#anthony tremaine needs a hug
Since Lady Tremaine puts so much focus on Anthony’s appearance as a way to desperately cling to anything that resembles her former title and wealth, Anthony puts a lot of his worth in his appearance. Since Anastasia’s mentally checked out most of the time, little Anthony had to satisfy the need for love and affection all children have with his grandmother. Her “affection” is merely not being horrible, and she only shows it when Anthony is exactly what she wants him to be. Most of that centers around his appearance, although behavior’s also pretty big for her. This has two effects, with one of them being Anthony’s complete inability to handle emotions I’ve explained in two of my posts (one’s a while back). The other?
Most of Anthony’s self-worth is centered around his looks. Growing up, Lady Tremaine’s behavior taught him that if he’s not pretty enough he doesn’t deserve affection or love. Also, everywhere he goes, he’s always seen as “pretty” first, “person” last. And it’s an optional last too. Things go well for him when he looks good, things go horribly when he doesn’t (because of Lady Tremaine, mostly), so whenever he’s nervous Anthony will look in his compact mirror and fix his hair or his makeup. He’ll open and close the mirror compulsively to check he still looks perfect because when he doesn’t it never ends well. And when Anthony, for whatever reason, doesn’t look good?
He melts down, of course. Because no matter how many people tell you otherwise, when you’re raised to believe you’re nothing but a pretty face, that’s hard to let go of. To Anthony, his looks are the only thing about him that matters. When that’s gone, he has nothing. He is nothing. Now imagine a scenario where, in order to save people, Anthony has to ruin his own appearance. Perhaps even permanently…
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
Can I just talk about to to bits I'm post proud that I wrote yesterday because
When writing the Tremaines, the onl6 thoughts I had was Dizzy wants to sew and mend, but Anthony won't let her, however at the end she finds a shirt needing mending that Anthony left her.
Like that was all my thoughts going in, and that scene turned out so cute!! Like yes, is it implied that if things aren't perfect they are getting beaten, of course but Anthony knew how much it meant for Dizzy and left something for her to try.
Secondly, the tension between the Anthony and Ginny hug, like that was one second away from being a very different scene that Uma walked into
Just ahhhhhh
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
(Third film. After “stories”. Belle notices the two boys staring at her)
Belle: he-
Ben (stony faced): go hug mom Gil.
Gil: mama. Where’ve you been?
Belle: ummmm. O-O-Olympus.
Ben (scoffing): really? If you say so
Belle: it’s the truth Ben.
Ben: yeah whatever. I don’t wanna hear it. Because I’m still cleaning up your mistakes
Belle: your father ruined a lot of peoples lives
Ben: and you helped him do it. You. And Verna. And since Jane’s disowned her mother. I don’t really see any reason why I can’t disown you too. The limo will be ready when you are Gil.
(He teleports out of the library)
Gil: I’m sure he’ll come around.
Belle: go. I’ll be fine. Go to the funeral. I’ll see you when you get back
(Gil leaves the library. Belle turns to the portrait of Adam on the back wall)
Belle: see what you’ve done? You broke him. You broke me. You broke everyone around you. Repeatedly. So I need to make it up. And I can’t. I can’t keep crying because of you. I can’t do it. Not anymore. It has to stop.
(This is she “behind these hazel eye” happens. After the song. She stalks out of the library and follows her sons to the music room)
Ben: oh what do you want now?
Belle: I need to explain something
Ben: what else needs to be said?
Belle: it’s true. It’s true that I did nothing to stop him. And the truth is. The truth is I got complacent and I stagnated. I got too comfortable. And I didn’t question him. Even though I knew it was wrong.
Ben: well you should’ve. You should’ve tried harder
Gil: now that’s all cleared up let hug and make up so
Ben: I’m not done.
(This is when “heroes” happens. After the song. Belle, looking defeated, starts to walk back to her apartments as Gil leaves for the limo. In the courtyard Ben and Gil meet Mal at the head of the fleet)
Mal: why the long faces? What happened?
Gil: mama’s back
Mal: oh. Are you boys okay?
Ben: I will be. Eventually. I hope
Mal: right. Well. Dad, Hadie and Persey aren’t going to funeral so they can keep an eye on her.
Ben: true. True
Gil: where’s Uma?
Mal: we decided that it wasn’t worth it to risk an international incident right before an international war
Gil: sound logic. Let’s go
Mal: where’s your mother been for the last month anyway?
Ben: I’ll tell you at the wake
(Up on the balcony. Persey watches as the fleet of limos leave. Once the last of them is through the gate. Persey turns heel and walks through the hall ringing a criers bell)
(Hadie poofs out of his room, wearing his robe, with his hair pointing every which way)
Hadie: do you have any idea how early it is?
Persey: it’s noon
Hadie: exactly my sibling. Exactly.
Persey: so up up up! I’m taking you guys out on the town
Hadie: why?
Persey: because we’re in our twenties. We’re about to fight out parents war for them. So the least I can do is show you and your butcher love a good day out that doesn’t leave you with a hangover
Hadie: tempting offer but no dice.
Persey: okay. Fine. We can get drunk
Hadie: yay!
Persey: where’s Anthony
Hadie: in our room putting a pillow over his ears
Persey: understandable. It is a very loud bell. Go on then. Get dressed. And I’ll get the JESUS CHRIST
Maddy: why is a Raven like s writing desk?
Persey: because Edgar Allen Poe wrote on both. What are you doing lurking behind me?
Maddy: outtie
Persey: yes we’re going outtie. What’s that got to do with you?
Maddy: I go too?
Persey: I don’t know. Are you human?
Anthony (putting on his jacket as he walks out of his and Hadie’s room): her fathers the mad hatter and her gran is madam mim
Persey: good enough for me. Come along
(The four of them make their way out of the castle before they’re stopped by Uma)
Uma: where’re you four going?
Persey: out
Hadie: and uh. You’re not invited
Uma: but I’m family
Hadie: yeah but. We don’t like you
Uma: bitch
Hadie: I’ve been called worse
Anthony: only by invitation
(Hadie cackles in delight, Persey winces in judgement, Maddy joins Hadie’s cackling and Uma scoffs in disgust)
Uma: psychopaths.
(The scene cuts to a club where Persey, Hadie, Anthony and Maddy are dancing in the middle of the dance floor. This is when “heads will role” happens. After the song. Maddy’s still dancing while the other three are seated at a booth)
Persey: she’s been dancing for two hours. How can someone have that much energy?
Anthony: she’s the mad hatter’s daughter and her diet consists mainly of black coffee
Persey: ah. Okay then. Oh hello.
(They take out their phone)
Persey: oh hey. The funerals over. They’re at the wake
Hadie: ooooh. How’d it go?
(At the wake)
Mal: well that couldn’t’ve gone worse
Evie: I’m sorry but how did you expect me to react when Ben called Leah a kind, just ruler who was an inspiration to everyone who knew her?
Ben: yeah I could’ve worded it better
Mal: it’s not your fault. It’s hers. As per usual
Evie: godless whore
(She turns heel and flounces off)
Ben: do I wanna know?
Mal: not really no.
Ben: alrighty then
Jay: hey guys. Guys guys guys.
Mal: yeah?
Jay: I’ve figured out who to book to strip at your joint parties
Mal: Jay, we’re at a wake.
Jay: yeah. For Leah and Royston
Ben: who’ve you got?
Jay: Tyrone of Maldonia
(Ben and Mal looks at each other then look at Jay)
Mal: book him
Ben: book him now
Jay: YAY!
(He teleports away)
Ben: oh god
Mal: what?
Ben: Charles Charming. I’ll be back as soon as I can.
(As he walks away)
Ben: Your majesty
Aurora: hello Mal
Mal: Aurora. Um. I’m sorry about my sister.
Aurora: it’s okay. I um. I heard about the uh. The family day debacle. Which is why I apologise to you for having to be here
Mal: don’t be. It comes with tbd job description
Aurora: fair point. Can we talk talk?
Mal: if you like
Aurora: thank you. I know you’re all going into battle soon. And I know that Audrey’s being held captive by Maleficent
Mal: don’t worry. We’ll do whatever it takes to save your daughter
Aurora: I know. I know you will. It’s just that if you can’t then
Mal: if I can’t then. What?
Aurora: if it comes down to saving Audrey or saving Auradon. Save Auradon
Mal: what are you saying?
Aurora: I’m saying that Phillip and I can always have another child. We can foster. Adopt. Get a dog. Or a plant. Or a goldfish. But for you. And for Ben. Auradon must take priority. Don’t worry about our feelings. If you can save Audrey. Great. But if you can’t. We’ll understand. Do you understand?
Mal (looking slightly shocked): mhmm.
Aurora: I’m sorry to drop all this on you but I wasn’t sure how else to say it.
Mal: no. No it’s okay. Um. Sorry, could you exude me for a moment
(She rushes off in Ben’s direction. Where he’s currently engaged in an argument with Charles and Hubert)
Ben (roaring while his eyes glow the brightest royal blue): SAY ONE MORE WORD AGAINST MAL AND I’LL RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT!!!!
Mal: hey hey hey. What’s happening?
Charles: Hubert here is trying to make this funeral all about him.
Mal: yeah I can see that. But what I want to know is why
Hubert: it’s very simple really. You are all incompetent untrustworthy children. And you. And that lug of a boy cowering behind that tree. And your friends. Are exactly what Adam was trying to warn us about. And god willing you’ll see it my way.
Mal: alright everyone. Pack it up! Funerals over. All of you go home. Unless you want to answer to me.
Hubert: is that a threat?
Mal: no. Not a threat. Because I’m not stooping to your level. Ben. Gil. Guys. Let’s go home.
Hubert: the last time we let one of yours cow us Stefan and Leah lost their daughter for sixteen years
Aurora: they gave me up for my own safety. My mother knew that. But she let fear and hatred twist her so much that I was turned into an urban Changeling story. And Ben’s right. He’s in charge. So let him be in charge. Or I’ll let Phillip out you back in the home. I’m sorry guys
Ben: it’s alright. I’m used to it.
(Back at the palace)
Mal: you shouldn’t be though.
Ben: shouldn’t what?
Mal: be used to it
Ben: oh I don’t really have a choice. I’m gonna go for a walk. Care to join me?
Mal: hmmmm. Not now. Need to burn these clothes and take a bath
Ben: have fun.
Mal: you too
(On his walk. Ben stops by the family lounge. Doug’s reading. While Gil is listening to Uma’s rambling)
Ben: what’s up?
Gil: Persey upset Uma
Ben: what else is new?
Uma: they don’t like. I don’t blame them for it. But you’d think they’re be at least a titchy bit of familial obligation
Ben: they’re on Mal’s side. You can’t fault them for it. You can’t fault anyone for anything
Uma: what?
Doug: there was an altercation at the funeral
Ben: I’m not what the general public expected as a king
Doug: non of us are. I mean look at us. Ben is, well, Ben. Gil is the biological son of Gaston and got adopted by the queen mother. Uma tried to kill us all and is now paid to protect the king. I’m a half dwarf with all the true political power. They hate us for who we are. What we’ve done. And who we’ve been with. And you can’t change their minds. Just prove them wrong
Gil: Gaston used to say to me. Men are right. Women are wrong. But he was wrong. And Hubert’s wrong as well Ben
Ben: I’m just trying to do my best
Doug: I know. We all are
(This is when “I’m still here” happens. After the song. It cuts to Elsa’s room where she’s talking to Mal)
Elsa: Olympus?
Mal: apparently. Oh. And by the way. Thanks for the feet ice.
Elsa: you’re welcome. Pointed toe shoes can be a nightmare if you haven’t been trained. Why Olympus though?
Mal: search me. I’ve never met my stepmom. I didn’t even know she was my stepmom until last month
Elsa: true. True. Oh. Oh no.
Mal: what? What is it? What’s wrong?
Elsa: there are. There’re rumours about Olympus. About a globe they supposedly have. And if it’s true. And if Persephone showed the queen mother. I could very well be in a lot of trouble
Mal: how so?
Elsa: I’m not sure I was supposed to tell you about me at Ben’s christening.
Mal: ah. So if this globe thing exists....I’m sorry but I can’t see the connection
Elsa: it’s said that the globe can allow anyone of Pantheon blood to see anyone or anything in the royals at any given moment. So Persephone could’ve potentially have shown Belle
Mal: you showing Ben and me what you did at his christening.
Elsa: yes. And when I adopted you, and for lack of a better term became Belle’s conscience, she’s kept mum on the subject. She might’ve forgotten, it has been eighteen years after all, but if she hasn’t
Mal: she’ll be pissed
Elsa: pissed, embarrassed, betrayed. The whole shebang. But that’s not all
Mal: oh?
Elsa: there’s more.
Mal: but you said you never came back here until Ben’s proclamation.
Elsa: I didn’t. I went back home. To my church.
Mal: smite me o mighty smiter.
Elsa: bingo
(The scene melts into a flashback of Elsa motorbiking back to Arendelle. This is when “Carol of the bells” happens. As the song ends she pulls up in front of Arendelle cathedral and makes her way inside)
Elsa (walking up to the altar, pulling off her helmet, tugging off her gloves and taking off her jacket): I might have made a terrible mistake. But it needed to be done. Didn’t it?
(She sits down on the pews)
Elsa: don’t look at me like that. You’ve done things you must’ve regretted doing. Eve. Cain. Solomon. The flood. The list goes on.
(She stands up again and starts pacing)
Elsa: but this isn’t about me. This is about him. Him and his stupid cult. Turning a blind eye to the destruction and pain they’ve caused.
(She stops and faces the statue)
Elsa: I don’t even know why I’m here really. I don’t go to church. I barely even go to mass. Not since my coronation at least. I just need. I don’t know. I just don’t know.
(She sits back down and heaves a heavy sigh. This is when “god help the outcasts” happens. After the song. The flashback ends and melts back to reality. A few hours later. At sunset. Mal and Jane are in a forest clearing)
Jane: I’m not so sure about this
Mal: you’ll be fine. And it you panic, we’ve got a net
Jane: I’ve never flown before. Are you sure I don’t need dust?
Mal: no. You’re not from Neverland. I mean, technically I am. But I don’t need it either. Watch
(Her wings spring out from her back. She zooms up into the sky, performs some complicated aerial tricks, lands back on the ground and her wings fold into back again)
Mal: see? Easy as mac’n‘cheese.
Jane: I thought it was “pie”
Mal: eh. Not that fond of pie. Ready now?
Jane: ummmm.
Mal: oh boy. How would mom do it? Ooooh I know. Jane? Listen to me.
(This is when “fly to your heart” happens. After the song. The next morning. Belle storms into Elsa’s rooms)
Belle: why did you tell them?
Elsa: welcome your highness, please, do come in and sit a spell(.)
Belle: why. Did. You. Tell. Them?
Elsa: first of all. Who told you?
Belle: Gil. He overheard you talking to Mal after the funeral
Elsa: well I can’t blame him for telling you. After all. You’re his mother. He loves you. But did you really think it would stay a secret forever?
Belle: how much do they know?
Elsa: they know about the christening and the island being Neverland. I thought you should tell them about the relocation yourself.
Belle: never.
(At that moment Hades, Anastasia and Facillier appear in the doorway)
Hades: tell them.
Anastasia: tell them all
Facillier: or we’ll will
Belle: oh god. This is a nightmare
Elsa: and yet you’re awake. And it is all very real.
(Ben teleports in with a sheaf of papers in his hand)
Ben: you wanted the forms for the Arendelle section of the sanctuary progra-what the hell is she doing here?
Elsa: I think it’s high time you were told about how all of the villains were put on the island
Ben: what?
Belle: don’t believe them. Don’t believe a single damn word they say.
Elsa: hades. Take us back there
(Hades us s magic to spin the room faster and faster and faster and faster until they’re in what looks like a massive factory production floor. In front of them, inside a huge transparent vat, are almost all the villains. Most are alive. Some are just a dragon scale or a voodoo talisman. Hades holding a two week old Hadie. And Anastasia is in labour. Above them on a platform is Adam, Belle and Verna)
Past!Hades: is this your plan? Gather us all in one place and press delete? I never thought you’d be capable of mass murder
Past!Adam: it would only be mass murder if you were innocent. And you are all anything but
Past!Hades: holy shit you’ve full tilt dictator haven’t you?
Past!Adam: a dictator seizes power. Whereas I, I was elected
Past!Hades: first citizen. King for life.
Past!Adam: not for life. Just until my son is sixteen.
Past!Hades: c’mon kid, have a heart. My son is two weeks old. And hers is about to be here any second
(Past!Anastasia screams as a rather big contraction happens)
Past!Adam: hmmmm. Not my problem. Now. Miss Babineaux. If you’ll be mother
(The light fae raises her wand)
Past!Verna: take all these villains/make them alive/put them where they’ll suffer/but survive/bibbidi bobbidi boo
(The vat spins until it lifts in the air and explodes in a burst of periwinkle blue sparks. Throughout is all. Past!Belle is watching stony faced and regular Belle looks close to tears. The flashback ends and they’re back in Elsa’s rooms)
Elsa (flabbergasted): I didn’t know it was like that. I’m so sorry
Hades: it’s alright your majesty. Everything worked out fine in the end
Ben: no. Nonononononono. Everything is not FINE Hades. Nothing has been FINE for TWENTY THREE FUCKING YEARS!!!!
Belle (near tears): Ben. Please.
Ben: NO. DON’T. DON’T TALK TO ME. Don’t look at me. In fact. Where’s Uma. UM-
Facillier: do not summon my daughter quite yet. If she wants to explain. Let her.
Belle: um. Well. Ummmm
Elsa: oh come on you can do better than that
(This is when “Pompeii” happens. After the song. Ben’s looking daggers at his mother)
Elsa: I think. I think that um. I think we should go
Ben: no. Don’t. It’s my turn to storm out.
(He stalks out of the room swiftly followed by Belle)
Belle: Ben, please, let me explain!
Ben: okay? What? What can you possibly say to make what you helped do better?
Belle: I’m not who I used to be.
Ben: what the hell is that supposed to even mean?
Belle: you know the village I came from. I was on my guard for so long that when I became this, I met it down. And. I let you down. I know it doesn’t make. It doesn’t make sense at all. It’s just
(This is when “she used to be mine” happens. After the song. Ben phases through the door to bal’s apartments)
Mal: are you okay?
Ben: no. No no. No not really.
Mal: what did she do?
Ben: she basically admitted that she never wanted me
(Mal clambers off the sofa and pulls him into a tight hug)
Ben: why do parents do these things?
Mal: I don’t know. I wish I did though. Do you want something to drink. Or eat?
Ben: no. No. I’ll just. I’ll just play it out. Wanna join me?
Mal: always
(They sit down at the grand piano and start playing. This is when “desert moon” happens. After the song. The next day. Ben’s in his office looking hollow as he shifts through papers. Having enough. He gets up and heads for the door)
Uma: what’s up?
Ben: going for a walk. Need some air. Hold the fort until I get back okay?
Uma: Roger.
(Ben walks out of the office and heads off aimlessly. This is when “everyday superhero” happens. After the song. Ben is on his way back to his office when he gets bombarded by the Hook’s)
Cj: we’ve been looking for you everywhere
Ben: what a coincidence. I’ve Gwen avoiding you everywhere
Harriet: ye dinnae get to do that
Ben: I can do anything I want. I am the king in case you’ve forgotten.
Harry: you need to take the curse off her
Ben: do you really think I can make Uma do anything she doesn’t want to?
Cj: well how else do you explain all these changes she’s been making?
Ben: perhaps she realised that maybe, just maybe, I have your best interests in mind, and again, maybe, just maybe, that Mal isn’t the worst person in the world.
Harry: bullshit
Ben: actually captain coat hanger. You’re the one spewing bullshit. In fact. To prove that I always give Uma a choice. I’m gonna give her another one
(With his right hand he wraps royal blue lightning around Harry’s neck, with his left hand he wraps royal blue lightning around Harriet and Cj’s necks, making them all bow down in pain in the process)
Ben: Uma, could you come over here please?
Uma: ah crap what did those three do now?
Ben: they thought I’d cursed you
Uma (scoffing): bullshit
Ben: that’s what I said. Now. What should I do with them? Kill? Or incarcerate?
Uma: do you have a brig?
Ben: we’ve got a dungeon.
Uma: put them in the same cell. It might keep them calm. Hopefully.
Ben: at your behest so be it.
(The lightning glows brighter. When it dies down, there are scorch marks on the floor where the Hook’s used to be)
Ben: remind me to apologise to Mrs Potts for the carpet.
Uma: will do. Oh. Also. Let Mal and Jay visit them. They looked a little down earlier. They might need some cheering up.
Ben: awwww. That’s really thoughtful. I’m proud of you
Uma: eh. I do my best
(Two hours later. Mal and Jay visit the Hook’s cell. Harriet’s chained up by her neck. Harry’s chained up by his hands. Cj’s chained up by her waist)
Mal: well well well. You’ve certainly stepped in the pig shit this time haven’t you?
(Harry tries to rush at her in rage but the moment he gets close the chains retract back into the wall)
Mal: oop. Careful now Icarus. Don’t cross the red line. That’s goes especially for you Harriet. We wouldn’t want you to get a broken neck now would we?
Cj: you’re monsters. All of you
Jay: oh Calista. We’re not the ones in jail. You are. So uh. Who would you say are the real monsters?
Mal: Tch. Jay. They’re not monsters. They’re bad guys.
(This is when “bad guys” happens)
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mvndrvke-archive · 5 years
❛ Why did you bring me back? ❜ nico
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“You’re making it sound like you’ve died and I’ve gone ahead and brought you back through necromancy. I can’t do that. That’s your thing, Nic.”
Magica de Spell is coming, Auradon is gearing up for war, and Lou Ellen finds that she cannot sleep without her best friend beside her or near her. She’s afraid; Magica’s a powerful sorceress but Nico can match her, powers wise, step by step, even if it’s not magic that he wields.
Similarly, she’s afraid - not only for her loved ones - but for herself too. Because while she’s powerful, she knows what it’s like to have someone whisper dangerous things in dreams, poisonous things that nestle within ears and hearts and turn it to dust from the inside out.
(Lou Ellen is divine but Magica’s tongue has always been silver and the daughter of Hecate fears susceptibility because has she not always been holding back? She’s got no idea what she’s even capable of! And she doesn’t want to give Magica any kind of leverage. At all.)
And the thing is: everyone knows that King Ben has sent Harriet Hook on a solo mission to infiltrate Magica’s lair; it’s been weeks now and she’s still not back. CJ barely sleeps anymore and whenever Uma doesn’t need him, Harry keeps his eyes firmly trained on the horizon, almost as if he can make his sister to return to the people that love her through sheer force of will alone.
Ginny Gothel is worried and Anthony Tremaine paces and paces and paces until he can pace no more and then Ginny, whose face is ever so pretty, reaches out to him, tugs at his hands until he sits down and she sits down in his lap, whispering reassurances to each other.
His captain would be back, triumphant.
Her frenemy would be back, victorious.
Harriet Hook would return with intel that would turn this tide, that would give them the upper hand.
Lou Ellen shares a look with Nico. He looks grim, grimmer than usual, and while she knows and respects that the son of Hades isn’t always the one for physical contact, she nestles against him anyway because they can both use the reminder that they’re still here, alive.
They both know that the eldest Hook isn’t coming back. Just like Cecil isn’t coming back.  
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“I told you I was done.” And he’d meant it. Nico knows that he’d meant whaat he said  when he’d told  Lou  Ellen he was done. They  were supposed to have peace-- he was tired of fighting. And now he was just done with it. His last battle  had been fought and lost-- he couldn’t  do it  anymore. “I’m not coming back.”
Still, he hugs her when she leans against him. “I  just can’t do it,” he  says quietly. “I tried, I tried, but I couldn’t.... he’s gone.  Cecil’s  gone, and I can’t bring him back.”  The words hurt just to say. “You should leave  with  me, you and Will. This  isn’t our fight anymore.”
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nicolasnelson · 5 years
Benlos fic - Let the Sparks Fly
Title: Let the Sparks Fly Relationship: Ben/Carlos De Vil, side of Mal/Evie, Harry/Uma, and Gil/Jane Additional Tags: Hogwarts AU, Christmas party, Getting back together, Fluff and angst Chapters: 1/3 Words: 3,687
Ben Florian comes from a long line of pureblood wizards, so he must keep his relationship with Carlos De Vil, a muggleborn wizard, a secret. When Ben's relationship with Carlos is threatened, he decides to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays and host a Christmas party. With luck, he can win Carlos back.
Written for DearDescendants’ 12 Days of Holidays, Day 7 - Holidays in Hogwarts
Carlos De Vil walked back and forth past the spot on the wall three times with one thought on his mind. Give me a place where I can make out with my secret boyfriend.
The door appeared as it always did, and he eagerly turned the doorknob and slipped inside. It was quiet inside the Room of Requirement. A couch, a cozy fireplace, and a plate of chocolate chip cookies welcomed him. Christmas decorations were draped over the mantelpiece and strung across the walls, and a Christmas tree stood in the corner, decked with glittering ornaments.
Carlos sat down before the roaring fire and nibbled on the cookies while he waited for his boyfriend to arrive. They always staggered their arrival times. They couldn’t come at the same time for fear of being caught. If anyone saw them go into the room together, they’d know what they were to each other.
The door creaked. Carlos tensed, looking over his shoulder. He didn’t know why he was always so worried that someone else would follow him in. The room was good about keeping out unwanted guests. It was the paranoia that came with dating someone in secret.
“Carlos, sorry I’m late. Practice ran a little long.”
“It’s okay. You are a Quidditch legend.”
Ben chuckled. “That’s no excuse.”
Carlos walked over to his boyfriend and kissed his cheek. “Really, it’s okay. I’m just glad you’re here now.”
“Thanks, but that’s less time we have to spend together before I leave for Christmas break.” Ben wrapped his arms around Carlos’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
Carlos’s heart fluttered. He ran his fingers through Ben’s hair, tugging at those silky locks, desperate to be closer to him. His breath was hot against his cheek as Ben’s lips ghosted over his skin. Ben whispered into his ear. “I’m really going to miss you. I wish you could come with me.”
“I could,” Carlos said. He’d thought about this a lot, and he had a whole speech prepared. “We’ve been dating for six months now. I know we wanted to keep it a secret in the beginning, to see if it was going anywhere, but I’m ready to tell people now. If you are.”
Ben wasn’t smiling like Carlos had hoped. His expression was frozen, cold. He took a step back. “You know I care about you a lot, and I want to continue dating you, but it feels like it’s too soon.”
“Just last month you said you wanted to tell people.”
“I know, but things change.”
“You don’t like me anymore?”
Ben stepped closer and ran his fingers along Carlos’s arm. “Hey, I definitely still like you.”
“Then why don’t you want to tell people anymore? It’s not like you’re in the closet or anything. You told everyone when you were dating Aziz, and you guys weren’t even together half a year. Why am I any different?”
Ben winced. He took Carlos’s hand into his own. “You know why. I would love to spend Christmas with you. Truly, Carlos. I want nothing more than that, but my parents would never allow it. We could be friends publicly, but anything more than that...”
Carlos felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. “I thought you didn’t care about blood purity. You’re friends with halfbloods and muggleborns alike. All this time you’ve said you were okay with waiting to tell people about us for my sake, but you never wanted anyone to know ever.”
“It’s not like that, Carlos. I would love to tell people. But you know how my parents are. They would never accept someone muggleborn into the family.”
“So you’re just going to listen to them then? Follow their stupid belief that purebloods and muggleborns can’t mix.”
“I wish things were different.” Ben gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “If you weren’t muggleborn, I’d tell everyone about you, I swear.”
Carlos smiled, but there was no happiness behind it. He felt a coldness in his chest. He’d expected this kind of behavior from his ex. Chad had actually called him that ugly word on the daily. “My precious mudblood,” like it was supposed to be a compliment. Chad was a pureblood Slytherin, and his family was obsessed with blood purity. He’d been upfront that their relationship had to remain secret.
But Ben had lied to him. He’d made him think this time would be different, and that made it all the worse. It didn’t matter that Carlos had proven himself time and again. He was top of his class and had earned more house points for Ravenclaw than any other member of his house, including his best friend Evie. But he was still muggleborn, and that would always follow him.
“I can’t do this,” Carlos said, feeling that everything inside the room was wrong.
“Can’t do what?” Ben’s eyes filled with concern.
Carlos hated what he was about to do, but he couldn’t stand to be with someone who had lied to him, someone who would never be open about their relationship. He couldn’t live his life in the shadows. “I can’t be with you anymore. You don’t understand what it’s like for me, to have to always date in secret. To have every person I’ve ever been with be too ashamed to introduce me to anyone. All because I have ‘dirty blood.’ You’re supposed to be kind and loyal. Isn’t that what Hufflepuffs are all about? I thought things would be different with you, but they’re not. It’s all the same as it’s ever been.”
“Hey, hey.” Ben pulled him into a hug. “I’m not ashamed of you. I told you, I don’t care about all that blood supremacy crap the Slytherins are so keen on. Chad Charming, Audrey Rose, and Anthony Tremaine can preach it all they want, but I’m not like them. I promise.”
Carlos pushed Ben away. “Then why do we have to stay a secret?”
“Because…” Ben looked hesitant, like he was afraid to tell him the real reason.
“Please, Ben, don’t lie to me. You’ve done enough of that already.”
Ben straightened his shoulders, nodding. “Okay, I’ll tell you the truth, but you’re not going to like it.”
“Whatever it is, I can handle it.”
Ben smiled. “I know. You’re tough. I really like that about you. Listen, Carlos, the truth is, I already told my parents about you. Not you specifically, but that I was dating a boy who was muggleborn. They were both happy I found someone I really care about, but my father asked me to keep our relationship a secret. He wants to be the new Minister for Magic, you see. If people find out his son is dating someone muggleborn, he’ll lose the support of most of the purebloods. This is his dream, Carlos. I can’t risk ruining that for him.”
“Hogwash,” Carlos said, disgusted. “You hate your father. Ever since you got sorted into Hufflepuff instead of following your family legacy of Gryffindors, he’s treated you like crap. So the only reason I can see you supporting him is if you’re hoping to gain something once he’s the Minister for Magic.”
Ben bit his lip. “It’s for the good of the wizarding community. I want to make things equal between all classes. No more blood supremacy. No more house elves enslaved to wizards. If he becomes the Minister, I’ll have a chance of getting a high-ranking position at the Ministry once I graduate. I can make a real difference, make everyone’s lives better, and then one day it won’t matter to anyone else that you’re muggleborn. We can be open about everything then.”
“It’s a beautiful dream, Ben, but it’ll never happen,” Carlos said. “Two wizarding wars and everything is still the same. Chad and Anthony still bully me. Audrey still hexes me any chance she gets. Professor Honeymaren still tells me I’m doing well for a muggleborn, and she’s one of the nicer teachers. I actually think it’s gotten worse for muggleborns since the Second Wizarding War.”
Ben opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, then closed it. He nodded, rubbing his hands together. “I can see this relationship would never have worked anyways. I need to be with someone who believes in me.”
“I didn’t say—”
“You’ve said enough, Carlos. I’m sorry I wasted your time.” Shoulders hunched, Ben turned around and walked out of the room.
The Christmas decorations disappeared into thin air, all the cheer gone with his departure. Carlos sank bad into the armchair, hugging his legs to his chest. He leaned his head on his knees and let himself cry.
His gaze shifted to the table where the cookies had been. Now it held a tissue box and a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. He huffed. “Seriously, you stupid room. It just had to be Ben’s favorite brand.”
The ice cream disappeared as if the room had heard him. This was going to be a miserable Christmas.
Ben knelt down in front of his suitcase in his dormitory. He folded his black-and-yellow knitted scarf and placed it gingerly beside his Wizard Card collection. Many of the cards had been gifts from Carlos. He had a particular talent for finding and trading cards with fellow wizards. Even Ben who was incredibly social could never navigate the world of Wizard Trading Cards at Hogwarts so well as Carlos.
He put his Alchemy textbook on top of the card collection, determined to get Carlos off his mind. They had broken up. It had been mutual. This would be better for both of them. They wouldn’t have to be paranoid about sneaking around all the time. He’d be able to focus on Quidditch more. Maybe his team could even win the Quidditch Cup this year.
“You look sad.”
Ben looked up, startled.
Gil sat on the bed across from him. He was knitting another scarf in Hufflepuff colors. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You don’t seem fine, man. It’s just, you’re getting to go home for the holidays when a lot of us aren’t. My parents are muggles, and they hate that I’m a wizard. They only take me back in the summer because they have to. And my brothers bully me the whole time.”
“It’s hard to imagine anyone bullying you,” Ben admitted. Gil was so strong, the best beater the Hufflepuff Quidditch team had ever seen.
“They’re bigger and stronger than me. I’ve always been the runt of the family.” Gil looked sheepish.
Ben was afraid to see what the rest of Gil’s family looked like. Maybe something like the giants he’d seen in his textbooks. “I’m sorry about your family.”
Gil shrugged. “It is what it is. You’re incredibly lucky, Ben. I’d be happy if I had a loving family to go back to, that’s all I’m saying.” He smiled shyly and looked down at his knitting.
“You’re right,” Ben said, suddenly feeling like Hogwarts’s biggest idiot. Gil had a remarkable talent for seeing the heart of the matter while Ben got caught up in the details. “Why am I going home for Christmas, when I could do so much good here?”
He’d been so caught up on getting into politics that he’d forgotten he could help the people around him. So many kids didn’t have happy homes to go back to, Carlos included. Okay, so maybe a part of him wanted to do this to win Carlos back, but mostly he wanted to practice what he preached. He would be welcoming and warm to all the students at Hogwarts, regardless of their blood status.
“Oh, I wasn’t trying to guilt you into staying. I was just trying to cheer you up.”
Ben laughed, closing his suitcase. He would unpack everything later. Right now he had plans to make. “You did that too. Don’t worry, Gil. I want to stay. I’m going to make this the best Christmas ever for all the sixth-years staying over the holidays.”
Gil dropped his knitting, beaming from ear-to-ear. “Really?”
“Absolutely. I’ll show you what a wizard Christmas is like. It’ll be, well, magical.”
Gil giggled, absolutely delighted.
Ben knew it would take a lot of work putting together everything, and he didn’t have a lot of time, but he knew just who to ask for help.
He found her in the common room helping a fourth-year, Artie Pendragon, decorate a Christmas card. They were seated at one of the round tables, art supplies piled up high on top of it.
“Hey, Jane.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “When you’re free, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh, we’re almost done.” She set the glue stick aside and handed the card to Artie. “Just write your message on the inside. Make it special. I’m sure your mother will love it.” She stood up, beaming. “What is it, Ben?”
“Let’s go for a walk.”
Jane laughed. “I’d better bundle up then. I am not used to all this snow.”
Ben chuckled, pulling his gloves from his jacket pocket. “Me neither.”
Outside the air was nippy, but Ben found it to be refreshing. It felt like he was looking at Hogwarts in the snow for the first time. Usually he was in such a rush to get home for the holidays. He barely paid any attention to the snow-capped castle. It was truly breath-taking.
“Are you heading home soon?” Jane asked.
“No, I’m actually staying for Christmas this year.”
Jane perked up, her blue eyes wide. Her whole face brightened. “Oh, Ben, that’s wonderful. I’m staying too. I was going to go see my uncle again, but he cancelled at the last minute. Being the head of the Department of Magical Education keeps him busy. You know how that is.”
Ben did. His father was the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He had started as an auror and risen through the ranks. Some years he was barely home for the holidays, but thankfully his mother was always there to keep him company.
“I want to host a Christmas party for all the sixth-years staying for the holidays,” Ben announced.
“Oh, really? That’s amazing, Ben, but what gave you that idea? It’s not like you to give up your holidays like that.”
“Yes, that’s exactly the problem. It should be like me. I care about all the students at Hogwarts, and during the holidays a lot of them don’t have families who accept them. Gil was telling me about his awful family. I can’t believe I’ve been so selfish all these years. I have to do something for these kids, Jane.”
Jane jumped up and down, grabbing onto Ben’s arm. “That’s perfect. I wonder why I never thought of that either. And here I was planning how I would manage to sneak all the best foods out of the kitchens so I could have a Christmas feast in my room. Talk about selfish.”
Ben laughed. “Carlos would say that is such a Hufflepuff thing to say.”
“Carlos?” Jane eyed him curiously. “I didn’t realize you guys were friends.”
Ben took a deep breath, wondering if this was the right thing to do. Carlos had wanted everyone to know about them, so telling Jane would be okay, right? “We’re not. But I’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately.” 
“You like him?” Jane guessed, smiling.
“I do. I really, really do. And I told my parents, but they don’t want me to tell anyone else.”
“Because he’s a boy? Weren’t you and Aziz a thing for a little while?”
Ben nodded. “My parents loved Aziz because he’s a pureblood and a Gryffindor. They actually tried to convince me not to break up with him when I got tired of him being so ‘on’ all the time, you know?”
“Oh, and Carlos is muggleborn. I forgot about that. But Gil’s muggleborn too, and your parents don’t care that you’re friends with him.”
“But they would care if I was dating him. My dad wants to be the Minister for Magic. He needs the support of the purebloods to get elected.”
Jane sighed, shaking her head. “Blood politics are ridiculous, you know that? You shouldn’t care about how your dating life will affect your father. It’s your life. Live it. If you like Carlos, then you should go for him. He’s staying for the holidays, right? I’m sure we could arrange a romantic moment alone for the two of you so you could confess your feelings for him. Awww, Ben, you could get together on Christmas.”
“Don’t get carried away. I would love to date him, but I’d have to keep it a secret.”
“That is literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’m dating Gil.” She cracked a smile.
“Wait, you are?”
“Yeah. It’s not like we’ve been trying to hide it. I don’t care that his parents are muggles, and he doesn’t care that I come from a long, long line of purebloods. It really doesn’t have to be as complicated as you’re making it out to be.”
“I know, I know. But you’re not me. Everyone expects so much from me. I’m a Florian. Our family name means something around here. I can’t let my father down.”
Jane put her hand on his arm. “But you’re letting yourself down. Doing good things for other people is certainly nice, but you need to do things for yourself too. You can’t live your life entirely for other people. What do you want, Ben?”
He wasn’t sure if he’d ever been asked that before, but the answer was clear to him. “I want to be with Carlos.”
Carlos was studying with Evie, Jay, and Mal in the library. Well, Carlos and Evie were studying. Jay and Mal were goofing off as usual. The two Gryffindors had never cared much for getting good grades.
They had all finished their exams, anyways. Carlos was just studying to get his mind off Ben, and Evie rarely left a book for more than a few minutes at a time. Unless of course she was spending time alone with her girlfriend Mal. Right now Mal was leaning against her, fiddling with a new toy she’d picked up at the joke shop.
“Where are we going to celebrate Christmas this year?” Carlos asked offhandedly. “The Room of Requirement again?”
“Actually, Ben has already booked the Room of Requirement,” Jay said, tossing a sugar quill at Mal, who caught it in her teeth. She broke the quill in half and offered a portion to Evie, who took it with a gleeful smile and kissed Mal on the cheek.
“Are you serious?” Carlos asked. “But I thought he was going home for the break.”
Jay shrugged. “I guess he changed his mind. Gil said he’s planning a big party for the sixth-years.”
Evie perked up, chewing on her sugar quill. “Oh, we should go to that then. It’s a lot of work to organize our own party every year.” She gave Carlos a look. Every year the two of them ended up doing all the work.
Carlos wasn’t really sure how to feel about all this. Ben was staying for the holidays and hadn’t told him. Had he known when they met in the Room of Requirement yesterday?
“I don’t know,” Carlos said. “It’ll probably be a bunch of purebloods. Doesn’t sound like much fun.”
Evie shot him an annoyed glare. She clearly did not want to waste time with decorations this year.
“Most of the purebloods have gone home for the holidays,” Mal said, examining her nails. “I think the only purebloods there will be Ben and Jane. Maybe Ally and Jordan. All good people.”
“But we don’t know any of them very well,” Carlos argued.
Jay laughed, chewing on the end of his sugar quill. “Speak for yourself, I’ve flirted with Jane, Ally, and Jordan. Probably all the girls in our year.”
“Even Mal?” Evie asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jay shrugged his shoulders. “You guys weren’t dating yet, and she shot me down so fast.”
Mal laughed, reaching for her girlfriend’s hand. “You have nothing to worry about, Evie.” They shared a quick kiss, and Evie relaxed against her, lowering her book into her lap.
“I’m wondering who I should try to kiss under the mistletoe this year,” Jay said. “Maybe Jane?”
“No, she’s dating Gil LeGume,” Mal said. “Aren’t you guys friends? Don’t want to mess with the bro code.” She chuckled darkly.
“Maybe I’ll kiss Carlos then.” He waggled his eyebrows at him.
Carlos rolled his eyes. “Not a chance.” Jay was just joking about kissing him, and even if he wasn’t, Carlos was too hung up on Ben to think about kissing anyone else.
“I guess I’ll just have to see who’s at the party. If all else fails, I can always snag a kiss from Ben Florian.”
Carlos clutched his book tightly, fighting hard not to react. It was okay if Jay kissed Ben. It wasn’t like he owned Ben or anything. But the thought of the two of them together in public, with Ben not ashamed to be seen with Jay. It brought him a special kind of hurt.
“As if Ben would kiss you,” Mal said with a laugh.
Carlos jumped. For a moment it felt like the words were directed at him, but she was smiling at Jay. Of course.
“Anyways, I think Evie and I have a much better shot with him.” Mal smiled wickedly. “The more the merrier on Christmas, right?”
Carlos picked up his books. “I just remembered I’m supposed to meet Doug to work on a project.”
“A’ight. See you later.” Jay saluted him.
No one even questioned that he was working on a project on the first day of winter break. Maybe it was because they assumed he was studious enough that he would start on it an entire month early, or maybe they just didn’t care that much about him. Either way, he could sense he was going to have a lonely Christmas this year.
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ao3feed-harlos · 5 years
We are Descendants
by Aliyza_Cinn
Descendants was fine and all but...what if it wasn’t like how it was showed? What if it was darker? More sinister? What if we were really shown the truths of the Isle?
Follow Vallea, the daughter of Mother Gothel, and her gang as they take on Auradon headfirst. Figuring out magic and love and finally living the lives they deserved.
Words: 4452, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of We are Descendants
Fandoms: Descendants (Disney Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Mal (Disney: Descendants), Jay (Disney: Descendants, Evie (Disney: Descendants), Carlos de Vil, Ben (Disney: Descendants), Li Lonnie, Audrey (Disney: Descendants), Chad Charming, OC - Character, Aziz (Disney: Descendants), Jordan (Disney: Descendants), Uma (Disney: Descendants), Dizzy Tremaine (Disney: Descendants), Anthony Tremaine (Disney: Descendants), Gil (Disney: Descendants), Doug (Disney: Descendants), Jane (Disney: Descendants), Diego de Vil
Relationships: Chad Charming/Carlos de Vil, Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants), Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants), Jay/Li Lonnie, Aziz/OC (Disney: Descendants), Harry Hook/Carlos de Vil (Past), Ben/Mal/Doug/Evie (Slight), OC/ OC (Past), Mal/OC (Past), Evie/ OC (Past), Jay/OC (Past ), Carlos/ OC (Past)
Additional Tags: OC centric, They all know (mostly) who their parents are, so if a comment sounds iffy that’s why, powers, Mal last name is Le Fey, Evies last name is Grimhilde, Jays last name is Nazazi, Umas last name is Sante, Uma has a brother, Carlos has three sisters, all half sisters tho, Gil is Mal’s half brother, Everyone is a l i t t l e gay, Carlos being a genius, All the isle kids just need a hug, Chad isn’t that much of an ass, Audrey is....better, Queen Leah’s a bitch, Mother Gothel - Freeform, Maleficent - Freeform, I’m using 2014 Maleficent story cause it rocks, but it ends angsty-er, Jafar - Freeform, Evil Queen - Freeform, cruella de vil - Freeform, Carlos is fucking rich btw, My OC’s a lil shit, Actually all isle kids are, Scars, Jay can’t keep it in his pants, lots of flirting, cursing, lots and lots of cursing, Djinn Jay, Witch Evie, Shadowman Carlos, Gay Carlos, Bisexual Evie, Pansexual Jay, Bisexual Mal, everyone is basically gay, a lil at least
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/21689146
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years
Winner’s Curse Ch. 2
Note: Thanks to the spectacular @edream93 for making sure the Huma wasn’t too OOC. Also my own apologies if Gil seems too smart or aware. I tried to dumb him down, but for the purposes of this story I had him know a little bit more of what is happening around him. Warning, there are mentions of sadism.
Gil scanned the ocean, waiting for any tall-tale ripple of the waters that would signal Uma’s arrival into the boundary considered to be “Isle waters,” the place where the barrier formerly stood.
The Isle needed Uma’s leadership desperately since the absence of the barrier.
Six months ago, Maleficent publicly made her return. 
Gil remembered it vividly since it had been 3 weeks after Cotillion and Harry had entered Ursula’s chip shop in a happier mood. 
He had been incredibly unpredictable and irritable since Uma’s absence after the failed Cotillion invasion. None of the crew knew where she had gone, but that day Harry found letter in a bottle from Uma. 
She had settled for one of the abandoned caves in Atlantica and gave Harry specific directions for how to get there when she was ready for part two of her back-up take-over Auradon plan.
After that joyous news, lightning crashed, a storm brewed which was a bit unusual since Isle weather rarely deviate from cloudy and sometimes rainy skies.
Most people went out to see what was happening and there on the terrace of Evil Queen’s tower was Maleficent with Queen Grimhilde.
Everyone stared in shock, no one knew what to do and Maleficent laughed at their faces.
The Evil Queen went on to explain, with Maleficent’s running commentary, that the Anti-Magic barrier surrounding the Isle had been significantly weakened. And with the Coven of 13’s combined strength, it would soon be removed and they all would be freed.
Even though no one understood the Evil Queen’s “Coven of 13” line, everyone cheered at that declaration. 
Gil’s mom even ran up to hug him and give him a rare kiss on the head in public. He had almost been as surprised by that show of affection then by Maleficent’s return. His mom was usually so tired all the time and so very cautious of showing her affection in case Dad decided to hit him to spite her.
But then Maleficent explained who were the Coven of 13. It was made up of only former-magic users, each ruthless to the core, and Maleficent announced that they would be calling the shots and if anyone didn’t like it....
Morgaine burst into the middle of the open lot of Jafar’s shop in a burst of flames and vaporized a man from Captain Hook’s pirate crew.
Gil’s mother hadn’t let him go from his hug at that point, but when she saw the pirate’s dusty form, she gripped Gil in fear and Gil instinctively knew to cower.
It had been a good choice because Morgaine stared straight into his eyes and smiled, saying, “That boy has the right idea. You all must bow down to us. We will have no hesitation to kill you weak, inferior mortals.”
Ever since that proclamation the whole structure of the Isle changed. There were no fights or power struggles, with that one execution, everyone knew it was stupid to risk their necks to challenge the magic users. Especially volatile magic users like Yzma or Maleficent.
Instead everyone began to cater to them. The land where there were no set rulers and everyone fought for the last scrap despite age, size difference or difference in strength, suddenly became ordered.
The Coven of 13 were the undisputed rulers, causing several deaths every other week or so to remind people of their new powers.
Next came Sykes who arranged a squadron of mercenaries for hire that no one ever messed with and who often served the Coven for perks like extra food scraps, sexual favors and better places for shelter. His dad was one of the mercenaries because he was really good at brawling and goblin control, but he wasn’t hired often because several of the Coven ladies didn’t like his attitude at being ordered around by a female.
After that came an assortment of authority figures like Captain Hook and Cruella who had control of certain areas like Hook was in charge of the port and charged anyone who had to go through or wanted to fish. Cruella was the only one anyone on the Isle could go for fashion, Medusa for her small casino, the Queen of Hearts was the judge of the very few trials held on the Isle and so on.
That just left the henchmen, the goblins and the whores as Lady Tremaine often called women like Gil’s mom, females with nothing to contribute but their bodies.
What the adults did, didn’t matter to the VKs, they had been so absent from the lives of their kids no one cared that they switched positions in the feud chain of the Isle. 
The problem was that the pirate crew were now falling prey to this new hierarchy too.
Since they were all children of minor henchmen, the kids of authority figures found power in being able to boss them around.
Lars, son of Prince Hans was a major VK to watch out for. No one on the Isle really trusted him because he had inherited father’s deceptive nature and the fact that he put on airs like Anthony Tremaine. Pretending he was still some sort of noble. 
So Lars mainly stood in the background, nose in the air without anyone paying attention to him unless it was one of Drizella many daughters or some other fool gullible enough to stay alone with him.
Now, Gil was more aware of why he never trusted him. After the societal shift, Lars had started approaching him more and more often. Gil had been wary but with Uma MIA and Harry sulking about, Gil appreciated the attention of someone new who seem to want to be an ally.
And Lars even seemed genial. They would rough-house like he had seen his half-brothers do and they would hang out at bars.
But a week into this new friendship, Lars invited Gil to the dungeon of Maleficent’s castle.
The foreboding, dank area had been transformed from an empty space into a torture chamber. The walls lined with various weapons. Chained to the ground in small cells and cages were unfortunate goblins or henchmen who had done something to earn Maleficent’s wrath.
Gil started in shock at the torrid display of their bodies in unnatural positions, bile rising when he realized the that some of the pieces that he had thought were broken chains, were actually pieces of bone. Torn out from their limbs and sockets. The stench of blood filled the small room and Gil forced himself to turn away and focus on Lars in hopes of calming his churning stomach. 
Lars’ voice changed when he told Gil that this was no longer Maleficent’s personal dungeon. He seemed like he was trying hard to remain calm but could barely contain his underlying tone of glee.
He explained that for a price, villains could hire a mercenary to execute or interrogate whoever they wanted. Technically adults could choose whichever mercenary they wanted from Shan Yu to Lady Caine. They could even specify how they wanted the punishment doled out. But most chose Lt. Colonel Staquait for a torture session. The former French officer was particularly creative when it came to his displaying his sadism.
When Gil asked how Lars knew of this, Lars smoothly replied that he assisted Staquait.
Gil had stared at Lars. Though many Vks boasted of their wickedness and gruesome threats of physical harm. He had never known any kid who had actually gone through with it.
Lars had caught his shocked look and smiled. His gloved hand lightly brushing a stray hair from Gil’s ear, Lars whispered, “I so do enjoy to hear the crack of when fresh skin breaks.”
Gil barely managed to speak up with some excuse about having to go beat up Gaston Jr. for stealing his boots before he ran out of there. The wicked glint in Lars eyes conveyed all that Gil needed to know. Lars wanted him. Lars wanted to break him.
The memory of Lars’ eyes made him shudder like he had been splashed with an ice water down his spine. 
Lars’ eyes made known that he wanted to hurt Gil, but it was so unlike his father’s eyes when he hit him. 
His father’s eyes were wild, unfocuse with rage. His mind spitting out thousands of ideas of how to crush his bones. Lars’ eyes still showed his quick thoughts of all the ways he wanted to break Gil. Yet they were also utterly focused. Pinned on him and it made Gil feel helpless. 
He was sure Lars would show no mercy as he calculated the precise way to bring him the most pain, and Lars the most pleasure.
Gil had been avoiding him since that day, he had only seen glimpses of him once in a while on the streets, luring others with his most charming smile. 
Gil was safe, but he wondered if he was forgotten from Lars’ mind or if he was merely biding his time. Gil knew he should tell the crew the danger that Lars posed, but since Uma’s absence, the bond among them was disorganized and strained. They needed their leader.
Gil’s mind was brought back to the present when he heard a shout from behind him. Harry came running up to the shore line and dived into the water, the blissful smile in full force as he came to meet with the bubbling tidepool.
Uma’s long blue locks were the first to surface followed by the rest of her body. Gil forced a smile onto his face and rushed out to meet her, wading into the water up to his hips.
“Uma” Harry said reverently, grasping one of her tentacles that brushed past his cheek.
Uma smiled at both of them, her bright, intelligent eyes surveying them caringly. Such a rare look that Uma deigned to show when she always had to be tough and on her guard. But alone, she could lower her guard just a bit.
Gil knew if he was to be convincing that everything was all right, he should smile and nod as his mother did. But he instinctively lowered his eyes upon Uma’s glance at him. When he looked up, Uma locked eyes with him. She knew something was up.
But it had to be saved for later.
Uma turned to her first mate, “Do you have the profiles so we can begin phase 3.”
Gil looked confusedly between them. He knew Harry and Ua had been keeping close correspondence about whatever back up plan Uma had to take over Auradon but he didn’t know they had already began their master plan.
“Wait!” Gil blurted out, surprising even himself with his outburst, “What is this plan? Do you even know what has been going on around here without you? Do you know about the Coven? Or how about the fact that new people are trying to take over your turf as the most evil person on the Isle?”
“I am aware of the problems, Gil.” Uma said with the harsh tone she usually used when he interrupted her plans with a stupid question. “But if you want, we can review what we are about to pull off.”
Gil was about to point out that he hadn’t heard of the plan in the first place but kept his mouth shut. He was going to hear it now and that was what mattered.
“To answer your first question, Harry told me about everything that is going on around here and about this Coven business.”
Uma walked out of the water, transforming back to her human form with ease and settled herself onto the sand. The boys followed.
“I know about how some kids think they can take over my spot on top, but from what I hear, they are barely making themselves noticed.”
Gil considered her statement and he had to admit she was right as usual. Even though Lars scared him, the young man wasn’t making any moves to become “Prince of the Isle” as Mal had been the “Princess.”
The closest any Vk to be the new prince or princess were the children of the Coven like Ginny Gothel or Jade or Zevon and his sister, Yzla. But the usual suspects haven’t been out among the public lately. Just sequestered in the Evil Queen’s castle with their parents.
The children of any authority figures hadn’t reached the same level of fear and power Uma wielded since she had been gone. They were too preoccupied with feuding with each other or targeting fresh meat as servants or punching bags.
Or they were like Lars, keeping to their own private desires. . .
“As for the profiles, Harry show him.” Uma commanded and Harry pulled out a crumpled form that Gil recognized.
It was a Bill Sykes’ Mercenaries For Hire sign with its intimidating logo of a snarling Doberman with two swords crossed above it and Sykes’ office number underneath which was really unnecessary since everyone knew that Sykes’ “office” was just an abandoned shed on Lady Tremaine’s property.
The poster was a familiar sight to Gil since it was stapled on every tavern and shop wall, especially to cover the eyesore that were the “Yay Auradon” posters. He just didn’t get why Harry was showing it to him.
With a roll of his eyes, Harry turned the wrinkled piece of paper around. On the other side in fine type was a list of the mercenaries and their specialties. For once, Gil was glad that his mother had taught him to secretly read. Even though his dad and his brother’s called him a girl for doing such a prissy activity. 
Clayton: Trained as a hunter and guide. Experienced with rifles, guns, machates, poison darts, and extreme jungle environments. Specialty in hunting, poaching, and intimidation.
Lyle Tiberius Rourke: Trained in the American military. Experienced with fire ax, rifles, guns, grenades, poison gas, knife, hand to hand combat, army combat. Specialty in infiltration, grave robbing, treasure hunting, assassination and intimidation.  
*Will not deal with magic, magic curses or lost civilizations
Helga Sinclair: Trained in the American military. Experienced with aikido, tachi dori, tanto dori, hanka manza, knife throwing, katanas, rifles, guns, firearms, and tactile combat. Specialty in espionage, grave robbing, treasure hunting, assassination and intimidation.
*Will not deal with magic, magic curses or lost civilizations
Muviro: Trained as a Waziri soldier. Experienced with bow and arrow, poison darts, bone knife, spears, hand to hand combat, extreme jungle environment. Specialty in hunting, and assassination.  
Lady Caine: Former leader of a pirate crew. Experienced with swords, fans, poisons, sea warfare. Specialty, jailbreaks, infiltration, stealing, hand to hand combat and piracy.
Gaston: Trained in French army. Experienced with guns, hunting knives, bow and arrow, hand to hand combat, brawling. Specialty in hunting and intimidation.
Shan Yu: Former leader of the Hun Army. Experienced with bow and arrow, sword, army combat and survival skills in extreme areas. Specialty in tracking, strategy, intimidation, assassination, and conquering.
Sa’Luk: Formerly part of the Forty Thieves. Experienced with various daggers, claws, knuckle-dusters, street/hand to hand combat. Specialty, stealing, and intimidation.  
Lt. Col. Jean Staquait: Trained in French Foreign Legion. Experienced with whips, swords, lances, guns, army combat. Specialty, torture, intimidation, tracking and interrogation.
Gil sighed, the horrid memory of Lars’ work with Lt. Col. Staquait coming to the forefront of his mind along with the well-known headache emerging in his brain as he tried to figure out what they wanted him to know. Something that was obvious to everyone but him, “So what?”
“The way we are going to turn this whole system upside down, we have to infiltrate it first and that means we should hire a mercenary. And once they are in our service, maybe we can use him or her to turn against the Coven. After all, they are the second most feared group.” Uma said.
“But the Coven has magic.” Gil argued. “Even if the mercenaries are on our side, there swords and whips and bullets would be nothing.”
“Ha, don’t you remember, Maleficent was killed by Prince Phillip’s sword? My mom was impaled by a mast? I think a sword can do the trick.” Uma retorted.
“And with the Coven gone, and the barrier broken, we can lead the rest of the Isle to invade Auradon.” Harry finished the grand explanation.
Gil wanted to point out that there was so much more to consider, but let it go. They were smarter than him, they knew what they were doing.
“So who do you think we should hire?” Uma examined the paper carefully.
“Not Caine.” Harry snorted in disgust. Captain Hook had a fierce rivalry with Lady Caine since she was the only other pirate on the Isle that dared to challenge Captain Hook for his position as head of the dock and the strips of water. Plus she often tried to use her wiles to steal his boat and some of his crew members over the years. Hook had carried on that grudge to his children, so they would do their best to try to humiliate or one up her at every turn in the name of the Hook family.
“Staquait is too selfish, sadistic and won’t listen to us; Sa’Luk is too selfish; Gaston is Gaston. Do you think Shan Yu would listen to us?” Uma asked.
“No. He’s too solitary and I don’t think he would take us seriously.” Harry dismissed the idea.
“No. I think he’s given up ever getting off the Isle or changing his fate.” Gil said. He had often seen the older Brit at his dad’s bar. It was always the same scene of Clayton drinking himself into a stupor, muttering about how great he used to be before the white ape came along.
“Muviro could work... but do we really know anything about him? He’s always on his own-no I don’t think we can trust him. He’s off the list.” Uma said definitively.
“That leaves only Rourke and Sinclair.” Gil said, “And those two hate each other.” 
“Well Rourke did betray her and push her off a balloon to be melted in hot lava. So considering Rourke’s backstabbing tendencies, we’ll have to hire Sinclair for something.” Uma said.
Harry glanced down at her specialties, “How about we hire her to take a hit on one of Lady Caine’s crew?” 
“Uh.. let’s not complicate the plan by adding family revenge into this.” Uma cautioned, We can hire to steal some trinket. That way when we steal the bauble, we don’t need to focus all our energy on stealing and maybe get her on our side. That could work.” Uma stood up, crumpling the paper into a ball as she began to picture the victorious future.
The two boys nodded in agreement, standing up by her side as usual. Gil’s stomach relaxed for the first time in days now that he had assurance from his captain that things were going to be okay.
They were going to get rid of the Coven, they were going to get off the Isle, and hopefully with Uma reigning as queen, Lars would forget his quest to break him.
He hoped.
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isleharriet · 6 years
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full name
Harriet Jones
preferred name/nickname
Captain, Harriet, Ettie
SEX: Female
HAIR: Mid back length, chestnut brown when uncoloured, ombre with blond when coloured SKIN: Pale, soft except her fingertip which are callous from fixing up the ship on the Isle EYES: Dark brown almost black, which see assumes are from her mother. SCARS: A couple of scars on her arms and shoulder from fights on the isle. A scar across her stomach from a fight she took part in when her fathers ship was attacked - healed with magic but left a scar. CLOTHES: Enchanted forest - pirate, Isle/Storybrooke - jeans,
ACCENT: Scottish VERBAL TICKS: None LANGUAGE: English LAUGHTER: She has a sweet laugh, almost musical, but it’s fake GRUMP: Grumping, sneering, growling, moaning, groaning BREATHING: Sighing
FACE: She tends to wear a poker face, but she can also be extremely expressive with her irritation HANDS: Folded arms EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: Her default mode is angry/irritated HABITS: Eye rolling, biting her lip PERSONAL SPACE: She is standoffish, and will keep a distance.
DIET: Poor - whatever they could get their hands on during her time on the isle, and she’d feed her crew before herself. SLEEP: Prone to nightmares, especially since the isle. CLEANLINESS: She maintains good hygiene ODOUR: She maintains good hygiene ILLNESS: None INJURIES: None OTHER: N/A
GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Bisexual ROMANTIC: Never experienced it MEMORY: Good memory PENSIVE: Not her actions, but people she’s lost INTUITION: She is quick witted and has good gut instinct. GOALS: For the world to fear her name INSECURITIES: She hides all her insecurities, but most revolve around people leaving her ACHIEVEMENTS: Learning sword fighting, beating her papa at chess ANXIETY: Her family SELF-HELP: A good bottle of rum never hurt COMFORTS: Hugs from family, a bottle of vodka, being on the ocean
BAD HABITS: Sarcasm, eye rolling, imitating, slapping, punching, shoving, insulting
the past.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Killian Jones @cvptvinhook, her papa, she never knew her mother. She figured she was some bar wench who couldn’t look after a kid. SCHOOL: She excelled in homeschooling with her father, she did pretty well in Dragon Hall asides from Selfies 101 and Advanced Vanities (shout out for Evie for being her tutor @thefcirest) LEAVING HOME: She only left home because a curse took her aware (side eyeing you Regina @reginahqs) LIFE EVENTS: The curse that took her away form her father. Becoming a Captain. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: Her family being split up with the curse. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: TBA LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?] LOOKING BACK: YOLO, no regret, jk, she’d stop Harry from leaving her crew.
FAMILY: Killian Jones (father), Harry Jones (brother) @firstmateguyliner, Calista Jane Jones (sister), Ginny Gothel (crew) @gvthcl, Anthony Tremaine (crew) FRIENDSHIPS: She doesn’t make friends easily. ENEMIES: To many to list. Whoever started the damn curse. Anyone that annoys her STRANGERS: She’s quick to insult anyone not classed as in her inner circle. BEST FRIEND: Ginny Gothel @gvthcl LOVE: N/A WORST ENEMY: All enemies are the worst
MINGLING: She doesn’t get on well with others COMFORT LEVELS: Talking to people is the worst PHYSICAL: She very much keeps to herself unless she’s fighting GROUPS: Her crew OPENNESS: Completely close, the only person truly able to get hr to open up is her papa GENEROSITY: Sharing is for losers. JEALOUSY: The only thing she is jealous of is Milah, how decades after her death, her father is still trying to avenge her despite having three children if other women TEMPER: Easily worked up EMPATHY: Very little empathy. AFFECTION: She doesn’t often show affection DISTASTE: Sneering, disgusted looks SELF ESTEEM: Very high self esteem CONFIDENCE: VERY Confident HONESTY: Depends who you are, honest with crew and family, will lie to others with ease. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: Leader PRAISE: Uncomfortable. FAILURES: Her temper, her violence, her need to insult people CRITICISM: How dare they? They end up on the end of her sword INSULTS: She laughs when people try to insult her EMBARRASSMENT: She isn’t easily embarrassed, but when she is, she will go into a blind rge. FLIRTING: She is very flirtatious, as she learned on the Isle, two things could get her what she wanted, fear and seduction. ATTENTION SPAN: She has a good attention span and can easily focus on multiple tasks at once SITUATIONS: She’s terrible in situations, she appears calm, but she stresses and subsequently angers easily.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} p.p3 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545; min-height: 14.0px} p.p4 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: center; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545; min-height: 14.0px}
CAREER: Pirate Captain - she loves it. TECH: She’s never used any type of technology bar a TV on the isle. Completely useless. COMBAT SKILLS: Expert sword fighter, good in bareknuckle fight, but useless with guns. HOME: A ship, being on the water COOKING: She is adequate, but anyone eating her cooking runs the risk of food poisoning. She’s good with soup though. BUILDING: Basic DIY CLEANING: She likes things immaculate. SHOPPING: Shopping is only fun when it’s a five finger discount. MARRIAGE: Not currently seeing anyone. KIDS: Undecided PETS: Does Anthony count? WORRIES: Losing everyone. HOBBIES: She loves to read, go sailing, dancing
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fredcilier · 6 years
KHC nuka, liam, anthony
Kiss: Anthony Tremaine. Not his face, though. Eye on the prize.
Hug: @nukalikethis needed more of ‘em growing up.
Cuddle: @liamdubcis. Don’t mind being stuck with him for long periods of time, I guess. 
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ao3feed-hevie · 5 years
Metanoia (I am the goddess who exacts punishment for what has and has not been done)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cdMumQ
by FrausShafiq189
Magic boils in their blood, settles into their bones and echoes at the drum of their hearts. They belong to the ocean, deserts, remote forests and woods. They're destined for so much more than the Isle. They dream of a sky full of stars and yearn for what's beyond the barrier. They hope, and that, that changes all. Auradon is not ready.
The barrier nulify magic but can not erase what already existed.
Mal is a fairy, Fae from head to toe, she feels it everytime someone gives her a name to posess and something in her chest tighten for the deals people unintentionally make with her; she tried, so hard, to ignore what people temptingly offer but she wasn't raised to be benevolent. Magic is her essence, for all intents and purposes, the barrier couldn't take that from her without killing her.
Words: 4664, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Descendants (Disney Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Evie (Disney), Mal (Disney), Jay (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Uma (Disney), Harry Hook, Gil (Disney: Descendants), Uma's Crew (Disney), Anthony Tremaine, Ben (Disney: Descendants), Jade (Disney: Descendants), Nasira (Disney), Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians), Jafar (Disney), Maleficent (Disney), Diego de Vil, Eddie Balthazar, Claudine Frollo
Relationships: Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil, Evie & Gil & Harry Hook & Uma, Mal & Anthony Tremaine, Hades & Mal (Disney), Jade & Jay (Disney: Descendants), Jay & Nasira, Carlos de Vil & Diego de Vil, Carlos de Vil & Eddie Balthazar, Beelzebub & Carlos de Vil, Ben & Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil, Evie/Harry Hook, Mal & Maleficent (Disney), Carlos de Vil & Cruella de Vil, Jafar & Jay (Disney), Evie & Evil Queen (Disney), Uma & Uma's Crew (Disney), Harry Hook & James Hook, Calista Jane "CJ" Hook & Harriet Hook & Harry Hook, Anthony Tremaine & Dizzy Tremaine, Anthony Tremaine & Mad Maddy & Ginny Gothel & Mal
Additional Tags: I Don't Even Know, Pre-Descendants (2015), Started before Auradon then they go to Auradon, I have lotta feelings about Villain parents okey, What Have I Done, VKs | Villain Kids (Disney), ALL of them need a hug, villains too, Isle of the Lost (Disney) is a Terrible Place, Isle Kids Only Want Freedom, Folklore, SO MUCH FOLKLORE, Old Tales Villain Kids, They Hope and Hope is a dangerous thing, Auradon Timeline give me headaches, This will not end like Descendants 2015, I have so many feelings about this movies is not even funny, Now I'm suffering, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cdMumQ
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In my headcanon Anthony’s forced to be perfect by his grandmother, which gives him a whole host of issues I may expand upon properly another day, but part of being perfect is never feeling negative emotions (at least not openly). Crying, having a breakdown, getting angry… those are all “signs” you’re not in complete control, which is bad according to Lady Tremaine, and she makes sure Anthony is punished when he isn’t perfect. She’s always watching. Only for specific amounts of time is Anthony not only alone, but not under scrutiny.
Because of this, Anthony bottles up all his emotions until he can let them out. He’s an expert at locking himself down so tight nothing escapes the mask until he can finally take it off, at which point he has to deal with everything in one go. He’s got some unhealthy coping mechanisms to help with that.
Also, he sets timers for how long he has alone and unwatched, has a breakdown for exactly that amount of time, and locks down again the second the alarm goes off. By the time he goes to Auradon, he’s an expert at erasing the physical signs of a mental breakdown. How to unpuff his eyes, how to cover up the blotchy redness, how to subtly do his makeup without a mirror and while walking so nobody knows that’s what he’s doing, everything. Nobody can tell when it happens, and it frustrates his friends to no end because they never know when he’s actually fine and when he’s not.
(He’s never fine, none of them are, but still)
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What lead to this post is a cute scene idea I had that’s also kinda really sad:
A bunch of new Isle kids were brought to Auradon, including Harriet’s pirate crew. At some point, Harriet gets very pissed. Just like with her dad, getting pissed means getting loud. However, her entire crew is with her, including Anthony. They’re all very close, they all know each other’s triggers, and there is no headspace that could ever make Harriet forget that getting loud would give the crew’s fashion expert an anxiety attack at best, a panic attack at most likely, and she didn’t want to even think about what at worst would mean.
So, she takes a deep breath, and snaps out “Anthony”, making sure to keep her voice level and as flat as she could make it. Either she signs at him or tells him some code word they have for this situation, but either way she orders him to cover his ears, which he does. Then she starts shouting, tearing whoever made her mad a new one until she sees Anthony flinch the tiniest bit and stops, calming her voice for another moment and saying nothing except: “Ginny. Henry.” They immediately get the message and while Harriet continues her onslaught the two others start to pull Anthony away and distract him to help him stay in the present.
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I’ve already said I hc that Anthony speaks French when he’s having Big Feelings, but I would like to add to that: if it’s bad enough, he can get “stuck” in French. As in he genuinely cannot form English sentences even if he wants to. The words just don’t come to him, or they’re so jumbled and grammatically misplaced it’s unintelligible. And his friends understand like- four words in French combined. All of them via Anthony’s speaking the language. So if, say, he’s having a panic attack bad enough to get stuck, he will be unable to communicate why.
Not that he would if he could speak English, but the squad would have a fighting chance at figuring it out based on what he does say.
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I’m currently writing a cover for One Kiss from Descendants 3 so it’s an argument. Someone got cursed and now a group of people is trying to convince their love interest to kiss them because true love can save the day and they are totally head over heels for each other, but the love interest is a VK who’s been burned before and has absolutely zero interest in even trying because they’ve lost all belief in “true love” as a concept.
Yes, my emotionally scarred, cynical love interest is Anthony. The person who got cursed may or may not be my OC Daniel, the son of the Grand Duke from Cinderella.
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Descendants version of Addict (from Hazbin Hotel) with Anthony as Angel Dust and Harriet as Cherry Bomb.
Do not tell me there aren’t similarities. Anthony’s family was sent to the isle for familial abuse and Harriet’s consistently characterized by the fandom as murderously insane for a good cause. They’re two flavors of emotionally unstable and if Anthony gets particularly bad you cannot tell me Harriet wouldn’t take him to blow shit up as Isle-style therapy because she has no idea what else to do to help him.
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I’ve seen the headcanon floating around that the isle kids don’t know what hugs/affectionate gestures are, but I feel like it would be even more tragic if they did. Taking my favorite novels only boy character as an example: Anthony knows what hugs are. He understands the concept of cuddling. But he doesn’t get it.
He knows it’s supposed to be affectionate. A show of care. But it doesn’t feel like it to him because the only one who ever hugs him and means it is Dizzy. Harriet’s pirate crew care about one another but they’re all so jaded by the isle they don’t really show it in “typical” ways. They show their care by murdering someone for you even when it’s not beneficial for them. Their love is threatening everyone who may dare to slight you, it’s choosing to not screw you over even though they could. It’s opening the door for you when you need to get away and it’s finding out what’s bothering you so they can make the problem disappear. Their care has bloodied sharp teeth and a murderous snarl, because any soft kind of caring is a weakness for your enemies to exploit.
And Anthony doesn’t mind, because it’s more than he’d dare ask for in a place like the isle. Survival goes above everything else and it’s not like he needs affection. He doesn’t even really feel the lack of it, because he cannot miss what he’s never had. But when he finds friends in Auradon (he’d like to have it on record that this was unwillingly, thank you very much) and they actually hug him for the first time when he’s upset… it’s nice. Don’t get him wrong, it’s weird, but like- he wouldn’t protest if they did it again… at least not genuinely. There will be plenty of token resistance though because Anthony has a reputation to uphold, but for those who know him, the fact that they’re still standing is proof enough of his real feelings.
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