kitkatopinions · 1 year
Heyyy so yangs VA never shuts up and said it has been building for ‘ten years’ but I have a bug in my brain bc wasn’t there a rwby art book from around the 15-16 era with an official statement from Blake’s VA comparing Illia and Blake’s relationship as ‘the lesbian pining after her /straight/ friend’ (their words, and the absolute toxicity of that dumpster fire of lesbian rep) Let alone the recent RT game still using ‘sisterhood’ language *think*
Yep! Here it is:
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Honestly when it comes to Barbara Dunkelman who was name-dropped as a bad RT higher up amongst all the recent scandals coming out and who said she "got it" when her coworkers were defending their misogynistic objectifying 'connect the hots' game who also starred in the horrifically bad Internet Box... When it comes to her, I neither like nor trust her. If they did plan Blake and Yang from the beginning, I think it was probably more likely a tossed out idea that just was a 'yeah maybe, but don't talk about it' kind of thing, and never got any firm planning because... Very little in rwby seems to get any firm planning. If it was planned from the beginning, they shouldn't have done things like have Blake referred to as straight as late as 2019, and like have Yang refer to Blake as like her sister late last year. But tbh, whether or not it was planned from the beginning really doesn't matter to me.
Main characters being queer - whether or not it was planned from the beginning - is a good thing. I wish it had happened at the start, I wish more queer characters existed in RWBY, I literally do not care if it was something they set out in the planning for the course of the show, because if it wasn't then it should've been, and if it was, it still shouldn't have taken this long (because Blake and Yang's 'slowburn' does not mean the characters had to stay unconfirmed as queer for ten years.)
The ship between Blake and Yang - whether or not it was planned from the beginning - was not very well done imo. My opinion on it actually gets worse with the knowledge that it's been planned from the beginning because I feel like in ten years they should've figured out how to write it better. I literally do not care though if it was endgame from volume one or not, I only care if it's well done. It's made lots of other people happy, but it wasn't made in a way that I personally wound up liking it or thinking it was well written.
Like if it wasn't planned from the beginning for them to be queer or together, then okay. Glad they eventually decided to include main character queer rep whether or not it was in their original plan. And if it was planned, then okay. Wish it was done differently, but in the end it literally makes very little difference to the end product whether or not it was something they came up with when they were in the early stages of concepting the show or as recently as volume 6.
The result is the same. Queer rep that's better late than never, and a romance that I feel like could've been done better.
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howlingday · 5 months
It's kind of depressing when you realize out of Team RWBY, Weiss is the only one who get's constant development. Ruby doesn't get any character development until maybe Vol 4, and it was still sporadic at best. Yang and Blake got some good development up until Vol 7 where it feels like if it didn't involve Bumblee, then they didn't get anything (And in some cases you could argue going backwards...). So, this might be my bias talking (Weiss is best girl), but Weiss is the only one on that team to me that got anything in a constant enough rate. Only time I think she didn't develop was in Vol 9, but that was Ruby's time to shine so I'm not really upset with that one.
Yeah, when you think about it, there really wasn't much character development for any of the supposed "main characters" of the series, especially since they're also the titular characters.
Ruby's character development was like a David Cage game of Beyond: Two Souls, showing us Ruby's highs, lows, lows, lows, and LOWS of her character development, all before circling back to a HIGH just in time for her series to get canned. It's a sad sight.
Blake's character was centralized on the White Fang. She was in the White Fang until she left, then she finds out the White Fang are up to something in Vale to the point that it exhausts her, then she helps stop the White Fang in Vale and Mountain Glenn, then Yang was framed, and Blake thinks she's becoming Adam again, then the White Fang attack Beacon and Adam cripples Yang so she runs away to Menagerie to protect Yang and everyone she knows and learns the White Fang are up to something in Menagerie until she breaks everything up in Haven. Things go right for Blake overall until Adam shows back up and she and Yang murder him with no consequences. It is from this point that Blake's character arc with the White Fang ends and her entire character now becomes Yang's girlfriend. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Blake is the worst girl of Team RWBY.
Yang's character trait is that she has no character trait. None that's ever properly established. She's Ruby's sister and/or mother figure, but hardly interacts with her. She likes to party and get into fights, but we don't see her do either. Her mom is a bandit, but we don't know if Raven really loves Yang or not. She lost her arm to Adam, but she didn't really learn anything from that whole experience; again, nothing that we can see. And now Yang's character is Blake's girlfriend. I put Yang higher than Blake only because what story COULD be told isn't just the same story over and over.
So, now that I've gone over some issues of the others, let's talk about Weiss' character arc. Weiss is physically scarred by a trial set by her father in order to get into Beacon, and once she arrives, she's an uptight spoiled brat who expects to be handed the position of Team Leader. After she's humbled by Professor Port, she steps up as Ruby's second-in-command. She's pursued romantically by Jaune, whom she rejects outright multiple times until Neptune shows up, whom she romantically pursues until he starts flirting with other girls in front of her, though Jaune helps Neptune ask her to dance, and from there she and Jaune are on better terms as friends (which can be seen in V3 when he calls Weiss after getting out of the locker Pyrrha shoved him in). During V3, she's approached by her sister and financially cut off by her father. After the Fall of Beacon, she's forced to return home and is basically put in a sort of Brittney Spears house arrest, where she's only allowed out by her father to do whatever he wants her to do (I think that's what happened, I'm not really aware of what exactly happened during the whole "conservative house-arrest" thing from a few years back), until she escapes and is then captured by Raven until she's rescued by Yang. They then go to Haven and reunite with Ruby and Team JNR, and once Blake comes back, Team RWBY is back in full swing!
Okay, I think that's enough to make the point, but I do want to bring up something that is going to piss people off, because of course it will. It's about Weiss' likely endgame ship, White Knight. I said before that RWBY doesn't know how to do romance, but... Looking at the character developments of both Jaune and Weiss and they just somehow start leaning closer and closer, contrary to how they started out. Like, I know I'm not the only one seeing two characters with full-developed characters starting to get closer, so how is it that BMBLB sucks so hard with their story if it's the canon flagship?
Don't believe me? Think about what I was talking about with these characters. Do you know what the biggest difference is between the stories of Weiss and Blake and Yang? The answer is that Weiss actually has a story. Blake and Yang just are just... two halves of one whole. Weiss is completely independent of Jaune, and yet they both managed to grow without each other. I'm no relationship expert, but if you're relying on another person to have a character arc, that's not a healthy relationship- That's codependency.
Oh, but what do I know? I'm just an idiot on the internet who makes incorrect quote posts. My opinion is invalid and should be tossed out and disregarded. Tata~!
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crystalsandbubbletea · 5 months
Tired of seeing RWDE posts on the RWBY tag, I just wanna scroll and enjoy RWBY posts in peace.
And apparently they're hating on Beyond??? Why??? Is it because Jaune has more screentime?
Smh they'll look at RWBY and find the most stupidest reasons to complain and to harass RWBY fans. 🤦
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doomalade · 1 year
If Yang was a guy then I think that Bumblebee would be the biggest incel wet dream ship out there with how Blake has been treated tbh
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awkward-tension · 2 years
A queer woman: listen, I want good queer representation. It’s important to me! But bumblebee isn’t confirmed. They haven’t been confirmed for years, and the writers have been using the potential for this ship to queer bait.
Y’all troglodytes: OMG YOUR A HOMOPHOBE!! How dare you shit on rwby! Even though the company that made it called their employees the F-slur, they’re not homophobic! Your homophobic for wanting good representation! It’s not queer baiting! Bumblebee just has years and years of teasing! That’s not queerbaiting!
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thisdonutguy · 1 year
while i’m trying to actually draw something please help me to decide
The more interesting option you choose, the better
my personal fav is 5 because…you know
1. Ichigo Adam
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2. Nipple zipper emo girl Adam
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3. Yang’s fantasy Adam
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4. Cersei Lannister Adam
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5. BDSM ninja Adam
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6. Zuko Adam
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7. “I’ve perfected my creepy stalker semblance” Adam
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I would add “Tavros Nitram Adam” option, but that would be too easy for you
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rwde-chibi · 2 years
Sometimes I have to wonder just like… how starving are other queer people that BMBLB is this massive ship with people who harass others for not liking it?
Like I get wanting to see queer ships become canon, and this one is almost… probably going to be canon, but it feels really hollow and not worth getting so mad about people disliking that there’s a special name for shippers of that ship that get really aggressive.
I guess if you’re mad people feel like that it’s bait, shouldn’t you want the creators to… make it feel more fully realized so those people wouldn’t feel like it’s bait? Maybe I’m just a bitter gay man tired of this shit while gay men exist almost exclusively as “this character’s parent” in animation and the ones that aren’t very rarely get to have happy relationships, but like… y’all are gonna get yours, but there’s room for it to be better.
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constantvariations · 1 year
Any single scene between Louis and Legoshi from Beastars is far gayer than anything Blake and Yang ever do
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oddlyhale · 3 months
So curiousity got the best of me and decide to check out psyga315 link about celebrating Aliciaxdeath video deletion and my God wish I haven't seen that.
All those people who liked or reblog are so butt hurt over a ship that was being critique. These people were like "omg new Rwby fan! ❤️❤️❤️ Welcome to the fandom" then as soon as Alicia made her comment then went "booo I'm no blocking you because you don't like this ship."
If you want to see a prime example of a company that is pinkwashing. RT IS A BIG EXAMPLE!!
Look how they treated their lgbtqia and trans workers.
I also saw one comment saying that anti rwby/rwde is the only anti show that exists on tumblr.
My friend. There are so many fandom that have "critical" or "anti" in their name that liked how their media was but overtime didn't like it because of portrayals or their creators being underfire.
Anti-helluva boss
Vivziepop critical
Anti lore olympus
Unpopular lore olympus
Anti catra
Anti euphoria
Euphoria critical
You can find these on tumblr tags. Also last time I check none spaces don't have an space to that criticized an anti space that is always dumb down to "anti being mad" or "they are toxic because this wasn't how they envisioned the show"
Absolutely, and it's sad that this has to be stated like it's a new thing. Media like this has been criticized for so long. Wayyy longer than RWBY's conception. It's not a special RWBY case, it's just that RWBY is a bad show that's getting flack because it has shitty creators behind it.
What infuriates me the most is that Aliciaxdeath is queer, and she's criticizing queer media. Absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever. There are plenty of queer viewers who critique other queer media, and I'm sure there is much more when it comes to Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Korra, The Owl House, etc.
Alicia wasn't coming from a place of hate. She's a smart woman who knows how to read scenes and has film school experience under her belt, so she has a critical mind, which is not a bad thing. But because RWBY is so sPeCiAl, she's not allowed to critique RWBY or the Bees whatsoever, and if she does, she's way too negative and way too mean. What makes me angry is that Alicia said in her reaction (before it was pulled) was that she felt pressured to like BMBLB because she has dated women in the past, so the shippers were really expecting too much out of her already.
It went from not liking a ship to wishing the shippers would leave Alicia alone. She really was having a great time watching RWBY with her friend, but now the mood's been ruined by shipping discourse.
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Jaune makes it to yang " they closed the bus routes sorry
Yang " I noticer now get on
Five blocks from the hospital yang bike breaks down
After taking 7 minutes and 23 seconds to clean up his mess (And GREATLY Urged by the very understanding Stall Owner) He finally finished his mad dash to the meeting point, where Yang bobbed on her bike, clearly impatient and waiting for him
Jaune: Sorrythebusroutesareclosed!
Yang: I NOTICED! Get on and Try not to vomit!
Jaune barely held tight to Yang before she rocketed - Or more accurately Jetted - down the lane.
For you see BMBLB-2 wasn't your average Motorcycle. It was a highly advanced, one of a kind anti-gravity cycle, modified to be far more agile and aerodynamic than the ones Pietro built back in Mantle before the whole "Atlas Falling" fiasco.
They tore through Streets, more than once riding along the side of a building to avoid the busiest streets. They made just out of the main downtown area, clearing into more commercial zones when a loud bang sounded and BMBLB-2 slammed into the ground, throwing it's riders into a wall while the bike itself eviscerated a car parked on the side of the road. The Bike was surprisingly still together, just roughed up.
Jaune pushed himself to his feet.
Yang: I Don't know! But We've gotta keep going! I'll pay for it later!
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evedity · 1 year
So... As Rose Garden week wraps up and as people are talking about whiterose. I generally have a question for the fan base.
Why do people ship Rose Garden/ Whiterose?
And I'm open for discussion. I'm not one of those anti Bumbleby people who are so firm on it being.. whatever. (Duh cause I love bmblb but that's not the point). All I ask is please be civil.
1. WhiteRose
I don't ship whiterose cause I don't see any chemistry. Blake and Yang have a specific dynamic that I don't see really between Weiss and Ruby. Ruby jokes around but Weiss is either a tsudere (which is possible) or she's just not into Ruby in that way. Even with Ruby in vol 9 guiding Weiss away from the chaos that moment didn't spike any.. romantic. I think Weiss and Ruby are very close but I don't think it goes past anything other than platonic. But I'm open to discussion about it. I could be missing a few things.
2. RoseGarden
I don't hate RoseGarden. I think it's cute and has the ability to become more likely Canon than WhiteRose. The thing that gets me is probably something others don't think about is ethics. The series has pointed out that Oscar and Ozpins souls are going to merge. So if Ruby dates Oscar, then is she slightly dating an old teacher?? Unless Ozpin somehow fades as Salem is killed or something, then I don't see this ship working. I do like their dynamic, and Oscar seems to have a crush on Ruby, but unless the circumstances are right, I don't think it could work. Wouldn't Ozpin be an involuntary 3rd wheel? That's my issue with it. Again I'm open to discussion on it.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
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blake and yang losing 50 spots on the fandometrics 2022 ship list just shows that it’s only relevant because rwby is airing. when rwby finishes the ship is gonna get off the charts so fast 💀
A lot of ships and fandoms will be really popular during the height of the show/franchise, but the fandom will shrink after the end of the show/franchise. Something can blow up, and then grow smaller when the trend is over. This doesn't happen with all of them, some of the really big fandoms stay up and running, never quite dying no matter how long it's been. Like, the ship between Arthur and Merlin in BBC's Merlin went up 7 points, nearly ten years after the end of the show, and Spock and Kirk from Star Trek the Original Series went up fourteen points. You can never tell exactly what's gonna happen, what's gonna remain popular, what's gonna end up getting completely forgotten, etc. Fandoms are both fickle and freaking wild and unpredictable.
A part of me says that once RW/BY ends, a lot of the content creation and shipping and praise towards the show is gonna peter out and the fans are gonna move on to other things. But a part of me thinks that... It might stick it out. Here's why: Fans have put so much effort into this show, whether through rewrite AUs and fleshing out the world building, putting endless work into fanfics paying attention to character development and dynamics between people, or even sacrificing their time to debate and defend RW/BY and come up with explanations for all the BS that the writers do. In my opinion, the fans have put way more work into making something good than the writers have, they have to in order to just make RW/BY make sense. A fandom where the media itself isn't very well put together and needs a lot of work and doesn't have very much in terms of world building and character development and dynamics and story execution where the fans put their love and creative expression and work into it... That has just as much of a chance to last for a long time as a very well made labor-of-love high quality piece of media.
I do think that the fandom will lose a lot of casual fans after it ends and probably will drop in popularity, but there's every chance that it's gonna last at least a little and the bigger fans are just gonna stick around, because... Well, I would. There are very few pieces of media I ever drop completely even long after they're done no matter how disappointing or badly done I thought it was. And Bumble/by is the enforced ship in this fandom, it's the John/lock. It very well may stick around, especially if the writers stop dragging their feet and actually confirm it, because Bumble/by is kind of... The only thing that's keeping RW/BY on the map in my opinion. XD And on top of that, the Bumble/by fans are the ones who have actually made them into anything good or compelling. The fans are the people who write the fics where Blake and Yang actually talk about how Blake left, the fans are the ones who make the fan art showing Blake and Yang actually kissing or going on dates or getting married, the fans are the ones trying to keep the faith in the ship when RT and the writers let Yang be written to refer to Blake as her sister in Arrow/fell. So with how much work the shippers have put into this ship, I'm not sure they're gonna let it die that easily. They're a bit like John/lock fans, I think I could see them feverishly writing AU fics where their faves finally kiss looong after the show ends. XD
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howlingday · 7 months
Do you think Disney/Marvel might help them, or maybe Neflix? Would love to see a RWBY x Marvel crossover. Considering how much Disney pays for a one season Marvel show. Funding RWBY from volume 10 and forward would be a drop of water in a lake.
As MUCH as I love the idea of RWBY in the Marvel Universe, the caveat is that it's DISNEY, who are NOTORIOUSLY anti-LGBT. So BMBLB, Saphron and Terra, Coco? GONE.
If it wasn't for the House of Mouse's policy, I'd be all for RWBY teaming up with Marvel. But there's also the consideration that there would be live-action movies that have been little more than garbage (with a miniscule amount of successes, but it's mostly bad).
So no. No Disney and Marvel x RWBY.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
What's your opinion on the news that CRWBY had Bummblee planed for 10 years, but only got the ok to do more with it on Vol 6. Personally, my mind is split. One hand, they could be lying and trying to cover the fact the ship being cannon is a last minute addition. On the other hand, what they said is true, and someone thought this was a good idea. Which ever way I think on it, it doesn't put bumblee in positive light for me. I don't dislike the ship itself, but the way the writers have been handling it drives me up a wall.
Yall have gotten really cozy asking me stuff that will get someone potentially upset. 💀
You also assume I keep up to date on everything. I had no idea this news existed. Here’s an average take of the top of my head, if this is true then the events given don’t really reflect 10 years worth of planning all things considered.
Second, if it’s true then Rooster Teeth help create unnecessary tension and controversy with the way they chose to make Sun and Blake interact.
Third, if this is true then they should be forthcoming with what exactly they mean. Your wording implies there were limitations placed on what they were allowed to do before V6 and if that’s the case then I would like to know what those were because it could explain certain things about why something did/didn’t happen.
If this is a lie then it’s a pretty miserable one. It’s no secret that this fandom has influenced the writers to make certain choices for better or for worse. The truth might be ugly for some people but it would be best in the grand scheme of things. Me personally, can accept if they said “We didn’t originally have this in mind but after x,y, and z, we chose to lean into it for the story” I would be fine.
Some shippers would be mad if it wasn’t planned originally but honestly they should shut up in that scenario because they won in the end. And for the haters/antis who would rant nonstop who would try using that knowledge as fuel; they should also shut up because it’s not the most uncommon thing for a piece of media to go in a direction fans ask for. Whether it’s done well or not is a different story, but they would need to accept the fact in this instance they didn’t win
I’ve gone on the record saying I don’t mind Bmblb; I mean I freaking write them occasionally and even gave them kids. However, I find so many other parts of RWBY interesting that it’s very easy to say “why is this here?” Whenever a bmblb moment happens because they put out so many crumbs in the middle of more matters. It’s hard not to see a moment and immediately know it’s gonna flood the internet in comparison to whatever else happens in that episode. That’s the “buzz” kill for me.
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rena-yume · 1 year
Rwby for the ask meme
Oh boy
Fav female character: Raven or Cinder, leaning more towards the angry clown tho
Fav male character: Jimmy (v8 ironwood isn't canon idc, v7 is what counts) and Tyrian
Fav season: either 1 or 2, 5 used to be my absolute favorite but after a rewatch...yeah no
Fav episode: don't have one in particular but v9 ep9 was the most fun I've had in a while
Fav cast member: v1-3 Yang
Fav ship: Rosebird but I also like Schneekos, Crosshares and Spicecream
Character I'd die defending: Raven. fight me
Character I can't sympathize with: Jaune and Ozpin, like at all
Character I grew to love: Cinder, I used to absolutely hate her and now look where we are. Also Salem, I didn't hate her just didn't care much at first
Anti otp: anything that includes Jaune at this point, bmblb (didn't like it since I saw fanarts back in v2 it's not just because of recent volumes), STR poly or Tai x Raven
Gimme a fandom
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rwby-ontheside · 3 years
Um sorry but Treasure is actually about Blake pining for Bumbleby the motorcycle.
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