#anti httyd homecoming
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Deconstructing Toothless/Light Fury (or why I think they are not a good couple):
-Because their entire relationship is based on lust: Toothless only wants the Light Fury because she is pretty (take for example Hal and Roxanne in Megamind. While Toothless is nowhere the asshole Hal is, he still wants the Light Fury because she is the hottest dragon in the nest) in fact, the producers outright admit that the Light Fury is a plot device character, meaning that she solely exists to be Toothless' arm candy and nothing else, having little to no personality traits beyond "not like the other dragons" and "mean girl". At least on the case of Hiccstrid, even with it's flaws, Astrid has a personality of her own. The Light Fury doesn't have even the sliver of that.
-Because it's essentially "Good boy crushes on mean girl and mean girl doesn't pay attention until he proves himself.": The Light Fury in almost all of her interactions with Toothless is extremely hostile towards him, until he proves himself with the mating dance. (Take for example, Vendrick and Nashandra from Dark Souls II, Vendrick is so besotted with Nashandra that he was unable to see she was manipulating him the entire time until it was too late) In reality, the Light Fury would ruthlessly take advantage of his besotedness towards her until the novelty wears off and she decides to find a new mate. Heck, everything that Toothless does is essentially to catch the Light Fury's attention at the detriment of everyone else, even his flock, which of course in reality, would have tried to dispute his post, with one contender challenging him for the post of Alpha. He even has the dragons to leave solely because he wants to mate with the Light Fury. In a nutshell, everything he does spins around the Light Fury and is not healthy at all. In Homecoming there is the slight implication that he doesn't come to visit with his children because the Light Fury doesn't want him to (Her reaction when he draws Hiccup can be boiled down to scornful. Sure, it can be argued that she is worried, but considering their relationship is entirely based on physical attraction and not genuine emotional connection, I doubt that.). On the other hand, despite not liking them as a couple, just like Hiccstrid, I see Toothless and Light Fury with potential for a friendship (which is the step that just like with Hiccstrid, it completely misses, because it has no gradual buildup).
-What is the conclusion I have reached after writing my essays of Deconstructing Hiccstrid, Deconstructing Stalka, Deconstructing Toothless/Light Fury and Deconstructing the ending? That Dean DeBlois is terrible at writing romance and a good ending: Hiccup chases Astrid because she is pretty, Stoick is in love with the idea of Valka, not with Valka herself and Toothless does the exact same as Hiccup, chasing the Light Fury because she is pretty. Talking about the ending, Dean ignores the disturbing implications behind it, like the possibility of dragons murdering each other on the Hidden World, that Hiccup and Astrid's marriage is going to be miserable and loveless because they are way too different, that the Berkians are going to go mad from isolation and starvation because supplies are not unlimited and that they are cut off from the outside world and last but not least important, New Berk would be lead to ruin because Hiccup is not interested in being Chief, with Astrid having to constantly clean up his messes and the trail of negligence he leaves behind.
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You know Hiccup failed big time when, not even ten years after the dragon-human separation , his own daughter hated them, considered dragons evil, made traps specifically catered to slaughtering them, and fantasized about murdering them.
Like, I adore you so much, but how do you even do something like this, bro?
#my anti thw agenda#what was dean even thinking? Really now?#thw salt#hiccup haddock#httyd homecoming#httyd the hidden world#sigh
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Why do you hate httyd 3 so much? Also is it a thing that’s generally hated by people in the fandom?
Oh anon ANON. I could talk about this for days on end bc honestly I have so many opinions. But I’ll boil it down as best I can w bullet points.
(Also in terms of the fandom it’s kinda hard to tell?? Httyd 3 is very divisive. I’ve seen its avid fans and its avid haters. Overall I’d say the fandom seems to lean more on negative but please don’t take my word on that.)
Anyway, salt:
- Ultimately, HTTYD 3 basically dumped a steaming turd over the morals and messages that the first two movies. 1 was all about being able to change the world through kindness and having an open mind. 2 said “No actually, you can’t change the minds of some people, but you can still fight for what you believe in and you CAN win”. But 3 said “Actually humans are terrible and the world can’t be changed so the dragons should just hide away for the rest of their lives”. And just???? How was a franchise that was all about overcoming challenges and foes reduced to having such a pitiful and bleak ending???
- The idea perpetuated in the film that platonic love is lesser to romantic love. This film reeked of heteronormative themes and pushed the idea that settling down and having children with a spouse is the ultimate “happy ending”. (Which is especially untrue for Hiccup if he wasn’t OOC) Not only is the theme overdone to death, but the whole idea that romantic love is superior to friendship is so gross in of itself. Romantic love is wonderful, yes, but teach kids that it’s not the be all and end all. Teach kids that friendship and family are absolutely just as important. And the HTTYD franchise was doing a PERFECT job at that until the third movie.
-The Light Fury. God what can I say about her that hasn’t been said already? Her design itself doesn’t irk me as much as some other people, but it’s the thought process behind her design that gets me mad. They literally stated in the artbook that they didn’t even want her to look reptilian because she had to be ✨sexy✨ and ✨feminine✨ enough to get Toothless panting like a horny dog. It’s a load of misogynistic design choices at play. Also not to mention she has as much personality as a pile of dirt. She pretty much exists solely to please Toothless and is barely given any development or screen time of her own.
- One of the biggest mysteries of the entire franchise: what happened to the night furies? Was answered in one of the most underwhelming and shitty ways possible. We waited years for an answer only for Grimmel to be like “I killed them all lol”. No flashbacks. Barely any explanations. Just some guy claiming to have wiped an entire species off the earth, conveniently bar one. It was a major let down. Especially considering that if Grimmel wasn’t bullshitting, Toothless really will be the last of his kind, which is very heartbreaking.
- The ending is extremely frustrating and dumb. There was literally no reason for the dragons to leave to THW. The film tired to hammer home this message that they deserved to be “free” which I COULD get behind but the thing is....the dragons literally were extremely happy and content with their lives. They loved having riders. Dragon riding was never portrayed as abusive or cruel. It’s like the filmmakers saw real world issues regarding animal captivity and decided “Hey let’s try tackle this in our film even though it makes no sense with how we’ve portrayed the relationship between dragons and humans”. There was also the point that the dragons would be “safe” in THW, but really?? Would they?? They act as if they weren’t able to defeat Grimmel‘s army and they had no other choice but to send the dragons away for their own protection but they??? Literally defeated him??? Onscreen???? And it’s not like this was new territory for them. Half of Race To The Edge dealt with dragon hunters (and Viggo was honestly more intimidating than Grimmel.) Also!!! At the very end where Toothless doesn’t recognize Hiccup? God that was absolutely heartbreaking. A whole six years of friendship erased and forgotten. It states on the wiki that between Toothless leaving and that scene the two had absolutely NO CONTACT. Why??? This is never explained at all??? Yeah sure Hiccup and Toothless are best friends but let’s not attempt to make any contact for like 10 years. And for all Hiccup knew, that tailfin could’ve faltered and Toothless could’ve been dead because of it. It’s just so, so bad an ending and it makes me very, very mad.
Then of course there’s more stuff I could touch on, like the bastardization of Toothless’ character and how a lot of the great female characters like Valka are just completely swept aside. But I’d be here all night if I went over everything that ticked me off.
I hope this cleared things up anon. And honestly thank you for asking me bc sometimes raging on THW is therapeutic lol.
#fires posts#ramblings#long post#salty fire#anti thw#anti httyd 3#httyd 3 criticism#for clarification tho#1 & 2 are my absolute favorite movies#so there’s a reason I’m so passionately critical of the third#httyd is still wonderful bar thw#and maybe homecoming#but I didn’t watch that one
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Probably No One Else Will Care But That’s Fine This Is Mostly For Me:
Thoughts on my two Fav Franchises:
How To Train You Dragon:
HTTYD 1: The best of the three films! Very few complaints, just a damn solid movie!
Gift of the Night Fury: Cute short film. Watch it every Christmas! The best/most memorable part is definitely the ending with the tail fin ;.; I cried man, I cried.
Riders/Defenders of Berk: It’s fine. Nothing really noteworthy. Many episodes retcon the films characterization and world building for the sake of episode plots which is annoying but it’s otherwise a cute little show. I watch it when I want Dragons but not the EMOTION of Dragons.
Race to the Edge: I watched the first two seasons and Hated it so much I had to stop! I’ve heard it gets better as it goes but I was never invested in the shows enough to stick around and find out.
HTTYD 2: While it’s a step back from the first film in terms of writing, it’s still my personal favorite! Hiccup’s outfit, Toothless becoming Alpha to protect him, VALKA <3 Also it’s the darkest of the trilogy but never feels gratuitous about it which is nice.
The Comics: Never read them...
HTTYD 3: I was so determined to enjoy this film when it came out I ignored a lot of the criticism of the film, but looking back now and seeing what people have to say it’s definitely got a lot of problems in it’s execution and I totally understand why people were so put off by it. I still enjoy it though, but the criticisms are valid and reasonable.
Homecoming: Fuck this short. Aside from a couple funny/cute moments, it’s filled with awkward characterization and retconning Zephyr’s thoughts on Toothless to justify it’s existence.
Steven Universe:
Og Steven Universe: This is easily one of my favorite shows of all time! It’s got a focus problem and you can tell they were rushed to finish it but it works in spite of it’s flaws. It helped me through a really hard time and I will always be grateful to this show and the ending message in it’s finale Change Your Mind.
The Movie: The best thing in the franchise (writing wise at least). Like Dragons 1, I have very few complaints! Spinel is My Problem Child/Serotonin Machine and the musical numbers slap!
Future: Obviously well intended but very poorly executed. The episodes on their own were mostly well written but they all had different ideas of what Steven’s charactor arc actually was and so it never really Goes anywhere. The final episode tries to show the Gems and Steven have grown and are healing but it comes across like a reinforcement of all their problems and like they didn’t grow or learn at all and the “healing” feels phony. Has plenty of good things in it, but the whole’s not greater than the sum of it’s parts and the ending is disappointing.
Attack/Save/Unleash the Light: Never played them, they look fun though!
Dove Ads: Pretty hokey but that’s to be expected from PSA’s lol The ads are cute and I appreciate the messages they send.
Anti-Racism PSAs: Pretty much same as above. The Garnet one felt off for some reason but the ones with Pearl and Amethyst were great and have really important messages that, again, I’m glad they’re sending.
#1#2#3#4#5#wickedghoul posts stuff#how to train your dragon#steven universe#don't mind me guys just being a nerd
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I'm seeing salt and criticism in the fandom about the plot of the Christmas short already... wtf ppl we don't know anything! HAHAHAHA I love this fandom (I tell you because i need to rant a little and you look like one of the few with sense here in the fandom)
oh sorry i saw this a while back and kept forgetting to answer it, and now that i am answering it i’ve already seen the christmas short!!! oops
edit: this got so long i am so annoying
but yes, i saw a lot of criticism and salt and negativity regarding it and honestly, when i first heard the rumour (months and months and months ago, long before there were any announcements or posters or anything) i was very skeptical and didn’t want to think about it because i didn’t want it to be true, because i was convinced if it was real it was gonna be basically an RTTE episode and just have awful writing and animation and blagh. i just hoped it wasn’t real because the concept of an actual good quality, well written, genuinely really good christmas short seemed way too good to be true and so i thought it would never ever happen
but then!!! as soon as it was officially announced and it was made clear that it’s nothing to do with the netflix/rtte side of things and it was actually gonna be produced properly with lots of care, and the promo pics looked so good, that’s when i let myself be excited! and i’m glad i wasn’t negative about it because honestly, its a 20 minute fluffy christmas short, it wasn’t gonna be a masterpiece but it was DEFINITELY better than i had at first expected!! i loved it so much. it’s adorable.
seriously, i came across some blogs earlier today that i really did not want to come across, basically the very heavily anti-httyd3 and anti-hiccstrid blogs who think their opinions are the correct ones and all of their posts are about how awful and annoying httyd fans are.... anyway, i would rather not come across those blogs but for some reason i stumbled into a bunch of them. and there was so much stupid whining over homecoming. like, i saw a whole essay about how homecoming doesn’t make sense and doesn’t fit with canon and they were calling us all stupid for even enjoying the short because blah blah it doesn’t make any sense.... and like, that attitude is exhausting. its so tiring. can these people log out of tumblr, please.
like ok homecoming doesn’t exactly make sense when you try to fit it into httyd3, in fact i bet if i watch homecoming and then httyd3 afterwards i will immediately notice all the ways in which it doesn’t make sense. but the thing is. who cares??? i don’t care. it’s just a cute, fluffy, funny, very VERY cheesy christmas short that’s only 20 minutes long. of course it’s not gonna be very complex or deep or fit exactly into the film narrative, that’s impossible because the film’s already been done. you can’t really get bogged down with specifics because it’s just.... pointless, like, it’s so pointless and tiring. just watch homecoming and enjoy it for the cute pile of cheese that it is!! they tried their absolute best to make it fit with canon and i applaud them because honestly, i was expecting it to be impossible. (spoiler here!// for example i love how toothless saw hiccup but only when hiccup was covered in a suit so toothless didn’t see his face, he only recognised him by his voice and scent! pretty much explains why toothless didn’t recognise him in the epilogue. and he didn’t get to see astrid in homecoming, so of course he didn’t recognise her in the epilogue either. its not perfect but at least they did address that, like, hiding hiccup in that suit did make sense and was a good trick to stay in canon. the only problem is that toothless didn’t recognise zephyr on the boat in the epilogue, which yeah, makes no sense, but if we chalk it up to him just not noticing her because he’s too preoccupied with the bearded stranger in front of him then we can sort of let it make sense, ya know? obviously not perfect. but they did a very very good job)
oh my god i’m sorry this got so long. maybe one day i’ll find a way to answer asks in much more concise words without going on a tangent (also, thank you so much for saying i’m ‘one of the few with sense in this fandom’, seriously that was r real good for my ego, thank you, and i know what you mean because there are a LOT of people in this little httyd fandom who are just....... well. a bit much😬)
TDLR: i agree there’s a lot of salt and criticism surrounding homecoming and i think it’s dumb and everyone should just relax and enjoy the dumb, cheesy, festive short for what it is:)
#sorry for that tiny bit of salt at the end lol#i dislike so so much of the httyd fandom#so im glad someone said i was of the few with sense#i feel valid#anon#answered
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Deconstructing the ending, which just like my earlier essay Deconstructing Stalka, is superficially speaking a good ending, until you start digging in and see the cracks:
-Hiccup and Astrid get married and have two wonderful children, Zephyr and Nuffink....and ends up being a miserable marriage because their parents have absolutely nothing in common and not only have extremely opposite personalities, but also wanted different things from life. This causes that Zephyr and Nuffink end up growing on an extremely fractured home, with a father who spends most of his time absent from home and seeking adventures, running away from his chiefly functions as much as possible and a mother who is not only stuck with raising the future heiress, but also being the chieftess of Berk, which causes their marriage to finish fracturing, yet can't separate because they have to project an image of unity, but at that point, all the romance would be gone because Astrid would be understandably resentful with Hiccup because he is constantly neglecting his duties as a chief, but also as a parent, because it's also his duty to also raise the future chieftess, who is Zephyr.
-Berk not only mocks Hiccup, but also gives all the credit from his tales to Stoick, while Hiccup doesn't do anything and Astrid laughs along with them: This sits a bad precedent because the message they are sending is that the royal family can be disrespected with no consequences. It doesn't make them kind, it makes them pushovers.
Weak leaders don't last long in rulership. How much time is going to pass until Berk starts growing discontent with them and decide to start a revolution to depose and eventually kill the entire Haddock family (because as long as one of them is still alive they would be always a political threat to the new regime)? Or if the Berkians are on a better mood, conspire against Hiccup with Astrid's help and she ends up murdering him discreetly, with Zephyr and Nuffink none the wiser and rules Berk as the sole chieftess, with the Berkians looking the other way due to being glad of the removal of an incompetent leader who is constantly jumping from blunder after blunder and running away from his duties, with Astrid having to clean up the messes left by her now deceased husband, while raising two children by herself.
-The dragons, after leaving to the Hidden World, they would end up killing each other, because they would start fighting over territory and some of the dragons that live there eat other dragons and also because in the Hidden World, there would be no food or territory for everyone and no sunlight enters that cave.
-New Berk can only be accesed with dragons. But now the dragons are gone, so what they have is people isolated from the entire Archipielago that eventually would end up dead and mad due to starvation and isolation, due to the fact that supplies are not unlimited and that they have no contact with the outside world.
#how to train your dragon#anti httyd3#anti httyd homecoming#anti hiccstrid#hiccup haddock#astrid hofferson
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The real ending of the How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy:
After the ending of the "There were dragons when I was a boy" speech, Hiccup woke up suddenly and sweating, waking Valka along him.
"My love, what happened?"
Hiccup didn't answer and roughly pushed Valka away. He walked fast and made sure that their four children were ok. After he made sure their children were ok, as they were soundly asleep, Hiccup answered, in a frantic tone, yet trying to keep his composure:
"I had a horrible nightmare. I dreamt I was Chief of Berk, that the dragons left, that Toothless abandoned everyone. Everybody was acting in a very strange way and, and..."
"Don't worry my love, I am here to support and comfort you." Valka answered as she caressed his cheek affectionately.
"Sorry for pushing you so roughly, I had to be sure that the kids were fine. I am glad this was only a nightmare. As long as I have you and our children, I feel I can take on anything."
They went back into their bed and cuddled together, with Valka's head and hand resting on Hiccup's chest and his arm surrounding her waist.
#anti httyd3#anti httyd homecoming#valcup#hiccup x valka#how to train your dragon#hiccup haddock#valka haddock
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I consider The Hidden World canonical in the sense the Tyranny of King Washington (DLC from Assassin's Creed III) is canon: The Tyranny of King Washington is George Washington's nightmare, just like the Hidden World is Hiccup's nightmare.
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Waking World:
-How to Train Your Dragon.
-Gift of the Night Fury.
-Race to the Edge.
-How to Train Your Dragon 2.
Nightmare Realm:
-How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (which would be the Fishing Hamlet).
-How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming (which would be the Nightmare Frontier).
-Dragons: The Nine Realms (which would be the Nightmare of Mensis).
#how to train your dragon#bloodborne#anti httyd homecoming#anti httyd3#fishing hamlet#nightmare frontier#nightmare of mensis
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Httyd fandom to DreamWorks, after The Hidden World and Homecoming:
"Obviously you are suffering from hearing problems, so we will try again: Where is our goddamn money?! Where is our goddamn stuff?! Where is our cut of your new action?! You are making idiots out of us and we are not laughing yet."
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DreamWorks to the How To Train Your Dragon franchise:
"I'm sorry franchise, this is Vice City. This is business."
"You sold us out."
"No. I sold YOU out franchise. I sold YOU out."
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