#anti vertex
astrosky33 · 1 year
sorry for poking my head in your ask box, cause i’m unsure if you take ask or not. i’ve been trying to find information about vertex but it’s like nobody talks about it. in my case i have vertex in the 5th house conjunct neptune and i really wanna know more about it.
Here’s a post that may help! ❤️
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astroartmuse · 1 year
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Sep 17th Virgo 24. Mary and her white lamb. Keywords: a good heart and pure soul, honesty, peace, friendship, an innocent person, faith.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
The Vertex, a cosmic touchpoint in your birth chart, holds the key to fated encounters and profound relationships. It's not a planet, but it packs a powerful punch, revealing where destiny has a hand in your life journey. Picture it as the cosmic crossroads, where the Sun's path aligns with the prime vertical, bringing unexpected events and people into your world for a unique purpose. If you want to find out where you have your vertex check on astro.com->extended chart selection->additional object-> select Vertex or on astro-seek.com it will calculate them automatically once you’ve entered your date of birth.
Vertex in the 1st house: This is your call to destiny and purpose. You're destined to leave an indelible mark on the world, often drawn to leadership roles. Your connection to your physical appearance, self-identity, and those initial impressions is profound. Focus on making those first impressions count, sculpting your self-image, and stepping into leadership roles. Your First House guides you to embrace your ultimate potential and become the truly unique individual you are.
Vertex in the 2nd house: Material security and self-worth are your guiding stars. You sense a destiny woven with personal values and self-esteem. Cultivate life skills, boost self-confidence, and become acutely aware of the physical world through your senses. Taste, smell, sound, touch, and sight all have a role to play. By mastering these aspects, you can seize control of your karmic path related to material possessions and self-worth.
Vertex in the 3rd house: Fate beckons through communication and intellectual pursuits. Careers in writing, teaching, or public speaking are often your calling. Forge strong bonds with siblings and close relatives. To unlock this placement's potential, take charge of your thoughts, possibly through meditation. Mindfulness in your words is crucial—let them stem from both your mind and your heart.
Vertex in the 4th house: Destiny swirls around home and family life. Healing and transforming family dynamics are your missions. Significant events and people within your family circle hold the threads of your fate. Family gatherings, weddings, and transformative moments are your karmic tapestry. Focus on nurturing your personal space, creating a home that feels like a warm embrace. This placement carries emotional depth, nurturing abilities, especially when triggered by those who tug at your nurturing instincts.
Vertex in the 5th house: Destiny aligns with creativity and self-expression. You're often drawn to careers in the arts or entertainment industry, where your creative essence flourishes. Romantic encounters hold sway, with fated meetings often occurring in social and joyous settings. But remember, don't lose yourself in the quest for a perfect partner. Accept the love and support that surrounds you—it's transformative.
Vertex in the 6th house: Your fate is intertwined with service, health, and an unyielding work ethic. Careers in healthcare, social work, or any field aiding others are your true calling. Precision and unwavering dedication to helping others are your strengths. But don't forget, self-care is as vital as caring for others. The 12th house anti-vertex hints at your strong psychic and intuitive nature—trust your inner guidance, it holds the key to balance on your karmic journey.
Vertex in the 7th house: Destiny unfolds in the world of relationships and partnerships. Here, you find profound purpose in your connections with others. Achieving contentment and balance within these relationships is essential for your happiness. You often seek peace and equilibrium, feeling incomplete without a partner. The 1st house anti-vertex reminds you to embrace independence and personal initiatives alongside your partnerships, teaching you the art of balancing relationships with personal needs.
Vertex in the 8th house: Your path is marked by transformative experiences tied to sex, money, and profound emotions. This placement delves into the mystical and occult, as Scorpio governs this house. You wield psychic abilities and an intense drive for personal growth and achievement. Financial challenges may emerge periodically, but they serve as portals to deep introspection and transformation. Setbacks or financial crises compel you to redefine your self-concept and your relationship with money.
Vertex in the 9th house: Your journey is intertwined with personal evolution and the pursuit of knowledge. You're encouraged to focus on personal growth, whether through physical journeys or intellectual expansions. These journeys are transformative, fostering your personal development. To take control of your karmic patterns, embrace expansion, seek inspiration, and craft a robust personal philosophy. Ditch the ordinary for the extraordinary, breaking free from karmic ties, especially those entangled with family dynamics.
Vertex in the 10th house: Your destiny is entwined with your career and public image. It's like your public destiny, providing insights into your career path. Challenges and obstacles here are opportunities for transformation. Concentrate on your career path and how you present yourself to the world. Seek clarity, uphold personal integrity, and strive for leadership excellence in your professional journey. Your Midheaven (MC) in the birth chart offers valuable career insights—tap into its wisdom.
Vertex in the 11th house: you're in for a cosmic journey that revolves around social activism and the intriguing interplay of group dynamics. Your friendships and group affiliations hold profound significance. These connections aren't just social; they're threads in the fabric of your destiny. In these friendships, both in-person and nurtured through the digital world, there might be karmic threads. However, these connections also hold the key to your liberation. When you join forces with like-minded individuals, you tap into the immense potential of collective creation.
Vertex in the 12th house: your life journey takes a profound spiritual turn. You're drawn toward spiritual growth and self-transcendence as if the universe has a special plan for your soul's evolution. In the depths of the Twelfth House, you confront your deepest fears and hidden subconscious patterns. It's a place where the shadows hold secrets and lessons waiting to be learned. This house urges you to seek closure, not in the material sense, but in a profound spiritual way. Art and the imagination play a pivotal role in helping you make sense of these karmic patterns.
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astrologydayz · 11 months
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Nobody really knows a person with a 12th House Sun🤔🤔. They hide themselves really well, & project themselves as someone they're truly not. They don't do it on purpose, they're just so fucking private. My brother actually has this placement, and we're practically twins, but I still feel like I don't know him, AT ALL. They hide themselves, because they're afraid that their true selves won't be "enough"/won't be "liked". BUT OFC IT WILL, & IF NOT, THEN FUCK THEM, BABE.
MOON CONJUNCT/SQUARE SATURN people can hate being alone 4 the first two decades of their lives, but later learn 2 be their own best friend, & love it. They "mother themselves 2 life/back2life". They learned the hard way, that everything is better when u don't put your faith in just anybody. They also learned not 2 trust from a young age, because of their mother/father or both parents💀💔.
I've seen people say "that u can choose not to access that specific energy in your chart, if you don't want 2"🤣. Like u can choose 2 get a million dollars tmrw?, IF YOU WANT 2?🤣 come on. Natal charts are a tool 2 c who u are, why you developed that way/what “happens in your life”, and why you're here with the help of astrology. No matter the aspect, it will be present at some point. A chart never lies🔮🤷‍♀️.
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MOON SQUARE/QUINCUNX VENUS IN A MAN'S NATAL CHART tells us that he finds it hard 2 understand women. He has "problems" when it comes 2 feminine energies, &with the women he's surrounding himself with🤔. He can have a hate/love relationship 2/with women💋.
VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782) IN SYNASTRY, will cause the asteroid person 2 provide the Venus person with a lot of material gifts👠🛍💄.
IDK why anybody would say that your MC has NOTHING to do with how u look/how people see u! Lol okay. My mentor must have been on drugs when she was taught everything + in all those 43 years she's been in practice then. gtfo. Let me give u an example. 👇🏼
I’ll just tell you everything I see with this aspect.
Kim K = Venus in Virgo in 9th house at 19 degrees - Libra degree) conjunct her MC in Virgo at 28 degrees - cancer degree). She's famous 4 her beautiful looks/people finding her beautiful. she always does things to look "YOUNGER, cosmetic procedures etc. 2 take years off! Growing a big following worldwide of young people looking up 2 her/her being idolized by them. Famous 4 being beautiful/4modelling/fashion/cosmetics - being in Venusian businesses/4 who she dates. she also takes after her MOM, with her looks!!! I know her mom was/is also her manager, & I would include this here, cuz u can actually see that, but I would have to go into details again. Idk if u would find that boring?? as I already wrote a lot. Thanks for making it this far😂.
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ASTEROID MEMORIA (1247) IN SYNASTRY can tell u why u feel like you’ve met the other person before, or what memories that r the most "memorable" with the other person🧡🪐🔮.
ASTEROID FANATICA - 1589) IN SYNASTRY tells u what really fascinates u about the other person/what u can become obsessed with, when it comes 2 the other person❕
IF U HAVE A SYNASTRY ASPECT/OR ASPECTS with someone, and u also have it in your natal chart = a very important person you're dealing with! They'll teach u whatever the aspect is/aspects are! And they're meant 2 be the one who teaches it 2u/ or meant 2 be the one who makes that aspect exist in your life. (good or bad).
VENUS OPPOSITE VERTEX/CONJUNCT ANTI-VERTEX IN SYNASTRY is co cute🥹, Vertex let Venus in2 their "private world". Venus is usually not the type Vertex person goes 4, but they’re mesmerised anyway!! “There’s just something unreal about Venus”.
KARMA ASTEROID - 3811) can tell you about your karma! Old karma/Karma you're creating etc. U can use it in in any chart u want2, natal charts, synastry charts, composite charts, Davidson Charts, solar return charts, lunar return charts, progressed charts, ANY CHART U WANT2 BABE!!🪐🤛💥🪐⛅☀🌊.
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BLACK MOON LILITH SQUARE/QUINCUNX ASC in a WOMAN'S CHART can show problems with both genders. She can feel left out, not apart of "the group", when it comes to women. And with men = men always trying to run up on her/trying her boundaries, &they're provocative af. People can't handle her here. She will not conform to anyone. She can feel pretty fucking alone in the way she goes about her day to day life. feeling like nobody will ever understand the struggles she has/the pain she's going around with. The key here is acceptance of ones self. She cannot change herself for others sake, she will never be happy. She'll be happy when she chooses herself, & the right people will flock 2 her, right after. They'll See her light, &will not put who she is down, but CELEBRATE. It can also be the complete opposite. She can be a people pleaser, & has internal fights with herself, every day about this. Trying 2 fit in with groups, dating men who's crossing her boundaries, all the time. She either fights people, or she fights herself. SHE HAS 2 STAY TRUE2HERSELF! There will always be people hating on her, no matter how she moves. FUCK THEM. People who are meant 2 be in her life will CELEBRATE HER!! Not put who she is down/make her change. People who can't understand her = she needs2 get them the fuck out.
NEPTUNE CONJUNCT ASC can show a person living in their own "delulu world". They're not really "there" - can be seen as the "dumb blonde". Neptune can cloud their mind, every single day. They're "different"/they change all the time. They can't really be "real" with people. Trying 2 always be friends with everyone, not really having their own opinions, following the pack etc. They can 100% people please.
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VALENTINE/AMOR/ 447) - 1221) CONJUNCT MC - They "look like love", &they also project it out. People think they're beautiful. But remember, even tho people know/c them like that = doesn't mean that they're really like that. That's just what they show off/how they're "known" in the eyes of the public/in their career/their surroundings💜.
SUN MAKING AN "EASY" ASPECT2 MOON does not mean that your parents like each other. I have this, and my parents literally can't stand each other. I've seen this more times than I can count. It's about your conscious ego&how you emotionally feel about the way u express yourself/with the way u "show your ego off" - "yin&Yang duality".
I HATE MOON SQUARE URANUS IN SYNASTRYYYYY. Uranus will pop in&out of the other person's life, as they desire2. The Moon person needs support&a feeling of being safe, &Uranus wants other things/aka not worried about the Moon person - Uranus is erratic. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?
MERCURY OPPOSITE NEPTUNE can show us a person being pretty good at lying/coming up with lies easily/Quickly. Having no problems with finding "excuses" 4 what they say/do, &can get other people in on it, 2 lie for them as well. It happens in periods tho, like on & off periods.
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Asteroids I always look at first: Nemesis - 128) Amor - 1221), Valentine - 447), Alma - 390), Destiny - 6583), Moira - 638), Eros - 433), Karma - 3811), Kama - 1387), Close - 54902), Apollo - 1862), Child - 4580), Compassion - 8990), Angel - 11911), Yes - 7707), Boda - 1487), DNA - 55555), Fast - 27719), Prey - 6157), Not - 2857), Casanova - 7328), Fox - 16248), Savage - 29837), Pholus - 5145), Fanatica - 1589), Priapus - h22), Sado - 118230), Medea - 212), Nessus - 7066), Dejanira - 157), Hazard - 9305), Mentor - 3451), Lysistrata - 897), Bilk - 4425 - using the other person 4 own material gain).
THANKS4READING BEAUTIFUL❤️🍒 Appreciate u, always.
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meafortuna · 2 years
Let’s talk about synastry. 💞 I know you ladies (i hope u guys too) love that topic and here are some observations of mine. Take only what resonates for you and enjoy it! 😇
*Good synastry won’t save your relationship and the bad one will not destroy it. ⚠️
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• If someone’s Moon falls in your 12th house or vice versa, that is a guarantee for you to dream a lot that person, and it’s not just dreams, more like intuitive or vivid ones. When you dream of them you may have the feeling your conversations are real or telepathically. Very spiritual bond, especially if the Moon is in water sign. 🦀🦂🐡
• Sun - Mars hard aspects… The Sun person will be always on battle within themselves do they like or hate the Mars person. Not so favourable aspect, but the s*xual tension is off the charts.🌶️If Tom and Jerry have synastry chart, I’m pretty sure this aspect will be there. 😁
• If someone's inner planets falls in your 6th house, there is a chance to turns out that the planet person it is not your friend at all. 🔪If it comes to romantic couple it’s possible the 6th house person to be betrayed emotionally/s*xually, especially if the planets are Venus, Mars or Moon. Because sixth house is not only about our health, daily routine and etc. it is also about who are our open enemies.😈 Just be careful.🤞
• When Vertex or Anti-vertex make tight conjunct to NN/SN or planets - this can be an indicator for you guys were meant to meet each other and it will make a significant impact on you. ✨
• The conjunction between Saturn and Venus, it’s a big indicator for having a karmic relationship with someone. This aspect comes with ups and downs, the Venus person can feel a little bit restricted by the Saturn person, but there is a big chance for the couple to grown together and stay together for really long time. Infact i often noticed that when it comes to synastry, people really dislike this aspect, but why? There is not only bad in karmic connections it all depends on what kind of fate you two have. WHO and WHY said that when Saturn is involved, something scary will necessarily happen? I think it all comes from the word “karma”, but “fate” and “destiny” are synonyms for karma, right? So is it something wrong with that to have fated/destined connection with someone?! Doesn’t sound wrong for me, not at all. Ok, let’s get back to the point… 😅 With conjunction between Daddy Saturn and Lady Venus the couple can experience that kind of thing like “we are not together, but we keep coming back to each other again and again”. 🪃 And why? Because this is their karma . Also if you have this aspect in yout natal chart it will be easier for u to deal with it in synastry. Yes, karma is a b*tch, but only if u are one. 🙃
• Sun making hard aspect to Sun it’s always battle for power. 🤼‍♀️ The two of you have really different aproach to life. One of you will be push to make more compromise than the other and that will make the individual feels frustrated and unappreciated.
• If someone's Sun or ASC falls in your 7th house, you will be drawn to that person, see them as The One.⭐️ Even if the native it’s not really your type and doesn’t meet your expectations. In my eyes can be a little annoying to have this placement with someone, because that will make you do sacrifices and things that you wouldn’t do for any other else, just because you trully believe in that this is your person, even if this is not actually the truth.
• Pay attention when someone’s Pluto falls in your second house. And no, not just because there is a 100% chance there will be too much possession and jealousy, but more about the fact that your partner may take the control over your money, but not necessarily in a good way. As we know Pluto it’s all about transformations, so there can be a great chance for you to earn money/presents 💸🎁 from that person or you can feel more financially confident with them, you never know. My advice is to be more cautious when it comes to your money, if you have this placement with someone.
~meafortuna 💙
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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What makes you a star? How do you naturally shine? Do you have star quality?
STARR (4150) is an asteroid that is usually used for fame/ stardom. It can tell you what you naturally shine at and what makes you shine compared to others. In your natal chart if it’s conjunct or tightly aspecting your personal planets, vertex/anti-vertex, and/or angles you have a lot of potential to be a star. Similar to the Fama PC the Starr PC can show you what type of Star you are and what you naturally shine at that gives you the opportunity to be a star.
SUN - The natal placement of your starr. The main thing that shines about you
MC - The type of Star people see you as, what you naturally shine at in your career field. Most celebrities who are considered to have star quality have there MC/10H aspected or prominent in some sort of way
CHART RULER/RISING- What you’re known for when you become a star/ what you’re known for doing that you naturally shine at.For Example if mercury is your chart ruler than your voice, how you use your voice is what makes you a star.
1H- having a lot of 1H placements or prominent 1H placements might mean that your star quality comes from how you present yourself and appear to others. You might become a star for your beauty, fashion and looks. Or you could be a great leader/inspiration to others and that’s what gives you stardom. Really depends on the planet.
2H/3H - having 2H placements can mean being a star for your voice, specially singing. If not your voice then you’re a star because of how you speak and communicate to others. for the 2H you might earn a lot of money through using your voice or you are a star who is known for naturally getting a lot of material possessions. Specifically for the 3H you might be Star writer, public speaker or social media star
4H - having many or prominent placements in the 4H could mean being a star in your family or having a star studded family, you might be a famous mother or your mother might've had something to do with your star quietly. you might be a star in children entertainment or might be a star and loved among a younger crowd. You might be someone who's motherly and that's what gives you such a star quality. you might be what people call a "comfort character" lol
5H - having placements in the 5H could mean being a star because of how creative and confident you are and how well you got into the entertainment business. You might be a star for your acting abilities, being a entertainer/performer, you might be a star for creating something for children (like a children's show) or your children might become stars.
6H- having many placements or prominent placements in the 6H could mean you are a fitness/ lifestyle Star. This could go into being a social media star as well specifically for lifestyle and everyday life activities. You could potentially be a star dog/ animal trainer or be one of those people who get famous for doing those reality tv shows invoking animals of health lol. Or at the very least you are seen as a consistent hard working person who deserves to be a star because of that.
7H - having many placements or prominent placements in your 7H you tend to shine a lot when in making business partners/relations. you are a star known for being charming and maybe even flirty. you might be known for your relationships and you might become a star or reach stardom because of a relationship, most likely a relationship that people describe as a power couple.
8H - Having many placements or prominent placements in the 8h you might be a star because of your mystery and for how you always seem to transform yourself which gives you longevity. A star that might be known for using the occult or magic practices, which is something you might naturally shine at but might make you a bit controversial. You also might be a a star known to be controversial because of your business practices or how you ear your money. you might be a star know for inheriting and investing a lot of money.
9H - having many placements or prominent placements in the 9H can mean being a star in entertainment. Being loved by the media and being praised for how you shine in media realities things like acting or reality tv shows. You might be a star because of how wise you are, or for speaking your mind about certain topics like religion, beliefs, and philanthropy. You might be a star know for traveling a lot or involving yourself in foreign issues. You might shine at learning new languages and you're probably a fast learner.
10H - having many placements or prominent placements in the 10H can mean that you’re a star who is also loved by the media and/or is widely known. Your personality, and certain aspects of you (depending on the planet) shines so much to others that it makes you have infinite star quality. Your father or father figure may have something to do with you becoming a star, you might become a star with a huge public status/reputation. You might shine at being a CEO.
11H - have inc many placements or prominent placements in the 11H could mean being a social media star, or shining at doing online things. Since 11H rules technology anything that involves that might make you a star. Maybe a famous gamer/streamer, YouTuber, TikToker. Or maybe you shine at humanitarian causes and are a famous humanitarian, politician, or scientist. Nonetheless you are a star because you're unique and when you embrace your quirkiness you become more and more of a shining star.
12H - you might be a music star/ shine when creating music themed projects. You might be a star that is seen as secretive and elusive which gives you mass appeal. You might be known to be a star who's constantly dealing with restrictions or blockages but I find with celebrities with these placements that push through the blockages can become the biggest of stars. And I find that celebrities with a 12H placements in these charts still carry this star quality even after death.
Just like with every other persona chart you take the meaning of the planets and apply it to the house placement/sign placement in the context of the chart. this chart is all about what makes you a star and what shines about you so you use that for the context of the planets. BUT REMEMBER that this chart and many other asteroid persona charts I've analyzed are minor and probably resonate more to people who have the asteroid prominent in their natal chart. Take what I say with a grain of salt and remember that even if minor there is almost always an astrological explanation for something,
So for example let's say you had a Taurus Venus conj. Mercury in the 10H, similar to Glo and Fama pc having this placement can mean that you are naturally loved and you charm the general public and you are known for having an appealing voice, because that is what shines the most about you to the public. And it's likely that you are a star because you can sing. But if you don't sing maybe you are a star because of your beauty and how you express your mind/values or you're a star for your fashion/ style.
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What does your Starr PC look like? What placements and planets are prominent in your chart? Is Starr prominent in your natal chart? 💋
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archersarrow-tarot · 10 months
Where To Find Certain Aspects Within Your Birth Chart:
Your past life purpose: SOUTH NODE
Major life changes & turning points: PLUTO, PHOLUS, PLUTO, VERTEX,
Erotic love: EROS
How you commit in long-term relationships: JUNO
Your ideal traits in a partner: DESCENDANT
How you give and receive affection: VENUS
Your devotion: VESTA
Your intuition: PSYCHE, THE MOON
Your sensitivity and emotions: THE MOON
How compassionate you are: CERES, CHARIKLO, CHIRON
Your unconditional love: CERES
How much of a weirdo you are: URANUS
Your hidden desires: BLACK MOON LILITH
Your escapism: NEPTUNE
Your defiance: URANUS, SEDNA, ERIS
Your self-destructive behaviors/how self-destructive you are: BLACK MOON LILTIH
How you express your sexuality: SAPPHO
How rebellious and/or obedient you are: URANUS, BLACK MOON LILITH, SEDNA, ERIS
Cycles of abuse: NESSUS
The first impression you give: ASCENDANT
How you perceive yourself: THE SUN
Your core self: THE SUN
Your career/professional path: MIDHEAVEN, PART OF FORTUNE
Your reputation & social status: MEDIUM COELI
Your discipline & sense of responsibility: SATURN
How you communicate: MERCURY
How competitive you are: MARS
Your optimism: JUPITER
Your negotiation skills: PALLAS
Your passion: MARS, SAPPHO
Your pride: THE SUN, APOLLO
Your innovation: URANUS
How philosophical you are: JUPITER
Your gratitude: JUPITER
How much of an activist you are: MAKEMAKE
Your mother relationship: CERES, THE MOON
Your father relationship: PALLAS
Your hygeine, cleanlinesss, and health: HYGEIA
Your self-care: CERES, HYGEIA
Your feelings toward the natural process of life: HAUMEA
Connection to nature: HAUMEA
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Kings, queens, princess and prince asteroids in your astrology natal chart 🤴👸✨
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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Regina (285) - "Queen" in latin language
(example : Rihanna have asteroid regina (285) conjunct her venus and conjunct her ascendant at a 1 orb)
Rey (13647) or Reyes (14684) - "King" in latin language
(example : Eminem have asteroid reyes (14684) conjunct his sun at a 1 orb)
(example : Naomi Campbell have asteroid rey (13647) conjunct her sun at a 2 orb)
Queen (5457) - "Queen"
(example : Taylor Swift have asteroid queen (5457) conjunct her sun at a 1 orb)
King (2305) - "king"
Sara (533) - "Princess" in hebrew language
Prinz (4595) - "Prince" in german language
(example : Michael Jackson have asteroid prinz (4595) conjunct his ascendant at a 2 orb)
Konig (3815) - "King" in german language
(example : Madonna have asteroid konig (3815) conjunct her sun at a 2 orb)
Imperatrix (1200) - "Empress" in latin language
Kaiser (1694) or Kaiserman (3880) - "Emperor" in german language
Kralice (159799) - "Queen" in bosnian language
Gongju (31179) - "Princess" in korean language
Roy (14533) - "King" in the anglo saxon era
⚠️ these asteroids are only important or prominent in your astrology natal chart when it is only conjuncting your personal planets (sun,moon,mercury,mars,venus) and personal points (ac,dc,mc,ic,vertex,anti vertex) between 0 - 2.5 orbs. ⚠️
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esotericfaery · 8 months
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Leo Full Moon, Jan. 26th, 2024
Just days after both Pluto and the Sun enter Aquarius and are still conjunct, bringing in a fresh energy of desire for revolutionary actions (or for some, disgust towards those who practice them), after the intensely driven ambitions of Capricorn Season, we have a full moon in the sign of boldness, confidence, leadership. We still have plenty of Capricorn energy right now, so buckle up. See my Facebook pinned post for more details about that double Aquarius energy.
We have a mix of wanting to invest our energies in organizing or participating in protests, whether socio-politically or personally, and many of us will have the deeply emotional desire to change something about our style, or engage in creative, yet unconventional pursuits.
This Moon is conjunct the Vertex, which, along with the Anti-vertex, forms a culmination angle in the area of romantic fate, or what may seem like fate. This is an area of the chart which stimulates cosmic awareness of unity consciousness. Venus and the Anti-vertex are conjunct in Capricorn early in the day, causing a major turning point to present itself in romance. Venus conjuncts the Ascendant in Capricorn later in the day, which makes us want to be especially affectionate with loved ones. Some will feel like being social, yet because of the below, many of us won’t. Those not dealing with the below, will feel harmoniously content among others, and are also more likely to attract abundant financial opportunities.
Some will want to make changes to their romantic relationships. Leo is a highly dramatic energy, and this Moon is reflecting that off of the Aquarius Sun and causing mirroring issues to spring up or intensify. Meanwhile, Pluto pushes for a heavy, hard look into the situation. It’s generally best to, if possible, wait until the Aquarius New Moon on Feb. 9th, to make and act on big decisions. Don’t be hasty about leaving someone. Let the energy of this lunation drift through you, and take extra time for introspection and to feel the issue thoroughly out. Do you really not love your person anymore, or are you actually just experiencing a period of depression or anxiety about other matters in your life, and mistakenly feel you can’t measure up to what they need? Many of you will find that improving your communication skills with your partner, will bring you closer together.
That of course, excludes relationships where a partner is at all abusive. Abuse includes those who refuse to speak clearly, and are satisfied with allowing you to feel as if you have done something wrong. If you’ve experienced this, I urge you to not let this happen more than once. Everyone who behaves this way is displaying a pattern where they’re not in the right headspace to be in a romance with anyone. Even though you love the person you’re with, please leave. Anyone worth being with, will love you, and love includes knowing that it’s wrong to play such mind games.
The dark side of Leo energy includes the psychic sexual alchemist who has a personality disorder, and uses people for their own gratification. Of course, Leo energy doesn’t always express this way, but I feel that during this lunation, many of you will be dealing with such individuals, no matter where Leo is in their charts.
Mercury and Mars are also still in Capricorn, and conjunct, bringing in a double dose of desire for aggressive communications and actions. Take time to breathe before speaking or acting impulsively, and if possible, avoid those who are behaving that way. We can work instead with such high energy, by crossing off more on our to-do lists, getting more exercise and engaging in love-making within committed relationships between two people. Any ways you usually release tension are especially recommended during this lunation. Mercury and Mars are also square Chiron in Aries, adding dredged up, heavy energies which are difficult to release. So try to balance the releasing of physical energies with self care as necessary.
The Sun squares Jupiter in Taurus. Avoiding excess can help us get ahead easily in many ways, yet we’re well advised to not take on more than we can handle. Overall personalities rule here; those who tend to be more cautious will go more that way, and those who tend to be impulsive or self-righteous will go overboard.
As this is a bit of a mixed bag, yet mostly a difficult lunation, I recommend checking your personal transits if you require more precise guidance. As I’ve recently mentioned, I appreciate the new followers and requests for chart-readings, yet I’m only a student starting my second year learning Astrology. I need more practice at individual chart delineation. I aim to be practicing in 2025 or early 2026. If you’d like a few recommendations for currently practicing Astrologers, let me know.
This Moon culminates at 12:54 PM EST, for those who enjoy moon rituals.
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onthegreatsea · 7 months
there are so many fucking quirks to the N64 and making art for it. so many texture modes and combiners and..... the way UVs are so important and u have to worry about UV splits and and texture calls and how cutting polys into a model to vertex paint shadows is cheaper than less polys with more textures and uhhhhhhhhh its so good. its so sexy. i love the N64. did you know u can turn the anti-aliasing off PER POLYGON! thats how u save microseconds baby!!!!
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eeldritchblast · 9 months
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Hi, I figured I might as well come off anon so I could add screenshots, but regarding the hair transparency thing, it's most noticeable on Marin (Nicholas, Jack, and Sage seem to do it as well, but it's not nearly as noticeable, I imagine because they are thicker and/or they are kinda closer to the body, since the weird transparency is mostly where the hair doesn't overlap the body?). It does seem to be less noticeable as well in certain lighting. It looks like it has to do with the Anti-Aliasing setting though, because these screenshots are on TAA, DLAA looks almost exactly the same (maybe just a little softer), but SMAA or none they look solid. Plus, my settings seem to be about the same as yours other than the Anti-Aliasing. Regardless, I would like to stress that I don't think it's a big deal (especially since changing anti-aliasing seems to do the trick) and I'm sorry if I worried you ^^; It just kinda caught me off guard and I was like "okay wtf did I do wrong". These hairs are lovely (the Marin is my favorite :3), thank you for sharing them!
I can tell you that all these hairs are pre vertex colour master and so that's probably why. I'll go back and fix them and hopefully that will help. Glad you like them!
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gautam-101 · 2 months
The Importance of the Vertex in Relationships
Astrology offers profound insights into various aspects of our lives, and relationships often take center stage in this celestial exploration. One lesser-known but highly significant point in astrology that plays a pivotal role in relationships is the Vertex. Often referred to as the “Destiny’s Gate,” the Vertex is a sensitive point in the natal chart that can reveal deep insights about our fated encounters and karmic connections. Understanding the Vertex can provide a deeper layer of understanding and significance to our relationships, both romantic and platonic.
Also read - Exploring Ancient Wisdom of Vedic Astrology and Palmistry 
The Vertex: Destiny's Gateway
The Vertex is not a planet or an asteroid but a calculated point in the astrological chart. Located on the western side of the chart, it is often found in the 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th houses. The Vertex represents a point of fateful encounters and destiny, often activated during significant meetings or events that feel destined or out of the ordinary. Its counterpart, the Anti-Vertex, lies directly opposite and also holds importance in understanding the full scope of its influence.
Vertex in Synastry: Fated Connections
In relationship astrology, known as synastry, the Vertex is a powerful indicator of fated connections. When someone’s planet or significant point, such as the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, conjuncts another person’s Vertex, it often indicates a relationship that feels destined. These connections can be transformative, bringing individuals together for mutual growth and evolution. Such encounters may feel sudden and intense, leaving a lasting impact on both parties.
For instance, if Person A’s Venus conjuncts Person B’s Vertex, the relationship is likely to be marked by a profound sense of love and attraction that feels destined. Similarly, if one’s Saturn conjuncts another’s Vertex, the relationship might be characterized by lessons, challenges, and significant growth. These Vertex contacts highlight relationships that are not just passing phases but are meant to teach us something vital about ourselves and our journey.
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Vertex and Transits: Timing of Destiny
Transits to the Vertex can signify times when fated events or meetings are likely to occur. When a planet, especially a slower-moving one like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto, makes a significant aspect to the Vertex, it can trigger events that feel destined. These can be moments when we meet someone who changes our life path, embark on a new direction, or experience a significant shift in our personal relationships.
For example, a transit of Jupiter to the Vertex might bring about an optimistic and expansive relationship, while a transit of Pluto could signify a transformational and intense connection. Understanding these transits can help us be more aware of the timing of significant relationship events and prepare for the changes they bring.
The Vertex and Self-Discovery
The Vertex not only helps in understanding our relationships with others but also offers insights into our relationship with ourselves. It can reveal what we are destined to learn through our interactions and connections. By examining the sign and house placement of the Vertex, we can gain a deeper understanding of the kind of relationships we are meant to attract and the lessons we are destined to learn from them.
For example, a Vertex in Leo might indicate that one’s fated encounters will revolve around themes of self-expression, creativity, and confidence, while a Vertex in Pisces might signify spiritual connections and lessons in empathy and compassion.
In the tapestry of astrology, the Vertex stands as a marker of destiny, guiding us towards relationships and encounters that shape our lives in profound ways. By understanding the Vertex in our natal chart and its interactions with others, we can gain deeper insights into the karmic connections and fated events that punctuate our lives. Embracing the Vertex means being open to the lessons and growth that come with these destined encounters, enriching our journey and deepening our understanding of ourselves and our relationships.
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paritarot · 1 year
มาคุยเรื่อง Synastry กันค่ะ..
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Synastry หรือการอ่านดวงสมพงศ์ จริง ๆ ไม่ได้มีไว้แค่ใช้อ่านดวงคู่รัก ความสัมพันธ์แบบคนรักว่าเข้ากันได้มากน้อยแค่ไหนอย่างเดีย���นะคะ แต่สามารถใช้อ่านความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างคนในครอบครัว เพื่อน เพื่อนร่วมงาน เจ้านาย ว่าในความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างเรากับอีกฝ่ายมี dynamic ต่อกันแบบไหน ดูความเข้ากันได้ จุดที่ส่งเสริมกัน จุดที่ขัดแย้งกัน
เช่น เราอาจจะมีเพื่อนบางคนที่รู้สึกว่า รู้ใจกันแทบทุกอย่าง พอมาอ่าน synastry แล้วก็อาจพบว่า เพื่อนมี moon sign เดียวกันกับเรา มีลัคนาหรือดาวดเกิดทำมุมดีต่อกัน อย่างมุม sextile หรือ trine หรือกับเพื่อนบางคนที่ถึงแม้จะอยู่กลุ่มเดียวกัน แต่รู้สึกว่าคุยกันไม่รู้เรื่อง ความคิดไปคนละทางไม่พอ รู้สึกอยากจะทะเลาะด้วย ก็อาจจะเพราะมีลัคนาหรือดาวเกิดทำมุม square ต่อกันเยอะก็เป็นไปได้ค่ะ ส่วน opposition ก็อาจจะชอบงัดกันบ่อย ความเห็นไม่ตรงกัน ยืนกันคนละมุม แต่ลึก ๆ ยังพอจะหา common ground ได้ หาจุดสมดุลได้
ถ้าในสายที่ practice เรื่องการอ่านอดีตชาติ อ่าน karmic astrology การอ่าน synastry ก็จะมีวิธีในการอ่านที่ทำให้รู้ได้ว่าเรากับอีกฝ่ายเคยพบเจอกัน สร้างบุญสร้างกรรมกันมาก่อนหรือไม่ หลัก ๆ ก็จะดูไปที่ Saturn, North node/South node, Vertex/Anti-Vertex, Uranus (มาในรูปแบบของ flashback ภาพปิ๊งแว้บเข้ามา), Neptune (นิมิต, ความฝัน), Pluto แบบนี้เป็นต้นค่ะ
ถ้าจะให้สนุกเข้าไปอีก ก็อาจนำ Asteroid มาอ่านประกอบ อย่างเช่นการอ่านดวงคู่รัก ก็อาจหยิบดาว Asteroid ที่เด่น ๆ เรื่องความรักมาใช้อ่าน ยกตัวอย่างเช่น Eros - Psyche, Amor, Cupido และอื่น ๆ อีกมากมายที่หยิบมาใช้ได้ค่ะ
ส่วนตำแหน่ง คู่ดาวที่เรียกได้ว่า ไม่ว่าจะอยู่ในการอ่าน Synastry ของความสัมพันธ์ไหน ก็น่าจะดี ก็จะเป็นมุม Sextile กับ Trine ค่ะ โดยเฉพาะดาวอย่าง Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars เราจะรู้สึกสบายใจ เป็นตัวของตัวเองได้โดยธรรมชาติ คุยแล้วคลิกกัน จูนกันได้ง่าย ไม่ต้องพยายาม ไม่ต้อง pretend เป็นคนที่เราไม่ได้เป็นเพียงเพื่อแค่ให้มีเรื่องคุยกับเขาได้ ส่วนดาวใหญ่ ๆ ถ้าทำมุมดีก็ถือว่าดีนะคะ เพียงแต่ระดับของความเข้มข้นที่เราสัมผัสได้อาจจะไม่เท่า personal planets เว้นแต่ดาวใหญ่เป็นดาวที่ครองลัคนา เป็นดาวประจำตัวค่ะ
จริงๆ Conjunction ก็ไม่ใช่ว่าไม่ดีนะคะ แต่ขอใช้คำว่า พลังจะเข้มข้น ซึ่งถ้าไม่ใช่ว่าชอบมากก็จะไม่ชอบไปเลย แนว ๆ ว่า เวลาเราเจอคนที่เหมือนตัวเราเอง แง่หนึ่งก็คือจะเข้าใจหัวอกกัน แต่ในอีกมุมหนึ่ง เวลาที่คนสองคนคาดหวังสิ่งที่เหมือนกันจากอีกฝ่าย และมันเป็นสิ่งที่เรารู้ว่า เราทำให้ตัวเองไม่ได้ เราจึงหวังว่าอีกคนจะทำให้เราได้ มันก็ฟังดู chaotic ดีนะคะ 😆
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transgenderer · 1 year
Is every type unique in Pokémon in regards to the graph theory structure? Are there any two types with the same number of weakness, resistances and types which they can't harm? Surely even if there are there are no nontrivial isomorphsns. I wonder if there is any isomorpjcsms if you're allowed tor remove a type.... How many must you remove until there's a nontrivial isomorphism. Is there a word for graphs with no nontrivial isomorphisms? Anti-vertex-transitive? By isomorphism assume I said automorphisn. Woops. Yknow
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frog707 · 1 year
Busy week
I had a week full of software development. I slacked off on a bunch of other activities, such as physical exercise ... and blogging. So now I'm overdue for progress report...
Recall that last Saturday I completed Chapter 28 of the Java Vulkan tutorial and blogged about it, reporting just 2 chapters to go.
Chapter 29 was on multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA). I got that working on Sunday without much difficulty (8df30b5). However, it's a subtle effect (unless you have humongous pixels), so it didn't justify posting yet another screenshot of the Viking room.
Chapter 30 of the tutorial is the bonus chapter on compute shaders. That's a neat trick, but not relevant to my immediate plans, which involve turning the V-Sport project into a graphics engine.
I realized that the tutorial code makes simplifying assumptions that are inappropriate for a graphics engine: a single 3-D geometry with pre-baked lighting, mesh must be composed of triangles, a stationary viewpoint, no user input, and so on.
With this in mind, I abandoned the tutorial and undertook a massive restructuring of the code, to allow scenes containing multiple geometries (or no geometries at all). Along the way, I:
implemented a texture cache, to save memory and CPU cycles in case an application requests the same texture many times (2eaf093),
changed the naming scheme for shaders to match my OpenGL graphics engine,
made a plan for multiple shaders. In every V-Sport shader, vertex buffers will be laid out in the same order, the same uniforms will be defined, and any given uniform will have the same buffer offset everywhere. These restrictions simplify the implementation, while leaving possibilities to optimize later if they prove inefficient.
considered the possibility that a window might migrate from one GPU to another. If this ever happens, all application-visible "device resources" (textures, shader programs, and vertex buffers) can be silently updated, recreating their underlying Vulkan resources (images, shader modules, and mappable buffers) from scratch. I haven't seen this scenario in practice, but the time I spent thinking about it led me to a cleaner design.
split the uniforms into 2 buffers, one for global uniforms (such as camera orientation) that are the same for every 3-D geometry, and another for per-geometry uniforms (such as model orientation). Seems logical, ought to be more efficient, but wow was it tough to get right!
deferred loading of shader modules until they are actually needed for rendering (9397178),
altered when command buffers get recorded. In the tutorial, each command buffer gets recorded exactly once, during initialization. In my engine, a command buffer gets re-recorded for every frame. Dynamic command recording allows the set of geometries being rendered (and all their properties) to vary from frame to frame.
All this work cleared a path for rendering multiple objects (3035e15) earlier this evening. Tomorrow I'll play around and (hopefully) post a screenshot that's both interesting and relevant.
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tmraeb · 2 years
angular → the 1H, 4H, 7H, 10H; being, beginning–these houses reflect themselves in terms of action; they are considered powerful, expressing 100% of themselves—“self” is a keyword
aversion → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they are not configured
axial tilt → the angle between an object’s rotational and orbital axes
cadent → the 3H, 6H, 9H, 12H; falling, resolution, dispersal–these houses express themselves in terms of reflection, on the past, present, and future, to determine the next action; planets in cadent houses are said to express 25% of their energy
conjunction → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 0 degrees of one another
copresence → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they enter the same sign
eastern hemisphere → the left half of the horoscope
ecliptic → the perceived plane of the Sun’s orbit around Earth from the perspective of someone on Earth
equator → a mathematically calculated circle that divides the poles of the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres
horizon → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the East, South, West, and North points; it separates the visible (1H-6H) and invisible (7H-12H) hemispheres—thus indicating the line where celestial bodies leave the human line of vision—and defines the horizontal axis (Ascendant and Descendant) of the horoscope
horoscope → definitively refers to the Ascendant; connotatively refers to the figure drawn based on a specific location, date, and hour (down to the minute) for a given date and hour, which can be used to analyze nativity (a birth chart), for predictions in Mundane and Horary Astrology 
meridian → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the South point (and goes through the Zenith) to the North point; it coincides with the geographical longitude; also defines the meridian axis (Imum Coeli and Medium Coeli) of the horoscope
nadir → a mathematically calculated point representing the southern pole of the horizon; the term is often used interchangeably with the Imum Coeli or the cusp of the fourth house, but they are not the same
northern hemisphere → the top half of the horoscope
opposition → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 180 degrees of one another
prime vertical → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the East and West points, and the Zenith and Nadir of any specific location;  and defines the Vertex/Anti-Vertex axis
retrograde → an optical illusion in which a planet appears to be moving backwards in orbit from the perspective on earth
sextile → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 60 degrees of one another
southern hemisphere → the bottom half of the horoscope
square → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 90 degrees of one another
succedent → the 2H, 5H, 8H, 11H; succeeding, following, grouping, collecting–these houses express themselves in terms of organization, or maintaining momentum; planets in succedent houses are said to express 50% of their energy
trine → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 120 degrees of one another
western hemisphere → the right half of a horoscope
zenith → a mathematically calculated point representing the northern pole of the horizon; the term is often used interchangeably with the Midheaven, Medium Coeli, or cusp of the tenth house, but they are not the same
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