#anti jaia
What’s ur opinion on the treatment of Maia’s character on the show??
it was shit and antiblack and the sh writers can come fight me any day. i absolutely hated the way a lot of the time she was written as irrationally angry when actually she was RATIONALLY angry, and the fact that they made j*ia (both stances of it, actually) happen was a punch in the face to me
like maia was such a breath of fresh air for me because she was the ONLY one who was actually addressing what a racist piece of shit jace was, and calling him out and making no excuses or coddling him. it was so great and nice. and then they had her hook up with him, which means one of the two:
it was just pent up sexual frustration the whole time
the fact that he was hot overrode the fact that he was a racist piece of shit
both of those are fucking terrible and i can't even pick which is worse. first one implies that woc being mad at white men for their bullshit is really just them "wanting" said white men, which is a gross, racist, mysoginistic trope meant to shut them up when they complain about the shit they face. it is belittling, unfair, and dismissive to all the shit white men put them through, just like going all "you're so cute when you're angry" when someone is pointing out your shitty behavior is a condescending asshole move designed to make the other person's complaints seem like whiny spoiled child attitude, when they are not. it's fucking disrespectful and sh going with that trope is shitty as hell
and the second one basically implies that being racist is nbd. it's like, oh, they had their differences, but ~desire~. like sorry but no woc on their right mind would want to hook up with a racist white men who was deliberately being racist to them all the time, and even if they DID, taking that narrative choice is inherently different from a real life woc making that decision because it is supposed to convey a message. and the message i get from that is that being racist is alright as long as you're hot, or that racism is not going to be a dealbreaker for A BLACK WOMAN when it comes to attraction. or worse, that it was just banter
then we have the saia breakup which was every level of bullshit on the book. i'll never forgive the way the narrative basically villainized her for needing time and space after going through something traumatic because "simon needed her" or whatever, like simon doesn't have a lot of other friends who could support him, or like MAIA HERSELF didn't need support either. but of course a black woman wouldn't need support, she just needed to deal with everything on her own, but also fuck her for needing that because even that is not enough of not-a-nuisance to make her desirable. fuck u sh writers. and it was ooc and bullshit anyway because they wanted to make the sizzy bullshit happen
and THEN there is the jordan thing which is every level of the worst thing that's ever happened. jordan. was. abusive. i'm not even talking about the fact that he literally turned her against her will out of JEALOUSY, i'm talking about the fact that she explicitly said that he was controlling and jealous and had been stalking her. the fact that jordan didn't respect her no when she broke up with him and kept trying to force her to come back, making her uncomfortable and disrespecting her wishes, made him abusive, end of story. the fact that he then PUNISHED her for it by turning her makes him even worse
there is no world in which it is a good narrative choice to make someone go back to their abusive relationship for whatever reason, mUCH LESS A BLACK WOMAN, because black women are already told that they should endure any bad treatment they get x5981758931751. fuck sh for romanticizing a black woman not only forgiving but GETTING BACK WITH her abusive ex and never even addressing what made their relationship abusive and wrong and acting like the only problem was that he left her, and not the fact that he treated her (a black woman!!!) as property or as if she owed him affection. and their relationship was basically written as maia redeeming him and it's not anyone's job, ESPECIALLY NOT A BLACK WOMAN'S, to make people who treat them like shit a better person. it's just not
and also generally we never got to see maia being vulnerable or getting taken care of, it was always the other way around, which again, racist trope. when things got hard for her the writers just yeeted her, and then, as if that weren't bad enough, villainized her for going away and taking care for herself. her plotlines were never treated as important (then again, no one's but jace and clary's ever were). LUKE, A BLACK MAN, KEPT CHOOSING CLARY OVER HER. she was treated as evil, mean and irrational for having a realistic approach under which violence was sometimes necessary as a means of self defense (see: being willing to kill clary and then killing heidi. both were the correct choice. like, sorry) even though whenever she resorted to violence it was NEVER overly violent or without reason. they basically villainized her for fighting back racism, and that is so fucking shitty and ughh
i love her as a character and she owns all my uwus and she's never done anything wrong ever in her entire life but the sh writer's room (and cc because i know most if not all of the narrative choices i mentioned up there were directly taken from the books) can eat shit
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bytedykes · 3 years
#2 with Maia! :)
ohhh i love maia sm,,,, disclaimer i still havent finished sh 😩 (i know i know... ghjdshj) so no guarantees these answers are the best <3
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:
I LOVE HER!!! maia is so amazing and like. genuinely cool?? she has so much depth and is both incredibly lovable and interesting :))
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
ooo simon for sure, saia should have been endgame and i'll die on this hill 😤 also clary and izzy can be good w/ her, and meliorn and raphael too :) honestly just the shadowhunters polycule gkjhewkfsdk
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
magnus and maia brotp 4 lyfe <3
My unpopular opinion about this character:
hopefully this isnt actually unpopular dsjfsgjfds but jaia can burn in hell (i dont think i have any unpopular opinions abt maia alone lol)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
mjkhsfkd nothing i can think of rn, will get back to u on this in 2 years when i finish watching sh 😩
my OTP:
saia!!! i just think theyre neat!!! <3
my cross over ship:
ooo i dont think i have one hgjsfd i mean i know i dont but if anyone does id love to hear 👀
a headcanon fact:
shes trans :)
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bi-leigh-bi · 6 years
What other ships of shadowhunters do you like? I know you don’t like Sizzy (and agree they have handled it so bad, especially when you consider that the 3b episodes aren’t rushed due to cancellations but they were filmed before that happened), do you ship Maia with anyone? (I kinda like her by herself because don’t think anyone is good enough for her, but especially glad that she’s not with Jace, that was hella gross.)
I love Saia and I’m super mad they did what they did with it. They were so cute and healthy and happy and supportive of each other. Like they really deserved more than they got. I think Maia and Bat could be cute. I will actually throw my tv out the window if they try to put her with Jordan.
Even Climon- I really put claia so you know where my head is at omg- was cute, to be honest.
I love the Luke Maryse thing. I wish we had more time to devote to Maryse’ redemption art but there’s just some things you accept with this show? You know what I mean? Like they did good with Maryse considering how time works in this show lol. I think they have great chemistry. And I think they’re just very cute.
Obviously I am excited for Helen and Aileen.
I wish they had not dropped Izzy and the doctor. They could have had fun with that and he was soooooo into her.
And that’s like... it? Lol. I am always picky about ships, and once I have one that’s usually it, you know? Like nothing sways me (ie; gilijah in the originals was the best ship Elijah had and I’ll fight about it for the rest of my life). So that’s it. Those are pretty much my only Shadowhunters ships. I’m trying to think if I missed any but.... nope.
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enkelimagnus · 6 years
Drama/ discourse time: my pitch is that j*ia as a ship/hookup was downright disrespectful (even borderline racist) considering the basis of that episode and how Maia gave that amazing speech of racism merging the mundane and the shadow world. Then the wirters had her and Jace hookup when he was the one who started the divide with wanting to implicate tracking chips for all the downworlders and believing the still bigoted rhetorics of downworlders. The ship just never sat well with me.
I definitely agree!
The ship could be good, it could definitely have the same impact as Malec, or Sizzy, a Shadowhunter, born and bred into racism, with a Downworlder of color.
But yes. The idea that a racist man apologizing for treating a person of color like an animal is rewardable with something like sex…. and that also means that the entire time Maia was deeply uncomfortable with him being there, all the time they fought because Jace was being racist… that means racism is sexual tension. 
I’m not a Jaia shipper, because it makes me uncomfortable for that. Jace may have apologized for implimenting a measure that treated werewolves like animals; but it’s not ENOUGH. It’s not enough for him to be forgiven for everything he’s done against the Downworld! He’s not magically changed because he got his ass kicked! He’s not suddenly devoid of any racism! He’s still a racist asshole! 
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beebolololovesyou · 6 years
god! explaining to some s*zzy stans that shipping maia with j*rdan is unhealthy and disturbing is like talking to a wall.
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multisizzy · 7 years
Shadowhunters 2x13
lmao @ fans who are calling clace fans/fans that don't ship Jace & Maia racist need to gtfo. you're desensitising a word that should be used in only an appropriate setting, not because you're offended or whatever by someone's opinion about a fucking fictional show. the only time you should call a non-jace/maia shipper racist is if the reason they don't ship it is because Maia's a POC. other than that you're just bitter and hypocritical because YOU'RE the one bringing race into it. the same goes for fans that call clace/sizzy shippers homophobic. if you're really so worried about these issues, you should look up the true definitions and educate yourself because it's ignorant to water down words that should be used against actual disgusting people. i don't even know why people are getting so upset? in the show Maia specifically told Jace, "don't think this means anything" and Alisha did an interview where she said it's not going anywhere either. one minute you say to get over Clary and Simon having sex, and the next you're jumping over people for not shipping a one night stand that wasn't even confirmed of leading to sex. i swear this fandom looks at any excuse to complain or fight and desensitise the true importance of words and sweetie if you want to use important words improperly, pick a new ship name because Jaia is Jordan and Maia :)
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mommybelcourt-blog · 7 years
don’t come for me lmao ship who you want to, just my opinion
Jaia is one of my notps. Yall can ship whatever and i respect that (except morgencest like,,,,) and i’d be lying if i did’t say that scene wasn’t hella entertaining (by “entertaining” i mean hot as fuck). But Jace is just using my sweet dominant child Maia as a way to forget about Clary, and try to prove to himself that he doesn’t have feelings for her and I’m not chill with that for two reasons.
1) That’s not fair to Maia. She deserves SO much better. 2) That’s not fair to Jace. My sweet boy needs to be happy and for him happy is when Clary is happy. (At least to an extent)
So in conclusion, I’m happy that’s over even if i enjoyed it for a hot second there. I’m excited for Saia, so they can be cute for a little bit and then they eventually they end for the better. Then Maia can get with Jordan (even tho he kinda fuckin traumatized and abused her) and then Jordan can die (poor beeb) then she can get with Bat; and happily ever after. Same with Jace, were finally done with Climon and now they can all heal (especially simon, poor poor sweetums) for a little bit. Then Clace and (Saia) then Sizzy. (obvs malec) THen no more Pain, ever…. k bye
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luci-hemwin-evanson · 7 years
Anti clace shippers/jaia/climon/jimon shippers
You’re so ignorant Why don’t you go read something to increase your intelligence i suggest the mortal instruments saga
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anneshirlei · 7 years
Who thought it was a good idea to put Maia and Jace together?
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Maia: *punches Juice* The rest of the Polycule, instantly: amazing. Beautiful. Wonderful. You are a goddess among mortals. And they’re completely right
every time maia punches jace her attractiveness levels double. which is insane because they are already, like, the highest in the whole world. but one punch at a time, she keeps outdoing herself. an icon
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stitchitsteph-blog · 7 years
I don't want to give too much away but I just spent 10 solid minutes stomping round my house screaming 'NO' thanks to the last few minutes of Shadowhunters. How about fucking NO. NO JAIA. NO.
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itsmygoddamnboat · 7 years
I’m gonna protest every moment of this! 
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saibug1022 · 6 years
Shadowhunters Ships + Reaction Gifs
Disclaimer: All of these are my personal opinion
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alienmalec · 7 years
SH ships w/ matching reaction gifs
(disclaimer: these are opinions)
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Jalec, Seelie Queen/ Simon, Camille/ Magnus:
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Jaia, Sebastian/ Clary:
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Jimon, Saphael:
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Rizzy, SebJace, Meliorn/ Izzy:
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Luke/Maryse, Meliorn/ Raphael, Climon, Saia:
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marilita · 6 years
Ok Ok... let’s be clear... JAIA is the ship name of Jace x Maia... For Jordan x Maia is Jordaia ( or whatever... ) stop posting about that on OUR tag. Thank you.
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It's crazy but I have this strange faith in the sh writers that they will see sense and abandon Cl/ace at some point in the future because they'll realise how boring and uncompelling it is as a romance.
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