#anthony tremaine/harriet hook
humaforever · 10 months
Hi! Does Anthony and Harriet had any interactions in the Isle novels?
Yes, two I know for sure the third I'm having a bit of a hard time remembering.
The first time is in the first novel where they dance together at a party. In the last book I believe they have a small interaction when they are looking at the VK day sign up sheet or whatever.
And there was like a fight scene with the core four and the anti-heros club in the second book. I know that Ginny and Harriet have some interaction but I can't remember if Anthony was talking to Ginny or Harriet, I'll have to go back and check.
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That one AU where Harriet Hook and Anthony Tremaine go to Auradon.
@dragoneyes618 @auradon-bore-a-don @idontliketomatoesleavemealone @eahravinqueen
The start of this AU?
Well, no weird soulmate dreams, for starters. Ben decides to start the Isle kids program with no dubious magic whatsoever, because he is a sweetheart like that.
So instead of taking a purple-haired girl and whover she runs with (Isle novella), or simply taking randomly-chosen children of major villains that approximately match him in age (D1) and going for a shock therapy I guess, he reaches out to Dr Facilier, the headmaster of Isle's biggest school.
(Not to Yen Sid, because I have no idea who the fact is that and he sounds suspicious anyway.)
So Ben, the soon-to-be boy-king, sends a message about his first official proclamation to the Dragon Hall.
Now, Doctor Facilier's objective is „get my kids out of there as soon as and not fuck it up for the other ones,“ which, you know, sensible enough. Good for him.
He asks Harriet and Anthony to his office, to discuss the matter, as they are more of an unpaid help than students anyway. He shows them the envelope.
„So, the Beast is dead?“ asks Harriet, which, again, sensible reaction, because why the fuck would you name a sixteen years old a king anyway.
„Unfortunately, no.“ (Which is why we can't afford to fuck this up.)
„...Shame,“ both of them sight at the same time. Dr F can't say he disapproves of that sentiment.
They look over the text for some time.
„Who is comming over?“ Anthony asks, as if he didn't care in the slightest. Honestly, Facilier is kind of surprised they hadn't made a grab for the invite yet, to get it for them and their families.
„My daughters,“ he says.
„It says four people,“ Harriet says, „With the hope of bringing more over if the first four prove that they can give up their villianous ways.“
Yeah. And what's her point?
„...You do know that your daughters would level Auradon in between them, right?“
„Excuse me?!“ His daughters do have self-preservation instincts, thank you very much.
She only lifts one eyebrow at him and jerks her head in the direction of distant explosions. ...Which are most likely caused by CJ Hook (which Harriet conveniently ignores for the moment), Zevon, and, yeah, his Freddie. Those other two are bad influence, but yes, point taken.
„Celia then. Freddie comes over in the next round.“
„Fair enough. Who's coming with her?“
In that moment, he makes the decision: „You two should come. You want the little ones out as much as I do. Oh, and you will take care of my daughter, unless you want to experience the other side, first hand.“
„Wouldn't dream of doing otherwise.“
Great, he still has it.
But, of course, there is still one spot left. Dr F leans back as they stare at it, and then at each other. This is not his problem anymore.
Harriet bites her lip: „...I want to take CJ,“ she says, her hand in a fist, „but...“
Facilier watches in amusement as Anthony briefly covers her hand with his own, and really, shame he won't see how this will play out. Celia will keep him informed, he is sure.
Eventually, they decide to take Dizzy, because she is the least murder-prone out of their relatives, and also friends with Celia. Oh, and Auradon will adore her, with her colourful dresses, sparkly tiaras and unnatural cheerfulness.
That can only be beneficial.
(Not CJ, for obvious reasons. After her fun trip, there wouldn't be much of Auradon left.)
(Not Harry, because he'd refuse to leave without Uma and their crew, and also because he might just hook the Beast, which, fajr enough, honestly.)
(Not the Smee twins, because you don't split up twins.)
(Not Sammy, because Harriet needs them to run the crew and ship in her absence. And look after CJ – Nothing to envy here. Absolutely nothing.)
(Not any other of the Tremaine cousins, as they might just throw themselves at all princess and princesses in sight, which, not a good idea in the long run, or stab when they are looked at. Generally depends on... Actually, neither Dr F nor Anthony are sure. They don't intend to find out.)
(Not any of the younger ones, either, because they picked up the stabbing habit, and also, highschool.)
Now, here is how it went down in the port:
[Several minutes of stabby Sammy Smee trying to track down the two younger Hooks]
Harriet: „Harry, CJ, I'm going to Auradon for a while.“
CJ and Harry: „What?! When-?! Unfair!“
Harriet, paying them no mind: „If it all goes well, we will be able to get you and the other kids out of there very soon.“
CJ: „Why can't I go now?!“
Harriet: „Because you'd blow something up and get sent back. Also, we need to make a good impression.“
Harry: cackles
CJ: „Hey! I can behave if I want to!“
CJ: „...Fine. Point taken. But they'd deserve it.“
Harry: „And why can't I go?“
Harriet: „Would you? Alone?“
Harry: „...Point taken.“
Harriet, sighting: „That's what I thought. Meanwhile, do not die, try not to kill too much people, and remember, no open fire in the port.“
And by the Tremaines:
Anthony:„Dizzy, you are going to Auradon.“
Dizzy: „I am?!“
Anthony: „Yes. Go pack your things.“
Lady Tremaine: „Where are you going and where are you taking her?! Who will run the saloon?!“
Anthony: „You could do it, for a change, grandmother. It is in your name, after all.“
Lady Tremaine: „You-!“
Anthony: „Yeah, no. We are staying in the port until we go. Don't try to reach us.“
So, you know.
No one dies.
(That's always worth mentioning with the Hooks.)
Celia and Dizzy spend the remaining days on the Isle trying to get Harriet and Anthony to confess their love and ideally also to get Sammy to officiate their wedding. CJ helps, of course, but turns out she and Dizzy don't agree on the methods.
Anyway, the day of departure is there, the limo comes, same old, same old.
The goodbyes contain last reminder to „not murder anyone, or at least not to get caught,“ (the Hooks, on both sides), „Have fun,“ (the Faciliers, and it's terrifying), and promises to send a lot of letters and dresses and tiaras (Dizzy).
In the limousine, Anthony reminds Dizzy to not stuff herself silly with chocolate or at least wipe her face properly for god's sake, and Harriet swallows her remark that it might be poison. (She is reasonably sure that tea time with poison is not exactly normal. Won't stop her from being paranoid, though.)
Finally, they arrive to Auradon Prep, and, oh my god, the music.
What on earth is that music.
It's illegal, that's what it is.
The limo stops.
The music, unfortunately, does not.
Anthony is the first to climb out: he opens the door right into the driver's face and then he is in Auradon, the colourful kingdom of pixie dust and other glass shoes and other such insanities: Dizzy is gonna love it here.
But meanwhile, why is the world so bloody bright?!
Seriously, his eyes hurt.
And not only from the onslaught of honestly offensive pastels.
He turns around and offers his arm to Harriet to help her climb out of the limousine, as a proper gentleman, and it's only basic etiquette, really.
...Ignore Dizzy and Celia giggling.
Harriet steps out into the sun, mutters a soft „fuck“ and blinks a few times; she also keeps her hand on his for slightly longer than reasonable, but he is pretty sure no one in Auradon notices that kind of stuff. Or cares.
Either way.
They take a few steps forward, to allow the younger girls to climb out too and also to create a barrier between them and the crowd with their bodies.
Dizzy and Celia hold onto eachother for support, too, Dizzy a bit overwhelmed, but Celia seems to glow under the crowd's attention. (She has also managed to draw a totally unnatural shadow over hers and Dizzy's eyes.)
Now, a boy steps forward and introduces himself as Ben.
So this is prince Ben. How... Intriguing.
„Right,“ Harriet says, and then leans to whisper into Anthony's ear: „How old is he again?“
Of course, being the drama queen she is, she stage-whispers loud enough for the majority of the crowd to hear.
„I believe he is sixteen,“ Anthony answers, ignoring the boy-king, and actually quite amused at the expression the princess by his side is making, thanks for asking.
„Pfff. Just a baby,“ Harriet snorts, „Teenage boys shouldn't be in charge of anything, much less a kingdom.“
„You wound me, Harriet.“
„Anyway, as I was saying,“ interrupts the boy-king rather awkwardly, „I'm Ben, and-“
„Prince Ben, actually!“ the pink princess on his arm is much better at interruptions than he is, „Soon to be king!“
Anthony can see the willpower it costs Harriet not to roll her eyes, and, honestly, same.
„And I'm princess Audrey!“
So this it the game they want to play?
He glances at Harriet and she nods subtly.
Let's dance, then.
He smooths out his suit and steps forward; he takes the shallowest bow he can afford, one that could be interpreted as much as an insult as a sign of respect.
„I'm Lord Anthony Tremaine,“ he introduces himself, and takes pleasure in the gasps of the crowd; then he moves on to introduce Harriet, as a proper gentleman should: „And this is Captain Harriet Hook of Scattered Hope.“
He takes extra care to stress her title.
She doesn't bother to as much as angle her head.
He introduces his cousins, too, as „Lady Desdemona Tremaine,“ („I go by Dizzy, actually!“ she beams at the crowd), and then Celia, who doesn't have any titles as far as he is aware of, but who has perfected the art of creepy waving and eerie smiles.
Good for her.
Now, hete comes the fun part: when the Isle kids hear „Captain Hook,“ they think of Harriet and her safe ship more often than not.
On the other hand, when the Auradon citizens hear „Captain Hook,“ a shiver runs down their spines as they remember her father.
Which is, of course, why Harriet insists on being addressed as „Captain Hook“ at every possible occasion.
Yes, even in the bullshit that is Fairy Godmother's Remedial Goodness class.
FG:„Miss Hook?“
Harriet: „...“
FG: „Miss Hook!“
Harriet: „...“
FG, sighting: „Captain Hook, your answer to following question?“
Harriet: „When I see a baby on the street, first I check whether it is a trap or not, so I take my cutlass out and poke at the shadows a bit and maybe threaten a few people. If no one shows up, I check my pockets. Then I give the baby to Sammy to take to the ship and track down that bastard that abandoned a baby. Or murdered its mother, in which case I've got another stupid murderer at my hands, and need to deal with that, too, on top of somehow getting baby formula and deciding which one of my crew will get stuck carrying for it. Does that answer your question, Fairy Godmother?“
FG: „...“
Harriet and Anthony: smile sweetly
And, of course, they get into moderately heated discussion with King Beast, which Lumiere later describes as "the shouting match a the decade".
Upon exiting his office, Anthony asks when they are going to shout at him for real;
„Just wait until my sibling get there,“ answers Harriet, „Especially CJ.“
And Anthony smiles, because he finds the image of Harriet's tiny half-way feral sister yelling at King Beast as amusing as she does.
(It happens, btw. CJ yelling at him. She needs to drag a stool over to look at him straingh, which is hilarious as it is, nevermind that the former king doesn't run because he doesn't know what is good for him.)
Shortly after the first debate, the rest of the Isle kids are brought over.
Happy end!
(I'm soft, people. How could I not?)
Also, here, enjoy some fun facts:
Anthony is an only son of a french noble family that likes to think itself better than it is. Harriet is the eldest daughter of an English noble and an Eton graduate. Of course they know etiquette. And they are not afraid to weaponize it.
They are also nineteen years old. Surrounded by sixteen years old royals that have never once prepared a breakfast in their lives. They are tired.
Rules? What rules? You mean those things we have memorised so we can break them better?
Anyway, curfew, that is, like, a suggestion? Right?
Meaning, Harriet has insomnia and Anthony is not leaving her alone. They are found wandering the school grounds more often than not. Well, they are not found, as the school security sucks.
Also, Harriet has some things to say about Lonnie being Ben's only bodyguard. As has Anthony. And Celia.
She just stares at the people that told her and goes: „Well that's bloody stupid.“
„Language, Celia!“
Also, both Harriet and Anthony reflectively (and preventively) reprimand the AKs and order them around.
„Careful in those high heels, the pavement down there is broken. Are you prepared to drop them if you need to run?“
„If you want to steal the knives, hide them better.“ („I was just trying to... I was just trying to butter a toast?“)
„Don't stab eachother in the halls, please.“
(As I said, they are tired.)
None of the Isle kids wear the uniforms. Anthony and Dizzy think they are a crime against nature, Harriet doesn't care enough, and Celia complaints that it doesn't fit her aesthetic.
Harriet wears her red cloak. It flares around her when she marches down the hall and she enjoys the manner in which the AKs get out of her way.
Anthony calls her „Ettie“ in public precisely one (1) time. She reacts by saying that she will dismember him and use his bones to create a tinker toy to hang above his youngest cousin's crib.
Oh, and Anthony gets a look at the financial management of the kingdom. You wouldn't believe how bad it is.
Yeah, he and Harriet are totally dating. As in, established relationship, but they refuse to acknowledge it.
Also, Dizzy and Celia are crushing at eachother a bit. (They are, what, thirteen? That happens, right?)
If you have any questions//anything that you find interesting, I'll gladly elaborate.
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I wish I could animate so I could do a lil video of the Charming/Tremaine cousins going on a quadruple karaoke date night with all their girlfriends
Chad and Audrey sing Love Story by Taylor Swift and slow dance with each other on stage
Anthony and Harriet sing Tyme Flyes When You're Havin' Rum by Pirates For Sail (and gag at the others doing "cringe love songs" like they're not sharing a cocktail and making out rn)
Dizzy and Celia sing Loverboy by A-Wall (Audrey made them do it because they couldn't pick a song fast enough)
Chloe and Red do Slumber Party by Ashnikko (Chloe sings it, Red plays guitar and does the moaning part while Chloe drags her around)
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imahumashipper · 3 months
(Random thought) I feel cj would just like break in her siblings house and they would go to their kitchen and just see her eating food
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Harriet: how petty can you get?
Anthony: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument.
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isleofdarkness · 26 days
Isle Council
Just like Auradon has an official council called together to discuss and vote on important issues, the Isle has a semi-official one. Regular meetings, happening every time the seasons change, are usually nothing of note. But when the council is called outside of these scheduled meetings? That has only happened twice. Both times were events the Isle, both adults and children, would never forget.
The membership is as follows-
Harriet Jones, queen, representing the pirate crew of Far Shore
Maverick Mim, shows up for emergency meetings but usually doesn't come to the planned ones, representing the Mutants
Diego de Vil, representing the Devils of Barricade
Gineva Gothel, representing the Silver Cross
Shan Odgerel, representing Falcon Ridge and Sanctum
Uma Facilier, representing the pirate crew of Kraken Coast
Amara Olympian, representing Shadowland
Mal Briar, representing the Dragons of Villain's Keep
Mordred Mim, representing the Witches of the Badlands
Justice Olympian, representing the Exiled Gods of the Isle of Exile
Lydia Snoops, representing herself and Zevon
Jada Alraashid bint Cassim Jazira, representing Thieve's District
Aleksandr and Rosabella Hearts, representing the Underland District, formerly representing the Underland Gang
Ivy de Vil, representing Villain's Keep
Other membership includes
Tarzan D'Arque
Mischa Rasputin
Anthony Tremaine
Sammy Smee
Midnight Mim
Zachariah Darhk (later)
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dragoneyes618 · 10 months
Petition to make things like "De Vil Shenanigans" and "Tremaine Drama" official tags on AO3. Oh, and "Hook Chaos," of course.
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tiredflowercrown · 3 months
Songs from Epic and their respective VKs
This may seem a lil clunky and I won't be linking the songs because I'm too tired rn sorry
Just a Man - Anthony Tremaine
Open Arms - Hunter de Vil (as Odysseus) and Meade Mim (as Polites)
Remember Them - Uma, Harriet Hook, Sammy Smee
My Goodbye - Madam Mim (as Athena) and Iolanthe Mim (as Odysseus)
Ruthlessness - Harriet Hook, Diego de Vil, Uma, Laura Rourke
Puppeteer - Whitney Skyes
Done For - Michelle Mim, Whitney Skyes
The Underworld - Freddie Facilier
No Longer You - Celia Facilier
Monster - Harriet Hook, Freddie Facilier, Laura Rourke, Diego de Vil
Suffering - Maddy Mim
Different Beast - Gene LeGume, Gustave LeGume, Diego de Vil
Scylla- The Mim grandchildren as a whole
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humaudrey · 5 months
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My version of Anthony Tremaine!
The only grandson of Lady Tremaine and the second eldest of all of her grandchildren (this leaves many people to assume he's the favorite and they're not entirely wrong, he's just one of the few she's willing to put up with. ((the real favorite is Dizzy and he knows it)))
His father is one of Shan Yu's soldiers, who was in a committed relationship with Anastasia at first.
His father immediately disowned him and his mother the second Anastasia had announced she was pregnant, and since then, Anthony prided himself on being a Tremaine.
He doesn't know who his father is, and at this point, he tries to act like doesn't care.
He treats most of his sisters and cousins as nuisances, but you wouldn't dare disrespect any of them around him (and don't refer to them as "half-siblings" either).
He's not a fighter or warrior of sorts, so don't expect a fight (he'd more than likely lose), but he's smart and clever enough to find other ways to exact revenge.
Bisexual, he doesn't lean toward any gender in particular and doesn't really bother hiding it.
Self taught on the piano, Lady Tremaine offered lessons but neither of the two had the patience for the other.
Anthony's also a talented dancer, he learned ballroom from Lady Tremaine, and mimicked what he saw on TV (his favorite show was Dancing With The Royals).
Lady Tremaine also taught him how to sew, which is why most of his clothes are fitted perfectly for him (he started the patched leather trend).
Anthony is no stranger to makeup. He usually sticks to a natural colored lip and eyeshadow, and concealer, but he also contours his face and sticks to darker colors to make himself look older and more mature ("like a lord") for special occasions.
He's as vain, greedy, and self-centered as any other villain on the Isle, but he stays in his own lane. As long as you mind your business, he has no real problem with you.
His desire to leave the Isle rivals that of Uma's. He's usually very low-key about it though.
Anthony swears that he will regain his family's property, assets, and social standing, and he's willing to do so, no matter the cost.
Despite the Isle's unique societal norms, Harriet was the first person Anthony truly fell for and they became the first official power couple of the VKs (This would then boost his reputation with his peers, and have others throwing themselves at him, thus ruining their relationship and resulting in Harriet and Ginny's fight at Uma's birthday party).
Once he gets to Auradon, he and Chad become sworn enemies. (And it doesn't help that he and Audrey start dating soon after Maleficent's second attack at Auradon Prep)
@lilicohirukoma (because I remember you wanted to be tagged in anything I post involving him).
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dizzydizney · 4 months
This ship tournament has shown me that Anthony x Ginny x Harriet has more fans than I ever could've imagined. Not passing judgement, just an observation.
But hey, you guys were up against one of probably the top 3 most popular ships in the fandom and didn't even lose by THAT big a margin so that's pretty impressive!
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humaforever · 8 months
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-Harriet Hook x Ginny Gothel x Anthony Tremaine
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Lady Tremaine, internally: „Okay, she's got money, she's from minor noble family, she even has some manners, unlike the other one. It could be better, pirates and all, but still, it could be way worse too.“
Lady Tremaine, out loud: „Good morning, miss Hook.“
Harriet Hook, internally: „Oh god I hate that pretentious hag so much, I can't wait to off her and feed her to the crocs-“
Harriet Hook, out loud: „Good morning, Lady Tremaine.“
Anthony, whispering through his teeth: „Please don't kill my grandmother just yet, Harriet.“
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chadtheroyalidiot · 1 month
Descendants: book series villain kids full names [headcanon]
i made maddy's last name le fay because i headcanon madam mim to be a nickname given to morgana le fay from the villains in merlin academy
harriet → rhisiart aegea hook
↳ rhisiart → welsh → brave ruler
↳ aegea → greek → aegean sea
↳ hook → english → someone with a hooked/crooked nose or bent back
anthony → jean-antoine lathyn tremaine
↳ jean → french → yahweh is gracious
↳ antoine → french → highly praiseworthy; priceless one
↳ lathyn → american → a gift from god
↳ tremaine → celtic → town built with stone; stone settlement
ginny → geiona gothel
↳ geiona → german → a dove
↳ gothel → german → godmother
hermie → herminia bing
↳ herminia → greek/latin → great; potent; messenger; earthly
↳ bing → german/english → pot-shaped hollow
diego → diego leonard de vil
↳ diego → spanish → supplanter
↳ leonard → german → lion strength
↳ de vil → spanish/portuguese → from vileness; from villainy
yzla → marguerita ximena de la pēna
↳ marguerita → greek → pearl
↳ ximena → spanish → he has heard
↳ de la pēna → spanish → cliff; crag; rock
gaston jr → adonis legume
↳ adonis → greek → handsome lord
↳ legume → french → vegetable
gaston III → cassius legume
↳ cassius → latin → empty; vain; helmet; castle
↳ legume → french → vegetable
claudine → eveline atarah-grace frollo
↳ eveline → latin → source of life; little bird
↳ atarah → hebrew → crown
↳ grace → latin → favour; blessing
↳ frollo → ____ → ____
hadie → thaddeus
↳ thaddeus → aramaic → courageous heart
mad maddy → mawredd le fay
↳ mawredd → welsh → great chief
↳ le fay → french/latin → the fairy
sammy → sullivan matthew smiegel
↳ sullivan → gaelic → dark eyes
↳ matthew → hebrew → gift of god
↳ smiegel → polish → to move swiftly
rick → richard charles ratcliffe
↳ richard → german → strong in rule
↳ charles → english → free man
↳ ratcliffe → english → red cliff
clay → darren elliot clayton
↳ darren → irish → oak tree
↳ elliot → hebrew → the lord is my god
↳ clayton → english → clay settlement
lefou deux → remi ciel lefou
↳ remi → french/latin → oarsman
↳ ciel → french → from heaven
↳ lefou → french → fool
harry b. → harold jasper badun
↳ harold → english → army ruler
↳ jasper → persian → treasurer
↳ badun → german → one who bathes
jace → jason horace badun
↳ jason → greek → healer
↳ horace → latin → time; season
↳ badun → german → one who bathes
eddie → george edgar balthazar
↳ george → greek → farmer; earthworker
↳ edgar → english → wealthy spear
↳ balthazar → hebrew → god protect the king
jade → khadijah al-ṣādiq
↳ khadijah → arabic → early baby; trustworthy; respected
↳ al-ṣādiq → arabic → the truthful
sophie → sophie taran
↳ sophie → greek → wisdom
↳ taran → celtic → thunder
big murph → bastian murphy
↳ bastian → greek/latin → venerable; revered
↳ murphy → gaelic → sea warrior
reza → reza rachid
↳ reza → persian → contentment
↳ rachid → arabic → rightly guided
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shellyseashell · 1 year
What are your headcanons about the other parents of the VKs?
pretty sure i’ve talked about them a few times before, but idk where, so i’ll just make a list here. these are just the ones i actually have headcanons for, and that are actually canon characters.
evie: esteban
jay: just someone from the street
carlos: i like the idea of bruno, but i’m not sold on it. maybe cruella was married for like a year.
hooks: zarina
celia: no one specific, as long as she’s a half sister to freddie and uma
freddie: ursula
claudine: a romani woman who was sent to the isle
gil: a pirate
dizzy: hans
anthony: the baker from cinderella 2
uma: dr. facilier
hadie: persephone
jade: sarousch
desiree: shan yu
ginny: idk about her father, but i like her mother being cassandra
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Anthony: fear is natural. It's what makes us human. It's what separates us from the animals
Harriet: that, and opposable thumbs. 
Marya: and pants!
Ginny: rollerblading
Hadie: any kind of bipedal locomotion
Sammy: we can make fire. Animals can't make fire
CJ: well, if you don't count dragons
Harry: actually, there's a lot that separates us from animals
Gil: you had me at pants
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isleofdarkness · 11 days
Harriet, forgetting the English word for baby; Hey, where's the other thing? Anthony; The other what? Harriet; You know, the, uh... the thing. Bout yea big? Anthony, turning around to reveal he has Faolan in his arms; Huh? Harriet; Oh, thank the gods, you have him. Anthony; ... Anthony; You mean one of our children?
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