#anti hero vs hero anti who will win
pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 year
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"can it be, that you actually CARE about those creatures!? you are just as crazy as they are!"
and yeah, he sure does care. so let me present you, batman n' his 'creatures' aka you become forever responsible for what (who) you’ve tamed.
(i remember watching the lock-up ep as a child, and rooting for bruce to save the rogues. i always was a villain-lover type of kid, n' those 3 were one of my fav characters in the whole show, so naturally, i wanted them to be saved. but that aside, it also simply felt idk, ‘right’ for bruce to intervene? at that age, i didn’t fully understand the complexity behind the topic, but it was one of those episodes that stuck with me for years. it’s actually pretty mature for a kid’s show to show smth like that.
i honestly wish, that the ep was fully focused on inmates and/or bruce investigating the abuse vs how it went into bolton kidnapping gordon n’ other folks. but hey, what we got was nice too!  there is something very lovely about the hero protecting their villains from anti-heros/villain-slayers. it’s a thankless job, clearly. but they still put themselves in harm's way, bc they don't approve of the abuse/murder. even if it’s their enemies. *or in some cases* esp if it’s their enemies.
now about the art...
idk, if the first one *the meme itself* was already done for lock-up ep or not. i mean, probably? maybe? either way, if it was done before, now there is another version for it.
n' ah. the second one is kinda just happen'. i was thinking about batman hanging out with every villain, who was in that ep. and how different it would have been, if it was actually about idk, batman, his rogues n' bolton trying to kill/capture them all or smth like that, rather than how it went in canon. anyhow, batman still wins in the end *naturally* and tries bring them all back into arkham, which is.....yeah, it prob will be difficult. mostly bc no one wants to go back lol. harley wants to see her trash man the joker, jon want to gas the city, wesker *actually* wouldn't have minded to go back, but the scareface wanna do crimes. n' bolton doesn't think, that he did anything wrong, so clearly he doesn't wanna be locked up *hehe, get it* with crazies as one of them. so basically, batman's battle for justice slowly turns into pokemon hunt.
in other words, bruce will have a long night ahead of him, with crane yelling into his ear the whole time. f in chat for our man bruce. he really needs it.)
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one thing i havent seen about the Imane Khelif/JKR/Elon Musk lawsuit thing is that it's the Algerian Olympics committee who's pressed her to sue.
Which flavours the whole thing a slightly different way:
Imane Khelif was "accused" of being transgender by transphobes on Twitter. In Algeria, it's illegal to be transgender. This woman is an Algerian national hero: She's just won Gold at the Olympics. Algeria, as a country, is bound to be taking it personally if people are accusing her of breaking the (Algerian anti-trans) law.
So this is transphobes vs transphobes, really. I don't know how far this lawsuit will actually go - it's been filed in France, on behalf of someone not French, naming people who are also not French, accusing them of something done on an online platform not based in France - but it's just this kinda energy:
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And even though it means that whoever wins will be a transphobe winning a lawsuit based in transphobia, it also means that the losing party will also be transphobes. And it will make transphobes afraid to be vocal about their transphobia, no matter the outcome.
It sends a clear message:
Shut the fuck up about your transphobia; because you might be wrong, and get sued for it (by other transphobes).
Obviously the thing we want is "Stop being transphobic, because transphobia is bad and wrong (not just cus you might be accidentally targeting someone cis)" but this is a decent first step, I reckon. Cus either way, transphobes will be more likely to shut the fuck up about being transphobes. I wouldn't be surprised if it drastically reduces the amount of bullshit "transvestigation" nonsense.
And yeah I hope JKR learns something. Mostly that her crusade "to protect women" actually harms women. And that she would do well to shut up about trans people forever.
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The Chloé Vs Félix Double Standered
Chloé: *had a terrible upbringing which led her to be a bully and proceeded to help a terrorist because the only good person/role model in her life was a bitch*
Félix: *had a terrible upbringing which led him to be an anti-social jerk and actively aided a terrorist and the destruction of Paris for his own personal gain*
The show/fans: Hes a baby! He didnt mean it! He deserves to be a hero!
Do you guys see what I'm getting at here? The point of the matter is both of them are horrible people!
Chloé was a bully to try to win her mothers approval, and when the only other good role model in her life just tossed her off to the side with no regrade for her own emotions (especially because Ladybug was actively abusing her power and role as Ladybug) she decided to go to Hawk Moth because he was the one giving her what she wanted! Not to mention he's always been good at manipulating people, so OF COURSE Chloé is going to agree with him!
Félix was abused by his father and was only ever freed when he had died due to using the Peacock Miraculous. He then proceeded to actively HELP A TERRORIST for his own gain! Sure it was for a reason (to keep himself and Adrien safe) but he was the reason for someone to have a mental break, cause hundreds of people to be hurt emotionally and physically, and HE DID NOT CARE for the safety of an entire CITY! Thats not even mentioning the fact that he KILLED THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE!?!
Point is: If Chloé, a mentally and emotionally abused 14 year-old who only ever wanted to be loved, is irredeemable then so is Félix, given he didn't have a valid reason to betray Ladybug as if he truly wanted himself and Adrien to be safe, all he had to do was tell Ladybug who Shadow Moth was.
Don't get me wrong, I adore both of these characters, but if you claim Chloé can't be redeemed but will defend Félix, then you're holding them to a double standard. The same could be said the other way around.
I'm not saying that they both deserve to be thrown into the sun or both should just get off with only a slap on the wrist; but I AM saying that I hate seeing people claim one is better than the other when it's just not true.
The show either should've given Félix a proper punishment for not only aiding Shadow Moth but, and I cannot stress this enough, KILLING THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE. Or they shouldn't have gotten rid of Chloé's character development.
On top of that, at least season 2/3 Chloé had SOME kind of character arc, Félix just kind of... existed? He didn't really prove himself to be better besides explaining why he did what he did. (Which, again, both he and Chloé don't have a valid excuse for what they did)
But anyway, small promo: In my rewrite Chloé's getting a redemption but she WILL face consequences for her actions and Félix will just not be that horrible of a person, so he doesn't technically need a redemption.
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lutawolf · 10 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 6
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So we begin where we left off. Everyone drugged, sleeping on the table. Let's see how much trouble Boss is going to be in.
Muffin wakes first, letting out a scream that wakes everyone else. As expected, Tew loses his shit when he realizes Guy is missing.
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Wish John Lennon has Guy.
Tew tells everyone that he believes they were drugged. The guild wants to help find Guy, but Tew fights them on it because he doesn't want them to get hurt. Eventually they leave and Tew goes into find Guy mode. Both Tul and Tew feeling bad for trusting Boss.
Wow, dumbass really installed an app for Tul to find him. Which leads Tew and Tul right to Boss and Guy. They go in like badasses, showing off why Tew only needed one badass vs a whole set of henchmen.
We have a very bro moment when Tul can't keep going.
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Guy wakes up and starts to flip out. We have a very villianish moment, meanwhile Boss finds Tul. And Tul goes off! Not that I blame him. Boss says he has to, which gets him punched.
Discount Lennon scares Guy into screaming for Tew. Then we switch back to Boss and Tul. Tul tells Boss that if he wants redemption, then he has to go help Tew.
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And I threw up. The way that fucker started kissing on Guy. Just ewww. I'll give it to Tew, he knows Kenji's triggers. What will piss him off enough to rush into fighting. They trade the knife back and forth while fighting. Finally, when Tew gets the upper had, Kenji pulls out a gun, but he points it at Guy and shots. Boss gets in the way and saves Guy. Leaving room for Tew to attack.
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Once again, Tew killed someone and gives no shits. Anti-hero, I tell you. This is made particularly clear when they both look at Boss and just leave him.
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I mean, if he hadn't drugged him and taken him in the first place. He wouldn't be shot.
Guess Guy is the forgiving type because he pushes Tul to forgive Boss. Oh wow, even Tew. I mean, he is clearly doing it for Guy, but that is beside the point.
Finally, they are safe at home. Time for sexy time.
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Things are not going so easily for Boss, who is trying to smooth things over for Tul. I agree Tul. When they go low, go lower.
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Oh Oh, it looks like Boss made headway with that "I really do like you." He might win Tul over yet. Or not, cause home dude just pressed on that wound. Nope, no forgiveness.
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Boss's lip quivers and he just looks pitiful.
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Guy has a fever. Bringing out nurse Tew.
Tew remember two years previously where he was sent to collect a debt. Him and Tul pass by discount Lennon to meet the dude that has a debt to pay.
Wait! Wish John Lennon was hurt protecting Tew???
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Ahhhh so he didn't originally work for Boss Daddy, but it was Tew that talked Boss Daddy into taking him on.
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So what caused all this shit then? And fuck! The dick is still alive.
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Didn't someone check on that? Guess not.
Guy wakes up looking for Tew and finds a lunch box instead of his lover. Kind of curious to know where he is myself. Especially since he isn't responding to Guy's text.
And it's Wahl again. So excited, yay. Insert sarcasm. Wahl is acting like nothing has changed, and Guy wants the truth. Because Wahl had previously been upset. I find Wahl sus.
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Not gonna lie, the whole angle of the picture sounds more like me and my bestie.
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Yeah, okay... Wish John Lennon is seriously bent in the head. A little obsessive. Are we sure he isn't harboring a secret love of Tew? The whole villain sees you through the camera and diabolical laugh was cheesy as hell.
Wahl wants to go eat with Guy, but surprisingly it's a no. Guy has finally learned to say no to Wahl. Instead, he is going to go check out his and Tew's restaurant. Wahl wants to come, but Guy says no again. Practice makes perfect!
Guy shows up to find a Business for Sale sign. Tew is pulling a gun from the freezer. He manages to hide it behind his back before Guy walks in. And Tew asks to break up. Can't say I'm shocked by this. Guy loses his shit. Tew tries to walk away but Guy chases after him. He wants some answers.
I understand why Tew is doing this, but damn. He ran Guy off by totally crushing him. Hope he is prepared to watch him run into Wahl's arms.
Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Boss, you're helping that low life. WJL doesn't think that Boss Daddy has really let go of Tew.
Wahl forgot his gf's birthday. Damn, girl told of Wahl, but she isn't wrong though.
Poor guy walking through the aquarium, just reliving those memories with Tew. Is it bad that I'm hoping Wahl shows up? Yeah, I know that Wahl isn't that great and that Tew has his reasons buttttt. I still think at this moment, Tew is a bigger ass cause breaking up with him isn't going to convince WJL that he doesn't mean something to him. If nothing else, Tew won't have him close to protect him.
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Guess who did show up!!! And honestly in my opinion he is really showing he is best friend material here. Okay, maybe more than best friends, with the way he is moving closer.
Ahhhh!!! I don't know what to think other than this episode was sideways. I'm still showing up for the next one, though, and all together I'm enjoying the story. How is everyone else feeling?
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thediktatortot · 1 year
I really implore fans of media (whatever media it is you enjoy) to understand why a story is told in the way it's told. Even bad stories have a structure and a meaning and if you know the basis of how stories are structured and how the characters fit into that structure, the more you're going to be able to understand the story and better enjoy the characters as a whole.
What is an Antagonist? An opponent, villain or Rival.
The Villain is a person whose intentions are morally corrupt or anti-human and most off deliberately harmful to those around them.
(ie. Thanos from Avengers, Billy and Stu from Scream, Henry from Stranger Things)
The Anti-Villain is a person who commits corrupt, unjust or morally wrong actions in the belief that they are doing the right thing.
(ie. Magneto from X-Men, Killmonger from Black Panther, Jason Carver from Stranger Things)
The False Antagonist is a person who's viewed by the audience or the characters as a antagonist, but through the story shows themselves to have been falsely labeled as an antagonist or a villain.
(ie. Severus Snape from Harry Potter, Alexei and Billy Hargrove from Stranger Things)
The Hidden Antagonist is a person who's intentions are not shown to be corrupt until later in the story, leading the audience and the characters into a false sense of security.
(ie. Senator Palpatine from Star Wars, Agatha Harkness from Wandavision, Ernesto de la Cruz from Coco)
The Inanimate Antagonist is a non-human force that can be anything from the weather to an illness or an object like a meteor or a car.
The Inner Antagonist is when the main character is their own Antagonist, fighting against themselves through the story.
(ie. Drug use, mental or physical illness, change in morals, desires vs needs)
The Hero Antagonist is a person who's intentions and morals are not corrupt, but they act against the Protagonist in the story.
(ie. The Roadrunner from Looney Tunes, Carl Hanratty from Catch Me If You Can, The Parents of Stranger Things)
No Antagonists is a type of story where there is no direct force working against the Protagonist. This can often be shown as someone living day to day life or there is an unclear singular force working against them.
Stories can often have and most often do, have multiple Antagonists. Some stories use these different types of forces to put even more pressure on a Protagonist and to give depth to the stories they are writing. Often times, nothing is cut and dry when it comes to a persons intentions in a piece of media, but knowing what sort of force they are within the story they are written in can help you understand the Protagonists journey on a even deeper level.
What is a Protagonist? A lead character, hero or heroine of a narrative.
The Hero Protagonist is a person who's goals are often viewed as courageous, admirable or charitable in nature and often requires a sacrifice or change in order to achieve their goals.
(ie. Captain America from Avengers, Superman from DC Comics, Frodo Baggens from Lord Of The Rings)
The Anti Hero is a person who's actions or morals may be honorable or good, but their actions go against those morals due to necessity or irresponsibility but in the end the audience is rooting for them to win.
(ie. Deadpool from Marvel Comics, Batman from DC Comics, Kali from Stranger Things)
The Tragic Hero is a Hero Protagonist that throughout their journey are corrupted by either surrounding forces or by a fatal flaw within their own character, leading them to fall from the Hero status they once held.
(ie. Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, Jason Todd from DC Comics)
The Passive Protagonist is a person who's actions are not the leading force of the story, the driving actions of their journey are controlled and moved by other characters and forces in the story.
(ie. Forrest Gump from Forrest Gump, Karl Childers from Sling Blade, Will Byers from Stranger Things)
The Villain Protagonist is a character who is still the focus of the story, but they are not necessarily being cheered to win. These types of characters are often a window into the darker side of life whether we sympathize with them in the end or not.
(ie. Dexter from Dexter, Gru from Despicable Me, Loki from Loki, Walter White from Breaking Bad)
The Protagonist itself does not automatically mean the character is a good person and it's important to remember that when reading or writing. A protagonist is simply the Main Character, the person who the story's focus is about and people themselves are deep and involved people with lives that are different from every other person around them even in small ways.
Understanding a characters role in their story is important for understanding the character on a base level.
I highly recommend watching other videos from that channel and other media analysis channels as the more you know on how to understand a story, the more you will get out of the stories you entertain yourself with or create.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Side A Round 1
You'll be back - Hamilton Musical
"You'll be back like before I will fight the fight and win the war For your love, for your praise And I'll love you 'til my dying days When you're gone, I'll go mad So don't throw away this thing we had 'Cause when push comes to shove I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love"
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set it Off
"So could you Tell me how you're sleeping easy How you're only thinking of yourself Show me how you justify Telling all your lies like second nature Listen, mark my words, one day (one day) You will pay, you will pay Karma's gonna come collect your debt"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
You'll be back - Hamilton Musical
the amount of animatics I had to sort through to find the one I was actually looking for was astronomical
Animatics with the song:
Karmaland Animatic
Steven Universe
Hazbin Hotel
The Lion King
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set it Off
I was appalled when I found out this song had a chance if not appearing on the polls. This song is my everything. It was there for me in my darkest moments and for my brightest days. This song and all it's animatics got me through life both metaphorically and literally. This song is my everything
wolf in sheeps clothing turned me evil as a young child /pos
This had SUCH an effect on me in middle school
The anthem for edgy middle schoolers with tragic OCs everywhere Not to mention that "Burn. In. HELLLLLLLLLL YEAAHHHHH!" Is just downright iconic
Admittedly I still want to make an animatic for this myself, but it's a fun song that just OOZES villainous or anti-hero charm and popping up unexpectedly and the bridge???? Shifting from darker to hopeful only to drop back down?? "Start all over, start all over-- who am I kidding, let's not get overzealous here! You've always been a huge piece of shit" is just. mwah. incredible. And there's an official acoustic version of it too which I don't know if it's used as often but it has an entirely different vibe. Instead of the cocky or confident singer who has their target EXACTLY where they want them, it's someone who's given up and is tired of all of it. There's Options. it's fantastic.
Animatics with the song:
DSMP Technoblade animatic
Yandere Highschool
Your Turn To Die
Miraculous Ladybug
Scum Villain Self Serving System
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you.
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web-novel-polls · 20 days
WN Criminal Upper Bracket
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[Please be kind and respectful in the notes. Anti-Propaganda is NOT allowed.]
Choi Noah from Villain Hides His True Colors
I know pretty much no one’s read this novel, but Choi Noah was a young child who awakened the “Gamer” ability due to trauma. He literally thinks he’s in a game & is absolutely unconcerned with common sense, including the laws. He repeatedly kills “mobs” and “monsters” (usually other humans or humanoids) for “coins.” In his first life, he became the first EX-Rank villain and teams with a devil trying to take over the world, who later betrays him for being “too evil.” The story starts with/right after his death as he “resets” the game to return to age 12 and ends up becoming a hero to “win the game.”
Dragon half-blood from Lout of the Count’s Family
Submission: So much attempted murder, some successful murder presumably, kinda cannibalism (does it count as cannibalism if you eat other intelligent species?..) but consider: hes BABY (he's like 900yo) and hes a SOPPING WET KITTY CAT
Wiki Link
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Everyone talks like you either believe in redemption or you don't when it comes to villain redemption critiques. But the the thing is as a Christian who believes in redemption for all, I still have a lot against the way villain redemption is treated these days, and it has a lot to do with how redemption is treated biblically vs how everyone likes this gray hero thing. And yeah, I know y'all are going to point out my love of anti-heroes, and we will get back to that. But basically, what I dislike is when we got this villain, they don't change how they act, they feel no remorse for their past actions, but "hey they're on our side now! so it's all good! :D" In christianity that is called a wolf in sheeps clothing, we are told not to even eat with such a one. We are evil wretched and poor yes, but redemption isn't an excuse to keep being evil, it is a call to "go and sin no more". So if your villain doesn't repent and at least try to live more like a hero than a villain, then I am not going to call that a redeemed villain, I am going to say our heroes have no back bone, and now question their morality, and their ability to fight for justice, because they have none within themselves. So now why do I like the anti-heroes and redeemed villains I do? So lets start with an anti-hero like Jason Todd, why he works is that his whole deal is about this exact conscept, he can not stand that certain individuals keep getting let back into the public because they "are bettering themselves" when they so obviously have not, there are "whole graveyards" of proof that they are not. The question is not about the righteousness of Jason's goal but in whether he is going too far in thinking the only way to remove these criminals is through death/manipulation. It's an important thing to ponder whether you can take justice too far, and judge that within yourself. A good anti-hero does that, raise questions on what is good and what is evil, and where we aught to draw the line, and where the line is already drawn, but maybe is taking things too far. Then we have redeemed villains, I going to use the over used and use Zuko as my redeemed villain. Where I feel people get his arc wrong is in saying that the show, showed him as "having goodness already inside him" when that isn't really accurate, what it does do, is start him out as already questioning good and evil, honorable and dishonorable. Yes we see parts of his childhood where he appears "innocent" but I feel that is a missreading of those scenes, where I would say that what we are seeing is him ruminating on both the justice and injustice he'd witnessed in his life and making or trying to make a decision about who is right in them. That is key to us coming round to him being a hero, that is him learning remorse. Then lastly is his actions in the last half of season three, from the moment he leaves the palace onward, everything he does is the opposite of what season one him would do, he trains the avatar so the fire nation can not have him, brings justice for the water tribe as best as he can, and lastly goes absolutely feral when he thinks that the gaang is just going to let the fire nation win/the Earth Kingdom be destroyed. He proves with his whole being season one him/villain him is dead, and the person he is now is someone completely different, he is redeemed. If you want me to be okay with your villain working with your heroes do that, truly redeem them, don't just make them sexy.
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aerodaltonimperial · 5 months
I cried through my therapy session today, I am STRAIGHT UP NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME, I am fantasy booking and no one can stop me, but we all see what's been set up as a possibility here, right?
The Bucks attacked Darby and Sting after they won the tag belts. This was sort of the first "seal," let's say, to be released on the new heel run of the Bucks, and it was obviously a big deal since it set up the eventual retirement match. But it also set up Darby coming back as an anti-hero; he's well primed for it, considering he's always occupied the somewhat murky gray middle waters as far as morality is concerned, and they've loaded the magazine already so the fire makes sense. Darby and Sting were the first "focus" of the EVP Bucks, and it makes sense that they will call back to this now that the Bucks are established in the new Elite storyline. Even the poster for the match they made framed the whole thing as vigilante good guys Sting and Darby going after the evil corporate overlords.
Darby is currently alone. One of the big sticky points with Jack’s original summer heel run was that he was alone, because it's hard to run a story when you don't have any other threads to weave in. Darby is minus Nick, and that storyline is pretty SOLIDLY wrapped up, and he's minus Sting. Darby works in the ring well enough on his own, but he NEEDS people out of the ring to really land story beats well. They need to put him somewhere, and there's no obvious opening with Copeland sliding into HoB storylines.
They are setting Jack up to eventually turn on the Bucks and Okada. It's subtle enough now, but there: he is always slightly off to the side when they post photos together, they are essentially a 3+1 setup right now, and the way Jack is spinning the Scapegoat character will eventually come to a head against the Bucks when their priorities no longer align. He's definitely being written as someone who follows his OWN compass, and it's gonna bite the Bucks, for sure, when he flips. Given the little hints on social media, I WANT to assume that his flipping will eventually line up with Luchasaurus finally betraying Christian, which would give us all a REALLY AWESOME heel Jurassic Express that's rooted in "fuck the systems that are broken" and it feels solid.
But the Darby vs Elite story is there, hovering on the horizon. And Jack and Darby’s loop from the Pillars story remains open, indefinitely at this point: they made that big deal about Darby not trusting anyone and how Jack had finally gotten a bit of an in only for MJF to ruin it (and then a few months later, Darby was Mr. Forgiveness to AR Fox lol), Darby is the reason Jack didn't win the PPV (wouldn't hit him to cheat), and Jack is the reason Darby didn't win the PPV (Jack broke up Darby’s pin on MJF and they also made a big deal out of this moment in the match where they literally slapped each other like it was some kind of BETRAYAL). Nick is literally still Jack version 2.0 with Christian. Their stories have been hilariously close to each other for a long time without ever managing to overlap, due to extenuating circumstances. This current setup puts them in line for a potential collision.
I'm just saying that I, personally, would be fixed of all mental illnesses if Jack turning on the Bucks happened to come down when the Bucks try to take out dissenter Darby like they did Kenny, given that should Jack ACTUALLY say, hit Darby with a steel chair, he would be finally betraying the only person he canonically has not turned on yet. Would be cool if, y'know, he couldn't seem to do that. Again. And honestly, it would be really cool if Darby eventually aligned with Jack and, lets say, Luchasaurus, considering there was kind of a thing in those fall matches where I thought it was not impossible that Darby was gonna be the one to break that hold Christian has on Lucha. It would make a neat trio: a lot of unfinished business.
I don't know how long they are gonna run the new Elite. And I don't know how much longer Lucha is going to be under this thrall, but it's already been longer on that one than I expected, and usually when that happens, there was some sort of delay involved. There have been a good number of people out in the past half year, but Jack is really the only one there that makes sense. ANYWAY I am just fantasy booking to keep my mental health from crumbling before the end of the work day lol
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
DC Studios | Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters
Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters:
Creature Commandos: An animated seven episode series, written by Gunn, that is already in production. Originally a team of classic monsters assembled to fight Nazis, this is a modern take on the concept. The voice actors have yet to be cast but the executives are looking to find people who can voice the animated characters and also portray the live-action versions when the anti-heroes to show up in movies and shows.
Waller: A spin-off of Gunn’s own HBO Max hit series, Peacemaker, Viola Davis will return as the ruthless and morally ambiguous head of a government task force. It is being written by Christal Henry (Watchmen) and Jeremy Carver, the creator of the Doom Patrol TV series.
Superman: Legacy: The movie featuring the Man of Steel that Gunn is writing and may direct, although no commitments on that end have been made. While the two previous titles are meant to be “aperatifs,” in Safran’s words, Superman is the true kick off for the duo’s DCU plans. “It’s not an origin story,” Safran said. “It focuses on Superman balancing his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing. He is the embodiment of truth justice and the American way. He is kindness in a world that thinks that kindness as old-fashioned.” A release date of July 11, 2025 has been penciled in.
Lanterns: Greg Berlanti’s long-in-the-works Green Lanterns TV series has been scrapped and the duo have parted ways with the longtime DC series steward. In its place will be a new take on the space cops with power rings. “Our vision for this is very much in the vein of True Detective,” Safran described. “It’s terrestrial-based.” It will feature prominent Lantern heroes Hal Jordan and John Stewart and is one of the most important shows they have in development. “This plays a really big role in leading into the main story we are telling across film and TV.”
The Authority: a movie based on a team of superheroes with rather extreme methods of protecting the planet that first originated in the late 1990s under an influential imprint known as Wildstorm, run by artist and now head of DC publishing, Jim Lee. “One of the things of the DCU is that it’s not just a story of heroes and villains,” said Gunn. “Not every film and TV show is going to be about good guy vs. bad guy, giant things from the sky comes and good guy wins. There are white hats, black hats and grey hats.” Added Safran: “They are kinda like Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. They know that you want them on the wall. Or at least they believe that.”
Paradise Lost: The duo describe this HBO Max series as a Game of Thrones-style drama set on the all-female island that is Wonder Woman’s birthplace, Themyscira, filled with political intrigue and scheming between power players. It takes place before the events of the Wonder Woman films.
The Brave and the Bold: “This is the introduction of the DCU Batman,” said Gunn. “Of Bruce Wayne and also introduces our favorite Robin, Damian Wayne, who is a little son of a bitch.” The movie will take inspiration from the now-classic Batman run written by Grant Morrison that introduced Batman to a son he never knew existed: a murderous tween raised by assassins. “It’s a very strange father-and-son story.”
And, importantly, it will feature a Batman not played by Robert Pattinson…
Booster Gold: an HBO Max series based on a unique and lower-tiered hero created in 1986. Safran said of the series, “It’s about a loser from the future who uses basic future technology to come back to today and pretend to be a superhero.” Gunn described it as “imposter syndrome as superhero.”
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow: Taking its cues from the recent Tom King-written mini-series, this movie project promises to have a different take than what most think of when the idea of Superman’s cousin comes to mind. “We will see the difference between Superman, who was sent to Earth and raised by loving parents from the time he was an infant, versus Supergirl, raised on a rock, a chip off of Krypton, and who watched everyone around her die and be killed in terrible ways for the first 14 years of her life and then come to Earth. She is much more hardcore and not the Supergirl we’re used to.”
Swamp Thing: a horror film that promises to close out the first part of the first chapter.
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polyhexian · 9 months
Brother vs brother au Luz having the time of her life knowing there’s a masked do gooder (the marlet) and he has an arch enemy that also wears a mask and seems to be his perfect narrative foil. Where jasper is chatty, Will is dead silent; when jasper almost always seems playful, Will is serious; and all these other things that she about what she thinks is basically a super hero Eda’s friends with and the super villain that he fights.
And they both have these Mysterious Anti Hero tendencies. Like jasper is a good guy and often a do-gooder but also... He WILL leave people behind. Hunter is his priority and if it means abandoning the CATs he will do it. If he decides hunter needs a win he's not going to stop him from arresting some wild witches. So he's not a perfect good guy. Sometimes he does these strange not good guy things with no clear motivations... And then WILL is the bad guy BUT... Will is all about efficiency and efficacy. Like torture is not effective for gathering information so he is VERY STRICT about no one using torture. There's plenty of cases where you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Plenty of people who will surrender willingly without a fight so you don't actually HAVE to fight them. If a wild witch will give up and take a sigil that's just fine. That's even more effective than murder! And also like. If will saw an RC member, say, shaking down a stall owner at the market, trying to get money or goods from them in exchange for not arresting them or something he would kick their ass. Not effective. Not your job. We pay you asshole leave those people alone. Will would ALSO vaporize anyone he saw strike a child. So both will and jasper are strange and difficult to read with often difficult to determine motivations
And then there is hunter who seems to be very popular with very scary people for reasons he truly cannot himself fathom. Luz sees this dude and is like holy shit he's got such protagonist vibes
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Losers Bracket: Nana Daiba vs. Poison Ivy
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Propaganda under the cut:
Nana Daiba:
Okay if you give her some swords I think she could stand a fair chance here. She beat her buddies in a 6v1 once, albeit when they were starting to lose their brilliance, and also beat said friends in battle many, many times before due to her rondos. She has two swords and is good at using them. Also I'm just saying that if it's instead a theatre, script writing (for whatever reason) or baking competition she is very good at all of those too
Poison Ivy:
To begin with, she has power stemming from the Green, which grants her the ability to control plants, as well as poison-based abilities, like in her lips. She is a supervillain (sometimes anti-hero), and is one of Batman's Rogues, so she has experience. Plus, she's completely fine with killing, and dating Harley Quinn, who would absolutely back her up in a fight.
Reasons as to why one or the other would win are encouraged in the notes. Send in additional propaganda and I'll add it to the post!
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
Ooh, a bit of an opposite question, do you have a favorite rivalry from each season?
That is a good question! I had to think a bit in a few of these and alot of seasons didn't have just one rivalry I enjoyed, but multiple!
I think Heather vs Gwen is a classic and a staple of Island. Constant opposing forces and a big part of what was supposed to be Gwen's character development. It makes them bonding a bit at the last episode rather sweet too.
Both Lindsay and later Beth vs Courtney were a treat. Courtney's straight up jealousy towards Lindsay while she stayed mostly oblivious was funny and Beth identifying when Courtney was trying to manipulate her because she has experience and then deciding to counter manipulate her was a W move. Duncan vs Harold had its moments too, the Kung Fu episode was their best I think.
Aleheather sweep! I usually love the trope of "character who was previously the Big Bad becomes an anti hero to defeat the newer and more threatening Big Bad" and Heather's arc does this very well, specially in the final. Seeing them at constant odds and the disadvantage Heather's at makes her win all more satisfying (again her ending is canon to me).
Jo is part of both my favorite rivalries this season, and tbh all of Jo's rivalries are great! My favorites are Jo vs Brick and Jo vs Cameron but Jo vs Anne Maria is great too. For Jo vs Brick the dynamic of two jocks who just absolutely have to one up each other is such a solid base and their interactions justake it all better. I like Jo vs Cameron too because besides the physical comedy of their interactions with Jo being able to just carry and drop or throw him like it's nothing, but also the fact she cares for him in her weird unique Jo way, she tries to train him and congratulates him when he uses her own methods to get rid of her, it's weirdly wholesome :)
I really had to think about this one because all the main rivalries this season included Mal and I wasn't a fan of any of them, and it frankly left me with just Aleheather, which like I do love them, but it's unfortunate I have to repeat a rivalry. Regardless though they were very entertaining the most part (heather hiding the immunity idol was dumb tho) and their bonus clip together was adorable <3
Another one I had to think of though not for the same reason, there weren't really many rivalries that stood out to me y'know? Besides the one sided Sugar vs Ella that I found needlessly mean spirited often, there was Dave vs Leonard that didn't last long, the more subtle Sky vs Sugar that you could slowly see seep and finally start making itself apparent around ep 7 onward, and Topher vs Chris, both the two last ones are interesting but I can't say much about them.
Can you expect me to say anything other than Bowie vs Julia? They couldn't stand each other's gut yet kept becoming inseparable so often and that was such a treat to see unfold, they're worsties, they fight each other uh a huge honeybee nest, they have to team up, they betray each other, they have to work together againg but just screw each other over, it's wonderful I love it
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khepiari · 1 year
Will Garp Return As Zombie? Spoilers for One Piece 1087+88
Few things before my deep dive:
I have no sympathy for Garp.
Koby, good job being the kind boy you are. You deserved a better world.
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But, we all know, one good apple makes no difference when it’s left in the company of a rotten buffet.
Disappearance is not equal to final death
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Pretty sure, Odachii is going to bring Garp back with a lost arm or a leg or lost soul in zombified form.
What I mean to say is—if Blackbeard got Gekko Moria’s powers or subjugated him to be his underling, Garp’s corpse will be a great addition to his arsenal.
It will be a great battle for Luffy, psychologically speaking. We all know he never got to sit and talk or punch and scream with Garp about the shared grief of losing Ace.
Only Garp knows what Luffy felt after losing his big brother, but Luffy doesn’t know what Garp felt after the death of a grandson he could’ve saved.
I am sure Luffy has been angry, and he would’ve definitely punched Garp until both were bleeding if they had a reunion but, Luffy would’ve never wanted his only family that he knew since his birth to die.
Now imagine the pain and grief and hurt he will have to overcome to fight his grandpa’s corpse.
It will pierce Luffy’s heart by 1000 cuts, because whatever chances of closure they had, it is no more.
The only hope from this battle for us as readers will be the last remaining consciousness of Garp’s body gaining some control, like how Victoria Cindry’s corpse did during the Thriller Bark Arc.
Since Garp has more will power, maybe he will apologize or ask Luffy to let go of his affection and end him. With that, the last of Luffy’s anger with for good, once Garp dies, and he embraces the fury of the sun god that resides in him; its final show down.
Because we know Blackbeard vs Luffy is going to be about Ace, but if it is about Ace and Garp, Luffy will have a really hard time winning. And most probably this fight will be part of the final war we have been building towards.
As my friend put:
“I can totally see Goda doing that. Luffy beats the crap out of his zombie grandpa, who with his dying breath gives Luffy the apology he’s been owed since Marineford.
And, because symmetry, he does it during the biggest war SINCE Marineford.
There’s also something horribly, appropriately Goda about the idea that Luffy’s first “kill” would be laying a zombie Garp to rest…”
Now time for Anti-Garp Hate Rant! You can stop reading
Yeah, bet your future on the corrupt institution that protects the scum of the world.
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My thoughts after this panel.
I hope you rot in hell.
Hero my foot.
Don’t disappear. Just die.
Look, Monkey D Garp is a well written character! And trust me, I understand his position too well; his behaviour and actions are not new to me in fiction!
“Wise overpowered old men helping the wrong side” are very common in Indian/Asian Epics who have pulled similar bullshits in name of duty/justice/greater good. Who later get killed by trickery is everywhere, read Mahabharata or Ramayana, it is full of Garps.
But his decision to not help Ace escape but run after Koby all across the Grandline is enough to fuel my anger against him.
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This panel Fuelled my rage further. As my friend put: "All lives are equal, except pirate lives, apparently."
Some argue Garp did everything to let Luffy get close to saving Ace on purpose. He did everything he legally could do. And if he saved Ace, the peace and protection his name brought to Windmill Village would be lost, and it would become the target of Pirates and Marines alike. Sounds plausible, but it's in the realm of speculation.
Old men in a position of power, refusing to intervene when they could’ve, have always used morally superior sounding arguments to get away from being held accountable.
Pushing Ace tragedy aside, If Garp was so strong why didn’t he stop Blackbeard when he had time?
He is no better than Bhishma Pitama from Mahabharata.
I am talking about the two years after Marineford.
What stopped him? He saw Blackbeard wield two DFs, did he and Sengoku only had the duty to protect Marineford? Why did he wait two years? Why didn’t he go after them himself?
Right after Marineford, he should’ve nipped evil in the bud by hunting down Blackbeard. What was holding him back then? The Grief of losing Ace still? Worry about missing Luffy?
Blackbeard is a Pirate, his enemy— who had two of the most powerful DFs in the world. What stopped him? Garp is the only one who could’ve fought because all he needed was Haki! What moral reasoning he had to not wreak havoc to stop this pirate?
Did World Government stop him because Blackbeard became a Yonko?
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We now know how strong Garp is, so it was not a question of being injured after the war, we also know he cares not for permission or authority!
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So why waste two years?
Only when his favourite student is kidnapped is when he felt the need to intervene.
If it's so-called sense of duty towards the future that made him bet his life on young navy; I am calling it bullshit.
I don’t care for whatever justification he has; if he could fight Blackbeard pirates head-on, he should’ve done it sooner and not let him gain so much power and let him terrorize the world.
I was really hoping that Blackbeard broke his spine. In the end, it's pathetic, he didn’t even die (not confirmed) at hands of Blackbeard.
How did his inaction help the powerless masses he swore to protect?
Who is Garp the hero supposed to represent? Isn’t it Justice? Who is he as a marine supposed to protect? Isn’t it the masses? Who is funding his salary? The taxes collected from masses.
In the end who is he serving?
The Gorosei and Celestial Dragons— yes, he hates them, but his indirect actions or refusal to fight them helped change nothing.
His inaction kept the status quo is intact!
Garp is nothing but a glorified a sell-out too! A poster boy of rebel with a good heart that Marine can capitalize for their propaganda.
You cannot change the world for better if you are part of the system that makes the world a bad place.
I hope he becomes a Zombie under Blackbeard!
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spidersonicbatl0 · 23 days
Death battle
Uzi vs Blitzo
Connection: both are short, gun wielding, anti heroes from dark comedy web series.
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canonically47 · 7 months
this one
okay well total drama has a LOT of obvious mistakes and most of them come from the time in which it was written and published and the rushed season of only 13 instead of 26 episodes starting with ROTI
i also feel like they treat their characters and ships very badly, making them go right back where they started if they ever get any growth, which rarely happens. or their development is too sudden and not believable. priya, max, scarlett, that mini-arc shasmine had about splitting the money, aleheather in TDWT, prileb in TD 2024...
i rewatched ROTI and the girls were mistreated horribly. what can you expect from a season where the finalists are two guys? dakota’s internal issues were never discussed further than a funny haha moment when dawn read her aura, dawn never got to do anything for her team and her elimination was rushed, jo’s internalized mysoginy was a haha joke and never adressed properly, zoey had a whole villain-and-back-to-hero arc and STILL didn’t make finale???
also i hate when they introduce some groups and never further develop them, or develop them very little. lindsay, beth and ezekiel could’ve been an ICONIC trio. i miss leshawna and gwen’s friendship so much, and same goes for bowie and emma. jo and brick had so much potential to become allies or at least frenemies, amy and sammy were not handled well, THE E-SCOPE TRIO!!! i’m in shambles
so if i wrote TDI i’d just give the characters some proper development, more moments to shine, more fun relationships with the others. this show is based on its characters, they’re the stars!! so why not make them shine instead of burn??
gen 1 is too much work to rewrite but i’d keep TDI about the same except have a leshawna vs gwen finale, with leshawna as a ‘canon’ winner. TDA would have a harold vs lindsay finale with harold as the ‘official’ winner.
in TDWT i’d cut the duncney-gwuncan arc, make duncan never come back cuz fuck that guy, gwourtney wins. sierra gets better development. noah makes merge and fulfills his schemer role, constantly sabotaging alejandro. they become frenemies. aleheather still wins and goes to finale. alejandro doesn’t get the robot costume and we don’t hear from him again until TDAS.
for ROTI, would make jo a proper antagonist and make her butt heads with scott when the merge happened. my final six for ROTI would be scott, jo, zoey, brick, lightning and anne maria. yes, brick and anne maria, you read that right.
i still think scott shouldn’t make finale, and jo only if she got development. so maybe the merge could happen just two episodes earlier to get more stuff out of them, so the merge would include cameron and mike. scott would go before jo, and jo would be left to fend for herself after scott got cameron eliminated. this is where i would make her develop a friendship with anne maria and brick. get zoey in there and you have the anti-scott alliance. they get him out (NO TRAUMA CHAIR NEEDED, HE WILL BE FINE) and then lightning, then the girls unite against brick. sorry man.
the finale would be between two of the girls, i’d like to see jomaria or joey fight, jo needs that development. the one who gets out previously is an insta-elimination and not decided by the others.
and voilá! jo gets development and some healthy friendships! her and brick could also get together but maybe in another season. this season is for her alone to shine, she deserves it.
oh, and that’s the main thing about ROTI - i’d give them two more seasons. they deserve a WT-esque season.
i’d completely rewrite TDPI. make rodney first diss when the girls are disgusted by him (and also shit him cuz fuck him), dave an earlier boot, get beardo like third or fourth cuz i wanna see more of him, give scarlett a proper character arc instead of a rushed one throughout just one episode, make max a bit smarter and let him become a ‘hero’ rather than a villain he wants to be by rescuing everyone from scarlett since he knows her weaknesses best...
my ideal final five are shawn, jasmine, max, topher and ella. also my five favorites so no wonder. i’ll explain their arcs.
topher - 5th: shawn and jasmine, as well as max and ella, become duos after the scarlett incident (maybe it happens earlier?), and topher is outside of any alliance. plus he was getting kinda annoying, not to mention he gave chris too many ideas for challenges. damn it, topher!
ella - 4th: when she is forbidden from singing, she still goes behind chris’ back and does it, only that she intercepts sugar’s note and burns it. sugar is an earlier boot than originally because ella realizes she just hates her guts and she’s trying to befriend her for nothing. when ella stops singing, she puts her head in the game more than usual, but her refusal to hurt animals and serenade them instead gets her out eventually, by chris, not by the others.
max - 3rd: with no alliance and a softer spot than usual, he gets out at his own, last challenge.
finale: shawn vs jasmine
the same conflict about splitting the money, only that it comes earlier and is developed more. for one, chris shows jasmine the confessionals right after max’s voting ceremony.
shawn’s helper ends up being ella, but she’s been watching from playa des losers and is unhappy with how shawn treated jasmine. meanwhile, max is jasmine’s helper. max and jasmine sabotage shawn, ella doesn’t help him, but then when max and ella are given the controls for the island, they both realize the gravity of what they’ve done when they see shawn and jasmine buried in snow.
both jasmine and shawn get an ending. in both endings, jasmine gets out of the snow, doesn’t pay attention to the finish line, and goes to search for shawn, who pops out in confusion. the two have a heart-to-heart interrupted by chris to announce the race is still happening, and they have ten seconds left. in shawn’s ending, jasmine just nods to him and he crosses; in jasmine’s ending, shawn insists she crosses. pretty similar endings, the outcome is about the same, but i like to think jasmine’s is the ‘canon’ one.
and then they get another season!
so, our seasons are...
gen 1 - 3 seasons: total drama island, total drama action, total drama world tour
gen 2 - 3 seasons: total drama revenge of the island, total drama retour, total drama cruise or lose
gen 3 - 2 seasons: total drama pahkitew island, total drama reaction
gen 1 x gen 2 x gen 3: total drama all stars
TDAS would include eight contestants of each generation. gen 1 gets heather, alejandro, owen, noah, gwen, courtney, sierra, and leshawna. gen 2 gets jo, anne maria, zoey, mike, brick, cameron, lightning and scott. gen 3 gets shawn, jasmine, topher, max, ella, sugar, sammy and scarlett.
and then for the reboot i’d just make bowie win for the first season. the second season would have more development.
emma and bowie become friends again. mkulia become reluctant allies but still dislike each other. eventually they warm up to each other tho 👀. ripaxel also happens over the course of more episodes. couples butt heads - mkulia, rajbow and ripaxel - but mkulia dominate the game. short ripaxel-mkulia alliance in which they get out prileb (who have a better development trust), wayne and bowie.
damien gets to keep his immunity idol but doesn’t need to use it until the final five: axel, julia, mk, damien and raj. the girls unite against him, but he and raj voted for julia, so you can imagine mk is unhappy, but damien wins immunity. yikes.
so finale time is damien, raj and axel. everyone gets an ending, but damien is the ‘canon’ winner because HE DESERVED IT COME ON.
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