#anti-laurel e1
itachi86 · 8 months
i agree with nyssa laurel doesn't deserve to wear sara's jacket
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So basically.
Arrow killed Black Canary cause a show about the Green Arrow doesn't need a Black Canary. And then they brought a new Black Canary with another actress and another name half a season later (or less) Arrow fired Katie Cassidy only to have to bring her back as a new character a season or less later cause the ratings dropped after she left. In the end the BlackSiren became BlackCanary and even used the same suit. Arrow killed BlackCanary and fired Katie Cassidy onlyto have her back as the BlackCanary (although a different one cause this is not my Laurel) less then three season later.... I mean... I think in the past years you all gathered how bitter I can be. But this makes me reach a whole new level of bitterness. Don't get me wrong I'm sure BlackSiren was a great character and her redemption was good to watch. But Jesus. Dinah Laurel Lance deserved so much better. She could have been amazing in this seasons, considering that E2!Laurel stole her identity I guess she could have done most of the things this new Laurel did. Dinah Laurel Lance, E1!Laure deserved so much better and I'll forever be super bitter that someone else got to have what was rightfully hers. We could have had it all, she could have had it all and we were robbed. So fuck you Arrow
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talatomaz · 5 years
way back home pt.i | arrowverse x lance!reader
a/n: this takes place during crisis part 3. i wasn’t sure if I should put all of crisis in one fic but it ended up being too long and i was missing details so i decided to split it into parts
warnings: mentions of death/self harm
word count: 3k
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pt.i | pt.ii
reader is a lance!sister, aka baby lance, (it’s a thing, fight me) with the powers of telekinesis, and after e1 laurel’s death, cisco helped her escape to earth 666. she was living a better life with her girlfriend, maze, until her sister showed up on her doorstep spouting her “end of the world” spiel. apparently, you were one of eight paragons and without you, the multiverse would be destroyed...
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“Okay, so he was killed by his wife?” You asked, sitting on the edge of the Detective’s desk.
“Mmhmm, and his mistress.” Chloe added.
“God, it’s a classic Diabolique situation.”
You both turned to face the forensic scientist who seemed lost in her own thoughts.
“What?” Ella shrugged her shoulders in confusion causing you and Chloe to laugh.
You momentarily detached from the laughter, now lost in your own thoughts.
It was only natural that you had taken a job in law enforcement after Cisco had dropped you off on this Earth. I mean, your father was a police captain after all and your sister, god rest her soul, was a lawyer.
You supposed it allowed you to feel closer to them even when you were on a different Earth. Maybe that’s why you felt closer to them. You didn’t have to deal with all the pain and sorrow of their deaths that you had back home, but instead, could remember them for who they were and what they, more specifically, Laurel, always wanted.
To save the world.
Focusing back on the conversation, you and your friends’ heads swivelled to the sound of heels clacking against the marble floor. Maze, you assumed. Your girlfriend was quite the bounty hunter, you thought proudly to yourself.
“Ladies, nice to see you. Ah, Maze and...oh, hello, who is this?”
The three of you stood up when Lucifer, the Devil himself, joined you as Maze neared Chloe’s desk, a person with long hair shielding their face, locked in her grasp.
Searching her face, you realised fury filled her eyes, mixed with...a fierce protectiveness?
“Maze, baby, what’s wrong?” You asked, worried at her behaviour. Maze was almost always angry but never with this intensity.
“This human was searching for you.”
All of your gazes fell to look at the individual whose head was gripped in the arms of the infamous demon.
You squinted your eyes, trying to place the person and then your eyes widened with recognition. You only knew one person with hair that long.
“Cisco?” You questioned, bending down so you were face level with the person.
Your assumption was confirmed when the former lifted his head up and his hair fell to his shoulders, revealing his face.
“Hey, Baby Lance!” He said cheerfully despite being stuck in a vice-like grip. Yep, definitely Cisco.
“Oh My-Maze, let him go.”
Stopping yourself before name-dropping the deity, you pried your girlfriend’s arms from your friend’s body and pulled him into your arms.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Ramon?”
You laughed in shock as you hugged him tightly, having not seen him for almost 3 years.
“We were looking for you, Baby Lance.”
“We?” You and your group of friends replied simultaneously.
As if on cue, another familiar figure appeared behind Maze, calling out the meta-human’s name.
“Cisco, I told you not to run off. Especially when we’re on a diff-Oh, hi.”
She stopped abruptly when she noticed the former, you and your friends gathered at the desk.
You raised your eyebrows in question at the female, having only known her for a few months after you came back to your Earth to be with your family as you grieved on the year anniversary of Laurel’s death.
Removing yourself from Cisco’s arms, you walked up to the vigilante and stared at her and then looked back at Cisco. There was only one reason why the two of them were here together, and it wasn’t for a cute reunion.
“You both need to tell me what you’re doing here right now.”
Cisco had a pained look on his face which Dinah seemed to reciprocate. Your head flew back and forth between the two as your frustration grew.
“Guys!” You shouted, causing everyone to jump.
“We need your help, Baby Lance.” Cisco replied.
“Yeah, it’s, um, bad, y/n.” Dinah continued.
Your heart fell into your stomach as your mind ran through the worst possible scenarios. Your father and sister were already dead. Your mother was gone. That left...
“Oh, God. Is it Sara?”
You ignored the curse that fell from Lucifer’s lips after Chloe hit him when he was about to interrupt for you mentioning his father.
The meta-human duo remained silent causing you to repeat your question, eyes filling with tears.
“No, I’m okay, kid.”
At this, you looked over your shoulder. nearly collapsing with relief at what you saw. Standing in the centre of the police station was your sister, seemingly unharmed.
You ran up to her and practically launched into her arms, “Oh, I’m so glad you’re okay. I couldn’t deal with losing you too.”
“Hey, I’m okay, sweetie.” Your sister reassured you, speaking with the soothing tone she often used when you were a child.
Recomposing yourself, the two of you approached the ever-expanding group and Sara glanced at your friends before returning her attention to you, Dinah and Cisco.
“Cisco, I told you to not run off. Dinah, I told you to watch him. Y/N, we need your help.”
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Chloe interrupted for the first time.
“Uh, I think we should take this somewhere private.” You responded.
At the insistence of Lucifer, you all, with the exception of Ella, went to Lux as it would be empty due to it being mid afternoon.
Upon arriving, the seven of you gathered by the bar with Maze pouring you all a drink.
“Per your request, we’re somewhere private but why are they here?” Dinah asked, nodding in the direction of Lucifer, Chloe and Maze.
“Let’s just say they are very understanding. Okay, so what is it?”
“We have a crisis.” Sara began.
“Yeah, on infinite Earths.” Cisco added.
“Wait, did you say infinite Earths?” Chloe interrupted.
Sighing deeply, you looked at your sister, “Okay, before you explain the reason for your presence here, I’m just gonna give them the rundown.”
You faced your Earth 666 friends and continued to talk,
“Long story short, we live in a multiverse with several Earths. I’m from Earth 1, this is my sister, and my friends. We’re, what we call, meta-humans. Meaning we all have powers. I can move things with my mind/hands.”
“Cisco can create portals to anywhere, including here. Dinah has a canary cry which is essentially a high-frequency scream that kills. Sara doesn’t have powers but she’s an assassin, technically died twice but was resurrected and now travels through time with another group of heroes called Legends.”
You inhaled a breath and watched as everyone’s faces dropped. Sara, Cisco and Dinah’s due to you revealing sensitive information. Maze, Chloe and Lucifer’s due to your wild explanation.
“What?” You shrugged at your sister chastising you.
“Why would they understand? They’re normal people.”
At this, the Earth 666 trio burst out laughing so you explained to your family their situation,
“These guys understand. Lucifer is the Devil. Literally. God is his father. Maze is Mazikeen aka a child of Lilith. And Chloe is, well, basically an angel.”
“So I think we’re good now. Sara, if you can now get to the point.” You said, diminishing all attempts at questioning from everyone in the room.
“Anyways, as Cisco said, there’s a Crisis on Infinite Earths. A anti-matter wave is destroying all Earths. It’s destroyed so many already, including Earth 2 and Earth 38, Supergirl’s Earth.”
You then listened as she explained all about the Monitor, Lyla and everyone’s hunt for the eight paragons, who were essentially the world’s greatest heroes. Dinah then notified you of the identities of all the paragons before stopping at the Paragon of Strength.
“Y/N. It’s you. You’re the Paragon of Strength.”
“What? No, Sara. You’ve got it wrong. I’m not a hero.”
You stumbled over your words, desperately failing at hiding your shock, eyes then widening at the slim box that the former pulled out of her jacket.
“Is that-”
“Yes.” Sara simply replied.
“No, I-I can’t. You know I can’t, Sara. I can’t be here right now.”
You downed what little alcohol you had left in your glass, welcoming the burn, and jumped off the bar stool you were currently sitting on.
You pushed past your sister, walking away before stopping at the call of your name.
“Ollie’s dead.” She said, her soft tone returning.
You looked back at her and knew her words to be true as tears filled the trio’s eyes.
“What?” Your voice broke with that one word.
“He’s gone. And we need your help to stop anyone else from dying.”
Making your way back to the group, you took the box from your sister’s hands and opened it to reveal the contents. Inside was a small, sleek black mask. The one that your sister donned when she took over Sara’s mantle as the Black Canary.
“Y/N, you have to come with us. You know Laurel wanted her legacy to continue.”
“It is! With Dinah, not with me! I’m not worthy of this. I’m not the Black Canary. I’m no one.”
Everyone’s heads turned to face the back entrance of the club where the sound originated from. Sara wielded one of her knives as did Maze. Whilst you and Cisco raised your hands in defense and Chloe aimed her gun.
The doors busted open to reveal three familiar faces. One of whom was recognised by Lucifer.
“John?” You, Sara and Lucifer shouted in confusion.
“Well, if it isn’t Constantine.” Lucifer said, purposely mispronouncing the demonologist’s name resulting in the former correcting him.
“John, what are you doing here? With Diggle and Mia, no less.” Sara asked, and you remembered that John was now a member of the Legends.
“I reassured you, Sara, that I would do whatever it takes to get Oliver’s soul back. Oh, Baby Lance, I haven’t seen you for a very long time. How you been, gorgeous?”
Maze practically growled in jealousy, pushing you behind her.
Your eyes flickered between Sara, Lucifer and John and then frowned at the latter’s words. When you realised what they had done and were planning to do, you felt fury rise through your body.
“Sara, tell me you didn’t.” You asked hardly but quietly, not trusting your voice to remain calm if you spoke any louder.
Everyone suddenly felt the tension in the air and remained silent, scared that any interruption would cause you to snap.
“Sara, tell me you didn’t.” You enunciated each word, hands curling into fists at your side.
Sara’s mouth immediately closed and whatever words she was about to say fell short.
“You’re telling me that you can use the Lazarus pit to save Thea. To save you. And now, to save Ollie. But, you cannot use it to save Laurel. Your own sister.” You said calmly, too calm.
You were trying your damnedest not to shout but the thin thread you had on your control broke when the former tried to defend herself.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Sara?!”
You extended your hand, stopping your sister from closing any further distance between the two of you. She struggled against you as you used your powers to restrict her movements.
“Y/N, stop it!”
Relenting on your intensity, you allowed her to stumble forward.
“Look, I’m sorry about that. But I’m not here for Oliver. I’m here for you.”
“Why? Because you need me?” You sneered.
“Yes, you’re one of eight people who can save the multiverse.”
“What? A paragon? Sara, I’m not the paragon of anything. Least of all, strength.”
When the former assassin tried to argue, you continued to speak, “Sara, you know I almost killed myself after you died?”
“Yeah, and Laurel saved you.” Sara answered, tears forming in her eyes at the painful memory.
“Right. But what you don’t know, is that I did the same thing after Laurel was murdered by Darhk.”
“Y/N.” Sara’s voice broke as she murmured your name, Maze doing the same.
“Yeah, and this time, Felicity saved me. I mean, I begged her not to. But she did. And here I am. So don’t you come here and tell me that I’m a Paragon of Strength when I am weak.”
You looked up at Mia, John and Diggle who were watching you in shock and returned your gaze to your sister.
“Laurel was my vice, the one person I had through everything. After she was gone, I didn’t want to live.”
You paused for a moment before adding, “Laurel may have brought you back, but as far as I’m concerned, you were dead the day the Gambit went down.”
Your words cut threw Sara like a hot knife through butter which ultimately left her reeling from the hurt she had caused. You then walked away, ignoring everyone’s shouts, using your powers to prevent them from chasing after you.
Slamming the door closed, you dropped your keys on the table and stormed into your living room. Tears streaming down your face, you grabbed one of your throw pillows and screamed into it.
Why? Why did this have to happen?
You were perfectly happy living your new life here but now you knew that you would never get that back. Even if you helped end the Crisis, the fact would remain that you had revealed your true nature to your family here.
Around 3 months into your relationship with Maze, she had sat you down and told you who she really was. Of course, you had doubts that she was telling the truth but you ended up believing her because what else could you do? Your life on Earth 1 was unique, why did you expect Earth 666 to be any different?
You had never told your Earth 666 family about your powers though. The perfect opportunity would have been when Maze told you who she was but you chickened out. You were weak. You knew you wouldn’t be able to deal with the rejection. Because you would have been alone again. And being alone sucked.
You wiped the tears that had fallen down your face and let your mind roam. You knew in your heart that Sara was right except you didn’t want that burden. But you didn’t want to be a martyr either. You knew you’d suck it up and be the Paragon that the world needed you to be.
But that didn’t mean you agreed with Sara’s choices.
How could you?
She was willing to save an ex-boyfriend but not her sister. If Laurel were here, you knew she’d probably agree with Sara. She was always putting everyone else first. And by doing so, she got herself killed. All because she put on that stupid mask.
And now, Sara was telling you that you had to wear your dead sister’s mask, the one she was murdered in, no less, in order to save the world? That was insanity.
Your train of thought broke when you heard the door click open. You looked up at the doorframe and saw your girlfriend standing there, staring at you. Behind her, your sister emerged, her face wet with tears.
Maze raised her scarred brow in question, silently asking if you were okay. You nodded lightly so your girlfriend gave you a gentle smile before leaving you alone with your sister.
When she left, Sara walked into the room and gestured to the empty space beside you and when you nodded again, she sat down.
“I’m sorry for what I said.” You said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
“You were right.” You looked up at your sister in shock and saw fresh tears forming in her eyes.
“I agree with the decision I made because it was the responsible one but it doesn’t mean I didn’t want to save Laurel. Hell, I chased Darhk through time just to kill him but I ultimately realised I couldn’t. Anyways, that’s beside the point. At the end of the day, Laurel was-is-our big sister and she always will be. I’m sorry that she’s gone.”
“I miss her.” You said softly, your voice breaking.
Tears started to spill again and Sara gathered you into her arms. Not having the energy to push her away, instead, you clung to her, sobbing. Sara rocked you gently, her own tears falling. You had never actually grieved together after Laurel died; she had been off with the Legends at the time.
When both of your tears stopped, turning into light sniffles, you pulled away to stare at your sister.
‘I’ll help you, Sara, but I’m not a hero. I’m the furthest thing from it.”
Sara heard her own words ringing in her head from her conversation with Laurel long ago. She had been in your position. She had felt what you felt now. Hell, she still feels like that somedays. But she knew that what she did was for the greater good. And she knew exactly what you needed to hear.
Sara cupped your cheek and rubbed her thumb against your skin and spoke, “I’m not asking you to be a hero. I’m just asking you to help me. To save others in the name of those we couldn’t.”
You leaned into the embrace and allowed her words to take effect. To save others. That was exactly what Laurel would have wanted. It’s what she died wanting to do.
You nodded, “For Laurel.”
“For Laurel.”
Next Part ->
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dagenspear · 4 years
Crisis On Infinite Earths Outline Fix, Part 5: Laurel Returns!
This is the conclusion to the Crisis, Part 5! This is a bit of a longer one again. For parts 1, 2, 3 & 4, here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
I thank God for these ideas, if He wills, that He blessed me with:
The bright green light consumes the screen.
Kara, Wally, Jjonn, Ray, Sara and Kate all wake up in their new earth.
But things are different. Black Lightning's, Supergirl's, Earth 1's, Earth 3's and another earth's are now all merged into 1. Lex is the head of the DEO. All the speedsters remember everything. Cisco's powers are back, which when he touches Wally, vibes his pre-crisis memories back. The history of Earth 3 is now apart of that earth's, the Justice Society Of America having been prominent heroes, with the members of Jay Garrick Flash, Dinah Drake Black Canary (Laurel and Sara's mom), Ted Grant Wildcat, Dr. Fate, Hawkman/Hawkgirl, Alan Scott Green Lantern, and others, apart of the team in the 80's & 90's. Barry Allen's Flash has been erased, having never existed. Wally is seen as The Flash, the 2nd Flash there's ever been, after Jay Garrick. John Diggle's life has been altered as well.
Cisco misses Barry, but has become accepting of the situation after the preparations made for it and sees it as his responsibility to maintain the protection of the city. He uses his vibing to give Caitlin, Ralph and the others their memories back, but Wally stops him from giving them to Joe and Iris, saying that he doesn't want them to bear the heartbreak of losing Barry all over again.
Iris is the head of the Central City Citizen, which Post Crisis is a prominent newspaper.
Wally is left to ponder that the people see him as the Flash, him refusing to wear the costume, stating that he's not the Flash. Cisco tells him that the people think he is.
Mia is angry and guilty about the loss of her dad. Diggle has guilt that he couldn't be there for him when it happened.
Cisco picks up a reading of something coming from space, and traces it to landing outside STAR Labs, which he confronts, to find a man landing there.
Sara and Diggle talk about Oliver's loss and she tries to assuage his guilt, stating that no matter what, Oliver wouldn't have wanted him to die fighting this threat, and that Oliver was very stubborn, which they both have a small laugh about.
Sara comforts Mia, whose beginning to be accepting of her dad's death and that he died saving the multiverse, seeing him as a hero.
Sara, though having wanted to continue fighting, is still depressed about the fact that so much of her family is gone and that she has almost no one in her life. Which she talks with Mia about.
That's when they're attacked by some shadow creatures. They fight them, but are pinned down, about to be torn apart, when suddenly...
A sonic scream emerges from the side! BLASTING THEM BACK! And from the side...
Emerges Black Canary.
Sara is shocked. But apprehensive... until Black Canary looks at them and acknowledges Sara as her sister with a smile and rushes to her. Sara realizing that this is E1 Laurel. Alive. Laurel helps her up and Sara touches her shoulders, almost in disbelief that this is real, tears springing to her eyes, before hugging her, crying, in tears of happiness and grief. Mia almost smiles at the moment as well. Mia realizes and says that if they attacked them, they may attack the others as well.
They go to STAR Labs to warn them about what's happening. And are met with Cisco stating that he knows it's not over, as they've been told by someone, that someone revealing themself as the Green Lantern AKA Guy Gardner, from the Justice League Of America 1997 TV Movie, played by Matthew Settle.
Everyone is brought together, Diggle, Kate and Mia included. Guy Gardner tells them that he was from the other earth that was merged with the others, and is questioned by Diggle in how he survived the merge with all his memories intact. He says that his ring protected him. Cisco and Guy explain that the antimatter verse portal is still open, but is slowly closing as this new timeline, of sorts, cements, and if it does, those shadow creatures will be stuck here. Cisco determines that they're gonna need to recreate the sonic pulse to try and get those shadow creatures to them, so they can somehow get them into the portal before it closes. Laurel volunteers to do it, in spite of Sara's concern. Cisco explains that because there's no way to know where they are, they're gonna need to double the pulse from before to get all of them to them. Diggle suggests Dinah. Laurel questions that, but Cisco states that the Dinah Diggle is suggesting is Zinda Blake post-crisis and doesn't have a sonic cry and Laurel's mom has never had powers. Diggle realizes that he hasn't gotten all his memories straight yet. Cisco then says that there's someone else who can help them.
We cut to E2 Laurel standing in front of Laurel. Laurel is uncertain about this. E2 Laurel maintains her memories of pre-crisis. Laurel asks how this is possible. Cisco speculates that with the merging of some universes there may be holdovers from the previous, then stating that both Laurels have the metagene for the canary cry, a now discovered gene post crisis, and, with his memories of EX Laurel, he speculates at least most, if not all the Laurels in the multiverse, have one as well. But E2's was activated by dark matter, while post crisis Laurel's was activated by a gene bomb HIVE set off in 2014, HIVE post crisis being an organization who sought to enhance humanity, using techological and biological enhancements. Laurel asks E2 Laurel if she can be trusted with her history as a villain. E2 Laurel points out that she remembers nearly dying to help and hopes that's gained something. Sara vouches for her. Laurel trusts Sara's judgement and agrees.
The group all agree that the only reason the shadow creatures would have a reason to attack them is based on the Anti-Monitor being alive still. They talk about how that's possible, Sara, among the Legends, suggests that as time hasn't fully cemented yet, he may not be erased, Cisco then suggesting that he also may be acting essentially as a time remnant or using something to keep himself from erasure, like tech or something. Jjonn tells them that he read the Anti-Monitor's mind before he transported himself away and he read that because his plan to cause an antimatter universe of his own in place of our multiverse has been stopped, he's willing to try and prevent the multiverse from forming at all, even if it means his own destruction. They work out how he'd do that, coming to the conclusion that he can use the temporal zone to go to the dawn of time to try and undo it at it's inception.
As the group works out their plan, Guy Gardner uses the STAR Labs computers to look into information about his friends post crisis, from his earth, and where they are now.
His Barry Allen is now Darryl Frye, a detective in Central City.
B. B. Dacosta is now Green Fury, her alter ego as a pop star, Madonna-esque.
His Ray Palmer is now Al Pratt, a respected physics college Professor, and first Atom post crisis.
Tori Olafsdotter is now Mary Pratt, married to Al Pratt, and a reporter.
His Martian Manhunter is unable to be located here.
Diggle is there and tells him glad that a lot of his friends are okay on this earth. Guy Gardner understands that he speaks from a place of a grief at his friend having died in the crisis. Guy Gardner and Diggle bond over that, Guy telling him that now all his friends are found, that Martian Manhunter from his earth is still missing, but he has faith that he's out there somewhere and Diggle has to have faith that his friend is somewhere out there too. Diggle agrees that he does, that it's like Oliver said, it's God's plan.
The team works out the plan.
Before starting, Sara apologizes to Laurel for what happened on the boat. Laurel tells her that she didn't go through with it. Sara says that she would've and that kills her, for being jealous and petty like that, saying that she wanted to have what Laurel had, be her, but she was just hurting herself and her whole family, stating that she doesn't want this, hating herself, to hold her back anymore, that she wants to move forward. Laurel agrees.
Kara and Kate talk, Kate telling her that she can't find Bruce and doesn't know where he is. Kara tells her that she can't give up.
The majority of the group tracks the energy signature of the Anti-Monitor, courtesy of Cisco with combination of tech and his vibe powers, through the temporal zone in a waverider pod, as Diggle, Wally, Guy Gardner, E2 Laurel and Laurel remain on the waverider, above earth. The waverider pod containing Sara, Kara, Alex, Kate, Ray, Cisco and Jjonn.
The 2 Laurels begin their sonic pulse. Guy Gardner explains that they're going to have to act quickly, as his ring is running out of power, and that's why he can't use it for flight while he's using it for the trapping of the shadow creatures and why he'll have to stand at the open door of the waverider as he does it. When Diggle asks if he can recharge it, Guy tells him that post crisis the ring isn't his anymore and will seek out it's true bearer when the time comes, and because of that he doesn't have access to charging it. When the shadow creatures are drawn to the waverider by the sonic pulse, Guy Gardner uses his ring to capture them, giving the go ahead to Wally to superspeed a speedforce portal into the closing antimatter portal, allowing Guy Gardner to funnel the creatures into it.
Meanwhile the others chase after the energy signature of the Anti-Monitor in the wavrider pod, as he flies through the temporal zone. They get close to him, but, realizing they can't catch up, Cisco breaches them both into a neutral area, the vanishing point. The waverider pod crashing. When the group climbs out, they see...
Anti-Monitor standing, unscathed, towering over them, in full comic book Crisis On Infinite Earths Anti-Monitor tech body armor.
Cisco breaches away quickly.
The Anti-Monitor mocks them for that and bringing him here, stating that he's been erased from existence, so the vanishing point no longer holds it's sway over containing him.
Sara states that they didn't bring him here for that. They just didn't want anything or anyone to be in the crossfire, when they destroy him.
They begin the battle:
Atom blasting the Anti-Monitor, even trying to fly into his ear, shrunken, but he's slapped away.
Jjonn flies into him, reaching into his chest by phasing, but the armor he's wearing electrocutes and burns Jjonn. The Anti-Monitor then responding by punching into his chest, him flying backward, being smashed into the ground.
Kara and Kate double team him in an attack of distraction and offensiveness, but are blasted away by an energy beam.
Alex begins shooting at him from behind, telling him not to touch her sister, but he, unaffected, simply redirects his beams at her, which she just barely dodges, then, on the ground, leg badly hurt, being met with another blast directly at her.
Kara quickly superspeeds inbetween her sister and the beam, trying to hold it back with her heat vision, him walking up to her, pushing her heat vision back into her eyes, grabbing her head, placing his hand over her eyes, the heat vision burning them, BLINDING HER, her yelling out in pain.
Back on the wavrider Diggle, flying above earth, tells those on board that it's time. The 2 Laurels are ready.
Sara comes up behind him with a blade, but he grabs her quickly by the throat, destroying her blade, mocking her for thinking it'd work, then saying that now she's alone again. Sara smirks, saying that she's far from alone.
Suddenly a breach opens and Brandon Routh Superman emerges, flying like a freight train into the Anti-Monitor. The Anti Monitor's grip on Sara is immediately broken, him being SMASHED into the ground.
Cisco exits the breach right after, as Cisco as ever, exclaiming, "Was that a bird? A plane? Why, I think it was Superman!" He then asks Sara if she's okay. She says that she is, but what took him so long? He explains that they had a couple last minute additions.
Out of the breach emerges:
E1 Black Canary
E2 Black Canary
Killer Frost
Citizen Steel
Tyler Hoechlin Superman
Black Lightning
Tom Welling Superman
Obviously Brandon Routh Superman, as he re-positions himself.
They all engage in battle with the Anti-Monitor. Their powers all together do some damage. Atom's blasts, the canary cries, the electric blasts, the cold blasting, the flamethrower flames, the heat visions of all the Supermen doing the most damage. But he's still too powerful to defeat. Cisco tries to use his breaches to slice the Anti-Monitor apart, but his suit breaks the breaches apart when they close in on him.
Alex crawls over to check on Kara, whose eyes seem almost seared in a way.
In the waverider, Guy Gardner is having a hard time containing all the shadow creatures as he funnels them into the antimatter portal. Diggle, flying the waverider with some difficulty, tells Wally that the others need help down there. Wally's uncertain he can. Diggle lays it out, telling him that it doesn't matter what he thinks, because they still need the Flash. Wally takes the Flash ring out of his pocket, pondering it. Diggle asks him if he's ready to do what it takes to save everyone. Wally, in resolve, places the ring on his finger, and extends his fist, the Flash symbol on the ring glowing in almost a lightning crackle blaze.
In the battle, Sara tells them to try to hit the Anti-Monitor with all their powers all at once. They make an attempt, but he's too powerful for them to get at with all those hits at once. Cisco tries something, throwing his breaches around the Anti-Monitor's hands, then giving the Supermen the go ahead. The Supermen do so. Brandon Routh Superman grabbing his left arm, Tom Welling Superman grabbing his right, Tyler Hoechlin Superman grabbing his head, them all holding him in place.
On the waverider, Guy Gardner's green lantern power ring starts to drain, just as the last batch of the shadow creatures are getting to the antimatter portal. He tells Diggle he's almost there. Diggle tells him it could kill him. Guy states that they have to make sure they're all gone now, as the antimatter portal's about to close, it taking all of his willpower to hold it. Just as the last shadow creature gets in, the portal closes, Guy's power ring runs out and he falls unconscious from exhaustion, falling out of the waverider into earth's atmosphere. The Green Lantern ring slips from his finger and flies off as he falls. But just before Guy's about to be hit with the heat of re-entry...
Diggle swoops in with the waverider and catches him!
The Supermen holding the Anti-Monitor gives the others the room to throw their powers (canary cries, lightning, etc.) at him at the same time. It does more damage, but he still struggles. Tom Welling Superman stating that they can't hold him much longer. Sara asks how he's still so powerful.
Kara, hearing this, realizes, and tells them, that he's still empowered by the energy of the sun that was used to cause him to form and it may take a similar energy to destroy him. Cisco, as he holds the breaches around Anti-Monitor, intensely struggling, his nose bleeding a lot, says that it could work. Sara states that the only way to be sure would be to drop him into it directly. Cisco says that could result in the energy of the sun blowing back and killing all of them here. Kara tells them no, then asking Cisco if he has enough power to drop her in front of the sun. Cisco begrudgingly says yes, understanding her goal. Kara stands up, her eyes still seared, telling him to do so on her go ahead. Alex asks Kara what she's doing. She tells Alex that Nazi Supergirl could absorb enough of the energy of a sun to explode, and that if she gets enough, she could destroy him. Alex asserts that Nazi Supergirl died from it. Kara acknowledges that. Alex telling her no, she won't accept that. Kara hugs Alex tightly, telling her that she can't lose her home again and quickly pushes Alex away from her, telling her that she loves her and tell Lena she's sorry, then telling Cisco "now", the breach opening around Kara, taking her and closing just as quickly before Alex can stop it.
Tyler Hoechlin Superman asks what's happening.
Kara floats before the energy of the yellow sun of earth, it energizing her, the energy flowing to and healing her eyes, her opening them, with the energy of the yellow sun making them glow.
At Kara's request, Cisco breaches her back into the battle.
Kara floats over the battle, telling the Supermen to get away from the Anti-Monitor. Tyler Hoechlin Superman, realizing himself what's happening, tells her no, that he can't let her die, there has to be another way. The other Supermen agree. Kara states that he has a son to take care of, all of the Supermen do, it has to be her, that protecting him was her job in the first place. Tyler Hoechlin Superman continues to reject that.
But in a flash of lightning, all the Supermen are pulled away from the Anti-Monitor, and Wally stands before them, in the full Flash costume.
The Flash lives again, as Wally circles the Anti-Monitor at superspeed, throwing lightning at him multiple times, this keeping him in place...
Allowing Kara to enact her plan. She says to Tyler Hoechlin Superman, "I love you, Kal-El." and flies towards the Anti-Monitor, her heat vision BLAZING with the fire of the sun, searing into him, it burning through his armor, burning him from the inside out, FLAMES igniting from the eyes of his suit! This use of her powers causing her eyes to crack with yellow sun energy bleeding out, the cracks spreading more and more. The Anti-Monitor, enraged, yells out, "NO!" And Kara collides with him, the force of it IMPLODING THEM IN A FLASH OF LIGHT!
Leaving nothing but a crater, and Kara's torn cape. Alex and Tyler Hoechlin Superman rushing there, seeing only the cape, them both breaking down, almost leaning on eachother, Alex devastated, inconsolable. The other Supermen stand silently in mourning, placing their hands on their shoulders in an attempt at comfort. Everyone else surrounding them, in silence.
The President gives a speech, honoring the sacrifices of Supergirl and the Green Arrow with a statue of an \S/ in National City and one of Green Arrow being built in Starling City.
Diggle visits Guy Gardner in the hospital who tells Diggle that his time is over and now it's his turn. We confirm that Diggle, now having gained full memory of both earths, in this post-crisis, his name is John Stewart.
The team honors the Flash silently with a Flash symbol built in it and empty seats for Barry, Oliver, Kara, even Bruce at the new table, in the Hall Of Justice.
In the montage of showing the earths with show the same things, but now with inclusions of:
The Birds Of Prey TV Series Earth, showing that team now working with Kevin Conroy Batman, who has a renewed pursuit of heroism.
Tom Welling Superman with Lois, watching their kids, before he gets an alert on a fire in Metropolis, with Lois being proud of him.
Justice League Of America TV Movie Martian Manhunter alive, leading martians on Mars.
Earth 1 Bruce, alive, stranded on another earth, but on the search for a way back.
Gotham TV Series Bruce as Batman in his earth.
Some quick flashes with the Batman 89 earth and Batman 66 earth.
On a re-established Earth 90 E-90 Flash speeds through the city, before getting a message from Christina McGee of a bank robbery by Trickster, E-90 Flash smirking and then speeding off to it.
On earth prime, something falling to earth in front of Diggle, but stopping just short of hitting the ground and it redirecting and pointing right at him. It emanating a green light reflecting on his face.
Ending still on the Superman The Movie nod of Brandon Routh Superman flying, his symbol back to yellow and red.
In case ya’ll are curious, Kara and Barry aren’t really dead and aren’t gone for good. In their respective seasons, they’d return after a couple episodes or so. Please review and tell me what you think!
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ultrahpfanblog · 4 years
My thoughts on Crisis on Infinite Earths
Having been under Quarantine, I had the opportunity to watch the COIE crossover all over again in my free time. I loved it the first time around when it had first aired. Having rewatched it, while I still enjoy it a lot, its definitely not as smooth of a crossover as say Crisis on Earth X. I think its evident that the vision outweighed the CW’s grasp and budget and I can sympathize.
I think the first two episodes are fairly clunky. The Supergirl episode has a lot of good stuff. Loved things like the scene between Kara and Clark at the balcony, the scene with Sara and alternate Oliver, scene between Oliver and Mia, Oliver’s death scene, but there is also some clunky stuff. For one, was I the only one who found Jesse Rath strangely annoying as Brainy. I have seen him in the role on Supergirl but it was as if he was just hamming it up like crazy, over enunciating everything. It was rather grating. While I did enjoy the scene between Sara and alternate Oliver, it doesn’t really add much to the story, a common complaint with the crossover in general. I guess its supposed to show Sara as someone who embraced her destiny and therefore be the Paragon of destiny, but it eats up a decent amount of screen time and there was probably another way to do it. Also, as a Flash fan, its a little frustrating to see Barry get shortchanged in the first two episodes given he is the one who has set up Crisis for years now.
The Batwoman episode is maybe my least favorite because not a lot of consequence actually happens. I think this is the most fan servicy of the episodes with more cameos. Tom Welling’s cameo is a fun one because his frustrated reactions were a fun one. I didn’t mind the fact that he gave up his powers because he had canonically at least been Superman for over 10 years, likely more. The Kevin Conroy cameo doesn’t completely work even though hearing his deep baritone is a joy as a BTAS fan. But we don’t get enough of an understanding of why he is the way he is and his death is kind of poorly executed. And the whole interaction really doesn’t given a proper understanding as to why Kate is the Paragon of courage. The Kate and Kara dynamic is pretty fun, but its kind of tainted now given everything that has happened with Batwoman because we will likely never see it again. Then there is the substory of reviving Oliver using the lazarus pit which doesn’t really lead anywhere in the long run. I liked Mia and Sara’s interaction though Mia was initially very insufferable. I wish we had seen more Barry and Mia interaction. The highlight of the episode is really Brandon Routh returning as Superman. He kind of naturally plays Superman as if he never left. The fight scene between Superman’s could have been better but it was still a breath of fresh air to have him. I do feel that Iris being there was kind of random. She didn’t really have much of a role. 
The Flash episode is where the crossover starts clicking properly for me. For one, I think because Crisis has been built up so much on the Flash that the emotions and character behaviors feel more earned. Certainly, everything that happens with Barry, Frost, Cisco, Pariah, Jefferson, and E90 Flash is really good. The scene between Barry and Jefferson are probably some of my favorites in the crossover. Certainly the scenes with the two Flash’s good. They have E90 Flash a pretty nice swan song and it was surprisingly touching. Yes, the fact that they used the whole “Monitor didn’t say which Flash has to die” excuse is a bit of a cop out but I guess I was already expecting that for obvious reasons, so I didn’t really mind. I think the only part of this episode that’s a little clunky is Kate and Kara just walking around the Waverider. I like their confrontation but its the sort of thing that could have happened in the previous episode. Maybe given more time to the heroes trying to save people from the other Earths. I like the Ryan Choi subplot and Iris is more effectively used here. However, I must admit that eventually, they could have just used Ray instead of Ryan because he looked kind of silly battling the shadow demons in dawn of time battle and he didn’t end up being a set up character to be used after Crisis on one of the shows. Loved the Lucifer cameo though the trip to purgatory didn’t end up being particularly substantial. Overall, it left on an interesting cliffhanger. Admittedly, I was bummed that Lex replaced Routh Superman as a Paragon but its a very Lex thing to do. 
The Arrow episode is really the main ending of the crossover with the Legends episode acting as an epilogue. I think this episode largely succeeds at it though there is definitely a missed opportunity in some of the speed force scenes. I felt that the speed force scenes could have been a fantastic moment for them to revisit some key moments in all the show’s history and see them from a different perspective. But they end up visiting some random scenes and I’m not sure why the memory selves were interacting with Barry. He should have been an onlooker to everyone other than the actual people trapped in the memories. I love all the scenes between Oliver and Barry. That is kind of the heart of the episode and since it is such a strong relationship, it really helps anchoring the episode emotionally. The whole subplot with Novu was very unnecessary since it again leads to nothing. I wish they had instead some more time into the whole Monitor vs Anti-Monitor conflict and how it came to be. For an Arrow episode, this one had a surprising lack of Arrow characters. I suppose it is handicapped by being the finale, but I would say probably Barry gets more screen time than Oliver in the episode. The supporting cast are basically not there barring a brief cameo by Diggle and E1 Laurel in the memory. The battle is fun, if a little too brief and Ryan does look a little goofy just waving his fists at Shadow demons. Oliver’s second death scene is certainly better than the first and its quite well acted by Grant, Stephen, and Caity. Overall, it was a strong ending.
The Legends episode is basically an epilogue. Its genuinely fun and mostly, pretty lighthearted. Kara’s initial awakening, her horror at the new status quo with Lex, reuniting with Barry, and Wolfman cameo is pretty fun. There’s also a fun sense of irony in the scene where he’s asking for Barry and Kara’s autograph since he was the one who killed them off in the COIE comics. The Beebo sequence is again pretty Legends and its fun to watch Arrow characters reacting to this. It is a shame that budget clearly prevented a larger gathering of superheroes. Clearly everyone should have been involved at the end, but they weren’t able to get everyone. I did really like the scenes between Barry and Sara. They are clearly being set up as the lynchpins of the Arrowverse going forward. Its a dynamic that is largely unexplored so it was nice to get a few solo scenes between them. The unveiling of the table at their new HQ also was great and it was nice to see BL, Frost, and Heatwave kicking butt together. This episode is really the one which doesn’t have any filler. However, its also largely just everyone just getting acclimatized to the new status quo. The final fight is ok. Could have been better and larger, but I get the budget restrictions. I hope the future delivers on some JSA action. I wouldn’t mind a simpler crossover such as a team of heroes fighting against team of villains. 
Anyways, that was a long writeup. Overall, its still a fun crossover though the budgetary restrictions and some clunky writing is clearly visible throughout the crossover. I would say The Flash episode or the Legends episode was probably the best of the crossover. I would say, given this is Stephen’s last crossover, I was surprised by how little he was in it. He basically is in only two episodes, because he’s basically a corpse in episode 2 and he has one fairly brief scene in episode 3. I would say episode 1 is maybe his most substantial episode. Grant, Melissa, Caity, Brandon, David, and Ruby are there throughout all five episodes so they clearly had a heavy workload, so good on them for committing. I would say I probably rank this under the Earth X crossover, probably on par with Elseworlds.
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redfield5x5 · 5 years
Sara being the new leader is what she (and Caity!) deserves. Other than Diggle, I believe she's been here the longest, right? She definitely has more experience than anyone else, and even Oliver. They pretty much went through the same thing, and Sara has fought meta-humas, aliens, and magical creatures too. I don't understand why Earth-2 Laurel isn't in the crossover. Wasn't her whole storyline about crisis this season? It makes no sense to exclude her. Happy to see E1 Laurel though.
sara leading everyone sounds absolutely perfect! one doesn’t need superpowers to be a great leader. she’s already been leading her team/family/best show, it’s absolutely fitting. and no one really deserves it more than her, i agree!
can you believe they’re the last 7 creatures in the universe right now? i’m so glad keto said the legends season is going to deal with the aftermath of crisis, because duuuuude, all the traumas sara has at this point? the people she’d lost, even the ones that will come back after the anti-monitor is done? insane! i’d go crazy. i hope they’ll deal with it later.
and lmaoooo the mystery of the e-2 laurel :Dit’s like: articles coming out how she’s their secret weapon! the episodes about her being prepared for what’s coming! her earth destroyed back in october! and then pffft n o t h i n g :Dboth kind of funny and sad. let’s pretend she was being prepared for the spin-off? idk! too bad bc i’ve grown to really love her, which is wild considering who she is, really well done
seeing e-1 laurel in whatever way is going to make me so emotional
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I made a masterpost of my stuff last year, so here’s the one for 2019.
Here’s my gif tag, and general creations (including gifs) tag, for the non-curated version.
Maya Mia as an adaptation of Mia Dearden
AU: Raya and Joss’ nefarious plan was to be each other’s wingwomen (Raya/Nora, Joslyn/Spencer)
Just gals being pals: Nora & Spencer and Joslyn & Raya
Charlie/Nora West-Allen AU: “Earthly Excesses”
Robert’s burden for Oliver: “Right my wrongs”
Emiko’s lineage
Watchtower Musca theory (incorrect)
Curtis being totally brilliant, badass, and Terrific in 7x05 and 7x15
Dinahsiren Pregnancy Test Manip Graphic
C.N.R.I. Network
Some of the lady cast members being pro-LGBT (non gif; bordering on RPF)
Diggle Extended Family (used future fancast for JJ that was jossed)
Iris telling her speedsters to stop 🦈ing with the timeline (from the S5 blooper reel)
The photos in Kelly Olsen’s apartment
The Side/Ass-Kicking Young Ladies of DCCW (Allegra, Cin, Evie, Jenn, Jesse, Mary, Mia, Mona, Nia, and Nora)
Queen’s Don’t: Emiko and Thea
Lauriver: “I don’t want to be on an island anymore”//“You’re important to me”
E-2 Laurel//Mia, conflicting with Dinah
Black Siren and Mia being anti-vigilante in “Emerald Archer”
Lance girls on vigilantes and masks in “Emerald Archer”
E-1 Laurel blaming herself for Tommy’s death // E-2 Laurel blaming herself for E-2 Quentin’s death
Father and daughter goofballs on the Flash S5 blooper reel (Jesse and Candice/ Grant and Jessica)
Oliver introducing Moira//Laurel introducing Nyssa to diner food
Sara in S2 and William in S8, coming out to their dads
Reign and Acrata costume resemblance
E1 Barry and E2 Laurel having hallucinations of deceased parents telling them that they’re heroes, in the eps that aired Nov 26, 2019
DS Siblings: Winchesters, Lances, and Salvatores
A DCCW/TVDU actors’ shared birthdays thread (Twitter)
Melissa Fumero and Katie Cassidy in Gossip Girl together
 TVD Verse
The legacy left for the Siphoner Gemini Twins (Sybil and Seline, Jo and Kai, Liv and Luke, Lizzie and Josie)
The ladies (Bonnie, Lexi, Hope, and Katherine) and supernatural dragging/yeeting
Request for Saltzman twins Frozen AU (twitter)
 Roswell, NM
“They are, at their very core, killers”
Max watching Liz dance
Pilot: “Nostalgia’s a bitch”
Episode 3: “Tearin’ up my heart”
 My fancasting nonsense for Batwoman (and accompanying Twitter thread)
 Twitter stuff:
Note to Arrow writers on announcement of “Lost Canary”
Black Siren “She’s just so, so pretty”
Katie Cassidy Rodgers credit
Lauricity Hugs
Curtis with Jeff and Anissa manip (it’s really pixelated, sorry)
Zari Cat
CW Pride Month Graphic
The spirit of Laurel (I accidentally posted a video instead of the gif)
A thread of some of the DCCW ladies singing
Crown of Arrows (from S8 trailer)
Lauriver “I close my eyes and jump… just like you”
Lauriver hugging in 2x22
TimeHex flirting (essentially)
Moira and Oliver at Big Belly Burger
Speedy Canary: “this is so awesome!”
The trio of fathers: Oliver, Rene, and Diggle
A wishlist for the Canaries spin-off (and Reddit post with more details)
Tala Ashe’s influence: new Iranian main characters in CW shows
Anissa and Laurel-2 with purple bird symbols
My unofficial ranking of the DCCW ladies
 Some fancasting for S5 of Supergirl
A request for
Matt Dallas to join Arrow as a love interest for William (not my gif though)
Rose McIver to join Roswell in a Tess-esque role
Keahu Kahuanui to join Roswell as a love interest for Kyle
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queencanaries · 6 years
I don't understand why everyone on Twitter is so up in arms over E1 Laurel in the last episode. They LITERALLY didn't even need to use her to give an insight into Oliver's issues. They could have used anyone else. When I saw her in that S1 outfit, I burst into tears. For real. And SA was emoting. ACTUAL EMOTIONS Y'ALL.
Oh, do you mean with the whole “Why did you LET HER become Black Canary / She’s just a lawyer” thing? It reminds me of the situation in “Canaries” where you had Sara say what the Olicity fans anti-laurel-lance people say. Their words are spoken through the mouths of villains. Says it all to me. 
Yes, I loved seeing her in that S1 outfit. I feel like they captured her so much better than they’ve attempted to do in the past. 
As for Stephen, I definitely feel like he brings it with certain scenes between him and Katie, and this was one of them. There’s a maturity to their dynamic that is lacking in Oliver and Felicity. Plus, those two started the show together. There’s clearly going to be something there for them to tap into whether they have to play romantic, play nostalgic, play angry, or whatever it is, and I think Stephen’s definitely upped it in playing the pain of losing Laurel. Hopefully Season 7 allows Stephen to play Oliver in a non-brooding way 24/7 so that when he does face hardship and does brood and express pain, then it’s refreshing and meaningful. As sad as I am that Laurel is still gone, it means a lot to see her absence and the loss of her still impact Oliver. I’m glad that Katie is still a regular and that they’re able to do stuff with Laurel like they did in this past episode.  
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freyjaiam · 6 years
me too! i love sara lance but the sara fans that hate laurel are so nasty. one of them was in the tag saying how disgusting it is that anyone would be a fan of siren-x when the whole tag was against siren-x and then that person said they hated laurel hate siren-x black siren and laurel e1 that just showed me they were just antis invading the tag for attention makes no sense the way they act
the writers accomplished what they wanted... they wanted laurel and sara divided at the start... and the fans fell for it hook, line, and sinker... nowadays its rare to find someone like me who stans and defends both without the need to tear the other down
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zaritarazi · 7 years
Okay but why would you and how would you go about doing that considering she’s dead?
i really don’t understand people saying “oh she’s dead” like this isn’t a bullshit comic book show like the only reason and i have sources on this that e1 laurel is still dead is because marc guggenheim is really pissed everyone at DC got mad at him for killing her, and that dan didio let all the DC writers say all this anti Arrow stuff in interviews. There’s no reason for her to still be dead except marc is mad that everyone hates him.
it’s fucking comics. she could walk in and someone could be like “wait didnt you die?” and she could just be like “i got better” and that would be that. her sister is on a fucking timeship and people want me to be like oh well she’s dead! like sorry marc i hate to side with dan on anything but uh, this is why this is the last thing you’ll ever get to do for DC Comics
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 7 years
Hey, I’m not really big in fandom, but uhh, can the anti Felicity people not criticize Felicity being a good person on Earth X bc you’re complaining that the only canonically Jewish character we’ve seen on Earth-1 and Earth-53 (we’ve only seen E1!Stein) is still a good Jewish person. Like, I know, Goofensmirdth however you spell his name did (Dinah) Laurel dirty, I get that and Felicity is Marky Mark’s OC bc she’s supposed to be Ronnie’s stepmom or whatever, but can you wait until next week to criticize her? Just wait until next Thursday.
Felicity X was just dragged out by Nazis to the (fake) Fuehrer looking NOTHING like the Felicities we’ve seen before (happy blonde Felicity, gothic dark haired Felicity, whatever hair color vigilante Felicity) with her natural brown hair wearing “striped pajamas”, the Star of David sewn onto the breast, dry lips and messy hair, and called a “J*wess” (forgive my poor memory, but I’m pretty sure that’s a slur and I censor slurs).
Keep hating FeFe, I’m not stopping you, but can you just not complain about Felicity this week outside of shouting at the rehearsal dinner and tagging onto the WestAllen wedding?
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itachi86 · 8 months
oliver's speech to laurel i'm so glad someone finally yelled at her
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darkwinterchild · 7 years
I love the "Humanitarian e2-Oliver/Ambitious businesswoman Blake Lance",especially if there's a connection between Oliver's death and Blake turning into Siren. I got a bit "Anti Black Siren" because she's often compared to Laurel,and I was always a fan of Laurel(that death was SO FUCKING LAME!),what made me think "You're not Laurel,just a cheap copy". So,I believe that Malcolm would be one of the only people who wouldn't associate Blake/Laurel too much,but rather like her for who she's.
Both of them being brilliant and ambitious people,who loved their spouses very much,lost them and had been through a dark path because of it. The differences between their worlds would make everything more interesting. Siren’s discourse in Arrow(I lost my Oliver,and I only made bad choices)reminded me very much of Malcolm. He’s more similar to Blake Lance than Laurel “Always trying to save the world” Lance will be,IMO.
Oh yeah, I’m the biggest fan of parallels so I really love this headcanon. Truly, thank you for sharing! :) I don’t even know which part I enjoy most: E2-Laurel being like Malcolm or E2-Oliver being like Rebecca. It’s just such an fascinating contrast to who they were on E1. It really brings more depth to Black Siren and makes me interested in her relationship with Oliver in a way I wasn’t before. I used to think of Blake as just E1-Laurel gone wrong and that’s way less fun (and your version makes so much more sense).
And yup, I feel you, speaking from experience, there’s nothing more annoying in fandom than when your favorite character gets compared to another all the time. It can definitely make you go sour on that character. For my part though, I think Black Siren is awesome. Or she was on Flash - I’m not a fan of how Arrow treated her this past season. Considering their record with Laurel, I’m not very optimistic. I’m 100% with you on Laurel’s death being lame. It never should have happened in the first place, and the way the writers did it just sucked. Plus, they had to go out of their way to come up with shitty contrived reasons for why she couldn’t be brought back to life. It was just awful writing, and I’m not even talking as a Laurel fan (I liked her well enough but I wasn’t that interested in her back then). They really didn’t do her character justice.
Re: Black Siren. Yup, unlike everyone else, Malcolm wouldn’t like her for her physical resemblance to Laurel, for sure. But he has this thing for strong women with deep convictions and a ruthless side who could potentially murder him - would murder him (that’s ONE thing that stayed more-or-less consistent with his character after season 1). So yeah, I’m pretty sure he’d be impressed by Blake and would be interested in getting to know her. Particularly if he can identify with her the way he sometimes sees himself in Oliver’s determination or Thea’s anger, except it would be 100x more true w/ Black Siren - ‘cause you’re right they are similar. If she had joined the Legion of Doom and started sassing Damien and Eobard, he’d probably have become her biggest fan!
It could have been so fun to see them be sorta friendly… like, I think Malcolm would have been curious about what Tommy’s like on Earth-2, and he could also talk to her about E1-Laurel in a more unbiased way (meaning not from the POV of people who loved her and want Blake to be more like her). I think it’d be even more interesting because, back in season 1, Malcolm immediately saw the similarities between Laurel and his late wife (or at least, he thought of her as someone that Rebecca would like). So while I feel he’d see at once how different Blake is, and that he’d like this version of her much better, I also think he wouldn’t 100% share Blake’s disdain for our Laurel. It’d be funny to see him sorta defend her a little to Black Siren, or help her see her doppelganger in a more charitable light (maybe help her realize that she had many of the same traits Blake loved in her Oliver back on Earth 2).
I’m not sure I want her to get a redemption arc - at least not before she had more time to shine as a villain, but if they ever do give her one, I think her coming to find some respect the person E1-Laurel used to be should definitely be a part of that.
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itachi86 · 9 months
wth laurel that guard told you to stay where you were
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dagenspear · 4 years
Crisis On Infinite Earths Outline Fix, Part 1
Like some I disliked the crossover, it's the worst out of all of them, and this is my preference for it to be done. Some of these will be more largely expanded upon, but this one is more story details and such. One of the changes, though it’s not in this part, is E2 Laurel being more involved. Here are the ideas God blessed me with:
The Supergirl part is the least changed out of this whole thing.
We establish why the Monitor can't fight the Anti-Monitor. The Monitor himself is trapped within dimensions. He can only pass through the dimensional barriers for short period at a time, or he will start to deteriorate. When the Anti-Monitor first began, his thirst for the destruction of this multiverse was too great, and the Monitor realized that he and him were tied by cosmic energy and that they both had to be trapped at the same time. He trapped them into the vanishing point. The nexus of the flow of time. With no time, they'd have no connection to the energy sources of the matter of their respective universes and be unable to act within time directly physically, locking them in using the language of time. The time masters never realized they'd built their base around it. Nash Wells opened the portal from the outside that no man should know how to open encoded with the language of time, punching through the barrier between this universe and the vanishing point, that the Monitor had been using to traverse between it and this universe. The Monitor explains that the only reason he's been able to leave at all, is because of the field being loosened reverberating backwards in time due to a near future release of the Anti-Monitor.
No running off to another earth to deal with another Oliver trying to protect Clark and Lois's baby. Any personal scenes between Sara and him would just be between Oliver 1 and and her.
The other legends would be unable to come due to them being trapped in the past. The red skies of anti-matter making it so they can't time travel back and the others can't time travel to get them. Like with Barry.
We delve into Kate's feelings regarding what's happened with her story and she tells Kara that after she catches Alice she's going to quit being Batwoman, as she can't accept the consequences of people she cares about suffering and dying because of her actions.
Barry would comfort Kara about the destruction of Argo. This loss would be like a blow of the loss of her people all over again.
Oliver would meet Supergirl's Earth Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, who is played by Colin Donnell.
Sara offers the waverider for help in carrying people off of Supergirl's earth.
In the final fight of the episode, the shadow creatures would be more of physical force to hold back as people escape. They can defeat them, but not with hand to hand combat from the powerless humans.
As the battle is beginning to be lost, Monitor starts transporting the other heroes away, but before he can do it for Mia and Oliver, a shadow creature takes over Lyla and the Anti-Monitor speaks through her, thanking the Monitor for using their cosmic energy to empower Harbinger, binding her to the Monitor and to him, making it so he could siphon his power from him, taking what's rightfully his. Oliver and Mia make a move to stop him but the Anti Monitor throws them back with a telekinetic blast. The Anti-Monitor rips Monitor's energy from him, the Monitor beginning to turn into dust, dying. The AM then turning to Oliver, smirking and then teleporting away.
Oliver and Mia get their bearings and both look to see the army of shadow creatures rage toward them and Oliver, thinking quickly, takes out a breach device, activates it and throws it to Mia, her realizing what's happening as it lands in her hands and it transporting her away as she yells out to him. Oliver takes out his bow and arrow and begins fighting off the creatures as best he can, him holding them back for just a moment, as other ships escape Supergirl's earth. With no more arrows he fights them hand to hand, but they quickly overwhelm him, as we see a wideshot of the shadow creatures destroying the tower and it falling.
Meanwhile Mia is transported to the bunker on E1 and is met with Barry asking where Oliver is, as she furiously tries to reactivate the breach device, but it no longer works, her breaking down into tears. Barry realizes what's happened and in a moment of emotional desperation, punches a whole through space time, causing a breach (like Zoom did in season 2 of The Flash), racing through and reappearing with Oliver. Oliver's badly wounded, in horrible shape, near death, but not dying. He's still alive.
And Kara watches on devastated at the destruction of her earth. The weight of this, of watching helplessly as another planet of hers, another home of hers, is destroyed, crushing her.
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I'll update my about page soon, but warning: I'm feeling very anti Quentin and I don't think that's gonna change anytime soon. He can work with Damien because of threats to E1 Laurel and Damien's desire for revenge ultimately kills her, but somehow E2 Laurel needs a lecture from his dumb, negligent, shameful ass? They should have killed him in S4 because he's a real sunovabitch who was a shit father to Laurel while she lived and certainly shouldn't have any say in her legacy.
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