wheelie-sick · 1 year
Miserable Malalignment Syndrome
---- the disease with objectively the coolest name
I wanted to share some awareness about my limb difference, miserable malalignment syndrome (MMS) so I decided to create a post talking about it!
MMS is a rare rotational deformity affecting the legs. rotational deformities are a category of deformity in which a bone, or multiple bones, are inappropriately rotated. MMS is a condition where both the femur and tibia are rotated in opposite directions, and more specifically, where the femur rotates inwards (femoral anteversion) and the tibia rotates outwards (external tibial torsion) MMS most frequently affects a single leg but can be bilateral.
people with MMS typically appear knock kneed, bow legged, and duck footed with a squinting patella.
MMS typically causes severe pain in the hips, knees, lower back, and in the ankles. MMS is also associated with patellar instability, scoliosis, and early onset osteoarthritis. pain from miserable malalignment is often described as being similar to having knives in your knees.
MMS is most common in children as this condition sometimes naturally corrects itself. other times, MMS can be changed with a surgery called a derotational osteotomy. while many people with MMS choose to undergo this surgery many people also opt out of it.
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kaijuposting · 2 years
PSA: The g-word is a racial slur. We call her "Lady Danger" for a reason.
Pacific Rim Content & Resources Masterpost (Last Update: December 26 2023)
Pacific Rim Lore & Lore Dives
Pacific Rim kaiju biology - what do we know about it?
The Precursors: what's been said about them?
“Anteverse” and “Precursors” - why these terms exist
Drift Hangover Lore
Drifting, as conceptualized by Travis Beacham
The Downside of Drifting - It's Not Always Pleasant In Here
Details about Hermann Gottlieb's personality in the novelization that (probably) came from the bio written by Guillermo del Toro.
Information about Newt Geiszler in the novelization that (probably) comes from the bio by Guillermo del Toro.
All the Pacific Rim Character Birthdays I Could Find
The Newmann Timeline
Jaegers of Pacific Rim: What do we know about them?
Jaeger Piloting 101: How Jaegers Get Into The Thing & Other Basic Stuff
Pacific Rim Deleted Scenes
Raleigh Meets Newt - Extended Scene
Newt Does A Theft
Chuck and Hercules Hansen have an argument
All Pacific Rim deleted scenes
Pacific Rim Character Bios by Guillermo del Toro (Note that these are all slightly outdated bios)
Mako Mori
Raleigh Becket
Stacker Pentecost
Pacific Rim Speculation & Theorization
Astrology and Magic in Pacific Rim
More on Astrology and Magic in Pacific Rim
Folklore, Magic, & Psychic Abilities in the World of Pacific Rim
Ghost Drifting: Does it exist in the Pacific Rim film?
Did the Precursors/Masters get new ideas from Newt's mind?
Speculations on Precursor Government
The Pacific Rim Draft Script
Pacific Rim draft script by Travis Beacham (be forewarned, it's pretty bad and sketchy a lot.)
The kaiju of the Pacific Rim draft script
Drifting in Travis Beacham's Pacific Rim Draft
The Pacific Rim Draft Script: Who The Heck Is Newt Gotlieb?
Yes, Lady Danger's original name contains a racial slur. Stop using it.
Pacific Rim concept art
Pacific Rim concept art by Guy Davis
The Pacific Rims that never were (scrapped sequel/spinoff ideas)
Pacific Rim Bonus, Featurette, Interview, Behind the Scenes playlist on YouTube
Not Pacific Rim, But Also Cool
Playlist of free-to-watch Godzilla films on YouTube
I'll continue to update this post with more stuff I find or write, so make sure to check back!
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ghosthoodie · 1 year
y’all ever lean forward and ur hips pop😍
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skull-bearer · 2 years
For the fanfic writer asks, 2 and 14? :D
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
That's a very close tie between Ivory, Blood and Ebony, my Dragonlance fic, and Anteverse Refugee from Pacific Rim. I,B&E because I have been writing it forever and it's very close to my heart, Anteverse Refugee because it's pretty much perfect. It did everything I wanted it to, and did it beautifully.
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
Not yet, but there is a line in the coming sequel to War Wounds that has a tiny, tiny line from Terry Pratchett in it, and I really hope people will be able to spot it lol.
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driftwithme · 1 year
Hopeful Pacific Rim Headcanons!!!!
Getting exposed to the anteverse made Raleigh healthier, somehow. The theory is that the breach did something to him when it scanned his genetic code, the same as Mako.
Newt and Hermann only know about it 'cause they drifted with that kaiju brain and recognised the strange part of their blood samples. They are also currently working on their memories to see if they can learn more about the kaijus and prevent another breach from happening.
Mako, Newt, Hermann and Raleigh are not entirely human anymore? They are not sure either way.
The closing of the breach, as violent and unexpected as it was, warped Earth time frame. It took LOCCENT some hours to notice that Sttiker Eureka seemed to be floating in the ocean as if nothing had happened. It didn't cure Pentecost like it happened with Raleigh, but it kept them (Stacker and Chuck) alive.
Herc doesn't believe in miracles and he doesn't give credit to the kaijus for the good in his life. For him, getting Chuck back is entirely a product of the skill of the rangers he works with. Humanity doing the impossible time and time and time again.
As an apology for defunding the jeager program and almost dooming humanity in the process, the United Nations kept the PPDC running. There's not enough money to return the jaeger program to what it was, so they all have to adapt.
The PPDC focus is on an hypothetically second invasion now.
J-techs work on creating a new mark of jaegers, smaller, safer, cheaper, but still enough to face a kaiji and win. There are some improvements they want to make as well, like a mechanism of defense that protect the jaeger limbs, maybe spikes or something like that; new escape-pods for the pilots; a kaiju dna detector/radar; and many more.
Along with the classic studies, K-science now includes a whole side dedicated on studying the social and possibly cultural aspects of the kaijus and the anteverse. Another side is dedicated to a better use of the kaiju remins and parts, lile studies on how to regenerate skin or reverse brain damage or use the same system of the kaijus to help the decontamination of the planet.
With the experience of former jaeger pilots, the program's updating the whole cadet training. New simulations based on double and even triple events with Slattern as a possible enemy, new fight techniques for underwater and on air scenarios, a basics of kaiju anatomy and strategies... The pilots also help with the majority of the research nd development of the other areas!
The UN also granted the PPDC the right of working independently of any nation and the exclusivity of jaeger creations. Super important to avoid military forces trying to create their own jaegers to use against mankind, or companies trying to use the drift technology for cold profit, with no ethics attached.
The PPDC allow teens above 16 years old to start their studies in ares like k-science and j-tech, but to join the jaeger pilots program the person must be 18 years old and only become legal rangers after their 22th birthday. Without the kaijus threatening the world, the PPDC has the luxury of going slow with the cadets, selecting only the best and even providing a lot of experience and grow before putting them in charge of a real jaeger. That's to prevent another Scott Hansen, or to prevent teens like Chuck and Raleigh from jumping into the fire before properly maturing, since there's no need of being in such a hurry.
The wall becomes a giant memorial, with artist allowed to practice their crafts on it as they pleased. It's also a reminder: humanity is not alone, the kaijus could come back. Yet, as long as the jaeger program exists, there's always hope to cancel the apocalypse, stop the clock.
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pacificrimthemovie · 27 days
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Humanity faces its ultimate threat as the Precursors unleash a new wave of devastating Kaiju assaults on Earth in Pacific Rim: Final Breach! After years of failed attempts to enter the Anteverse, the trans-dimensional realm from which all Kaiju emerge, Jake Pentecost and Hermann Gottlieb conceive a daring last-ditch plan whose success hinges on finding legendary Jaeger pilot Raleigh Becket—the only human being to ever survive behind enemy lines. Living in exile off the grid, Raleigh must choose assured annihilation or confront his past and team up with a new generation to pilot the brand-new Gipsy Destroyer, the last Jaeger standing. Tensions escalate and old wounds reopen as the PPDC finally crosses the breach to confront what lies on the other side… It’s time for humanity to meet its true enemy and cancel the apocalypse once and for all.
Pacific Rim: Final Breach is a three (3) volume graphic novel sequel to Pacific Rim and Pacific Rim Uprising that will pick up on the franchise storyline and take it in bold new directions. The Pacific Rim: Final Breach collection will be written by Joshua Fialkov (Netflix’s live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender) with art by EJ Su (Transformers)!
Details on the graphic novels:
Graphic novels sized at 7.5"x11".
Approximately 120 full-color pages per graphic novel.
Three (3) covers to choose from (standard and Kickstarter-exclusive variants).
All cover versions are available in both softcover and hardcover formats.
Through this Kickstarter, you will be able to pre-order all three (3) volumes of the graphic novel, which will ship as they are released, tentatively in October 2025 (Volume 1), Fall 2026 (Volume 2), and Fall 2027 (Volume 3).
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monsterblogging · 2 months
So here's the official synopsis for Pacific Rim: Final Breach and oh my god it sounds so. so bad. Oh my god. (Uncensored g-slur ahead, by the way.)
Humanity faces its ultimate threat as the Precursors unleash a new wave of devastating Kaiju assaults on Earth in Pacific Rim: Final Breach! After years of failed attempts to enter the Anteverse, the trans-dimensional realm from which all Kaiju emerge, Jake Pentecost and Hermann Gottlieb conceive a daring last-ditch plan whose success hinges on finding legendary Jaeger pilot Raleigh Becket—the only human being to ever survive behind enemy lines. Living in exile off the grid, Raleigh must choose assured annihilation or confront his past and team up with a new generation to pilot the brand-new Gipsy Destroyer, the last Jaeger standing. Tensions escalate and old wounds reopen as the PPDC finally crosses the breach to confront what lies on the other side… It’s time for humanity to meet its true enemy and cancel the apocalypse once and for all.
What. The fuck.
So in the first movie, Raleigh was in the Anteverse for all of a minute before ejecting his conn-pod and getting the fuck out. He wasn't in there long enough to learn anything of any strategic value.
And while Raleigh is a good pilot, the idea that he's some extraordinary legendary super great pilot is so fucking ridiculous. Sure, it was a bummer for a lot of people that Raleigh wasn't in the second film, and SDK's declaration that he'd died from Anteverse radiation wasn't exactly what I'd consider a good creative decision. But bringing him back in this comic like this? It's obviously a stunt to get people's attention.
Also? "We gotta get Raleigh Becket back into the Jaeger program!" was literally the plot of the first movie. They can't even be assed to do something original with him.
Imagine having the nerve to ask fans to crowdfund this bullshit. Go fuck yourself, Legendary.
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dissociacrip · 10 months
this is okay to rb i think, especially if you have anything to add or any insight. idk. i'm tagging this the way that i am because i'm seeking community/connection(tm) or something
hypotonia is not like. a rare thing. not really. but i do remember my OT googling what it was.
low muscle tone/hypotonia may technically be a symptom rather than a diagnosis (barring benign congenital hypotonia, which afaik is controversial) but it's the closest thing to a "diagnosis" i've been given for some of this stuff because the potential cause of it hasn't been investigated and i guess it's not exactly urgent since my particular case isn't severe and doesn't seem progressive (hypotonia can be progressive & is involved in some progressive and degenerative conditions.)
but i wish it was talked about more and i wish more was known about it works and how it affects bodily function and i wish what we DO know about it was more accessible to the public when it comes to those who suffer from it. it's also kinda hard whether to KNOW you have it or not since its "signs" have so much overlap with other conditions that aren't related to muscle tone. it ranges a lot in severity too. and there's two different types (central and peripheral.) it's linked to dozens of diagnoses too which is why i say it's not uncommon.
but also i guess due to the complexity of how it affects the body and its lack of distinctiveness with most of its symptoms makes it kinda...hard to talk about? and i imagine w/ some people it's hard to distinguish the effects of hypotonia vs. their other problems. issues with chewing, writing, breathing, speaking, posture, coordination, etc. can be due to so many different things ranging from mental to physical. but it's not always something that can be lumped together w/ those other things because there's "my muscles don't work" in a terms of chronic muscular pain vs. "my muscles don't work" in terms of, like, they lack the ability to adequately support the body and bodily movement. if that makes any sense.
which ranges from someone like me where having to hold myself up sucks + mild motor skill/coordination impairments and mild developmental milestone delays, but others never meet those milestones or need assistance with things like breathing and ingesting food.
it's not a diagnosis but it can affect the body in complex ways like muscle shortening and stiffness due to our bodies having to compensate in weird ways for the lack of adequate tone (esp those of us who grew up with it), tibial torsion and femoral anteversion, flatfoot and knock-knees, reduced cervical lordosis sometimes leading to bruxism and occipital headaches, etc. PT centered around muscle strengthening to correct my "improper" movement and stuff.
and there's other stuff that can come with it that people like to consider """gross""" like drooling, constipation and other gastric, and pelvic floor dysfunction which can result in incontinence/problems with bladder control. muscles are involved in a lot of things. wild.
i'm rambling but i just wish more people talked about it. all i really have is that one interview that surestep did with meagan veracha, who has hypotonic cerebral palsy, about living with hypotonia as an adult.
maybe i wouldn't care all that much if i had a diagnosis that would "explain it" but "i might have gHSD/hEDS" doesn't rly do that for me because ppl in those communities obviously focus a lot on the joint dysfunction aspect (because those 2 conditions center around hypermobile joints so that's just natural, it's not a bad thing per-se, barring other problems that those communities have) but for me my case of symptomatic generalized hypermobility is secondary in how it impacts me vs. my muscles being bad at their job and my hypermobility might even be secondary to my hypotonia anyway.
dyspraxia/DCD (some people with it have hypotonia but not all - i thought i had it before i was told i was identified as having hypotonia when i was a kid...over two decades late) is another guess but again that centers more around coordination than things like "anything other than lying in bed is hard on me because my muscles don't support my body like they're supposed to."
maybe muscle tone is a complex medical concept that shouldn't really enter the public lexicon but i have no other language for it.
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thechaosgods · 4 months
Lore Masterlist!
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midnightdemonhunter · 2 months
Raleigh comes back from the Anteverse with a recurring headache, sore eyes, and a perception of the world that's just slightly off.
Fortunetly, or unfortunetly, he's not the only one.
Rewatched the pacrim movies normally, so now I'm giving some wips from my Google Docs another chance! Read the first chapter for unlikely connections, bad dreams and a sun that never stops watching.
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wheelie-sick · 1 year
Growing up disabled without growing up disabled
---growing up with an undiagnosed congenital limb difference
I am congenitally physically disabled. I was born with a limb difference called miserable malalignment syndrome, a rotational deformity causing the femurs and tibias in both of my legs to twist in opposite directions.
my limb difference is obvious to anyone and everyone. my legs bow and appear "off," I walk with my feet one in front of the other as if I was on a balance beam, my feet stick out at 90° angles, and I don't bend my knees. people have been commenting on my legs for all of my life, my brother's physical therapist noted the way I sat, other children used to mock me for them. there was never a point in my life where I could say that my disability was invisible, where I wasn't being treated as a freak for my legs and my gait, where I wasn't affected by the pain and balance problems asking many other issues.
..... yet somehow my disability was invisible to the people whose job was to spot it.
my congenital and visible disability went undiagnosed until I was 16 years old. it was only then, when my pain was so severe I couldn't walk, that a doctor finally decided to send me to an orthopedist for what they had apparently known all along.
for 16 years I was living my life as a disabled person completely unaware of my disability. perhaps it was my autism that led to my lack of awareness of my own body. when other people would ask what was wrong with my legs I was confused because nothing was. my legs just were. I didn't even realize they were all that different. regardless of why, I was completely oblivious to my own status as being disabled.
this lack of knowledge of my own status as physically disabled sets in a weird in-between among congenitally physically disabled people. I share so many of the experiences that they've had. I've been a target in elementary school for my disability, I've been left out of class activities, and yet my experience feels so different. I was, objectively, disabled at the time but I was completely unaware of it. I don't share the same experiences with children's hospitals and treatment at a young age. I was pressured into treatment to try to "correct" my limb difference but it was at an age where I could say no. I don't share the experience of growing up knowing that my physical disability made me different.
I often want to connect with other people who grew up visibly disabled but I just feel out of place, like my experiences are so similar but not quite the same.
it's difficult.
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[image ID: a banner with the disability flag saying "this post is about physical disability do not derail."]
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kaijuposting · 2 years
The Pacific Rim draft script has some... rather interesting worldbuilding; the Precursors are revealed to be advanced beings that created our universe. But wouldn't you know it, the one planet they really had their hearts set on it developed some pesky lifeforms:
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So yeah - this is how the Precursors and the Anteverse got their names!
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valmonstera · 16 days
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@lusterlazuli and I are going to be streaming all through next week to raise money for my upcoming hip surgery! The marathon is from September 8th to September 15th! (We will be continuing to fundraise after the marathon ends, though!)
SURGERY: For those unaware, I need hip surgery due to hip dysplasia, femoral anteversion, and labral tears. My hip surgery is on November 12! So our fundraising efforts will continue until Nov 11! We are fundraising for medical expenses and for living expenses while I'm out of work recovering!
INCENTIVES: We have already raised some money pre-marathon and hit a bunch of our incentives! OUR TOTAL AT TIME OF THIS POSTING IS ACTUALLY $565. Come by and help us get to the top! (P.S. We have a lot of stretch goal incentives not pictured for if we get past $4K! These may or may not include a souls-like playthrough!)
REDEEMS: Donate an amount on our redeems lists to make something interesting happen on stream! Note: best done while the corresponding streamer is live! For example, donating $15 while I'm live will make me spin the Wheel of Pain! There's a chance for me to have to eat a raw grape tomato. Or put on wet socks. Disgusting. I will scream. You should totally do it.
PRIZES: Our top donors will get special prizes, all hand-drawn by yours truly! If we reach the goal of $4K, our top donor will be the winner of a custom Live2D model!! We will determine prize winners NOT at the end of the marathon, but at the end of our whole fundraising effort, which will be November 11. Prizes are transferrable!
DONATE: We are currently taking donations through my Ko-fi! But once Tiltify's personal fundraiser tools are available on September 10th, we plan to switch over to that instead!
THANK YOU FOR READING! We can't wait to see you guys there!!
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zekoagun · 2 months
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If you didn’t know, Pacific Rim Uprising might be getting a part two!
Yes I am posting this everywhere, lol.
Analysis under the cut!
Yeah, yep. They’re asking for funding for it but it’s real.
Let’s break down the cover for a minute (courtesy of the newmann server :D).
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So the very first thing you’ll notice is Jake, Raleigh, and Newt on the cover.
I’m assuming that they’re capitalising on the fact that Hunnam doesn’t actually have to be there to add him to the story (he was busy with something else when PRU was being filmed which is why he wasn’t in PRU).
So already we know this is going to be a deviation from the original PRU:2 (PR3, but we all know it’s PRU:2). Now is this a good thing? Well… who knows. We know almost nothing, but if he’s going to be piloting a Jaeger like the cover suggests through him wearing a pilot suit either he’s going to be piloting with Jake or Mako, meaning they might be reviving her. Otherwise he could be with Nate or Amara but that just seems like it would have less narrative significance. It would be funny if both Raleigh and Mako got revived haha, like a ghost Jaeger lol. ANYWAY, MOVING ON.
Wait. Edit: Not moving on, i have another comment here. It’s entirely possible he might not be piloting at all actually, we seriously don’t know if it’s just been drawn like that because of the reference photos:
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that it’s been drawn with. It could just be an oversight, it seems like a waste if they didn’t but it still could be.
So you’re probably also noticing the art style they’ve got going on is pretty realistic looking, I’ve got some theories on that. First off, it could just be cover art, like it’s entirely possible that it’s just cover art. The images themselves are pulled pretty directly from actual photos of them which I’d think would be unsustainable in the long run (maybe they were just trying to present people with something they’re familiar with?) and are pretty realistic which takes a fair amount longer than most comic drawings that we’ve known in the PacRim comics. My second theory is that they ARE doing a very realistic style in an attempt to mimic an actual movie in place of well.. a movie, whether the composition of this is going to be any different to match more closely to a comic who knows. It’s almost a reverse spiderverse if they try to transcribe a cinematic style onto a comic haha.
In terms of the credits up the top, the only credited person on the cover that I’ve managed to find is Fialkov who was also someone that worked on Pacific Rim: TFY0 and Pacific Rim: TFTD. Everyone else is new.
Now the big Jaeger sized elephant in the room, what about the big Jaeger in the back? Well, we know the plan was always to invade the anteverse (the place where the kaiju and the precursors came from) and destroy it, so it’s almost definitely a more armoured version of GAvenger. Other than that? Who knows, again we know almost nothing. We don’t even know who’s piloting it.
In terms of where it sits in the continuity we can also assume it’s probably not going to be compliant with PR:TB since not only is PR:TB barely following any of the lore of Pacific Rim but also the whole premise of PR:TB is that the breaches open and a bunch of Kaiju pour out all over Australia and they can’t stop them, so for PR:FB to have a satisfying ending to a franchise that’s been here for over a decade they’d need to destroy the anteverse, close the breach, and have it never open back up. You see the issue here?
Anyway, that’s about it for now. Once we get more info I’ll go through it again.
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driftwithme · 1 year
Little big au where Scott Hansen died in jail regretting what he did because he died alone and away from his brother and nephew. His ghost ended up within Herc's memories and his feelings, mostly dormant, 'til the Double Event woke him up the second the electric pulse hit Striker.
He got caught by it before he could return to Herc, so when Pentecost and Chuck piloted it to Pitfall, he was able to watch it all with all the horror of seeing his nephew going to the end of the world basically alone.
As he heard Chuck's final words, he took all the energy left in him. It couldn't end like that for Herc. It could not. Losing Angela, then losing him (Scott) and now losing Chuck? No, Scott needed to do something, fuck.
Pentecost would never disrespect Chuck by ejecting him, but Scott? Oh, he didn't care much about morals then. Fuck the world and the Marshall and every single kaiju and fuck bomb and the jaeger program.
Cursing a storm, Scott prefers to never reach the afterlife, using his existence to gamble for Chuck's life instead. He posseses Striker for a second, triggers everything to go faster than it physically should be capable of and sends Chuck, now passed out due the shock and other factors, towards the surface on his escape-pod.
Funnily enough, Yancy Beckets does the same for his little brother in the Anteverse. 14-10 seconds are not enough for Raleigh to make it out of the Breach alive while it was collapsing. Raleigh should be dead, given the level of radiation that a literal closing portal between dimensions implies.
But against all odds, Chuck and Raleigh end up surviving. A bit later after the final scene of the movie, Raleigh remembers he saw his brother when he was escaping the Anteverse and Yancy told him some numbers, before saying his goodbye. Raleigh must had been dreaming, but when he says the numbers out loud, Tendon clocks it as coordinates.
Chuck's there, waiting. Nothing functions on his escape-pod, nothing to help LOCCENT on the job of finding him and yet--
Chuck looks sick. Everyone thinks it's the near death experience. He doesn't talk for a while. He finds out Raleigh was the one who knew his location and goes to pick another fight, but this time Herc can see the fear that is underneath. So can Raleigh. He looks,, well he looks spooked.
Raleigh face falls immediately and Chuck just knows then and they both freeze right there in the middle of their confrontation. The hair on Herc's arms stands on point and he takes both to his office, demanding an explanation.
It lands like its own bomb on Herc's chest.
Tell your dad I'm sorry, kid. I'm sorry, okay? I--
-- couldn't stay, Rals. Not even if I wanted and believe me, I wanted. If I could--
-- but it's done now. I fucked up my time with him. With you too. Ha, I know you both hate me and you should. You should. So then hate me for this too. When you wake up--
-- you need to find him. There's no turning back time, kiddo, but this? This we can do. Find him, take him home to his dad. See that he doesn't end up like us. And Raleigh? I love you. Good--
-- bye, Charles. Be good and say goodbye for me to your dad.
Mako finds them like this: Herc wrapping his arms around both young rangers, who were too busy trying not to choke on their words and the memory to react on time. They are slightly smaller, Herc shouldn't be using his sprained arm and the entire interaction feels heavy and tired. Still, she catches a glimpse of tears when Chuck turns away and leaves, not even noticing her. Raleigh smiles softly to Herc, exchanges some words with Herc and goes after Chuck, now more serious.
When Mako looks at the Marshall, she sees grief, a terrible terrible kind that echoes with her own sorrow. She also sees pride when he opens his arms to her to offer a hug, almost shy and awkward but happy all the same.
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eadrey-the-iptscray · 2 years
going absolutely FERAL thinking about all the circular storytelling in Pacific Rim.
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Trespasser destroys the Golden Gate Bridge on K-Day
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Caitlin Lightcap invents the Pons system (pons is Latin for "bridge"!) to help fight kaiju
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Newt uses the Pons system to drift with a kaiju and becomes a bridge between humanity and the Precursors (also narratively bridging the gap between Pacific Rim and the sequel but I digress)
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Newt and Hermann also use the Pons system to drift with the baby kaiju and learn how to destroy the Breach that way
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aaaaaand G. Danger jumps through the Breach (a bridge between Earth and the Anteverse!) to kill the Precursors & kaiju and everything comes full circle with the destruction of ANOTHER bridge
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