#the device releases a fine mist of water vapor into the air
rubyekinc · 1 year
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https://bit.ly/3S9egpW An anti-gravity air moisturizer is a type of humidifier that uses advanced technology to suspend a water reservoir in mid-air, creating the illusion that it is floating or levitating. This unique design not only adds a futuristic and stylish look to any room but also eliminates the need for a bulky base or stand, making it a space-saving option. Additionally, the device releases a fine mist of water vapor into the air, which helps to increase humidity levels and alleviate dry air symptoms such as dry skin, chapped lips, and sinus congestion. Overall, an anti-gravity air moisturizer is a functional and visually striking way to humidify the air in your home or office. Anti-gravity, Humidifier, Air Purifier, Dehumidifier, Portable, Quiet, Ultrasonic Technology, Essential Oil Diffuser, Aromatherapy, Healthy living, Home comfort, Energy efficient, Easy to use, Automatic shut-off, LED light, Health and wellness, Innovative technology, Allergies, Asthma, Dry air, Indoor air quality, Moisture control, Compact design, Mist output control.
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vapehk1 · 8 months
From Earth To Cloud: 5 Facts About The Untold Story Of Vaping's Raw Materials 
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Every time an e-cigarette releases a cloud of vapor, that aerosol mist contains ultra-fine particles derived from several key ingredients. Some of these raw materials, such as water and ethyl alcohol, are derived from the earth, while other trace metals, chemicals, and formulas present in vape ingredients come from synthetic materials. When people buy Vapes online, they can choose from hundreds of popular or unique flavors. While 5% of e-liquid juice comes from water and ethyl alcohol, there are also multiple other main ingredients, such as vegetable glycerin, trace amounts of nicotine, cadmium, formaldehyde, and propylene glycol.  Check out the untold story about vaping’s raw materials below. Vapes Contain Glycerin and Propylene Glycol Most vaping devices contain raw materials that include vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol. Up to 80% of e-liquid juice comes from these two main ingredients. Glycerin is a thick, sweet substance that comes from processed oils found in plants and is often used in the cosmetics industry. It’s also the reason why vapes produce a visible cloud or mist when used. The more vegetable glycerin is present in a vape, the larger a cloud will appear, but the viscous consistency can also clog vaping devices. Vapes Contain Water and Ethyl Alcohol Water and ethyl alcohol are two additional ingredients in vapes that occur naturally. While water is present everywhere in the environment, from natural sources such as wells and artesian springs, vapes contain water that has been distilled for purity. Most vapes use ethyl alcohol to help the e-liquid blend well and boost the propylene glycol’s chemical action to intensify flavors. This ingredient is derived from the earth, from fermented agricultural plants such as corn or sugarcane before it evaporates into a vape cloud. The total percentage of water and ethyl alcohol present in vaping’s raw materials totals 5%. Vapes Can Contain Nicotine, Heavy Metals, and Other Chemical Components According to research performed for the American Lung Association, the e-liquids found in vapes contain a host of other chemicals and traces of raw materials. These include: - Acetaldehyde – this component occurs naturally in bread, coffee, and ripe fruit, but is also derived from the partial oxidation of natural gas and ethyl alcohol. - Acrolein – a chemical derived from burning animal or vegetable fats and fossil fuels. This toxic chemical is used to make herbicides and acrylic acid. - Benzene: this volatile organic compound, or VOC, is present in car exhaust. - Cadmium – this toxic metal compound found in fertilizers and derived from mining operations. - Diacetyl – a chemical derived from fermented yeast byproduct. It is linked to bronchiolitis obliterans, a lung disease also known as “popcorn lung”. - Diethylene glycol – this toxic chemical, found in antifreeze, is linked to lung complications and disease. - Formaldehyde - this chemical is produced from raw materials air and methanol. It can cause lung irritation and pulmonary edema. - Heavy metals that include nickel, zinc, tin, and lead are both present as ultra-fine particles in e-liquid and leach into vaping liquid when an atomizer made from these materials is used. - Nicotine - flavorings and trace amounts, up to 36 mg per milliliter, are present in many vaping materials. Vaping Devices and the Synthetic Side of the Spectrum While it's essential to understand the naturally-derived raw materials in vape devices, we cannot ignore the synthetic side of the spectrum. Vapes, especially reusable ones, contain trace metals and synthetic chemicals that have become a part of the vaping experience. These synthetic materials are primarily found in the vape device hardware, like the heating elements and the atomizers. These components are usually made from metals like nickel, zinc, tin, and lead. Unfortunately, during the heating process, tiny amounts of these metals can leach into the vaping liquid, ultimately being inhaled by the user. This is a significant health concern as long-term exposure to these metals can lead to various health issues. What’s more, several of the other chemical components listed above, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and benzene, can be derived synthetically during the vaping process. They are byproducts of the heating process when certain raw materials, like propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, are overheated. It’s a phenomenon known as thermal degradation. Unfortunately, these chemicals are known to have potentially harmful effects on human health. For example, benzene is a known carcinogen, while formaldehyde can cause respiratory irritation and potentially lead to other respiratory diseases. The Future of Vaping and Regulatory Challenges The future of the vaping industry is promising, but it also faces many challenges, especially in terms of regulations. As the evidence on the potential health risks associated with vaping grows, so does the pressure on the industry to improve safety standards and transparency. While many manufacturers have made efforts to create safer vape pens, it is crucial to ensure that all products on the market meet minimum safety standards. As the industry expands and new raw materials and production techniques are introduced, regulators face the daunting task of ensuring these developments do not increase the health risks associated with vaping. This includes closely monitoring the materials used in vape products, both in the e-liquid and the device hardware, and setting strict limits on potentially harmful substances. The regulations also need to address the synthetic components of vape devices, particularly those that can leach into the vaping liquid during use. For the vaping industry to continue growing while protecting public health, it will require a balanced approach that involves continuous scientific research, robust regulation, and responsible manufacturing practices. Many people don’t realize that vapes contain many raw materials that undergo a chemical process during production before they reach the vaping market. Today, 90% of disposable vapes available worldwide are made in China. Meanwhile, EU regulations work to control the levels of certain materials such as nicotine in European-made vape products, and U.S. manufacturers have also gone the extra mile to develop safer vape pens. While the journey is a long one from earth to cloud, all these raw materials work together to create a marketable e-liquid result. Read the full article
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hairstyleforteen · 1 year
How close should a humidifier be to your bed?
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Sleep Better with a Humidifier: Finding the Optimal Distance for Placement Near Your Bed Do you struggle to get a good night's sleep? Do you wake up with a dry throat or stuffy nose? If so, you may want to consider using a humidifier in your bedroom. This simple device can help improve the air quality in your room, making it easier to breathe and sleep comfortably. But where should you place your humidifier to get the maximum benefits? The answer may surprise you. In this article, we'll explore the optimal distance for placing your humidifier near your bed to help you sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed. We'll also take a closer look at the benefits of using a humidifier and how it can improve your overall health. So, grab a cup of tea and get ready to discover the secrets to a better night's sleep with a humidifier! How humidifiers work to improve sleep quality Humidifiers are devices that add moisture to the air. They work by emitting water vapor into the air, which can help alleviate dry skin, nasal congestion, and other respiratory problems. When the air in your room is too dry, it can cause irritation in your throat and nasal passages, making it difficult to breathe and sleep comfortably. By adding moisture to the air, a humidifier can help alleviate these symptoms and improve your sleep quality. In addition, humidifiers can also help reduce snoring, which can be a major disruptor of sleep for both the snorer and their bed partner.br/>br/> There are several types of humidifiers, including ultrasonic, evaporative, and steam humidifiers. Ultrasonic humidifiers use high-frequency vibrations to produce a fine mist of water, while evaporative humidifiers use a fan to blow air through a wet wick, creating a cool mist. Steam humidifiers, on the other hand, heat water to produce steam, which is then released into the air. Each type of humidifier has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to choose the one that best suits your needs.br/>br/> The optimal humidity level for sleeping While adding moisture to the air can help improve sleep quality, it's important not to overdo it. The optimal humidity level for sleeping is between 30% and 50%. If the air in your room is too humid, it can promote the growth of mold and bacteria, which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues. On the other hand, if the air in your room is too dry, it can cause irritation in your throat and nasal passages, making it difficult to breathe and sleep comfortably. To ensure that you're getting the maximum benefits from your humidifier, it's important to monitor the humidity level in your room and adjust your humidifier accordingly.br/>br/> The importance of proper placement of a humidifier near your bed Once you've chosen the right type of humidifier and adjusted it to the optimal humidity level, it's important to place it in the right location. Proper placement of a humidifier can help maximize its benefits and improve your sleep quality. When placing your humidifier, it's important to consider factors such as the size of your room, the location of your bed, and the direction of air flow. Placing your humidifier too close to your bed can cause excess moisture to accumulate on your bedding and in your respiratory system, which can lead to respiratory problems and other health issues. On the other hand, placing your humidifier too far away from your bed can reduce its effectiveness and limit its ability to improve your sleep quality. Recommended distance for placing a humidifier near your bed So, what is the optimal distance for placing your humidifier near your bed? According to experts, the ideal distance is between 3 and 6 feet. This distance allows the humidifier to add moisture to the air without causing excess moisture to accumulate on your bedding and in your respiratory system. If you have a particularly large room, you may need to place multiple humidifiers at different locations to ensure that the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the room. In addition, it's important to avoid placing your humidifier near windows or doors, as this can cause the moisture to escape and reduce its effectiveness. Factors to consider when choosing the right humidifier for your bedroom When choosing a humidifier for your bedroom, it's important to consider factors such as the size of your room, the type of humidifier, and the features that are most important to you. If you have a small room, a tabletop humidifier may be sufficient, while larger rooms may require a floor-standing humidifier. If you're concerned about noise, you may want to choose a humidifier that operates quietly. Other features to consider include the ease of use, the level of maintenance required, and the cost of replacement filters or other accessories.br/>br/> Tips for maintaining your humidifier for optimal performance To ensure that your humidifier is working at its best, it's important to maintain it properly. This includes regularly cleaning the humidifier, replacing the filters, and monitoring the humidity level in your room. Cleaning your humidifier will help prevent the growth of mold and bacteria, while replacing the filters will ensure that the air in your room is being properly moisturized. In addition, monitoring the humidity level in your room will help you adjust your humidifier as needed to ensure that you're getting the maximum benefits. Other sleep aids that can be used in conjunction with a humidifier While a humidifier can help improve your sleep quality, there are other sleep aids that can be used in conjunction with it to enhance its benefits. These include essential oils, which can be added to your humidifier to help promote relaxation and improve your mood. Lavender and chamomile are two popular essential oils that are known for their calming properties. In addition, using a white noise machine or earplugs can help block out unwanted noise and create a more peaceful sleep environment. Common mistakes to avoid with humidifiers When using a humidifier, there are several common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure that you're getting the maximum benefits. One of the biggest mistakes is over-humidifying your room, which can promote the growth of mold and bacteria and cause respiratory problems. Another mistake is neglecting to clean your humidifier regularly, which can also lead to the growth of mold and bacteria. It's also important to avoid placing your humidifier too close to your bed, as this can cause excess moisture to accumulate on your bedding and in your respiratory system. Conclusion and final thoughts using a humidifier in your bedroom can help improve your sleep quality and overall health. By adding moisture to the air, a humidifier can alleviate dry skin, nasal congestion, and other respiratory problems, making it easier to breathe and sleep comfortably. To get the maximum benefits from your humidifier, it's important to choose the right type of humidifier, adjust it to the optimal humidity level, and place it in the right location. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to a better night's sleep with a humidifier by your side. Sweet dreams FAQs Q: How close should a humidifier be to your bed? A: The ideal distance between a humidifier and your bed is about three feet. This distance will ensure that the humidifier is close enough to provide the benefits of humidified air, but far enough away that it won’t be a nuisance. Q: What are the benefits of using a humidifier? A: Using a humidifier in your bedroom can provide a variety of benefits. It can help to reduce the symptoms of allergies and asthma, reduce the risk of respiratory infections, and reduce the risk of dry skin. Q: What tips should I keep in mind when using a humidifier? A: When using a humidifier, you should make sure that it is not too close to your bed, not too far away from your bed, and not too close to any other furniture or objects in your bedroom. You should also make sure to clean and maintain your humidifier regularly. Read the full article
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burning-clutch · 4 years
A Garden Variety Ghost
Category: Gen,
Pairings: Jack/Maddie        
Author: @burning-clutch (Team Ghost)
Characters:  Danny, Jazz Maddie, Jack 
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, and drug like effects           
 Ding Dong!
 The doorbell ringing in the Fenton household was always an event for many different reasons. One main one being that Jack Fenton was like an overly excitable guard dog that could actually open doors to launch out into the streets at the wayward delivery personnel. So when a hapless U-ship worker came with a collection of boxes he was met with the Fenton Foamer and a number of prolific apologies from Maddie.
 “So what did you order?” Jazz asked from her spot at the kitchen table, looking up from her book only briefly to eye the cardboard package hoping to discern something from its inconspicuous form.
 Maddie placed the box on the table in front of Jazz while Jack bounced excitedly beside her. “We were checking old references in my old Fenton-Nightingale book and we found a few things detailed we wanted to try out!” he boomed excitedly giving a giddy chuckle as Maddie opened the box.
 “Okay… and that means what for us exactly? Should I stay at a friend's for a week?” Jazz asked nervously peering into the box only to frown when she saw nothing but packets of cushioning.  
 “No no. It’s fine.” Maddie said with a wave of her hand pulling out the air cushions to get to the prize. “We’re just looking into the details of ghost plants.”
 “Yeah! There were a few in here that said they did stuff to ghosts! And the main one was blood blossoms, but they’re practically extinct, and we weren’t able to get those, but we got all these other ones to experiment with! Now we just gotta catch a ghost and shove them onto it!” Jack said, pulling out a small package of seeds.
 “As soon as the plants grow,” Maddie added with a laugh. “I suppose gardening can be fun too,” she mused. “Come on hun, let’s set up a Fenton Grow-op”
 “You know how that sounds right?” Jazz sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Seriously it sounds like you guys are getting into illegal ghost drugs or something…”
 The Fenton parents exchanged a look before shrugging. “Well if it only affects ghosts it’ll be fine.” Maddie waved off flippantly.
 “Yeah Jazzy! It’ll give us a good insight into how they think then! If they think at all!” Jack added, his grin threatening to split his face.
 “So you’re going to see if ghosts can trip out?” Jazz asked incredulously.
 “For science!” Jack boomed, seeming to disregard his daughter's look of disbelief.
 “Well not just that, we don’t really know the full effects these may or may not have. There are plants that attract, repel hurt and soothe ghosts.” Maddie explained gently taking the seeds that Jack was threatening to take off with. “Come on sweetie, let’s get these planted.” Maddie urged her husband to go down to the lab.
 Jazz sighed before sending off a quick text to Danny, to avoid the lab for the next few weeks as much as possible.
 Of course, that only worked for so long before Danny was told to clean the lab or else his parents would retaliate by taking away his computer for a week... And with the new Doomed update on its way it was a risk, he was willing to take.
 He crept down into the lab cautiously, hovering in the doorway for a moment before making note of the potentially dangerous flora that was innocently hanging out beneath a plexiglass barrier and a bright sun lamp.
 He double checked the mask on his face, a gas mask he had found in the garage, it had Duel Jack Fenton faces on either side of the filters but if it worked he would suffer from the embarrassment of wearing this stupid thing for a few hours.
 If any of those plants were half as potent as the Blood Blossoms were he would be in trouble if even the pollen were to hit his skin… let alone if he were to inhale something like that…
 With a shudder, he took a hesitant step into the preverbal lion’s den. “Why do both Sam and Tuck have to be busy today…” he groaned to himself as he finally landed on the lab’s floor.
 He crinkled up his nose behind the mask and moved along the wall of the lab, always keeping his eyes on the plants as if they were going to come to life any second and attack him. Though in this household you never know…
 When he finally made it to the shelf he pulled down a box of disposable nitrile gloves and snapped on a pair. Next, he reached for a pair of goggles, popping those onto his eyes. "Right," he said aloud to himself, now as protected as he was going to get without opting to wear a hazmat suit, which he hated the feel off on his human skin.
 He stared at the plants across the lab a moment before deciding it would be best to start there first. Deal with the area most in danger then work outward.
 He frowned in concentration as he began to clean the plexiglass. this was going well so far, good… this will work go-
 "Danny boy!" Jack boomed as he entered the lab causing the teen to jolt in surprise. The action caused his arm that was holding the squeegee to be thrown upwards popping the sealed box open and releasing some sort of purple pollen from the container.
 Danny winced seeing that, infinitely thankful for the mask he had on.
 "Hey, you found the Fenton anti Ecto Gas mask!" Jack boomed, pulling the device free with a wide grin. "I've been looking everywhere for this baby! Now we can have taco nights again! Your mother refused to make them, cuz -a what happens at night after… well, you know how it goes'' He chuckled, giving his son a slap on the back in gratitude.
 Danny just stared wide eyed at his father, there were so many reasons why he didn't need to know about his father's nighttime emissions, but moreover, he had just stolen the gasmask! the one thing that was stopping the… the…
 "You're doing great Dann-o Just remember the gear isn't to play around with… Now I gotta show Maddie this babyˋs back!” Jack boomed leaving his glassy eyed son to stare off into the void, a dopey smile crossing his face.
 What was he so worried about again? Danny blinked slowly as he stared down at the purple pollen. Right that… but why? This was relaxing… it was as if everything just melted away into the background. The scent from the pollen was intoxicating…
 Wait… He blinked his eyes rapidly a few times to clear them. "What?" he stared down at the floor again. That had felt incredibly relaxing! and he felt rejuvenated and energized now!
 He resolved then to figure out what plant it was that did that. it was like a ghostly energy drink! Maybe his parents had flubbed up again like with the ecto-dejecto? He smiled and looked towards the first flower that he could suspect the purple pollen came from.
 The flower looked like some sort of purple pinkie sunflower, with a red tinted centre. Carefully Danny lifted the glass and poked the greenish leaves, before poking the centre of the plant. "Hm…." he stared at it blankly for a moment.
 "Nope, nothing…" He mused this flower was a dud it seemed.
 Moving on he found something that looked like a deep purple tulip, with blood red leaves. He found himself enraptured with this one even before he opened the glass. it was beautiful and he couldn't think of anything more lovely….
 He had to have it.. it was… calling him…
 without even thinking he shifted into ghost mode and phased his hand through to pluck the delicate flower from its stem. He stared at it perplexed a moment before stuffing his face into the plant's open petals, breathing deep and savouring its sweet scent.
 He felt a bit like a cat when he was finally snapped out of his bliss and found himself rubbing his face all over the petals sticky bits of pollen now covered him.
 He wrinkled his nose as he pulled off the sap like pollen onto his glove. It wasn't burning or hurting him so that was something at least… Something that Sam had once told him about plants sparked into his mind. Something about plants attracting certain things for pollinators?
 Great, he was reduced to a but brain now… Though it would make sense if these things were probably grown in the ghost zone before having their seeds dispersed through the human realm
 He glared at the remainder of what once was the tulip, a moment vaporizing the flower pulp to ash in revenge for his idiocy before moving on to the next one.
 Curious now, he opened up the next plant in the line of the trays. This one was a large white flower with a lime green innard and as soon as the teen stuck his head in to examine it he recoiled in disgust.
 It smelled awful! "Nope!" he shut the lid in such a hurry on that one.
 Next to that was a ball shaped cluster of flowers that just seemed to make him angry more than anything. He shook his head and quickly moved on from that.
 On and on he went examining the various plants, with varying degrees of nothing or something with such a small change that he couldn't even really decide if it was really the plant or not.
 it was when he came back around to the mushrooms that his parents were growing that things got a little more… Recreational…
 When he opened up the container to poke at a weird curling mushroom it exploded it's white and blue spores at him.
 Danny grinned brightly a second later and found the world looked as if it suddenly had taken on a deeper saturation, and lights had large star trails following them.
 including the ghostly glow that was on his body… That was simply fun to watch. how his fingers curled and flexed, then turned to mist and back to solid again. Why was this so fun? And since when did the lines in the floor turn to water? how did his parents get them to ripple like that?
 Danny poked the floor with a toe and giggled as he can see the soundwaves from the clack, incredibly loud on the floor, ripple out in the pond that became of the metal. The portal to the ghost zone spinning became still the longer Danny stared at it, it was lucid and wondrous and well… trippy.
 Danny hardly noticed when a grumbling Maddie entered the basement lab holding the infernal Gasmask. The last thing she needed right now was her husband's- "Wh-What's...?" She trailed off, blinking in confusion as she stared at Phantom.
 The ghost was logrolling, though staying perfectly still otherwise in the air, all the while staring at the ghost portal.  
 While the huntress's first instinct was to toss a net at the infernal ghost to catch him, she hesitated upon noticing some of the flowers she had been cultivating had been messed with.
 Well, then this was a potential scientific breakthrough that she probably won't get another chance to have… A lucid highly human like, and sapient ghost had taken some of her plants for seemingly recreational purposes….
 “Phantom. Why are you here?” Maddie asked in the most authoritative voice she could muster with the smirk pulling at her lips. the Famed and controversial hero, Phantom. high as a kite and spinning madly at the ghost portal like he was trying to find an end to the endless swirls.
 The ghost startled at her voice stealing his endless spinning to stare at her upside down. The ghost's pupils were glowing brightly, and the iris had grown wide enough to be seen within the glowing orbs.
 "Mom!" he gasped out, mouth falling open in his shock, as he blinked his wide eyes, and clicked his green tinted tongue as if he'd suddenly tasted something utterly foul.
 Maddie raised an eyebrow at the comment. There wouldn't be any way Phantom would or should remember his human life to any capacity… It was most likely a result of whatever plant the creature had gotten into… Still…
 She figured she could use it to her advantage.
 Without disputing or reprimanding the ghost for his claim she simply moved onto more important matters."What on earth did you get into?"
 Phantom stilled at that, he stopped his movements and did his best imitation of a statue, somehow, incredibly, it still had some sense that forced him to keep up a compulsion that made it look like he was breathing.
 "I- um… I," he stammered staring at her with wide wild eyes. "I'm sorry Mom! I wanted to tell you!" He called, his eyes were starting to water now.
 How did she find out?! Did she see him transform? Actually, when did he transform? Why was everything moving? How… How did she…
 Maddie tilted her head watching the ghost curiously. He did remember his mother than to some degree it seems…Was he still around only because he was looking to confess to his family?
 Actually, now that she was able to see him up close… He really looked like a child… She took a couple of steps forward towards the ghost, who sniffed and wiped his face on his sleeve.
 Despite herself, she asked him "Is that the only reason you're still here? because you never got to tell your family you'd died?" What a horrible thought? A child taken and killed, the parents and family left behind not knowing what happened to him.
 “Not exactly… I mean I always wanted to tell you guys... But I just… There were so many ghosts attacking… Then you were saying Phantom was no good… And I tried to be as good as I can!” he sniffed. He was very much not in the right headspace for this to be happening right now…
 Maddie seemed to shift and shimmer stretch and bend. The teen suddenly found himself tunnelling in on the jumpsuit Maddie was wearing. The teal colour that bled into the black accents. The smooth rubberized feel and slight crinkling as she moved and shifted. It squeaks…. He could just barely make out the zipper under her neck tucked into the collar jostling slightly as she breathes. He remembered being held as a kid and staring up at that zipper… she would cradle him on his back and he would stare up at it and…
 “Phantom what-” Maddie never got to finish as the ghost slammed into her. He curled around her. like a dog jumping into her arms. His ghostly tail wrapped around her arm and around her waist, as he looked up at her with bright green eyes, and overly enlarged pupils.
 “I- I’m so sorry mum…” Danny sniffled out before burying his face in her shoulder tightly squeezing her as he sobs.
 Maddie was trapped by the ghost now, unable to move her arms from the hug, or legs without tripping herself up in his tail. She stares incredulously down at the white mop of hair that was just under her nose… so lifelike and soft, like real human hair…
 Though now that she was right up to him like this, she noticed other oddities too. The texture of his suit and the skin that she could see from his face was incredibly detailed. He had freckles even! She could see every individual hair on his head unlike other ghosts that had more of a blanket effect, whispy and fuzzy but not really hair…
 The thing that really drew her eye, however, was the jumpsuit. Or more specifically the clasp at the back of the ghost's collar… An emblazoned F a distinct design that she knew all too well. One she herself helped Jack to design… This was undoubtedly at one time a proper Fenton jumpsuit…
 Which means this child… this child who was no older than Danny, he was probably one of his friends! In a borrowed jumpsuit no less! But if someone had borrowed a suit and got killed in it somehow surely she’d have noticed…
 The ghost shifted allowing her to move and giving her freedom of her one arm. His core seemed to buzz in his chest as he held her ever tightly. “This is .. nice… I … was so worried about how you’d take this all…. I… I was stupid…” he shuddered as he spoke each word coming out with rapid and haggard breaths.
 “It’s fine... “ Maddie offered, though her mind was a million miles west as she pondered over the clasps. She needed answers… Reaching over into the plants she pulled out something that looked like a queen's Ann’s lace but with bright blue flowers.
 She stuffed Phantom's nose in the flower and watched with mild relief as the ghost’s eyelids drooped and closed. She sighed again as his tail loosened up around her and she slumped against her. “Well, at least I know that one works” She mused aloud.
 Not even a second later Phantom sighs deeply and a bright ring flared at his waist, causing Maddie to yelp and drop the ghost on the ground thinking an attack was building.
 Instead, she was mildly perplexed as it continued to wash over Phantom, bathing the ghost in light as he changed. Everywhere the light washed over, the colours of the ghost seemed to invert until it passed over his head.
 “D-Danny?” Maddie whispered out in surprise. She was thinking of all the experiments she could run but now… her mind stalled as she stared down at the prone form of her son. What happened to make him like this? Was it even really her son or was phantom somehow still awake enough to pull a trick like this? Making her see her Danny instead of…
 Instead of Danny Phantom.
 “Oh-Oh God…” Maddie gasped and slid next to her son, scooping him up into her lap.
 When Danny next woke up it was to a bleary bliss that he wasn’t quite too sure what to make of. “Mum?” He mumbled out as he blinked his glassy blue eyes up at her. Why was his head so fuzzy? It was like he was underwater... “You cryin’?” He asked softly before his eyes widened and he jolted. His core fluttering in his chest. Had something hurt her?
 “It’s okay baby, I know you were so scared before but you don’t have to be any longer… I know… I know I’ve made some terrible mistakes against Phantom… against you… but I promise I’ll do what I can to make you feel safe here…” She sniffed and curled her form around his burying her face into his shoulder.
 Danny’s muddied thoughts spun out to a halt as his memories caught up with him. That’s right! She knew! she knew! And apparently accepted him!
 “Y-You have no idea how much that means to me…” He sniffed too, tucking his chin over her shoulder. And squeezing her tightly just as he had only an hour earlier as Phantom. “I love you so much…”
 “I know hun… I love you too… and I promise I’ll make this up to you any way I can.” She responded in kind. Tomorrow she’ll look into the plants that can help to cure her son, but for right now? She would be content to offer the love and comfort they both so dearly craved.
 Word count: 3281
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ktimminsphotography · 3 years
Do I Need a Steam, Ultrasonic Or Evaporative Humidifier?
All humidifiers add water to the atmosphere, either by boiling water to create vapor, releasing very fine jets of moisture that evaporate, or by evaporating water from it. a moist surface through which air is blown.
The choice of humidifier depends on your specific application, your available budget, and your acceptable level of maintenance. Here is a brief description of the three main types of humidifiers used in households:
Spray / ultrasound The cheapest type of humidifier for the home is usually an ultrasonic mist humidifier. These units contain a water tank and a plate. The intense vibrations caused by the rapidly oscillating plate cause the water to atomize into a mist in the air. A fan then blows this mist out of a vent in the room.
These devices are inexpensive to buy and also consume little power when in use. However, the main disadvantage of using an ultrasonic humidifier is the dust it introduces into a room. All particles in the water will pass into the air with the water. When the water evaporates, the particles settle as dust in the room. This can worsen the symptoms in people with breathing difficulties and therefore lessen the beneficial effects of using the humidifier in the first place.
However, some modern ultrasonic humidifiers now include technology that prevents the release of this dust. Some high-quality ultrasonic humidifiers use demineralization cartridges that absorb minerals from the water before it turns to fog. This is very effective as long as the cartridges are replaced occasionally according to the manufacturer's instructions. These types of modern ultrasonic humidifiers cost more, but the performance is much higher than the cheaper ultrasonic humidifier.
Steam Steam humidifiers provide very tight humidity control, as the heat generated by the steam can rise or fall rapidly in response to the actual humidity in the room. To ensure this control, however, they must be used with a humidistat. It does the same job as a thermostat, but instead of controlling a heating or cooling system to maintain a set temperature, it controls a humidifier or dehumidifier to keep the room humid.
Steam humidifiers provide very hygienic humidity control, as heating the water kills all bacteria and the moisture released is sterile. A steam humidifier is the perfect choice for anyone with respiratory illnesses, for increasing humidity in a nursery, or for combating the symptoms of creep. They should be placed out of reach when used in a nursery, as the steam released is apparently hot at the point of discharge.
This type of steam humidifier can be inexpensive compared to other types. Devices that contain a humidistat may cost a bit more, but have the advantage of not over humidifying a room.
One downside to using a steam humidifier is that it uses more energy than an atomizer or evaporative humidifier. A steam humidifier that releases up to 350g of water per hour can consume up to 325W per hour, while one type of evaporator uses only 10-20W.
Servicing a steam humidifier sometimes involves removing lime that builds up in the unit, similar to that that builds up in a boiler. This can be done relatively easily with a descaling powder. When the humidifier is not in use, it should be emptied of water, cleaned and dried to prevent water from stagnating inside the humidifier.
Evaporator An evaporative humidifier introduces water into the air by simply letting the moisture evaporate. This consumes very little energy and is a form of hygienic wetting because no aerosol is released. The particles present in the water remain in the humidifier after the water has evaporated, so that no dust is released into the room.
This type of system is also very quiet and can therefore be used in a bedroom or similar quiet location.
There are two main types of evaporative humidifiers. The more traditional type uses porous filters, which are constantly hydrated and through which air is forced with a fan. When the air circulates through the wet filter, it collects water and is optimally humidified.
The main disadvantage of this type of device is that the filters must be changed periodically. The air in a home can be heavily polluted with dust, skin, hair, and other materials. These particles are collected by the humidifier and remain in the filter during the passage of air. This has the advantage of cleaning the air, but means that the filters need to be changed from time to time, otherwise they might smell.
The second type of evaporative humidifier is an air scrubber. Instead of evaporative filters, an air scrubber includes many spinning discs that spin in a tank of water. A fan draws air into the unit and forces it between the wet spinning discs, where it captures the water and optimally moistens it before being drawn back into the room.
Since the washers are made of hardened plastic, an air washer does not need replacement filters. Discs can simply be removed from the drive and cleaned. Some can even be put in the dishwasher.
Cleaning should be done regularly to maintain hygienic operation, but the frequency depends on the ambient air quality.
Air cleaners have all the benefits of low operating costs and air purification, but without the ongoing obligation to purchase replacement parts. The downside is that a high-quality air filter will cost more to buy than a filtered evaporative humidifier, but when you include savings on replacement parts, the cost difference can soon be offset.
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rene-maurice · 4 years
What’s Actually Happening inside Your Aroma Diffuser
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There’s been a lot of buzz about diffusing lately, which is music to our wellness-loving ears. We’ve been sharing the benefits of diffusing essential oils for 25 years, and know that the details on how a diffuser works can be a bit confusing. What’s actually going on inside your diffuser?
To understand how diffusers work, imagine standing next to a waterfall. As the water cascades down, it infuses the air with a cool, calming mist. That’s exactly what a diffuser does: infuse your air with pure, natural wellness.
Let’s take a look inside these powerful little devices and find out what they are, what they do, and how they work.
What Is A Diffuser, Anyway?
A diffuser is essentially a plant medicine delivery device that helps you integrate the power of plants into your life. They come in many shapes, sizes, and types, but they share a common goal: to infuse the air around you with beneficial essential oil blends so that you’re always feeling well.
There are different types of diffusers out there, but we recommend diffusing essential oils with an ultrasonic aroma diffuser. They create a cool mist that gently adds essential oils into the air you breathe. No heat, no muss, no fuss-just a simple way to enjoy 100% natural diffuser blends without harming the integrity of the essential oil.
Other types of diffusers can actually damage the quality of your essential oils. Using a heat diffuser can alter an essential oil’s chemical composition and aroma, and can reduce the potency of its healing properties.
Evaporative diffusers use a fan to blow essential oil particles into the air. This causes an effect known as fractioning, where the lighter, more volatile components of the essential oils are split from the heavier, more stable components. This splitting is not dangerous to you, but it does mean you might not be getting the full benefits of the plant medicine in your air.
What’s Happening on the Inside
So how exactly does your diffuser get the good stuff from nature into your air? There’s a little ceramic disc that lives at the heart of every ultrasonic diffuser. When you fill the tank with water, add an essential oil blend and turn it on, the disc vibrates, creating ultrasonic waves that break the oil into microscopic particles. The diffuser then releases this fine mist of essential oil and water into the air so that you can easily inhale pure plant medicine.
Turning water into vapor typically requires heat, but ultrasonic diffusers achieve the same goal through something called an adiabatic process-the technical term for not using any heat at all to produce mist.
All it takes to tap into the mystical misting power of diffusing is one of our ultrasonic diffusers, some water, and your favorite essential oil blend. Just fill it up and get instant wellness at the tap of a button.
Not sure which diffuser blend to use? Check out our tips for choosing the essential oil blend that will make you feel better today, or explore all of our wellness blends. The general rule of thumb? If it smells good to you, use it!
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mistingfan17-blog · 4 years
10 Secrets About fan You Can Learn From TV
The # 1 Guide to the Best Misting Followers for Disney
The higher the water pressure the finer the haze and also the better it will evaporate. It's this complete evaporation that offers the most cooling. Some water droplets of a low pressure system could not evaporate entirely.
Likewise look for filters that will trap superfine calcium fragments that can get up right into the nozzles and also clog them. The top quality of the http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/fan mist depends mostly on the quantity of water pressure used for the misting system. The misting system is generally comprised of the water lines and nozzles as well as an optional pump.
Do misters keep mosquitoes away?
There are two types of air coolers: Wet Air Coolers and Dry Air Coolers. A fan, on the other hand, is an arrangement of an impeller and blades. Between these two, it is quite obvious that an air cooler provides much better cooling than a fan because it actually emits out cool air and not just circulate the air around.
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Obviously the first price of the haze followers is greater than air cooler but it eats less water for misting as well as cooling down the warmth than air colders. Although air coolers are less costly they consume extra water to run it constantly. Without having sufficient water in water container of cooler it can not make the environment cool. And also use of more water during water deficiency makes air colders a bad selection. There are lots of means to warm your outdoor location when it's cool, from halogen heaters as well as log burning fire pits, to hot air fans as well as gas fire pits.
Huge Fogg Misting Followers have developed its reputation on offering its reliable and unique Misting at virtually every major sporting event over the previous 20+ years. We additionally give outside cooling fans, misting camping tents and also heating benches for the National Football League and all major NCAA games. For personal exterior air conditioning, the O2Cool misting follower is a cost-effective choice. This colorful mobile handheld fan releases a fine mist to cool you off throughout an outdoor event.
The 5 nozzles assist to spread the water vapor over a broader area of insurance coverage to produce an evaporative mist as well as cool your patio or warehouse up to 30 degrees F. A high pressure misting pump offers the most effective atomization as well as outdoor patio air conditioning.( Nozzles as well as nylon marketed individually). We can hook you up with misting fans and various other cooling down devices at a rate you can actually pay for. We wish to supply quality solutions to our customers at spending plan friendly prices.
One of the initial things that can affect the smooth operating of exterior misting fans is an obstruction created by minerals in the water. Some fans a mostly all pumps feature a water filter consisted of, which will require to be replaced from time to time. Try to find filters that will certainly evaluate out big sediment particles that can obstruct water lines and damages pumps.
Purchasing a Misting Fan:
Do fans really cool a room?
Using evaporative cooling It's how our bodies keep cool when it's hot. When you spray a mist of liquid water into the air, the tiny droplets of liquid can evaporate into individual water vapor molecules. Again, it takes heat to do that, and in this case the heat comes from the air. The result is cooler air.
Use this system with a different pump terminal depending upon the number of outdoor misting followers you need. The Schaefer VersaFog ™ Systems are the supreme high-pressure misting (fogging) fans on the market. The VersaFog ™ can decrease the ambient air temperature by as much as 30 degrees, providing the utmost advantage of coolness without dampness. Schaefer Ventilation has re-designed and also re-launched its prominent VersMist ® mobile misting followers for additional ease and sturdiness at a reduced rate.
Some droplets will certainly even be up to the ground and also can leave a wet place or puddle. This suggests less water airborne as well as much less evaporative air conditioning. Outdoor misting fans are a beginner to the outdoor air conditioning group. They might have first been brought to the pubic's understanding in the 1990s at the sidelines of expert sports, keeping the athletes cool. To see just how outside misting fans compare to various other outside cooling remedies, visit our contrast web page.
Portable Misting Fans (Tube Link).
You can conveniently suit your handbag or bag, making it excellent to handle trips. This handheld follower features a risk-free yet powerful fan blade to distribute air. It can also be filled with water and ice for an ανεμιστήρας even more cooling wind.
Huge 11.8 gallon Supply of water insures 5 1/2 hrs haze without refilling. Both set direction or oscillating are common since there are just 4-6 mist nozzles per fan, several cooling down misting followers can be operated on one pressure pump over a number of hundred feet in between followers. If you are seeking to cool down a big outside space this summertime, you may be thinking about either a misting fan or an evaporative colder follower.
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rubyekinc · 1 year
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https://bit.ly/3S9egpW An anti-gravity air moisturizer is a type of humidifier that uses advanced technology to suspend a water reservoir in mid-air, creating the illusion that it is floating or levitating. This unique design not only adds a futuristic and stylish look to any room but also eliminates the need for a bulky base or stand, making it a space-saving option. Additionally, the device releases a fine mist of water vapor into the air, which helps to increase humidity levels and alleviate dry air symptoms such as dry skin, chapped lips, and sinus congestion. Overall, an anti-gravity air moisturizer is a functional and visually striking way to humidify the air in your home or office.
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vedaoilsnew-blog · 4 years
The best aromatherapy diffusers in the market - Buy Carrier Oils from VedaOils list of Carrier Oils
Aromatherapy soothes your mind and keeps the environment fresh. It relieves you from stress, anxiety, and other psychological issues. Also, it helps you to sleep peacefully. The simplest way to start experimenting with aromatherapy is by using an essential oil diffuser which is also referred sometimes as aromatherapy diffusers.
An aromatherapy diffuser is a device in which you pour a few drops of essential oil and carrier oil. After that, it vaporizes the oil and releases a fine mist comprising of air molecules that refresh the air and creating a soothing ambiance in your room. There are different types of diffusers in the market that use heat, ultrasonic technology, or any other diffusing method. Today we will see some of the best aromatherapy diffusers that are available in the market.
Jasmine Aroma Diffuser
It is a lightweight oil diffuser that comes with many user-friendly features. Shaped like a bowl, this diffuser is integrated with an automatic shut-off feature. Moreover, you can diffuse the oils at regular intervals by setting the time accordingly.
For example, you can set the diffuser to release aromatic mists for 10 minutes after every 30 minutes by using the interval mode. It is available at an affordable price which is a great thing. 
Serene House
Serene House uses ultrasonic technology to diffuse the essential oils. It is portable, convenient-to-use, and very effective when it comes to releasing aromatic air molecules in the environment.
It is available at an inexpensive rate and comes in subtle colors that complement your interiors seamlessly.
Stone diffuser
You can purchase the Stone diffuser if you are looking for a compact and powerful diffuser that can fill large rooms and living spaces with its exuberating fragrance.
You might feel that it is a bit expensive but it has the capacity of spreading the aroma up to 550 square feet. This means that one diffuser will be enough to eliminate the foul odor from your entire house.
Also, it utilizes ultrasonic technology to diffuse the essential oils. Also, it looks beautiful and can easily enhance the overall look of your interiors.
Essential oils are highly concentrated and powerful oils. Therefore, you cannot use them directly in your diffuser. Some diffusers allow you to use water but you will need to dilute the essential oils with carrier oils in most of the cases.
However, you need to be careful while choosing the carrier oils as some of them can alter the aroma of the essential oil that you are intending to use. Therefore, you can buy carrier oils of VedaOils if you are looking for cheap carrier oils that blend perfectly with different types of aromatherapy oils. Here’s the list of carrier oils that you can shop online from the website of VedaOils:
Argan Oil
Extracted from the Argan tree fruit nuts, the Argan oil of VedaOils proves to be perfect carrier oil for aromatherapy purposes. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and anti-oxidants.
Also, you can use it to heal dry and itchy skin or you can use it to make your hair silky and strong.
Golden Jojoba Oil
The Golden Jojoba oil of Veda Oils is excellent for aromatherapy purposes because it does not have any particular fragrance of its own. Moreover, it nourishes your skin and therefore, can be used as a massage oil as well.
It is completely natural and unrefined which makes it ideal for external application.
Sweet Almond Carrier Oil
The sweet almond carrier oil of VedaOils is completely organic and pure. It can be used for cosmetics, aromatherapy, and culinary purposes. It reduces dandruff and strengthens your hair roots.  
Moreover, it nourishes your skin with vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients. Therefore, you can also use it for massages and therapeutic purposes.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
10 Best Steam Inhalers To Buy In 2019
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/10-best-steam-inhalers-to-buy-in-2019/
10 Best Steam Inhalers To Buy In 2019
Pooja Karkala April 24, 2019
Do you want to get rid of your breathing difficulties without having to take drugs? Then, personal steam inhalers are a perfect choice for you. Be it the cold, flu, allergies, or respiratory problems, steam inhaling is a quick and effective way to battle them. Personal steam inhalers are mostly compact and run on batteries or electricity. They can be used for various purposes. Want to know more about them? Keep reading.
Before we look at the top 10 steam inhalers, let’s first understand the difference between a steam inhaler and a humidifier.
Table Of Contents
A Steam Inhaler Vs. A Humidifier
Be it humidifiers, vaporizers, aromatherapy diffusers, or steam inhalers, all of them have a similar function, i.e., to introduce moisture into the atmosphere. However, the mechanism and goal of each product differ from the other. Humidifiers and steam inhalers serve the same purpose (to increase humidity), but they vary slightly.
Humidifiers involve no heating element and increase the humidity levels in the air without increasing the temperature. Steam inhalers are a type of vaporizers, which increase both humidity and temperature in the air. Steam inhalers can release the humidity directly into the sinuses and lungs of the user, whereas humidifiers break water into tiny particles that can be inhaled. Steam inhalers are effective in giving short-term results, unlike humidifiers.
Let’s now take a look at the 10 best steam inhalers you can buy.
10 Best Steam Inhalers
1. Vicks Personal Electric Steam Inhaler
This compact steam inhaling device helps in alleviating the symptoms of flu, cold, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. The steam generated from this device relieves your nasal, throat, and sinus passages instantly, making you breathe and feel easy. It gives you the option of adjusting the steam flow levels, and its design is perfect for travel. The warm mist of steam is soothing to the eyes and sore nose.
Adjustable steam settings
Contains Vicks vapo pads
Automatic shut-off feature
Easy to use
Perfect for travel
Buy it here!
2. My Pur Mist Handheld Personal Steam Inhaler Vaporizer
MyPurMist Personal Steam Inhaler produces a very fine mist that penetrates deep into your sinus cavities and provides maximum relief to users having respiratory issues. This device is portable, easy to use, and releases almost 100% germ-free steam.
Hospital-grade material construction and technology
Comfortable and soft mask
Provides instant and maximum relief
Lasts for a short duration
Buy it here!
3. Pure Daily Care Nanosteamer
This nano-ionic facial steamer is a new type of steamer that combines ultrasonic vaporizer and the heating element to release nano steam that contains negatively charged ions. Nano steam is 10 times more effective than normal steam in terms of skin penetration. Besides clearing your airways, this multifunctional device allows you to humidify a room and warm your towels.
Multifunctional device
Improved blood circulation and cell vitality
Enhances facial beauty
Comes with a five-piece skin care regimen
Too expensive
Buy it here!
4. Mabis Personal Steam Inhaler
This product is manufactured using plastic. It acts as both a steam inhaler as well as an aromatherapy device, so you can use some essential oils for aromatherapy besides clearing your airways. This product has a soft mask, a flexible extension tube, a measuring cup, a power cord, and aromatherapy and drain tanks.
Acts as an aromatherapy device too
Comfortable and soft mask
Adjustable and filter-free steam control
Difficult to operate
Buy it here!
5. UnicLife Handheld Ultrasonic Inhaler
UnicLife Handheld Ultrasonic Inhaler has a distinctive feature called the atomizing transducer mesh, which helps in purifying the steam before it enters your airways. It is also considered as a safe and family-friendly product because it releases cool mist instead of hot steam. This inhaler has a flexible soft mask, compact design, and automatic shut-off.
Safe to use
Automatic shut-off
Atomizing transducer mesh purifies the steam
Must be cleaned after every use
Buy it here!
6. PChero Mini Handheld Steam Inhaler
This portable steam inhaler works on micro-porous direct mesh and ultrasonic technology. It has two modes – large and small atomization. The pack includes one mouthpiece, one mask for adults, and one mask for kids. This lightweight and compact steam inhaler is very convenient to carry during travel. It does not produce sound, consumes less power, and has a built-in 1400mAh high-performance lithium battery that can be recharged using its 5V micro-USB charger.
Easy to clean
Helps in vocal recovery
Turns off automatically
The battery needs to be charged regularly.
Buy it here!
7. LEDNICEKER Professional Facial Steamer
This product works both as an inhaler as well as a facial steamer. It releases a warm mist that clears your airways and can be used on different skin types. Its vapor pot is made of aluminum. This steamer has several built-in safety features, such as automatic shut-off, temperature regulator, and overheat prevention.
Performs dual functions of a steamer as well as an inhaler
Has several built-in safety features
Durable enough
Not enough steam generation due to a smaller water tank.
Buy it here!
8. Veridian Steam Inhaler – 11-525
This steam inhaler comes with two different masks, one small and the other large. It has adjustable steam control and helps in alleviating congestion and respiratory issues. You can monitor the water level through its clean tank.
Adjustable steam control
Comes with small and large masks
Easy to clean
Has an unpleasant odor of plastic
Buy it here!
9. Feellife Air Pro Portable Inhaler
The very fine mist released by this portable inhaler not only clears the airways but also cleanses the skin. It is lightweight and compact, making it an ideal choice for travel. This product produces cool mist instead of hot steam and is built to provide quick inhalation relief.
Easy to operate
Compact design
Ideal for traveling
Can be used by anyone
Doesn’t have many built-in features
Buy it here!
10. Cotfy Portable Mini Nebulizer
This compact and lightweight steam inhaler operates silently without producing noise. It is a one-button operation system that can be carried anywhere and anytime. This steam inhaler creates fine mist for maximum absorption. The ergonomic design minimizes medication waste efficiently.
Ideal for all ages
Low medication residue
Easy to operate
Way too tiny
Buy it here!
These are the 10 best steam inhalers available on the market right now. If you haven’t tried it yet, pick a product from the list and try it out yourself to see the results. Let’s now look into the benefits of steam inhalers.
Benefits Of Steam Inhalers
Inhalation therapy has been in existence since ancient times, and it has been instrumental in providing relief from a variety of health issues. Some of the benefits of steam inhalers are as follows:
Steam inhalation is usually recommended by physicians to relieve the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, common cold, breathing allergies, etc. Steam inhalers use warm and moist air to clear the airways, and they restore the functioning of the respiratory system.
The heat generated from steam inhalers increases the body temperature, thereby improving blood circulation throughout the body.
Increased blood flow in the body leads to the elimination of toxins, and it alleviates the symptoms of severe headaches or migraine.
Steam inhalers also help in enhancing physical beauty. The steam reduces facial acne and blackheads by opening the clogged pores on the skin and eliminating the accumulated dirt, thereby making the skin look young and vibrant.
Before buying a steam inhaler, there are certain factors you need to consider.
Choosing A Steam Inhaler
1. Functionality
Different steam inhalers are designed to fulfill different purposes. So, your choice of the steam inhaler should depend on the need, i.e., whether you need a steamer to clean your face or to clear your airways.
2. Steam Generation
Some inhalers have automated steam generation system, while some inhalers have adjustable volume and flow of steam. So, you need to choose an inhaler according to the purpose.
3. Ease Of Use
Steam inhalers should be easy to operate or use. There are different types of steam inhaling devices available. They can be run on batteries or power; they may have timer settings or some provision for adjusting the steam intensity. Whatever be the features, steam inhalers should be chosen based on the ease of their operation.
4. Size
The size of a steam inhaler totally depends on your ability to store, carry, and maintain it. If you are a frequent traveler, you may need a device that is compact and easy to carry.
5. Cost
Your choice of purchasing a steam inhaler depends entirely on your budget. A basic steam inhaler may cost around $30, but high-end inhalers may be around $200 or more.
6. Construction
The material with which the steam inhaler is made up of determines its durability. Most of the devices available on the market are made of plastic. Aluminum and hospital-grade steam inhalers are way safer and more durable.
7. Aromatherapy
Certain essential oils work wonders in opening up your airways. You need to choose a steam inhaler that has dual chambers – one to hold water and the other to hold the essential oils.
8. Safety
Since the use of a steam inhaler includes handling of hot water and steam, you either need to be extremely cautious while handling it or choose an inhaler that comes with a temperature control feature.
What are you waiting for? Keep the above-mentioned factors in mind and make a wise choice in buying the perfect steam inhaler for you. Share your experience and feedback in the comments section below.
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Pooja Karkala
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-steam-inhalers/
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perspectief1 · 5 years
Best Sleep Aids for Insomnia
Best Sleep Aids for Insomnia was initially published to Perspectief
Do you have insomnia?
Chances are you’ve experienced insomnia symptoms more often than you realize. In fact, take a look at the following questions.
Do you sometimes find it difficult to fall asleep?
Do you sometimes find yourself waking up throughout the night?
Do you sometimes wake up earlier than you meant to, and then find that you can’t get back to sleep?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then you have experienced insomnia.
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects just about everyone at one point or another. Some people are lucky enough to only experience sleep problems once or twice a month, or even just a few times a year.
For others, trying to get a good night’s sleep is a constant, nightly struggle. In fact, it’s estimated that as many as 10% of adults suffer from severe insomnia.
Some insomnia sufferers seem to think their sleeping problems are just something they have to learn to live with. They might consider taking sleeping pills, but this is a step many are reluctant to take.
Luckily, there are plenty of remedies for insomnia, probably more than you ever imagined. And some of them are 100% natural.
Read on to find out how you can deal with your insomnia. You’ll also learn what you can do if your child has trouble getting a good night’s sleep.
Best Natural Sleep Aids
More and more, people are turning to natural remedies for common ailments. And insomnia is no exception.
If you’re looking for a natural solution for your sleeping problems, here are 5 good ones you can try.
Natural Sleep Aid #1. Relaxation Exercises
As strange as it might sound, part of the reason you can’t fall asleep might be that you haven’t learned to do it in the right way.
There are things you can do that will help you fall asleep faster. Unfortunately, these techniques don’t come naturally to everyone.
You might have heard one of the best ways to get a good night’s sleep is to do relaxation or yoga exercises before bedtime. Or maybe you’ve tried meditation as a way to cure your insomnia.
These techniques can work, no doubt about it. But using these techniques can be easier said than done, especially for a newbie without guidance.
That’s where a product like the Dodow Sleep Aid Device comes in.
The Dodow Sleep Aid Device by Dodow is a unique product. It’s basically a metronome with a light system that’s designed to help you relax and fall asleep faster. In fact, according to the manufacturers, if it usually takes you an hour to fall asleep, the Dodow will help you fall asleep in 25 minutes or less.
If you’ve tried some of the more common insomnia remedies and would like to try something new, the Dodow might be just what you’re looking for.
Natural Sleep Aid #2. Sleep Masks
One of the most common causes of insomnia is light. And it can be any kind of light. Light from a street lamp shining through your bedroom curtains. Light from the TV your partner can’t sleep without. Even a hallway light shining under your bedroom door.
Any light in your sleeping environment can make it take longer for you to fall asleep, or cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. Light can also prevent you from sleeping as deeply as you would in a room that was completely dark.
Unfortunately, you can’t always control the amount of light in your sleeping environment, especially if you live in an urban area or are traveling. But an easy way to block out light so you can get a good night’s sleep is by wearing a sleep mask.
Sleep masks are easy to use anywhere. All you have to do is put the mask on and you’re ready to get some ZZZZZs.
If you’re wearing a sleep mask, you’re partner can have the TV or a lamp on without the light disrupting your sleep. If you’re traveling on a plane, on a train, or in a car, a sleeping mask will block out any lights that might keep you awake. And if a car drive’s by your house in the middle of the night, you won’t be woken up by the headlights shining through your bedroom window. 
One sleep mask we really like is the Better Sleep 100% Mulberry Silk Sleeping Mask. This sleep mask is made of 100% Mulberry Silk, which many consider to be the highest quality silk on the market. And it’s not just the surface of the mask that’s made of this material. The filling is also Mulberry silk. Mulberry silk is hypoallergenic, and the fabric is so soft that it won’t irritate your skin. The Better Sleep Sleeping Mask also has an adjustable strap, so it can fit heads of any size.
Natural Sleep Aid #3. Noise Masking Headphones
Like light, sound can also keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. And, like light, it can be hard to control the amount of noise in your sleeping environment. If your bedroom faces a busy street, a car driving by at night could wake you up. Hearing other people move around your house could make it hard for you to fall asleep. And if your partner snores, you’ve probably experienced many sleepless nights.
An easy way to block out unwanted noises is to wear noise cancelling or noise masking headphones.
Different “sleep headphones” deal with noise in different ways. Some work by actually canceling sounds so that, as far as your ears are concerned, those sounds don’t exist. Some work by “plugging up” your ears, effectively blocking out unwanted sounds. And still others work by using soothing sounds (like nature sounds or ambient noise) to mask or cover up the more disruptive noises in your environment.
If you want a really good pair of noise masking headphones that were especially designed for sleeping, try the Bose Noise Masking Sleepbuds from Bose. 
Bose was a pioneer when it came to noise cancelling technology. But their more recent research showed that, when it came to getting a good night’s sleep, noise masking worked better than noise cancelling. And the Bose Noise Masking Sleepbuds were designed with that in mind.
The Bose sleepbuds use soothing engineered sounds to cover up (or mask) unwanted noises that might disrupt your sleep. The extra small headphones fit comfortably in your ear, and will stay in place while you sleep. And you can use the Bose Sleep app to adjust settings, and choose from a library of pre-loaded sounds.
Natural Sleep Aid #4. Essential Oils
Sometimes, just being able to relax can help you fall asleep faster. And there are plenty of essential oils that have been shown to help relax both the mind and the body. One of the most common essential oils used to promote sleep and relaxation is lavender.
Lavender can help you feel less stressed at any time, whether you’re trying to fall asleep, or trying to wind down after a busy day. And, like many essential oils, lavender is versatile. Not only can lavender help you to relax, it can also help to reduce inflammation.
There are many ways to use essential oils. But the easiest way to enjoy the full benefits of these fragrant compounds is by using an essential oil diffuser.
An essential oil diffuser diffuses an essential oil, releasing it into the air as a fine mist or vapor. As the essential oil fills the room, you’ll get to enjoy its lovely scent. And the scent will be stronger and last longer than if you used scented aromatherapy candles or incense.
The diffused essential oils will enter your body by being inhaled, or by being absorbed through your skin. And then they will work their magic.
If you suffer from insomnia, try putting an essential oil diffuser in your bedroom. About 15 to 30 minutes before you intend to go to bed, add the essential oil of your choice to your diffuser and then turn it on. By the time you turn in, the diffuser will have spread the essential oil throughout the room. And once you lay down, you might be surprised by how fast you fall asleep.
One of our favorite essential oil diffusers is the Better Sleep Essential Oil Diffuser with Bluetooth Speaker.Not only does it diffuse essential oils, it also acts as a humidifier, which those experiencing the unpleasant effects of dry air will appreciate.
This diffuser has a tank capacity of 300ml, a good size for a diffuser meant for home use. The generous tank capacity means the diffuser can run for hours before you’ll need to refill it.
The diffuser has an Auto Shut Off feature. When the water runs out, the device will shut off automatically, so you don’t have to worry about it overheating because it’s running on an empty tank.
One of this diffuser’s most unique features is its Bluetooth Speaker, which can easily establish a connection with any Bluetooth enabled device. So not only can you use the diffuser to diffuse essential oils, you can also use it to listen to your favorite music at the same time.
Natural Sleep Aid #5. A Good Mattress or Mattress Topper
Trying to sleep on a bad mattress can be a miserable experience. In fact, if your mattress is thin, hard, lumpy, or saggy, it’s probably been a while since you had a truly good night’s sleep. Instead, you might find yourself tossing and turning all night, trying in vain to find a comfortable position. Even if you manage to fall asleep, you probably won’t sleep all that deeply, especially if rolling over onto a particularly hard lump wakes you up.
The truth is that people who try to sleep on bad mattresses rarely feel well rested when they wake up in the morning.
If you think a bad mattress is the cause of your insomnia you have two options. You can get a brand new, more comfortable mattress. Or, you can get a comfortable mattress topper to put on top of your current mattress. Either could be a quick and easy way to instantly improve the quality of your sleep.
If you’d like a new mattress, there are some great ones on the market now days. One we like is the Avocado Green Mattress by Avocado Green. These all natural are made of 100% natural, organic certified cotton, latex rubber, and wool. Avocado Green also offers a vegan mattress that’s made without wool.
These luxurious mattresses are firm enough to give your body the support it needs, but plush enough to offer you a comfortable sleeping experience.
If you’re not quite ready to invest in a new mattress, maybe you’d like to try a mattress topper instead. One of our top picks is the Sleep Innovations Gel Memory Foam 4-inch Dual Layer Mattress Topper by Sleep Innovations. This pillow top mattress topper has two layers. First there’s a 2 inch layer of quilted fiber fill. And, secondly, there’s a 2 inch layer of memory foam. The result is a mattress topper that combines comfort with pressure relieving support, whether your sleep on your back, your side or your stomach.
Sleep Aids for Kids
        Adults aren’t the only ones who can have trouble getting a good night’s sleep. Children can suffer from insomnia too.
For the most part, children can benefit from the same natural insomnia remedies that can benefit adults, and vice versa. But there are some products that have been specially designed to be kid friendly.
So if your child has trouble getting to sleep, or they often wake up in the middle of the night, here are some remedies you can try.
1. Sleep Headphones for Kids
As with adults, sounds can keep a child awake at night. But sometimes it can be for different reasons.
Noise can keep a child from falling asleep, or wake them from a sound slumber. But noise can also trigger their curiosity…which can be enough to keep a kid awake. If they hear other people in the house moving around, they might want to get up and see what’s going on. Even if they don’t get out of bad, wondering about what’s causing the noises they hear can keep them from falling asleep.
If noise is keeping your child awake, for whatever reason, then sleep headphones might be the solution.
Sleep headphones are very similar to the noise masking headphones we mentioned above, but the construction is different. Rather than having earbuds that your child must place in their ear, most sleep headphones consist of a headband with speakers inside the band. The band is pulled down over the child’s ears, and sounds delivered through the speakers help to mask potentially disruptive noise.
Most sleep headphones designed for adults will also work for children. But the CozyPhones Kids Headphones by CozyPhones were designed specifically for children. These extremely comfortable sleep headphones have a soft, fleece headband. They also have volume limiting speakers, so the volume can’t accidentally be turned up high enough to damage little ears.
CozyPhones Kids Headphones are also available in kid friendly designs.
Sleep headphones for adults are usually available in solid colors, like black, dark blue or gray. But the CozyPhones Kids Headphones are colorful and designed to look like cute, cartoon animals.
If you’d like to try sleep headphones for yourself, CozyPhones makes a more sophisticated version of their sleep headphones for adults: CozyPhones Sleep Headphones with Travel Bag.
2. Essential Oils for Kids
Another good sleep aid for kids is essential oils.
Essential oils commonly used to promote sleep, like lavender, have been found safe to use around children.
And using an essential oil diffuser in a child’s bedroom can be.
If you have reservations about using an essential oil diffuser in your child’s bedroom, many of these devices are designed to be safe to use around children, even old ones. And you can always place the diffuser up high, out of your child’s reach.
There are essential oil diffusers made especially to appeal to children, like the ZAQ Sky Aroma Essential Oil Kids Diffuser by ZAQ. This isn’t just an essential oil diffuser. It also acts as a humidifier, ionizer, and night light. And it doesn’t get hot, so you don’t have to worry about your child hurting themselves if they touch the diffuser.
The diffuser is made of BPA free materials. And it has a design that will to match the decor of a kid’s bedroom.
3. Melatonin for Kids
Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by your body when it starts to get dark. One of this hormone’s jobs is to make you start feeling sleepy at night. The more melatonin your body produces, the sleepier you will feel, and the faster you will fall asleep at night. And if your body isn’t producing enough melatonin for some reason, you can use melatonin supplements to make up for the deficiency.
It is considered safe for both children and adults to take melatonin supplements. However, before giving melatonin to your child, you might want to consult his or her doctor. The doctor can tell you whether or not it’s safe for your child to take melatonin, and in what dose.
There are actually children’s vitamins available that contain melatonin. One of them is Zarbee’s Naturals Children’s Sleep with Melatonin. These vitamins are available as chewable gummies with a pleasant, fruity flavor. The pleasant taste of these vitamins makes it more likely that your child will actually take them.
Recommended for children ages three and up, these supplements are safe, effective, and drug free. In fact, many pediatricians recommend Zarbee’s Naturals Children’s Sleep with Melatonin.
Melatonin as a Sleep Aid
You’ve probably heard of melatonin, and how it can help you fight insomnia so you can get a good night’s sleep.
But what exactly is melatonin?
Melatonin Basics
Melatonin is a natural hormone produce by your brain. As it begins to get dark outside, your brain increases its production of melatonin. As a result, you will start to feel sleep, which will help you fall asleep faster.
As morning approaches, and it starts to get light outside, melatonin production will begin to decrease. By the time its full daylight outside, you will feel more awake and alert.
As a rule, you’ll feel more awake and alert when you wake up at 7 am than you would if you woke up at 2 am, even if you sleep for the same length of time.
If you suffer from insomnia, you’ve probably been told to turn down the lights in your environment about an hour before you go to bed. That’s because bright lights can inhibit the amount of melatonin your brain produces. If you spend the hour or so before bed in a brightly lit room, it will take longer for you to fall asleep once you turn in. But if you spend the time before you go to bed in a dimly lit room, you will fall asleep faster.
Melatonin Supplements
You can buy melatonin supplements over the counter. Many people have started using these supplements to help them fall asleep at night. And some see them as a more natural alternative to taking sleeping pills. Studies have found that melatonin supplements are safe, and taking them doesn’t appear to have any serious risks.
While melatonin supplements can help anyone fall asleep faster, they seem to work best in specific situations.
If you work the night shift, and have to go to bed during daylight hours, you’ve probably experienced some sleep difficulties. Taking melatonin supplements before you go to bed might help you fall asleep faster. The supplements can also help you sleep more deeply. 
And if you do a lot of traveling which requires you to cross time zones, it can throw your sleep cycle out of whack. Melatonin can help you sleep better during your trip. In fact, it’s often recommended that you start taking melatonin supplements several days before your trip begins.
Melatonin and Insomnia
For some people who suffer from insomnia, there can be a hiccup in the production of melatonin.
In some cases, the brain doesn’t produce the typical amount of melatonin, if it produces melatonin at all. In other cases, melatonin production is delayed. In either case, the result is that you might not get drowsy as bedtime approaches, and it could take a while for you to drift off. And, if your melatonin levels fluctuate, you might find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, and being unable to get back to sleep.
Studies have found that taking melatonin supplements can help insomniacs fall asleep faster, although how much faster can vary from one person to the next.
There’s also some indication that melatonin supplements can help you stay asleep through the night.
Melatonin supplements are largely considered safe, even with long term use. However, many suggest talking to your doctor before taking melatonin supplements.
If you are already taking melatonin supplements, talk to your doctor if you experience any of the possible side effects, like headaches, dizziness, or daytime drowsiness.
Sleeping Pills
If you suffer from insomnia, chances are you’ve at least thought about trying sleeping pills to deal with your sleeping difficulties.
Sleeping pills fall into two very broad categories. In the first category are prescription sleeping pills that you can only get with a prescription from your doctor. In the second category are over the counter sleeping pills that you can buy without a prescription. You can usually find these sleep aids at any store that sells over the counter medications, like drug stores and grocery stores.
While the medications in both categories are meant to help improve your quality of sleep, there are actually a lot of differences between them.
Over the Counter Sleeping Pills
The thing about over the counter sleeping pills is that they are not meant to be taken long term. In fact, they are best used as a short term solution to temporary sleeping problems.
The good news is that OTC sleep aids aren’t habit forming, which is one of the downsides of some prescription sleep pills. However, there are some things you should consider before taking over the counter sleep aids.
One problem is that your body will quickly develop a tolerance for OTC sleeping pills that contain antihistamines, as most of them do. This means the pills might work fine at first, but the more you take them the less effective they will be.
And if you take an over the counter sleep aid at night, there’s a chance that you’ll spend the next day feeling run-down and groggy.
Over the counter sleeping pills can also interfere with any other medications your taking, be they OTC or prescription. For example, if you take medication for high blood pressure, you should not take an over the counter sleep aid without consulting your doctor first. 
Taking over the counter sleep aids can have many unpleasant side effects, including blurred vision, daytime drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, and constipation. OTC sleeping pills can also end up making your insomnia worse.
Pregnant and nursing women should avoid taking OTC sleeping pills, as should people over the age of 75. And if you suffer from any kind of medical condition, like asthma, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, liver disease or glaucoma, you should definitely ask your doctor before taking an over the counter sleep aid.
Even if you don’t take prescription medications or suffer from a medical condition like high blood pressure, you should not take an OTC sleep aid for more than two weeks. If you’re still experiencing insomnia after two weeks, stop taking the over the counter sleeping pills, and try to find some other solution.
Finally, if you’ve taken an OTC sleep aid, you shouldn’t drink alcohol. You also shouldn’t drive, or do anything else that requires you to be awake and alert.
Prescription Sleeping Pills
Prescription sleeping pills are often prescribed to patients suffering from frequent bouts of insomnia. However, like over the counter sleep aids, some believe prescription sleeping pills should only be used in the short term. The idea is that the sleeping pills will help you get the rest you need while you and your doctor search for a better, long term solution to your sleeping problems.
There are many downsides to taking prescription sleeping pills. One problem is that some of them can be addictive. Fortunately, there are many prescription sleep medications that carry a much lower risk of addiction.
You should never take prescription sleeping pills that weren’t prescribed by your doctor. When you’ve gone a week without sleep, it can be easy to give in to the temptation of accept someone else’s prescription sleep medication. However, when a doctor gives you a prescription for any medication, including sleeping pills, they take into account things like your weight and build, your existing medical conditions, and any other medications you might be taking. When you take someone else’s prescription medication, you have no idea how it will affect you. In fact, it could have a devastating effect on your health. No matter how tired you are, the promise of a good night’s sleep isn’t worth the risk.
The fact that a medication was prescribed to you by a doctor doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s safe. In fact, some sleeping pills have been known to cause sleep walking, severe allergic reactions, and other serious side effects.
There are other potential drawbacks. It can be extremely dangerous to take prescription sleeping pills either before or after you’ve consumed an alcoholic beverage. You also need to be sure never to take more than the prescribed dosage of a prescription sleep medication.
For some, prescription and over the counter sleeping pills can be a good, short term solution to their sleeping problems. But it’s best to see these medications as only a temporary fix.
The post Best Sleep Aids for Insomnia appeared first on The Snore Whisperer.
from The Snore Whisperer https://www.thesnorewhisperer.com/best-sleep-aids-for-insomnia/
from https://www.perspectief.org/best-sleep-aids-for-insomnia/
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airinnovation-blog · 6 years
How To Choose The Best Humidifiers For Winter
Now that winter is officially upon us, it’s time to shop for the best humidifiers for the season. Using a humidifier during winter is important for a number of reasons. Humidifiers are very useful devices in winter since they add moisture back into your home’s air. During winter, outside air tends to get very dry. This causes your home’s air to lack moisture, which is also caused by using the heater too much. Dry air tends to cause a number of problems like dry skin, chapped lips, dry nasal passages, static shocks, and just overall the feeling of being uncomfortable. This is why you’ll want to have the best humidifiers running when the weather starts to get cold out.
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People tend to get sick more during winter, which is another reason why you’ll want the best humidifiers for your home. Humidifiers can help alleviate the symptoms of the flu and colds, helping you get better faster while making you comfortable while you’re sick. They may also stop the spread of flu germs since studies suggest that boosting your indoor humidity level makes it harder for flu germs to survive. This will decrease the chances of others in your family from also getting the flu!
Because humidifiers are so popular in winter, you’ll find shops selling them everywhere! But not all humidifiers are good choices, which is why you’ll want to look for the best humidifiers as they will require minimal maintenance and are reliable. Humidifier technology has come a long way over the years. So you’ll be able to find the best humidifier to fit your individual needs easier than ever before!
With so many humidifier options, it can be quite overwhelming trying to find the best ones. What are considered the best humidifiers might vary from person to person, but always choose one from a reputable brand. This way you know you’ll get a quality product from a brand you can trust.
Why You Should Opt To Buy Cool Mist Humidifiers
Those looking for the best humidifiers on the market will want to buy cool mist humidifiers. These are humidifiers that produce humidity via a fan that draws air from the room and blows it back out via a moistened wick in water. The water in the tank evaporates as it’s turned into water vapor before it’s released into space. Since heat is removed from the air as the evaporation process occurs, the air is cooled as a result. So the air being blown out of the humidifier is cooler than when it went into the device.
Cool mist humidifiers are great options because they are affordable, easy to operate and maintain. They can also humidify larger spaces better than other humidifier options. The only drawback to cool mist humidifiers is that they tend to be noisier than other units because of the fan. The humming noise can be quite bothersome for those who are sensitive to noises, especially when sleeping with a humidifier running at night. But for many, this noise is similar to white noise and can actually be quite soothing to sleep with.
Ultrasonic Humidifiers Are Quiet Options
The good news is that there is ultrasonic cool mist humidifier that is quiet. These are called ultrasonic humidifiers and use high-frequency sound vibrations to create an extra fine water mist that’s expelled into a room to add moisture. It’s the quietest humidifier option on the market and generally has no filter factored into its design. No sound is made since there’s no fan, allowing those who hear every little thing better rest while the unit is on. After all, the most common place for humidifiers is in the bedroom, which is why users want a quieter device.
The downside with ultrasonic humidifiers is that some units tend to create a greyish dust in rooms because there are usually no filters to absorb mineral scale deposits from the water. However, quality ultrasonic humidifiers feature ceramic-type cartridges to absorb any impurities in the water. The ceramic filter never needs to be replaced, which saves users money in the long-term.
Ultrasonic humidifiers work just as good as other humidifier options but offer more convenience and benefits. Many consider them to be the best humidifiers money can buy! They are safe since they don’t require hot water, making them ideal options to use in children’s rooms when they’re sick. Plus, there are a wide range of ultrasonic humidifier sizes to add moisture back into small spaces, as well as large ones.
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filtration-products · 6 years
Cold Relief – Which is Better, a Humidifier or a Vaporizer?
If you live on a temperate country chances are you will have experience low humidity. It can make breathing just a tiny bit laborious. If you suffer colds and other upper respiratory ailments low humidity can certainly make it worse.
Humidifiers and vaporizers both address the issue on the double whammy of low humidity and colds. Read on to find out if one is really better than the other.
A quick recap on what humidifiers are is a good way to start this argument. Humidifiers are devices which introduce humidity to an environment (preferably one that needs more humidity) by releasing water vapors into the air.
Humidity, after all is the measurement of the amount of water in the air. It usually does this by spraying water into a fine mist with a system that may involve impellers, ultrasonic waves and many more.
When previously very dry (low humidity) air is treated by a humidifier it makes it easier to breathe. This moisturizing effect in the air is what makes humidifiers effective.
One complaint about humidifiers is that it is very difficult to control the amount of humidity they introduce. Too much humidity in a room can ruin the rooms paint, wood and even make it harder to breathe. Humidifiers also are a magnet for fungus and molds.
A Vaporizer effectively does the same action that the humidifier does but does it with heat. While the humidifier releases cool mist vapors a typical vaporizer releases hot vapors.
Vaporizers are better than humidifiers in two ways. First is that the nasty moisture that a typical humidifier overproduces is eliminated. Vaporizers have much less chance of spreading molds.
Another thing they remove is germs. By boiling water a great majority of bacteria dies and never gets released to the area around the vaporizer. A humidifier can spread bacteria that have grown on it its medium into different parts of the room.
The bad thing about traditional vaporizers is that they tend to be scalding hot. This makes them dangerous to kids, pets and adults who do not know the location of a hot vaporizer.
For cold relief and other upper respiratory ailments both humidifiers and vaporizers work. It’s a matter of preference which one you get. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages that you may have to get around with.
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goodairgeeks · 6 years
What Does a Humidifier Do for Babies?
Everyone has advice for new parents, and sometimes, that advice is conflicting. Should you bottle or breast feed? Should you start teaching your child to walk early? When should you start feeding them baby food or solids? Should you use lavender lotion or not? When is it safe to stop swaddling? Should you swaddle in the first place?
If you consult a bunch of resources and ask all your friends and family, you’ll end up spinning in circles of confusion, trying to make up your mind. Being a parent is a daunting enough task without arguments on how to do it right and be the best you can be. You have to learn to make decisions on your own, based on knowing your child and his or her individual needs. Sometimes, this is just an educated guess or even a lucky guess. Other times, you can find plenty of evidence to support your decision to act one way or another.
Table Of Contents
What is the Purpose of Humidifiers?
Types of Humidifiers
Cool Mist Humidifiers
Warm Mist Humidifiers
Healthy Babies
Advantages of Humidifiers
Cautions with Babies and Children
Safety Practices​​​​​
Features to Look For
The Bottom Line
One thing most parents do agree on is that having a humidifier really can help newborns stay healthier and happier. What does a humidifier do for babies? There are tons of advantages to having a humidifier in your home and even in your baby’s nursery. Of course, there are naysayers in this as well, likely because nothing comes without its little caveats and warnings. However, with the right information, you’ll know if the advantages outweigh the risks and if using a humidifier to help your baby stay healthier is right for you.
First, you should understand how a humidifier works and what the different types of humidifiers available are. Here, we’ve assembled all the necessary facts so that you can be fully informed about use, safety procedures, and all other aspects of humidifiers, allowing you to make the best choices when it comes to your child and whether or not he or she could benefit from the addition of a humidifier to your environment.
What is the Purpose of Humidifiers?
A humidifier is a device that creates moisture and passes it into the air, essentially keeping a space from becoming too dry. Especially in very hot or very cold weather, you’ll find that your home environment dries out, whether from the use of fans and air conditioners in the summer or running the heat in the winter. These devices remove moisture, and while being in a very humid environment is extremely uncomfortable, having air that lacks moisture entirely can be even worse. In fact, it’s bad for your health.
In winter especially, humidity levels in the home drop as low as 10 percent. Ideally,
a home environment should have a humidity level of 40 to 50 percent. Because cold air holds less moisture to start with (which is why you might need a humidifier when you’re running the air conditioner in the summer), and heating the air, such as with a furnace or wood fire, can deplete what moisture there is, winters are the worst. However, there are humidifiers sized for every space, with small units that sit on a table or desk covering small rooms up to 300 square feet, medium units for up to 500 square feet, and large units or whole house units for over 500 square feet.
A humidifier remedies the dryness that can lead to health issues. Most of them have means of controlling the amount of moisture they allow into the air so that you don’t end up turning your space into a tropical rainforest where the air is so thick you can’t even breathe, and they allow you to direct the flow of moisture so that it fills a particular space. Choosing the right size will also help you properly regulate a comfortable level of moisture in your home.
Types of Humidifiers
So, you’ve probably asked yourself questions like ‘what kind of humidifier do I need for a baby’ or ‘when should i use a humidifier for my baby’? There are generally two types of humidifiers, though there are several different ways they operate. Depending on your specific needs, you may prefer one over the other, and both have their benefits, especially with babies. However, you have to be aware of safety precautions that are important for each type of humidifier.
Cool mist humidifiers release moisture into the air without first heating the water. Warm mist humidifiers use a heat source to warm the water and turn it into vapor that is dispersed. To further break it down, there are two ways that cool mist humidifiers function – using an evaporative wick or with ultrasonic waves.
Cool Mist Humidifiers
A cool mist humidifier is an excellent option, since you don’t ever have to worry about heat and hot water being involved. These products utilize one of two technologies to make a cool mist that is then dispersed into the air to moisturize your space and keep a constant, comfortable level of humidity.
With an evaporative wick model, the machine utilizes a saturated wick filter, drawing in the dry air and passing it through the filter, where any sediment or other impurities are removed, providing cleaner air that is healthier to breathe. Then, an internal fan forces evaporation of the water in the filter and blows it back into the air in your home. An invisible mist is created and dispersed throughout the space, giving you the benefit of more moist air that is also cleaner and easier to breathe. Perhaps the only downfall is that, while the fan is relatively quiet, there is some noise to the operation of an evaporative wick humidifier.
Cool mist humidifiers can also use ultrasonic technology to create that fine mist that is blown into the space. In these models, a transducer is used, creating a vibration that has ultrasonic speed. This breaks down the water into tiny, cool molecules that are automatically cleansed of impurities. Once that is achieved, the tiny droplets are forced out of the unit into the surrounding air. These humidifiers tend to be quieter, so if you don’t like background noise, such as the quiet hum of the fan in the evaporative wick style humidifiers, this might please you more. On the other hand, you may not like being able to see the mist as you can when using ultrasonic technology, so you might want to opt for the wick style machine.
Some of the best features of a cool mist humidifier is that, while one type does make noise at all, they are both quiet, only offering a gentle background noise at the worst. Also, because there is no boiling or heating process, there will never be steam emitted to burn you or the accidental bumping of a unit that’s hot to the touch and could singe you easily. These humidifiers provide cool air that can be refreshing, considering that you have the heat running and might need a little refresher. And because both of them have easy removal of dust, dirt, allergens, and other particles that are easily the source of irritation in our noses and lungs.
Warm Mist Humidifiers
With a warm mist humidifier, heat is used to produce steam, which is released into the air to moisturize it. The water is boiled and sent through a filter that removes minerals and impurities. Then, the steam is released into the air, warm and soothing. These humidifiers tend to be a bit bulky, especially if you are trying to add moisture to air in a larger space. The filter assists the cleansing process that begins with boiling, which heats the water until it becomes a gas while leaving impurities behind like sediment.
However, vaporizers, a form of warm mist humidifier, tend to be more compact and take up far less space. These work in the same capacity and typically cover a smaller space but are quite efficient.
Warm mist humidifiers and vaporizers are fairly quiet in their operation, since they don’t need a fan to blow the steam into the air. Because heat rises, the steam automatically moves out of the unit into the space you want to moisten. This means that, if you need silence for sleeping at night, these are virtually noiseless. Of course, if you like white noise in the background to soothe you to sleep, they may not offer that comfort.
Using a warm mist humidifier or vaporizer requires that you practice safety. These units get very hot at times, and bumping into them could lead to burns. In addition, if the steam is coming out quite heavy, you want to avoid close proximity, since you could also get a steam burn. Aside from basic precautions, these products are great, and you’ll find they help keep the space slightly warmer on cold nights, as well.
One thing to keep in mind is that the filters in these will need to be changed as they become filled with the particles that are removed from the air to cleanse it and purify it for breathing. While they are typically inexpensive and easy to trade out, it’s important to keep in mind that there is a small added cost in maintenance for warm mist humidifiers and vaporizers. This is typically not of the same concern with cool mist humidifiers, which typically have filters that can be cleaned rather than replaced. Still, when it comes to your health – and the health of your baby – it’s definitely worth the price.
Healthy Babies
When it comes to assuring that our babies are healthy, we’ll do just about anything. We consult with pediatricians, experts, other experienced parents, articles, and any resource we trust. But what are some of the main concerns with the health of a newborn or infant child?
First of all, babies are much more susceptible to congestion because their respiratory systems aren’t as developed as older children and adults. That means it’s far easier for them to catch a cold or something worse than it is for the average adult. You can probably see this in the fact that, when pushing for everyone to get their flu shots, health care professionals are far more adamant and concerned about children and senior citizens. Protecting your child against infection is one of the most crucial things you can do to assure your baby grows up healthy and happy.
Also, a baby’s skin is extremely sensitive, as evidenced by its softness. We lather our babies with lotion to keep it smooth and moist, but they are prone to dry, rashy, irritated skin, especially during the winter months when the air is dryer. Taking the time to make sure your baby’s skin doesn’t get so dry it cracks will also help reduce the instance of infection, and soothing their dry skin will make them happier, so you aren’t dealing with tears and frustration all the time. You’ll also avoid ‘baby acne’ by making sure your child’s skin stays moist and smooth.
Some of the most common ailments in babies include diarrhea, constipation, cough, and vomiting. All of these are possibly symptomatic of dehydration. While babies ingest plenty of formula or breast milk on a daily basis, that doesn’t mean other factors can’t lead to problems with dehydration. They are also prone to ear infections, partly because the small tube behind the eardrum is connected directly to the throat, which is easily irritated. If the throat is compromised in any way, an infection can ensue.
Advantages of Humidifiers
So, are humidifiers good for babies? The answer is yes. A number of these issues can be prevented by using a humidifier in your infant’s nursery, and even more good can come from assuring the entire home has enough moisture in the air. Using a humidifier:
Reduces cough in babies. Because the air isn’t dry, your child’s throat is less likely to become dry. Dry throat produces a cough, and having a consistent cough can be more than a little irritating, especially to a baby who doesn’t have the resources in terms of medicine to help or the ability to take care of its own problems.
Help keep babies hydrated. Depleted moisture in the air causes environmental factors to draw moisture from the body. Especially because we bundle and swaddle infants, they can get warm enough to sweat out healthy moisture, and their core temperatures already tend to be slightly higher than adults. A humidifier makes sure there is enough moisture in the air to replenish some of the water lost in a baby’s system as they breathe it in.
Helps prevent infections. Because a child’s immune system isn’t as advanced (remember, an infant has relied solely on its mother’s immune system for more than nine months), babies are more susceptible to nasty germs and infections, and dry air allows the airways to dry out. That reduces the amount of mucus as well as forming minute cracks through which these germs can easily break. A humidifier prevents these cracks and helps keep the nasal passages lined with mucus that collects dust, debris, and germs that compromise your child’s health.
Reduces dry, itchy, irritated skin. In the winter, even slathering lotion on your baby three times a day won’t prevent his or her skin from getting dry, flaky, rashy, and itchy from the low level of moisture in the air with the heat on. Humidifiers keep the air healthier for baby smooth skin.
Relieves congestion. Babies are very prone to being congested, and they don’t have the option of taking over the counter medicines the way we do to clear it up. However, humidifiers – especially warm mist humidifiers and vaporizers – can loosen congestion in a baby’s nose and lungs, helping him or her breathe easier. In fact, some vaporizers and humidifiers offer the option to add a medicated oil to the mix so that your whole family can benefit from open lungs.
Provide white noise. This helps in two ways. First, a light, repetitive sound in the background like the hum of the fan in a humidifier, is soothing to a baby trying to fall asleep, making it a much easier task to lull them into slumber in the crib rather than rocking them for hours. Second, training a child to fall asleep to complete silence results in every little noise waking your infant. Having the constant sound in his or her nursery will reduce the incident of waking up to every bump or squeak.
You can hardly deny that having a humidifier in your baby’s nursery alleviates a great many fears and concerns in regard to rearing a healthy child.
Cautions with Babies and Children
There are some cautions to consider young children and knowing when to use and how to use a humidifier for babies. Mostly, being a diligent parent will negate any problems that could arise, but keep a few things in mind when you have your child exposed to a humidifier.
First, you should understand your environment and assure that you don’t have any type of mold in your home that would proliferate further with the addition of moisture to the space. Certain kinds of mold can cause difficulty breathing, especially for small children and infants, and if you have these molds in your home, you might actually be hurting your child – and your family – more than helping. It’s a good idea to have your home tested for mold from time to time anyway.
Also, you should be cautious of certain ultrasonic humidifiers, as some make the droplets of water too small for good health. Because some of them send these minute particles of water out with such force, the droplets won’t stop in the nasal passages and can, in fact, end up in the lungs. Water in the lungs can be dangerous, so shop carefully for these, especially if you’re putting it in the nursery.
Safety Practices​​​​​
Most issues with humidifiers can be avoided by following some simple safety tips.
Don’t turn the power up too high. Most of these units have adjustable levels, and you want to make sure the air doesn’t become too damp, since this is dangerous for a baby to breathe in.
Clean the humidifier often, and replace filters as needed. How often, you ask? It depends on how much you use it. If you run it daily, clean it weekly. If your child is experiencing more allergy symptoms than usual with the humidifier running, it likely means the filter is clogged and not doing its job or that mold, bacteria, or allergens have started to grow in the tank. Cleaning frequently can negate this problem.
Locate the humidifier in a safe place. Knowing where to place it is key. Warm mist humidifiers and vaporizers get hot, and accidentally bumping them can burn a toddler when used in the baby room. Tipping can also cause the boiling water to spill, which can result in severe burns. The hot steam can also leave burns on small children. Also, especially with crawling babies and toddlers, you need to avoid wires in places where they can trip or grab and bite the cord, causing electrocution.
Don’t add essential oils. While mentholated and medicated additives may help adults and babies get relief from congestion and allergy symptoms, many additives can irritate small children. Avoid anything that is not doctor-approved in the humidifier.
Features to Look For
When purchasing a humidifier, don’t judge everything by dollar signs. It’s important to get a good quality unit with certain features that can help you use the unit effectively and safely. For example, find a unit that has adjustable power so that you can control the amount of humidity in the room. Also, make sure the direction can be adjusted so that steam, vapor, or mist is not pointed directly into the air immediately around the child. You don’t want the water molecules getting into your baby’s lungs, and you certainly don’t want anyone to get burned.
Many humidifiers also have an auto shut-off safety feature that turns off the machine when the water level is too low. This prevents any damage to the unit but, more importantly, prevents the microbial and irritating impurities that were removed from the water dispersed from being added back into the space. It can also avoid a fire if you’re using a warm mist humidifier or vaporizer, so that the heat won’t continue to run without water to boil.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to children, we want the best for ours. Humidifiers are a great solution to many of the typical issues that arise with babies and small children. They alleviate dryness in the atmosphere and provide a number of benefits in preventing infection and irritation. However, as with anything you introduce into a newborn or young child’s environment, it’s important to be fully informed of precautionary measures and to act in the safest way possible based on the abundance of knowledge about what a humidifier can do for babies.
The post What Does a Humidifier Do for Babies? appeared first on Good Air Geeks.
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emarawork2015 · 7 years
Understanding The Emissions Control Equipment And Its Fine Profits
By Patricia Stone
Emission control systems refer to instruments that reduce, eliminate, and monitor dangerous substances produced by combustion and other similar procedures. With that machine, its release into the environment and atmosphere is prevented, therefore eliminating any possible issues. Besides, industrial procedures produce oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons of sulfur and nitrogen wherein it is converted into carbon dioxide and water vapor which is safely recirculated and released into the environment. Gaseous or particulate substances present greater issues that disturb your lung or cardiovascular health, thus using Emissions Control Equipment is profitable. A regulatory organization has implemented tough restrictions on acceptable levels and amounts of substances that can be released into the atmosphere. In order to conform to that element, roughly all fields are now using that machine. Automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical, microelectronic, and medical fields are some of those that used those devices in reducing problems. While tough regulations are being imposed, state guidelines dictating acceptable emission levels and amounts are dependent locally. Roughly all fields are following the continuous emission instruments to aid in monitoring and managing risky substances for easy documentation to state or federal divisions. Furthermore, various devices applied for managing emissions are created. Commonly, it entails the installations of large instruments, although complexity is not experienced. In addition to that, air and wet scrubbers focus on the installation of streams and pools which eliminate and attract airborne compounds. Both the catalytic and thermal oxidizers are utilized to disintegrate elements and purify the air with heating those factors into extreme settings. Secondly, devices utilizing the incendiary settings utilized the recovery networks to help in minimizing the payments of operations. Elements absorbed by mist collectors and other same instruments are also applicable for recycling. Due to this, air pollution regulation aids in insuring the safety of workers and its forms needed in each location and place is based on amounts and particular compositions of air streams. While it would be used until this era, factories or products constructed with that device are becoming crucial part of the manufacturing or combustion methods. Also, limiting your vehicle emissions assist in reducing the environmental impacts, therefore benefitting your organization. With this, it causes medical conditions such as respiratory failures, affecting your organizational performance and productivity. In addition to that, they are considered as disturbances by other individuals since it contributes to the pollution in urban locations. By using more effective vehicles, you might construct more crucial financial savings by reducing fuel expenses and destructions, preserving your financial resources. An investment on vehicles that are more environmentally friendly may make you entitled for boosted capitals. Lessening environmental effects has aided in enhancing your corporate social responsibility, thus strengthening your managerial images. Awareness regarding environmental problems is increasing and clients, stakeholders, and investors favor some companies equipped with their proper credentials. Being able to educate your workers about environmental effects of using vehicles and motivating them to walk or cycle is advised. Due to this, it assists in lessening absence resulting from medical disorders, boosting retention and strengthening air quality.
About the Author:
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rubyekinc · 1 year
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https://bit.ly/3S9egpW An anti-gravity air moisturizer is a type of humidifier that uses advanced technology to suspend a water reservoir in mid-air, creating the illusion that it is floating or levitating. This unique design not only adds a futuristic and stylish look to any room but also eliminates the need for a bulky base or stand, making it a space-saving option. Additionally, the device releases a fine mist of water vapor into the air, which helps to increase humidity levels and alleviate dry air symptoms such as dry skin, chapped lips, and sinus congestion. Overall, an anti-gravity air moisturizer is a functional and visually striking way to humidify the air in your home or office. Anti-gravity, Humidifier, Air Purifier, Dehumidifier, Portable, Quiet, Ultrasonic Technology, Essential Oil Diffuser, Aromatherapy, Healthy living, Home comfort, Energy efficient, Easy to use, Automatic shut-off, LED light, Health and wellness, Innovative technology, Allergies, Asthma, Dry air, Indoor air quality, Moisture control, Compact design, Mist output control.
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