#anthropomorphic marmalade
papercutpix · 2 years
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New paper puppet available in my shop:
This is Wilfred the Wizard, a magical marmalade cat. While other wizards may apply their art of alchemy towards transmuting base metals into gold, Wilfred prefers to focus his arcane knowledge towards conjuring catnip and other treats.
Final size of puppet once assembled: 9" H x 6" W
Available as a digital download, a DIY puppet kit, and as a pre-assembled puppet. Visit Papercut Puppets on Etsy.
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autisticlalna · 2 months
Skyblock Kingdoms species headcanons: expanded edition
okay so a while ago i had a post with an overview of my headcanons for the SBKers, but it was very basic bc i only had ideas for a few people . however, here is me now going completely insane. enjoy
Dark Oak:
catboy. has ears under his hat, which is why he never takes it off.
i cant decide if he has a tail or not. itd make sense with the catboyism but not with the "able to hide it" thing
sometimes partially phases through things, and his elytra wings arent fully tangible. also: elytra are Very green.
not a species headcanon but, as is typical for when i write about Vikings: his compass points somewhere, and that somewhere is Down. if he holds his compass horizontally, the needle spins in place, but otherwise it's always pointing to the Void.
is extremely normal. like, normal to the point where everything else just kinda.. fizzles out.
(Milkman is able to push it, but still doesn't get a strong reaction.)
if it somehow canceled out, something would be extremely up with Fix. like, this guy is Not human, hes just been made human by... whatever is causing this.
i don't know what he'd be, though. ccViking mentioned gryphon and i think that's fun considering there's a few other mythical creatures in here, but Solar has also been prodding me with the alien Fix agenda so
pointy-eared allay hybrid
...although that's usually overwritten by her mimicry. shifts species and aesthetic often to better blend in with whoever xe's spending time with
might be an issue related to the timeline instability-- bleedover from other timelines where he's island partners with someone else instead of Vintage.
hair is made of gemstones, and injuries can show up as cracks or chips to reveal crystal underneath. (so, basically the same as my take on tRuby.)
has allay wings, obvs
dryad and guardian of the cherry grove biome
the original cherry tree on the island was Her Tree, and has now regrown into the big tree
i keep thinking [elora from spyro voice] "im a FAUN you dork" so . i guess she's a faun also??? dryad taking form of a faun
what if a deer was a person. and pink. and a tree. and a luna moth. and had cherry blossoms growing on her. and was bi
has everything wrong with him.
i dont know how to describe whats going on with Avid besides "it was BAD". the deeper he got into dark magic the more screwed up he got mentally and physically
got a white hair streak from stress of being trapped in incendium and his eyes gradually went from purple to red after selling his soul
nonhuman in the sense of "was human once and we have no idea what the hell he is now"
now he's monkey! this is an improvement. still has the hair streak though, and his eyes look red in some lighting
the actual only human on the entire server. Fix doesn't count
..and now he's monkey! oops lmao
im gonna be real most of my headcanons for who he is and where he came from are gonna hinge on me remembering to rewatch Shadow of Israphel. thanks mallow <3
full title Skylord Doovid, although nobody calls him that
elytra are a wood-and-canvas style glider
covered in cracks and held together by gold seams, like broken pottery
bleeds liquid gold
can be mistaken for a marble statue if he stands still.
he's still flesh and.. uh, not blood, but looks a bit Off
mimic shapeshifter like Ruby but, like. worse. guy who has realized he can use his abilities For The Bit and has never looked back
cannot be killed in a way that matters
humanoid alien with pointy ears, a tail, and bioluminescent freckles
eyes and blood also glow. M1G is very glowy.
has paws :3
dragon elytra
space piiiiig
anthropomorphic, can be easily mistaken for a piglin
has the gift of opposable thumbs
ccRuby mentioned the idea of Marm having hooves and i think that's neat.
drifting further away from human the more times she falls into the Void
maybe some demon vibes? idk. in the category of "not a specific species, just has nonhuman traits" but Avid probably considers her demonic lmao
eyes have a slight glow. when doing magic or listening to the Void, the glow gets brighter / her eyes entirely change color and have a light trail
kitty :3
like. Viking is catboy. Tea is cat.
human... right?
not human. eldritch entity that's knitted itself together into a human form. either the original Trog is still in there somewhere, or was never there at all.
glowing eyes, sharp teeth, face always somewhat in shadow. movement either too fluid or too stiff. nearing the uncanny valley
has triangle pupils and their eyes reflect light like a cat's
bleeds black gunk (if they remember to bleed, anyway)
is "stuck" as human, but when stressed, too close to the Void, or losing focus they can start to glitch out into a chaotic mess of triangles and polygons until they're grounded again
red panda hybrid! ears, tail, paws
very sculk-y under the hoodie. has the exposed soul-heart-cage thing the Warden does
sensitive to sound, but hasn't made the connection that it's a sculk thing and thinks she just has misophonia
completely unbothered by everything Wrong with Trog. it's all perfectly normal, says entity who is also not normal in any way shape or form,
was previously a squirrel in a raccoon mask
after the void jump, she's now just like.. kinda a mishmash of small winter-y animals. squirrel, ermine, fox, snowshoe rabbit, etc
congratulations! youve gotten promoted to "embodiment of winter". im sure that wont have consequences
does not have facial features under the mask. it's fine she doesn't need them where she's going
has arctic tern elytra wings
sculk is still surface-level, but it keeps regrowing when she tries to pry it off
android, looks human unless you play close attention - most SBKers haven't figured it out yet
used to overheat easily (especially with glasses off), but after his hair started changing color he's now freezing cold to the touch
glasses are an external attachment that lock into place, so Anathra taking them off is Very Intentional and they can't be knocked off by accident
is usually able to repair himself, but sometimes has to go to Trog or Neon for help
currently unbothered by the sculk, although he's getting a bit concerned about what damage it might do to his components if it continues spreading
solar i am holding a hand out to you. elffebrine
(translation: what if Elffe was Herobrine. glowy eyes, teleportation, cryptid energy)
has mushrooms and crimson vines growing on him. that's probably fine
in contrast to Spruce being unnaturally cold, Elffe is unnaturally warm. radiates heat, melts snow and ice, etc
god i wish i knew literally anything abt artemis. please log back on all i know is that fallow thinks youre cool
cyborg, but in a cassette futurism way. 90s clunky electronics.
hard to tell how much of him is organic and how much isn't. has large bulky metal parts, but also faint lines of neon green circuitry that show through his skin.
is a bit run-down and weathered after being stranded with Leon. he was starting to rust :(
chinstrap penguin :3
non-anthropomorphic because it's funny. scaled up to be average human size, though
has ender particles drifting off him
slowly transforming into more of an End creature because of his dependence on chorus fruit
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 month
The Bad Guys (2022)
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The Bad Guys falls just short of being an evergreen, newly-minted animated classic. The visuals are dynamic, the characters memorable, there are plenty of big laughs, the voice acting is terrific and the dialogue is a joy to listen to. It becomes a bit conventional towards the end but that’s hardly a deal-breaker; more of a demonstration of how good the rest of the movie is.
In a world where humans and anthropomorphic animals co-exist, Mr. Wolf (voiced by Sam Rockwell) is the head of "The Bad Guys". With Mr. Snake (Marc Maron), Mr. Shark (Craig Robinson), Mr. Piranha (Anthony Ramos) and Ms. Tarantula (Awkwafina), there’s nothing they can’t steal and no situation they can’t escape from. When their luck finally runs out, Wolf convinces state governor Diane Foxington (Zazie Beetz) and Police Chief Misty Luggins (Alex Borstein) they can change their ways.
From the opening scene, you know this movie will be something special. We begin with Mr. Snake and Mr. Wolf talking in a diner and their dialogue feels like a deleted scene from Pulp Fiction. From there, we meet the delightfully nasty crew. Well, I say nasty, but they’re more mischievous than “bad”. Or maybe it’s just that the characters are so charming you give them all a pass. I’m sure guinea pigs would have a very different opinion of Mr. Snake than me, for example. That brings us to an aspect of this world that’s a lot of fun: the loose “rules”. In films like Zootopia or Cars, the societies have clearly been hammered out by the development team but a part of you still wonders about food, cattle, the world’s history, etc. In The Bad Guys, there are anthropomorphic animals and “real” animals, both Mr. Shark and Mr. Piranha can breathe air and few aspects of day-to-day life are sized for Ms. Tarantula. It's like "Rules? What rules?" but the story is too funny for you to stop and think about any of that. Mr. Shark, for instance, is a master of disguise but he’s clearly terrible at it - being, you know, a big shark walking around on two legs. Somehow, he still manages to fool everyone, despite always choosing the most outlandish disguises and ridiculous characters to portray. It makes no sense, but it makes for all sorts of surprises, each funnier than the last. You can just tell everyone involved in this film had a great time thinking of visual gags and little moments that would flesh out the characters. Some are more developed than others but all of the villains feel integral to their team.
Visually, The Bad Guys has a lot to offer. The animation is sort of a blend between traditional 2D and the more recent, more experimental style we saw in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, with the action scenes being the stand-outs. Mr. Wolf is the leader, the dedicated pickpocket and the getaway driver. There are at least three big chase scenes with so many pieces moving you can hardly keep track of them all. None of the action is actually disorienting; it just distracts you enough for you to be surprised by the punchlines.
Following the Bad Guys as they come up with plans, execute them, improvise on the fly when things don’t go right, show off their charms (you can sense there’s a bit of a something-something about to go on between Mr. Wolf and Diane Foxington), and prove why they’ve never been caught before is so much fun it’s a shame the movie eventually has to follow a more standard plot. I’m not complaining that they eventually get caught, or that they have to pretend to be good to fool Professor Marmalade (Richard Ayoade). All that’s enjoyable, particularly the scenes where the thieves have to fight their animal instincts to make their ruse convincing. My criticism for The Bad Guys, my only criticism, really, is that eventually, we have to have a big, epic conclusion with a bigger, meaner villain than the villains we’ve been following this whole time. I wish the film had taken a few more cues from Ocean’s Eleven and just had them wipe the smug look off of someone’s face than use their very particular set of skills to essentially turn into conventional heroes. It’s a small gripe. Ultimately, this is a delightful picture. Fast-paced, smartly written and most importantly, hilarious.
The Bad Guys is an animated film the whole family can enjoy. Adults, in particular, will laugh hard at the way the film takes inspiration from movies children would normally have no interest in (and shouldn’t watch anyway) and makes them fit in this world of talking animals. Kids will have a blast too. If this gets a sequel (the mid-credit scene hints at more to come) and the writers decide to take a few more chances, I could see myself giving it an even better score than the 4/5 I’m awarding The Bad Guys. (July 25, 2023)
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Look, I’m just gonna say it, I think The Bad Guys did what Zootopia was trying to do better than Zootopia did. 
Don’t get me wrong, I liked Zootopia just as much as the next guy. But a nitpick I’ve had even before the film was released was the fact that it was ONLY mammals. No birds or reptiles.
Why is this a big deal to me? Because the whole point of Zootopia is to use animal stereotypes to make a commentary on prejudice...except the persecuted and feared minority group in the world of Zootopia is mammalian predators. And sure, foxes and the like are likely to be villains in media, but they’re also equally likely to be good guys, and a lot of people see mammalian predators as cute and cuddly. I feel like Zootopia’s commentary could’ve been more poignant if they referenced how unfairly feared and hated "ugly” animals like snakes are in real life...but non-mammals aren’t allowed in this story about discrimination and prejudice! It comes across as a cop-out to me. 
Now let’s look at The Bad Guys. There are seven anthropomorphic animal characters in this story, and only three of them are mammals. And sure, the most prominent animal character is a wolf, which is equally likely to be either good or bad in media, but the second mammal character is a former bad guy turned good (which fits with how foxes are viewed neutrally), and the third is a cute and cuddly villain! 
The other four characters? Well, how often do you see a snake as a good guy? Or a shark? Or a piranha? Or a tarantula? The fact that the Bad Guys consist of animals that are just as unfairly feared IRL as they are in-universe makes the themes of prejudice and discrimination and stereotypes a lot stronger than Zootopia IMO. Yeah, I can totally believe in this kind of world, a talking snake or shark would have a hard time socializing with a population that’s mostly humans, and the only way they could make it in the world is to reluctantly adopt the “scary” label.
Also, Professor Marmalade is a better twist villain than Bellwether. Sure, most of us saw his twist coming a mile away, but at least it doesn’t contradict his character like Bellwether, who suddenly turns into a completely different person at the last minute. Compare that to Marmalade, who came across as really arrogant and condescending from his introduction, so you hated him even before he turned out to be evil. 
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a34trgv2 · 10 months
Why It Worked: The Bad Guys
SPOILER WARNING: This post contains majors spoilers for The Bad Guys. If You haven't seen this film, you might want to before reading further. You've been warned.
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Introduction: The Bad Guys is an animated action, comedy, heist film based on the children's book series by Adam Blabey. Directed by Pierre Perifel, the film stars Sam Rockwell, Marc Marron, Awkwafina, Anthony Ramos, Craig Robinson, Zazi Beets, Alex Borstein, Richard Ayode, and Lilly Singh as Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Ms. Tarantula, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Shark, Diane Foxington, Police Chief Misty Luggins, Prof. Marmalade, and Tiffany Fluffit. Produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures, the film was released on April 22, 2022. Critics were very receptive to it as 88% of 172 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes gave an average rating of 6.9/10. The film was also a massive success, even by pre-pandemic standards, as it made $250 million on a budget of $69-80 million. When I first saw the trailer, I thought it looked super dope and upon watching it on Blu-ray I was absolutely blown away. This film excelled at all the aspects of it's filmmaking and I'm more than happy to talk about it on Why It Worked.
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The Plot: Set in a world where humans and anthropomorphic animals coexist, a group of convicted felons plot to pose as good samaritans to pull off the biggest heist of all time. Things start to go awry when Wolf, the leader of the group, starts to find that being good actually feels really good. This puts his friendship with the guys, particularly Snake, to the test and uncovers a conspiracy that puts all of LA in great danger. Right out of the gate, this film hooks you with an amazing opening chase sequence that brilliantly introduces the characters, the world they inhabit, and the main conflict at hand. In addition to witty dialogue and hilarious jokes, the opening showcases what the tone of the film is and why we sympathize with these characters. The best part? The film keeps the momentum of the first 7 minutes going for the rest of the picture! This film has exquisite pacing with each scene showcasing wonderful use of show, dont tell, clever jokes, and excellent camaraderie between the characters. The greatest highlight of the film's story is its happy marriage of 2D and 3D animation, clearly taking a page from Sony's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The film brings these characters to life with remarkable cel-shading, unique body types based on their personalities, and very expressive facial features. LA also looks gorgeous with vibrant warm colors in the daytime, contrasting with soothing cool colors at night. The city also feels lived in with an abundance of people populating the backgrounds and the city feeling like a huge playground for the Bad Guys. The biggest highlights of the animation are the action scenes, which best showcase the speed, veracity, and vibrant colors the film offers. This film's story was already funny and unique, but the filmmakers went above and beyond in making this a masterclass of visual storytelling.
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Cast and Characters: This has got to be among DreamWorks' best casted films! Everybody brings their A game to their roles, and they all have such great chemistry with one another. Our leading pickpocket and chief, Wolf, is such a swave, charismatic and funny leader who at first enjoys the life of crime he's chosen, but grows so fond of doing good he starts to drift from his original beliefs and becomes a really complex character. Major props to Sam Rockwell for delivering such an authentic and funny performance. His best friend, Snake, is a crusty, deadpan python who relishes his crime life more than Wolf, and they become at odds as the film progresses, and Wolf gradually becomes a different person. Marc Marron gave a very nuanced performance, making him sound crusty but also funny and fleshed out. Shark is a big, lovable master of disguise who adds extra comedy to the film thanks in large part to Craig Robinson's performance. Tarantula is the sassy, tech-savvy arachnid that serves as the group's hacker and is played brilliantly by Awkwafina. Piranha is a psychotic fish that acts first and thinks never and has some really good singing chops thanks to Anthony Ramos. Governor Diane Foxington is a sly, sassy, and clever public official who makes for a great foil for Wolf and is played wonderfully by Zazie Beets. Family Guy alum, Alex Borstein, absolutely kills it as Police Chief Misty Luggins, making her sound boisterous and manic in her pursuit of the Bad Guys. Lilly Singh did a really good job as Tiffany Fluffit, making her sound like an eccentric and bubbly news reporter. Then there's the film's surprise villain, Professor Marmalade. I honestly never saw the twist coming because, at first, he seemed like a genuinely good person who believes the Bad Guys can change, and everyone deserves a second chance. Once his true colors are revealed, that's when it all clicked. All this time, Marmalade was using the Bad Guys as a ruse to keep everyone's eyes off him so he could take the meteorite and harness its power to pull the biggest heist the world has ever known: using mind controlled guinea pigs to steal $1 billion dollars that was going to charity! Wow, now THAT'S evil! Richard Ayode provided such a brilliant performance, perfectly playing the kind, optimistic, good-hearted Marmalade while also devouring the scenery when his true colors are revealed. This is such a wonderful cast of characters, and everyone deserves a round of applause for their voice work.
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Where It Falters: 👏I👏want👏more! No seriously, this film is a 10/10 and the only gripe I have is I want more. The film is 100 minutes long and it very much feels like this is the beginning of DreamWorks' next big franchise. So I definitely expect a sequel to be made at some point. Yes, I know there's a holiday prequel on Netflix, but I saw the trailer for it and it looked like a very pale imitation of this film. Might as well just watch The Bad Guys again, which I did.
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Conclusion: The Bad Guys is now among my all time favorite DreamWorks Animation movies, right next to Kung Fu Panda 2 and The Prince Of Egypt! With a fast paced and hilarious story, well developed characters, excellent vocal performances, amazing animation, and a killer sound track, this film didn't meet my expectations: it EXCEEDED them! I can't recommend this film enough, especially if you're a fan of heist movies. This film should also be studied for aspiring storytellers on how to brilliantly showcase visual storytelling and how to write clever and witty dialogue. Thank you all so much for reading and I'll see you soon 😉
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florathegnarpian · 23 days
*A blue and red protogen walks up to Flora, holding an anthropomorphic yellow slugpup's hand. The slugpup has lavender needles in their tail, similar to Spearmaster.*
"Heya. My cousin said she needed someone to babysit this child. His name is Marmalade, have fun."
*the protogen turns around and runs off at full speed.*
"Wuh?- Oh come on. I'm not the type of person people ask to do this... Especially when I have a great amount of ear pain that is only bareable with painkillers."
(she'll be babysitting Marmalade for the next 10 asks 👍)
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kristyavsonhero2 · 9 months
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now, We Know the story of the bad guys changed into the good guys. 
But what if somebody else reformed the bad guys instead of Professor Marmalade and.... someone is 10 times better then Marmalade? What If somebody has Touched the meteorite and gives her/him superpowers by 50% and keeps it a secret?
What if Shortfuse had another vision of Kristy Avson the human woman from another world (aka The Shining star) battling Dread Overlord Splaarghön?
what if there was an 4th Prophecy about the star who shined so brightly as well, but only different and whisper that says, "Only the shining star will triumph over evil." in The Bad Guys AU: shining star arc, it does.
Story: shortfuse has a new vision of.... the star, a shining star is stronger than Shortfuse (AKA the one). somewhere in the Multiverse who can defeat Dread Overlord Splaarghön and save the multiverse.
At her homeworld know as earth, Kristy avson is a just a normal 31-year-old human woman, living her life, wondering what her life's purpose is.
when Dread Overlord Splaarghön tries to make a deal with kristy to join his side, she refuses. She figures it out after she reads books like "the bad guys" is written by Aaron Blabey and connecting the dots altogether about his evil plan. even she sees the horrible future were snake joins him.
fearing for the human interference, lord Splaarghön Sents kristy to some world where she'll never see her family again.
Kristy stuck in the world where where humans and anthropomorphic animals coexist. while being stranded in this dimension, kristy saw a strange looking meteorite AKA Love crater meteorite as she looks at is. kristy get accidentally close to touch... She still has a brown hair, but one highlight in front color is Turquoise like the meteorite. her hair somehow changes one color in the front of her hair, and she got some superpowers: mind-control and telekinesis. she got away before anyone sees her.
Over time, she became extremely popular and number one priority now then Professor Marmalade.
you know the rest of the movie where Professor Marmalade reformed the bad guys, but in this au, kristy will be refroming the bad guys instead at Professor Marmalade place. kristy and snake slowly become friends because mr. snake finds kristy not scared of the bad guys (kristy can be such a badass). the rescue of Guinea pigs from a lab was a failure But at least the Guinea pigs were safe thanks to the bad guys because Marmalade asked them to.
at the gala for goodness the second time, Wolf, having fallen in love with Foxington and seeing that he and his gang could actually go good, ultimately decides to take the offer of a fresh start, kristy in a beautiful galaxy Drass and dances with mr. snake in shining star arc au.
you know this movie where then Professor Marmalade sets the bad guys up to steal the meteorite.
in the au, not olny Marmalade steals the meteorite but also kidnapped kristy and had planned for the gang to be framed. He also reveals that he was the old woman Wolf had helped at the first gala, much to Wolf's fury. snake thinks that kristy has set him up too (even kristy has nothing to do with it).
In prison, Wolf tells his gang that he does not want to be a criminal anymore and that he believes a better life is possible for all of them. Snake rejects his proposal, adamant their public perception cannot be turned. Their fight is interrupted when a mysterious person, soon revealed to be Foxington, rescues them. Wolf identifies her as The Crimson Paw, a former criminal mastermind. Now free, the gang still rejects Wolf, who goes with Foxington. The gang finds their hideout wholly emptied of their loot, as Wolf had revealed its location to Foxington earlier to appease for his crimes. After Snake willingly gives Mr. Shark his last Push Pop out of kindness, they realize that Wolf was right and set out to help him. However, Snake denies it and allies with Marmalade, who plans to use the meteorite to power a device to hypnotize an army of guinea pigs into stealing his own charity funds. Foxington reveals to Wolf that she reformed when she was about to steal the Golden Dolphin, realizing that she was not being anything more than what everyone saw her as.
Wolf and Foxington break into Marmalade's home to steal the meteorite, only to be captured by Marmalade and Snake. The rest of the gang rescues them and steals the meteorite and while foiling Marmalade's heist. Chasing them to get Snake back while kristy goes with the gang, Marmalade kicks Snake out of his helicopter to blackmail Wolf to give him kristy and the meteorite back. However, the gang rescues Snake and kristy as destroys Marmalade's mind-control device, before surrendering to the authorities to prevent Foxington from revealing her criminal past. kristy's powers is gone for a long time after Marmalade use the device to drain her powers.
Marmalade attempts to take credit for recovering the meteorite, but it is revealed to be a fake planted by Snake, who had faked his defection and secretly switched it for the manor's meteorite-shaped lamp while saving kristy, the first human who didn't see him as a monster and yet not scared of him, and rigged the real meteorite to explode, blowing up Marmalade's manor and exposing him as the thief. When the lamp falls on Marmalade, a diamond that he stole from Foxington falls out of his suit, which police chief Misty Luggins recognizes as having been stolen by the Crimson Paw years ago. With his true nature exposed, and implicated as the Crimson Paw, Marmalade is arrested. Wolf then reveals to Snake that he deliberately left behind the Push Pop, much to Snake's shock.
The gang is still sent to prison for their former crimes but released for good behavior after one year and join Foxington and Kristy to begin their new lives.
in the book and the bad guys au, kristy is with them to go on all sorts of adventures after her superpowers of meteorite has somehow returns. even the friendship of kristy and mr. snake has been growing. kristy tries to warn him about the dark overlord was going to make a deal with him but has no idea what she's talking about and thinking she is being herself by Thinking outside of box again.
even they join the league of heroes as kristy is not sure why did the Love crater meteorite chose her. but Dread Overlord Splaarghön is not happy that kristy is somehow still alive.
Dread Overlord Splaarghön wants to make a deal with snake by threatening snake to harm her and his friends if he doesn't join him. Eventually he doesn't have a choice but join him as his minion.
the rest of the Book series of the bad guys, there was craziness in the story. in the au, same thing.
Snake was manipulated by Dread Overlord Splaarghön to do such a point where he believed and agreed to such but would instead wind up becoming corrupted by the entity. Once joining the Underlords, Snake would regress far worse than he originally was, eventually becoming much crueller and more villainous in his current state.
kristy and snake has both had bad experience with birthdays when they are kids in the backstories.
kristy use to have birthday parties, but after her parents learned that she has autism, nobody shows up to her birthday parties anymore And her mother divorced him after she found out that he had been cheating on her.
She is still had hope because she won't let one bad birthday get her down as she looks at the stars in the night sky, wishing.
So kristy and Snake are on the same boat, but Kristy took a light path while mr. snake took a dark path as he is walking a path of crime.
when all hopes seem lost, kristy wasn't going to give up on everything and everyone that she ever cared about, even mr. snake. she wants to Free everyone from under Dread Overlord Splaarghön's influence.
she wants to save the multiverse and the ones she loves as she has now wears a multiverse armor dress. on her birthday, kristy is at war, the multiverse war after she has found her life's purpose.
as the war rages on, wolf battles snake as he tries to tell snake to fight the control of dark overlord.
kristy is having one on one battle Against dark overlord in the Nightmare Realm. kristy tries to fight him, but lord Splaarghön is too strong.
Kristy's superpowers get overpowered Because she remembers all the times that she spent time with her friends and family. even she has new friends like the bad guys. also have a great friendship with mr. snake. Mr. Snake is the reason that she was freed from her gilded birdcage for so long.
after the long battle of good vs evil with a musical number, kristy won the war, Freeing everyone from under dark overlord influence thanks to the power of love, friendship, family and kindness.
Kristy's powers is gone for good and returns home safe.
But kristy can returns to mr. snake's world because Shortfuse lets her and have a happy ending.
So, Snake's has friends, kristy has family.
you get it? friends and family.
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mint-hiddenite · 4 months
Vriska Undertale
Beach City Laugh Guards - Beach City Laugh Guards
The Cluster - The Rainbow Zodiac
Cluster Gems - Rainbow Zodiac Trolls
The Cool Kids - The Cool Crew
Crystal Gems - The Sexymen
Crystal Temps - Tempori-men
The Famethyst - The Evangelions
Gem - Troll
The Great Diamond Authority - The Almighty Blue Blooded Tallests
Homeworld Gems - Alternia Trolls
Khadijah, Jaime, and Brandish - Kravitz (he/him) [The Adventure Zone] (Dermal/Skeletal Human], Jinx (she/they) [League of Legends; Arcane] (Dermal Human), and Green M&M (she/her) [M&Ms] (Anthropomorphic Candy)
Light Army - Prospit Army
Marmalade Boys - The Spies (White Spy & Black Spy) (he/him) [Spy vs Spy] (Dermal Human)
Marty's Roadies - Morty (he/him) and McGurk (he/him) [The Lorax (2012)] (Dermal Human)
Mayoral Bodyguards - Mayoral Bodyguards
Off Colors - The Ophiuchus
Onion’s Friends - Little German Boy’s Friends
Pebbles - The Gnomes/Star Droplets
Ruby Squad - Arittarius Troop
Sadie Killer and the Suspects - Twilight and the Sparkles
Secret Team - The Secret Team
Steven and the Stevens - Vriska and the Vriskas
Water Clones - Water Clones
Zoomans - Hivemans
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izloveshorses · 2 years
i am so fascinated by the universe of The Bad Guys. like. there are anthropomorphic animals in a human world and no one questions it and there’s no explanation for how this came to be. some of these characters are named based on their species like Wolf or Snake. but others have real names? like professor rupert marmalade iv the guinea pig?? diane foxington the fox? and while there are anthropomorphic animals, there are also insentient (for lack of a better word) animals. the wolf has a pet cat. humans have pet guinea pigs, and because they’re ‘normal animals’ they become an important plot device. a meteorite creates a crater in the city but it’s in the shape of a heart and contains a destructive energy source. people-- including human citizens-- vote for a fox for their governor. does this cause problems?? is there a new layer of segregation that comes from living alongside walking and talking animals? how are the sea creatures like Shark and Piranha walking on land??
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chinesegal · 1 year
In the Bad Guys universe, why are anthropomorphic animals so rare? Most, if not all background characters are humans. And Why are some animals (of the same species even) like the guinea pigs in the lab treated like normal animals and (hopefully) with animal intelligence while others like professor Marmalade and Diane are people who live in houses, wears clothes and have jobs?
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Fanfic asks: ⛰ Hardest fic to write? 🔬 Fic that required the most research?
⛰ Hardest to write: So, as a necessary bit of background: I don't really hear puns. Whatever that bit of brain wiring is people have that lets them spot a pun as it goes by, I don't have it, and never have. If someone gives me a cue that a pun occurred I can often puzzle it out (much like puzzling out a math problem!), but it's not a natural function for me. Similarly, I’m rubbish at punning myself: my brain just doesn’t flex in that direction.
But a few years ago I was writing a story for a friend who greatly appreciates puns, and because reasons, I decided that I needed to write her a punny story. I fucking slaved over that story, consulting pun encyclopedias and building extensive lists of potential puns I could use, building the story line by line, pun by pun, until I finally reached the required 1K-word minimum (the story was for a gift exchange) and called it quits. It came out really well, and I'm very proud of it! Some people were very admiring of the end result and others wanted to pelt me with rotten fruit! But I tell you: on a per-word basis, I have never ever put that much work into a story before or since.
A Jelly Good Show (also as a podfic by @educatedinyellow): Holmes, Watson, and Lestrade, along with anthropomorphic marmalade, preserves, and jam. And so, so many puns.
🔬Most research: That time when I, who am neither Jewish nor from Utah, volunteered to write a fix-it for a Jewish character living in frontier Utah. It was a fascinating project, and I learned so, so much about Jews in the frontier West during the latter half of the nineteenth century. (Neither isolated nor anomalous, go suck an egg, John D. Fitzgerald!) And not only Jews: merchants and miners and Mormons and Chinese, and the strongly contested and intertwined history among them. I was so brimming over with excellent facts and stories, in fact, that I wrote 3K of historical notes and published a selected bibliography, too. I do find it a little worrying that an honest-to-god historical society has linked this fic and another has used it in a bibliography? But I did do my damnedest to stay true to the history of the region. The fic itself may or may not interest anyone here, but I nevertheless recommend my commentary, bibliography, and historical notes, all linked above, to my fellow history nerds.
Selected Letters of Abraham and Fanny Glassman: 1874-1886.  Historical fix-it for “A Wreath for Abie” from John D. Fitzgerald’s The Great Brain.
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kingofhalo · 2 years
(Our story begins with the Cooper Gang watching the news.)
News reporter: BREAKING NEWS! Just last night, the Clockwerk parts were stolen from the Cairo Natural History Museum. And this time, it's not the Klaww Gang. The crook appears to be a very handsome guinea pig. (A picture of Professor Marmalade appears on the screen.)
Murray: “A Guinea pig? Huh. Never know that happened.”
News reporter: INTERPOL reports that they have never seen this criminal before, and they are trying to locate and capture him on the spot.
Murray: “Hmm… Very interesting.”
(Meanwhile, the Bad Guys are watching the same news report.)
Mr. Shark: “Yo, Wolf. Are you seeing this? Apparently, Marmalade is at it again.”
Mr. Wolf: Whoa. How on Earth did he escape? I've never heard of the "Clockwerk parts" before, so I wonder what he's up to now.
Mr. Snake: “Yeah. Must be a real genius.”
Mr. Wolf: So, I'll tell you what...
Sly Cooper: So, guys, you know what?
Mr. Wolf and Sly: (in unison) We're going to locate him and take back the Clockwerk parts.
Murray: “Yeah!“
Mr. Piranha: “That’s a crazy idea, and crazy is just how I roll.”
Bentley: I'll check the security cameras.
Ms. Tarantula: I'm going to look at the database and see when he arrived.
Mr. Shark: “Nice.”
Mr. Wolf: Marmalade is not going to get away this time like he did last time with that meteorite.
Mr. Shark: “I wonder what these Clockwerk parts are exactly.”
Ms. Tarantula: Sooner or later, we'll find out.
Mr. Wolf: It looks like they're an owl sculpture. (He points to the TV.)
Mr. Shark: “Woah. That’s interesting. Yo, I didn’t even know it was an owl.”
Mr. Wolf: That's something weird to steal, but I know that since they were stolen by Marmalade, he's up to no good.
Mr. Snake: “Hey, Tarantula. Did you find something in the database, yet?”
Ms. Tarantula: Well, I looked here, and it says that the Clockwerk parts were, indeed, an owl; but more than just a sculpture. It says here that the owl was a real living robot.
Mr. Piranha: “A living robot? That’s insane. Is it even from here?”
Ms. Tarantula: Well, apparently, it originated from a place called the Krack-Karov Volcano in Russia.
Mr. Shark: “Is that even real? I’ve never seen that in the map before.”
Mr. Wolf: Let me look. (He pulls out a physical map of Russia, then looks over it.) Huh, that's weird. I can't find that volcano on a map, either!
Mr. Snake: (Sighs) “I think it’s probably because it’s from a different dimension.”
Ms. Tarantula: Well, I looked at the security cameras, and it looks like Marmalade arrived at about 2:25 AM.
Mr. Snake: “Any portals shown?”
Ms. Tarantula: No portals. It looks like the Clockwerk parts were already there when he arrived.
Mr. Snake: “Hm… Then, how did the parts get there in the first place?”
Mr. Shark: “Tarantula, can you search up which dimension the volcano is from?“
Ms. Tarantula: Sure thing. (She keeps checking the security footage and the database.) Whoa. You guys are not going to believe this. The Clockwerk parts came from another dimension with anthropomorphic animals, but this one doesn't have any humans in it, apparently except for this one pilot and this one lady with the bottom half of a spider.
Mr. Shark: “That’s amazing.”
Mr. Wolf: I wonder how we're getting broadcast transmissions from that dimension.
Mr. Shark: “Hm… Maybe if there was a way to find an inter-dimensional portal ray, we might get there.”
Ms. Tarantula: That's beside the point. It looks like the parts were very heavy, so they got transported on trucks carrying oversize loads.
Mr. Shark: “True. So, what do we do? Got any plans, Wolf?”
Mr. Wolf: Well, I say we find a way to reach an interdimensional portal.
Mr. Piranha: “Maybe we can contact Diana Foxington. Perhaps she has a way.”
Mr. Wolf: That sounds like a great idea! (He grabs the telephone and dials Diane Foxington's number.) Hello? Is this the Crimson Paw? We need you.
Diane: “Well, well, if it ain’t the spectator Mr. Wolf? What do you need this time?”
Mr. Wolf: We've got a crisis on our hands. Marmalade got into another dimension, and he stole the Clockwerk parts from a museum. The Clockwerk parts were the pieces of a robotic owl that lived in a volcano.
Diane: “I… am not familiar with this clockwork owl. However, seeing as you need my help on this, I think it’s gonna cost you~”
Mr. Wolf: How about we just cut to the chase?
Diane: “Right, right. We’ll discuss payment later. Where do you want me to meet you?”
Mr. Wolf: Wherever the nearest interdimensional portal is, which is... Webs, can you please locate it?
Ms. Tarantula: There's a portal gun near the police station. We can use it to generate a portal.
Mr. Wolf: Thanks. Near the police station.
Diane: “Hm. Alrighty. See you then, Wolf.”
Mr. Shark: “Great. So, you ready, Mr. Wolf?”
Mr. Wolf: Yes. Let's go there now!
At the police station…
*Standing on the corner by the station, Diane Foxington, better known as the Crimson Paw, waits patiently for the crew to arrive*
Mr. Shark: “Hey, Diane.”
Diane: “Mr. Shark, how goes it? I presume your boss is nearby?”
Mr. Shark: “Yeah. He’s right there.”
Mr. Wolf: On the dot. The rest of my crew is here, too.
Mr. Snake: “So, where is this interdimensional portal at?”
Mr. Wolf: Here it is. (He picks up the portal gun out of a bush, then fires it. A portal appears before them.)
Mr. Piranha: “Awesome. Let’s go!”
(They all jump into the portal. They arrive in the "Sly Cooper" dimension, more specifically at the Cairo Natural History Museum.)
Mr. Shark: “Wow. This museum looks beautiful.”
Ms. Tarantula: Hey, who's that on the roof? (She points to Sly Cooper.)
Mr. Shark: “Don’t know. Let’s ask. (Yells at Sly Cooper) Yo! Who are you?”
Sly: Oh no! We've been spotted! (He hides behind a potted plant.)
Mr. Shark: “Relax. We’re not gonna hurt you. We’re bad guys just like you.”
Mr. Snake: “Really?”
Murray: “Hey, Sly. What’s going on?”
Sly: Don't you get it, Murray? A guard spotted me! Wait, I know how to deter him. (He throws an alarm clock off the top of the roof. It rings upon impact with the ground.)
Murray: “Uh, dude. That’s not a guard. That’s literally a wolf, a shark, a piranha, a snake, a tarantula, and a fox without blue hair.”
Sly: Did you say, "A fox without blue hair?" Well, thank goodness. It's not Carmelita.
Murray: “Yeah. Maybe you should talk to them.”
Sly: Bentley, do you agree?
Bentley: I believe so. They claimed to be bad guys, so let's talk to them.
Sly: Copy that. Okay, Murray, I'll talk to them. (He then jumps off the rooftop, then uses his paraglider to reach the Bad Guys. Bentley and Murray follow him.) So, what's going on?
Mr. Shark: “So, we heard about this guy named “Clockwerk”. Apparently, his parts were found by an old villain of ours named Marmalade, who’s a Guinea pig. Anyways, Mr. Wolf, you wanna introduce us?”
Mr. Wolf: No problem. It's nice to meet you guys. I'm Mr. Wolf. And this is my crew: Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, Ms. Tarantula, and Mr. Shark. Oh, and that's Diane Foxington. She's another criminal, known as "The Golden Paw". We're the Bad Guys. And you?
Sly: Well, I am Sly Cooper, and this is my gang. That's Bentley, and that's Murray. And also, about Clockwerk, he was my arch nemesis.
Murray: “Yeah. It’s a pretty long story. He killed Sly’s parents and took all the pages of a special book called the Theivius Racoonus.”
Mr. Shark: “Wait, the Thevius Racoonus? What’s that?”
Sly: That's my family heirloom. It's a book that began with my ancient Egyptian ancestor, Slytunkhamen Cooper. It's been passed down for generations. I was supposed to inherit it from my dad, but Clockwerk broke into my house and killed him, then he and his gang, the Fiendish Five, tore it apart. I got dropped off at an orphanage, and that's where I met my friends. Ten years later, I collected every last page of the book, and now it's in my possession.
(Suddenly, a lot of SWAT cars drive up to the museum. Carmelita Fox steps out of the lead car, notices the Cooper Gang, and pulls out her shock pistol.)
Carmelita: A-HA! I've finally caught you, Cooper! Now, hold still, and I'll bring you to jail!
Mr. Shark: “Woah. Who are you, beautiful? (Points at Carmelita)”
Carmelita: I am Inspector Carmelita Fox. I work for INTERPOL, a global police organization. And I have been hunting down Cooper for years. And I mean YEARS! (Suddenly, she notices Diane.) Hey, who are you?
Diane: “Hm…” *She examines Carmelita up and down, studying every detail her outfit. Shes chuckles and extends her hand out to her.* “Diane Foxington. I assume you’re the authority of this dime- I mean, this jurisdiction?”
Carmelita: Yes. Well, actually, I am just an officer. I've got my own henchmen, though. (Suddenly, Lt. Gront comes out of a SWAT car and walks to Carmelita's side.) That's Lieutenant Gronk.
Diane: “Hm. A pleasure. My, uh, ‘henchmen’ and I are out of town to say. Though it does seem like you also have a ‘bad guy’ problem as well?”
Carmelita: Well, I always fail to catch Cooper. Every time I do, he escapes in one way or another. Like this one time he handcuffed me to a handrail at the Krack-Karov Volcano... or this other time when he made the helicopter that was taking him to jail fly in circles.
Diane: “Hang on. What’s this about a Volcano? Would this volcano happen to involve a owl by any chance? I know that sounds crazy but that might be helpful for us.”
Carmelita: Yes. The Krack-Karov Volcano was formerly the hideout of Clockwerk, a robotic owl that wanted to end the Cooper Clan.
Diane: *Looking over to Mr. Wolf and the gang with a smile, she turned her attention back to Carmelita.* “Alright, Miss Fox. I got an offer for you. We capture Sly Cooper for us and in return you bring us to this volcano. Seem fair?”
Carmelita: Well, Clockwerk is now dead. We salvaged his parts and brought them to this museum, so you won't find him there. But now they've been stolen, and we're trying to find out where the thief went, so... hang on a bit, I'm a little torn.
Mr. Shark: “What about Marmalade? He’s the Guinea pig who stole Clockwerk’s parts.”
Carmelita: Wait, you know the thief? Well, I'm going to need some information about him.
Mr. Shark: “Mr. Wolf. Would you like to describe him?“
Mr. Wolf: Yes, I'll go ahead. So, Marmalade is a guinea pig who was set to receive the Golden Dolphin for being the best citizen in our city. When we tried to steal it, we got caught, and he tried to make us go good, but we stayed true to our actual selves. Then he revealed himself to be a crook, and he used a meteorite to gain control of every single guinea pig in the world. He even used Mr. Snake. Right?
Mr. Snake: “Yes. I remember that moment.”
Mr. Wolf: So, anyways, he used the guinea pigs to steal all the money that was supposed to get donated to poor societies, and he also wanted to destroy our lives. However, we stopped him. So, that should give you enough information on his criminal history.
Carmelita: Okay, I see. So, let me get this straight: Marmalade is a criminal who hid his personal life, then sabotaged donations to the poor, homeless children, and other people groups like that.
Mr. Wolf: Correct.
Sly: Guys, I'm a bit worried. Is Carmelita going to hand me over to them?
Murray: “Don’t know.”
Carmelita: Well, Foxington, I have your answer. I must decline your offer, because we are not yet sure if the Clockwerk parts are even in the volcano now, or even where Marmalade is hiding. For all I know, they could be on an aircraft, like that blimp Arpeggio had.
Mr. Shark: “But can we at least team up? That way we can stop Marmalade.”
Bentley: You know, that's not a bad idea.
Sly: I'm with Bentley. We know Clockwerk very well, and you guys know Marmalade very well. So what do you say, Wolf? Deal?
Mr. Wolf: Deal. Now, are you coming with us, Diane?
Diane: “Well, you brought me here so I guess I have no other choice. Beside, I think it could be fun to explore what this new world is like.”
Mr. Shark: “Awesome. (Looks at Carmelita) Hey, Carmelita. You wanna help us? It’ll really be a favor.”
Carmelita: I have no problem with that. I have teamed up with Cooper before, so I bet I will be able to handle you.
Mr. Shark: “Great. Everyone ready to go?”
Mr. Wolf: I'm ready. Okay, guys, let's get in our car. (Then, he looks around and notices that their car isn't there.) Oops, we forgot our car.
Sly: Well, you can use our van. (He points to the Cooper Van.)
Mr. Wolf: Okay, we'll use that.
Bentley: Don't worry. Murray is a very good driver.
Murray: “I sure am. (Everyone gets into the car) Alright, guys, let’s get on the road. (Turns the car on, presses the gas pedal, and drives off with everyone)”
To be continued... part 2 soon
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cartoonygothopossum · 2 years
The Bad Guys
Almost seven months after its release, I finally got around to seeing The Bad Guys. As a bit of a furry who loves cartoons, the fan art did contribute to my interest in the movie, and a fun movie it was. I personally would've preferred it if all of the characters in the movie were anthropomorphic animals, but all the same, the main animal characters had solid designs. I feel like Nick Wilde from Zootopia might've got along well with Mr. Wolf and his friends, considering that they all started out as thieves and were members of species that are often associated with negative stereotypes. It was sweet to see Mr. Wolf experience how nice it feels to do good deeds. As scary as wolves seem to be to most people, they are pretty popular in the furry fandom. If Mr. Wolf found out about the furry fandom, he might be surprised to learn how many people in the fandom find him attractive. I was not surprised to find out that Professor Marmalade was the real antagonist, having tricked the Bad Guys. It was another example of how some of the evil and darkness in the world can hide where you least expect. It was unfortunate when Mr. Wolf's friends cut ties with him after their escape from prison, but thankfully, the Bad Guys did begin to realize how nice it feels to be kind and reconciled with him. It seemed that Mr. Snake was stubbornly deciding to remain a criminal, even after the other Bad Guys decided to redeem themselves, but thankfully, it turned out he was secretly helping them. The real meteorite may not have been returned, but at least Professor Marmalade did get exposed as a thief, albeit identified as the wrong criminal. It wasn't terribly clear in the movie what the Bad Guys were going to do, after they finished their prison sentence. I guess it's up to the viewers to interpret, for now.
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whatevcr-us · 10 months
So applying logic to the Bad Guys universe is probably a losing battle, I'd never win, but what we can gather is a 'modern fairy tale' scenario: there's regular animals, and versus sentient ones like the titular gang. Kind of like Shrek, only the idea is that the literal story of Red Riding Hood (first popularized in the 17th centaury) might have happened, and the Bad Guys takes place in the modern day of such a world where a talking wolf would exist.
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Hence the difference between all the normal-looking guinea pigs and Marmalade. Which stands to reason that there's non-anthropomorphic versions of the cast, too, hence the confusion on the Police pin-board here with a picture of a typical piranha. Since the city is mostly human, I get the vibe these talking animals are less common.
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educatedinyellow · 4 years
I made a 10 minute podfic for @sanguinarysanguinity‘s adorable Whitehead Holmes Holmestice fic, which she wrote as a gift for @scfrankles.
This story is cute as a button! Take a listen to the jamtastic adventures of Marmalade and Strawberry Preserves…
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floopaslopp · 4 years
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It's interesting to how the kids look like compared to their parents haha
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