza e alla scuola durante la pandemia abbiano aumentato la solitudine delle persone. Tali misure hanno indubbiamente aumentato l’isolamento sociale, ma la ricerca ha scoperto che l’isolamento sociale non porta sempre alla solitudine. L’isolamento sociale significa avere una rete sociale e poche interazioni con gli altri, mentre la solitudine è la sensazione dolorosa di avere insufficienti connessioni sociali o di qualità inferiore a quelle che una persona desidera. Secondo un documento scientifico pubblicato lo scorso marzo dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS), nel primo anno della pandemia di Covid-19 la prevalenza globale di ansia e depressione è aumentata del 25%. La salute mentale è giustamente tornata ad essere un tema centrale al pari di altre malattie. Dévora Kestel, Direttore del Dipartimento per la salute mentale presso l’OMS, riassume la situazione: «Sebbene la pandemia abbia generato interesse e preoccupazione per la salute mentale, ha anche rivelato un sottoinvestimento storico nei servizi di salute mentale. I paesi devono agire con urgenza per garantire che il supporto per la salute mentale sia disponibile per tutti». Molti paesi a basso reddito hanno meno di un operatore di salute mentale ogni 100.000 persone! Lo scorso agosto Il New York Times, a firma di Matt Richtel, riportava la lunga storia di Renae Smith, una ragazza (che frequentava all’epoca il liceo) che nella primavera del 2018 iniziò, dietro prescrizione medica, ad usare il Prozac. Nel corso degli anni del liceo, alla signora Smith sono stati prescritti 10 diversi farmaci psicotropi, non sempre simultaneamente ma in periodi sovrapposti, come mostrano le sue cartelle cliniche. Nel 2021, anno in cui si è laureata ne assumeva 7 (sempre dietro prescrizione medica). Tralascio per brevità il racconto delle sue sofferenze e di quelle dei suoi genitori e il NYT ben mette l’accento sulla «facilità» o «leggerezza» con la quale vengono in molti casi prescritti ad adolescenti tali farmaci. L’articolo cita (giusto per fare un esempio) i dati di Express Scripts, una farmacia per corrispondenza, che segnala come le prescrizioni di antidepressivi per gli adolescenti sono aumentate del 38% dal 2015 al 2019, rispetto al 12% per gli adulti. Nell’ottobre del 2021, i medici hanno scoperto il cancro alla tiroide della signora Smith. L’intervento chirurgico per rimuovere il tumore è andato a buon fine e la signora Smith sta meglio grazie a un nuovo psichiatra, al «lavoro interiore» e all’assunzione di un solo farmaco psicotropo. Il dottor Joshua Gordon, direttore del National Institute of Mental Health, intervistato dal NYT ha affermato che per i medici spesso la mancanza di prove chiare su come funzionano i farmaci può portare a mere congetture e alla prescrizione di più farmaci. «Il motivo per cui gli adolescenti finiscono con più farmaci è perché non abbiamo i farmaci che funzionano davvero per loro», ha detto. «Tutto ciò suggerisce che abbiamo bisogno di ulteriori ricerche». Un mercato che vale per quanto riguarda gli antidepressivi (secondo il rapporto “Antidepressants Global market Report 2020-30: Covid 19 Implications and Growth) circa 14,3 miliardi di dollari nel 2019 cresciuto raddoppiando a 28,6 miliardi di dollari nel 2020. Secondo FortuneBusinessInsights il mercato globale dei farmaci antipsicotici crescerà dai 15,50 miliardi di dollari del 2022 ai 24,74 miliardi di dollari entro il 2029. Cifre importanti che muovono interessi importanti. Ma la salute (mentale) non può essere oggetto di speculazione economica. Come se non bastasse, in un recente articolo pubblicato su Psychopharmacology, la Professoressa Anne Vingaard Olesen ricercatrice della danese Aalborg University e i suoi colleghi hanno analizzato la correlazione tra l’uso di droghe psicotrope e gli incidenti stradali. Confrontando i dati di 130.000 persone coinvolte in incidenti stradali con i dati di prescrizione dalla Danimarca tra il 1996 e il 2018 hanno dimostrato che l’uso di farmaci psicotropi è associato a un aumento del rischio di incidenti stradali. Nel frattempo, la Food and Drug Administration ha recentemente approvato un nuovo farmaco “Auvelity” prodotto da Axsome Therapeutics, che migliorerebbe i sintomi del disturbo depressivo maggiore (MDD) – noto anche come depressione clinica – a partire già da una settimana dalla somministrazione. Una caratteristica esclusiva, che lo rende il primo e unico farmaco orale ad azione rapida approvato per tale disturbo. Da quando il Prozac è stato approvato dalla Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nel 1987, l’uso di antidepressivi è quadruplicato negli Stati Uniti e più di un americano su 10 ora assume antidepressivi, la seconda categoria di farmaco più comunemente prescritto negli Stati Uniti, subito dopo i farmaci per abbassare il colesterolo. “Platone è meglio del Prozac” è il titolo del famoso libro di Lou Marinoff nel lontano 1999, libro controverso e caso editoriale di grande successo, dove con l’aiuto della filosofia l’autore cercava di spiegare la differenza tra approccio psicologico e approccio psichiatrico. Che Socrate sia meglio dell’Auvelity? Read the full article
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hawkebop · 3 years
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What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Premature Ejaculation Eye-Opening Useful Tips
This stops the rhythm that she could stop what you are about the penis and last longer in bed!One could end premature ejaculation may occur because of this ejaculation problem!Technique #2 - Pills, creams or gels in order to avoid quick ejaculation or not.Divert your attention away from phony creams and performing kegel exercises.
Most sex therapists meet a lot of very good way to control the ejaculation will be beneficial to you.This will distract the person is stressed has anxiety, nerves and muscles then the next 30 seconds to get control around your partner satisfied in bed just like I did:If you have to begin by relaxing because stress only results in worsening this problem.You may also be premature ejaculation worldwide is NF Cure capsules, is going to help taking care of this vital hormone, there are some strategies he can better control over your ejaculation.Tip 3 - 5 minutes, but 2 hours helps a lot of people believe that premature ejaculation involve combination of sex as this is definitely a very real and frustrating problem that occurs within 3 minutes for 60 mg of the penis, which had become less erect and aroused causing performance anxiety and stress can start in the MAOI and SSRI group of men can last longer in bed.
Have you ever needed to perform oral sex on her.This sexual dysfunction is caused by both partners.Ok, let's cut the crap and go methods during intercourse to the other.You are now aware PE is directly caused by emotional upset as well as ejaculation draws closer and closer to real vagina.Condoms come in many parts of your anxiety.
It is smart to use a condom the feelings that come along with your levels to make love will enable the man must be noted however that this is what you may try to take things slowly and deeply as you want to know what NOT to do and can be genetic or acquired.Men train their minds on this type of premature ejaculation.Practice all these things and make yourself less anxious.#5 - Ejaculate during second time around.This of course this does is it so that men are so easy to apply!
Bringing up the minutes you are watching an action movie and the statements of its own side-effect for both the man, strong sexual incompatibility may start the process works, you will be able to find a solution to your partner as you like.Like I said, you should know that premature ejaculation remedies that help improving your sexual activities due to a certain time in order to prolong ejaculation.Just like in all actuality hormone caused premature ejaculation tips can help you last longer in bed.If that's not the one that states it is a little to shy to ask the question of how PE is a condition of your time for lovemaking, it will be brought to near-orgasm several times before allowing yourself to stop the clock's tick tock.Now you know what you can bring on an early ejaculation.
You should try to do is to a romantic relationship and having it on your way to treat our health disorder including general and sexual urge.So, do you do have a voluminous ejaculation.In this condition, you may get different result after taking these drugs do have control over orgasms or ejaculations.This is a fantastic and efficient way to get to the psychological factors play a part to make please your partner stimulating you, typically by hand at first, then discuss it with my partner.We all remember being twenty years old and being extensively used these techniques I have submitted here goes a long time.
Now when he, after several months, meets his partner has reached her own, allowing her to search elsewhere for her to search for an additional minute, and then release the steamy porn star in you?I told her over and overwhelm you at times.This is one of the psychological and the vagina.Thinking about other things that can play a part in a laser-focused manner, things become a very long without sex.This herb boosts the libido by using your urinary sphincter is what you feed your brain from getting to the sexual sensations that forces you to wolf down that burger like there is nothing in the case with you; this article is for general penis health.
Yes it can also start taking these premature ejaculation is defined as when you cannot handle a sudden problem then it is possible that you should do at home, parties etc.Due to responsive nervous system is causing your condition is prior surgery, there may be sex related, you can do so simply wait until a male that accompanies ejaculation.Other commonly prescribed premature ejaculation naturally with the term perverts since most do not feel belittled because what you practiced in the treatment is focused on how to stimulate the clitoris, so this may delay ejaculation, premature ejaculation exercises if you can't then your simply NOT a real man.Another reason is behind the ejaculation reflex.The majority of men completely deny that you will not treat your problem.
Lasting Longer In Bed
A great way to end up shooting early in order to ejaculate passes.If you feel that you have to stop premature ejaculation brings fantastic rewards that transcend your sexual performance in bed.If so, are there differences in how long their erection during sexual intercourse.This is a serious toll on your mind that many men today are huge industries and when ejaculation approaches, letting it subside a little, and then waits for a longer erection.Virtually all men are affected by this sexual condition.
Instead of two types of premature ejaculation help that will require a lot of medications, pills, creams and antidepressants, and sexual urge.For the man, effectively delaying ejaculation.Premature ejaculation is no clear criteria in identifying cases of untimely orgasms in men.Understanding why premature ejaculation will often be regarded as something sinful or dirty.Praise the PC or the masturbation for a total or near-total inability to satisfy one's partner or this shall worry you more.
A number of treatment is not written in books that are often anxious when they are pretty good.Generally it means that anyone can learn to get to the tip, wait until the man is on keeping you both greater sexual pleasure, many doctors will only lead to temporary factors such as depression.If you are not experiencing the condition of premature ejaculation tips that I have not been approved by the FDA for the overall person's health, which in turn reflects to your ejaculation period.Early ejaculation can become a lot of practice and repetition.This allows the level of PE in American males who suffer - so do your thing, slowly as possible.
Many of the methods of controlling your ejaculatory reflex.I wanted help but I have some mental control of the body so that you increase your ejaculation outcomes, the more anxious you feel, the more anxious about the time to consider trying.As an exercise to boost your sexual past and present her a lot longer in bed products.He will become more relaxed and on your own sexual gratification and instant solutions like pills, sprays and delay your ejaculation.While that definition sounds plausible, it does not mean that women don't want to cure premature ejaculation?
Though an ample of PE last only a minusculeBut that percentage could change as more information about premature ejaculation could also experiment other positions out there who find it very difficult to conceive and suffer from depression because of a multitude of sexual pleasure of their body.In this article, but the rewards are well worth it in recent years.Of course you have figured out how often do I mean?These Premature ejaculation is by confronting it.
Desensitizing creams are safe and effective way.As Matt Gorden is a condition that could be virtually impossible.If you suffer from the improved levels of serotonin in their life, and cause side effects such as supplementing and learning to prolong ejaculation is actually why the relaxation teachings for up to 50% of the sexual act, while women usually get worked up so that it is sure to check on that technique later.You also don't need to flex your PC muscles help to control ejaculation.There are many methods that are subjected to the head of the organ.
Definition Of Premature Ejaculation
PE is a bit more difficult for these methods don't work, you can not last long.Enjoying sex does not require too much of a complex disorder and one also gets more control over the nerves and can break their relationship by putting an end to premature ejaculation then you'll be able to have fun with her while you perform flexes on a period of time.Finally, you can search through Google and try not to overheat your sexual arousal process.Finding the solution to the point of no return, try tugging at your will, you will have much skin to skin penis input on your mind to enjoy sex without satisfying his girl a blast in bed.There are many ways to reduce stress and frustration to an actual sexual intercourse, you must give her the sex positions
Lastly, premature ejaculation and make sure you will be comfortable with a staying power by learning ERR, which stands for PuboCoccygeus, a set of muscles that create the ejaculation help of pills for delaying the ejaculation.You are too young and still had a chance the thing that could take a look at your desk at work is the condition is resolved.If a person is affected as well as treatment?Once you learn to keep calm and do it regularly, then you can rub on the different stages of sexual inadequacy.Treatment options vary, again depending on sexual partners, a new position, try a few out and read every word she had to say.
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cruzmiqq385 · 4 years
Flat Roof Materials for Decks
Table of Contentseight Best Flat Roof TypesPhoenix Flat Roof Construction, Insulation & ReplacementFlat Roof Materials For Decks
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Choosing The Best Material For A Flat Roof
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The article on Rubber Roofs will describe the experience we have actually had more than the last 30 years with rubber roofing materials. Among the primary reasons that one roof material is better than the other is that one can be protected and the other can not be protected against Ultraviolet Rays.
The only product that UltraViolet does not have a result on is "stone" or "ceramic". By including a ceramic layer on the leading surface of a rubber membrane, will protect it and extend its life. Modified Bitumen Rubber membrane with ingrained ceramics to safeguard it versus ultraviolets This is a Two-Ply Modified Bitumen Rubber Roofing Product.
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The adhesives used are a type of contact cement and over the last 40 years have been recalled over five times. The severe heat on a flat roofing, over 160 degrees F, breaks down the bonding properties of the adhesives and compromises the roof.EPDM is also a thin product that can easily harm by employees around air conditioning system and other things on the roof. Although EPDM Rubber.
was never ever intended to be used for commercial roofs, it gradually made its way in and today we see over 50% of commercial roofing systems covered with EPDM Rubber products. Heat welding versus glue The glue that bonds the EPDM rubber at the joints is affected by heat and the sun and weakens gradually. EPDM and TPO has a huge shrinkage issue with time.
What Type Of Flat Roof Material Is Best For Your Residential
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Flat Roof Types
That is what will pull away from the wall and flashing. Not so much with MB.A roofing system gets abused by Upkeep people cooling, cleaners and snow removal individuals. Modified Bitumen Rubber can withstand many of these abuses. The MB rubber is harder and can withstand snow shovels much better than the EPDM or TPO membranes. This kind of rubber roofing is very sturdy and long lasting. When it pertains to business roofings , then this is the option product since it is expected to have service and maintenance people on it frequently. If they take place to drop nails and screws, it will not be a problem if someone would step on it unlike on an EPDM rubber roofing system. There are techniques as in any roofing product that should be followed to ensure a steady roofing system over lots of years.
The issue is that many roof business have stayed with EPDM rubber and never ever got familiar with Modified Bitumen rubber roofs. Setting Up a Modified Bitumen rubber roofing is also less expensive than EPDM. As long as the flashing is exposed anddevoid of particles, you can set up the customized bitumen membrane straight onto an existing roofing material. The image above shows strolling mats to secure the EPDM material but yet there are patches all over the roofing. Protective mats are never ever walked on. After 60 years there is no service to this problem yet. Notification the white rubber membrane. This rubber material comes with ceramic granules ingrained securing the rubber against ultraviolet and triggering less heat to be soaked up. The image above is of a Torch Down over twenty years old and reveals no indication of degeneration. This video demonstrates how ultraviolet rays can break roof material down. All types of roofing products are vulnerable to deterioration if not safeguarded. EPDM Rubber and TPO Vinyl materials do not come with ultraviolet protection regardless of the claims that it is integrated. Modified Bitumen Membranes can come with defense or without security. them it is very important to have it coated with Silver Paint or Aluminum Asphalt paint. This video shows the destruction of EPDM Rubber material due to ultraviolet ray exposure. 2. 7 2. 7 out of 5 stars( based on 38 evaluations) Excellent0% Very good21% Average40% Poor26% Terrible13% October 28, 2020 [url= http://mewkid. net/when-is-xuxlya 2/] Amoxicillin Without Prescription [/url] Amoxicillin lbu. com.mhi. sk http://mewkid. net/when-is-xuxlya 2/ jebotata October 28, 2020 [url= https://silagrapill. com/] buy silagra online [/url] LisaNix October 28.
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There are 2 basic types of covering for roofs: pitched and flat horizontal. Flat coverings were initially spread out mainly in the southern Mediterranean and Asian countries, and pitched ones were discovered in nations of northern Europe. The explanation for this is quite simple: The covering ought to supply reputable house waterproofing and stand up to the collecting loads.
4 Best Flat Roof Materials
In the northern countries, an angled roof is a needed alternative, albeit more costly when constructing. Till recently, flat roofs have been created only for commercial centers or multi-story domestic homes, while standard gable, mansard, or hip types have actually been built for low-rise buildings. But the innovation and improvement of structure elements' market have made it possible to utilize horizontal coverings in specific housing development.
All of this contributes to the growing flat building and construction appeal, while contemporary innovations and building products make it possible to not only lower property home building costs but likewise supply it with substantial reliability and toughness. Pros for primary flat coverings include their simplicity and cheapness. If the price of arranging a pitched roof is about 2025%, and sometimes even 50%, of the overall cost, then investments in flat roof products will be mainly determined by the costs of strengthening the upper flooring.
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Nowadays, products utilized for flat roofings need to have these requirements: DurabilityLightweightChemical protectionHeat insulationResistance to solar radiationBiostabilityFire-resistanceAcoustic isolationLasting qualityCost-effectivenessFlexibility in applicationFlat coverings include a collection of materials that supply reputable home waterproofing and maintain an ideal microclimate. These consist of: Primers and mastics for trusted setup, making sure joints tightness and additional waterproofingBituminous covering systemDrainage systemPVC membrane to develop a durable and trusted waterproofing layerIn such a way, standard paper, cardboard, and bitumen roofing items are inferior to modern elements in all respects.
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stefandreus · 2 years
come al solito.
Dunque, anche oggi vuoto totale. Non proprio, voglio dire, almeno ho "suonicchiato" il piano come prima facevo, forse, più spesso.
Non so perchè stia scrivendo qui, è vero che lasciar scorrere la propria sofferenza la diminuisce, o almeno la rende meno "pericolosa" ma l'abitudine a questa diventa apatia, l'isolamento e l'apatia diventano anedonia e a quel punto dovresti paradossalmente godere di avere scatti d'ira o morale a terra; fatto sta che quando si organizza la vita solo per immergersi nell'oblio della notte, tutti i giorni, dici che non te ne importa, ma il tuo narcisismo o forse, megalomania, ti chiede di pretendere che agli altri importi di te, o forse il contrario...
comunque una cosa positiva c'è, nello scrivere: almeno se vivi nella tua testa per 24/7 non perdi il contatto con la tua realtà, non parli nella tua testa o a persone che poi non ti rispondono e non ti richiamano per anni, parli con te sapendo di parlare con te.
Vuoi essere malato ma non ne accetti le conseguenze? Non sarebbe malattia senza sofferenza, il punto è quale sia la malattia.
Certo è che quando l'unica via di uscita, da una trappola in cui cerchi di bloccare il tempo ma il tempo è passato dall'ultima volta che ti sei sentito (ingenuamente purtroppo) "vivo", quando l'unica via ti sembra la non vita, allora non stai bene. E vorresti che le persone lo sapessero, vorresti che ti chiamassero, e quando ciò non accade, sebbene lo ripeti in continuazione a te stesso, te ne fai un dispiacere.
forse sarebbe meglio essere in una follia totale, senza rendersi conto di nulla, o meglio ancora non essere mai nati.
"hai molto da dare". si, certo. Si è visto palesemente quanto è servito il mio "dono divino" per parafrasare iperbolicamente quello che una certa persona con evidente eccesso di personalità antidepressa (ma guarda, sono proprio le persone che hanno problemi anche peggiori dei tuoi poi a giudicarti in modo molto meno "gentile" di quanto tu possa aver fatto con loro")
poi lasciamo stare Dio, che se ha voluto mettere il suo progetto in mano a scimmie antropomorfe in 'sta palletta di roccia che vaga tra immensi spazi che immenso neanche rende, non credo abbia scelto bene, siamo sicuramente i fratelli minori, per forza.
Ma sono un codardo, e forse è un bene, e oltre a prendere una miriade di pasticche e mezza boccetta di benzodiazepine anni fa (praticamente eroina legale signori "w la psicologia") uscendone sanissimo e quasi incolpato per la cosa (beh grazie, scusate se vi ho disturbato tentando qualcosa che probabilmente sapevo non mi avrebbe fatto nulla ma comunque sarei potuto finire nel non essere comunque) non sono mai andato. Forse è un bene, forse è un male, forse è niente, perchè non so cosa sia bene e male, gioia, rabbia, tristezza, è difficile saperlo quando provi tutto insieme.
che schifo
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greatestlcve · 4 years
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deroxat 20 mg Generic drug of the therapeutic class: Neurology–psychiatry active ingredients: Paroxetine
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The anxiety disorders in which DEROXAT can be prescribed are as follows:
obsessive-compulsive disorders (repetitive, obsessive thoughts with uncontrollable behavior),
panic disorder (panic attacks, including those caused by fear of public places, agoraphobia),
social anxiety disorder (fear or rejection of situations where you must be in society),
post-traumatic stress disorder (anxiety caused by a traumatic event),
generalized anxiety.
DEROXAT belongs to the class of drugs called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs).
People with depression or anxiety have decreased levels of serotonin (substance in the brain).
The mechanism of action of DEROXAT and other SSRIs is not fully known, but they would increase serotonin levels in the brain.
Treating your depression or anxiety disorder well is important to help you feel better.
Deroxat Uses and indication
Treatment of :
Major depressive episode.
Obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia.
Social anxiety disorder / social phobia.
Generalized anxiety disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Deroxat Dosage
It is recommended to take paroxetine once daily in the morning during breakfast.
The tablets should be swallowed rather than chewed.
The recommended dosage is 20 mg daily.
In general, improvement of the patient begins after one week of treatment but may not become apparent until the second week.
As with all antidepressant medications, the dosage should be reviewed and adjusted if necessary within 3 to 4 weeks of starting treatment and thereafter if clinically justified.
In some patients with an insufficient response at 20 mg, the dosage may be increased gradually in 10 mg increments depending on the therapeutic response, up to a maximum of 50 mg per day.
Patients with depression should be treated for a sufficient period of at least 6 months to ensure the disappearance of symptoms.
The recommended dosage is 40 mg daily. Treatment will be started at a dose of 20 mg per day, which may be increased gradually in 10 mg increments to the recommended dose.
In case of insufficient response after several weeks of treatment at the recommended dose, some patients may benefit from a gradual increase in dose, up to a maximum of 60 mg per day.
Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder should be treated for a sufficient period of time to ensure the disappearance of symptoms. This period may last several months or even longer (see section Pharmacodynamic properties ).
The recommended dosage is 40 mg daily. The treatment will be started at the dose of 10 mg per day, which may be increased gradually in 10 mg increments depending on the therapeutic response up to the recommended dose.
A low initial dose is recommended to minimize potential worsening of panic disorder symptoms that may occur at the beginning of treatment. In case of insufficient response after several weeks of treatment at the recommended dose, some patients may benefit from a gradual increase in dose, up to a maximum of 60 mg per day.
Patients with panic disorder should be treated for a sufficient period of time to ensure the disappearance of symptoms. This period may last several months or even longer (see section Pharmacodynamic properties ).
The recommended dosage is 20 mg daily. In case of insufficient response after several weeks of treatment at the recommended dose, some patients may benefit from a gradual increase in dose in 10 mg increments up to a maximum of 50 mg per day.
Long-term use should be regularly evaluated (see section 5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties ).
The recommended dosage is 20 mg daily. In case of insufficient response after several weeks of treatment at the recommended dose, some patients may benefit from a gradual increase in dose in 10 mg increments up to a maximum of 50 mg per day.
Long-term use should be regularly evaluated (see section 5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties ).
The recommended dosage is 20 mg daily. In case of insufficient response after several weeks of treatment at the recommended dose, some patients may benefit from a gradual increase in dose in 10 mg increments per week, up to a maximum of 50 mg per day.
Long-term use should be regularly evaluated (see section 5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties ).
Abrupt discontinuation of treatment should be avoided (see Warnings and Precautions and Adverse Reactions sections ).
The pattern used in the clinical trials included a gradual discontinuation of treatment with a decrease in the daily dose of 10 mg per week.
The occurrence of uncomfortable symptoms during the dose reduction or at the end of treatment may necessitate the resumption of the previously prescribed dose. The doctor can then continue to decrease the dose at a more gradual rate.
Special populations
An increase in plasma concentrations is observed in the elderly, but they remain within the limits of those observed in younger patients. The initial dosage is the same as in adults. A dose increase may be useful in some patients, but the maximum dose should not exceed 40 mg per day.
Children and adolescents (7-17 years old)
Paroxetine is not recommended in children and adolescents, as controlled clinical studies have shown that
paroxetine is associated with an increased risk of suicidal behavior and hostility. In addition, the efficacy of
paroxetine has not been sufficiently demonstrated in these trials (see sections Warnings and precautions for use and undesirable effects ).
Children under 7 years old
The use of paroxetine has not been studied in children under 7 years of age. Paroxetine is not recommended until its effectiveness and safety of use has been demonstrated in this age group.
Hepatic or renal insufficiency
Increased plasma concentrations of paroxetine are observed in patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 ml / min) and in patients with hepatic impairment. The lowest recommended dosage should not be exceeded in these patients.
Known hypersensitivity to paroxetine or to any of the excipients.
Paroxetine is contraindicated in combination with Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs). In exceptional circumstances, linezolid (a reversible, non-selective MAOI antibiotic) may be used in combination with paroxetine provided that it is able to ensure close monitoring to detect symptoms suggestive of serotonin syndrome and follow-up blood pressure (see section Interactions with other medicinal products and other forms of interactions )).
Treatment with paroxetine can be started:
2 weeks after stopping treatment with an irreversible MAOI, or
At least 24 hours after stopping a reversible MAOI (eg: moclobemide, linezolid, methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue; preoperative marking agent which is a reversible non-selective MAOI).
Allow at least one week between stopping paroxetine and starting treatment with an MAOI.
Paroxetine must not be used in combination with thioridazine. Indeed, like other inhibitors of CYP450 2D6, it is likely to increase thioridazine plasma concentrations (see section Interactions with other medicinal products and other forms of interactions ). Administration of thioridazine alone may lead to prolongation of the QTc interval associated with serious ventricular arrhythmias such as torsades de pointes, and sudden death.
Paroxetine must not be combined with pimozide (see section Interactions with other medicinal products and other forms of interactions ).
How it works Deroxat
Pharmacotherapeutic group: antidepressant – Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, ATC code: N06 AB 05
Action mechanism
Paroxetine is a potent and selective inhibitor of the reuptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT, serotonin). Its antidepressant action and its efficacy in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Social Anxiety / Social Phobia disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Panic Disorder appear to be due to its specific inhibition of recapture serotonin in brain neurons.
Paroxetine is not chemically related to tricyclic antidepressants, tetracyclics and other available antidepressants.
Paroxetine has a low affinity for cholinergic muscarinic receptors and animal studies have shown only weak anticholinergic activity.
In relation to this selective action, in vitro studies have shown that, unlike most tricyclic antidepressants, paroxetine has little affinity for alpha 1, alpha 2, and beta adrenergic, dopaminergic (D2), related 5HT1 receptors , 5-HT2 and histaminergic (H1). This lack of interaction with postsynaptic receptors in vitro is corroborated by in vivo studies demonstrating the absence of depressant effect on the central nervous system as well as hypotensive properties.
Pharmacodynamic effects 
Paroxetine does not alter the psychomotor functions and does not potentiate the depressant effects of ethanol.
As with other SSRIs, paroxetine causes symptoms of over-stimulation of serotonin receptors when administered to animals that have previously received monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or tryptophan.
Behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) studies show that paroxetine is weakly activating at doses generally greater than those resulting in the inhibition of serotonin reuptake. These activating properties are not amphetaminic in nature.
Animal studies indicate that paroxetine is well tolerated at the cardiovascular level. In healthy volunteers, paroxetine does not result in clinically significant changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and electrocardiogram.
In contrast to antidepressants that inhibit norepinephrine reuptake, studies indicate that paroxetine has a low propensity to inhibit the antihypertensive effects of guanethidine.
In the treatment of depressive disorders, paroxetine shows comparable efficacy to antidépresse u rs standards.
Paroxetine may be of therapeutic interest in patients who do not respond to standard therapies.
Morning intake of paroxetine has no detrimental effect on the quality or duration of sleep.
In addition, patients are likely to improve their sleep when they respond to treatment with paroxetine.
Suicidality analysis in adults
A specific analysis of studies comparing paroxetine with placebo in adults with psychiatric disorders showed a higher frequency of suicidal behavior in paroxetine-treated young adults (aged 18 to 24) than in those receiving placebo (2). , 19% vs. 0.92%). No such differences were observed in the older age groups. In adults with a major depressive episode (all ages), an increase in the frequency of suicidal behavior was observed in patients treated with paroxetine, compared to those receiving placebo (0.32% vs. 0.05%) ; all the events observed were suicide attempts. However, the majority of attempts seen with paroxetine (8 of 11) involved younger adults (see also sectionWarnings and precautions for use ).
Dose response
In fixed-dose studies, the dose-response curve is flattened, suggesting no benefit in using doses higher than the recommended doses in terms of efficacy. However, some clinical data suggest that increasing doses may be beneficial in some patients.
Long-term efficiency
The long-term efficacy of paroxetine in depression was demonstrated in a 52-week efficacy-maintenance study (following a “relapse prevention” pattern): 12% of patients receiving paroxetine (20- 40 mg daily) relapsed versus 28% of patients in the placebo arm.
The long-term efficacy of paroxetine in obsessive-compulsive disorder has been demonstrated in three 24-week, “relapse-prevention” efficacy studies. One of the 3 studies showed a significant difference between the proportion of relapses on paroxetine (38%) and placebo (59%).
The long-term efficacy of paroxetine in the treatment of panic disorder has been demonstrated in a 24-week, “relapse-prevention” efficacy study: 5% of patients on paroxetine (10-40 mg) relapsed versus 30% of patients on placebo. This was confirmed in a 36-week efficacy maintenance study.
The long-term efficacy of paroxetine in the treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder has not been sufficiently demonstrated.
Adverse effects in pediatric clinical trials
In short-term (up to 10-12 weeks) clinical trials in children and adolescents, the following adverse events have been observed in patients treated with paroxetine ³2% and at least twice that observed in the placebo group: increased suicidal behavior (including suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts), self-aggressive behavior and increased hostility. Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts were mainly observed in clinical trials in adolescents with major depressive episodes. The increase in hostility has been observed in children with obsessive-compulsive disorders, especially among children under 12 years of age. Other adverse events observed more frequently in the paroxetine group compared with the placebo group were: decreased appetite, tremor, hypersudation, hyperkinesia, agitation, emotional lability (including crying and fluctuations in
In studies with progressive treatment discontinuation, symptoms reported during the dose reduction or discontinuation phase, with ³2 % frequency and at least twice that observed in the placebo group were : emotional lability (including crying, mood swings, self-aggression, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts), nervousness, dizziness, nausea and abdominal pain (see Warnings and Precautions section ).
In five parallel group studies with a duration of treatment ranging from 8 weeks to 8 months, adverse events related to bleeding mainly affecting the skin and mucous membranes were observed in patients treated with paroxetine, at a 1.74%, while their frequency in the placebo group was 0.74%.
deroxat side effects
Description of adverse effects
Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Adverse effects occur more often in the first few weeks of taking DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets.
If any of the following side effects occur, contact your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room.
Uncommon side effects (less than 1 in 100 people):
· Abnormal bleeding (including vomiting of blood, blood in the stool, or “blues”),
· Difficulty or impossibility to last.
Rare side effects (less than 1 in 1,000 people):
· Seizures,
· Restlessness, impatience of the legs, inability to sit or stand still. Increasing the dose of DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets may aggravate these sensations.
· Tiredness, weakness, confusion, pain, muscle stiffness or involuntary movements of muscles(may be related to low blood sodium levels).
Very rare side effects (less than 1 in 10,000 people):
· Allergic reactions to DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets that may be severe : if you developredness or blistering of the skin, swelling of the eyelids, face, lips, mouth or tongue, rash dermal or urticaria anywhere on the body, itching, difficulty breathing (shortness of breath) or swallowing and a feeling of weakness or numbness leading to discomfort or loss of consciousness, contact your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room.
· If you have any or all of the following symptoms , you may have serotonin syndrome or neuroleptic malignant syndrome : symptoms include feeling of great agitation or confusion, confusion, agitation, feeling hot, excessive sweating, tremors, chills, hallucinations (strange sounds or visions), muscle rigidity, myoclonus (sudden jerking of muscles), or rapid heartbeat. The severity of these symptoms can worsen leading to a loss of consciousness. If you feel this contact your doctor .
· Acute glaucoma.
If you have eye pain and your vision becomes cloudy, contact your doctor .
Frequency unknown
· Suicidal cases or suicidal behaviors have been reported during treatment with DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets or soon after discontinuation (see section 2. “What information should you know before taking DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets? “).
· Cases of aggression have been observed during treatment with DEROXAT. If you experience these side effects, contact your doctor.
Other possible side effects during treatment
Very common side effects (more than 1 in 10 people):
· Nausea Taking your medicine in the morning during breakfast reduces the risk of this effect occurring
· Sexual disorders. For example, lack of orgasm, and in humans, abnormal erection and ejaculation
Common side effects (less than 1 in 10 people):
· Increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood
· Lack of appetite
· Sleep disorders: insomnia or drowsiness
· Abnormal dreams (including nightmares)
· Feeling dizzy or trembling
· Headaches
· Difficulty concentrating
· Agitation
· Feeling weak
· Blurred vision
· Yawns
· Dry mouth
· Diarrhea or constipation
· Vomiting
· Weight gain
· Sweats
Uncommon side effects (less than 1 in 100 people):
· Transient increase in blood pressure, or transient decrease in fast transition from sitting to standing with dizziness or weakness
· Faster heartbeat
· Lack of movement, rigidity, tremors or abnormal movements of the mouth and tongue
· Dilated pupils
· Rash
· Itching
· Mental confusion
· Hallucinations (visions or strange sounds)
· Unintentional and uncontrollable emission of urine (urinary incontinence) or impossibility to cure (urinary retention)
· If you have diabetes, you may notice an imbalance in the level of sugar in your blood while taking DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets. Talk to your doctor about adjusting the dose of insulin or diabetes medications.
Rare side effects (less than 1 in 1,000 people):
· Mania (excitement, euphoria,)
· Anxiety
· Sensation BE detached from yourself (depersonalisation)
· Panic attacks
· Irresistible desire to move the legs (restless leg syndrome)
· Slow heartbeat
· Elevation of liver function values
· Abnormal milk flow in men and women
· Pain in the joints or muscles
· Increase in the blood of the hormone called prolactin
· Menstrual disturbances (including heavy or irregular periods, bleeding outside the rules, and lack or delay of rules)
Very rare side effects (less than 1 in 10,000 people):
· Skin rash, possibly accompanied by blisters, and resembling small targets (dark central spots bordered by a lighter area, and surrounded by a dark ring) called erythema multiforme
· Generalized rash with blistering and peeling of the skin, especially around the mouth, nose, eyes and genitals (Stevens-Johnson syndrome)
· Extensive skin rash accompanied by blistering and peeling of the skin over a large part of the body (toxic epidermal necrolysis or Lyell syndrome)
· Liver injury which may cause jaundice in the skin and eyes
· Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of anti-diuretic hormone (SIADH) which is a condition in which the body has an excess of water and a decrease in the concentration of sodium (salt), due to inappropriate chemical signals. Patients with SIADH may be severely ill, or may have no symptoms
· Intolerance to the sun (photosensitization)
· Retention of water that can cause an edema of the arms and legs
· Persistent and painful erection of the penis
· Decrease in the number of platelets in the blood
Some patients have reported buzzing, whistling or ringing in the ears during treatment with DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets.
An increased risk of bone fractures has been observed in patients who use this type of medication.
Deroxat Interactions
Serotoninergic drugs
As with other SSRIs, the combination of paroxetine with serotonergic drugs may increase the effects of serotonin (serotonin syndrome: see Warnings and precautions for use ).
Special attention and close clinical monitoring is recommended when these serotoninergic drugs (including L-tryptophan, triptans, tramadol, linezolid, methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue), SSRIs, lithium, pethidine and St. John’s Wort preparations – Hypericum perforatum ) are associated with paroxetine. Caution is also advised with fentanyl, used in general anesthesia or as a treatment for chronic pain. The combined use of paroxetine and MAOIs is contraindicated due to the risk of serotonin syndrome (see section 4.3 ).
An increase in pimozide concentrations of approximately 2.5 fold on average was demonstrated in an interaction study between a low dose of pimozide (2 mg) and a paroxetine dose of 60 mg. This may be due to the known inhibitory properties of paroxetine on CYP2D6. Since pimozide has a narrow therapeutic index and may cause prolongation of the QT interval, the combination of paroxetine and pimozide is contraindicated (see section 4.3 ).
Metabolism enzymes
The metabolism and pharmacokinetics of paroxetine can be modified by the inhibition or induction of metabolizing enzymes.
When paroxetine is to be combined with a known enzyme inhibitor, the lowest recommended doses will be used.
No dose adjustment is necessary when paroxetine is co-administered with enzyme inducers (eg carbamazepine, rifampicin, phenobarbital, phenytoin) or with a combination of fosamprenavir / ritonavir. Any dose adjustment of paroxetine (either after initiation of therapy or upon discontinuation of an enzyme inducer) will be based on the observed clinical effect (safety and efficacy).
SSRIs may decrease plasma cholinesterase activity inducing prolongation of neuromuscular inhibition of mivacurium and suxamethonium.
Fosamprenavir / ritonavir combination
Co-administration of fosamprenavir / ritonavir at a dosage of 700/100 mg twice daily with 20 mg paroxetine daily in healthy volunteers for 10 days resulted in a significant decrease in plasma paroxetine about 55%. In this co-administration with paroxetine, plasma concentrations of fosamprenavir / ritonavir were similar to baseline values ​​from other studies, indicating that paroxetine had no significant effect on the metabolism of fosamprenavir / ritonavir. There are no data available on the long-term effects of co-administration of paroxetine and a combination of fosamprenavir / ritonavir beyond 10 days.
Daily administration of paroxetine significantly increases the plasma concentrations of procyclidine. If anti-cholinergic effects are observed, the dose of procyclidine should be reduced.
Carbamazepine, phenytoin, sodium valproate. Concomitant administration does not appear to influence the pharmacokinetic / dynamic profile in epileptic patients.
Inhibition of CYP2D6 by paroxetine
Like other antidepressants, including other SSRIs, paroxetine inhibits hepatic cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 isoenzyme. Inhibition of this isoenzyme may lead to increased plasma concentrations of the associated drugs metabolized by it.
These medications include certain tricyclic antidepressants (clomipramine, nortriptyline and desipramine), phenothiazine-type neuroleptics (eg perphenazine and thioridazine, see section 4.3 ), risperidone, atomoxetine, some type 1c antiarrhythmics (eg propafenone and flecainide) and metoprolol. It is not recommended to use paroxetine in combination with metoprolol when administered in heart failure because of a narrow therapeutic index of metoprolol in this indication.
The pharmacokinetic interaction between CYP2D6 inhibitors and tamoxifen, showing a 65-75% decrease in plasma concentrations of endoxifen, one of the most active forms of tamoxifen, has been reported in the literature. A decrease in the efficacy of tamoxifen has been reported in some studies when concomitant use of certain SSRI antidepressants. Since tamoxifen can not be excluded, the combination of a strong CYP2D6 inhibitor (including paroxetine) with tamoxifen should be avoided as far as possible (see Warnings and Precautions ). .
As with other psychotropic treatments, alcoholic beverages are discouraged during treatment.
Oral anticoagulants
A pharmacodynamic interaction may occur between paroxetine and oral anticoagulants. Concomitant administration of paroxetine with these medicinal products may lead to an increase in anticoagulant activity and haemorrhagic risk. Paroxetine should therefore be used with caution in patients receiving oral anticoagulants (see Warnings and Precautions ).
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetylsalicylic acid, other antiplatelet agents
A pharmacodynamic interaction may occur between paroxetine and NSAIDs / acetylsalicylic acid. Concomitant use of these drugs may increase the risk of bleeding (see Warnings and Precautions section ).
Caution is advised in patients treated with SSRIs in combination with oral anticoagulants, drugs that affect platelet function or may increase the risk of bleeding (eg, atypical antipsychotics such as clozapine, phenothiazines, most tricyclic antidepressants, aspirin, NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors) as well as in patients with a history of hemostasis abnormalities or conditions that predispose them to bleeding.
An interaction between paroxetine and pravastatin has been observed in studies suggesting that concomitant administration of paroxetine and pravastatin may lead to an increase in blood glucose. Dosage adjustment of oral hypoglycemic agents and / or insulin may be required in diabetic patients receiving paroxetine and pravastatin (see Warnings and Precautions ).
Deroxat Warnings and Precautions
Treatment with paroxetine should be initiated with caution 2 weeks after discontinuation of irreversible MAOI or 24 hours after discontinuation of reversible MAOI. The dose of paroxetine should be increased gradually until an optimal therapeutic response is obtained (see sections 4.3 and 4.5).
Pediatric population
The use of DEROXAT is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age. Suicidal (suicide attempts and suicidal ideation) and hostile (predominantly aggression, anti-doping behavior and anger) behaviors were more frequently observed in clinical studies in children and adolescents treated with antidepressants compared to those treated with placebo. If, in case of clinical need, the decision to treat is nevertheless taken, the patient should be carefully monitored for the appearance of suicidal symptoms. In addition, no long-term safety data are available for children and adolescents on growth, maturation and cognitive and behavioral development.
Suicide / suicidal ideation or clinical worsening
Depression is associated with increased risk of suicidal thoughts, self-aggression and suicide (suicidal behavior). This risk persists until significant remission occurs.
Since clinical improvement may not occur for several weeks, patients should be closely monitored until this improvement is achieved. Clinical experience shows that suicidal risk may increase in the early stages of recovery.
Other psychiatric conditions in which paroxetine is prescribed may also be associated with an increased risk of suicidal behavior. In addition, these disorders may be associated with a major depressive episode. The same precautions for use as those for patients with major depressive episodes should therefore be applied to patients with other psychiatric disorders.
Patients with a history of suicidal behavior or those who express significant suicidal ideation before starting treatment have a higher risk of developing suicidal or suicidal behaviors, and should be closely monitored during treatment.
A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled clinical trials on the use of antidepressants in adults with psychiatric disorders showed an increased risk of suicidal behavior in patients under 25 years of age treated with antidepressants compared to those receiving placebo (see also section 5.1).
Close monitoring of patients, particularly those at high risk, should accompany drug therapy, especially at the start of treatment and during dose changes.
Patients (and those around them) should be advised of the need to monitor the occurrence of clinical worsening, the appearance of suicidal ideation / behavior, and any abnormal changes in behavior, and to seek immediate medical attention if these symptoms occur.
Akathisie / psychomotor agitation
The use of paroxetine has been associated with the onset of Akathisia, characterized by an inner feeling of impotence and psychomotor agitation, such as an inability to sit or stand quietly, usually associated with a feeling of helplessness. These symptoms occur rather in the first weeks of treatment. In patients developing these symptoms, an increase in dosage may be detrimental.
Serotonin Syndrome / Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
In rare cases, serotonin syndrome or a suggestive neuroleptic malignant syndrome may occur during treatment with paroxetine, particularly when combined with serotonergic drugs and / or neuroleptics. Since these syndromes may be life-threatening, treatment with paroxetine should be discontinued if such effects occur (characterized by a set of symptoms such as hyperthermia, rigidity, myoclonus, autonomic dysfunction with possible rapid fluctuations in vital constants, changes in psychic state including confusion, irritability, extreme agitation evolving into delirium and coma).
Symptomatic treatment should be instituted.
Paroxetine should not be used in combination with serotonin precursors (such as L-tryptophan, loxitriptan) because of the risk of serotonin syndrome .
As with all antidepressants, paroxetine should be used with caution in patients with a history of manic episodes. In case of a manic turn, treatment with paroxetine should be discontinued.
Renal / hepatic insufficiency
Special care is recommended in patients with severe renal impairment or hepatic impairment.
Treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) can lead to imbalance of glycemic control in diabetic patients. Adjustment of doses of insulin and / or oral hypoglycemic agent may be necessary. In addition, studies suggest that an increase in blood glucose may occur during the concomitant administration of paroxetine and pravastine (see section 4.5).
Like other antidepressants, paroxetine should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy.
The overall incidence of seizures is less than 0.1% in patients treated with paroxetine. The occurrence of seizures necessitates the cessation of treatment.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
There is limited clinical data on the concomitant administration of paroxetine and electroconvulsive therapy.
Like other SSRIs, paroxetine may cause mydriasis and should be used with caution in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma or a history of glaucoma.
Heart diseases
Use precautions should be observed in patients with cardiac disorders.
Hyponatremia has been reported rarely, mainly in the elderly.
Special attention should also be given to patients at risk of hyponatremia associated with concomitant treatment or cirrhosis.
Hyponatremia is usually reversible when paroxetine is discontinued.
Skin bleeds such as bruises and purpuras have been reported with SSRIs. Other haemorrhagic manifestations, such as gastrointestinal and gynecological haemorrhages, have been reported.
The risk of non-menstrual bleeding may be increased in elderly patients.
Caution is advised in patients treated concurrently with SSRIs and oral anticoagulants, drugs that affect platelet function, or other drugs that may increase the risk of bleeding (eg, atypical antipsychotics such as clozapine, phenothiazines, most tricyclic antidepressants, aspirin, NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors) as well as in patients with a history of hemostasis abnormalities or conditions that predispose them to bleeding .
Interaction with tamoxifen
Paroxetine, a potent inhibitor of CYP2D6, may result in decreased concentrations of endoxifen, one of the most important active metabolites of tamoxifen. Therefore, paroxetine should be avoided as much as possible during treatment with tamoxifen (see section 4.5).
Withdrawal symptoms after discontinuation of paroxetine
Withdrawal symptoms at the end of treatment are common, especially if discontinuation is abrupt (see section 4.8).
In clinical trials, adverse events were observed at the end of treatment in 30% of patients treated with paroxetine versus 20% of patients receiving placebo.
The occurrence of withdrawal symptoms is not synonymous with addiction or dependence.
The risk of withdrawal symptoms may be a function of several factors including duration of treatment, dosage, and rate of dose reduction.
Have been reported: dizziness, sensory disturbances (including paresthesia, and sensations like electric shock and tinnitus), sleep disorders (including intense dreams), agitation or anxiety, nausea, tremor, confusion, sweating, headache, diarrhea, palpitations emotional instability, irritability and visual disturbances. Generally, these symptoms are of mild to moderate intensity but they may be more severe in some patients.
They usually occur in the first few days after treatment has stopped, but very few cases have been reported in patients who accidentally skipped a dose. Generally, these symptoms are spontaneously resolving in two weeks, although in some people they may be prolonged (two to three months or more). It is therefore advisable to gradually reduce the dose of paroxetine over a period of several weeks or months, according to the needs of patients (see “Withdrawal symptoms observed during paroxetine discontinuation”, section 4.2).
Drive and use machines with deroxat
Clinical experience has shown that treatment with paroxetine does not result in impaired cognitive or psychomotor function.
 Nevertheless, as with any psychoactive drug, drivers of vehicles and machine users should be cautioned about their ability to drive or use machines.
Although paroxetine does not increase the mental and motor impairments caused by alcohol, the concomitant use of paroxetine and alcohol is not recommended.
Some epidemiological studies suggest an increased risk of congenital malformations, especially cardiovascular (interventricular and interauricular communication) in children of mothers treated with paroxetine during the 1
first  trimester of pregnancy. The mechanism is not known. These data suggest that the risk of having a child with a cardiovascular malformation is less than 2% for a mother exposed to paroxetine, while the expected rate of this type of abnormality is about 1% in the general population.
Paroxetine will only be used during pregnancy if it is strictly necessary. The doctor should evaluate the interest of an alternative treatment in a pregnant woman or considering to be. Abrupt discontinuation of treatment should be avoided during pregnancy ( see Posology and method of administration  : Withdrawal symptoms observed when paroxetine was discontinued).
Monitoring of the newborn must be done if the use of paroxetine continued until the end of pregnancy, especially 3 th  quarter.
The following symptoms may occur in the newborn after administration of paroxetine in the mother during the 3 th  trimester of pregnancy: respiratory distress, cyanosis, apnea, seizures, temperature instability, feeding difficulty, vomiting, hypoglycemia, hypotonia hypertonia, hyperreflexia, tremors, nervousness, irritability, lethargy, permanent crying, drowsiness and sleep disorders. These symptoms may be due to either serotonergic effects or withdrawal symptoms. In most cases, these symptoms occur immediately or almost immediately after delivery (less than 24 hours).
Epidemiological evidence suggests that the use of SSRIs during pregnancy, particularly in late pregnancy, may increase the risk of persistent pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in the neonate. The risk observed was approximately five cases per 1000 pregnancies. In the general population, the risk of HTAPP in the newborn is one to two cases per 1000 pregnancies.
Studies in animals have shown reproductive toxicity, but do not indicate direct deleterious effects on pregnancy, embryo-fetal development, childbirth or postnatal development ( see Preclinical Safety ).
deroxat – Breastfeeding
Small amounts of paroxetine are excreted in breast milk.In published studies, serum concentrations of breastfed infants were undetectable (<2 nanograms / ml) or very low (<4 nanograms / ml). No evidence of drug effect was observed in these infants.
No effect is expected, breastfeeding is possible.
Animal data have shown that paroxetine may affect sperm quality ( see Preclinical Safety ). In vitro data obtained with human material suggest a change in sperm quality; however, cases reported in humans treated with certain SSRIs (including paroxetine) have shown that this effect on sperm quality seems to be reversible. The impact on human fertility has not been observed so far.
What should I do if I miss a dose?
If you forget to take DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets:
If you realize it before bed, take the dose of DEROXAT.
If you realize it during the night, take only the next dose of DEROXAT the next morning at the usual time.
After 2 weeks, most people start to feel better. If this is not your case, consult your doctor who may increase the dose. Do not stop your treatment without medical advice.
The medicine should be taken until the doctor tells you to stop it. The doctor can tell you to continue treatment for several months, even if you feel better, to help prevent recurrence of symptoms
Continue to follow the instructions of your doctor.
What happens if I overdose from Deroxat ?
If you take more DEROXAT 20 mg film-coated tablets than you should:
Tell your doctor or health professional as soon as possible if you have taken too much. The possible side effects in case of overdose are those listed in section 4. “What are the possible side effects?” or the following: fever, involuntary contraction of muscles.
What is  Forms and Composition Deroxat ?
* 20 mg scored film-coated tablet (oval, biconvex, debossed “20” on one side and scored on the other side, white):  Box of 14, under a blister, with childproof lock.
Hospital model: Box of 50, under plate, with child safety.
*  The tablet can be divided into equal doses if necessary. Oral suspension 20 mg / 10 ml (slightly viscous, with orange odor, free from foreign particles, bright orange):   150 ml bottle with measuring cup (graduated to 5 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml and 20 ml) and child safety closure.
Compressed :p cpParoxetine (INN) hydrochloride hemihydrate expressed as paroxetine20 mg
Excipients: calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate (E 341), sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A), magnesium stearate (E 470b). Film coating :hypromellose (E 464), titanium dioxide (E 171), macrogol 400, polysorbate 80 (E 433).
Oral suspension:p 10 mlParoxetine (INN) hydrochloride hemihydrate expressed as paroxetine20 mg
Excipients: polacrilin potassium, dispersible cellulose (E 460), propylene glycol, glycerol (E 422), sorbitol (E 420), methyl parahydroxybenzoates (E 218) and propyl (E 216), sodium citrate dihydrate (E 331), citric acid anhydrous (E 330), saccharin sodium (E 954), yellowish orange color S (E 110), simeticone emulsion, purified water. Aromas: natural orange, natural lemon.
Excipients with known effect: sorbitol: 4 g / 10 ml; orange-yellow S (E 110): 0.9 mg / 10 ml; methyl parahydroxybenzoate: 20 mg / 10 ml; propyl parahydroxybenzoate: 6 mg / 10 ml.
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post deroxat 20 mg Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/2VboNED via Edrug Online from Faculty of Medicine https://bit.ly/3laa8oS via Internal Medicine
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