#anti-sj cw
just heard the news frank, hope you have a good day now and forever. Do you have feelings about turning off?
Thanks, lesserdad!
I guess the two ways to think about it are "turning off, and not coming back," and "turning off, and later bringing it back, with changes." I haven't decided which of those I want to do yet.
I think I'll keep the tumblr up for a bit longer, just in case.
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liskantope · 5 months
Did I just make a half-joke in my last post about the 2010's brand of aggressive internet feminism being dead? Have I mentioned more than once in recent posts that the I consider it a happy development that the TERFish ideology seems to have siphoned away a lot of the visible "women are fragile because men are so terrifying" mentality in more mainstream feminism? Well, that was before I read the below post that is apparently making the rounds in the last few days about the "bear test" and the oh-so-nailed-it commentary on it claiming that the "bear test" illuminates exactly two fundamentally types of men:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This "bear vs. man" question is obvious to me a rhetorical sleight-of-hand playing on a convenient arrangements of cultural emotion-based ideas of what bears symbolize and how protective a man is supposed to be around his daughter having men in her life and so on. Treating it as a serious thought experiment leading to an obvious conclusion about the patriarchy or something would be annoying enough, but first post has to inject that familiar gleeful smugness about how the simple question is guaranteed trip us men up and expose our toxic mindset for all the world to see and illuminate the writer's perfect black-and-white view of gender relations. (It reminds me of the question designed to trip up atheists: "You're walking down a dark street at night and see some shadowy figures coming your way. If you were to discover that they are people who just came out of a Bible study, would that make you feel better or worse?" Except I think that old pro-religion argument, much as I've always hated it, actually rests on firmer ground.)
As for the follow-up social media post, it's nice to know that, as a man who sincerely believes probability-wise that the bear in the woods is a lot more dangerous to my hypothetical daughter than a randomly-chosen man is (an assessment supposedly no woman holds), I am now properly classified as one of those men who is more dangerous than a bear, or (to a more charitable reading) one of those men who is providing cover/excuses for / not doing his part to stop the men who are more dangerous than bears.
(I doubt very much that there's actual data around on chances of a young woman being attacked in the woods by a human man or chances of being attacked by a bear, but I'm willing to change my prediction if I learn that most species of bear ignore humans who wander into their midst like 99% of the time or something like that. Which would cast doubt on most cultural treatment of bears, of course and also kind of undermine the punchline of the "test".)
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3ris-d1st0rtionnn · 7 months
🌀OOC: Content Warnings, DNIs, Tag Directory, and Other Info!🌀
(This is an original character RP blog centered around The Magnus Archives! Please be sure to read all the way through, as this post contains important info and content warnings. If you’d like to speak OOC, please message @eris-abomination or direct your asks to the admin.)
⚠️Content Warnings⚠️
Please be aware that the content of this blog centers around:
- unreality
- insects/trypophobia
- body horror
- delusion
- eyestrain
If any of these topics have the potential to harm you, please do not interact. I try my best to tag posts where these topics come up, so be sure you have CW keywords and tags blocked!
If anything posted to this blog bothers you or is not properly tagged, please DM me and I’ll do my best to resolve the issue and include necessary CW tags.
Please remember that this is just a roleplay account and exists for entertainment purposes only. Nothing discussed on this account, unless explicitly tagged as OOC and/or in parentheses, is real or informed by real events.
- Basic criteria (LGBT+-phobes, misogynists, racists, etc)
- Proshippers/comshippers
- NFT/crypto/AI supporters
- Anti-MOGAI, anti-neo/xenogender
- Anti-SJ accounts
- “Cringe culture” apologists
- Zionists and supporters of the Palestinian genocide
I may be a silly RP page, but I’ll block and call out shitty behavior when I see it. If any of these criteria apply to you, please block me and leave my page alone.
Fan Works
Fanart, fanfiction, and other fan media regarding Eris Distortion is always welcome! I encourage the creation of fanart if you’d like to, and it means a lot to me when somebody goes out of their way to make something!
Please note the following guidelines and boundaries before creating fan work:
- Do not use my character and/or their likeness for profit.
- Do not create AI roleplay bots of my character or train AI chats on my writing.
- AI images of my character will not be viewed as “fanart” and will be ignored/blocked.
- Do not create NSFW fan works of my character without explicit, stated consent from me beforehand. Requests of this nature containing illegal or immoral content will instantly be rejected and the user will be blocked. (Please note that Eris Distortion AND their admin are both 21+ in age.)
- Do not use my character’s image to perpetuate harmful messaging (as described in my DNIs).
Tag Directory
🌀ooc - Out-of-character posting. Will occasionally be used if I have anything important to communicate on this page.
🌀eris speaks - Old/archived personal posting, almost always OOC PSAs, social justice posts, and personal thoughts that I don’t want to erase entirely with the repurposing of this account. Will not be used in the future (all personal posting will be redirected to @eris-abomination ), so feel free to block this tag if that’s not what you’re here for!
🌀reblogs - Art, aesthetic, and misc. reblogs that fit my RP profile but don’t necessarily contribute to a narrative or plot. Aesthetics babey!!!
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vantasei · 4 months
required reading: click here
hi. im vanitas or varus. aka vans® off the wall. they/them bigender bisexual bpd babe. neopronouns are sheepy/sheepy's and if you use those ill love you forever. 23. korean-american. bay area sweep. dont like dealing with people under 18. sorry.
sideblogs breathlighttimespace: mostly aes blog ft other misc stuff rvby: personal posts ft some writing i do (not a vent blog. mostly fandom takes.) dhampiric-vantasei: my art i have more but i dont like having them linked to main lol
kin carrd. i kin but im not gonna be weird about it unless i know you like that.
only courtesy tags i do are #blood, #body horror, and sometimes #gore. im really bad at identifying things that can be considered those though so generally dont expect cw tags from me. also i talk a lot in tags and if i follow you. you are my friend now sorry.
i am always open to dms. discord is vantasei but if you wanna get to know me better, joining my server is the way to go
vantasei on twt + spacehey + basically everything.
i stream games on twitch sometimes. and upload various things on youtube too.
tag me in sheep and ram related things! if you send me a goat i will be sad. if you send me things in general though ill love you forever.
sports teams baseball: mainly the sf giants. wilmer flores superfan. hockey: wpg jets and sj sharks. football: sf 49ers; tb buccs (ASU!!) basketball: gs warriors (not super into basketball yet) soccer is a trigger for me so i cant follow it, sorry. not exclusive w sports teams. i will cheer for other teams if i think theyre neat. anti-houston astros, anti-dallas stars tho. have personal beef with jose altuve. will lb sports on here.
other bio accessible here.
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didanawisgi · 1 year
Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92752/. Accessed September 23, 2022.
Sikora E, Scapagnini G, Barbagallo M. Curcumin, inflammation, ageing and age-related diseases. Immun Ageing. 2010 Jan 17;7(1):1.
Bahrami A, Montecucco F, Carbone F, et al. Effects of Curcumin on Aging: Molecular Mechanisms and Experimental Evidence. Biomed Res Int. 2021;2021:8972074.
Benameur T, Soleti R, Panaro MA, et al. Curcumin as Prospective Anti-Aging Natural Compound: Focus on Brain. Molecules. 2021 Aug 7;26(16).
Zia A, Farkhondeh T, Pourbagher-Shahri AM, et al. The role of curcumin in aging and senescence: Molecular mechanisms. Biomed Pharmacother. 2021 Feb;134:111119.
Lee KS, Lee BS, Semnani S, et al. Curcumin extends life span, improves health span, and modulates the expression of age-associated aging genes in Drosophila melanogaster. Rejuvenation Res. 2010 Oct;13(5):561-70.
Liao VH, Yu CW, Chu YJ, et al. Curcumin-mediated lifespan extension in Caenorhabditis elegans. Mech Ageing Dev. 2011 Oct;132(10):480-7.
Shen LR, Parnell LD, Ordovas JM, et al. Curcumin and aging. Biofactors. 2013 Jan-Feb;39(1):133-40.
Shen LR, Xiao F, Yuan P, et al. Curcumin-supplemented diets increase superoxide dismutase activity and mean lifespan in Drosophila. Age (Dordr). 2013 Aug;35(4):1133-42.
Soh JW, Marowsky N, Nichols TJ, et al. Curcumin is an early-acting stage-specific inducer of extended functional longevity in Drosophila. Exp Gerontol. 2013 Feb;48(2):229-39.
Stepien K, Wojdyla D, Nowak K, et al. Impact of curcumin on replicative and chronological aging in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. Biogerontology. 2020 Feb;21(1):109-23.
Hewlings SJ, Kalman DS. Curcumin: A Review of Its Effects on Human Health. Foods. 2017 Oct 22;6(10).
Seddon N, D’Cunha NM, Mellor DD, et al. Effects of Curcumin on Cognitive Function—A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine. 2019 03/19;4(1):1-11.
Taka T, Changtam C, Thaichana P, et al. Curcuminoid derivatives enhance telomerase activity in an in vitro TRAP assay. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2014 Nov 15;24(22):5242-6.
Xiao Z, Zhang A, Lin J, et al. Telomerase: a target for therapeutic effects of curcumin and a curcumin derivative in Abeta1-42 insult in vitro. PLoS One. 2014;9(7):e101251.
Yu Y, Shen Q, Lai Y, et al. Anti-inflammatory Effects of Curcumin in Microglial Cells. Front Pharmacol. 2018;9:386.
Sunny A, Ramalingam K, Das S, et al. Bioavailable curcumin alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation and improves cognition in experimental animals. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2019 April 1, 2019;15(62):111-7.
Dong S, Zeng Q, Mitchell ES, et al. Curcumin enhances neurogenesis and cognition in aged rats: implications for transcriptional interactions related to growth and synaptic plasticity. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31211.
Kim CS, Park S, Kim J. The role of glycation in the pathogenesis of aging and its prevention through herbal products and physical exercise. J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2017 Sep 30;21(3):55-61.
Simm A. Protein glycation during aging and in cardiovascular disease. J Proteomics. 2013 Oct 30;92:248-59.
Hu TY, Liu CL, Chyau CC, et al. Trapping of methylglyoxal by curcumin in cell-free systems and in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Aug 22;60(33):8190-6.
Liu JP, Feng L, Zhu MM, et al. The in vitro protective effects of curcumin and demethoxycurcumin in Curcuma longa extract on advanced glycation end products-induced mesangial cell apoptosis and oxidative stress. Planta Med. 2012 Nov;78(16):1757-60.
Sajithlal GB, Chithra P, Chandrakasan G. Effect of curcumin on the advanced glycation and cross-linking of collagen in diabetic rats. Biochem Pharmacol. 1998 Dec 15;56(12):1607-14.
Lima TFO, Costa MC, Figueiredo ID, et al. Curcumin, Alone or in Combination with Aminoguanidine, Increases Antioxidant Defenses and Glycation Product Detoxification in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats: A Therapeutic Strategy to Mitigate Glycoxidative Stress. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020;2020:1036360.
Tang Y, Chen A. Curcumin eliminates the effect of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) on the divergent regulation of gene expression of receptors of AGEs by interrupting leptin signaling. Lab Invest. 2014 May;94(5):503-16.
Ohtani N. The roles and mechanisms of senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP): can it be controlled by senolysis? Inflamm Regen. 2022 Apr 2;42(1):11.
Cherif H, Bisson DG, Jarzem P, et al. Curcumin and o-Vanillin Exhibit Evidence of Senolytic Activity in Human IVD Cells In Vitro. J Clin Med. 2019 Mar 29;8(4).
Yousefzadeh MJ, Zhu Y, McGowan SJ, et al. Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan. EBioMedicine. 2018 Oct;36:18-28.
Jakubczyk K, Druzga A, Katarzyna J, et al. Antioxidant Potential of Curcumin-A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Nov 6;9(11).
de Oliveira MR, Jardim FR, Setzer WN, et al. Curcumin, mitochondrial biogenesis, and mitophagy: Exploring recent data and indicating future needs. Biotechnol Adv. 2016 Sep-Oct;34(5):813-26.
Rainey NE, Moustapha A, Petit PX. Curcumin, a Multifaceted Hormetic Agent, Mediates an Intricate Crosstalk between Mitochondrial Turnover, Autophagy, and Apoptosis. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020;2020:3656419.
Kumar D, Jacob D, Subash PS, et al. Enhanced bioavailability and relative distribution of free (unconjugated) curcuminoids following the oral administration of a food-grade formulation with fenugreek dietary fibre: A randomised double-blind crossover study. J Funct Foods. 2016;22:578-87.
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silver-and-ivory · 6 years
oh man I am definitely sympathetic to the claim that certain persons use crocodile tears to manipulate public opinion against their accused aggressor
but my blood kind of boils when I see “white women are using false tears to frame black women” because Personal Issues also because how can you know if they’re false tears? how do you avoid just dismissing all tears, ever, from white women?
and then there’s the other thing, which is that when white people don’t cry and don’t show emotion, it’s viewed as a way to manipulate public opinion in their favor because they’re Less Emotional and More Rational, so that’s why the white people are untrustworthy
and if the white people get mad then it’s because they’re ignorant of the privilege they have and lashing out at people of color and manipulating the crowd into sympathizing with them
do you see what I’m gesturing at, that there is no reaction from white people to statements from nonwhites that will not be viewed as an attempt at manipulation and harm
and that’s partially because, like, all emotional reactions can be used in attempts to manipulate and harm and because white people — sometimes-to-often have lots of power to influence the people around them against nonwhites by having emotions/not having emotions even when they’re not trying to?”
but no matter how understandable the reasoning behind framing all possible reactions as manipulation is
it’s still — an impossible situation for a well-intentioned white person to navigate, because there is no “right” response except for quiet acquiescence
— and even quiet acquiescence might be racist because it’s forcing the nonwhite person to defend themselves and make their own arguments without backup, which endangers them;
— but speaking up risks speaking over people of color and assuming that they need your help to white-knight them and saying the wrong thing because you don’t understand
— and different people of color have different preferences we’re not all alike did you assume that we were and why couldn’t you just intuit what I wanted—
and it’s just—
not a good situation, for anyone.
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freshorganicaroace · 4 years
My name is Silver. I’m a 23 year old college student, aspiring veterinarian, and have identified as ace for around 7 years and as arospec for around 6. My full identity is lesbian demiromaric ace. But aroace or lesbian is fine tbh. Any pronouns are fine for me! I’m American and white.
I’m pro-BLM, pro-choice, pro-feminism. I am also anti-TERF, anti-cop, and anti-nasty.
-racist, exclusionist, homophobe, ect.
-TERM, TERF, gender critical, “save the children from mutilating their bodies” or whatever transphobes are calling themselves nowadays.
-you think that aro/ace people using the SAM is harmful/homophobic
-you think microlabels are harmful
-think that being bi is transphobic/being pan is biphobic
-support Trump or Pence
-use words like “f*mboy”, “f*ggot”, “d*ke”, etc without being able to reclaim them
-think that “queer” is unreclamable and shouldn’t be used by anyone
-kink/DDLG, 18+ blogs, etc.
-have any level of COVID conspiracy theories or refuse to get vaccinated if you can
Things I tag, you can always message me if you need something tagged and I will do my best to accommodate:
Sex mentions
Genitalia mentions
Romance mentions
Other things:
Opossums! They’re some of my favorite animals, feel free to tag me in posts! (Tagged as #opossum tag)
I post a lot of social justice things. Given current world affairs, it’s safe to assume anything under my #sj tag will be heavy. Please use discretion.
I am an adult! Some things on this blog may be explicit, but never pornography. They may be about sexual health, sexuality, etc. These will be tagged appropriately.
I talk big but I’m terrible at tagging shit. Sorry.
Last updated: 5/15/24
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merrysithmas · 7 years
betty is the world’s biggest piece of shit to her mom and utterly unlikable, this ep really cemented it. i was honestly like angry at how mean and condescending “sweet strong pure intentioned” betty was. like what a shitty character my dudes lmao. esp since they are making the elena/hayley/camille/reign mary sue of this show.
archie is the sweetest character on the show – he literally defends and protects jughead every single episode, saves cheryl from death, and worries over all his friends constantly. he does what the exposition claims betty does.
jughead… man what a shit show. totally slaughtered, erasure everywhere. and was instantly better the second he got a plotline away from that garbage erasure het ship.
val, josie, veronica totally ignored unsurprising since they are the woc and cw is racist. 99% of ep about betty… A HERO, A GREAT SPEECH, THANK YA BETTY when actually she was selfish, the speech was literally the worst least inspiring thing i ever heard lmao.
…and they dont take cheryl to the hospital post plunging into a frozen lake via suicide? way to go, writers.
so glad that is over, not watching s2. unfortunately itll just dwindle into embarrassing soap opera mary sue nothingness like all other cw shows but the flash. eh, karma!
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millievfence · 5 years
Only Nixon Could Go To China
CW: Rape
In X, comedian Daniel Sloss does a 15 minute TED Talk about rape being bad and men underestimating its prevalence. He doesn’t say anything incorrect this whole time. But he spends at least 5 of those 15 minutes talking about how he got men on his side during the first 60 minutes of the show, by saying things like “I like drinking” and “pussies are complicated”, and now he’s going to have to explain some things men should already know.
I don’t blame him for making it explicit that he was on the side of #metoo. There are people with the same goals as him who might not have listened very closely and gotten royally pissed off, and no one likes getting yelled at by the people they’re trying to help. But signaling that he wanted the approval of the overtly feminist/SJ team cost him the ability to convince anyone who dislikes that team, which is a large portion of the unconvinced population at this point.
Sloss needed to choose between advancing his goal and getting the approval of people with the same goal, and he chose approval. Maybe he moved the overton window a little, but most of the point of his work was lost.
You know what comedian did a great job advancing #metoo? Bill Burr. Bill Burr signals very hard that he hates feminism, and social justice, and whiners and... all the people Daniel Sloss was trying to get the approval of. He also casually says “and thank god” when he brings up #metoo. Then he talks about how it’s pretty much done its job and can wrap up. He did more for anti-racism by casually mentioning his black wife and that he wouldn’t be doing racial humor because all women are the same than anyone who’s ever given a speech that made the anti-racism people cheer. He convinces more people because he signals allegiance to the people who don’t already believe the thing.
The part of X that I liked the best, and wished Sloss has focused on, was his feelings as a man who was a causal step in getting his friend raped, who later learned this wasn’t an isolated incident, and who looking back can see the signs of it. He only very briefly touches on it, but does so perfectly (”I have to live with that till the day I die”), and frankly, it’s a situation a lot more men are going to find themselves in than “should I rape this woman y/n?”. Very few people think stranger-in-bushes rape is okay. Many people think that their friend couldn’t possibly have assaulted someone because he’s always been a good guy around them. Even people who are very onboard with #metoo will flinch if its their buddy being accused. Teaching people how to handle the accusation and later the feelings of guilt would have been a real public service.
To be clear: I give Sloss a lot of credit for the attempt he made at this. It’s a difficult topic with a lot of danger if you get it wrong. But if I wanted to change someone’s opinion I’d show them Burr, not Sloss.
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battlestar-royco · 6 years
It's a shame about the Selina Kyle novel; she's been portrayed as a woc in tons of continuities since the 60s with Eartha Kitt, and a YA novel would be a great opportunity to bring that version of her to a new generation, but y'know, it's SJM. (On the other hand I'm really glad she didn't get the chance to butcher that)
Yeahhhhh that’s pretty much what I’ve heard on the anti side of Tumblr--that Selina is a great character but SJ/M didn’t handle her right at all. I’ve also heard that she kind of straight-washed or sidelined Harley and Ivy :/. I think also part of the problem was that SJ/M was hired to do CW years before she started showing her ass with all the suuuuuper problematic shit and generally terrible writing, so it ended up being way worse than anyone expected.
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osberend · 8 years
@moltendistress has, as is typical for an anti, now changed her handle, to @galactic-mom. She has also blocked me. So I’m going to quote the contents of her latest reply to me, rather than reblogging it. (If she deletes or edits it and anyone wants screenshots, I can supply them, but text is user-friendlier.)
In reply to this post of mine, she said:
aight i don’t like to argue with people online because it’s fucking childish, but I’m making a special exception for you because you called me a coward. 
Which you then proceeded to neatly confirm by reblogging-and-blocking.
First of all, you fucking walnut, yeah I reblogged your dumbass post using a sideblog because I happened to be working on that particular sideblog when I was going through my notes. It was an accident. Rather than deleting the post in its entirety and starting over, I just reblogged it to my main and got it off of my art blog because it doesn’t fucking belong there??? It’s an ART blog??? 
Actual question to my followers: Is “walnut” some sort of dialectical insult that I haven’t heard of? Or is this just more of “antis are bizarrely bad at coherent insults?”
In any event, you could easily have copy-and-pasted the post from one blog to the other, and that would have been a far more natural thing to do than reblog-and-delete.
“Presumably all in the hopes that I wouldn’t be able to track down your post” are you fucking stupid? The description in both my main and my sideblog @numinousgallery has my fucking URL in it. There wasn’t anything ‘sneaky’ about it and there isn’t anything special about you for being able to find my main blog. It’s literally in the fucking description you dipshit.
Antis have a long history of exceedingly incompetent attempts at being sneaky. This would have been entirely par for the course.
Also, why are you so pissed about me screenshotting your blog? I thought you were okay with that kind of shit:
[screenshot of this post]
I’m not pissed about you screenshotting my blog, and nothing I said implies that I am.
I’m annoyed about you making libelous claims about me. (Specifically: That I am misogynist, that I am racist, and that I am a redpiller.) In fact, given that you’re making such claims, it’s probably preferable that you do so together with screenshots of your “evidence” than without, so that everyone can see just how full of shit you are.
No one’s making fun of you for being autistic.
Not for being autistic as such. But for allegedly fitting into a stereotype that amounts to a caricature of a verbal adult autistic male, absolutely.
We’re making fun of you for supporting “bash a violent bitch day” 
Month, not day. “October is Bash a Violent Bitch Month” is an egalitarian response to the many (not all) “October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month” posts that tacitly assume that domestic abuse in heterosexual couples is exclusively perpetrated by men, against women, when studies suggest that the numbers are actually about equal. (Severe physical injury is substantially more likely to be inflicted on women by men than vice versa, but that’s perfectly consistent with the mere material fact that men tend to be stronger.)
And so the message is, quite simply: If your wife or girlfriend hits you, without a damn good reason, and she feels safe doing this even though you’re stronger than her because “real men don’t hit women” or some other misandrist crap like that, you should beat the shit out of her. Not for any sexist reason, but for the same reason you’d beat the shit out of another man who was stupid enough to hit you without a damn good reason despite being weaker than you: Because physically attacking another human being, outside of some very limited circumstances, is reprehensible regardless of either party’s sex. (And thinking you deserve to get away with it because you’re in the special gender that is allowed to initiate violence is extra reprehensible --- again, regardless of which gender that may be in your particular bigoted ideology.)
And any time the victim (of any gender) of such a reprehensible attack can turn the tables and beat up their attacker (of any gender), that’s a thing to be celebrated.
and acting like an all-around asshole.
Says the witch-hunter going after people who aren’t hurting anyone, because the attractions they never chose to have make them acceptable targets in your eyes. I know which one of us is the asshole here, and it ain’t me.
I don’t know what you’re equating a “neckbeard” with, but what most people tend to equate it with is a misogynist.
It’s true that there are plenty of feminist assholes --- let the record show that I recognize that not all feminists are assholes (although they are all wrong), and moreover not all feminist assholes engage in this particular form of assholery --- who will treat “neckbeard” as implying “misogynist,” but none of them actually treat them as synonyms. If they did, we’d see Donald Trump being called a neckbeard, and yet we don’t. Because what “neckbeard” really means is a man who fits, to a greater or lesser degree, the following stereotype:
Unusual personal grooming behaviors (e.g., having a neckbeard) and/or poor hygiene (”unwashed,” “greasy,” “smelly,” etc.)
Unusual fashion choices (most stereotypically: “fedoras” (which is sometimes used as a synonym for “neckbeards”), but may also encompass geeky tee-shirts, retro clothing of various sorts, formalwear in situations where formalwear would not be expected, etc.)
Unusual and/or stereotyped speech patterns (“m’lady”) and gestures (”tips fedora”)
Tendency to infodump (”go on and on”) about special interests (most stereotypically: roleplaying games, computer games, politics, religion and atheism, comic books, and/or geeky TV shows)
Anime fan
My Little Pony fan/”brony”
In poor physical shape (fat, unmuscular, and/or in poor cardiovascular health)
Spends all or nearly all his time online
Poor at reading non-verbal social cues (tone, body language, and facial expressions)
Extremely literal
Either unemployed or employed as a computer programmer
Lives in his mothers basement
. . . which is precisely a stereotype of a verbal, normal- or high-IQ, autistic man. And to the extent that feminists conflate “neckbeard” with “misogynist,” they do so precisely by claiming that (actually and/or stereotypically) common autistic traits imply secret misogyny (at least when the individuals with those traits are men).
Which is, of course, bigoted as fuck.
If a misogynist is the same thing as an autistic person to you, I don’t know what to say.
I’m not the one making that conflation.
#im done#not arguing anymore idgaf
Which is why you replied (and then blocked). Right.
As I said before: You’re a contemptible coward.
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earlgraytay · 7 years
cw: child abuse, sj malarkey, the earl possibly being a bit racist
I just saw a very popular anti-racist SJ tumblr user (who afaik is black) attempting to defend child abuse and specifically emotional abuse. this isn’t the first time I’ve seen a popular black tumblrer do this and i’m pretty sure it won’t be the last. 
.... i get that i’m white and there’s cultural stuff going on here that i’m not really privy to. i get that i can’t really get in an argument about this because I don’t have all the information i need to support my case. but.
it makes me really fucking uncomfortable when people who are against one kind of oppression stand up for another kind and say it’s fucking dandy. it makes me really fucking uncomfortable when people say child abuse is good parenting. and yeah, i’ll admit it: it makes me uncomfortable when black people say white people are monsters because they weren’t abused as kids. 
... and i wish i could say something more concrete about it without either being incoherent or sounding like a racist toolbox. 
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salora-rainriver · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
this anti sj aesthetic is brought to you by the return of the goddamn discourse lines
special mention to @sombra-dy-once-told-me , @shadows-will-fall , the CWS Discord server, and my father, for helping me through these trying times.
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foliedge · 8 years
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bubonickitten · 10 years
in other news, grown-ass adults on tumblr continue to harass teenagers over noun-based pronouns and trigger warnings
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silver-and-ivory · 7 years
These are examples of casual antiwhite racism. Anything bad is white; anything white is bad. It’s just a joke, and you shouldn’t care too much about it. If you object, it’s because white people want to be oppressed so hard.
It’s not about facts. It’s about signaling and mocking the outgroup.
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