#anti clebastian
anticassieclare · 5 years
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jcmorgenstern · 6 years
okay but where's the crisp meta?
Ok tbh it was really just 2k of me whining like an infant about not getting what I wanted and also going on a really weird and personal tangent and then my program crashed and I lost it so…I’m taking it as a sign from the universe Not To Bother.
Basically, I’m sad about the recast and really not looking forward to what I personally perceive as a fundamentally rape-y tone of bonding Jonathan to Clary (see: the entire second half of COLS, on steroids) as well as the general impression I’ve gotten of what they’re gonna do with 3b Jonathan which is…not great?
If yall really want to know more about my thoughts on the topic–which I emphasize are just my personal opinions and not hard facts or moral judgements on people who may enjoy the dynamic–you can like….message me and I’ll go into more detail, but for now I’d rather not ride the Disc Horse or rain on anyone’s parade before the season’s even aired.
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alec-magnvs · 7 years
first cl*lecs and now cl*bastians...
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sprnklersplashes · 7 years
I genuinely cannot believe people ship Clebastian
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huggy-bears · 7 years
Looking for more Magnus centric blogs
After the event that was episode 2x12, I wonder if there is such a thing as a Magnus stan so I decided to put this out here. Let’s see how many replies i get. If your majority posts are about Magnus, and that you are MORE concerned for his WELL BEING than him being part of a ship then please like or reblog and I will check you out and follow you. 
All characters and ships are fine with me, but please no #Clebastian O_O! 
Just to clarify this is Magnus Bane, the high warlock of Brooklyn, from the show Shadowhunters. 
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if they’re bringing in sebastian in future sh episodes i REALLY hope they opt out of the kiss with clary like it’s bad enough dealing with the pseudo-incest cl*ce Het Nonsense(TM)............................you can be better than this, sh. you can be better than cc
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From tsc
my favorite female character Clary
my favorite male character Magnus/Jace
my favorite book/season/etc TMI - City of Lost Souls
my favorite episode (if it's a tv show) - the chapter where Clary is in Prague and going off on that demon dealer guy
my favorite cast member Chruch lol
my favorite ship I kinda like them all so
a character I just can’t sympathize with ZARA AND HER FATHER AND THE DAMN COHORT
a character I grew to love Luke and Jocelyn, I just really appreciate them
my anti otp Clebastian DUUH(cause some people have that as otp)
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montilyets · 4 years
any and all shadowhunters books for the fandom game
my favorite female character: cristina rosales
my favorite male character: jace herondale
my favorite book/season/etc: fave book is city of glass or lord of shadows, fave series (for nostalgia’s sake) is tmi
my favorite ship: kierarktina
a character I’d die defending: jace
a character I just can’t sympathize with: hm. janus
a character I grew to love: big love for lily chen
my anti otp: i’m still scarred from the clebastian shipping that was rampant back in the day
send me a fandom?
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anticassieclare · 5 years
The Shadowhunters should not have been written as the protagonists or from their point of view in the books. In my opinion, I think they should have been written from the Downworlders’ perspective.
So one of the books’ themes are racism, because the Downworlders are oppressed by the Shadowhunters, and they’re struggling in a society where they barely have any rights and the shadowhunters are racist against them. Plus, CC said she purposely wrote QoAaD to reflect current politics. What we get from the Shadowhunters’ perspective is that Downworlders are second class citizens and not equal to Shadowhunters, therefore not deserving of any rights. In City of Bones Isabelle says they’re only keeping them alive because they’re like spiders who eat mosquitos or something like that. also, throughout the books they are constantly put down by the shadow hunters and you can tell that they’re oppressed and fighting for their rights. Of course only the protagonists are in favour of the Downworlders because they’re the good guys so they have to be, otherwise they would be unlikeable. The Downworlders have been oppressed, unfairly treated, killed without reason, and seen as creatures instead of people and yet whenever our heroes show acceptance towards them they’re praised for it, for doing the bare minimum like when Helen and aline refused to do the Downworld registry thing. The characters were racist and hateful towards the downworlders all throughout the first couple books but when they suddenly realize they were wrong they’re praised because how could they know that their actions were wrong before? Also, i dislike Jace for exactly this reason. He was racist towards Simon for being a vampire/mundane and Jordan for being a werewolf, and any other downworlder for that matter, because he thinks they’re beneath him. But of course everyone likes him, because his looks make up for his disgusting personality. And the only downworlders that the Shadowhunters think deserve rights are the ones who are civilized and associated with them, aka Magnus, Simon, Mark, Helen etc.
So if the books had been written from the downworlders’ perspective, we would have been given a lot more insight as to what life is like for them, and their struggles for rights in a society where the superior race rules over everyone. It could have been an interesting story about them fighting for their rights and how eventually they overcame the racism in the society. I also don’t like how the Shadowhunters were the ones to fight for Downworlder rights and speaking out for them and eventually earning rights FOR them because it feels like the Downworlders were only used as something to make the good guys do a Good Deed to make themselves look better. In my opinion, the downworlders should have been the ones to fight for their rights. In the hunger games the districts all banded together to rebel and fight against their oppressors. The downworlders should have taken a similar path. These books are supposed to be about overcoming racism but it doesn’t really work that way if the perspective is from the superior perspective. All we get from the shadow hunters perspective is that they like to party, make out, and spend 90% of their time picking out what to wear rather than actually fighting. It could have been an interesting story about Downworlders starting a rebellion and fighting back. How awesome would that be? I would much rather have a story about that than read about Jace and clary’s incest drama or Isabelle spending 30 minutes picking out what shirt to wear or reading about people pining after each other and then having sex in a cave. The books really could have been amazing but like 60% of it is about jace’s muscles, 10% is badly written romance, and 30% incest.
I know my writing skills are horrible, but I tried to say all my thoughts and despite the clutter I hope you were able to understand what I was trying to get across.
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Clary and Sebastian relationship on TMI was abusive AF! Same with GoT incest relationships. The only one that is viewed in good light is between Aegon and one of his sisters. Apparently they really loved each other. Still, the incest among the Targaryens lead to a lot of fucked up shit so again, no good example. And let's not even belong with Cersei and Jaime, because that shit so messed up that the direct result of it was Joffrey, the human personification of menstrual pain 1/2
In both cases (Mortal Instruments and GoT) the incest relationships were view as disgusting and not welcome at all. In fact, now that I think about it, Clary/Sebastian has a lot of parallels with Reylo and again, NOT GOOD! Clary felt trapped by her brother and was disgusted by him. Eventually she is relieved he dies and moves on quickly, because again, ABUSE AT IT FINEST. If this is the best they can do... Like a incest ship if you want but don't deny the problematic, that even the characters2/3
In that universe see and understand as bad and not a good thing 3/3
Nothing to add here. Excellent post, anon.
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anticassieclare · 5 years
A romance story which features its main couple being an INCEST couple should NOT be marketed as YA. People as young as 10 could get their hands on that shit. I don’t care if people say “WELL they weren’t ACTUALLY related omg” the readers were made to believe they were related for like three whole books. And then it showed them lusting after each other and being devastated because they couldn’t be together since they were related. Do you really want children reading that?? What did an incest couple add to the plot anyway????
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anticassieclare · 5 years
Incest in the Shadowhunter books
1. Jace and clary
-Jace gets angry when clary says she does not want to continue a secret relationship with him -whenever Jace is angry with her clary thinks that it is her fault -not healthy
2. Sebastian and clary
-yet another incestual plot line, by now it’s obvious the author has an obsession with incest -Sebastian is depicted in a romantic way, even described as good looking -also not healthy
3. Simon and clary
-not related, but they grew up together and have a very sibling like relationship -slept in beds together (platonically) -LIKE BROTHER AND SISTER
4. Jace and Alec
-adopted brothers -maryse thinks of Jace as her son and Isabelle thinks of Jace as her brother
5. Cristina and Diego
-I don’t care if they are or used to be in love they’re still cousins -the author had the choice of making them related or not but she chose the former
6. Emma and Julian.
-raised together from birth, very sibling like relationship -she becomes adopted into his family after the death of her parents -thinks of his siblings as her siblings, they think of her as a sister -she’s basically like a sister to him
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anticassieclare · 5 years
“Being told that it is forbidden does not kill love. It strengthens it.”
A quote made by Jem Carstairs in lady midnight. Sounds a bit like that gross clace incest drama that was going on, doesn’t it?
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anticassieclare · 5 years
I don’t really get how fans hate Sebastian because of his abuse/rape/incest factors but seem to completely overlook the fact that Jace has all those qualities as well.
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