#anti chad lindberg
holybeejesus · 8 months
Something that keeps me going is that there is like 5,000 supernatural actors and NONE OF THEM ARE NORMAL I mean we live in a world where Chad Lindberg from a few episodes of season 2 tried to plan a Destiel weeding while simultaneously Samantha Ferris also from season 2 had an anti-Destiel rant 💀 AND THIS THING WITH JIM THAT JUST HAPPENED THIS IS HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE, THIS IS WHY I WILL NEVER LEAVE THIS FANDOM, HOW CAN I?!?!?! (let me confirm this is NO HATE TO JIM OR JARED OR JENSEN OR MISHA AS WELL AS THE OWNER OF THE ORIGINAL TWEET I just think this is funny as hell I only tagged them to get this traction and cause I tag them in everything anyways) 🫶💕
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Okay, this is a bit wordy. Sorry, I have a lot of feels right now after catching up on the latest episode of season 16 of SPN.
Not for nothing, I don’t think a lot of people understand why the Dean/Cas pairing is a hot button topic for some. This may be a fictional pairing in a fictional show but it really is disturbing to see these last few months how MANY people have gone out of their way to invalidate this ship, those who ship it and believe in it (& make content for it), and overall a possible gay pairing for one of the main characters of the show. This includes fans, the casual viewer, trolls, certain celebrities and set people and executive producers, certain areas of the media -- the works. And if you cannot see how troubling it is that this is being done all because of a possible man x man pairing (or really a male presenting angel x man pairing) that some fans choose to believe in or see themselves in, in the year 2021, then you need to take a closer look.
Imagine if this wasn’t about a fictional pairing at all. Let’s imagine Dean and Cas are two real people who are together and instead of gaining support like they should and people being happy for them, this is what they receive instead. All of the horrible toxic statements being thrown at them with the aim to invalidate them as people as well as their relationship. Isn’t it horrible? Now imagine seeing yourself in one of these characters (or both), seeing representation for your sexuality or personality or lifestyle or past traumas or disabilities or gender orientation get hated on like this, called names, and completely invalidated. That shit fucking hurts. And that is why some of us get upset when it comes to the Destiel pairing and the continued bullshit surrounding it. For all of our progressive ideals in our society in the past five years alone, this shit is still occurring.
Think about it. The show queerbaited the audience for years, in order to secure the LGBTQ+ section of viewers/ratings. Regardless of what the show’s intention may have been by the end, regardless of what happened (possible network interference, etc), in the end, nothing came of it so that then makes it official queerbait. If the show never intended to follow through with Dean answering Cas’ confession, then they never should have had Cas admit he was in love with Dean or baited for years through the script direction, the narrative, the PR, etc. (which just gives more creedence to the network interference at the last minute theory because I do think they planned to take it all the way but the network chickened out). But instead, they put it in, confirming the story they were telling subtextually for Cas for years. Now that the show is over, what’s happened since then? 
After the finale aired, we were told Cas had a different ending than the one he was given, by Misha himself, but they “aren’t supposed to talk about it”
Jensen has remained virtually silent since the finale aired outside of one IG post about it
Jared said some weird crap that didn’t make sense and was rather thoughtless so he could PR W*lker -- what did this accomplish: pissed off the disabled community and mental health community (and rightfully so)
Other than that, there has been no resolution, no explanations, even no addressing anything (outside of Kripke) from the writers, Dabb, the network, or anyone else really -- SPN doesn’t even exist on the C*W’s YouTube channel anymore and their twitter account is now being used to steer viewers to other projects such as W*lker (instead of deleting said account or making it inactive, they’re still using it to “bait” people to watch their other crap) -- what does this accomplish: nothing except gaslighting in a way and while I don’t use that term lightly, if you look at the show’s history, gaslighting has been its middle name for a while now (I still love the show but let’s call a spade a gaslighting dick of a spade)
Chad and Samantha confirmed they were never asked to be a part of the finale, even pre-COVID
There’s proof in the pudding that Misha was supposed to shoot after 15x18 wrapped but no confirmation yet on what happened or why Cas had a “different ending” or why Misha wasn’t in the finale at all
Then the spanish dub situation happens - Misha posts a video saying he’s “irked” and it’s a “rouge spanish translator” -- even though he walked this back when he realized people were upset about other things than just Destiel and what it was really about (representation, “bury your gays” that C*W is infamous for, the ending, etc) & he did apologize, and did listen, this was just another thing coming out swinging at fans who saw themselves in Dean and Cas or the individual characters themselves (I know that wasn’t Misha’s intention, but it didn’t lessen the impact it had in any way) - because the spanish dub is yet another indication (which Misha had been partially right when the spanish actor confirmed they dubbed it that way because it made the most sense with the story and the mouth movements) that everyone else in the world (outside of the C*W offices) can see that the pairing made sense with the story they had been telling for the past few years and that’s where it was headed -- what this accomplished: Misha I think was trying to put out a fire, I think he’s a very compassionate individual and I think it bothers him when he sees people getting upset so he thought he might do some good but he was also going to defend his character and his performance, and once he listened, he realized okay this is about more than this one moment, but unfortunately it only accomplished in hurting some (initially) and while some fans felt heard & validated by his willingness to listen, it also opened the door for those same invalidating toxic trolls to come through once again, leaving many feeling unsupported yet again
Then Adam Williams and Jim Michaels happen, the two biggest asses - I refuse to give them anymore words than that -- what this accomplished: invalidating fans yet again for their belief in Destiel and mocking them while also insulting them/highlighting the toxic invalidating trolls, giving them more of a platform to continue invalidating/abusing/trolling    
The Stacy Abrams panel happens where Misha invites people to ask questions about the show (if they pay to be part of the panel) and even went so far as to send emails - then the panel happens and poof! no questions taken at all -- what did this accomplish: fans felt “baited” again and this time in the name of $ and politics
Chad tweets about the Roadhouse opening and Samantha is involved as are a few other people - fans starts speculating that there is a Destiel wedding happening on Valentine’s Day due to the weddings mention in his initial tweet & his response to someone who asked him to clarify that he wasn’t talking about a Destiel wedding: “Um no...you did NOT get the memo” - Valentine’s Day happens and while they tweet out about events happening and about a beige trench coat (I think on Saturday?) & Chad engaging “hellers” on Twitter through tweets, no one mentions a wedding (outside of the fandom who had it trending, and seriously peeps that’s incredible, be proud of that and pat yourselves on the back! you deserve it!) and then Samantha tweets out that there was no wedding, invalidating the wedding theory and proving once again that fans had been “baited” -- what does this accomplish: fans feeling “baited” again because they played along to the tune the fans started and instead of clarifying like asked, they let it continue, engaged on it even, and then invalidated the theory completely
So being “baited” for anything whether it’s for political fundraising or to get a certain actor trending worldwide or anything in general is a sore point right now (as it fucking should be, baiting is never okay) for those in the fandom, after what we’ve endured the last few months, the last 12 years really. 
As for the Chad and Samantha situation, I don’t know everything that went down today but I will say I think I saw Samantha’s tweet either last night or earlier today (I can’t remember, I’m still recovering from that fucking amazing wedding my two faves had, Rowena, holy hell can that woman drink!) and I remember thinking, “Wait, why are you even making sure to confirm there was no wedding? Wasn’t it all roleplay anyway? You don’t need to comment on this, Samantha! Just let it be! Why do actors and celebrities not get this? WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO PROFESSIONALISM? I WILL KEEP SAYING IT! GAH!” 
This is why I swear I don’t mind that Jensen has been virtually silent. He gets it. There’s nothing he can do to change what happened in the end of the show, there’s nothing he can say that will explain it away, excuse it (not that he should be the one who has to, looking at you rancid nutwork), or reassure anyone. There’s literally nothing he can do to make it better, for you, for me, for Dean, for the show, for Misha, for every single fan that he met that told him their personal story and how Dean affected their lives -- there’s nothing (unfortunately). So rather than add to it, he stays silent and focuses on the future (his family, The Boys, his music) and I can’t blame him. I actually respect that. As frustrating as it is as a fan of this show, as much as I’d love to have answers, I know he’s not the one responsible to give them to us and I’d rather he be allowed to live his life, continue his career, and move forward in relative peace. He gave that role his all and the man deserves a break. Do I hope he comes back to it in the future? Sure. No one else will ever be Dean Winchester. Not just for me, but in general. (C*W, I swear if you even try anything...) No one else is Dean Winchester. But I am more than happy to see Jensen digging into this latest role and doing something new.
Anyways, I digress. My original point is that I feel as if many people do not understand why us “hellers” get upset when this type of crap happens. That doesn’t excuse any hate or attacking of anyone, of course. No one should ever be attacked. And while I don’t think Chad or Samantha are terrible people, I do think they’re just uneducated in this topic and unintentionally complicit in more “baiting”. It’s the engaging on the topic of Destiel, the refusal for clarification when requested, and then the supposed clarification from Samantha after the trending happened (the goal) that has people upset. Because those three actions are “baiting”, especially for the result of getting Chad trending. And that is what people don’t understand when it comes to the topic of Destiel and the ship’s fans. When you turn around and say things like “Cas just meant that as a brotherly ‘I love you’” or “Cas may be gay but Dean is not, he only had sex with women, he only thinks of Cas as a brother” or “Supernatural is not gay! Jensen said Destiel doesn’t exist!”, you are invalidating all of those who not only see themselves in either character, you are also insulting and invalidating all of those who watched the show for 15 years where the story showed that this was a legitimate pairing that was coming into being, spent their money on their merchandise and cons and bought their PR bullshit, and helping them to continue to gaslight the fuck out of these people. That is why a lot of us get upset when this type of shit happens. 
This isn’t because Dean can’t be with anyone else or because everything has to “be gay” (which, really? that’s really something someone says? that’s incredibly stupid). This isn’t because “Destihellers” can’t accept reality or accept the ending of the show. This isn’t because (and I still can’t believe my eyes after seeing this one) some women just want to see two grown men kiss or fuck on screen and are fetishizing the pairing. Had this pairing been Dean and Anna or Cas and Meg, the point being that had it been a man and a woman, this show would have seen it through and there wouldn’t be an ounce of this bullshit going on. Imagine if some pairings from the past like Delena (or Stelena or Steroline), Jack/Rose, Harry/Sally, Noah/Allie, Buffy/Angel (or Buffy/Spike) or even Bella/Edward or Ron/Hermione had been given this treatment. Imagine people told you that you were only fetishizing those pairings because you wanted to see a guy and girl kiss or fuck on screen. Imagine people going out of their way to invalidate you because you’re trying to make everything “straight”. Imagine you were called crazy because Elena confessed to Damon that she loved him, died, and then she was never mentioned in the show again nor did Damon appear to give a shit after it (and not because of the actor or his performance but because of the editing and script changes). Imagine you were called psychotic because Harry and Sally (literally) took 12 years to get to the point of will they or won’t they and maybe Harry confessed but Sally was like that’s awesome, so when’s my salad coming out because the movie studio was afraid that it would become too straight. Imagine if Jack sacrifices everything for Rose and she is like lol boy bye and pushes him off the door and ignores him trying to tread water and survive. So you don’t see him drown or survive because they wanted to keep it open-ended and when Rose is on the ship, someone tells her “Jack helped” because the filmmakers were more comfortable keeping it open rather than making Rose respond, because again too straight. Imagine you had been “baited” for years on any of those pieces of media (or ones I didn’t mention) and then realize, this is what Destiel shippers deal with (and have dealt with for a long time), or anyone who has been looking for representation in media like this. Eileen was erased and so was disabled representation. Cas was erased and then Dean (Crowley was killed off before them) so LGBTQ+ and mental health representation went out the window as well. The women on the show disappeared (or were treated horribly, the Hell Hound and Styne deaths were a bit much), some literally (Donna, Alternate!Charlie, Stevie) and female representation disappeared with them. There were no POC in the end (Rufus only gets a mention, I know, COVID, yet no mention of Kevin?) so that representation was gone as well. And this show is infamous for misogyny, ageism (as proven by what happened with Kim), and no homo jokes. Hell, there are even two rape jokes in season 6 and that was during Sera Gamble’s era. We all know there were lots of issues with this show, but those who invested their time and money into it from the viewer side, we’re allowed to get upset. These are more than legitimate reasons to be upset.
To be honest with you, I doubt anything when it comes up relating to Destiel, when it comes out of these actors’ or crew members’ mouths anymore. If they aren’t allowed to talk about what the hell happened with Destiel or that garbage finale, then no one is talking about it. Whether that’s due to NDA’s, C*W widespread reach, or whatever, no one is going to discuss it and if they do, it’s only going to be complimentary and kissass to the C*W. That’s the way Hollywood works. It’s not right but it’s the way it works. I’ll engage in the fandom fun, like I did when the whole wedding talk started. And even though I figured it would never come to fruition on Chad’s end, I have to tell you that I was blown away by the fandom response. The amount of content that came out of this idea, all of the headcanon posts, the general happy buzz in the destiel tag for this past week was phenomenal. And that’s what we should hold onto. Destiel is ours. SPN did them dirty and then tossed them out to sea. *uses really long pool net to scoop them up and bring them back to land* They continue to inspire us, inspire our creativity, and share their profound bond with us all while we make our own bonds as mutuals. Destiel is ours, they broke the narrative and jumped off the page/screen to make it happen; let’s let that be their legacy.
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nancylou444 · 4 years
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Lack of roles. 🙄
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meowmeowmessi · 4 years
Umm I just checked why why supernatural is trending and ewww... regretted immediately going to the tag. Wtf now De*tiel is getting married and it’s going canon for 200th(?) time? Loool how annoying can theyy get.... 🤦‍♀️
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The way all these extras keep pandering for that heller money....... dear lord.............
Perpetual unemployment can do that to a person ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm so glad hellers are turning to 280 character fanfics for their fetish ship written by hanger-ons while we get to enjoy Sam and Dean's canon wedding in Sacrifice <3
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vallygirl285 · 4 years
Supernatural - Who’s Scarier...
The fans or the actors that encourage them????   Don’t get me wrong...obviously I’m a fan.  I write fan fiction and enjoy adding my spin to the characters.  I wish I was more artistic and could draw or create art like GIFs and I have huge respect for fans who use the show and the characters as their muse.
But this ridiculous ‘wedding’ that the Destiel fans are trying to shove down the rest of the fandom’s throat is just weird.  I don’t care who you ship but seriously sending out invitations...even cyber ones...to actual cast members is embarrassing.  
Then Misha and Chad feeding into this crap...why???  My goodness do these men have no self respect for themselves...their costars...their CRAFT!   
For crying out loud people we’re going on three months here.  Destiel is not canon....never was.  I’m a Chestervelle fan but guess what I know it wasn’t canon on the show either.  I don’t stomp my foot and tell other fans they’re wrong.    
Ship whoever you want but take a trip to Reality Land every once in a while.  Supernatural was a show about Dean and Sam Winchester.  Their relationship is what the show was about.  Two brother’s undying love (and yeah their co-dependency) for each other.  The show wasn’t about the other characters who came in and out of their lives (and yes I’m including Jo Harvelle here).
And no I never saw incest between the brothers but hey like I said...ship who you like.  Just...keep saying to yourself when you feel the need to organize a wedding for fictional characters and sending out invitations to the actors from the show that is was just that...A TV SHOW.  
This fandom is just.... 
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Oh how the tables turn, now Samantha F. and Chad L. are scrambling to cover their asses, trying to act as if they didn't know what they were doing, and as if they didn't encourage and roleplay along with the hellers for some attention
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beesweatercas · 4 years
let’s be clear, john winchester was not invited to the wedding
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15th February 2021
No official news. Yesterday's #DeanCasWedding twitter tag so visible that it got its own article. Just after the peak of that trend Chad Lindberg anongside Samantha Ferris started posting their own updates about Harvelle Roadhouse. In both versions the the Roadhouse was very busy and chaotic, for sure.
People moving on to tweeting about Destiel's honeymoon and planning hijacking valentines day forever. Appreciating eachother and the chaos we are capable of. Heller's fun was criticised by... Not nice people. It was totally safe fun after all, without (at least visible) harassing cast and creators.
Sadly said harassment resulted in suspension of Heller Daily News on twitter by their creator indefinitely. It is even more sad for us, as our news colegue from other agency really did care about what he was doing, while we are doing that for literally no reason whatsoever, without any care, just for selfish daily fun. Writers will personally track down and smack in the head those responsible for harassing Tim from Heller Daily News like that.
Daneel posted a adorable video with JJ and a photo on instagram , containing Jensen with wild facial hair. Part of the fandom calls him mountain king, part (again, like with the last picture) calls him ugly thinks it's funny (it is not). Again if you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything.
From related news: The Boys will start filming tomorrow (meaning Tuesday) with Jensen apparently joining later. The season will most likely premiere in 2022
What will happen tomorrow?
And now weather
From the writers: We wanted to remind you that no matter who you are writing at famous or not, ther is always real person on the other side of the screen. And you have now way knowing how your harassment will influence them(We are hoping that none of you has done that, or is actively doing that, if you ever harassed, threatened (death threats are the lowest), doxxed or bullied someone you may as well leave, because we are very strongly against that here), how much they have on their plates already, how deep will your words cut. So if you don't like something just because, don't harass creators, scroll down, block tags. And if you think that the content might be harmful don't hasitate to report it. And for those who found themselves on the other hand of the stick - remember, you matter, you are loved and amazing. I know that you sometimes feel like you want to stay despite that, but remember to value your mental wellbeing over the fandom. Dean would want that for you (although ofc he would do exactly the opposite). Stay safe, strong and nontoxic peeps
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holycafe · 4 years
John Winchester is invited to the wedding, but only because Ellen has organised an event for later in the night which she proudly calls 'everyone takes turn kicking the ever lovin shit out of John Winchester'.
John does not know about this party game...
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really is tiring to be treated not only like a fetishizing straight woman (as if they have ever made up most of this fandom) but as an unhinged asshole teenager who’s too immature and “spoiled” to truly Respect a random nerd show that only ever survived BECAUSE of its queer fanbase. Like what the fuck are you talking about. why are u so mad about people seeing queerness in your storylines and characters. tell us the real reason. get it off your chest. it’s homophobia
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capn-james-t-spirk · 4 years
I am so sick and tired of being made out to be the bad guy for getting upset any time I’m invalidated and or downright disrespected by the show/network/crew.
I’m tired of any legit criticism being labeled as bullying. I’m tired of constantly being defined by small portion of the fan base that takes things too far, even though people like that exist in all fandoms, yet for some reason it’s only our section bad eggs that gets talked about/brought up like an excuse.
I’m not even denying it. There are people in this side fandom. People that take things too far, people who most have done and said despicable things to others in the name of a fictional ship, but for fucks sake, their actions don’t invalidate any of the other criticisms the rest of us put out.
I’m sick of being told that I interpreted the show wrong, that I saw things that weren’t there and that I’m delusional for believing things that have been explicitly stated in the show.
I’m fucking sick and tired of watching inc*st shippers being treated with more dignity and respect than the handful of us who dared to want a romance between two friends who happened to be the same gender. I’m tired of constantly being made to feel like I am enemy number one just because I dared to interpret a relationship between two men to be romantic.
I’m tired of walking around on eggshells, rewriting and rewording my frustrations so they don’t come off as cruel, only to called a bully for them anyway.
I’m tired of being used and baited time and time again, and then afterwards being told I was never baited to begin with. I’m tired of not even being allowed to pretend for one day we can have something, something harmless like a collective fake wedding for two fictional fucking characters, without people going out of their way to shut it down.
Ykno, for a show that likes to call its fans family, it sure didn’t take long for them to disown a large portion of it.
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cowboylikedean · 4 years
Did Chad Lindberg even say there would be a wedding? I’m honestly so confused about the situation and it seems as though both him and fans are taking it too far. I’ve been a spn fan for a couple years and love destiel but at the end of the day the show is over, we can’t ask for much more and destiel shippers are just kind of ruining things now by going crazy :(
No, he didn’t say there would be a wedding. He implied he would be doing some fun Roadhouse stuff on Valentine’s day and the destiel fandom was like “OH MY GOD WEDDING” 
I have sympathy for Chad here because it literally just seems like he was trying to have fun and like he did this thing and he’s getting harassed. Sure he’s low level “famous,” but like he’s just a person? I mean I just don’t think like if any normal person tweeted some fanfic stuff like he has with the Roadhouse and got a ton of attention from it, then after people assumed they were going to do something with their story the didn’t do they got attacked and called homophobic and accused of queerbaiting, they got defensive and upset we would say they were “taking it too far.” 
At the end of the day, he’s got very little to do with the show anymore and is essentially just a fan like the rest of us. This is inappropriate and rude. I keep thinking about that post with a list of all the shitting things the wincests/j2s have done over the years and when I said “the destiel fandom has ALSO done bad stuff” I was told that “like no they didn’t omg” but like........ the destiel fandom literally cannot stop harrassing people for no reason. and it’s like.......gross.
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So did anyone else notice how once season 6 was done (Kripke had moved on and Gamble was in charge, first season without him) that the only character that made an appearance again out of the roadhouse trio was Jo? Ash hadn’t been seen since season 5, Ellen since season 6, but they use the Harvelle Roadhouse in Heaven? And who is there to greet Dean? Bobby.
Jim Beaver who by all accounts probably shouldn’t have risked it but did because he was asked to come back.
Remember how Dabb said they had a whole host of characters from Dean and Sam’s past that they were going to have in the Roadhouse in the finale but couldn’t due to COVID? And remember how Samantha confirmed that she and Chad had never been asked, even before the pandemic happened, and she tried to throw it back on the CW & Jim Michaels on Twitter? While also mentioning that maybe they had pissed someone off?
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nancylou444 · 4 years
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vespbj · 4 years
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Also, no cameo from Mark S? lol
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brsb4hls · 4 years
Nobody mentioning a wedding specifically (just as one of many options), but still everyone expected a wedding.
Nobody mentioned Dean or Cas, but still they're somehow married.
This is exactly what's been happening between show and fandom for years...
Interesting to see that dynamic unfold again in such a pure, unhinged way...
So who's gonna write their psych 101 paper on this?
(The twitter rp was fun nonetheless, very creative, and if fans enjoy it and Samantha and Chad get clout it's win win, so, *shrugs*).
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