#Amber Addison
celebrity2567 · 2 months
Amber Addison Basic Details
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yeslordmyking · 2 years
Random Amber and Ashley Spinoff Pitch
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The show takes place in modern day. Amber Addison is a successful businesswoman in the wigs industry. She is happily married to a wealthy businessman and on the outside, her life looks perfect, just like it did in middle and high school. But on the inside, Amber is disappointed that she decided to go for a more stable career choice, rather than pursuing her dreams as a singer. She hides this because everyone around is her so satisfied and proud of her. Also her marriage is struggling because her husband works internationally and is often hundreds of miles away, causing her to feel alone at times.
Ashley Dewitt is quite the opposite of Amber. She dropped out of college early due to her father getting sick, gradually drifting out of Amber’s busy life. Her dad’s illness zapped the family of all their finances, and took his life as well. Ashley and her mother are now lower middle class, much below their comfort level. They share a tiny apartment together, and neither of them can earn enough money to keep them afloat. Ashley’s relationship with her mother is very strained due to her disappointment that her daughter continually fails to get her makeup brand off the ground, putting lots of pressure on her to succeed so they can be wealthy again. But failure after failure after failure doesn’t get Ashley down. She becomes an influencer to draw attention to her business, in hopes that the right person will see and give her the boost her brand needs to become financially stable.
The show could be called So Yesterday, and the main theme could be around how your 30s is not too late to start over, and exploring how the characters changed and developed since college (the end of Hannah Montana Forever) from shallow snobby teenagers to more mature women. Other episodes could touch on the rekindling of friendships even though you haven’t spoken in years, how just because a marriage is dulling doesn’t mean it has to end, the financial and emotional struggles of influencers and small business owners, ageism on social media, and accountability of your past behavior as a minor that still effect your current life, even if that’s not who you are anymore.
Minor additions: 
- Ashley had developed a genuine friendship with Lily Truscott. After hearing about her sick father, Lily regularly checked up on Ashley, and they still hang out from time to time. Learning about this makes Amber jealous, as she has had to cut off so many relationships to get ahead in her career. 
-The twinning must continue somehow! These two were the best dressed characters from Hannah Montana and we are not forgetting it!!! Maybe not full outfits, since it doesn’t seem like a grown woman thing to do, but maybe certain elements of their outfits should coordinate somehow!
-Yes I have come up with a mini theme song for the nonexistent show in my head!
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fxrvernxw · 1 month
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Nightmare (Biersack Family)
Summary: Young Tommy Biersack wakes up from a nightmare on Amber’s last night of her current tour.
Emma & Ella Sixx-Gaskarth created by the oh so lovely @youlightmeupfinn
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It started off as soft whimpers in the pitch blackness. Soft whimpers leaving trembling lips before the sound of feet padding on carpet added to it.
Tommy gripped his stuffed bear that his grandma Amy gave him on her last visit to LA as he made his way to his parents’ room.
Andy was laid on the bed, sweatpants hanging off his hips as he was flipping through Netflix to find something to watch. It was then that the door creaked open, and Andy’s eyes moved to meet his son’s hazel ones, the same ones as his wife.
“Tommy, buddy, what are you doing up?” Andy asked softly, sitting up and opening his arms for his son to run into.
“Where’s mommy?” The three year old asked, tightening his grip on his bear and blankie in the doorframe.
“Buddy, we’re picking up mommy from the airport tomorrow,” Andy reminded him before standing up and picking his toddler up into his arms.
This was the first tour that White Rabbit had gone on since Amber gave birth to Rose, and the first tour that Tommy was aware enough to realize that his mommy wasn’t home. Addison had done the same thing when this happened with her, and Andy assumed that it would happen with Rose.
“Did you have a bad dream buddy?” Andy asked softly, gently moving strands of sweaty brown curls from his face. Tommy nodded and Andy tightened his hug, knowing the little boy needed comfort more than anything.
“Do you want to tell Daddy about your bad dream?” Tommy shook his head, soft sniffles coming from him.
“Okay buddy. It might help, but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Do you want to sleep in mommy and daddy’s bed tonight?” He asked, transitioning from moving curls from his face to rubbing circles into his back. Tommy nodded and snuggled his face into his father’s chest while Andy walked back over to the bed and placed the toddler on his wife’s side of the bed.
“I promise buddy, mommy and auntie Ella are fine. They are getting on a plane tomorrow and we’re gonna go pick them up from the airport and then we’ll come back home and you guys can all get as much snuggles from Mommy as you want,”
“I miss mommy,” Tommy said, his bottom lip quivering.
“I know buddy. But she’s coming home tomorrow. Do you want Daddy to try and see if she’s still awake?” Andy asked, hating to see his little boy in pain from whatever nightmare startled him out of sleep, but he could guess. Tommy nodded and moved to cuddle up into Andy’s side while Andy grabbed his phone and sent a text to his wife.
‘Goddess, you awake? Our little man woke up from a nightmare and wants to FaceTime if you’re awake,’ Before he even had a chance to tell Tommy about the text, he was getting a FaceTime request from Amber. It didn’t look like she was asleep, regardless of the fact that she was supposed to be on a plane in a matter of a few hours.
“Hey baby,” Tommy’s head snapped up at the sound of his mom’s voice. He was definitely a mama’s boy.
“Mommy,” his bottom lip quivered and Andy passed the phone to the toddler.
“Daddy said you had a bad dream. Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked softly, hating that she couldn’t comfort her baby, but she knew Andy had it covered back home.
“Y-y-you d-d-didn’t c-c-come home,” Fat tears welled up in Tommy’s eyes before cascading his chubby cheeks. Andy tightened his grip on his son and kissed the top of his curls. It was just like he thought.
“Oh baby. That would never happen baby. Mommy and your aunties are coming home tomorrow,” Amber promised.
“Do you p-promise?” Tommy hiccuped, and Amber nodded.
“I promise baby boy. How about I call you right when we get on the plane and I’ll send you messages while I’m on the plane. Would you feel better if mommy did that?” Amber suggested with a comforting smile and Tommy nodded.
“Do you need a tissue from daddy?” Amber asked and Tommy nodded.
“Please daddy,” he asked and Andy nodded.
“Of course baby boy,” he smiled and handed Tommy a tissue from the box on the nightstand.
After a few hours of watching White Rabbit and Black Veil Brides videos, Tommy finally fell asleep on Andy’s bare chest. While sunlight peeked through the curtains, Andy could see their oldest at the door.
“Is Tommy okay?” Addison asked softly. Andy nodded his head and pulled the covers higher up and kissed his forehead before grabbing the baby monitor and getting up and walking with Addison downstairs to go make breakfast and get everything ready for when Rose woke up or they needed to go to the airport.
‘Morning baby. I love you. How did our little man sleep? I love you guys and I’ll FaceTime when we get to the airport,’
‘I love you too goddess. It took a while. I had to play our videos for him to relax. He and Rosie are still asleep, but Addy is awake,’
‘I’m glad he got some sleep last night. I’ll give him more snuggles. Hopefully he’ll sleep better tonight,’
“Sorry honey. What did you say?” Andy asked, placing his phone on the counter and giving his undivided attention to the seven year old in front of him.
“I asked when mommy’s plane lands,”
“In about four hours. She and your aunts are going to the airport now,” Andy told her and she gave him a smile.
“I missed her. Do you think she got us anything?” Addy seemed to be bouncing in place.
“Knowing your mom, she’s got a whole suitcase just for souvenirs,” Andy laughed.
The last big tour White Rabbit had, there was a suitcase that he was sure was right at the limit of being considered an oversized bag exclusively for souvenirs. Also, a bag that he’d never seen before.
A cry pierced the air from the baby monitor.
“Figure out what you want for breakfast and I’ll make it after I grab your sister,” Andy told Addison before turning on the tv to cartoons and taking the steps two at a time to Rosie’s nursery.
“Hi my littlest princess, are you excited? Mommy’s coming home today,” The year old infant just cried, the smell of a dirty diaper accosting the lead singer’s nose.
While Andy got the youngest Biersack child ready, Tommy had woken up and grabbed his teddy bear and blankie tightly and made his way down the carpeted stairs to where he could hear the tv in the living room playing cartoons. Addy’s head snapped back at the sound of feet hitting the bottom step.
“Morning Tommy! Watch cartoons with me?” Addison smiled at her little brother.
“Alright, attention to all Biersacks! Please proceed to the car! Mommy just texted and said that her plane is going to be landing in less than an hour,” Andy told his two older kids while getting Rose ready for the slight chill that settled over Los Angeles on this January afternoon.
“Yeah, mommy just sent me the message,” Tommy smiled. Amber had kept to her word to text Andy’s phone periodically throughout the plane ride to let Tommy know where they were and how much longer until he could get snuggles from her and his aunts.
“How was Tommy?” Ella asked when the drummer explained why she was so tired.
While the rest of the band was getting some shut eye before their early flight, Amber had to make sure her baby was okay. So now she was slamming energy drinks. Katie had found a few that tasted just like candy.
“Andy said that he was able to get him back to bed by showing him White Rabbit and Black Veil videos,”
“That’s because he loves his auntie Lizzy’s voice,” Lizzy piped up from the seat right behind the cousins.
“More like he likes his godmother’s lyrics and bass,” Ella teased, earning Lizzy sticking her tongue out.
“I just forgot how much I miss being there for those tough nights until I’m not. Addy was the same way. Still is sometimes,”
“Yeah we both know it sucks for them. But you and Andy do a good job about making sure one of you is always home with the kids while the other is on tour,” Ella tried to sooth the other mother, who nodded.
“Yeah I think that’s why you and Jude were mostly good when Uncle Nikki went on tour. You always at least had your mom at home with you,” Amber conceded before they all noticed the seatbelt sign on and prepared for landing at LAX.
“Addy, do you have the banner?” Andy asked, and the oldest child nodded with a big smile.
“Can I help?” Tommy asked with his puppy eyes.
“You can help me hold it,” Addison told him and Andy smiled when he saw his wife’s dark curls descend the escalator at LAX.
“Alright guys, here she comes,” Andy told them and Tommy held the banner as high as his little arms would let him, Addison next to him. Ella spotted the banner first since Amber was looking back to talk to her.
A smile split across on Ella’s face before her green eyes searched for her own husband and toddler as they came rushing through the door.
“Amber, look,” Ella told her and the drummer turned around, happy tears pricking her eyes as she ran towards her family.
“Welcome home Mommy” Addy spoke as her arms tightened around Amber’s neck.
“My babies,” Amber smiled widely and nuzzled her face into their cheeks before pressing a kiss to each of their cheeks.
“I like the banner. Did you guys make it yourself?” Amber asked with a bright smile.
“Yeah and Gamma helped!”
“Oh you guys hung out with Gamma? I’m so jealous!” Amber smiled and kissed their cheeks again. The handmade sign read
“Welcome Home Mommy,” and underneath, it said “White Rabbit is #1” with a picture taped on of the newest promo picture for the band’s sixth album.
“Rosie, baby! You got so big!” Amber cooed as she rose to her feet before walking towards Andy who held Rosie in his arms while the kids flocked to Ella and gave their godmother a huge hug. Because yes, while both older Biersack kids missed their mom, they missed their godmother just as much.
“How are my two favorite gremlins? I missed you guys so much on tour,” Ella smiled and kneeled down to pull them into a hug.
“I lost my wife to my niece and nephew,” Alex laughed and Emma joined her cousins in their hug.
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thegroundersprinces · 11 months
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🌟 Introducing my lovable bunch of original characters! 📚✨ As a struggling writer on Wattpad, I'm pouring all my heart into slowly crafting their stories. Dive into these moodboards and join me on this whimsical journey of creativity and imagination! 💫💖 #OriginalCharacters #WattpadWriter
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tearsucry · 1 year
chapter one — ‘scream 5/6’
chapter two — ‘wednesday’
chapter three — ‘law & order special victims unit’
chapter four — 'grey's anatomy'
chapter five — 'criminal minds'
chapter six — 'ahsoka'
chapter seven — 'other characters'
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she-karev · 5 months
Birth (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Labor Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Two
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
AN: Hey guys here’s the next story I hope you like it and I’ll post the next one in the morning.
Summary: Amber is in a delivery room in labor with Andrew DeLuca by her side and Addison Montgomery as her doctor.
Words: 1930
October 20th, 2022
I groan out in pain lying in my birthing bed wearing a hospital gown so I can finally give birth. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of pain before that happens based on how I’m leaning forward while my uterus tightens up. All I can do is hold Andrew’s hand as the next contraction comes and hits me like a truck. Dr. Addison Montgomery is also in the room feeling around my stomach as I collapse on the bed once the contraction ends. I let go of Andrew’s hand and he rubs it clearly hurting after my vice grip.
Addison moves back and checks the monitor for my vitals, “Okay Dr. DeLuca your contractions are 10 minutes apart and you’re progressing very nicely.”
Her diagnosis is pissing me off, “Oh god that’s what you call progressing nicely you rotten old bat. Ugh! I call it a bumpy road trip down to hell.”
Andrew steps in to humanize me as he curls his fist to make sure I didn’t break any bones, “She didn’t mean that, the ‘rotten old bat’ part.”
“I think I did.”
Andrew chuckles nervously and tries again, “We both appreciate you taking the time to deliver our baby. I’m sure your schedule is packed.”
Addison isn’t mad though she just grins, “Oh no please ever since Roe V Wade was overturned, I’m in the front row of the fallout. A birth is something I needed to bring some joy into my life and remind me why I first got into OB so thank you.”
I sigh at that, “Any chance you can thank me by taking over?”
Addison chuckles, “It’s okay everybody reacts to giving birth differently. I’ve been in this specialty for almost 30 years believe me I have seen it all.”
I exhale as Andrew chuckles and explains, “I wouldn’t bet on it Dr. Montgomery, Amber is a very unique individual.”
I glare at him, “Shut up Andrew nobody is asking for your opinion.” He simply nods knowing better than to challenge me in the state I’m in.
“I’m sure you both know this but the next step is to wait for the contractions to get a little closer together before asking you to push.”
“Oh god they get closer together?” I ask terrified then remember I have an MD, “Wait a minute I knew that. Of course, I knew that I’m a doctor I would have to know that.” I sigh and remorse comes to me as I face Addison, “I’m sorry I called you a rotten old bat. You actually look very good for your age.”
She chuckles at that, “It’s okay and yes you did know that. If you didn’t, I would be dealing with your brother intern year again.” I chuckle lightly at that, “Don’t worry Amber you know everything you need to know about giving birth and whatever you forget your husband will be there to remind you. Your next contraction is in ten minutes I have a consult to get to but I will be right back.” Dr. Montgomery begins to walk out the door with Andrew looking worried about being left alone with me but he stands by my side and holds my hand again.
“Okay so breathe through your nose.”
“Do not tell me what to do.” My hormones and contractions are making me extra cranky, “Ugh I need to walk around get me off this bed.”
“Are you sure?” Andrew asks causing me to glare at him which scares him so much he complies, “Okay then let’s walk around the room for a bit here we go.” He helps me off the bed and I make it to five feet before I lean my elbows against the table breathing in and out with Andrew rubbing my back to comfort me, “So I’m gonna risk poking the bear and ask have you thought of a name for the child to be?”
I look behind to narrow my eyes at him, “Really? Now? You pick now to ask that? I am about to push a melon through a keyhole and you choose to bring up how we’re lagging in the name department?”
He rubs my back and continues, “I think now is the right time, I know we said TBD but we should probably D it before we have a chubby faced baby and a blank line on the birth certificate. We ruled out your mom for obvious reasons, what about grandma’s? I’ve got Aria, and Adelina, you?”
I inhale deeply and exhale before responding, “You mean Miriam and Ruth who rejected me and left me and my brothers to fend for ourselves in foster care when their son and daughter couldn’t take care of us? You want to name our loved daughter after those negligent bitches?”
He winces at that harsh reminder, “You know what let’s forget grandparents how about we meet her first and it’ll come to us.”
I groan at my discomfort again, “Whatever gets you to shut up I will take it. God why did I talk myself into this? Why didn’t I wait until electric wombs were invented or cloning was in human trials? I could’ve saved myself so much misery.”
He runs his hands through my hair, “You’re doing great just breathe through the pain.”
I breathe like he suggests, “Shut up about my pain, you don’t know what is going on inside my body right now.”
“I don’t know I was beaten and stabbed I’m sure I can relate on some level.”
I grip the ends of the table as sweat drips from my forehead, “I was beaten too and this right here this is like getting stabbed a hundred times in your pelvis and you’re pooping out your insides.”
His eyes widen at that image, “That does sound painful.” Suddenly my emotions get the better of me and I go from angry to sad because I start to cry and then sob like a lunatic. I can tell Andrew is surprised but he stays and rubs my shoulders, “Oh no, hey it’s okay the pain is all a natural part of labor I don’t know it personally but the one upside to riding this out is having a baby in the end to make it all worth it. I mean that’s something isn’t it?” I still sob though and I can tell Andrew is stumped but trying to mend me as he affectionately rubs my back, “Come on I’m sorry I would make it so this process has no pain at all. I would make it to where you push and then pop we have a baby trust me.”
I sniffle and stop sobbing but I still have tears in my eyes, “It’s not the pain, I grew up in a hell house, my foster parents were crap, my brother beat me to near death and I worked in a hospital during covid I can handle the pain.” I tear up and my voice hitches, “I’m sad because I’m afraid of continuing the cycle.”
“What? What do you mean?”
I sniffle as I walk back to the bed with Andrew helping me up, “I mean what person thought ‘oh look here’s a baby now I have something to hit’ maybe my dad didn’t same for my mom but look at what they did in their trial as parents. I already look like my mom what if I do to our kids what she did to hers?”
He looks at me in sympathy as he helps me lie down in bed and covers me with a blanket, “Amber-”
I hold my hand up to silence him, “No I know what this is, I know it’s the hormones causing all this crazy thinking and I should ignore it but I can’t because there’s no off switch and it’s not like some creep in a bus you just avoid eye contact with. All of this uncertainty brings me back to my childhood when I would watch my mom get dragged away by orderlies screaming nonsense about the government watching us through the smoke alarms which I genuinely believed until that day. And now I’m about to become a mother and suddenly I think ‘what if I’m like her?’” I tear up again, “And she was the worst mother in the world. What if I’m just the latest in my family’s long line of horrible mothers?” I sob again, putting my hand over my eyes so I don’t see the look on Andrew’s face as I break down in the worst time possible.
“Shh it’s okay it’s gonna be okay.” I still sob as he tries to soothe me, “Look I thought the same thing when I started getting manic okay? Remember when I was at my worst and I took it out on everyone and you especially?” I sob harder at that memory, “Sorry I have a point here I promise. I thought the diagnosis was the end and I was just like my manic and reckless father who refuses to talk to me. I pushed you away, I quit my job and I let myself get in the deep end. I thought I was doomed but I wasn’t, Carina, Webber and Bailey they all showed me that and I decided to prove myself wrong and I did. And now I’m good not cured but good and despite everything I did I earned your trust back. I did that and I am so glad I did because it brought me to this moment with you.” I calm down a bit remembering that as awful as that period of our lives was it brought us closer together and made us stronger as a couple.
“Look I’m not saying I’m not scared too I get terrified thinking I’m gonna screw up this kid like my dad screwed me up but I know that I’m not and I know that you’re not gonna repeat your mom’s mistakes either.” I wipe a tear away as my sobs lessen, “I know you had a crappy mom but at the very least you know what not to do. You’re the strongest, most caring, and compassionate person I know and this kid could do a lot worse for a mom. Amber we’re not our parent’s, we’re us and I don’t think I know we’re gonna end our family pattern. It stops here with me and you. It ends with us.”
My sobs stop completely as I let his speech sink in and I become less afraid. It’s the hormones but it’s also my fear of ending up like my mother that has been in my mind for years. I don’t know how this is gonna go but I know how it’s not and I’ll be damned if it does. His last words hit me and I raise an eyebrow at him recognizing it, “You read that Colleen Hoover book I got for me didn’t you?”
His eyes widen at that, “Well…I…” He sighs as he confesses, “It was on your nightstand I decided to read a chapter…I ended up reading the whole thing while you were asleep.” I laugh at that imaging him reading a recently popular romance drama that even got me stirred up in emotions, “It was pretty good.”
I nod in agreement, “It was. Thanks for making me laugh.”
“Thank Colleen.” I chuckle, “The next contraction is in 30 seconds do you want to hold my hand?”
“Don’t hate me if I break it.” I grab his hand and grip it as the next fireball of pain takes me causing me to scream.
Next Part Here
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sunny-m00n · 1 year
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With not great proportions because I wanted to get it out on time: the next set of character Halloween costumes! This time, The Gems!
all of these silly Addisons are going as Gen 1 Pokémon starters! (Plus Pikachu) we have Topaz as Pikachu, Pearl as Bulbasaur, Lapis as Squirtle, and Amber as Charmander!
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edgecfeden · 1 year
cont'd from here for @sheepofblack !
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addison was liking the vibe this girl gave off already, amber seeming to share their definition of having fun at a party as she let her dress drop with a grin. she'd glanced behind her, sure, but addison would've guessed it was closer to making sure there would be enough people seeing her show off her body in the middle of the party than anything close to shyness. "mhm, definitely getting close," the redhead noted, not hiding how her gaze raked hungrily over amber's bare skin with a smile of her own. "i think we'll need to see some tits, though… so we can tell how you'd fill out a cheer top, obviously."
"and some ass while you're at it," dom decreed, settled back on the couch with a smirk. they were close enough to university royalty, three queens holding court, and if the living room couch was a throne, the brunette definitely looked the part.
"oh my god, am i the only one wanting to see her pussy, you losers?" paris teased her friends and co-captains, sitting forward where the others were reclined. the blonde took a sip of her drink, tilting her head as she eyed the girl in front of them. "c'mon—what was your name, amber? show us you deserve a spot on our slut squad."
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shy-blue-blossom · 4 months
Wyatt Lykensen
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Seabrook seemed to be changing every year. Two years ago the divided town was put to the test, with zombies and humans now getting along with one another. Addison and Zed are the first couple of the two. There was still a stigma about zombies from the older and odd younger generations. It was known because of what happened a year ago. Wearwolves had come looking for the mother moonstone.
Y/n's parents are some who are still wary about werewolves joining the community. She meets her boyfriend in secret because of the stigma and has yet to introduce him to them. Her sister knew. Her friends knew. Her parents would be…protective, is one word to describe how they would react if they met him.
It was a quiet night as y/n sat in her room doing her homework. Focusing and not noticing her window opening behind her. Reading through a question two hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her backwards. The individual held her on their chest. Y/n let a squeal out as she looked at the person.
"Wyatt," She said breathlessly before she turned to hug him. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you," Wyatt answered and kissed her cheek, moving back to look into her eyes. Her cheeks went red.
Y/n hid her face in his neck. Wyatt held onto her tightly and talked among themselves. Neither of them noticed the footsteps that were getting closer to the room. The door opened and Wyatt jumped in front of y/n not risking her safety.
"Y/n, your father and I are-" Her mother stopped when she looked at the werewolf guarding her daughter. "Greg!" She called out for her husband. Footsteps could be heard rushing up the stairs.
"What?" Greg said rushing into the room not knowing what he might see. "Is y/n okay?" He continued looking around the room for his daughter. A sign of relief was let out when he noticed she was okay. "Who are you, young man?"
"Wyatt Lykensen, sir," He said standing up straight and holding a hand out to Greg. "I was hoping to meet you tomorrow."
"Greg, what are you doing? Call the z-portal!" Y/n's mother cried out.
"Why should I?" Greg said looking at his wife. "His first institute was to protect our daughter even in her home." The mother had nothing to say to that.
"Hi, Dad are you going out somewhere?" Y/n asked noting the clothes her parents were wearing.
"We are going to a party at my workplace," Greg moved closer to her and Wyatt moved out of the way, so he could kiss the top of her head before turning to his wife. "Amber, are you ready to go?" She nodded. "Look after her for me, that is not permission to do anything." He told Wyatt as he left her room. The room was silent.
Y/n giggled before she pulled Wyatt's hand dragging him to sit next to her. He watched her laugh. He reached a hand into his pocket and pulled something out. While she was distracted he placed it on her causing her to stop her laugh.
"What?" Y/n trailed off seeing what he out on her. She stared at the necklace, then at him with wide eyes.
"It's my promise to you," Wyatt looked from the necklace to her eyes. "To always be there for you as much as I can. You are part of my pack" He smiled at her.
Y/n jumped onto him, kissing him as she did, hugging him tightly. They enjoyed being together doing mundane things not worrying about anything happening outside the room. Y/n admired the moonstone on the necklace, happy to be part of his pack.
The end.
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unboundprompts · 1 year
Character Name Ideas that Start With the Letter A
-> feel free to comment suggestions, I'll do my best to add them to the list.
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Adelaide "Ada"
Anneliese "Annie"
Aurora "Rory"
Aurelia "Aurie"
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100-sexiest · 10 months
Current list of nominations ready for voting to find the most goonable celeb of 2023. Further suggestions can be sent via DM to @100-sexiest and voting will begin Jan 1st
Addison Rae
Alena Shishkova
Alexa Bliss
Alexis Ren
Alice Chater
Alice Delish
Alla Bruletova
Amara Cordova
Amber Heard
Amelie Zilber
Amy Childs
Amy Schumer
Ana De Armas
Angela White
Anna Kendrick
Anna Nystrom
Anne Hathaway
Anya Taylor-Joy
Anyuta Rai
Ariana Grande
Aspen Mansfield
Asuna Yuuki
Aubrey Plaza
Autumn Falls
Ava Max
Avril Lavigne
Bebe Rexha
Bella Hadid
Bella Thorne
Belle Delphine
Belle Poarch
Bhad Bhabie
Billie Faiers
Breckie Hill
Britney Spears
Camilo Cabello
Cara Delvigne
Carmella Rose
Carmen Electra
Charli D'Amelio
Charli XCX
Charlotte Dawson
Charlotte Lawrence
Charly Jordan
Chelsea Healey
Cherry Crush
Chloe Grace Moretz
Chloe Khan
Chloe Madeley
Chloe Sims
Coconut Kitty
Corinna Kopf
Courtney Stodden
Daisy Keech
Daisy Ridley
Danielle Mason
Demi Rose
Dove Cameron
Elisha Herbert
Elizabeth Hurley
Elizabeth Olsen
Emilia Clarke
Emily Atack
Emily Elizabeth
Emily Feld
Emily Ratajkowski
Emma Kotos
Emma Roberts
Emma Stone
Emma Watson
Eva Elfie
Faith Seed
Foxy Menagerie
Gal Gadot
Gigi Hadid
Greta Thunberg
Hailee Steinfeld
Hailey Bieber
Hailey Sigmond
Hannah OwO
Hannah Palmer
Havanna Winter
Hayden Panettiere
Holly Hagan
Ichinose Asuna
Iggy Azalea
Ivanka Peach
Ivanka Trump
Jemima Robinson
Jenna Ortega
Jennifer Lawrence
Jessica Weaver
Jesy Nelson
Jordyn Jones
Jorgie Porter
Julia Burch
Kaley Cuoco
Kali Roses
Kate Mara
Kate Moss
Kate Upton
Katelyn Elizabeth
Katie Price
Katie Sigmond
Katy Perry
Keeley Hazell
Keira Knightly
Kelsey Calemine
Kendall Jenner
Kendra Wilkinson
Khloe Kardashian
Kiernan Shipka
Kim Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian
Kristen Hancher
Kyla Dodds
Kylie Jenner
Kylie Minogue
Lara Croft
Lauren Burch
Lauren Conrad
Lauren Pope
Lea Elui
Lele Pons
Lily Collins
Lily Easton
Lindsay Lohan
Lois Griffin
Lola Bynny
Loren Gray
Lorraine Ward
Lucy Hale
Lucy Mecklenburgh
Maddison Fox
Madi Teeuws
Madison Beer
Maggie Lindemann
Malu Trevejo
Margot Robbie
Maria Domark
Megan Fox
Meika Woollard
Mia Malkova
Mila Kunis
Miley Cyrus
Millie Mackintosh
Miranda Lawson
Mishka Silva
Molly-Mae Hague
Morgan Harvill
Natalia Fadeev
Natalie Dormer
Nicki Minaj
Nicole Demora
Nicole Scherzinger
Olivia Dunne
Olivia Ponton
Paige Thorn
Paisley Porter
Paris Hilton
Piper Rockelle
Pixie Lott
Polina Malinovskaya
Polly Marchant
Presley Elise
Rachel Brockman
Rachel Cook
Ramona Flowers
Renee Herbert
Ria Sunn
Rias Gremory
Riley Reid
Roberta Tubbs
Rooney Mara
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Rubi Rose
Sabrina Carpenter
Samara Weaving
Sarah Hyland
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Scarlet Johnasson
Selena Gomez
Sicily Rose
Skyla Jay Carpenter
Sophie Grace
Sophie Turner
Summer Glau
Sydney Sweeny
Tammy Hembrow
Taylor Swift
Tila Tequila
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Veronica Lake
Vicky Pattison
Violet Summers
Whitney Thornqvist
Willow Hand
Yor Forger
Zoe Sugg
Zoey Deutch
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Bedtime Memories
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Summary: While Alex is on a small tour, Ella decides she wants time with her godbaby. When bedtime comes, Addison doesn’t want a regular bedtime story.l
Ella Sixx created by @youlightmeupfinn
“Alright, you’ve got a few choices for bedtime stories tonight Monkey,” Ella smiled at the toddler in her and Alex’s bed. Alex had gone on a small US tour, and Ella wanted godbaby time, which Andy and Amber were happy to oblige.
“I don’t want a wegula stowy,” Addison spoke softly while Ella pushed back some of the baby hairs that popped free from the loose pigtail braids.
“What kind of story Princess?”
“How it was growing up with mommy and unkie Jude,”
“Well mommy was always over when I was little,” Ella started before being cut off by the three year old that pushed closer to cuddle.
“Duh! You mommy’s sissy,” Addison rolled her eyes.
“No baby girl. Your mommy isn’t my sister,”
“But you my auntie,” A small frown appeared between Addison’s brows.
“So mommy is my cousin. Uncle Jude is my only sibling,”
“What’s that?” Addison tilted her head to the side, and in that moment, she looked like her mother, just with blue eyes instead of hazel.
“It’s a word that means brothers and sissies,” Ella explained before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“You still want a story from when mommy was little?” Addy nodded her head.
“Okay. So there was one night that I had a nightmare, and mommy stayed over enough that she had her own room. I think I was around your age, and instead of going by Gamma Tay and Grandpa Nikki, I went to your mommy. And she held me tight and then when I calmed down, she took me back to my room, put me on the bed, and then told all the monsters to leave me alone and that if they kept messing with me, she’d kick their butts. And after all the monsters were gone, she laid in my bed with me until I fell asleep, and apparently she didn’t leave even after I fell asleep. Gamma Tay came by to wake us up and get breakfast going and she said that she got really scared because she didn’t see mommy in her room. But then she came to my room and when she saw me cuddled up to mommy, she went and got the camera and got a picture,”
“Does Gamma Tay still have the picture?” Addy asked and Ella nodded, remembering seeing the picture in the photo albums that her mom had pulled out over her and Nikki’s birthday when she felt nostalgic.
Sleepily, the toddler cuddled up to her godmother.
“I hope if I’m a big sissy, I’m as good as mama,” Addison yawned before her blue eyes shut. And rather than correct the toddler, Ella smiled and kissed Addison’s forehead before pulling the covers to her chin and tucking her in.
“Goodnight Monkey,” Ella smiled at the memory that felt like only yesterday of Addison being born and everyone teasing Amber about her being a monkey baby.
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pupsmailbox · 4 days
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1980's ID PACK
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NAMES ⌇ aaron. adam. adding addison. adrian. alex. alexis. ali. alyssa. amanda. amber. andie. andrea. andrews. andy. anne. annie. anthony. april. ashley. aubrey. audrey. babysitters: belinda. bill. billie. billy. blair. bobbie. bobby. bonnie. brad. brandi. brandy. bret. brett. brian. brianna. brittany. caitlin. carey. carla. carly. carol. cary. casey. charlie. chris. christie. christina. christine. christopher. cindy. clare. clarissa. claudia. cody. corey. cory. courtney. crystal. dan. dana. daniel. darrell. david. dawn. devon. drew. dustin. elliott. emily. emmett. eric. erica. erik. erika. fran. francis. frankie. georgie. gloria. greer. greg. harriet. harry. heather. hollis. holly. jackie. jamie. jason. jayme. jeffery. jennifer. jeremy. jessica. jessie. jody. joe. john.zach. jory. joseph. josh. joy. jules. justin. kelly. kevin. kim. kimberly. kit. kristen. kristy. kyle. landry. larissa. laura. lauren. lee. linden. lisa. loren. lou. lucas. lynn. mallory. maria. marie. mark. marlowe. mary matt. matthew. meaghan. megan. melanie. melissa. melody. merit. michael. michelle. mickey. mike. mikey. mindy. misty. mo. morgan. natalie. neil. nick. nicky. nicole. ollie. other ozzie. parker. patrick. paul. paula. paulie. polly. quinn. rachel. randall. randell. randy. rebecca. rees. reese. richard. rob. robbie. robert. rory. royce. ryan. sabrina. sam. sarah. scott. sean. seth. shannon. shea. shelby. skyler. stacey. stacy. stephanie. stephen. stevie. taylor. the tiffany. tim. todd. tonya. tracy. tyler. valerie. victoria. will. wyatt. xavier. zack.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arc/arcade. arcade/arcade. arcade/arcem. beam/beam. beep/beep. bling/bling. bo/booth. boom/box. bop/bop. bou/boutique. bright/bright. buzz/buzz. ca/car. cartoon/cartoon. cass/cassette. cassette/cassette. class/classic. color/color. cor/vette. dated/dated. dazzle/dazzle. dine/diner. disc/disc. disco/disco. elec/electric. flash/flash. gae/game. gli/glitch. glitter/glitter. glow/glow. jazz/jazz. juke/box. light/light. loud/loud. neon/neon. nostal/nostal. pac/man. par/parlor. pattern/pattern. phone/phone. pin/ball. po/pop. polybi/polybius. pop/pop. rain/rainbow. ret/retro. retro/retro. rock/roll. salon/salon. ska/skate. star/star. synth/wave. text/text. vin/vintage. vintage/vintage. vivid/vivid. walk/walkman. 🌈 . 🍭 . 👾 . 💥 . 🕹 . 🧩 .
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Best Character Named X Poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM BST everyday.
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count. Official characters in canon only, please do not submit OCs.
Round 320: Camille
Round 321: Olaf
Round 322: Dana
Round 323: Tim
Round 324: Daisy
Round 325: Quentin
Round 326: Flora
Past Polls
Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Rebecca, Steve, Victoria, Katherine, George, Diana, Andy, Nora, Angel, Judy, Jo, Miranda, Pearl, Malcolm, Jamie, Tam, Klaus, Luna, Delilah, Claudia, Juliet, Jonas, Celia, Katya, Cynthia, Corey, Minerva, Ebony, Miriam, Percy, Bianca, Amara, Cleo, Cecil, Mabel, May, August, Francis, Matilda, Deborah, Jared, Kendra, Ophelia, Liesel, Fitz, Aurora, Ramona, Orion, Kala, Madeline, Anastasia, Kit, Marian, Lena, Polly, Cora, Leah, Jules, Irene, Laurie, Laurel, Hilda, Valentine, Joe, Monty, Skye, Walter, Marissa, Hope, Oberon, Lorna, Ace, Calvin, Bridget, Ulrich, Roger, Stella, Lenore, Wanda, Winona, Hannibal, Newt, Aiden, Oscar, Dorian, Dorothy, Una, Marnie, Mirabel, Dora, Olympia, Toby, Chip, Fearne, Axel, Gil, Bo, Rue, Leslie, Isabelle, Agnes, Luther, Sally, Delia, Richter, Scarlet, Bernard, Ray, Nigel, Selina, Harley, Blue, Missy, Perry, Paige, Duke, Tao, Gemma, Cornelius, Wendy, Apollo, Celeste, Clyde, Summer, Esther, Cole, Kieran, Melody, Vivian, Haley, Prudence, Ralph, Azrael, Lauren, Molly, Pauline, Athena, Darcy, Stan, Dana, Lee, Red, Stuart, Cliff, Gabriel, Octavia, Tsukasa, Anita, Esme, Ella, Heather, Riley, Pyrrha, Rupert, Ada, Orlando, Blair, Parker, Ike, Yukari, Tanya, Briar, Amber, Akira, Irma, Marlene, Trixie, Harriet, Letitia, Koichi, Katrina, Echo, Annette, Nami, Dale, Rod, Nina, Carina, Wade, Alucard, Rosemary, Lance, Yuki, Elena, Donatello, Puck, Callie, Moe, Hunter, Poppy, Titania, Fox, Melinda, Terry, Jackson, Melanie, Sunny, Dee, Clive, Freya, Randall, Caeser, Marina, Sasha, Dawn, Zain, Ron, Edith, Candy, Carlos, Raiden, Tara
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Yasmin, Chase, Tina, Rudolf, Melvin, Melissa, Adele, Adeline, Jem, Dolores, Jude, Ginger, Bellamy, Jacob, Reese, Nemo, Addison, Adelaide, Candace, Abraham, Ragnar, Destiny, Hero, Drew, Raphael, Wallace, Jean (feminine), Cheryl, Shane, Tegan, Matthias, Liam, Ellis, Dennis, Josie, Mike, Bailey, Eden, Giselle, Suki, Keith, Wilfred, Blaine, Pam, Brianna, Sabine, Roman, Kalina, Mindy, Monet, Zara, Marcus, Elias, Mira, Glen, Farah, Faith, Enid, Ross, Antoinette, Elodie, Mallory, Kay, Renee, Willow, Albert, Howard, Oswald, Clem, Jace, Howell, Rowan, José, Christian, Ravi, Dev, Valerie, Norma, Tristan, Jolene, Yumi, Sakura, Carol, Carrie, Casper, Septimus, Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosie, Rosa, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerard, Ariel, Ariadne, Anya, Ida, Rocky, Mal, Solomon, Sol, Vera, Vincent, Nolan, Sage, Jojo, Calliope, Roxy, Roxanne, Silver, Noel, Noelle, Stacy, Lloyd, Alba, Virginia, Eva, Amos, Petra, Marla, Dante, Gretchen, Rhydian, Russ, Tate, Tatum, Morris, Ambrose, Doug, Grant, Graham, Aaron, Ivan, Paris, Doris, Rain, Sora, Wayne, Helga, Garth, Constantine, Sonny, Courtney, Jamal, Niall
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
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she-karev · 5 months
Birth (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Two
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Head canon Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
AN: Here’s the final chapter for the story you guys and I will try to post the next one as soon as I can and until then enjoy and I always appreciate and like and a reblog!
Editors Note: Hey guys so I just learned how to make GIF’s and decided to reblog this beautiful chapter with a GIF I made myself. Let me know what you think.
Summary: Amber gives birth to a girl with Andrew by her side and Dr. Montgomery delivering.
Words: 1441
October 20th, 2022
Simone Griffith stands outside Amber DeLuca’s delivery room peeking through the transom on the closed door. It’s been six hours since she and DeLuca found out Amber was in labor. She was curious on how her chief resident was after her water broke causing Dr. DeLuca to have her close after his surgery and couldn’t help but go up and see how they are.
Also, after witnessing her grandmother have an Alzheimer’s episode, she wanted a reminder that there were good things in this world too, like babies being born. Alex Karev walks down the hall with a welcome home baby girl gift basket from him and Jo to give to Amber. He spots Griffith outside the room and clears his throat causing her to stand back and look at him.
“Dr. Karev hi I-I was just uh-”
“Spying on my sister while she’s trying to bring a new life into this world right this second?”
“…It looks weird, doesn’t it?”
“Yes!” Alex confirms causing her to look down in shame, “Is there a reason you’re doing this very weird thing?”
“I just…I just needed a reminder that there’s good things in this world too. And watching a birth happen in real time works more effectively than faith in humanity videos.”
Alex grins at that understanding where she’s coming from, “Yeah there is something magical about my baby sister becoming a mother.”
“That is all I am saying sir.” He motions for her to step aside and she does so. He walks inside the room to find Amber lying on her side in her bed with Dr. Montgomery behind her inserting the epidural catheter. Andrew is standing by her side and holding her hand as she groans at the needle insertion.
“Hey kid how are we doing?”
“Terrible! You’re lucky your ex-girlfriend knows what she’s doing otherwise I would judge her based on her poor choices from sleeping with you.” Alexs eyes widen at his sister’s knowledge of his and Addison’s past relationship. Andrew looks at him in shock as well just learning about this.
“Is this true or is it the hormones talking?”
Addison finishes the insertion and looks up at Alex in disgust, “You told her?”
“No! I swear I didn’t.”
Amber groans and lays on her back on the bed, “Oh please the nurses keep tabs on your love lives and they love to gush with me. They could write romance best sellers with Alex’s disaster of a love life. I mean I’m still at the Ava/Rebecca chapter and it is a doozy.” She turns to Addison, “For the record you could’ve done way better back then.”
“You know I’m in the room, right?” Alex points out before putting the pink basket on the table.
“I’m gonna check how dilated you are.” Addison sighs and feels the need to clarify to Amber while she does her cervix exam, “And for the record I didn’t date him. I found him attractive, I was horny and he was there. It was one time and I judge myself for it enough as it is.”
“I’m his sister I know how shameful you’d feel sleeping with him when he was an intern and an asshat.”
Addison grins at that and looks back at Alex who averts his eyes from the exam looking at the wall instead, “I like her.”
Andrew asks trying to comprehend it, “Wait you slept with your sister’s OB and you didn’t think to mention it?”
“You slept with my sister and I had to find out after the fact.” Alex bitterly points out.
“I didn’t even know she was your sister man.”
“And I didn’t think my ex was gonna be delivering my sister’s baby over ten years later but here we are.”
Amber inhales and exhales in annoyance at their petty squabble, “Hey boys?” They turn to her and she looks disheveled while Addison checks her cervix, “I need you two to read the room because I have enough on my plate right now, I don’t need to mediate an argument between my husband and brother.” They quiet and look at her concerned as she continues, “I am just trying to squeeze a giant Escalada out of a compact FUCKING PARKING SPOT!” The boys look scared by her last exclamation.
“Very good.” Addison calmly says, “Swearing helps a lot, you’re at 7 centimeters.” Addison stands back up covering Amber with a blanket.
“Ugh I hate you tell me when I can start pushing this sucker out. Speaking of suckers exiting, Alex get out.” He looks offended by that as Amber continues, “You dropped off the gift and unless you can transport my daughter out of my body you are useless to me. And do me a favor. Let it be known that the only people allowed in this room are Dr. Montgomery and the people who provided genetic material to this baby otherwise they are gonna be in a world of hurt, now out!” Amber points at the door causing Alex to nod and pat Andrew on the back seeing the road ahead of him.
“God speed.”
Andrew nods, “Yeah.” Alex gets out of the room and closes the door behind him.
I scream out loud as the next contraction comes and push per Dr. Montgomery’s instructions. While this happens, Andrew is by my side holding me encouraging me. My lower region is covered by blue tarps with Addison behind the curtain delivering my daughter, out of all of us I think she has the easiest job in the room because Andrew is no doubt in pain from me holding his hand with monster strength that’s coming from being in labor.
“Good Dr. DeLuca! Okay at the next contraction I’m gonna need you to really bear down but not until I tell you.”
I whimper at the never-ending cycle, “Oh god come on! I know my brother rejected you but don’t take it out on me!”
Andrew rubs my arm to soothe me, “It’s gonna be okay, you’re doing great, it’ll be over soon.”
I am too in pain and too mad at him to take in his soothing words, “If you think we’re having sex again after this you got another thing coming Andrew DeLuca!”
He chuckles at that and kisses the top of my head wiping the sweat off my forehead, “I think we’re stalled in the sex department until this kid goes off to college.”
I chuckle lightly at that but then I stop and gasp as I feel another contraction coming, “Oh god not again!” I scream as the pain courses through my body.
“Okay one last push Amber!” Dr. Montgomery instructed me and even though it hurts I do as she says, pushing with all my might. Andrew is holding me and encouraging me to push through my piercing screams. After what seems like forever, I feel relief in my body and slump back down on the bed panting for breath. I hear a baby crying and I felt my heart stop as I look down to see Dr. Montgomery holding our small, wriggling and bloody daughter already crying her lungs out. Addison is smiling and laughing in joy, “There she is!”
I’m so shocked by what’s happening I’m laughing and crying at the same time, “Oh my god.”
I can see Andrew laughing in joy too with tears glistening in his eyes, “Look at her oh my god you did that.”
“You helped.” I remind him. He takes the scissors from Dr. Montgomery and cuts the umbilical cord. After that Addison takes the baby to get her cleaned up and comes back a few moments later with our baby daughter wrapped in a baby blanket. She’s crying on the way until she reaches my arms and I hold her shocked at how tiny she is. I smile down at her still overcome with so much love and awe over this tiny human that made the last eight hours of pain I’ve endured so worth it, “Hi. Oh my god she’s…she’s…”
“She’s perfect.” Andrew finishes and I nod as he smiles. I can see the love in his eyes and grin at him.
“Here let’s go to daddy.” I carefully place the baby in Andrew’s arms and he handles her so carefully, no doubt shocked at how light she is too. He croons at the baby speaking words of affection in Italian cradling her head, “Ciao bambina, sono tua mamma e tuo papà.”
I sniffle and grin at the sight of both of them before cooing at our daughter, “Hi welcome to the world. Right now your the only pure and innocent thing in it at this very moment. And I promise we are gonna name you by the time you come home.” Andrew chuckles at that and we just enjoy this moment together as a family.
The Babys Name Here
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