#anti evan kelmp
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dropoutconfessions · 5 months ago
some of you can only appreciate Sam, Jammer, and K through their relationships with Evan, and its getting annoying. I know that a lot of s1 was revolving around Evans possession, but come on, it's so frustrating to see almost every post about magical misfits be about "evan and _". K and Sam are literally childhood friends! Jammer watches Sams streams!
i promise that if you explore other dynamics within the party, their bonds with Evan are not gonna disappear.
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the-forestry-system · 2 years ago
On the topic of our chronic illness.
Don't tell people to get better soon
Fuck off
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esthersinclair-matsui · 5 months ago
All these Evan kelmp stans/k Tanaka antis can just save themselves the mental gymnastics and just admit that they don’t like poc like SERIOUSLY it’s comedic the double standards
Like I love K and Evan and love K x Evan in part bc they are trying to figure out how to have a healthy dynamic where neither of them have the tools and like that story is so interesting but this fandom is not interested in that story they are interested in have a new pet white boy and new poc to bully
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plaidos · 4 months ago
as a trans guy who is watching mismag - the first series is not super good lol and it's a shame brennan lee mulligan is playing evan kelmp bc somehow he accidentally made a pretty egg-coded character. including a scene in the christmas special where evan is wearing a scrunchie and the other players/characters who are in context his BEST & ONLY FRIENDS (reluctantly) say they think it looks weird, and the whole table is goofing around about how it's a kind of silly hairstyle.
and like even if they were a group capable of recognising a character reading like a pre-transition trans girl, they would probably decide not to follow through just bc that would make them look SO bad in hindsight.
again it's not a moment where it's blatantly "haha trans women are weird" it's just the thoughtlessness of "this man is doing something feminine in a way that looks funny to us. let's all laugh and make jokes about it!!" and not realising what they're actually doing there. idk. maybe i'm reading way too much into it but it's kind of chilling to realise that even in the supposedly anti-terf "takedown" of hp they can't help but be transmisogynistic. AND with the transfem character who never actually shows up and is just mentioned while offscreen by her dad. and they think they're doing so much!
you’re not reading into it!!!! that’s such a perfect criticism that encapsulates everything wrong with Dropout, and especially with magic & misfits. it’s like, gee, wow, that really makes me feel represented and safe :/
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wireless-telegraph · 2 years ago
Evan Propaganda with Spoilers:
His parents are dead. For all his life he has been possessed by multiple evil spirits (essentially) that destroys everything he loves. This in turn also affects his person including but not limited to having no shadow (unless it wants to be a problem), turning his blood into snakes upon wounding (which he has no control over), and voices in his head always attempting to get him to make a deal. Animals flee from his presence and everyone in the school (outside of his friends which are the first he's ever had) refers to him as evil. He can't catch a break.
His last name is Kelmp (say it out loud).
Jackson anti-propaganda: That descriptor's not even accurate? Or at least grossly overinflated. Jackson is a human whose twin brother shares the same body as him (fire-elemental/Hyde monster hybrid). Jackson and Holt have issues communicating as both didn't know the other existed until recently when the trigger of their transformation changed.
Jackson is book smart, socially awkward, responsible and shy; whereas, Holt is loud, musically inclined, has ADHD, and is impulsive.
They're getting better at communication but because they are brothers and still immature due to their age, they get into a lot of arguments.
Round One
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Jackson: He has to split his conscience with a raging asshole. He is very sad and wants to be left alone, but alas, he can’t, since he shares a body with his tormentor
Evan: Tragically sad emo boy who has all the ingredients to be an evil lord but he'd rather be a kicked puppy. He fights adults in parking lots. King of autism. His favorite meal is 2 (two) hamburgers
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dropoutconfessions · 5 months ago
I think mismag sucks. And this is hard to talk about with other fans but I just really don't like it. People call it a deconstruction or an "in your face" moment to Harry potter but it's neither of those things. It's the exact same shit but every now and then they stop and turn at the audience to say "haha isn't it funny that they do this?" it's not doing anything clever or special. Also sometimes Brennan has too much main character syndrome and it can get very frustrating when he's a player because he tends to kind of take over, which is great when he's a dm but not so great when he's a player. And don't get me wrong I love Brennan I think he's very funny he's also just very. Homeschooled, for lack of a better word.
No there's definitely a better word, we're not using home-schooled as an insult, let's not be elitist, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard.
I think you're misinterpreting how his actions reflect on his mindset. It reads as main character syndrome because Evan has been main-character-ized. But that's because the other players and the story slot him into that position. He has multiple times expressed that when he gets the opportunity to play a character, he asks the dm how best he can serve the narrative / the world building.
He does the same thing in Ravening War where he plays the party's only member of the clergy of the Bulbian Church and in Burrow's End where if I elaborate on what's going on with Tula I will basically spoil half the story.
If he hadn't explained this mindset during either the Unsleeping City Chapter 2 Adventuring Parties, I'd probably be more inclined to believe you, but like, he gave us the reason this happened, before it even happened.
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dropoutconfessions · 5 months ago
to the person earlier who went off angry about how evan is treated like the main character in mismag, listen that's a flaw of the show not the fandom. Brennan spends sooooooo much time in that season both talking about his own character and making his curse THE Big Fucking Deal of the season. Then Erika enables it by having their character constantly talk about how hot and tortured he is.
Honestly my one critique there is that Aabria as the DM should have never let Brennan have a storyline that made him the Harry Potter insert for the series if the focus of the campaign was supposed to be the group. As a DM, if one of my PCs got that off balance with stealing the spotlight I would talk to them and find ways to pull other characters into the fold more so they don't get sidelined like especially Danielle was that season.
I think we watched different mismags, pretty sure it was the other players focusing on Evan, Brennan was just dm describing his character. Evan was Leiland from Bloodkeep if he actually could succeed on rolls in that way.
I'd also like to say, certain sidequests (Tiny Heist, Mice & Murder) are based around stories where there is a main character. Some one has to be the Danny Ocean, the Sherlock Holmes, and in the case of Mismag, the Dark Lord. Brennan has mentioned previous to Mismag that on the rare opportunities he gets to be a player character, he asks the dm what he could do to best serve the narrative. Assuming he did that here as well, it's likely that Aabria wanted someone to play a Dark Lord archetype, and given no one else did that, Brennan stepped up to plate.
But I don't think Aabria, like, ignored the other pcs, both K and Sam had huge narrative control during certain sections of the story, and Whitney was basically team leader the whole campaign.
The fandom is absolutely the problem here, outside of confessions, no one ever talks about that last paragraph. This fandom has hella blorbofied Evan to the detriment of every other pc.
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dropoutconfessions · 6 months ago
I think my problem with Evan Kelmp is that the nature of the character, does so the other characters are sort of lumped together, almost as side characters, because he brings such a radically different vibe to the table. I love Brennan and how funny Evan is, but it is a bit sad that in a season with amazingly funny POC characters and players, the one that is remembered is the sad white guy🤷
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dropoutconfessions · 5 months ago
Never enjoyed mismag, basically because it becomes The Brennan Show™️. He has created an extremely interesting and complex character, and the other players can’t keep up! Also Aabria for some reason doesn’t lift the other characters up and forward the same way she is forced to do with Evans fantastic and intriguing choices. I don’t know why this is, since all the players are amazingly talented in other seasons (Lou being my absolute favorite player), and Aabria really is able to push all arcs forward in seasons like Burrow’s end (AMAZING). It’s so strange! Oh well, I was blessed with Gastronauts now
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dropoutconfessions · 6 months ago
Hoping and praying that in mismag2 Brennan will give up the spotlight for once so we can get some development for the other characters
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dropoutconfessions · 5 months ago
I am so glad acofaf was my first Aabria DM'd campaign (I could wax poetic about how much I loved her style and all of her npcs) because when I watched mismag 1 it was the complete opposite for me. All of the npcs were awful and/or two dimensional, the plot was... what was the plot? It felt way too Kelmp-centric and watching Brennan just made me feel like he was being held hostage at the table. I felt bad for the other players.
That being said, I'm glad I watched it all the way through so I could become familiar with the characters. They did have some really fun banter. Mismag 2 has been really enjoyable so far and I'm excited for more!
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dropoutconfessions · 6 months ago
zero media literacy: mismag is a love letter to hp
surface level media literacy: mismag is a fuck you to hp
actual media literacy: mismag is a parody of hp that in many ways failed to accomplish what it wanted to do, in large part because of the exclusion of trans women as major voices in its creative process
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dropoutconfessions · 3 months ago
I prefer reading the EvSam ending as platonic! I'm aroace, so the idea that you can move in with someone and live together and sleep in the same bed and eat dinner together with the devotion to each other of a relationship but with no kissing or sex is something I really aspire to!!
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dropoutconfessions · 5 months ago
i’m neutral on sam/evan but we need to talk more about sam/k
okay pop off actually
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dropoutconfessions · 5 months ago
I'm happy for all the Sam/Evan shippers, but sometimes, a girl character and a boy character can just be really good friends without being romantically interested in each other.
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dropoutconfessions · 6 months ago
disclaimer that ofc no one has to engage with things that make them uncomfortable, but its a shame that some people came away from watching misfits and magic thinking it was purely just a dunk on the terf wizard franchise
imo completely missing the parts about how insular institutions hoarding power suck and the ways to fuck em up are through building community, sharing knowledge, supporting each others growth, and questioning the rules and traditions that don't serve us
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