#anti Nicky Reagan
longlivelindanny · 2 years
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americangirlstar · 3 years
Now that both Courtney books are out and I’ve read and processed them both, I do want to say that I think they’re the least well-written of any of the AG books, but not through any fault of their own- let me explain.
(Note that for this discussion I’m ignoring the Doylist criticisms- Courtney and 3/4 of her friend group being white again, the lack of gay discussion in-text in regards to the HIV crisis, etc. These are valid complaints and concerns, but not what we’re talking about right now.)
The Problem with the Current Book Length
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I think the main problem with Courtney stems from the fact her books are so short. American Girl has literally been doing the stupidest things in regards to their books lately, almost as if they’re trying to sabotage them on purpose. First they remove illustrations in 2015- when their target audience is about nine years old. I don’t know about you, but when I was six and getting into American Girl, the illustrations were the highlight for me. Not because I had no attention span and loved pretty pictures, but because it showed me firstly what the girl’s life was like, whether it be 1760s wilderness or 2001 Chicago. It was like stepping into their world, really helping you get into their heads, which was basically what the dolls were supposed to do, to let you know that girls like you exist throughout time and space.
As well as that, the illustrations were free advertisement. I can’t tell you how excited me and my sisters were as children to go to the American Girl place and look at the doll displays, shouting that that’s the dress Felicity wears to the ball! or look, Josefina’s goat looks exactly like the book! AG cut that from 2015 to 2020, as if they were trying to appeal to an older audience- while at the same time changing all the doll outfits, accessories and marketing to appeal to a younger demographic.
Now, this isn’t about the illustrations, as Courtney got those- it’s about what they did to the historical characters after the Illustration Outrage™ happened. See, they’d condensed the historical six-book format into two books- not necessarily a bad idea, parents would be more likely to buy two books for their kid than consider buying six. However, they then claimed that if they put illustrations back, they would have to abridge the books- literally my nightmare.
First of all, American Girl, we know for a fact you can fit all six books plus illustrations into ONE VOLUME, let alone two. You’re just being cowards here and trying to nerf your own stories for... some reason.
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So that meant a lot of important things got cut- Rebecca’s Chanukah story, Melody’s cousin’s house search, Maryellen’s Christmas adventure... all things important to the girls’ histories and character.
The Problem with Courtney’s Writing
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Now, Courtney was the first doll to be released after the abridging began, meaning her books were released, in their entirety, just as short as the abridged stories. So it basically means she gets four books while the others get six- and unlike the others, Courtney doesn’t even have mysteries or short stories to pad out. (And honestly, looking at her book’s amount of content, I’d even argue that she basically got two while everyone else got six, but I digress.)
The problem with her books isn’t that they have an author writing them poorly (I really feel like her author was doing the best with what limited time she had), but in how cramped American Girl made them. Because, well, Courtney has to deal with a lot in such a short amount of words.
Let’s compare her to Julie, for instance- Julie pretty much has a new 70s thing every book. In order: feminism, rising divorce rates, San Francisco’s Chinese culture, environmentalism, the country’s bicentennial, anti-bullying and deaf acceptance. And adding to this, we also have her own personal journies through her parents’ divorce and move, her basketball team, her friendship with Ivy (and later Joy), overcoming her fear of horses, student council, detention... It’s a lot, and yet her books don’t feel rushed or forced at all. It’s just a year in the life of a girl going through a lot of new and sudden events, and how she grows and changes throughout them. She may not be as deep a character as Addy or Kirsten, but not every girl goes through the trials and tribulations they do, and it’s a good series overall.
Courtney, meanwhile, does feel rushed and forced, because of the short timespan. Instead of fitting everything into a six-book format- or even at two-book format that is the same length and content as the six-book- everything has to be fit into two short books.   Everything Courtney has to cover includes the topics of divorce and stepfamilies, feminist and technological advancement, the Challenger explosion, the HIV crisis, Hands Across America, and the founding of Pleasant Company. And in Courtney’s own journey, she has to cover her learning to stand up for herself, her relationship with her stepsister and Tina’s own character development, her mother running for mayor and how that affects her, how much she misses her Dad after he moves, her friendship with Sarah (note on that later), her basically getting hate-crimed after standing up for her friend... that’s a LOT of stuff, and I didn’t even include the non-AG 80s product placement they shove into her collection.
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But without the longer format, everything is pushed together to its detriment. Tina’s development and Maureen’s mayoral candidacy are two plotlines that are literally dropped and almost completely ignored in the second book. The Challenger and HIV issues were handled decently, but the Challenger only lasted a few short chapters, and the HIV topic was not as informative as it could be, leaving out several things like Reagan’s refusal to treat it for so long, and its effect on the gay community. Honestly, the HIV scare was more shifted to focus on the mob mentality of a new and scary disease- which, while needed right now, also ignores many of the bigotry-related reasons it became an epidemic. Pleasant Company’s inclusion feels forced in, and I think was the only resolution she had to her Dad plotline?
And don’t get me started on the Sarah plotline- every Girl of the Year since Kanani- sans Isabelle and Luci- has had the story of “oh no I’ve been ignoring my friend and now they’re mad at me :(” and it’s SO old. Seriously, I counted the contemporary dolls that have had that storyline, and it’s thirteen*. Thirteen times we’ve covered this issue- almost all of it in quick succession- and now we have to deal with it in a historical character book while much more important things are going on! Yes, it sucks when a friend ditches you while you’re being attacked and bullied for something you’re standing up for, but once again, with how much is happening in such a short book, it just feels like a forced-in plotline that we’ve seen a billion times, and with their falling-out happening mainly due to the attention Courtney was given Isaac, it serves to make Sarah seem closed-minded at best and bigoted at worst- it’s clarified that she’s not, she’s just scared and upset with Courtney, but when you put those events so close together, it leads the reader to lump them together and get the impression that, you know, Sarah is a worse person than she is.
*Full count: Nicki (book 2), Chrissa (book 2), Kanani (2), McKenna (1 iirc?), Saige (both books), Grace (2), Lea (3), Gabriela (1 and 3), Tenney (2), Z (1), Blaire (1), Joss (1) and Kira (1).
It’s a bit weird, too, that Courtney’s... what’s the word? Vibe? with her how her story is written and marketed Is closer to the Contemporaries than the Historicals. Am I the only one feeling this? My best explanation for it is that the author, Kellen Hertz, had only written contemporary books for American Girl before- the third Lea Clark book and all four Tenney Grant books, both of which contained the Friendship Issues™ plot. I’m not at all saying she’s a bad author- I honestly love the way the Tenney books are written- and I’m not saying she couldn’t write a historical book, but it’s clear American Girl didn’t ask her to change up her style or content from what she’d done for them before, as well as giving her way too much to cover in such short books.
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Honestly, this conclusion should be obvious- American Girl needs to expand their books again. Whether they simply allow the books to be unabridged, or go back to the six-book format, Courtney's books are too cramped to tell an effective story, let alone the poor abridged girls.
The other girls were given six-book length, so if they went back to that length or format, Courtney would have to be rewritten, at least a little- and that’s okay! There’s a lot of things that could use expansion or connection, such as her Summer trip with her Dad that was given basically one sentence in the text. Her growth with her stepfamily could be acknowledged- and honestly? I think that if these books were expanded, her mother’s mayoral arc should either continue through the books, or Maureen should become mayor before the book 2 arc. I’ve mentioned this before, but having Maureen as mayor (or even still a candidate) would put a lot of pressure on Courtney to be perfect so that nobody can say “look at how awful this woman is for doing politics instead of raising her family right”- which means that when the Isaac stuff happens, it has even more stakes for Courtney and her family. Does her Mom still support her with her own reputation on the line, and what does that say about Maureen’s character, how does it affect Courtney and the D’Amicos... that’s all fascinating stuff that was completely missed out on.
And if she was turned into a six-book format- honestly, here’s how I’d do it, just off the top of my head. It would involve a bit of event shuffling, but honestly I think it would work!
Meet Courtney - pretty much the setup for everything happening, her starting to get her Crystal Starshooter plans and her mom’s campaign beginning.
Courtney Learns a Lesson - her relationship to Tina, culminating in the Challenger incident.
Courtney’s Surprise - we move the founding of Pleasant Company over here, since Molly’s basically her Christmas Present. We’ll probably need an additional plotline- maybe similar to Julie, she can have a story on spending the holidays in different places.
Happy Birthday Courtney - end of summer, aka meeting Isaac and her trip with her Dad.
Courtney Saves the Day - Beginning of the HIV arc, ending at her presentation to her class.
Changes for Courtney - Continuation of the HIV arc as things get worse for her and Isaac, ending where Friendship Superhero ends.
Is that a perfect sorting? Probably not, I came up with it in ten minutes. But would it give Courtney space to breathe and more time to explore everything happening to her? Probably!
The tl;dr of this is honestly that American Girl are absolute cowards right now, and need to expand their books back. Their abridging is only harming their stories- which, as Courtney herself points out, are the reason girls got into their company in the first place.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The Brady Bunch: 10 Jokes That Have Already Aged Poorly
In an era where New Hollywood films and Norman Lear's socially-conscious television shows were driving American media in a more serious direction, Sherwood Schwartz's family sitcom, The Brady Bunch, was a bit of an anachronism, a throwback to a wholesome, campy style of TV that had quickly gone out of fashion.
RELATED: The Brady Bunch: 10 Rules Members Of The Family Have To Follow
The show never garnered much respect from critics, either when it originally aired or in retrospect, but that didn't stop the show from gaining a significant following in syndication among teenagers and children. The show was so focused on family values that it's no wonder that teenagers who loved it grew up to be Reagan Revolutionaries. Like much of the media from earlier decades, the show and even its parodic film spin-offs display attitudes problematic to modern audiences. Here are 10 Brady Bunch Jokes That Have Aged Poorly.
10 Jungle Fever
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In one episode of the original show, Mrs. Brady tells her husband that a case of Asian flu is going around the neighborhood. Mr. Brady responds that "jungle fever" is also common, but not in the neighborhood. Unless Mr. Brady is referring to a Spike Lee movie that wouldn't be released until years after the show was cancelled, he's probably using an offensive term for interracial relationships.
9 Charlie Chan
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Charlie Chan is a fictional detective who was the protagonist in many Old Hollywood films. While beloved in the 1930s, in part for being portrayed as kinder than most East Asian characters in America movies, the character has incurred more and more controversy in recent years for reinforcing East Asian stereotypes and often being played by Caucasian actors in yellowface makeup.
RELATED: 10 Jokes From Modern Family That Have Already Aged Poorly
Mr. and Mrs. Brady are apparently not  concerned with this controversy, as they once did impressions of Charlie Chan in front of their children, complete with faux-Asian accents.
8 Stalking Wolf
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In one episode, the Bradys visit a Native American reservation and a tribal chieftain honors the family by giving each of them tribal tattoos. He names Peter "Stalking Wolf" and the young man replies "That's what all the girls call me." Jokes about stalking are a touch taboo in a post-MeToo world. While standards were different in the 1970s, it's still odd that The Brady Bunch, a show that was sometimes derided for its complete lack of edgy humor, featured a casual joke about stalking accompanied by an enthusiastic laugh track. The joke probably would feel more natural in Family Guy than in The Brady Bunch.
7 General Custer
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General George Armstrong Custer was an American general who is often seen as a villain due to his role in the Indian Wars. In an episode of The Brady Bunch, Alice compares the boys to Indians who are trying to "attack" the girls by ruining their sleepover.
RELATED: 10 Jokes From 30 Rock That Have Already Aged Poorly
She then compares herself to General Custer, which is certainly a joke that would likely offend modern audiences, or at least the rare modern audiences who have any knowledge of General Custer beyond his comedic portrayal in the second Night at the Museum movie.
6 Harassment
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In the 1990s, teens were too hip for The Brady Bunch, so The Brady Bunch Movie is more a mean-spirited parody of the Brady Bunch series than a traditional adaptation. Much of its humor is derived from juxtaposing the wholesome, square Bradys with the cynical world of the 1990s. Viewers tend to find it clever or insulting - perhaps it's both. But one scene in the film that has aged poorly involved an older woman expressing her amorous feeling for one of the Brady boys by putting her hands down his pants. Yikes! Watching that sequence, it's incredible how much societal attitudes surrounding this sort of humor has changed over the years.
5 Jan Vs Marcia
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In an age of Katy versus Taylor and Nicki versus Cardi, there's been lots of discussion of society's insidious desire to pit women against each other. The Brady Bunch only adds to that problem, with Jan Brady seeing her sister Marcia as a rival and feeling intensely jealous of her and her looks.
RELATED: Everybody Loves Raymond: 10 Jokes That Have Already Aged Poorly
The Brady Bunch Movie may have its issues, but one of its better moments is the joke at the end of the film where Jan's grandmother gets her to finally stop comparing herself to her sister.
4 Schizophrenia
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Now to counter some mild praise of The Brady Bunch Movie with some harsh criticism. In the movie, Jan is depicted as a schizophrenic whose internal voices drive her jealousy of Marcia. Somehow, Jan's schizophrenia spreads to Cindy.  In 1995, this joke seemed cleverly transgressive, as took Jan's attitude towards Marcia in a very dark direction. In 2019, the there is much media discussion of a mental health crisis, so this joke seems insensitive and uncomfortable.
3 Marcia And Greg
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In A Very Brady Sequel, Greg and Marcia realize that they're in love with each other - despite being half-siblings - and share a kiss. This whole subplot was inspired by the fact that the actors who played Marcia and Greg on the original show became a couple.
RELATED: 10 Jokes From Gilmore Girls That Have Already Aged Poorly
To some, this use of meta-humor might make the subplot less upsetting. After all, the writers of the film probably weren't trying to encourage any immoral behavior between siblings. To others, this subplot is pretty gross.
2 The Bradys: Anti-Vaxxers?
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In one episode of the show, the kids catch the measles and it's not really an issue. They're all cured without the help of vaccinations. One shouldn't get their medical knowledge from sitcoms, but in the modern age, some anti-vaxxers are pointing to the episode as proof that vaccines are unnecessary.
RELATED: 10 Jokes From New Girl That Have Already Aged Poorly
How ridiculous. It's inexplicable why this episode even exists, as it was behind the science of the time, although it was ahead of its time in that it predates that modern anti-vaxxer movement.
1 Male Doctor
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In that same putrid episode about measles, the Brady girls are pretty uncomfortable at the prospect of seeing a male doctor to rid them of their malady. When she meets said doctor, Jan says that he shouldn't get too close to her, followed by a laugh track. There's a joke that's so disgusting it warrants no further discussion.
NEXT: 10 Jokes From Will & Grace That Have Aged Poorly
source https://screenrant.com/brady-bunch-jokes-aged-poorly/
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wickedbabesblog · 7 years
Release Blast for Shaded With Love: a coloring book for a cause Volume 5
#ReleaseBlast #ShadedWithLove #ColoringForACause Shaded With Love: a coloring book for a cause Volume 5 is here!! This coloring book, featuring 95 designs inspired by your favorite authors, bloggers & Editors, is ready to become of your stress relief. Or your gift to someone who needs a smile! All proceeds will benefit RAINN which is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. Find out more about RAINN by visiting their website. https://www.rainn.org/ Amazon Purchase Links: US: http://amzn.to/2FSLsiO UK: http://amzn.to/2HvQcrA ~~ Contributing Authors/Bloggers/Editors ~~ 2 One-Click Addicts ~ A Page to Turn Reviews ~ Amanda Leigh ~ Amber Addison ~ Amber Lacie ~ Amelia Wilde ~ Andrea Johnston ~ Ashlynn Monroe ~ Author L.A. Ozz ~ Barb Shuler ~ Betty Shreffler ~ Blooming Books ~ Brandi Aga ~ Bree Dahlia ~ C.J. Lazar ~ Cassie Graham ~ Cayce Poponea ~ Chelle C. Craze ~ Cheryl McMahan ~ Cora Kenborn ~ D. M. Earl ~ Dani René ~ Danielle Wright ~ Darlene Tallman ~ Deneale K. Williams ~ Diana Marie DuBois ~ Dirty Fairytales ~ DL Gallie ~ Dylan Allen ~ Dyllan J. Erikson ~ Eden Rose ~ Elizabeth York ~ H.M. Sholander ~ Harloe Rae ~ Jack Jameson ~ Jaime Russell ~ Jas T. Ward ~ Jennifer Vester ~ Jiffy Kate ~ Jo-Anne Joseph ~ Jordan Bates ~ K. Renee ~ Kaitlyn Ashley ~ Kathleen Kelly ~ Kathryn Kelly ~ Kay Maree ~ KC Enders ~ Kelsey Elise Sparrow ~ Kenzie Rose ~ Kim Deister ~ Kristie Leigh ~ Lane Martin ~ Lauren Firminger ~ Leddy Harper ~ Lexi C. Foss ~ Lilly Avalon ~ Lisa Shelby ~ Little Shop of Readers ~ LK Farlow ~ M.A. Foster ~ M.C. Webb ~ M.E. Carter ~ M.R. Leahy ~ Mareta L. Miller ~ Martina Marie ~ Michele Shriver ~ Mila Waters ~ Misha Elliott ~ Mitzi Carroll ~ Nicky Fox ~ Nicole Banks ~ Nikki Ash ~ Phoebe Alexander ~ Reading After Dark ~ Reagan Hollow ~ Rebecca Gallo ~ Renee Dyer ~ Roux Cantrell ~ S. Van Horne ~ S.N. Garza ~ Samantha A. Cole ~ Scott Hildreth ~ Socially Awkward Book Nerd ~ Steffy Rogers ~ Susan's Books I Like ~ Sylvie Stewart ~ Taryn Steele ~ The Bookworm Box ~ Tracie Douglas ~ Tracy Millosovich ~ V.P. Ortiz ~ Verlene Landon ~ Vicki Green ~ Vivian Wood ~ Xana Jordan ** Previous Volumes are available on Amazon! ** Shaded With Love - Vol 1 (http://amzn.to/2Ft6YIc) All proceeds will be donated to Free2Luv Shaded With Love - Vol 2 (http://amzn.to/2F58NNN) All proceeds will be donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Shaded With Love - Vol 3 (http://amzn.to/2FvqHHg) All proceeds will be donated to The American Foundation For Suicide Prevention Shaded With Love - Vol 4 (http://amzn.to/2F2JSdx) All proceeds will be donated to BACA: Biker's Against Child Abuse! Tour Sponsored by Paging Through The Days Promotions http://pagingthroughthedays.blogspot.com http://facebook.com/pagingthroughthedays
  Shaded With Love: a coloring book for a cause Volume 5 is here!!   This coloring book, featuring 95 designs inspired by your favorite authors, bloggers & Editors, is ready to become of your stress relief. Or your gift to someone who needs a smile!   All proceeds will benefit RAINN which is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.   Find out more about RAINN by visiting their…
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writergirl74 · 7 years
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#CoverReveal #ShadedWithLove #ColoringForACause This coloring book, featuring 93 designs inspired by your favorite authors, bloggers & Editors, will release on March 15th. All proceeds will benefit RAINN which is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. So get your one-click finger ready! Find out more about RAINN by visiting their website. https://www.rainn.org/ ~~ Contributing Authors/Bloggers/Editors ~~ 2 One-Click Addicts ~ A Page to Turn Reviews ~ Amanda Leigh ~ Amber Addison ~ Amber Lacie ~ Amelia Wilde ~ Andrea Johnston ~ Ashlynn Monroe ~ Author L.A. Ozz ~ Barb Shuler ~ Betty Shreffler ~ Blooming Books ~ Brandi Aga ~ Bree Dahlia ~ C.J. Lazar ~ Cassie Graham ~ Cayce Poponea ~ Chelle C. Craze ~ Cheryl McMahan ~ Cora Kenborn ~ D. M. Earl ~ Dani René ~ Danielle Wright ~ Darlene Tallman ~ Deneale K. Williams ~ Diana marie DuBois ~ Dirty Fairytales ~ DL Gallie ~ Dylan Allen ~ Dyllan J. Erikson ~ Eden Rose ~ Elizabeth York ~ H.M. Sholander ~ Harloe Rae ~ Leddy Harper ~ Jack Jameson ~ Jaime Russell ~ Jas T. Ward ~ Jennifer Vester ~ Jiffy Kate ~ Jo-Anne Joseph ~ Jordan Bates ~ K. Renee ~ Kaitlyn Ashley ~ Kathleen Kelly ~ Kathryn Kelly ~ Kay Maree ~ KC Enders ~ Kelsey Elise Sparrow ~ Kenzie Rose ~ Kim Deister ~ Kristie Leigh ~ Lane Martin ~ Lauren Firminger ~ Lexi C. Foss ~ Lilly Avalon ~ Lisa Shelby ~ Little Shop of Readers ~ LK Farlow ~ M.A. Foster ~ M.C. Webb ~ M.E. Carter ~ M.R. Leahy ~ Mareta L. Miller ~ Martina Marie ~ Michele Shriver ~ Mila Waters ~ Misha Elliott ~ Mitzi Carroll Copy and Line Editor ~ Nicky Fox ~ Nicole Banks ~ Nikki Ash ~ Phoebe Alexander ~ Reading After Dark ~ Reagan Hollow ~ Rebecca Gallo ~ Renee Dyer ~ Roux Cantrell ~ S. Van Horne~ S.N. Garza ~ Samantha A. Cole ~ Socially Awkward Book Nerd ~ Steffy Rogers ~ Susan's Books I Like ~ Sylvie Stewart ~ Taryn Steele ~ Tracie Douglas ~ Tracy Millosovich ~ V.P. Ortiz ~ Verlene Landon ~ Vicki Green ~ Vivian Wood ~ Xana Jordan ** Previous Volumes are available on Amazon! ** - Shaded With Love - Vol 1 (http://amzn.to/2Ft6YIc) All proceeds will be donated to Free2Luv - Shaded With Love - Vol 2 (http://amzn.to/2F58NNN) All proceeds will be donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - Shaded With Love - Vol 3 (http://amzn.to/2FvqHHg) All proceeds will be donated to The American Foundation For Suicide Prevention - Shaded With Love - Vol 4 (http://amzn.to/2F2JSdx) All proceeds will be donated to BACA: Biker's Against Child Abuse! #TourSponsored by Paging Through The Days Promotions http://pagingthroughthedays.blogspot.com http://facebook.com/pagingthroughthedays
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longlivelindanny · 1 year
Drabble Series
1x16: Age Of Innocence
"I wish Erin would stop blaming you," Linda says angrily. "Nicky disobeyed a direct order. She knew she had to stay in the car. And what does she do?"
"I'll take care of Erin," Danny says, trying to calm her down.
"Don't apologize to her. Erin, or Nicky. You had no choice; in fact, as you tell it, she made you bring her along."
"Like you didn't do anything rebellious when you were a teenager."
"The only rebellious thing I did was date a guy my parents hated. But unlike Nicky, that worked in my favor."
Danny smiles and puts his hands on Linda's shoulders. "Don't worry about Erin or Nicky, okay? I'll take care of it." He kisses her forehead.
"I just hate how she's blaming you," Linda pouts. "Like you made Nicky get out of the car and forced her to see the dead body."
"You, uh, you got pretty mad at Erin during dinner."
"I hate how she treats you."
"I know. But you getting mad on my behalf is always sexy."
Linda smiles a little, “I’ll have to keep doing it then.”
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fixomnia-scribble · 7 years
Blue Bloods 8.6 Ramble
“Brushed Off”
Usual note: This is a ramble, not a review or a recap - just a thoughtstream while viewing, if anyone wants to virtually watch with me.
And we’re off with a bang! And a splash of paint on 12-D’s pristine cruiser. Jamie and Eddie reporting for a disturbance in progress. Vanessa gets fifteen seconds of airtime but hits the pavement running. Anti-gentrification activist and artist Trudy Slaughter, (aka Mimi Rogers aka Agent Diana Fowley) is being renovicted, and is she ever pissed. The fact that the Diocese of New York owns the building is an interesting twist, and a chance to position the Catholic Church as being conflicted, endangered and at the whim of the times like all businesses. Bit of catering to certain distraught commentators asking why no Grace at supper anymore?
Aw. Erin: “You said you wanted to lose weight.” Tony: “Do I have to lose my mind, too?” The quasi-spousal banter continues.
I really liked the interactions with the kids this episode. The writers are finally giving these bright young people a chance to contribute. Sean asking why his mother, who had the “safe” job in the family, should have died, gutted me a little. (Relatively safe, that is – we all know nursing ain’t no picnic.) Danny speaking to Sean like an emerging adult comes not before time. Sean and Jack have grown up listening to cop-talk. And Erin asking Nicky about her childhood memories of divorce was well scripted, if a little…sweet? Sami Gayle is charming, but Nicky does come off as the family people-pleaser. Girlfriend is going to need a much thicker skin if she wants to become the token Reagan social justice crusader of her generation. Even with Jack’s current plan to go to college first, I could still see him and Sean both getting behind a badge one day.
Danny and Baez have got their groove back. I hope Baez has finally gotten together with someone who’ll be good for her. If she’s letting herself off the hook from worrying about Danny’s stability long enough for a fun date night with a Vice Detective (wait, the same one who was texting her nonstop a couple years back?), that’s a positive sign. Oh, wait…lemme roll that back real quick. Danny’s still shaky. Grief is non-linear, as is PTSD, and the little punk in Interrogation didn’t know he just shook up a bereaved post-traumatic vet. Oops.
Erin literally timing Danny’s progress on her phone, through the levels of junior ADA’s to her office was pretty funny. “What’s happening to us?” Danny asks. I love Donnie’s delivery of that line, as if it’s just himself and Bridget shooting the breeze as seasoned industry veterans. “Turns out we may have flaws,” Erin returns. I can’t help but recall Abbey Bartlet, speaking of Jed: “You have a good heart, and a big brain, and an ego the size of Montana.” Reagans in a nutshell. Even our Jamie.
Dinner table. Last half of Grace. I expect we’ll see even MORE comments from viewers complaining that half a Grace is more disrespectful than none. (Which, having scattered Catholics in my family, I say without malice. Or at least far less malice than some supposedly Christian viewers who see fit to vent their spleen on media pages.) OOOH. And Henry just declared himself a Democrat. That’s gonna rile up some viewers.
Danny and Jamie tag-teaming Frank at the dinner table was perfectly timed. Ohh, now it’s a general Reagan pile-on the old man. Makes me wonder if their parents conspired to keep them competing against each other as kids, because when they gang up, they are lethal. Hence the show. Frank brushes it off (har har, points to episode title) but is unwontedly pensive.
I’m not convinced that Trudy Slaughter isn’t Agent Fowley in retirement. She’s got that look down, and the crossed arms thing that she used on Mulder when *he* was being pensive. And it turns out she was right to keep digging. Oh MY, that is quite the lovely little skeleton to come rattling out of Frank’s closet. One of those things that can eat at a person but is quite sweet in retrospect. We are all layered and complex creatures. Well, I hope Frank got some closure, but jeez, there’s no need to be monkish at this point, surely? Not with a full-on we-could-have-been-stardust look like that on your face. Go on, ask her to go walk those old haunts from the New York of your youth and see what happens.
Or, you know, extort the Archbishop into offering your old manic pixie dream girl full market compensation on her loft studio. Which I guess counts for a romantic gesture in Manhattan these days.
Which leaves Roland’s murder the only loose thread. And though I figured Darla had something to do with it, I didn’t see that one…I thought maybe she carried drugs to subdue (or plant on) guests that became violent or relentlessly suggestive. Half right. And by HECK, Danny’s instincts haven’t left the building.
Wow. Okay. Trudy’s portrait really got me. And Frank, too, seeing himself as an idealistic young NYPD beat cop, before he’d earned a single bar, before shoulder radios and Kevlar vests and when revolvers were standard service weapons…well played, show, well played. Perhaps we haven’t seen the last of Miss Slaughter.
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writergirl74 · 7 years
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#CoverReveal #ShadedWithLove #ColoringForACause This coloring book, featuring 93 designs inspired by your favorite authors, bloggers & Editors, will release on March 15th. All proceeds will benefit RAINN which is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. So get your one-click finger ready! Find out more about RAINN by visiting their website. https://www.rainn.org/ ~~ Contributing Authors/Bloggers/Editors ~~ 2 One-Click Addicts ~ A Page to Turn Reviews ~ Amanda Leigh ~ Amber Addison ~ Amber Lacie ~ Amelia Wilde ~ Andrea Johnston ~ Ashlynn Monroe ~ Author L.A. Ozz ~ Barb Shuler ~ Betty Shreffler ~ Blooming Books ~ Brandi Aga ~ Bree Dahlia ~ C.J. Lazar ~ Cassie Graham ~ Cayce Poponea ~ Chelle C. Craze ~ Cheryl McMahan ~ Cora Kenborn ~ D. M. Earl ~ Dani René ~ Danielle Wright ~ Darlene Tallman ~ Deneale K. Williams ~ Diana marie DuBois ~ Dirty Fairytales ~ DL Gallie ~ Dylan Allen ~ Dyllan J. Erikson ~ Eden Rose ~ Elizabeth York ~ H.M. Sholander ~ Harloe Rae ~ Leddy Harper ~ Jack Jameson ~ Jaime Russell ~ Jas T. Ward ~ Jennifer Vester ~ Jiffy Kate ~ Jo-Anne Joseph ~ Jordan Bates ~ K. Renee ~ Kaitlyn Ashley ~ Kathleen Kelly ~ Kathryn Kelly ~ Kay Maree ~ KC Enders ~ Kelsey Elise Sparrow ~ Kenzie Rose ~ Kim Deister ~ Kristie Leigh ~ Lane Martin ~ Lauren Firminger ~ Lexi C. Foss ~ Lilly Avalon ~ Lisa Shelby ~ Little Shop of Readers ~ LK Farlow ~ M.A. Foster ~ M.C. Webb ~ M.E. Carter ~ M.R. Leahy ~ Mareta L. Miller ~ Martina Marie ~ Michele Shriver ~ Mila Waters ~ Misha Elliott ~ Mitzi Carroll Copy and Line Editor ~ Nicky Fox ~ Nicole Banks ~ Nikki Ash ~ Phoebe Alexander ~ Reading After Dark ~ Reagan Hollow ~ Rebecca Gallo ~ Renee Dyer ~ Roux Cantrell ~ S. Van Horne~ S.N. Garza ~ Samantha A. Cole ~ Socially Awkward Book Nerd ~ Steffy Rogers ~ Susan's Books I Like ~ Sylvie Stewart ~ Taryn Steele ~ Tracie Douglas ~ Tracy Millosovich ~ V.P. Ortiz ~ Verlene Landon ~ Vicki Green ~ Vivian Wood ~ Xana Jordan ** Previous Volumes are available on Amazon! ** - Shaded With Love - Vol 1 (http://amzn.to/2Ft6YIc) All proceeds will be donated to Free2Luv - Shaded With Love - Vol 2 (http://amzn.to/2F58NNN) All proceeds will be donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - Shaded With Love - Vol 3 (http://amzn.to/2FvqHHg) All proceeds will be donated to The American Foundation For Suicide Prevention - Shaded With Love - Vol 4 (http://amzn.to/2F2JSdx) All proceeds will be donated to BACA: Biker's Against Child Abuse! #TourSponsored by Paging Through The Days Promotions http://pagingthroughthedays.blogspot.com http://facebook.com/pagingthroughthedays
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