#anti gravity water
accessoriesmart · 10 months
Anti-gravity Humidifier Water Droplet Backflow Aromatherapy Machine Large Capacity Office Bedroom Silent Large Fog Volume Spray
About there item:
LED smart display can display air humidity temperature in real time
Sprays great and dries mist fast
Water level detection and dry burning prevention sensor
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Anti-gravity design:
This humidifier uses optics to create an anti-gravity illusion, making the water droplets appear to be slowly flowing upwards. This is both fascinating and visually impressive.
Large capacity:
The water tank has a capacity of 800ml, which can humidify a medium-sized room for up to 8-10 hours.
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mjlistune · 3 months
Have one of this Amazing Anti Gravity Air Humidifier Ultrasonic in your Home! Check it now!
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gravitywaterluxuary · 4 months
Bathroom Health Faucet
Introducing the Bathroom Health Faucet by Gravity Bath: the epitome of hygiene and convenience in your bathroom. Engineered with precision and crafted from premium materials, our health faucet combines functionality with elegance, ensuring a seamless and hygienic experience every time.
Designed for versatility, our health faucet offers multiple spray settings to suit your needs, from gentle cleansing to powerful rinsing. The ergonomic handle provides effortless control, allowing you to adjust the water flow with ease.
But what truly sets our health faucet apart is its focus on hygiene. Featuring anti-bacterial nozzles and easy-to-clean surfaces, it ensures that your bathroom remains a sanctuary of cleanliness. With a sleek and modern design, it seamlessly integrates into any bathroom decor, adding a touch of sophistication to your space.
Whether you're looking to upgrade your existing bathroom or planning a new installation, the Bathroom Health Faucet by Gravity Bath is the perfect choice for those who prioritize hygiene and convenience. Experience the difference with Gravity Bath and elevate your bathroom to a new standard of cleanliness and comfort.
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lightasthesun · 6 months
Comprehensive Lexicon Guide for First-Time SW Fic Readers:
Flimsi/Flimsiplast = Paper
Flimsiwork/Datawork = Paperwork
Stylus = Pen
Datapad = Tablet
Comlink/Comm = Communication Device/Phone
Binders = Handcuffs
Chronometer = Clock
Spectacles = Eyeglasses
Chrono = Watch
Conservator = Refrigerator
Caf = Coffee
Nerfburger = Hamburger
Blue milk = Milk (literally blue)
Hubba chips = French Fries
Sweet roll = Doughnut
Flatcakes = Pancakes
Tabac = Tobacco
HoloNet = World Wide Web
Holovision/HoloTV = Television
Holodrama/Holovids = Movie/Videos
Holocamera/Holocam = Camera
Holomap = three-dimensional map
Holojournal = Newspaper
Holocube = Picture frame
Holotable = Projector
Holoscanner = X-ray machine
Holojournalist = Reporter
Flatholo/Holograph = Photograph
Sonic Damper = Active Noise Cancellation
Refresher/Fresher= Bathroom
Sonic Bath = Bath
Sanisteam/Sonic shower = Waterless Shower
Hydrospanner = Wrench
Hydro Flask = Water Bottle
Power Cell/Energy Cell = Batteries
Authorization Chip = Decryption key
Datatape = Disk
Datastick = Flash drive
(Personal) Com Code = Phone number
Datachip = SD Card
Synthflesh = Synthetic skin
Glowrod = Flashlight
Sparkstick = Match
Slugthrower = Gun
Slug = Bullet
Vibroblade = a blade that can vibrate at high frequencies, increasing its cutting power and penetrating ability (tactical knife)
Rangefinder = Rifle scope
Turbolaser = Cannon
Ion pike/Vibropike = Spear
Electro Staff = Stun baton
Blaster = Pistol/Rifle
Stun Blaster = similar to a Taser
Landspeeder/Airspeeder/Speeder = Car
Turbolift = Elevator
Slideramp = Escalator
Starfighter = Fighter jet
Rotorcraft = Helicopter
Hoverpack/Jetpack= Jet pack
Speeder Bike = Motorcycle
Skylane = Traffic lane
Railspeeder/Hovertrain = Train
Power Chair/Hoverchair= Wheelchair
Windscreen = Windshield
Podracing = Car racing
Dejarik = Chess
Sabacc = Poker and Blackjack combined
Galactic Rebels = Combat simulator
B'shingh = Dungeons and dragons
Jizz = Jazz music
Wailer = Singer (ie. Jizz Wailer)
Cantina = Bar or Pup
Para Sailing = Paragliding
Aurebesh = Alphabet
Credits = Money
Sleeping Pallet = Bedroll
Naming Day = Birthday
Youngling = Child
Galactic Basic Standard/ Basic = English
Medkit/Medpac = First aid kit
Hypo = Syringe
Medic/Healer = Doctor
Medcenter = Hospital
Bactapatch = Bandaid
Nanoweave = Fabric
Transparisteel = Glass
Plastifoam = Packing material
Durasteel = Steel
Plasteel = Plastic
Duracrete = Concrete
Slicer = Hacker (slicing = hacking)
Identikit = Passport
Minder = Therapist
Synthleather = Vinyl
Viewport = Window
Cooling Unit = Air-conditioning
Honeydarter = Bee
Slythmonger = Drugdealer
Spice = Drugs
Stimpill = Caffeine pill
Power Socket = Plug
Cutters = Scissors
Cycle = Day
Standard Cycle = 24h
Standard Week = 5 days
Standard Month = 35 standard days
Standard Year = approx. ten months
Tenday = literally ten days
Cigarras/Smokes = Cigarettes
Click = Kilometer or 'a moment'
Parsec = a unit of distance
Tweezers/Clanker/tin head/tinnie = Droid
Separatist = Seppie
Promise Ring = Wedding Ring
Body Glove = Jumpsuit
Slicksuit = Wet suit
Civvies = Civilian clothing
Carbonite = a metal alloy used to freeze a person in a state of hibernation
Hyperdrive = device that allows a starship to travel faster than lightspeed
Moisture vaporator = device that can extract water from the air, commonly used on tatooine
Glareshades = Sunglasses
Gasser = Gas Oven
Repulsorlift = technology that can create an anti-gravity field and is used for levitating heavy objects
Heating unit = Heater
Utility Droid = Roomba
Sunbonnet = a Clone trooper helmet
Bad Batcher = a defective Clone Trooper
Banthabrain = birdbrain/ a stupid person
Bantha fodder = waste of space/nonsense
Blast! = word of exclamation
Blasted! = s.o in anger or annoyance
Blaster-brained = dimwitted
Blaster fodder = cannon fodder
Blast off = Piss off
Brainless = Stupid
Bug/Bugger = used to refer to Geonosians
Forceforsaken = godforsaken
Full of Poodoo = full of shit
Poodoo = Shit
Kriff = Fuck
Jedi scum = derogatory term for jedi
Kark = derogatory expletive
Larty = LAAT/i gunship
Laserbrain = insult
Meat droid = derogatory term for Clone Troopers
Redrobes = Palpatines guard
Rookie/Shinie = newly recruited Trooper
Scum = insult to refer to bounty hunters/rebels
Sharpie = Sharp-witted
Sithspawn/Sithspit/Hellspawn! = expletive
Sleemo = Slimeball
Son of a bantha = insult
Wizard! = Cool
Spaced = dead
Hutt-spawn = Bastard
Karabast = exclamation of dismay
Stang = Crap
Buckethead/Bucketbrain = derogatory term for Stormtroopers
Bucket = Helmet
Nat-born = Natural Born
Roger Roger = affirmative/copy that
Droid poppers = EMP grenade
Sitrep = short for situation report
Backwater Planet = any planet that isn't part of the core system
Holocron = device that can project a three-dimensional image of a person/object and is used for communication or entertainment.
Kessel Run = a risky Operation. Commonly used as a metaphor in impossible situations.
Thermal Detonator= device that can create a powerful explosion like a grenade or bomb
Ray Shield/Energy Shield = creates a (protective) barrier
Rebreather = device that allows a person to breathe underwater or in toxic environments
Wild goose chase = wild bantha chase
That's bantha shit = that's bullshit
As slippery as a greased Dug = untrustworthy
Credit for your thoughts = penny for your thoughts
Cut the poodoo = cut the crap
to get your gills in a twist = get upset about something
Holy mother of meteors = holy mother of god
Oh my skies/ Oh my stars = exclamation of surprise
Stars' end! = exclamation of disbelief
What in the blue blazes = exclamation
When Geonosis freezes over/When it snows on tatooine = extremely unlikely
Who pissed in your power supply = who pissed you off
Blast it = damn it
By the maker = exclamation of surprise
Great karking Dragon = expression of disbelief
Lothcat got your tongue = equivalent of 'cat got your tongue?'
Sod it = expression of frustration
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rubyekinc · 1 year
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https://bit.ly/3S9egpW An anti-gravity air moisturizer is a type of humidifier that uses advanced technology to suspend a water reservoir in mid-air, creating the illusion that it is floating or levitating. This unique design not only adds a futuristic and stylish look to any room but also eliminates the need for a bulky base or stand, making it a space-saving option. Additionally, the device releases a fine mist of water vapor into the air, which helps to increase humidity levels and alleviate dry air symptoms such as dry skin, chapped lips, and sinus congestion. Overall, an anti-gravity air moisturizer is a functional and visually striking way to humidify the air in your home or office. Anti-gravity, Humidifier, Air Purifier, Dehumidifier, Portable, Quiet, Ultrasonic Technology, Essential Oil Diffuser, Aromatherapy, Healthy living, Home comfort, Energy efficient, Easy to use, Automatic shut-off, LED light, Health and wellness, Innovative technology, Allergies, Asthma, Dry air, Indoor air quality, Moisture control, Compact design, Mist output control.
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cannabiscomrade · 1 year
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This Disability Pride Month, I want people to picture US healthcare and food scarcity in a different way. Let's get into some anti-work discussion while we're at it. A lot of you need to remember how broad of a class "disability" is.
This is what I eat. This is adult formula and I use it as enteral nutrition. This is all I can eat and gain nutrients from, and I have to have access to consistent electricity and clean water to maintain it. I cannot tolerate a blended diet (also requires electricity) nor can I safely tolerate gravity/bolus feeds. I also get 100% of my hydration via tube- not pictured is the water necessary for my survival.
Despite the room it takes up in my kitchen, you may be surprised to learn that this is less than 2mo of formula. Less than 2mo of food.
I need 15 cases a month, which is $840/mo. My individual monthly food cost is almost $300 more than the average for Hawaii, the state with the highest US grocery costs. It is more than $500 over my state’s average. My medications also cost >$2200 a month on top of that.
Mine is 100% covered by my insurance- which is tied to my employer. This puts my disabled ass in the position of meat puppet for my employer because all of my needs are interconnected- food, drinking water, medications, running water, stable housing, and electricity. My employer has the power to choose whether I live or die and in this "mutually beneficial relationship", being a working disabled person serves them even more than the comparative able-bodied person because I have my hand forced towards company loyalty.
I really like my employer. But if this were not the case, changing jobs isn't really a safe option. Even if I had a job lined up, it can legally take up to 90 days (or longer in some cases) to get onto employer insurance. That's over $9,120 for 90 days (or more) of insurance lapse. COBRA is also a joke- my state charges $675.45/month for individual health insurance ONLY. That's still $2,026.35 and only if I was terminated, not voluntary resignation.
I think a lot of you need to remember how much disabled people are still an oppressed class- in the US disability law really has not done much for us and it has an extremely narrow view of what disability looks like. The ableism I've been seeing from the left has always been around, but during Disability Pride Month it has especially been a slap to the face.
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howtofightwrite · 2 months
If a character can manipulate points of gravity (up becomes down, left is down, right is down for yhe duration of the scene) and essentially be a spiderman without the spider webs by getting to run up buildings, and essentially be fighting in a more 3-d space...anything worth commenting on? I think what I'm trying to ask is what should one take into account when it's possible to have fight scenes in three dimensional ways. I recall that you wrote a post about how sea battles would technically look nothing like land battles considering the environmental difference of enemies coming at *all* directions.
That's not, really, “all directions.” For one thing, they don't have to worry about your character phasing through solid objects. It's also not going to be as effective as the web shooters for avoiding fire.
One of the quirks of Spiderman is that he doesn't, and really can't, travel in a straight line. He travels in a series of arcs, and while those arcs are predictable, it's much harder to lead your shots when he can jerk away in a different direction with almost no warning.
This is in contrast to characters with gravity manipulation based flight, who tend to travel in straight lines.
The issue with a battle in the sea comes from this basic concept. If you're a mile underwater in the Pacific, it is quite likely that there is another four miles of water below you, with the nearest land thousands of miles away. There is no cover.
Somewhat obviously, an urban environment offers a lot more cover. Your character can come in around buildings, drop from above.
What's significantly more disturbing is the prospect of your character being able to alter gravity for others. Causing someone to “fall” away into traffic or the sky is probably far more horrifying than the idea that they could run up a wall. Though, I suppose it's important to never underestimate the sheer pants shitting terror one can inflict by crab-walking across the ceiling towards your preferred prey.
Of course if you're manipulating gravity, then it stands to reason you may be able to add or subtract the gravity. It's one thing to sneak up on a mobster and propel him into the sky at 9.8m/s2. It's another thing to casually create a small gravity well inside his brain and crush his skull. Or, an anti-gravity spike and explode him like a forgotten microwave burrito.
It should go without saying by this point, but this power set can get really messy.
It's also worth remembering, this is one of those power sets that are just as dangerous to the user as their foes. Hopping from one building to another while flicking gravity mid flight could very easily result in broken bones and a really unpleasant landing. Unless they also have some pretty significant kinetic resistances, this is probably not something they'd want to use as a travel power (unless they're carefully tuning it to create fight.) Otherwise, inertia is their greatest foe.
To be honest, wall climbing is a slightly strange choice for a primary travel power. Yes, it is a viable choice, but using those same powers to take flight is going to be much less risky.
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aikoiya · 1 year
DPxDC - Bell Above the Box
Dude, they used to put bells above graves in case someone was accidentally buried alive so that the interred could just ring the bell & be saved. Basically, if this happened to you, then you were supposed to feel around for a string inside the coffin, then pull. Or they'd tie the string to a toe so that if the buried begins to move, it just sets off automatically. Now, I get that this custom was originally for lead poisoning, but it feels pertinent here as well.
Now, imagine if Bruce, be it out of some vain hope, had had one installed, just in case, with a sensor that would alert the batcomputer, Alfred, & Batman if it were ever pulled. Never actually expecting for it to happen. Only for, in the wake of Superboy gutpunching reality, it does.
Because of this, Bruce is there as quickly as possible, before the League gets a chance to take Jason from him.
Jason is only half there & Bruce has him at home. But the confused boy tends to wander off.
It's because of this that Jason eventually wanders to a nearby swamp & finds what's called a "blue hole," though it looked more like a green hole to him.
The glowing green water that bubbled from the stone outcrop & filtered into the swamp felt somehow familiar. The closer he drew to it, the clearer his thoughts became until he fell in.
He's submerged for a moment, not really realizing what was happening, until it was as if someone had suddenly flipped a switch inside his head. His mind was clear & there was this strange, almost comforting energy in the center of his chest.
That's when Bruce reaches in & pulls him out.
Jason becomes a very low-grade halfa with only a few powers that he now has to practice at.
Things like advanced healing, increased strength, speed, & flexibility, intangibility every once in a while (like, he can't use it willynilly), the ability to actually grab & hit ghosts, night vision, able to walk silently, even the power to see the regular, non-GZ DC ghosts like Deadman & the Gentlemen Ghost. Not able to turn invisible, but he is able to affect people's perception of him similarly to ghosts. So, he can manipulate not only a person's sense of object permanence when in regards to himself, but he can also make himself unnoticeable. Like, he can basically do what the Chameleon Circuit does. Like this:
Spectral Acknowledgment
However, because he's not a very good ratio of halfa, his anti-gravity center isn't fully developed, so he can really only slow his falling. Just stuff that gives him an edge & a few benefits, while not taking away from his fighting style.
He also gets slitted pupils, pointed ears, tapetum lucidum, & fangs, as well as a core element once it's fully developed. I'm thinking an electric primary & either a fire or shadow secondary, but he can only really cover his body with the elements to give him an edge in combat.
The Pit Rage was much more manageable because the Lazurus Water he bathed in had actually been cleaned in the last century unlike the one in Nanda Parbat. At the same time, it isn't just that Ra's doesn't clean his bath water, it's also that Nanda Parbat's pit has been intentionally corrupted by dark magic & especially necromantic energy. Luckily, this one had recently (like, within the last 50 years) been purified via the same prayer used to make Holy Water (which is the proper means of neutralizing black magic from water). This helped to stave off Gotham's many curses from corrupting the water fully.
In the end, instead of becoming Red Hood, because he has no reason to, he becomes the Cardinal.
Not much difference in the costume to be fair. Instead, he wears the red vest (but it reaches his ankles like a trench) with an actual hood & a black mouth guard.
But, he does tend to use the All-Blades more often. Don't know how he gets them here, but he does because they're awesome!
One change to them, though. They don't only appear in the presence of pure evil & also work on paranormal beings. They are, however, only deadly to those who are evil. They can hurt those who aren't, but can't kill them.
However, despite Bruce having actually been there for him, the fact that the Joker was still walking around & killing people... stung...
The thing is that Bruce had been there for him. Had actually found him. Had kept him safe once he came back. And hadn't replaced him. So, Jason couldn't hate him entirely. But in a lot of ways, that's actually worse because it hurts even worse.
And because of this, he can't bring himself to trust Bruce.
And whenever Jason sees the Joker, it's like he's right back there in that chair being sold out by his own mother. Screaming for Bruce to save him.
You see, a ghost's killer is an extreme source of stress & anxiety for them. If they are still alive & able to continue on with what they do, it is a consistent source of trauma that can send the ghost spiraling if you're not careful. It is an IMMEDIATE & INTENSE trigger. Like, we are talking some serious PTSD! The sort that triggers the fight or flight instinct. So, even though it appears similar to Pit Rage, the source isn't rage, it's fear.
The only upside is that Dick is actually treating him like a brother now.
Then, one night, Jason hears Dick & Bruce arguing & learns that Dick had actually killed the Joker & that Batman revived him.
It shattered him.
He couldn't stay with Bruce anymore & went to live with Dick in Bloodhaven.
Edit: I also just learned that, apparently, due to being part of the All-Caste, Jason also has some basic precognative abilities, though he can't use them very long before they start causing migrains. As well as the apparent ability to just shut off people's powers.
I'm thinking about making Jason the resident magic-user/supernatural hunter in the batclan. Just as a treat!
I mean, does his love of literature also extend to research on ancient mythology & legends, even those of other cultures? Because if so, he could end up being a natural.
For those who don't know, I'm talking about the Supernatural-type hunters.
DP Character HC Masterlist
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Why Is This So Surprising?
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
(With cameos from all of the 11th Street Kids)
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: The team sees a softer side to Adrian when his partner gets upset.
Warnings: Descriptions of something similar to a panic attack or autistic meltdown
A/N: So funny story this has actually been in my drafts for almost year and I forgot about it because I broke my phone the week I wrote it and got a new phone, but I’m thinking of maybe ending my hiatus and coming back soon. In the meantime I have some old fics I never posted. College and my mental health got in the way and I never got to finish some old WIPs, but I think I might finally be ready to pick them back up again! Hope you enjoy! ❤️🧜‍♂️❤️
You felt your breath catch in your throat as your lungs expand and contract trying to get air in. You were trying to forget about the mission you had just been on and you were having little success. You were able to push down your emotions on the car ride back to the old video store and you were currently staring at the piano, avoiding eye contact, in an effort to block out what Harcourt was saying. If you didn’t hear the debriefing it couldn’t be real, right? If you didn’t hear how terrible the mission went, it just simply didn’t happen. Sadly that wasn’t true. You found it getting harder for you to breathe. You pushed yourself up from your chair, getting ready to walk upstairs to be by yourself for a minute when you’re stopped by Harcourt.
“Where do you think you’re going? I didn’t say you could leave. This is important.” She starts.
“I don’t need a recap of this. Thanks.” You say, continuing upstairs, your voice cracking.
“Hey, (L/N), we all did things we aren’t proud of today-“
“You didn’t do what I did!” You yell at her. Suddenly the room starts spinning. It all just feels too real. You can feel everything and it’s too much. You hear a clock ticking, water rushing through pipes, feet slapping on the pavement outside, the click click clicking of heels, the electricity in the lights, the lights that just won’t stop flickering. You back up into a wall and slide down it, tears blocking your vision. You let a sob come out.
“What are we supposed to do?” Chris asks quietly, standing up and walking closer.
“I don’t fucking know! I’ve never seen them like this!” Harcourt whisper yells. Adebayo stands up and walks over to you, the rest of the team crowding around. They’re making it harder to breathe until you start hyperventilating.
“What can we do for you?” She asks.
“You guys can move the fuck over. Give them some space.” Adrian says, pushing his way through the crowd. “Somebody go get them some water.” He commands and John leaves the room to grab you a glass. “Are you pro touch or anti touch right now?” He asks, but you feel like you’re underwater. You feel like speaking is like moving through quicksand and you just can’t manage it. Adrian slowly puts his hand out towards you, like a wounded animal. He tries to take your hand in his and at first a little jumpy, you let him. He puts your hand over his chest and takes deep exaggerated breaths. “Follow my breathing, okay? In and out.” He instructs you and you breathe together. “You’re doing such a good job.” He praises. When your breathing becomes somewhat regulated Adrian moves so he’s sitting against the wall and you’re leaning against his chest. He’s giving you the pressure you so desperately need, as he sways with you. He brings you back to this planet. Slowly, gravity starts to feel normal again. Now that you can breathe a steady stream of tears starts to flow. He wipes them occasionally as you lay with your ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat drown out the other noises that were too loud. “It wasn’t your fault. You did your best. You’re okay. Everything is okay.” He reminds you. John hands him the glass of water. “Here, (Y/N), drink this. You need to stay hydrated.” Adrian reminds you, as you take the glass of water. It feels cool against your throat which had previously felt like fire. “Thank you.” Adrian says to John.
“You’re welcome.” John responds. The rest of the team just stares. They’ve been staring the whole time. You don’t even notice the stares and neither does Adrian. Your minds are on more important matters. You completely forget they’re there until they start to speak up.
“How did you know what to do?” Harcourt asks.
“What do you mean?” Adrian answers her question with another question.
“Well we didn’t even know what to do and you say you don’t have emotions.” John comments.
“I say I don’t have emotions like other people. That doesn’t mean I don’t have emotions. I just have them differently.” He clarifies.
“Well you clearly don’t know what to do when I’m crying.” Chris starts. He then clears his throat. “I mean if I had cried you wouldn’t know what to do. Because I never cry! Crying is for babies!” He adds. Adebayo gives him a look and Harcourt slaps him on the arm.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Harcourt whisper yells. You don’t take offense to his comment. You know he has masculinity issues.
“First of all crying is healthy. It’s a fundamental part of human nature. Second of all they’re my partner. We’ve slept in the same bed for over a year. I’d think I’d know how to take care of them. Why is this so surprising?” Adrian roles his eyes at the others while they shrug. Everyone has something to say, but they just decide to keep their mouths shut. As the tears start to slow, you shift in his arms, getting more comfortable. You don’t realize how tired you are until your eyes start to get heavy after you’ve made it to a comfortable position. You look up at him with pleading eyes.
“Can we go home now?” You ask.
“Of course, Babe.” He says, planting a kiss on the top of your head. Adrian moves you off of his lap, stands, and reaches out a hand for you to lift yourself up with. The others wish you well as you collect your things to go home.
“(Y/N), you don’t have to come in tomorrow. Get some rest…and Chase…I’m sorry we underestimated you.” Harcourt tells the both of you. You can’t see your boyfriend’s goofy smile in the dark of the night outside the video store, but you can hear it in his voice as he thanks Harcourt and bids his goodbye. When you get home Adrian puts you in his softest t-shirt and you climb into bed. He pulls you to lay on him and you don’t object. You enjoy the feeling of his chest rising and falling and the sound of his heartbeat. You like that you can hear it better now that his suit is off. It’s comforting. He’s comforting.
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tripleglitchwriting · 6 months
Ignition (Part 2)
GN human reader, Ratchet-centric
CW: Graphic injury, getting burned by water, unintentional fearplay, mild language, a solid block of angst, referring to a person as “it” (unintentionally)
You’d made pretty good time all things considered. The lightheadedness and constant nausea were a mere annoyance now. You were going to find where that noise came from and you were going to get help and you were going to survive this. At least, that’s what you told yourself.
Trying to get places with a broken leg and a dwindling supply of adrenaline was not your best idea. To be fair, neither was agreeing to go on a hike alone in an unfamiliar forest. For hours you clawed your way through the leaf padded forest floor (thank god for autumn), but as the sun began to set a familiar sense of dread crept into your psyche.
You could die here.
Keyword: Could. You’re too stubborn to sit in place and wait for a rescue or call for help in dense, unpopulated woods. Bursts of perseverance refused to let you lay down. Not long after your thirteenth short spout of energy, you began to regret your bullheaded pursuit. Not because you were tired or losing hope, but because you may have just found what you were looking for. And it was fucking huge. At least that’s what you could tell from the earth splitting footsteps and overarching shadow beginning to cast itself over you.
The thing towered above your already crumpled body. It didn’t even seem to notice you at first… until you involuntarily screamed very, very loudly. Then it looked directly at you. Shit.
Bright blue lights beamed down at you like the sun through a stained glass window. Not like a beautiful sunset, of course not, it was like the kind of light that blinded you and only you when you went to sit down. Its eyes alone pinned you in place, but once you regained your vision its face came into view. A realization came to mind, it was decidedly not a giant. That would be too easy. It was a giant ROBOT. Because normal mystical creatures were apparently too last century so you were stuck with this. And all that adrenaline you had so badly needed earlier came flooding back.
First, you screamed again. Then, in your frenzy, you tired to run away, immediately remembering why you hadn’t done so before. You kept trying though, and you kept failing. Its hand, which was bigger than your entire body, began to descend down on you. Before it could get halfway though, a very helpful bought of more screaming and one-legged kicking seemed to deter it. Good news! You weren’t dead. Bad news! It was making awful metal grinding noises now.
You could feel your heart pick up in speed and your breathing quicken to dangerous levels. Attempting to back away again you noticed its face scrunch up into a weird shape which was not what you expected for something made out of metal.
Inside you something snapped when it reached out again. Some primal fear ignited by pain and panic. More screaming lurched its way out of you, this time with an animalistic undertone you didn’t even know was possible. You tried to claw and fight against its fingers as they eased their way under your back, but they were too strong. Or you were too weak. Either way, the thing was lifting you up, images of kids with dolls flashed in your mind as you got closer to its face. You felt scrutinized, but it didn’t last long as another hand was placed on top of the one you laid on, sealing your fate in darkness.
Well, at least if you survive you’ll have one hell of a story to tell. Unfortunately that didn’t seem very likely, because you felt gravity abandon you as the thing walked away.
Ratchet felt horrible about the way it struggled and cried, but there wasn’t much he could do for comfort. He just needed to get back to the pod, maybe he could find some sort of anti-bacterial spray or something to seal the wounds, maybe a splint for that limb. Pit, he’d even just take some fresh water to clean it up.
Thing is he didn’t know much about treating organics, especially not ones he was unfamiliar with. In this case “unfamiliar” was putting it lightly. Eventually he stumbled back upon the pod, immediately looking around for something to help. There didn’t seem to be anything of much use, not if these things couldn’t withstand intense welding, and he highly doubted they could.
Quickly he looked back at his scans. There was some sort of water source nearby, if he could purify it maybe he could at least wash out its injuries. With no other option he strode off toward a small creek. He took a medical blowtorch with him to kill off any harmful bacteria that might be in the water.
Once there he got to work. Well, he would have if he had the hands for it. Very carefully he set the thing down on the ground, creating a quick storage container out of scrap from the ship and his blowtorch. Soon after the water was boiling, and he was ready.
The thing, in fact, was not ready. As evident by the painted screams it let out when he tried to wash out the wounds. He would just ignore this as more struggling, but its skin turned a shade of pink where the water had touched it.
Of course, the heat! This thing didn’t have the metal to protect its squishy body, he was burning it! Luckily he hadn’t done much, only a drop of the water really. Ratchet got to cooling the liquid off immediately, but when he went back to check on the thing its little optics were closed and it wasn’t moving. Frag, frag, frag. He did a scan of its body- and to his intense relief it was only unconscious. He had a lot to learn about this species, but for now he’d have to focus on making sure this one didn’t offline.
Some time later it looked a bit better- at least with all that grime off. He didn’t remove the coverings it wore, for all he knew that could offline it. Though, he did scan the things skeletal structure. It was… strange, and honestly quite impractical. Its denta showed it was most likely an omnivore, which would be helpful in getting it refueled later. The back molars were flat yet it still had sharp incisors, Wheeljack would be enamored. But Wheeljack wasn’t here, he remembered, and neither was anyone else he had ever known.
His spark dropped, but was subsequently interrupted by the things stirring. Its optics opened in a dazed confusion, at least that’s what he assumed anyway. Scrap, he hadn’t had the time to make a splint! When it fully woke up it seemed awfully aware of that fact, again attempting to move away but falling back all the same. He realized words weren’t going to help, so maybe actions would.
Ratchet knelt down lower to make himself look smaller- a behavior he’d observed in other wild creatures. He was a bit disappointed by the lack of a positive reaction but soon caught it glancing at his servos. It must not want to be grabbed again, and he couldn’t blame the thing for it. He only raised his servos up slowly with open palms, and placed them behind his back. This seemed to get a reaction, as it stopped trying to back away. Instead it tilted its helm and finally tore its optics off him.
It looked down at itself, noticing the lack of dirt and red energon. If its expressions were to be compared to that of a cybertronian, he’d say its face softened. It looked up at him again, still very hesitant but progress had been made. And right now, progress was all he could ask for.
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o3tofu · 7 days
I realize this is a weird question but I think of you as one of the few people that really get Elliott's style. That being said...
What kind of water bottle do you think he would use? like if he has to travel. I definitly see him using a metal or black thermos flask for coffee, but for water I am just not sure. This is important for reasons.
I've never thought about him carrying a water bottle because I think he's the café-hopping type 🤔 but if he did carry one he would have either a random 5 bucks bottle from Walmart, or a $200 multi-functional thermos cup that is super insulated, antimicrobial, anti-cancer and anti-gravity.
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feniverse-unfiltered · 5 months
Some BNHA Character Playlists:
Dabi: spotify link | Playlist Graphic
Top 3 Songs: Blood // Water by grandson | Rewired by Gabbie Hanna | Hellfire by Barns Courtney
Toga Himiko: spotify link
Top 3 Songs: Bloodsucker by aeseaes | I'll Make You Love Me by Kat Leon | Breakfast by Dove Cameron
Shigaraki Tomura: spotify link
Top 3 Songs: Stay and Decay by Unlike Pluto | Monster by BB Cooper | Freak (Ft. REI AMI) by Sub Urban
Hawks: spotify link
Top 3 songs: Higher by The Score | Anti-Gravity by RUNAGROUND | Head Up by The Score
Miruko: spotify link
Top 3 songs: Don't Stop the Devil by Dead Posey | Stomp Me Out by Bryce Fox | 321GO by The Mondays
Lady Nagant: spotify link
Top 3 songs: OUTLAW by Neoni | I Walk The Line by Halsey | Never Going Back by The Score
Bakugo Katsuki: spotify link
Top 3 songs: Dynamite by Sam Tinnesz | The Fight by The Phantoms | Going for Greatness by Future Royalty
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monkiart · 2 months
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New dragon oc
Name : Riley/ Xiaolong (reincarnation of Ao Chang the 5th son)
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Status: alive
Weapons: dragon blade of the east (a dragon gave it to him)
Draconic energy: unlock at the age of 6 able to surround with dragon energy
Dragon aura: able to summon a dragon made of energy but in turquoise color
Enhanced senses: able to sense far away unlock when he was 10
Water: shape or manipulate it or control to make a flood
Fire: Able to manipulate green fire by hand but doesn’t know how strong it will be
Telepathy: read minds unlocked at the age of 4
Shapeshifting: able to shapeshift into anything but dragon form is in progress
Human disguise: able to hide his dragon features
Water breathing: breathed under water after being born
Personality: Adventurous, impulsive, kind, caring
-adopted and lives with sandy
-likes boba tea
-hangs out with Mei and MK at the anti gravity arcade
Info: In the bottom of the sea there was a dragon pearl it cracked and appeared out a little boy wearing a white short sleeved hangs he woke up seeing he was in the sea but she saw light curious what’s up there he swam up to the surface sea nothing but sea then he heard a noise a boat sailing through the night sandy saw wondering what was he doing out in the sea so he grabbed him up asking if he got lost the boy didn’t know and shrugged, Sandy asked his name the boy didn’t have one so Sandy named him Riley or Xiaolong
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chaoskirin · 2 months
This Post is GenAI
Hey everyone. Just wanted to warn y'all about a post that's going around being tagged/labeled as "photography," but it's just shitty AI. It looks like this:
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If you've reblogged this, please delete it. Generative AI is theft, and in order to create this, OP had to steal from other artists.
There's a few ways to tell, but the easiest way is the anti-gravity stream of water coming out of the faucet. Water goes down.
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eshasunrise · 3 months
Deepsea Glass
This is a pre-Splatoon fan fic that takes place in Alterna, days before its destruction.
Selena (Saline, moon) is an analogue for Marina
Kohime (little princess) is an analogue for Pearl
Inspired by the squid ink panels reflecting the desires of humanity.
Read below the cut.
Selena wanted to bash her head against the wall. She was the project lead in Alterna's delusional corporate suicide cult. Sorry, she meant 'Happiness Research Lab', a once important figure in maintaining Alterna's long-term survival, now a haven for madmen demanding humanity return to the irradiated, flooded surface.
Her job was to figure out the logistics of building, and launching, a rocket from deep beneath the sea and into the Earth's soil. Needless to say, all calculations show the probability of successfully launching a rocket deep underwater was literally, no smudging the numbers, 0%. And that's ignoring the readings showing that the surface is still flooded, irradiated, and over 15 degrees hotter than is ideal for agriculture, let alone maintaining human life. And THAT is ignoring the fact that the force of the rocket would fracture the stone of the cavern in which the population is maintained, assuming the psychic backlash of every neuroLCD panel suddenly exploding from energy overload wouldn't kill the population outright.
So obviously, the higher-ups appealed to reason. Or not. Instead, they scrapped the research to start building the rocket. Needless to say, it was now up to Selena to build an anti-gravity device which could withstand the water pressure while her roommate and boss, Kohime, tried desperately to get the company to stop.
It had barely been 60 years since Alterna was finished and colonized, and yet already people were demanding the impossible. Small crowds creating conspiracy theories about the land being just outside the walls, as opposed to the waterlogged crag of the flooded cavern that you can very clearly see if you just switched off one of the panels.
Selena needed a break. She decided, if her job wasn't going to listen to her findings, then she wasn't going to bother staying the full day. Clearly she wasn't alone in this thought, as when she approached the door, she caught her roommate standing outside on her phone. Selena's own phone pinged a notification right as she opened the glass door, greeting the shorter woman's slightly embarrassed face. That didn't last long however, as she begun to speak:
"Oh good. I just texted you." Kohime said. "You wanna head out early?"
"Absolutely." Replied Selena. She was glad that she was living with somebody who had some sense. The two of them grabbed a frozen tofu desert on the way home (most of the non-seafood was tofu, as it was one of the few crops to easily grow down here), and Kohime began to complain.
"Every day. Every goddamn day, these fucking bastards keep fucking ignoring me! 'Oh look, the princess is mad again' like, no shit? I'm trying to keep you alive! I don't care if the goddamn escapists are profitable, we aren't here to make a profit! We need to focus on the future! Making sure there's a planet to live on, not running to our death as fast as possible! What are we, fish to an angler?!"
Selena sighed in agreement. She had nothing to add, as everything she would say has already been said. Instead, she half-listened to her best friend's impatient ramblings while thinking of how to cheer her up later. There was that one project...
"Hey Kohime." Selena interjected. "You remember that old shark movie we watched the other day?"
"Oh yeah, Jaws, right? You wanna watch it again?" Kohime responded.
"We could, but first there's something I want to show you."
Kohime's attention was peaked right as they got home. From the table in the back, Selena grabbed an audio device.
"I came up with this song while thinking of that movie."
"Oh, fresh! Lemme hear!" Kohime slipped the speaker cuff over her left ear. From it emitted a steady, slightly modern approximation of the shrine music her grandmother would play for her. It was a curious sound, but she couldn't figure out what it had to do with...
"Wait a sec. The chorus, is that-?"
A slightly mischievous grin snuck up on Selena's face, "yup. That was made using the two note progression from the really tense scenes!"
Kohime's face lit up like the midday skylight. "That's hilarious AND awesome! Only you could come up with something so crazy, I love it!" A giggle pushes her face into childish glee, while Selena turned to grab something else, hiding her guilty smile.
It's been twelve years now, but she still couldn't get over that phrase from Kohime. 'I love'. It makes her uneasy every time.
"You wanna watch another movie?" Selena asked, "I found another Jaws movie, although I think it's the third one. Don't know if there's a two we're missing."
"Oh hell yeah! Pop it in!"
An hour later, and Selena was thoroughly bored. This was definitely a sequel to the first movie she saw, but it felt half-hearted and phony, like the corporate slogans she had to write for every apartment and street corner back at her old job.
"Are you watching this?" She asked the small woman beside her. No answer. Her roommate had fallen fast asleep, clearly as bored as she was, and had let her head fall against Selena's shoulder as she dozed.
Selena felt a pang in her chest. A muddy feeling that followed every bit of affection Kohime had given her. She stayed like this however, in part to let her old friend rest from the nightmarish days they've had, and in part for the comfort she has in knowing Kohime would always be beside her, ready to take on the world, which day by day became increasingly relevant.
Selena slowly nodded off herself.
That night, an exhausting dream filled her mind. In it, she was swimming up waterfall after waterfall. She strained against the crashing current, believing that soon, she would find rest. But no rest would come. At the final hurdle, the last jump, she dove straight into the maw of a hungry bear, wearing the Alterna logo on it's forehead, and announcing her retirement.
Selena woke with a start. It was midnight, and she felt dumb for being stressed about such a wild dream. She didn't question why she had it though. She had been working too hard for too little. The research she conducted, the machines she built, all wasted on projects that would kill her led by people who would never listen. She needed to quit. She could do so easily in fact. Sleeping in her lap, having moved herself in her sleep, was the very person she worked under. All she would have to do is wake her and tell her she couldn't work there anymore.
And leave Kohime to fight alone.
Selena let her head fall back onto the couch cushion. She would work tomorrow, if for no other reason than to ease her guilty conscience. To make sure some semblance of sanity stayed in this broken order, just because she knows Kohime would never stop fighting. She's always been bull-headed, and they needed that now more than ever.
"It's is time for your shift at the Happiness Research Facility, Citizen 2117: Assistant Director KOHIME.
It is time for your shift at the Happiness Research Facility, Citizen 2224: Project Manager SELENA.
Have a productive day."
Selena's second waking was a slow groggy ordeal. She had barely gotten back to sleep, and it feels like she just had that nightmare. Clearly some time has passed, as Kohime was sitting next to her. Unusually though, she wasn't dressed yet. Instead, she had an uncharacteristically uneasy glower in her face.
"Oh, you're up." Selena noted.
A long, heavy silence dulled the air at her voice. Kohime continued to stare, pressure rising from her sleep-matted hair. Eventually, she spoke:
At her word, a deafening pause filled the room.
"Do you ever feel like...something big is coming? Like..."
"The end of the world?" Selena finished her thought. "Of course. Every day. It bears down like an ocean of pressure every time I have to think about that goddamn rocket."
"Exactly!" The smaller woman replied "it all feels like we're marching into the end, all over some vague dream!" Tension filled her voice. She lacked energy, however. Selena took notice and pressed the back of her hand to Kohime's forehead.
"! W- what are you doing?" Kohime was flustered.
"You're overheated." Selena spoke.
"Well, that's 'cause you-"
"No, I mean actually" she wouldn't let Kohime finish. Now wasn't the time. "You're getting sick. R.C.A.?"
Selena called to the AI transcriber installed as living assistance. "Contact the HRF. We're taking today off."
"Very well." The voice responded.
Kohime protested: "No! Without us, who knows what those idiots will do?!"
Selena was worried of course, but she wasn't going to let her friend suffer. "How smart do you think they actually are. The lunatics wanna fire a rocket in a closed cave, through the ocean. You think they can think through the logistics without us?" She prattled, hoping she was right. It was her last hope at this point.
"Come on. You need to rest, and they'll never figure out how to actually build a rocket in the few days we'd be gone. Plus when we get back, you can rub the fact that you were right in their faces."
Kohime couldn't help but laugh at that. "As if. They're heads would be so far up their asses, they wouldn't be able to hear me." She joked, coughing near the end of her sentence.
Selena chuckled back, "in that case, I'll build you a megaphone. Nobody'd be able to ignore you then. Better yet, I'll build a bomb-"
"Okay, stop right there crazy lady. Don't give R.C.A. the wrong idea. Plus, that'd totally defeat the purpose of stopping the rocket in the first place."
The two joked like that for a few more minutes, until the tension left Kohime's shoulders, and she nodded off again.
It would take a week before Kohime would recover. The anxiety from the escape project pushing them to the boiling point. It was only at the end of that week when she had rested enough to feel like working again, and scheduled their shifts for the next day.
When Selena woke, from her bed this time, to the work day she'd been dreading, she noticed that Kohime had already left. Nothing unusual there. She was always a bit of a workaholic, and the praise helped feed her ego. Selena would finish her breakfast before heading out.
Upon opening the front door, however, she was blinded by a scorching white light. The skylight above them was in overdrive, forcing her eyes down. On the porch, collapsed to her knees, eyes wide despite the overbearing light above, was Kohime. Her face was filled with fear as defeat killed what little hope had remained.
Fearfully checking her friends help, Selena would follow her unbroken stare to the neuroLCD panel on the West edge. There, where once was the image of a field with sparse green trees, now stood the image of a white rocket ship, repeating down the walls. The grass, which once had a photo-like quality, now rustled as if blown by the wind. Sparse depictions of clouds were circling the blinding sun.
To any other, it would be an echo of their deep-seated desire to reach the upper world. To the two women here, however, it was a monument to their failure.
Selene rushed to the far moat, from the shore of which she grabbed a raft, unconcerned with ownership. Kohime followed behind, having barely broken from her stupor, and praying her closest could find a miracle. The datapad Selene brought was connected to a terminal on the wall. The screen behind it flickered off, exposing behind it the rocket they had lobbied so hard against, somehow completed.
Selene swallowed her fear as the datapad downloaded the Alterna Logs only people from the Happiness Research Facility has access to. The log read as follows:
HRFLog004.02: The Divide
As humanity began it's foolhardy errand to escape their salvation, a small group of resisters, lead by those scientists from the first generation, had resisted the change.
Amongst these were two high-ranking officials who had researched the surface, and concluded escape would doom humanity. These two would be the head speakers, and last bastions, of the Preservationists.
Rather than heed their warnings, those who profited from the Escapist movement would instead sabotage the resistance, slipping a mild poison into one researcher's water.
With the voice of opposition in recovery, the Preservationists were left without a rallying point, and a new fervor would grip the escapists. Thus, the rocket would be built in record time.
Awaiting further data.
Selena's heart dropped. A deep, fervent rage built in her heart. They had nearly killed her closest friend, over this pipe dream?! They would doom humanity for their pride?!
Her rage was interrupted, however, by a deafening scream of anguish. Having read the report on her own datapad, Kohime collapsed into a ball, shaking the raft beneath them. Selena steadied herself, then crouched to her friend.
She was yelling, but a defeated misery filled her voice. She was not just screaming out of anguish, but because she couldn't find the strength to control her voice. Selena watched in pain as, for the second time ever, she watched her friend's heart break. She grabbed the girl and held her close, ignoring the pain in her ears. She needed to help her, to make her happy. Something to make her smile. Something she...
A familiar tune resonated from the wall behind her. The neuroLCDs picked up on Selena's desire, and reflected a memory of a week ago, the smiling face of her closest friend. The sound that played was the song she wrote, and Kohime took notice. Her crying slowed as she looked towards the reactivated panel. She couldn't help but laugh.
"Look, it's us." She barely managed to croak through tears. She hummed sobbing in a strained voice to the song that played, while holding desperately to Selena's waist.
This brief reprieve would not last. Those other researchers would hear the song, and, seeing the crying girl, wished for her to be happy. The rocket would be starting it's test launch after all. Soon, she could go home.
As the song spread, more and more people would hear it, carrying with it the image of the surface and the big white rocket. Soon, people began to sing along, making up lyrics that blurred together, as an anthem to the freedom they strived towards. All the while, the woman who wrote the song wondered how her feelings were strong enough to override the panel.
She wouldn't have long to wonder, though, as the nearest panel changed again, this time to a scene all too familiar. A scene she had avoided for so long. As it played, the sobbing in her arms changed to a wretched scream.
At once, two voices spoke. The same person twice, one screaming to a world that would not hear, the other whispering to her closest friend, who alone would listen to her once and once again.
"Is it alright if we talked?"
"I wanted to get something off my chest..."
"It feels like we've known each other forever"
"And I needed to tell you"
"Just how important you are to me."
"I love you"
"I love you so much."
"You don't have to respond"
"And I'm sure you don't feel the same way"
"But I wanted to be honest"
"I've always felt this way"
"And maybe, if you're willing"
"We could go out some time?"
A lump held in Selena's throat. She knew what was about to happen. She felt it. She tasted it. Regret boiled in her stomach. And here at the end, she could only manage one more sentence.
Behind the wall, the rocket's thrusters burst to life.
"I'm sorry."
At her final word, the pain of her closest friend before her once and once again, the wall cracked. The crying smile shattered into a thousand pieces, lacerating the overflowing wrath. Selena tried to hold onto Kohime's dying body, but was pushed back by the torrent erupting from the wall in front of her.
As Selena fell deeper and deeper beneath the flooding water, shards of neuroLCD shone around her. In each reflected the memories that replayed in her mind. Not the plans to maintain Alterna, and not the speeches she gave to the reckless businessmen that doomed them.
Her memories were of the happy times. The days in University she spent learning. The machines she managed to make float in the air. The simple Japanese style tune she composed from the Jaws theme. The grin on Kohime's face when she showed her.
The times she and Kohime would complain about work. The praise she received when Kohime was in charge. The sleeping face of Kohime resting her head on her shoulder. The day Kohime confessed, and how she stayed beside her despite rejection.
Selena scolded herself as air left her lungs. She should have spent more time with Kohime. She should have done what she could to make her happy. She should have humored her, just to see her smile one more time. She should have loved her.
She already loved her.
Selena's thoughts were clear in her final moments. She already loved Kohime. She had spent her life seeking that attention, that love, which was always reciprocated, and she never paid it any mind, taking for granted the bond they had shared.
Warm tears of regret mixed with the bloody seawater, as Selena's thoughts betrayed her feelings. Her love. Her fear. Her shame. Reflected in the shards of the neuroLCD, her memories changed to the visage of Kohime. Her smiles, her rage, her sadness, her love. All surrounding her in the deep dark ocean. Even as her sight went dark and her thoughts slowed, all she could see was Kohime's proud, loving face, smiling back at her, as if everything would be alright.
She should have loved her.
She should have loved her.
She should have...
Tens of thousands of years later, a young woman, barely 18, nervously approached the loud stranger on Mt. Nantai. Just a few months earlier, she had defected from the army she was raised by, inspired by a strange song she had heard. A simple, repetitive shrine song performed by enemy mercenaries. One which filled her with fear, love, and a dream of freedom. One which, two days earlier, she heard screamed from the other side of the mountain, as if sung by a particularly skilled jet turbine.
Five years after, at the height of her career, Marina Ida ducks backstage at the end of her band's world tour. At her side, marches the proud woman who found her, one Pearl Houzuki.
The small woman looks back at her, and flashes a proud grin, as if telling her that everything would be alright. At this, only one thought echoed in Marina's head.
I love her.
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yuriisclumsy · 1 year
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𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐈𝐈—𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲
Previous: 𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐈 | 𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐈𝐈(you are here) | 𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐈𝐈𝐈
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— There are Four ways to travel to the city:
╰Number One: Land— Although it isn’t the fastest and safest way to travel to the city, it gets the job done.
╰Number Two: Boat— This is the second best way to getting to the city in one piece(Luffy? That u?). Because of the harbor this is the popular and cheaper option to travel.
╰Number Tree: By Air— Wait, what? There is a way to get to the city by air? Since when??? Well ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…my version of a Hot Air Balloon!🎉 Now you all must be wondering, how in Teyvat do you have a Hot Air Balloon? Simple solution, really. The Jade Chamber.
Yuri: Be warned, the explanation is a little long but worth it if you stick with it. If you don’t want to read it and accept the reality of this madness, read the next bullet. Just know, something won’t make sense.
— Now, you need to know three things: Plaustrite, Adepti Sigils, and Wonder Core.
╰ The Jade Chamber uses something called Sunset Vermillion to levitate in the air; in reality, Sunset Vermillion is just a bigger chunk of material called Plaustrite. Plaustrite is an elemental mineral known for its anti-gravity properties. Objects built with this material float, like Xiao lanterns.
╰ In the Jade Chamber there is a control compartment, its use is to allow aerial movement of the Chamber. To build a control for a flying object you’ll need Adepti sigils and Wonder Core.
Yuri: “So, the Hot Air Balloon uses all of these?” No! I’m making my life difficult by World building and lore 😃
╰The Hot Air Balloon uses Pure Plaustrite, meaning that there is little to nothing of any other component except the Anti-gravity one. And because Adepti sigils are a Liyue only thing, I decided to come up with Anralyte! Which is basically a talisman done by a mage from the smallest elite academy in the city. Now if you combine Anralyte and celestial technology, you get an Airship!
???: Wow. All of that, just for an Airship….
???:*sights with immense disappointment*
╰Number Four: The Traveler— and of course. You have the Traveler. With powers greater than their own body can handle. They have a waypoint unlocked…! .…What a pain in the arse.🙃
— The architecture of the city was inspired by German and French architecture. I also took inspiration from Greek architecture.
— The city is located on a mountainous region that borders the ocean, although the majority of the city is on one mountain.
— At the mountain top is where the middle and core sections lay.
— There is a river that runs from the top of the mountain all the way down and merges with the ocean. Expect bridges all around the city. The water that runs down the mountain is clean, so it is safe for consumption. Because of the purity of the water many citizens usually don’t bathe or eat the animals of the river, deeming it as holy.
╰Some even say that this river water comes directly from Celestia.
╰There is also another river on the left hand of the city. It also connects with the ocean, it’s not to be confused as the holy river.
—The citizens are generally very friendly and open to foreigners visiting.
— The law enforcers are called “Up-holders”. You can see them all around the city, even on farm land. They take their jobs seriously and are not to be messed with. But, they are very helpful for any situation.
╰To be an Up-holder you have to first become a knight and then graduate from the ‘Tridalia Academy’.
—The Tridalia Academy was founded by Vimlar Tridalia, who hails from the same race as Klee and Alice; a race blessed by longevity. He is a high, if not the highest, in the Up-holder ranks. The Tridalia Academy is primarily focused on training young knights to become the law enforcers they need to be. This means intensive battle training, and law classes.
╰Because of the high requirements to become an enforcer, citizens respect Up-holders. Very often you’ll see these young soldiers get free food and get complimented throughout the city.
╰Fun fact: Vimlar has been serving under her Grace for over five hundred years. So your best shot at finding him would be in the Core section…. And you didn’t hear this from me.…but, I heard he likes to take naps on rooftops near rivers, so keep your eyes alert! Who knows, maybe you’ll have to catch the general before he falls into the water!
—The Up-holders have smaller versions of Airships for faster travel.
— Throughout the city are scattered shrines and churches dedicated to each of the seven Archons and “her Grace”.
╰Because she isn't one of the seven, nor did she fought in the Archon war, the statues of her Grace were carefully thought out and are few in numbers.
— The outer section is located at the bottom of the mountain along with the city’s harbor.
╰Majority of the trade of the city is done in this section. Meanwhile major negotiations that involve the well-being of the citizens are done in the middle section.
╰The river that I mentioned is on the left hand of the city, is where most boats go and dock.
— The city’s biggest export is Pure Plaustrite.
╰Fun fact: Because of Pure Plaustrite you’ll often find floating islands in the region.
— During the Archon war, The Divine City was the only safe sanctuary in Teyvat, as it was under the protection of Celestia. If anyone dared to invade the city, Celestia themselves would come down and destroy the enemy and all of its people.
— Note this down…. Her Grace descended to Teyvat roughly a thousand years before the Cataclysm(The Fall of Khaenri'ah).
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Hello lovelies! Hope you liked Arc 2 of the Divine City. I honestly might turn this into a series depending on what people comment. If you want to be tag leave a comment in the description.
Also, I’m making you guys choose what is the chapter that I’ll be doing next. And….I’m giving you guys 5 options to choose from! Isn’t it exiting? For those of you that have no idea on what to choose from, my Master-List has the link to the first four options. The last one is a new one that I could give some spoilers about.
╰ ᘻɑ𝘚Ե୧Ⲅ⧿ℓἱ𝘚Ե
I updated the Master-list to have a short description of the stories just so you guys don’t have to read the whole thing. Aren’t I generous!
As for the last option, I’ll give you the gist of it:
╰When you, a high school graduate, was trying to get home after picking up your diploma. When suddenly, you get sucked into a portal, made by the leading in technology company; P.O.R.T.A.L! Now, Waking up in a familiar setting, you discovered your now in Genshin Impact!
This is your quest of finding a way back home, that is....if they let you.
Hoped you liked that little preview of the Sagau.
Poll is here (has ended)
Oh! If you can’t choose, you can alway leave a comment and say you want two instead of one. But! The one winning this post will be the first one I post.
That’s all for today. Hope your day is blessed with happiness!
ѕιgnє∂ чυяι—
???: Oh, your here again.
???: Is, this, going to be a common occurrence?
...: (ㆁωㆁ*)
???: Yes? Why am I not surprised?
...: Σヽ(`д´;)ノ!
???: Oh? Why are you yelling at me for all of a sudden?
???: Ah. I see.
???: You want to know about what I said last time, don’t you?
...: ಠ_ಠ
???: Hmp. Quite the attitude.
???: Fine.
...: ヽ(^o^)丿
???: Now, now. Don’t get all excited.
???: You’ll have to do something in exchange for that information.
...: ◉_◉
???: Hahahaha…!you didn’t think..ah...that I was going to tell you everything just like that, did you?
...: ಠ╭╮ಠ
???: Oh, don’t look at me like that. You want the answer, right?
...: 。◕‿◕。 *nod*
???: Good...
???: Now, you’ll have to bring me....
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