#anthropomorphic crap
wadowo · 2 months
sweepfoam 2024‼️‼️
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i attacked @/the__devil on af, along with @/Rhov :3
i feel extra proud of this becuz it's my first time properly drawing furry UEUEUEU UEU AND THEY LIKED IT ONG !!!!!!!!! i won't be drawing stuff like this all te time but wawoawaw it was fun figuring out how to draw their fur patterns and whatnot !!!!!!!!! my af link btw if any1 caers
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taxi-davis · 2 years
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fzzr · 6 months
Is this what gender euphoria is like?
Over the last few weeks I bought an adopt and then commissioned a refsheet for my longtime fursona. Just seeing it even before commissioning any art filled me with a feeling I don't quite have words to describe, like suddenly things are right in a way they never have been before.
If this is what gender euphoria is like, holy crap, no wonder trans folk will fight so hard to get it. Everyone everywhere should experience this at least once and if possible always.
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Hi, I'm Fzzr. It's nice to meet you. This time, for real.
Thank you @kolaepup, for being the person to bring me truly to life. Though serendipity and a few hours' work, you made me feel more like myself then perhaps I ever have.
[Image ID: A portrait of an anthropomorphic tiger. His fur is light green, with calico-like markings in dark green with black stripes. There are two big stripes on his left cheek and one on his right. His hair is medium length and wavy, in a mix of white, light green, dark green, and black. His tongue is sticking out playfully. His tongue, nose, and inside of his ears are light blue-green. His whiskers and eyebrows are dark blue-green. His eyes are green. He is happy. ./End ID]
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affectionatecorpse · 4 months
I'm once again getting overly philosophical over horror movies, so here's a study of the death angels from A Quiet Place as observed by a very enthusiastic animal loving veterinarian.
Every time people talk about death angels, it is, understandably, about how violent they are. These creatures are brutal and merciless, and will tear apart anything that makes too much noise. Hence the title of the movie.
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Death angels are frankly terrifying, and show no empathy towards the creatures of the planet they invaded. No living thing is safe from them.
... so here's why they COULD be--
Look. Death angels are simply not suited for our planet. It's a noisy, chaotic place full of noisy, chaotic animals. From humans, to raccoons, to birds, to cats, nearly everything in our world is a potential trigger for a noise sensitive animal such as these.
But that's exactly what they are. Animals. And no one seems to remember that fact. People talk about them as though they themselves are sentient, anthropomorphic monsters, but the way these creatures act mimic many real life animals. Animals that don't belong here, but are trying to survive here. On a noisy planet covered in water, which they despise and cannot swim in.
Death angels are completely blind by nature, as seen in many other creatures such as cavefish, moles, and my personal favourite, the olm. Due to a lack of sight, they very clearly use echolocation in the film, to scan their surroundings and... well, not get dead. But echolocation is far from their only tool, as their ears are the strongest asset they have.
Their ears are INCREDIBLY sensitive. Just the slight ticking of an egg timer when heard from their perspective in the first film, is like a pounding drum in their ear. This is fine in a naturally quiet planet, but if a very subtle tick is that loud, then imagine the rest of the noise. Screaming. Explosions. Crashing. Little toy planes. Holy CRAP, that's gotta hurt.
Sounds that loud would definitely cause extreme hearing problems from pressure over time, and easily result in lifelong illnesses and disabilities such as deafness, infection, and so forth, if not stopped. It's going to be painful. It's literally bursting their ear drums inside their heads, and you can't explain to an animal why it hurts. You cannot rationalise with wildlife about treatment and self care. An injured and scared animal is always going to turn hostile, no matter how docile they may be normally. You can't explain to a lion with a knife in it's belly that you can stop the pain if it just doesn't attack you. You can't explain to a death angel that it needs to go somewhere more isolated instead of just destroying the source of the noise to shut it up.
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Going to backtrack here a sec. Remember how I mentioned echolocation being another asset this creature has? Which means the slightest movement, the tiniest breath, can immediately allow you to be seen by it. With ears that good, too? It can see you from ages away. It knows you're there. Which means they DON'T attack for sport.
'Evil' is a concept rarely seen in nature. Yes, a lot of humans can be evil. And yes, many creatures can be too. Animals hunt for sport as well. Cats, for example! Although even then, I wouldn't describe it as evil. Calling the death angels evil implies they're attacking out of malicious intent, which just isn't true. In moments of panic, they'll destroy. But they are fully aware of humans around them.
Humans need to breathe, and can't stay perfectly still very easily. The death angels would be able to see our main cast at several points, even when they're being quiet. They don't attack whenever they locate a sign of life. For example, the scene in the basement. Being that close, whether the water was running or not, that alien absolutely would've heard Evelyn and the baby's sharp breaths. It didn't care. It was clicking at them almost curiously before it heard the bang of the silo, to which it ditched them to stop the sound.
This scene is a great example of why they don't kill for sport. Injured and young animals are especially easy prey for a creature built so strong and nimble. Evelyn is shown to be terrified of the mere presence of this thing, but it never actually does anything in the scene. It moves about. Ignores her movements in the flooding water. Investigates the baby. Clicks curiously at her while she backs away. It moves slowly and on all fours, when we know while aggressive, they will stand up on their hind legs (unless sprinting) and move very fast.
This implies it was in... well, not a submissive position, but a nonthreatening one. It wasn't baring it's teeth (as best it could), it had it's claws tucked up and unused, and was in no way in a primed-to-attack mentality. Until the silo made a loud bang. And even then, it could've quickly sliced up the two in the basement before running off, but it DIDN'T. It just left, without a moment of hesitation.
Let's also acknowledge the anatomy.
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This is a carnivore. With sharp teeth for ripping apart prey, sharp claws for defence, and thick armour for protection from it's natural climate, as well as strong, long legs for running, this is absolutely a meat eater. The fact it's so well equipped makes me wonder if their natural prey is just as dangerous as them, which is why they have such tough skin. Or if they themselves have something above them in the food chain.
They seem to be pack animals, as usually others aren't far behind when one is about. Such as the trio by the Abbott house, the few at the docks, the ones by Emet's hideout, and even that group sliding down the building in the Day One clip I keep seeing as a gif. With their knack for running included, I wonder if they function like lions? Blending into their environment back home, clicking to hear prey, then the whole pack going on the chase when their target is vulnerable, in a way.
I got distracted. My point was, in a year, all the bodies from past victims vanished. All those people in the town who were swiped left and right just vanished from the town. They couldn't have decomposed in such short time, which means something moved them when it was safe. Something like a carnivore needing food after it felt comfortable in the silent aftermath. The argument that they do it for sport is one I see all the time, and it's just not true.
Everything needs to eat. Carnivores need to eat. Animals need to protect themselves from suspected danger. They never eat on screen because whenever they're on screen, they're surrounded by noise and are DISTRESSED. Have you ever had a sick pet? Most of the time, it won't eat when it's ill because it's too stressed, uncomfortable or in too much pain. When having their ear drums assaulted, a death angel isn't going to sit down with a cup of tea and a grilled cheese. Also, I won't add it because there's blood, but in the scene with the old man screaming in the woods, after it attacks, you can actually see it go back on all fours and sniff about the aftermath, like a hungry predator catching prey to eat. This was probably the first and currently only on screen proof of my claim.
By all means, not all animals are meant to be tamed. Jordan Peele's Nope said that best. Yet I can't help but wonder about the individual. Every animal is completely unique. Some will tolerate more than others. Due to their realistic nature and the similarities to actual animals, in specific circumstances, could they be befriended?
Anyway keep an eye out for A Quiet Place 4 where someone has a pet one that wears doggy ear protectors and accepts meat in exchange for pets-- /j
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new-revenant · 4 months
As a practical joke Danny, Tucker, and Sam make an eight bit video game about a circus of anthropomorphic animals they make it look old. It gets progressively creepy and disturbing as it goes on. They give the only copy to Dash to freak him out. Well things go wrong when Technus attacks and unleashes the monsters in the game with a universal remote. Team Phantom has their work cut out for them
Huh, this is a really interesting idea-WAIT A MOMENT
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Omg it’s you, I’m so sorry I haven’t answered your previous ask haha. Well, I assume you’re the same asker, since the two prompts are very similar, so I’ll answer them both in this one.
This reads like Technus is releasing the monsters into the real world. If DP ever got a (good)modern day reboot, I could see this being an actual episode. Them making a kind crappy but still scary enough game for Dash sounds plausible, and then Technus decides he can take over the world with these creepy monsters. Team Phantom has to exploit their weaknesses and bugs in real life, using the crappy code to their advantage. Very good prompt, 10/10
Onto the old one lamo. First off, “Pooky Bear’s Three Ring Circus” is such a funny name. The game reminds me of “Sonic.EXE” and all the other crappy games like that. And even though Danny’s game is also kinda crap, but it’s better crap, and original! Technus actually fixes up most of the code before releasing it, and he later works with Danny to update the game and stuff. Technus also added himself to the credits, so now it’s a two person project. Red Robin noticed the game because Benard(his boyfriend) showed it off to him. Something seems off about the game, and not just because it’s a horror game. Something…unnatural is going on, and he wants to get to the bottom of it. First things first, he wants to look into who this “Danny Phantom” and “Nicolai Technus” are.
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💚 Master Post 💚
So you've found your way here! Welcome welcome, from me and the Bruiser. 😁
Here you will find fics about Big Red. All the boys, et al, are a combination of a lot of different canons, as well as my own personal headcanons. Visually, however, they are Bayverse because...
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(Thank you ILM, for all that you do. 🥵)
So far everything is pretty mild. Even so, that may change in the future, and I do repost things that are spicy. I will do my best to put warnings on anything that needs it, but if you see something that may trigger someone and there isn't a warning, please lmk so I can fix it.
Also, my style will occasionally change. I've never written narratively before now (just some poetry here and there), so congratulations! You get to watch me learn how to write in real time! 😅
That being said, I'm not your mommy (well, not *yours*, anyway 😏), so if you're a minor, GTFO. I'm responsible for neither your trauma, nor your deviancy, and that will not be changing. So either go away or don't get caught.
Anyway, without further guilding of my very tarnished lily.....
Links for joy and pain below the cut!
(there is an overall story happening loosely and in out of order pieces that will eventually be cleaned up and combined into one. Expect continuity errors, which is why I'm posting them as one shots. 😅)
Raphael x Reader (GN unless noted otherwise)
Damn it
Assassin (fem reader) Part 1 Part 2
Gravity - Part 1 . Part 2 . Part 3
Disabilities ♥️💙💜🧡
Secret Swiftie ♥️
Sleeping ♥️💙💜🧡
Asks are closed until I catch up (holy crap you guys, you have a WAY too much faith in me). I'm working through my box, please be patient. I am a grown up that has to do grown up things and for some reason just casually writing stories about giant anthropomorphic reptiles falling in love with you is... not financially sustainable? I feel like it should be.
If you want to be on the tag list, just let me know and I'll add you! Thanks for dropping by, and for all the love you've been showing my little psychosis.
Much love, from me and the big guy. 🥰
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popart-vvv · 5 months
This is a PSA...
Why? Why?!
It was made by members of 4chan, the worst site on the internet BY FAR! The complete opposite of KO_OP--filled with right-wing rhetoric and intolerant of any piece of media that dares to be different! If you like the "parody game" and its related products, then you're saying that you support 4chan, warranting a block from me.
2. Lazy and unambitious design. GVH is all-around unique; high schoolers having to deal with the lead up to a cataclysmic event, deciding how to spend their time up to that event, and every character is an anthropomorphic dino. Plus, the game is a blend of rhythm and cinematic adventure, a novel choice in game design. Plus, the characters are all written like believable teens with understandable issues (the effects of the impending meteor, for instance), with plenty of non-forced conflict.
The OTHER game, meanwhile... stole the designs of the main characters and appropriated them into high school drama cliches, plus, the design for the main teacher blatantly rips off an Adult Swim character, for some reason. The worst part is the main character, though! It's just some muscly guy with a blank face! No eyes, mouth, hair, NOTHING ON THE HEAD! Goddammit, seriously, that is the WORST character design I have ever seen in my life!
Plus, THAT game is just another throwaway dating sim VN that can NEVER reach GVH's level.
GVH's main characters are queer one way or another: Fang is non-binary, Rosa is a transgender woman, Sage is a transgender man, and it's possible for Fang to enter a relationship with Naomi. Reed is also hinted to be in a relationship with a male classmate, Alvin. Plus, there is some subtext regarding the pairings of Trish/Rosa and Sage/Stella, as well as in Naser's arc.
Meanwhile... THAT game is basically a vehicle by its creators to espouse 4chan bullshit. Fang is an enby when you first meet them, but their "happy ending" has the player character convince them to detransition. RED FLAG! RED FLAG! And the only endings where they stay an enby are the ones that don't give them any respect! This is bad messaging! Apparently, they're saying that the only way to find happiness in life is to throw away your queer identity! FUCK THAT SHIT!
Again, that is huge disrespect towards a likeable representation of an enby.
Note: Rosa, Sage, and Naomi's queer characteristics were envisioned DURING the rewrite, so it was after THAT game was revealed. Make of that what you will.
4. It blatantly disrespects KO_OP, and frankly, the company does not deserve it.
Goodbye Volcano High was released in August of last year, but it was actually revealed as far back as summer 2020. It was VASTLY different back then--it was more like a traditional visual novel, except with the same anthropomorphic dinos and unique designs. By the time GVH was released, it had gone through a huge story rewrite, resulting in the final product.
Unfortunately, there's a whole backstory in the development of GVH.
2020 was when COVID-19 was ravaging the world, and KO_OP's workers were struggling with the disease, putting a major dent in the game's production and delaying it for a while.
Also, the rewrite started not long after the game was revealed. Admittedly, this was due to a mistake on KO_OP's part in their choice of a writing crew, but the writing team was replaced, so good on them.
Also during development, they were harassed by 4chan and other unsavory people, culminating in THAT game. Basically, there's an undercurrent of PTSD--on the KO_OP Discord, if you bring up THAT game or any other hugely offensive content, you'll get a warning or a ban. Is it any wonder they hate THAT game?
Also, as I mentioned in a previous post, KO_OP should be admired for withstanding all that crap and releasing GVH three years after its initial announcement, the payoff being that it has its own dedicated fanbase and was nominated in three major awards ceremonies. Like GLAAD!
5. Real-World Events
Probably the worst part is that THAT game has a fanbase, even after a terribly heartbreaking event in February.
Two words: Nex Benedict.
Seriously, to still support that game, even in light of similar tragedies... That's inhumane.
I know this kind of post may not be your cup of tea, but I needed to get this off my chest. I love this game so much... It pains me to see that a supportive game, alongside its fans and creators, is being unfairly targeted by terrible people.
I stand by what I said in this post. I did my research before making this essay. That said, if there are any inaccuracies in here, I apologize.
However, I will not tolerate anyone who tries to argue in support of THAT game. If they do that, they get reported/blocked.
Sincerely, popart-vvv.
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imtrashraccoon · 2 months
Well Crap, I literally have been thinking about The Dark Fortress dragon au thing almost all day, I mean it's cool concept to think about.
Just some random thoughts I had
• Nightmare prefers to stay in the darkness because he isn't very fond of his dragon form, his tentacles were reworked into four tails or a second pair of wings, he had a crown made for his anthropomorphic form as his old one was broken by his horns growing during the transformation. I would imagine he looks like a mixture of an Eastern style dragon and a European style dragon, and this was something from something from one of the blogs I mentioned before and sorry I can not for the life of me remember which one it was but anyway they gave Nightmare a fear smoke breath that causes any negative emotions to grow.
• Dust is probably one of my favorites in the bad sanses and I remembered another artist with a utmv dragon au and they gave Dust a functional hood for his head and horns and they do give the dragons ears and it's @scarlet97531, Dust would probably would like his anthropomorphic form better than his full on dragon form because it's closer to what he looked like before the curse, and buddy if he's pissed off than you better start praying that he doesn't find you, he's just a pure european dragon.
• Aw Killer the crazy ass dragon, I see this guy having feathered wings with the feathers resembling a greater sooty owl, instead of fire Killer has a venomous bite and he's quicker than a rattlesnake, a he has pretty sharp claws that are close the sharpness of the deadliest of blades, he makes a attachment for his tail that has a sword blade on it.
• Horror is the second largest of the four, just being smaller than Nightmare, I think he would have an incredibly tough hide, He's blind in his right eye(socket), his wings would probably be a bit tattered around the edges from fights and just normal wear and tear.
I have just been really thinking about stuff with these big scaley idiots and I love them and thank you for creating the The Dark Fortress.
Have an amazing timezone!
These are nice designs! When I wrote the drabble, I didn't put a ton of thought into their designs but I'm a fan of western dragon designs.
I gave Nightmare poc marked wings cause it seemed spooky and I like to headcanon that his goop is mildly acidic. Giving him four tails is such a fun idea though!
I really like your ideas for Killer. He seems extra dangerous and I love the idea of giving him feathers. I debated writing in his soul but couldn't find a way to naturally add it.
I feel silly that I didn't think of Horror being blind in one eye, granted he and Dust didn't really do much. I do like the idea of him missing a horn/having a broken horn.
Thanks for sending them in!
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itswalky · 1 year
So what motivated you to have Ultra Car transition to a humanoid body, and why specifically a gynoid?
It was originally Maggie's suggestion, to which I shouted YES before she even finished telling me to do it.
You see, she'd inadvertently reminded me of an Ultra Car story I wrote when I was in high school where Ultra Car (temporarily) pranked everyone by appearing in human form. Well, with a car hood and headlights for a head, anyway.
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You can read that terrible crap here: https://itswalky.tumblr.com/post/46681978707/the-saga-of-human-ultra-car-ca-1995
Why a girl?
just seemed right
some cranky readers at the time were online-fussy about how my cast was increasingly female, and i'm spiteful
definitely seemed right
i like drawing girls
ultra car pulling a prank on everybody by being a humanoid robot works better if it's not immediately obvious to everyone (and the readers), and an anthropomorphized male Ultra Car has less visual dissonance than a lady and i felt readers would notice immediately if it were some dude with square glasses in an ultra car-colored outfit acting all cagey
and it just seemed correct honestly
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alteon77 · 1 year
The Bizarre Breeding Habits of Anthropomorphic Personifications: Chapter 1
It's a tale as old as time.
Two idiots fall in love. Two idiots fall out of love.
Neither one of them is expecting a baby to come along and derail their unhappily ever after.
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AO3 Here, Masterlist Here
May doesn't know what she's expecting really.
It's… not this, though. 
Her life, in her humble and not at all objective opinion, has always turned to crap in some form or another, and this is just more proof of that fact. She thinks as she stares down at the little white stick in her hands that she probably should have seen this coming, probably should have spotted the possibility of this catastrophe from a mile away given her often rotten luck. It's not enough that she was dumped, that she was kicked out of her home. Oh no no no. Now, she gets to be a single mother as well, and the realization of this makes her idly wonder when it is that the universe is going to start cutting her any slack or giving her even an ounce of compassion. She's pretty sure from past experience that the answer to that is a gigantic never.
In her small bathroom, she sits on the edge of the tub, scowling down at the obnoxious pink plus sign on the pregnancy test. She's partly horrified and partly angry, worrying over what in the hell she's actually gotten herself into. This is a disaster of the highest order, nothing less than the stupidest thing she's ever done. 
Her power, she knows, is going to be nonexistent while she's pregnant. For her kind, it's almost always this way, and she likely has a very limited time left before it completely disappears for a while. Which, in her opinion, sucks. She likes her power, likes being able to create things from thin air, likes to be able to defend herself. That last one especially is really important. As trouble friendly as she tends to be, the idea of being without her magic (and its ability to protect her) is kind of low key terrifying in the worst way. 
And it's not like she can expect any help from this baby's father. Her and Morpheus are finished. Done. Dream of the Endless had cast her out of his realm like a week old bag of trash, banished her from the Dreaming so completely that she was left unable to even dream. He'd looked at her like she was nothing as he'd done it, and she'd known in that moment that she was nothing to him. It had hurt more than… more than she had ever thought he could hurt her. She'd hoped, like the idiot that she sometimes is, that he would seek her out, maybe give her a chance to explain. But she hasn't heard from him in over a month, and she doesn't think she ever will again. 
Which is fine with her. Really. 
Or at least it will be. Any day now. It takes time to mend a broken heart after all. 
She contemplates this horrible mess of hers, the newest in an ungodly long string of them, and thinks she might cry. Or throw up. And knowing that she doesn't want to do either of those things again today, she forces herself to calm. Summoning up the last of her pitiful optimism, she tries to think over this as rationally as she can. This isn't completely terrible. Everything could be okay. Mortals deal with these sorts of things all the time, and they come out of it just fine. Lots of people end up pregnant unintentionally. And she doesn't have to make any decision right this minute. It might be best if she can come to terms with this and then figure out what she's supposed to do about it, figure out how to keep herself safe. She just needs to take a little time to process and think everything over. That's all.  
Of course the universe, being the salty bitch that it is, isn't going to give her something as simple as time. Not when it's so much more fun to make things worse for her. Honestly, she probably shouldn't have assumed that things could go anywhere but downhill from there. 
When Morpheus had banished her, he'd done so completely, thoroughly blocking her from everything to do with his function in an attempt to ensure that they would never see one another again. And this, on top of his casting her from the realm and verbally lashing out at her, meant that he had stripped her of her ability to dream. Since their split, she hasn't had a single night where she was capable of doing it, and so a week after learning of her pregnancy- when she sleeps and finds herself dreaming- she's… well, shocked is a good word for it. 
It takes her an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize, though, that this isn't actually her dream she's experiencing. 
She's in a tiny kitchen, the cabinets painted an unusual  green as a man putters about, humming a tune under his breath while he works. He's making tea, she thinks, and he doesn't seem to be able to see her. The invisibility is cool for all of five minutes until it starts to freak May out a little, and she finds herself trying to get the man's attention by means of clapping and waving her hands in his face. He doesn't stop what he's doing at all as she does any of this, however, doesn't let up in his work until the distinct jingle of keys being twisted in a lock sounds out through the otherwise quiet space. 
And then…. then a human sized dragon trots in the apartment wearing a smart business suit, a few shopping bags clutched between two raptor-like claws, claws that are painted a cute, entirely out-of-place pink. 
Not that May really knows what color a dragon should paint their claws. It's not something she's ever had to consider truthfully.
The man isn't even fazed by the dragon's appearance. He presses a kiss to its snout, and May realizes that the creature is also wearing lipstick to match the paint on its talons. May stares, wide eyed, while the dragon shrugs out of a deep purple blazer and sets its bags on the table before plopping down heavily into a wooden chair, a long tail peeking out from under its skirt to curl around two reptilian ankles. Or… she guesses those are the ankles? Do dragons even have ankles? Are they called something else?
Focus, she chastises herself, shaking her head slightly. The name for dragon ankles is super not important right now.
She turns her attention back to what's happening in front of her. It's almost…. sweet, really, how happy the man seems to see the dragon. And odd. It's that too. Not that May's judging. Love is love and every pot's got its own lid. It's frankly none of her business if this particular lid has scales and fangs. Each to his own and all that.
May takes a minute to glance around at the stranger's dreamscape when a few framed photos on a nearby wall catch her gaze. She almost laughs at what she sees there. They're wedding photos of the man and the dragon, him in his tux and her comically done up in a massive white bridal gown. The dragon, May gathers, is his wife. Surprisingly, it doesn't get any less strange as she continues to peruse the pictures. The bridesmaids are all giant cats wearing taco costumes, except for the maid of honor who's apparently a burrito, her fluffy feline head popping up over the edge of the tortilla it's wrapped in, bits of lettuce dangling from the bottom like fringe. And the groomsmen? Why, they're just large bottles of hot sauce with comically massive eyes, each donning black bow ties. 
May doesn't know who this guy is, but she's kind of dying to meet him when he's not dreaming. He's got to be interesting as hell if this little slice of his unconscious is anything to go by. Though she does wonder what it says about his marriage that he sees his wife as a dragon. Is that a compliment or an insult? May supposes that as far as dragons go, this one is actually pretty, like something a small child might draw. Her scales are a shimmery lavender that seems to shift with the light, and her eyes glitter green, reminding May of large sparkling emeralds. As the man talks, May moves a bit closer to inspect those iridescent wings where they're curled over the back of the chair, marveling at the otherworldly beauty of them. Somewhat transfixed, she almost reaches out to touch one amidst the peaceful lull of the conversation playing out in front of her.
This easy contentment between the couple isn't to last, however. The tone of the dream shifts abruptly when the man notices his dragon spouse staring kind of… provocatively at the toaster, her long lashes fluttering flirtatiously with the same energy of a young twenty-something chick trying to pick up a guy in a bar. May watches this unfold, unsure of what exactly is happening. They start bickering, and though May doesn't understand any of the words they're exchanging, she easily understands pissed off. It's really a language all its own, and one May is completely fluent in at that. 
She thinks, as her eyes dart back and forth between the man and the dragon, that they're fighting over the toaster. Or some imagined infidelity? Or maybe some imagined infidelity involving the toaster? It honestly wouldn't surprise her at all with the utter bizarreness of everything going on here. 
Either way, May is so enthralled by this little fight (and the prospect of something getting set on fire) that she almost doesn't notice the door when it pops up. Startled at the feeling of some great shadow looming over her, she looks away from the dragon- now raising its fists like it's about to throw hands with the smaller man- and is puzzled by what she sees.
She frowns at the unusual addition to this mundane kitchen. Well, mundane except for the square off that's about to happen between the well-dressed dragon and the poor guy that's trying to be in a committed relationship with it. Ignoring all that, though, this is really just a normal, commonplace space, and this tall, ornate thing doesn't belong. She walks over to study it, her eyes narrowing while she looks it over. There are designs carved along the frame, strange images worked into the wood of the actual door, and a dark black handle that's practically begging for her to reach out and twist it open. 
And like the idiot she can sometimes be, May stretches a hand out to do just that. 
It's a bad idea. A bad, bad idea.
When the liquid gushes out from the open door and into the dream she's in, flooding it quickly, May thinks that maybe she shouldn't have done that. By which she means she definitely shouldn't have done that.
The sudden rush is immense, briny water completely filling the space in less than a minute. Instinctively, she holds her breath as it covers her face, as she floats in the little kitchen for a few more seconds. The man and the dragon bob near her, seemingly unbothered while they continue their argument concerning the dragon's affair with the household's small appliances, bubbles escaping their mouths as they go right on yelling at one another. 
Ludicrously, May's kind of bummed that there isn't going to be a fire now and that she isn't going to see how this ends. She's reasonably sure that she's team toaster in this whole kerfuffle. Unless the toaster is sentient, of course, in which case it knew what it was getting into by having an affair with a married… er, dragon. But... is it even capable of movement? Can it run away? The toaster, that is. If the dragon's husband decides to enact revenge, will legs or wings sprout from its shiny surface to carry it to safety?
This absurdity, this disorientation of her thoughts, allows May to realize that holding her breath might just be fucking with her actual brain, starving it of oxygen so that she's feeling a bit... well, out of it.  
But that... makes no sense. This is a dreamscape, not something that should actually affect her in any real way.
Nonetheless, she resolves to leave this place, a growing anxiety urging her to get the hell away from here. Given that the entire apartment is submerged in water, though, she truthfully doesn't have a lot of options. There's really nowhere else for her to go but through the door, which she does. And once on the other side of it, she's greeted by the sight of light filtering down from above, piercing through the murky depths surrounding her. She's ridiculously relieved to see it, to have that beacon of hope to guide her. After all, it's basic common sense to make for the surface, to get to the air there so she might breathe again.
Despite that this is just a dream, the sensations around her are stunningly realistic. The water is cold, icy against her skin, and she has that unique, weightless buoyancy about her that one experiences while swimming. As she kicks her legs, they ache with the effort she's making. Her lungs, deprived of oxygen, burn with their need for it, and she briefly entertains the thought that maybe she's suffocating back home in her bed. 
The way she feels panic here is pretty damn realistic too. When she comes to the weary realization that she's not getting any closer to the top of the water, she kind of freaks out a little. Okay. That's a bit of a lie. She actually freaks out a lot. A lot a lot. Her panic is multiplied by a mere eleven billion when something grabs her from behind, holding tight around her waist where it starts pulling her, seemingly undeterred by her attempts to get free of its grasp. May imagines some prehistoric creature, something with sharp teeth and tentacles, something made of nightmares that might toy with her before swallowing her whole. Try as she might, she can't actually turn to see what it looks like, given that it's strong enough to keep her exactly where it seems to want her. She scratches at where it's got a hold on her anyway, digging her nails in hard enough to draw blood, but it doesn't even waver as it drags her up and up and up. 
All too soon, it's yanked her head above the line of the water. Despite the fact that she's probably about to be eaten by some weird, terrifying monster, she's still grateful for the sweet, sweet gulps of fresh air that she manages to draw into her starved lungs. When her chest isn't aching with the need to breathe, she tries again to twist away from the thing that has her, clawing at it in the attempt even though it hadn't helped her when the whatever had snatched her in the first place.   
"Stop struggling," a voice hisses in her ear, and May finds herself freezing, going rigid in nervous shock. 
That voice. That voice. Her stomach lurches alarmingly. It's been forty-six days since she's heard it. Not that she's counting or anything.
Because that would be pathetic and embarrassing, so she's… uh, definitely not doing that. Totally. Yeah.
"Morpheus?" she rasps out, her voice hoarse while he continues pulling her to a lone pier nestled in the vast expanse of the water surrounding them. As he gets closer, the ocean or sea (she's not sure which) rumbles loudly, energy shaking the very molecules in May's body. It burns a bit, making her grit her teeth against the force of it as the power all around seems to swell, growing heavier and heavier, more suffocating.
"Hold your breath," her orders tersely, and she doesn't have a second to question him before his grip on her goes impossibly tight and they're being sucked down into the watery depths anew.
It's not for long, though. Thankfully. The power bursts at last, water sloshing side to side, parting to form stairs leading up to the edge of the winding wood structure plopped in the middle of the sea.
Morpheus carries her to the base of them, releasing her with a mere moment more of support as she shakily gets her feet under her. Toes squishing in the mud, she manages to stand straight, flicking a hesitant glance upwards. Nothing for it, she supposes. She wants to be away from this creation forsaken water, and this seems to be the only way out. Determined, she begins climbing the steps, not expecting them to be so seriously slippery. Halfway, she loses her footing, but she doesn't actually fall, however. To her stunned amazement, there's a hand on her elbow- Morpheus' hand- bracing her before she can tumble down. It's a rough gesture, one that she thinks he does more instinctively than anything else. He's radiating rage and wrath, but she knows that he used to be oddly gallant, prone to such gentlemanly behaviors when they were in love. 
The way that he's glaring at her now, though, is anything but gallant or gentlemanly or loving. May looks him over, noting worriedly that he seems thinner than usual. Paler too, she thinks, but that could just be an effect of the blue and white light made by the many glittering stars swirling above them. She stretches her fingers to the inside of her opposite arm and pinches herself. Hard. It especially hurts given how cold she is, and May thinks in a fuzzy, disoriented way that she's not in a dream anymore, that she's actually in the Dreaming. Her stomach churns violently at the reality of that, enough so that she's worried she might throw up.
If she does that, she's for sure going to die of actual humiliation. Can somebody even die of humiliation? Is that a real thing? If it's not yet, and she pukes all over him, then it's definitely going to be. Because she's going to be the first to do it. A pioneer in the worst way.
"How are you here?" he demands, his hands clenched into fists at his side. His eyes are pitch black with fury, and May almost shrinks back from them. 
"I… I was dreaming. I thought…" She glances down, unable to bear the expression of loathing on his face for even a second longer. What had she honestly thought? That he had undone her banishment? That he had removed the block between her and the realm? That he had changed his mind? Surely, she should have known better. Bad tempered and stubborn aren't two qualities that lend much to the possibility of forgiveness, and Morpheus is nothing if not bad tempered and stubborn. "I don't know."
Only, she realizes that's not exactly true. She might not know for certain, but she's maybe got an idea of how she'd gotten here given that she has a little being currently growing inside of her and all, one that's half Dream itself. 
"You are banished. You should not have been able to enter any dream. You most assuredly should not have been able to travel through one into this realm."
She reminds herself to stay cool. He's probably just waiting to catch her in a lie. "I don't know why I'm here. What is it you want me to say?" It's not technically her deceiving him. She doesn't know for sure. She's really just guessing that it's the baby letting her walk through dreams and into the Dreaming. 
"Is this magic of some sort? What could you possibly have been meddling in to-"
"No magic. I don't know. Okay?"
His eyes, those dark wells of the abyss that they are, blaze at her. "Whatever it is you've done to accomplish this, do not think to repeat it. Your banishment stands. You are no longer welcome in my realm."
His realm. It's his realm again. Only his. Mere months ago, he had wanted to marry her, had wanted the Dreaming to be theirs. He had told her that it would be her home for the rest of eternity. To hear him call it only his is like knife between her ribs. "Message received. I won't repeat whatever it is that I didn't even do in the first place. Is that what you need to hear? Does it make you happy for me to take the blame for something that isn't my fault?"
"Nothing concerning you," he growls, his voice low and harsh, "elicits happiness in me."
Ouch. Her heart feels like it's breaking all over again, her chest getting tighter and tighter until she worries that she might start crying. She hopes against hope that she doesn't look as fucking broken as she feels at his words. The many sorrowful emotions churning in her stomach, she decides, she'll blame on the hormones. Her eyes burn, and she's struck with the overwhelming urge to run away, though she realizes that she can't since she's essentially trapped on this stupid pier with nowhere else to go but back into the water. And she's not going to do that.
No matter how tempting it might be right now. 
She's been without her magic for all of a week, and this is the most she's mourned the loss of it in those seven days. She's going to have to ask him for help, and the thought of having to do so stings her already bruised pride. There's nothing crappier when facing an ex than to have to plead for their assistance. 
"If you want me gone, you're going to have to shift me away. I can't exactly leave the way I came in," she bites out, crossing her arms over her chest defensively, waiting for the inevitable argument to come.
He scoffs at her, his expression mocking. "Surely your magic is capable of such a minuscule feat?"
She could hate him for that if only she could assume he knew that he was rubbing salt in the wound of her magic being temporarily lost. "Do you honestly think I'd still be here if it was capable of such a minuscule feat?"  
His eyes narrow while he studies her, a calculation in his gaze that's alarming, and May resists the urge to fidget under his scrutiny. "There is something… different about you."
No shit, May wants to say. I'm heartbroken and pregnant and the father of my child hates my guts. "I'm fine. Now can you send me home, or are we going to stand here all night and glare at each other?"
His lips purse in what May used to call his Blue Steel face, though he never got the reference for that particular bit of teasing. His eyes, still those angry black pools of anger, rake over her. It makes her uncomfortable and horny at the same time, and that she will absolutely blame on her pregnancy hormones when she can take a minute or two to process this mortifying situation. 
"Very well," he tells her, and May hates the way that she misses the sound of his voice, the way that she wants to take off her clothes and roll around naked in the thick, rich timbre of it. 
His power is gentle where it settles on her skin, soft like a lover's caress, and that makes everything so much worse. When she reappears in her house, she half staggers to her living room to collapse on her couch and start sobbing, big hiccuping sobs like the kind children give when they want something they can't have. She's so miserable that it takes her over an hour to realize that she's still soaked through. 
And she thinks then that her ending the day by crying wretchedly in a puddle of freezing water perfectly sums up her life right at this moment. 
Next chapter here
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issues-oclock · 2 months
Casino cups headcanons and general cuphead headcanons
Casino Cups takes place in 1933, the soul collecting crap took place 3 years earlier in 1930 when the cup bros were 15.
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Mugman owns a few more guns than just the shotgun shown in his closet. 
Mugman occasionally goes out as Tallulah and has a group of friends who also enjoy cross dressing. 
Mugman has definitely dated and had crushes on quite a few people even if it was just for a short while. How do you think he realized he was bi?
Cuphead is the better at cooking out of the two brothers. Mugman could get to his brother's level if not better but he never really practices.
Cuphead isn’t very picky with food at all and will eat almost anything. Mugman is picky but will often just force the food down anyways.
Cuphead has great potential with instruments he’s just never tried because he thinks it would be too hard.
Paimon and Cuphead are great friends and bond over how they don’t like people bugging them about relationships. (I headcanon that Paimon is aro ace). Paimon also knows that Cuphead would be really good at playing instruments and keeps offering to teach him. Though Cuphead doesn’t really wanna learn. Though still Paimon nags him about it and knows that he’d be great at it. Which is a surprise to most others since Paimon is very picky about who she picks for her band (I headcanon she has a band who sometimes plays at the Casino or just in hell for money and for fun).
Her plan is to get Cuphead good at at least one or two instruments before she starts his other plan to nag the Devil about letting Cuphead work for her.
His camel isn’t a huge fan of Cuphead though (or anyone really).
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The Inkwell Isles are in the Mediterranean Sea just somewhat west of Greece and used to be considered a part of it. 
The Inkwell Isles turned out a lot like America due to the Isles being seen as a good place for immigrants to start anew.
Every once in a while religious groups try to come to the Isles to convert the Isles and spread beliefs. They usually die to gangs or demons pretty fast.
Prohibition still happened on the Isles (this is confirmed by an image about the Tipsy Troops childhood) but it ended after only a few years and didn’t last till 1933 like how it did for America.
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Speaking of the Tipsy Troop they had a horrible childhood. Their parents were poor and their mother nearly died having them (they’re triplets). The Troop nearly died a ton of times as children and were put into harsh work environments to make ends meet as children. The reason they keep to the sidelines of the casino is to avoid the risks of getting too involved with casino business despite having worked at the casino for a long while. Their parents died when the troop were around 13. 
Ginettes olive just kind of appeared there one day and she never questioned it. Sometimes she nibbles on between shifts.
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Hocus Pocus only became an anthropomorphic rabbit due to an accident with a circus magician he used to work with. Said magician was also the one to teach Hocus most of his tricks and is Hocus’s main inspiration. That magician was like a father to Hocus and was the one to give Hocus the opening to escape the traveling freakshow. Hocus still misses that magician but madness is making him forget more.
Pip and Dot were sold to the freakshow by their parents who never wanted kids, Hocus was just a random talking rabbit the freakshow owners picked up off the street.
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The 4th isle still exists but not many people live there and it's considered dangerous due to constant feuding between the Moonshine mob and other smaller gangs. Along with the fact that the island is mostly used for military training (aka The Howling Aces). The 4th isle also has a huge smuggling business with the Moonshine Mob making alcohol to ship to the other isles and other countries. 
Chef Saltbaker also made a deal with the Devil to be the best baker in the land. Then proceeded to steal the contract and burn it with some hell fire he got his hands on. His original wish was to have control of the astral plane but that type of thing is out of the Devil's power and even if he did have that power he would not give it to Chef Saltbaker. The Devil and Chef Saltbaker have a massive hatred of each other and Saltbaker stays on the 4th Isle to be away from the Devil.
Chef Saltbaker and Porkrind were friends a long time ago. Though once Saltbaker started studying powerful magic for nefarious reasons Porkrind split away from him and dislikes him. Though he still hopes that one day Saltbaker will give up on the astral plane crap and go back to the good person he used to be.
Esther Winchester and the Salon are located in a small town on Isle 4 in the desert. The only reason the Moonshine Mob haven’t been disbanded yet is because Esther only works in that area. She’s a very competent sheriff and great at cracking down on criminals.
On the other hand though the Ant cops are the opposite. They actually have deals with the Moonshine Mob and are pretty corrupt and incompetent. Another reason to not go to Isle 4. 
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A lot of the members of Mortemer Freeze’s cult were created by Mortemer himself though he denies it. The more members the more imposing the cult seems. The ant cops are aware of how bad the cult is yet refuse to do anything about it due to being afraid.
The librarian owl hates his job
The reason that all the buildings look so cramped together on the isles is because of the high tides. Cala Maria and the large fish she has make huge waves when they swim around the Isles. Also the closer the Earth is to the moon and the fuller the moon the more the tides rise. When Hildaberg transforms into her moon form the tides get very messed up due to how close she is to the Earth even if she is in crescent shape. Go to the beach at your own risk. BrinyBeard is grateful to be alive.
Dr. Khal lives in the junkyard in the house and lab he made there. He lost his previous job due to concerns of him being insane and using lab materials for personal projects. Cuphead was right about Khal planning to use Mugman for some sort of experiment but Khal was waiting for the right moment. He waited too long though.
Pachinko is quiet not only because it's just part of his personality but he’s from Japan and isn’t good with the isles languages. Also he literally skates around the casino on those wheels he’s got. He’s fast and efficient and often zooms past fast enough that no one really gets to see him or talk to him. He also has a teensy crush on Mugman, just hasn’t realized it yet. 
Pirouletta is fully aware of Pachinko’s crush and actually introduced Pachinko to Mugman because if she didn’t Pachinko would be too shy to talk to him.
Baroness Von Bon Bons candy realm from the show is still here but the rules only apply to those who go in deep enough. That’s why the cup bros were able to eat some of the sweets from there without issue.
I have more but I'll type them out later
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writingaboutdreams · 2 years
His Gift Part 6
A/N = Look at that another part, with actual plot. With us finally seeing Death and getting Morpheus actually trying. Thanks to everyone who has been giving all the previous parts so much love, i really appreciate it. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter so yeah thanks.
Warnings = 18+, minors do not interact, swearing, dark!morpheus
Hands pressed against her skin, Morpheus can feel how fast her heart is beating. He can see the fear hiding behind the fury in her eyes. It makes his heart twist and ache. The joy he had felt when he realised she had felt the pull of the bond had been contorted into an hideous anger at her words.
Not just at her open rejection of their bond but her rejection of him. The way she spoke, loathing dripping off of every word. He felt the urge to kiss her, to silence her ugly words. To make her see his love for her. To make her crave his touch and beg for more. To show her their destiny. But he forced himself back. Knowing despite what he wanted it would only make things worse. He disappeared in a swirl of sand retreating into another part of the palace.
He found himself in his throne room. His eyes moved around the room as he slumped on the steps. The palace had been restored to what it was before. As if he had never left. But yet he couldn’t take any pride in it. Not when the one person who he wanted to enjoy it with could barely stand to look at him.
Who was she to deny him, to deny what they were meant to be . The darker part of his mind whispers. To reject his love, to reject the connection between them. He would make her see, force her to understand if he had to. It purred. What was a mortal against him, against an endless.
“Matthew said I would find you here,” Morpheus glanced over to the middle of the room. He saw his sister, standing with her hands in her pockets. “Enjoying your moping session are we?”
“ I am not moping ,” he mutters. Standing from the stairs to approach Death. “ What brings you here my sister .”
“Y/n,” her voice is soft and placating but he hardens his gaze.
“ I warn you sister you have no right to interfere, she is mine ,” the thought of his sister stepping between them, removing Y/n from the dreaming. It frees something dark within him.
“Wow, I wonder why she hasn’t fallen for your charm,” Death tilts her head before continuing, “I am not here to interfere Dream. I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”
He relaxes slightly at that, “ Then why have you come? ”
“I am here to help you little brother.” “ I have no need for your help ,” he growls.
“Really? Because, to me, it looks like you rushed into things again.”
“ I had no other choice. ”
“Oh cut the crap, just because you can’t handle your jealousy does not mean you had to,” Death says bluntly. “When will you learn to stop messing up the basic foundations of a relationship?” Morpheus remains silent, unable to argue with her observations.
Death sighs, hand reaching out and touching his shoulder. “You have been away a long time, dating customs have changed. People like to know the person before they go confessing their eternal love and devotion.”
“ She is my soulmate, we are bound to each other. Matched in every way- ”
“And that means absolutely nothing to her! She’s mortal, a couple days ago she was living a normal life. Now she’s learning that not only are they anthropomorphic representations of human concepts but one of them is in love with her for some reason.”
“ Not just some reason, she is- ”
“If you say soulmate one more time I will be forced to slap sense into you,” she takes in a deep breath, “I know it goes against every instinct in your endless body but you need to go slow. Start small, get to know her, let her know you, make her like you and then try to court her.”
Morpheus moves away from Death, his voice quiet “ I fear it is too late for that, she loathes the sight of me. ”
“Well threatening a woman isn’t exactly conducive to a good relationship.”
“ I am trying but when she rejects our bond it is like I cannot control myself ,” Morpheus sighs, “ Everytime i try I seem to only make things worse. ”
Death smiles sympathetically “You need to stop seeing it as rejection. She’s confused and scared, she doesn’t understand. You need to be gentle, show her your hidden softer side.”
“ I do not have- ”
“You absolutely do have one, don't try and deny it.” Morpheus huffs at that and Death smiles. They sit in silence for a couple minutes before Morpheus finds the courage to say what has been on his mind, “ What if she always hates me? ”
“You said it yourself, she’s your soulmate. It’s your destiny to be in love with each other.”
Y/n forces herself to stand up. She needs to leave this room, as much as she just wants to climb back into bed and pretend this all isn’t happening. Walking along the corridors she realises she’s completely lost. Fucks sake all she wants to do is sleep in her bed. She stops mid step as she realises she just called it her bed . Fuck she really needs to get out of here. Turning around a corner she sees several doors. Opening one at random she finds…her bedroom.
She steps inside suspiciously. Half expecting Morpheus to be lurking around a corner. Instead she finds it empty, well almost empty.
“Finally I was wondering when you would show up,” Matthew caws moving from the balcony to the dresser.
“Did Morpheus send you to spy on me.”
“What? No, I just thought I'd see how you were doing. Sheesh.”
She sighs, “Sorry it’s just, it’s been a rough morning.”
“It’s okay, I understand. I mean I woke up one day to find I'd died in my sleep and I’m now a raven serving the personification of dreams.”
“I don’t even know how to react to that.”
“A laugh maybe.”
“I don’t even know if I can laugh right now.”
“Things will get better, I know he seems like a jerk but he’s really nice if you give him a chance. Well maybe not really nice …”
Y/n wants to argue back. To say she doesn’t intend to be here long enough to give him a chance. But she doesn’t get to before there is a knock at her door. Clearing her throat she calls out, “Come in.”
The door opens to reveal Morpheus and Y/n shuffles awkwardly. “ Hello, may I speak with you? ” Cautiously Y/n nods and he moves further into the room.
“I’ll just give you two some space,” Matthew breaks the silence awkwardly before flying back out the balcony.
“Come to threaten me some more?”
Morpheus takes a small step towards her, she can’t help but observe how uncomfortable he looks. She uncrosses her arms. “ I came to apologise, ” the words sound foreign in his voice.
“ I am not apologising for comforting you last night. I will never allow you to be in that level of distress, ” she scoffs but he continues, “ The way i reacted this morning was wrong. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or taken advantage of. I should have…understood why you reacted the way you did. My behaviour was abhorrent. I can only reassure you that I will try better in the future and ask for your forgiveness. ”
The anger that she had been holding on to slips away. Not completely but it becomes smaller. He stands with his arms by his side, as if he was wishing to be anywhere else. She swallows down the instinct to insult or shout at him. She needs to be smart now. If she ever wants any hope of getting out of here she has to learn more before she can make a plan. Her best chance of doing that is standing in front of her.
Taking a deep breath she speaks, “I also apologise for my reaction this morning, I was knocked off balance and I went on the defence. I’m not excusing what you did-”
“ I do not expect you to. ”
“But I wasn't blameless,” she sighs, taking the smallest step towards him. “I still think you were wrong for taking me but if i’m going to be here then at the very least we should be civil.”
He smiles at that, his eyes seem to lighten up. She feels a smudge of guilt before she pushes it down. She watches as he leans towards her slightly. As if he wants to wrap his arms around her but is fighting the urge. “ A truce? ” His voice is hopeful.
“A truce,” she holds out her hand before she can think better of it.
His hand is warm and his grip is firm. As soon as they make contact she remembers the feeling from last night. His strong hands wrapped around her. She remembers the strength as they held her up against the wall that night at the club. How smooth they felt and how her skin burned for more contact. She drops his hand but fights the urge to stand back.
She sees Morpheus is not unaffected. He’s breathing harder, his eyes are so dilated they remind her of a clear pitch black sky. His hand stays where it is for a few moments before it falls back to his side.
“ I would like to have dinner with you tonight, if you would be amenable? ”
She steels herself, “I think I could do that.”
He smiles again and it makes her heart ache. “ If you need anything from me before then you need only ask Y/n, ” it’s the first time he’s used her name instead of love or my heart. It’s almost worse. Hearing it in his smooth, rich voice. The way he says it is if it was something holy or precious.
He turns to leave and Y/n feels the urge to do more. Before she can think of a better idea she just blurts it out, “Jeans.”
He turns, eyebrow lifted and clearly confused, “ Jeans? ”
“It’s just you didn’t give me any. The dresses and skirts are lovely but I just wonder if I could get a few pairs.” “ Of course, ” he waves a hand and a pile of jeans appear on top of the dresser. There’s a range of different colours and styles.
“Thank you,” her voice is stilted but he nods. Once he leaves she lets out a breath. Somehow she feels more exhausted, which she didn’t know was possible. A part of her feels angry, as if she’s giving in. Letting him win. But she knows she has to be smart about this. She moves over to the dresser. Examining the different jeans and unintentionally allowing a small smile to creep on her face.
Walking out of her room is the hardest thing Morpheus has had to do. He almost couldn’t believe it. She had forgiven him, touched him voluntarily, and agreed to dinner. It was better than he hoped for.
He glimpsed down at his hand. His palm still tingled. The contact had been brief but the bond had been open. He had felt her emotions. There was hesitation in it but also a rush of lust that had been unexpected. And her voice as she asked him for such a simple request. As if she was afraid he would say no. Like he could deny her anything. He had wanted to take her in his arms, to destroy any doubt of his devotion to her. But he had restrained himself. Moving back to his room he made plans for dinner.
Taglist = @sidekickforlife @cynic-spirit @musemaniac42 @secretdreamlandmentality @supermegapauselouca @ultimatreality @one-loud-mind
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ethelledraw · 8 months
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I'm crap at drawing animals but I'm still trying to learn how to draw anthropomorphic animals. Thanks to Zoro and Sanji who serve as test subjects in my apprenticeship.
I think tigers are starting to look pretty good but foxes are still too hard for me.
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randomthefox · 17 days
>The world of Sonic the Hedgehog is not like the world we live in. The comic should be depicting the world as it exists in the video games. Not sandpapering down the content of the video games to make it “more reasonable.”
I've noticed that when it comes to the Sonic series, people are oddly unwilling to suspend their disbelief. You don't see anyone questioning the logistics of other video game settings (to the same degree) but with Sonic, every little thing needs a justification or a lore explanation. People just hate the idea of Sonic's world simply being that way when it wouldn't be an issue with any other setting. Sonic's world is just like that. It doesn't need to be any deeper than that.
>There’s no reason to think humans couldn’t engage with the features of Casino Night Zone any differently from how animal people do. This level is what is Normal for this world.
This is a problem stemming from Sonic's western audience in general. They have a weird insistence on categorizing or segregating who's allowed to partake in what. They just assume that "normal" humans shouldn't be able to keep up with the "weird" anthropomorphic lifeforms. Even though characters like Eggman crap all over that notion. Sonic fans think that unless a character explicitly says "by the way this is a thing that happens" then that particular thing shouldn't ever be possible. The idea of a wacky world's inhabitants all naturally being able to keep up with said wacky world is incomprehensible to them. I blame Sonix X and Archie for creating the notion that there should be a split between the humans and the anthropomorphic characters. In the games, there's NOTHING saying that a regular human couldn't run through loops or grind on rails. Sonic's world is meant to be abnormal, and so are all of the beings who live in it.
The Sonic Double Standard. That which people accept when it comes to other video game franchises, they complain about when it comes to Sonic. And that which people complain about regarding other video game franchises, they accept or praise about Sonic.
And yeah it is ABSOLUTELY Archie and Sonic X's fault that people think that "animal people" and "humans" in the world of Sonic have different physiological abilities. They think the giant pinball machine that you play in as your own body are only for animal people, because animal people can do that. Even though the giant pinball machines are in STATION SQUARE which is a city inhabited by HUMANS and is filled with NPCs who talk about how they love visiting the Casino and playing on the pinball machine! One of the NPCs is even a gambling addict who is neglecting her son because she spends every night at the Casino! Why are people assuming that that bitch ain't tossing herself into the pinball machine and doing a NiGHTS flyby?
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Sonic X and Archie are 100% to blame for this perception.
Going strictly off of the video games, there is no reason to assume the average Human person couldn't do everything and anything that the average Animal person could do. There is no evidence in any Sonic video game to support the notion that Animal people are, on average, stronger more dexterous agile or physiologically capable than Human people are.
It's completely asinine. Sonic is a video game world. And the inhabitants of this world are AWARE of the fact they're in a video game! Sonic looks at the camera and taps his foot impatiently! Mister Know It All refers to the camera following Sonic around! It's a video game world! Nobody questions when Scott Pilgrim is the number 1 martial artist in the province and Ramona Flowers pulls out a giant hammer from her handbag and can roller skate through subspace, because they just accept that the world of Scott Pilgrim operates on video game logic. But for some reason they cannot accept the same thing about Sonic?
The Sonic Double Standard
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nenchuu · 27 days
Grocery Store ⏤ (OC Only) Takashi Tachibana & Hiro Otsuka.
I wrote this one last year to better understand the relationship between my two characters and navigate Hiro's "voice." I figured I might as well share it with y'all!
“Cool, right?” Hiro gestures out to a large supermarket awning built into the corner of a gray building. “This place has foreign stuff!”
“Yeah, that’s cool.” Takashi stands with Hiro, significantly less impressed, but not disinterested. “Do you need groceries?”
“Just a few things, I promise. I won’t take up too much of your precious time.” Hiro replies with a hint of ribbing in his voice.
Takashi isn’t really even sure why he’s here. Hiro randomly decided to text him earlier that day to ask if he wanted to check out this grocery store near him and on a whim, Takashi agreed. He didn’t have much else to do that day, anyway.
“Anything specific you’re looking for?”
“Ehhhh… Not really. I just figured I’d look around and get ideas, y’know? Freestyle it.”
“Got it… ‘Freestyle.’”
They step on the rubber mat, the glass doors sliding open to accept them in. Hiro takes a hand basket and is immediately greeted by a display of produce. Takashi watches as Hiro swiftly takes three containers of already cored pineapple. He must really like pineapple, he thinks.
“I wonder if they have South-American food…” Hiro wonders out loud.
“Do you like foreign food, Hiro-kun?”
“Oh, yeah, I guess so… I grew up somewhere with a lot of foreigners, so I got used to seeing different kinds of food.” Hiro’s face drops the usual smarminess as he thinks about his upbringing.
Takashi bites his lip, knowing they grew up in the same town, but Hiro doesn’t know that.
Hiro approaches an older woman in uniform, clearly an employee. “Excuse me, ma’am, do you sell any South-American foods here?” They exchange a few words before he thanks her for her time and walks back toward Takashi. Takashi raises an eyebrow at Hiro with a stunned expression. “What? I’m a gentleman.”
“Sure…” Takashi shakes his head, slightly taken aback by Hiro’s out-of-character manner of speaking. “You should talk like that with women your own age.”
“What? No way, girls don’t like that. Makes them feel ugly.”
“And you know this how exactly?”
“Oh, my poor, sweet, naïve Takashi-kun. You just don’t get women like I do.” Hiro pats Takashi’s shoulder in misdirected pity. “Also, they only have European crap here. Aw well.”
“Sorry, I guess?” Takashi replies specifically about the lack of South-American food, trying to ignore the first part.
Hiro, however, interpreted this as about Takashi’s lack of experience with women. “It’s cool, you don’t know any better.”
They pass an aisle of different European brands of alcohol, but none of them seem to interest Hiro, even the ones that are discounted. “I would think you’d get some of the alcohol here.”
“Nah, trust me, I drink plenty at work. I don’t need any more of it.” They move on to look over the packaged meats glowing under the LED lights. “Nice, they have pork on sale! And it’s the organic stuff too!”
“I didn’t know you liked that kind of stuff.”
“I mean… It’s supposed to be better, right? I dunno. It’s cheaper, that’s all I care about.” He takes the marbled meat and drops it in his basket, his fingers creasing the shrink-wrap.
As they move through the aisles, Hiro suddenly stops in his tracks to gasp and cover his mouth, feigning shock. “Oh no, Takashi-kun…!”
Takashi follows his gaze to a cooler with bags of oranges inside and next to it, a machine with the words “100% Fresh Juice” in English letters printed above. The sign shows a cartoon anthropomorphic orange touting a full cup of fresh juice.
“They’re juicing you!” Hiro turns his head back and forth between the juicer and Takashi, his mouth agape. Hiro’s clearly trying to amuse Takashi, exaggerating his movements.
Takashi can’t help but snicker under his breath, trying and failing to stifle a laugh. Hiro looks back at him with a big, satisfactory grin. “See, you like me!” “No, I hate you, actually,” Takashi quips back, his smile betraying him.
“You think I’m charming~” Hiro teases in a sing-song voice with a toothy grin. It’s reminiscent of a proud child. Takashi narrows his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek.
Takashi does like Hiro… Sometimes. When he isn’t being completely inappropriate or egotistical. Which is most of the time.
There are times, however, when he’s a quarter less obnoxious. Takashi likes when he’s just being goofy, like right now. Or those rare moments of sincerity that accidentally slip out.
Takashi rolls his eyes half-heartedly. “That was such a dumb joke, dude.”
“You don’t have to be so tsundere, y’know. Just be honest and say you want me.” Hiro punctuates his sentence with a smug hair flip. “I mean, I don’t blame you. Look at me.”
Yep… That’s Hiro.
Takashi walks up ahead, leaving Hiro to be caught up in his own little world until his proverbial bubble pops and he awkwardly scrambles to catch up with Takashi. “Come on baby, don’t be like that!” Hiro whines a little too loudly behind Takashi, making the man ahead of him furrow his brow with a grimace. “Would you forgive me if I bought you a snack or somethin’? A peace offering snack?”
Takashi looks over his shoulder, Hiro finally catching up. “That depends. How much are you willing to spend for my forgiveness?”
“Uh, I mean, not anything too expensive–” Takashi starts walking away again, causing Hiro to stumble. “Okay, okay! Whatever you want, man!”
Takashi smiles triumphantly. “Sounds good to me.” Hiro finally catches up with Takashi, walking beside him at a steady speed. “You’re kinda sexy when you’re being bossy.”
Takashi immediately frowns. “Can you stop talking, please?”
“I’m just sayin’ you should be more confident! It’s a good thing!”
“That is NOT what you were saying.”
“Okay, you got me there.” Hiro just shrugs with a half-smile, picking up some pre-made meals along the way. Takashi can only sigh in response.
“Do you need anything else?” Takashi asks a little impatiently.
“Hmmmm…” Hiro rubs his chin with a bit of flourish. “I guess just whatever you want. And a drink. I’m thirsty.”
Takashi ignores the way Hiro wiggles his thick eyebrows as he says this, looking through the aisles to pick something out. A bag of foreign chips catches his eye, not really knowing what exactly he’s getting, but the flavor looks interesting. “Is this okay?”
“Whatever you want, man, you have my word.” Takashi gently places the bag in Hiro’s basket while Hiro grabs a bottle of green tea.
They walk up to the cash registers together, checking out and getting the items bagged. Hiro thanks the clerk for their help before getting ready to leave, walking out into the sunny Tokyo streets.
Once they’re outside, Hiro rustles through the plastic bag to give Takashi his promised snack. “Thank you,” Takashi replies, the plastic crinkling in his hand.
“Hey, uh… Takashi-kun?”
“Thanks for, y’know, coming with me…” Hiro scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. “It’s kinda nice doin’ chores and stuff with somebody else… I guess.”
There it was. One of those rare genuine moments. Takashi looks at his bashful face, reminding him of when they were both teenagers.
Yep. That’s Hiro.
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jisreal64 · 4 months
What the fuck was with that post. Was that bait, or do you literally have no idea what plagiarism actually is?
Uggghhh, look, I don’t think ALL of them are inspired by or ripped off other pieces of media, I just don’t think that’s a common trait amongst some kicktoons. I’m not trying to crap on this genre of indie animation, in fact, I’m trying to make amends with the kicktoon community (except for Saberspark and Cellspex, they can both go to hell); I’m sorry if I upset you, I just don’t want to bicker with the fandoms of each show anymore. I’ll just say why they remind me of other work:
Hazbin Hotel=The Good Place, because it follows a quirky blonde lady (who is confirmed to be bisexual by the creator) whose trying to get people out of a hellish afterlife and into a heavenly one.
Helluva Boss=N/A
Murder Drones=Nier Automata, because it follows robots on a planet where humans have gone extinct (also, the characters in MD look EXACTLY like the ones in NA)
Lackadaisy=Cats Don’t Dance, because they both follow anthropomorphic cats in the early to mid 20th century (plus one of the characters from Lackadaisy looks like the main character from CDD)
Digital Circus=Nothing in particular, though it is confirmed to be inspired by/a spiritual successor to I have no mouth, and I must scream
Again, I’m sorry if I upset you, I was actually trying to explain why I’m frustrated by these cartoons.
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