#anti luke x lorelai
elisabeth-forbes · 2 years
’I did everything right I did what the book said’ - you put that line in your show and expect me to be like oh this is soooo romantic. Ah yes I followed the instruction manual and now I should be your boyfriend and I’m not even going to trust you when you say you don’t have feelings for someone else and I’m going to keep yelling at you because of reasons and somehow this makes you like me??? 
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jessmmariano · 3 months
Jess automatically wins as Rory’s best boyfriend because he never had to meet Christopher
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do you ever just think about how it might have been if Jess had moved in with Luke just a few years earlier
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weepynymph · 11 months
Revival Rory
I’ve just started reading @rhiawriter ‘s. The Writers (SO GOOD by the way) and it got me thinking about how the revival kind of failed Rory in terms of where she’d be with her career. Not so much just hitting a rut, but ending up in stars hollow for a year.
I think when talking about Rory’s storyline in the revival it’s important to not that ayitl is not just a continuation of Gilmore girls but kind of a fan service (to a certain extent) celebration of the show.
Therefore when writing it they needed a storyline that would include as many of the old characters as possible depending on what actors wanted to come back.
They also needed a way for Rory to be back in stars hollow.
Hence her moving home and having a kind of ‘I don’t know what I’m doing with my life’ crisis storyline instead of being out in the world thriving the way that most of us would envision for her from seeing how talented and adaptable Rory is as a character. (I’m not saying it’s totally out of character for Rory to find herself a bit lost or hitting a rut, it’s just a very specific choice for her character that conveniently puts her back in stars hollow for the duration of ayitl because we need her to be there so the Gilmore girls can talk really fast in person instead of over the phone)
Even in terms of the Logan stuff they obviously wanted the character to be in the show so he needs a reason to be there without making him Rory’s endgame because we don’t want to side overly with one ship - so he and Rory are having an affair, and what are the only circumstances under which Rory would do this? When she’s at rock bottom. (As we’ve seen from the whole dean incident where she was so lonely and heartbroken over Jess that she didn’t think through what she was doing with dean she just wanted to feel loved and important)
Anyway I just think it’s interesting how the nature of the revival impacted Rory’s storyline (as well as others see Luke and Lorelai not being married or having discussed kids in ten years just because we don’t want to throw new kids into the mix and we want a fan service loreluke wedding) and whilst I’ve actually grown to like ayitl for what it is, I do think that it suffers from the constraints of being a revival and I wonder what the writer would have envisioned for Rory at this stage of her life if it weren’t for those constraints.
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liesmultixxx · 1 year
LOGAN immediately being there for rory when richard was in the hospital is PROOF that he is NOT her christopher… christopher couldn’t be bothered to come and be there for lorelai whereas LUKE didn’t hesitate for one second to be there for her… much to think about
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frazzledsoul · 7 months
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
Luke x Lorelai for the ship ask?
Since you’ve said you’re a GG fan (sorta) and have talked about being Team Logan I’ve been curious how you feel about other ships for this show.
I'm not going to make any friends with this, but I don't like them together. I like them better as friends, and that just barely, tbh. Luke lost me back in season 1 when he, at his extra large age, tried to fight a 16 year old child over a situation he knew nothing about! Who does that? Luke somehow manages to be overly emotional and emotionally constipated at the same time.
That being said, Luke was mostly a solid dude, and he deserved a lot better than Lorelei.
I don't know if I've delved into this here on Tumblr, but what I love about Gilmore Girls is that Lorelei and Rory are low-key, high-key monsters, and it's hilarious. One of Lorelei's most egregious displays of monstrousness is how she treats Luke. That poor, poor man 😂She takes advantage of him so much, and she absolutely refuses to compromise with him on anything.
Their biggest failure as a couple is their near pathological refusal to communicate. 90% of their issues as a couple could be resolved if they just talked to each other. Personally, I think Max Medina was the best match for Lorelei, but...yeah, he also deserved better.
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userlaylivia · 2 years
i'm rewatching gilmore girls and I'm on s1 and I find it hilarious how everyone assumed something was going on between luke/lorelai and thought so for four seasons I loved it though!! when I get to s2 I'm going to get hit with so many rory/jess feeeeels I'm going to sob I'm serious!! they were one of my first otps and still.one of my biggest otps and they should've been endgame!!!! amy said she planned them being endgame but I blame the fact they weren't on milo/alexis breaking up irl even though their okay with each other but they kept bringing him back for a reason then they broke up and he wasn't in S7 so yeah lol side note: I hate logan and rory/logan and I probably still do when I get to S5 lol
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nelllover · 2 years
Okay I'm finally at season 3 and there is so much stuff that I want to talk about so here I go (I'll talk about the Lit/Rory part of the episode in my next post):
First of all, the opening scene is so evil!!! I still remember the first time I watched it and even though I knew that Luke and Lorelai didn't get together this season (I went into the show knowing how it ended) I still had a moment where I thought: "Wait what's going on did I skip a bunch of seasons or something???"
anyway, Lorelai calls Rory and even Rory the Queen of denial herself is like "Mom you're in love with Luke" and Lorelai goes into denial about it (is that a genetical trait?)
Okay but what the hell was Rory's and I quote "Taylor hula-hooping dream" like am I supposed to just ignore that??? and what do you mean he had Dean's hair??? I need more context!!!
Paris quoting politicians in her sleep is one the best bit this show has ever done in my opinion it will never not make me laugh.
Okay but Sookie trying to make Jackson comfortable with the way the house looks is adorable (although not needed).
When I was watching the episode with my mom, she asked me who put the banana peel on Taylor's doorstep and I'm like 99% sure that we never found out and now I need to know!!!
By the way I love Lorelai's outfit with the bob hat!!
The fact that Luke stood his ground with Lorelai all summer is honestly impressive and also showcases how much he actually cares about Jess and while I hate the thought of JavaJunkie not getting along I do love the fact that Luke prioritizes Jess.
I love Jamie he is adorable, and I hate the way things ended between him and Paris. (Also, I still see Paris and that professor kissing in my nightmares bleh)
Rory and Lorelai reuniting is such a sweet scene I'm the first to talk about how unhealthy their relationship can be but it's scenes like that one that makes me love them still!!!
Okay I know that Lorelai was joking about the dogs but why does that sounds like something she would actually do?
Another instant of my mother and Lorelai being freakishly similar! every time I'm gone for as little as one night my pillow (and some of my clothes) will have disappeared it's as if no mother on earth as a good pillow!!!
I am not even going to acknowledge Christopher's existence because doing so will give me hives. But all I will say is he sucks, and I pity Sherry for having to carry his child.
And the Hazy Lazy Days of Summer song is stuck in my head once again!!!
Emily always blaming Lorelai for everything that happens with Chris always makes me so mad!!!! but sadly I'm never surprised. Although Richard jumping in and being on Christopher's side kind of surprises me, (I honestly didn't remember!) I know that Richard is really traditional but come on!!!
The scene of Luke and Lorelai making up is sweet!!!
"Come again, Mimi."
Also, Lauren's acting in that scene is amazing!!!
While this isn't the best episode in the season, I still love it!!!
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cherienymphe · 1 year
Me trying to make Logan antis realize that if the way his family treated Rory is a good reason for them not to be together, then the same argument can be used for Rory x Dean, Rory x Jess and Lorelai x Luke
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love-geeky-fangirl · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Luke and Lorelai, especially after watching the revival? When I first first watched the show, I didn’t mind their slow burn but hated watching them be in a relationship. They’re personalities are not complementary. Luke and Lorelai have different outlooks on life, poor communication, no trust etc. Luke didn’t even trust Lorelai enough to tell her about April. I remember watching the show with my mom and she was the first to point out that they have no long-term compatibility. Boy, was she right!
The revival only emphasized how badly suited they are to one another. They literally missed out on having more children (something they both wanted apparently) because they didn’t know how to communicate with one another like adults. Luke also accused Lorelai of having an affair, which is a sign that he doesn’t trust her and doesn’t feel secure in their relationship. I hate that the revival made it seem like marriage was the solution to their problems.
Boy this is quite a can of worms you're asking me to open here. Actually I was kind of hoping for this ask because I have some thoughts on them.
When I first started watching the show I LOVED their relationship, they had so much chemistry and their will they won't they was so entertaining. They were the perfect personification of the "love is requited they're just both idiots" trope and I loved it. They did drag them out for a bit too long though.
However- this is going to be a very unpopular opinion- their first kiss wasn't that great. I mean it was hot and long time coming but I really don't like the leadup to it that much (I feel the same way about it as I do about Pacey and Joey's first time). It's a bit problematic. Luke's speech about how he "did everything right and just how the book said" left a bitter taste in my mouth. It had such Nice Guy connotations to it like "I was nice to you so now you have to give me a reward". No. Women aren't vending machines in where you throw coins of niceness and sex falls out. I am genuinely confused as to why Gilmore Girls fans love this moment so much. He literally yelled at her before their first kiss. That kind of ruins it for me.
As for their actual relationship- it was a mess but I don't think it's because they're incompatible. To me it's quite obvious that ASP thought that happy healthy relationships are boring and we need more drama. She was throwing obstacles their way from the very beginning, be it teenagers that Luke has to take care of (Jess, April), crazy exes, new love interests, communication problems, Emily's meddling etc. It was just too much. Like okay I know that it would be a bit boring if the entire show was just about happy people living their lives peacefully but like come on did they need to break up THAT many times? It's as if once they got together they magically forgot how to talk to each other and I'm not buying it.
I don't know if Luke didn't tell Lorelai about April necesserily because he didn't trust her enough, I never quite understood his motives for keeping April a secret but I think it doesn't matter. It should've been a deal-breaker and Lorelai should've broken up with him over it, no matter his reasons. I know Lorelai also kept some secrets from him but not telling your partner you are in touch with your ex is not quite on the same level as having a secret child with your ex.
I disagree with you that they are incompatible and don't complement each other because I think they do. They're an example of opposites that attract, one is bubbly, optimistic and talkative and the other grumpy, pesimistic and introverted. When one person is talkative and the other quiet it's a good match. I think they had a lot of potential but suffered some really bad writing.
The Revival as a whole was a mess and that includes Luke and Lorelai's relationship. During the 9 years they spent together they learned literally nothing and still don't know how to talk to each other about anything. Imo the biggest offense was when Luke said that they should keep their families separate from each other. I couldn't suspend my disbelief any longer. The Luke that closed his diner down so he could drive Lorelai to the hospital and be there for her when her father had his first heart attack? The Luke that brought a care package to the hospital when her father had his second heart attack, despite the fact that they were barely speaking at the time? The same Luke that went to a Friday Night Dinner with Emily and golfing with Richard and to Emily and Richard's vow renewal despite only having dated Lorelai for a few months at that time? No I don't think so. The stuff with marriage and kids too, they missed out on so much by not being able to open up their mouths and tell each other what they want it's frustrating. Also Luke would NEVER be like: "So can I sleep with this woman?" like NO.
I have some thoughts about how I would have written them but that would already be waay too long so I'm just going to end this here. Overall they had potential but their buildup was so much more interesting and better written than their actual relationship, which was a letdown.
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jessmmariano · 5 months
One thing I will never understand is how certain people in the Gilmore Girls community will look at a traumatized, abandoned teenager like Jess and practically crucify him for not being a good boyfriend to Rory and then look at a privileged, arrogant, reckless adult like Logan and think it’s okay for him to act that way because he grew up with sad birthday parties…
Same goes for Christopher (not that I’d ever defend him). People hate him with a passion for being irresponsible and careless and arrogant and pretty similar to Logan. But Logan is perfect and can do no wrong in their eyes…
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doverstar · 2 years
I love Gilmore Girls but Rory Gilmore is the most selfish, entitled, unlikeable character in the entire cast. She's told repeatedly how special she is, she does whatever she wants whenever she wants, nothing is ever her fault, and she never suffers any consequences. I want to slap her. I want to throw up directly into whatever novel she's currently reading that makes her better than you.
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okay, i just finished watching "teach me tonight" and i have Thoughts
1. if rory is so worried that dean will get super mad at her for studying with jess as a favour to luke, not even because she wants to, then maybe they should consider that dean's jealousy is the problem, not jess
2. even though i do sort of see where lorelai is coming from with her concern about jess (though i still wish she would give him more of a chance) i think she's really overreacting to the idea of rory and jess spending like 2 nights a week studying together at luke's
3. not a real opinion or thought but i just have to mention that even though it ends badly, rory and jess in this episode are SO CUTE
4. like when he gives her the apple and she just smiles and pretends to be annoyed, or them arguing about bands and hanging out. and don't get me started on the whole car scene, which is one of my favourites of their scenes
5. i don't like the way lorelai talks to that nurse. like i understand how worried she was and i totally get how frustrating it is to have to wait a long time in a hospital. but i don't like the continued rhetoric this show has that everyone in a hospital will be unhelpful unless you yell at them (similar things happened in the episode where richard was in the hospital and with paris and asher in season 4)
6. i get how upset lorelai is but i hate how she won't tell luke what happened right away. shes just running around his apartment and she just says there was a car accident and he has to chase her for her to even say that they haven't been seriously hurt
7. also lorelai was totally unjustified in her fight with luke. it wasnt jess's fault that they got in an accident and even if it was it wouldn't have been lukes fault. she was blaming him for even taking jess in in the first place (which also, not entirely related to this episode specifically but i hate how so many of the townspeople treat luke like he did a bad thing by taking jess in when he turned out to be even slightly problematic, like they all wanted him to look at jess, who was clearly struggling, and say "no too much effort not even gonna bother" like this is a human being who needed some real support)
8. basically i don't really like lorelai in this episode at all (she overreacted on every level) (even though i still see where she was coming from kinda)
9. i know that his intentions were good and he was welcome and everything but chris did still kinda just break into their house while they slept
10. A Film By Kirk is iconic
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roeyliteratiforever · 2 years
Imagine a double date between Luke and Lorelai and Rory and Jess. Not fair that we got this with Rory and Dean but not Jess
Hi @love-geeky-fangirl
I know it would have been so great to see a double date with Luke and Lorelai and Jess and Rory! 😩 The closest we got to that was when they were all having Thanksgiving together but Luke and Lorelai weren't together yet, and Jess and Rory broke up by the time Luke and Lorelai got together! 😢 I could definitely see it happening in the future though, but yeah that would have been so great to see them double date. The double date with Luke and Lorelai and Dean and Rory was so awkward, but it was definitely funny seeing how much Luke was not for it at all. It's like Luke was thinking what we all were thinking in that episode, but I definitely wish we could have got to see a Luke and Lorelai and Jess and Rory double date it would have been so great!
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
So whenever people used to say Gilmore Girls was their "comfort show", I never quite got it.
There have been so many situations on the show that have seemed cribbed so heavily from my life that I had a lot of trouble enjoying see them play out on the show. They culminated in painful incidents that I didn't want to experience twice. I've also fought the narrative on many occasions, because what ASP wanted me to think wasn't what I believed. I didn't believe that characters I liked more had to be hurt so Lorelai and Rory could feel better about themselves. I found very little comfort in that, and I've rage quit the show a couple of times in response, only to come crawling back. I don't find a great deal of the show to be a panacea for what bothers me about the modern world.
However, I think there is a period when it doesn't feel so dark, and that's season 2. I feel Stars Hollow is more defined as an actual community by this point, and Jess shakes up the show in just the right way, and most of the drama he causes is petty AF and not something that's uncomfortable to watch. Jess and Rory are adorable, Luke and Lorelai are adorable, and Luke somehow gets even more sexily grumpy when he has actual family members to bounce off of. I don't love the way that drama culminates in Jess leaving town, but I feel no one's relationship is seriously damaged as a result of that drama (which it seems to be after S3).
But you know what I don't love? The goddamn Christopher drama. It's not as if it wasn't bad enough to have to hear Lorelai tell Rory that Christopher is going to come and go as he pleases and they just have to put up with it because they have no option with him other than to be doormats. But we see so much bad behavior in this dynamic that ASP praises during S2, from Lorelai throwing herself at Christopher the (1) time he does something remotely paternal, to her deciding that she's been waiting for him to change for twenty years the minute he finds someone else who asks him to (maybe if you hadn't been such a doormat in the first place, Lorelai, things could have worked out, but let's be honest: you didn't want him until someone else had him) to her calling Christopher for help because Luke rejects her raging at Jess as the final word in the situation to my absolute favorite part, the denouement, where Lorelai decides it's okay to fuck Christopher because he's fighting with Sherry and we have to watch her giggling over it with Sookie (WTF) and then parading Christopher all over town as her shiny new boyfriend and telling everyone she knows about her burgeoning relationship before Christopher has even broken up with his last girlfriend....and then ASP wants me to feel sorry for her when Christopher finds out Sherry is pregnant and decides he can't leave. Gross, gross, gross. Ick, ick, ick. And yeah, I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for Lorelai in that situation. She got what she deserved. And I hate that it's juxtaposed with Rory and Jess's first kiss, not only because that starts a pattern of behavior of Rory's infidelity, of her treating Jess shabbily because she can't let go of her other relationships, of Rory and Lorelai cheating at the same time. It shouldn't have been like that for them and it's disgusting that it was. I don't find comfort in any of that at all. I think that's why I can't really pinpoint any episode this season as my favorite, because the Christopher drama overshadows so much of it.
Before we got there, though? It was pretty cozy. Maybe the real reason I can't pinpoint a favorite is because so much of that coziness is a continuum, not confined to any one episode, and I enjoy the whole of it, before it all goes to hell.
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