#anti asm
transtaylorhebert · 1 year
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back to asm, this venom/antivenom fight is soooo fucking sick
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not-aplaceofhonour · 4 months
Guys. You don’t understand the anger i feel rn.
So, im a well known poser. I am insanely proship, comship, anti-anti etx etc. I ship incest and rape and all the ugly stuff but activly interact with antis on my main for science purposes.
So, i see this person. In their bio they have; and i quote;
“Block and forget“
“Ship and let ship“
“Distagtimize mental illnesses“
So i go “oh! Cool! Another proshipper in this massibly anti fandom!“ so j shoot them an asm saying “its nice to see someone who understands that fiction isn’t reality here!“ and i am hit by being threatened to be reported to some american police force idk im not american, called slurs, be deemed “insane enough to be put in a mental hospital“ and that they never want to see my IP ever again and that if they could they would leak it to the feds and raid my house.
What....is going on there, exactly?
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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McDonnell Douglas F-15A. 6512 TS. Edwards AFB. AFFTC. Feb. 1984. Anti Satelite Missile Test Aircraft. Used for trials with Vought ASM-135A ASAT. As congress was unwilling to permit any further testing of the system, the ASAT program was officially terminated in 1988. To AMARC May 18, 1995. (gerrit kok)
@kadonkey via X
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samasmith23 · 11 months
One of my favorite Spider-Man: Clone Saga stories has always been the 4-part "The Exile Returns" arc, which not only features Ben Reilly's debut as the Scarlet Spider, but also Benjy's first major victory as a superhero since returning to New York after 5-years when he singlehandedly defeats Venom in mortal combat. What made the fight between Ben and Venom so epic was that the story was actually a response to a previous story in Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #375, which had Peter Parker make a deal with Venom to stay out of each other's way. The reason that was done was because Marvel wanted to turn Venom into an anti-hero during the 90s, but a lot of fans and creators were really pissed off about that story, since they felt that Peter making a pact with Venom betrayed the character's sense of responsibility. And this frustration was openly expressed in The Exile Returns, with Ben Reilly being incredibly shocked that Peter would have done such a thing, basically declaring to himself, "If Peter's not going to accept responsibility and bring Venom to justice, I'll have to step in and do it myself!"
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Spider-Man group editor Glenn Greenberg even commented on the writers of The Exile Returns deliberately referencing ASM #375 in the 36-part online essay, "The Life of Reilly," which extensively covers all the behind-the-scenes drama surrounding The Clone Saga:
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And the way Ben defeats Venom is so clever and inventive! Instead of relying upon the symbiote's usual weaknesses of loud noises and extreme heat, Ben utilizes his own original inventions as the Scarlet Spider. Ben shooting multiple "impact-webbing" pellets down Venom's mouth which immediately expand into hundreds of little webs that get caught directly in-between Eddie Brock and the symbiote, weakening their bond as Ben then shoots his "stinger" web darts to further weaken Venom as he beats him into submission.
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Seeing Ben Reilly singlehandedly take down the one supervillain that Peter Parker was never able to truly defeat up until that point was honestly one of the most badass and entertaining fight scenes that I've ever read in a superhero comic!
And its honestly shocking that neither impact-webbing nor stingers stuck around in the comics after The Clone Saga ended (only appearing in the video game adaptations), since those things are so FREAKING awesome!
From adjectiveless Spider-Man (1990) #53 by Howard Mackie & the late Tom Lyle (May he Rest In Peace...).
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measuringbliss · 2 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 071 Nothing Can Stop The Juggernaut (ASM 229-232, Ann 16, Savage Land)
In this post, villains are gay, heroes are gay, everybody's gay!
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Captain Marvel's arrival in Marvel comics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So in ASM 229, Madame Web dreams of her own death and subsequently calls Peter to ask him to save her.
Meanwhile, Black Tom Cassidy and the Juggernaut explain to the reader that they're after her because of her psychic powers, which could very well help them defeat the X-Men.
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Oh... Hello, Tom... *blushes*
Ahem. At the Bugle...
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I'm always glad to see Gloria Grant!
Robbie tells Peter that Lance Bannon takes all pics assignments! What a meanie.
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HAHAHA. Was that a dig? Girl, you really shouldn't say anything.
She's been seeing a marriage counselor with Ned, but she's also looking for work and Robbie's more than eager to welcome her as his secretary. Betty takes the time to thank Peter for bringing some sense into her the last time they saw each other, then Madame Web calls Peter to give him information about his target.
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I love that panel.
Spidey's attempt to stop the Juggernaut is a complete failure. Admitting his defeat, he tells Madame Web (who calls him once more) to call the Avengers or the Fantastic Four for help, but they're unavailable. In Dr. Strange's office, next to Wong, Spidey learns the X-Men aren't available either.
Even Keating's police forces can't harm the Juggernaut. He eventually reaches Madame Web's room and takes her out of her life support chair. She immediately collapses, and the Juggernaut surmises that in that state, she's of no use to him. He leaves, and Spidey does CPR on Madame Web while waiting for help.
The issue ends with Peter wanting revenge...
Iconic issue for reasons that are easy to see. It's a good one, for sure!
In #230, Spidey's pursuit of the Juggernaut continues.
Meanwhile, Betty and Gloria get along really well, then...
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Love the first panel and also, wow. Alright, sir.
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Things get kinky.
Spidey successfully leads the Juggernaut into cement, and the villain falls down, swearing he'll get his revenge. This... is a bit dark, innit?
Peter gives his photo to the Bugle and runs to see Madame Web.
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Oh. Uh, I'm not fond of that development. I hope her amnesia is temporary...
At the pier, Black Tom observes...
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That's a nice ending. Interesting set of issues.
In #231, the Cobra steals stuff and Peter gives us an elaborate explanation for the lack of web under his arms (and their return this very issue!).
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At the Pier, the Juggernaut breaks free. As for the Bugle, Ned Leeds is back too! Jameson called him to investigate the Brand corporation (which was linked to the Killer Shrike in SSM).
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Betty's worried about Ned's appointment in the underworld, though, so she calls Peter through Debra Whitman. The issue takes this opportunity to remind the reader that she suspects Peter of being Spidey! I'd forgotten about that myself, to be honest.
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Peter kind of has a fuckboy vibe in the left panel...
The Peter-Hochberg experiment is successful, and Peter immediately goes out as Spidey.
In a seedy bar, Marla and Ned find Nose, a anti-smoking walking advertisement, and the Cobra panics because he thinks Nose will sell him out. "Talking to reporters about us?" asks the Cobra. Not very straight of him. Spidey arrives, there's a fight, the Cobra tries to shoot Nose but Ned jumps in front of him to protect him.
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This is really gay. I ship it, but then again, I've been shipping Peter and Ned since I was a child and read the years 1973-1975.
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Whaaat is this foreplay between Spidey and Ned this issue? Am I the only one seeing it?
Anyway, suddenly a house almost kills Peter.
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Jesus Christ.
It's not the Juggernaut, but Mr Hyde (whose appearance was foreshadowed in a previous issue)! He's quite ugly.
ASM 232: Mr. Hyde wants to get his old partner, the Cobra, back, and Ned, Marla and Lance get tangled up in that somehow.
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I like Lance, for what's worth.
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Spidey doesn't have as much patience as me, obviously.
In the end, Hyde gets away with the Cobra and Peter comes back to ESU.
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Will we stop seeing them? I don't think I'm ready for that. It's sad...
It's interesting that after Stern takes over, Peter stops being a TA.
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Marcy really wants to talk to Peter for a sec, but he's busy as usual and disappears. This is why you can't have friends, Peter!
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I'm gonna cry, but admittedly that might be because I'm drunk reviewing this issue, like, a full month after the rest of this post. I missed these guys. "Good luck, Peter"...
Hyde is an interesting villain. Both halves need each other, but the terrible part hates its less terrible half.
Anyway, Spidey fights our antagonist.
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Nice panel on the right. Hyde is stopped, and...
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...Is this the first time we see blood in these comics? It feels strange, out of place. What the heck.
The next issue features the Tarantula (yay!!) but we're not going to see that right now.
Let's check out ASM Annual 16. Waiting for the bus to join Harry and Liz, Peter has a funny feeling about a gorgeous Black lady... who soon appears to be one Captain Marvel.
Flashback time! A friend of Monica Rambeau's grandfather went to the trouble of finding her. He planned to harness energy from other dimensions, but a dictator wants to use his knowledge for his own designs.
The place so happens to belong to Roxxon, which is a name that appeared quite a lot of time recently!
Monica's backstory is nice, but we soon get back to the present, where Spidey has to beg a child (whose parents think Spidey is "a hoax of eastern establishment") to give him a penny to... Whatever.
Captain Marvel's at the Baxter Building and meets The Thing, then she goes to the Avengers manor. A few jokes are made about how she's not related to the previous Captain Marvel, and Iron Man, the Wasp and Spidey successfully help her not erase New York from Earth with the interdimensional energy she absorbed in her flashback.
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This is really cute. And then...
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It feels so nice to see them again, and to see handsome Pete again (he's such a snack), and to see all of them happy! I just had to put the full page here 🥰
After that, there's a whole Savage Lands saga. I skimmed through it. Let's just... forget about it hahaha
(well, the men in skimpy clothes were a nice feature I'll say)
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kitausuret · 2 years
#and his BORING resurrection 🙄 sent me into space
Hey MC! I know this ask is like over a month old, but it's in reference this post re: Flash Thompson's resurrection and I'm still thinking about it.
So, like, since Flash officially came back from Klyntar-hive-limbo in Venom (2018) #34, there really hasn't been much exploration at all on how he's been handling it.
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(Venom #32, #34; Cates, Coello)
He's been around, yeah, with a small part in Amazing Spider-Man #900, a cameo in Dark Web #1 (which unfortunately did NOT include him beating the shit out of Norman Osborn), and of course fairly heavy involvement in Savage Avengers and Extreme Carnage... But even in the latter two, it feels bland? Like how is this man just so chill about what's happened? He was dead. He was fucking. Dead.
I'm thinking about it because I recently started reading the fantastic Iron Man (2020) run by Chris Cantwell & Cafu, et. al, and it DOES actually address Tony coming back from the dead and how he's going through this big personal crisis. It's really wonderful and it honestly has me a little bit salty that we've had Tony and Flash in the same room and neither of them have mentioned the fact that they were both dead during the same period of time. Like, y'all are just not going to mention it? At all?
More than that, his reunions haven't been much to write home about. The best one so far was definitely with Andi Benton in Extreme Carnage, the one with Peter in #900 was laughably bad (ntm Flash kinda looks like a discount Eddie Brock which is, uh, jarring to say the least), and even though he had this big conversation with Eddie in Venom #33, they haven't crossed paths even once since then.
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(Top: Extreme Carnage, Bottom: ASM #900 and Dark Web #1)
On the note of Dark Web, it is actually kind of legitimately upsetting to me that we haven't gotten really anything about Flash's reaction to Harry dying while Flash was still, you know, dead. This is the second time Flash has had to endure the loss of one of his oldest friends, and we just get nothing? At this point we're going to get to Harry's next resurrection before Flash says anything about it.
I will, actually, give this to Savage Avengers. There's a little bit of.. hmm.. shall we say, reading between the lines for it, but there's this little insight from Deathlok (Miles Morales... it's a whole thing) about Flash and how he kind of jumped headlong into his dalliance with Dagger (Tandy Bowen). It's not much, but it's something, and it does do something nice as far as explaining why he would do something kind of impulsive after having been, you know, DEAD.
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(Savage Avengers #5, #9, and #10)
Anyways, I think that for Flash's resurrection, he and Tandy and Ty should have a threesome. It would be fun. Rivals to lovers or something.
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(Savage Avengers #8)
Overall, I've been disappointed by the Flash Situation since his return, and while I'm glad he's back, I do sometimes wonder if a few more years in the ground wouldn't have hurt. At least let there be consequences to his return! I also wouldn't complain if he stopped being Anti-Venom, but that's another rant you can read here.
Thanks for the ask and giving me an opportunity to go off about something I've been thinking about for almost exactly 2 years!
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oliveroctavius · 1 year
A. Choice to resurrect Harry: pro or anti? B.Would you say he became a completely different character?
A: let him rest. It's keeping him out of whatever clown show ASM is these days. Unless you mean what I think of his BND resurrection? That's a harder question... Like my feelings on most digital-era ASM, it introduces a lot of theoretically cool ideas and then just doesn't give them the room to breathe that I'd want.
B: I wouldn't say *completely* different, more erratically mischaracterized. (Where'd the hip playboy persona come from??) By that point, a lot of the continuity was starting to fray around the edges. I guess he literally became a different character when the clone stuff kicked in but I haven't read all that and don't plan to.
I'm just not terribly invested in modern ASM, honestly. The sliding timescale and modern publishing schedules make it difficult for me to care, even when it's trying its best.
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Monty: Hall
Trigger: Húxiān, Jaeger, settle a little tiff that Count and I are having.
Count: Let’s be honest, Trigger, it’s not a tiff, it’s a row.
Trigger: And now it’s a scene.
Jaeger: It’s okay, Captain, we don’t want to get involved in your personal life.
Trigger: It’s not personal, it’s a game tactic.
Jaeger: Ah-huh…
Húxiān: Pass.
Count: Trigger and I had dinner together last night for the first time in two weeks, thanks to the new Free Erusea uprising.
Trigger: and Count thought it would be fun to spoil our date with an inane loadout choice to which his answer is wrong.
Jaeger: Enough foreplay, let’s get to the action.
Trigger: It’s the “Land Battleship fight dilemma”. Imagine you’re on a ground attack mission. There are both ground and air targets-
Count: You’re telling it wrong. There are both ground and air targets. You get rid of them. The base personnel boards two land battleships. You can destroy them by doing multiple passes and stripping them of their defenses or one-shot them with special weapons, available to only a few planes and taking up space for other special weapons. Should you do the mission with Anti-Ship Missiles? No.
Trigger: Yes!
Count: It’s simple reasoning.
Trigger: It doesn’t make sense to go with anything else. Land battleships take ages to sink, you equip ASMs and it’s over in seconds.
Count: That section is quicker, but you don’t have the optimal loadout for the first one. It goes faster if you invest in multi-lock air to ground missiles plus something for the air. We’ve been over this eight times.
Trigger: Seven times. Now you can’t even do simple addition.
Jaeger: Count is right.
Trigger: You’re fired.
Jaeger: What!?
Húxiān: Ha!
Jaeger: Good evening, captain.
Trigger: No, it’s not. I haven’t slept, because I’ve been going over that stupid problem. Now I finally understand Count’s side.
Húxiān: Cool, so it’s all better and I never have to hear about land battleships ever again?
Trigger: Quite the opposite. I know better than ever how incorrect he is.
Trigger: It’s not slower if you pick Chimera.
Count: Do I have to teach you how to use UGBS?
Trigger: I don’t know, do I have to teach you how to use STDM?
Count: Do I have to teach you how to use URMB?
Trigger: Do I have to teach you how to use GUN?
Trigger: Now, if you excuse me, pilots, I need to leave him a snide voicemail about turning on the game.
Húxiān: Okay, we have to explain this thing to Trigger to save their relationship.
Jaeger: And you laughed at me when I took a day off to play flight games with my son.
Húxiān: ‘Cause you said you were going to play HAWX.
Jaeger: That’s what we played! It was cool.
Húxiān: It was not. Anyway, it’s not about the loadout. They haven’t had time for themselves because of the uprising. They just need to bone.
Jaeger: What? Gross! Húxiān, those are our idols!
Jaeger: I mean… That’s not what I think. Captain Idol is just my boss.
Húxiān: Wow.
Trigger: Is everything okay, Jaeger?
Jaeger: Nevermind. I’m teaching my hero Project: Wingman!
Jaeger: No, I lost my ring.
Trigger: Did you see where it went?
Jaeger: Actually… It's guarded by these model land battleships. Why don’t you pick a fighter to tackle them?
Trigger: Are you trying to Project: Wingman me? It’s unbelievable. I don’t need Project: Wingman ruining my place of work when Project: Wingman has already ruined my home life.
Húxiān: Come on, Trigger, the game isn’t the problem. The uprising is keeping you and Count apart. You two just need to bone.
Trigger: What did you say?
Jaeger: Don’t say it again.
Húxiān: I said you two need to bone.
Trigger: How… dare you, Strider Four, I am your Superior OFFICER!
/5 minutes later/
Trigger: Bone!
/20 minutes later/
Trigger: What happens in my bedroom, Lieutenant, is none of your business.
/40 minutes later/
Trigger: BONE!?
/1 hour later/
Trigger: Don’t ever speak to me like that again.
Jaeger: Why did you do that?
Jaeger: Oh, Trigger, I know you don’t want to talk about Project: Wingman, but I did contact a developer-
Húxiān: Dude was pent up. Now he knows. Problem solved.
Trigger: No need, Jaeger. It’s all good.
Húxiān: So the fight with Count is over?
Trigger: Yep.
Jaeger: Because you understand the game now?
Trigger: Nope.
Húxiān: Because you guys-
Trigger: Yep!
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13 September 1985, 20:43 UTC. Maj. Wilbert D. "Doug" Pearson, flying the "Celestial Eagle" F-15A (sn#: 76-0084) launches an ASM-135 ASAT anti-satellite missile, about 320 kilometres (200 mi) west of Vandenberg Air Force Base. The launch successfully destroyed the US-built Solwind P78-1 satellite flying at an altitude of 555 kilometres (345 mi). Prior to the launch, the F-15 — flying at Mach 1.22 — executed a 3.8 g zoom climb at an angle of 65 degrees. The ASM-135 ASAT was automatically launched at 11,600 metres (38,100 ft).
Fifteen ASAT missiles were produced, and five were flight tested.
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man-and-atom · 9 months
The so-called “N-Stamp”, the certification that your organization, processes, and people are equal to the task of achieving the extreme quality requirements demanded for products to be used in civil nuclear energy contexts, is difficult and costly to acquire and maintain. British industry gave up on it ― because they had no new orders. Now they’re getting that capability back.
You can’t “suspend” an industry for years and then start it back up. If you try, you’re liable to find that it’s almost as difficult as building that industry was in the first place. When the French government agreed in the 1990s to a “pause” in ordering new nuclear power plants, they set up the delays and cost over-runs which have plagued the EPR projects at Flamanville, Olkiluoto, and Hinkley Point. Need we add that this is exactly why the anti-nuclear campaigners demanded it?
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Asm collection... /Spider-Woman/ Spider-Gwen/ Miles Morales
Vol. 1: Coming Home (#30-35/471-476)
Vol. 2: Revelations (#36-39/477-480)
Vol. 3: Until the Stars Turn Cold (#40-45/481-486)
Vol. 4: The Life and Death of Spiders (#46-50/487-491)
Vol. 5: Unintended Consequences (#51-56/492-497)
Vol. 6: Happy Birthday (#57–58,500-502/498-502)
Vol. 7: The Book of Ezekiel (#503–508)
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Vol. 8: Sins Past (#509–514)
Vol. 9: Skin Deep (#515–518)
Vol. 10: New Avengers (#519–524)
Spider-Man: The Other (#525–528; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1–4; Marvel Knights Spider-Man #19–22)
Civil War: The Road to Civil War (#529–531; New Avengers: Illuminati (one-shot); Fantastic Four #536–537) ( read 📚)
Vol. 11: Civil War (#532–538) (read 📚)
Vol. 12: Back in Black (#539–543; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #17–23, Annual #1)
Peter Parker, Spider-Man: Back In Black
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Spider-Man: One More Day (#544–545; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24; The Sensational Spider-Man #41; Marvel Spotlight: Spider-Man – One More Day/Brand New Day)
Brand New Day Vol. 1 (#546–551; The Amazing Spider-Man: Swing Shift (Director's Cut); Venom Super-Special)
Brand New Day Vol. 2 (#552–558)
Brand New Day Vol. 3 (#559–563)
Kraven's First Hunt (#564–567; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #1 (story #2)
New Ways to Die (#568–573; Marvel Spotlight: Spider-Man – Brand New Day)
Crime and Punisher (#574–577; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #1 (story #1)
Death and Dating (#578–583, Annual #35/1)
Election Day (#584–588; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #1 (story #3), 3 (story #1); The Amazing Spider-Man Presidents' Day Special)
24/7 (#589–594; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #2)
American Son (#595–599; material from The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #3)
Died in Your Arms Tonight (#600–601, Annual #36; material from Amazing Spider-Man Family #7)
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Red-Headed Stranger (#602–605)
Return of the Black Cat (#606–611; material from Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #1)
The Gauntlet Book 1: Electro and Sandman (#612–616; Dark Reign: The List – The Amazing Spider-Man; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #2 (Electro story)
The Gauntlet Book 2: Rhino and Mysterio (#617–621; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #3–4)
The Gauntlet Book 3: Vulture and Morbius (#622–625; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #2, 5 (Vulture story)
The Gauntlet Book 4: Juggernaut (#229–230, 626–629)
The Gauntlet Book 5: Lizard (#629–633; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #6)
Spider-Man: Grim Hunt (#634–637; The Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #3; Spider-Man: Grim Hunt – The Kraven Saga; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #7)
One Moment in Time (#638–641)
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Origin of the Species (#642–647; Spider-Man Saga; Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #12)
Big Time (#648–651)
Matters of Life and Death (#652–657, 654.1)
Spider-Man: The Fantastic Spider-Man (#658–662)
Spider-Man: The Return Of Anti-Venom (#663–665; Free Comic Book Day 2011: Spider-Man)
Spider-Man: Spider-Island (#666–673; Venom (2011) #6–8, Spider-Island: Deadly Foes; Infested prologues from #659–660 and 662–665)
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Spider-Island Companion hc
Spider-Man: Flying Blind (#674–677; Daredevil #8)
Spider-Man: Trouble on the Horizon (#678–681, 679.)
Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth (#682–687; Amazing Spider-Man: Ends of the Earth #1; Avenging Spider-Man #8)
Spider-Man: Lizard – No Turning Back (#688–691; Untold Tales of Spider-Man #9)
Spider-Man: Danger Zone (#692–697; Avenging Spider-Man #11)
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Spider-Man: Dying Wish (#698–700)
Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business
Spider-Man: Life StorySpider-Man: Life Story
The Amazing Spider-Man Full Circle
Superior Spider-Man Hardcovers dan Slott
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 hc Dan Slott
Amazing Spider-Man vol. 2 hc Dan Slott
Amazing Spider-Man Worldwide hc Dan slott...
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Amazing Spider-Man Venom INC.
The Red Goblin HC
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Spider-Man / Fantastic Four
Marvel Knights Spider-Man: Fight Night
Fear Itself: Spider-man
Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Men (read 📚)
Spider-men 2 (read 📚)
Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine
Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man
Edge of Spider-Verse (2014)
Marvel 1602: Spider-man
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Sensational Spider-Man Vol. 1: Feral
Spider-Verse hc
Spider-Verse Warzones!
The Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer Omnibus vol. 1
Amazing Spider-Man Beyond Omnibus (reading 📚)
Spider-Woman: Origins
Spider-Woman: Agent of S. W. O. R. D
Spider-Woman: vol. 2 New Duds
Spider-Woman 1: Baby Talk
Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears Vol. 2: Civil War II
Spider-Woman: Shifting Gears Vol. 3: Scare Tactics
Ultimate Spider-man: Ultimate Six (Read 📚)
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Spider-Man by Chip Zdarsky Omnibus
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confusedwriter404 · 1 year
Chishiya as Spiderman???
I just thought of an idea of Chishiya being an Anti-Hero Spiderman (Spider-Heart) and created a few concept drawings about it. (honestly, this is my fault for hyperfixiating on two fandoms at once lol)
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Some info I gave him so far (might change it if necessary): ♥ Earth-4108 (since the watch duration of AiB is 41-80 minutes) ♠ Alias: Spider-Heart (Netflix Chishiya's specialty is Hearts games) ◆ Age: 25 ♣ Spiderman for how long: 6 years Some of the powers I give him are mostly based on the Hearts and Spades suit + the Cheshire cat: ♥ Hearts: Manipulates people into doing the user's bidding. Numbers and Face Cards all have the same effect all lasting for 30 minutes. ♠ Spades: Remember Hisoka from HxH? The cards can be used as something similar to throwing knives. Numbers and Face Cards all have the same effect. ◆ Invisibility: Turning invisible anytime he wants to but whenever activated, the first thing that appears/disappears are his mask's eyes and a cat-like smile (despite wearing his mask). He can control if he wants the eyes and smile to appear or not. CANON EVENTS: ♥ Death of Mother in a battle with an arch-nemesis (ASM-90) ♠ Ex-Partner (Niragi Suguru) is discovered to be Earth-4180's Prowler ◆ Current Partner (Arisu Ryohei) discovers Spider-Heart's identity
(Concept art will be posted)
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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A fantastic view of an Aussie Aardvark armed with four AGM-84A Harpoon ASMs. Anti-shipping defence was a primary role of Australian F-111s, and #RAAF F-111s were unique among 'Varks' with their Harpoon capability. #avgeeks #aviation #aviationdaily #Australia #photography
@RealAirPower1 via X
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oflgtfol · 1 year
Is it viable to read only a handful of Venom's best comics instead of the entire history of the character? If so, what are the must read issues/volumes for someone new to his comics?
i would say generally yes, you can get by reading only the essentials, since a good chunk of their appearances are one-offs that are moderately to completely inconsequential to the main “core” of venom. most people will not read the Entire History of the Character Including All Minor Appearances. i'm just a weirdo
as for a list of comics, i have to give this disclaimer: be aware that i haven't read any comics past like, 2013, so i know a few runs in the late 2010s were good and essential, but i haven't read them yet so i cannot in good conscience add them to my list just yet
now that that's out of the way, here's my list
Handy info to know:
This is a list of the most utterly essential comic issues and runs in terms of either character development or plot development. I can make a longer list of my general recommendations that also includes some comics I think are good and worth reading, but aren't essential if you choose to skip them, just shoot me another ask and I can compile it there
If you want my list of Literally Every Single Venom Appearance that I've consumed so far, here's my Venom Megadoc (sorted only by story-chronological order, has no special emphasis on importance, starts falling apart and getting messy towards the late 90s/early 00s though). The vast majority of issues listed are for 616 but I also have a section at the end for non-616 universes, including movie appearances, and hopefully some time in the future I will also include TV show appearances there.
For reading comics online, my main two websites are readcomicsfree.net and readcomiconline.li. Use an adblocker for both. Some comics may not load properly on readcomicsfree (I have this issue mainly with ASM) so you may need to switch between websites when reading.
* Title is a crossover event containing multiple titles but is typically available online under this single title.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984): #8
Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #252, #256-258
Web of Spider-Man (1985): #1
Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #298-300, #315-317, #330-333, #344-347, #361-363, #373-375
Venom: Lethal Protector (1992): #1-6
Maximum Carnage (1993) *
Venom: Separation Anxiety (1994): #1-4
Venom: Planet of the Symbiotes (1995) *
Venom: The Hunger (1996): #1-4
(Shit starts getting weird at this point.)
Venom: On Trial (1997): #1-3
Venom: License to Kill (1997): #1-3
Spider-Man: The Venom Agenda (1998)
Venom: The Finale (1997): #1-3
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (2004): #5-12
Sensational Spider-Man (2006): #38-39
Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #568-573, #648-654
Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #654.1
Venom (2011): #1-4
Spider Island arc which has a lot of back and forths:
Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #663-667
Venom (2011): #6
Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #668-669
Venom (2011): #7
Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #670-671
Venom (2011): #8
Amazing Spider-Man (1963): #672-673
Back to normal:
Venom (2011): #9-25
and I'll be real that's the furthest I've read so far lel. I personally really emphasize the essential reading as everything prior to the "shit starts getting weird" marker but I included the essential plot points after that too just to be well-rounded in general
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queen-mabs-revenge · 2 years
ohhhh lmao latest citations needed is about 90s Very Special (anti-drug) Episodes, and i'm just waiting to see if they mention ASM 96-98 when going through the history of government-influenced anti-drug propaganda media
like i think asm is like a million times more nuanced than most of the tv eps they referred to in the intro - mainly bc stan lee made a point of telling an explicitly anti-racist story that pointed out that drugs weren't this isolated poor and working-class thing - but still, i think those non-comics code approved issues are a big part of the history they're telling!
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deeisace · 2 years
Just before I left work, ASM. and boss are like gossiping basically - talking about someone who used to work at our store and is now at one across the water - he's been off work a while, an they was wondering why it's been so long, that he's not back yet an all
I said, all he's ever said to me is that he's feeling very "up and down"and he don't think he can face coming back yet cs the crowds'd be too much
Boss said smth like, well he went on holiday just before he's taken all this time off, maybe he realised how much he likes being at home haha
Like, christ, don't everyone? (Not the ASM, who is anti-masker/vaxxer, and took the opportunity to say about how he had a mandatory 10 days quarantine once cs his co-workers got covid ("but I didn't even get it") and spent the entire time wishing he was back at work, cs he's a capitalist brainwashed prick)
I can see why the boss refused the wellness point of contact or whatever the fuck they call the mental health position person thingy, cs he's clearly not the person to talk to - not the one I would want to at all, but luckily we've got another one anyway
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